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How to use the bread maker. How to use bread maker. So accurate installations are selected manually

Recently, bake useful and delicious homemade bread has become very popular. Modern bread makers perform the entire cycle completely in automatic mode. To make pastries rose and proceeds well, it is important to follow the instructions. So, how to use the bread maker to get high-quality home bread?

Fundamental rules

To obtain a beautiful, tasty and fragrant baking of alone, the multifunctional and high-quality bread maker is not enough. It is important to draw attention to the preparation of the device to work, the quality of the ingredients used, the order of actions. All models are attached to the instruction, where it is painted in detail, how to use bread maker.

Proper placement of bread machine

Bread maker should not be placed on a draft or close to working burners. It must be remembered that the outer temperature affects the quality of the baked bread. For example, it may not rise very well if the device is in a cool place and vice versa - too climb when too hot.

Selection of programs

Before using bread maker, you need to carefully look at its display. It should necessarily place the "Menu" button (MENU) - it is chosen by the type of bread (with bran, wheat, french, egg, etc.). Most often on the instruments there are the "Size" button (Size), which choose the size of the baking (small - 500 g, the average - 700 g, large - 900 g). In addition, the stove can be equipped with a "crust" button - medium, bright, fried. Before downloading in the ingredient stove, using the above buttons, you should set all the necessary parameters.

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Loading ingredients

Decided with what will be the type and weight of bread, you can start loading the necessary ingredients in the bucket. We offer an approximate amount of products for baking a mining roll:

  • dry yeast - 1.5 h. spoons;
  • wheat flour - 450 grams (3 dimensional glasses);
  • warm milk or water - 310 ml;
  • sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1-1.5 h. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

Products are loaded in turn: first yeast, then flour, sugar, salt, water or milk, butter. Next, you must close the stove cover and click the Start button. Breadmaker itself kneads the dough and cakes it. The display will show the time of the kneading and baking. The beep will notice when the bread is baked. After that, you need to click the "STOP" button and remove the finished bread.

There are models that, in addition to bread, mix different types of dough (yeast, varny), bake cupcakes and even boil jam. Before starting to use the bread maker, you need to explore the "Menu". By pressing this button, you can see the possibilities of this instrument. Different manufacturers can feature control and functions. Consider how to use bread makers of different brands.

Breadmakers "Mulinex"

Moulinex bread makers today are considerably popular. Among the set of models, you can choose a variant having several molds for baking. In such a bread maker, you can cook not only the traditional bread, but also kalachi, buns and much more. In addition, the instrument allows you to choose one of the three levels of crusting levels, which is very important for those families in which each member has its own preferences. In some models there is a function of preserving baking in a warm state. How to use the Mulinex bread maker?

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1. The menu button selects the program.

2. The weight of the product is installed by the girlet.

3. If the program allows, the degree of roasted crust is selected.

4. The "+ -" button means a deferred start and installation in the time program.

5. On all models there is a start button "Start" stop "" Cancel. "

Upon completion, the device serves a beep. Baking a baking bowl has a special anti-stick coating, so the baking will not be burnt sides. In addition, the recipe book, a measuring spoon and a glass is included with all bread makers.

Breadmakers "Redmond"

Breadmakers from the redmond brand are characterized by compact sizes, quiet work, a fairly simple and understandable interface and high quality baking, whose weight is 0.5 - 1 kg. It is possible to obtain different colors of the crust. How to use the bread maker "Redmond"? Products have from 17 to 25 programs. The device supports the optimum cooked pastry temperature due to automatic heating for an hour. Set the start time of cooking allows a deferred start.

The blade for kneading the test is installed on the rod, carefully lubricate the shape with oil, put ingredients and exhibit programs.

How to use the bread maker "Panasonic"?

There are two tasty and healthy baking modes:

  • "Main". Bread machine kneads the dough, stands and bakes.
  • "Fast". Bread on this mode is baked much faster, since the time of raising the test is reduced. Baking is not so lush, but tasty.

The device is difficult to use, but it is worth it to study the instructions once again and try to bake bread, as the process will seem not so complicated.

How to use it

Before use, the instrument must be placed on a refractory smooth surface. Put it at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the surface and at least 5 cm from the wall and other devices and furniture. During operation, the device is heated and can lead to a fire if you do not comply with all security measures. Before use, make sure that the shape and blades for kneading dry and clean, without residual baking residues.

Adding all ingredients and their sequence should be observed strictly by recipe, otherwise it may affect the quality of the bread. As a rule, yeast at the initial stage should not come into contact with liquids, sugar and salt. From this fermentation process can begin earlier, so strictly follow the recipe. After all the ingredients are prepared and bombarded, connect the bread maker to the network and set the desired mode. She herself kneads the dough, raise it and bore bread.

When notching bread, use mittens, do not lean low and do not rely on the bread maker to avoid burns from steam and hot surface. Before washing the form, make sure that it has cooled. Collect details of the storage device are recommended to be dry so that all programs work in the future regularly. Also, you should not begin to prepare in the bread maker if it has not yet cooled. It will simply not turn on if it is hot.

Programs and functions

A set of programs in the bread maker depends on the complexity of the model. The more functions it has, the more expensive its price. You can purchase a cheaper model with a single bread baking function, but it can be small in size for the family. In more complex models of functions, many, you can choose the size of the loaf, put the timer and even choose the color of the crust. If you install a timer to a certain time, for example, 8-00 in the morning, try not to use perishable products such as milk and egg.

There are "main" and "fast" baking modes of bread. On the main mode, the bread maker mixes the dough, stands up. At rapid mode, bread bakes much faster due to a reduction in time to raise the test. Buanka is less lush, but it remains the same delicious. In the "Dough" mode, it is raised. Yeast dough can be used in a regular oven. On some models there may be special modes to knead the dough on pizza, the loaf and others. There are also modes for baking cupcakes or other restrained little things.

In some models there is a heating mode, which is very convenient if you need to leave and you do not have time to get baking from the oven.

Observing the simple rules of operation of the breadpage, following the instructions and recipes, you will always have a delicious bread on the table.

It has been over 30 years old as the first bread maker appeared on the home kitchen. Many hostesses managed to evaluate the advantages of this device. Problems using does not occur when there is an instruction instruction on hand. What if the bread maker bought from the hands, or were he inherited (as a gift) without a memo for use? Or did it have been lost? No need to hide such a practical and convenient household appliance on the shelf. You can cope with the bread maker and without a guide printed on paper, the main thing is not to be afraid and to go to the case thoroughly.

Use of bread maker in everyday life

To date, there is an innumerable number of electric bakery models. But their design and production algorithm differ little. Therefore, the algorithm for learning the "unknown" household device will look equally.

Acquaintance with the model

The first step will be a visual study of the device. Any bread maker consists of three main elements:

  • Case with lid and control panel;
  • Form for baking;
  • Removable blade for mixing.

Ensure that all parts are available and they are not damaged. Form and blades are removable details. The blade, as a rule, simply dresses on the shaft, located on the bottom of the bake bowl. The form can be removed / inserted into the housing in different ways, so it is worth trying first. Perhaps you will have to turn it out, or disconnect the locks, or just pull with some effort.

Definition of the volume of the chash

From the volume of the form will depend how many products can be loaded into the bread maker, and which mass it turns out the bread:

  • With the capacity of the bowl in 3 liters of water, it turns out a weighing up to 0.9 kg.;
  • With a volume of 2.5 liters. - 0.5-0.7 kg;
  • If the capacity of the form is less than 2.5 liters, then the bread is mass to a half-kilogram.

Learn the volume of the bucket for baking is simple enough. It is necessary to take the vessel of the known litter (bank, glass, measuring tank) and fill it with water. Pour the liquid into the bowl and repeat the procedure until the form is full. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the amount of water poured.

Important! In the future, choosing a baking recipe will need to be focused on the volume of the bowl. Exceeding capacity can lead to a breakdown of bread maker.

Learning settings and management

The next step is to familiarize yourself with the management. Modern models, except for a set of buttons, most likely will have a display reflecting the selection of the program and its execution. And on older samples, the control will be carried out by standard functions: start / stop, menu, color of the crust (not always), timer. The menu button selects the work program on which cooking will occur. Their quantity will depend on the specific model (bread, basic, special, french, fast, dough, cupcake, etc.). Using the timer function, the time began to start the inclusion of the bread machine. So, by downloading the ingredients from the evening, you can get a bunch of hot bread straight to breakfast. Timer is set after selecting a working program.

Preparation of ingredients

For baking ordinary bread, you will need:

  • Yeast - use only dry yeast, on the packaging of which there is a "high-speed" inscription. 0.5 kg of flour takes 2 teaspoons;
  • Flour is the main ingredient, from which the quality of the final product depends largely. For bread maker, the bakery grade is best, made of solid wheat varieties and containing a lot of gluten;
  • Salt is a necessary component that improves the taste of bread. On average, taking 2 teaspoons on 0.5 kg of flour;
  • Sugar - gives baking softness and participates in fermentation of yeast. Instead, you can use honey or other sweeteners. For conventional sahara bread, they take 1.5-2 tablespoons at the rate of 0.5 kg of flour. It will naturally need it for drift;
  • Fats - use butter, margarine, chicken, pork or vegetable fat. It will not give baking sticking to the form, and the aroma and taste will get a special shade;
  • Liquid - mostly use water, but you can apply milk, yogurt, serum. It is recommended to use about 220 ml of liquid by 0.5 kg of flour.

Important! All ingredients must be fresh and warm (at least room temperature).

The procedure for placing the ingredients

There are two ways to bookmark ingredients. In some models, you first need to put yeast into the bowl, then pour flour and it's neatly pouring the liquid to it and add the rest of the components. It is less likely to use the second method when the fluid is poured onto the bottom, and then flour falls asleep. Yeast is laid on it and everything else. But no matter how approved, there is a single rule - yeast should not be contacted with water. This is especially important for baking with a delayed start.

Depending on the recipe, there may be another order of loading ingredients in the bread maker.


Before laying the components in shape, you must make sure that it is absolutely clean and the blade for mixing is in its place. The filled bowl is installed on its place and cover the lid. The baking program is selected, the degree of peastery of the crust and the start is pressed (or the timer is set). While the process of kneading the bread maker can be opened by controlling the test consistency. If necessary, you can add flour or liquid. And if the recipe assumes the presence of special components (raisins, dried, nuts, etc.), it is also better to put them with stirring. The end of the test stage of the test machine will inform the audio signal and the baking process will start. At this time, the cover cannot be lifted in any way. On the readiness of bread, the stove will also inform the zoomer. Now it can be opened and remove the shape.

Important! Observe the safety rules - deliver the bowl only in the kitchen mittens, do not lean low above the open bread machine and do not shock it on it. Adhering to these simple rules you can avoid burns.

Inverting the bowl and shook her gently, get bread. If necessary, you can slightly knock on the wooden board. It is important not to forget to get a spatula. After cooling, delicious homemade bread is ready to use. Now it remains to put the bread maker - wash, wipe dry and remove until the next use. It is only necessary to do this when the device will completely cool.

Frequent problems when baking, ways to solve them

Most often mistresses complain that bread does not rise. There may be several reasons for this: non-drier yeast, incorrect selection of the working program, the absence in the sugar tab. A small amount of oxygen in the flour can reduce the drawing of the dough, so it is necessary to sift it before pasting.

It happens that the dough is well suited, and then falls and the bread turns out to be tasteless. This can happen because of the right that the bread maker was put on a draft or cold. Not "keeping the form" too liquid dough. Next time you need to add changes to the recipe and add flour.

If the dough did not proceed, it means that the volume of the ingredients does not match the capacity of the bowl or the device cover closed was not tight. Too large set of additional components (especially fat-containing - nuts, cream, oil), can also cause a similar problem. Conversely, with an insufficient number of fats, bread will turn out too dry.

In custody

Bread maker - technique necessary and not very difficult to use. What a hostess does not want to please their loved ones with fresh bread, fragrant soba or original cupcake. And each, the main desire and serious attitude can be able to deal with the control.

Check your bread maker. Spend some time to consider it. The folding lid rises and lowers, opening and closing the bread maker; It may have a small window. Next to the lid is the control panel with several buttons, and there may be one or two light bulbs. Inside the bread maker is a form for baking bread in the form of a bucket. The form has a handle that should be omitted so that the cover is closed. This bucket serves as a bowl for the knead and the form for baking. In the center of the bucket are shovels for kneading. They serve to wash the dough. When the dough is baked, it is located around the blade for kneading. When bread bore, the blade will need to be carefully removed from the loaf.

  • All three parts should be included - bread maker, baking form and a shovel for kneading. If some part is missing, replace it, finding the same one. The blade for kneading is the smallest, so she is most often lost. She and the cheapest part for replacement. If you need to find any spare parts for bread makers, find the site and contacts of the bread maker or contact your authorized dealer in your area.
  • Form for baking and shovel for kneading removable. To pull the bucket, you may have to get enough to pull it or turn it, depending on how it is attached. Look at it, take the handle and pull it. Do not worry, you will not break the bread maker. Pulling the bucket, inspect it. If you turn it over, the shovel for kneading will fall. Inside the bucket will be a small shaft on which the shovel for kneading is installed. If you want to put a form for baking back, it may not immediately take your place. Try twist it around your axis to feel the right position of the bucket.
  • Determine the bake form capacity. Remove the bucket from the bread maker, bring it to the sink. Take a measuring glass and fill it with water. Pour water in Breadmaker's bucket. Continue until the bucket is filled with water. Consider how many glasses you poured into a bucket. Load the result. This is a pretty important point, so be careful. When you choose a bread recipe, choose the corresponding size of your baking form. You will not be able to bake kilogram bread, if your bread maker is calculated only on the Policalwood Buckka.

    • If Breadmaker's bucket holds 2.5 liters of water, you can bake 500-700 gram loaves of bread.
    • If the bakery bucket contains 3 liters of water, you can bake 900 gram loaves.
    • If Breadmaker's bucket accommodates less than 2.5 liters of water, you can bake 500 gram loaves of bread.
  • Examine the settings of the bread maker. Look carefully on the buttons and the display on the control panel. Probably. You will see the selection buttons, start / stop, color of a crust, timer and buttons with arrows. Disconnect the bread maker from the network. Turn on. Now the bread maker will be mostly mode.

    • Next to the select button will be another buttons, such as basic, wheat, rye, wholegrain, French, without gluten, dough, fast, dough. To set a specific mode, press the Select button until the desired mode is displayed. Usually, the primary or wheat goes at number 1, wholegrain at number 2, French at number 3 and so on. Each mode requires a different amount of time for mixing and baking.
    • Choosing a crust color is not available in all bread maker. If you see a button with a crust inscription, most likely there will be three crust color options - light, medium, dark. By default, the average crust is configured. When you turn off, and then turning the breadmakers to the network, the average crust is installed. If you want to make a crust darker or brighten, press the crust button to change the setting. Usually a crust button does not work if you choose the dough mode. Select the color of the crust before pressing the Start button.
    • Timer settings will be described below.
  • Prepare ingredients. The main ingredients for baking bread in the bread maker are: yeast, flour, salt, sugar, liquid and fats.

    • Yeast, commonly used in bread maker, have inscription "High-speed yeast" on the package. Use only dry yeast that do not require pre-fermentation. Typically, high-speed yeast is packaged by sachets weighing 11 grams, this amount of yeast is designed for 1 kilogram of flour. 2 teaspoons of high-speed yeast are used by 500 grams of flour.
    • Flour is the main component of bread, the higher the quality of flour, the better the bread. It is recommended to use bakery flour, it contains a large amount of gluten (or gluten), it is made of solid wheat varieties. Flour without marking "Bakery" consists of a mixture of flour of solid and soft wheat varieties, suitable for baking biscuits, cupcakes, biscuits, pancakes, etc. And if you do not have bakery flour, you can use and ordinary, the result will be good, but not like if you used bakery flour
    • The salt is also the necessary component of bread, it improves the taste and enhances the effect of gluten on the rise of the test, as well as does not give the test too climb. On average, 2 teaspoons of salts per 500 grams of flour are used.
    • Sugar, honey and other sweeteners give bread softness. They also affect the color of the bread and crispy properties of the crust. But their main role is that they are a nutrient medium for yeast. Yeast can use and starch from flour for their action, but with sugar or honey, their fermentation becomes more successful. But the sugar should not be much so that the dough does not rose too much and did not convince. For the main recipe for bread, it is recommended to use 1.5 - 3 tablespoons of sugar per 500 grams of flour.
    • The liquids used to baking bread in the bread maker must be room temperature or a little warmer. Do not use hot liquids for bread maker, it can destroy yeast. In the liquid room temperature, yeast feel beautifully. If you use water from under the tap, warm it. Yogurt or milk must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that they warmer before applying. (This is not so important if you bake bread mostly or longer. If you use a quick mode, the liquid must be warm, or at least room temperature.) Approximately 220 ml of liquids are recommended to be used by 500 grams of flour.
    • Fats give bread taste and softness and do not give the test to adhere to the form and burn. 45 grams of cream oil or margarine is enough for 500 grams of flour. Different types of fat can be used to prepare bread in bread maker: butter, margarine, fat, chicken fat, bacon. From this will depend on the flavor and taste of bread. Fats do not need to stir before use in bread maker, it is desirable that they are room temperature, although in practice it is not always observed.
  • Add ingredients in the correct order. For most bread makers, it is first necessary to pour high-speed yeast to the bread maker, then flour, and then the remaining ingredients. It is important that the yeast cannot be contacted with a liquid, especially with deferred baking on the timer. The minority of bread makers suggest another order of bookmarking ingredients - read the information on culinary forums, where the owners of the same bread makeup will advise you the correct option. The main thing, do not allow the interactions of liquid and yeast when baking baking on the timer so that the yeast does not start to act before time. Here is an example of bookmarking ingredients for some bread makers:

    • Put the liquid ingredients.
    • Add flour. Make sure the flour completely covers the liquid.
    • Add salt, sugar and other dry ingredients, except yeast.
    • At the end add yeast. Yeast should not interact with water. Especially when baking on the timer.
  • If you purchased a bread maker, then you should know how to use home bread maker (Mulinex, Philips, Scarlet, Panasonic) and how does bakery program work. In fact, use this kitchen appliance is very simple. Step by step inclusion of bakery. Following these recommendations, you must be taken with the instruction manual for a specific model that has purchased. The most general recommendation for all domestic bread makers is to use only high-quality, and not overdue baking ingredients.

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