Repairs Design Furniture

What instruments need to build wooden stairs. How to build a ladder from concrete in the house. How to make a wooden staircase in the country

Building a house at least in 2 floors, you must certainly think about the stairs in it. And if the house will be built with your own hands, logical and staircase also do.

Different photos of stairs help make a preliminary choice and clearly understand what type of lifting you need. But before it is to take for work, carefully consider the future design for strength and sizes, it will save time and money, because the wrong calculations (or the absence of them) will lead to numerous alterations of the original project.

Types of stairs

Exists a large number of different options staircase marches. They differ in manufacturing material (wood, concrete or metal), lifting type (common staircase, screw, with a rotation of a certain degree).

The most common is a staircase made of wood. Also often build a staircase with a turn of 90 degrees. Not a rare option when these two types of lifting devices are combined into one.

In the case of limited space, make a screw staircase made of metal. The screw type of lifting allows you to save space, and the manufacture of metal is to increase the strength of the structure. Concrete is used for stairs in massive buildings (for example, mansions).

What to pay attention to

In a low-rise building, not having experience construction, it is better to order modular staircase, such a designer, where all the details are drinking and numbered, and you can only gather them using the instruction. So usually make wooden stairs.

When building a staircase from concrete, except for the fill of the frame, you will need to perform exterior decoration (beautiful stone or wood materials). It turns out a double spending time and money. However, for cottages in 3 or more floors, they are mandatory for fire safety requirements.

By doing the staircase for the first time, you do not need to wade immediately on the complex design. The easier it is the model - the more likely that you will succeed with the first attempt to successfully build this lifting tool.

Pay attention to the angle of inclination of the stairs: if it is more than 45 degrees, the ladder will be considered an appropriate, and you can only go back on it back. Optimal angle Lifting is considered an indicator of 37 degrees.

A tree as a material for the construction is preferable, as it allows, due to its properties, to correct small construction of construction, which arose due to inaccurate calculations and inexperienced by the artist.

Also after construction, the building can settle due to a loose soil, as a result of the staircase is able to become higher or below the floor to several centimeters, and fix it is easier to wooden design.

When building lifting with a turn to meet, the distance between the spans should be at least 100 mm.

Stages of the building

Answering the question how to make a staircase to the second floor with their own hands, several stages of construction are distinguished.

The first stage of any facility, be it a staircase in the house, or inter-storey staircaseis the creation of the project. Particular attention needs to be paid to the safety of building and its convenience in use.

The construction must be withstanding medium weight ordinary person with a fair margin. Be sure to use the railing!

If there are no, another fence must be designed to ensure the safety-lifting safety.

Consider the creation of a wooden staircase with Kosomers

After you designed your construction, you need to prepare materials. In our case, choose the boards of suitable thickness and length, prepare balasins with railings and harvesting the boosters. It will be the second stage of construction.

As a material for the Kosomrov, a pine board is suitable for 4 cm thick. On it, they will place steps and drank the electrolovka.


We use the resulting product as a sample for the second (and if the width of the stairs is greater than the meter then the third) of the Kosher. I wrote in size required amount steps.

The third stage will make the assembly of all the details together. First of all, the cosos are installed on the places of their permanent placement. Then with the help of self-tapping screws attach steps to Kosomers.

Then, using studs, sit on the stage of the baluster, and they are attached to the handrails. The staircase is ready!

Stock Foto Stairs do it yourself


Modern country or country houses rarely build single-storey, mostly two-story, three-story or single-storey with dersighted floor Buildings. In this case, there is always a need to somehow make it possible to high-quality movement between floors. A successful solution will be the manufacture of wooden stairs, which could provide a comfortable approach and broach heavy furniture or technology. Let's say right away - it's not easy. And if you can order at least a project or even finished elements Stairs from the manufacturer, it is better to do so. Well, if you are confident in your abilities, you have carpentry skills and free times, you can try to make a staircase yourself. As part of this article, we briefly tell about which design there are stairs, how to calculate and how to make a staircase.

Design of wooden staircase

It is necessary to choose the design of the staircase at the rate of space, which can be used, convenience, configuration and lifting, as well as from aesthetic considerations.

Conditionally, all wooden stairs can be divided into screw and marches.

Screw stairs Used quite rarely. Basically under conditions of extremely limited space. The second reason may be the wish of the owner - from aesthetic considerations. It is worth noting that the screw staircases are low-functional. For example, making heavy furniture on it is extremely difficult. In other words, it can only serve for descent - lifting one person. For its manufacture, it will be necessary to perform complex calculations, as it will be relying on one post - support. The slightest error in strength calculations can lead to sad consequences.

Marsey stairs - the most common. They consist of them marches, they are also called "staircase span", i.e. directly steps and sites that shake marches. Marsh can be both one and several. And the sites may not be at all if the staircase is single.

Movie stairs can have various designYou can consider them in detail on the scheme below.

There are direct march stairs. At the same time, they can be single-hour and two-wing, separated for the convenience of moving the platform. Such stairs can be located at the wall or do not rely on the wall at all. Characteristic feature Direct stairs is that they occupy a lot of space.

Most often, two-page rotary stairs are made to save space and ease of use between floors inside the house. Rotate can be at a right angle (90 °) or at any other angle, up to 180 °.

The march can have a curvilinear design with a comfortable angle to enter the staircase. In this case, all steps can also be swivel.

Also, two-hours and three-time stairs may not have playgrounds, but only swivel steps.

To properly choose the design of the staircase for a particular situation, it is necessary to make measurements of the free space, which can be used under the stairs, make small calculations and draw the drawing. The drawing should be visible, as the staircase is located, whether its elements do not interfere and as far as it is comfortable.

Elements of wooden stairs

At the above photo, the elements from which the stairs consist are, and their names are indicated.

Kosourceit is a carrier beam that supports the steps and prevent from the bottom. All loads come to him.

ATTIV Also performs a supportive function. At the same time, there are grooves in which they are becoming a stage. This design Used on the one hand, if the staircase adjoins the wall, and on both sides - if the march is clamped between the two walls. The string is less preferable than Kosor for the reason that it is not capable of withstanding heavy loads. Therefore, even in case of adjusting the stairs to the wall, they still try to perform it on the cosos.

Steps For stairs - wooden beamsconsist of a sticking (horizontal) and risers (vertical). We are on the surface of the sticky we are legs. And the risers is a vertical beam under the step, which protects the spacing space and performs a supporting function. You can perform ladders without a risk, in this case the space of the stage will be free, the foot will not rest, but the design will be less durable and reliable.

Steps can be rectangular, radius for a beautiful climbing on the staircase, swivel at a certain angle to replace the separation platform and run-fast - the first stage of non-standard form.

Perila For stairs - wooden bales and handrails. Their shape and size may be different. Basically, the railing is made to order, in the form that the customer wishes.

If the staircase is more than single, in its design enters support Pollor posts in places turning the stairs.

Before entering the manufacture of the stairs, it is necessary to make calculations and perform the drawing. On the stairs, wooden drawings are manufactured both independently and with the help of special architectural programs. In the latter, you can also perform calculations. A good solution will contact the company specializing in wooden stairs. So you can be confident in the quality and accuracy of calculations.

Calculation of a wooden staircase

The number of steps and the height of the riser

To determine the height of the staircase, you measure the distance from the base of the first floor of the first floor to the first floor of the second floor. If the pure floor is not yet equipped, then its dimensions must be embedded at the calculation of the "eye". Because the wooden staircase is only on the finishing floor. In this case, we will take that height from the floor to the ceiling - 250 cm, thickness inter-storey overlap Together with the floor - 35 cm. Total 285 cm.

We make a calculation, pushing out the height of the riser. The fact is that most often this size is standard and is in the range from 15.2 to 19.7 cm. It is believed that this height is the most optimal for ease of use. Little - will shoot down a step. Big - too heavy for lifting and difficult to descend. From this interval we take the average value (you can take any) - 17 cm.

Number of steps \u003d the height of the stairs / the height of the riser;

Since the number of steps can not be uneven, rounded in most side - 17 pieces.

At the same time, we have two ways. We can make the first running step to make a little, and the rest with a riser at 17 cm. And we can recalculate and get a more accurate, but uneven result.

For this, the height of the stairs is divided into the number of steps: 285/17 \u003d 16.76 cm.

So we can perform 17 identical steps with the riser of 16.7 cm.

It is believed that the minimum for convenience of the width of the sticking should be 22 cm, and the maximum 37 - 40 cm. If less - it will be difficult to descend, if more - a step will be shot down.

For a more accurate calculation there is a dependence:

  1. 2a + b \u003d 64 cm;
  2. a + b \u003d 47 cm;

a - the height of the riser;

b - width of the sticking.

Let's try on the second formula: 47 cm - 16.7 cm \u003d 30.3 cm. Such width is quite acceptable, we can round it up to 30 cm.

For the sake of interest, we calculate according to the second formula: 2a + 16.7 \u003d 64; a \u003d 23.65 cm. Such width is too small, so we use the data obtained from the previous formula.

Width Marsh Wood Staircase

In principle, the march width is not rigidly regulated, but the number of marches will depend on the place that can be used for the stairs.

It is believed that the minimum convenient march width is 80 cm. If the staircase is already, there will be difficulties with the passage full people Or with rig furniture. The options from 100 to 140 cm will be successful.

In order for the entire design of the stairs to look organically, you can use this tip: the march width must be a multiple width of the sticky. In our case, it is 60 cm, 90 cm, 120 cm and 160 cm.

Length of stairs

For calculations of the length of the stairs, we will need only two meanings that we have already calculated, this is the width of the sticking and the number of steps.

Staircase length \u003d width sticking * number of steps (without the last - it will be the floor of the second floor);

30 * 16 \u003d 480 cm.

4 meters and 80 cm - Pretty big length, which "bissing" a lot of space.

Therefore, if there is no possibility to equip such a staircase in one march and directly, you will have to change the design and make it two-hours with a rotation of 180 °. In this case, you can make a dividing platform, and you can make swivel steps. Such calculations are most conveniently produced in special programs, it will also be clearly visible to the location of the elements of the stairs.

The height of the lumen over the steps

An important parameter. The beginning of the march of the staircase is almost always under the ceiling, thus reducing the free space above the head of the stairs.

Even at the stage of creating the drawing, it is necessary to calculate the height from the highest stage under the ceiling, to the ceiling. The minimum allowable value capable of providing a convenient approach to the stairs even the most high people, amounts 195 - 200 cm.

Length of Kourow

Calculated on the Pythagora theorem.

Length of the stairs2 + the height of the stairs2 \u003d the length of the Kourow2;

4802 + 2852 \u003d Course Length2;

230400 + 81225 \u003d Course Length2;

Length of Kourow \u003d. 558,23 See with a reserve of 560 or 580 cm.

How to make a wooden staircase

Most. simple decision Will be ordered in the company project and ready-made elements of the stairs, with all the necessary cutouts. All items will be numbered. After the stairs are disassembled to the construction, the wooden stairs are assembled using the attached drawing and the diagram. So you do not have to buy a special tool for trimming and dusting in the house.

We buy material for the wooden stairs

If you decide to perform self installation Wooden stairs, start with the purchase of building materials.

For the taper or cosomes, a timber is needed 50 * 250 mm. The minimum width of it can be 150 mm if the design of the stairs allows.

For concerns, get the beam with a thickness of at least 25 mm, you can also take thicker.

For commenced beams, it is better to take from 30 to 40 mm. And can be the same as for concerns.

Handrails and balusters order from the manufacturer or buy ready-made, so to make them yourself and beautiful, you need to have considerable experience, knowledge and skills.

Install the Kosouras or the Tutor

The beam, which is bought for the kosomrov, cut up from above and below so that the necessary length of the staircase is obtained. Then cut off the thickness of one sticky, i.e. 5 cm.

Important! The fact is that when we made the calculation of the number of coming, we did not take into account the thickness of the steps. It is really not important for the whole design, except for the first stage - its height does not increase on the thickness of the sticky.

We scream superfluous. It is better to use an electrobrice or saw. But for lack of hand, you can use a hand saw.

Then put Kosur to the place where the staircase will be. His upper edge should be restarted, and the bottom tightly rests on the floor of the first floor. Check the horizontal of marbles for steps.

Important! We need two such cosomers, but depending on the loads that the staircase should be withstanding the staircase, can be more. In this case, we drink all the others using the first as a pattern.

Carefully stabbing all the surfaces. If there is a need for freserving the outer edges, making roundings (for beauty).

Below and at the top of the boom, it is necessary to combine the beam among themselves. To do this, drink them to a quarter from below and on top. Fix to a thick beam anchor bolts. If it is possible to fix the cosos to the walls, then also use anchor.

If we use one tutor, it must be cut to the desired length. Then cut inside with a cutter cutter - recesses for steps. To the wall of the string is fixed by anchors.

Important! Check correct location Forests and Kouryra on the other hand, they should be placed on the same level so that the steps do not have a slope.

Install the steps and risers

After the cosos are tightly fixed, we begin to put the opponse.

To do this, we cut the beam on the required number of risers of a certain length. Less them relative to each other and sand.

Fix against the Kosher with self-proofs from the front side. Then we covered them or hide under decorative elements. You can also use special glue.

When all the precepts are installed, proceed to the steps - expare.

To do this, we also cut the beam on the number of stages minus one. Then they whirl their surface and the cutting angle protruding the outer edge.

Then we put them on top of the risers and fasten with self-draws or screws.

Important! If we use the theater on the one hand, then insert the stage into the groove, carved in the theeture, pre-slipping the edge of the stage and the hole in the tutor.

We establish balusters on the steps and fasten with studs of 100 mm long and 8 mm thick.

We are installed on top and fix the railing screws.

On this work completed, only painting of a wooden staircase remained. For better wood safety, while retaining its natural beauty, you can use special transparent lacquer coatings.

In this article we looked at the manufacture of a wooden staircase with their own hands. If the project involves the ladder of another design, then the installation will be different. For example, for a two-hours staircase, the first thing is established and fixed the platform and the reference column, and then the boosters, preceptive and steps are already installed. Some steps in this case may not be straight, but swivel and rounded.

Modern cottages country houses It is rarely one-story, mostly they have two or three floors, if in the construction of only one floor, then it is complemented by an attic.

The need to use the stairs

In these cases, there is a need for high-quality movement good decision There will be the manufacture of a wooden staircase, with which it will be possible to even ensure the lifting of heavy furniture or technique items. Conducting such works can not be called simple processIf there is an opportunity to order a project, then experts advise to do this. However, if you have carpentry skills and completely confident in your abilities, you can start making structures yourself.

Components of a wooden staircase

In order to understand how to make stairs independently, it is necessary to initially deal with the design features of the product and its main parts. Thus, Kosur is a carrier beam, which is designed to support preceptive and levels from below. It is on this element that accounts for all the load. The manufacture of screw wooden stairs implies the use of a tutor that is necessary for performing a support and bearing function. In this element there are notches in which the steps should be headed. The valuation is not so preferable as Kosur, for the reason that it is not able to undergo large loads. Even if the staircase is adjacent to the wall, they still try to make it on the cosos. Steps are wooden beams that have a sticky and risers. The first are horizontally, while the second is vertically. A person will attack on the surface of the sticky. Whereas the risers are a vertical beam located under the step. It protects the space and supports the design. Quite often, the stairs are made without the use of the risk, in this case the space will remain free, the foot will not rest, but the design in this case is not so reliable and durable.

For reference

If you are made by the manufacture of wooden stairs for the house, then you must take into account the moment that the steps can be radius, rectangular, which looks very nice. Sometimes they are performed by swivels under some angle to replace the separation platform. If you want your staircase to look attractive, you should choose the railing, which are represented by handrails and balasines. Their size and form may turn out to be completely different. As a rule, these components are manufactured to order in the form that the consumer wishes.

If the design of the staircase assumes the presence of more than one march, then the support pillar is used, which is sometimes replaced by columns in those places where the staircase turns.

Width sticky

The manufacture of wooden stairs with their own hands, the drawings of which you can prepare yourself or entrust the work of professionals, provides for proper definition Shorty widths. According to the rules, the smallest width of the sticking should be 22 centimeters, as for the maximum value, it changes from 37 to 40 centimeters. If this figure is less, it will be quite problematic to descend, if more, the step will be shot down.

Select design

Manufacturing a wooden staircase should begin with a selection constructive features Products. It is important to take into account the number of free space you have. It should take into account the aesthetic considerations. If we say conditionally, then all the stairs can be divided into march and screw, the last species are used quite rarely, mainly in cases where the free space is extremely limited. Among other things, the screw staircases are low-functional. If there is a need to put heavy furniture, then it will be extremely difficult to do it. It can serve solely for lifting or descending one person.

What you need to know the master

For making manipulations, quite complex calculations will be required, since the opiir will occur on one post, or rather support. The manufacture of a wooden staircase can be carried out on the basis of the marching structure, which is the most common. The composition has staircases, steps and platforms that are divided by a march.

Preparation of material

The manufacture of a wooden staircase should begin with the purchase of lumber. For the manufacture of Kosomov or the Testa, the bar is needed, the cross section of which is 50 x 250 millimeters. As a minimum width, 150 millimeters perform, which is true for the case when the design allows.

For the manufacture of preventation should be purchased, minimal thickness which should be 25 millimeters, more massive material can be used. For coming, it is best to suit the beams from 30 to 40 millimeters. Wooden staircase manufacturing technology provides compliance certain rules. Thus, you can order bales and handrails from the manufacturer or purchase finished video. Some experts make them independently, but it is quite difficult, for this you need to have certain equipment and experience.

Installation of Kosomers and Tales

If you make the manufacture of a wooden staircase, then the beam purchased for the cosomers, it is necessary to cut down and on top in such a way that the desired length of the stairs is obtained. After that, the bottom should be cut down the thickness of one sticking, which will be 5 centimeters. Making the calculation of the number of coming, you can not take into account the thickness of the steps. It is not so important for the design, with the exception of the first stage, its height should be increased on the thickness of the sticky. Wooden stairs, the manufacture of themselves which you can produce, provide for drinking opening in a boom for steps. At the construction kit, it is necessary to note the height of the preventation, and after - the width of the sticking, from this value you need to take 4 centimeters. Now the pencil should be transferred to the internal base of the beam. The master should be unnecessary, for which it is best to use a saw or electric logsik. However, if there are no such tools in stock, you can apply manual saw. If you decide to produce a wooden staircase with your own hands, then you need to put Kosur to the place where the staircase will be located. Her upper edge should be restarted, and the lower - in the floor of the first floor. Next, it should be analyzed how horizontally is the locked for steps.

Nuances of work

Kosomrov will need two, however, depending on the loads that the staircase should undergo, they can be more. It will be necessary to prepare the rest using the first as a template. The entire surface must be processed by the skin. If necessary, the outer edges need to be treated with a mill, making them rounded, so the design will look more aesthetic.

From above and below, the boosters should be connected by the beams among themselves. For which you should cut them on a quarter from above and below. To the thick beam, you should make fasteners using if you have ability to fix the boosters to the walls, and the anchors will also need to be applied. When using one theater, it should be cut down in such a way that it gains the desired length. After inside it is necessary to produce drank with a cutter, making the holes that will be recessed to set the steps. To the surface of the wall of the string is fixed by anchors. The Master must analyze how correctly Kosor and the ATTIENT is located on the other hand, they must be on the same level, only this will be able to exclude the slope of the steps.

Installation of risters and steps

Wooden stairs, manufacture, mounting which you can produce yourself, suggest a dense fixation of the cosos, as soon as these manipulations have been implemented, you can start setting up the opponse. For this, the beam must be cut to the desired number of risers of the desired length. These elements should be fired relative to each other, and after sanding. The mount should be carried out to the Kosouro with the help of self-tapping screws, establishing them from the front side. Holes after that can be sharpened or hide with decorative elements. Some specialists use special glue for this. When the risers are installed, it will be possible to start steps. To do this, cut the beam to the number of steps you need. After this workpiece milling. Then these elements are installed on top of the risers and recorded with screws, which are sometimes replaced by self-draws. If you use the tutor on the one hand, the sticking will need to be inserted into the groove that is cut into the tutor. The edge of the stage will first need to lure, like holes in the tutor.

The manufacture and installation of wooden stairs can be produced by any domestic master, but this should be guided by technology. Balyasits must be installed on the steps, and then are fixed with a pin 100mm length, the fastener thickness should be 8 millimeters. From above are installed and fixed using the railing screws. This can be assumed that the work is completed, it will only remain paint the staircase. This will save wood, emphasizing her natural beauty. Quite often, experts use transparent varnish coatings. So the product will look more natural. If the interior assumes the presence of relevant items, the staircase will harmoniously fit into the space.

Wooden staircase makes it quite simple enough. However, there are a number of nuances, which depends on the convenience and even the safety of movement. I will talk about all the subtleties of the construction of a wooden design so that you do not allow errors in the process.

All the work on the manufacture of the ladder can be consecrated into two main stages:

  1. Design;
  2. Build construction.


The staircase is enough complex design, Therefore, it is simply impossible to make it high quality without a detailed project, especially newcomer. The design process can be divided into three main stages:

Step 1: Definition type design

Everything existing species Stairs can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • Screw. The peculiarity of such structures is that they contain only running steps located around the central pillar. It is advisable to use them if there is a minimum space in the room.
    Keep in mind that such stairs are uncomfortable in operation, as well as quite complex in the manufacture. Therefore, I would not recommend novice to take for the construction of a screw staircase;

  • Movie.These stairs have smooth marches (staircases). They are more comfortable and safe in operation. However, keep in mind that the marching stairs occupy more space indoors.

The marching stairs in turn are divided into several subspecies:

  • Single-one.Consist of one direct staircase;
  • Rotary S. running steps . May have several staircase spans, between which the swivels are located (running steps);

  • Swivel with staircases.Between the marches of these stairs are equal platforms. Such stairs are more convenient to use, but take more space indoors;

  • "Duck step". The peculiarity of these stairs is the steps of the paddle-shaped form, which are pairwise installed in the opposite direction. As a result, you can become only one foot to the step, hence the name of their name.

Such stairs are less convenient, but they can be very cool, i.e. The angle of inclination may exceed 40-45 degrees.

Select the type of design follows depending on the conditions in the room and your requirements. If there is little space, you can make a staircase type " duck Step", Which requires the minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe floor of the first floor. If pensioners or little children live in the house, it is better to sacrifice space, but to do rotary staircase With marching grounds.

Stage 2: Calculate the stairs

At this stage you need to decide on such important parameters Stairs like:

  • The number of compensated;
  • The height of the risers;
  • The angle of inclination of the stairs;
  • March length;
  • The area that the staircase will take on the first floor.

Any staircase must be comfortable and safe. To do this, when performing calculations, the following rules must be followed:

  • Dimensions of steps.The height cannot be made more than 190 mm and less than 160 mm. The width of the sticking should not be less than 220 mm and more than 330 mm.
    Keep in mind that all the steps should be the same height and width, otherwise the staircase will succeed;
  • The number of steps in the staircase span.The most comfortable value is 11-15 steps. If they are more, it is desirable to divide the staircase with a platform.
    In addition, it is desirable that the march had an odd number of steps so that the person end the descent or the rise of the same foot, which was moved by the stairs;
  • Marsham width.Must be at least 90-100 mm;
  • Height railing.At least 90 cm.

Calculation of the number of steps.Before you begin the calculation of the stairs, you need to measure the height between the floors, as well as the area allocated under the staircase. For example, height between floors, i.e. The height of the stairs in our case is 3 m.

Now you can proceed to calculate the number of steps and the height of the risers. These two parameters are interconnected.

To calculate the number of steps, you need to divide the distance between the first floor floor and the floor of the second floor, to the height of the steps. The latter can be anywhere in 160-190 mm. For example, take a height of 180 mm, in which case we have the number of steps it turns out 300/18 \u003d 16.6 pieces.

Since we need an even quantity, adjust the height by separating the total height on the number of steps - 300/17 \u003d 17.6 cm. In fact, the staircase will have 16 steps, since the last stage is the floor of the second floor.

The calculation of the width of the sticky.There is a formula for calculating convenient staircase - a + b \u003d 470 mm, where:

  • a -Vostotka;
  • b - Shining sticky.

From this formula, we obtain the width of the sticking 47-17.6 \u003d 29.4. This size is quite within the limits of allowed.

Calculation of march length.Now it remains to calculate only the length of the march, i.e. The length of its projection on the floor. For this it is necessary to multiply the width to multiply by the number of steps - 29.4x17 \u003d 499.8 ~ 5 m.

Since the staircase is sufficiently long, it is advisable to make it a swivel consisting of two marches. In this case, the first march will have eight steps, including the platform, and the second march - nine steps, taking into account the floor of the first floor.

The width of the site should be equal to the width of the march, i.e. not less than 90-100 cm.

If necessary, you can correct the parameters of the stairs under the conditions in the room - change the height of the risers and the width of the sticky. The main thing is that these parameters remain within the limits permissible.

Calculation of the length of the Kooowar or the guards.The calculation of the Kooower is performed on the Pythagoreo theorem - the length of the staircase in the square + the height of the stairs in the square \u003d the length of the Kourow in the square.

Stage 3: make up drawing

Now you need to prepare the drawing by which you will produce the details of the stairs. To do this, we will first consider the details that include the design of the ladder from the tree:

  • Kosur. The carrier beam on which the steps are stacked. As a result, Kosur perceives the entire load when moving along the stairs;

  • ATTA.Also is a carrier beam. From the Kourow differs in the absence of cutouts under the step, as a result of which the adoptions are connected to the beam.
    For fastening the exhaust to the tutor in it, the recesses are milling or attached to the bars, which are placed coming;

  • Stages.Consist of two elements - a sharpening (horizontal board), the riser (vertical board, which is located under the step). It must be said that the design of the wooden staircase may not have risers, especially if it is based on the growths.

How best to make a staircase - on crouches or asserts? The design on the growths is performed faster and easier, since there is no need to make cutouts under steps, however, the staircase on the cosoms is able to withstand a larger load.

Production of stairs

Consider how the staircase made of wood is made with your own hands. This process can be consecrated to several stages:

Step 1: Preparation of Kosomers

The work is done like this:

Illustrations Description of action

Materials.At this stage, prepare the boards with a cross section of 40 x 300 mm.

Preparation of beams.Cool boards 40x300 mm along the length of the Kooowa according to the project calculations.

Marking of the Kourow.To apply markup, use the construction kit. With it, mark the location of the steps and risers, as shown in the photo.

Keep in mind that the angle of the sticky and the Kouryer must correspond to the angle of inclination. To not be mistaken in the calculations, you can perform the following actions:

  • Fix Kosur in the working position;
  • Mix the line of trimming the bottom of the board, which will rely on the floor;
  • Mark the first promotion and risers. In the process of marking, use the level so that the step is in parallel.
    The distance from the cut line to the first sticking should be equal to the height of the stage;
  • Apply the markup of the remaining coming and risers, focusing on the marking of the first stage.

Cutout Kouryra.Carefully perform cutouts with a hacksaw, an electric bike or another tool.

On the same scheme, do all other boosters.

So that the pair boosters turned out are absolutely the same, use the first Kosourg as a template - attach it to the board and circle a pencil.

Stage 2: Frame assembly

Now it is necessary to make the remaining elements of the staircase frame, and install them. Work is carried out like this:

Illustrations Description of action

Materials. In addition to the buildings for the assembly, you will need:
  • Bar 70x70 mm or 100x100 mm;
  • Boards 40x300 mm;
  • A glass for a bar (fastener);
  • Carpentry glue.

Mount Kourow to the wall:
  • Fix settlement on the wall in the working position;
  • Make sure Kosor is installed correctly. To do this, attach the level to cuttings under steps - they must be located strictly horizontally;
  • Secure the beam with anchors or screws (if the wall is wooden);
  • Similarly, attach to the wall of Kosur's second span.

So that the beams are located correctly, it is desirable to apply marking on the walls.

Installation support pillar:
  • Give the location of the support post for the landing;
  • Secure the pillar on the floor using a special glass and dowel-nail.
  • Return from the installed post 10 cm (the distance between the spans), and install the second pillar to which the top span beam will be relying.

Post markup.Mark the place of the junction of the second rower on the column. To do this, you can use a laser or water level.

Installation of the second rower:
  • Place the junction of the Kourow with a post. Treat with carpentry glue. Previously, the joint is preferably erected.
  • Connect Kosur with a pillar;
  • FROM back side Pole screw multiple self-tapping screws, drilled holes for them.

Installation of the cower of the second span.The beam is attached to the post on the same principle as Kosur first span.

Assembling site frame:
  • If the site is adjacent to the walls, fasten the 40x300 mm on the platform wall at the site level;
  • If the platform does not adjoin the walls, install additional supports, and roll them with the rails, as shown in the photo example.

On this montage of the frame is completed. If you have a staircase direct and without a site, then all the work on the frame assembly is reduced to the installation of two cosomers.

Stage 3: Ladder Casing

The staircase of the stairs is as follows:

Illustrations Description of action

Materials.At this stage we will need:
  • Wooden boards 30x300 mm;
  • Carpentry glue;
  • Lining.

Marking of steps and coming:
  • Apply markup on the board according to the size of the proceeding and risers;
  • If the shootings have a rounded form, put markup with the aid.

Cutting details.Use for these purposes an electrolovka or other tool.

In addition to coming and risters, you will also need boards for the staircase of the staircase.

Keep in mind that commencement should hang over the opponent for centimeter-two.

Drilling holes:
  • Apply on the details the layout of the location of the screws;
  • Drill holes.

Processing of the joints of the details of the glue.Use for this joinery glue.

Installation of steps and risers.Secure the details of the self-drawing.

Space cover under the stairs:
  • Secure the rail on the floor under the outer settlement, as shown in the photo;
  • Cover the space between the floor and the staircase. Boards are attached to the lower rail and Kosouro, as well as join with each other in the castle.

Top Masha:
  • Secure the rails between the Kosomers;
  • Attach the lining with self-draws to the boosters and transverse rails.

Stage 4. Mounting railing

Now you can proceed to the installation of the railing. Balasins and handrails are more expedient to buy ready-made, since without the appropriate equipment to make them beautiful difficult. At the same time, the price of them is small - the value of figure balasine from pine begins on average from 100 rubles per piece.

The process of installing Balyasin and the railing looks like this:

Illustrations Description of action

Materials.For the arrangement of the railing you will need:
  • Balacine set;
  • Handrails;
  • Sucks;
  • Malyary glue.

Installation of waders under balusters:
  • Apply markup on sticking up so that all the sewages are located on the same line;
  • Drill the holes on the diameter of the waders;
  • Mix the holes with joinery glue;
  • Drink into the openings of the sewage.

Installing a baluster.The instruction looks like this:
  • Drill in the lower end of the balaasine hole under the wanking;
  • Launch the hole with glue;
  • Put on a bassine on the wanking;
  • If the balassine is located close to the sticking, it can be additionally "grab" by self-draws.

Preparation of Balyasin to the installation of the handrail.Cut the upper part of the columns at an angle equal to the angle of inclination of the staircase march.

Fastening handrails to extreme columns:
  • Place the adjustment of the handrail to the columns to handle glue;
  • Screw the screws from the bottom to the handrail of the formation, so that they entered the column, as shown in the photo.

Fastening handrails to intermediate bassins.
  • Balacine adjoining places to the handrail. Treat carbon black glue.
  • Screw the screws of the vbialasins, blame the handrail.

The process of manufacturing a wooden staircase is almost completed. Now it remains only to perform the finish finish.

Stage 5: Finish finish

As a rule, in the process finish finish Wooden stairs with their own hands are covered with varnish, mourn or impregnation. This operation is carried out in such a sequence:

Illustrations Description of work

Materials.For the finish finish you will need:
  • Wood putty (selected by tree color);
  • Paintwork.

  • Remove any dust and dirt from the surfaces that you will spit;
  • Fill out the putty deepening of the hats of the screws, as well as small cracks and other flaws of wood if they are;
  • The surface immediately align with a narrow spatula;
  • After pouring the putty, it is necessary to clean it with the surface of the sandpaper.


Dust removal.Let the surface of the stairs or wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

  • Apply varnish with a thin smooth layer with a brush;
  • After drying the surface, apply varnish again;
  • Upon completion of the varnishing, the surface should be polished.

Wooden staircase is desirable to cover with matte varnish or impregnation. A glossy varnish-covered can be slippery and unsafe for movement.

As you can see, the stairs on the second floor are simply manufactured enough, so it is enough to have basic skills to work with a tree.


We reviewed the process of making a staircase with all the main nuances and subtleties, and now you can independently take care. I recommend viewing the video in this article. If in the process of work you will come across any difficulties - write comments, and I will gladly help you.

The construction of the stairs in the house is the process of not easy, but performed. The main difficulty lies in the calculations of the angle of inclination and the parameters of the span, because it depends not only the convenience of operation, but also the durability of the structure. Durable I. beautiful staircase For the second floor with your own hands, it is an opportunity to experience your strength and gain experience for further improvement of the house.

First you need to decide on the type of stairs to correctly make calculations. The house most often used stairs from wood, concrete and metal; By configuration, they are straight, swivel and screw. There are also combined structures of various complexity.

Concrete products require a very durable base and a lot of time to manufacture, but they are the most durable and durable. Installation metal structures will not work for those who know how to use welding, and wooden stairs Will be able to make anyone who will familiarize themselves in detail with the technology of this process.

Straight marshagian staircase The second floor is considered the easiest in the installation; It consists of a small number of parts, the place takes a bit, does not require complex calculations. Screw structures used where there is little free space; They look very exquisite, but not always easy to operate. Raise something dimensional and heavy in such steps will be problematic. Buildings from several spans to build more difficult, but they are ideal for homes where large distance between floors.

Simple wooden staircase

Single-hour staircase consists of cososov, railings, coming and risers. It is arjected to the horizontal part of the stage, the riser - vertical. Kosomers are carrying structural elements with upper edge Special cuts for fastening steps. Instead of Kosomrov, the remains are often used - carrier beams with stages for steps. The risers and railing are not mandatory elements, but for convenience and security better when they are present.

The height of the stairs is equal between the floors plus the thickness of the overlaps. To simplify the calculation of the length of the span and the base, you first need to determine the parameters of the steps. If the house lives the elderly and children, the optimal height of the stage is 15 cm, for the rest, the height is 20 cm. It is not recommended to make risers even higher, since the rise will be too cool and less comfortable.

The width of the stage is 20-30 cm, and here much depends on how much space can be left under the staircase. The wider step, the more space occupies the design. When the suitable dimensions are selected, you can calculate the number of steps and the bottom length. To do this, they share the height of the stairs to the height of the risk, the resulting value is rounded to an integer, and then multiplious to the depth of sticking. For example, if the total height is 3 m, and the approach height is 20 cm, it will take 15 steps:


With a width of the stage 25 cm, the base length is 15x250 \u003d 3750 mm.

Manufacturing technology

When calculations are made, you can start the manufacture of elements of the stairs. For Kosomrov, very dense solid wood is needed, because they must hold not only the weight of the design, but also people. From dense cardboard, a pattern is cut out, on which cutouts correspond to the size of the steps, and the slope is equal to the angle of inclination of the stairs. At the ends of the cosomov, the grooves are cut for fastening to the base and upper floors, after which they make markup on the template.

For further work it will be necessary:

  • electrolovik;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • building level;
  • anchor bolts;
  • drill;
  • a hammer.

The electrolovka on the platforms make protrusions on the markup, then from both sides are treated with grinding. In the beams of overlap cut down holes for fasteners or installed metal supports. On the floor of the first floor along the lower level line, the support bar is installed and fixed with an anchor bolt. After that, the installation of the cosomes is carried out, be sure to check the angle of inclination using a level. Below and at the top of the boosters fix the anchor bolts.

The next step is the manufacture of steps. For this take dry boards with a thickness of 36 mm; Their width must be equal to the width of the steps or be a little more. For risers, you can use boards with a thickness of 20 mm. The length of the blanks should correspond to the width of the stairs - from 80 cm to 1.2 m.

After trimming, each workpiece must be seized to remove sharp cuts and irregularities. The process of installing the steps is very simple: the lower cuts of the cososov are labeled with joinery glue and apply the risers, aligning along the edges. Fix them with self-draws and put on top of the stage. Glue is needed in order to load wooden elements did not creak.

Alternately putting all the steps, start the installation of the railing. The railing consists of baluster and handrails; For the manufacture of BALASIN, the square sections or curly billets are used. Install balasins either at each stage, or through one, depending on the slope and the length of the span. Self-tapes are used as fasteners, which are often closed with special plugs for beauty. If the staircase on the second floor is located in the center of the room, the railing can be installed on both sides.

The finished design is once again polished and treated with antiseptic primer. After that, it is necessary to cover the tree with varnish, paint or other composition that does not form too smooth surface. If the steps are rough, it will increase their security for households. The coating is applied in 2 or 3 layers, with each layer must dry completely before applying the following.

In a spacious house with concrete overlaps The second floor you can make a ladder from concrete. Most often in homes, the designs of two species are monolithic and combined, in which concrete is only Kosur. The second option looks more attractive and elegant. For the manufacture of concrete staircase Be sure to form a formwork and very strong foundations.

During the work, you will need:

  • edging board, covered with film, or waterproof plywood;
  • durable Bar 100x100 mm;
  • knitting wire and fittings;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • concrete solution.

Plaques for formwork are selected with a thickness of 3 cm, the plywood thickness should not be less than 18 mm. All sizes are calculated in the same way as for the wooden staircase, but the base should be as strong as possible. Start from assembling formwork: the boards or Phaneur are knocked down the drawing, observing the angle of inclination and not allowing the formation of the gaps.

The finished formwork is installed between the floors and secure with the help of wooden bars. After that, inside the frame lay out the reinforcement, connecting the transverse rods with the wire. In places of installation, the railings fix the tubes from the tree, and then poured formwork with the finished solution. Fill the frame you need to immediately, otherwise the monolith of the base will be broken.

When concrete crepts well, the formwork is removed, and the surfaces of the steps are periodically moistened to avoid cracking. You can only start the finish after complete drying and hardening concrete. For the manufacture of a combined staircase, the pouring of the Kooowa is performed in the same way, but the formwork makes much already and taking into account the installation of steps.

For decoration monolithic design Use wood, stone, tile and other materials. When cladding should consider the weight of the material, because the tile and the stone have a greater load on the base than wooden panels. Any steps can be mounted on concrete spaces, such a base with a tree is combined.

For the manufacture and installation of direct metal stairs On the second floor it will be necessary:

  • steel Sw Weller No. 10;
  • metal corners;
  • welding machine;
  • sheet iron;
  • fire and Bulgarian with a grinding nozzle.

The channel is cut into pieces and collect the framework of them in the size of the stairs. The side faces of the frame weld up the corners through the same gaps equal to the height of the stage. All corners should be parallel to each other. To make it easier to install the design, the steps are welded after mounting and securing the frame.

The upper ends of the frame are reliably fixed by anchor bolts to the overlap of the second floor, the lower fasteners are fixed on the floor. Next weld steps from sheet iron and the railing is attached. Upon completion of the assembly of the connection site, they are polished or processed with a file, after which the anti-corrosion primer is covered.

This design takes up little space and looks more decorative. At an altitude of 2.5 m, it will take about 15-17 steps; The diameter of the base will be about 2 m. The most common way to install screw staircases is a row to the central axis of the steps of a trapezoid or triangular form. The narrow part has a width of 15 cm, wide equals 30-35 cm.

To make a screw staircase yourself, you will need:

  • steel pipe with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • pipe with a diameter of 55 mm;
  • wooden rails for the template;
  • corners for steps;
  • welding machine;
  • file;
  • primer.

The smaller diameter tube is a central stand, so its length must match the distance between the first and second floors. For greater stability of the design, the rack is recommended to concrete at the base, pre-exhibiting vertically. The pipe larger diameter is cut into cylinders about 25 cm. Sections must be carried out strictly perpendicular, otherwise the steps cannot be aligned horizontally.

It is very important that the cylinders are tightly put on the central pipe and have not formed the backlash. If the dense dock does not occur, the rings are required.

For the manufacture of steps it is convenient to use a template from the rail. Wooden rails Bear between themselves so that the corners embedded in the frame form a step of the specified parameters.

Each stage is welded to its cylinder and thoroughly grind. After the manufacture of all elements, you can proceed to the assembly of the structure. Steps are put on the axial tube, exhibit an angle and tightly weld to the axis.

The final stage - the mounting of the railing and the finish finish. Railings can consist of fittings, chrome tubes, a fine profile; Very exquisite look worn races. Everything metal surfaces We definitely grind and processed by primer, painted.

Similarly, collect the screw staircase to the second floor of wooden steps. Billets made of wood are performed in the form of a trapezium, in a narrow part of which the hole is drilled with a diameter of 50 mm. With the help of special seals, the steps rented on the axis are fixed on central Stand. Next, the railing is installed, the tree is ground and painted, decorated with decor.

Video - how to make a staircase to the second floor

Video - Wooden staircase with your own hands