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What is the name of the roof of Chinese houses. How to make the Chinese roof - the nuances of the building. Phased construction plan

At the sight of a building built in chinese style, the first thing you pay attention is the roof.

She can have one or more tiers. The massive design of the Chinese roof with curved up the edges gives the house majestity and elegance.

The design of the Chinese roof is characterized by a bend at an angle, as well as the lack of reverse bending in the edges.

Such a roof is different from European standards. The lack of a rafter system, which relies on the bearing walls, as well as the absence of rafter feet and pods, tightening suspended rafters.

Before starting studying in the technology itself, it is necessary to figure out what the Chinese roof is known, the design of which is not at all similar to the standard solutions for us. The Chinese roof, or differently, the pagoda is a stepped roof having a square shape with bent up the corners.

This roof is made of wood. As a rule, bamboo, pine, spruce, larch or oak are used. As facing material Apply stone slabs or metal tile.

The Chinese roof can have several levels. This feature gives this architectural solution to such a charm and charm. This solution also changes the entire type of construction and special requirements are presented to the construction. For example, a gazebo with such a roof should be open and easy, and the dwelling should have the appearance inherent in Chinese architecture.

Chinese roof has a completely traditional internal device. The original type of roof gives the corners, bent up. This element creates the greatest problems in the construction of such a design, since it is not easy to cover the tent roof.

A special approach also requires the equipment of the undercase. It is possible to build such a roof on their own in principle, only for this will need to consult with experts who know all the nuances of such architecture.

What nuances have a Chinese roof?

The Chinese began to apply these forms of roofs due to the fact that the bulk of China's area is located in the region with high seismic activity. Therefore, all buildings must have not only high strength, but also not to collapse with strong underground jokes.

This roof shape covers one feature. The Chinese roof in the center rests on the carrier pillar, strengthened at the depth. It is because of this that she looks like an umbrella. Due to this roof, has high reliability and durability. With all this, almost any resident of China could build a dwelling with this roof.

When erecting the roof of such a design, the following points should be taken into account:

  • the feasibility of such a structure;
  • the possibility of mounting this design;
  • presence of suitable materials;
  • presence sufficient number Money.

Analysis of the complexity of work and installation of the Chinese roof

During the construction of the Chinese roof, special attention should be paid to the rafters, because these elements are influenced by its reliability and appearance.

It should be noted that for the Eastern architecture alone, classical framework technology. More precisely, instead of bearing walls, the support pillar, which assumes the load from the roof.

In addition, the Chinese roof is often built multi-tiered and represents several roofs laid alone on another.

For this reason, the construction of such a design requires special experience and knowledge. Only a professional architect is able to prompt how to make this idea competently. As a result, the roof should effectively protect against wind and rain, and she is not terrible earthquakes.


Before building the roof, you need to choose the desired design and shape. Then the Chinese roof is designed. Her drawing is applied on paper.

We will not forget that in weather conditions of Russia, it will be possible to fulfill only imitation of such a roof. Smoke design can be built with your own hands, with more difficult eye options it will not be able to avoid the invitation of a specialist. Drawings of the Chinese roof in different variations can also be seen in the open access. On the Internet there are quite a lot of photos that will help you choose the desired design.

After making calculations, the required building materials are purchased. First, the center is fixed with a width of 30 cm wide and a length of 1.5 m. The rafter foot is installed along the central axis of the roof base. So the support timber is formed. Similar bar We put on the opposite side of the structure. As a result, a fetal figure shall be released, having a cone type.

Fit the crate is quite easy. On support bars and rafting legs nourish wooden boardsRunning perpendicular to the ground. The main skeleton of the roof is fully ready. Next, plywood sheets should be taken and give them flexibility with applying notches. Then the sheets are fixed on the crate.

It is best to use soft bitumen tiles as roofing material. She has low weight, and she also repeats the bends of the roof. You can also cover the roof of copper. However, this material is not cheap.

Roofs in chinese architecture have not only purely practical, but also mystical significance. It's believed that chinese roofs bent to the top To protect against evil spirits - Buddhists believed that the bends would drive the evil, in the attack on the house, usually taking the form of a straight line. Temple roofs made from glazed ceramic tiles, remind the cave vaults with their elegant forms. The unusual kind of roof is achieved by complex fit of short and long rafters. In China, even ordinary houses had such a complex roof.

However, the most special roofs were rich houses and palaces. An excellent example is the forbidden city and 13 tombs of the Ming dynasty near Beijing, whose roofs are covered with brilliant tiles of yellow, green and red shades. The beams of each roof are crowned with figures of strange mythical creatures, and the most complex structures usually indicate southeast. Nevertheless, with the decoration of the roofs should be careful: a huge weight in the end could crush the whole building. That is why the Chinese add an additional column to support the roof through the outer edges, rendering fasteners to a simple scenery. Fastenings are decorated with complex carvings, paintings with bright colors And other pleasing eyes with beauty.

A distinctive feature of Chinese roofs is a large proportion of symbolism. It is present in the color of the eaves, and in the choice of roofing materials, and in the jewelry of the top. The roof usually consists of a wave-like tile, which goes horizontally and round ridges - vertically. Vertical beams are performed from bamboo, which symbolizes youth and longevity. Since gold is very good, imperial roofs were usually gilded or yellow. Green roofs symbolize bamboo trees, which, in turn, have already been mentioned, in China have the importance of youth and longevity.

Beautiful curved roofs can be found in the Wong Thai Xi Temple Complex in the Kowloon district in Hong Kong. Roof decorations include dragons with bells, a man riding on a chicken, a variety of custodians and carp animal, which brings success. The more importantly the building, the more such keepers "live" on it. The number of the levels of the Chinese roof is also a status symbol. Roof keepers are usually designed to protect the building from evil spirits, fires and other disasters.

For example, on the roof of the Higher Harmony Hall in the Forbidden City (Beijing), a lot of keepers. Their team includes various animals mentioned by a man on a chicken, Sin She (winged demon with a sword, the only thing in the Forbidden City), dragons that symbolize the imperial power. In general, 11 figures. Higher harmony hall is the most important building in the Forbidden City. The two-layer roof makes the palace even more majestic.

Animal figures on the roofs of Chinese palaces, temples and other ancient buildings are not only original decorations - They also represent the status of the owner in the feudal hierarchy.

The design of the whole Chinese style house is created in such a way that they can withstand even earthquakes, because in their locality they occur quite often. The Chinese roof rests on the central pillar and most often it does not even get into the ground. As a result, the pillar is holding back all the oscillations of the earth's crust, and neither the house nor the roof is destructive.

More than a few dozen years earlier, the roofs of the poor houses were covered with bamboo, and the glazed tile was only on expensive homes, and most often made such roofing material From the clay of a bright yellow color. In addition, the roof was decorated with a variety of images of animals that acting the role of defenders of the house from evil forces. And besides, the roofs could be decorated with carvings, and her separate elements decorated with oil paints.

The difference between the Chinese and Japanese roof

The roof in the Chinese style is somewhat different from traditional Japanese roofs. The fact is that in Japan, the houses are built on a slightly different technology, there, mostly, it is a frame, covered with special paper. In our understanding there is no windows or doors. And there all vertical planes are used exclusively as partitions. Built such buildings for the reason that they are easily restored after the earthquake and do not cause much harm to people when the house is collapsed under the influence of underground forces. Also in the case of Japanese houses, there is no powerful foundation there, and the bearing walls are created from stone or bricks.

If you closely consider Chinese roofs, then in its essence is a certain tent roof With all the well-known forms of corners. But this is exclusive exterior property. The inner structure of the roof and its rafter system differs significantly from traditional European-style samples.

Before you begin to create a roof in Chinese style, you need to solve the question - it will be a real Chinese roof or its imitation. If you create a real roof with a Chinese slope, then it will be expensiveness, and if you are ready to spend a considerable amount to create such a roof, then this option is for you. But if you want to do summer arbor In Chinese style, it is quite possible to use the imitation of the Chinese roof, as it will also be harmoniously combined with the landscape.

Chinese roof - how to create it right?

Fashion on East-style things from time to time rolled around the world and acquires its fans. But there are those people who are not amenable to such a temporary fashion, as they are constant adherents of the East literally in all, ranging from food and ending with architecture.

How is the Chinese roof, it is possible to use it to create a roof in a residential or used room With your own hands, you can learn a little lower.

The building built in the style of Far Eastern architecture can be easily distinguished from afar and literally at first glance, since such structures have an original and somewhat unusual appearance.

The main reason is a pronounced roof in Chinese style, with those present smoothly elongated corners up. For any non-specialist in roofing in oriental style, such a roof is absolutely distinctive and original.

But upon closer to the roof, it can be noted that it has analogues in the traditional European style architecture, it may be the so-called half-timbered or "Dutch" roofs. And most importantly, the difference lies in a break of an angle and in the complete absence of reverse rebe bend.

And therefore in appearance for Western classification the design of the Chinese roof is not something special because it is common walm roof With a broken skate (here, different parts of the skate have different angles of inclination) or the semi-degrees. But the half-haul is used only when the skates are located on two opposite from each other mansard windows (There may be frontones).

But the fact is that it will be correct only for the form of a roof, because the fact is that the supporting structures in Japan or Asia are specifically different from each other. And, therefore, before proceeding to the construction of the roof in Chinese style, as already mentioned, decide whether it will be original design Chinese roof or simply its imitation, because there are many differences.

The creation of the original Chinese roof is essentially more difficult, and in fact you need to create a building exclusively on the Chinese canon. But in the case of the simulation of the Chinese roof, it will be possible to create with the help of familiar structural solutions. But still, only professionals and connoisseurs of this case can cope with the creation of both the first and second options of the roof, because it has many features and difficulties.

Before building such a stylish roof, you need to decide how it is so different from others. The main element is the pagoda, that is, a stepped square roof with a little curved edges. Such a roof is made of wood, the pine, larch, bamboo, oak, spruce, fir, is applied to this natural tile, Metal, stone tiles.

A similar roof in a Chinese style may have several levels that gives it a special charm, but also imposes certain obligations to the appearance of the entire house or the structure.

The gazebo in this case should be light and open, and the residential building is similar to the traditional Chinese feature. Stone and massive mansion with European features and such a roof will look ridiculous, so when choosing a general design, pay attention to the compliance of its individual elements.

The roof made in oriental style is a tent construction, the angles of which are strongly changed, although its internal device is quite traditionally. Its unusual appearance is due to the angles that are bent up. During construction, it most often causes difficulties. There are difficulties in its coating with roofing materials, a device of a subsecope.

You can build such a roof with your own hands, but here you need to consult professional builders who will prompt the subtleties of Chinese architecture.
Nuances Building

Why did the roofs in China purchased these forms? What prompted the architects of that time to give them such unusual features? The answer, in general, is pretty simple: this region is susceptible to increased seismic activity, so all the buildings were to be not only durable, but also to resist any underground push that can destroy the roof and walls.

Therefore, such a form of a roof was chosen, which in the center would relieve a pillar, fortified at depth. The roof of the houses of such a form became very reliable and durable, similar to an umbrella, which shakes from the wind, but does not overturn. Almost every adult local resident could build a similar design.

When building a Chinese roof, it is necessary to immediately take into account all the nuances that include:

· Features of the structure;

· The presence of the materials suitable for the work and in general the possibility of installing such a design;

· Availability of financial resources, as the construction of such a design is quite expensive.
We analyze the complexity of the work and carry out installation

So how to build your own roof in chinese style? Special attention should be paid to the rafters and the crate, as it is from them that will depend on the reliability and kind of roof. It is worth reminding that the eastern architecture does not know what traditional framework technology is, that is, instead of the usual walls, a special reference pillar, which takes over the full load, should go strictly in the middle. With European construction, the carrying walls are taken on the burden.

The roof load is distributed in the building in the form of a rectangle, according to a general form, the familiar to us of the roofs have a triangular distribution. In addition, the design of the Chinese roof is often multi-tiered, as it were, as it were, several roofs laid alone on another.

When building such a building, it is necessary to contact the experienced architect, which can suggest exactly how to carry out such an idea correctly. As a result, the construction should be built, which protects against the rain, and does not suffer from the earthquake.
Installation of roof

Consider now how to build roof in Chinese style. To begin with, choosing the desired roof option and make it drawing. Do not forget that our climatic conditions allow us to make only imitation of such a building. When building a simple design, you can do and on your own. If you want something more ambitious, then the work must be entrusted only to proven professionals. An inexperienced brigade of workers who saw such a roof only in the pictures, it is unlikely that you will help to do something worthwhile.

After the calculations we buy materials and proceed to the installation. First, the boards with one and a half meter long and a width of thirty centimeters in the center. The rafter put in the center of the foundation obtained, that is, we obtain a support bar connectable with the middle. Now repeat the same with the other side of the design. Thus, we, we obtain a quadrangular figure in the form of a cone with ribs and a little curved base.

The lamp is very simple: on the rafter legs and support side bars nail wooden boards that should go perpendicularly. So, the main design, so to speak, the skeleton of the roof, we are ready. Now we take plywood sheets, the flexibility of which we attach a storm, and freamed them to the crate.

As roofing A soft bituminous tile, which has a little weight, is excellent repeats all the bends of the roof, has an attractive appearance. It is possible to cover the roof and with the help of copper, but this option is very expensive before it is decided to be thoroughly weighing the need for such a step, although Copper coating is considered the best. So, we looked at how to build a roof in Chinese style to build our own hands, we now turn to the councils.
Tips for the construction of a Chinese roof

Most often for Chinese roofs, bitumen tiles are used as roofing.

As we can see, the design is distinguished by its difficulties and some simplicity, which greatly distinguishes it from traditional structures. We offer some tips from our specialists who will help you independently deal with the construction of the easiest modification of the eastern roof and completely transform any structure that it will be wary.

Before starting work, draw a thorough plan that will display the entire rafter system, which will allow not only to collect correctly, but also to calculate the material. As a covering under the roofing material, it is best to take moisture-resistant Faneru, which will fully repeat all the roof bends. It is advisable to Faneru, and indeed everything wooden elements Carefully impregnate with special antiseptic compositions that will help protect the construction of insects.

Drawing of a chinese roof

All roof elements are set on a specific template, so before starting work, prepare such a template in a variable value. It will help reduce construction time, make it better.

The roof is the first thing that you pay attention to the form of a house made in Chinese style. It can be single or multi-tiered, but in any case, its massive design with curved edges attaches chinese house, on the one hand, peculiar majesty, and on the other - elegance. The curved form contributed to a significant decrease in the mass of the roof (almost a third), which made it possible to build Chinese roofs of houses without rafted on the basis of a feather-beam design.

The design of the Chinese roof is distinguished by the intake at an angle and lack of reverse bending from the ribs. Internal structure, the design of the rafter system, it is significantly different from European standards in certain details. For example, in contrast to Western, the absence in the Chinese version of the rafter system based on the bearing walls or the absence of rafter legs and pods, tightening suspended rafters.

Note that the load, tested by the roof, according to Chinese technology, is distributed in structure, unlike the "European" triangle, in the form of a rectangle.

The device of the Chinese roof according to the relevant rules of traditional Eastern architecture is quite expensive. Therefore, it may be more expedient to engage in the device of its imitation or limit the construction of a small pagoda in its area.

How to make a chinese roof: device steps

Development of the project of the roof

First of all, it is necessary to deal with the configuration of the future roof and sketch. Immediately it should be noted that the construction four-page roof associated with great difficulties. Therefore, it is better to stop your choice on a simpler version - double roof With two fronts. This option will satisfy the desire to have an exotic roof, and the work will be quite simple.

Designing the carrier system

The rafter system is designed according to the prepared sketch. At the same time, it is necessary to obtain a result of a distinguishing feature of the Chinese roof - its concave profile. For this there are possible two versions.

Slinge system in the form of a pyramid with a rectangular base

With a similar device, the main element carrier design It is a rafter quadrangle. Mounted on each other, they will form the desired pyramid.

When double roof The quadrangles will the same length. Parabolic roof curve is obtained due to the selection of the width of the rafting farms and the height of the racks.

As a material for the elements of the crates take boards having a thickness of 20 mm. They are fixed, starting from the skate, towards the eaves, therefore, the number of these segments on the same line corresponds to the number of mounted rafting quadrangles.

Boards of crates are placed in such a way that their joints are located in the middle edged board rafter system.

Slinge system of hanging rafters

The following materials will be required for the system system rafter:
Spection boards 15x3 cm,
2 cm thick boards used for crates,
Plywood whose thickness is not more than 1 cm.

How to make a rafter farm
Strictly in the middle of the support bar fasten the rack, clearly withstanding the straight angle (90⁰);
The distance between the resistant and edge of the support bar is divided in half. Next, in the resulting point, one of the ends of the rafter legs fix, and the second is fixed to the free edge of the rack;

Find the center of the rafter foot and at this point is fixed one end of the board, and the second, respectively, attach to the edge of the support bar;
For more smooth bending of the roof, an additional boost is added;
Once again, all these operations are repeated on the other side of the central rack - in the mirror reflection relative to it.

Thus, as a result, a single rafting farm will be obtained. The number of such structural elements is determined depending on the size of the roof. Should consider that optimal distance There are 0.5 - 0.7 m between rafter farms.
Next step after the device stropile design Is installation of the crate. The lamp should be placed horizontally, while its step is determined by the width of plywood.

Roofing device
After the device of the crate, the next step, proceed to the installation of plywood. On the sheet, the ranges are performed by about ¾ of its thickness. It is necessary to ensure the tight fit of plywood to the crate. The number of propuls is determined, based on the bending of the skate: the greater the radius of its curvature, the large quantity Nozzles need.
After installing plywood in place, go directly to the roofing device. A similar roof is recommended to be coated either by roll materials, or with a piece flexible material for a roof, for example, a bitumen tile.

Tile, of course, is more suitable for the embodiment of a common artistic plan.

The roof in the Chinese style has curved ends. Which are made with the help of ready-made metal or wooden structures.

The traditions of the East for several millennia the tradition of the East determine the features of architectural attractions and their elements. The Chinese roof did not exception. Being a final element of houses and religious structures of China, it is characterized by the presence of a variety of decorations and curved angles. There are even ancient legends explaining the design features of this architectural element. In accordance with one of them, at night, the dragons are descended from the roofs in order to harm people. Thanks to the coal corners of the roof, they can not do it, and they are forced to fly back into the sky. However, this is not the only and most popular reason that today explains the presence of raised corners in the Chinese style roofs.

Modern architects offer more prose and explained in terms of practical features, version. In accordance with it, the presence of elevated curved angles at the roof in the Chinese style is due to a large amount of precipitation in the territory, where the most often construction of houses is completed by the arrangement of such architectural elements. These design features of the Chinese roof contribute to more efficient precipitation on a remote distance from the walls of the building. In addition, the speakers of the Chinese roof protect the inner space of the construction from excessive amounts of sunlight.

Design features of Chinese architecture

Due to fairly frequent earthquakes, the Chinese buildings are shut-off in such a way that they can effectively resist the high seismic activity of the area. This is achieved by the design features of the building and, in particular, the roof, which relies on the central pillar, is often not covered in the ground and intended to absorb the oscillations of the earth's crust, which is directed to the protection of the building. In the time immemorial, the roofs of the poor houses were covered with bamboo, while wealthy people decorated their dwelling with yellow glazed tiles made of clay. In addition, to decorate such roofs used decorative images Beasts, according to the Eastern residents who protect the house from evil spirits, and threads, some elements were painted with oil paint.

Despite the similarity of the traditions of China and Japan, the construction of Japanese houses is carried out in a completely different principle. In most cases, they are a frame, covered with paper, in connection with which, they more resemble the design without windows and doors. All vertically oriented planes perform the function of partitions, due to which there is a rapid restoration of the construction in the case of frequent earthquakes, and if the building has occurred, the debris will not cause much harm to man. The lack of foundation and powerful bearing walls of wood or stone only contributes to improving the safety of the construction.

Nuances buildings of the Chinese roof: what to pay attention to?

Before implementing the Chinese roof device, it is necessary to highlight its main differences from European roofing systems. The main element of the Chinese roof is a pagoda characterized as a stepped square roof with raised edges. For the manufacture of Chinese roof, wood is used - larch, pine, oak, spruce or bamboo, and as a facing material - stone tiles, metal or natural tile.

The presence of several levels is a distinctive feature of the Chinese roof, which not only gives it a special charm, but also imposes certain obligations on the outer view of the house and its architectural concept.

Important! If you plan to implement the arbor, augmented Chinese roof, the design should be open and easy, whereas the feature of traditional oriental style should be clearly traced in a conceptual decision of the residential building. Choosing the overall design of the construction, pay attention to the combination of its individual elements, as the massive stone house with European features, augged roof in Chinese style, is unlikely to cause delighted even by a simple alone, nothing sense in architecture.

The spectacular openwork roof design with the edges directed to the sky is the main element of the construction that attracts attention when looking at the works of Chinese architecture. Despite the fact that the recreation of the design of the Chinese roof is associated with certain difficulties, when complying with the main nuances, you will be able to easily avoid them. Consider what these nuances are.

The main parameters of the roofs made in Chinese style, distinguish them from the works of European architecture:

· Unlike European buildings, the works of Chinese architecture are built on the basis of a waste-beam design. The rafter system acting as a basis for European houses relies on the bearing walls, while the basis of Chinese buildings is a central pillar that makes over all loads. The design of the hanging rafters, which occur in the European architecture, implies the presence of pins, rafter legs and tightening. The supporting bars characteristic of the European design, ceiling beams and other elements are designed to impart stiffness and strength design, but the works of Chinese architecture are deprived of these elements. If in European houses, the arrangement of the rafter system is carried out according to the principle of the triangle, the load distribution in eastern houses is carried out according to the principle of the rectangle;

· To install a Chinese roof, a cylindrical tile is used, the uniqueness of the shape of which is determined by the need to fasten it on the angular joints. To make the roof of a special color, it is necessary to use a special profile and figures with fantastic images that called the "Qiang Shows". The installation of the roof of the roof is carried out by a similar scheme, while the zyan-show is replaced by ceramic clamps, a specific "horned" configuration of which attracts attention when looking at the Chinese roof;

· A distinctive feature of the Chinese roof is the use of large eaves far outstanding outside the construction and thereby protecting the construction from excessive climatic exposure, such as excessive ultraviolet radiation, strong wind and others. Thanks to the large weight of the eaves, the entire weight of the roof is distributed in such a way that the entire construction design acquires increased stability. As for the dougal karnis system, it fully acquires the weight of the cornices.

Important! Specific characteristics of the Chinese roof:

Uniform load distribution in the horizontal and vertical planes of the frame;

The scheme of the Chinese roof assumes the presence of angles bent up;

The upper part of the roof is characterized by the presence of a steep slope, which the book becomes more gentle.

An integral element of the Chinese roof is massive eaves, far outstanding outside the external walls of the house;

To ensure timely removal of precipitation with external surface the roofs and the effective protection of its inner surface from excess sunlight, it is equipped with overlap, which also protrude above the external walls at a considerable distance;

In oriental architecture, Chinese roofs are not rare, characterized by a multi-tiered construction.

Scheme of the Chinese roof: Original or imitation?

If you still prefer the Chinese roof, it is necessary to pay special attention to its design, since already at this stage it is important to determine if you will save its unique design in the construction process or limit it to its external imitation. Construction unique design - a fairly expensive event, whereas, after having completed its external imitation, you can not only save, but also to build more practical for middle strip Building.

Important! The main difference in the design of the European and traditional oriental roof is the presence or absence of a rafter system. The construction of houses in Japan and China suggests the absence of rafters, as they are replaced by a support and beam system, more resistant to frequent manifestation of seismic activity. In this regard, in the event of a construction of a design in the territory where there is no such danger, you can save the loyalty to the traditional for the middle strip constructive systems.

With a careful study of photos on which Chinese roofs are represented, you note that they have many similarities with some familiar to the European continent designs, most bright example Which is a summer gazebo - Pagoda, well-fitting into the surrounding landscape.

First of all, decide on the configuration of the future roof and develop a roof project. Specialists believe that the construction of a four-piece roof is associated with certain difficulties, in connection with which they recommend to stop their choice on simpler structures, preferred duscal roof With two fronts. Despite the fact that this option is one of the simplest, you will still be able to satisfy your desire to become the owner of a construction supplemented with exotic roofing design.

The next stage involves the design of the carrier system. Special attention should be paid to rafters and crate, as it is precisely the reliability and the appearance of the roof. At the same time, do not forget that the use of traditional frame technology Not typical oriental architecture, in connection with which the usual walls should be replaced by a support post, located strictly in the middle and fully committed all loads. In traditional European construction, carrying walls are performed.

Important! If usual European roofing structures are characterized by a "triangular" load distribution, then the Eastern architecture is alien to this principle. The roof load in Chinese buildings is distributed over the surface of the building in the form of a rectangle, according to the general form of the structure. In addition, the Chinese roof is characterized by the multi-tie structure, and therefore, they often represent several roofs laid one to another.

If you are planning to build multi-tiered design, contact a professional architect who will tell you how to correctly implement this idea so that it effectively protects from rain and, at the same time, has been resistant to earthquakes.

Before starting work, draw a detailed plan, in the smallest details that displays the structural nuances of the rafting system. Due to this, you can accurately accumulate it and calculate required amount material. The most suitable material for arranging the roofing material is moisture-resistant plywood, the use of which will allow you to mostly repeat all the roof bends. All wooden elements included in the construction of the roof, including moisture-resistant faeer, it is desirable to impregnate with antiseptic compositions that prevent their damage to insects.

The design of the rafter system is carried out in accordance with the prepared sketch, while the most seeking to achieve a distinctive feature of the Chinese roof - its concave profile. To implement this, two versions of the Chinese roof are developed.

How to build a Chinese roof: possible options
Slim system, the basis of which is a pyramid with a rectangular base

· If you prefer such an arrangement of arrangement, know that a rafter fetragon protrudes as a carrier system, in this case. Having installed them on each other, you will receive the desired pyramid.

· If you are equipping double roof, the length of both quadrangles will be the same. To obtain a parabolic roof curve, it is necessary to choose the height of the racks and the width of the rafter farms. It is important to note that boards with a thickness of 20 mm are the most suitable material for the manufacture of clamping elements. Starting from the skates, they are fixed towards the eaves, and therefore, the number of segments located on the same line corresponds to the number of rapid quadrangles.

· The location of the shell boards is carried out in such a way that their joints are located in the middle of the edged boards that are part of the crate.

Slinge system in the form of hanging rafters

To arrange a similar rafter system, you will need the following materials:

· Boards characterized by a cross section of 15x3 cm;

· Boards required for the arrangement of the crate, the thickness of which is 2 cm;

· Sheets moisture-resistant plywood no more than 1 cm thick.

How to make a Chinese roof: making a rafter system

· Trying to clearly withstand a straight corner (90 degrees), clearly in the middle of the support bar fasten the rack;

· The distance obtained between the rack and the supporting timber is divided by half and in the resulting point, lock one of the ends of the rafter foot. The second end is fixed on the free edge of the rack;

· Determine the center of the rafter foot, after which in the resulting point fasten one end of the board. The second end must be attached to the edge of the support bar;

· In order for the process of obtaining a smoother bending, add an additional boiler;

· In the mirror reflection from the central rack, repeat all of the above operations on the other side of support pillar;

· At the end of the work you will get a holistic rafaling farm. Their number varies from the size of the roof. It is important to remember that 50-70 cm is an acceptable distance between the rapid farms;

· The next stage of the arrangement of the rafter design is the installation of the crate, which should be placed horizontally. It is important to remember that the shadow step is determined by the width of the plywood sheet;

· Having finished the arrangement of the crate, you can start the mounting of plywood. On the sheet of plywood, perform contigations by 3/4 of its thicknesses, which is necessary to ensure a more dense fit of plywood to the crate. The number of propuls performed variabelly and depends on the bending roofing Skat.. Their number is directly proportional to the radius of the curvature of the skate (than it is more, the greater the number of propilov needs to be done);

· By installing Phaneur to place, proceed to the direct arrangement of the roof. Experts recommend using for this rolled materials Or a piece flexible material for a roof, for example, bitumen tiles, slim-sized slate tiles or euroarthy.

Important! If you want to fully implement your artistic design, use a soft bitumen tile, which is characterized by a slight weight, the ability to repeat all the bends of the Chinese roof and an attractive appearance.

· To arrange the roof, you can also use copper, which is one of the best and, at the same time, the most expensive materials for the Chinese roof.

· Curved ends of the Chinese roof are made up with the help of finished metal or wooden structures.

· Specific coloring of the Chinese roof can be implemented using decorative dragons and other animals, for the manufacture of which are used materials resistant to high humidity and temperature differences.

If you think that you are not able to independently embody the traditional design of the Chinese roof, but still you want to build a building made in oriental style, you should know that there are simplified variants of such structures.

· You can take as the basis the half-timbered roof design and supplement it with specific elements to achieve the desired result;

· Or supplement the rafter roofing system metal profiles Increased flexibility due to which the configuration of the roof will acquire the necessary airiness.

The content of the article

Each country has its own kind of roofs. This is due to the prevailing centuries-old traditions. The shape of the roof is primarily created in accordance with established architectural styles. The Chinese roof on houses and religious facilities differ sharply from traditional roofs of Europe by the presence of curved corners and a variety of decorations.

Such a roof design is explained by several legends, one of which states that dragons love to descend from the roofs at night, wanting to cause evil people. And the curved form does not allow them to do this and they, rolling from the edge of the roof, are forced to fly back into the sky. More prosaic cause is that there are observed in those places a large number of The precipitation and the shape of the roof allows water to be removed away from the building itself. Therefore, the Chinese roof has such raised angles and far-speaking sinks, which, among other things, protect the inner space from the abundance of sunlight.

Features of Chinese architecture

The design of the whole house is performed in such a way that it is well opposed to earthquakes that are sufficiently frequent in those areas. Roofs of Chinese houses are based on the central pillar, often not even covered in the ground. As a result, this pillar absorbs the oscillations of the earth's crust, while maintaining the construction. Previously, the roofs of the poor houses were covered with bamboo, and only in rich houses it was possible to see the glazed tile made of clay, yellow. In addition, the roofs were decorated with images of various animals, designed to protect the houses from evil forces, threads, separate elements were painted with oil paints.

The roof in the Chinese style is somewhat different from traditional Japanese. Houses in Japan are built in a completely different principle. Basically, it is a frame, covered with paper. There is no, in our understanding, windows, doors. All vertical planes play the role of partitions. Such buildings with frequent earthquakes are rapidly restored and does not cause much harm to people when they break under the action of underground forces. There are also no powerful foundations and bearing walls of stone or wood.

If we consider the larger structure of the Chinese roof, you can see that in its essence is a tent roof with a modified form of corners. But it is purely external similarity. The inner structure of the roof, its solo system is radically different from traditional European samples. Therefore, before making a Chinese roof, first of all it is necessary to resolve the question - whether it will be a real roof in Chinese style or only its imitation. If you do a real roof on Chinese canons, it will be a pretty expensive occupation. But to make a summer gazebo in the garden - Pagoda is quite possible, you only need to make it harmoniously in the surrounding landscape.

Difference in constructive features of the roofs

If in European roofs there is a rafting system based on the bearing walls, then in eastern roofs, all loads assumes a central pillar, for the reason that there are no bearing walls in the eastern architecture. Hanging rafters have a scroll, rafting legs, tightening. Support bars or ceiling beams and other items allowing to attach stiffness and strength designs, the design of the Chinese roof is deprived of many similar elements. In the European roofs, the rapid system is arranged on the principle of a triangle, then Chinese and Japanese roofs distribute the load on the design in the form of rectangles.

Japanese houses were built and easier, although in Japan, you can see the type of Chinese roofs - especially on cult facilities. In this case, multi-tiered roofs were erected - pagodas, decorated with all historical and cultural canons. Traditional Japanese houses did not have such bends of the roof edge, like Chinese. This is due to a kind of attitude in the life of the Japanese themselves. And the constant threat of earthquakes and the presence of a mild climate forced the Japanese to build lightweight buildings.

And yet, how to build a Chinese or radial roof?

Also, the rafter system should be ordinary, with some changes. You can use as a sample projects of half-timbered roofs, they are best suited for the Chinese roof device with their own hands.

When the rapid system of the desired form is mounted on the walls of the house, the original bends, which distinguishes the Chinese roof, can be made using bent structures from wood or metal. The solid metal roof design will cost no cheap, therefore it makes sense to make a rafter system of wood and only bent edges from light profiles. In addition, the metal rafter system will complicate the device in the roof itself, i.e. laying the roofing material.

For the device of large sinks, consoles or decorative eaves are used, which will simultaneously serve as an oriental-style home decoration. To create the roof in the Chinese version, you can use decorative elements, giving it the corresponding color. It can be different images Dragons or other animals made of materials resistant to atmospheric precipitation and temperature difference.

Adherents of Eastern philosophy know that the straight lines of the house are an immediate way to penetrate the negative energy. But it can be deceived and send evil spirits on another path if the trajectory of the road leading to the home, change (lift, tighten into the labyrinths of the tiers). That is how the pagoda was born - the Chinese roof with the corners stuck up. Business Card Asian Culture - Trap for non-crude guests From the other world and the way to convert negative energy into a positive, harmonizing area around the house.

Connoisseurs of construction skills argue that skillfully made Chinese Pagoda - not just an exotic attractive architectural solution. it the best way Minimizing the roof pressure on the walls and the foundation of the structure. It allows you to get away from the rapid system and apply the ceiling-beam design for the construction of the roof, when using the load is distributed to vertically standing supports of the house or lightweight gazebos.

That the Asian roof is good, then the European is in the wonder

Imagine a polyhedron from the parallelepipedes put on each other, which is located on top of which is a horizontal beam. And so several times. This is a simplified description of the beacon. Meanwhile, the construction of a Chinese roof is not easy. The process has a lot of nuances.

So, in the rafting overlap of the Eastern European House, supporting walls are supporting. In Asian buildings, the load takes on the vandrut. Hanging rafters, riglels, ceiling beams alien for Chinese pagoda, as well as the concept of a triangle as a weight distribution. In the Asian architecture there is a quadrangle rule.

In addition, the Chinese roof should be with a steep slope from above and color - bottom. Another design property is large, far-speaking beyond the borders of the structure of the eaves. This, by the way, reliable protection against bad weather. Chinese houses, despite the multi-tie, seismic resistant. As a roofing material, the pagoda is used not flat, but a cylindrical tile with an attachment at the junctions of the corners. The lip of the roof is fixed with special ceramic clamps.

Stylization - functional solution

Before proceeding with global buildings with elements of Chinese architecture (at home it is to this category), construction specialists recommend that skill in lighter structures. Gazebo - suitable option. In addition, it is profitable. Such a structure near a pond or in the garden, where cherries are planted, apricots, peonies fragrant, transform the territory. This is a beautiful and functional addition of the plot.

Chinese gazebo in landscape design

What will you need?

  1. Construction tools (Hoven for metal, electric drill, hammer, screws, corners, ax, electric saw, roulette).
  2. Detailed drawing of the rafter design.
  3. Bar of various sections, boards, plywood, flexible metal tile as roofing material.

Variations on the topic of the rafter system

Roof imitation options Several:

  • tent roofing;
  • double;
  • on hanging rafters.

If a tent construction is taken as the basis, the role of the Mauerlat will perform top strapping Arbor. Creating curved contours of the Chinese roof, put the rafter legs on the carrying bar - along the corners of the structure. Intermediate step - a quarter of the length of the riser.

The raised bending is fixed by oblique slats, which attach to the rafter feet and to the corners of the bar.

Next step: setting planks in the center of the beam.

The final stage is the drying and fastener of the roofing material using self-tapping screws or nails.

To build a double Chinese roof, it is necessary to construct 2 identical rectangles. They are attached to them (for creating an expedited curve) various racks and a variety of string farms in the width. The crate (widths of 2 cm wide) are attached from the skates down - towards the eaves. The number of installed fragments on each line should coincide with the number of landlock rectangles.

But the easiest way to make the Chinese roof on hanging rafters. On the horizontally laid board, fixed in the center, fix stropile foot So that it comes into contact with the upper point of the perpendicular of the foundation and the middle of the rigel.

The angle of connecting the rack and the reference timber must clearly correspond to 90 degrees. Only this ensures the reliability of the roof frame.

Then find the center of beams and connect it with a board with an end point cross.

In the same order attach wooden elements with back side stropile farm. This is how Chinese pagoda relief pattern is created. The remaining details are made according to it. All elements are installed, keeping a step from 50 to 70 cm between the rafter design.

Options of the rafter system

For the crates use the plywood of centimeter thickness. They make feeds on it - the steeper of the skate, the more they are. Cuts should be at least ¾ thick plywood sheet. The roofing material, in particular, the textured metal tile.

So that the roof is uniform, the length of the vertical support should fully correspond to the width of the rafter design.

Thus, everyone will learn to make a roof similar to the Chinese Pagoda. Connection of roofing elements most simple designs looks like that:

Restrained by small facilities, you can safely begin to build the roof of the house. The resulting experience is useful when performing complex tasks:

All in your hands!