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Crocodile knees. The consequences of the use of desomorphine. The composition of the dehomorphine and its external properties

Drug Dezomorphin, or in common "crocodile" - the most cheap way Start grew alive. Want to plunge into the atmosphere of zombies? Then this article is for you. The terrible consequences of receiving desomorphine, photos, videos, diluted with dry facts of a narcotic epidemic .... are already waiting for you.

This dangerous drug "crocodile". Decomorphine - or the city of the living dead.

Death - that's what a man who met in wildlife three-meter crocodile. Approximately the same exodus expects a person who has decided to receive the eponymous drug. If you drop into the side of the liar-romantic name, only one fact will remain in mind: after a few weeks the use of "crocodile" A person falls into the incurable dependence on him, which inevitably leads it to death.
A biologically given drug is a synthetic opiate of handicraft production. Unlike an ordinary morphine, he is much faster than addictive. It is enough to agree to repeat intravenous injection of this homemade drug so that the person is in full physical dependence on it. Moreover, experts argue that psychological addiction is celebrated after the first injection, since the user has an insurmountable desire to repeat the effect obtained.

The origins of the popularity of the narcot "crocodile" (he is desoomorphine).

The widespread dissemination of dehomorphine (in the surprise "crocodile") received at the beginning of the XXI century. Already in 2006, he began the rapid dissemination throughout the planet, as a result of which he took the second after heroin on the mass of application in the world.

Such popularity is due to the tightening methods of drug combating and drug addict. As a result, the main ways of supplying potent drugs were blocked in the metropolis and large cities of many countries. But the reduction or, in some areas, even the complete disappearance of drugs has not reduced the number of drug addicts, because they began to actively seek the replacement of heroin, cocaine, etc. As a result, this led to the emergence of a new synthetic handicraft on the mass market.

In addition, there is another reason for the popularity of "crocodile", because of which he was called "drug for poor". This reason is a relatively low value of the ingredients. Over time, those who accepted heroin and the like when a drug addicted person feels ease in the wallet, he begins to use Dehomorphine.

As president of the Russian Federation and being in the spring of 2011 in Irkutsk with a working visit, DM. Medvedev noted that search system Yandex is a kind of indicator of the relationship of society to this drug. As a result of searching for the word "Dezomorphine" search engine first of all issues methods of its preparation . That is, users are interested in the prescription drug based on the application of Codeina. The result of the president's statement was the restriction of free sale. medicinesIn which this ingredient is included. Currently, codes can be purchased exclusively by recipe.

Composition Drug crocodile. Decomorphine potion.

Why drug crocodile so called? It was the recipe "crocodile" caused such a name. Its composition includes substances with high levels Toxicity containing heavy metals. The similarity with the crocodile attaches the place of injection around which signs of erosion and suppuration appear, at first covered with crust. As a result, the skin around the injection begins to be like a crocodile.
IN chemical composition Dehomorphine includes:

  • Chemical solvents of economic purposes.
  • Automotive gasoline.
  • Sulfuric acid.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Sulfur from the heads of the match.

Action Drug crocodile. Effect of application and consequences of desomorphine.

Almost all the ingredients of dehomorphine are toxic. But when they are connected to a single drug, they increase their danger to such an extent that even a very strong and healthy human body becomes unable to overcome this nastiness.

To better understand the whole process, consider it on the example:

  1. Once after injection in the bloodstream, Crocodile affects the unprepared walls of the vessel, literally "burning" them due to its increased toxicity. In the form of a response, the body produces connective tissues for vessels, which narrows Vienna. As a result, the vessel closes. Since there are a lot of such vessels in the body, it does not lead to instant consequences. But due to the narrowing veins, the addict is looking for new places for injections, which gradually reduces the number of functioning vessels.
  2. The place of injection is striking necrosis of fabrics. Exodus appear with a crust, which also leads to the need to search for new venous arteries. Subsequently, the affected fabrics are connected, forming a "scaly", which subsequently flaps from the skin.
  3. Next, desomorphine falls into all the important organs. Heavy metals are settled inside them, providing increasing toxic effects. The bodies are gradually stopped resisting, as a large-scale "invasion" occurs in the body of hazardous foreign bodies.
  4. The person is arranged in such a way that hazardous substances and microorganisms before getting inside of his body, there is a kind of "border control" - natural barriers (leather, stomach, nose, etc.). But Dehomorphine passes the "customs", falling immediately to the "rear" - in the blood arteries. Since the drug is produced under antisanitarian conditions, and, given the gradual weakening of the body due to total impact hazardous substances, pathogenic bacteria and toxins form on all the internal organs of ulcers, which leads to an inevitable fatal outcome. Death comes from the so-called "polyorgan deficiency" - violations of the majority of bodies in one short period of time.

It should be noted that most often the process of accumulating harmful substances and microorganisms to the level of "point of non-return" takes about 8-10 weeks. After this period, a person, even subject to medication, is usually considered incurable.

Lovers of "Crocodile", or suicide club. Getting used to desomorphine lightning and consequences - weeping.

In addition to practically instant addiction (already after the first reception), and the appearance of sustainable dependence (after the second reception), a drug addict that uses dehomorphine is still at risk - risk of fast fatal outcome. The fact is that the "crocodile" is more dangerous than heroin. A man who eats heroin has a chance to live on average seven years, while addicted from the "crocodile" drug addict most often dies by the end of the first year of his reception.

In addition, there is another fact that it is necessary to take into account "lovers to relax" and the people around them. Most often after regular use of dehomorphine during the first 2-4 months, the user goes into the category of incurable drug addicts. Therefore, close people need to know the signs of taking the drug "Crocodile" in order to take appropriate measures in time.

Signs of "crocodile", dehomorphin dependence

The main features of the dependence on the synthetic self-made drug "Crocodile" include:

  • Outgoing from man the smell of drugs, iodine.
  • The presence of inflamed veins, traces of injection, the appearance of ulcers.
  • Fast slimming, decline protective functions organism.
  • Insomnia, at which a person may not sleep until 2-4 hours, and then not wake up for a long time in the morning.
  • Redness of the eyes, the narrowing of pupils (the same effect occurs when the hashish is used).
  • Apathy, chronic indifference to everything that is happening.
  • A sharp change of mood.
  • The emergence of secrecy in character.

In addition, there are a number indirect signswho apply to all novice addicts, especially children:

  • The disappearance of money, valuable things from the house.
  • Constant money requirements for a variety of goals.
  • Increasing facts of lies, exemption, unprincipledness.
  • Increase the number and time of walking.

Unfortunately, in our country, Dehomorphine became one of the most popular drugs, due to the simplicity of manufacturing and the low value of the ingredients.

Never start drinking drugs! And about all the facts of drinking or selling narcotic drugs - report to the police immediately! We defeat addiction together!

Terrible photos and video of "crocodile" drug addicts. Or "dehomorphine is not for the faint of heart."

We will take a little reassure, and by going away from the prose and lyrics of our narrative, let's see terrifying images and films about dehomorphin addicts (everything is clickable).

Drug "Crocodile" - what is it?

Drug "Crocodile" he is desomorphine - the handicraft drug refers to synthetic opiates, in comparison with morphine, it causes a resistant dependence faster. Narcotic drug addiction "Crocodile" develops after 2 intravenous injections. The mental dependence on the use of the drug "Crocodile" is developing faster than the physical, after the first injection of the Drug "Crocodile" arises a strong desire to repeat the experiences experienced.

Drugs "Crocodile" are also called the drug drugs, as its preparation is rather cheap, as soon as the addict comes to heroin money, he turns into a "crocodile" drug.
"Crocodile" addiction is a pretty young kind of drug addiction, the widespread crocodile drug addiction received after 2000, and the rapid distribution occurred after 2005. Crocodile addiction stands on 2 place after heroin.
Why did the Drug "Crocodile" become so widely popular among drug addicts? In the 2000s, the active struggle against drugs began, as a result of which heroin, cocaine and other drugs disappeared from major cities, - it forced drug addicts to look for other ways to enjoy pleasure. There was a paradox associated with the good work of drug police.

President About Drug "Crocodile"

On April 18, 2011, D. Medvedev at the meeting in Irkutsk indicated that when I was inserted in the search engine "Yandex", the words of dehomorphin, in the search line, the first sentence "Dezomorphine - Method of Manufacture" pops up - this means that users are most interested in the discharge of dehomorphine, and not Just the term dehomorphine and its definition. At the meeting, a lot was mentioned about the dangers of desomorphine, conclusions were made, and it was decided to adopt a law on the restriction of the sale of codein containing drugs, now since May 1, 2011 they can only be purchased by recipe.

Drug recipe "Crocodile"

The composition of the Drug "Crocodile" includes codeine containing drugs, gasoline, iodine, household solvents, sulfuric acid, sulfur-contained in the match heads and phosphorus. When preparing a drug "Crocodile", high-precanced substances are used with admixtures of heavy metals. It turns out a murderent mixture, which leads to death after a few months.
Why did the drug named "crocodile"? He received its name due to the fact that ulcers and erosion appear at the injection site, which at first covered with purulent crusts, skin cover in the affected metas becomes like a crocodile skin.

Drug "Crocodile" - Drug suicide

According to the degree of harm to the health of the drug "Crocodile" is several times higher than heroin. That is why the drug "Crocodile" is called suicide drugs. The average life expectancy of the heroin addict is 7 years from the beginning of the use of drugs, and the drug addict of the "crocodile" is not more than 1 year. The death of the "crocodile" drug addict comes from a variety of complications that cause drugs. A person who uses the Drug "Crocodile" for more than 4 months is almost incurable and is doomed to death.

Dammary Drugs "Crocodile"

Incoming substances in the composition of the Drug "Crocodile" are toxic themselves, and in the complex with the same poisonous substances they form a "hello mixture". The human body, no matter how well thought out he was not able to withdraw all this nastiness.

So, we will do all the way along with the Drug "Crocodile":

1. After the injection, poisonous substances begin to act on the vascular wall of the vessel, the inner tender shell of the vessel is not ready to make such an effect of toxic substances, it seems to be frightened from the inside and the connecting cells are accumulated at the scene, with the result that the clearance of the vessel begins to significantly narrow. That is why drug addicts are forced to look for new veins). Blood on this vessel ceases to enter the limb, but not immediately, because The human body is a complex system and blood begins to act on the other working collaterals (according to another nutritional vessel).

2. At the point of the injection, local necrosis of tissues occurs, ulcers covered with purulent crust appear. The skin of the addict in the place of the injection becomes like a crocodile skin. Further injections of the drug in these places are becoming impossible and the addict is forced to look for other veins, which leads to the further spread of necrosis and ulcers. The necrotic fabric seems to be merged between themselves and begins to reject, as a result of which the skin literally smelled from the limbs of a drug addict as if scales.

3. Next Drug "Crocodile" is dealt with blood in well-blooded bodies, such as liver, brain, heart, lungs and organs gastrointestinal tract. Particles of heavy metals (contained in gasoline) forever settled in these organs and have a direct toxic effect on them. The bodies cease to fulfill their functions normally. In addition, the process of preparation of the drug "Crocodile" occurs in unsanitary conditions, which means there are viruses and bacteria, which are also settled in the internal organs - it even more complicates the process. The human body successfully copes with most viruses and bacteria, but in this case the viruses and bacteria penetrate the blood directly bypassing the natural barriers, in addition, under the influence of drugs there is a significant decrease in immunity. These alien cells that have been involved in the drug addicts contribute to the formation of abscesses (jets), all organs suffer from "crocodile" drug addicts, polyorgan deficiency develops, which in 100% of cases leads to the death of a drug addict.

4. Death of a drug addict from polyorgan deficiency. You can save from the "crocodile drug addiction" in the first 2 months from the beginning of the use of the Crocodile, while the immunity is not "planted" and the body at least someone is able to fight this infection.

Signs of use of the drug "Crocodile"

Rising child safety
Raising and increasing time "Walking"
Frequent and unexpected sentiment change
Increasing trick, quiriness and falsehood
Increasing requests to give money
Loss of the house of valuable things
Loss of enthusiasm, indifference to the surrounding
Red eyes, narrow pupils
Sleep break - until 3 o'clock in the morning I do not sleep, long sleep in the morning
Weight Loss, Immunity Reduction
Traces from Ukolov, in the area of \u200b\u200bulcers, inflamed veins
From drug addicts using "crocodile" the smell of iodine, pharmacy drugs

Photo of the consequences of the use of crocodile. Ulcers in injection places

The death of a young drug addict of a crocodile!

Below in photos The life of Tatiana's addict (29 years old), it is HIV-infected. Once Tatyana worked on the bakery, then lost his job and took up prostitution, where he tried for the first time drugs. Tatiana has developed very quickly dependence on drugs. Gradually, Tanya's income began to fall and it was forced to take a cheap drug deomehorphine (crocodile). Mortality from desomorphine is very high, 80% of the percent of drug addiction drug addicts dies for 1-2 years, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bdie a little later (3-4 years). Dehomorphine causes veins thrombosis, tissue necrosis, contributes to the spread of infection throughout the body. No rare cases when purulent abscess is formed in the head brain of the addict. 5 injections are enough for the limbs literally started to rot. Vienna addicts quickly come into disrepair and it is forced to be kept in other places, contributing to the spread of necrosis and infection. Very quickly drug addicts lose the ability to move, and fall into the hospital. Doctors are forced to amputate the gangrenous limb, in order to even extend life. There can be no speech about recovery. So and Tatiana developed a deep necrosis of the tissue of the left leg. Addict's girlfriends help her to remove obstructed fabric, but it will not give anything good, because Tanya has a weakened immunity and those conditions do not allow to make a normal wound toilet. Tanya's drug addict lives with its 11 summer son and 6 more drug addresses in 2x room apartment. All drug addicts are HIV-infected, because Cut the potion from one syringe. These girls do not have the opportunity to receive treatment.

Drug "Crocodile" is a dehonorphine of handicraft production, synthetic opiate, very quickly causing a resistant dependence. Already after the first intravenous injection of "crocodile" there appears psychological addiction, and after the second - dependence on the physical level. It received its name "crocodile" due to specific erosions and ulcers appearing in the fields of injection and resembling crocodile skin.

Drug recipe "Crocodile"

Drug "Crocodile" consists of drugs containing codeine, as well as from iodine, gasoline, sulfuric acid, solvents, phosphorus and sulfur with matchheads. Such a murderous composition of the Drug "Crocodile" from highly toxic substances with admixtures of heavy metals in a few months leads to the death of a drug addict.

"Crocodile drug addiction" in Russia

Bum "Crocodile" addiction, which is now in second place after heroin, fell at the beginning of the 2000s. At that time, the active struggle with drugs was launched, in major cities It became very hard to buy cocaine or heroin. Then the drug addicts began to look for them an alternative. Very often, the "crocodile" consumes beggar drug addicts, due to the cheapness of its ingredients.

Drug "Crocodile" - Drug suicide

Harm to health, which causes a "crocodile", is several times harmful from another very common strong drug - heroin. So, if the heroic drug addicts live on average for about 7 years, then the "crocodile" drug addict after the first injection remains no more than 1 year of life. After 4 months of the use of "crocodile" in the body, serious and incurable complications are developing in the body, as a result of which death inevitably comes.

Due to the fact that this drug is addictive after the first injection and leads to death after a year, it is called the drug suicide.

Dammary Drugs "Crocodile"

To understand how the hellish mixture of toxic and poisonous substances under the title "Crocodile" kills human body, it is enough to consider its action after the injection:

  1. 1. Increased casing of the vessel, in which the injection of the "crocodile" entered the injections, receives a chemical burn, as a result of which the vessel is significantly narrowed. Very soon, on this vessel, blood can no longer flow into the limb.
  2. 2. On the skin, in the place of the injection, ulcers with purulent crusts very quickly appear, necrosis of tissues begins. This happens literally after several injections. As it is impossible to continue to make injections to these places further, the addict is looking for new, very quickly spreading necrosis and ulcers throughout her body.
  3. 3. Falling into the blood vessel, the "crocodile" very quickly reaches the brain, liver, hearts, gastrointestinal organs and lungs. Each injection leaves in these organs a new portion of heavy metals, which are not derived from the body, and forever stay there, every day more and more destroying the internal organs of the addict. As a result, polyorgan deficiency is very rapidly developing.
  4. 4. The sign of the drug "Crocodile" is manufactured by treasurely, in conditions of complete antisanitarian, during the injection of the drug addict and a huge number of different bacteria and viruses fall into the body. An ordinary, healthy body easily copes with them, but there are no natural barriers from the virus from the "crocodile" drug addicts, no immunity. As a result, the body is not capable of fighting even with the simplest bacteria, which leads to serious concomitant diseases.
  5. 5. Foregage deficiency, tissue necrosis, many viral diseases and complete absence of immunity after a few months lead to a painful death. There is only a chance to survive those who take the "crocodile" no longer than 2 months, because then the drug to inflict the body irreparable harm, the irreversible processes begin.

Signs of use of the drug "Crocodile"

Since the "crocodile" very quickly leads to the death of a drug addict, for relatives it is extremely important in time to recognize that they are close person He began to take this drug and start treatment in time. The perisure is the following:

  • Secrecy, sharp mood change;
  • Unusually frequent and long walks, lack of home;
  • The appearance of falsehood, trembleness, tricks;
  • Indifference to surrounding people, events, to everything that used to be important and significant;
  • Increased need for money, because of which requests "give money" appear, money or valuable things are beginning to disappear;
  • Disorders and sleep quality;
  • Weight loss, immunity;
  • Narrowing of pupils, redness of the eyes;
  • The appearance of traces of injection, especially with ulcers, ulcers;
  • Permanent "pharmacy" smell of iodine and other medicines.

From June 1, 2012, it is forbidden to sell codein-containing drugs without a prescription - Codelak, alert, nurofen, etc., - from which Russian drug addicts traveled to cook the scary drug deomehorphine, he "crocodile".

So coincided that this measure came into force immediately after leaving the head of the head of the Ministry of Health Tatyana Golikova, whose name is often associated with the company "Pharmstandard". Pharmstandard is a manufacturer of cheap codelka and topincode, which, along with a relatively cheap tetralgin (manufacturers of Pharmstandard and Notex) and a cheap saddle-M (manufacturer - Milvepharmaceuticals), and are the main raw material for the Crocodile. The measure was already planned to introduce this several times, but each time a gluke tolerance was given a delay.

The first alarm about the "crocodile" scored Evgeny Roizman. Your submissive servant, too, wrote a lot about the "crocodile", and then wrote that, in my opinion, the introduction of recipes is nonsense and nonsense. This is a typical bureaucratic response to a serious problem: "Is there a problem? Let's create a commission. Or enter a piece of paper. "

Approximately our government reacts to the Caucasus problem or the Far East. Here is a problem: Caucasus ( Far East) fall off from Russia. What to do? And let's create a plenipotentiary representative (ministry) in the Caucasus. The representative created, but the problems would not solve it.

Let's deal with the root of the problem with the "crocodile". I will briefly remind briefly: a terrible drug "Crocodile" is named because the drug addict literally rotates alive (not so much because of the desomorphine itself, however, how much because of the low cleaning of the mixture cooked in the saucepans). Thrombophlebitis, the blockage of the veins, the hands-legs fall off, this does not affect the degree of attachment to drugs,

the famous case: "Crocodile" drug addict took away his leg, he, having come to himself, shot a shot on one leg to the window, he got a syringe and grew up in the rest.

If the heroicer can live and 10, and 15 years old, the crocodum lives a year or two. The drug is collective: the apartment is always a bunch of people who sit around the saucepan, in which their collective communion is brewing, children are crawling.

The "crocodile" epidemic extends to Russia with a shock pace: the volumes of dehomorphine seizures have increased over the past 5 years 40 times, in a number of regions of the country, according to the head of the FSKN Viktor Ivanov, up to 90% of the first identified drug addicts sit on the "crocodile", "crocodile" - The second to distribute the drug in the country after heroin.

The sale of codein-containing products are growing as high as a high rate: in five years 30 times. This can be read no longer only in the FSKN reports, but also in the press releases of Pharmstandard. Here is a press release for 2008 on the growth of revenue for non-receptible funds for 2 billion rubles. "The greatest contribution to the increase was made by the following drugs: Arbidol, Terepinod, Pentalgin and Codelak."

Arbidol is clear why, his Putin himself asks in pharmacies, his budget purchases. But what do the sales of antitussive topinoda and codec grow? People, or what began to cough more? And why then in some pharmacies these medicines are already selling as part of a set of "DIY", together with a syringe and some chemistry?

And now - a simple question: what is the direct reason for drug addicts with heroin on dehomorphine? After all, not that the "crocodile" drug addict is only "crocodile", "he doesn't care than.

The reason is purely economic: raw materials for the production of dehomorphine stands in the pharmacy cheaper than heroin.

Topinckode and Codelak are sold legally on dumping, compared with heroin, prices. I am afraid that Pharmstandard receives from the sale of raw materials to produce drugs much more than the largest wholesale heroine trader.

Hence the simple way out: quite a while raise the price of codein-containing drugs, and drug addicts will at least go to heroin. The question returns to a purely criminal line, when the supplier can be attracted and grabbed, and not the way now, when the supplier passed the IPO.

How to technically raise the price? Elementary. Through excise. They are covered with the excise tobacco and alcohol. Do you say that the excise and Putin's driven state are two inconstant things? Well, here's another way: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin causes Mr. Haritonin, and confidentially, the same tone as he reported on the parcel of a doctor Zyuzin, informs that Pharmstandard did not want to produce a thermal and codel.

And that Russia does not produce and does not import cheap codes-containing drugs. But only expensive - some "Nurofen-Plus". None of the "Nurofen-Plus" "crocodile" does not. It is as raisins to extract from buns.

No codeine-containing drug is vital: so so that without it, even lie and kick. Painteling - a great set, no one has died from cough (we note: Codelak and Turninodes are not expectorant drugs, they, on the contrary, the cough is suppressed by the same reason why heroin oppresses the most basic breathing instinct for humans).

Do you say - is it a non-market measure? Yes, non-market. But the market is not omniscient. He is just very mighty. In the end, exactly for the same reasons was removed from the sale of the anti-tech drug diacetylmorphine, which from 1895 promoted the company Bayer under the brand name "Heroin". Yes, heroin is not a chemical name. This is a former brand. The antitussive drug Heroin (from the word - "hero") also suppressed the respiratory centers. Then, however, some side effects turned out.

Instead of this elementary measure - complete prohibition of the production of cheap codein-containing drugs or introducing excise on them- We at the insistence of FSKN went by bureaucratic. This path (as fairly noted by the Ministry of Health) will increase the already infinite queues in the clinics, will make it without any doctors to refect the recipes for any nonsense. Does he stop the "crocodile" epidemic? Let's hope at least yes. And it will be a shame if the head is cut off, and dandruff will still remain.

Drug "Crocodile" - what is it?

Drug "Crocodile" It is desomorphine - the handicraft drug refers to synthetic opiates, in comparison with morphine, it causes a resistant dependence faster. Narcotic drug addiction "Crocodile" It develops after 2 intravenous injections. Mental dependence OT drug use "Crocodile" develops faster physical, after the first injection Drugs "Crocodile" There is a strong desire to repeat the experienced sensations.
Drug "Crocodile" also called the drug poor, since his cooking is rather cheap, as soon as the drug team ends money to heroin, he goes to drug "Crocodile".
"Crocodile" addiction - this is a pretty young kind of addiction, widespread crocodile drug addiction Received after 2000, and rapid distribution occurred after 2005. Crocodile drug addiction It stands on 2 place after heroin.
Why drug "Crocodile" became so widely popular among drug addicts? In the 2000s, the active struggle against drugs began, as a result of which heroin, cocaine and other drugs disappeared from major cities, - it forced drug addicts to look for other ways to enjoy pleasure. There was a paradox associated with the good work of drug police.

President About Drug "Crocodile"

On April 18, 2011, D. Medvedev at the meeting in Irkutsk pointed out that when I was introduced in the search engine "Yandex", the words of dehomorphine, the first sentence pops up in the search line. dehomorphine - Method of manufacture "- This means that users are most interested in recipe Dezomorphin , not just the term dehomorphine and its definition. At the meeting, a lot was mentioned about the dangers of desomorphine, conclusions were made, and it was decided to adopt a law on the restriction of the sale of codein containing drugs, now since May 1, 2011 they can only be purchased by recipe.

Drug recipe "Crocodile"

IN composition Drug "Crocodile" Codeine containing preparations, gasoline, iodine, household solvents, sulfuric acid, sulfur-contained sieve in matchpieces and phosphorus. For preparation Drugs "Crocodile" Highly toxic substances are used with admixtures of heavy metals. It turns out a murderent mixture, which leads to death after a few months.
Why did the drug named "crocodile"? He received its name due to the fact that ulcers and erosion appear at the injection site, which at first covered with purulent crusts, skin cover in the affected metas becomes like a crocodile skin.

Ingredients included in the Drug Crocodile

Drug "Crocodile" - Drug suicide

According to the degree of harm to the health of the drug "Crocodile" A few times superior to heroin. That's why drug "Crocodile" Call a drug suicide. The average life expectancy of the heroin addict is 7 years from the beginning of drug use, and drug addict using "crocodile"- not more than 1 year. The death of the "crocodile" drug addict comes from a variety of complications that cause drugs. Human, drinking "Crocodile" For more than 4 months almost incurable and doomed to death.

Dammary Drugs "Crocodile"

Incoming substances in the Drugs "Crocodile" By themselves are toxic, and in the complex with the same poisonous substances they form a "hellish mixture". The human body, no matter how well thought out he was not able to withdraw all this nastiness.
So, we will do all the way with drug "Crocodile":

  1. After the injection, poisonous substances begin to act on the vascular wall of the vessel, the inner gentle shell of the vessel is not ready to endure such an effect of toxic substances, - it will be burned from the inside and the connecting cells are accumulated at the scene, with the result that the clearance of the vessel begins to significantly narrow (which is why Drug addicts are forced to look for new veins). Blood on this vessel ceases to enter the limb, but not immediately, because The human body is a complex system and blood begins to act on the other working collaterals (according to another nutritional vessel).
  2. In the place of the injection, local necrosis of tissues occurs, ulcers appeared covered with purulent crusts. The skin of the addict in the place of the injection becomes like a crocodile skin. Further injections of the drug in these places are becoming impossible and the addict is forced to look for other veins, which leads to the further spread of necrosis and ulcers. The necrotic fabric seems to be merged between themselves and begins to reject, as a result of which the skin literally smelled from the limbs of a drug addict as if scales.
  3. Further drug "Crocodile" It is brooded in good blood-made organs, such as the liver, brain, heart, lungs and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Particles of heavy metals (contained in gasoline) forever settled in these organs and have a direct toxic effect on them. The bodies cease to fulfill their functions normally. Also Sam drug cooking process "Crocodile" It occurs in unsanitary conditions, which means there are viruses and bacteria, which also settle in the internal organs - it even more complicates the process. The human body successfully copes with most viruses and bacteria, but in this case the viruses and bacteria penetrate the blood directly bypassing the natural barriers, in addition, under the influence of drugs there is a significant decrease in immunity. These alien cells, which were settled in the organs of the addict, contribute to the formation of abscesses (jets), "Crocodile" drug addicts All organs suffer at once, polyorgan deficiency develops, which in 100% of cases leads to the death of a drug addict.
  4. Death of a drug addict from polyorgan deficiency. Save from " crocodile drug addiction"You can only in the first 2 months from the start of use" crocodile"The immunity is not" planted "and the body is still able to fight this infection.

Photo of the consequences of the use of crocodile. Ulcers in injection places

Stock Foto Consequences Drug Crocodile

Photo of a patient who opened deep phlegmon - the consequences of the use of crocodile

Photo of ulcers - Performing Drugs Crocodile

Stock Foto Partly wounded ulcers on the lower limbs - the follow-up of the drug crocodile

Photo of deep ulcers of the lower extremities and starting gangrenes - the consequences of the crocodile

Stock Foto Two "crocodile" drug addicts - girlfriend helps to remove the plot of necrotized fabric

Photo of deep necrosis forearm, visible molten tendons and bones are visible - consequences of drug use crocodile

The death of a young drug addict of a crocodile!

Photo of the lung abscess - from the use of crocodile, a purulent focus was formed, which was the beginning of sepsis and the death of the drug addict

In the photo of the liver abscess - the result of the use of a narcotic crocodile.

Signs of use of the drug "Crocodile"

  • Rising child safety
  • Raising and increasing time "Walking"
  • Frequent and unexpected sentiment change
  • Increasing trick, quiriness and falsehood
  • Increasing requests to give money
  • Loss of the house of valuable things
  • Loss of enthusiasm, indifference to the surrounding
  • Red eyes, narrow pupils
  • Sleep break - until 3 o'clock in the morning I do not sleep, long sleep in the morning
  • Weight Loss, Immunity Reduction
  • Traces from Ukolov, in the area of \u200b\u200bulcers, inflamed veins
  • From drug addicts crocodile"The smell of iodine, pharmacy drugs

She also thought that would not reach this!