Repair Design Furniture

Floor insulation in a wooden house: which insulation to choose. How to choose a heater for the floor Floor heaters

For many of our fellow citizens remains topical issue how to properly insulate the floor in a private house. In our article, we will get acquainted with the need for the use of insulation works, the advantages and disadvantages of various thermal insulation materials, we will pay special attention to the technology of insulation.

When to insulate the floor

Many people know that flooring occupies a significant usable area not only a specific room, but the entire building. In this regard, during systemic heat exchange a large number of heat escapes into the surrounding space through the floors. Take, for example, not insulated concrete base. Many people know that such material has high strength and durability, but in itself it is dense, which means cold. High-quality floor insulation will help to increase the efficiency of the design in question.

According to experts, the cold coating creates uncomfortable conditions for people to live. This is especially true for apartments located on the 1st floor. In this case, an unheated basement is located below the living quarters. The temperature difference leads to the formation of dampness on the walls of housing, and this is a direct path to the appearance of fungus and mold. To avoid such phenomena, laying high-quality thermal insulation is necessary. Such work is not particularly difficult and labor intensive, since most heaters can be laid by hand.

Floor heaters

When you go to the hardware store, you can find a huge assortment variety of materials for insulation work. When insulating the floor in a private house, it is necessary to select products that meet the following requirements:

  • long service life;
  • high strength;
  • minimum coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • sufficient density of the product (this is especially true when insulating the floor);
  • minimal moisture absorption;
  • high level of environmental safety;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • ease of installation.

When choosing one or another type of insulation, it is necessary to focus not only on specifications, but also on the advantages or disadvantages of operation. Next, consider the most popular floor heaters, their strengths and weaknesses.


Such a heater as penoplex appearance very similar to the familiar to many foam. Both of these products are quite light, consist of interconnected balls. If, in the manufacture of foam plastic, the raw components are exposed to water vapor, then the extrusion method is used for the production of foam plastic (first, the raw components are melted, then the granules are foamed, as a result of which the final products acquire additional strength indicators. Penoplex can be used to insulate floors, facades of buildings and other structures that exposed to moisture.

Material advantages:

  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • the surface of the products does not absorb moisture;
  • penoplex can be operated in the temperature range of -50 ... + 75 degrees;
  • high strength indicators;
  • the material is easy to lay and process, it can be cut into pieces with an ordinary knife;
  • The service life of such products reaches 50 years.


  • The main disadvantage of using penoplex for floor insulation in a private house is the relatively high cost.
  • The products in question can be destroyed under the influence of direct sun rays, so the surface must be protected from such influence with a finishing layer.
  • The insulation can be attacked by mice and other rodents.
  • Another disadvantage is the fact that foam supports combustion.

Mineral wool

Such thermal insulation material as mineral wool made by melting certain rocks under the influence of high temperatures. The products in question consist of thin threads that are interconnected with a special glue. The products in question come to hardware stores in the form of individual rolls or mats. Mineral wool is used to insulate the exterior walls of buildings, roofs and attics. In addition, the material in question can be used as a heater for flooring, and especially in wooden house.

Benefits of using mineral wool:

  • Reliable and high-quality insulation of premises, protection of residential buildings from cold and wind.
  • Basalt wool does not support combustion processes, but its structure can melt under the influence of high temperatures.
  • The facade of the house, finished with mineral wool, has good vapor permeability. Fungus and mold will not appear on the surface of such products, but they must be protected from moisture.
  • In addition to high thermal insulation qualities, the material absorbs extraneous noise, so mats can be laid in inter-apartment partitions or entrance doors.
  • The products in question are highly durable.
  • Mineral wool is too tough for various rodents and other pests. Mold does not appear in the structure of such products.

The main disadvantages of a heater include:

  • When working with stone wool, it is necessary to protect open areas body respiratory organs and special eyes protective equipment. The fact is that such products during mechanical influences release the smallest particles into the air, which can be harmful to humans.
  • The composition of the products in question contains toxic substances formaldehydes that are harmful to human health.
  • Thermal insulation loses its basic properties when wet.

Expanded clay

Concrete floor or other types of bases can be insulated with expanded clay. This material consists of sintered clay particles, which are balls with air bubbles enclosed inside. Expanded clay is quite durable and lightweight, it can be used not only for floor insulation, but also for backfilling into voids in brick walls. In addition, such products can be used for roof insulation, they are used to make reinforced concrete slabs ceilings and other building structures.

Expanded clay advantages:

  • The main raw material for the manufacture of expanded clay is natural clay. That is why the considered insulation has the maximum indicators of environmental safety.
  • The granules have a porous structure, which affects the high heat and sound insulation performance.
  • The material can be laid using the method of filling granules or leveling the floor with concrete mortar laid between the lighthouses.
  • The considered insulation is characterized by increased resistance to temperature extremes.
  • Expanded clay is quite light, it does not exert a significant load on the foundation of the building.
  • The material is resistant to moisture, is not damaged by rodents, fungus and mold.

The disadvantages of using expanded clay are as follows:

  • Insufficient indicators of the strength of the granules. This must be remembered when compacting a leveled surface;
  • Expanded clay can absorb a certain amount of moisture, which is not released into the atmosphere immediately, but as the surface dries.

How to insulate the floor in a wooden house

Many owners of suburban real estate do not know how to insulate a wooden floor, however, the technology for performing such work is quite simple, even a novice builder can do it. On the preparatory stage should be stocked up construction tool like level, pencil, tape measure, stapler with staples, nails, hammer, planer and hacksaw. As an extra.

One of the most popular methods of insulation is the use of a double floor system. This design consists of two wooden limiting elements between which a waterproofing and vapor barrier film and insulation are laid. In practice, two types of heat-insulating pies are used.

Method number 1:

  • base;
  • expanded clay granules;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • 3 centimeters per air gap;
  • finishing flooring.

Method number 2 (used mainly for apartments on the ground floor of a residential building):

  • plank base;
  • polyethylene film or other waterproofing material;
  • wooden logs;
  • mineral wool slabs or other insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • finishing flooring.

For the manufacture of the subfloor is selected wooden plank up to 2 centimeters thick, while the width of the products should be within 20 centimeters. The base elements are not recommended to be nailed to the logs, they are held on wooden bars crates with a section of 5 * 5 centimeters. The boards are fixed with nails, the presence of small gaps is allowed, the gaps are compensated after laying the thermal insulation.

Next, consider how to insulate the floor with foam. At the preparatory stage of work, it is necessary to buy products of sufficient density in a hardware store that can withstand a load of at least 35 kilograms on square meter. First you need to dismantle the old floor covering to subfloor level. After that, the lag is installed in accordance with the dimensions of the insulation, for example, after 70 centimeters.

At the next stage of work, we fix to the base vapor barrier film. This product is attached to the surface with a stapler and staples. Scotch tape is glued at the joints of the panels. Next, the insulation sheets are cut (1 centimeter more from the distance between the lags). This is necessary for a better fit of thermal insulation. After that, you need to put polyethylene film and you can start laying the finish flooring.

How to insulate a concrete floor

One of the methods to reduce energy consumption in a private house is the insulation of the concrete floor along the logs. As a finishing leveling layer, a sheet base made of plywood or chipboard is used. Wet processes in this case are absent, in addition, the load on the heat-insulating material is reduced. In this case, dense mineral wool is used as a heater, as well as expanded clay (if you need to slightly raise the level of the clean floor).

If under the living room is unheated room, then minimum thickness mineral wool should correspond to 5 centimeters or 3 centimeters above the heated ones. In the latter case, the thermal insulation is covered on both sides with waterproofing and a vapor-permeable film. It is not recommended to use vapor barrier for this purpose, and especially if the floor is located between the living room and the cold basement. In this case, the temperature difference will lead to the formation of condensate, which will adversely affect the properties of the insulation.

At the initial stage of work on the prepared base with the help of anchor bolts wooden logs are fixed. The distance between these elements is chosen 1 centimeter less from one of overall dimensions insulation. Strips of roofing material are laid under the logs, and the products themselves are treated with an antiseptic. Now we lay the insulation and vapor-permeable film, fix the sheet screed and finishing layer floor covering.

About the combustibility of heaters

one of the most important features any insulation is considered combustible, which is directly related to the release of smoke and some harmful substances. Of all the types of heat-insulating materials considered, penoplex has the maximum flammability. Such products support the combustion process, which is accompanied by the release of smoke and various harmful substances.

Expanded clay granules, as well as mineral wool, resist well open fire. The maximum harm from the use of these products can also be associated with a change in their structure. As a result of the melting of materials, the deformation of the insulation occurs. In mineral wool, this is due to the release of harmful substances, but expanded clay granules do not emit such components.

Mandatory when arranging the floor is its insulation. Thermal insulation will protect from the penetration of cold from below, retain heat in the room and distribute it correctly. This will reduce the cost of heating the premises in the cold season. When choosing a heater for the floor, it is necessary to take into account many aspects so that it lasts a long time and is “out of place”, performing its functions with high quality.

When choosing a heater for the floor, consider the operating conditions

Types of heaters

Mineral heaters made from natural materials:

  • Mineral wool: fiberglass, stone wool, cinder wool. It is a shaded fiber of rocks or other materials.
  • Foam glass.
  • Expanded clay - granular burnt clay.
  • Cement-based mixtures with aggregates and additives.

Wood chip materials used for dry screed or filling empty space:

  • Waterproof plywood.

Cellulose wool is used to insulate wooden floors

  • Cellulose wool - blown or simply filled and rammed.

Polymer materials are not environmentally friendly:

  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Reflective polymer insulation.
  • Roll heater.
  • Liquid polymer insulation with a foam structure.
  • Liquid thermal insulation paint.

When choosing which insulation is best for the floor, be guided by their technical characteristics and future operating conditions. The ideal option would be to use several materials at once on different stages floor insulation. For example, expanded clay, basalt wool and rolled insulation on top of the screed are suitable for a concrete floor.

Important! Polystyrene, polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene foam, when burned, release a toxic gas that can be fatal in two breaths. Therefore, if you decide to use them in construction, then lay them under a concrete screed, where there will be no contact with fire.

How to choose floor insulation

First of all, it is necessary to take into account what kind of floor - wooden on logs, concrete or the "warm floor" system. In all three cases, different materials will be needed.

To insulate a wooden floor, mats or insulation sheets are laid between the joists.

For warming a wooden floor, a loose porous material is suitable that does not hold its shape, loose. It can be poured into the space between the lags, or mats, slabs, linens can be laid, depending on the form of release of the insulation. It is very important that in this case the insulation "breathe" and let steam through. After all, the wooden floor is equipped precisely so that the house "breathes".

For a concrete floor, solid heaters are suitable, which keep their shape well and do not deform under compressive and bending loads. This is important, as a concrete screed will be poured from above. In this case, it is not necessary that the insulation “breathe”, but it is imperative that it does not absorb moisture.

For the “warm floor” system, heaters will be needed the same as for the concrete screed, with only one caveat: they must have a foil film to reflect the heat coming from the “warm floor” towards the lower floor. You can use materials with aluminum coating or lamination.

Characteristics of thermal insulation materials

Coefficient of thermal conductivity determines the ability of a material to conduct heat. It is equal to the amount of heat that passes through a material 1 m thick, with an area of ​​1 m 2 per hour, provided that the temperature difference on the two sides of the material is 10 ° C.

Porosity is a very important indicator, it is determined by the ratio of the number of pores to the total volume of the material. Affects all other characteristics of heaters.

Vapor permeability material determines its ability to "breathe".

Water absorption affects the possibility of using the material in conditions high humidity. The lower this figure, the better.

Strength material is important for its use in structural elements where there are compressive loads.

Biostability means whether the material is able to resist the action of pathogenic flora.

fire resistance determines the ability of a material to withstand high temperatures for a certain time without breaking down.

Heat capacity- the ability of the material to retain heat in conditions of frequent temperature changes.

There are several other important features:

  • Density;
  • Humidity;
  • temperature resistance;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Flexural strength;
  • Indicators fire safety: combustibility, flammability, smoke formation, toxicity of combustion products, etc.

Insulation for underfloor heating

When choosing a heater for the "warm floor" system, it is necessary to pay attention to the ability of the material to redirect heat to the right direction and block its spread in unwanted.

To reduce heating costs, while not heating the ceiling to neighbors or the basement in a private house, it is advisable to choose a heater with a foil or laminated layer. Such material will prevent the penetration of cold from below and direct the heat coming from the "warm floor" system upwards.

For the "warm floor" system, the insulation must have a foil structure

It can be found under different names and trademarks: Isolon, Penofol, Isoflex, Energoflex. The material is produced in rolls 90-120 cm wide, 2-3 mm thick. It does the job well despite being so thin.

Extruded polystyrene foam is one of the strongest, most durable and moisture resistant insulation materials.

It is produced in plates that are easily cut into the necessary pieces, easy to install and use. It has a very dense structure that does not deform or break. The cellular structure is filled with gas, the cells themselves are impermeable, due to which this material is not affected by moisture: it does not swell, does not absorb moisture. Extruded polystyrene foam is resistant to acids, alkalis or alcohols. Fungi and bacteria do not take root on its structure. It is durable, as it does not collapse under the influence of precipitation and the sun and does not react with most substances. Despite the undeniable advantages, extruded polystyrene foam has a number of significant drawbacks: it "does not breathe", which means that it makes no sense to use it to insulate a wooden floor, and it is combustible. Although this material is non-toxic in its normal state, it releases poisonous gas when it burns. In the "warm floor" system, it will be completely isolated from environment concrete screed so it can be safely used.

Cork material is the most environmentally friendly and natural insulation.

Produced from the bark of the cork oak. This material is the most environmentally friendly and natural. It does not rot, does not “shrink”, is inert, resistant to bending and compression loads. In addition, the cork is easily cut, which affects the speed of working with it. Lifetime cork backing may be around 50 years old. Cork material does not burn, and during smoldering it does not emit harmful substances. Withstands temperatures up to 120°C. It is produced in the form of plates with a thickness of 25-50 mm.

Insulation for the floor under the screed

It is better to insulate the concrete floor in several stages, since it is the coldest.

Expanded clay is convenient to fall asleep under a concrete screed or add to concrete instead of crushed stone

perfect option floor insulation on the ground. It is a rounded granule, made from clay by firing it with the addition of peat, sawdust and other additives. The size of the granules can be different, and the heat-conducting characteristics of the material also depend on this. Expanded clay is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, light and does not create a large load on the foundation. Due to the porous structure, in addition to heat-insulating properties, it has good sound-proofing characteristics. The indisputable advantage of expanded clay is its environmental friendliness and naturalness.

Solid basalt wool slabs are laid under a concrete screed

- one of the varieties of mineral wool, is a hard insulation in slabs. It is laid on the floor in a checkerboard pattern under a concrete screed, which must be at least 4 cm thick. This material does not burn, is resistant to deformation and vapor permeable. Basalt wool has high thermal insulation characteristics and withstands high temperatures.

It is also used for warming concrete floors under the screed.

Styrofoam is one of the most common insulation materials due to its low cost.

Also can be used. Its main advantage is low cost and ubiquity. It is durable, easy to use, absorbs little moisture and has high thermal insulation properties. Among the shortcomings can be identified: it is combustible, exposed to sunlight, "does not breathe." When using polystyrene foam as a heater under the screed, these disadvantages are insignificant, and they can be neglected.

Properly selected floor insulation will create high-quality and durable thermal insulation. Compare the characteristics of heaters, weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, find a balance and be sure to consider the operating conditions.

Floor heater - essential element the entire structure of the house. In this article, we will consider the main and most popular types of insulation, compare their technical characteristics and styling features.

The thermal insulation of any room will be very mediocre and ineffective if the insulation is not integrated under the floor covering.

With all the variety of thermal insulation materials, let's look at their pros and cons.

What is floor insulation for?

Thermal conductivity varies depending on the size of the granules and the raw materials used. The most optimal fraction for floor insulation is expanded clay, with a grain of 5-10 mm.

It is very convenient to use when organizing a dry screed. The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. Logs are laid and fixed on the base;
  2. Expanded clay is poured between the lags;
  3. The top structure is covered with two layers of GVL or plywood.

This type of tie is very Convenient installation and cleanliness. But he has a drawback - he does not tolerate contact with water. That is, in the kitchen or in the bathroom, it cannot be installed.

The convenience of working with expanded clay is especially pronounced when leveling large slopes in a room. When backfilling, he himself will strive for distribution along the horizon.

Expanded clay is successfully used when creating a floor on the ground. In the floor pie scheme, it occupies an important place just between the rough screed and the crushed stone layer. Here it not only serves as a thermal insulator, but also cuts off the remnants of the capillary rise of groundwater.

Its use as a filler when installing a screed is allowed only on a solid foundation, provided that a grain of 0-5 mm is used. But it's not the best The best way insulation.

Expanded clay also has negative sides. First, it absorbs moisture quite well. And then it gives it away very badly. And having been saturated with water, the thermal conductivity of expanded clay improves by 34-42%. This means that when using expanded clay as a heater, it is necessary to cover it with a layer of film.

He's spiky. In other words, he breaks down on impact. And crushed expanded clay shows all its positive qualities much worse.

Summarizing, it can be noted that although expanded clay is a very cheap insulation, but in order to give the floor the same comfort as with Penoplex thermal insulation, it is necessary to pour a layer 5 times thicker. And this is not always acceptable.

Wooden houses require a more careful approach to floor insulation work. This is necessary, first of all, to preserve the structure itself from decay and fungus. A warm floor makes the house cozy, it is pleasant and comfortable to be in it.

Before proceeding with the insulation of the floor on your own, you need to familiarize yourself with the types and features of heaters. As well as the algorithm for performing work. This is what will be discussed in our article.


Wooden floors, unlike concrete, are much warmer. Wood is a capricious material and when building a house it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect. The ratio of thickness and thermal conductivity is often disproportionate, so floor insulation in a house made of wood is simply necessary.

The possibility of floor insulation is not only in new houses, but also in long-built ones.

  • dampness;
  • the appearance and reproduction of mold;
  • the appearance of microorganisms and fungi that adversely affect the health of those living in the house;
  • high consumption of thermal energy for heating the house;
  • building damage and destruction.

Work on floor insulation can be carried out independently. This will significantly reduce the budget. A wide range of materials is presented in construction stores, work with which is possible even without certain skills.

Structural insulation means different types works:

  • insulation of ceilings ground floor;
  • insulation of interfloor ceilings;
  • insulation of the ceiling between the living room and the attic.

In each case, materials are used not only to maintain optimal temperature regime but also for soundproofing. A well-insulated first floor is a guarantee that the house will become comfortable for living.

Floor types

In houses made of wood, two types of floors are used: concrete and wood.

The second option falls into two categories:

The concrete floor can be made by hand without the involvement of specialists. There are two options for laying concrete: on the ground and on logs. The most common is the first option.

All work is carried out in several stages:

  • priming;
  • sand;
  • thermal insulation;
  • waterproofing.

The next step is to fill the floor with concrete screed. If a warm floor is installed, then it must be installed at this stage.

wooden floor, like concrete pavement, also has several layers:

  • bulk floor (rough);
  • waterproofing layer;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • clean coverage.

If installation of a warm floor system is necessary, then it is carried out at the construction stage between the finishing and rough coatings. The wooden floor is natural material and therefore environmentally friendly. During operation, substances harmful to humans will not be released into the air. Such a coating has an aesthetic and noble appearance.

What can be insulated?

Floor insulation in a wooden house is carried out in order to reduce heat loss. The most commonly used and inexpensive heaters are expanded clay and sand. Below is a list of other popular floor insulators.

  • Mineral wool. The main features of this heat insulator are low thermal conductivity, durability, high noise insulation properties, and moisture absorption. It is also worth noting that mineral wool is an environmentally friendly material.

In order to determine whether a product is of high quality or not, you need to check its color. Mineral wool, made from natural raw materials, has Brown color. A product that has been manufactured using prohibited substances will have a yellow tint.

This insulation is produced in plates and rolls. Roll insulation is most common when used over large areas. Mineral wool is very convenient, no special knowledge and skills are required during operation. Everything can be done by hand. The material is lightweight and breathable.

  • Polyurethane foam. The heater is quite expensive. This will require not only the help of specialists, but also special equipment. The material is close to polystyrene in its properties. But he will not withstand the screed. They can insulate the floor from below. Average term the service life of such a heater is 30 years.

  • Expanded clay. The material is quite common. Expanded clay is granules of fired foamed clay. The material has high performance properties, lightweight. But with all the variety of advantages, there is one serious drawback. Expanded clay absorbs moisture very well, so when using it, it is imperative to install waterproofing.

  • Sawdust is a bulk insulation option. Against mice, sawdust mixed with slaked lime powder is used: 8 parts of sawdust to 2 parts of lime. Such a heater can be filled up between draft and finishing floors. The average layer thickness is 20-40 cm, depending on climatic conditions.

  • Isolon is polyethylene, which has a foam structure. The thickness of this coating is 10 mm. Foiled on one or both sides. It is laid on top of the cotton wool. Also used as underfloor heating.

What is better to choose?

A wooden house can be placed on a foundation and have a basement (basement), or it can be located on piles.

Stilt houses are in great demand among consumers. This is due to the fact that such a design does not require a lot of time and energy during construction and operation. There are also no requirements for the soil on which the building will be located. The choice of insulation for a house on stilts requires taking into account the design features. With the right approach, the house will become not only warm, but also cozy.

But with all the pluses, there is a drawback: the house is located at a distance from the ground. The structure is not protected by the basement and is exposed to winds. In this case, it turns out that the house is protected from soil moisture, but at the same time the entire floor area is available to winds and frosts. In order for the house to please its owners, it is worth making high-quality floor insulation.

Floor insulation in stilt houses is carried out in several stages:

  • Training. Before starting work on floor insulation, it is worth providing full access to the logs. This is done to enable verification. After work has begun, it will not be possible to inspect.
  • Draft floor. There are a lot of ways to create a subfloor, but still builders often use the traditional one. It is necessary to nail a beam on the logs, which in the future will serve as a support for the flooring from the boards. Beam and logs are processed by special means against rot and fungus.

But do not use tools that create a film. This will prevent the wood from breathing, causing it to rot. Boards for flooring under the subfloor should also be processed. This is necessary to increase the service life of the material. When calculating, it is worth considering the weight of the insulation that will be used. As a flooring, you can use plywood for light insulation. If, for example, polystyrene is used, then a reinforced mesh can be used to strengthen the lower layer. This will help distribute the weight.

  • Vapor barrier. Vapor barrier must be used so that moisture does not get on the insulation. For this, it is better to use polyethylene or roofing felt. These materials belong to the economy class. When laying them, it is necessary to provide ventilation products. The vapor barrier layer must be both on top of the insulation and on the bottom. This will not allow the condensate formed during the temperature difference to get on the materials.

  • Clean floor. The finished floor is the final stage of floor insulation, which can also be top coat. For this, absolutely any materials can be used (solid wood, chipboard, plywood).

To make the house on stilts look presentable, as well as for additional protection from the effects of climatic conditions, experts advise making an easy version of the basement floor.

Insulated floor maintenance


Many companies are engaged in the production of materials for floor insulation. Among them and worldwide famous brands and those who are just starting their journey. Most companies have almost a century of history. In order to help you in your choice, below is a ranking of the most popular manufacturers. All of them represent materials with proven quality.

  • Knauf. An international manufacturer with over 90 years of experience. Insulation materials are popular all over the world. Products are made from natural raw materials the latest technologies. All heaters are environmentally friendly and harmless. Knauf has been a market leader for many years.

  • rockwool. The company works on modern technologies and specializes in basalt thermal insulation materials. The advantage of this raw material in high performance and affordable price. In Russia, branches are located in the Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Leningrad regions. The company is in second place in the ranking of manufacturers of insulation materials.
  • Paroc. The company also specializes mainly in the production of mineral wool. Time-tested quality. The manufacturer focuses on saving thermal energy for heating a living space and excellent sound insulation. But the disadvantage of this company is that all heaters have a fairly high price. That is why the company is ranked third.

Almost everyone who loves comfort and warmth prefers to additionally insulate their floor. Today, this is extremely important, since in construction stores you can find a heater for every taste. This applies to both insulating properties and the cost of the material. However, at first glance, the choice may seem obvious, but in reality it is not. Let's figure out what it is, high-quality thermal insulation for the floor and how to choose it.

Some general information

Before proceeding with the choice of material, you need to answer yourself one simple question: do I need it? The fact is that today in many houses and apartments there is no exception, only those rooms where “warm floor” systems are installed, since in this case thermal insulation is necessarily laid. In the end, the main goal that we need to achieve is warmth and comfort. But we must not forget that if we can direct heat into right direction and save a significant amount of money. It would seem that everything is simple, but it is not quite so. Firstly, there are a large number of grounds, for each of which it is necessary to use certain material. Secondly, there are systems such as "warm" or "water" floor. Everywhere has its own nuances, so thermal insulation for the floor must be carried out taking into account even the smallest details.

About material selection

Before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to select good material which will satisfy all requirements. Of course, you should consider your financial capabilities as well. The most popular and at the same time relatively inexpensive heat-insulating material is. In fact, this is an ordinary roll seal, the main advantage of which is that it is completely environmentally friendly and clean. But the use of a cork underlay is limited by several factors: firstly, the floor will rise by about 3-4 cm, and secondly, it is necessary to use reflective material in the kit. If we take into account the last nuance, it turns out that such thermal insulation for the floor becomes quite expensive. But there are several other, more economical options.

Thermal insulation for underfloor heating

One of the most popular materials is polypropylene. It is usually used in the form of extruded boards. This is due to the fact that they are perfectly processable, and this allows you to correctly install with a complex configuration of the room. What is also important is the non-hygroscopicity and closed cellular structure of polypropylene. Polypropylene can be used at fairly high temperatures (up to 130 degrees).

Often, thermal insulation for a warm floor is made of a material such as expanded polystyrene. Sometimes an overlay is used on top, which is a polypropylene film. Extruded polystyrene foam is produced with a thickness of 50-100 mm. By the way, many believe that this is one of the the best materials under the water floor. He has such mechanical properties like strength, lightness and hardness. In addition, it withstands both high and low temperatures and serves long years, aided by the cellular structure.

Thermal insulation for a water floor

Let's look at what better material choose for such a popular water floor today. As noted above, expanded polystyrene is well suited for these purposes, and we'll talk about it. The fact is that in our case it is extremely important to save heat from the coolant as long as possible. Due to the preservation of its operational properties at temperatures from -180 to 180 degrees Celsius, expanded polystyrene is excellent for solving this problem. In principle, it makes sense to note that air itself is a very poor conductor of heat. Therefore, we can safely count on a low coefficient of thermal conductivity.

More about polystyrene foam

We have already figured out that the substrates of this material are very effective. In addition to thermal insulation, expanded polystyrene shows excellent soundproofing properties. Again, all this is achieved due to the presence of air bubbles, which prevent the conversion of sound energy into heat. Many may say that soundproofing properties are superfluous. In principle, this is true in a private house, but the residents of high-rise buildings will definitely not agree with you.

Another feature is resistance to salt solutions and acids. Such thermal insulation for a water-heated floor will not be eaten by insects and rot. By the way, polystyrene is also good because it can serve for decades, and during this time nothing will happen to it. Therefore, the device of a heat-insulated floor will not be broken. Unlike some other insulating materials, this one does not emit harmful and toxic substances when heated.

What is best for wood flooring?

Usually for complete wooden houses trying to find environmentally friendly materials. In principle, mineral wool, polystyrene and fiberglass are best suited for these purposes. These materials are not only environmentally friendly, but also good insulators. For example, fiberglass is well suited for wooden houses and structures, and polystyrene can be used for other buildings. The first option is more preferable, but the price "bites". The second way is less expensive. Mineral wool, as a thermal insulation for a wooden floor, has such significant advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • incombustibility;
  • chemical resistance.

Expanded polystyrene is good in its own way, it is worth noting the following strengths:

  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • ease of installation;
  • well amenable to processing;
  • durable and resistant to mechanical damage.

A little about the durability of materials

When choosing, it always makes sense to look not only at the initial quality of the insulating properties, but also at how long it will work. Agree, I would not really like to buy expensive material that will rot in three years or simply lose its technological qualities. For this simple reason, it always makes sense to pay attention to durability. Any materials for thermal insulation of the floor must serve at least 10 years. For example, "warm floor" systems work for 15-20 years. After this period, a partial replacement of the system will be required. During such maintenance, it is recommended to change the thermal insulation. Some materials do not recover their original shape after a small load. This contributes to the fact that insulating properties are lost and appear. Because of this, the overall effectiveness of insulation is reduced.

Something about proper installation

It must be understood that depending on the surface, not only the material differs, but also the method of its installation. For example, mineral wool for a wooden floor should be light color. This will testify to minimum quantity Laying is carried out according to subfloor. It must be understood that between the rough, finishing floor and the heat-insulating layer, it is necessary to leave an air gap, which is necessary for effective moisture removal.

Izolon fits much easier. A roll is rolled out on a pre-treated surface, then it is glued with adhesive tape. It is important to monitor the absence of visible mechanical defects and bumps. The technical plug is laid in the same way. By the way, the last material is almost perfect thermal insulation for the floor. The fact is that the thickness of the layer does not exceed 1.5 cm, so you can try to lay 2 layers with minimal raising of the floors.


As you can see, there are a large number of thermal insulation materials. All of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. The same applies to cost. By the way, it is not at all necessary to buy too expensive insulation. Sometimes more efficient has the same foam, rather than mineral wool. For example, thermal insulation for a warm electric floor requires a thick material that will not absorb moisture under a concrete base. In the end, the main thing is to know what kind of floors you have at home. Experts will tell you what to choose. Remember that a lot depends on correct installation. You can also lay the thermal insulation on your own, but this should be done very carefully and slowly so as not to damage the insulation.