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Hieroglyphs success in work and home. What does Chinese hieroglyph look like? Hieroglyphs Feng Shui and their meaning

hieroglyphs in Feng Shui

Hello, dear readers of the site "Your Feng Shui"!

I continue the topic of Chinese hieroglyphs and their meaning. I started to do this in the last article, it was told that in general such hieroglyphs, for which they are used in Feng Shui, as well as the meaning of some of the most common. Namely hieroglyphs - if you are wondering how to apply them in your daily life and that they can "give you", you can read by clicking on the link above.

And then I will continue to talk about what else hieroglyphs Apply quite often feng Shui And what they mean.

Heroglyphs on Feng Shui - Values

"Double Happiness" - Very popular hieroglyph on Feng Shui, meaning harmony in the family. He gives his owner and his half. It is best to put it in a better way to use it in on pillows, lamps, etc. Hieroglyph "Double Happiness" can be given to loved ones - it will be a sign of real devotee.

"Abundance" - Looking at this hieroglyph you can immediately understand what it means. It is depicted in the form of a bowl filled with cereals. It is a strong magnet to attract abundance into your life, all of what you want, whether money, good luck in business, in work, in love. It will "work" in any sector of the house, which at the moment you want to improve, as well as compatible with other hieroglyphs on Feng Shui, has a reinforcing action.

"Prosperity" - as well as the hieroglyph "abundance" attracts energy and movement energy into any spheres of life. However, it acts so if you want to achieve material well-being, it will certainly help to attract, save and multiply your capital. If you do not have a desire to achieve wealth, then with this hieroglyph on Feng Shui you will gain spiritual calm. Place, as well as the previous hieroglyph you can anywhere.

"Happiness" is a sign of good luck and fulfillment of desires. As you know, every person himself determined for itself What is happiness. So this hieroglyph on Feng Shui It will help you exactly, what is happiness for you. You can place in any sector. Very common hieroglyph, often its image can be seen on the dishes, various interior items. He is depicted on coffee cups. It can be seen in the picture below.

"Longevity" - symbolizes long life and good health. It is believed that this hieroglyph can extend life. It is customary to give it to the elderly. The image of the hieroglyph "longevity" can be worn with you, place in the health zone, in the bedroom.

"Business Success" - Helps in promoting business, career success. It can be useful both businessmen and creative people. Attracts new opportunities. It is necessary to post in areas of active activity in the office, in the office of the house, on the desktop.

"Fulfillment of desires" "If you want your some kind of cherished desire to come true, take the hieroglyph" Equipment of Desires ". It is advisable to put it in the house, any sector will fit. This hieroglyph on a hairdry shui can be given to friends and relatives, just need to explain its meaning.

"Eternal love" - This hieroglyph helps to increase and save the energy of love between spouses. It is recommended to use this talisman when there are difficulties in relationships. He will return to the former harmony and mutual understanding between loving people. You need to post in the "love" sector of the house.

"Talent" - Great gift and mascot for people employed by the educational process (students, schoolchildren). Helps the disclosure of the potential, improves the life of its owner. You can place in any sector of the house, classroom.

"Wisdom" - Just like the hieroglyph "Talent" is suitable for students, gives them wisdom in taking the right decisions. However, the spectrum applies to people engaged in business, just working people who, by the nature of their activities, should make decisions, be collected when solving daily problems. You can place this hieroglyph according to the teaching of the Feng Shui in any area of \u200b\u200bthe house or office.

hieroglyphs on coffee cups

At the end I want to say that the hieroglyphs are the signs of a completely different culture. For us, this is just some kind of stools, sometimes beautiful, sometimes not very. Therefore, it is worth understanding that when you will use them in the interior or as a personal talisman you must know exactly what they mean. It is impossible to broadcast a panel with some hieroglyph, just because it is beautifully decorated and successfully fits into the interior. Otherwise, you can catch your batter for ignorance. I hope that this is not happening with you, but everything is better to look at the Internet or in some literature, which means one or another hieroglyph on Feng Shuibefore applying it in your life. I hope that this article will help you in this.

Feng Shui ... the philosophy of success and prosperity, the doctrine of harmony and the world, the ancient Chinese science of attracting happiness and well-being. How many sacred gifts are stored in it! The wise men of all the postulates of Feng Shui did not just honor the laws of being, but also took care of their preservation. It is not surprising that so much different and effective ways to improve your life came to us. One of them is the writing of the hieroglyphs.

For the European person, the hieroglyph is an incomprehensible combination of drops and rags. However, all these keys were created not just so, but were a prototype of the world. Each sign is a specific symbol of water, man, mountains, trees, and so on. That is why hieroglyphs have such power and, rightfully, recognized as one of the most effective talismans to attract good luck, love or happiness in their lives!

Want to check their action on yourself? Let me offer you a choice of several excellent and tested time of hieroglyphs-talismans:

Chinese hieroglyph love




Jeroglyph love
A classic symbol for attracting love.
The hieroglyph love has a very powerful strength and is able to pull you not just a second half, but also joy, happiness and peace in existing relationships.

All hieroglyphs of love are better to hang in the southwest.
In addition, you can write a hieroglyph and carry it with you (preferably closer to the heart)

Hieroglyph eternal love
Mascot of eternal friendship, love and mutual understanding. Work perfectly to maintain a flame passion in the already established relationships.

Hieroglyph 100 years old happiness in marriage
Will make a fresh jet into your family! Revises feelings and adds firewood to a strong family hearth.

Chinese hieroglyph of happiness




Hieroglyph Happiness
An amazing hieroglyph, calling for the patronage of the sky and the gods. However, it gives happiness selectively - precisely in the area in which you would like to succeed. That on the other hand is very convenient.

Think about where you need to attract happiness and place the written hieroglyph in the desired zone. For example, southeast (if you want to scream more out of abundant ocean universe)

Heroglyph Double Happiness
Powerful talisman who fulfills wishes. But it is best to use it to attract happiness with someone in the tandem, because its influence spreads more than two and more people.

It will help to conceive a child if you put it under a married bed.
Give success in business (and at work), if you place it in the north.
Attracts like-minded people and friends to you (help) in the North-West.
You can put it even in the wallet so that he attracted more dance friends to you.

Chinese hieroglyph luck

Chinese hieroglyph wealth

Of course, this is not the entire toolkit of the hieroglyphs of well-being and prosperity. Chinese, you know, rich and mighty, but you can look into the topic of Feng Shui hieroglyphs on our forum, and choose something else, no less attractive.

I want to note that the hieroglyphs are best working, written by hand! Of course, the specifics of writing in them is also their own (from above - down, left - right), but even if you do not know the whole science, do not neglect this opportunity! Invest your desire or intention into each line, and then your mascot will quickly attract conceived in life!

Chinese hieroglyphs are one of the most powerful and effective means of Feng Shui to attract a specific type of good luck. With the help of hieroglyphs, you can activate not only the specific Bagua sector, but also efficiently improve the energy of the Qi of your home.

You can use hieroglyphs as amplifiers and as stimulants for the success of your personal energy:
* for swaying them on the wall,
* for placing them in the right place of your room,
* for storage in the wallet,
* for placement on the table, diary, monitor, paper for printing devices and etc.

Where do you need to hang the hieroglyphs of love? Of course, in the zone of love and relationships - in the southwest, or in the bedroom, there are hieroglyphs of love will bring a mask effect.
Hieroglyphs for love

"Bamboo" is an oriental symbol of health, longevity, happiness, durability and spiritual power.

"Favorable" is one of the most popular calligraphy. Protects against evil spirits, for success in affairs and personal life.

"Blessing" - gives you a blessing for the fulfillment of conceived.

"Big Harvest" - contributes to great success and excellent results in any field of activity.

"Politeness" - helps others be mutually polite and well-educated people.

Spring - this hieroglyph brings love, joy, fresh strength and updating to your life.

"Vera". Vera Mountain will shift. She helps believe in itself, love. Justice and bright future

"Eternity". All that gives us joy and happiness, let it be forever.

"I love you" - contributes to the preservation of the severity and trepacy of feelings. A good way to recognize in love.

"Wealth" - helps to find spiritual and material wealth.

"All is well" - contributes to the best course of affairs at work and at home.

"Harmony" helps to be in harmony with himself and the world around.

"Dao" (path) - creates the ability to follow the spiritual way to perfection, streamlines and harmonizes the life situation.

"Kindness" is responsiveness, sympathy, selflessness and ability to forgive.

"Dragon" - personifies extraordinary strength and power.

"Friendship" - strengthens relations between friends. Possessed to give this gift - recognition to a friend or girlfriend.

"Abundance" - contributes to the possession of numerous talents. The hieroglyph depicts a bowl with ears of wheat.

"Strong" - the power of will and spirit. This calligraphy contributes to the development of physical strength, power and authority, resistance, invincibility.

"Moon" - this hieroglyph brings the goddess of love living on the moon to our house.

"Dreams" - "There is no such dream that would not come true" - Eastern saying.

"Wisdom" - contributes to the accumulation of knowledge, life experience and its correct application in life.

"Person" - this hieroglyph helps to achieve respect and recognition in society, be worthy of the title of man.

"Full" - contributes to the house in the house there is a "full bowl".

"Prosperity". Provides growth and prosperity everything you need.

"Forgiveness". Forgiven, it means I understood. This hieroglyph teaches generosity, the ability to forgive and not notice the mistakes of others.

"Smooth" - contributes to the smooth flow of life without unexpected fractures and turns.

"Glowworm". In Japan, it is believed that the bright luminescence of these insects penetrates the heart itself and awakens love from sleep. Thus, calligraphy contributes to finding your love.

"Light of Knowledge" - helps in study.

"Caught" - contributes to rapid mastering various skills and teachings.

"Good business" - helps you find your own business.

"Purity". Purity - pledge of body health and home. Promotes health promotion, purification from bad thoughts and feelings, improving the energy of space.

"Eternal love" - \u200b\u200bgrants the flame of eternal and negascin of love.

"Mutual Benefit" - this calligraphy contributes to success in trade.

"Guru" - attracts higher patronage and people endowed with power and authority. Enhances social status.

"Mountain water" - contributes to financial success, ensures the safety of your property and patronizes vehicles.

"Business Success" - contributes to the best promotion of your business and career.

"Longevity" - gives good health and for many years of life.

"Dragon's breath" - vital energy. This calligraphy improves the overall energy of the room, brings all types of prosperity, happiness and well-being.

"Spirituality" - brings spiritual perfection, strength, bliss, patience, mercy, modesty, control of feelings and mind.

"Natural" - contributes to the fact that you are easier and natural in life, felt part of nature.

"Health" - bears excellent self-effective health.

"Yin-Yang" is a symbol of life, perfection, harmony, peace and harmony.

"Truth" - helps to see the true essence of the events that occur, recognize good and evil, lies and truth

"Execution of desires" - helps to carry out various aspirations and wishes.

"Collective", "Collective work" - improves cooperation and mutual understanding in the team.

"Beauty" - will help you to achieve the beauty of the soul and body.

"Love" - \u200b\u200bpromotes the acquisition of a long and strong love.

"Love each other" - love and be loved.

"Mother" - this hieroglyph teaches maternal love.

"Mirny" - brings peace, peace in your heart and house.

"Hope" is the last stronghold of success. It helps always be complete hopes for their goals.

"Education" is the foundation of the future. This hieroglyph contributes to education.

"Update" - helps to constantly change for the better, gives freshness and renewal feelings, flexibility of thinking and versatility in the perception of the world.

"Peony" is an imperial flower. PION is a symbol of straw passion and restless love, wealth, fame and dignity.

"Victory" - gives you the strength for victory on all fronts.

"Raising" - this hieroglyph contributes to a person in his professional activities.

"Congratulations" - helps all your cases and achievements to be appreciated and recognized, stimulates to achieve new vertices in work.

"Helping friends." In whatever difficult situation you are, this hieroglyph will help you get help and support from friends and acquaintances.

"Invitation of wealth" is one of the most popular calligraphy in China. The hieroglyph calls wealth to the house or office.

"Property" - this hieroglyph brings happiness and good luck.

"Promotion" - helps never stand still, but only to advance forward and progress in all aspects of your life.

"Paradise". Paradise is a place of complete calm, love and happiness. Brings your life a paradise atmosphere.

"Flower" is the most favorable connection of the sky and earth, time and space. Gives prosperity, great abundance and harmony.

"Growth" - gives spiritual, physical, professional and career growth, promotes business development.

"Fish" - a symbol of great good luck, wealth and well-being.

Sakura - will help you find such a bright and beautiful love, like Sakura flowers.

"Freedom" helps to be more independent in life.

"Courage". The lack of courage leads to failure. This calligraphy helps you go to your goal without hesitation and fear.

"Family" - carries the world, harmony and mutual understanding in the family.

"Collaborate". Cooperation is necessary in order for your work at home or at work successful.

"Perfect" - helps to be a comprehensive developed person.

"Calm" - helps to achieve a calm living life: good health, financial well-being and good interpersonal relationships.

"Happiness". Happiness is the need of the soul. This hieroglyph helps to find her bird of happiness.

"Fate" - helps believe their strength, to be the Creator of His HAPPINESS.

"Patience". Patience and perseverance are constituting a strong character achieving success.

"Good luck" - the hieroglyph bears good luck in any endeavors and success in affairs.

"Respect and prosperity" - gives us respect and honor by the relatives and colleagues, contributes to the growth of welfare.

"Feng Shui". One of the most popular hieroglyphs. Brings such a kind of happiness and good luck as you wish.

Feng Shui II is a good "Feng Shui" for harmony in the house, so that happiness and luck do not leave your home.

"Qi" - vital energy. Improves the overall energy of the room, brings all types of prosperity and well-being.

"Clean Mind" - this calligraphy helps to maintain the mind in order, removes unnecessary experiences, carries the world and enlightenment, stimulates intelligence

Hieroglyph "Fu" - the most mysterious hieroglyph of all hieroglyphs.
In China and Japan, "Fu" means happiness or good luck. From the depths of the centuries, statements about the meaning of this word.
"Li Ji" (records of rituals) is written: "Fu is responsible for success, Fu is also a hidden meaning for what business walked smoothly and everything happened in the right way."
Episode Hon Fana from the book "Historical Records" (Shan Shu) gives an explanation about the five "fu" in life. The first "Fu" is long-life, the second is wealth, the third is the world, the fourth is dignity, the fifth is death without disease. The concept of five "FU" is to identify various aspects of Fu. In order to achieve the final "fu", a person should be diligently follow the following five principles: long-life, prosperity, peace, dignity and death without disease, only this is the best way of life.
Han Fei Tzu said: "Loading and wealth means" Fu ". His idea" Fu "was based on long-lived and prosper.
Yang Xu had a different look at Fu. In his poem, he wrote, "serve my country from the bottom of my heart to the end, return home and enjoy health and long-term." In his opinion, the basis of the five "fu" - long-life and health.
In the time of Min and Qin, popular drawings called "long-life the highest of five fu" were in great demand. The drawing consists of a hieroglyph "Fu" surrounded by five bats. Bats were used in the drawings because in Chinese the word bat sounds the same as the word "Fu". They believed that the long-life was in the center of the five "Fu."
In the feudal society, the value "Fu" was very much varied for people of different classes and social statuses. For the peasants "Fu" means to own its land, have good weather, a good harvest, have clothes for all family members. For ordinary citizens "Fu" meant that they can survive and enjoy family life during the times of brutal rulers, wars and disasters. For merchants, businessmen loud clicking accounts and looking out for flowing gold and prosperity, sailing along three rivers, which meant "Fu". For writers and scientists, "Fu" meant the successful exam, career growth and see your name, knocked out on a golden royal plate after ten years of stubborn studies. For older people, health, long-life and grandchildren playing around, it is "Fu".
With the development of society and civilization "Fu" acquired new, richer values. As the main ingredient of culture, "Fu" presents with ordinary people with big expectations from life. It reflects their dreams and desires at different levels.
Prayers to "Fu" or the desire to achieve "Fu" slowly penetrated the folk culture and became part of the worship ceremony. Ancient people had a realistic and dualistic look at Fu. Lao Tzu said: "Good luck lies with a bad, bad luck, next to good." In other words, one element is connected to another, disaster and good luck can replace each other one after another. In the works of the famous Master of Lao Tzu, Lao Zi explained the relationship between these two elements. "Disaster and good luck do not have doors, you have to find your own way there and from there." He believed that disasters and good luck would be difficult to predict, but people can make efforts to change themselves to achieve the final "Fu".
In the prosperity pictures there are two main symbols that represent Fu. One uses images of gods that worship in folk culture, such as heavenly emperor, three stars. Another borrow signs and drawings with the same sounds as "Fu". Such as the bat "Bian Fu", the hand of Buddha "Fu Show", or cumulus clouds.

Wushu (Kit. Trad. 武術, Ex. 武术, Pinyin Wǔshù) - the Chinese word, consists of two hieroglyphs "y" and "Shu", and traditionally translated as "military, martial art."

Maybe this is a hieroglyph "Warrior path" or "Busido" (or just look into cognitive purposes)
Busido is an unwritten set of samurai behavior rules. These rules concerned not so much actions on the battlefield, how much behavior in everyday life. According to Busido, the samurai should not think in battle. His actions should be predetermined by his behavior in peacetime. Preparations to fulfill their duty, which most often consisted in the execution of the Will Mr., and is the essence of Bucidido.
The word "beadido" consists of three hieroglyphs. The first two of them form the word "beads" - a man who owns weapons, a warrior. The third hieroglyph - "before" - literally denotes the path - the most important concept underlying the eastern philosophy. The path is a line of perfect life. The one who follows the path will be impeccable during life, and after death will become a legend and a model for imitating many generations.
According to Eastern philosophy, for each class there is a private path, their morality and their own rules of behavior. Busido is a warrior path or samurai code.
In the literal translation from the Chinese word "samurai" means Vassala or servant. But during the days of medieval wars, every servant was both warrior at the same time. As Japan is united, the need to constantly wear weapons gradually transformed into the privilege and over time two swords - a long and short-brief-took a distinctive feature of samurai. And the very word "samurai" became synonymous with the words "beads" and since then denotes a military servant.
Busido does not have one particular author. In essence, this is a collection of teachings, tips and descriptions of cases of behavior corresponding to Beanido. At different times, Busido was published in the form of works of different authors, having achieved his most complete condition in the book "Hagakure" written by Yamamoto Tsungomo - the former Samurai Clan Nabassima, who became the desktop book of every samurai.

If you wish to take advantage of hieroglyphs, follow the simple rules:
* Use only those hieroglyphs whose value you know
* Pick the hieroglyphs for the talisman, consistent with the logic (that is, for the zone of wealth, for example, use the hieroglyph "Little Waterfall", remembering that this is a water symbol)
* Protective hieroglyphs Use separately from activating talismans
* Self-knowledge hieroglyphs and personality improvements. In your best sector, use separately from activating talismans.

For several decades of tattoos with Japanese and Chinese hieroglyphs are popular. They attract people with their hidden meaning, secret antiquity and magical meanings. The hieroglyphs belong to the tattoo-inscriptions, however, due to the characteristics of the language more similar to the drawing.

Traditional chinese letter

Hanzza - Traditional Chinese Writing, officially used in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, and even outside the country. The hieroglyphs in this language are about 47 thousand, but not all are used. For a competent letter, you need to know about four thousand characters.

Many Chinese words are composed of several hieroglyphs, where one sign means one syllable. In addition to traditional Chinese writing, there is still simplified, which invented to increase literacy in the country. In simplified writing in hieroglyphs, there is less than in the traditional, such writing is used in China, Singapore and Malaysia.

Chinese hieroglyphs are considered the most ancient compared to the rest, use them in Chinese, as well as in Korean and Japanese. Until 1945, this writing was used even in Vietnam.

No one knows how many hieroglyphs exists (it is assumed that about 50 thousand), since their number and the form are constantly changing.

Worldwide every day use about a thousand different hieroglyphs. This quantity is enough about 93% of the printed material.

Writing hieroglyphs

The Chinese consider the normal to know two thousand hieroglyphs. The writing of the hieroglyph depends on its designation, for example, it is read as it and its value is one. The hieroglyph containing the most dacket is made up of three characters - 龍, translates as "dragon" and pronounced Lun.

Chinese writing retains its view throughout the country and is independent of the dialect. If you need to tell about something, and you will write a message on paper, then the Chinese from any province will understand you.

The keys in Chinese characters are called graphic components. Separately, they represent simple signs and help attribute the hieroglyph to a separate topic. For example, the 人 key can have a different meaning in different hieroglyphs:

  • By itself, he translates as a "man";
  • In the hieroglyph 亾 denotes death;
  • In the sign 亿 he takes the meaning of "many", "one hundred million";
  • In the hieroglyph 仂 it is translated as "residue";
  • Hieroglyph 仔 with this sign means "child".

The tattoo is and complex, telling some story. So the client can capture a small history on his body having great importance for him. Most often beaten inscriptions in Chinese and Japanese, however, there are still Korean and Vietnamese hieroglyphs.

Many are pinching tattoos as an overawe, considering them part of the ancient culture of China and Japan. Such tattoos do not represent any difficulty for masters, as they have a small size (most often no more palm).

Often people choose simple hieroglyphs meaning one word. Also, the masters make a tattoo denoting some phrase. You can pour both proverbs and your own phrase.

Most tattoo stuff black paint, sometimes used red or white. It happens that hieroglyphs serve as an addition to a large tattoo - for example, Dragon.

Examples of hieroglyphs with translation

Tattoo salons offer each client a standard set of hieroglyphs. Most often, these symbols are used as tattoos-talismans.


According to the Chinese, happiness depends on the patronage of the sky and the gods. The tattoo is aimed at good luck, happiness and luck in any sphere.

Great happiness

Such a tattoo is considered a very strong talisman. Many believe that she fulfills wishes. It is best to use it to attract happiness in a relationship with the second half.


Contributes to attracting happy love. Helps make love mutual, pull the satellite of life and gives happiness and calm.

Eternal love

Also used as a talisman, personifies "love to the coffin", mutual understanding, support, sincere and happy love. Keeps fiery love forever and maintains feelings of two people.


Excellent idea for tattoo-talisman. Keeps good luck and multiplies it, gives luck.


Helps create the necessary atmosphere to attract wealth, prosperity in the right sphere. Provides both material and spiritual wealth. Brings both money and good luck, luck. It is a good amulet.


The most common variant of the tattoo. Helps in attracting wealth and money. If this sign is placed in the room, it also attracts wealth. Looks like a hieroglyph of wealth, but they attract exclusively money, prosperity and good luck in such matters.


Helps in matters of promotion over the career ladder, regulates failures in life. Used to attract good luck to the desired activities. It is considered not only a talisman, but also a guard.


It brings wend to the house of the carrier of the tattoo, both both monetary and moral. Similar to the hieroglyph of prosperity, attracts good luck to the desired area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

Strengthens health and increases life expectancy. It is considered a talisman and protects from death at a young age.


Increases physical and spiritual power, tempering the moral basis, helps the owner more efficiently and faster with problems. Suitable for exemplary familymen.


It is used to achieve internal harmony, attracting and retaining good mood.


Helps in solving health problems, restores physical and mental strength. Prolongs life and its quality.


It has the importance of great responsibility, power. Can be used for a tattoo for some personal beliefs.


It is considered a talisman to attract beauty, retains external and internal appeal.

Makes the owner of the tattoo more bold and brave, helps to cope with difficulties.


It personifies the freedom of action and the desire to do in its own way. Helps get rid of bad habits or classes.


It characterizes the owner of the tattoo as a strong and volitional person and helps to maintain this quality.


Ensures elevation, inspiration, contributes to the fulfillment of desires.

Fulfillment of desires

Like the previous hieroglyph, helps in the performance of cherished desires, is more powerful amulet compared to it.

Proverbs in Chinese

Often fans of Chinese or Japanese culture, trusting the horoscope, fill on the skin of the zodiac sign in the horoscope of China or Japan. The most common destination for the tattoo is the neck (sometimes belly or back). You can also burst the tattoo on your hand, shoulder, behind the ear or ankle.

The Chinese and the Japanese prefer hieroglyphs as tattoos with translation into English, often having a bunch of errors. Europeans are more likely by tattoos with a primitive value.

You can also choose a tattoo that means some proverb or a word having a special meaning for you. Such a tattoo will be your personal talisman. The photo below shows hieroglyphs denoting simple items:

If you want a tattoo with several hieroglyphs, select the proverb or the desired phrase. It can express your life credo, character and life goals. In addition, Chinese proverbs are very instructive and interesting. You can choose any proverb in the photo below:

Many celebrities make tattoos in the form of hieroglyphs, believing in their magical strength or by investing a special meaning. For instance, Janet Jacon It has several hieroglyph tattoo.

Britney Spears Iroglyph nubilant, which means "strange" translated. The singer claims that she wanted to make a tattoo with the translation "Mystical", but did not receive the desired result.

In another singer, Melanie S., There is also a tattoo on the shoulder, denoting "Girl Power" (the power of the girl). It was this phrase that was the motto of the SPISE Girls musical group. Singer Pink Nakolol Tatu with the translation "Happiness".

Keys in hieroglyphs

Some hieroglyphs seem intuitive. Many images are similar to those objects and things that are depicting. This is explained by the fact that the hieroglyphs occurred from the pictograms that exactly as accurately depict their value drawing.

For example, the hieroglyph 日 denotes the sun, it is used in all languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of East Asia. Initially, its image was round, but over time he changed a little. Round-shaped hieroglyphs stopped used in a letter due to its inconvenience.

In addition, the overall hieroglyph in different writing closer nations. This symbol is considered key, it is used in such hieroglyphs as:

  • The symbol with a line at the bottom means dawn;
  • The symbol with the line to the left 旧 means "ancient".

Another key 厂, resembling the letter "g", also has different meanings in different words:

  • The symbol with curl 厄 is translated as "difficulty";
  • A symbol with several chopsticks 历 means "calendar", history ";
  • Hieroglyph with a cross 厈 denotes "Rock".

Where to fill tatoo

Many, making the hieroglyph tattoo, believe in their miraculous power. If you believe that the tattoo is capable of protecting you from evil spirits or troubles, snatch it in a prominent place. Tattoo on the open part of the body drives off and problems.

Often, the place for the tattoo choose the neck, however, it is not necessary to stick it into it. An excellent place will also be a hand or district of the collar.

You can also fill the tattoo on the closed area of \u200b\u200bthe body - back, side, at the bottom of the abdomen, leg or ankle. Very beautiful, combinations of inscriptions with drawings of Chinese, dragons, etc.

Tattoos can be performed in 2D and in 3D format. The latter look quite effectively, especially on the back or on the stomach.

Such a tattoo is more popular among Europeans than among Chinese or Japanese.

Tattoos in the form of hieroglyphs have always been popular and hardly ever come out of fashion. Lovers of Eastern culture are often seen in tattoos mystical meaning.

Before going to the salon, you need to carefully consider the future tattoo, so as not to fill some absurdity on the body. There are cases when a person is trusted by the master, expressing his preferences and completely without understanding the hieroglyphs. The master stamps at all the wrong phrase or the word asks the client, often offending or degrading.

Chinese hieroglyphs are popular all over the world as images for a tattoo, thanks to the aesthetic attractiveness of traditional calligraphy, which has long been released into an independent type of art. Images have a semantic load and sacred value, as they can serve as a kind of media talisman.

The value of Chinese hieroglyphs in the art of tattoo

Chinese hieroglyphs were used for tattoo from ancient times. The significance of such an image on the body and attitude towards it in society has changed. Tattoos with hieroglyph pictograms were used by priests in special rituals, Including to give the qualities of their owner and even for peculiar treatment.

During the period of Confucianism, a ban on tattoos was introduced.

At that time, their application was associated with the "causing damage" by the body of a person who recognized the divine gift. In the Middle Ages, Tattoo made criminals on the faceIn order to prevent good-order citizens that the criminal personality is in front of them (the more often sent to the human reference, the more inscriptions were made).

Such a punishment was called the punishment of the body and the memories of it in Chinese society are still alive, so it is not accepted to apply hieroglyphs on the face.

But even when Tatu was a sign of rogue society, the genre continued to develop and was popular. The adventure novel "River Creek" (滸傳滸傳), telling about the events of the 12th century, replete with the characters "noble rebel robber" with a tattoo, which were also masters of martial arts.

One of the legendary heroes of the book wore a dragon tattoo, whoming the body is 9 times, and the other is a tattoo of beautiful colors. Other the popular book "Tale of Yue Fae", changed the concept of tattoo as belonging to the criminal environment or to the lowest class.

The owner of the sacred tattoo with hieroglyphs "Resistance, loyalty and dedication of the country" is becoming the main character of the novel - the commander Yue Fei from the rich dynasty of Song. Tattoo decides to make Yue Fai his mother to send the Son to a certain way in life and as a talisman-overag.

The real historical prototype of the Hero of the novel (the 12th century commander) has gained folk love as a person who contributed to the restoration of the professional army of the south and the development of martial arts. Perhaps this fact is related to the special popularity of hieroglyph tattoos in soldiers and master of martial arts, preserved to the present day.

Chinese tattoo hieroglyphs, pictures in oriental style in the 20th century among Europeans became popular thanks to the presence of ships of the United States and Great Britain in Hong Kong. Sailors were regular customers of Chinese tattoo salons, but not only because of love for exotic and talismans. Tattoos on the body of the fleet employees were recorded and should have helped identify the body in the event of death.

Fortunately, most sailors returned home alive, taking with them the original "Chinese souvenir" in the form of a tattoo.

In modern China, with tattoos, several concepts are associated with tattoos: fashion, talisman, martial arts, underground, crime. At the same time, the criminal tattoo are, for the most part, pictures, the value of which is known only to a narrow circle of individuals, and it is almost impossible to apply them in the usual salon.

Fashionable tattoos with hieroglyphs written more often in a traditional style, young people are applied up to 30 years As a decoration and to emphasize individuality. The tattoo is sometimes accompanied by images even in 3D, and such graphics on the body more like Europeans.

The names of the signs of the Chinese horoscope and even lines from poems are popular with popularity.

As the talisman hieroglyphs are applied to certain parts of the body (various areas of the hands, legs, clavicle, neck, back) Since the arrangement of the inscription is important to activate the action of the tattoo. Such symbols are designed to attract wealth, love, happiness, health and even get rid of bad habits into the life of the carrier.

Among the masters of martial arts are popular as hieroglyphs with individual words, maidens and animal images, whose qualities want to acquire an athlete. Tattoo can carry information about the school of martial arts or be due to the "pseudonym" of the master.

Many musicians and artists who create works of contemporary art cover their body with a whole carpet of tattoos. The attitude in the artistic environment to the tattoo can be conveyed by the words of the fashionable Chinese artist Zhou Dan Ting (Zhuo Dan Ting), which became the first woman-owner of the famous Art Studio Tattoo in Shanghai:

"... This is a form of art that can be worn on yourself and see every day ...".

What does Tattoo Localization says: on foot, hand, shoulder, back, belly

Chinese hieroglyphs for the tattoo should not only get out of the deep understanding of the symbol value, but also to be located on the body of the media in certain places to bring the desired effect.

Location Tatu Symbols Influence, value
On the legs (on anklet, leg, hover).Men's: Good luck, power.

Women: Beauty, health.

Provocate the media to perform any action. Activate men's energy. Obereg (on the right foot).
In the hands (shoulders, forearm, wrists (from the inner or outside)).Men's: power, courage, happiness, double happiness, wisdom, wealth, prosperity, bamboo (growth symbol), hieroglyphs with animal name (tiger, dragon).

Women: Symbols love, harmony, dream, happiness.

Allows a person to get those qualities, feelings, benefits that symbolizes the hieroglyph or who would like to get a tattoo carrier from life.
On the back (along the spine, on the shovel or at the lower back.)Men's: power, courage, well-being, motto and statements, animal names having a symbolic meaning.

Women: Beauty, health, love, eternal love, peace, statements.

Protection against external adverse effects. Also, the presence of an image on the back speaks of the desire to demonstrate the surrounding force and position.
On the stomach.Men's: wishes, motto, money (錢), well-being, strength.

Women: Money, love, beauty.

There are quite rare and indicate the specific material aspirations of the carrier. Limit the circle of communication.

Tattoo color

The Chinese hieroglyphs for the tattoo can traditionally be chosen in the tattoo salon in the black version, but there are images using color, with the so-called "clean" colors, which in Chinese culture 5.

Each color has its own symbolic importance to consider:

  1. Sine-green (Chinese have one color) - symbolizes the wind, embodies the element tree, a tendency to growth and development. Green shade is associated in Chinese culture with the birth of a new life. Blue-green is considered the most "non-permanent color" and can mean both the color of the sky and wisdom, and the element that bring destruction.
  2. Red-color of fire and sun. Symbolizes joy, movement up. The power of the Sun and Fire is capable of, according to the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, scare the evil, to protect, bring harmony and joy into the house. Red is associated with good signs, success, holiday, profit, vital energy, enthusiasm.
  3. Yellow personifies earth element And the associated properties: fertility, constancy, stability, inviolability, eternity. Yellow - gold color, and as a result, success and well-being.
  4. White in Chinese culture is associated with metal element And with the conclusion of the cycle (in the fall), exit the face of the world of living. The inconsistency of the symbols associated with white is caused by the fact that it was simultaneously both the color of mourning and the color of the faith from the inhabitants of the other world.
  5. Black binds in traditional Chinese culture with water element, Associate with the secret and mysticism, unknown, the ability to remember everything and change. Therefore, the color symbolizes wisdom, the desire for knowledge, immersion in the study of secretions.

In the tattoo, the colors are used to give greater power to images and hieroglyphs (for example, there may be red stroke characters to fix their favorable value).

Ideas for tattoo: hieroglyphs and their translation

Most characters for tattoo are favorable hieroglyphs from Feng Shui, which are used to wish goodness or trying good luck.

Video about what sense is the popular Chinese hieroglyphs used in the tattoo:


幸 福 It consists of two parts, each of which can be depicted separately, as it has its meaning and sound. The first symbol, 幸 (Pluman) means happy, prosperous, and the second - 福 (Fu) is "blessing", "joy", "prosperity", "peace". That is, in the hieroglyph, they found reflection of the presentation of the Chinese about happiness, as God's blessing on the well-being in all spheres of life.

The image is designed to bring the carrier happiness and good luck in the sphere in which he asks for the highest strength.

Great happiness

喜喜 It is twice the written hieroglyph "joyful" (C), which still has the meaning of "fun." It is considered a powerful talisman that brings growth in different areas, from the birth of children to good luck in business. It is recommended for applying as a talisman for success in family relationships or affiliate related cases, since the pair sign.


愛 (AI) Consists of four components: claw, roof, heart, paws. That is, it can be found in it a symbolic description of love: "The feeling that lies in the heart will settle in it and does not allow to escape." Use the image as a mascot to attract love, searching for the second half, harmony and joy in family life, harmony of marriage.

Eternal love

永 愛 (Yong AI) consists of two parts. The first element means "long", "endless". In this element there is a water key with the value current long. The hieroglyph is used as a mascot to strengthen love and friendship, gives mutual understanding to partners, brings a new wave of feelings in the relationship of spouses.


富 (Fu) Contains such parts as an abundance and building, that is, depicts wealth in the house. This hieroglyph attracts not only material values, but also the wealth of spiritual, associated with obtaining knowledge about life. It is considered a good talisman for success in affairs and business well-being.

Material wealth also symbolizes the hieroglyph 錢 (money), which is also used to attract wealth.


繁荣 (Fannong) The hieroglyph consists of two parts, the first character means "numerous", "in large quantities", the second - "glory", "honors", "popularity". Used as a talisman to attract not only material well-being, improvements in affairs, but also accompanying honors and respect, good glory about a person, about his business.

A stylized writing of the first symbol 繁 to protect against failures in any sphere is often used.


The hieroglyph resembles a bowl with ears (symbol of a rich harvest). This image is used to attract growth energy into any sphere. You can add a second symbol with the image of the "object of desires", which will strengthen the action of the sign. The hieroglyph is also a faith from poverty and decline.


力 (Lee) - Looks like a strong hand, directed down. It is believed that the symbol fills the internal energy, the vigor of his carrier, gives confidence in itself and its actions. Tattoo Talisman will also give strength to implement creative plans, will give new ideas.


樂 (YUE, LE) - It is interpreted not only as "joy", but also as "pleasure", "fun" and "music". The mascot is called up to fill the carrier with positive emotions, help live easily, heal from the seals.


Hieroglyph 健康 (Dzian Kang) Brings the highest value to the owner - good health. Helps solve problems with bad well-being, overcome the mental crisis. Health in the widest understanding of the word.

You can find a separate character as the wish of recovery in the treatment.


Chinese symbol 和 (Haypin)What means "peaceful", "good-natured", calm, "is applied to give a man of spiritual peace and as well as a talisman for good smooth relations with others.


Very popular as a tattoo for women symbol 美 (MEE)which is often applied together with the image of flowers, personifying cleanliness. Talisman is designed to provide the owner of beauty and health. Previously, the hieroglyph had the meaning "peaceful", as it combined the image of a person and a lamb (literally "meek as a lamb").


獨立 (Du Lee) Means literally "standing separately", free from the power impact, influence, authorities. There are options for stylized writing. Used as a talisman for exemption from dependence, bad habit.


Symbol 勇 (Yong) - "Courage" combines elements "brave" from above and "power" from below. Tattoo gives courage, durability and courage to its owner. Frequently applied with the symbol 气 (s) denoting energy.


Hieroglyph 夢 (Men) - "Dream" is one of the most popular symbols for applying, as it symbolizes the movement to the dream. But there is another meaning of the sign: "Sleep", "Illusion" and the Hidden Message - to perceive the frequency and inconstancy of life as proper.

Fulfillment of desires

如意 (Ryuyi) Literally means "Quality of Desire". The message contained in this symbol on the tattoo reads: "Let dreams come true!" In Feng Shui, it is believed that giving his familiar images of this hieroglyph, a person wishes them to perform all the aspirations and in response receives its exercise of his hopes.

Beautiful ancient Chinese pictures for tattoo

Residents of the Middle Kingdom are more willing to make themselves tattoos of images than inscriptions. Popular in Chinese tattoo with animals, flowers, birds, mythological beings and abstract symbols.

Each image symbolizes certain concepts:

  • Phoenix is \u200b\u200ba symbol of the strength of the spirit and the desire to live.
  • The dragon personifies power and power.
  • Tiger - dignity, power, cunning.
  • Turtle and snake - a symbol of thoughtful comprehension of truths.
  • Lotus - a symbol of purity and wisdom.
  • Carp - a symbol of wealth.
  • Monkey - strength, courage and luck.
  • Yin and Yang - harmony.

Proverbs in Chinese

Chinese hieroglyphs for a tattoo can be chosen not only from single characters, but also to apply short statements or proverbs that serve as a motto or express life principles.

For example:

  • 善有 善报 - Good will pay for good.
  • 人 逢 喜事 神神 爽 - Joy inspires a person.
  • 一步 一个 脚印脚印 - Each made business leaves the trace.
  • 执子 之 手. 与 子 偕 老 - live together to old age.
  • 兵兵 厌诈 - In war, all means are good.

Keys in hieroglyphs

As it was possible to understand from the analysis of the composition of some of the above hieroglyphs, simple characters may be part of complex (for example, power and courage 力 and 勇). Chinese hieroglyphs are classified by elements that include the word in the category of some objects, concepts, that is, on the keys.

In total, in the traditional system of such "keys" (they are also called radicals) were 214, in the modern version of their 201. The "man" radicals were often met in the symbols for the tattoo, 力. You can find characters in the hieroglyphs summary table.

Preparation for Tatoju

To perform the tattoo of the hieroglyphs, it is recommended to choose a wizard specializing in oriental style to inscribe characters to be accurate. Before applying the image, you must select a sketch of the proposed options or order the master individual drawing.

You can come with the photo of the desired tattoo.

In order not to reduce the tattoo, sometimes make a temporary option at the request of the client. If necessary, deterioration is carried out before applying. It is impossible to take the pressure of medicine or drink alcohol in front of the tattoo.

How do the tattoo do, how long does the procedure take?

Immediately at the beginning of the procedure, the skin is treated with a special disinfector (solution or gel). Next explores local anesthesia - aerosol sprayed on the skin. Then the drawing from the sketch is transferred to the body area using a special paper.

The time of work depends on the complexity of the image, the number of characters, graphics style. Stipulated with the master in advance and the need for additional anesthesia. Tattoo make quickly. The procedure is made by a special typewriter with thin disposable needles. Caps for paints are also used 1 time.

The master is obliged to put on sterile gloves!

Skin care after tattoo

After applying the tattoo, local redness of the skin takes place or blood can play. For healing after the procedure usually takes 2 weeks. At this time, it is not necessary to injure the skin with excessive solar baths (or solarium), mechanical or chemical influences. You can process the skin with a delicate cream with antiseptic properties.

Chinese hieroglyphs for tattoo are symbols that contribute to improving fate, and not just beautiful pictures

If after the specified period there is pain and inflammation, you need to consult a doctor.

What kind of Chinese style tattoo should not?

The symbols for the tattoo should choose, avoiding the hieroglyphs with the meaning: decline 下降, illness 病, death 死亡. Also it is not recommended an image of numbers (especially 4!) and subordination symbols. Do not make a tattoo named in Chinese, if there is no reliable information that everyone is a graphic symbol separately.

The Chinese hieroglyphs used for the tattoo, with the observance of ancient traditions when applied, can add luck and well-being in human life.

Article clearance: E. Shakina

Useful video video about Chinese hieroglyphs for tattoo

The plot of the values \u200b\u200bof the Chinese tattoo hieroglyphs:

About how to attract happiness to himself, every person on earth is conceived, because it is happiness - the main thing in life. It will help here, with no one dozen and even one thousand years old.

In China, how to attract happiness to the house, they knew in antiquity. Fengshua Masters described the details of all ways. The main thing is how they think it is necessary to increase the amount of the energy of Qi (positive) and intensify around themselves a certain Bagua sector. This can be done with the help of Chinese hieroglyphs.

In Chinese writing there are two hieroglyphs denoting happiness, the so-called hieroglyph of happiness and hieroglyph Double happiness. No matter how similar they are similar, but these characters have a significant difference.

Hieroglyph Happiness is valid exclusively for one person, that is, it can be said that it is worth using individually for everyone. Already pay attention to that this symbol acts locally, only on some particular sphere, it is in the one where you want to get happiness. It is quite convenient, as for me, I wanted happiness in love, please, in the family - it is also good, because you are absolutely happy not so interesting.

Hieroglyph Happiness

If you want, for example, money, then place the hieroglyph happiness in the south-east of the room, where you spend most of the time. It is not enough to simply put a symbol in the room, you need to at least sometimes mentally contact him with a request for help in one or another question.

The symbol of double happiness brings to the house not only the implementation of all the desires, but also harmony in marriage. This hieroglyph is not valid for one particular person, but for a couple. Success is waiting for both in a pair as well as happiness. It is believed that if you give any souvenir or simply an image of hieroglyph double happiness, then you show a huge sympathy and friendship to a person, you wish him to fulfill all the desires and just happiness.

Let's look at how the hieroglyph formed happiness. It consists of two parts: right and left. The left side denotes the altar, and the right thing is translated as "wealth, abundance". In turn, the right part of the hieroglyph consists of several elements: "Roof" means the house, "mouth" is a person, the "field" - a place where you can get food. Altar is located on the left side of the hieroglyph as a symbol of communication between people and gods.

Under the word "happiness", the ancient residents of China implied the patronage of the gods and the sky. This was the initial value of the hieroglyph. In other words, when a person lives according to the moral principles, which established the sky and people, and also respects the gods, he can get everything that is necessary for existence - a house and food. This is happiness.

Hieroglyph Happiness, like many other symbols, are considered the most favorable and is actively used in the design of the interiors of apartments and houses. This symbol brings each exclusively what is considered the most desirable. After all, for all people, happiness indicates different things. The hieroglyph only contributes to the implementation of the dream.

You can use a symbol of happiness not only to decorate the interior, its image can be simply wearing with you, for example, in the wallet. When it is filled with your energy and your most secret thoughts, it will lead to the fact that for you happiness.

Give friends and relatives of souvenirs with the image of the hieroglyph happiness. You will not only make it nice, but also, perhaps, contribute to the implementation of their dreams. It will be great if you manufacture such a souvenir yourself. Hieroglyph, denoting happiness is quite simple in writing. Even someone who has never come across Chinese calligraphy, there will be no problems with his image. I advise you to use the symbol for writing solely clean and new materials. So you will not spoil its energy.