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89 Psalm in what helps. Interpretation of the books of the Old Testament. Psalter. What psalms read under different circumstances

Probably, each of us in childhood dreamed of a chopstick. As it were great: I swung, and immediately applied help. Our ancestors, the lives of which were filled with dangers, diseases and sorrow, harassment and suffering, perhaps, much large, than found in the lives of our contemporaries.

Now everything is much easier, but not in the life of true Christians. The people of God suffer from people, from unclean strength, leading war with the devil and his minions. Each believer clearly sees that, especially if he obviously confesses his faith, he has to suffer a lot for her: in household life, in personal, travel, at work, in society, and so on. If he secretly confesses his faith, then obstacles are revenge on other ways.

But Christ on the day of her ascension to the sky promised to students who worried that some: "I am with you all the days." And every truly believer knowsthat he leaves no believer in him and calling for help. One of the main "chopsticks" of any Christian is literally for any case - this is a treasure for his spiritual life, a collection of prayers and psalms - a psalter.

What is a psalm and psalms

The psalm is one of the main Christian books, although she was written back to the Nativity of Christ by several authors.

Traditionally, the creator of Psaltiri is considered the Old Testament Prophet and King David. Although he himself in his psalms mentions "My fingers made up a psalter" - that is, he, being and the author, recognizes himself and the compiler. However, in some psalms in the text of the book itself, other authors are specifically indicated: the first Psalm of David Asaf himself, the temple lovers of the sons of Korean (Korah), and others. The best Jewish commentator Rashi has ten authors to Psalms, among them, Eyefun, Abraham, Eman, Melchizedek, Adam, Asaf, Moses, Sons of Korea.

In some editions Psaltiri to psalmamcorresponding to the author. In many Psalms, traces are clearly visible for a lot of later time, in which David lived: these are the times of the captive of Jews with Babylonians and even later.

Psalter - collective spiritual work

Most likely, the psalter was formed gradually, like any fruit of collective creativity. However, the authors unites one thing: all of them are the people who had a full-fledged communication with God were righteous in his eyes and had the permanent presence of God - the Holy Spirit. That is why everyone is a psalm - this is a joint creativity of man and God. The psalter combines the reflection of the difficulties, problems and feelings of a believer man with the presence of God.

The souls of the holy people, the authors of Psalms, were pleasant to God and he sanctified them with his presence, accompanied and rendered the help of the help at that time. Each psalm is a symbiosis of human feelings and divine sanctification. Since God opened his fate to each of them, showed his business. That is why everything that is described in them, and how every author perceived what is happening around, is truth.

The authors of Psalms were people of different origin - noble, having excellent education, corresponding to his time, and people are simple. If David was king and knew how to converti am with the word, which can be seen by his beautiful psalms, then with his author, Moses, everything is a little different.

Contribution of Moses

As is known, Moses was "Guggish", that is, he did not know how to speak beautifully and folded (despite the fact that he was brought up at the court, without having royal origin). That is why, when God called him to the ministry, he persistently asked the Most High several times so that he chose for this another who would know beautifully and clearly tell people what was required of them. What God even got angry at Moses, clearly granting that he was pleased with him, and not the other. And Moses gave Moses to Aaron, his brother, who was eloquent to "translated" to people what you need.

Above, we mentioned that the author of some psalms - and this is a poetic spiritual work, which was performed under the musical string instrument - was Moses. That same kosonasky not able to tie and several words. His Psalm 89 is a sample of spiritual and poetic creativity, in which historical events are mentioned. Without inspiration, it is impossible to transmit so briefly, clearly and accurately all your aspirations and praises to the Most High, to present it, to fight its strength and glory.

Psalm 89 for the authorship of Moses

"Lord," the prophet exclaims, "there was a refuge to us from the genus in the genus." The Prophet testifies that he sees the affairs of God, they are open to Holy Spirit. "All of our days passed in your anger; We lose our years, they disappear as a sound. " The Prophet says that people really insulted their Heavenly Father in what they believed not to him, and the sloe Zmia, who seduced Eve to taste from the prohibited Tree. Therefore, people on Earth in those times until the Savior came, lived in the anger of God.

Next, the Prophet says: "Our days are seventy years, and with a special fortress - eighty, and at the same time their best is time - in the works and experiences, in diseases, and pass these best years." And then the man of God makes a conclusion that develops into a prayer request: "Teach us to carry out our days to be able to buy a heart wise."

This is how the Lord from a tonasky man with a touch of his spirit makes a poet and prayer room. Those who read and sing these words understood and felt special, superhuman benefit for her soul and noticed that the Lord, when they were treated with words from Psalm, especially soon responded to them. After all, he himself participated in their appearance.

People saints noticed this fact and began to resort to Psaltiri, the words of righteous people are increasingly.

When Psaltir is read

Without exaggeration, we can say that it can always read it. In this collection, such depth and wisdom of our predecessors were concluded, such a tremendous experience of life on Earth with God, that there is no literally a single topic to which the words of Psalms would not come up. You can briefly designate some situations when people resorted to Psaltiri:

In short, always. Some saints did a note to Psalms, when and in what situation the Lord helped, thanks to prayer for one or another Psalm, for example, "yes will occur", "yes there will be a lost key."

The Lord is in a hurry to help even Then, when a person calls him at least a line of Psalm. This is a proven fact: the furious boss is softened or does not fulfill its terrible promises, if a Christian prays to God with the words "Remember, God, David and all the meekness of him." Despite the fact that the name David may not be the name of praying, and he doesn't have me as sharpness, nevertheless, the Lord remembers his person - Tsar David - and helps someone who asks for help, protection and mercy to yourself or loved ones.

What psalms read under different circumstances

For each situation, his psalm (or several) is suitable, which hosted people were realized as the most fully reflective situation or, according to their experience, especially helping these or other circumstances, even if the problem does not reflect the problem.

For example, read:

Psalm for all needs

There is such a service book in the Orthodox Church, which is called "Celebrations". This is a collection in which the sequence of prayers, which must be read, and the actions that must be done to pray worthy of God or ask for its actions or permanent presence. There are included:

However, a lot is not taken into account by "Celebrations", and he is not created in order to foresee. At the same time, no one in the modern world dares to supplement it, adding his prayers by adding himself in one row with the saints, which constituted the course of worship and prayer to the Lord. However, there is no sharp problem in this, since it was the psalter that became the addition.

Arseny Cappadocyan, "Psalms for different cases"

Rev. Arsenius turned to the Psalms for blessing, when there was no specially compiled chicname of the surrender. Holy Arsenius sorted all the psalms into several very extensive sections:

Psalms are placed in each sectionwhich are more detailed to any specific cases.

Psalm 139.

This psalm is written by the Old Testament Righteousness David at the time of the big sorrow because of the troubles who have suffered. He was driven by his son Avasalom, who wanted to kill his father. The young man was extremely persistent in his intention that he delivered a terrible sorrow. The content of the Psalm is devoted to almost completely enemies, not at all infringe upon themselves in the means to achieve the legitimate throne of David.

This psalm is at the same time prayer, and the mercy of the Most High. In it, the author transmits God to the court, what kind of goats against him are building like-minded people and friends and, and horrifies the diversity of their tricks. The interpretation of Psalm 139 suggests that Most of all David suppressed the persistence with which the enemies pursued him: he reports that literally every day they did not give him rest.

The psalm operator asks the creator to create in such a way that the lies from the mouth of the wicked fell on their own heads, and the name of the righteous would be justified.

Psalm 22: For what read

Recall modern American films. A sharp moment, the life of the hero on the hair, and he begins to call: "The Lord is my shepherd, I will not need anything."

The beauty and poetry of the syllable, the image formation, as well as the brevity of the presentation made this biblical text with a true hit among film creators. Several poems from it sounded in many blockbusters, serials:

  • "Terminator",
  • "Titanic",
  • "Sin City"
  • "People of X",
  • "Van Helsing",
  • "Ilay book",
  • "Mentalist" and MN. Dr.

"The Lord is a shepherd of my ..." and so on. - This is a more modern and less accurate translation of the work. In a more accurate translation, his beginning sounds like "the Lord grabs me, and I will not deprive me."

The main thought of 22 psalm, regardless of his translation and on what language to listen to him, remains the following - the Heavenly Father protects and protects his children, asks them for thoughts and life to spiritual development. Then this thought is revealed. Almighty provides all its children with everything necessary for life. The only misfortune is that they often do not notice this, perceive as a proper ability to live, know God, please their loved ones.

There is also an image of danger in the text, as well as death, which pushes the heroes of blockbusters to pray at the most dangerous moments of their life with these words. The author of the prayer is unshakably convinced that the Most High will give him reliable protection, because he has all their forces and opportunities for this. Therefore, a believer is experiencing a feeling of joy, hope, who needs to hold everything in their hands.

89:1 Moses prayer, man of God.
Moses prayer, most likely of the Israel of God from Egypt. It is interesting to listen to what the man prayed to God so that you can learn the aspirations of the ancients and compare with the aspirations of modern, praying to God.

89:2 Lord! You are refuge in the genus and genus.
Moses describes the meaning of the existence of God for humanity, starting him with the recognition of his saving strength for the people of God in all eternity from generation to generation.

89:3 Before the mountains were born, and you formed the land and the universe, and from the century and before the century you are God.
Next, Moses recognizes the absolute right of God to dominate humanity on the simple foundation that he is the Creator of him and everything that was created for life on earth. He recognizes in God - the ruler of eternity, from the century yes century, that is, it realizes that there is no other Lord of the Almighty over the Universe.

89:4 You return a person to the drainage and say: "Return, the sons of human!"
By the sentence of God, all the descendants of Adam return to the depression, in the dust of the earth, from which the progenitor was made initially. Their care in non-existence completes the circle of being the same start and end: the start and finishes are closed for each person who lives in a century of this - in the state of non-existence.

89:5 For before our thousand years, like a day yesterday, when he passed, and [as] Guardians in the night.
And in this bustle of human stagnation for God are thousands of years, as one past day for a person; So insignificant in time they are for the eternal God, as one day - for the look of human life.
(It is not worth using this text as a biblical basis for attempts to consider the chronology of prophetic dates, here it simply compares the incompleteness of time from the point of view of God and humans).

89:6 You [as] flooding them; They are [as] Sleep, like grass that grows in the morning, in the morning blooms and green, in the evening it flows and dries off;
The person "demolides" from life is so easy, as if waving a wave of a deck.
Yes, and the human age does not weigh anything: he is like a day of day grass. In the morning, she managed to grow, grind and even cut. But briefly the time of joy on Earth: in the evening the grass dries and the life of it dries.

89:7 for we disappear from your anger and from the rage of yours in confusion.
Why such a sad picture? Because human lawlessness prevents the opportunities to live forever. Can't God assume that a person sinsly lived in his universe forever. Moses understands that God is not guilty of man in the shorterness of man, and the person who is living. The anger of God and his desire to "wash" a person with earthly deck is a natural reaction to the behavior of a person who remains so strive to destroy what God creates.

89:8 You put our preventive lawlessness and the secret of your facial light.
God has the opportunity to decompose human, explicit and secret lawlessness, and on the basis of them to come to the conclusion about the impossibility of allowing people to live forever until he is to lay out before his face.

89:9 All days are our wrank; We lose our summer, like sound.
Moses understands that God has for something to be angry with a person, therefore the short age is human without benefit, there is even nothing to be happy, one grieve to him from the picture of the sinning man on earth. Therefore, a person loses his summer to his rapidly, and they pass on his eyes, like sound: almost instantly, even if you look through the eyes of human, not the fact that heavenly answers.

89:10 Days of our years - seventy years, and with a greater fortress - eighty years; And the best time is their work and illness, because they pass quickly, and we fly.
Moses knows what he says: the maximum that you can "squeeze" a person from life is an average of 80 years old, but there is nothing more than 80 years old: there is nothing to remember: life runs by and so rapidly that besides disease and labor - nothing It has time to deposit in the memory of human, so vivid impressions of him from diseases with the need to work all his life, that everything else, if it drops to moments of joy, then against the background of life banner - fading and forgetting. Such is the prose of this happy life.

We are flying - This is a metaphor of understanding the speed of life: we do not go through it, and we fly so fast that I do not have time to notice anything, how old age comes

89:11 Who knows the power of your anger, and your rage as your fear? No one can know the power of God's wrath, on what it stops and whether it stops at all; No one knows when our life will break through, giving way to anger of God on us. (So \u200b\u200bfiguratively Moses describes the essence of man's care from this world, for if God had not brought him to a person for lawlessness, it would not be for him and care.

89:12 Teach us so much the days of our days so that we get the heart wise.
Therefore, Moses asks God to teach a person to use this little time to live, so as not to run it useless, but to devote her to acquiring a wise heart, obedient to God. For on the wise heart, God will not be angry, and therefore the years of life will be wisdom. And Moses knows about it.

89:13,14 Contact, Lord! Docome? Over your slaves.
14 Quickly satisfy us with your mercy, and we will rejoice and have fun all our days.
Moses asks God to satisfy my grace early by grace - do not wait for the time when a person will stop sinful in the absolute, and no matter how an invance asks for, to humble over the gentleness of human, out of pity, and not deserved. For if the fairness of the case is to solve and according to merit, and not by grace and not out of pity, it makes no sense then to live in general, so man does not deserve the favor of God's favor. But if God regret the disgrace of the stainless and weakens his anger, then there is still a chance to live and have time to have to at least rejoice in a few days of your life before God.

89:15 We brought us over the days, [in which] you hit us, for the summer, [in which] we saw disaster.
Moses asks to give at least some relief in life so that not all of the 80 years in a state of breeding before the lifestyles of life stay, but also have time to feel the fun of the heart from the fact that God favors to the people to their people.

89:16,17 Yes, it will be on the servants of your business and on the sons of their glory of yours;
17 And yes there will be a favor of our Lord of our God on us, and in the case of our expensive us, in our hands of our expensive.
Moses asks to show his business on the sons and slaves his work so that you can at least understand what they are the slaves of him and his sons.
What is the matter of God can manifest himself on sons and slaves of God? The fact that their sorrow will be replaced by success in all the affairs of human, glorifying God.

As you can see, Moses's prayer to God was not a request to solve personal problems, but was thinking about the great things of God, the search for the causes of a plight on earth for a person, the search for possible solutions at least in the weakening of the strong pressure on more or less tolerant (it is not It was about delivering from problems, for I understood that all of them are deserved), he asked for help for God's people, and about himself personally - not a word in this prayer of Moses.

This conversation with God Moses did not turn into a consumer-economic monologue about personal needs. But he thought about what could be done in this life to glorify God to meet in the 80 years, allotted by God for those who live on Earth in a century of this wicked.

It is not by chance that Moses are called the crossed man on Earth, in the whole obedient God and not about his spiritualized problems baked, but about the glorification of the Creator.

1 Moses prayer, man of God.

2 Lord! You are refuge in the genus and genus.

3 The mountains were previously born, and you formed the land and the universe, and from the century and before the century you are God.

4 You return a person to the depression and say: "Return, the Sons of Human!"

5 For the eyes of your thousand years, like a day yesterday, when he passed, and as Guardies in the night.

6 type as flooding them; they are - as Sleep, like a grass that grows in the morning, in the morning blooms and green, in the evening it hits and dries off;

7 For we disappear from your anger, and from your rage, we are confused.

8 You put our pre-provob's lawlessness and the secret of your face.

9 All days our gone in your anger; We lose our summer, like sound.

10 days of our years - seventy years, and with a greater fortress - eighty years; And the best time is their work and illness, because they pass quickly, and we fly.

11 Who knows the power of your anger, and your rage as your fear?

12 Teach us so much days to look for us so that we get the heart wise.

13 Contact Lord! Docome? Over your slaves.

14 Quickly satisfy us with your mercy, and we will rejoice and have fun all our days.

15 preserved us in the days in which You hit us, for the summer, in which We saw disaster.

16 yes will appear on the servants of your business and on the sons of their fame of yours;

17 And yes there will be a favor of our Lord of our God on us, and in the case of our expensive us, in our hands of our expensive.

IV. Book 4 (Psalms 89 - 105)

Psalm 89: Funeral ringing

Let me take advantage of the power of imagination to explain to you this Psalm. The action takes place in the Sinai desert. Years have passed since the panels returned to Cades Varni with their bad report. The people continue to wander through the desert, without coming. This is a useless movement.

Every morning, a messenger comes to the Moses tent with fresh news about the dead. This is news about deaths, deaths, deaths and again death. The most common news is necrologists, and the desert seems to be a magnifying cemetery. Every time the people are removed from the camp, behind the fresh graves remain.

That day Moses, the man of God, felt that his strength was dried. Excoring from the grief to the growing number of the dead, he returned to his tent, Pal Nits fell on the ground and poured his soul in prayer to God.

89:1, 2 At first, in the midst of the fragility and the time of existence, he finds a consolation in the eternity of the Lord. Everything else leaves and disappears, but God is unchanged, he is a house and refuge for

His people. From eternity to eternity, he is God, "Endless, eternal and constant in his life, wisdom, strength, holiness, justice, goodness and truth."

89:3, 4 The shortness of God is sharply opposed to the brevity of human life. It seems that God constantly issues a decree: "Return to the dust!" - And the endless turn of people is constantly moving towards the grave. For the one who is eternal, the initial duration of human life is about a thousand years old - no more than a day yesterday or the guard in the night.

89:5, 6 Even Moses human life seems short-lived like a dream. You sleep, you see sleep, you wake up and do not realize that time flies. In other words, life like grass is fresh and green in the morning, but fading and withered in the evening. Spephen said that she was sown, adult, was performed, thoughted, and there is no more. "

89:7-10 Death is a consequence of the fall, and Moses understands that what happens in the desert happens by the will of God. All the warriors who were more than twenty years at the time of the exodus from Egypt will die and will not see Canaan. The sound of the funeral bell is the sign of displeasure to God by his people who stood on the side of unbelievers of the lazutchikov and did not go to Canaan, as Jesus Navin and Khalev called. Their lawlessness and secret sins are known to him, they are constantly sad and annoyed him. As a result, the Israelites live under the shadow of the grim clouds of his anger, the stormy waters of his anger are collapsed. Some live the deadline to them - seventy years, and some and eighty. But even in this case, their life was severe. One disease followed the other. The slightest work was for them hard. And soon the hearts stopped, and they left this world.

89:11, 12 The man of God is afraid of God's wrath and rage. Who, he asks, can enough to read him, thinking about the vastness of his anger? The thought of him encourages us to appreciate every day of your life and obey him always that it brought eternal benefits.

89:13, 14 Moses prays about the Lord to add to his people with grace. Is it really his anger to glow forever? Is it really not so good and not satisfied with their early grace of his, so that they live the remaining days calmly and happily?

89:15, 16 Next, Moses prays that the Israel is waiting to be ahead for many years of joy - and there were no less than that of the disaster they saw. They have already seen how its power manifested in the affairs of the court; Now he asks the Lord to show the other side of his character and committed grace.

89:17 Finally, the petitioner asks the Lord favorably look at his chosen people on earth and make all his business fruitful: "In the case of our expensive us."

Traditionally, Psalm 89 is often read on the Christian funeral. And it's not by chance, because he reminds us of shortness of life and that you do not need to waste time in vain. But the Psalm of this lack confidence and calm, which found believers in the New Testament era. Christ brought us "Life and Immortality through good news." We know that death for us is the acquisition; It will allow us to free yourself from the body and to be at home, with the Lord. Therefore, the gloomy mood of Psalm 89 is supplanted with the joyful and victorious relief of the believer in Christ. Death lost her sting, the grave was defeated. The believer may sing:

Death is defeated! Tell it joyful, be full of faith;

Where is the victory that the grave bows?

Jesus alive! Your gates will no longer be bladder;

Jesus is alive, he mighty and Silen, he saves us.

This psalm belongs to Moses, a well-known leader and the legislative of the Jewish people, as seen from joining this name of the "man of God" epithet, mainly from the deep antiquity of Moses and Moses (see Dev. 33: 1; Nav. 14: 6; Dan. 9, etc.). In this psalm, Moses, confessing, first, the extraordinary greatness of God first depicts the innocence and sinfulness of man before Him, speaks of well-deserved disasters survived by Jews and prays to them to be merciful. From the content of the Psalm, it can be concluded that he was written at the end of the life of Moses, after a forty-year wandering, before the entry of Jews in Palestine, when they had suffered a punishment from God for her disbelief to him.

You, Lord, eternal and immutable: You existed before the formation of the mountains; Generations of people are replaced, thousands of years before you, as one day, but you are the same (1-6). We disappear from your anger for our sins: our life has decreased (7-11). Teach us, Lord, wisdom, dying and flowing on us your favor (12-17).

PS.89: 2. Lord! You are refuge in the genus and genus.

"Refidently in the genus" - the Lord, since the election of Abraham, has always been favorable to the Jews, and since one God is eternal, then the solid and permanent protection can be found only in it.

PS.89: 4. You return a person in the drainage and say: "Return, the Sons of Human!"

Man before him - a complete insignificance. The Lord "Returns a Man is considered" - according to the law of God, a person with death returns to the land from which he is taken.

PS.89: 5. For before our thousand years, like a day yesterday, when he passed, and as Guardies in the night.

PS.89: 6. You as flooding them; they are - as Sleep, like a grass that grows in the morning, in the morning blooms and green, in the evening it hits and dries off;

The Lord is eternal, before him a thousand years, like yesterday, that is, without a trace, and therefore imperceptibly disappeared moment; As "guards in the night" (night protection), which divided into three parts (shifts), which for sleeping pass completely unnoticed. Years of human life so insignificant before the eternity of God; A person's life can be compared with grass that appears in the morning, and in the evening dries. Human generations are destroyed, they are carried away from the flood.

Ps.89: 7. For we disappear from your anger and from the rage of yours in confusion.

Ps.89: 8. You put our preventive lawlessness and the secret of your facial light.

PS.89: 9. All days are our wrank; We lose our summer, like sound.

Ps.89: 10. Days of our years - seventy years, and with a greater fortress - eighty years; And the best time is their work and illness, because they pass quickly, and we fly.

From the face of the people of Moses confesses the sinfulness and wellness of disasters and dedication to him. The people died from the Divine Wrath (probably, of course, the death of the Jews for the time of the forty-male wandering on the desert); Because the Lord knows how all their deeds ("OUR BEAKONS"), so even thoughts and feelings ("Mysterious Our Light of Your Light" - our life is clear, it is open before you). The consequence of sins of Jews and karas for them from God was poverty, the fragility of their external well-being and a reduction in life expectancy. Their life was depleted and declined; It has become the same short-term comparatively with the life of previous generations, as a short sound. Life expectancy is now determined by the 70s, up to 80 lives stronger. But this, the ultimate time of human life, which should be the best time, since here a person would have to enjoy the fruits of his previous labor life, however, it is characterized by a full weakness, helplessness and diseases ("work and illness").

PS.89: 11. Who knows the power of your anger, and your rage as your fear?

PS.89: 12. Teach us so much the days of our days so that we get the heart wise.

Jewish people aroused her behavior of the divine anger earlier and if he doesn't fix now, then "who knows the power of your anger, and your rage as your fear of yours?" Who can know what your anger will manifest? Who can predict and recalculate disasters in advance? To avoid possible disasters, Moses pray to God to teach "to see days" - to ride the days of life for the acquisition of piety and strengthening in wise and worthy of his commandments.

PS.89: 13. Contact, Lord! Docome? Over your slaves.

PS.89: 14. Early satisfy us with your mercy, and we will enjoy and have fun in all days.

Ps.89: 15. We pretend us for the days in which You hit us, for the summer, in which We saw disaster.

Now Moses pray to God to hear the prayer of the people about the mercy, so that the Lord will fill their subsequent life with his blessing instead of the disasters that they survived until now.

In worship, this psalm is used on the 1st hour. As joining Palestine was for the Jews by the beginning of a new life, so the sunrise begins by the new day of the person's life: as Moses then prayed for the weak Jews in front of God, and in Orthodox worship, his church prays God for the well-being of a believer in the upcoming day, conscious of the weakness His forces in the case of arugation of salvation.

Psaltry, Psalm 89 Moses prayer, man of God.

Lord! You are refuge in the genus and genus. Before the mountains were born, and you formed the land and the universe, and from the century and before the century you are God. You return a person to the depression and say: come back, human sons! For your thousands of years old, like a day yesterday, when he passed, and how guards in the night. You carry them like flood; They are like a dream, like grass that grows in the morning, in the morning blooms and green, in the evening it flows and dry out; For we disappear from your anger and from the rage of yours in confusion. You put our preventive lawlessness and the secret of your facial light. All days are our wrank; We lose our summer, like sound. Days of our years - seventy years, and with a greater fortress - eighty years; And the best time is their work and illness, because they pass quickly, and we fly. Who knows the power of your anger, and your rage as your fear? Teach us so much the days of our days so that we get the heart wise. Contact, Lord! Docome? Over your slaves. Early satisfy us with your mercy, and we will enjoy and have fun in all days. We brought us over the days in which you hit us, for the summer, in which we saw disaster. Yes, it will be on the servants of your business and on the sons of their glory of yours; And yes there will be a favor of our Lord of our God on us, and in the business of our expensive us, in the hands of our expensive.

Psalter, Psalm 89.

Lord, the refuge was Ecy into rod and genus. Even the mountains are not at least the mountains and create land and the universe, and from the century and before the century you are Ecy. Do not dismiss a person in Smireni, and the River ES; Purchased, sons of human kickers. Yako Thousands of years before whatever your, Lord, Yako, yesterday's day, Ince the idea, and the Guardian. Nuclei of their summer will be; Morning Yako Grass is going, the morning will blossop and let's go; for the evening will disappear, it will come out and gets silent; Yako is a hearty anger, and your erain is embarrassed. I put an Ecyless, our before you, our century in the enlightened face of yours. Yako VSI DNI OUR OKUSHEST, and anger your hearty; Summer Our Yako Pauchina is accepted; Dnime of our years in nheom saddesy years, in the ability, sharing years, and many of their work and illness; Jaco Priide meekness at us, and punish. Who is the power of the powers of your anger, and from your fear of your rage is your extension? Your desne is your taco, and counted in my heart in wisdom. Contact, Lord, no report? And begging for your slaves. Fully by Sorrow mercy, Lord, and referring to the refinement; For all the days, we are exalted, over the days, in a nibency, Isso Ecy, Summer, in a nibency is angry. And the proud of your slaves and your business, and the sons of them. And the lordship of the Lord God of ours on us is boudy, and our hands are improving our hands, and our hands are improved.