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Box in the pipe without welding: review technology of cutting works. Inserts into a plastic pipe without welding with the help of nozzles, saddles and special adapters how to connect to water pipe

If you live in the house outside, you need to equip water in housing, and there are two solutions to solve this issue - to get your own well or well, or connect to a centralized high-pressure water track. The first option is expensive, long and labor. The second solution will provide your home with water within one day, but you will be dependent on the water supply schedule (this happens in remote peripheral villages).

A positive moment that gives a cut in the plumbing - you will get a stable pressure in the pipes, which will ensure the same stable operation of household appliances requiring water supply - washing machine, dishwasher, plumbing equipment - bath, jacuzzi, soul or even pool.

How to connect to the total water highway

Before crashing into a high-pressure tap pipe under high fluid pressure, read the three variants of the technology that change depending on the material from which the pipes are made (they can be polymer (PP), from cast iron, from galvanized steel).

For the polymer central run-in highway in the pressure pipe under pressure looks like this:

  1. It rolls the trench in size for at least one and a half meters, a plot is exposed on which work will be performed, and the trench is rummaged to the house;
  2. At the end of the earthmoving work, a saddler saddle is prepared in a plumbing - this is the collapsible clamping clamp, an externally resembling a tee. The straight taps of the saddles are dismembered in half, and a crane for overlapping the pressure is installed on the vertical removal. Through the tap a special nozzle drill the pipe for the cutbox. The most reliable Sadelki scheme is collapsible welded. Such a clamp is easy to divide into two halves, collect it above the adjacent section, and connect with welding with the main route. Thus, the clamping clamp in the water supply is boiled into the body, providing reliable and absolutely hermetic water supply to housing;
  3. The pipe is drilled by the usual drill and electric drill. Instead of drill, you can use the crown, but the result is important, not the tool;
  4. The through hole is drilled while the water jet will not go from it, after which the drill is removed and the valve overlaps. For security purposes at the end of the drilling process, the electric tool is replaced with a manual drill or coalism. If drilling a hole is not a drill, but a crown, then it will automatically provide the tightness of the drilling site. In addition to these options, there is a solution with the use of a special cutter, which is rotated by the distribution key or an outer protein;
  5. The last stage of the insertion into the central water supply is the establishment of its water supply, laid in a trench in advance, and connect it to the central highway with a crimson-American crimping.

For complete control of the seat, it is desirable to equip an audit over it - a well with a hatch. The well is placed standard: a gravel-sand pillow is made on the day, the rings are lowered into the trench, or the walls are laid with bricks. Thus, even in winter it will be possible to overlap the plumbing if it is necessary to repair it in the house.

For the pipe of the central water supply pipe from the cast iron inserts, the saddle method looks like this:

  1. For the inserts to the cast-iron pipe, it must first be carefully cleaned from corrosion. At the very place of drilling the upper layer of cast iron is removed with a baroon of 1-1.5 mm;
  2. The saddle in the pipeline is embedded in the same way as in the first paragraph, but to complete the sealing of the joint between the pipe and crimping the rubber seal is laid;
  3. In the further stage, the locking reinforcement is fixed to the clamp pipe, the crane through which the cutting tool is entered.
  4. Next, the body of the pipe from the cast iron is drilled, and do not forget about the need to cool the place of the cut, and also timely change the crowns.
  5. A hole for the insertion into the main water pipe was drilled in a carbide vibrate or diamond crown;
  6. The last step is the same: the crown is removed, the valve is overlapped, the scene is edged with special electrodes.

The steel pipe is a bit plastic cast iron, so the pipes are passed on the method, similar to a solution with a polymer highway, but the saddle is not used, and before making the insertion into a waterproof from galvanized steel, the following steps are implemented:

  1. The pipe is exposed and cleaned;
  2. The pipe is immediately welded on the pipe from the same material as the main pipe;
  3. On the nozzle is welded or shutting a shut-off valve;
  4. The body of the main pipe is drilled through the valve - first by the electric drill, the last millimeters - a hand tool;
  5. Connect to the valve its water pipe and pressure under pressure is ready.

Internal water supply in the courtyard

From the track that we embed into the central water supply can be made one more or more branches - for watering, for technical needs, for the arrangement of the column in the yard. It is only necessary to observe the legality of the insertion, and to make it only after the meter.

Technologically, there are several differences between connecting to the central pipeline and connecting to the inner highway, since the pressure can be covered with central locking reinforcement for the internal highway. Therefore, the connection is carried out with the help of a conventional plumbing tee, and the operating operations will be:

  1. The main valve is twisted in the audit well, and water from the inner water supply is drained through the last crane;
  2. In the selected place, the pipe is cut by a grinder or pipe cutter (depending on the material of the pipe), and from this segment makes a removal along the length of the tee;
  3. Then you need to install the tee itself. For the polymer pipeline, this step looks just as the standard electrical clutch is crashed - soldering with a special welding unit. In addition to this option, you can use press couplings or collet clamps. The tee is installed in the iron tube with a conventional camp. The welding machine is not recommended to use, as the annular welding - the process is complex, and for this you need to have experience;
  4. The last step - you cut into the vertical discovery of the tee crane, which you can overlap the new highway water supply. After that, you can use the water supply system by opening the valve on the central highway.

The new pipeline with water can be laid when it is turned on the main and yard plumbing, as the water will be covered with a new shut-off valve on the inner tee.


Drop the pipe into the water highway from any material is easy, and you can do it yourself without paying the work of specialists. The tool is found by each self-respecting owner, as the little and a little experience of working with plumbing devices will be detected. Moreover, you can avoid welded, the most difficult work, if you work on the cast iron or polymer surface.

The only work that is not related to physical labor is to design documents for the insert, which should issue regional utilities and organizations.

Before performing a removal from the internal or external water pipeline, you need to purchase auxiliary parts and tools. Their choice is made taking into account the type of pipes, of which the water supply is laid. This takes into account working pressure in the system.

The need for inserting into the system inside the object or on the site occurs when connecting to the external crane, plumbing equipment and household appliances. Procedure for cutting into the main network is carried out in order to connect to the plumbing of the new object.

The principle of the insert in the system

Before starting installation work, it is recommended to coordinate them with the Vodokanal and the local administration. If there is no central sewage in the land plot, the insertion can be prohibited. But with the presence of septic and all installed sanitary standards, it is possible to get such permission.

To dock pipes, a special well is equipped. If the vodokanal prohibits the insertion into the existing water supply, then the object is attached to the nearby well. But it must be in working condition.

The routing process into the external highway is made according to the following technologies:

  • using fittings, which is installed on the pipe during the installation process;
  • fixation of the toned branch of the system if there is no pressure in the system;
  • the use of the shaped part, which is fixed on the pipe. Such a connection does not require a pre-shutdown of water supply in the system.

Welding work

Experts believe that the easiest way to cut into the steel external network is welding. Mandatory condition for the insert is the ability to turn off the water supply through the system.

Autogen make a hole of a suitable diameter. Then the nozzle is welded, the valve is mounted. The last element of the system overlaps in the process of further work. If the insertion is complete, you will need to restore anti-corrosion protection.

If the pipeline is laid from polyethylene pipes, then welding works are not conducted. Taking into account the diameter of the consumable material, the clamp is fixed.

Installation of the tap pipe, not overlapping the highway

Cutting technology without pressure changes is an operational and productive technique. But before it is necessary to take into account:

  • disassembling isolation and surface protection in the pipe drilling area. In this case, the diameter of the material by which water will be given to, less than the parameters of the main pipe;
  • fixing additional network elements. The flange records the valve with the device for the manufacture of holes;
  • if the steel product is used, then the clamp is replaced by a nozzle that is welded. It joins the valve with a cutter. The made seam is additionally welded;
  • at the next stage, a milling cutter is installed. If the hole is ready, the cutter is removed;
  • closing the valve. If the clip is complete, it is necessary to restore the anti-corrosion coating, insulate the pipes.

Step-by-step internal network

If it is necessary to crash into the steel old pipeline main, then the main method is considered to be the arrangement of the removal by welding the tee. This will require a large amount of work.

If a plastic tube is joined to the main line, or its derivatives, then it will be necessary to cut the pipe section taking into account the size of the buoyed tee. But when this work is fulfilled, inconvenience occurs due to the close distance between the network and the wall of the building.

A simpler removal mounting method is considered to be a curvilinear flange pipe. Previously denied the consumable material with a nozzle, the diameter of which corresponds to the dimension of the pipeline. The segment is cut along so that its part with the nozzle fits tightly into the pipeline as its other wall.

The previous billet is superimposed on the nozzle with the hole. The location of the fixation is treated with a sealant. The resulting flange is tightened with 2 clamps on the sides relative to the nozzle. Subsequently, the rest of the network is fixed to the nozzle.

On the modern plumbing market you can buy adapters, special saddles and other devices with which the insertion is made (regardless of the conditions of the network laying).

If the saddle is used, the pressure in the system does not change. The saddle is a clamp made of 2 parts. With the help of bolts, these parts firmly crimp the consumables from 2 sides. A crane is fixed to the saddle with a special connection.

If the hole diameter is not greater than 1/3 of the pipe diameter, then it is drilled by a special device. He joins the crane time. If the hole is ready, the crane is closed, the device is dismantled. The tap is mounted to the installed crane.

To connect the house, a pad with a valve and a built-in milling cutter applies. For its installation, you will need coupling welding. A similar product is used for pipelines, the pressure in which does not exceed 16 bar. In the installation process, the highway does not overlap, and when drilling pipes there is no leakage, chips are not formed. The compound is not subject to corrosion and is operated for more than 50 years.

Single methods without welding

You can crash into the main pipeline without using welding. This technology is used by many experts, as welding works require compliance with security rules. At the same time, special equipment will need for welding. Welding works are considered complex and time-consuming.

From non-welcoming cutting technologies allocate:

  • the collector installation is the optimal solution for a large private house. Compact collector system is mounted in the apartment. To the input of such a system, a tap pipe is installed. The collector has several outputs. Their number depends on the system model. The pipeline is connected to any exit. Adapters are used for fixing hoses;
  • installation of a tee - This method of the insertion is used if a single allocation is provided. The connection of the water supply is pre-unlocked, and then the tee is mounted on this place. The pipeline is expanding or shortening, cutting the thread;
  • the process cutting the pipe itself - the technique is optimal if there is no connection from the outside. To perform cutting used Bulgarian. A tee is installed with a pre-carved thread;
  • the use of a thin pipe - a hole is prepared in the system to which the seal is fixed, the clamp. For mounting removal, tightening screws are used.

Plastic and metal network

To enter the plastic system, we will need a segment of the consumable material, the pipe of the corresponding diameter. On its end, 1/2 of the pipe is preserved, at the expense of which the closing function of the inserts is performed.

The highway make a hole with a diameter of the nozzle. It is treated with sealant. The flange is mounted on the pipe, and on the sides is tightened by clamps until the hermetic substance gets outward. Its remnants are removed immediately. If the works described above are performed in a low-pressure system, the clamps are not used. To fix the flange you will need a wide tape.

Box in a water pipe water pipe

  • the flange is made independently of the pipe, the inner diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the main line. Compliance with this condition will provide the desired tightness for the entire system;
  • you can use the tee with the desired diameter. To do this, part of the pipeline without a nozzle is removed from the part. Then the consumable material is cut, the hole is performed. For fixing the pipeline uses welding or nozzle;
  • experts advise to weld the flange to the pipeline. Welding works are performed throughout the perimeter of the product. The welding technique can be replaced with a sealant and clamp.

Using a special device, holes are made in pressure consumables. The principle of the method under consideration:

  • deleting isolation;
  • stripping the surface of the pipes.
  • installing the flange on the feed pipe with subsequent fixation of the clamp;
  • connection valve to the flange;
  • installation of a device for drilling;
  • input cutters through the valve;
  • cutting holes;
  • removing drilling equipment;
  • overlapping water from the nozzle.

According to the described technology, you can make a cut without welding in the steel pipe. This technique is somewhat different from the cutting technology into a polypropylene product without applying welding. Therefore, before starting the installation work, it is recommended to determine the type of consumable material used. Its calculation is made with a margin. Upon completion of the work, the system is checked for tightness. With its impairment, additional repair work is carried out. They can be performed independently either with the help of specialists. If the system is sealed, the highway is ready to operate.

It is clear that not everyone can use welding, since someone has its own apparatus. And those who have it, if possible, will not turn on it once again, especially in the apartment. This is a troublesome thing, is accompanied, usually hot spraces of metal, sparks, etc.

And it is often necessary to do insert. I replace the pipe, then put the filter, then connect something (for example, dishwasher). Let's try to figure out how to do without welding and crash into the plumbing pipe. There are several ways, and the use of any of them depends on the specific situation (the location of the pipes, their gaskets, etc.).

Collector installation

This option is more suitable for private houses, where there is enough for residential and utility rooms. A plumbing pipe is connected to the input of such a collector. The collector itself has several outputs, on each of which the valve is installed (shut-off fittings).

Collectors are different models, with different number of outputs. It remains only to connect to any of them the required pipe. Hoses can also be connected (for example, from washing machine) if used special adapters. By the way, there are collectors small, which are conveniently installed in urban apartments.

Installation of tee.

If you need to do from the plumbing pipe just one dressing, you can use a conventional splitter (tee). If the metal pipes are laid in the pipes (for "plastic" welding, the more is no longer needed), then it is better to find their connection and unwind it. In this place and insert a tee. Naturally, the pipes will have to push a little. Or one a little to shorten and cut the thread, and before that, of course, overlap the water supply.

Cutting pipe

You can, with the help of a grinder, cut the water pipe, again to install, for example, a tee. It is necessary to cut part of the pipe in the size of the tee, and on both ends of the pipes cut the thread, as I already told in. You will need a tap and a knot. But this is if there is no pipe connections in this place.

In a thin pipe

The hole is drilled in it. A rubber sealer and a special clamp with a tap (saddker) are superimposed on it - they are sold in the plumbing departments. The clamp is fixed on the pipe with tightening screws.

However, if there is such an opportunity, all metal pipes on plastic (metal-plastic) should be changed in the apartment (in the house). They do not rust, serve much longer, they do not need to be painted. That's where the welding will no longer need anymore.

Cut the individual discharge into current centralized communications in several ways. It all depends on how far the collective well is, if it comes to the insert outside the apartment or at home. Such work require permission. When it becomes necessary to join the additional removal inside the apartment, no coordination is needed.

Work on the insertion into the plastic water pipe, in steel or pig-iron pipeline is charged with a water voltage or a qualified contractor (from the knowledge of the water supply organization).

Independent insert Even in a plastic water supply tube is prohibited by law. Illegal is an additional cut in centralized water supply bypassing accounting devices.

Note! Starting the planning of individual junction in the centralized system follows from the registration of official permission. An independent connection is punishable by material and administrative punishment.

Apply for the appropriate resolution follows the department to which the desired pipeline belongs. In the case of a water supply system, it is a highways or an organization that is engaged in the maintenance of water supply communications in the village, the settlement. For registration of permission for the insertion into the pipe, the documents on the land and the house should be kept.

The permission to the insert in the centralized pipe will contain:

  • accurate data on the place of the insert;
  • indication of the diameter of the pipeline and the removal;
  • additional information depending on the purpose of the work.

After receiving the permission, contact the SES. After that, the draft of the insertion is prepared and registered, the estimate of the work is made.

Scheme of inserts to centralized water supply

If in the zone of the location of your home or site there is a collector well, then the insert is carried out (if allowed) in this well. If such is located far, then access to the pipe is carried out through an additional well.

For this:

  • in the specified project, the square yum of 1.5 \\ 1.5 meters is digging;
  • from the pit, in the direction of the house digit a trench for the future removal;
  • upon completion of all work over the scenes, an extra well with a lid is built to access the connection location.

When assembling and connecting water supply systems, or its lead, it is often necessary to combine pipes, and make it better without the use of the welding machine. However, not all homemade masters are familiar with the specifics of such a fine work. Agree?

We will tell you how to cut into a pipe without welding when laying pipe structures. In the article proposed to familiarize themselves, all methods for performing pipe compounds from various materials are disassembled. Taking into account our recommendations, you can create a durable, reliably cohesive node.

There are several ways to connect pipes to the main highway without welding. Some of them are not considered to disassemble that without destroying the pipeline is almost impossible. Others are detachable articulations that are without much difficulty are dismantled, and if necessary, and are collected again.

The choice of option depends on what material the pipe is made.

Connect the pipes without welding, while not having special skills - a sink task even for a novice wizard; It is only necessary to strictly follow the installation instructions.

All pipe rental is divided into two main groups:

  • hard - pipes made of cast iron, copper and steel;
  • flexible - products are made of polymeric materials (polypropylene, metalplastic, polyethylene).

This separation is based on the need to involve greater engagement area at the time of connecting the parts of polymer structures. For comparison: the cutting of pipes from metal can be performed in a limited environment, cycling the minimum engine area of \u200b\u200bthe knocked parts.

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Options for sinking with ball valve:

There are a lot of compounds of compounds that are worthy of alternative to solid and reliable welding. The main thing is to competently approach the choice of the optimal option and carry out the cutting, strictly adhering to the technology.