Repairs Design Furniture

What an angle of inclination at the back of the shop. How to make a comfortable and beautiful bench itself. Resting on your hand made a bench with a back

Most of the owners of country sites, be it home or cottage, want to know how garden is made, and it is not surprising. You now have the opportunity to get acquainted with several options where drawings and photos of wood structures are attached. This furniture can be done portable or stationary, but if you do not use it in the cold season, then the second option you can do anything.

Family holidays on a garden bench

What are the benches for the garden

Relaxation bench

First of all, let's figure out with the meaning of this word. In different dictionaries of the Russian language, it is determined as a seating device for several people and can be with a back or without it. Synonyms include such definitions like benches shop, shop, furniture. But the bench, it is already more regarded as a low footrest. In our case, it is a garden furniture, which has a back for stop.

Such structures differ not only in size - they differ in other parameters, such as:

  1. product configuration - standard, non-standard;
  2. armrests - is available, not available;
  3. design - with wood thread or strict straight lines.

Elegant wood carving design

Make such furniture as in the photo at the top, under the power of a little to people - there is not enough to be an ordinary joiner or even a firewall. This is the art of a wood thread, which requires a warehouse of the artist's mind and, of course, practical skills. But each second is available to manufacture the simplest garden benches, if there are tools and materials available.

Materials for assembling garden benches

Edged grinding board from larch

The main material for garden benches is wood, but it has absorbing properties, which is extremely undesirable for outdoor products. Of course, to protect against street moisture, such antiseptics are used as "antighel", neomid, "woodcutter", etc., but better, if the lumber himself refers to the discharge of moisture-resistant. Therefore, the highest quality garden furniture is made from oak and larch.

In addition, wood exposed to atmospheric phenomena (rain, snow, fog, hail, frost, ice, UV radiation (sun rays), wind), covered alkyd-urethane varnishes. You can use such brands like "Rogneda Euroteks", "Varagan Premium Spar Urettan", "Duf Retail", "Tyskurila Unica Super" and others. Such formulations will not just protect wood from atmospheric processes, but also from shocks and scratches is possible Due to the increased wear resistance of the coating. From the paints of such an effect do not have to wait.

Follow the following materials:

  • a cutting board grinded with a thickness of 40-50 mm for the seat of any width;
  • a cutting board polished with a thickness of 30-40 mm for the back of any width;
  • cutting planed board 40 × 70 mm or 50 × 100 mm for frame assembly;
  • bar 100 × 100 mm for frame (not always applied);
  • 70 × 70 mm lump for frame and jumpers;
  • antiseptic (liquid preparation);
  • paints and varnishes;
  • metal fasteners: Tree screws, bolts with nuts and washers, steel corners.

Note. In some cases, for the manufacture of a garden bench, with their own hands, can even use a log, dissolving it along into two equal parts. Also among sawn timber, pallets may turn out to be excellent blanks for the assembly of simple furniture.

Requirements for the quality of sawn timber

Chamber Method Drying Wood

An important role in determining the quality of products is played by the moisture of lumber and this is no accident, because the design assembled from a wet board will be laid in the future. Therefore, in order to choose the most appropriate board (timber or bar), attention should be paid to the instructions of GOST 20850-84, where the dark wood is considered to be a board with 12% humidity, and the natural (street) state implies 15-20%.

Dryer sawn natural way

In our case, it is suitable as the first and the second indicator of the State Standard, since such furniture is designed to operate outdoors. But it will be quite normal if you gain very dry boards - there are no such nodes here, which can critically affect the swelling of the sawn timber during wetting.

It is important to pay attention to the presence of spots on the boards: if there are black spots, it indicates that wood is infected with fungal mold. But if you see the blue stains, you can be sure that the drying was carried out without ventilation and the board was greeted. The presence of black and blue indicates an incorrigible marriage and should not be purchased such products. Also check the boards on cracks and flowing knots - there should be no need for high-quality workpieces.

Tools for assembling garden benches

Minimum joinery tool set

We live in times of rapid development of technical progress, therefore, it is not at all necessary to use the minimum set of joinery tool. That is, the destination may remain the same, but the functionality and the processing speed will certainly increase in times!

What is useful from the joinery tool:

  • manual (stationary) circular saw and / or electric jigsaw;
  • electric drill and / or screwdriver;
  • a set of rolled, nozzles and cropped cutters on a tree;
  • hand mill with a set of cutters (not always needed);
  • disk or ribbon grinder (not always needed);
  • chainsaw (for large blanks of a timber or log);
  • keys of plumbing (precipitant, end, horn);
  • ax for work with logs;
  • roulette, Construction Corner, Level, Pencil, Paint Brush.

Some options for making wood benches

To make a garden bench with your own hands, of course, drawings and photos of finished designs will be required to imagine the end result. All the following examples of furniture are harvested from a tree with a small amount of metal fasteners.

There are average dimensions of such products, therefore, to create conditions for a comfortable stay, follow the following indicators:

  1. seat height of the benches - 400-500 mm;
  2. the width of the seat shops - 500-550 mm;
  3. length of a shop and back - 1000-1900 mm;
  4. the height of the back - 350-500 mm;
  5. the width of the back - at your discretion.

Option number 1 - Simple shops from boards

Drawings with dimensions

Sketch with the name of the details: 1) Legs Front, 2) Legs Rear, 3) Tsargi Longitudinal, 4) Side Tsargi, 5) Boards for the back and sidewash, 6) Furniture waders Length 80 mm, 7) Washing Furniture Length 40 mm, 8 ) Knights of rigidity

At this stage, after selecting the necessary materials and tools, you need to measure each workpiece to make sure that its size is enough for the manufacture of a particular part. You probably realize that with constant loads, the transverse docking of the parts is extremely undesirable and even unsafe for a person, under which such furniture can break.

The joints of the main sawn timber is possible, except for a meeting, if a central pair of legs are provided. For example, a shop will have a 1990 mm and this length can be obtained by connecting two boards on the jumper of the central pair of legs. But for such an operation, it is necessary that both fragments of the boards were the same thickness and widths, then maybe the docking seam with due process will not even be noticeable.

Now you need to chop all the details from the workpieces in size specified in the drawing, or by your own parameters, as you can have other needs on your cottage. All connections are carried out with the help of ducts, screws and bolts with nuts and washers (the sewage, by the way, can also be replaced with self-draws). But when choosing a fastener, you need to take into account the possible load on the bench. If the children will be used, the nodes can be fixed with self-draws and / or nails, but for more serious loads it is better to use bolts with nuts and washers.

It should start the assembly from the frame, or rather from the feet, which will be two or three pairs, depending on the length of the shop and if it is designed for two persons (meter), then the third pair is not needed. I want to draw your attention to the rigidity of the legs.

Usually these are two vertical boards or two vertices - one to the top of the back, and the other to the Niza shop. There are also two jumpers: the bottom connects the racks in the middle of the short riser, and the top forms the base for fastening the boards on the seat. In order for such an assembly, it is never loosened, under the bottom and / or under the top jumper, knockers should be fastened - these are triangles from the same profile from which the frame is made.

All nodes are marked in the order of their assembly

Step-by-step instructions for assembling all nodes (check with a picture):

  • Forming a frame. Two vertical racks (№1 and No. 2) are connected by transverse jumpers (No. 7).
  • Strengthening rigidity. After that, in the same way, another pair of legs are collected (or two more pairs, if the bench is designed for three points of the support) strengthen and connect them. For this, additional transverse jumpers (№4 and №5) are used, and all pairs are connected to each other longitudinal bars or board (No. 6).
  • Installation of seats and backs. For this operation, grinding bars or boards will be required - they are fixed to the framework frame (No. 3).

Protection against moisture

Wood processing with antiseptics and varnishes

If you want a bench on your site for many years, it needs to be treated with antiseptics and / or alkyd-urethane varnishes, which were referred to in the section "Materials for assembling a garden bench."

Video: Build a very simple bench with your own hands

Option number 2 - Breed bench

For the manufacture used thick boards and bric

Today, they are increasingly looking back in the past and in connection with this in the interior are in demand such styles like Russian and English Country or French. All this can be combined under the general name in the "Rustic Style" group. You can look at successful homemakers, the photo of the manufacture of garden benches from the brickels with their own hands are located at the top and bottom of this paragraph.

Log Bench with a log table

But how to make a bench so that it corresponds to such design, because the interior does not apply to - this is an exterior. Nevertheless, it is possible to adhere to such a direction and in the preservation site, especially since in unity with nature it should be very attractive. In this case, it is possible not only to be birch, but also the unedged board, only you need to pre-get rid of the obol.

But it is desirable to start with the foundation, that is, the soil should be built improvised, since such a bench can hardly be removed into the room or under the shed at the end of the country's season - too cumbersome and heavy. As a foundation, you can make shallow pits at 7-10 cm, fall asleep there with a layer of sand by 5-8 cm, tackle, and top with bricks (length 50-51 cm, for two bricks). Standard length or full brick - 250 mm, width -120 mm, thickness -65 mm. This is quite enough to raise the construction of several centimeters above the ground, saving from the water and no concrete is not needed.

The drawing is very simple, but a very beautiful bench from log

Pay attention to the drawing, located at the top - you see that the length of the bench is two and a half meters and there will be able to freely accommodate 5-6 people. Of course, for a 50-mm board, it is too long a load, but for half a log, where the radius is 100-150 mm at all is easy to withstand this weight.

Left - Pruning for the base, right - Polombrena for a bench

The legs, in the direct understanding of this word, it is not necessary to collect and install - their function will be performed by two chumbacks mounted on bricks (foundation) in a horizontal position. So that such supports do not ride, it is necessary to make the bottom flat, as shown in the drawing above, cutting a part of a chainsaw log. At the same time, it will be necessary to calculate these stands so that they lay strictly horizontally and turned out to be among themselves. On the workpiece for the shop, the grooves are made, in which the rounded stands will be searched - this is also shown in the drawing.

Note. If you do not find enough thick logs so that the final height of the seat is 40-50 cm, then you can attach to the supports from thick login thinner. As a result, it may turn out even more attractive.

Now let's talk about the back - it can be straight, and inclined, it all depends on how you install the stubborn profiles - strictly vertically or under the slope. In the first case, two rounds of Ø80-100 mm are suitable as persistent profiles - they will need to be screwed to horizontally lying scrabble, which performs the function of the legs and to half the logs, that is, to the seat. To create a rigidity of the design, the lower parts of these racks are cut along to the height of the bench. For fixing, it is best to use non-conventional long-sams, and anchor bolts, for example, for anchor with a cross section of 10 mm, the mounting holes Ø6 mm or for the section 12-14 mm, the hole will be needed with Ø8-10 mm.

For an inclined backrest, a 40 × 70 or 50 × 100 mm or turning Ø100-120 mm circle is used as racks. If it is still round, then in places of adjoining to supports (legs) and to the shop need to be done to create a plane for rigidity. But when using a 40 × 70 mm board, you can even choose a milling groove in horizontally lying bras to score these stops there. The grooves must be missed with joiner's glue or PVA, as well as fasten the board to the bench.

The backboard, both on strictly vertical and on the inclined stops, is fixed on the same principle as the seat - selected in half the logs of landing grooves, and, losing them with glue, fasten with self-draws. Upon completion of the assembly, the design is treated with an antiseptic and / or injecting paintwork materials such as alkyd-urethane varnishes. Below is a video where the master tells how he made a bench from Breus.

Videos: Bench in the garden made from log

Option number 3 - Semi-chapped bench in the garden

Semicircular bench in the garden

You may seem that this is a complex design and its own independent structure you are unable, but it is only at first glance. It is noteworthy that in this case there will be enough connected material for such a design, this is a 40 × 70 mm board, 50 × 100 mm and a timber 100 × 100 mm. And, of course, fasteners.

Assembling semicircular frame for seat

On the top photo shows how the frame is assembled and it is very simple: first cut off five fragments of the boards of the same length, for example, by meter. Then, from four pieces, we collect two small meter frames with a jumper with a length of 40-45 cm (three jumpers for each frame). Then another frame will have to be collected between them in the middle, I mix the side boards at an angle. It is advisable to use a 50 × 100 mm board here, and fastened to produce self-draws.

Most 4 pairs of legs (8 pieces)

If we consider that the generally accepted height of the bench installed in the garden of about 40-50 cm, then for the legs will have to cut off the eight fragments of the bar 400-450 mm long.

The legs to the frame are screwed up with self-draws

The legs to the frame are screwed up with self-drawers, but that the timber in the upper part turns out a flush with a frame, to level the board, as shown in the photo.

When all the legs are fastened, start the mount of the seat

When all the legs are screwed, the frame is turned over into normal position and start the mounting of the seat. Please note that the trim starts from the outer edge of the middle frame, in order to specify the direction of the boards 40 × 70 mm. To do not fail for a long time, you can immediately be screwed to several boards and cut off the excess circular on the installation site. But you can also put a label on each board by spending a pencil from below. Between the boards, it is desirable to leave a small blockage - it will be more beautiful.

Stops under the back are fixed to the legs and frame

Mounting back to the rest

The opposites are first attached to the legs (to the lateral part of the bar), and then to the frame with steel reinforced corners. When all the inclined stops are exhibited, it is screwed up one or two boards 40 × 70 mm on top of the upper part as back. At the end of the assembly, the design is treated with antiseptic and / or paint materials.

Option number 4 - Garden bench with backrest from old pallets

Corner garden bench made of old pallets

Direct garden bench made of old pallets

I think that it turned out such a garden bench with a back, made, drawings are not needed. Here is the usual block assembly with the help of self-tapping screws, where the design value depends on the geometric parameters of the block.

Standard pallet 1000 × 1200 mm

There are two types of pallets ours (produced in the countries of the former USSR) and European. Our standard perimeter is 1000 × 1200 mm, and 700 × 1200 mm in euro palleons. But those specialists who have long been manufactured by furniture from such materials, recommend European stands, as the board on them is a trungant, therefore, less time goes to grinding.

Soft garden corner of old pallets

You can even arrange holidays in the garden on soft benches, for this design temporarily covered with pillows, which can always be removed in case of bad weather.

Wood processing in this case is no different from other options, that is, it is covered with antiseptic and / or paint materials.

Video: Production of a garden bench made of old pallets


If you want, you can choose one of the four options for making a garden bench with a back, made by your own hands. You can also use the drawings in the article, but if necessary, change the dimensions according to the specific need, that is, focusing on the conditions of the site.

Garden furniture can become not only an interior decoration, but also a great place to relax. The shop do it yourself - the subject of pride and the back of the future furniture headset.

Make this accessory is not as difficult as it seems. It is important from the very beginning to decide on the material and the appropriate design.

About materials

Plastic details

Such a bench will have a mass gain.

  • Affordable price category.
  • Light care.
  • Mobility.

Pleases a large selection of color design options.

There are plastic furniture and its cons.

  1. Cheap appearance. Unlike wood.
  2. Ability to burn out in the sun;
  3. The surface is quickly deformed.

What about the tree?

Perfect option to make furniture. Gone to any types of processing, has a noble appearance, does not require complex work during installation. Wood variety is allowed to choose any. The main requirement is the absence of defects, high-quality drying.

Stone products

Material of natural origin with an attractive appearance. Let's fit into the interior with any design. The composition will look stylish and unusual, exquisitely. Natural stone has many advantages, but not devoid of flaws. Make this option is also easy.

  • It is not always safe to sit on such benches for health, including. There are no such drawbacks.
  • It is recommended to purchase pillows and warm spices.
  • From place to place such benches do not move, only stationary installation is possible.

How to deal with metal?

Garden benches will be an excellent decoration in any garden, for the manufacture of which the forging, cold or hot method was used.

These are stylish and beautiful designs for which it is better to acquire decorative decorations. Metal will be a good supplement for glass or wood. Make it easy.

Requirements for a bench

  1. Convenience. The shop must be ergonomic, it is especially important for rest. Comfort and convenience playing a role. A successful option - the presence of a backrest in the product.
  2. It is important that the bench can withstand even serious loads. Accordingly, the quality of fittings and furniture should be at the height.
  3. Material must displays any changes to weather conditions without deformations, because it is created for outdoor installation.

Design and its features

1500 millimeters - such a length for the back and seats of the shops are enough so that three people are comfortable. Other dimensions also matter. Seat width reaches 400 mm, the back of the back - 18-20 degrees. The height of the back - 900 millimeters, seats - 450.

From the materials we need to take:

  • Varnish, primer;
  • Paper with emery effects for wood;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Electrolake for wood. They will handle chamfer, grind the surface of the boards.
  • Coloring boards will be using an electric jig.
  • Required number of self-tapping screws.
  • The structure of the bench will make it with their own self-draws with sizes 40 by 40 mm.
  • For the front legs bench make the blanks. Thickness - 35-40 millimeters, size - 360 per 150.
  • Holders for the back and leg benches also require individual billets. Thickness is the same 35-40 millimeters, but size is 900 to 150.
  • Do not make it yourself a product without wooden boards. The thickness is the same, and the dimensions are 1500 by 150 mm.

We make a wooden design

  • You can immediately purchase boards for the bench, which have the desired size. If there is no suitable option - we use the jigsaw to cut the boards with your own hands. Fantasy saw will also become an indispensable assistant. You can do it quickly.
  • Wood must be carefully processed after it was possible to achieve the desired length. Grinding require billets for the seat, backs. Electrolake should handle the ends of the boards. The best option is rounded forms.
  • The correct angle of inclination will ask your hands with the long back legs of the bench. They still play the role of the frame of the whole design. We apply markup into two wooden blanks with a length of 900 millimeters. It's not so difficult to do everything.
  • 400 millimeters - the height of the bench, they celebrate it with their own hands first. Additional processing in this area of \u200b\u200bmaterial is not needed. We make a cut at 20 degrees along the entire length of the product, ranging from the segment. This is formed an angle of inclination for the back. The angle of inclination and the height of two legs from the back should be the same.
  • The legs benches are going first. 280 mm - the distance between the elements in the front and rear. The entire width of the bench is a rebar, which connects the legs. Its size is 500 mm. Well, if the binding is on top and bottom.
  • The sidewalls of the shops are connected with their own hands after the assembly completed. For connection, we use the boards on which it will be necessary to sit. To the top bars, the strapping are screwed them with self-tapping screws. Gaps between wooden blanks should have different sizes. They help to remove moisture, organize circulation.
  • Go to the enhancement of the shop with your own hands. Without this action, the product will not be durable and stable. We use brushes in order to make the bottom strapping on the legs. Tighten two blanks with a length of 1500 mm to the front and rear elements. The cross can be alone if the sawn timber is not enough.
  • We mount the back in the bench do it yourself. This is one of the last steps. It is recommended to stick to the range of 380 millimeters from the seat for the second board, 200 millimeters from the seat for the first.
  • It remains only the finish coating of the shop. Varnish and deep impregnation will always help maximize the external influences. On insect pests, mold and moisture can be forgotten.

Article on the topic: Notes Chalkboard: 3 Super Master Class

How to work with metal?

Prices are decorated not only with furniture made of wood. Metal can also be an indispensable assistant when creating comfortable places. The technique of hot forging for this is optional.

Cold forging for this is also quite suitable. In a single design, simply weld the frame from metal blanks. Decor elements are degraded by appearance.

detailed instructions

  • We start with the development of dimensions and size of the bench. Standard backrest height - 800-900 mm. Width - 400-500 mm. Length 1500 mm. The simplest work is with angular shapes. It is recommended to start working with simpler models.
  • Make a skeleton for the seat. Decitation metal pipe. Sizes We need such: 2 fragments of 400 mm and 2 to 1500 mm. Welcome details so that they get a rectangular shape. It is permissible to welcome 2 additional ribs of stiffness to make the design more durable.
  • Next, we need legs. Metal pipe Crow on 4 parts, 460 mm. Billets are then connected to the corners of the shop. Additional ribs of stiffness between the front and rear legs will not be superfluous.
  • We make a back. It welds one billet with a length of 1500 mm to another, by 440 mm. The design then weld to a part of the bench, which is ready. 15-20 degrees - the optimal angle of inclination for the back. Then the rest will be comfortable.
  • Ribrami rigid can also be strengthened.
  • At the final stage, all seams are cleaned. The frame is covered with primer.

Bar and board: the simplest forms

Options for execution and designs There are a large number. There are the simplest, some prefer wood threads. They become real works of art.

Wooden shop without back - the simplest solution. It is allowed to use a board with a thickness of up to 75 mm. For two parts consists of each element.

Of the two boards we collect the seat, the ends are bevelled. It is better to provide a gap between the elements if it is planned to place the design on an open area where there is no heating. The gaps compensate for the swelling of the tree, allow you to get rid of moisture in large quantities.

Article on the topic: How to make a beautiful and solid metal bench

Of the two glued elements, every leg consists. The pin or the wanks will make the connection more reliable. Two short beams should be fixed on each of the legs. This will consolidate the seat itself. Saws and glue, grooves - indispensable assistants to consolidate. Beams and legs are attached to each board in the last stages of work.

Radius cuts and curly elements are a little complicated, but if desired, this task can be solved without problems. For example, choose a rectangle shape.

Drawings are not dogma, they can be changed at their discretion.

The beam is downstairs, if the bench is not very long. The beam itself becomes an edge of rigidity in such a situation. The wanking involves the use of both closed and open installation, the last option is very unusual. Forms of material can be any. Even the use of options with which wooden houses are built.

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An important subject for the dacha and just a garden area is a garden bench with their own hands, the drawings of which can be found on the net. Although it is possible to produce it according to any suitable schemes, including those made independently. The benches can be made from various elements and parts, including sweater materials, and are much cheaper compared to ready-made and purchased options. And they look much more original and more attractive.

There are quite a few different schemes and drawings of benches with your own hands, each of which is suitable for its own. By the installation method, they are divided into three groups:

  1. Stationary modelsinstalled in a permanent location and having a foundation base;
  2. Foldable optionswhich can be folded and moved. Most often these are ready-made purchased options, although it is possible to make them manually;
  3. , best suitable for children.

Considering the various materials for such benches, most often preferred wood and metal. Sometimes a stone is selected for this - although it can only be used if there is an appropriate design of the cottage. And, if desired, even wooden stumps, brices, pallets, or. It is necessary to select a specific option depending on its tastes, the availability of suitable parts for the manufacture and creative abilities.

Benches for the cottage from metal and wood

Deciding to make a bench for giving with their own hands, first of all pay attention to options with a metal frame. Their feature is increased strength, durability and possibility of use in all conditions. Although for ease of use, bench should use:

  • anti-corrosion coatings for metal protection from;
  • additional details for seating and backing from other materials (most often - wood or plastic).

In the manufacture of a bench completely from metal - for example, from forged elements or metal mesh it will weigh much more. In addition, it will be uncomfortable to use it in the heat and in the cold. Therefore, the combined design using wooden elements can be the best option. First, because the wood looks better than other materials (especially if using larch or oak). And, after processing with paint or special varnish, it can serve a lot longer, not exposed to fungus, mold and sun rays. Another reason to choose for the design of a garden bench is the tree is the ability to harmoniously enter this material in, in contrast to the use of stones and plastic.

metal benches

Photo benches do it yourself from stone

Stone garden bench with their own hands, whose drawings can be even simpler compared to wooden and metal structures. In addition, the stone is the most profitable material. Most often, it is not necessary to buy it at all - suitable elements can be found on the territory of their own dacha. Among other advantages, stones are worth noting:

  • long operational period - stone shops are able to serve dozens of years;
  • reliability of the resulting design, which is almost impossible to damage. And there can be no precipitation or temperature differences;
  • the ability to fit perfectly into some types of landscape, becoming an excellent addition for other stone elements.

In the absence of territory, fountains decorated using such beams, or install it is undesirable. Although other buildings can add them, during the construction of which similar materials were used. The shops in the ensemble with and, the foundation of which is made using stones, or with the help of stones, is advantageous. And one of their few drawbacks is the problem with the manufacture of the back, which is missing for all.

Photo of garden benches with their own hands from girlfriend

You can not only from the finished boards, but also from more accessible and existing materials available, saving and time, and funds. It was after the choice of such an option on the summer site a product may appear from the residues of building structures and even cut trees. So, one of the drawings provides for the manufacture of a bench from the stumps, easy to handle and looking naturally treated trees.

The design of such a product may be as follows:

  • a pair of cut bases of trees serves as supports for a bench;
  • for the back and lower crossbar applied pants;
  • the seat is made of part of the trunk.

For the manufacture of such a bench, it is enough to have a circular saw and certain woodworking skills. If they are lacking for the seat, the same stiffs can be used or. After the manufacture of the bench is covered with varnish and it looks even more profitable for the finished option.

Ideas of garden shops and benches do it yourself

Any wooden bench with your own hands is made by definite drawings. But, if the simplest options provide for the design of the product consisting only of supports, seats and backs, more complex options may also include such elements:

  • boxes for placing toys and inventory;
  • forged parts that perform the role of decoration;
  • wooden speaking as a support.

If desired, the bench can be manufactured with or without armrests. And can also have several backs, acquiring the type of double or triple chairs. And even get a non-standard rectangular, but a curved or polygonal form - this option is often used for benches and shops in or around a tree.

Bench with storage box

To build a garden bench with your own hands, you will need not so much time. Whereas among its advantages, you can call the creation of an additional place to store things. Inside such a bench, children's toys are often stored, eliminating the need to use special cabinets or boxes for this. And sometimes a bench with a box installed in the garden is used to store garden inventory.

Choose a product suitable for size and color landscape. Especially since such functionality will increase the cost of a product that is faster and more profitable to make it yourself. This follows:

  1. Find materials, which are most often used wooden boards;
  2. Make the side parts, the walls of the box and the seat, using self-strokes and metal corners as fasteners;
  3. Cover the outer part of the lacquer bench;
  4. For ease of use, lay on the seat of a wooden bench - or sew the surface with a cloth.

The product is suitable not only for the garden or the country area, but also for. And among its advantages, it is possible to name a simple manufacturer that does not require special skills and tools. In addition, boxes in such a bench can be located under the seat, and inside the side supports. And the inner part can be divided by half - with separate seat lids.

garden benches with drawer

Production of a simple garden bench with their own hands

Collect a simple bench with your own hands from the tree with minimal time and money costs may not even be too an experienced joinear or a person who has never engaged in the manufacture of furniture. The main stages of such works are as follows:

  1. Preparation of materials - boards, the total width of which must correspond to the size of the bench, and two wooden boxes or concrete torms;
  2. Installation of supports and, if necessary, their fixation;
  3. Installation of the seat with the help of corners;
  4. Grinding the bench surface using sandpaper.

If there are drawers on the sides of the bench, they can be used as vases. To do this, the Earth falls asleep inside, and decorative plants are planted. It looks good and asymmetric option - when on the one hand there is a built-in improvised mini-flower bed, and on the other hand there is a normal support.

How to make a cottage bench with your own logs?

It is not bad in terms of practicality and time making a solution will be a garden bench made of logs, for the manufacture of which materials will be needed:

  • the trunk of the tree, which will be used for the seat, and for the legs;
  • the second trunk of a smaller size, from which the back is made;
  • pins and self-tapping screws, with which elements are fixed;
  • circular saw and drill.

For the manufacture of a bench in each of the details holes drill. They are installed pins, fastening parts of the structure. The product is additionally strengthened by self-draws. And for the convenience of use and enhance the operational period, polished and covered with varnish. The disadvantage of such an option is the need to use special tools, plus - almost complete lack of waste. Wood residues can be spent on the heating of cottages or cooking on a wood-burning furnace (the optimal option for the cottage), and even make another garden furniture.

Garden benches with your own hands in an ethno-style

One of the most fashionable currently of garden furniture can be a Rustic Style bench (analogue of the American "), which can be perfectly fit into the surroundings of the cottage or. For its manufacture, the materials of two types are used - practically untreated wood, with the remaining bark, or ordinary boards and a bar. It is advisable to use curved and rounded parts in the manufacture of such benches. Even the boards from which the back will be manufactured must have a slightly rounded shape.

The bench in an ethno-style looks good in the ensemble with a wicker hedge. Especially if you make the back of this garden furniture using weaving. This will require a certain skill in the location of the branches (between which, in contrast to the manufacture of baskets, the gaps should remain), but the result will exceed all the expectations.

Details of gardening furniture with carvings are suitable for the landscape made in the Moroccan style, for which natural materials and rounded shape are characteristic. Bamboo elements are perfectly combined with the Chinese style of the plot. And low double benches - with the Japanese style of the garden and at home.

Drawings of benches for giving with their own hands: photos and features

In order to make a garden bench with your own hands, the drawings are needed. Even the simplest designs consisting of a back, legs and seats require measurements and layouts of the holes - this preparation will allow you to get even and attractive to the type of product. If the scheme of the bench is more complicated, it will take some time on the manufacture of drawing, given all the details and sizes - from the height of the supports to the width of the armrests.

Double garden bench with your own hands drawings

A classic drawing of a wooden bench with a back for accommodation 1-2 people consists of such elements:

  • design pattern;
  • brief assembly scheme;
  • sizes of bars for support and boards for the back and seat;
  • schemes for fastening legs that can be installed on a constant foundation or do not provide for fastening to the base.

The drawing is not posted, due to the presence of direct lines on it. In addition, it is not necessary to consider the load on the foundation, in contrast to more hard structures. And, if desired, dozens of already ready-made variants of double products are easily on the network.

For the manufacture of the simplest benches with a back of the tree with their own hands, you will need 120-140 cm boards and a thickness of at least 30 mm. Such dimensions are quite enough to accommodate two people. You will also need 2 pins for the back of a length of at least 40 cm and two more - for supports on which boards will be laid. The diameter of the reference elements can be any, but the optimal option will be approximately 65-75 cm. In addition, there will be needed boards for the back, the length of which corresponds to the log parameters for the seat, (electrical or chainsaw), drill and 12 screws of 10-15 cm long.

Important! When handling the saw, security rules are required. And, if there is no skills to work with such a tool, it is worth or seeking help to a more pilot master, or choose another design option.

Bench for garden cottages with their own hands

If we consider the process of manufacturing garden benches in more detail (which may be needed for a person who has never fulfilled such work), the main steps can be reduced to the table. With the help of a table form, even the owner of the country area, having nothing to do with the woodworking and the furniture assembly, will be able to collect a decent on appearance and durable design.

Table 1. Assembly instruction for simple wooden shop

P / P stage number Description of the technological process Instruments
1. Fitting boards on the size of the shop or the purchase of already ready-made elements with the same parameters.Saw or Lobzik
2. Treatment of wood and ends, which are attached to the rounded formEmery paper, file
3. Select an angle of tilt rear supports. To do this, the boards are taken with a length of 0.7-0.9 m and the mark is raised about the middle. Part of the board at an angle of 20 degrees is cut from one side.Saw
4. The connection of the front and rear supports, the distance between which should be at the level of 270-300 mm.Self-tapping screw, screwdriver
5. Connection of boards for the back and seats with supports. The gap should be equal to 15-20 mm. And the distance between the edges of the back and the seat is about 20 cm.
6. Coating the surface of the bench varnish.Brush, varnish

Garden bench do it yourself from progress materials

The budget version of the garden furniture can be a bench with their own hands, which can be easily found on the network. For its manufacture, so-called Euroallets are suitable, different from the usual EUR marking. The width of these elements is greater than the standard for the bench, so the pallets are desirable to make a little smaller in size, shorter, for example, up to 60 cm.

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To make your loft comfortable for use and beautiful, you need to use such landscape design elements like flower beds, tracks, arbors and. Especially important garden furniture. It is she who is a guarantee of your convenience.In our review we will find out how the garden bench is constructed with their own hands. Drawings and detailed photos will allow the best design.

Comfortable garden furniture is a wonderful addition to the garden ensemble.

Before you make a bench for giving your own hands, let's figure out what kind of designs there are existed. Classification can be carried out taking into account factors such as material, functionality and characteristics.

Benches can only be a piece of furniture designed for seating, or have a multifunctional purpose. For example, used as a rocking chair or table.Evoid popular and original shops - swing. In demand design with backs, which are stationary. They are performed from brick or concrete. There is also a folding type benches.

For the manufacture of products, such materials are most often applied:

  • plastic options have a small weight, and are also endowed with durability to all sorts of climatic changes;
  • wood A great solution for any summer cottage. This is a traditional option that has many advantages;

  • metal can be used in two configurations, from profile highways or as an adhesive design;

  • the most durable material belongs a rock. For a bench, you can take two boulders, as well as apply purchased material.

You can make a product even from concrete. There are combined options for garden benches with their own hands. The drawings will help to build a design from any material. You can combine a metal frame with wood straps. You can also combine stone and wood.

Vegetables can have a different design:

  • a simple option is a bench without a back;
  • you can build a bench with your own hands;
  • the bench with the table is suitable as an option for the garden;
  • a bench with a canopy is used as a miniature gazebo.

When creating artistic style structures, special attention is paid to appearance. Instead of lateral parts, all sorts of figures can be used.

When creating drawings, it is important to take into account the general type of product, as well as all the dimensions of the design. Furniture made of wood, wrought steel or stone wonderfully fit into the garden created in a classic style. And plastic products are suitable for landscape design in a modern style.It matters where to place a bench. You can put it near the porch, as well as located in the depths of the garden under the beautiful tree.

For your information! Wood bench can be used at any time of the year, as the thermal conductivity level is lower than that of stone and metal.

Original benches for cottage from metal and wood

You can try to make a metal or wooden bench with your own hands. Metal products are known for special strength. At the same time, they do not require constant attention. They can be coated with a special anti-corrosion composition only once a year.Modern designs using wrist elements are performed using a welding machine.

From the wood, benches with a beautiful design. Such products will fit almost for any landscape design. To protect such structures, you can apply special vanishing compositions.

This will protect the wooden surface from the development of mold, fungi, as well as from sunlight. Rarely, who uses fully metal products, as they are very cooling up in the cold season and heated in the heat. Most often, carrying elements and legs are performed from this material, and the back and the seat is made of wood.

Rectangles are made from the profile pipe, and then jumpers for support are welded to the side walls. You can build a more functional design with armrests, soft pillows and a back.

To create more smooth lines, you can bend pipes. It will turn out furniture with rounded faces.Evoid popular shops from boards. The design can be performed in the form of a sofa, and top to put the pillows.

You can also construct a simple bench with your own trees. At the same time, the legs can be in the form of the letter X. From the boards, you can make a bench in the form of the letter P. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the rigid fixation of the sidewa and legs.

For your information! The use of special covering compositions will allow for a long time to preserve the natural drawing of such materials.

Photo benches do it yourself from stone

Garden bench with your own hands can be made of stone. This material is characterized by high operational properties, as well as considerable strength. Stone structures can be used for any garden style and design. The use of stone elements to supplement the overall design. Not bad, such furniture looks against the background of a construction, which has separate parts from the stone.Stone's shop will make a wonderful combination with stone flower beds, steps, reservoirs and tracks. Such benches are often combined with wood.

For your information! Often, marble is used for the construction of such shops. Sometimes a quartzite is applied and even coarse granite.

Photo of garden benches with their own hands: how to make from girlfriend

Plastic products are endowed with certain advantages. Here they are:

  • a small weight of the design, which ensures its ease;
  • affordable price;
  • a large variety of colors;
  • practicality.

You can use all sorts of combination combinations that will differ or combined in texture, color palette and materials. A good solution is a combination of stone and wooden parts.

Try to make original combined designs. It may be a sandbox bench for children, as well as a bench of the flower bed.

How to make garden benches and benches with your own hands: Popular technologies and ideas

To make a bench with a back of a tree with your own hands first need to figure it out in its design. A simple device implies a sedentary place on any supports. But there are also products with non-standard configuration, designs with forged or carved parts, as well as furniture with armrests.

A simple solution to use two boxes and a couple of boards. In this case, the boxes will be installed as supporting elements. They can be filled with soil and make a beautiful flower bed in them. The seat is mounted from the board, which is installed between the boxes. Be sure to grind the surface using sandpaper. For a more practical design, boxes can be replaced with stone or concrete courses. Seats can be built from the halves of logs or from the processed boards. You need to fix the seating using metal corners. To attach them to the concrete bases apply dowels. And the fixation to the tree can be made using self-tapping and through bolts.

PictureStages of work
It will take a detailed drawing with all sizes.
Billets are definitely polished. Rear legs are also a support for the back. All billets are pre-locked.
At an altitude of 40 cm, mark the seat for fixing the seating. Then the board is cut at an angle of 20 degrees. Front and rear legs are attached with a bar.
Side parts are attached with the sideways. They are screwed up with self-drawing. To secure the design, you need to perform strapping using a bar. Two boards are fastened for the back.
At the end, a special coating that protects against precipitation is performed.
Helpful information! As a support, vases with decorative bushes and dwarf trees can be used.

Bench with storage box

You can build a comfortable design with storage boxes. It is worth using old furniture. Before work, you need to choose the right screws. Their thickness should correspond to the thickness of the wooden elements.

Bench with a box Wonderful solution for the loggia and balcony. At the same time you can use the old balcony. The design with a drawer consists of two walls, sidewas and sidewalls. It is also recommended to make the bottom of the box. As the fasteners you need to use metal corners.The design can be covered with varnish. And in order to be comfortable to sit, add soft pillows to additionally.

Features of the garden benches made of wood with their own hands

It is easy to make a bench made of wood with armrests. To do this, you will need special bars for supports, backrest and seating boards, glue, saw, ducts, milling machine.First drawing a wooden bench with a back. Then the patterns are made according to the schemes. On all the blanks are the contours, and so that the parts are cut out with a saw. Slices are definitely polished. Holes are done in the backrest placters. First, they need to be filled with glue, and then insert the wrenches into the bearing of the timber. Planks are fixed with the help of a dowel. Then the bench is covered with a special varnish composition.

Secrets of the design of the country benches do it yourself from the log

A practical solution is a garden bench made of logs. For seating, a tree trunk is cut into two parts. The back can be built from a barrel with a smaller thickness than an element for seating. The legs can be built from the remains of the log. Compounds are made using metal pins. This is how it is done:

  • in the details there are holes for pins;
  • the pin is clogged for the middle of the length;
  • on top of the free edge there is a second item and also clogged.

Fasteners are installed with a hammer. Pins assume a solid connection to enhance fixation. The design surface must be stabbed.

How to perform garden benches with your own hands in style ethno

Rustic Style Bench and Ethno wonderfully fit into the court at furnishings. With it, you can create a magnificent natural corner. To build such structures applied wood with or without bark. In the manufacture of benches, you can use a variety of curved forms. Before designing all the details you need to Occhat and process.To create a session applies an unedged board. All design details have rounded forms.

Benches in ethno style are perfectly combined with wicker hedges. At the same time you can build a back in the form of weaving. The branches should be placed tight. But you need to leave the gaps between them. To create furniture in style, materials such as stone, wood, bamboo or even rattan are suitable.

Here are some popular design options:

  • for Moroccan style, you can apply the parts with thread;

  • for landscape design in Chinese style, a bamboo shops are suitable;

  • small furniture is used in Japanese style;

  • furniture in the British style involves the use of solid wood, as well as intricate patterns.

Drawings of benches for giving with their own hands: photos and schemes

When performing the bench, individual needs are taken into account, as well as certain parameters. To create a high-quality design, you will need a drawing with all sizes.An important point is the calculation of the number of materials that will depend on the finite parameters of the structure. Special convenience has a profiled timber. To round the edges, you can apply a special milling mill.

Garden bench with your own hands Drawings: Double structures

Benches can have a different capacity. Most often, they are calculated on 2-4 people. For a double design, bars and boards will be needed. To build such a product will take no more than one day. Before cutting, you need to choose the right drawings.

Bench for giving from wood with your own hands: how to make step by step

First of all, boards for seating are preparing. In this case, the material is cut and processed. In this case, a grinding machine or milling machine will help. You can use both sandpaper, but it will take much more time. With the help of bars, you can build durable legs. Plots where fasteners will be placed should be noted.

Metal pins are used as fasteners. For greater strength, you can use special glue. Pins are used for reliable fasteners of the back. After performing markup, you need to measure the distance from the edge.

The assembly is happening:

  • bars are put on each other;
  • all parts are attached to clamps;
  • holes are made in the center and at the edges;
  • through the parts of the holes, the parts are fixed with studs.

How to make a simple design Look at the video:

Then the seat boards are attached to the legs with nails. After this hat, the nails can be masked with a mixture of mastic and sawdust. Be sure to cover the surface with paint or varnishing composition.

Garden bench with their own hands from undergraduate materials: from pallets

You can make a bench from pallets with your own hands. Photos of interesting options you can see on our website. This furniture can be placed not only in the garden, but also in the country house or on the veranda. For mounting works, you will need three pallets.

This is the assembly:

  • the pallet is divided into two halves. These halves will be applied to the back;
  • two pallets are connected together with nails;
  • then the back is attached to them;
  • the mattress of suitable dimensions is placed on top.
For your information! Soft items can be fixed using belts.

Video: How to make a simple bench from pallets

Drawings of a garden bench with a back of a tree with their own hands: Transformer option

Independently constructed transforming design. For this you will need boards and bars.

Technology manufacturing bench-transformer do it yourself

It is possible to build a design by performing the following:

  • 3 boards are fastened to the support portion, the seat will be made. In each board you need to insert 4 typosses;
  • when assembling nodes, carbon black should be applied to these zones;
  • the legs for the backrest must be styled from the end side. Then the legs need to be connected in pairs;
  • then you need to make a back, which during transformation will be reincarnated in the worktop.
  • boards are attached so that the gap remains;
  • in the reference board it is necessary to make 3 holes with a diameter of 0.8 cm.

Here is a convenient transformer design:

To create axis of rotation, you need to perform two holes on the back leg. The mounting of the back to the base is performed using bolts.


From a bench (stationary or stopped) and a bench (transferred without helpers), many people began to master the subtleties of skill. The shop do it yourself is easier than simple: for half an hour, no experience and skills. How much does she miss? But it depends on the knowledge and experience of the master. Which on the bench need quite a bit, but which will become the basis of the skills more serious.

The imagination of Masters-craftsmen on bears plays in full force and seems unlimited; In the photo below, only a separate snapshot samples. But I want the fruit of creative fantasy to please the eyes and the body longer. Moreover, what serve him is most often in the open sky. And here it is no longer able to do without knowledge in mechanics, resistance of materials and materials science. Elementary, without formulas and complex calculations, but mandatory. The most aesthetically sophisticated product will certainly be in itself "weighing, rude", but not always a visible mechanical basis and keeps on it.

Power schemes

The basis of any carrier design is its power scheme. This is a kind of skeleton from lines; Perhaps imaginary or modeled on a computer. Fundamentally new power scheme event in the technique; The design of the design usually takes a well-known typical, which seems most suitable for this case. This "seems" and focused on the entire developer's experience: if the source power scheme is chosen correctly, the product will be reliable and resistant even being carried out casually and with errors. And if not, how then the design does not "lick" and bring, then the most super-modern materials with ultra-high technologies will not allow to obtain a good product.

The initial power scheme is applied (while in the mind, on paper or computer) operational loads, and determine the places of their concentration - tricks. Then the scheme is finalized, strengthened and may be modified so that the loads from the focus spread over the "skeleton bones" is possible more evenly. Here, the designer's experience is not less important than when choosing the source scheme: the more uniform is loaded with the whole design, the more reliable and the durable it will be. Why, for example, airplanes DC-3, B-52, Tu-96 and R-7 missile still fly and do not see the end? That's why. Finally, according to the calculated loads, the cross sections of the parts are determined based on the specified material, and their configuration for design purposes or, say, aerodynamics are kept so that the desired section is not less than the stock price and the quality of the material.

But back in the topic. Such a simple and "oak" at the very essence of your product, like a bench or bench, taking into account the stringent requirements for its cheapness, processability at home, simplicity of design and convenience in operation, make a shop better one of the trail. power schemes (see fig. And the list to it):

  • Free Items (pos. 1) - a row of beams forms flooring for seating in essence simply lying on supports. Fastening "work" only to prevent the spreading of the shop without load on the part; Under the weight of the sitting fasteners is excessively loaded.
  • Volumetric Ballery (pos. 2) - To parry the desire of the supports to disperse on the parties under the weight of the seated, they are fastened by the screed below. Fasteners fastened to side supports already force and therefore necessary.
  • Boxed (pos. 3) - combined into one 4 support and beam diagrams: 2 longitudinal and 2 transverse.
  • The beam (pos. 4) - the screed is raised up and serves simultaneously with the sideboard for the seat.
  • Fermenic (pos. 5 and 6) - bore voltages help drives that form with the initial elements of the hardness triangles circuit.

Free Item Scheme The least material and time-consuming and most convenient: Master-Middle-hand master makes such a shop for 10-15 minutes, and the legs under it are bold as you want. However, the flooring does not strope, but the "legs" of the shops to disperse on the sides. Ways to avoid this without spending a lot of excess material and work, see below; True, for this you need metal and welding. The possibilities of designer delights are quite limited, but also there, too, see below. After the reference shopping shop of the free-rope scheme, the second convenience: it takes one person up to 2 m long from place to place one person. The back is adapting without serious difficulties.

A completely reliable, the beam beam can be made entirely of wood. In terms of strength, it is almost not inferior to a box, but requires less material and more technologically: when it is made, you can do with metal fasteners, without making joinery. Design capabilities are the same as in before. case, but in contrast to it, the back is complicated: the load on it causes the bending screed in the horizontal plane, which disrupts the distribution of loads throughout the construction. Quite comfortable: although the legs do not chat from the soul, you can help them.

The box shop on the mechanics is ideal: in its power scheme, both constant and variable loads of any direction are most uniformly distributed; No wonder the biplane box lived in aviation to the present day. In relation to the carrying capacity of the mass and volume of the material spent, a box shop is far ahead of the rest. The back is attached to anything with the compliance with the rules, which further. The complete destruction of any of the link box forming does not deprive such a bench in operation, so that you can not rush if necessary. Convenience is the same as before. (volume-beam). Design capabilities are practically unlimited. Disadvantages - bulky, increased material consumption and complexity of the structure.

Note: The bench from the board on the stoves in the ground chumbs or trimming of a bar for mechanics is also boxed, only in a visually implicit form.

The beep layout of the beam scheme requires minimal consumption of the material and the easiest: such a length of 2 can take out and put back to the house and woman. It can be made without metallic fasteners on simple, available for performing inexperienced lover of joinery and adhesive. Disadvantages - the back does not attach a back, the shopkeeper leads from the very first dying on it; You can't wear your feet if the support beam is calculated correctly. Design capabilities are limited to wood carvings, decorative metal lining and shaped drinking legs. But durability, if done without a metal, extraordinary: in the museums of wooden antiquities there are such shops that literally stuck in the summer from the huts outside, and for the winter back.

Drawings of the baking shop of traditional design are given in Fig.:

The sidewall material and the supporting beam is a one-piece board or wood array (the shield from it on the knaps or lamellaes). If the thickness of the boards take 40 mm, then the length of the shop can be increased to 2 m; If, instead of the boards, use fees from 50 mm, then the width of the seat can be increased to 45 cm. But in the same case, the legs and the beam should be from a solid board or fee.

Fermenical power schemes are obtained from the initial by adding oblique links. This allows you to achieve a more uniform distribution of loads and saving material by increasing the amount of need and its complications. Here you need to remember: farms with the number of longitudinal connections less than 2 on happens. For example, bench on the insert in the pos. 5 in fig. Not really fun. In it, the pump only help the legs be torn under load. Such a bench is more than 50 cm long, less than 20 width and more than 30 cm will not last long. How the garden shop is done by the truss power scheme, see for example roller:

Video: Homemade Wooden Garden Bench

Note: In bulk structures, longitudinal bonds that ensure the rigidity of the farm may be implicit, i.e. Not conjugate directly with bows. For example, in a bench at the pos. 6 Shared rigidity is provided by the back.


If a bench with a back, the design of its side supports also acquires particular importance. Bearing backrest racks, combined with legs, can both reinforce the design and weaken it. You can not think about it, making a shop by boxed or close to it according to the properties of the scheme, see below, and about the sidewalls for economical free-free, volume-beam and french shops, you need to think tightly.

The easiest option

The above mentiones that the boxed power circuit is capable of accepting and absorbing any loads within the limits of permissible. But the bench is not a fighter-biplane of a hundred years ago; It is not necessary to spin in the sky, and the load from the back is fairly known in magnitude and direction. Therefore, it is possible to use a more economical, technological in-house and comfortable volume-beam scheme, and bending the load on the screed to compensate for the "dubbing" material; For a launch length approx. Up to 1.7 m enough chassis inexpensive pine board 140x40.

As a simple wooden bench with backrest and responsible nodes of its design, shown in Fig.:

About methods for preparing material and finishing (impregnation, varnishing) See at the end. Here you can add that during the work it would not hurt to collect sawdust, and in front of the varnish, we knew them on the PVA (3-4): 1 and the resulting putty to close the wells above the fasteners heads (tap screw 70x6). The gaps between the floorboards of the seat and the backs are needed to prevent the material from rotting the material from the capillary moisture.

Note: A wooden bench with a back length of up to 2 can be performed on a combined pattern - top from a box, bottom with a screed. Sitting on such a convenient, and the material and labor you need not much more, see for example video:

Video: Wooden shop in 6 hours

Why and what a triangle is needed

The power schemes of the shops are easier with the back, usually t. Triangles of stiffness by adding obliques; About the hardness of the triangle from school geometry you probably remember. But in this case, it just does not mean that the more, the better. The little triangle is as hard as big, but the latter strongly reduces the comfort of the shop and the possibility of its design, pos. 1 Fig.:

Using the "Triangle of Stiffness" in the designs of garden shops

Many oblique connections and, acc., Many triangles, stuffed in the original scheme, as it fell or, if necessary (a transformer shop. 2) may not be strengthened, but, on the contrary, weaken the initial scheme. The triangle of stiffness works like this: it is placed in such a way that theoretically focus loads accounted for its "hole" - a geometric center. Then the side of the triangle will not simply take on a uniform load from the focus, but also "drip" it is also more or less evenly into the conjugate long details. But if the triangle will also meet instead of such a triangle, then they may become "rehearse" the loads are not for the benefit of total strength. In this case, caidants on the eye will not cost; Need a detailed calculation. "On the eye" you can put a small triangle of stiffness in a certain point, visible on the basis of the general and your own experience.


Fortunately for beginners, for centuries of general design experience, methods of enhancing the initial power schemes of rigidity triangles are developed, which for invisible designs can be applied without calculations. Also are also well known schemes, unconditionally, without calculations unacceptable.

The simplest at first glance is the T. Naz. Λ-supports (pos. 1 in Fig.) lead in the courses of applied mechanics and the conversion of the example of how it is not necessary to do: in places marked with red, strong unreal focus of loads are formed, because The triangle of stiffness as such in this design is not. And in the place of intersection of "sticks" and "legs" "λ" will not cost without a connection. Param tree-steel or wood-tree in it have to work. On the shift, which one does not endure. The design of the shopkeeping is simple, and the kind of original, there is no dispute, but it will be overwhelmed soon. Maybe it is no less original: suddenly under sitting.

Symmetric X-shaped support seems more reliable, because Together with the supporting beam, the floor forms a triangle, pos. 2. But - only if someone goes to the bench at the same way and remain there forever. In fact, if the sitting throws back, the focus of stresses will switch to its connection with the support. And when he starts to get up, briefly "jump" at the crossroads (then it is marked red). Loads in focusing are much weaker than in before. case, but then periodic. The tree in combination with any other material they are contraindicated.

To avoid focusing loads in the material, it is necessary, first, to make x asymmetric, stretching it off by 15-20%. Secondly, the supporting beams of the seat layer also pull back; This will at the same time will increase the stability of the bench. Thirdly, the supports of the backrest attach to the rear legs x and the consoles of the seat beams. An additional triangle of rigidity is formed (shown by an arrow on pos. 3). Would anyone have to get on the bench, the loads of the loads will jump between the "holes" of triangles and not surrender to the material.

What helps armrests

Hardening benches with the back is greatly facilitated if armrests are provided. In this case, supports make a-shaped. In order for the crossbar, but reliably held the legs from driving around across, the angle when it should not exceed 40 degrees. Because the armrests will come out somewhere on the level of the shoulders of the seated, and on top cut and put a screed there, which will simultaneously be the supporting beam of the armrest. Now it is enough to put a backrest rack, and the triangle of stiffness is formed just where it is needed, pos. 4. Depending on the size and proportions, the triangle shop can be located inward and outward from the rear legs, pos. 5 and 6.

About the size of a shop

Movements of consoles and asymmetry of supports in Prev. The case is selected based on the usual sizes of the sedanishes for a person - stool, stool:

  • Seat height - 42-47 cm looking at growth. Typical value - 45 cm;
  • Seat width - 30-55 cm. Typical value - 40 cm;
  • The tilt of the back - 65-85 degrees. Typical - 75 degrees.

Easier but more convenient

Before you say goodbye to the time before time with wooden shops, let's try to make a bench without a back more convenient. The easiest way to do this is a concave seat. But then the "sprawling" loads on the legs are enhanced, and the seat loses strength - bent beams keep the load at times worse than straight.

The simplest solution to the problem is a box power scheme. Its excessive in this case, the overall rigidity will save on the material, applying for the CARG (furniture screeds, struts and carrier beams) thin narrow boards, and in consideration - using compounds in steel fasteners. The rigidity of the seat is ensured by installing intermediate transverse beams, see the drawings in Fig.:

Note: More about one version of the universal bench without a back (home, household, garden), see the next. plot:

Video: homemade bench no backrest

What gives metal

It is much more difficult to work with the metal than with a tree, but it allows it to achieve more, and even a handicraft, but special equipment. If there is no such, except for the grinder with a cutting circle and welding, you can make a shop on a power scheme working almost "wooden", see video:

Video: Garden benches with a back with a metal

Both of these benches are made of proftrub, because Round into "wooden" power schemes fit no matter. The shop on the basis of round pipes looks better and feel pleasant to the touch, although not as wooden. But for its manufacture you will need at least, see the video below. And for a really beautiful one more machine for.

Video: Pipe bender for the manufacture of a metal profile for a shop

In any case, the manufacture of metal benches has a number of features on which it should be lined. The reason is a lot of large than the tree, the general strength, elasticity and plasticity of structural steel. The flooring of the seat and backs remain wooden - the replacement of their metal does not give anything other than extra expenses, gravity, cold on the body and dirt from rust on clothes.

The simplest free-rope shop on the basis of square professional professional acquires the mechanical properties of a wooden box, if the beams flooring along the contour attach to the base; Through long sides - from under the bottom with a step of 150-200 mm, shown by arrows on the pos. 1 Fig.:

Wood flooring together with metal products form a very low, but quite a solid box with all its properties. Even better, it will be in the same way to attach from the bottom to the clamps of the legs of the tree spikes: the metal will get rid of immediate contact with the soil moisture and will not scratch the coating of a crucible path. If you put a tie, as in a wooden volumetric layout, pos. 2, instead of the prom, you can use the corner. In the other case, the 40x40x2 profile is enough to make a bench up to 1.5 m long; For length, intermediate supports need more.

Both of these benches are pretty utilitarian. But, again, using the stiffness of the metal-dressing box, the shopping center can be noticeably aligning, applying double flooring. First, a solid lining from moisture-proof or soaked plywood from 16 mm is fastened to the steel base; Side supports can now become broken or curved in the plan. And then on the plywood base, decorative wooden elements are stacked or mounted, see fig. on right. That's all, the shop has acquired a completely different look.

But here focuses of loads in metal bears with a back is still more dangerous than in wooden, because At least one of them will have to fragile welded seams, marked red on pos. 3 and 4. Drive it in the "hole" and "Wooden", pos. 5. However, the large elasticity of the metal allows you to stretch the triangle of stiffness to the entire armrest. For comfort, its upper side is made by convex and that the hardness of the triangle does not decrease, it is tightened by its power and simultaneously decorative detail, pos. 5. Power "curls" are performed by a cold forging method; How to make a wrought bench, see video:

Video: bench with cold forging

In a stronger on bending and simultaneously more elastic metal, a conditionally rigid figure is a circle. More precisely, ring from a round tube. On pos. 7 An example of a combination of both things is given: no matter how the focus load is in the material, it will spread along the ring, but the heels of legs will not harm. A bench made of round-section pipes, bent into rings or their parts (see Fig. Right) in aesthetic relationship is good as an elegant and openwork in the style of mini or other modern, and in the technological fact that the details of its sidewall can be inhaling and without pipe bender - by The fingers from the plugs of the reinforcement rod from 16 mm, deep into the dense soil.

We start the originality

Not everyone is able to give "mechanical" sciences to accurate calculations and numerical modeling. But already elementary information from them gives enough will to fantasize the topic of benches. For example, the triangle is hard? And the 3-faceted pyramid and its base is a triple angle - then, probably, even stronger? Right. So you can now figure out a bench-chair from waste wood materials, see fig. left. Cable drum cheeks can be paid at all for nothing, because It is very hard to disassemble them, and the boards are not measured, suitable for fuel. You only need to make the seat and the back to do not shields, but frames.

The carrier frame is the embryo of modern cellular materials: a lot of flat boxes with shared low sides. The ratio of the carrier ability of the frame to its weight is very large; The plating frame with hard material increases even more. The airplane wing is essentially the same frame. Therefore, based on frame structures, lavets swing are made, see fig. on right. The back is just not the first glance seems weak: in fact it strengthens the triangle of rigidity, "turning on" under load is shown by an arrow on the pos. 3. If the suspension is not a chain, but the rope, instead of echras. Its branches must be put the screed from the bar from 50x50, the steel strip from 40x4 or a bar from 8 mm is a triangle at least with one soft elastic side, it will not be tough.

From flat boxes you can collect not only frame, but also a package by connecting them by wide parties. It turns out like one box, but much more tough. After folding a lot of frames in the package, and we get a cellular material, but here it is not about him. The package can be folded in the package, and it will be much stronger than its components in the amount. The principle of a broom - remember? Reason - friction between package sheets. And if it is reduced to reduce, the elasticity will increase, it will be possible. Although it is not about it too.

The author of the shop in fig. On the right, it seems, there are extra charges from paving tracks, he lasted them into business. Otherwise, the appearance of such a shop is difficult to explain: it is unsightly, non-technological (the drilling of concrete is not from the work performed with pleasure), it is accumulated - going at the place of location, inconvenient, and the back is clearly chlipkaya. But the design is interesting, because In the combination of flooring with legs, a package is highly connected inside. His carrying ability in this case is monstrously excessive. The work of the flooring from the beams on the edge to bending and the curtain will fully ensure the sidewalls in the form of boxed packets from the same boards of 150x30.

Note: The wide long side of the board is ray. Long narrow - edge. Short narrow - end or spice (slice, edge). Shakes of layers, edges and trimming - ribs boards.

To properly collect packages, you will need 2 (even better - 4) large squares. Joiner's coolers half meter and more on sale are not always there and stand quite a lot. However, we need only an angle of 90 degrees without marking the parties, so recall, also from school geometry: it gives a triangle with the ratio of the lengths of the sides 3: 4: 5. And yet - that the angles with parallel sides are equal to each other. Based on this, and do how much the carnels need any size:

  • We note on the smooth rusties the desired dimensions (in brackets for pos. 1 fig. - for the manufacture of a shop).

  • Drills on the holes for the bolts.
  • We attach the rest to the short bar.
  • The longest bar (hypotenuse) turns to the coincidence of the holes in it and the middle in length (long cathet), pos. 1 in fig.
  • Insert the bump, too, with a hole under fasteners, between hypotenuse and cathetoma (pos. 2); The thickness of the bobbies is the same as the strip of a short category.
  • We fasten all the cops, cutting off the unnecessary ends - the accurate square of 90 degrees is ready, pos. 3.

Boards for packets of legs and seats are processed by carbon with periodic checks to others, pos. 1 on the trail. Fig.:

Collect the package (pos. 2) is better in a pair of squares attached to a solid base at a distance of the board's width minus 2 of the coal thickness (in our case - approx. 130 mm from each other). It is even better to collect the entire base of the shop immediately, using 4 square meters. Bonding - diagonal pairs of self-oriented mutually perpendicular to adjacent tiers, pos. 2a. Then there will be only a pair of fastener heads from the back, unlike, forgive, shameful bolts of a concrete and wooden bench.

The collected bench is already worth it and it can be sitting on it, but for full strength (equal to such or more than a tree-concrete), this shop must still be strengthened and at the same place:

Production of a set shops from boards

  • Soles from the board are attached to the lower ends of the legs. 1 in fig.
  • Each leg is crashed (or stuffed on it, if the design is incomplete) screed rigid rigs from 20x20 to 40, pos. 2. If the shop will be without a back, the screeds put in pairs, outside and inside.
  • Optionally, it is chosen, the planer manually or grinding, the seat on the profile, pos. 3.
  • If the bench will be with the back, after sampling the profile, its supports are cut, also pos. 3 (Triangle of stiffness see?). In this case, it is necessary under one tie on the leg on the inside.
  • For a bench with armrests, one of the legs of the packets of the legs should be put longer; They are processed outside the package and customized at the place.
  • For supporting beams, armrests are cut on the board profile are the same as the rest.
  • The beams of armrests are attached to the backrest racks from the inside to the folding, and the board protruding from the packages are crashed, pos. four.
  • Lodge (flooring) armrests make a simple plywood with a thickness of 4-6 mm. To avoid transverse swinging when drying, the blanks are cut down so that the fibers of the outer layers went along the armrest.
  • The billets of the devices of armrests are abundantly, to the blotch through, soaked from two sides by water-polymer emulsion (see also at the end).
  • Billets of devices of armrests are wet, even twisted, impose on the beams and fasten with self-draws with a step of 50-70 mm. Fasteners are starting from root (adjacent to the back) ends.
  • The bench is dried 3-5 days under a canopy (can be temporary from the film).
  • The wells are put on the fastener heads and the shop will finish the shop.

Note: During the work, all parts are impregnated as described at the end.

Same but with flowers

The bulk legs of the shops may be and not typical, but simply boxed; It is well suited for a bench with floral vases. In this case, for due durability and the seat, you need to do on a row of beams on the edge, and frame.

Drawings of a garden shop from a tree with kashpo for flower vases are given in Fig. (Dimensions - in inches):

Kashpo before the impregnation of the hydrophobizer is impregnated with 5% iron vapor solution (see below); copper vitriol or buroy - in no case! However, the back to this bench do not adapt: \u200b\u200bit is nowhere to attach it so that it was reliable. A possible way out is to place this shop in Pergola, a gazebo or under a canopy so that it is where to lean apart.


Lovely success, and deservedly, enjoy rustic shops, i.e. Dot-primitive species. Some samples of such are shown in Fig. With the beginning. Unfortunately, one only selection of materials, taking into account all operating conditions, requires, besides huge (if not unique) experience and knowledge of the time and, moreover, great good luck. And collect all together so that the fruits of the works are not disappeared for 3-5 years as an engineering task more complied with designer. But for beginners in rustic design there is also a glad window - a bench from wild logs.

Over the choice of the power scheme, it is not necessary to think about it: cuts out the duffiness (without quotes) of the material, so we take free of refreshing. The simplest shop from the log (on the left in Fig.) It will still require considerable labor. But it will give the opportunity to acquire the skills of sawing logs along and cutting into them shaped grooves. They will be very useful if you decide to put a log house; For example, the real Russian bath is built only by Rangla. How to adapt to a bench from the log rustic back (in the center), see below, and how to simplify its manufacture - on the right in Fig. All work - cut out of a log of 2 ridges of the same length, cut into them the grooves under the seat board and make it all together. If instead of the edged board cut out of the log cabin with a thickness of 60 mm thick, then the view of such a shop will be quite rustic.

Rustic back to a bench from the log to attach is also easy. If the billet is a conventional thickness, then it is cut along 1/3: 2/3 or 1/4: 3/4 and the trim is put on the racks from the boards (left to the next. Fig.), Bruusyev, or, like better, from Gerdia or stakes. If there is a log thickness more than half a meter, then the seats and back fees put in the grooves of grooves from it without a single nail. It turns out - it does not happen rustically, right in fig.

Note: More about the options for making rustic benches, see the video below:

Video: Rustic benches with backrest (1) and without (2)

The same of the older

Original and tasteful benches up to 1.5 m longs are obtained from old chairs. They are connected in pairs with front sides to each other with a lengthening seat insert.

It is best if there are 4 unnecessary stools "under Viennese", with curved in the horizontal plane backs; This is important in this case to ensure the overall strength of the design. Further is clear from the rice: 2 stools go to the waste - the front tsargs are cut out of them. They connect the remaining 2 stools on the seats and glue, the seat is filling. So that the bench can be suitable for gatherings not only a tet-a-tet, but also a rotational, a pair of upper corners of the backs can be connected to the supporting beam under the flooring of the overall back (it is shown green on the pos. 5. The curved beam for such an improvement is recruited from several plywood blanks on adhesive and small nails or self-drawing.

Chairs with straight in the horizontal cut backs on the bench will need only steam, because A direct composite box of the seat will not be strong enough. One solid frame for the seat (on the left to the trail. Fig.) The problems do not solve, as well as the top of the top ends of the backs of the chairs beam: folding on the overall back just rather breaks the design. An additional lower frame is needed (in the center and right in Fig.) To form a solid direct box.

Limits of originality

Everything has a limit. Originality - too. In relation to the convenience and labor intensity, the limits of the originality of the benches can be divided into the upper and lower.

Example of the Upper - Puzzle Lavochka from stools with curly seats, see Fig.:

This is the perfect solution for the summer cottage: you needed - they collected everything into the bench. It is necessary - disassembled and distributed to guests along Sidushka. We are leaving - even though children will figure it out and bring to the house, and the theft with hacking and "took the host for the arrival of the hosts yes forgot it to return" this article oh what are different.

An example of the opposite kind is a transformer shop, see the trail. Fig.:

Transformed furniture often helps in everyday life, but, firstly, only with an acute disadvantage of the place, and in itself is always less convenient, reliable and durable than the unchanged. Even at the 6-year-old dacha, there will always be a place for a table in benches. Secondly, it's simply inconvenient how to sit on a folded, so get out-to-climb into the unfolded. Attached sites outside after all, not only for playing chess (sorry for deliberately excessive expression). Thirdly, the open-air hinges are spoiled at times faster than in a house or apartment, and a whole-removal shop-transformer has to strengthen the disconsees before they are thinking about the computer: is it better to medicine for the disease itself?

Preparation of material and finishing

All parts of the shops for installation outside are impregnated to the assembly in a single product first biocide (antiseptic, fungicide), and in full drying of the first impregnation (2-4 days) with a hydrophobizer (water-repellent composition). The best hydrophobizer is a water-polymer emulsion (VPE), but with biocides a little more difficult. Choosing their inexpensive natural smallness: Boric acid or iron vigor. The rest of the natural or quickly washed out, or spoil a tree, or both. Synthetic bio-preparations of the road and keep in wood for no more than 3 years, and it becomes unsuitable for settlement for 5 years. On the oil impregnation badly lies and then puts painting and varnishing.

Boric acid is more or less well dissolved in hot water (60-70 degrees), and in the cold very bad, but it practically does not paint wood; Used in the form of a 3% solution (300 g per bucket of water or 100 g per can be 3 l). From the iron vigor, the tree darkens, but if the shop is made from the old spent tree, then a 2-4% iron mood solution (200-400 g per bucket) can be toned (ripped) under the old walnut or the pointed oak.

Solutions of biocides are prepared in ceramic, glass, plastic or enameled dishes; In the metal - it is impossible! Impregnation and biocides and hydrophobizers lead a wide flat soft brush; The plastering maclove is best suited. The first to impregnate the heels (soles) of the legs: plenty of several times with pauses for 10-15 minutes, until the solution stops absorbed. The rate of impregnation for indoor-dry pine is a glass of biocide and one and a half or two glasses of VPE per 100 sq. M. See heels legs. Wooden colors for flowers are impregnated once from the inside with a 5% solution of iron mood (0.5 kg per bucket of water); They are outside and the remaining parts twice with 3% solution.

Street wooden shop from the new wood is desirable to lacquer in 2-4 layers with a transparent acrylic yacht varnish. It is more expensive than ordinary furniture, but well protects the tree from the fission under the action of ultraviolet (UV) of the radiation of the Sun. It is also better to paint a yacht enamel - it is very rack both to UV and atmospheric influences. Soaked and lacquered (painted) Thus, a bench from a conventional carved pine on the street will serve without repair at least 10 years.