Repairs Design Furniture

A node for fastening a rafter farm to Mauerlat. Principles for fastening the assemblies of the rafter system. Basic parts of the roofing design

The construction of rafters is a skeleton of the roofs, obliged to take on itself and evenly distribute the weight of roofing materials. If you correctly assemble the wooden bones under the insulation, the waterproofing film and the finishing coating, it will turn out to achieve a noticeable increase in the lifting capacity of the rafter system.

The main elements of the rafter system

Wooden roof frame is collected from such parts as:

  • maurylalat is a kind of base for the elements of the roof, attached throughout the perimeter of the building to the upper edge of the outer walls to dispel the pressure of the roofing cake;

    Maurylalat serves as the basis for the roof frame

  • stropile legs are an indispensable details of a wooden roof bone, determining the angle of slope and the top of the top of the house;
  • the skunk run - the bar, fixed in a horizontal position and, like a spine connecting all the rafters of the roof frame in their upper part;

    Rock run is located exactly in the middle of the building

  • the side run is a horizontal bar, which differs from the skate run by the fact that it is fixed in the middle of the rafter feet of each roof slope;
  • the tightening is a strut that combines two opposite rafters so that they do not drive around;

    Tightening and saws are necessary for the correct load distribution on Mauerlat

  • racks - vertical frame elements placed under the skate and side runs in order to support rafters and a skate bar, and also, if there is a need substituted under the middle part of the rafter feet;

    Racks can support not only roofing, but also rafters

  • troops - details resting in the litter, due to which the rafting legs become more stable;
  • liezer - a ram, placed on the top edge of the inner wall of the building parallel to the skate and an employee of the platform for attaching racks and pods;

    Lanta is located on the inner wall parallel to Brusa Mauerlat

  • the roof rustle is the combination area of \u200b\u200btwo slopes, along which a solid dry thing is installed, necessary to harden the described part of the roof;

    Cracker is formed in the highest zone of the rafter system

  • falkets - elements used in the arrangement of the sink, when the rafter legs are not sufficiently long;

    Falcs lengthen the rafter legs

  • svet roof - a wooden frame zone that protects the walls of the house from contact with a large amount of precipitation;

    Carnival Svea constructs to protect the walls from the rain

  • grubel - bars or boards, navigable perpendicular to the rafters and employees of the platform for fastening roofing materials.

    Grubel boards lay out perpendicular to the rafters

Main connecting nodes

The main nodes of the rafter system are:

  • the rafter farm is a compound of a rafter pair, stretching, as well as racks and squeaks;
  • the ski knot is the combination of two opposite rafters;
  • the link from Mauerlat and the rafted resting on it;
  • a module that includes a run, rack and liter;
  • the connection of the rafted with a podcope and stalk.

The most complex link of the roof frame, as the author believes, is a rafter farm, which is characterized by the fact that:

The ski knot also has several features:

The rafters and Mauerlat become a single link for which the following is characteristic:

The module from the run, rack and chunk form, driven by the construction stackers, steel bent or pads from steel strips.

A knot from a bitter, rack and run allows you to divide the load between the external and inner walls of the building

Slopes, racks and rafters are collected into a single module, creating cutting down. In order for their connection to be no weak, construction brakes are used.

The node from the ducts, racks and rafters allows you to soften the pressure on the inner wall of the house

Methods of fastening timber

At the bottom of the rafter can be connected both with Mauerlat and with beams of overlapping. Sometimes, for example, when frame construction, they are fixed directly on the wall. And in the upper part of the rafter legs combine with a skate. Each indicated node can be created in several ways.

Connection with Mauerlatom

Hard attachment rafters on Mauerlat ensures the absence of any node elements offset. It is performed by writing in a specific sequence:

  1. To accelerate work from a piece of blackboard or thick cardboard make a template. The billet is carried out with a line by retreating the distance from the side edge equal to 1/3 of the rafting width, and then the point of fitting to the Maurolalate bruster, according to which the second line is drawn, perpendicular to the first.

    If the width of the rafter is more than 200 mm, then it was repaid at a depth of 70 mm

  2. At the angle of inclination of the roofing rod, the template is substituted to the edge of the Mauerlalate, following the point marked on a piece of wood, there is strictly opposite the corner of the bar. There are two features from her pencil - vertical and horizontal, as a result of which a triangle is obtained on the workpiece, which neatly cut down.
  3. The manufactured pattern is evaluated on the correctness, planting on Maurylalat in several places. If the grooved the grooves turned out to be less or more than you need, then the leafs are re-made, correcting the assumed error.
  4. The template is put on a horizontally located raftered. The triangle in the lecture will diverge the pencil. The same makes with other rapid legs. At the same time, the horizontal line of the groove in the lecture can be in the same place of the rafter. Otherwise, the excavation will be created at different distances from the skate.
  5. The triangles drawn on the rafters are cut by manual hacksaw. The tool act does not rush, so as accidentally not increase the depth of the groove in the rapid leg. Possessing the skills of working with an electric saw, the recess can be done by this device. True, it should be borne in mind that a tool running from the power grid is much worse than the hands listening to and is able to go away.

    Triangular drink allows the rafter to rest in Mauerlat

  6. The correctness of the size of the grooves made is tested by lecture. When inconsistencies are detected, the recess is adjusted with hacksaw.
  7. To the top of the house put two extreme rafal legs. Thes of them are inserted into Mauerlat, fixing with metal sides with metal corners or brackets.
  8. At the bottom edge between the two installed elements, stretch the rope. Then the remaining rafting legs are attached to Mauerlat.

The technology of fastening the rafter feet to the Mauerlate stripes of a stubborn bar can take a note builders without experience. With this method of creating a node, as the author of the article noted, there is an opportunity to change the position of the rafted until it becomes completely correct.

To connect the main elements of the roofing frame with Mauerlat, the stripe of a stubborn bar do the following:

When building a roof frame for a wooden log house, which always gives a shrinkage, prefer to use a sliding method of fastening rafters on Mauerlat. Thanks to him, it is possible to avoid deformation of the rafter design and deterioration of the sustainability of the top row of a brica, which replaces Maurylalat.

The choice of sliding rafters is justified only when the key bar is provided for the main elements of the roof frame, in which they could lean their upper part.

When the rafters are fixed on Mauerlate with a moving method, take certain steps:

The utilization method of fastening rafters to Mauerlat is taken to armared when the purchased lumber turned out to be shorter than necessary. Also, this method of fixing the main elements of the rafting system is used during the repair of the roof of a complex configuration.

When fixing the rafted on Mauerlate, only 3 tasks are performed by the utility method:

Video: Set rafal

Combining with overlap beams

Carnate rafters to the beams of overlapping, you can only confident that the walls of the building will withstand the pressure frame of the roof. Still, in the absence of Mauerlat, the load on the house is not uniform, but point.

Without fear and doubts, the rafters are attached to the beams of overlapping, if they build a light roof roof. At the same time, the ceiling beams use the boards with a cross section of 5x15 cm.

The rafters are connected not with the Mauerlat, but with the attic beams, if they know exactly what they will withstand the pressure rendered

To firmly consolidate the rafter legs on the beams of overlapping, the following tasks perform:

Fastening to the wall

If, on some reasons, the rafter has to be fixed directly on the walls, they will necessarily need to be connected to the tightening. She, as personally was convinced by the author of the article, helped build a roof of the economic premises, remove a part of the voltage transmitted by rapid legs from the house.

In no case cannot be directly connected to the outer walls of the building if they are built of foam or gas blocks. These materials freely transmit their moisture wood and are unable to keep fasteners.

On the wall of the rafter can be fixed by the moving method, but this is not the most reasonable decision

To reliably fix the rafting legs on the walls, it is necessary to take certain measures:

  1. Under the desired angle, made on the rafters washed with one tooth.
  2. To install rafters on the walls and drive in them for a nail 10-12 cm long.
  3. If necessary, on the sides of the rafter to attach metal corners.

Since the roof rustle is experiencing a serious pressure of the entire rafting system, the roofers with extensive experience create a skunk node five ways: jack, on beam, flask, in the groove, in Polterev.

To create a skunk knot, connecting the opposite rafters of the jack, do the following:

When attaching rafters onto the beam, or rather, the special skate run, act in a special way:

When the rafters are connected to the beam, the horse is obtained not pointed, but flat.

If the ski knot is to do, fastening the rafted out, then you will need to perform several simple tasks:

To connect the rafter feet to the ski unit with a groove, several skillful carpentry performs:

By choosing the connection method of the rafter in Polterev, do the following:

Video: Construction of roof skeleton with connection rafted by a skate run

It is not necessary to start the construction of the rafter system until it is possible to understand the features of the attachment of the rafted to other elements of the roof structures. By the way, among the various ways to fix the rafter feet there are options not only for experienced builders.

In order for the building to be built more than one year, it is necessary for both a reliable foundation and a strong roofing system opposing the weather becoming. The roof should with dignity to withstand heavy loads: strong snowfalls, sharp gusts of wind, abundant shower. The rapid roof system is best suited for this.

Stropyl roof farms and its types

The rapid system is the base of the roof that focuses on the bearing elements of the structure and also serves as a frame for various types of materials for the roof: insulation, waterproofing, various coatings.

The dimensions and construction of the rafter depend on:

  • acquired material;
  • the size of the structure;
  • dimensions of the house;
  • building materials for rafters;
  • individual preferences of the customer;
  • relevant for a certain roof load region.

The rafter system has:

  • cinema - bars, in the perpendicular direction stacked on rafal legs;
  • screeds that perceive stretching efforts;
  • tree racks located in a vertical position;
  • mauerlat - Bar, the installation of which is carried out along the wall, the stopper focus on it;
  • stropile legs are a kind of tree beams that make up the main load of the roof.

Each of the resulting factors is very important because it is necessary to understand what type of the rafter system will be optimally suitable for a particular situation.

When it comes to low-rise buildings, the greatest prevalence is obtained by structures from wood. In many cases, three types of rafter farms are used: hanging rafters, sprinkled rafters and a mixed system of rafters.

Characteristic hanging rafyl

Hanging rafters are the most elementary type of rafter systems, their characteristics:

If the roof of the house of a complex design, the types of rafters can be alternating. For example, in the presence of a support or the middle main wall, they make the installation of spots, and in the absence of such elements - hanging rafters.

Features of the revolving rafalle

For the sling of the rafted, the house must be additionally equipped with a bearing wall located in the middle. Distinguish with sputum rafters on such grounds:

The design of the combined system is the most complicated, since it includes the parts of the two other types of rafted - hanging and the ulissory. It is used for the attic roof. The walls of the rooms that are on the second floor form vertical supports, these supports are and intermediate racks for rafting beams.

Part of the rafter that connects one end of the racks, functions as a rigle for the skates, located on the side, and for the upper part of the design, they are tightened.

At the same time, horizontal bars perform such functions: for the upper rods - Mauerlat, for the side - the ski bar. In order to increase the strength of the roof, the struts are mounted, which connect the side skates and vertical racks.

The combined system of sling in the manufacture of the most complex and time-consuming, but these shortcomings are completely compensated by an increase in the roof carriers in the absence of unnecessary supports, especially when there is a need to overlap significant spans in the building.

It is possible to increase the carrier quality of the roof using a mixed rafter system.

Stropil farms for different types of roofs

During the construction of a certain building, rafter systems of a particular type are necessarily used, and the roof type will fully depend on the project of the future structure.

Stropil Farm for Duscate Roof

The bartal roof is the usual roof construction for residential buildings that have no more than three floors. Preference is given to this design due to the technical characteristics of the inclined form of the rafter system, as well as due to the fact that the installation works are carried out easily and simply.

The composition of the rafter system of the bartal roof includes two rectangular inclined planes. The upper part of the building from the end side resembles a triangle. The main components of the duplex roof are Maurylalat and rafting legs. In order to properly distribute the load on the raps and walls, the struts, rigleels and racks are mounted, due to which you can create a durable, hard, elementary and light design of the structure for a bantal roof.

The bartal roof is considered the simplest system for the roof, use it for residential buildings no more than three floors.

On top of the rafted can be mounted a rarefied inches or solid, and then attach a bitumen coating, tile or any other type of material on it. The rafter and the shelter itself is usually made from bars or boards, which fasten with nails, bolts or connective parts from metal. Metal profiles can be applied as a rafted, thereby overlapping significant spills. It does not need to use extra racks and sores.

The device of the rafter system for a bantal roof allows you to evenly distribute the entire existing load on the perimeter of the building. The lower ends of the system make focus on Maurylalat. They are fixed with fasteners or metal brackets. At the corner of the tilt of bars for rafters, it is possible to determine, at what angle will be touched by the rocks of the roof.

The rafting system for a bartal roof allows you to evenly distribute the load from the roof around the perimeter of the building

Slinge system for holmic roofing

When setting up a system for a holmic roof, a set of different types of rafters will be required:

  • nasi members (shortened);
  • side;
  • walm main;
  • sound (diagonal elements that form a triangle shape).

The rafting legs, located on the side, are made from the board, and they are mounted, they are identical to the details of the traditional pitched roof with a slope or hanging design. Walm main rafters are the sleeves. For these narons, boards or bars are used, fastened not only to Mauerlat, but also to diagonal beams.

To install this type of construction, the angle of inclination is precisely calculated, as well as the cross section of the invoice beams. From the length of the span depend on the size of the parts.

To the hip roofing is not deformed from a strong load, you should accurately calculate the angle of inclination of diagonal beams for rafters

Observe symmetry when installing diagonal beams for rafters, otherwise the roof is deformed from a significant load.

Slinge system for broken roof

The broken roof is a construction of rafters that consist of several separate items. At the same time, they should be located at different angles relative to the horizon. And since the lower lines is almost vertically, the attic room of the building receives an additional area, which can be used as a residential. The device of this type of roof is performed during the construction of a four-orxcade construction of the rafter.

Calculate the four-fold system of rafters need professionals, but it can be done with a bustling broken roof independently, since its installation is very simple. To do this, you need to install a reference frame, which should consist of runs, as well as racks. Horizontal parts are fixed with hanging rafters. But to Mauerlata, the supports of the broken roof with shortened legs rafters are fixed.

The assembly of the rafter for the broken banta roof is under the power to perform and non-professional, since the installation of such a roof is very simple

"Cuckoo" in the rafter farm

The so-called cuckoo on the roof is a small protrusion that is on the attic floor. Here is a window for better lighting of the attic room. The installation of "Cuckoo" is carried out carefully, while controlling the parameters of the entire design: the depth of the mesh, the angle of inclination and other factors. However, before this makes the necessary measurements.

The first stage of work begins with the installation of Mauerlat (a timber with a cross section of 10x10 cm, which is needed for the support of the sling). The rafting system acts as a skeleton for roofing material. To give the structure of stiffness, struts are used, which are mounted between the two legs of the rafted.

After the installation of the rafter farm is completed, the presence of which depends on the purchased roof coating. Mounting dohes is done solid or with a definite step. For her, boards, OSB and plywood sheets are usually used. In addition, the installation of roofing material should be identical throughout the roof.

The main difficulty in the installation of such a system of rafters is the location of the inner angles. Snow can accumulate in these places, and therefore the load will increase, because of which they make a solid doom.

"Cuckoo" on the roof called a small protrusion on the attic floor, under which an additional window is located

Farm rafted roof chalet

The peculiarity of the device of such a design is the removal of visors, as well as the soles outside the home. In addition, there must be rafters and beams for the roof, produced up to three meters from the side of the building. Each of these elements is fixed by the bracket to the wall of the structure at the bottom. Next tied the edges of the beams. They serve as a support for covering the roofing of the structure.

But creating large sinks, it is necessary to install the reinforced belt in parallel with the installation of studs for Mauerlat. It is necessary to make anchors that contribute to console fixing. In this case, the rafter is perfectly fixed by anchors and, moreover, inserts.

To make side eaves, the skiing bar is made, after which the beams are made at the Mauerlaland level, which must be identical length of the skate. The design of the design details is based on the farm, and in the future - building material for the roof.

When designing the structure, the roofing angle is calculated based on the characteristics of the local climate and other factors. At the corner of the skate, about 45 o do not take into account the load from snow, because at this option it will not be delayed on the roof. At the same time, the canopy roof will endure the burden of snow, but it is necessary to do the installation of a reinforced rafter farm. Before installing the roofing chalet, a building is prepared, because the originality of the roof itself, as well as long eaves and its sinks obliges to this.

For the roof in the style of the chalet, visors made a few meters beyond the house

Stropil Farm Designed for Soft Blood

The soft roof is made in various ways, however, there are general characteristics in technological methods. Initially, it is necessary to prepare. Having placed the root for the house of foam concrete or other material, first install Mauerlat, then in the upper crowns of the building produce a word under the ceiling beams in a step of up to one meter. The distance between the boards is calculated based on the type of rafter design.

  1. Mount individual parts of the rafter system. In order to completely exclude the risk, the planks of the rafter legs on the ground are attached with screws. After creating a rafter farm, it is raised to the top of the building.
  2. All elements of rafters are fixed with ceiling overlap, internal boards, diges, as well as rigels. Next, this base for the roof will become a single whole design.
  3. The next stage is a doomer, which is installed under a soft roof with small gaps or without any. Not more than 1 cm are allowed. Quite often on top of the boards, installation of aligning plywood is made. Her sheets are steel according to the brickwork method. The resulting joints are not combined with gaps between plywood and board.

If the lengths of the boards do not have enough doomes, the keys must be placed in different places. In this way, you can correctly distribute the sections that were weakened.

Independent manufacture of the rafter system

Before the installation of the rafter system is started, to the longitudinal walls it is necessary to fasten Maurylates anchors. Next, you need to decide on the desired cross section of the legs for rafters, depending on the distance and their length. If there is a need to increase the length of the rafters, then connect them with various mounting elements.

When using various insulation, you need to select the perfect distance between the rafted elements in order to reduce the amount of heat insulation trimming.

Installation of the rafter system must be performed in this order:

  1. A template is made for which a farm is going. Two boards are taken, corresponding to the length of the rafted, and are connected to each other with the edge of the edge of the nail.

    The template for rafters called "Scissors" will help quickly collect the entire roofing system

  2. It turns out the design called "Scissors". Her free edges are put on the supports in the places of contact of the rafter feet. As a result, a final angle should be turned out, that is, the angle under which the shelter's skate will be tilted. It is fixed with several long nails and transverse boards.
  3. The second template is made, thanks to which the installation of marbles on rafters is performed. It is made of plywood.
  4. Special mounting is cut on the rafters (used for these purposes a prepared pattern) and connect them at the angle of inclination. There should be a triangle rising to the roof along the stairs. Next, it must be attached to Mauerlat.
  5. Initially two lateral frontal rafters are mounted. The correct installation in the vertical and horizontal plane occurs due to the time ducts attached to the rafters.

    For the correct installation of the entire rafter system, the first pair of rafters on the roof is installed

  6. Cord stretches between these vertices of the rafted. He will indicate the future rustle and the level of other rafters located in the interval.
  7. The remaining rafters at the originally calculated distance, which should be at least 60 cm from each other.
  8. If the cumbersome construction of the rafter is envisaged, then it is additionally strengthened with pins, pouiffs, and so on.

    The cumbersome construction of the rafter is additionally strengthened by pins and backways

  9. On special supports, the ski bar is installed, to which not only short, but also diagonal, and intermediate elements of the rafter are fixed.

    Proper mounting of the skate timber ensures the reliability of the entire system of rafters

Typical nodes of the standard rafter system

The strength of the construction of the rafter depends on the perfectly selected cross section of the boards, as well as from the high quality of the rafter nodes. The connection of parts for the roof design is made according to the established rules.

Main typical nodes in the rafter system:

  • support node rafted on Mauerlat;
  • skidding;
  • node for combining the upper tightening and the entire rafter system;
  • fixing pan, racks, as well as rafters and beams.

After the design of the rafter system was chosen, it is necessary to make a plan in which all the nodes are highlighted. In each design, they are made in different ways, since it depends on different nuances: the type of roof, its size, angle of inclination.

The rafter from the profile pipe is a metal structure that is assembled using lattice rods. The production of such farms is a very time-consuming process, however more economical. For the manufacture of rafters, pair material is used, and the jacks are connecting elements. The design of the rafter from profile pipes is assembled on Earth, and clans or welding are used.

Thanks to such systems, any spills overlap, but it is necessary to produce the right calculation. Provided that all welding work will be made qualitatively, in the future it remains only to transfer the design elements to the top of the building and collect them. Bearing rafters from the profile pipe have many advantages, such as:

Rigel in the rafter system

Rigel is a fairly broad concept, however, in the case of roofs, it has a definite meaning. Rigel is a horizontal bar that binds rafters. Such an element does not give the roof "Space". It is made of wood, reinforced concrete, and metal - everything depends on the type of structure. And serves a beam for the load distribution, which the rafter system has.

It can be secured in a variety of places between the legs of the sling. There is a straight pattern - if the rigl is fixed above, the bar for its installation must be selected with a large cross section.

The methods of fixing the riglel to the rafter system set:

  • bolts;
  • nuts;
  • stiles with washers;
  • special fasteners;
  • nails;
  • mixed fasteners when different types of fasteners are used in parallel.

Fastening exists with insert or overhead. In general, the rigleel is a calculated node, as, however, the entire roof sling system.

Rigel in the rafter system is designed to enhance the design of the roof

Fastening the rafter system

To ensure reliability of the system, the rafter should be initially found out how they are fastening with supporting roofs and a skate. If the mount is made to prevent the roof deformation during the shrinkage of the house, then the hinge plate is fixed on top of the rafter or a bolt with a bolt with a sliding support from below.

Hanging rafters need a more dense and reliable fastening of the skate, so in this case you can apply:

  • overhead metal or wooden plates;
  • wide method;
  • connection with long nails.

In the rolling system, the rafting legs are not connected, as they are attached to the skate run.

The attachment of the rafter to Mauerlat occurs by deforestation, which is done in the rafter foot. Thanks to this method of fastening, the roof support will not weaken. Cutting is also done when installing rafters on the beam overlap. In this case, the cut is made in the support beam.

Video: how to make rafters do it yourself

Thus, the perfectly selected system of rafters and their design features will help create the basis for the reliable roof for your home.

Designing any residential structure, architects special attention is paid to the roof, as it does not perform one, but at once there are several functions, depending on its design features. It must be said that far from all future homeowners satisfies the usual two-tie roof, although it can be called the most reliable, as it has only two pitched planes and one bog between them. Many attract more complex structures that add a special attraction and originality. Other, more practical homeowners, prefer mansard structures that are simultaneously able to perform the role of roofing and the second floor.

The basis of any roof is an individual rafting system that has its own design features. Make the choice of the desired roof frame will be much easier if you understand what types and schemes of rafter systems Used in construction practice. After receiving such information, it will become more clear how complex such structures are in the installation. This is especially important to know if the roof frame is supposed to be erected independently.

The main functional tasks of the rafter systems

When arranging the ribbon structures of the roofs, the rafter system is a coating frame and to hold the materials of the "Roofing Pie". In the competent installation of the frame design, the necessary conditions will be created for the correct and dismaded types of roofs, protecting the walls and the inner space of the house from various atmospheric influences.

Roofing design is also always the final architectural element of the exterior design of the structure, its kind maintaining its stylistic direction. Nevertheless, the design features of the rafter systems must first comply with the requirements of the strength and reliability that the roof must correspond, and only then - aesthetic criteria.

The framework of the rafter system forms the configuration and angle of inclination of the roof. These parameters are largely dependent on natural factors characteristic of a particular region, as well as on the desire and opportunities of the homeowner:

  • The amount of precipitation in different periods of the year.
  • The direction and average wind speed in the area where the construction will be erected.
  • Plans for the use of space under the roof - arrangement of residential or non-residential premises in it, or its use only as an air layer for thermal insulation located below the premises.
  • The species of the planned roofing material.
  • Financial opportunities of the homeowner.

Atmospheric precipitation and wind streams give a very sensitive burden on the structure of the roof. For example, in the regions with abundant snowfalls, it is not necessary to choose a rafter system with a small angle of inclination of the rod, since snow masses will be delayed on their surface, which can lead to deformation of the frame or roofing or to leakage.

If the locality where the construction will be made, is famous for its winds, it is better to choose a design with a small slope of the skate, so that there are no sharp gusts to break the inclusive elements of the roof and roof.

Basic roof design elements

Details and assemblies of rafter systems

Depending on the selected type of the rafter system, the structural elements used can be significantly varied, however, there are parts that are present in simple, and in complex roof systems.

The main elements of the rafting system of the pitched roof include:

  • Stropile legs forming roofing rods.
  • - Wooden timber, fixed on the walls of the house and employee for fixing on it of the lower part of the rafter.
  • Konk is the joint of the frames of two rocks. It is usually the highest horizontal linus of the roof and serves as a support on which rafters are fixed. The horse can be formed with rafters, bonded between themselves at a certain angle or recorded at the skating board (run).
  • The lamp is racks or a bar mounted on rafters with a certain step and serve as the basis for the flooring of the selected roofing material.
  • The retaining elements where you can take a bitter, runs, racks, scrollings, ties, and other parts, serve to increase the hardness of the rafter legs, supporting the skate, binding individual parts into the overall design.

In addition to the design details mentioned, other elements whose functions are aimed at hardening the system and the optimal distribution of the roof load on the wall walls.

The rafter system is divided into several categories, depending on the different features of its design.

Attic space

Before proceeding to the consideration of different types of roofs, it is worth dealing with what an attic space may be, as many owners successfully use it as economic and full-fledged residential premises.

The design of the pitched roofs can be divided into unbred and attic. The first option is called precisely so because the space under the roof has a small height and is used only as the insulation from above the room of the air layer building. Such systems usually refers or having several slopes, but located under a very small angle.

An attic design that has a sufficiently large height of the skate, can be used in different ways, to be insulated and displeasted. Such options can be attributed to the attic or two-tissue option. If the roof is chosen with a high skate, then it is necessary to take into account wind loads in the region where the house is built.

Slope slope

To determine the optimal slope of the roof of the future residential structure, first of all, you need to look at the already built low-rise neighbor houses. If they have been standing for more than one year and stepping steadfasts, then their design can be safely taken as the basis. In the same case, when the owners are set to create an exclusive original project, unlikely on the construction of the construction, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the constructive and operational features of various rafting systems and make appropriate calculations.

It should be borne in mind that on how large the slope of the roof rods, the change in the tangent and normal values \u200b\u200bof the wind power depends - the steeper the angle of inclination, the greater the normal forces and less tangent. If the roof is common, then the construct is more affected by the tangent load of the wind, since the lifting force increases from the leeward side and decreases with the windward.

Winter snow load should also be taken into account when designing a roof. Usually, this factor is considered in the complex with wind load, since from the windward side, the snow load will be much lower than from the leeward skate. In addition, there are places on the rods where snow will definitely be gathering, giving a greater load on this area, so it should be strengthened with additional rafters.

The slope of the roofs can vary from 10 to 60 degrees, and it must be selected not only taking into account the consolidated external load, but also depending on the roofing coating, which is planned to be used. This factor is taken into account because the roofing materials differ by their mass, for their fix it requires a different number of elements of the rafter system, which means that the load on the walls of the house will be varied, and how much it is large, it also depends on the corner of the roof of the roof. Incidentally important, the peculiarities of each coating on the resistance of moisture penetration - many roofing materials are needed in any case, one or another bias is needed to ensure the free gathering of storm water or melting snow. In addition, choosing the bias of the roof, you need to think about how the process of cleaning and repair work on the roof will be carried out.

When planning one or another corner of the roofing rods, you need to know the smaller the joints between the sheets of the coating, and what they are tightly, the less you can make a slope of the skate, of course, if it is not expected to arrange a residential or economic room in the attic space.

If it uses a material consisting of small elements to cover the roof, for example, a ceramic tile, then the slope slope should be made quite steep so that water is never delayed on the surface.

Given the weight of the roofing material, you need to know - the heavier coating, the angle of the skates must be greater, since in this case the load will be properly distributed on the rafter system and bearing walls.

To coating the roof, the following materials can be used: or profile sheet, galvanized steel, wavy asbestos and bitumen fibers, cement and ceramic tiles, rubberoid, soft roofing and other roofing materials. Below, the illustrations are shown by the allowable angles of rolling rods for different types of roofing coatings.

Basic structures of rafter systems

First of all, it is worth considering the basic types of rafting systems regarding the location of the walls of the house, which are used in all the designs of the roofs. The basic options are divided into a weak, hanging, as well as combined, that is, it includes elements and the first, and second type of systems in its design.

fastening for timing


In buildings, where the internal bearing walls are provided, the ultimate rafter system is installed. It is much easier to mount than hanging, since the internal bearing walls provide reliable support for its elements, and in addition, a smaller amount of materials will be required for this design.

For rafters in this system, the defining reference point is the skiing board on which they are fixed. The faded view of the sleeve system can be equipped in three versions:

  • In the first embodiment, the upper side of the rafter is fixed on the skate support called sliding, and the lower side of their side is fixed by writing to the Mauerlat. Additionally, the rafters at the bottom is fixed to the wall with a wire or bracket.

  • In the second case, the rafters in the upper part are curbed under a certain angle and are connected with each other with special metal plates.

The lower edge of the rafter feet is attached to Mauerlat moving fasteners.

  • In the third embodiment, the rafter is rigidly sealed at the top of the bars or treated boards, located horizontally, parallel to each other on both sides of the linen near the corner, and the skunk run is thrown between them.

At the bottom of the rafters, the sliding mounts are used to secure the rafter, as in the previous case.

It is necessary to explain why for fixing the rafted on Mauerlat is often used exactly the sliding fasteners. The fact is that they are able to save the bearing walls from excessive voltage, as the rafters are not fixed rigidly, and during the shrinkage of the structure they have the ability to move, without deforming the overall design of the roofing system.

This type of fastening applies only in the sleeve systems, which also distinguishes them from a hanging option.

However, in some cases, the spacer system is used for the sprinkled rafters, in which the lower end of the rafter is rigidly fixed to the Mauerlat, and to remove the load from the walls into the design, tightening and saws are embedded. This option is called complex, as it includes elements of the change and hanging system.

Specify the requested values \u200b\u200band click the "Calculate Excess LBC" button.

Basic Length (Horizontal Skate Projection)

Planned angle of the edge of the roof α (degrees)

Calculator calculating the length of the rafter

The calculation is carried out on the basis of the values \u200b\u200bof the horizontal projection (LSD) and the height of the rafter triangle defined earlier (LBC).

If desired, you can include in the calculation and width of the eaves, if it is created at the expense of protruding rafters.

Enter the requested values \u200b\u200band click the "Calculate Length" button "

The magnitude of the excess LBC (meters)

The length of the horizontal projection of the rafted LSD (meters)

Calculation conditions:

Required width of the cornese swell (meters)


Double rafter system

Duscal rafting systems are the most popular for single-storey private houses. They carefully look, fit well into any style of construction, reliable and can be used, depending on the angle of their slope, to improve the attic under residential rooms, utility rooms or just to create an air layer holding heat in the building.

self-tapping screws

In order for the roof to have high strength and reliability, it will be necessary to pay special attention to the rapid system. In addition to correctly produced calculations and drawings, an important meaning in the stability of the structure has fasteners for rafters and all its elements.

The design of the rafter system.

In addition to the load of atmospheric precipitation, the rafters must withstand the weight of the crate and the overall weight of roofing pie, which must be taken into account when selecting fasteners.

The rafter system is a spatial design consisting of the following elements:

In order to understand how all parts of the rafter system are attached to each other, it is necessary to figure out which nodes it consists, which attachments are used in each case and what they represent themselves. When assembling the roof support structure, fasteners are used, both steel and wooden.

The main nodes of the connection of the rafter system

Mounting map of Mauerlat to the wall.

Before interneting Maurylalat and the rafter, the first will need to be firmly connected to the wall. Mauerlat is a thick beam (15x15), laid along the axis of the wall and the parallel skate of the beams, on which the rafter legs are based on. The assigned functions on this element of the supporting structure are to distribute the load from rafters, the weight of roofing pie and precipitation over the entire wall, including internal supports. In other words, the foundation for the whole roof is Maurylalat. It is placed on the axis of the wall and fastened to it. In this case, there are several ways to connect.

Method first. With the roof device of a large area along the entire length of the wall, armopoyas is poured, where metal pins are immediately mixed under the M12 threaded every 2 m. In this way, the studs that pass through the beam will be covered with the wall and attract the wall using the nut with the nut And washers. With a small roof area, where there is no heavy load on the wall, cost without Mauerlat and rafters are attached directly to the studs inserted during the masonry process.

The method of the second. Another quite affordable way to make a rafter system is stable - it is to mount Mauerlat to the wall with wire. To do this, it will be needed for 3 rows until the end of the masonry lay the middle of the wire between the rows of bricks. Its length should be sufficient to stop taking and attract Mauarelalate to the wall. You can also do without Mauerlat and secure raftered the wire straight to the wall. But such a connection will give a point load on the wall, which may affect its integrity.

Scheme of fastening of the rafter foot to Mauerlat may be rigid and sliding. The type of connection depends on the shape of the roof and the type of rafters that can be hanging or wean.

Hard and moving connection of the bottom of the rafted with Mauerlat

The main assemblies of the rafter farms.

Connection nodes in this case will be made of wood and may have several types:

  1. Tooth having only focus.
  2. Tooth having a spike and emphasis.
  3. The focus directly in the beam.

The word of a single tooth is used for a roof with a large inclination angle, where the angle between the Mauerlat and the rafter foot is more than 35º. To do this, in the rafter foot, you will need to cut a tooth with a spike, and in the Mauerlate, create a nest under it. The use of spikes allows you to avoid the side offset of the rafter. A dual tooth wrist is used when mounting more gentle roofs. The last method is applied extremely rarely.

Recently, more and more often the wooden mount for the rafter is replaced with metallic, since it allows not only to obtain a more reliable construction of the rafter system, but also significantly reduce work on its installation. Therefore, metal rafting bolts, brackets, plates, clamps, loops and various corners are used as an additional fasteners.

An example of a sliding compound ..

The most used method of hard compound is to drive the nails from the side at an angle in Maurylalat. Thus, there is an inner crossing inside it. Further, a vertically third nail is driven to the final fixation of the compound. Another way to prevent the transverse shift of the rafter foot is to fix it on the sides of the metal corners.

The scheme for moving fasteners of the rafted in the lower part is used for houses built from a rounded log or timber. Since in the process of operation, the rafter system is in motion due to changes in its physical properties, i.e. there is a shrinkage of a building.

The hard attachment diagram in this case is unacceptable, since such movements can cause the wall to be destructed. This means that fastening nodes are required to ensure mobility. In such cases, special hinge compounds are used, which are called salazzas or corners with an oblong hole under fasteners. The moving pairing in this mount reaches two levels of freedom by free movement of one of the fasteners.

Nodal skate connection

The skate joint of the rafter system can be obtained in three ways: jack, braziness and on the skate beam.

Scheme of the skate connection of the rafter system.

Job. The top of the rafter foot should be trimmed at an angle equal to the slope of the roof. The opposite foot is also customized at the corresponding angle, but with a slope to the other side. Next, they are connected to each other in the upper point with a nail, which should be clogged into the end of the rafter with the capture of the opposite end. In addition to nails, special plates are used for a stronger joint connection. As such a fastener, it can act as a wooden board of 30 mm and a metal locking double-sided lining. It uses bolts or nails for its installation.

The following two ways will be similar to the first, but have a small difference. When attaching a mustache, the tops of the rafter foot will be interconnected by their sides. The last option is carried out by connecting each rafter directly to the ski beam. In this case, threaded studs with washers and bolts are used as fasteners.

If farms are used to give stiffness with a rafter system, then to ensure good wind load stability, you will need to establish the required number of diagonal ligaments. The presence of a separation and pan (trim) in the bearing design helps the frontones of the house to be more stable. The decline setting is carried out by stopping the upper part into the angle of the fronton, and it rests on the main beam of the overlap. The pump helps to reduce the load on the rafted center. Its installation is conducted at an angle of 45º. Diagonal connections are fixed using clamps, corners, plates.

Types and features of metal fasteners for rafters

If wooden elements (bars, lining, brazing, metal brackets, wooden pins, wedges) were used as such fasteners of the wizard, then such methods are inferior to more modern species. The construction market has a large model range of metal fasteners, which is now much stronger and allow the process of mounting the rafter system much easier. In the technology of manufacturing data elements, a metal is used, the thickness of which varies from 1.5 ... 3.0 mm, which allows the product to be more resistant to loads in comparison with any other material. In addition, rafted fasteners are represented by any sizes and allow you to carry out the technological process with great accuracy.

Types of fastening elements for rafters.

To the metallic fasteners of the rafter, which can be perforated and nail, belong:

  • ribbon mounting perforated;
  • corners;
  • plates;
  • truck support;
  • baus support;
  • wire screed;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • bolts with nuts;
  • corners of the cr;
  • wB brackets;
  • fasteners LK.

The use of perforated products allows you to firmly fix the rafters with all parts of the system and ensure good rigidity and strength at any angle. They are characterized by the presence of many holes for bolts, screws and screws, with which the fastening to the tree is carried out. The size of the product is adjusted by cropping on the desired length and width.

Also, the fasteners may be nail. However, the use of such a species is possible only in the factory conditions by the method of spanking, which rejects the cone-shaped part. This operation is carried out by special pressure machines.

Corners of the CR have a large number of modified species that reduce the risk of a bolted joint breaking with a natural sediment of the structure. Fastening is carried out without the use of special equipment with the help of screws and nails.

WB brackets are used to mount the cantole of the carrier beam when the wooden floors device in the houses from a rounded log or bar. At the same time, the insertion on the rafter foot is not produced, which does not weaken its bearing ability. The compound is carried out using anchor bolts, nails or screws.

LK rafters fasteners are applicable in a substropyle system where it is required to connect rafters and beams. It has the same advantages as WB fasteners, but the process is carried out only with screws or nails. Used in the construction of wooden houses.

Fasteners in the rafter system plays a huge role. It is from it that depends the strength and duration of the operation of the entire roofing cake. Therefore, the type and method of fastening should be treated with great attention.

Fasteners for rafters: strength and reliability of the roof

So that the roof has high strength, the fastener requires special attention. The connection type will depend on the shape of the roof and the type of the rafter system.

Fastening rafters to Mauerlat: Connection methods

The rafters are the main carrying structural elements of the roof. The correct and reliable attachment of the rafted to Mauerlat makes it possible to eliminate the risk of deformation and wrecking under its own weight and external loads.

Basic fasteners

To set the rafter legs on Mauerlat and firmly fasten them, various types of wrist (s) and metal rafter fasteners are applied:

  • wire screeds;
  • corners;
  • plates;
  • wB brackets;
  • corner of kr;
  • lK fasteners;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • nails;
  • perforated Mounting Summer TM;
  • bolts, studs complete with nuts and washers.

The connection of rafters and Mauerlat can be performed using brackets. In this case, the cut-in in the rafter is thus the given key element of the design is not weakened. Mounting brackets are made of steel with a thickness of 0.2 mm with an anti-corrosion zinc coating. The brackets are mounted on a wooden brusket and rafylain brackets, nails or anchor bolts.

LD fastening elements allow you to mount the rafter to Mauerlat, as well as connect the other elements of the system. When installing this fastener, anchor bolts are not used.

Application of perforated mounting tape allows you to enhance the connection node. Perforated tape makes a stronger connection of rafted with Mauerlat, does not weaken the bearing structures, since it does not violate their integrity. For its installation, self-tapping screws or nails are required.

The corner of the Kyrgyz Republic and its modification is a widely demanded fastening element of the rafter system. It is used if necessary to reliably set the rafting legs on Mauerlat. The corner adds the strength of the compound nodes, increases the carrying characteristics of the structure, eliminates the shift of the strings under high operational loads. The corner is not required to cut into the wooden elements of the rafter system, it is mounted with self-draws or robes (equipped with special protrusions).

Metal fasteners for the rafter system should be made of high-quality material with reliable anti-corrosion protection - this ensures its strength and durability.

In what cases is required by Mauerlat?

Mauerlat is often called the roof foundation. This design, made of log or timber, allows not only to securely secure rafters, but also ensure the uniform transmission of the load on the walls and the foundation of the structure.

During the construction of houses from a bar or log, the role of support for the rafter performs the top of the walls of the walls, the installation of additional structures is not required.

For structures, the walls of which are made of piece materials (bricks, foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks, etc.), the installation of Mauerlat is necessary. This is due to the fact that the walls of this type are poorly coping with point, unallocated loads. In addition, blocks made of foamed material are not sufficiently durable to reliably fix the rafter system - fasteners under load can be burned out of the block. Thus, the installation of Mauerlat is required.

To the wooden bar, laid on the longitudinal walls of the building or around the perimeter (depending on the type of roof), it was firmly fixed to the base, it is recommended to pre-create a reinforced concrete belt in the top of the walls. In a monolithic beam of 200 mm high and a width that coincides with the width of the wall, fasteners are fitted for the support bar. These are anchor bolts or a stud with a diameter of 14 mm, located strictly vertically. To eliminate the likelihood of self-loading them from a concrete, the lower ends of the studs or bolts should be beatened. Mortgage fasteners are located in a step of no more than 1.5 m.

The use of studs with a diameter of less than 14 mm can lead to fastener deformation under loads.

In a timber from which Maurylalat is mounted, the holes corresponding to the arrangement of the studs should be performed. The bar is worn on the studs, the washers are put on the free threaded end of the fastener and the nuts are screwed down. This technology allows you to securely secure the roof base on the wall.

Before installing a bar, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing layer to prevent the damage of the wood under the influence of moisture.

Principles of fastening rafters to Mauerlat

Installation of rafted on a support timber may be required when creating spacer and faded rafter structures. Installation of urban or hanging rafters on Mauerlat is performed using a rigid or sliding compound. Depending on the design features, methods for fastening rafters to Mauerlat are selected.

The rigid compound involves the complete exclusion of the displacement of the elements relative to each other, the absence of such influences as shift, twist, bending. The required rigidity of the connection is ensured if the rafter to the Mauerlate is attached to the corners with a support bar, or a special cutout "saddle" is performed in the rafter foot. The cutting place in the rafter is additionally fixed by self-draws, nails, brackets, bolts. In addition, it is necessary to perform a wire twist, which connects the attachment assembly with Mauerlat and anchor, mounted into the wall.

During the construction of roofs of wooden houses, a special fastener is used ("Salazks"), which allows the sliding compound. The attachment assembly of rafters to Mauerlat with a certain degree of freedom of the rafter gives you the opportunity to avoid the deformation of the roof during the shrinkage of the house from the bar or logs.

Installing rafters using corner

Choosing how to attach rafters to Mauerlat, it is necessary to proceed from the design features of the roof. If we are not talking about wooden buildings, the articulation should be tough.

If the installation of the rafter is performed with the "saddles" clipping, then the technology of work is the following:

  • in the rafter foot, the neck is performed in such a way that the horizontal part of the rafaline can be installed on a wooden bar, while the angle of inclination of the rafter leg must correspond to the angle of inclination of the skate;
  • stropilina is fixed with three nails, two of which are driven on both sides of the rafter foot at an angle (inside the Maurolalat, crossing should occur), and the third nail is driven vertically from above;
  • additionally, the attachment node is fixed with brackets, wire-rod.

Such a fastening of rafters to Mauerlat ensures the necessary stiffness and strength of the node.

A fairly common technology is the installation of a rafter using a metal corner and a staped timber. Attached rafters as follows:

  • the rafter foot is rolling under the necessary angle to provide a defined project of a roof slope;
  • the edge of the Maurolalat is mounted with a bearing bar, the length of which is about 1 meter, the rafter rigidly rests on it along the pressure line - such a design eliminates the shift of the rafter foot under loads on the spacer;
  • on the sides, the rafter should be attached to Mauerlat using metal corners - fastener rafted to Mauerlate by these elements makes it possible to avoid cross-shift of the rafter foot;
  • the finished attachment assembly is additionally enhanced with a wire-rod.

Mounting rafters to Mauerlat should be performed, adhering to the instructions, with details of the work technology, you can get acquainted on the video.

The rafter to the wooden support bruster is mounted using special corners. To subspecies, the corner of the KR belongs:

  • models kr11 and 21 (advanced cr1 and kr2) are equipped with oval holes for anchoring, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the risk of cliff of the fastening element when the building or the structure of the structure;
  • model CR5 allows you to fix structural elements with a large bearing capacity;
  • model Kr 6 (reinforced corner) is made of steel 3 mm, it has an oval hole for anchoring, is used for mounting structures with high weight.

The carrying and auxiliary elements of the wooden rafter design are also attached using a mounting corner of the KM, made of perforated steel. Its advantages include the possibility of fasteners with self-draws and screws, the lack of need to use special equipment for installation.

The KMRP reinforced corner is used for compounds at an angle of 90 °. Its use allows you to securely install wooden rafters on the support timber. Corner can be adjusted.

Proper fixation of the rafter feet on Mauerlat is the key to the durability and reliability of the roofing design. Mounting scheme rafters to Mauerlat may be different, but there are general installation rules:

  • it is important to ensure a dense fit of the planes of the wooden elements, which requires a neat and accurate execution of marbles and wrist;
  • using the bolted connections, it is necessary to install washers or metal plates to avoid blending nuts in wood - it can lead to the destruction of the attachment node.

It is prohibited to use linings, since over time they are deformed, which leads to the wrong distribution of loads on the roof and entails deterioration in operational characteristics, destruction.

Fastening rafters to Mauerlat: how to fix, attachment knot, ways

Learn how to make the attachment rafters to Mauerlat. Types and methods of compounds of rafters, diagram of the Maurolalat fasteners and rafters along with the video.

How to choose a fastener for mounting a rafter system

The frame of the rafter system and about the turning of any roof is Mauerlat. In wooden houses, its functions can perform the upper crown of a log cabin, and a powerful base from a bar is mounted on brick and concrete walls.

Mount Mauerlat.

1. In homes, isolated from glued timber or from logs, Maularlate is not required. If the height of the bearing walls is not enough, an additional crown-mauelalate is stacked. For its attachment, adhesive brackets and steel brazed (spikes) are used.

2. Mounting Maurolalat on brick walls is possible in several ways:

- In the process of masonry of bearing walls to the depth of 3 and more top rows of bricks, studs with a diameter of at least 14 mm are littered. The lower end of the hairpin must be bent at right angles in the form of the letter "g". The length of the free part of the hairpin should be greater than the thickness of the Mauerlalate by 3-4 cm;

- At the final stage of the masonry of the bearing walls, the reinforced belt is poured. "G"--shaped studs or anchor bolts with a diameter of at least 14 mm are mixed into it. The length of the open part of the fasteners should be 3-4 cm to exceed the thickness of the Maurolalate.

The distance between the studs (anchor bolts) is selected by a multiple step of the rafted and equal to 1.0. 1.5 m.

Before mounting, Maurolalat on the stone walls is necessarily placed by a layer of waterproofing material.

Fastening timber

1. Houses folded from logs or timber, during operation give shrinkage, and their geometric parameters change. In such conditions, the roof must have some independence. With a tight fastening of the rafting system, the roof of the wooden house throws, and the roofing materials are destroyed. In the worst case, it can lead to the destruction of the frame of the house, so the connections of the rafter make movable.

Skate rafters can be attached in two ways:

- moving connection with a bolt M16;

- Connection with a plate hinge. In this case, on each line 4 bolts M10. M12 fasten two steel lining. The role of the hinge performs the M16 bolt.

Mounting rafters to Mauerlat is carried out using the so-called "Salazok". The bracket and bracket are attached with nails, while the rafter has the possibility of a small movement relative to Maurolalat along its longitudinal axis.

2. If the house is composed of brick or slag block, the rigid attachment of the rafter is used. In this case, the skate compound is performed in the following ways:

- stationary connection of the online jack. At the same time, the rafters are fastened with nails, and the entire node is enhanced by an additional steel or wooden lining - Rigel. Rigel to the rafters is attached to M10 bolts. M12 or nails, respectively;

- a fixed connection of the insertion in Poledev. In this case, the rafters are connected by a bolt M16, and the node is enhanced by the rigel.

Mounting rafters to Mauerlat is carried out using reinforced steel corners. M10 bolts are used for mounting corners. M12 and nails.

As an additional fixtures of fixed assemblies, clamps, wire screed and mounting perforated tape are used.

All threaded compounds are performed using metal washers or plates.

When the design details of the design, nails need to follow the following rule: the length of the nail must be 2-3 times the thickness of the punched element.

How to choose a fastener for mounting a rafter system

For beginner masters, leading the construction of the house with their own hands, the rafter system is perhaps the most complex design. The greatest number of questions cause methods for fastening individual elements and applied fasteners. The stability and durability of the roof depends on these nodes, so we will tell about them in more detail.

Fastening rafted to Mauerlat

The reliability of the roof design directly depends on how correctly the entire carrier system will be mounted. And its main elements are rafters. The whole system consists of rafting legs that support and cut up additional elements, such as sorts, tightening-rigels, sidebars, support racks and stretching. The rafting legs are connected on the skate beam from above, and the lower edges are very often relied on the Mauerlat, fixed on the side carrier walls of the building.

Fastening rafted to Mauerlat

Since Mauerlat falls the largest load, it is made of a powerful bar. Its section is determined by the massiveness of the entire rafter system, but mostly the size ranges from 150 × 150 to 200 × 200 mm. This carrying element of NT PR is unpacking for uniform distribution of the load from the entire structure of the roof and roof on the bearing walls of the structure. Fastening rafters to Mauerlat is carried out in various ways. They are chosen at the place depending on the type of the rafter system (which can be a weak or hanging), its complexity and massiveness, from the value of the total loads, which will be subject to the entire roof design.

Varieties of connecting nodes "Stropila - Mauerlat"

First of all, there are sliding and hard attachments of rafters to Mauerlat.

1. Sliding mounts consist of two separate elements, one of which has the ability to move relative to the other.

These fasteners can be different in design - closed and removable.

Closed sliding fastening

  • The closed fastening consists of a corner that is attached to one side to Mauerlat, and on the other side has a special slick-like eyelet. It is installed in it a metal loop with holes for mounts to the rafter. Thanks to the free, not fixed vertical side of the corner, the mount makes it possible to sling, if necessary, slightly shifted, the Introduction to the deforming effect on the wall walls.

Movable sliding open-type mount

  • Open fastening is arranged by the same principle, and is distinguished by the fact that the metal loop is not inserted into the eye, and simply the upper part of the vertical shelf the angle after installation bends down, thereby fixing the connection.

Video: An example of the installation of mobile fastening on the rafter foot and Maurylalat

2. Types of hard fasteners - much more. They are chosen depending on the massiveness of wooden structural elements and the method of installing rafters on Mauerlat.

A variety of hard fasteners

This includes metal corners of different sizes, attachments of LK, which securely fix the raftered, installed with the help of the help, without damaging its fasteners or nails.

  • LK mounting is made in several dimensional versions, so they can be selected for any thickness of the bar or board. The thickness of the metal from which these fasteners are manufactured is 2 mm, whatever the size of nor. Depending on the value, the fasteners have a different designation.

It should be noted that these fasteners are suitable not only for connecting rafters on Mauerlat - they are used to fix the "Overlapping beam - Maurylalat" nodes.

Fastening lk in business

The main advantage of this fastener is the maximum rigidity and reliability of the compound of wooden elements.

  • Fixing the rafted with a marke on the Mauerlat with the help of the corners is carried out on both sides, which ensures the rebuilding rigidity.

Corner with enhanced rigid rigid

There are corners designed to attach rafters without drinks. They have higher shelves and are bolted with a large number of self-tapping screws. They are produced from metal thickness in 2; 2.5 or 3 mm.

Mounting rafters to Mauerlat Corches

CR 11 and CR21 are improved corners, marked often, ka k to P1 and kr2. In these elements, there is an anchoroiding hole, which has an oval shape, which reduces the rolling bolt, in the event of a design shrinkage.

Corners of a series of kr

Cr5 and cr6 are the corners used to attach elements to which a large carrier load falls. Trozen K to P6 is also equipped with an oval hole, and it is recommended to use it when creating a rafter system on a new house, which will still give shrinkage. These models are in demand when installing structures having a lot of weight.

Ground k to M is produced from perforated steel and is used for attachment rafters with a large cross section. Especially it is well suited for wooden buildings. This corner fixes the elements of the design is very reliable, and when it is used, it does not need to cut the rafters in Mauerlat - enough to cut the right angle on the first.

Stressed Corner KMRP Series

KMRP Corner is used to fasten the parts of the rafter system at right angles, including rafters with Mauerlat. It also differs from ordinary corners with its elongated hole, with which it is possible to displace when shrinking without damage to the fastening bolt. It can be used in the design where it is impossible to make the insert one element to another.

The KMRP corners are made of 2 mm thick. Three varieties are produced:

  • Another embodiment of the raftered on Mauerlat is to install them between two boards, cut at a certain angle, and additionally at the bottom of the LK fixed using metal corners or fasteners.

Fastening rafters between two milk lining

Such pinning rafters gives good rigidity and reliability. This method is well suited in cases where the rafter needs to be fastened under the desired angle, lifting it over the horizontal plane of Mauerlat, but consulting it on the vertical outer side.

  • The method of attaching rafters on Mauerlat, made from a bar not too much cross section. It is carried out by enhancing the bar using wooden linings having the necessary thickness.

Fastening using a reinforcing subdition

The cuts of the boards are attached to Mauerlat with nails or self-tapping screws, in those places where rafter legs will be installed.

In this case, cuts are made in the rafters of the desired configuration and depth. Stropile legs are securely fixed to the wall using steel wire, which is fixed on a robbed steel crutch.

Fixation with a wire twist

  • In addition to the above folding methods, the rafters are nailed to Mauerlat using a bracket. It should be noted that this method is sufficient and used for a very long time. With properly fixing these elements, the rafter system will last for many years.

Fastening "Anglassy" - brackets

Staples can have a different size, driven in different places of connection.

  • Another fastener that is used as auxiliary is a perforated TM tape. It is used to enhance the fastening unit if it is necessary to further fix it.

Often, metallic perforated ribbon comes to the rescue

In some cases, this element may be indispensable, so it can also be excluded when installing the rafter feet to Mauerlat.

Features of rafter systems

The rafter system is selected depending on the location of the bearing wall walls. Each systems have its additional retaining or tightening elements.

Varieties of rafter systems


The system with utilization rafters is characterized in that it has one or more reference points, except for bearing walls. In this regard, a significant part of the load is removed from the side walls.

Slot rafters with a support for the capital partition

In the form of additional retaining elements, side racks and grandmothers are used, supporting lobes and fixing overlapping beams. And the beams themselves, in turn, simultaneously serve as tighters for the design, and also facilitate the load from the rafter system on the bearing walls.

Rafters with sliding fasteners

Slot rafters are attached to Mauerlat most often by sliding compounds that are capable of shifting during shrinkage or strain of walls, leaving a unharmed roof design. This is especially important to take into account in the new buildings, since any newly built building necessarily gives shrinkage under the influence of temperature fluctuations and soil moving.

Hanging rafal

Hanging rafters are called due to the fact that they do not have other supports, in addition to two side bearing walls. It turns out that they seem to hang over the inner space of the structure. In this case, the entire load from the design of the roof frame falls precisely on Mauerlat.

Rafters in the system of hanging type

For attaching to Mauerlat, hanging rafters are used hard attachments with the lack of degrees of freedom of movement, since the frame design has only two points of support.

To remove part of the load from the walls of the structure, such additional elements are used as a sawmill, "grandmas" and tightening, which pull up the system to the skate bar and evenly distribute the load on all walls. Rigels are installed in parallel beams of overlapping and tightening rafters among themselves. Without these additional details, the design can be unreliable.

Calculation of the installation of timelines

So that the rafter system is reliable and durable, in addition to the optimal connection method, you need to select the correct step of the rafter. This parameter is selected depending on the dimensions of the rafted (their cross section and the length between the points of the support), as well as from the roof design.

This table, you can get information about the necessary parameters for mounting a reliable rafter system.

Several rules for fastening rafters to Mauerlat

In order for fastenings to be reliable, it is necessary to follow the rules that are provided for this process:

  • If metal connecting parts are used for fastening, they must be fixed to wooden connecting elements with maximum thoroughness - high-quality screws of the desired length.
  • If the rafters are stacked in the ground in Mauerlate, then the sizes must be accurately recovered. This will ensure a tight reliable installation of rafters in the prepared poisoned, which should have a depth of ⅓ Mauerlat. However, it should be remembered that such a rule will be fair only if Mauerlat is made of a powerful bar having a size in a section of at least 150 × 150 mm.

Drink on Mauerlat

  • In order not to weaken the Mauerlat, most often the marble is performed in the very rapid leg at the desired angle, and additionally the node is then fixed with the corners. It should not be released in this case exceed ¼ thick rafters. This mount is rigid and can be applied in hanging rafter.

In this option, I washed on the rafter foot

  • When using bolts for bonding rafters with slopes, tightening and other wooden elements, it is necessary to install the puck or metal plate on the bolt, in order to avoid flooding nuts in wood and, accordingly, weakening the design.
  • Mounting rafted to Mauerlat only on nails or self-tapping screw is considered unreliable, so you need to use corners or other metal fasteners of various configurations.

Rich selection of metal fasteners

  • When installing rafted on wooden walls, whether it is a hanging or a slotted system, it is recommended to fix them to Mauerlat with a sliding fastening, especially if the roofing material has a rather heavy weight.

Fastening rafters to Mauerlat - how to perform right?

One of the most important connecting nodes in the roof design - fastening rafters to Mauerlat. There are several approaches to solving this problem.

The rafting system - the roof frame of the house, which carries on itself and evenly distributes the weight of the roofing pie, sometimes giving up to 500 kg / m2. The reliability of this peculiar appearance depends on three factors: accuracy of the calculation, based on which the number of and cross-section of the support elements is selected, the material from which it is manufactured, as well as the correctness of the fastening technology. Knowing how to fix the rafters correctly, you can significantly increase the carrier ability of the frame, making it more durable and reliable. Montage errors, on the contrary, lead to tangible loss of strength and roof deformations. In this article, we will talk about the main types and methods of fasteners, with the help of which you can high-qualityly set the rafters with your own hands.

The lines of the roof of the house - the system of interconnected support elements from trees or metal, which give the design form, bias, and evenly distribute its weight between carrier walls. Its main component are the rafter legs, which are installed at the angle of beams, which are connected in pairs along the slope, forming a horse at the top point. There are two main varieties of rafters:

  • Cover. Slot rafters are called support elements that have two points of the support in the roof designs - on the ski run and Maurylalat. The rapid system of this type is used in structures having inside one or more carrier walls that can be "subject" rafters. Such a fastening of the rafter allows you to unload them by using additional vertical supports.
  • Hanging. Hanging items are called elements that have only one point of the support, which is located where the rafter is attached to the wall or Mauerlat. The rapid system of hanging type is experiencing a load not only on bending, but also to drip, so it is enhanced with horizontal compensating elements (riglels, tightening, fights).

Note! Most of the most popular rafter systems are fixed with a rafted to Mauerlat. Mauerlat is called a massive bar or a beam with a cross section of 150x150 mm or 200х200 mm, stacked along the bearing walls of the structure, which will later be relying the rafting legs. It softens the pressure on the walls of the house, as well as evenly distributes the weight of the roofing cake. Attach Mauerlat to the upper wall belt using anchor bolts or stovered metal spills.

Main connecting nodes

The rafting frame is called the system, because all its elements are closely interrelated and fixed, as a result of which the roof design acquires a stable, rigidity and high bearing capacity. Each connecting node between its parts is a vulnerable place that can be easily deformed under load, so all attachments should be carried out strictly according to the technology. Experienced masters allocate types of compounds in the roof design:

  1. Fastening rafted to the skate bruus. This connecting unit is characteristic only for the revolving rafting systems, in which the upper part of the rafting leg relies on the ski run, fixed on vertical racks. The attachment of the rafted to it can be performed using metal linings, nails or sliding fasteners-sliders.
  2. Fastening rafted to Mauerlat. The most important fastener assembly of the rafter frame is the place of the connection of the Mauerlat Bruz with rapid legs. Cart rafters on it can be used with nails, metal corners or wooden bars.
  3. Connection rafted with each other. To lengthen the rafter legs, if the length of the skate exceeds the standard length of the sawn timber, they are collected from several elements interconnected using nails, glue or metal linings.
  4. Connection of rafting legs with auxiliary support elements. In the design of the rafter frame, the rafters can be connected with a tight, riglee or piping to increase rigidity, strength and bearing capacity.

Note that any washed to attach rafters to beams, Mauerlat or other structural frameworks of the frame lead to a decrease in their strength, so experienced masters recommend to connect them with each other with the help of corners and linings.

Fixation methods

Solving the question of how to mount rafters to Mauerlat or the skate run, it is necessary to correctly pick up the fastener fittings. The modern building market has a huge assortment of a variety of design and fittings. The main criteria for the choice of fasteners are the material used for the manufacture of rafters, their cross section, as well as the type of load to which they are exposed. There are the following methods of fastening rafters:

Experienced masters believe that the most reliable way to fix the rafter is the use of metal corners, which firmly combine the wooden elements among themselves, hard locking the angle between them. The corner, overlapping the joint between the rafter foot and the skating bar or Mauerlat, serves as a peculiar space between them.

Varieties of fasteners

The tree is a natural material that in the process of leveling moisture and drying gives a significant shrinkage, which is why the linear dimensions of the structure are changed. That is why experienced masters recommend building a roof for bruschers and log houses, a year after construction, when the shrinkage process moves from the passive phase. If you fix the wooden frame elements rigidly, then after drying the roof of the house can be deformed. Therefore, the following types of fasteners are used to connect rafters:

Interestingly, there are several options for combinations of mobile and fixed connecting nodes. The most common is the rafter systems with one rigid and two sliding fasteners, which provide sufficient mobility with high strength and stiffness of the structure.

Types of fasteners

Among the experienced roofers do not poison disputes, the more efficiently performing the attachment of the rafted to the beams of overlapping and Mauerlat. However, in most cases, the snag is that in these conditions it is more practical to use - nails or self-tapping screws. Both of these fastening elements have their advantages and disadvantages:

  • Nails are good in that only a hammer that is in every farm is needed to score them. However, some masters complain about the fact that they manually score them for too long. It is worth recalling that for fixing the rafter uses special serrated nails, which are securely connected with wood.
  • To assemble the rafter frame, galvanized screws are used, which are not afraid of corrosion. At the expense of the thread, they firmly screwed into the thickness of the wood, securely fixing the elements among themselves. Screw them quickly and conveniently with a portable screwdriver. The minus of this type of fasteners is that when dismantling, remove the screws from the tree for a long time and vigorously.

Most experienced roofers converge on the fact that it is better to use galvanized grudge nails to fix the rafter legs, the length of which is 5-3 mm above the thickness of lumber. Properly selected fasteners are the key to high-quality and long-term fixation of the roof frame, which neither mechanical exposure, not a wind load.

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