Repairs Design Furniture

Design of nursery with a large bed. Design of cozy children's for two diverse children: zoning room, decoration, furniture arrangement

If competently think about the design of its design. Not all families are ready to allocate each child by separate roomTherefore, the question of the competent arrangement of the children's space for two children, especially the differences, is sharp.

So, a children's room for two singular children - what should it be?

Create a personal space

Psychology specialists constantly draw parents' attention to the need to have a personal space for the normal development of the child. He must have his own territory where he can retire, close from the world and be one for one with his thoughts and, which is no less important, things. Properly organized personal space is the guarantee of the good mood of your child, its excellent success in school. When one kid lives in the room, its creation does not represent special difficulties, and if two? This task is also solved - you need to competent zonate space in any way:

  • flowers and shades
  • furniture
  • textiles and texture
  • drywall, modules, shirms.

Provide my son and my daughter's personal space so that they do not have drainage in front of the opposite sex and could furnish their zone as it is convenient.

Color solutions for the zoning of a children's room for a boy and girls

In the interior of a nursery for a boy and girls should not be applied purely male or female tones - for example, blue or pink. Optimal solution Question - Application of basic soft tones with arrangement bright accents On the territory of each child.

So green brown shades Well combined with pink, blue and lilac.

Another solution is a cheerful color palette "Unisex", which will also like the boy, and a girl, and one hundred percent will cope with the task of creating a comfortable environment.

If furniture, what?

Zoning furniture is always a relevant solution, but with a small reservation. The fact is that the separation of the room using furniture items leads to a decrease in free space, so the method is good only for spacious premises. It is not recommended to use overall furniture for zoning - it will be better to give preference to compact multifunctional models and "walls" (cabinets, beds, attic and so on).

Bunk beds are often found in rooms where two children live. This decision is practical, but many children are often arguing due to the desired place on such a crib. If you do not want constant quarrels and fights on the topic, who is asleep, and why at all the brother and sister should sleep on the same bed, purchase separate sleeping places for each child.

Little space? There are comfortable ergonomic walls consisting of a bed and a table or bed and a gaming area.

Bedding and Textiles

There is a wide range of textiles on sale - you will easily select essential items and stylish accessories For interior decor. Kits for boys and girls can be sustained in one style and satisfy the requests of the daughter with her son.

But zoning textiles is not only bed linen, but also tapestries, bedspreads, curtains, tablecloths, tissue napkins, that is, everything that makes the room with a cozy corner for a child.

Be careful not only with flowers, but also with pictures, prints. Universality - that's what you need to bet, drawing up the interior of the room for different children.

Shirma, retractable module or rebuilding?

Installation of sliding modules, plasterboard rebounds - a great option for the separation of the children's room small sizes into two zones.

They occupy a minimum of space, allow you to implement any decisions, but require redevelopment and repair.

If you are not configured to the global change, neither morally or financially stopped on portable shirms. Such designs are easy to install, allow you to effectively zonate the room, relatively inexpensive and can be dismantled if necessary.

Other chips gender-neutral forms

Gender-neutral design of children's interiors is a popular designer direction.

This style implies:

  • the use of neutral, universal colors that are suitable for the boy and girls will be harmoniously combined with each other;
  • room decoration B. restrained styleThat is very practical - you do not have to redo repair every three years, because the baby has grown and no longer wants to look at the elephants on the walls. Initially, the interior is pretty reserved and thought out for a nursery - this allows you to create comfort zones For different children and such a repair that will not lose relevance with time;
  • ability to play with furniture and textiles. If the use of textiles is a question of aesthetics and comfort, then the furniture can be attributed to the category of practicality. Get the headsets that will "grow" along with your children - and in the next 10 years it will not have to spend money on the purchase of new beds and tables.

So that the interior does not look dry and boring, use pictures, wall shapes, stencils, appliques and other decor elements. It is easy to apply and remove them, they will give a nursery for very small easily.

Pate in furniture stores, specialized becks, trading decor for children, Polystay fashion ideas In journals on repair and interior. In the choice of style of the children's room, you are limited to certain functional requirements, personal preferences, affordable budget and age of children - the rest strictly at your discretion.

If the Son and Daughter can express their wishes for the finiteness, you will definitely ask them as they see the children and their part in it.

Creating a comfortable setting for children is very important and quite in your power. If you need professional assistance, contact experienced designersthat will be prompted stylish ideas For the design of the premises, they will prepare design project and will help embody dreams of life.

We will talk about how to plan interior of the children's roomwhich will live in the diverse children - a boy and a girl. As usual we will proceed from the conditions of a model small apartment. Little brother and sister in one family are fine with each other, in another, on the contrary, are fighting for every little thing. Is it worth saying that in the first case, it is much easier to arrange a nursery design than in the second. Here we still have another task - to do everything so as not to exacerbate the conflict, but try to reduce the clashes to a minimum. Parents of same-sex children also fall into such situations, they can also use my today's tips on creating personal zones.

Planning a children's interior for two children begin with separation into zones. This is the first and most an important stepFrom which the design of any room begins. Select the most important: zone of sleep, recreation and study, you can use my article as a hint, the tips contained in it will be useful and in our case with all-choice kids.

In process suitable design Do not forget that each child needs its personal territory and a separate bed. It is extremely desirable to have a personal place for classes - it can be separate tables (today's photos will be such an example), or one table, calculated for two.

If in the family two or more children psychologists advise to give under the nursery large room in the apartment. Not everyone is ready to go to this, especially when a two-room apartment. But the owners of three-bedroom housing can be wondering over such an option - the smallest area is better to make a family bedroom, and to children to give the brightest of the two remaining rooms.

Ok if the boy and the girl belong to one age group, accommodate in the same room of different children, one of which is in adolescence, will be more difficult. It is believed that in achieving one of the children of 12 years they should be divided by different bedrooms, but our housing conditions do not always allow this. Today we will consider such an example.

Bunk bed in the room of different children

To put a two-tier bed in the children's bedroom or not - the question to which you need to come seriously and without a rush, taking into account the relationship between children. The biggest advantage of such furniture is that it takes up little space, the advantage that the owners really like small-sized apartments. But do not forget about the minuses, because such a bed can be the subject of discord in a small children's kingdom.

It is no secret that every child wants to take the upper tier. For a small little man, it is really important and sometimes he is ready to seriously and aggressively fight for him. Here, adults should show wisdom and do not make speaking solutions. It is best if children themselves agree to sleep, otherwise the choice will have to do you, and this is a chance to inflict a child psychological trauma. The solution of the conflict in favor of one child will lead to the humiliation of the second, he will decide that it is less like less, it will be closed and not yet known how this will affect your relations in the future. Help in such a situation can healthy arguments, if they are truly fair (for example, one child is a few years older, because the place is more dangerous at the top).

So they do when the children have complex stretched relationships that can only be aggravated due to improper choice of furniture. Well, if peace and friendship reigns between the brother and sister, then such a bed will become the perfect interior item, in which more space will remain for games and classes.

A few words about what model to choose. It goes by itself it should approach and have a good quality mattress for healthy back. I advise you to pay attention to bed, equipped with additional storage boxes. There are interesting bunk beds with shelves, built-in luminaires, curtains. Another option (it will cost more) - order a wall with built-in beds for children's sizes, providing lockers, drawers and other necessary elements on it - thus the area of \u200b\u200bthe room will be used most effectively.

How to place the bed in the room of different children

In our childhood there was no bunk models, however, we perfectly got along with brothers and sisters in a room of 10 square meters. m. There are several features of the location of two separate beds. In the photos of interiors, an example is most often found when they cost in parallel, perpendicular to the wall. This is a suitable idea for the interior design of a children's bedroom, which is not suitable when the purpose of the room is multifunctional and it is also designed for games and studies.

For the elongated narrow children's most suitable will be the placement of two beds on one line. Divide the headboard with some object of furniture so that the diverse children better felt their personal space. In the photo below, this separator served as a dresser, not the most suitable piece of furniture, because in this form it is difficult for them to use, but as an idea comes. The bedside wall is preferably personalized various imagesreflecting the interests of your children.

In square children's rooms are possible two options, both of them well save place. This is the location of the beds from the opposite walls, or at the angle of "head to the head". It is clear that the first emphasizes the personal territory of everyone and is suitable for the warring parties, the second, on the contrary, is good for his brother and sisters living "soul in the soul."

Writing table in the room of different children

Deciding with sleep zone, we turn to written tables. I already mentioned that their choice depends on the size of the room - you can make two small individual seats (as on one of the photos above), or establish one big table. The main thing is that both children receive sufficient lighting and their landing was correct. Read about the selection criteria and see the ideas of the placement of the table in the nursery, I advise you to look, there are interesting photos, for example, how to make two workplaces with one tabletop at the window.

Psychologists believe that children at the table are better to plant a face with each other - they are better engaged and are less distracted. A rather difficult task for a small room, I can advise such an idea - a nominating table on wheels. Such models are used on small-sized kitchens, you can make to order and integrate into the children's interior, it will be something similar as in the photo below.

Registration of interior of the room of different children

I paid a lot of attention to the beds not by chance, from how they will be located, the decoration of the interior of the children's interior depends. It is clear that the room of various children should not be too "girl" or "boy", it is necessary to find something neutral, arranging everyone.

In the design of the room for small kids, such a reception can be used - a single fabulous pattern on the wall, with a small cunning - above each of the beds more emphasis on the gender of the baby sleeping in it. Or just interesting children's wallpapers, and the headboard is decorated with pictures corresponding to the semi of the child.

A radical way to divide the interior of the room on the part - the color of the opposite walls in different colors. Effective reception at which you can safely contribute any children's attribute. But I do not advise you to use strong contrasts (as in the photo below), it may be even more brother and sister, because our task is not to emphasize disagreement, but make the coexistence of children most comfortable and create a design associated with their concomitment.

Traditionally, it is believed that the color of girls is pink, and the boys are blue, but to use them to distinguish the space not quite suitable option. First, boys (especially in the transitional period) often annoyed pink, secondly, the blue is not the most successful color for the nursery, as it suppresses children and makes them sluggish, it is better to mix something in the vigorous, for example, yellow.

Another effective method Visual division of the children's room to personal territories - various kinds of partitions. It is most advisable to use their use in the case when one of the different children is significantly adult, entered the period of puberty, and there is no possibility to select it into a separate bedroom. The teenager must have its own, separated from the baby, the sleep zone and, if possible, a personal desktop. IN small room good decision Maybe, as partition, you can use a dense curtain, a wardrobe or rack. At the same time, do not infringe upon the second child, make sure that the separator does not block the light access in its zone.

Today we talked about how the most comfortable place in one room of two different children and watched photos, I hope this topic was interesting and useful for you!

Create the right I. cozy interior Children's room for different children is a difficult task. After all, you need to take into account the interests of every child. It is also necessary to provide for a boy and girls the necessary personal space for recreation and a zone for playing and learning. In addition, children should be functional, safe and have a beautiful design.

Important questions

Parents of two or three children are necessarily faced with the following issues:

  • How to conveniently post each child?
  • How to maximize space opportunities?
  • Is it possible to settle together boys and girls together?

Each family has its own housing opportunities. And the question of placing children based on the number of free square meters. Well, if you can provide every child on your personal room. And what if you need in one free room to find a place for my son and for my daughter? The solution is very simple. Tell the interior of the children's room for different children in one space, taking into account the wishes of each of them. Over time, they will not only learn to share toys, books and things, but also become friendly.

Location and Square for Children

How to understand whether the area is sufficient in the room for two children? You can refer to the recommendations of sanitary standards. In accordance with them, for one child, the space is required at least 8 square meters. m. despite the fact that the ceiling height should be at least 260 cm. As for two, this figure is multiplied by one and a half times. That is, a bedroom with an area of \u200b\u200b12-16 square meters. m. For two children it is quite suitable. Of course, to put everything you need in the minimum space, you will have to try.

For the younger children you need to highlight the lightest, spacious and warm room in the House. Previously will have to carry out repair work. Non-units will be such actions like:

  • additional insulation of external walls;
  • replacing older window Rams on new hermetic with air function;
  • equipment of several light sources;
  • purchase of specialized furniture.

Where to take an idea for repair?

Create a unique interior of a children's room for all-choice children with their own hands under the power of many parents. Moreover, in journals about repair, television programs can not only be first suitable idea for repair, but also draw necessary knowledge. It is important not to get involved in the design and do not forget about the interests of your own children. Yet to live in the nursery. Children are important to know that their opinion is interested in parents, and their desires are taken into account.

Organization of space

Designers advise young parents, issuing the interior of the children's room for all-choice children, take into account several important factors.

  • First, you should not clutter the space of unnecessary furniture, toys, things. Let the room be subject to the child in this moment. Children's is not a warehouse. Store in it, for example, clothes, from which the child has long grown, should not. The smaller the room will be unnecessary elements, the greater the area will be released for games and classes.
  • Secondly, to save space, pay attention to specialized furniture. In modular designs, developers provide and correct location Beds, and storage system.
  • Thirdly, pick up for each chad required minimum: bed, table with chairs, chest of drawers or wardrobe for things. If after the placement of these items there is still much free space, you can think about the arrangement of the game zone or a sports corner.
  • Fourth, choose for repair work paints without a strong smell, wallpaper natural materials. For outdoor coating Used different materials: Tile, laminate or parquet, linoleum, carpet. Also the bulk sex. Solve yourself, what material will suit you more. Little children spend most of the time on the floor, so it should be warm. In addition, its sanitary qualities are important: how easy it is quickly cleared. For adolescents, the appearance of the surfaces and the possibility fast method Her cleaning.

Color palette

Psychologists note that preschoolers and students of junior and older classes like different colors. Kids are suitable brighter, saturated shades. Schoolchildren choose a combination of contrasting colors. Teens try to arrange a personal space in accordance with their worldview. Therefore, the proposal to puncture the wallpaper of a light shade may be rejected in favor of a dark blue or black palette. Patient parents should listen to the wishes of their children in order not to confrontation with the younger personalities.

How to issue an interior of a children's room for different children of different agesif you don't agree to agree on something? Divide the room in half. Let one part be decorated in one color gammaAnd the second is to another. Try to pick up textiles and furniture so that they are harmonized with each palette.

One idea for two

If children can find a compromise, pick up the themes that will arrange both. Let it be neutral and not released by sex. After all, the flower glade with Faymi is unlikely to love the boy, and the racing route with cars will upset the girl. But, for example, the subject of distant wanderings, sea Travel, underwater or vegetable world Maybe both Cadam. Thematic interior Children's room for different children of different ages, whose photo is available in this article, can help you decide.

Proper zoning of children

During the day, children are engaged in various matters: play, do lessons, spend their free time, communicate with friends and sleep. For each of the activities, the corresponding place must be assigned. It should be noted that children can simultaneously play or teach lessons. At this time, they should not interfere with each other.

In accordance with the activities of each area, each zone must be decorated with a suitable way:

  • for gaming space you can allocate general place in the center of the room;
  • for training activities, it will take a well-lit corner of the room, whenever possible near the window;
  • for the bedroom zone you need to choose a secluded place, limiting it with a curtain, shirma, or correctly placing the bed.

How to equip a small room?

In order for the interior of the children's room for half-choice children at 12 square meters. m. It was functional and accompanied everything, take advantage of the following ergonomic techniques.

  1. Prefer a bunk or modular bed. Determine the right place for the younger child. The baby will hardly climb up, but he can also feel the psychological pressure from above, occupying the lower tier of the bed. Observe him.
  2. The folding table with two jobs will suit the most. The guys should sit behind him near or face to each other.
  3. If in the room one closet, then divide the shelves for clothes in accordance with the growth of children.

The interior of the children's room for half-choice children at 12 square meters. M.: Photo, Recommendations

Pay attention to the location of the furniture on the presented photos. Using the principles of ergonomics, designers saved the maximum space. The color range of small rooms is basically bright, and it is no coincidence. With the help of light paints, you can visually increase the height of the ceilings and the total area.

  1. Repairing independently or trusting the work of professionals, make sure that everything is distributed equally between both children
  2. Interior of the children's room for different children in rectangular room, as well as in equilateral, can be organized in several ways depending on the location of the beds.
  3. Choose the method of placement of sleeping places, taking into account the age of children, because, for example, the kids are better to see each other when they fall asleep, and we want to privacy to teenagers.
  4. Do not forget to choose several lighting scenarios for children: there should be not only the central chandelier, but also a night light near the bed, as well as the lamp on the desktop of each.
  5. Fantasize with the defense, let them be involved in the repair. Then they will appreciate the result. The resulting interior of the children's room for all-choice children in this case will delight all family members.

Children's room for two children necessary measure, the absolute majority of families simply lack the ability to highlight separate room For each child. However, in such a decision, there are its advantages - children become more friendly, because they have joint leisure, entertainment, perhaps even a hobby. In this article, consider all the nuances of the decoration of the children's room for two children.

To ensure that children are full-fledged development, the design of the children's room should begin with the main requirements: safety, functionality and interest.

TO finishing materialsthat will be applied during repair also have mandatory requirements: Strength, environmental friendliness and durability.

Consider in more detail.

Decorating walls

Manufacturers offer many options for decorating walls in the children's room. The most common are: wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster, lining, panel, etc.

What to stay to solve you, rejoice on your preferences, features of the selected style for designing the room, the opinion of children.

Finishing materials in the nursery should easily succumb to cleaning and be as strong as possible.


For the floor decoration is offered many different materials. The most popular - laminate, linoleum, parquet, carpet, ceramic tiles.

Children during games spend a lot of time on the floor, so think about the "warm floor" system at the initial stage of repair. Especially relevant heated floors when using ceramic tiles.

Try to abandon carpets or choose a short pile, extra dust collectors in the children's room.

Organization of lighting

Of course it's best daylightSince it is most optimal for vision and general emotional state. However, it is not always possible to highlight the child room from the sunny side, besides there may be small windows, and in the evening, in any case artificial lighting is needed.

It is necessary to pick up high-quality curtains that the day can be shifted so that sunlight Having freely got into the room, and in the evening and night did not let the lights of the night city.

As artificial lighting the best way The method of individual illumination of functional zones has proven. Indeed, for the zone of study and games you need a bright rich light, but it is necessary for a sleep zone, so the source of soft, slightly muted light. For sleep zone, there will additionally need low night lights on the desktop, and a table lamp must be present on the desktop.

Color spectrum

Most children's psychologists are recommended when making a children's room bright colors, but calm tones. This is especially true for a bed. Too saturated colors annoyingly acting on nervous system And it is difficult for the child to relax and relax. But for the gaming zone, the most motley and rich colors will be suitable.

Criteria for choosing furniture in a nursery

  1. Traumatic security. Children are very mobile and often careless to secure them from possible injuries. Choose furniture devoid of sharp corners and protrusions.
  2. For each age it is advisable to buy appropriate furniture. After all, with age, they change both the needs of children and his growth.
  3. Strength. Choose high-quality and durable furniture so that it should not be changed when children's pranks come out of control.
  4. Choose models that are easy to clean, because the furniture in the nursery is dirty very quickly.
  5. Functionality. Choose furniture that combines several functions. So you save more free space in the room, and it never happens excess, especially if the room is divided by two children.
  6. Mobility. Cleaning in the child's room must be done often and carefully, including under the furniture. Therefore, it will not be superfluous if the furniture in the children's room will be equipped with wheels. Also, so you will save the strength if you want to make a permutation in the room.

Zoning in the children's bedroom for two children

In the room for two children, the area of \u200b\u200bzoning space is more acute than in the nursery for one child, because it is necessary to take into account the interests of everyone and no one to offend.

In the nursery for one child, such zones are distinguished: sleep and recreation, storage, works and studies, games and hobbies. To zonate a room for two children, you can use different approaches:

  • You can zonate the room in the same way as for one child, but to make all zones with common areas. The main difference will be that in some zones there will be several identical objects of furniture, for example, two beds, two desktops.
  • For children of different sex, the decision is relevant to make individual zones for each child, where he will be able to do without having a sister or brother. Especially this option is relevant if children have different character, temperament, hobbies.
  • The combination of the two above methods when some functional zones make shares (as a rule, the zone of games and work zone), and some separate (most often it is a sleep zone, storage)

Consider key features Each functional zone.

Zone for sleep

Sleep zone must provide for children full rest and healthy sleep. One of the most important elements of the bedroom zone is orthopedic mattress. Choose high-quality, eco-friendly models from proven manufacturers.

Color gamut for the design of this zone choose from calm, relaxing tones.

In the children's room for two children, make sure that the sleeping places be equivalent and none of the children felt deprived.

Storage area of \u200b\u200bthings

The main element in the storage zone is the cabinet. Its capacity should be sufficient to easily be placed things of children. It is not necessary to buy two separate cabinets, you can divide the space in a single closet. Here, too, there may be their own nuances. If the room is divided by two boys or two girls, then the closet is divided into half, and if the room is divided by different children, then in the overall wardrobe, for the girl you can allocate a little more space. A small juggling of a guy can be compensated in the design of a sports corner, where a little more orient to the wishes of the boy.

Zone for study

In this functional zone, there should be no distracting elements, and all uncomfortable to study should be at hand. For example, you can hang over the table to hang the shelves where books and notebooks will be stored. For the needs of two children, it is desirable to distinguish two different tables, and to build some artificial partition for example from racks. It is necessary so that they do not interfere with each other while studying.

Game and Entertainment Area

In this zone, almost complete freedom of action is possible when choosing a design. Find unusual motley colors, intricate forms, all sorts of textures - all that will contribute to the development of fantasy in children. Since most games are held on the floor, carpet can be used as the floor covering of this zone. It will not be superfluous and electric heating of the floor.

Miniature children's room

For various reasons, it can all be for the needs of the children's room to highlight a large room, but most often a room for 9-12 square meters and is the largest in the apartment. Do not be upset even on such an area you can equip a convenient and stylish room For two children.

Up to 9 sq.m.

The most difficult one of the options for small rooms, it is quite difficult to place everything you need, but from this situation there is also a way out. For example, instead of a cabinet, and it takes quite a lot of space, you can use the chest of dresser, where it will be stored daily used things, the rest of the clothes can be stored cabinets of other rooms. Alternatives to the bunk bed is practically no. The most suitable style for interior design will be minimalism

Features and nuances of rooms for diverse (or multisput) children

Girl room

Girls, as a rule, nature is not conflict. Most likely, they also have common interests. In the design of the room you can use various bows, stuffed Toys. Textile decor. Refrain from using stereotypical pink colour To decorate the interior of the children's room. Look at the pastel colors. All functional zones, except for sleep zone and study, is quite admissible to unite.

Room for two boys

Guys also often get among themselves, but in order not to have occurred for conflicts. They should have the same. In the room of two boys, learn the place for a sports corner, take the maximum possible area under it. The guys are just necessary to spend their irrepressive energy somewhere, let it be better to be a sports corner.

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Solo Children's Room

This option is more complicated. Most likely, children will have different tastes and interests and ideally for them need different roomsBut if such a possibility is not trying to share the functional zones as much as possible, as well as foresee the places where the guys can die quietly.

Functional zones of children can be issued in different stylesbut need to consider a common strategy external view Rooms. Otherwise, the children's room will not look harmoniously, but will come just closed. Beds are best used separate, not bunk.

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Miscovery room

Even children with a large difference in age can be comfortable place in the same room, the main thing is to support the atmosphere of friendship in the family. Provide for each child the conditions for classes with their affairs and hobbies.

There is an erroneous opinion that you need to focus more on the needs of the younger child, and you can agree with the eldest to give way to. This is fundamentally not true. So the elder will have a feeling of disadvantaged of his interests, and the younger sense of superiority.

If children are all other and diverse, an artificial separation of a room is necessary, at least it concerns the place where you can easily change yourself.

What family does not dream of having two children of different sexes? But growing, the kids create problems not only in the upbringing, but in the placement of them in the same room, when there are no opportunities to provide its room in an apartment or house. As a children's room for all-choice children is issued, it proposes to understand the article.

Layout and zoning

Tip: Before planning the interior, you should consult with the children, ask, in which color scheme it is better to arrange a room, take into account their interests and hobbies, and be sure to take into account the age of the girl and the boy.

A children's room for two singular children for their full life should include four conditional zones:

  • Bedroom.
  • Gaming territory.
  • Place for work.
  • Personal storage area and items.

These zones in the "full composition" are very desirable. But they can be different in size. For example, a children's room for small peaceful children will have a large territory for games, and adolescents will need an increase in the working area.

The most common methods of zoning space:

  • Color.

This is the easiest way to divide space. The room is divided by color differences. At the same time, working areas can be placed by the window, and put the bed along the walls. The center of the room remains common to games.

  • Separation of a children's room for diverse children with partitions and shirm.

For children of different ages, it is better between the bedroom places to arrange a partition. It can be:

  1. shelf;
  2. cupboard;
  3. rack (see);
  4. design of plasterboard;
  5. easy shirma neutral color.

This will allow children to retire on their territory, and do not interfere with each other, do their own business.

  • Use jobs and bed railing.

Decoration of a zone for sleep

The main subject of these zones - beds. They can be located with different options:

  • G - figurative. In this case, during rest, children are head to the head.
  • In parallel to the wall. It is better to place the beds in the room with a rectangular and narrow form. In the spacious room between them you can put a shelf, dividing the territory for different spaces, allowing each child to feel personal space.
  • Perpendicular to the wall.
  • Using bunk beds . But this is possible only for premises where high ceilings and friendly children. Similarly installed beds for three children, as in the photo.

Tip: for narrow extracted form Premises, beds should be placed in parallel along the walls.

  • To save the place of children, you can use furniture-transformer, It can be a sofa bed or folding chair.

Game Zone

An integral part of the lives of healthy developing children are games, dancing, lasagna, jumping. What kids are less, the more space you need to be diverted for the gaming zone.


  • Boys prefer games that develop them physically.
  • Girls more like creative classes.

Tip: Optimal option For this part of the room - the presence of a Swedish wall, and a table with chairs. This will allow Cadam tighten, draw, engage in another favorite thing.

Jone for work

Basic elements of the working area:

  • Table (see).
  • Stool.
  • A computer.
  • Bookshelves.
  • Local lighting.

Tip: For schoolchildren, sisters and brother, jobs need to be provided to everyone that in the children's room there was a peaceful atmosphere.

Convenient option - Bed-attic: on top on it placed sleeping placeAnd below is a convenient "Cabinet" for work. But for two beds it will take a lot of space, so for another schoolchildren is issued its workplace.

You can accommodate the window or along the entire wall a long table top, which will combine two jobs. Its size is chosen so that they can fully accommodate two engaged in the child at the same time.

Tip: If children have a big difference in age, you should not borrow big table Space in the room. In this case, the elder child will work, and the youngest is to play.

Wardrobe in childish

Children, as well as adults are needed roomy and convenient cabinet (see), for storing clothes, shoes, bed linen. In addition, in the children's room, one of the kids is a girl who always needs more free shelves in the cabinets.

If the room is too small and there is no room to install a full cabinet, you can equip small places for storing primary importance. It will give the opportunity to the kids to take order. Fit advanced drawers, located under the bed, bedside tables, or two small chests. In this case, the rest of the children's belongings should be placed in another room - in the hallway or in the living room.

Room lighting and color

Whatever the options for children's rooms for different children were not selected, the color and lighting of the room play an important role. Ideally, when the color gamut room will meet the preferences and requirements of each of their children.

Usually colors are selected:

  • For boys - blue.
  • For girls - pink.

However, preference is to give a compromise, in which the colors will be perceived positively by both children, it will help to avoid the formation of their complexes. It is better to choose the color gamut of the room more relaxed and universal.

It may be shades:

  • Yellow.
  • Saladovoe.
  • Orange.
  • Combination of the above colors.

You can use neutral colors in combination with bright animation items, apply an image of your favorite children's heroes on the wallpaper. The zoning of space can be realized by various wallpaper, in color scheme, style and structure.

Special care requires a lighting device in the children's room.

  • Lighting should be sufficient for work, games and for sleep. The light should not be obsessive, bright.
  • At the request of each child you can install night lights.
  • Lighting helps zoning the room, soften or emphasize the defined areas.
  • Lighting devices can be light sources and decorative elements.
  • The location of the main interior items.

Registration of children's different square

Very often in apartments, the area of \u200b\u200bchildren's rooms does not exceed 12 m². In this case, each centimeter, but I do not want the room to be overloaded with unnecessary objects. However, they should be enough for the cozy residence of children.

When placing such a room, you need to:

  • The walls are performed in bright colors, possibly strips.
  • To expand space, it is better to use 3D pavements of the sky; The device around the perimeter of the diode lighting room.
  • From furniture you can use:
  1. two-storey bed S. drawers and with built-in shelves;
  2. desk or transformer at the window;
  3. folding drawing board, table.
  • For storage - a small depth of a locker or a small chest; The maximum number of items is better to "raise" on the shelves.
  • Partitions are preferably made from through racks.

How to arrange a children's room for children of different sex shows the video in this article.

Design for children's area 16 m²

The instruction on the design of the children offers:

  • You can use the division of the room space on the curtains or color.
  • Each child has its own bed or a baby-attack.
  • You can install one long tabletop for two or use two separate compact tables, with two computers.
  • The locker with the average sizes, divided for two children.

Design for children's area 18 m²

With such an area, you can make a children's room using a variety of different design solutions. The price at the same time may be like the lowest and expensive. Here you can show all your fantasy and the desire of children. But it must be remembered that when the "Larker" solving is a bedroom with large furniture for zones, competent and sufficient lighting should be arranged.

Cozy decorated children's rooms for different children allow us to get each of the children their own corner, where they can:

  • Sleep to sleep.
  • Actively play.
  • It is convenient to work and learn.

It all depends on parents.