Repairs Design Furniture

Make a sandbox with a roof with your own hands. How to make a mushroom for sandbox with your own hands. Simple sandbox installation process

The sandbox equipped with fungus is an integral attribute of the carefree childhood child. In the urban array about a well-maintained platform for children's walks, management companies must be taken. But sending a favorite child to the village to the grandmother, or planning a joint holiday in the country, should be initiated and make a comfortable sandbox with your own hands.

Stage planning

Games in the sandbox is not only an interesting pastime. They contribute to the development of creative thinking, improve small motor, form a balance. Therefore, it is important to make the design of the sandbox for the kid as practical as possible, taking care of security and convenience.

The easiest option is to make a square or rectangular wooden sandbox, for the manufacture of which will be needed for several hours. But it will be possible in it only in the absence of a scorching sun, so it is better to immediately provide protection. Make a canopy or fungus just enough, but by installing additional element Sandboxes at the same time decide some problems.

An important aspect is the location of the structure: it should be in the visibility zone from many sites, including the house. Second required condition - The absence near the trees capable of polluting the sand with fallen leaves, and the caterpillars of particular joy will not deliver the child.

Manufacturing process

Basically, the sandbox with fungus is installed for several years, so it is better to make all the work so that it is not necessary to eliminate the shortcomings next year.

Preparation of the site

The process of preparing the site includes the following steps:

  • The perimeter of the future sandbox with a fungus or canopy is noted, after which the soil is removed to a depth of 25-30 cm.
  • Take care of drainage in the form of a pillow of a large rubble with the addition of sand. Well, the rammed layer of material will provide fast moisture absorption into the soil, contributing accelerated Drying Sand after precipitation.
  • The sandbox with fungus is recommended to make a base. In his quality can act various materials: Tight polyethylene, plywood or paving tile. The first two options for the sandbox are not very successful - the film practically does not let moisture, and the plywood will quickly deteriorate. They are used in the acute need to save costs. In any case, you should make holes for drainage. Optimally, the base for the sandbox with fungus is made of geotextiles, providing unhindered moisture.

Note! From the last stage you can refuse, but the foundation wooden design The fungus prevents premature sand pollution as a result of mixing with soil. The second important function is a kind of barrier from the penetration of insects or rodents.

Formation of the box

The box is the key part of any design of the sandbox, regardless of whether it will be equipped with a canopy or not. The most common solution is to make a square or rectangular shape. Typical projects Offer to stay on a square design of the design with the sides of 2.5-3.0 m. Showing care about environmental safety, the sandbox is better made from a pine boards with a thickness of 2.5-3.0 cm. Creative parents can imitate boats or make round design. Installation of the standard box model consists of the following steps:

  • Bruks are installed in the corners. Optimal size wooden products - 45/5/5 See. Approximately the third part of the bar (about 15 cm) will be in the ground, so in addition to the processing with an antiseptic agent, it is necessary to cover the bitumen. Furious bars are clogged according to the angles noted.
  • Further in the future sandbox with fungus it is necessary to do sidewalls. For their formation, several narrow boards connected to the shield are selected, or fix one wide. Number is not fundamentally medium height Sandboxes with fungus is 30 cm.
  • After fastening, the sidewalls go to the seats equipment. It's easy to do it - just beaten horizontally to the boards. We usually install them all over the perimeter of the sandbox in the number of four pieces, with a lack of material you can make two benches. In the future, they will serve as convenient stands for demonstrating sandy cakes.

Important ! Everything wooden elements Sandboxes with fungus need careful grinding. The absence of bitch, chips and zabrin will prevent unnecessary abrasions and scratches in the child. In order for the child not injured about the corner of the sandbox, it is desirable to make a rounded form.

Building a noodle

Having finished working on the box, go to the second important element of the design - canopy. You can make it different forms, but most often stop at the version of the fungus. In addition to the decorative role, it copes perfectly with a protective function, be it the scorching rays of the sun or a small summer rain. Interesting decision It will arrange a small table around the fungus, serving an additional place to store toys in the sandbox. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Prepare a pit for support fungus. Provide stability Sandbox canopy capable of deepening feet fungus into the soil at least 1 m.
  • The feet of fungus is recommended to make a bar with a cross section of 10x10 cm. As in the case of bars for sidewall, wood fungus needs processing antiseptic meanspreventing the defeat of rot or insects.
  • To make a hat with a fungus, you need to form triangles from the boards. The inner side of the parts is fixed on the support, the outer part is desirable to see the plywood or thin board. The material is fixed with nails, and the next part is nailed in such a way as to hide nail caps on the previous board of fungus.
  • For high-quality protection, the size of the Hats fungus must correspond to the parameters of the sandbox.
  • After connecting the hats and legs, the fungus can be installed in the prepared pit. It is possible to make a fixation of the design by splitting the legs fungus with stones and falling asleep by loam.
  • If you wish, make a more durable mold for fungus in the sandbox, at the bottom of the pit is prepared a pillow of rubble. The feet of fungus is mounted on a depth of 0.7 m and is poured with cement mortar.

Note! If the feet of fungus is planned to concrete, then make it better before installing the sandbox box.

After connecting and installing all elements, you can move to the design of the sandbox. What decorative decoration to do - depends solely on the creative abilities of the parents, the main thing is to finishing material It was safe, and the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the sandbox liked the guys.

For filling the wooden sandbox usually apply river sandIt is well polished with water and practically does not contain extraneous impurities. Any sand, river or purchased in mallIt needs to be pre-sifted. Now you can find a special mixture for sandbox with clay content and specific fragrances. This filler is ideal for the modeling of figures, while scares from the sandbox of insects.

Additionally, protect the place for games, if you make a lid on the sandbox. Such an improvement simultaneously solves several tasks:

  • Fully or partially protect the sand from the rain and reduce his flushing.
  • Prevents garbage from entering windy weather.
  • Create a barrier for unwanted cats and dogs.

Most simple to make a removable shelter for sandboxes from tarpaulin. To cope with him with even a child. The wooden cover looks more attractive. In which option to stop your choice - depends on your abilities and the presence of material.

Photo gallery of interesting ideas

Many presented on the market interesting ideas For sandboxes. Some models are made of plastic, which does not fade in the sun and does not secrete harmful substances. Original shapes will come to the inquisitive kids.

Practicality is the design of the sandbox-transformer, where the lid is transformed into comfortable shops for kids. With desire and skills, this option can be made with your own hands.

The root closing sandbox looks original, where each child can be located in a separate compartment.

Even the simplest sandbox becomes a source of huge joy for children. Here you can build locks, oven sandy cakes and make another millionist of interesting things. So you can not doubt that the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a children's sandbox will be met with your children with delight. In the theory, the idea looks remarkably simple, but several tips will definitely not hurt here.

Of course, first of all it is necessary to determine the location of the future sandbox. In no case can not have it under the outdoor sun. In case you have no suitable shadowned place under the tree, you immediately need to tune in to the fact that the sandbox will need a canopy.

Children's sandbox under a canopy

Also, when choosing a place under the sandbox, you need to take into account the age of children. What they are younger, the better the sandbox from different parts of the plot should be viewed.

Materials for the construction of sandbox do it yourself

The simplest option for the construction of children's sandbox with their own hands is already ready solutionssold in construction stores. In this case, you will acquire a set of parts already cut on the necessary dimensions that you only need to be copped with each other. But here it will be difficult to embody your own ideas: to develop a model that meets your own requests will not work. It is also necessary to take into account that for the sandbox you will need high-quality sand without impurities, which, like other bulk building materials, can be ordered in specialized companies.

Sandbox do it yourself from the tree

If you are planning to build a wooden sandbox, use untreated wood. Various chemicals very quickly fall into the sand, which children, sometimes taste. So that the wood is not subjected to rotting, use resistant rocks: larch, douglasa fir or robanin. It will cost more, but the sandbox will delight you longer. But the wood of ate and fir is also suitable for the construction of sandbox with their own hands.

Stone or concrete

Instead of a tree, you can use a paving slave. The stone has an indisputable advantage: the stone sandbox will serve you eternity, and neither moisture, nor the temperature differences will not be terrible. In addition, the sandbox from the paving slabs is built quickly and easily. Do not forget to miss the connections of individual concrete stones for greater reliability.

Corner in the garden

From the paving, you can even build a whole children's lock. Choose an unused place in the garden and take relatively high walls of any form. On the photo from above - a huge sandbox-lock, where your child will be able to play.

Concrete blocks with flowers

Build a sandbox from concrete blocks is very convenient: it is enough to simply set the border from blocks. But if suddenly the resulting sandbox will seem gray and boring you, then great idea: put flowers in the recesses in blocks, introducing children to social useful work. And the task of watering flowers and care for them will help develop a sense of responsibility in the guys.

Sandbox do it yourself with a tire

Here is another simple and low-cost idea: if you have an old one large tire, It is easy to make a sandbox. For greater beauty, paint it together with the kids in their favorite color.

Is it worth scattering a sandbox?

Sandbox can be built directly on Earth, and you can wear. Which option you choose depends on how much time you are ready to move the construction of the sandbox. In any case, the induced sandbox has a more reliable design.

Practical ideas for sandbox do it yourself

It is very convenient when it is possible to cover the sandbox when it is not used. Then the wind will not drive in the sand of the garbage, and the animals will not be able to do their divids in the sandbox. The lid can be constructed so that in the open state it becomes a comfortable bench, on which the child can relax in the break between the games.

There, however, such a problem arises that the lid will prevent the rainwater in the sandbox, and the dry sand does not work out from dry sand. Therefore, it is necessary to foresee how you can make sand in front of the game.

The bivalve cover for the sandbox has a great advantage: if desired, one of the sash can be left closed and use it as a place to store all the trifles or sites for the construction of the kulichiki.

If the sandbox does not have a lid, with any rain it will quickly fill with water. Sand can dry in itself, but still before the construction of the sandbox, with their own hands it is worth thinking about drainage. To do this, on the bottom of the sandbox you can put a crushed stone, covering it by tissue-transmitting water and securing it on the sandbox frame. This measure will also avoid unexpected guests in the form of insects and worms.

Toy box

Love practical solutions? Then we have such an idea for you: Position next to the sandbox to storing toys. On the one hand, all toys will always be at hand, and on the other hand, you will not need to remove the sand crept from the bucket every time.

2 in 1: Storage Chest and Back Bench

Putting the stopper, you can turn the cover from the chest for toys into the back of the bench. After all, even the most active children sometimes happen a minute to relax.

Sandbox on wheels

If your garden is not so big, you can save a place, having attached to the sandbox wheels, then at any moment in the garden it will be possible to make a permutation. It is also desirable to take care of drainage, especially if the sandbox is most often located on open air. As the bottom it is best to use wooden boards, leaving between them gaps. And so that the sand does not "convince", unwind the day with a waterfront fabric.

Sandbox of an unusual form

When we talk about the sandbox, we immediately imagine a wooden square filled with sand. But this does not mean at all that we must limit our fantasy by this presentation. Why not make a sandbox, for example, hexagonal? Enough simple ideaBut it gives sandbox a completely different look.

The tarp cape can be a worthy replacement of the lid.

No matter what form you choose for your sandbox. But it is still important to take care of the protection of sand. If the construction of the cover seems to you an unnecessary additional spending time, here is a simpler option: an ordinary tarpaulin, which perfectly protects the sandbox and its contents and from the wind, and from rain, and from neighboring cats.

Sandbox do it yourself in the form of a ship

In such a sandbox, it will be possible not only to build locks, but also play pirates. And the "sail" will additionally protect from the scorching sun. Original, isn't it?,

When there are children in the family, it is important to correctly organize their leisure, especially on cottage plotWhen parents are busy in the garden and garden. The improvement of the children's gaming zone begins with the idea for designing sandbox with their own hands.

Today there are many interesting options - from multilevel structures In the form of ships with sails to the simplest circle from the tire. But not only important original design and convenience, but also the safety of the place for exciting children's games.

What materials are used for the facilities of summer sandboxes

Cottage is the place where everything that expected its use in the garage, Saraj, on the balcony and the mezzanine, is used for savings.

Much of the deferred "just in case" is suitable for the site with a children's sandbox:

  • bricks and foam blocks;
  • wooden chocks and bars;
  • trimming boards;
  • old skiing;
  • slices of tarpaulin and camouflage mesh;
  • plastic bottles;
  • bald tires.

Availability suitable material Determines the shape, dimensions and height of the frames of the constructed sandbox.

For maximum convenience And she should have hygienicness:

  • cap;
  • awning, canopy or "fungus";
  • planes for lays down "Pask";
  • shop or seat;
  • place for storing Sockeys, Grabel, Molds and buckets.

If necessary, part of the materials are purchased. Special attention should be paid to the quality of paint, which is revealed by sandboxes. It should be non-toxic, odorless, dry quickly and do not stick to fingers.

It is advisable to produce work on painting in the absence of children, showing a ready-made result as a gift as a photo of a sandbox in bright colors.

The sandbox is needed not only to take a child to take something, it is useful for its development.

The construction of figurines is developing spatial thinking, fine motility and creative potential of the kid. Two or three companions in one sandbox - the ability to communicate and learns to build relationships.

If children are too developed by proprietary ambitions, it is advisable to build several departments with sand and give their inventory.

To the quality of sand in sandboxes in the country, as well as preschool institutions, are presented special requirements. Best of all fresh river or career sand, which is necessarily sifted, removing large fractions, glass and garbage.

During the game, it gradually crumbles and spreads around the plot, clogs dust and garden vegetation. Over time, it does not only sleep, but also change 2-3 times over the summer.

The children's sandbox should be closed from unexpected "visitors", and the ridden sand needs to be out of the site. Comfortable sand cover Easily facing residues old furniture, inflatable boat and other girlfriends.

Children's sandbox selection

A favorite place for children's games with sand is preferably to improve. Lawn or paving slabs are much better than an abandoned lawn with roots and branches.

Ideally, an indulged place with a green lawn, but gradually it will be covered with sand. Sandbox can be built among the flower beds, immediately near garden track in landscape designWhen there is no other place.


The best location of the playground is opposite the windows of the kitchen, where Mom and Grandma are often preparing. The baby will be in sight, but no one will distract him from an exciting game.

Tip: If there is absolutely no suitable place (around the garden and garden), a mobile sandbox in the form of a box on wheels can be shifted under the window or delete to another place along the solid coating of the courtyard.

But you need to be very attentive when a car or a motorcycle drives into the courtyard.

ATTENTION: It is undesirable to construct a sandbox under a tree from which flowers, branches, leaves and mature fruits appear. On the rotting fruits fly the wasps and flies that are unsafe for children. From branches can fall caterpillar. When processing trees from garden pests Poisonous chemicals can fall into the sandbox.

How to make an inexpensive summer sandbox do it yourself

The simplest building of the district form is made from a large tire. In this case, the stem drawings and additional costs do not need.

  • On the prepared platform, the place where the bus with sand will be standing.
  • The bottom is fixed on the ground or the asphalted platform with metal pins, you can buoy partly tire.
  • The bottom of the "bulk reservoir" is closed with a tarpaulin, so that his living creatures from the Earth shine in the sand.
  • The surface of the tire is disappeared at its discretion, but it can be left without a coating.
  • It is advisable to install a bench and awning, but enough beach umbrella, if the child rarely happens in the country.


Another option is a classic square or rectangular sandbox with wooden sides. It is made from the residues of the edged board with a height of 20-30 cm. For the most simplest design You need a drawing to accurately calculate the consumption of materials and place the sawing of the boards.

Children are comfortable when there are benches or triangular crossbars in the corners, on top - awning from the sun or "fungus" as in the photo.

For 2-3 kids it is better to make a spacious box for sand. Any design in the corners is fixed by pegs. Bottom is better to choose empty brick - Excellent drainage and solid foundation.

Children most like the colorful sandboxes of an arbitrary shape from the penets or in the form of attractive objects.

There are more sophisticated ideas For the design of the sandbox in landscape design - a whole children's town with slides and houses. For structures, rockets, boat, machines or teremka need large costs And the hands of the master.

If there is no grandfather or dad in the family capable of making a real country masterpiece under the sand, you should not deny the baby in such joy. You can invite a specialist profile company, showing him a photo example from our gallery.


Photo sandbox do it yourself