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We establish a gas meter in the apartment: a fee or free, legislation and rules for replacing equipment for a new one. The apartment meter of gas and its installation of the gas meter installation scheme

If the user wants to control what gas volume it consumes every month, and as a result, do not overpay for gas consumption, then you need to install the gas filler. Without such a device, gas will have to pay the number of residents officially registered in the premises, according to the established limits (regardless of whether these limits are completely spent).

Conducted statistical studies suggest that the installation of the gas meter saves sailing for gas from 30% -50%.

In this article, we have collected all the information for users who do not know how to install the gas meter, but want to do it soon.

Installing a gas meter: Procedure

  1. Step number 1. Preparation of an official request to the organization that carries out gas to your home. All contacts The information of this organization can be viewed on a monthly receipt for gas. Employees of this company will tell in detail about all the nuances and where such statements are accepted.
  2. Step number 2. During a personal visit to the gas supply company, a typical statement should be made to attach copies of a passport, premises documents (certificates of ownership / lease agreement), as well as a paid receipt for gas (for the previous period). Please note that if there is a lot of owners (equity), then any of them can fill out the application.
    The employee of the company in the process of accepting the application reports the applicant the time in which the Master for Measurement comes to it.
  3. Step number 3. From the user you need to determine the location of the future of the gas filler in view of the requirements that exist:
    The distance from the floor is at least 1.20m;
    Distance from others gas devices (columns, plates, etc.) - not less than 0.80m.
    There are no other restrictions, and much more expedient to the owners to choose the place where the gas meter will be installed, since the master after the surface inspection can offer not the most suitable option. If the owners find a good kitchen box Or the shelf, where the placement of the counter will be as convenient as possible, you can use this option.
    All your wishes must be reported to the master who will come to do required measurements. In addition, it follows from him to clarify which model the counter will fit the best way.
  4. Step number 4. In the date established in advance, the user must appear in the gas supply organization, where the amount should be paid for the project. At the same time, the time should be assigned to which the masters for the installation of a gas filler will come.
  5. Step number 5. At the set term, the wizard will arrive and fulfill all installation work. From the consumer at this stage, only personal presence is required.

In order to select the installation location for the gas meter in the best way, recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Optimal is the distance to the floor of 1.60 m;
  • The accounting instrument passport, as a rule, contains information about how the distance from it to other gas devices will be optimal. If there are no such information, then the distance is optimal: 0.80m - for household appliances and 1.00m - for restaurant boilers and heating devices.
  • The distance of the gas meter by 3-5 cm from the wall will help reliably protect the device from the appearance of corrosion.
  • The room in which the installation of a gas filler should have natural ventilation (In the stagnation zone it cannot be installed at all).
  • Installation rules gas meters allow you to install these meters of accounting outside buildings. In this case, in order to maximize the operational period of the gas filler, it should be fixed in a protected place or additionally make it protective construction, Which should also have natural ventilation, as well as reliably closing doors.

Play whether a meter for gas: advantages and disadvantages

In order to clearly decide whether it is worth establishing a gas meter, you should consider all the advantages and disadvantages of such a procedure.

Benefits include:

  • When paying for gas, the user pays only a really spent volume (in particular, it is significantly in the summer, when there is practically no gas costs for heating);
  • Now the number of prescribed tenants does not affect the amounts that will come in receipts to pay gas.

The disadvantages of the installation of the meter are:

  • If 5 people actually live in the apartment, and only 1 person is prescribed, then it is worth thinking about the feasibility of the gas filler;
  • Intensive room heating in winter time year may be very expensive for the user;
  • The cost of the accounting device and the project of its connection may be for some users expensive pleasure.

Everyone should decide whether to install meters for gas, for which you need to decide on all the advantages and disadvantages of this operation. It is a weighted approach will not make mistakes.

Mandatory installation of gas films

More recently, the installation of the gas metering device was not for consumers a mandatory procedure, but since 2009. The law on the installation of gas meters was adopted.
If until 01.01.2015 Subscribers were given the right to independently choose, as the accounting instrument itself and the company that will carry out its installation, then after this date, the installation of gas counters has the right to make an exclusively gas supply organization. Expect from 01.01.2017. Installation household counters Gas will cease to be voluntary, but will begin to be forced.

note that independent installation Gas metering device is a serious danger to others. In this regard, it is categorically prohibited to produce such work on their own.

Do not forget that gas equipment belongs to the category of increased dangerous. You can only trust the work with such devices, you can only with highly qualified professionals that have been certified and have not only experience in conducting such operations, but also a special tool for performing all necessary work. In no case should not be dangerous to their loved ones and neighbors, and try to perform independently work related to the installation of the gas metering device in your home. Be carefull!

But together with this, the current tariffs for supplying gas annually increased, and no one has felt the promised economy. The procedure for installing a gas meter also turned out to be paid for many residents, since it was necessary to purchase it, and then install it. The legislative bodies of our country carefully studied this situation and concluded that the presence of a gas meter is not a solution to all problems. Therefore, a bill was developed that does not commit to all citizens of Russia necessarily to establish gas counters in their residential premises.

According to the law

Gas meter poses controlling his spending

Based on the previously developed Federal Law No. 261-FZ, published by November 2009, "On Energy Saving ...", where it was said about the installation of meters to flow into the living quarters of the Gaza. Citizens of Russia needed to contact nearby gas sites and report the need to install this apparatus in their dwellings. Later, this law has undergone some changes and amendments. In early July 2011, he was again published and stated on a mandatory installation in all types of houses and apartments, where there is gas heating of gas meters. Except for certain types of housing Amendment to the law did not include. In the event that the owner of the residential premises did not take care of the installation of this equipment, it will be installed to be forcibly employees of the public service. The fee for such an installation and the acquired counter will be included by installments in the receipt. Usually such an installment was calculated for a long time.

Starting from January 2015 in the territory Russian Federation Earned the new kind Federal Law No. 466-FZ published by December 2014, which states that if the use of energy resources in the inhabitants of this room does not exceed more than two cubic meters in one hour of time, then they are exempt from the need to install a gas meter. Usually, gas consumption of such low power is only in residential premises, where only the gas stove is installed. Therefore, residents of such houses and apartments, where gas consumption is so little, it is not obliged to install gas meters.

The new federal law has already come, which was reported by the State Committee. Based on this amendment and the new bill, the life of gas consumers is slightly facilitated by gas plates. Representatives of gas supply companies have already conducted explanatory work with the population.

Are there any benefits here?

Many people consider the installation of a gas meter very profitable.

After installing a gas meter in the residential room, the gas consumer starts to pay only for energy consumption in fact. The actual consumption of the master of residential gas will be indicated in the testimony of this meter. Therefore, many people in our country do not have to pay for non-existent figures in receipts, and refer to the readings of their own accounting. Residents of houses and apartments, where there are data Gas meters, will definitely benefit from their use.

Representatives of gas services fully inform the population about the type of details of the instrument for a particular apartment or at home. In addition, at the request of the owner of the residential premises, they can assist in installing this equipment. Many residents, in whose homes and apartments already installed gas meters, are very satisfied and consider themselves in a profitable position.

Who is responsible for exploiting metering devices?

The owner of the apartment is responsible for the operation of the gas meter

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The owner of the residential premises, where the device is established responsible for the consumption of gas consumption is obliged to monitor its condition and work. In addition, he must conclude an agreement with representatives of service organizations for a periodic inspection and verification of the gas meter. This maintenance is mandatory and must be implemented systematically. Independently checking the operation of the gas meter The owner of the residential premises is not in the right, and not all the inhabitants of our country have such skills. The role of the service organization can be an organization that carried out the installation of this metering device, the management company or an energy supply organization.

If the instruments have identified some failures and deviations, the gas meter is withdrawn for a while and comes to carry out repair work. Usually, gas meter repair work is carried out in organizations where this device was manufactured. To this end, a whole network of repair enterprises was even created. After eliminating all the errors in the work of the device, it is re-installed on the previous place and re-calibrate its operation.

With the entry into force of the new law, providing some benefits to residents that operate gas only through gas plates, individual categories of citizens felt much more profitable. Despite this gas meters allow you to purchase some benefit to the masters of the residential premises, where they are installed. Thanks to them, the consumer carries out a fee for the actually consumed amount of gas, and not for the transienceal numbers of utilities.

With the requirements for the installation of gas meters, you can read thanks to the video material:

Noticed a mistake? Highlight it and press Ctrl + Enter to tell us.

Nonsense! We are installed. We put and under the sink-0.6 m from the floor and under the ceiling, the main thing is to be the technical ability to install, between the wall and the pipe so that the finger has swallow, otherwise the threads do not cut the cloud, etc. Newans. Gorgaz does not fit into such trifles, everything seals, if the rest is observed!

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Interdradegaz requires the replacement of the meter, it does not do this by this. I think that the contract concluded with it has lost strength.

When replacing gas. Possible installment payment is possible?

Skotnik, you are very lucky that your Gorgaz does not quit. We even just replace the counter prohibit, they say, there is no license from us, it means that they are fingered for the self. Although the owner of this understands no worse, he worked in this area.

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Replacing the gas meter in the apartment: for a fee or free?

Very often we catch yourself thinking that we pay for services much more than it follows. An example of this may be the situation with payment for gas. For gas supply services there are certain standards.

In this case, the amount of payment depends on the number of persons prescribed on this housing. Thus, it does not matter how much gas we used, we pay on regulations and by the number of tenants.

If this situation is tired of you, you need to solve the problem. And the solution is very simple - installing a gas meter in the apartment. And you will forget about the transcendental amounts that were paid earlier.

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Replacing the gas meter: paid or free

To reduce the cost of utility payments, initially, of course, have to be spent. Meaning the installation of the counter for your money. This is understandable, because everything we have in the apartment belongs to us personally. This fact confirms our legislation.

IN gas system At home there is such a special shut-off crane, which, if so to speak, is a conditional boundary between the property of gas economy and our own gas property.

How to carry out gas in a private house, read here.

Therefore, if you are the owner of the apartment, set the counter yourself. But if the apartment belongs to the municipality, it is he who will install this device.

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Everyone is familiar with the obvious truth: who orders the service for her and pays. Therefore, if you decide to ease your life and install the counter, you will have to pay from your pocket for work. But, besides this, do not forget about the expenditure on the device itself. Prices for counters depend on their model and quality, but do not exceed thirteen thousand rubles.

The cost of the work varies due to the region and the organization that will be engaged in the installation. According to approximate estimates, the installation of the counter in the apartment without welding work will cost 2500 rubles.

If during work you need to change the scheme of the gas pipeline, then welding is used, and the cost of work is increased to 4,200 rubles. Changing eyeliner in houses with gas speakers and stoves will cost more - 4700 rubles.

Gas meter installation rules

With gas equipment, it is better not to get involved. It is worth providing this work to gasel specialists who have the right to carry out these works. Moreover, self-conducting gas works It is fraught with serious consequences.

We write a statement about the installation of a gas meter in a gas farm at your place of residence. When submitting an application, do not forget to provide copies of documents on the ownership of that real estate, where it is planned to install a gas metering device.

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Experts are evaluating the technical parameters and the possibility of installing the meter in this room. Also studied gas supply to a house or apartment.

We buy a meter (preferably in specialized stores). We find out in the gas company the cost of installing the device.

After analyzing the technical condition of the gas pipeline in your home, specialists report the amount necessary for the payment for the services rendered.

After installing the gas meter and signing the act of work, you need to pay the amount specified in advance.

An important step after installing the meter is its sealing, since the device can only be commissioned after this procedure.

The sealing application is submitted to the control company indicating personal and passport data owner, his phone numbers.

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Also in the application indicate the instrument data. These include:

  • when presumably start to use the meter;
  • counter number and model type;
  • address where this device is installed;
  • what gas company was engaged in installation;
  • what indicators were at the counter at the time of installation;
  • when the following checks should be made.

Do not forget to attach to your application a copy of the passport of the meter, as well as the last check data gas equipment in the House.

The application is considered for three days, then the owner is negotiated by the distribution time of the counter. Without receiving a response to the application within the amount of the deadline, contact the controlling authorities.

Where the device should be installed according to the rules

It can only be at a distance of 80 cm. From other gas equipment. The height of the flooring from the floor is at least 120 cm.

These are the basic requirements of the gas company. You can, complying with these requirements, pick up a convenient place for you in the apartment where the counter will be installed.

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If you want to know how to solve your problem - please contact the online consultant form on the right. It's fast and free! Or call us by phone:

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Rules for installing gas meters in the apartment, prices and benefits

Accounting for the eye on the eye was never beneficial to tenants, and today it is a necessity, since these devices do not just save. Save is already forced, since from January 1, 2015, they have become a mandatory procedure. Despite some difficulties, we will pass the procedure, install the counter and start saving.

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Law on gas meters

With the law, as always, full order. December 29, 2014, the law on the mandatory installation of instruments for taking into account the fuel consumed in the apartments was changed. Before this period in all dwellings, including:

  • emergency buildings;
  • objects under demolition, which was to be spent until 2013;
  • houses and apartments that are subject to capital recovery;
  • in all housing, where electricity consumption is within five kilowatts;
  • in homes where heat consumption is no more than two tenths of gigakalories per hour,
  • and also in apartments that consume less than two cubes of gas, its presence was mandatory.

Now, from January 1, all this does not apply to those objects that use gas plates with a maximum consumption on a passport no more than 1.3 cube per hour. This suggests that now again it is not necessary to set this instrument of accounting. But only if we use gas only for cooking. Therefore, again first. Nevertheless, in order not to wait for new innovations, it is still necessary to install it to at least not pay anymore. This is logical, rationally and legally. The obligation is now canceled.

In a word, if we do not live in an apartment with a column, no one forces consumption to take into account, for those who do not heat the water and housing the home of the gas, it is still worth installing it. Let it require some time and financial investmentsBut the game should cost a candle. True, gas services with suspicious perseverance about this remind that it suggests that not only the consumer will be advantageous with the help of instruments.

Not surprising, because the installation is carried out only by the hands of the gas distribution organization of a particular region. Otherwise, if the consumer shifts distrust or doubt gaskender services, third-party performers coordinate work with a special service.


First - buy a counter. And before purchase, agree on the model of the accounting device with a gaskender and verify that this device is entered into the state register of measuring funds. This is the proportion of truth, since each device has a resource, passing which, it is subject to verification. The greater the resource, the less verification in the Gazcontor. These dates are indicated in the instrument passport. As a rule, it is within 5-10 years. So we got to the documents that are necessary to provide in the Gazbontor to submit an application for installing the meter:

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  • civic passport of housing owner;
  • subscriber book;
  • standard project gasification project or approved apartment plan;
  • documents that go with the device;
  • maintenance contract for gas devices.

Cost and scheme

Works on the insertion of the device in the pipe is paid by the applicant, so hope for serious benefits is not worth it. Gazprom provides a 5% discount on work in the event that you pay at the same time. The prices of work are reduced to the table and they are valid for 2015.

The installation of the meter includes:

  • acceptance of the application;
  • sketch preparation;
  • elaboration of contracts on the basis of TU;
  • disabling gas supply at the time of events;
  • deleting wiring;
  • dismantling of old equipment;
  • race of threads, crimping pipeline pipes;
  • running and testing the integrity and tightness of the compounds.

After that, execution of documents on work. In this case, the consumer diagram does not concern. Everything performs Gores.


As for the benefits of paying for work, the subscriber pays independently, after which it submits an application for reimbursement by attaching a bank account number. After consideration of the application, the Commission pays to the specified account to 70% of the funds spent, but only if the price did not exceed 6,600 rubles. Pensioners enjoy benefits, contact the place of residence, and the free installation of meters is not provided.

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Free Installation of Gas Counters

Today, the installation of meters is a mandatory and necessary procedure. Installing counters for all types of consumed resources is explained by the fact that every year, in connection with various circumstances, utility tariffs are growing, and gas is also no exception.

The adopted law on the installation of gas meters in apartments and other accounting devices of July 1, 2011, it states that the installation is mandatory.

Installing gas meters

The legislation regulated the mandatory installation of gas, water and electricity meters until 2015. However, in 2014, the amendments were taken, that is, the installation of the gas meter in the apartment was considered optional. That is, the law says that if the apartment does not have gas heatingIn this case, the meter installation is not required.

ATTENTION! You can reduce gas bills 2 times with legal methods now. Learn more.

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Since legislation has made adjustments to the Law "On Energy Saving", then the installation of the gas meter is optional. However, the installation of the gas meter is still worth performing for several reasons:

  1. When installing the metering device, the owners living in apartments or houses will pay for gas as much as winched.
  2. If you do not put the device, the payment for gas will be calculated from the middle volume consumed. That is, the owner will have to pay for a fixed volume, even if it includes gas only once a month.

Based on this, it is advisable to establish a gas meter in its apartment.

Benefit of the gas filler in the apartment

If the owner is in thought, about the installation of the gas meter, then he needs to weigh all the pros and cons of installation this device. That is, calculate how much the device itself will pay off, and how much money will be saved for gas per year.

At that moment, when legislation decided the law on the obligatory installation of gas films, in the framework of "energy saving", counters, and their installation reached the maximum, which was explained by the excitement. However, after the legislation has canceled the obligatory installation of gas makers, the cost of the device and maintenance has dropped sharply.

However, after the installation was not mandatory, and the cost of equipment and services fell, most consumers simply, forgot about accounting argumenting that the gas fee will not be much high relative to the "wound" on the meter. However, this is a delusion.

If you calculate the costs of the average derived volume, and by testimony from the meter, then the difference is pretty "round" amount. It is also necessary to take into account that utility tariffs are constantly growing. Based on this, the gas meter is simply necessary to put, since with the help of this device, the consumer can significantly save relative to the consumer that pays on average output.

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The cost of installing gas market

Today, the cost of gas metering devices is rather low, however, it is still expensive, according to many people. On average, the meter will cost approximately 2.5-3 thousand rubles, and this is excluding installation, if the cost of the meter, registration, as well as its installation, then all of these costs will cost the consumer about 4-4.5 thousand rubles. Undoubtedly, for the accounting device and its installation is not the most irrelevant, however, it fully justifies itself.

However, many are interested in the question, are gas meters are set for free? From the moment the amendments were made to the Law "On Energy Saving", an article was provided, where it was said about the free installation of a gas meter.

How to put a gas meter for free

On January 1, 2015, the installation of gas meters, the law "On Energy Saving" reads, when accessing the consumer to the utility service, the installation must be free. However, as for the meter itself and auxiliary materials, this is for the consumer already paid.

The free installation was provided in the legislation, due to the fact that consumers often appealed to the firm, or to individuals who do not have special licenses and tolerances for installing gas metering.

That is, due to the installation of devices, accounting for questionable persons, the explosions are frequent due to the violation of the installation technology. That is why in the federal law, when accessing the consumer, the installation will be free.

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Where to contact free installation

Before free installation, the owner of the apartment needs to be purchased. The device must be necessarily certified and have a technical passport. It is also worth remembering that self installation The owner by the owner or other persons without admission is strictly prohibited.

Installation can perform representatives gas service, as well as companies with licenses and tolerances, but a private firm the installation will be charged. To install a gasometer for free, you must perform the following steps:

  • Come in Gores and write an application for installation. The application must be attached to a copy of documents that confirm the identity, as well as the right of ownership.
  • Then specialists from this organization will come to the house, to determine the state of the gas pipeline, as well as to determine the technical ability to install the accounting device.
  • After sending the Gas service to the accounting instrument, for later installation.
  • After mounting the accounting device, the owner must sign an act of executed works.

However, despite the fact that the counter will be already installed, the accrual of gas will be carried out according to the average outcome. In order to account, began to follow the testimony of the meter, the owner of the apartment must be recorded.

That is, you need to call the utilities and notify the installation of the accounting device. After that, the inspector will come to your home, check the correctness of the work performed, and will also make partition. And after the accrual of gas in Buda based on the device's reading.

What counter to choose

As for the choice of a gas metering device, then the market is full various types and Counters models. However, a two-chamber mechanical gauge metering device is suitable for installation in the apartment. Such a device is high-quality reliable, accurate, and most importantly inexpensive. Moreover, a two-chamber mechanical gas meter is one of the most sought-after.

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Also, when buying it is worth paying attention to the installation of the accounting device. The device must be without mechanical damage, as well as the configuration should be a factory box and a technical passport with factory sealing.

Despite the fact that the gas metering device is not cheap, nevertheless, it fully justifies itself with time. After all, the money saved on gas can be redirected to pay for electricity or water, which will reduce the owner of the apartment by paying communal services. That's why everyone puts home and apartments in the soybeans, gas, electricity and water accounting instruments.

  • I tried all the ways of saving, but nothing works?
  • Gas bills all grow and grow.
  • Yes, these new furnaces consume more and more gas.
  • And most importantly - if you leave everything as it is, the bills for gas will begin to exceed your salary.

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All that you need to know about energy metering devices

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The procedure for replacing the gas meter in a private house

Anyone measuring equipment has operating period. Replacing the gas meter should be made according to the established rules. Otherwise, his testimony will be considered invalid, and the person will have to pay for the accepted middle standards, and this is quite expensive. Next, we will tell about all legal nuances.

Gas meter replacement rules

Communication lines of gas supply are objects of increased danger. Mounting errors can lead to fatal consequences. Therefore, in various state acts it is said that only organizations with the appropriate license should be engaged in installing accounting devices. In violation of this rule, it is possible to run into impressive fines, because such actions do not correspond to the safety technique.

When installing gas metering devices in a private house, be sure to be guided by the following rules:

  1. Before installing the specialist should make sure the performance of gas equipment and inspect the territory.
  2. The minimum distance from the meter to gas technology is 1 meter.
  3. The minimum distance from the opposite wall is 5 cm (such a measure prevents corrosion).
  4. If the meter is installed outside, it must be placed in a metal cabinet, or under a canopy.
  5. In the room where the accounting device will be installed, there should be natural ventilation.
  6. The minimum distance from the floor is 160 cm. On some models there may be their own prescriptions. In this case, they are guided by factory standards (usually indicated in the device passport).
  7. Within 2 meters there should be no devices separating moisture or heat (batteries, sinks, etc.).
  8. After installation, the instrument must be sided with a housing organization.

The need for replacement is determined by the health of the device or the operational period (registered in the passport).

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Whose account is made

The gas meter is the property of the house owner, so it is recognized as responsible for his condition.

According to the order of the State Standard No. 125, the owner of the house is fully responsible for:

  • the content of the meter in proper condition;
  • verification of the device;
  • the correctness of the instrument testimony and its performance.

In other words, the owner of the property is obliged to ensure that the counter is in good condition. If necessary, it should at its own expense to verify and subsequent replacement of the device. This is about it 158 \u200b\u200bArticle LCD RF.

The exception is only municipal buildings - the replacement work is carried out at the expense of the state, that is, the local administration. On average, the country's replacement cost is within 3-4 thousand rubles.

List of required documents for submitting an application

In order to order the installation of a new meter, you must provide the following list of documents:

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  • passport of the owner of the house (in his absence it is permissible to use another document identifying a person);
  • tEM.Pasport Counter;
  • documents confirming the rights to real estate (contract for purchase / sale, a house book, etc.);
  • if the applicant takes off housing, the lease agreement is provided;
  • technical plan of the building;
  • statement (permissible written compilation in free form);
  • approved project gasification project.

Important: The application necessarily indicates all the characteristics of the device (factory number, model, etc.).

After the counter is replaced, to pass the seal procedure, you will need to provide:

  • tech of a new device;
  • act on graduation mounting work;
  • a document confirming the commissioning of a new meter.


Prepare a list of documents, you need to do the following:

  1. Apply for a company that is engaged in installing gas meters, and conclude an agreement with it.
  2. After some time (the term depends on the company's workload) will come a specialist for the verification of equipment and carrying out the necessary measurements.
  3. After implementation preliminary calculations An employee will declare the cost of work. The service is usually paid immediately (as it is necessary to buy a counter).
  4. Then a specialist comes within the prescribed day and replaces the metering device. After that, he needs to take all the necessary documents (act on the maintenance of installation work, contract and act on the commissioning of the device).
  5. After that, it is necessary to contact the management company with a statement and the necessary papers for sealing the counter. This procedure is carried out within 3 working days. If the Criminal Code violated the timely deadlines, a citizen may complain about the housing inspection.

Important! Such procedures should be engaged only by organizations with the relevant license. Appeal to a private specialist is unacceptable.

On the video about choosing a gas meter


Timely replacement measuring instruments It is advantageous primarily for the owner itself. If this is not done, accounts for utility bills will seriously grow, because, in this case, a person will have to pay the average standards, and this is usually a costly event.

- in the gasified placement;

- in GRP, SCR, SRPB;

- Outside the building.

6.47 Installing counters is provided on the basis of the conditions for the convenience of their installation, maintenance and repair.

The height of the installation of meters, as a rule, should be taken 1.6 m from the floor level of the room or land.

The distance from the places of installation of meters to gas equipment is taken in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of manufacturers set forth in the passports of counters. In the absence of the above requirements, the placement of counters should be provided, as a rule, at a distance (by radius) at least:

See also:

Law on the Installation of Gas Counters

A gas meter is a device that will allow the volume of the gas volume entering the apartment in the gas pipeline. In different residential premises, the gas flow will not be the same, and the installation of the counter will save.

The apartment meter of gas and its installation

Recently there were many disputes on the installation of these devices. Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" provides for equipping the gas meters of each house and apartment.

What is said in the law about the installation of gas meters?

Article 13 of the above law says: "Before January 1, 2015, owners apartment houses We must equip our apartments for gas metering. " This means that the owner of housing must put the gas meter for his money. If after January 1 of the next year there will be no meters in the apartment, then the gas service has the right to establish them independently, but at the same time the owner of the apartment must pay the organization the cost of the device and work. Penalties are not provided, but in the future they could appear.

But at the end of 2014, the situation with gas meters has changed dramatically. The thing is that a new legislative act, signed by the President of the Russian Federation, which cancels the obligatory installation of accounts in apartments with one gas stove. This regulates the law of 29.12.2014 No. 466-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the features of the functioning of the electric power industry in the transitional period and the amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law " About the electric power industry "and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation."

In the bill with such a long name it is indicated that if the maximum amount of gas consumed in the apartment will not be more than 2 cubic meters per hour, then the gas account is not necessary to establish mandatory. As the employees of gas services explain, the gas stoves are subject to the definition of the law, which consume no more than 2 cubic meters per hour.

If in apartments except gas stove There are other devices, the gas consumption will exceed the above normal. And the counter will have to be installed.

Is it profitable to install the gas meter in the apartment?

Many people believe that the counter will help save. It depends on the following factors:

  1. from the residential area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment or at home. It is clear that for heating, the larger area will need to burn more cubic meters of gas. But the heating boiler can be adjusted and if the street is warm - dried less;
  2. from the state of housing. If in the apartment there are bad windows, the doors and everywhere are walking, then the benefits in the counter will not be, you will burn more gas, but warmly goes to the street;
  3. from the number of family members. If a child grows in the family, then the temperature in the room should be high in winter, otherwise the kid will get sick. IN big family Also more often used column and stove;
  4. from use alternative sources Energy. If there are other alternatives to obtain heat, then the benefit from the counter is obvious.

- in the gasified placement;

- in non-residential room a gasified residential building having natural ventilation;

- in adjacent with a gasified room and connected to it open open space production building and boiler room;

- in GRP, SCR, SRPB;

- Outside the building.

6.46 Gas meters are allowed as household gas meters (hereinafter referred to as the counters), the placement of which is regulated by this subsection.

6.47 Installing counters is provided on the basis of the conditions for the convenience of their installation, maintenance and repair. The height of the installation of meters, as a rule, should be taken 1.6 m from the floor level of the room or land.

6.48 for the purpose of exclusion corrosion damage Covering the counter When it is installed, it is necessary to provide a gap (2-5 cm) between the meter and construction of the building (facilities) or support.

6.49 The installation of the meter indoors is provided outside the zone of heat and voltages (from the plate, sink, etc.) in naturally ventilated places. It is not recommended to install counters in stagnant areas of the room (areas of premises, fenced off ventilation canal or windows, niches, etc.).

The distance from the places of installation of meters to gas equipment is taken in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of manufacturers set forth in the passports of counters.


In the absence of the above requirements, the placement of counters should be provided, as a rule, at a distance (by radius) at least:

- 0.8 m from the household gas stove and heating gas wicker equipment (capacitive and flow water heater, boiler, heat generator);

- 1.0 m from the restaurant plate, a cooking boiler, heating and heating and a cooking furnace.

6.50 Outdoor (outside the building) Installing the meter is provided under a canopy, in cabinets or other structures that protect the counter from external influences. An open installation of the counter is allowed.

Placing the meter provide:

- on a separately standing support in the territory of the gas consumer;

- on the wall of the gasified building at a distance horizontally not less than 0.5 m from door and window openings.

Placing meters under the openings are not recommended.

6.51 The design of the cabinet to place the meter should provide natural ventilation. The door of the cabinet must have constipation. There should be no damage to be seized. According to the manufacturer's passports, the manufacturer must undergo a melief in the deadlines indicated there. The service is carried out 1 time in three months.

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Periodically brings notes, we pay 50-100 rubles a fee, for the year 300-500 rubles. In the FIU, the indexation of pensions do not produce, since there is an income means a pensioner working. How to make a relationship with him so that it is not considered a working pensioner? Lawyer: Sokolov P.N. Status: In anticipation of the question: Recently received the citizenship of the Russian Federation, I am 62 years old, - a retired, perpetrator of combat actions (Afghanistan). Can I get public housing-and what are I benefits? Thanks in advance, - with respect, Eugene.

lawyer: Fokin A.A. Status: The question was solved by the question: Tell me, please, if a pensioner has 70 years old there is no housing and he has to rent housing;, but the entire pension is leased for rent. No children. Citizen of the Russian Federation. What are the benefits? Lawyer: Slutsky N.P. Status: Requirements are required: The pensioner has 2 apartments-54 and 65 square meters. m.

Bases and procedure for replacing the gas meter

Info such a case is guided by factory standards (usually indicated in the device passport).

  • Within 2 meters there should be no devices separating moisture or heat (batteries, sinks, etc.).
  • After installation, the instrument must be sided with a housing organization.
  • The need for replacement is determined by the health of the device or the operational period (registered in the passport). At whose expense, the gas meter is produced is the property of the owner of the house, so it is recognized as responsible for his condition.

According to the order of the State Standard No. 125, the owner of the house is fully responsible for:

  • the content of the meter in proper condition;
  • verification of the device;
  • the correctness of the instrument testimony and its performance.

In other words, the owner of the property is obliged to ensure that the counter is in good condition.

Benefits for the installation of the gas meter

When installing gas metering devices in a private house, be sure to be guided by the following rules:

  1. Before installing the specialist should make sure the performance of gas equipment and inspect the territory.
  2. The minimum distance from the meter to gas technology is 1 meter.
  3. The minimum distance from the opposite wall is 5 cm (such a measure prevents corrosion).
  4. If the meter is installed outside, it must be placed in a metal cabinet, or under a canopy.
  5. In the room where the accounting device will be installed, there should be natural ventilation.
  6. The minimum distance from the floor is 160 cm. On some models there may be their own prescriptions.

Documents for replacing the gas meter

  • 1 Law on the replacement of the gas meter
  • 2 Because a gas meter is replaced
  • 3 Term of the gas meter, rules and replacement procedure
  • 4 Replacing the gas meter in apartment buildings
  • 5 Replacing the gas meter in private homes
  • 6 how much installation costs
  • 7 What documents are needed for calibration, installation, gas meter replacement
  • 7.1 Application for the replacement of the gas meter

Each property owner is interested in the quality efficiency of the gas meter. If you do not replace it in time, then it will not make any sense to rely on the testimony of a faulty device, but to pay the norms established by the state is incredibly expensive.

The procedure for replacing the gas meter in a private house

  • In a private house.
    In this case, an unequivocal answer to the question, for whose expense will be replaced, will become due to the owner of the property. In the event that the owner of the residential structure is physical or entity, definitely expenses lie on it;
  • In the apartment.

    If this apartment is privatized, the change in the metering device is carried out for a fee due to its owner.

Replacing the gas meter in the apartment: for a fee or free?

Thus, the primary duty of the owner of the gas equipment in time to send the device for verification for reliable readings of the consumed gas volumes. According to reviews, the replacement cost can do from 1000 to 15,000 rubles (depends on the specific city, region).

Requirements for gas meters, frequency of repair and verification.

Middle rates - from 3 to 4 thousand rubles. The service life of the gas meter, the rules and procedure for replacing the service life of the gas accounting device determines its manufacturer. The digit may vary within 12-20 years. The established temporary framework by the meter's operating state is 20 years.

All that is indicated in the instructions for the device above the installed standard is a frank lie. The need to replace the gas accounting device may arise in the case when the period of calibration or its operational period has expired.
The procedure is not empty, but in compliance with a number of rules should go much faster.

Are there any benefits from pensioners when replacing the gas meter?

Links to regulations The procedure for the conclusion and essential conditions of the contract regulating the installation, replacement and (or) operation of instruments of accounting for energy resources used, approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of 07.04.2010 No. 149 Required documents Copies of documents confirming the ownership of an object to equip the accounting instrument documents confirming the powers of a person who has signed the application if the application is not signed by the owner of the price of installation of gas metering devices in gasified residential buildings Citizens from July 1, 2017. Download price list DOCX 17 KB Prices for installation of gas metering devices in apartments of apartment buildings from July 1, 2017.
Download Docx Price List 23 KB Other Services Insurance Your country house Or apartments * Created with Sketch.


Created with Sketch. Step Installing the meter Installation or replacement of the meter is carried out in the Created Wit Sketch Created with the applicant. Step Payment of the work performed After the work, Mosoblgaz employee issues a receipt for payment (BO-1).

Payment is carried out by CREATED WITH SKETCH. Information on the need to install gas metering devices in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" in accordance with Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and to Enhance Energy Efficiency and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" Openings of the premises need to be installed gas metering devices.

Documents for replacement of the gas meter discount pensioners

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the right to calculate the amount of gas used have the right to calculate the amount of gas used, including the instrument:

  • lonely citizens;
  • families with low incomes;
  • workers of the rear during the war of 1941 ... 45gg;
  • war participants 1941 ... 45gg;
  • disabled people, as well as the widows of those killed in the war of 1941 ... 45gg;
  • large families; families with children with disabilities;
  • the widows of the dead or dead participants in combat operations 1941 ... 45gg.

What payments can be compensated by the state payments are made for the installation of utility service counters of all types (instruments for calculating used: electricity, water, gas), as well as for reconstruction engineering network To provide all regulations and conditions in which you can install these devices.
Any measuring equipment has an operating period. Replacing the gas meter should be made according to the established rules. Otherwise, his testimony will be considered invalid, and the person will have to pay for the accepted middle standards, and this is quite expensive. Next, we will tell about all legal nuances. Rules for replacing the gas meter Communication lines of gas supply are objects of increased danger. Mounting errors can lead to fatal consequences. Therefore, in various state acts it is said that only organizations with the appropriate license should be engaged in installing accounting devices. In violation of this rule, it is possible to run into impressive fines, because such actions do not correspond to the safety technique.

Gas meter installation rules

Home »Installation Documents

We collect documents for the installation of the gas meter

Preparation of documents for the installation of the gas meter occurs in several stages.

In order for you to prepare and not return to government agencies again and again (because they again did not capture the necessary document !!!), read this section carefully or simply print it ......

1. First you need to get permission to install the SGB.

Contact an authorized state organization of your city, on issuing "technical conditions for the installation of the appropriate gas equipment" (for example, Gasssevis - in your city it can wear another name).

Take with you:

- Original and photocopy of certificate of registration of the property of residential premises;

- original and photocopy of the technical passport of the room;

- Original and photocopy of personal passport.

After your documents are checked - you will fill out a statement of a certain form, on the issuance of technical conditions for installing a gas meter. After regulatory period Consideration of your application (in each organization there is a period of time, but on average 2 days to 2 weeks) - you come for the finished documents called "Technical Conditions for Installation of the Gas Counter".

In some cities, it is not required to install a gas meter " Technical Conditions", allowed to immediately contact the designer - check in the gas service of your city.

2. Now you are right to contact any project specializing organization (it may be GazServis, IP, LLC, JSC, PE, etc.), which has a license SRO this species Activities (in our case, this is the installation of the meter), for the manufacture of a "project to install a gas meter".

When ordering a project, be sure to negotiate with the designer: the desired place of installation; The desired brand, the type of gas meter. After receiving the project on the hands, pay attention to the presence of a print on the coordination of your project with the organization operating your gas networks - this moment can also be negotiated when ordering a project so that there are no misunderstandings in the future ... .. ..

3. Having on the hands of the "project to install a gas meter", you can contact any specializing organization that has a license to install gas equipment (GasServis, IP, LLC, JSC, PE, etc.) for installation in your apartment or private house SGB .

From January 1, 2015, the Federal Law (No. 466-ФЗ dated December 29, 2014) entered into force), according to one of the norms of the owners of apartments and houses, using gas plates only, are exempt from the obligation to establish gas metering devices.

Earlier, such a responsibility for all users of gas equipment, including for owners of apartments and houses, equipped with only gas plates, was consolidated by the Federal Law "On Energy Saving" (No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009). The deadlines for the entry into force of the requirement of a mandatory installation of gas meters several times were transferred. On January 1, 2015, it was the last date to which the law obliging users to install natural gas accounting devices.

In practice, the fulfillment of this requirement was not a beneficial considerable part of consumers, since the costs of owners using gas stoves only do not pay off for the installation of counters with existing tariffs.

Installation in the apartment of the gas meter: safety rules, installation, requirements

Basically, only firms are in the benefit, establishing counters in the massive manner. In fact, they were heated by the excitement last year, scaring the population of approaching the date of entry into force of the norm on the obligation to install accounting devices.

Lawmakers eventually drew attention to the problem, excluding public opinion. At the end of December, the law accepted at the end of December actually cancels the obligation to establish gas metering instruments for owners of dwellings equipped with gas stoves only.

The corresponding norm, the truth, expressed in a somewhat specific form, is contained in Article 3 of Federal Law No. 466 of December 29, 2014, which has a very long, nothing speaking to the general public, name: "Federal Law" On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Features The functioning of the electric power industry during the transitional period and the amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On Electricity" and the individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation ". This article, in particular, is an addition to part 1 of article 13 of the Federal Law "On Energy Saving" from 2009, which is established a list of objects that the requirements are not subject to the need to organize the accounting of energy resources used. In addition to dilapidated, emergency objects, objects to be demolished or overhaul As of January 1, 2013, objects with a small power consumption of electrical and thermal energy in this list are made objects, "the maximum amount of natural gas consumption of which is less than two cubic meters per hour."

Under this definition, gas plates consume no more than 2 cube. m Gas per hour.

With a combination of devices (stove and gas water heating column, Stovetop and gas boiler) Gas consumption, as a rule, exceeds this rate (refinement of consumption can be in technical passports of instruments), so in these cases the requirements of the law on the need to install gas metering devices remain relevant.

If quite recently, the gasometers met only in rare apartments, now the installation of the gas meter has become frequently conducted by the procedure. This is due to both the mass gasification of apartments and private farms, and with an increase in tariffs for this type of natural resources, because it allows the controller that allows for the accurate account of the consumable blue fuel and economically spend it.

In view of the relevance of such equipment in this article, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the peculiarities of household counters, selection intricacies and installation rules, including the process of obtaining permits and phased instructions On the installation of the gas metering device.

There are many models of gas meters that differ in their dimensions, the principle of operation, design, appointment and other criteria.

In everyday life, membrane type devices are used, which are also called diaphragm or chamber. This type of counter was invented in the UK at the end of the XIX century and has since been successfully used.

Sketchy device of the membrane gas meter. The main internal mechanisms are made of modern polymers with high resistance to gas flow

For such devices, low cost is characteristic, sufficient strength and durability. The shortcomings can be attributed to the low, but still sufficient bandwidth for household purposes and quite large size.

Similar counters on natural gas Consist of several compartments that are separated from each other alternately opening the flaps. In this case, each element is associated with a special cross-shaped mechanism.

Of special pipe Gas enters the device where under the influence of the force of displacement it moves from one compartment to another. The process is cyclically, constantly repeating

In short, the functioning process can be sketchically represented as follows:

  • Initially, gas enters the first compartment: its overflow causes the deformation of the diaphragm.
  • The latter leads to the movement of the device, which are started to open in turn, allowing a certain amount of gas to penetrate the next chamber. Immediately after the release of the previous compartment, the flap closes tightly.
  • The movement of the sash transmitting the next portion of gaseous fuel gives a mechanical pulse, which leads to the movement itself and the cross mechanism itself.
  • Under its influence, the rotation of the special device "asterisks" begins, which allows you to calculate what gas flow passed through the system.

The readings of such a counter are fairly accurate.

How to choose a suitable counter?

What should I pay attention to if you decide to put the device in the house or apartment? The main criterion for choosing the device is its ability to pass through itself a certain amount of gas per hour. This value can be determined independently by studying the technical parameters of all devices on the blue fuel located in the apartment.

On average, the standard four-meter plate in one hour consumes 1.56 cubic meters of gas, while gas column - 2.5 cubic meters. If the apartment is located and the other unit, you must fold these numbers.

It is worth paying attention to the markings deposited on the gasometers: it will help to understand what parameters the device is calculated.

The letters and numbers applied to the model indicate:

  • G16 Indicates that the device passes an hour 1.6-2.5 cubic meters of gas;
  • G2,5 - from 2.5 to 4 cubic meters;
  • G4. - From 4 to 6 cubic meters.

There are also more powerful options for controllers (G10 or G16), whose characteristics are calculated by the same principle.

When choosing a device, the following factors should also be taken into account:

  • number of residents living in the house;
  • temperature ambientAt which the counter will be performed - if the device is planned to be used in the open air, it is desirable to purchase devices with thermo-components that can be used even in frosts;
  • the diameter of the thread provided on the outputs of the gasometer;
  • the distance between the centers of the controller outputs.

Gas pipes may be 1/2 inches, 3/4 and 1 inch. The first option is accepted in apartments, but can also be applied in private homes where other elements are also used.

The purchase of a gasometer should necessarily coordinate with specialists who will install the device. To do this, contact the selected company for consultation, pre-determining the approximate power and sketching the plan of the room.

When buying should pay attention to exact time Manufacturing a purchased counter, since the device check is determined not by the day of purchase or installation, and the release date.

Features of the installation of the gas meter

Since gas controllers belong to the category of enhanced hazard devices, only specialists who have passed their appropriate certification should be established.

Stage # 1 - Choosing a service firm

In Government Decree RF number 410 dated 05/14/13 A circle of organizations that are allowed to carry out work with gas equipment (installation, repair, replacement) are determined. These include companies that carry out the transportation of natural fuel to the network connection site.

Before contacting a specialized organization, try to find out the following information:

  • Does the assembly company have permission to carry out work related to gas networks?
  • What experience in this field is the organization; How long has it been engaged in similar works?
  • What guarantees are applied to the installation of gas equipment?

When choosing a performer should not be focused only on the low cost of work. It is worth alerting at a low price for services: this may indicate the insufficient qualifications of employees or the use of cheap materials of improper quality.

Stage # 2 - Submission of an application for a gasometer

Information about the gas service is easy to find, using the gas payment receipt, on back side Which is usually the phone of the profile organization. By calling at the specified number, you can consult with a specialist, learn from it the address of the gas supply service, as well as the schedule of work.

After that, you should visit the chosen company to apply on the installation of the gas meter in an apartment or house.

At the same time, you need to take such documents as:

  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of ownership of housing or lease agreement;
  • paid receipt for gas certifying the absence of debts.

Since service staff may ask to attach a copy of documents to the application, it is better to make them in advance.

Stage # 3 - Installing the gas meter and payment

The company's employees will explain in detail how to install a household gas meter in a house or apartment, and after receiving the application, the time of the Master's visit will appoint. He will define technical capabilities Installation of equipment, as well as make all the necessary measurements.

Stage # 5 - Installation of the device

On the appointed day and an hour to you come repair officers to the company that should produce all manipulations.

For installation uses a wide variety of items. First of all, it is a mechanical or electronic gas meter (you can use different models, including a number of foreign). Before installing, it is necessary to carefully inspect the appearance of the device for defects and damage.

Thermal Storage Valve (KTZ)

A feature of this element is its ability to automatically overlap the supply of the gas stream to household appliances In case of increasing temperature. The part consists of a housing, inside which the spring-loaded shut-off element is supported in open video Extravel insert.

As soon as the valve temperature reaches 90 °-98 ° C, the insert is melted, due to which the element is folded, overlapping the gas stream.

Gas crane for mechanical overlap

Familiar to all the detail is used for mechanical overlap of gas access. Household gas craneswhich is usually made from brass, are designed for use on low pressure gas pipelines (up to 5 bar).

The range of producers presents many models distinguished by control methods ("handle", "butterfly"), sizes and options for connections (nut-fitting, nut-nut). Therefore, even if necessary, perform a replacement, it is not difficult to choose the desired tap. The main thing in the process of performing the replacement of this component is not ignored.

Insulating connection (IP)

The device that is intended for the dielectric partitioning of the pipeline. Similarly, the system is divided into connecting sites, between which the flow of electric flow is excluded.

Insulating compounds can be used for ground and underground gas pipelines. Their use helps reduce the likelihood of measuring equipment due to electrical discharges resulting from different reasons.

Gas hose (bellows liner)

Flexible item is used to connect gas devices (columns, plates) to the gas pipeline. Moreover, these tasks are often performed by the users themselves without the attraction of the representative of the gas service. If you want to replace the hose with your own hands, we recommend to get acquainted with the installation work.

Installing gas meters can be used using a bellows liner or rubber sleeves. In the second case, it is necessary to carefully monitor that these elements do not fall into the heating zone during the operation of the gas stove.

In practice, for mounting the meter can be applied various options and eyeliner: from ordinary rubber elements to corrugated parts from of stainless steelWith extremely high strength.

Specialists carrying out installation should monitor the comprehension of threads of overhead nuts and counter fittings. When performing work, you must pay attention to the direction of the shooters applied to the parts of the parts.

O-ring of the fitting is allowed to apply only once, with a paronite should use for it PON-2.0. (GOST 491-ZS) or oil-resistant rubber 1-2 mm ( GOST 7338-65).

How is the commissioning?

By installing, the gas service specialists necessarily check the performance of the counter.

The following factors are taken into account:

  • the presence of interference when the fuel pass through the device mechanisms;
  • efficiency of the counter;
  • lack of gas leaks.

In addition, the fuel consumed is performed.

Upon completion of the control measures, the act on the works performed, which indicates the following data:

  • place and date of installation;
  • factory number of a gasometer;
  • FULL NAME and contact details of employees who made installation;
  • indicators of the device at the time of installation;
  • time of the planned calibration of the gas controller;
  • the smoothness of the stars of the meter mechanism.

The document is drawn up in two copies: one is issued to the owner of the apartment, the other is transmitted to the gas service. The client also signs an act of acceptance of work performed (also in two copies). The specialist is obliged to fill in the act of entering the apparatus and maintenance contract for the maintenance of the gas meter (such papers need to be issued in three copies).

When you turn on just the mounted device, it is important to oust air from the system with a gas. To do this, you need to sequentially open the gas at the inlet, and then at the output, which will avoid damage to the mechanism of the gasometer from the shock load during the first use.

Filtering and checking counter

The final step of the installation of the counter is to overlay printing and stamping on the mounted device. For this, the owner must purchase a seal and again call the Morgaz employee, which is obliged to visit the house within 5 days from the date of application.

Specialist needs to be convinced of the correct location of the gas meter, after which, on the basis of an application for the installation of a meter and documents on the commissioning of installation work, sealing of the device should be selected. Without performing such an operation, the device is considered illegal, and its testimony is not accepted to pay for the supply of natural fuel.

A trigger stamp is also applied to a gas meter seal, thanks to which you can find out the date of the initial diagnosis of the device.

After performing all the procedures, the housing owner should visit the HOA (DEZ), where one of the instances of the commissioning act is transmitted. On its basis, the management company consists of a gas agreement on the indications of the accounting device. From now on once a month, the subscriber is obliged to report the testimony of the meter to IRZ, from where the receipt with the figures of actual consumption will come natural resource.

According to Russian legislation, the gas accounting device before commissioning is either at the end of the repair work should undergo a primary verification that the appropriate entry into the technical passport of the apparatus is made.

The same document introduces the date of the following similar event. At the same time, the owner of the housing assumes the obligation to ensure within the prescribed period.

Installation and operation requirements

When installing and operating gas equipment, the following points should be taken into account:

  • The temperature of the incoming fuel, as well as the air temperature, should be in the range from -20 to +60 o C.
  • The model must withstand a short-term increase in the fuel flux by 1/5, as well as the short increase in the pressure index by 1/10.
  • The installation site of the meter must comply with the project documentation approved by the Gas Service.
  • IN apartment house Gas welding work must be carried out only after a complete gas disconnection throughout the entrance.
  • When installation work on the supply gas pipelines, it is required to pre-close shut-off, secure it from a random discovery.
  • Before the separation of steel parts, as well as installation of the counter, it is necessary to shunt the disconnect locations of the flexible insulated cable with a cross section of 16 mm 2, which will protect the scheme from electrostatic voltage.
  • When installing the equipment, exceptionally certified instruments and high-quality materials should be used.

And once again, the main rule: only certified specialists of the gas service can conduct work. All gas equipment installation operations should be carried out with strict operational rules.

The cost of installation services

Since the gas-flow controller is considered the property of the apartment owner, he is obliged to acquire it for his funds, and also compensate for its installation costs.

Consumer experience shows that the gasometer installation allows you to reduce the monthly payments for gas by 30-50%. Especially profitable to use the device if more than 4-5 people live in the apartment

The cost of installation may vary, since this magnitude has an impact of a number of factors, namely:

  • the presence of household appliances and devices, for the functioning of which blue fuel is necessary. These include gas column, water heater, gas stove, boiler;
  • conducting welding works or their absence;
  • the length of the pipes on which the counter is mounted;
  • payment of materials and equipment (hoses, fittings).

At the moment, connecting the device in the room where only the gas stove is located, on average costs 3000-5000 rubles, if the apartment is equipped with a gas column or other equipment, the price increases by about twice.

As practice has been shown to purchase the device and its installation is paid off over one year. But it is still better to produce the initial calculation, especially if 1-2 people live in the apartment, and from the devices only a cooking surface.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

We bring to your attention a video that tells in detail about the procedure for installing a gasometer using gas services specialists.

Properly chosen and correctly mounted gas meter will bring more benefits to the owners. It will show the exact consumption of the natural resource, which will help keep track of its consumption.

A reasonable attitude to the use of gas, in turn, will help to avoid extra spending and impressively reduce the cost of paying blue fuel.

Do you have questions that we have not touched in this material? Specify them in the Comment Block - our experts will try to clarify all moments.

SP 42-101-2003. General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems from metal and polyethylene pipes

Placing Gaza Counters

6.45 Devices (nodes) Gas consumption It is recommended to install:

In a gasified placement;

In a non-residential room of a gasified residential building, which has natural ventilation;

In adjacent with a gasified room and connected to it open opening room of a production building and boiler room;


Outside the building.

6.46 Gas meters are allowed as household gas metering devices (hereinafter referred to as the gas meters), the placement of which is regulated by this subsection.

6.47 Installing gas meters is provided based on the conditions for the convenience of their installation, maintenance and repair. The height of the installation of gas meters, as a rule, should be taken 1.6 m from the floor level of the room or land.

6.48 In order to exclude corrosion damage to the gas meter coating, when it is installed, it is necessary to provide a gap (2-5 cm) between the gas meter and the construction of the building (structures) or support.

6.49 Installation of the gas meter inside the room is provided outside the zone of heat and voltages (from the plate, sink, etc.) in naturally ventilated places. It is not recommended to install gas meters in stagnant areas of the room (areas of premises, fenced off from the ventilation channel or windows, niches, etc.).

The distance from the installation places of gas meters to gas equipment is taken in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of manufacturers set forth in the passports of counters. In the absence of the above requirements, the installation of gas counters should be provided, as a rule, at a distance (by radius) at least:

0.8 m from the household gas stove and heating gas-propelled equipment (capacitive and flow water heater, gas boiler, heat generator);

1.0 m from the restaurant stove, a cooking boiler, heating and heating and cooking furnace.

6.50 Outdoor (outside the building) Installing the meter is provided under a canopy, in cabinets or other structures that protect the counter from external influences. An open installation of the counter is allowed.

Installation of gas meter Provide:

On a separate support on the territory of the gas consumer;

On the wall of the gasified building at a distance of horizontally not less than 0.5 m from the door and window openings.

The placement of gas meters under the openings are not recommended.

6.51 The design of the cabinet for placing the gas meter should provide natural ventilation. The door of the cabinet must have constipation.