Repairs Design Furniture

Intermediate filter for the cyclone vacuum cleaner with their own hands. Cyclone type chips do it yourself. Cyclone with curly insert

The homemade vacuum cleaner is so accustomed in the farm that no one thinks about the principle of his action. Since the invention of this assistant in the cleaning of premises, was used only possible method Departments of dust OT clean air - Filter.

Over the years, the filter element was improved from a banal bag of dense tarpaulin, it turned into high-tech membranes, holding the smallest particles of garbage. At the same time, it was not possible to get rid of the main disadvantage.

Filter creators are constantly looking for a compromise between cell density and throughput for air. In addition, than polluted membrane, the worse the air flow passes through it.
30 years ago, the physicist James Dyson produced a breakthrough in dust cleaning technology.

He invented a compact dust separator working on the principle centrifugal power. I must say that this idea was not Nova. Industrial sawmills used centrifugal storage devices and chiclone chips like a long time ago.

But no one guessed to apply this physical phenomenon in everyday life. In 1986 he registered a patent for the first vacuum cleaner of the cyclone type, with the name G-Force.

In general, there are three ways to separate dust from clean air:

  1. Filtering membrane. The most massive and cheap way to remove dust. It is used in most modern vacuum cleaners;
  2. Water filter. The air with the garbage passes through water tank (as in hookah), all particles remain in the liquid medium, the perfectly clean air flow arrives at the exit. Such devices have won popularity, but their use has not become mass due to high cost.
  3. A centrifugal filter of dry cleaning type "cyclone". It is a compromise at the cost and quality of cleaning in comparison with the membrane and water filter. On this model, we will stop more.

Principle of operation of cyclone

The illustration shows the processes occurring in a cyclone filter chamber.

Polluted air through the nozzle (1) enters the cylindrical filter (2) housing. The nozzle is located on the tangent of the housing walls, due to which the air flow (3) is twisted into the helix along the walls of the cylinder.

Under the action of centrifugal force dust particles (4) pressed to inner walls The housing, and under the influence of gravity settlement in the dust collector (5). The air with the smallest particles of garbage (on which the centrifugal force does not act), enters the chamber (6) with a conventional membrane filter. After final cleaning come into the receiving fan (7).

An article about how I did homemade building vacuum cleaner with a "cyclone" type filter. Productivity of this useful homemade for home You can evaluate looking at the video of his work.

To demonstrate the work gathered sand bucket. The result of the work done is generally satisfied (if you consider that it is so to speak the current prototype).

I will say right away: this article is the presentation of my history of creating my first (and how I think not the last) homemade vacuum cleaner And I do not intend to impose anyone in any way, to prove and assert that the solutions described here are the only correct and unmistakable. Therefore, I ask you to understand, so to speak "understand and forgive". I hope my little experience will be useful in the same way as I "sick" people who "the bad head of the hands of rest does not give" (in the good sense of this expression).

I once thought about the upcoming repair and arising from this consequences in the form of dust, construction garbage, etc. And since it is necessary to stick, cut concrete and "perflect", then the experience of the past suggested that it is necessary to look for a solution for these problems. Buying a ready-made construction vacuum cleaner, and the design of them in most equals the filter (in some models, even with a special "shake") or a paper bag + filter that is clogged, worsens the craving, periodically requires replacement and also worth a lot of money. And just this topic is interested, and appeared so to speak "purely sports interest." In general, it was decided to make a vacuum cleaner cyclone. A lot of information was drawn here: Special calculations (for example, on Bill Penza) did not hold, made what he caught her arm and on his own alone. On the occasion, on the list of ads (for 1100 rubles) and at all next to my residence, such a vacuum was caught. I looked through the parameters, it seems to be satisfied - it will be a donor!

The cyclone body itself decided to make metallic, because there were strong doubts about how long the plastic walls are laid under the influence of "sandwich" from the jet of sand and pieces of concrete. As well as about static electricity with friction of garbage about its wall, and did not want the future homemade vacuuming Metal sparks in their users. And personally, I think that the sticking of dust due to the static will not affect the operation of the cyclone.

The overall design of the vacuum cleaner is:

Polluted air passes through a cyclone, in which large particles are settled in the lower gauge garbage collector. The rest passes through the car air filter, the engine and through the outlet nozzle outward. It was decided to make the nozzle and to the exit, and the size of the input and exit should be the same. This will allow the vacuum cleaner, for example, to blow something. You can also make an additional hose to make the output of the "spent" air into the street, so as not to lift dust in the room (it comes to the idea to attach this unit as an "built-in" stationary vacuum cleaner somewhere in the basement or on the balcony). Using two hoses at the same time, you can clean all kinds of filters without informing the dust around (one hose blow, to another pull).

The air filter is selected "flat" not ring, so that when you turn off, the garbage fell there fell into the garbage collector. If we consider that only the dust remaining after the cyclone falls into the filter, its replacement will not be required soon as in a conventional construction vacuum cleaner with a filter without a cyclone. And at the price of such a filter (somewhere 130 rubles.) It is much cheaper than "branded", which are used in industrial vacuum cleaners. You can also partially clean such a filter with an ordinary household vacuum cleaner, connecting it to the inlet nozzle "Cyclone". In this case, garbage from the garbage collector will not be sucking. Fixing the filter is made collapsible to simplify its cleaning and replacement.

For the cyclone case, it was very useful canand the central nozzle is made from the canister from the mounting foam.

The inlet pipe is made with the calculation of a 50 mm plastic sewer pipe into which the hose inserted in the vacuum cleaner is quite tightly inserted with the corresponding rubber clutch.

The second end of the nozzle goes into a rectangle so to speak for "hidden" flow. Its width was selected by the smallest diameter of the hose inlet (32 mm) so as not to be clogged. Approximate calculation: L \u003d (3.14 * 50 mm - 2 * 32) / 2 \u003d 46.5 mm. Those. Pipe section 32 * 46 mm.

Collected the whole design on a soldering with an acid and a 100 watt soldering iron (with the tin worked almost the first time, except for the soldering of boats in childhood, so I apologize for the beauty of the seams)

Plugged the central nozzle. The cone made the pre-fitted cardboard template-scan.

The housing for the autofilter is also made according to the patterns of galvanized.

The upper part of the duct tube arched in the form of a square and adjusted under it the bottom hole of the housing (pyramids) of the autofilter. Collected all together. On the sides of the banks of the cyclone made three guides to increase rigidity and fastenings. It turned out such a "gravitz".

For the garbage collector and the engine compartment used 2 barrels made of machine oil (60 liters). Velice, of course, but this is what managed to find. In the bottom of the engine compartment, the holes were made for fastening the cyclone, and on the surface of the adjunctness of the garbage collector for sealing around the perimeter pasted spongy rubber. After that, in the sidewall, the hole was cut for the inlet nozzle, taking into account the thickness of the rubber cuff.

Cyclone- "Gravitza" fucked with pins M10 and nuts with fluoroplastic to prevent unscrewing from vibration. Hereinafter, all the places where tightness is needed, articulated with a rubber seal (or rubber washers) and auto-care.

To connect the engine compartment and the garbage collector used latches from the military wooden boxes (Special thanks to Igor Sanychu!). It was necessary to discharge them a little in the solvent and "adjust" with a hammer. Fucked rivets (with rubber gaskets from the camera).

After that, for consumer stiffness and reduce noise, the whole design mounting foam. You can, of course, fill all the top, but I decided to progress, suddenly the need to disassemble. In addition, it turned out everything is pretty hard and firmly.

For the convenience of movement and carrying the garbage collector attached 2 doorknobs and 4 wheels with brakes. Since the garbage barrel has a bottom of the slaughter, it was necessary to make the wheels to make an additional "bottom" from a plastic sheet with a thickness of 10 mm. In addition, it made it possible to strengthen the bottom of the barrels so as not to be "rushed" when the vacuum cleaner was working.

The base for fastening the filter funnel and the engine platform made from the chipboard with the fastening to the barrel around the perimeter of furniture "Eurovints". To fix the engine platform passed on epoxy of 8 bolts M10 (I think it would have been enough 4). Painted. On the perimeter of the installation site, the filter was punctured with spongy rubber.

When assembling the throat of the autofilter housing around the perimeter, the sealant was wrapped and pulled to the base with self-testers with a flat hat.

The engine platform made from 21 mm plywood. For a more uniform air distribution along the filter area, a 7 mm recess is chosen in the platform.

For the collection of outgoing air and fastening the engine, a plastic engine compartment is used in the vacuum cleaner. It is covered with "all unnecessary" and is incised on epoxy with increased screws of the outlet. All together is collected on sealant and with metal profile (Thick spongy rubber is inserted into it) is pulled to the engine platform with two long bolts M12. Their heads are recessed in the platform and for tightness soaked with a thermoclaim. Nuts with fluoroplastic to prevent unscrewing from vibration.

Thus, it turned out a removable engine module. For ease of access to autofilter, it is attached using eight barbell nuts. Increased washers are glued (Schaubs did not run away).

Made a hole for the outlet.

Painted all the "pepelats" in black color from the can, after reading the sandpaper and degreases.

The engine speed regulator used the existing (see photo), adding it homemade scheme For automatic launch of the vacuum cleaner when the power tool is turned on.

Explanations according to the scheme of the homemade vacuum cleaner:

Machines (2x pole) QF1 and QF2 protect the chain respectively to connect the power tool (XS1 socket) and the circuit control circuit of the vacuum cleaner. When the tool is turned on, its load flows through the VD2-VD4 and VD5 diodes, they are selected according to the directory due to the large voltage drop on them with direct current. On a chain of three diodes with one (we call it "positive"), the half-wave current is created by a pulsating voltage drop which through the FU1 fuse, the Schottky diode VD1I resistor R2 charges the C1 condenser. Fuse FU1 and varistor RU1 (by 16 volts) protect the control circuit from damage during overvoltage, which may occur, for example, when cutting (bump) in the VD2-VD4 diode chain. Schottky VD1 diode is chosen with a small voltage drop (in order to "save" the already small volts) and prevents the discharge of the C1 capacitor during the "negative" current of the current via the VD5 diode. The R2 resistor limits the C1 capacitor charge current. The voltage obtained on C1 opens the DA1 optron, the thyristor of which is included in the control circuit of the engine speed controller. A variable R4 resistor to control the engine speed is selected as the same nominal as in the vacuum cleaner regulator board (it is removed) and is made remote (in the device from the dimmer) to accommodate on the top cover of the vacuum cleaner. To it, in parallel, the resistor R. is sold from the board. The switch S2 "On / Off" in the R4 resistor break serves to manually turn on the vacuum cleaner. Switch S1 "Automatic / manual". In manual control mode, S1 is turned on and the regulator current comes along a chain R4 (R) - S2 turned on - S1. In automatic mode, S1 is turned off and the regulator current comes along the R4 chain (R) -evodes 6-4 DA1. After turning off the power tools due to the large capacity of the C1 condenser and the inertia of the engine, the vacuum cleaner continues to work about 3-5 seconds. This time is enough to draw the remnants of the garbage from the hose inside the vacuum cleaner.

Automatic launch circuit collected on male Plate. Switches S1, S2, dimmer housing (for placing a variable resistor R4) and the XS1 socket is selected from one not very expensive series so to speak for aesthetics. All elements are placed on the upper lid of the vacuum cleaner, peeled from the chipboard of 16 mm and the plated PVC edging. In the future, it will be necessary to make isolated enclosures for boards to protect the parts under the stress from random touch.

For the nutrition of a vacuum cleaner, a three-core flexible cable in rubber insulation kg 3 * 2.5 (5 meters) and a plug with grounding contact are selected (do not forget about electrical safety and struggling with static electricity). Given the short-term intermittent mode of operation of the vacuum cleaner together with the power tool, the selected cable cross section is enough to not be warm. Thick cable (for example kg 3 * 4), more difficult and coarse, which would have created inconvenience when using a vacuum cleaner. From the device for the cable listening, which was in the donor vacuum cleaner, it was decided to refuse, since the existing contacts would not withstand the total load of the vacuum cleaner and the power tool.

The top cover is fixed using a heel and a bachelor nut.

For ease of removing the top cover, the engine is connected to the control circuit diagram. The housing of the engine and vacuum cleaner is attached to the protective grounding conductor. To cool the regulator circuit in the outlet drilled a small hole to create a duct of the air inside the engine compartment housing.

In order for the garbage collector to insert a garbage package, the upper edge was saved drowned along the rubber seal for doors.

And so that the garbage bag does not sleep inside the cyclone due to air supply through looseness, it is necessary to make a small hole in it.

Wind and testing of the received vacuum cleaner passed under the repairs started, so to speak in "combat" conditions. Traction, of course, are more powerful than that household vacuum cleanerwho would not have enough for a couple of minutes of work with building garbage. A relatively heavy trash from concrete is almost completely precipitated in the garbage collector and the additional filter does not need to be cleaned for a long time, while the thrust is uniform and does not depend on the degree of filling the garbage collector. Dust from putty (in the form of flour) is very light and, accordingly, it is worse filtered by cyclone, which makes it takes periodically to clean the autofilter. The task of making dust-like was not put and therefore the test was not carried out on this function.

Conclusion and conclusions:

The resulting device in the end was operational and has already passed the inspection when repairing one room. Now I am considering it more like a valid layout from the series "Won't Other or No for Interest."

The main disadvantages of this design:

- Relatively large dimensions are not convenient for transportation in the car, although the room on the wheels of the vacuum cleaner moves very easily. You can use liter barrels by 30 for example. As operation showed, such a large garbage collector is uncomfortable for cleaning, and a bag with large quantity The garbage can break.

- The diameter of the hose can be enlarged, for example, up to 50 mm and apply the hose from the industrial vacuum cleaner (but the issue of the price of 2000 rubles arises). Although with the hose, the garbage is going to be quite cheerful, unless of course try to draw half bricks.

- It is necessary to make an easy fixing attachment of an additional autofilter and engine, for more convenient and promptly maintenance and cleaning.

- The control circuit can be turned on to the control circuit (only to determine the response temperature) to protect the engine from overheating.

Poor sifting with light shallow dust, which can be solved by the introduction of the second stage of smaller cyclones.

In conclusion, I want to thank all my friends who helped the ideas and materials in the construction of this "Pepelats". And a separate thanks to my beloved wife Julia for supporting me in my hobbies.

I hope my little experience will be useful to readers.

Quite often after of various types Work remains a large number of shallow dust and garbage that can be removed only with good vacuum cleaner. Plain home apparatus This is not adapted. It is necessary to apply the industrial vacuum cleaner of high power. The filter for it can be done independently.

People who are constantly working in the field of construction, it is necessary to remove the large number of different small garbage and dust. It may be old stucco, residues of foam, drywall or wood dust. Such garbage is able to settle the thick layer around the room. Sooting the broom or wipe this dust is very difficult, because because of the large size of the room, this cleaning will be delayed for a long time.

In this case, the vacuum cleaner is optimal. Regular productthat is applied at home, this is not suitable for these purposes. Fit pinch or sawdust will lead to a burner of a vacuum cleaner or will lead it out of action. And also a large number of small dust will quickly score a dust collector, which will need to be cleaned every 20 minutes.

But the construction vacuum cleaners have large sizes, inconvenient in application, maintenance and have a very high cost. For this reason, some homemade masters have learned to increase the capabilities of their domestic product, equipping it with a specialized cyclone filter. Such dust collectors can be purchased in a construction store or make in their homework. On the Internet you can find a lot of drawings of dust collectors for woodworking workshops.

Experts allocate the following the advantages of cyclone filters:

  • no need to constantly buy disposable bags and containers for collecting shallow dust;
  • small sizes;
  • quiet device operation;
  • when the filter housing is made of transparent plastic, it is possible to monitor its contamination;
  • high efficiency.

The principle of operation of the cyclone filter

Cyclone consists of several parts:

  • nozzle;
  • housing;
  • dust collector;
  • a camera with a membrane filter;
  • reception fan.

Dirty air Through the nozzle enters the cylindrical body of the product. The nozzle is located on the side of the housing side walls, so the air flow near the cylinder walls is spiral. Due to the centrifugal force, the dirt particles are pressed against the device body, and then fall into a special dust collector. The remaining air with dust particles falls into another chamber, which is equipped with several membrane filters. As a result, all the assembled dust enters the receiving fan.

The membrane compartment is less polluted, which must be cleaned only after the end of cleaning. The assembled dust is simply removed from the special drive, and the device is ready to fulfill its duties.

Vacuum cleaners with a similar principle of action are much cheaper than water, but more expensive than membrane. For this reason, the home masters independently collect cyclone, and then connect it to the domestic vacuum cleaner.

Cyclone with their own hands from girlfriend

The cyclone filter for the vacuum cleaner with your own hands is quite simple. It is often necessary when processing wood. Together with the Fraser or Electric Branches, the membrane type vacuum cleaner is very quickly clogged, and it needs to be often cleaned, which distracts much from the production process. When the master is engaged in a carpenter in little roomT. small sawdust create a lot of problems. For this purpose and was designed and made cyclone from simple detailswho is not inferior to his factory counterparts.

Materials for manufacture

To make a homemade cyclone, such materials will be needed:

Cyclone assembly for household vacuum cleaner

On the plastic container lid fixes special Bracket For small air filterwhich can be made of metal strip or corners. The air filter is obliged to very firmly fit to the plastic capacitance lid. Otherwise, the air with dust will penetrate the outlet. Next, the outlet should be tightly fixed on top of the lid. Through it, the purified air will flow into the household vacuum cleaner. Specialists advise to leave a domestic membrane filter. This will help save the fan from dirt and will not weaken the power of the air flow.

Near the air filter is worth putting a special dust bumpman, which is assembled from fine metal tin. This element is able to beat small particles of dirt, which do not fall under the influence of gravity, which allows you to clean the filter much less often. The same work can perform an old female stocking that protects the pores of the filter from large and light pieces of dust.

The homemade inlet nozzle must be positioned on the tangent of the housing walls and slightly tilt towards the bottom of the device. Dirty air will immediately go to right direction. In order for the walls of the tanks, they are not collapsed from the vacuum medium, they must be well increased by a metal strip. Plastic container is not able to withstand heavy loads, because the material is quite thin. Since the device is obtained by large sizes, it is worth making a plywood bar, which does not prevent small turntable wheels.

Next, it is necessary to qualitatively consolidate the collected filter and household vacuum cleaner. Fastening must provide quick disassembly to clean the container from the collected garbage. At the end of the work, you need to test the device. At the bottom of the plastic container should remain all the garbage.

How to make aquilter for a vacuum cleaner

When a person does not need a professional building vacuum cleaner, then you can make water filter For chips in another way. For example, it can be made from an ordinary road cone. A dust collector will serve any plastic container with dense walls and a well-closing lid. It is worth noting that Plastic container performs the role of the air systemAnd the leakage does not affect the power of the device. It is necessary to cut off the reference square from the road cone. According to the resulting hole form, you need to carve out the top cover of plywood.

In the upper cover with the help of sealant, the outlet is fixed, which should be made from a conventional sewer tube. This item must be lowered to the middle of the construction cone. When it is raised above, the twist of dust will be incorrect. If output trumpet It goes down too low, then the dirt will be sued in it.

The narrow part of the road cone is also hermetically fixed in the circle of plywood, which joins the garbage compartment. It is worth checking the tightness of all seams and connections several times. Near the top cutting cone is put inlet pipe, which will fall into dirty air.

Next, it is necessary to check the correctness of the assembly of the dustwater. The outlet can be connected to the entrance of the household vacuum cleaner using the factory hose. Therefore, the nozzle should be selected in accordance with the diameter of the hose of the vacuum cleaner. The garbage collection hose is attached to the receiving nozzle of the product. Be sure to trigger. When the device is assembled correctly, all the garbage will accumulate at the bottom of the plastic container, and the membrane filter of the household vacuum cleaner should remain clean.

The form for the cone can be made with your own hands. For example, make from metal tin, after calculating the product scan. And it can also be suitable for an old bucket of galvanized metal.

Installations such as "cyclone" are used in industry for cleaning gases and liquids. The principle of filter operation is based on physical laws of inertia and gravity. Through the top of the filter from the device, air (water) is satisfied. The filter creates a vortex stream. As a result, the contaminated product enters the filter through the pipe located on the side of the upper part. Since garbage particles are harder, then they settled at the bottom of the filter, and the purified product is output through the upper part. It is such a filter made for the workshop, consider today with the author of the self-made.

Tools and materials:
76 l garbage container;
Plastic tube;
Malyary Scotch:
Manual frezer;
Electric jigsaw;
Glue pistol;
Ribbon machine;

Then from the lid using balancering machine, cuts the circle with a diameter of 40 cm.

The scene gluits, grinding.

In a circle with a diameter of 40 cm, which remained from cutting the bottom cover, cuts the middle of the diameter of the plastic pipe. This billet will be installed in the upper part of the device.

For the side wall, the author used a transparent polycarbonate. This will control the operation of the filter and occupancy garbage tank. Circling the cylinder from polycarbonate, put it in the inner hole of the bottom cover. Note and cut across the junction. Received a cylinder with a diameter of 40 cm and a height of 15 cm.

By inserting the polycarbonate cylinder into the inner ring of the bottom cover, the holes are drilled in 10 cm increments. Fixes the cylinder with self-draws. Whatever crush polycarbonate bottom part Self-tapping screws should be flat.

In another part of the cylinder inserts the top cover. Fixes scotch. Drilling hole, attitudes polycarbonate with self-draws.


For the entrance and outlet, the author used plastic pipe diameter 7.6 cm, as well as two couplings for it.
First makes the inlet. Cuts a piece of 23 cm from the pipe. Cuts in half the coupling. From plywood cuts a rectangle with sides of 12.5 and 15 cm. In the middle cuts the hole 8.9 cm ( outside diameter Couplings). By inserting a pipe into the hole, it fixes its clutch on both sides. Seals seam thermoclaim.

To the side wall of the rectangle (12.5 cm) screws the cut piece of 12.5 to 20 cm in size.

The author then cuts the pipe and Phane so that the curvature of the cut coincided with the curvature cylinder.

Having attached a design to the installation site, makes measurements for the manufacture of a vertical backup. Cutting it, fastens to the body. Basins where the cylinder is seam, thus closes it.

Notes on the polycarbonate the place of the outlet of the inlet. Cuts it with the help of born.

Sets the inlet pipe into the hole, fixes it. Seam compacts thermoclaim.

Further makes the outlet. Slices a piece of pipe 15 cm. Inserts it into the hole in the upper lid. On both sides installs a coupling. Processes a thermoclaim.

Low screen The author made from MDF. Screen size 46 cm in diameter, 3 mm thickness. At a distance of 5 cm from the edge draws a circle. Measses the angle of 120 degrees. Crop the strip between the corner sides. She screws the screen to the bottom cover in such a way that the cutout starts immediately at the inlet pipe.

From the very beginning of work in the workshop, faced the problem of dust removal after work. The only opportunity to clean up the floor was enjoying it. But because of this, the air rose simply an incredible amount of dust, which has seen a tangible layer on furniture, on machines, on tools, hair and lungs. Concrete floor in the workshop aggravated the problem. Some solution was splashing water before sweeping and using the respirator. However, these are only semi-dimensions. Water winter freezes in unheated room And it has to carry it with you, in addition, the water-dust mixture is difficult to collect and it also does not contribute to the health of the workplace. The respirator first blocks not all 100% of dust, some of the same thing is inhaled, secondly, it does not protect the dust from sedimentation on the surrounding environment. Yes, and not in all the zakoles can be crawled by a broom to choose from there a small garbage and sawdust.

In such a situation, the most effective decision It would be vacuuming the room.

However, the use of a household vacuum cleaner will not work. First, it will have to be cleaned every 10-15 minutes of work (especially if you work on milling table). Secondly, as the dust collector fills, the effectiveness of suction falls. Third, the amount of dust, heavily exceeding calculated valueswill greatly affect the resource of the vacuum cleaner. Here you need something more specialized.

There are many ready-made solutions For dusting in the workshop, however, their cost, especially in the light of crisis-2014, does not make them too affordable. On thematic forums found interesting solution - use cyclone filter In conjunction with the usual household vacuum cleaner. All listed problems of household vacuum cleaners are solved if removed from the air dirt and dust to a regular vacuum cleaner dust collector. Some collect cyclone filters from road conesOther - FIX sewer pipeThird - from plywood and all that is enough fantasy. But I decided to buy a ready-made filter with fasteners.

The principle of operation is simple - the air flow is twisted in the cone-shaped filter case and the dust is removed from the air under the action of centrifugal force. In this case, the dust hangs on the bottom hole into the container under the filter, and the purified air leaves through the top hole in the vacuum cleaner.

One of the frequent problems in the work of cyclones is the so-called "carousel". This is a situation where dirt and sawdust do not fall into the dust collecting container, and infinitely spin inside the filter. This situation arises from too much air flow rate created by a turbine of a vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to reduce the slight turnover and the "carousel" will disappear. In principle, it does not interfere - the next debris portion of the garbage pursues most of the "carousel" into the container and gets into its place. Yes, and in the second model of plastic cyclones, this carousel almost does not happen. To eliminate the air supply, the location of the filter connection with the lid is missed.

Capacity for dust collecting decided to take more to be less likely to make garbage. I bought a barrel of 127 liters, produced, it seems, in Samara - the size of what is necessary! I'm going to carry a barrel to the trash, as a grandmother Avoska - on another cart, so as not to overtake.

On the choice of layout. Some set the dusting installation inpatient and drive channels to machines. Others simply put a vacuum cleaner and barrel and drag them into the right place. I also wanted to make a mobile installation on the wheels to move everything under the workshop with one block.
I have a rather small workshop and the issue of saving space is very relevant. Therefore, I decided to choose a layout at which the barrel, the filter and the vacuum cleaner are located on each other, occupying the minimum area. The installation case is decided to cook made of metal. Frame from profile pipe Defines the dimensions of the future installation.

With a vertical layout, the probability of overturning occurs. To reduce such a likelihood you need to maximize the base. To do this, the material for the base is selected a corner 50x50x5, which was almost 3.5 meters away.

The tangible weight of the trolley is compensated by the presence of rotary wheels. There were thoughts if the design would not be sufficiently stable, fall asleep a lead fraction or sand into the cavity. But this did not need.

In order to achieve vertical, the rod has had to apply the smell. Recently acquired vice were useful. Thanks to such a simple snap, managed to achieve accurate installation Corners.

It is convenient to move the trolley, keeping the vertical rods, so it reinforced the places of their attachment. In addition, it is an additional, albeit not big, weighting of the base. In general, I like reliable things with a margin of strength.

The barrel will be recorded in the installation frame with clamps.

At the top of the rod, there is a platform for a vacuum cleaner. Next in the corners at the bottom of the holes will be drilled and wooden planks are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Here, in fact, the whole frame. It seems to be nothing complicated, but for some reason four evenings went to his assembly. On the one hand, I did not hurry, I worked at my pace, trying to fulfill each stage qualitatively. But on the other hand, low performance is associated with the lack of heating in the workshop. Protective glasses and welded mask quickly fogging, worsening visibility, cumbersome outerwear Slips movement. But the task is made. In addition, the entire para-triple weeks remained to the spring.

I really did not want to leave the frame in this form. I wanted to paint it. But on all banks with paint, which found in the store it is written that it is possible to use them at a temperature not lower than +5, but on some not even lower +15. The thermometer in the workshop shows -3. How to be?
Read thematic forums. The people write that it is possible to paint even in the frost, if only the paint was not on water based And there was no condensate on the details. And if the paint with the hardener, so do not bathe.
I found in the honeycombs an old, a little thickened bank of the Hammerta, who was still painted in the country of the horizontal bar. The paint is quite expensive, so I decided to test it in extreme conditions. Instead of the expensive original solvent, Hammerite felt a little ordinary degreaser into it to make a little eager, stood up to the desired consistency and began to paint.
In summer, this paint drove in one hour. It is difficult to say how much she sued in winter, but when I returned to the workshop in the evening the paint dried in the evening. True without promised hammer effect. Probably, the degreaser is to blame, and not negative temperature. Otherwise, no other problems are found. The coating and looks at the touch reliably. Perhaps this paint is not in vain standing in the store almost 2500 rubles.

Cyclone housing is made of good plastic And it has a fairly thick walls. But the filter fastening to the barrel cap is pretty slug - four self-tapping screws screwed into plastic. At the same time on the hose that is attached directly to the filter can occur significant lateral loads. Therefore, the fastening of the filter to the barrel must be enhanced. The people are in different ways to solve this problem. Basically, the additional framework of the filter stiffery is collected. Constructions are the most diverse, but the idea is approximately as:

I approached this somewhat differently. The holder for pipes of suitable diameter welded on one of the rods.

In this holder, I find the hose on which all twists and jerks come. Thus, the filter housing is protected from any loads. Now the installation can be dragging right behind the hose without fearing anything to damage.

Fixed barrel decided by tie straps. When I chose the locks in the shopping store, I made an interesting observation. A five-meter coupling belt with a storage castle of foreign production cost me 180 rubles, and a naked castle of the type "Frog" russian production I would have cost 250 rubles. This is where the celebration of domestic engineering thought and high technologies.

Experience has shown that this method of fastening has important dignity. The fact is that on the forums dedicated to these filters write that barrels like me when connecting a powerful vacuum cleaner can be crushed due to a vacuum that occurs when the inlet hose is clogged. Therefore, when testing, I intentionally blocked the hose hole and under the action of vacuum barrel squeezed. But thanks to a very dense girth, the barrel squeezed not all, but only in one place below the hoop arose a dent. And when I turned off the vacuum cleaner, the dent herself spoiled with a click.

At the top of the installation there is a platform for a vacuum cleaner

As a domestic vacuum cleaner, a non-free almost two-chip monster has acquired. I already thought, and at home I would have come true.
Buying a vacuum cleaner on the announcement collided with some kind of inexplicable human stupidity and greed. The people sell used things without a warranty, with a part of the resource developed, disadvantages in appearance at prices below for some 15-20 percent. And okay it would be some running things, but used vacuum cleaners! Judging by the date of placement of ads trade, this stretches at least for years. And it is only worth getting bargaining and calling an adequate price, as they bump into rudeness and misunderstanding.
As a result, in a couple of days, still found an excellent option for 800 rubles. Famous brand, 1900 watts, built-in cyclone filter (already second in my system) and another fine cleaning filter.
For its attachment, I did not come up with anything more elegant than to press the tie strap. In principle, keeps reliably.

I had to pursuer a little with the compound of hoses. In the end we have such an installation. And she works!

Usually when you read feedback from the first use of such things, the people are chosen from delight. Here is something similar and I experienced when I first turned on. Joke Lee - vacuuming in the workshop! Where everyone goes to street shoes, where it flies everywhere metal chips And sawdust!

I have never seen this concrete floor before, which is impossible, because of the dust stuck in the picers, so clean. Insisitious attempts fitting it only to raise dust density in the air. And such cleanliness was given to me for a couple of light movements! I didn't even have to wear a respirator!

In the barrel managed to collect what was left after the previous cleaning of the broom. During the operation of the device, thanks to the filter transmission, you can observe dust streams twisting inside. In the dust collector of the vacuum cleaner, it was also dust, but it was a minor amount and it was especially light and volatile fractions.

Very satisfied with the result. More in the workshop will not be dusty storms. You can say, I turn to a new era.

The advantages of my design:
1. It takes the minimum area due to only the diameter of the barrel.
2. Installation can be dragged and pulling for the hose without fearing to snatch the filter.
3. The barrel is protected from crushing when driving the inlet nozzle.

After some time, the use of the installation still collided with the problem of lack of rigidity of the barrel.
Bought a more powerful vacuum cleaner. Household, but sucks like a beast - sucks stones, nuts, selflessness, tears the plaster and pulls out bricks from the masonry))
This vacuum cleaner struck the blue barrel even clogged the inlet hose! Tight girth of barrels of clamps did not help. There were no chambers with themselves, very sorry. But it looks like this:

On the thematic forums, they warn about such an opportunity, but still I did not expect this. With great difficulty, I straightened the barrel and sent it, pretty thoughted, to keep water to the cottage. More she is not capable.

There were two outputs from this situation:
1. Buy instead plastic barrel Metal. But you need to find a barrel of a completely specific size so that it accurately stood in my installation - diameter 480, height 800. The surface search on the Internet did not give.
2. Self-adequately collect box desired size Of 15 mm plywood. This is more real.

The box collected on the screw. The joints fledged with a two-way tape on a foam basis.

The cart had to remake a little - digest the rear clamp under a square tank.

The new tank, in addition to the strength and increased due to direct corners of the volume, has another important advantage - wide throat. This allows you to install a trash bag in the tank. It greatly simplifies the unloading and makes it an order of magnitude cleaner (the bag knit right in the tank and removed without dust and threw it). Old barrel This did not allow it.

The lid compacted foam insulation for windows

The lid hold four frogs. They create the required tension to prevent the cover on the foam pad. Just above, I wrote about the pricing policy on these locks-frogs. But I had to upset.

It turned out well. Cute, functionally, reliable. How I love.