Repairs Design Furniture

Modular stairs - types of assembly, installation, dignity and disadvantages. Instructions for the manufacture of modular staircase do it yourself modular stairs drawing module

One of the components of the convenience of operation of any multi-level residential facility is a rational organization of movement between floors. Metal modular stairs have a lot of advantages (durability, sufficient carrying capacity with a small weight and a number of others) in front of concrete and wooden analogues, therefore, so popular in private buildings.

Especially since with their own hands to make them easy. You only need to follow certain instructions and competently draw up a drawing. The modular (or screw) variant of the staircase is considered more promising, since the assembly process is relieved substantially. This article will introduce all the nuances of the independent manufacture of a modular metal staircase to the second floor

If you look at the available information on this request, you can conclude - each author treats the concept of a modular staircase in its own way. Some implies sliding (portable) or folding stationary design, others - made from different materials.

Nevertheless, most authors focuses on the fact that this is a prefabricated staircase, consisting of individual sections that are collected into a single integer on the principle of the designer. Then considers the specificity of the manufacture of such a modular staircase. All its components are made of metal. But the steps are to choose from.

For residential buildings or multi-level apartments, decorated in techno, high-tech styles, Loft is the ideal option - made of metal. If the size is correctly selected, the drawing is drawn up and there is everything you need to build such a modular staircase with your own hands you will not need a lot of time.

Features of the design of the modular staircase

The main load falls on two components - the bottom, with the mounting on the floor, and the top, locking on the overlap. They are connected by metal Kosourg, on which additional elements are installed - steps and fences.

A more common option is the installation of individual modules, when docking turning into a full-fledged staircase. The drawing up drawing assumes an independent calculation of its characteristics, as the length of the spans, the number of steps, parameters coming and so on.

That is why the unequivocal instructions for the manufacture of a modular staircase cannot be, since when developing its scheme, it is necessary to focus on the specifics of the structure in which it will be installed. For example, steps, unlike other parts, can be made of wood. It is only necessary to correctly determine the optimal thickness of the board, consistent with the intended load.

The only disadvantage of modular stairs collected by independently and without welding, on only bolts, is the need to regularly maintain the design. First of all, it concerns the suspender of all connections. But if you consider that the cost of such models begins from 42,980 rubles, then manufacturer has many advantages.

In addition, you should know that modular stairs are several types. What are they characterized?

  • Screw. In terms of operation (movement and movement of goods) - the worst options. Plus, it is not necessary a lot of space to install such a model staircase.
  • Movie. As a rule, with one or two spans. The most convenient models, but distinguished by significant dimensions. For a small private house, the more combined apartment is not the best solution.
  • Swivel. The optimal option for a modular staircase, which allows you to choose the most suitable form, steepness, number of sites and so on.

Composite parts and assembly features


The structural element, which is the basis of the modular staircase. For manufacture, with your own hands, select its chain option (the device is shown in the figure). One of the advantages is the possibility of docking modules at different angles. This allows you to build a staircase of any form and configuration, under the specifics of a particular room.

Possible engineering solutions for the Kooowar Mounted by their own hands, two.

When drawing a drawing of a model with brackets should be taken into account that it is necessary to install vertical supports to impart the strength of the entire design every 1.5 m. Exception only for walls of concrete or bricks. And then, provided that the brackets are quite powerful.

Specificity assembly stairs

Composite design

The module connection is made according to the "tube pipe" principle. Additionally, the staircase is amplified by plates (corners) and fasteners.


  • Uncomplicated installation technology.
  • Fast assembly of a modular staircase.


  • The gradual deformation of the plates from constant load leads to the "provis" of the entire design. As a result, the need for regular repairs.
  • Adjusting step steps is impossible. Therefore, the drawing of the modular staircase must be compiled as accurately as possible.
  • It is difficult to achieve proper geometry collected by your own designs. The practice of editing shows that some curvature of the stairs cannot be avoided.

Principle "Clamps"

The technology is quite new, therefore it is infrequently implemented. The difference is that all flanges are movable, and they can be deployed to a certain angle. Such an engineering solution allows the accurate fit of the stairs at the installation site after the assembly of all its components. That is, change such parameters as the interval between the steps, their length.

The order of the assembly of the stairs from the modules do it yourself

Drawing up drawing

All linear dimensions - in cm.

It is necessary to decide on the installation site of the stairs and make measurements of all the parameters of the room.

How to determine the number of steps

The magnitude of the risk is taken, as a rule, about 20. Knowing the height of the room, it is easy to calculate the number of steps. If the result is fraction, it is rounded to an integer. And between the floor and the first steps, the interval increases slightly to level the error.

  • The width of the stairs is 100.
  • Width of steps (disposal) - 30.

It remains the whole drawing to split into parts, each of which is a separate staircase module.

Preparation of components


For residential premises, it is advisable to use wood. The minimum thickness of the chalkboard for the modular staircase - 4. Finished steps can be bought, so you will have to choose the owner - buy or draw, process the tree with your own hands.


The figure shows that for their manufacture requires.

It is quite difficult to do it yourself. It is advisable to order in a specialized workshop according to an individual drawing. Alternatively, use the wall thickness of at least 0.5. But in this case, in addition to the drill (perforator), the welding machine will also be needed.

Assembling stairs

How exactly to do all the connections, it is necessary to think over at the stage of development of the drawing. Fencing - to choosing a master. According to which technology it is installed, it is easy to solve, depending on the parameters and the form of the modular staircase. .

After completion, the design should be tested and eliminate all identified shortcomings.

  • Vertical supports are attached only on concrete basis or lags. The latter are necessarily enhanced by transverse bars. Fix the racks on the draft flooring, especially, it is impossible to clean floor.
  • The modular staircase is mounted on the brackets only if the thickness of the mating wall is not less than 200 mm.
  • To enhance wooden steps, you can use a metal edging from a small corner.

» Assembly of the modular staircase "Dream"

Assembly of the modular staircase "Dream"

Instructions for assembling an inter-storey modular staircase on a metal frame.

To build a modular staircase, you need the next fastener (included):

  1. Bolt Dell for fastening steps (6 pcs. 1 step).
  2. Bolt, nut and washer under M8 for fixing intermediate modules in the horizontal plane (2 pcs. At the step).
  3. Dowel-nails or anchor bolts for fixing the stairs to the floor and overlapping (6 pcs. On the lower module, 6 pcs. On the upper module and 4 pcs. For each of the supports).

Required set of tools for mounting and assembling modular staircase:

  1. Drill (screwdriver)
  2. Level
  3. Dried: Ø6,8 mm, Ø8,5 mm, Ø5,8 mm with limiter
  4. Tap under the thread m8
  5. Gorottok-crack
  6. Caid head for 13 mm
  7. Pencil
  8. Handsman on a tree
  9. Hoven for metal
  10. Roulette
  11. Sandpaper or grinding machine
  12. A hammer

Note: if necessary, you may need a perforator with a set of drills, a Bulgarian with a cutting disk for metal, a screw jack.

Equipment of stairs

Unpack all modules and supports. In our case:

  • Lower module - 1 pc.
  • Intermediate module - 12 pcs.
  • Upper module - 1 pc.
  • Support small - 1 pc.
  • Large support - 1 pc.

Assembling metal carcass

We start from the bottom module, insert the modules to each other (do not forget about the supports).

Note: If the floors are already clean, we recommend under the lower module and support the corrugated cardboard so as not to scratch the floors.

Note: If the floors are not smooth, we recommend using additional supports (screw jacks) when installed.

Note: If necessary, cut the support in the desired size with a grinder or hacksaw for metal.

Fastening the upper module

A variant of fastening the upper module is possible below the floor level, if this allows the overlap. This option allows you to save the space occupied by the staircase.

Note:we draw your attention to the fact that it is the top stage to the floor level, and not the upper module.

Note: Do not forget to check the installation level.

Note: Metal frame must be in the center of the steps. The exception is the grooved steps, because They are additionally attached to the wall of the corners.

Giving a form of metal frame

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 1. We attach the resulting column from the modules directly in the opening. Fix the upper module so that the top stage gets into the floor level of the second floor.

Step 2-4. Pull the metal frame. Draw the necessary form according to the project.

Fixing modules

To give a rigging frame, we need to make all the modules between themselves. To do this, perform the following actions:

- Drilling 2 holes in modules from the wall of the wall with a drill Ø8.5 mm.

- Insert the Outside of the M8 bolt, inside the washer and the M8 nut. Press the screw pair.
- In places where supports are installed, drill 2 holes from the wall by the drill of Ø6,8 mm.

- Cut the M8 threads in the bobbed holes by the tank.

- In the sliced \u200b\u200bthreaded holes screw the M8 bolts.


Note: on the module that drills must be levels b

Note: Before cutting the thread dripping a few drops of nigrol, or another oil.

1. After all modules and supports are hard to hold with each other, screw the supports to the floor with a double-nail or anchors.

2. Last but Freediment Lower module to the floor with a dowel-nail or anchors.

Note: Be sure to check the level.

Fastening steps

Installation of steps: we put the steps on the metal frame and place the holes for the fastening.

We drill the intended holes with a drill of Ø5.8 mm on the required depth (drill with the limiter).

Note: Be sure to drill the hole of the Ø5,8 mm drill, otherwise the stage can crack when screwing the screws.

We screw the stage to modules (6 screws in one step).

This operation is done with all the steps.

Note: Do not forget the first-drink-to-drink levels to the walls with the help of the corners.

An inter-storey staircase is one of the most important designs in the house. It is not only a bridge between two floors, but also affects the appearance of its surrounding interior. Massive marching stairs look very beautiful and reliably look, however, for such designs there is no place in the house. That is why there is no less attractive, but more compact modular staircases to replace such magnificent structures.

Modular staircases first appeared in Italy in the 80s. Before us, such stairs have reached relatively recently and immediately won the love of most consumers.

Ladders of this type are included in the state registry. They can be marching, screw or swivel. You can see successful examples of such designs in the Stolyaris catalog.

Modular stairs are collected from individual elements. Due to what can have a variety of forms and configurations. Such structures are even more popular than their concrete fellow. All thanks to the fact that they have a sufficiently large list of advantages.

Advantages of modular stairs:

  1. The cost of stairs from the modules is much lower than that of concrete structures. Therefore, modular products become available to wide masses.
  2. The modular staircase is so easy to assemble that even a person who has no experience in construction will be able to install it with their own hands.
  3. The team modular stairs are perfectly combined with all the styles of interiors. However, in rooms with modern design, such structures look like an integral part.
  4. From the same modules you can collect structures leading to the second floor, the most different shapes. It can be straight, and screw, and angular stairs.
  5. Such a ladder will perfectly fit into the room with any ceiling height. You yourself can adjust the height of the design, adding or removing the modules.
  6. Staircases from modules occupy a much less space than concrete marching structures. Free space under such interior elements can also be used.

Inter-storey modular stairs perfectly fit into absolutely any room. They will not take a lot of space, and at the same time very comfortable in operation. Applying a little imagination and patience, you can easily create a high-quality and aesthetic design.

Components of modular prefabricated stairs

To understand whether the modular ladders are suitable, you need to understand what they consist of. Hearing the name of such structures, it can be understood that the main element of such designs are modules from which the framework is formed. They can be of a variety of species.

Types of modules for the frame of stairs:

  1. Modules "Glass in a glass" are collected from the bottom up. In this case, one element is inserted into another, and the step size is not adjustable.
  2. Modules-clamps insert one to the other from top to bottom. In this case, the elements are tightened due to which you can adjust the height of the step.
  3. The cast modules are manufactured by pouring the metal of the desired form.
  4. Modular stairs on two platters are usually manufactured in China.
  5. Modules made of wood can be made with your own hands. However, such work will take a lot of time.
  6. The modules of the original form are more expensive, but they look much more interesting than ordinary designs. They may have an orsifiable or strict geometric shape.

Each optional options are good. To decide which one is better fit into your home, you need to draw up a competent design project in advance.

In addition to modules for the frame in the package of such stairs, there are steps. They can be made of materials such as marble, glass, plastic, metal and wood.

Stages can be made independently or order in firms specializing in their manufacture. In any case, the shape and size of such structures is adjusted under the type of frame, which you are collected from the modules.

Steps for the stairs with a rotation of 180 degrees can be aligned on the one hand. However, in the central part, in any case, they will have parameters convenient for lifting on the stairs.

Thus, the width of the steps will always be more than 80 cm, and the depth will vary in the range of 28-30 cm. Such dimensions are considered the most convenient for operation.

Types of modular stairs to the house

Modular designs are so popular not only because of saving a large number of space, but also due to the fact that they can have a variety of forms. The form of modular stairs varies depending on the method from the assembly. In total, there are three main options for the configuration of stairs of this type.

The shape of the stairs is chosen depending on the style of the interior and the amount of free space indoors. It is also necessary to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of all types of structures.

The most popular forms of modular stairs:

  1. Movie The staircase is the easiest in the assembly option. It is convenient to rise, but due to the support pillars, the free space under it turns into a "dead" zone. However, despite the bulky of such structures, the marching stairs are very popular. The fact is that they have extensive steps and minimal length, thanks to which the movement does not give any special difficulties. Such designs are relevant if the height from the floor of the first floor to the ceiling of the fourth no more than 4 meters.
  2. ScrewThey are arcs, modular stairs occupy a minimum of space and look very original. However, such wondrous structures have one significant drawback - it is inconvenient to move. The fact is that the screw staircases have a large number of narrow steps.
  3. Rotary The staircase is the best option for any apartment. They have extensive steps and the original appearance. In this case, such structures occupy a minimum of free space.

Types of modular stairs can be the most different. Only a predetermined design0 project will help you find the perfect option for yourself.

M-shaped modular stairs

M-shaped stairs from modules occupy a minimum of space. Such structures look compact and interesting.

Excellent variants of modular stairs provide such firms as Castorma and Stop. Also pay attention to the GRAZ models, SuperPrests and StairBox.

Corner staircases may have a swivel pad or running steps. The first option is the most popular, but the second looks unusual.

Advantages of M-shaped stairs:

  1. The angular staircase does not occupy a lot of space, so its installation is possible in any room. Such a design will fit both in a two-level apartment and in a private house. If you wish, you can place the sofa or shelf for shoes under the ladder.
  2. The relatively low price and simple installation make such a construction attractive for wide segments of the population.
  3. The design of angular stairs is combined with all the styles of the interior. Change the finish of the steps you can transform the classic design in the style of High-tech.
  4. The angular stairs with a turntable are convenient because in the case of the transfer of heavy items, it is possible to stop and relax in the middle of the rise.

Modular staircase with a rotation of 180 degrees

Rotary stairs can have a variety of configurations. One of the most popular options is the P-shaped design with a rotation of 180 degrees.

Such designs have the most positive feedback from owners of private houses. In independence, the wooden or metal steps on them are installed, such reliable designs will serve you for many years.

Such designs do not occupy a lot of space. You can buy ready-made sets or calculate using special programs and files with the QSD extension.

The advantage of P-shaped modular stairs is that their assembly does not take much time. These designs are distinguished by excellent appearance, they are also very comfortable and reliable.

Mounting modular staircase

You can collect a modular staircase in a short period of time. The main thing is to understand what type of design elements you have, and how the manufacturer advises them to mock. Instructions for the assembly of each type of modules are completely different.

General sequence of assembling modular stairs:

  • The approach is calculated on the upper floor;
  • Exhibited by level and attached to the floor anchor bolts Support poles;
  • A modular framework is collected from top to bottom;
  • Next, the steps are mounted on the frame, which are fixed by bolts and metal intermediate elements;
  • Intermediate elements are connected to racks under the railing;
  • The last railing and different decorative elements are mounted.

As you can see, the assembly of modular stairs is not particularly difficult. For all the work you will leave for only a couple of days, and therefore you can easily mount this design with your own hands.

Due to the popularity of modular stairs, their production occupies a significant niche in the construction sector. Very many domestic and imported firms are ready to provide you with the most unexpected options for such structures.

Build a modular staircase (video)

Modular stairs are distinguished by the original appearance and ease of assembly. If you want to create an interesting rise to the second floor, without taking a lot of space, then such designs are the ideal option for you!

Examples of modular stairs (photo)

Modular stairs to the second floor allow you to create any descent line. If during operation you need to rearrange the staircase to another area, it is enough to replace the rotation and the shape of the steps in the place of rotation. As a result, a straight or swivel staircase will take the desired position.

The staircase is made of supporting elements and stands for fastening steps. As a fee, we are usually wooden substrates. Among the main advantages can be noted wide support plates for steps with ribbon ribs.

Sizes of the modular staircase

Modular stairs in the house on the second floor - prefabricated structures, which are based on a typical Kosor. It is created in the form of modular parts made of wood or metal. Screw structures are placed on a plot of 3 m2. Stepe width - from 100 mm.

Attention! A marching staircase with a width of 1200 mm to 1500 mm covers an area of \u200b\u200b400 cm, which is 7 m3.

An alternative to two options is a marching swivel design with a predetermined number of platforms. They include from 3 to 8 steps.

Calculation of the modular staircase on the second floor Currently, taking into account the normalized parameters:

  • The normalized depth of sticking from 200 mm to 260 mm. But permissible options are 150 - 300 mm.
  • Supports to the stairs are supplied in different lengths. They have a view of a round panel for installation under the staircase in several places.
  • Height between steps from 170 mm to 200 mm. Height adjustment is made with bolts or rings.
  • Length steps. For screw structures from 1000 mm to 1200 mm. For march and running structures from 1200 mm to 1500 mm.
  • The angle of inclination from 30 ° to 45 °.

Configuration and fastening

Modular stairs for the second floor with their own hands You can collect from different frames:

  • Straight / swivel.
  • Goose step.
  • Print.

Fastening structures:

Team fastening type. Connections are formed by placing one module to another. Clamps protrude screws and plates. Externally, the product looks a little crooked, but going fast and easy.

Shieving. Compounds are formed by threaded studs. When choosing such a design, it is necessary to pull up the fasteners every few years. The assembly of such a structure is carried out very difficult.

Clamp. The product contributes to the adjustment of the length and height of the steps. The module is deployed on any sides. This type of fastening is distinguished by special reliability.

Below are the optimal modular stairs to the second floor in the photo.

Types of modules

For the assembly of the modular system, pipes made of steel alloys are used. Creating a frame is ensured by the sequential installation of individual parts and supporting racks in a kind of "ridge". The framework is the basis for fixing the steps that various rocks of the array are. Following the bales and handrails, made of expensive or cheap materials.

There are 3 options for modules:

  • Cast or welded module. From different sides, the pipes of a given thickness and height are installed. Combining a long pipe of one module with a short pipe of the next part, it is set to install it in the selected position. Fixation is made by tightening screws.
  • Simple version of execution. The design consists of two separate items: a welded part with 2 short pipes from the side and a long pipe equipped with a flange (flat plate) for placing the step. At the intersection of the element with two side pipes, gaps for tightening bolts are created. Usually, according to this scheme, a screw staircase is built, since it can be rotated relative to each other.

  • Installation with clamping modules is an excellent solution for screw structures. The system includes a large number of individual parts that do not form welds. Connections are performed by carving rods. This is the most complex fastening type that is distinguished by aesthetic properties, since the mount is hidden inside the Kourow.

There are products from wood, symmetric parts of which have gaps on both sides to accommodate studs.

Choosing support

Opportments for universal stairs are intermediate pipes that support the basis of the design. They are mounted every 4 - 7 modules, based on the type of construction. Also distinguished brackets whose fixation is carried out in relation to the bearing wall. The frame is formed by the supports-supports or fastened to the brackets.

The supports are not used only when one side of the steps is focused on the wall. The mount in this case is made by a corner or anchor.

Installation of the modular system

Among the popular options are screw structures that can save place indoors. For the installation of the installation, the location of the central support, represented as a vertical rod, is determined. It is necessary to pull the two threads diagonally in the opening opening of the second floor, to which the staircase march is carried out.

From the intersection point, the plumb indicates the place of installation of the flange (II installation). Mounted stable flange, which coincides in the center with the resulting point. The mount is carried out with the help of screws through existing gaps.

The correctness of the placement of the first "guide" is determined. To do this, place it on the floor. Then the step is put on the fixed flange along with the already existing baluster. The central support is inserted into the flange through the first step. After placing the first stage, the verticality of the installation of the central rod is checked.

The first point for the installation of the lower flange with the module can be found by crossing the cords diagonally and the plumb. The next step is put on the vertical rod by another person, located in the opening of overlaps. After installing all elements, the steps are wrapped with nuts in places provided by the manufacturer. Upon completion, the staircase is mounted on the rod and fixed to the walls of the opening. Fencing, handrails and decor mounted.

Wounded installation

The first module is recorded directly to the floor. Before you, count the set distance from the wall. The next module is taken and applied to the first. By analogy, the construction extension continues. Before installing the final module, the correctness of the fixation of the Kourow is checked. The reference and finishing element is applied to the surface.

The measurements are removed, the hole is made by the perforator, and then it is screwed alone to the floor, and the second to the wall overlap. Flanges are mounted. Clauses are created, applied to the module and tighten the plates with screws.

Moving between floors in country houses provide the usual ladder. Their design is almost unchanged for a long time. But thanks to modern trends in design and architecture, a general type of construction has changed, and thanks to new materials, the stairs have become more durable, light and reliable. The most striking example of stairs, combining traditions and modern materials, is a modular staircase. Create a modular staircase with your own hands will not submit great difficulties, the main thing is to understand the sequence of work, be able to handle the tool, as well as make a drawing with the necessary calculations.

From the part of the modular stairs for the house look with air and low-tech, but this is a deceptive impression. The materials used and the fasteners are provided by the modular stairs high level of strength. In addition, another indisputable advantage of such a staircase is a small amount of materials used and the versatility of the structure, allowing to equip the modular staircase on a small area. All this, as well as modern design and affordable price make modular stairs very attractive to use them in the interior.

Choosing a modular staircase

In how to choose a modular staircase, there is nothing complicated. First of all, it is necessary to navigate the overall style of the interior, our own financial capabilities and the feasibility of its installation. It will be important to pay attention to the manufacturer of a ladder, as well as on its appearance, the embodiment of the modules and their mount.

Initially produced modular stairs ITALY, and then Poland. Today, these countries still produce modular stairs for the house. Their products are characterized by elegance of forms, quality and high price. Products from Poland are inferior to Italian, but in general the quality is high.

Over time, Russia picked up the relay. The release of these stairs has established various companies, one of which will become. Modular stairs will be produced from 2004, and the company is constantly working on improving their design. So one of the developments of the company is the modular staircase prestige, which is perfect for the interior, where it is necessary to emphasize the status, exquisite taste and wealth of the hosts. In general, the modular stairs of Russian production stand out by their reliability and affordable price.

Modular staircase "Premium" company:

Also produces modular ladders China. But, unfortunately, in our market, the lion's share of Chinese products is a muddy spectacle in quality and the only thing that she attracts the buyer is a low price. It is possible to find a high-quality factory modular staircase of Chinese production, but you should be prepared for a fairly high price.

Modular staircase of Chinese production:

Starting the selection of the modular staircase, the first thing to pay their attention is the quality of the manufacture of parts. After all, it is from this that the reliability of the ladder itself and its external appeal will be dependent. It should be noted that the cost of the modular staircase directly depends on the materials used and the quality of manufacture. An unambiguous answer to the question is how much the modular staircase is, no. On modular stairs, the price ranges from 200 cu up to 2000 cu For the temporon meter. It is necessary to take into account the type of compound, material, and the fact that the first generation stairs are cheaper.

The modules of the Kourow of cheap stairs can be made from low-quality metal, which will cause the staircase during operation. And the wooden elements in such stairs will not be treated with proper images. Ideally, metal parts should be sufficient thickness so as not to deform from a small effort, and wooden elements without any cracks or chips. In addition to the external component and high-quality making, another important factor affecting the choice of a modular staircase is its appearance. Below we will look at the existing types of modular stairs, their advantages and cons.

Scheduled to create a modular staircase in the house, it is necessary to determine what it should be. Like ordinary stairs, modular can be several species:

  • movieSimple straight stairs with wide steps. They are very convenient for lifting and descent, but due to their design there are quite a lot of space;
  • screw The stairs are least occupied by the place, but at the same time the descent and lifting on them is difficult;
  • rotary with intermediate sites. This type of stairs occupies relatively little space, and it is quite convenient to descend and climb. They consist of two or more marches with reversal sites.

But modular stairs have one characteristic feature that highlights them among the others is a chain space. It is a central element of the design of the modular staircase. Kosur itself consists of a set of parts that can be placed both straight and at an angle, which allows the staircase of almost any form. Kosur itself is attached to the lower and upper support modules, which provide the necessary horizontal and vertical rigidity of the entire design. An additional element adding the stiffness of the entire structure is the supporting pipe installed every 1 to 1.5 routing meters. But if there is a durable wall of brick or concrete nearby, then you can remove this element, consolidating the stairs to the wall.

In addition to the distinctive features described above, the modular staircase distinguishes three more options for assembling modules. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered when choosing a staircase.

The first version of the modular staircase is the creation of a chain-rose by installing its parts "module in the module" and consolidate them with two plates and locking screws. Such stairs refer to the first generation stairs and have a number of significant flaws. First, the step steps is strictly fixed, and it cannot be adjusted. Secondly, after the assembly, there is a small curvature that it is impossible to remove even with the help of tightening the locking screws. Thirdly, the metal has such an indicator as "fatigue", and over time the mounting plates themselves are inflicted, and the staircase saves. Of the advantages it should be noted the simplicity and speed of assembling the modular staircase. The bright representative of the first-generation modular stairs is the modular staircase of the dream. On the demonstrating modular stairs, the photo can be seen how the first generation spaces are assembled:

The second version of the assembly and connection of the staircase modules is performed. with threaded studs. Such stairs, there is no such lack of first-generation stairs, as a curvization of the Kooowa, but this is more than overlapping the complexity of the assembly of the stairs and the impossibility of adjusting the height of the steps. In addition, after a year and a half of the reinforced operation, threaded connections are cleared, and you have to tighten them, and this is a very troublesome business. The representative of the stairs with a threaded compound is a modular staircase of the Unica. On the demonstrating modular stairs, the photo can be seen how Kosur stairs are assembled with a threaded connection:

The third version of the modular stairs is the result of numerous modifications and improvements of previous models and is the second generation. with the fastening of modules on the principle of clamp. The indisputable advantage of these stairs is the ability to adjust the height and length of the stage. In addition to the possibility of rotation of the module, you can also deploy the flange itself to which the stage is attached. Despite the fact that the threaded connection is used, the second generation modular stairs, the fastener load is distributed differently, and the connections are not cleared with time. The representative of the second generation of stairs is the modular staircase TM "Our staircase". On the demonstrating modular stairs, the photo can be seen how the second-generation stairs is assembled by Kosur:

In all three options, you can use hospitals, but most often they are found in second-generation modular stairs. These simple fasteners placed between steps increase the reliability of the entire staircase.

Calculation of the modular staircase

The creation of a modular staircase begins with the design and calculation phase. For these purposes, you can use a special computer program such as ArchiCAD. Of course, it will take a certain skill and experience to use it, but with a little desire to make the calculation of the modular staircase, and a newcomer. Another assistance option in calculators are online calculators. They can be found on the network, the interface of such a calculator is intuitive and understandable. It is enough to enter all the necessary data - the height between the floors, the angle of inclination and so on.

By performing calculations yourself, it is necessary to consider a number of factors affecting the choice of the type of stairs. The main parameter affecting the choice is the space allotted under the staircase. Based on it, and it is worth picking up a modular staircase. For the convenience of calculations, there are a number of optimal parameters that are suitable for a certain type of stairs. Screw modular stairsit is preferable to install on an area of \u200b\u200bless than 3 m2, and at the same time the width of the steps should be at least 100 cm. Of course, the width of the steps of the screw staircase can be increased, and the area occupied immediately. If you want to install marshi stairswith wide steps from 120 cm to 150 cm, you will have to prepare space more than 4 m in length and a width of 175 cm, and this is about 7 m2. If less, then the staircase can turn out very steep. Output from the situation when there are less than 7 m2 places, but more than 3 m2, is the arrangement marshame swivel modular staircase with one or several sites.

Another key factor in the calculations is the angle of inclination of the stairs. So, the angle is 45 ° most convenient, but there are cases when it does not manage to observe. Two other source parameters depend on the staircase of the staircase. This is the height of the riser and the length of the sticking, speaking otherwise, the height and width of the stage. The table below shows these sizes depending on the angle of inclination.

The next parameter required for calculations is Height of the ladder itself. Everything is extremely simple. To do this, it is necessary to measure the height from the floor of the first floor to the floor level of the second floor. It is necessary to calculate the total number of steps and their size, as well as select the most optimal angle of inclination.

Modular staircase: dimensionswho are considered perfect:

  • stage height from 17 cm to 20 cm;
  • steps width from 20 cm to 26 cm;
  • the length of the stage depends on the type of stairs. For screw from 100 cm to 120 cm. For flights and flights and turning from 120 cm to 150 cm;
  • the angle of inclination from 30 ° to 45 °.

As a result, after making all the necessary data, the program will create a staircase model, which can be considered and if necessary to make changes. The most convenient to make the project of the stairs simultaneously with the design of the house. So easier to take into account all the details. In case there is no desire to make such a project yourself, you can contact the specialists. Especially since the companies that produce and sell modular stairs, when ordering stairs, they make a drawing for free.

Staircase modular: drawing

How to make a modular staircase

Having a finished project on his hands, you can go a few ways. The first is to make an order for the staircase from the manufacturer according to the project. The second is to search for all components of the modular staircase and purchase them. Third - make modules yourself. Which one to choose, decide directly to you. The easiest and most reliable way is to make an order from the manufacturer. As a result, you will be delivered to the ready-made staircase made in compliance with all the rules and rules, only to collect it at the place, and for this any special skills will not need.

The first thing that will have to do is install and fix the first staircase module to the floor, which is its base. To do this, measure the necessary distance from the walls and make the mark.

Important! All sizes and calculations should be in project documentation prepared earlier.

Now applying the module in the right place, make a note under the holes. After that, we take the perforator and pick up the holes under fasteners. We set the base of the stairs and fix it. Further assembly work will be in installing each other subsequent modules.

By installing the penultimate module, check the correct installation of all modules. It is necessary to comply with the geometry of the Kouryer and so that you do not have to redo the fasteners under the finishing module. If everything is in order, put the finish module in place. After that, by pressing it to the inter-storey overlap or wall, we plan space under the holes for fasteners. Remove the finishing module, we send the holes, return the module into place and fix. Next, using locking screws, fix all parts of the Kouryer.

Further work consist in installing flange plates for each module. There is nothing superpower here. The plates have 8 holes, 4 of which are designed for attachment to the modules of the Kourow. It is enough just to attach the plate to the module and fasten it with 4 screws.

It remains to be installed in place. For this, first, if it is wooden steps, apply them to the place. Cent and conceal the bottom of the place for the holes under fasteners. After that, we send a drill to 1 mm smaller diameter, we put in place and screw.

Important! If the staircase design does not provide stiffness racks, then the steps must be fixed in addition to the wall. For this, conventional corners are suitable for this. They are installed under the step to the wall. First, we apply them to place, we plan and send the points under fasteners, then fix.

Finally, we install the handrails and the hospitals. Their installation is performed after the steps were recorded. In the steps themselves, it will have to make through holes, but after installing the chokes and railings, the entire design of the staircase will receive additional strength.

The above-described installation steps are suitable for the first generation stairs. In the video demonstrating video stairs, the method of mounting the second generation modular staircase is indicated. After watching this video, there will be no questions about how to make a modular staircase with your own hands.