Repairs Design Furniture

Little Factory Design. Little Apartment Design: Photo Ideas for Little Apartment

What if your apartment does not leave the best? It does not matter, conscious this choice or vital need, but most of us, living in small rooms, plan to make the interior attractive and functional.

Therefore, many try to find acceptable ways to create a visual unity of all items in a small apartment. For example, some ideas that can inspire each owner are bright colors on the walls, storage of things according to the original methods, the use of multifunctional furniture.

You can add magnificent pictures to this, compilation of compositions from colors to achieve unforgettable impressions from staying in such a comfortable room.

Methods of visual increase in the apartment

It is worth taken into account: whatever the size is an apartment, free space will always be enough. It is because of this, the ways allowing you to make a small apartment a little more spacious, will be helpful and the owners of large apartments.

Proper planning. In a small apartment, it is quite realistic to create the interior that will look beautiful and harmoniously. But for this, the height of the ceiling must be proportional to the apartment area. The larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the higher the ceiling. Therefore, if the ceiling height is low, it is undesirable to make a studio: it will only focus on such a detail as an insufficient area.

Formation of the composite center. To do this, in a small room, you can arrange some one bulk element. This will make it possible to concentrate on it and, in turn, will distract from the size of the room. A variant is possible when the wall or part of it is preserved empty, which will not clutch the room, so this technique is quite suitable for the center of the composition.

Use of symmetry. In a small room, a symmetry based composition will be a win-win option to balance the space.

Tip! But you should not divert and build symmetrical compositions in the apartment, small in size. It will tire and look boring.

Color spectrum. It is better to paint the walls and ceilings in one color. The wall transition line in the ceiling will be mitigated than the space visually increases.

IN adjacent rooms Walls are best done in one color gamma. This approach will be able to visually combine the room and create the illusion of the space in it. If you do not divide the floor by zones, it will also be able to perform this function.

Tip! Color for walls and ceiling must be seamless in close tone to the floor, which will help to expand the borders of the room.

To increase the height of the ceiling, you can draw edges that will stand out against the background of other elements. This approach will help to highlight the ceiling into the auxiliary plane. After all, Kanti will be able to attract attention due to the fact that they will attract attention to the ceiling. It is also a means of visual deception, with which you can enlarge the room.

Beautiful interior, even in a small apartment in Khrushchev, you can create very simple. You can paint the walls of the room of matte paint saturated tone, and for the central area on the ceiling to choose a light paint with glossy glitter. It will strengthen the amazing impression of such a contrasting edge.

Things and materials. It is better to add high mirrors to the interior. Thanks to them, you can create an illusion of increasing the number of rooms in the apartment. The room will seem spacious than it actually. In this case, they must be placed in window and doorways.

So that the room looks free and spably, it is worth keeping things. To do this, place them above the eye level, as what our view does not buy, we simply do not notice. But such accommodation is suitable only for those things that are used in rare cases.

In the perfect version of the storage system should be located in places inaccessible for view. And this is possible if the cabinets are made in one level with the wall and perform it in the same color with them.

Important! The wardrobe of huge sizes should not be the main decoration of the interior. It can be left in the center only if it carries some antique value.

So you get beautiful interior Little apartment B. classic styleAs in the photo:

The amount, shape and dimensions of the elements should be in optimal quantity. From unnecessary items it is better to get rid of, and leave only those that are needed. It is better to use medium-sized items that can also be easily moved.

Tip! For small rooms the ideal option There will be subjects round shape. The smaller the sharp corners, the better.

Storage of things

To date, a variety of organizers are presented on the market with various purposes. These should be used in order to save space.

For example, if there are too high shelves in your closet, then you can purchase textile boxes-organizers for clothing. Such a box will take half the shelves, but all things will not lie on each other.

You will be able to gently decompose them and not to mine. This is relevant for the unreasonable things.

If you have small offices in the closet, you can purchase special organizers for underwear and socks.

It will help streamline everything in the closet and will give the opportunity to decompose all things on the shelves. You will disappear in the acquisition of chest of drawers and penalties, which will only clutter the room. In another case, when in the closet, on the contrary, there is little space, it is best to use suspended shelves. Thus, an additional place for clothing will be created.

Transparent items. In order not to overload the interior, it is worth taking care that there are transparent things in the room. It is not necessary to be decor items, they can be functional. For example, it is possible instead wooden table. Put a glass transparent, of course, if you do not have in the house of children.

You can also equip the doors matte glass. Through them will not be visible, and the light will fall into the room.

Additional seats can be provided by using several puffs. They should not be standard shape: it is better that they are intricate and have a unique texture. The room will make it not only spacious, but also more interesting.

As for the doors, if possible, it is necessary to refuse. At the same time, those doors that will be in the apartment should not be cheap.

How difficult it is to create a harmonious and functional will help determine the direction, interior design techniques and choose the best color gamut.

Can be used fake diamond in the bathroom? Learn about finishing subtleties different rooms Artificial stone.

Studio Apartment: What you need to know?

Studio apartment can be done if your housing is not with low ceilings. This type of residential premises is distinguished by the absence of such partitions. That is, even if the apartment is one-room, it will look large, since the walls for separating the space on the functional zones in it are missing.

If you wish to create such an apartment, it is worth learning to find out if there will be no problems of legal and technical nature. In the event that you can get rid of some walls, it is worth using this option. After that, you can proceed to implement your idea.


Regardless of whether you can create a studio apartment or not, you need to think about lighting. Considering small sizes Housing, it is worth a preference to point light, which will make more spacious and more all the space due to bright illumination.

Tip! In no case can not choose lamps with heavy and large ceiling. From chandelier B. small premises It is worth refusing at all.

The more illuminated your room will be, the greater the chances that the room will seem not so small as it is in reality.

Remember both pro daylight. Try to expand the windows. Even 20-30 centimeters will make the room lighter. If this is not possible, it is necessary to at least not clutter the light source. This primarily concerns the curtains.

Beautiful apartments Photo of the interiors of small apartment - Khrushchev

In a small apartment it is worth a completely forget about traditional optionsEven if you want to interior in a classic style. Preference is worth paying blinds, Roman curtains, easy curtains, for example, French or English curtains. They will not burde appearance and windows, and all rooms.


A small apartment, as big, can also be framed interesting and extraordinary, it is important to choose the perfect combination of all things and give preference to a single modern style.

Naturally, optimal option is the interior in the spirit of minimalism. In such a room, in any case, you should refuse excessive amounts of extra details that perform the decor function. To give preference should be exceptionally to those subjects that carry practical meaning indoors.

See: Many options, a wide selection of color and design of facades - from matte to glossy samples.

Little apartments - Trend 21st century. Apartments have always been more than just housing. In the 20th century they looked at them as a tool for maintaining ambitions. A small apartment lasted social status, even if its design was made with taste.Huge - increased the importance of owners in the eyes of others.

Remember the typical life of the late 20th century - it was prestigious to have a lot of things: a lot of furniture, dishes, grocery reserves, and all this required to place in the apartment - not a small but not gliding a special design.

Millennium has become a reason to revise values. People are increasingly thinking over the meaning of life, over the fact that the source of inspiration is for them. And as a result - build new priorities. In the new structure of the elements of well-being, small apartments have become for many optimal accommodation for housing at a certain stage of life and this affected their design.

The whole industry is working to make them comfortable and spectacular. New appear construction planning, furniture, design elements, decoration Materials - Everything so that each of the small apartments becomes special and comfortable.

Who are they, owners of small apartments?

Who acquires small apartments?

  1. People of solid age that change housing for small-sized to not burden themselves municipal payments. Losing in the square, they won comfort, clean (new materials, convenient layout, simplicity of cleaning). There are nuances here, where we will definitely stop.
  2. Young people acquiring first housing.
  3. Young families with children lovingly drawing up their nest.
  4. Lovers of wanderings for which small apartments are just a cozy refuge, storing traces of travel.
  5. Successful managers who choose an apartment let the small, but in the prestigious area.

How does life priorities affect the style of the interior?

Naturally, the design of small apartments for different social groups can't not differ. Before talking about general trends, we will focus on features.

Design of small apartments for the older generation

So, often a newly new apartment becomes a man in age. What to take not to violate the existing way of life and at the same time make it more comfortable, inhale a fresh jet of novelty?

Furniture, things and dreams.

Moving B. new apartment, It is necessary to decide: what to take from the old situation, and with which without regretting? It remains only what it is impossible to say: "This thing today makes me even happier." Everything else should be left in the past. Take B. new house Several objects of the situation and accessories from the category "The most favorite, convenient and ... small-sized". Another option is possible - to start life from scratch, without the shipment of the past.

Grand Person Apartment Design

With age, people are not inclined to resolutely change the usual lifestyle. Some remain very conservative, others do not change the sucking style that loved in the youth. Third open innovations and are ready to implement the latest offers of designers.

What design can I offer the owners of apartments a little older than middle age? It can be chosen in the big range:

  • for the most conservative - classic, German or Italian, with small replicas in historical styles;
  • for the fans of Audrey Hepburn - Easy urban French entourage;
  • for romantics, Hippie era - Sunny rural style with elements of Eastern esoteric;
  • for those who remember the disputes of physicists and lyrics - Scandinavian minimalism;
  • for artistic natures - Ar Deco.

We will risk assumed that there may be adherents of pop art, loft or high-tek among the solid owners of small apartments. But, most likely, in its age category, they will be in the minority - by virtue of the famous thrust of the elderly to a calm warm coat.

Design of a little girl or young man apartment

First one's own housing. It is embodied dreams unrealized within the parental house. But these dreams tend to have their own restrictions - financial.

Boldly and inexpensive

Modern design destinations take into account this feature and offer very budget decisions on the design of a small apartment. Make a dream to reality will help furniture from IKEA for interiors in the style of Modern, Scandiny and Provence. Handicraft's own masterpieces will decorate the house in the spirit of Country, Bocho, Eastern Exotic. Souvenirs accessories brought from wanderings recognizable denotes ethnic styles - safari, Indian, Arabic.

Loft seemed to be quite inexpensive. However, it is necessary to remember the mandatory - and significant - spent: picturesque metal structures (pipes, ventilation, old-fashioned heating radiators), the presence of several bohemian things (sofa or chair, paintings pop art, antique interior element).

Choice of young - Studio

Planning bacheloy apartment. Young people prefer to expand the space due to the studio planning. Many hours at the stove at this age do not even spend the girls, and meet friends in the studio - perfect.

Young Family: First Apartment

The list of the first needs of a young family is a small but self-core. Moreover, it is often purchased with the calculation on the first child. For the design of such an apartment is characteristic of the selection of children's - place where small child It can safely rest until adults are busy with their affairs or guests reception. Most often it is a small bedroom for the baby and a spacious studio for adults.

Planning solutions and color are played in such an apartment, and the "anti-vandal" design elements are trying as accessories, which are part of the finish having reliable fastening To the floor and walls or suspended high enough.

The whole style depends on the taste of parents, but hardly a sensible designer will advise to use in a children's loft or pop art. The first - does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards (unsuitable for frequent and thorough wet cleaning). The second is perhaps too aggressive in color.

The fact is that in a small apartment, the design of all the premises is desirable to withstand in a single style, otherwise the premises can be closed on very small rooms - it will produce a sad impression of cramped, lack of style and beamless.

Little apartment for wealthy houses

The presence of a small apartment in a "good area" is not an indicator of constrained financial opportunities, rather - calculating respectfulness, which is peculiarly reflected in the design.

Peculiar - because attachments in new housing are not as many expensive acquisitions, how much of the costs of qualitative materials, innovative technological solutions And, most importantly, original project from a professional architect. This is a special chic - make an apartment from a small odnushka, the design of which inspires and causes admiration.

Eternal Laws of Little Space Design

Whoever belongs to a small living space, it will have to adhere to certain rules.


The smaller in the house of dark corners, the more spacious it seems. Make the bottom of the console washbasin backlight - and immediately make sure how wider it has become a bathroom.

Light cords and LED tapes - Owners friends small-sized kitchens. Highlight shelves, mezzanine, countertop - and kitchen walls as if spread out.

Think out the location of the flooring, wall and ceiling lamps So that poorly illuminated angles and niches did not exist.

Color and space

General rule - predominance white color and any pastel shades. However, there are its subtleties here. What is good for large premises is paradoxically refracted in small ones. A sensation of reality and prospects are lost in the room of a totally white.

Lighthouses are needed to create the depths of the room. Objects and finishes that are contrasting or tonally, but differ from the prevailing background. Fragment of a wall, accented with artistic wallpaper, picture or special, handmade, Worn lamp. The drawing on the wallpaper contrasting "krapines" is also capable of creating a sense of depth, as well as the game with shades when painting walls.

On the floor excellent effect Creates a diagonally laid parquet or tile. On the ceiling - bunk ceiling with backlit.

It is very important that a variety of techniques do not give rise to the picture of chaos, Kitcha - a sense of measure should not change the designer.

Color and style

There are such design directions in which color plays a rather aggressive role, harshly denoting style. In the loft, pop art, techno there is black, red and rich shades of the palette, characteristic of underground. How to abandon the causing, "male" entourage?

The design of small apartments knows a lot of examples of a successful combination of white and gray With not cumbersome accessories of black, red, metallic. It is important that light shades resolutely prevailed.

Even in minimalism, favorable to pure colors, in small rooms it is better to prefer non-lass exquisite shades of turquoise, mint, cocoa in textiles and accessories.


If there is a choice - to purchase the table on the legs or the console, shelf or console facing shelves - choose console. Nothing creates the illusion of space as the free space of the floor. For the same reason, the furniture on the legs is preferable than cabinets-stands and beds with retractable tubes.

Once again about style

Regardless of the artistic preferences of the owners, it is useful to know which design for small apartments is almost win-win. If you make a kind of styling rating, it will look like that.

Ethnic. Indian style, Bocho, Safari - in many ways their popularity is due to the interest of young people to travel. The bright decorativeness of such a design gives a small apartment for the camera, which is organic for these styles.

Photo Gallery - Little Apartments Design:


Work on the design of small apartments allows you to fully show individuality and fantasy. Here you have to abandon standard techniques, it is necessary to design something original, especially in order to create comfortable and cozy accommodation in a small space. As an example, we give 12 projects with the interiors of small square apartments, some of them already have the owners, and the other is only planned for implementation.

Design of small apartments up to 20 square meters. m.

Interior design of a small apartment of 18 square meters. m.

With an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m. It is necessary to save every centimeter and use all the possibilities in order to increase small space. To this end, the designers were insulated with a loggia and combined it with a residential room - for this I had to remove the balcony block. On the former loggia, equipped the office to work with an angular tabletop and open shelves for books.

At the entrance they put a bench, there was a mirror and hangers over it. On the bench can be easily renob, and under it - store shoes. Immediately there is the main storage system of the width of the width, part of it is given under the clothes, part - under household appliances.

The living room is divided into functional zones. Immediately behind the entrance zone begins the kitchen equipped with all modern techniques. It is located behind it - a sofa with a small table, over it open shelves for decor and books, and on the contrary - a TV zone.

In the evening, the living room turns into a bedroom - the sofa is folded, and becomes comfortable bed. Foldable fitted between the kitchen and living area dinner Zone: The table rises and becomes one of the sections of the storage system, and the chairs are folded and put on the loggia.

Design project of a small apartment studio 20 square meters. m.

In order to create a concise and functional interior, designers decided to use the open layout and dismantled all the walls that were not supporting. The obtained space was divided into two zones: technical and residential. The technical zone was located a small hallway and a plumbing unit, in the residential equipped kitchen-dining room, which simultaneously performs the role of the living room.

At night, a bed appears in the room, which in the afternoon is removed in the closet and does not prevent free movement in the apartment. Near the window there was a place for desktop: a small countertop with desktop lampOver it is open shelves, nearby - a comfortable chair.

The main color of the design is white, with the addition of gray tones. As a contrast chosen black. The interior is complemented by wooden elements - a light tree makes heat and comfort, and its texture enriches the decorative palette of the project.


For such a limited area, the best stylistic solution for interior decoration is minimalism. White walls and ceiling, white furniture Laconic shape, merging with the background - all this visually increases the size of the room. Color accents and designer lamps are used as decorative elements.

Transformable furniture - another key to a successful solution to the task of accommodation on a small area of \u200b\u200beverything that is necessary for comfort and comfort modern man. In this case, the sofa of the living area is unfolded, and the living room turns into a bedroom. The mini-cabinet table is easily turning into a large dining.

Watch the project completely « »

Design of small apartments from 20 to 25 square meters. m.

Small studio 25 square meters. m.

The apartment is equipped with all the requirements for comfort. In the hallway there is a bulk storage system, in addition, additional systems Storage are arranged in the bedroom - this is annezol, where you can arrange suitcases or boxes with things, and a chest of drawers in the television area located in the bedroom.

The large double bed is adjacent to the wall decorated with a geometric pattern. IN little bathroom There was a place for washing machine. And the kitchen with the sofa may well perform the role of a guest.


Studio size 24 square decorated in a Scandinavian style. White color of walls, doors and light wooden surfaces Garmoniously combined with accent colors characteristic of northern interiors. White is responsible for visual expansion Spaces, bright accent colors add a joyful mood.

Wide ceiling cornice - Decorative detail that gives the interior charm. The texture is also used as a decor: one of the walls are posted brick masonry, Wooden floors, and the main walls are plaster, all it is painted in white.

Design project of a small apartment of 25 square meters. m.

An interesting example of zoning space represents the studio "Designrush", the masters of which turned the usual small-sized apartment into a very convenient and modern living space. Light colors help to expand the volume, with dairy shades, adding heat. The feeling of heat and comfort enhance the wooden elements of the interior.

In order to separate the functional zones from each other, designers use a multi-level ceiling and different floor coverings. Supports zoning competently planned lighting: In the center of the sofa area under the ceiling, a suspension in the form of a glowing ring is placed, along the sofa and TV zone in the ruler there are lamps on metal tires.

The hallway and kitchen are illuminated with built-in ceiling spots. Three black lamps and pipes fixed on the ceiling above the dining area visually make a feature between the kitchen and the living room.

Design of small apartments from 26 to 30 square meters. m.

Beautiful small apartment with an unusual layout

Studio apartment 30 square meters. m. Style in style minimalism with elements scandinavian style - This indicates the combination of white walls with texture natural tree, Bright blue accent in the form of a carpet on the floor of the living room, as well as the use of tile bathrooms with an ornament for finishing.

The main "highlight" of the interior is an unusual layout. The center has a huge wooden cube, which is hidden a sleeping area. From the side of the living room cube is open, and from the side of the kitchen there is a deep niche in which it is built working surface With washing and stove, as well as a fridge and kitchen cabinets.

In each zone of the apartment there are others wooden details, Therefore, the central cube serves as not only partitioning, but also combining the interior element.


A small one-room studio of 29 square meters. M. Divided into two zones, in one of which - the far from the window - the bedroom is located, and in the other - the living room. From each other, they are separated by decorative tissue curtains. In addition, it was possible to find a place not only for the kitchen and a bathroom, but also for the dressing room.

The interior is made in the style of Art Deco in his American version. A stylish combination of bright glossy surfaces with a dark tree wenge against the background of beige walls complement the parts made of glass and chromium. The kitchen space is separated from the living area with a high bar counter.

Apartment design 30 square meters. m.

Small apartment common style which can be defined as modern, has sufficient number storage places. it big cupboard in the hallway, space under sofa pillows, Dresser and Touble on TV in the living room, two rows of cabinets in the kitchen, a box under the bed in the bedroom.

The living room and kitchen are separated by a gray concrete wall. It does not reach the ceiling, and the top is fixed lED Strip Light Backlighting - such a solution visually facilitates the design, making it "weightless".

The living room is separated from the bedroom with a dense curtain gray. Using the natural palette and natural materials gives the interior solidity. Basic design colors - gray, white, brown. Contrast details are made in black.

Design of small apartments from 31 to 35 square meters. m.

Studio project 35 square meters. m.

The best small apartments are drawn up with the help of natural materials - it contributes to their setting the required foundation, and allows you to do without cluttering the space of decorative elements, since the color and texture of the materials themselves are used as a decor.

A parquet board laid "Christmas tree", porcelain stoneware with a "marble" surface, veneered MDF - these are the main finishing materials in the apartment. In addition, used white and black paint. Wooden interior elements in combination with marble surfaces allow you to saturate it with an interesting pattern, while maintaining the bulk volume free.

The living room is combined with a kitchen and dining room, and sleeping place separated by a partition made of metal and glass. It is possible to lay it in the afternoon and lean to the wall, so it will not take a lot of space. The inlet zone and bathroom are isolated from the main volume of the apartment. In addition, there is a post.

Apartment with a separate bedroom 35 square meters. m.

Beautiful interiors of small apartments have, as a rule, a common line: a minimalism style is taken in them, and interesting is added to it. decorative idea. Such an idea in the 35-meter "Oder" was strip.

A small place for night rest is standing out by a wall with horizontal lines applied to it. They visually make a tiny bedroom more, and add rhythm. The wall in which the storage system is hidden, also "striped". Track luminaires in the interior support the idea horizontal stripes, repetitive and in the furniture, and in the decoration of the bathroom.

The main color of the interior is white, black is used as a contrast. Textile elements and panels in the living room make tender color accents and soften the situation.


This is real male interior from strong characterreflecting the views of its owner. Studio planning makes it possible to maintain a maximum possible volume, allocating the necessary zones for work and recreation.

The living room and kitchen are separated by a brick bar, which is characteristic of the interior in the loft style. Between the living room and the home office set the chest, to which the desktop adjoins.

The interior is saturated as juicy decorative detailsMany of which are made manually. With their manufacture, old, already discarded things were used. So, coffee table - This is a former suitcase, the seats of bar stools were once bicycle seats, the leg of the lamb is photochative.

When you have big apartments and there is where to turn around, it is easier to come up with a lot, how to equip space, but when you need a small apartment design, and you need to make from one-bedroom apartment Cozy and comfortable accommodation, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Today we decided to offer you original and interesting ideas Design for a small apartment.

Ideas for a small apartment will allow not only to add to your house notes of practicality and comfort, but also to save space to save.

Little Apartment Design: Photo Ideas for Little Apartment

Let's look at ideas for a small apartment, whose photos will be prompted by the owners of a small residential area, how to equip a small apartment with the mind.

Ideas for a small apartment: a big mirror

If you need to come up with an interior for one-room apartment, use mirror surfaceswho are very well expanding space.

Ideas for a small apartment: Transformer Bed

In our ideas of the design of a small apartment, a dresser bed or a bed transformer, which save space and look very original.

There are a lot of things in such a transformer bed, and the designer idea will always attract your guests.

So you are using a place between the fridge and the wall and get an additional place to store things.

Ideas for a small apartment: use the windowsill

Many designers are embodied unusual ideas Design for a small apartment using the windowsill. It is quite convenient to equip a wide window sill under a small table, which will no doubt come in handy in everyday life.

Ideas for a small apartment: compact ceiling cabinets

Similar design ideas for a small apartment are not only very practical, such ceiling lockers look very stylish.

If the ceiling height allows you to make very spacious ceiling cabinets or shelves where you can place, both things that are used rarely and the things of the casual wardrobe.

Ideas for a small apartment: original shelves around the door

Such design ideas for one-bedroom apartment are just a find for lovers of designer chips. In addition, you can place a lot of different things, right up to the dishes.

Little Apartment Design: Door Chulana or Economic Room

Usually in a small apartment storage room or economic premises Located in the kitchen or in the corridor.

To save space, you can make a place to store things from the door to a chudula, securing compact trays on it or even better - beautiful baskets.

Design ideas for one-room apartment: we draw a balcony or loggia

You can not even imagine what interesting design ideas for a small apartment can be implemented on several square meters Balcony or Loggia: Bedroom, Cabinet, small kitchen And many other options for planning.

Design ideas for one-room apartment: a small table instead of bedside table

A small bed with a large bed will be more convenient if you have small housing. In addition, if desired, under the table, you can easier to hide the same bedside table or system unit from the computer.

Interior design of one-room apartment: more ideas for a small apartment

And now we offer to see very creative solutions Little apartment arrangement that you will undoubtedly like. These ideas for a small apartment will create a unique interior in your small space.

Ideas for one-room apartment: newsmeal and hanger Two in one will decorate any apartment

Little Apartments Design Ideas: Stools Chair, Chair Hanger

Ideas for small cuisine: kitchen cabinet transformer

Ideas for small cuisine: retractable boxes in the kitchen

As you can use the doors and side pieces of furniture: photo ideas

Ideas for the interior of a small apartment: a pet bed

Use an empty angle for a beautiful angular shelf and even a dressing room

Ideas for small cuisine: Unusual shelves for spices and coasters for dishes

Ideas for a small dressing room in a small apartment: shoes shelf Ideas for a small apartment: a photo of a comfortable shelf with holes Study Apartment Design Ideas: Children's Corner Ideas for one-room apartment: Transformer furniture

Today I want to affect an important and complex topic - interior of small apartments. Very often, looking through magazines that publish magnificent interiors of luxury apartments and country houses, think about how far these rainbar pictures are from real apartmentsin which 99% of residents live big cities. Moreover, often large design agencies refuse to work with small premises due to the unprofitability of such projects.

Interior of small apartments: functional zoning

Each room in a small-sized apartment performs several functions. Modern small apartments do not allow you to organize separately, and the Cabinet. However, it easily solves this problem. Here are some successful, in my opinion, examples:

Kitchen + Dining + Living Room + Cabinet + Library

Living room + Cabinet

Bedroom + Living Room + Cabinet

Bedroom + workplace

Tiny room combines sleeping and workplace

, organized in.

One of our projects was created just for a small one-room apartment. In this case, the bedroom and living room are delimited in the singular room.

The zoning question is successfully solved by outdoor coating - Carpet in the living room area, tile in the kitchen, wooden floor in the corridor. It should be paid special attention to harmonious combination Materials and colors.

The ability to arrange the general "racking" is invaluable quality for the owner. small-sized apartment. Get rid of the furniture that knocks out general Concept interior or not used for direct intended. Clean the numerous souvenirs brought from the eye from the eye, hide all unnecessary items on the cabinets and boxes. Regular cleaning And picky analysis of everything that is in plain form, will help save the space of your home.

More about the choice of furniture and decor for small apartments You can read. The topic of the design of a small apartment is limitless. And I will repeatedly return to it later. In the meantime, I hope the article turned out to be useful to you, and you can use some of the ideas for working on the interior of your home.