Repair Design Furniture

Septic tanks for giving all options. Proper ventilation of the septic tank. Basic parameters when choosing

More recently, the sewerage country house consisted of a cesspool and a wooden toilet at the edge of the site. That is why many people preferred to live in city apartments. But imagine how comfortable and cozy it is to live in a separate spacious house, especially if it is a log house. Wooden housing and Fresh air- a guarantee of a person's health and good mood.

Moreover, today life outside the city has become more comfortable due to the appearance of optimized purification devices, which include septic tanks.

The supply of pipes from the house to the septic tank is an effective and reliable autonomous system that is ideal for suburban housing. Today the market offers a wide selection of septic tanks, differing in quality and price, sizes and types, modifications and other categories. Let's figure out which septic tank is better to choose for a summer residence, and learn more about the principles of the device.

Principles of work and types of septic tanks

A septic tank is a full-fledged and convenient local treatment facility, which is much more practical and safer than a cesspool. Such a device is used where it is impossible to connect to a centralized waste collection system. Therefore, septic tanks are optimal for a summer residence and a suburban area.

Septic tanks purify and recycle waste water until it is environmentally friendly. For work, structures are taken out of the house sewer pipes and connect to the device. Each septic tank has chambers or compartments where wastewater settling and water purification takes place. The effluent flows through the pipes into the first chamber, in which heavy inclusions settle to the bottom, and the light ones float to the top. Then the clarified water flows into the next compartments, where the purification continues.

According to the mode of action, a septic tank with deep biological treatment and a storage device are isolated. In addition, equipment is classified according to material. Septic tanks are made from plastic, metal, brick, etc. Basically, structures are installed horizontally, however, models are also produced for vertical placement. There are autonomous structures powered by electricity.

Which septic tank to choose for a summer residence, each owner of a country house decides for himself. Let's find out what to look for when choosing, and which septic tank is right for your site and summer cottage.

How to choose the right septic tank

  • Experts recommend using septic tanks with a deep biological filter. Recycling is fast, and wastewater treatment reaches 98%;
  • The storage device is the simplest and most affordable model, which basically consists of only one camera. Please note that such a septic tank needs to be cleaned out every 3-4 years. At the same time, the cleansing is not very deep;
  • For a seasonal visit to the cottage, choose storage devices, and for permanent residence- with deep cleaning;
  • For permanent residence, it is better to choose equipment with a combined aerobic and anaerobic purification technique.
  • For seasonal rest, only anaerobic is enough. It is a completely sealed tank that operates without air intake. It is cheaper than the aerobic system, which purifies wastewater with oxygen;

  • Metallic and plastic models suitable for middle lane and warm regions of the country. Such products can be quickly and easily installed without the involvement of specialists and technicians. In addition, the one-piece designs are immediately ready to use after plugging in;
  • For a country house in the northern regions of the country, it is better to choose a reinforced concrete treatment plant, since they can withstand frost, humidity and temperature extremes;
  • Calculate approximate costs water. At a cost of up to 1 cubic meter per day, choose models with one camera, up to 10 - with two, more than 10 - with three;
  • Pay attention to the volume of the tank. The more bathrooms in the house and the higher the number of permanent residents in the house, the more you choose the volume;
  • The degree of soil freezing and the type of soil are of great importance. The higher the level groundwater, the more difficult it is to install a septic tank;
  • It is important to correctly calculate the performance of a septic tank for a summer residence, otherwise the efficiency of the device will greatly decrease, and the structure will not cope with the load;
  • To correctly calculate the performance of the device, multiply 200 liters (the daily rate of water consumption by one person) by the number of people who permanently live in the house;
  • Before buying, carefully study the characteristics of the product, read the reviews on the Internet and among friends. The most popular today are the septic tanks of the Tank, Triton and Topas firms.

Top best antiseptics for giving

Brand Characteristic The lineup Price range
Performance Number of persons
Tank Powerful, odorless plastic septic tank, suitable for every type of soil and works without electricity, easy to install, cleaning degree up to 98-100% 600-1800 l / day 1-9 19 000 —

60,000 rubles

Topas Unpretentious and reliable device does not require special biological agents to speed up cleaning, easy to use, cleaning degree up to 98% 800-2000 l / day 4-10 70 000 —

150,000 rubles

Unilos An efficient septic tank without pumping out, but it works only on electricity, the degree of purification is about 95% 1000-2000 l / day 3-8 80,000 - 120,000 rubles
Triton Compact storage device made of plastic at an affordable price, does not depend on electricity, up to 90-95%, easy installation 150-600 l / day 1-4 9 000 —

65,000 rubles

Tver Plastic non-volatile septic tank with simple design and easy installation, purification rate up to 98% 350-2000 l / day 2-30 60,000 - 400,000 rubles
Poplar (Eco-Grand) Reliable Japanese system made of polypropylene without pumping and odor, powered by electricity, purification rate up to 98% 650-3300 l / day 3-10 60,000 - 140,000 rubles

  • When installing internal sewer networks in log house take into account the shrinkage of the log house. It is better and more efficient to design a sewerage system together with water supply even before the stage of building a house;
  • Plots without slopes and house designs that include more than two bathrooms require the installation of a sewer pump;
  • Bathrooms and kitchens are located next to the place where the sewage is discharged. Therefore, to build a sewerage scheme at the design stage of the house;
  • The lowest point is chosen for the installation of the treatment plant. land plot;
  • When installing a sewage system in a private house, first, piping is performed in the house;
  • V wooden house key horizontal elements are mounted in the floors;
  • Arrange plumbing fixtures (toilets and sinks) correctly. They should be located close to the risers;
  • Pay particular attention to the fastening of the pipes. Unreliable and incorrect fastenings will lead to deformation and breakdowns of the pipeline;

  • In the bathrooms, you need to think over the ventilation system, which is also planned at the design stage. Ventilation will eliminate bad smell and will get rid of condensation, which negatively affects the wood. For more information about ventilation in a wooden house, see the link;
  • After installation internal sewerage proceed to the installation of treatment facilities at the site;
  • Septic tanks are installed at the lowest point of the land plot at a distance of at least two meters from the room to ensure the safety of the foundation. The further the septic tank is located, the easier and faster the installation will take place. However, the distance should not exceed 20 meters, otherwise the installation of additional purification wells will be required;
  • You can not put septic tanks next to autonomous water sources (wells and wells). The gap between these points is 15-30 meters. This is the necessary distance to ensure sanitary protection;
  • In order not to harm green spaces, the distance to the nearest trees should be at least 4 meters;
  • The distance from the structures to the boundaries of the site is at least 3 meters.

It is better to entrust the installation of a sewage system and a septic tank for a country house to professionals, since even a minor mistake can lead to problems in the operation of the pipeline, plumbing and other devices. The company "MariSrub" not only builds wooden houses and turnkey baths, but also carries out the installation of the necessary engineering systems.

The company's masters will quickly and reliably perform a full range of work on the installation of internal and external sewerage systems in a country house in compliance with building codes... Already at the first stages of design, the company's engineer will conduct necessary calculations according to the layout of the house, the characteristics of the soil of the land plot and the characteristics of the area. Experienced MariSrub specialists will help you choose a suitable septic tank, install sewer pipes and carry out the installation of treatment facilities.

Ratings 0

Owners of private houses often face the problem of wastewater disposal due to the lack of a centralized sewage system outside the city. Long time the only way out was to dig a cesspool, but using it was rather inconvenient and costly. Now they are mainly trying to mount an autonomous wastewater treatment unit - septic tanks for summer cottages, but still which septic tank is better to choose for specific conditions often remains a difficult question.

Together with the technical specialists of the EcoDom company, in this article we will analyze in detail the question of which septic tank is right for you and discuss the best options based on the tasks that it must solve.

A cesspool or storage septic tank will have to be cleaned regularly

What are septic tanks, and what they are

Some people mistakenly call a septic tank a complete complex. treatment equipment... In fact, this is only a part of the treatment plant that acts as a storage and primary filter for wastewater containing a large amount of biomaterials that require disposal.

There are quite a few varieties of septic tanks, and each of them has its own pros and cons. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to take into account what kind of soil the country house is on, the amount of water consumed and, of course, the budget that can be allocated for the purchase and installation.

Video description

Briefly about septic tanks in the video:

Also still on initial stage it is necessary to decide on the type of device - to purchase a non-volatile septic tank or in which a forced supply of drains is organized (volatile). First on by and large these are ordinary reservoirs for surface (within 60%) mechanical cleaning waste water, and the latter are equipped with a pump and a set of additional filters, after which industrial water is obtained at the outlet, purified by 95-98%.

Septic tanks with a full cleaning cycle and a storage well for industrial water

You can correctly decide which septic tank to choose - for year-round living or capable of working effectively even with periodic flows of waste water, you can do it yourself, since there is enough information. Many turn to the help of the Internet for such requests as the rating of septic tanks for a country house in 2017, to get acquainted with the various ratings of septic tanks. But if there are doubts about the correctness of the choice, then the best option would be to turn to professionals. They will take into account all the nuances and select the appropriate option, tailored to the solution of specific tasks.

Cleaning steps

Wastewater goes through several stages of purification in a septic tank:

    Accumulation and settling stage. This stage consists in collecting waste in a special container, where they are separated into fractions, by settling at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Solid particles in the form of a sediment fall to the bottom, fatty deposits float to the surface, and vapors (carbon dioxide and methane) are discharged through the ventilation to the outside. At this stage, there is a partial stratification of wastewater, which is then sent to the next tank;

    Secondary filtration stage. Its goal is to cleanse the mixture to about 75%. At this stage, the solution is purified using a separate filter consisting of a sorbent layer of about 20 centimeters. In some septic tanks, for correct operation, the sorbent has to be flushed and reactivated annually;

Stages of wastewater treatment in septic tanks

Solid deposits that have settled in the tanks are pumped out or removed mechanically.

Operating principle

Technically, two types of waste disposal are used: anaerobic (without air access) and aerobic (decomposition with the participation of bacteria that need oxygen for their vital activity).

The anaerobic mechanism of action is possessed by septic tanks, which perform the functions of a storage or settling tank. Such purification systems, without the installation of additional equipment, carry out only the primary clarification of wastewater and require frequent pumping out by a sewage machine.

Important! According to sanitary standards, the discharge of liquid from anaerobic septic tanks into the soil is prohibited.

This option is suitable for rarely visited summer cottages or private houses with a small number of residents. The cost of such a structure is low, the installation does not require much effort, and its operation does not require a constant flow of wastewater into the chambers.

How an anaerobic septic tank works

Often, colonies of active bacteria are added to such septic tanks, which help to filter wastewater better than with conventional anaerobic purification.

The aerobic mechanism of action is carried out by local biological treatment stations. Colonies of aerobic bacteria settle in such septic tanks, which effectively purify wastewater.

Unlike anaerobic crops, they multiply rapidly, have a wide variety of species, and are also more tenacious and active. Recycling is much faster and the outlet water is practically non-toxic.

For the normal functioning of these septic tanks, the installation of aerators is required, which will supply the oxygen necessary for the vital activity of bacteria. Also, the aerobic systems must constantly work - if within 2-3 weeks there is no new effluent entering the chamber, the bacteria will die and their cultures will have to be planted again.

Obviously, the best septic tank for a country house is an aerobic one. But it all depends on the budget, since this type of treatment plant is more expensive.

Scheme of aerobic septic tank operation

What materials are septic tanks made of

An important aspect when buying a septic tank is the choice of the material from which it is made. Most often, when ordering a ready-made septic tank, it is made from polymer materials.

In addition, the following materials are used for the manufacture of a local cleaning system:

    Metal constructions. Rarely used due to susceptibility to corrosion, general impracticality and inconvenience of use;

    Concrete. Monolithic structures are used as reservoirs. This option requires a lot of money and time; It is mainly used in the construction of septic tanks with your own hands;

    Fiberglass structures are the most suitable and frequently used material.

Also, septic tanks can be made from scrap materials (barrels, tires) on their own, but this option is only suitable for small country houses.

Homemade small septic tanks for summer cottages - made of tires and concrete rings

You can save money on the purchase of a purification plant by placing an order at the manufacturing plant. The most expensive on the market are septic tanks with additional equipment for complete biological wastewater treatment.

Volatile and non-volatile septic tanks

According to the degree of their autonomy, the purification systems are divided into:

    Non-volatile (autonomous) septic tanks are sedimentation tanks for the accumulation and clarification of wastewater. Such installations require periodic pumping of waste by a sewage machine. They have a low degree of purification and require additional soil filtration, for which it is necessary to allocate a piece of land. TO positive aspects includes low cost and independence from electricity;

    Volatile septic tanks are the exact opposite of non-volatile structures. Thanks to the design and additional equipment, wastewater in such systems undergoes a full cycle of processing and purification, which eliminates the need for maintenance. The disadvantages include the cost of installation, as well as dependence on electricity. During the absence of power supply, the degree of purification of sewage water decreases, and the septic tank serves as a sump.

A pump and aerator are essential components of a volatile septic tank.

Criteria for choosing a purification system for a country house

Before choosing a suitable septic tank, the following aspects must be considered:

    The number of people living in the house - the power of the entire device depends on this;

    The material from which the septic tank is made - determines its durability and resistance to aggressive influences;

    The relief of the area where the installation of the structure will be carried out and the height of the groundwater;

    The complexity of the installation of a sewage treatment system - septic tanks with a filtration field are in the lead at the cost of installation, and the most profitable in this regard are biological treatment stations - their capacity just needs to be buried in the ground;

    Own budget.

On our website you can find contacts of companies specializing in septic tanks and autonomous sewers for country houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Video description

About septic tanks without pumping out on video:

Popular factory-assembled septic tanks

To make it easier to decide on a suitable device, the following is an overview of septic tanks for a country house:

Sprout mini

Simple and reliable option for private houses. The capacity of about 200 liters per day is enough for the stable operation of the sewage system when two people live in the house.

Septic tank "Rostok-Mini" in the context

It is completely made of polymer material without the use of metal inserts and has a capacity of 1000 liters. The one-piece construction of the purification system allows for complete tightness. Installation of this model of a septic tank will not cause difficulties, since it weighs less than 3 kilograms and has the shape of a cylinder. This design prevents groundwater from pushing it out of the soil while pumping out the contents. As for the cost, it is about 25,000 rubles;


This model of the purification system is very popular in the Russian market. It can be attributed to the premium types of septic tanks. Such structures are made of polymer materials and have good performance indicators, since the throughput is 1 cubic meter per day. Astra performs high-level wastewater treatment, thanks to the presence of anaerobic and aerobic filters. The option is designed for country houses, where no more than 5 people live. The disadvantages of such a purification system include its cost, which reaches about 80,000 rubles;

Installed septic tank "Astra"


It is a high-quality non-volatile septic tank made of polymer materials, which is quite popular among domestic buyers. It possesses performance and throughput indicators similar to the Astra model. This purification system is equipped with a compressor that ensures the movement of wastewater through the system, as well as a special pump unit that flushes the channels in an automatic mode. The disadvantages include frequent failure of additional equipment. The purchase price of such a septic tank is about 90,000 rubles;

Installation of septic tank "Bioxy"

This cleaning system is designed for servicing no more than 4 people. It is made of polymeric sheet materials. With an average performance, it is able to pass through itself about 200 liters of wastewater per day. This septic tank has a four-chamber structure, which gives it a high degree of filtration. Installation is carried out in places where the groundwater level is at around 2 meters and deeper. but the lineup allows you to choose the right option for any area. The combination of price and quality allows sewer system DKS compete with other models on the market. Its cost is 20,000 rubles;

The scheme of the septic tank "DKS"


The septic tank is compact, stable and reliable design... The body is made of special polyethylene. A high degree of wastewater treatment is achieved thanks to the four chamber structure, each of which undergoes a certain processing process. A wide range of models allows you to serve 2-16 people daily, depending on the design. This septic tank requires cleaning the system once a year. The throughput capacity is 400-3000 liters per day, and the productivity is 0.2-3.6 cubic meters / day, it all depends on the chosen model. Cost - from 75,000 - 200,000 rubles;

Delivery of septic tank "Leader"


This septic tank is endowed with a specific appearance, and its outer shell has a ribbed structure, which contributes to better fixation in the soil after installing a country septic tank. The "Tank" type sewage treatment system is a three-chamber system of blocks and modules. Such a station does not need to pump out waste with a sewage machine, as it is completely autonomous. Due to its low cost and long service life, the septic tank is in great demand. The installation of the system is done manually and does not require pouring the foundation of the excavation with concrete. Designed for both seasonal use in summer cottages and permanent operation of country houses. Price - 40-80 thousand rubles;

The septic tank "Tank" has a specific recognizable shape


It is made of durable polymeric materials, which allows to reduce the weight of the entire structure, and stiffeners add reliability to it. A feature of this septic tank is the horizontal position of the tanks. The device has a high degree of wastewater treatment and is equipped with additional equipment that requires an electrical connection. Doesn't need constant care. Such a septic tank is suitable for any type of soil. Disadvantages include high cost and dependence on electricity. The price is 70,000 - 140,000 rubles;

Installed septic tank "Tver"


One of the leaders in the market of cleaning systems from the EcoDom company. It is distinguished by a high degree of purification (98%) due to a special four-chamber design, as well as the use of microorganism colonies as filters. The septic tank has compact dimensions and a rectangular body, which makes it easy to install. Installation can be carried out in any type of soil. The construction does not require frequent care and pumping waste with a sewage machine. The range of models is wide and can satisfy the needs of both country houses and summer cottages, and large enterprises. The cost is 80,000 - 300,000 rubles;

What is needed for the installation of a septic tank "Topas"


In the manufacture are used polymer materials resistant to temperature changes. Septic tanks of this type have a long service life, high productivity and throughput (up to 3300 liters per day). The capacity of the system reservoirs is up to 5200 liters. The disadvantage of such installations is dependence on electricity. Suitable for use in large country houses and industrial buildings... The price for the Topol septic tank is 70,000 - 170,000 rubles;

Two-unit septic tank "Topol"


It is made of a double layer of polymer material that is not susceptible to corrosion and decay products. This septic tank has a wide range of models. It is distinguished by a long service life, a high degree of sewage treatment and low cost. Requires cleaning every 1-2 years. Disadvantages: Requires installation of additional equipment and frequent replacement of filters. Ideal for a small holiday home. Prices vary depending on the model: 30,000 - 85,000 rubles;

Three-chamber septic tank "Triton"


Made of special durable polyethylene. Septic tanks of this type have high efficiency waste water treatment. The volume of the models can vary from 1500 to 4800 liters. Suitable for seasonal use by a small group of people and permanent residence in a country house. It has a reliable and durable cylindrical construction. Such a cleaning system consists of 2-3 chambers. The lineup is represented by designs with different performance and throughput, which allows you to choose the right option for any need. Ecoline costs 55,000 rubles;

Double-hull septic tank "Ecoline"

Elgad C 1400

The best mini model, ideal for seasonal use in summer cottages. It is compact in size and stable in design. The capacity of this sewerage system is 1400 liters. This septic tank is designed for service up to 3 people. The body is made of polymer material, and its inner part is covered with a layer of anti-corrosion agent. Despite the tightness and integrity of the structure, such a cleaning system does not hold well unpleasant odors... The cost is about 35,000 rubles.

Septic tank "Elgad S 1400" and its modifications

This is not a complete rating of septic tanks for home - there are still quite a few models of such devices, both domestic and foreign, but in general, their design, principle of operation and price do not differ from those listed.

Video description

A few more words about the choice of a septic tank in the video:


Depending on the budget, you can do purification system independently from improvised means, or order ready-made version from sales representatives or the manufacturer. The option of studying the ratings of the best septic tanks for a country house is not always the right choice, since you need to take into account all the features of your site and the requirements for it.

A properly selected and correctly installed septic tank will create the conditions necessary for a comfortable stay in a country house.

Ratings 0

A beautiful and comfortable summer cottage requires a solution to the problem of drains. The old approach - setting up a pit - is no longer relevant. It must be pumped out periodically, and this is a costly event. Budget septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping out are increasingly popular among summer residents, as they solve the wastewater issue without connecting to a centralized sewage system.

Country house with a septic tank cleaning system

What are the types of septic tanks?

A septic tank is a system of containers whose task is to collect and purify domestic wastewater. There are several types - models that require regular cleaning and do not.

Accumulating septic tanks

Accumulating - an analogue of a cesspool. From time to time it is necessary to invite a flusher to pump out the contents from the container.

Storage tank BARS-N

Special septic tanks

Special septic tanks, which are cleaned by bacteria that process the contents. There are several types of microorganisms for which such food is considered ideal. They feel great in a prepared environment, they work to cleanse drains. This is an expensive pleasure. Since special containers with bacteria are purchased in stores.

Scheme of operation of a special septic tank BARS-Bio

Septic tanks without pumping

The third option is septic tanks without pumping. This is a system of 2-3 containers dug into the ground. The budgetary and most affordable option.

Septic tank without pumping BARS-Aero in section

The principle of operation of a septic tank without pumping

Wastewater treatment in such a system occurs due to the settling of water. The best option- 3 containers into which liquid waste is gradually fed. The tanks are buried in the ground and connected at the top with a pipe. A branch is made from each for air intake.

Plastic septic tank of 3 containers of various sizes

In the first container, household waste is washed out from the house, and the bulk of the heavy mass settles on the bottom. When the liquid level reaches the pipe connecting the first tank to the second, water flows into another tank. This is already a purer substance, but still in need of purification. The liquid settles, the masses settle at the bottom. When the water level reaches the connecting pipe, it spontaneously flows into the third tank. This is a vessel with a filtration system at the bottom. Water enters the ground through the filtration cushion. This is already three times treated wastewater.

There are designs consisting of 2 chambers, but such purification is not effective enough.

Subtleties you need to know

The correct device for a septic tank that does not require pumping

In order for the system to work without failures, and the contents from the cameras did not fall on the surface, several points must be taken into account:

    a sealed bottom must be in all tanks, except for the one from which water enters environment;

    walls should not let liquid into the ground (this is the main difference from a cesspool);

    it is necessary to equip the system at a distance of more than 5 meters from the dwelling; in the event of a pipe break, the water will not be able to flood the house;

    when arranging a septic tank, the level of occurrence of groundwater should be taken into account - they should be located at a distance of 2.5 m from the surface (water is purified naturally, without reaching the groundwater);

    the first container is the largest, water flows from it to other chambers through pipes installed at a slight slope so that the drain is independent;

    the cameras are dug in at a distance of 50 meters from the nearest water source;

    the distance between adjacent containers is chosen small in order to exclude the possibility of clogging of the connecting pipes;

    the distance to the fence with neighbors is at least 2 m.

Video description

The device and principle of operation of a septic tank and sewerage system for giving odorless and pumping out, see the video:

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Advantages of septic tanks without pumping

An important advantage of such a device is the absence of odor inherent in waste water. Equally important substantial savings money - septic tanks for a summer residence without pumping out do not need to be connected to the sewer system, which is an expensive and troublesome business. In addition, many models do not need to be connected to electricity.

In addition, the entire system is completely dug into the ground, does not pollute the environment, so the supervisory authorities do not make claims to such areas.

A drain pit collects liquid household waste in ordinary soil. In such a situation, the soil around the "storage" is saturated with untreated liquid masses, which greatly disrupts the ecology. If you add a specific smell to this, then the picture is completely unsightly.

The septic tank is, in principle, different from the old form of waste accumulation. This is an isolated system of tanks, hermetically sealed, completely excluding the ingress of untreated waste into the soil. Sealing the chambers provides odor protection. The presence of a septic tank on the site can be guessed by the ventilation pipes.

An important advantage of a septic tank without pumping out is complete sealing

Choosing the size of the septic tank

An important point that determines how effectively the entire system will work is the volume of the septic tank. It all depends on the amount of wastewater. The more the family consumes water, the larger the waste tank is chosen. When calculating the size of the chamber, we proceed from the rate of water consumption per person - 200 liters. That is, the volume of the septic tank = the number of family members x 200 liters.

For a family of 2, 2 cleaning chambers are sufficient. Planned laundry, shower and other expenses are taken into account. With a large amount of water consumed, it is necessary to install 3 purification chambers.

Don't forget about drainage and filtration fields

Masters offer 2 post-treatment systems - drainage or filtration systems.

The drainage (filtration) well is the last chamber in the cleaning system. It is often a simple well without a bottom. Wastewater treatment is carried out due to the gradual percolation of water through the ground, therefore it is important that the groundwater is at a distance of no closer than 2.5 m to the surface. Sand or crushed stone is poured onto the bottom, which becomes a filter cushion. The technique is used for deep groundwater.

It looks like this drainage system septic tank overlooking the ground

Important! On clay soils several drainage wells are being built. It's over cheap option in comparison with the filtration field.

The filtration field is the pipes through which water flows in order to be completely cleaned. They occupy a larger area than a drainage well. With a large amount of consumed water, it can occupy an area of ​​several tens of square meters. This option is suitable for the close occurrence of groundwater, it is laborious and expensive. Before constructing the field, it is necessary to correctly calculate its size. To install a septic tank for a summer residence without electricity, the following are taken into account:

    number of water consumers;

    soil composition;

    diameter of pipes supplying drains;

    average annual air temperature.

To enhance the cleaning effect, a layer of sand or crushed stone is poured on the lower level of the field, having previously separated it from the ground with a special filtration cloth.

What material is better to choose

Two-chamber septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings

Budget septic tanks without pumping have a big plus - they are non-volatile. This significantly saves the money of summer residents. The right choice of material for the filtration chambers will help you save even more. Various Construction Materials:

  • car tires;


    reinforced concrete rings.

Reinforced concrete rings have gained the greatest popularity, however, it is impossible to install them without special equipment.

Important! Reinforced concrete rings are fragile, bulky and heavy. They require care during transport and installation.

Video description

The principle of operation of a septic tank without pumping out of reinforced concrete rings, see the video:

Installing a mini septic tank

Constructions designed for low water consumption are called mini septic tanks. The total volume of water in such tanks is 1 m³, the system cleans up to 300 liters of liquid per day. The best choice for a guest house or a small summer cottage. For this purpose, old plastic barrels or other materials are used to ensure the tightness of the contents.

When choosing mini-septic tanks for a summer residence without pumping out, they pay attention to several parameters:

    the material from which the containers are made ( the best choice- plastic);

    ease of maintenance;



    environmental friendliness.

Important! If the house has a bathtub, a mini septic tank will not help out.

Video description

An overview of the Rostok mini septic tank can be viewed in the video:

What do manufacturers offer?

The industry offers various models of septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping out in the form of miniature and complete systems.

    Triton mini is an option for two people. Compact, light system that can be transported in a car. Cleaning is carried out by bacteria. To reach the planned capacity, it takes a couple of days for a certain volume of liquid to accumulate and the process to start.

The device and principle of operation of the mini-septic tank "Triton"

  • "Tank 1" - one of the models of the "Tank" line, with the most compact size (1 m³), ​​is capable of processing 0.6 m³ per day. Handles water consumed by three people. The containers are made of thick-walled material with stiffening ribs. Reliable and functional model.
  • Rostock mini is a cylindrical container divided into 2 chambers. The structure of the tank is cast, without seams, with stiffening ribs to strengthen the structure. The cleaning quality of 80% is achieved by a biofilter installed in the system.
  • "Poplar" - system Russian production made according to German technology. Equipping the equipment with Japanese mini-compressors increases the efficiency of the system. It has a large model range, from which it is easy to choose a suitable option, including mini. The body is made of environmentally friendly materials, durable, with a thickness of 1.5 cm polypropylene sheets.
  • Bars-Aero is a patented Russian-made system. This is our own development, together with scientists from MGSU. Has a wide temperature regime operation (from -40 to +60 C). It is easy to maintain and has a well thought-out design that avoids any disruption to the operation of the station itself. And the compressor of the station itself is taken out of its limits, which allows you to extend its service life, and saves you money on its expensive repairs.
    You can more clearly familiarize yourself with the main advantages of Bars-Aero in the picture below.

Comparison of the septic tank BARS-Topas with other offers on the market


Septic tanks are being installed more and more often, since the advantages of this method of wastewater treatment are obvious. This is the absence of an unpleasant smell, and autonomy, and ease of installation, and big choice materials for cameras. A cozy and clean suburban area with a wonderful floral scent has become a reality thanks to a similar cleaning system.

Updated: 11.05.2018 15:17:28

Many owners of private houses in our country dream of a central sewerage system. Not in all settlements Russia has the opportunity to take advantage of this benefit of civilization. Therefore, before buying a house or summer cottage, you should take this delicate issue seriously. Moreover, today a septic tank helps to solve the problem of household wastewater in a private house. If earlier they were ordinary pits or concrete tanks from several circles, nowadays there are not just plastic containers in the trade, but real miniature treatment facilities. They provide for complex purification, which makes it possible to obtain practically spring water at the outlet. The zealous owners use it to water the garden or vegetable garden. To choose the right septic tank for your home, you need to heed the advice of experts.

Criterias of choice

    You should start your choice by defining the tasks that will be assigned to the septic tank. If this is a small dacha, where people are only on weekends from spring to autumn, then inexpensive compact models will do.

    Tank volume depends both on the number of permanent residents and on the type of residence (daily or occasional). For 1-2 households, a capacity of 1-2 cubic meters is enough. m, and for large family of 4-5 people will have to look for septic tanks with a capacity of more than 4 cubic meters. m.

    The presence of a bath in the house implies a large salvo discharge when all content instantly goes to the cleaning system. In this case, models are selected in which a receiving chamber of the corresponding volume (200-500 l) is provided.

    In order to use a sewage (sewage) machine less often, you should pay attention to the proposed cleaning system... In modern septic tanks, along with sedimentation and retention of mechanical impurities, aerobic (anaerobic) bacteria are used, which effectively process organic matter. This not only reduces the overall volume of deposits in the tank, but also increases the degree of cleaning. Some models allow you to get clean water at the exit.

Our review includes the best septic tanks for home and summer cottages. When compiling the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:

    system performance;


    expert opinion;

    consumer reviews.

Rating of the best septic tanks

Nomination a place Name of product minimum price
The best inexpensive septic tanks for summer cottages 1 23 300 ₽
2 22 000 ₽
3 18 000 ₽
The best self-contained septic tanks 1 19 800 ₽
2 67 500 ₽
3 52 000 ₽
4 21 500 ₽
5 62 000 ₽
6 31 500 ₽
The best volatile septic tanks 1 74 500 ₽
2 76 500 ₽

The best inexpensive septic tanks for summer cottages

Country septic tanks are simple and affordable sewage treatment systems. They differ small size and ease, allowing property owners to handle the installation themselves. Stand-alone plants usually have a settling tank and additional filtration. They cannot boast of high performance, but they are unpretentious in operation. Experts have selected several high-quality models.

The best option for a sewerage device in the country would be to purchase a ROSTOK MINI septic tank. The sedimentation tank has an optimal combination of price and technical parameters. Therefore, experts put this model in the first place in the rating. Due to its small volume (1 cubic meter) and low weight (65 kg), it will not be difficult to install a container in a summer cottage. The septic tank is capable of receiving sewage effluents during the summer season, which are formed as a result of the vital activity of 1-2 people. The accumulated processed products will have to be removed no more than 1-2 times a year.

The sedimentation tank is distinguished by a rigid body, efficient filtration system, and autonomous operation. Users in their reviews confirm the effectiveness of the septic tank.


    lightness and strength;

    reliably seals unpleasant odors;

    simple operation;

    acceptable price.


  • not detected.

A universal and very affordable septic tank for a summer residence is the DKS-OPTIMUM (M) model. It was created for the needs of a small family (3 people), and it is allowed to mount the container in different types soil. In this case, the level of groundwater does not play a decisive role. The sedimentation tank is characterized by a high degree of wastewater treatment, which allows the treated water to be discharged into the ground.

The experts praised the well thought-out design of the septic tank. A container with a volume of 1.55 cubic meters. m. is divided into several compartments. In them, sewage drains undergo several stages of purification, including aerobic one. As a result, a septic tank turns 200 liters of discharges into water per day. Sediments in the container also accumulate rather slowly. You will have to order a sewage suction machine no more than once every 2-3 years.


    low price;

    hassle-free installation;

    effective cleaning;

    robust and reliable case.


  • does not block odors reliably enough.

To provide a comfortable stay for 3-4 people in the country, the spacious septic tank Termit Profi 2.0 is perfect. The volume of the polyethylene container is more than 3.5 cubic meters. m. Considering the weight of the product (115 kg), you will have to use a truck crane for installation. Sewage drains undergo several stages of purification, from sedimentation to biological filtration. Only after passing through all the sections, the water enters the ground.

To service the septic tank, you will have to pump out the sediment every 1-3 years, as well as flush the filter element. The sump deserved the third line in the rating, and the high price did not allow it to rise higher.



    lack of odors during work;

    high-quality cleaning.


    not suitable for areas with high groundwater levels;

    installation difficulties.

The best self-contained septic tanks

Autonomous septic tanks are a reliable option for sewage treatment. Their operation does not require additional energy carriers, and maintenance is carried out quite rarely. Autonomous systems do not have a high degree of purification, but they are able to provide a high throughput... Country house owners love them for their ease of use and affordable price. The following autonomous septic tanks were included in our review.

Autonomous septic tanks Tank are very popular among owners of private houses. The container is made of thick-walled plastic (10-17 mm), there are stiffening ribs to increase strength. Thanks to its unique shape, the septic tank withstands soil pressure in different seasons. Experts note the durability of the model (more than 50 years) and effective cleaning technology. Along with settling and subsequent biodegradation, the septic tank has an infiltrator that evenly distributes water into the soil.

The uniqueness of the design lies in the fact that it consists of separate blocks. Therefore, the user can assemble the most suitable system for his home. The compartments are connected to each other using overflow pipes. With proper operation, the container is cleaned once every 4-5 years.


    unique prefabricated structure;


    effective cleaning;

    durable capacity.


  • not detected.

Experts call the Tver septic tank a local treatment facility. It came in second in the ranking due to its high performance. Even if the contents of the bath are drained, untreated drains will not get into the soil. The basis of the septic tank is a multi-chamber plastic container.

At the first stage, the sewerage drainage settles, where most of the sparingly soluble substances are retained. In the second compartment, anaerobic processes take place, microorganisms process organic components. And at the last stage, chlorine-containing reagents are added, after which the disinfected water enters the ground. High productivity and complex multi-stage cleaning resulted in the price, which was higher than the winner's.


    high performance;

    multi-stage cleaning;



  • high price.

The Ecopan septic tank was specially created for use on problem soils. Application of a unique double layer construction with a large number of internal partitions allowed the manufacturer to increase the strength of the container. The innovative approach did not go unnoticed by the experts, who gave the septic tank the third line of the rating. The stage-by-stage sewage treatment is also highly appreciated.

In a six-section tank, sedimentation of suspensions and aerobic processing of organic compounds take place. From the last section, water is removed from the system by gravity or with the help of a pump. It can be used to irrigate your home garden. The septic tank perfectly resists corrosive processes, therefore its service life exceeds 50 years.


    use on problem soils;

    multi-stage cleaning;



  • complex installation.

Good autonomous septic tank are treatment systems Triton. The experts gave the fourth line of the rating for an affordable price and high tightness. The sump is perfect for a country house; it will have to be cleaned no more than once every 1-2 years. The container is made of durable plastic, so there will be no problems with installing small models. Triton is not afraid of moisture and the aggressive effects of sewage. The service life reaches 50 years.

The manufacturer recommends providing an "anchor" before installing a septic tank. It could be concrete slab or a monolithic base that is able to hold the container in a given horizon. The septic tank has a three-stage cleaning.


    affordable price;

    high tightness;

    resistance to aggressive environment.


  • low degree of sewage treatment.

One of the most popular models in our country is the Unilos Astra septic tank. The main advantage of this model is its high degree of purification. This allowed the septic tank to get into our rating. The system is based on combined treatment (mechanical and biological). It effectively handles sewage and maintains an environmentally friendly personal plot... At the first stage, mechanical impurities are precipitated. Then aerobic technology comes into play, thanks to which organic matter is processed.

Experts also note the reliability of the plastic container. It is resistant to both mechanical stress and aggressive environment. Potential buyers are somewhat cooled only by the high price.


    high degree of purification (98%);

    durable capacity;

    good performance.


  • high price.

The non-volatile local treatment system is the Termit Transformer septic tank. It is intended for both occasional and permanent residence. The model is notable for its affordable price and simplicity of design. This allowed the sump to be included in our rating. You can install the septic tank in position yourself, subject to the manufacturer's recommendations. In case of permanent residence, the container must be insulated.

The degree of wastewater treatment is limited to 85%, which does not allow the system to rise to the prize pedestal. Purified water is removed from the septic tank by gravity. The possibility of converting the sump into a full-fledged biological treatment plant is provided.


    affordable price;

    simple construction;

    the possibility of self-assembly.


  • low cleaning rate.

The best volatile septic tanks

When a high degree of sewage treatment is required, the owners of country houses should take a closer look at volatile septic tanks. These systems are among the safest and most environmentally friendly options. They use multi-stage filtration using aerobic bacteria. Pumps and compressors are required to drive fluid through filters. Pure water is also removed from the container automatically. Specialists attribute the high price and lower reliability to the disadvantages of volatile systems. Several septic tanks have caught the attention of our experts.

An economical solution to the problem of sewage waste in a private house will be the installation of a volatile septic tank Topas. The main actor in the cleaning system are microorganisms. Thanks to them, it is possible to rid water of impurities by 98%. The experts gave the septic tank the first place not only for high-quality cleaning, but also for economical energy consumption in comparison with competitors. The presence of special filters in the septic tank allows you to forget about human interference and unpleasant odors.

The container is made of extra strong polypropylene, reinforced with stiffening ribs. The entire interior space is divided into several sections. Large inclusions are deposited in one chamber, aerobic bacteria work in the other compartment, the third sector is responsible for sedimentation, and sludge is stored in the last zone.

The Eco-Grand (Poplar) septic tank loses to the winner in electricity consumption (2.8 kW per day), which increases the owners' operating costs sewage treatment plant... According to user reviews, there are no special problems with the installation or maintenance of a volatile septic tank.


    roomy receiver;

    high performance;

    high-quality cleaning.


    high price;

    increased energy costs.

Attention! This rating is subjective, does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Life outside the city has many virtues. Silence, the absence of neighbors behind the wall, clean air - which of the inhabitants of megalopolises does not dream of this? But in order for a country house to be comfortable, it is necessary to have basic utilities in the house. And if in most villages it is possible to connect houses to the power grid, then centralized sewerage systems, most often, are absent. Therefore, summer residents have to build a local sewage system and, therefore, decide how to choose a septic tank for a summer residence.

What should be the local sewerage system at the summer cottage? Of course, reliable, efficiently working, not requiring constant monitoring, and at the same time inexpensive. But before deciding which septic tank to buy for a summer cottage, you need to evaluate the operating conditions of the installation, since a septic tank model that is ideal for one summer cottage may not be suitable for another at all.

After all, some country houses are used as permanent housing, so they need to be equipped with productive installations. And in the event that the dacha is a place that is used for periodic rest on weekends and holidays, you can choose simpler and cheaper options for arranging the sewage system.

Determining the performance and volume

Before choosing a treatment plant for a summer residence, you need to decide on the water consumption in the house, since it depends on essential characteristic- the productivity of the installation and its volume. How to determine the water consumption in the house? This indicator depends on two factors:

  • The number of people using water (the number of households and guests, if they regularly visit the house);
  • Equipping the house with plumbing fixtures. If the house has a standard (as in an ordinary city apartment) set of plumbing fixtures, then according to the accepted norms, the daily consumption of liquid per person is 200 liters. In the event that the house, for example, does not have a bath, but only a shower is installed, then the water consumption will be less, and when the cottage is equipped with a pool connected to common system sewerage, then, on the contrary, the number will increase.

So, in order to calculate the performance of a septic tank, you need to determine the daily water consumption. For example, if 4 people will live in the house, then the consumption and, therefore, the daily productivity should be equal to 800 liters.

But the volume of the septic tank chambers should be such that it accommodates the volume of wastewater that accumulates over three days. That is, in our example, a family of four needs a volume of 2.5 cubic meters (3 * 800 = 2400 liters, round up into big side, we get 2500 liters or 2.5 cubic meters).

Advice! When choosing the performance of a septic tank, you need to take into account not only the number of permanent residents, but also the number of guests who visit the house on a regular basis. And since a septic tank is purchased for more than a dozen years, it is worth considering the possibility of increasing the size of the family.

Determining the type of treatment plant

Having chosen the optimal volume, you need to decide which type of septic tank will be best for these conditions. Comparing septic tanks for summer cottages, there are three main types that differ in their principle of operation.

Accumulative type

When planning to choose a simple septic tank for a summer residence, you should opt for a drive. This is an ordinary sealed tank that accumulates the sewage coming from the house through the pipeline. As waste accumulates, they will need to be pumped out using sewage equipment. The advantages of this option:

  • Low cost of installation;
  • Simplicity of the device;
  • Environmental Safety.


  • The need for regular cleaning. Moreover, the greater the number of drains, the more often the septic tank will have to be cleaned;
  • Unpleasant odor spreading over the area when pumping down.

This option of a septic tank is perfect for summer cottages that are not used for permanent residence, that is, with a small volume of drains. In this case, with a large volume of the septic tank, it will have to be cleaned 1-3 times over the summer, that is, the maintenance costs will not be too high.

Anaerobic with aeration fields

When choosing the best septic tank for a summer residence, most owners stop at this option. Such septic tanks not only collect drains, but also purify them, so they will have to be cleaned much less often than drives. Even with permanent residence in the house, cleaning will need to be done about once a year.

And at the same time, septic tanks of the anaerobic type are relatively inexpensive, despite the fact that they are able to provide a high degree of wastewater treatment. Pros of this option:

  • Reliability and simplicity of the device;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Relatively low cost;
  • Complete autonomy, septic tanks do not require a power connection.

Advice! Anaerobic septic tanks can be purchased as finished installation or build cameras yourself. The latter option is certainly cheaper, but its implementation will require high costs time and labor.

The disadvantages of anaerobic septic tanks include the need to build aeration fields. The aeration fields need to be changed approximately once every 10 years, since the filtering layers are silted up and cease to perform their functions, and this is an additional cost of labor and funds.

In addition, it is extremely difficult to equip filtration fields if the soil on the site is clayey and does not allow water to pass through well. Or the soil water is located very high, which does not allow additional moisture to be absorbed into the soil.

Normally working anaerobic septic tanks do not spread an unpleasant odor throughout the area. The appearance of an odor is a signal of a system malfunction. This is possible when the filtration fields are clogged, when the number of bacteria is reduced.

Advice! Ready-made septic tanks are often sold complete with devices for additional soil treatment equipment - infiltrators. The installation of such devices is not too laborious, which generally reduces the labor costs for the equipment of the sewer system.

To remedy the situation, the following measures are applied:

  • Cleaning of chambers using sewage equipment;
  • The use of special biological additives that will restore the number of bacterial colonies;
  • Replacing filtering fields.

Aerobic type

When reviewing septic tanks for summer cottages, one cannot fail to mention modern installations - septic tanks with aerobic wastewater treatment. These are compact plants that use biological wastewater treatment using aerobic, that is, bacteria existing in an oxygenated environment.

Such purification allows you to quickly and effectively remove impurities, as a result, the outlet water is 98-100% purified, that is, these installations do not need to build filtration fields. Pros of this option:

  • The units are compact, odor-free and noise-free;
  • High degree of wastewater treatment, allowing water to be discharged from the septic tank without additional post-treatment;
  • The stations can be installed under any geological conditions on the site;
  • There is no need to call the sewers to clean the stations. You can remove the sludge accumulating in the sludge receiver yourself.

The disadvantages of using biological treatment plants include:

  • Volatility. The stations are equipped with compressors, aerators and other devices that require connection to power grids;
  • High price. Biological treatment plants are quite expensive, so they are rarely installed in summer cottages.

However, if you plan to build big house for permanent residence, then with a large volume of effluents, the choice of a biological treatment plant will be justified.

Deciding on the material of the case

When purchasing a complete wastewater treatment plant, the consumer has little choice. Most of the models have a plastic case, since modern polymer materials have excellent technical and operational characteristics. Pros of plastic septic tanks:

  • Reliability and long service life. Despite constant contact with sewage, the plastic does not deteriorate. Therefore, the polymer body of a septic tank can last 50 or more years without requiring replacement;
  • Elasticity. The walls of the septic tank body are quite elastic, so they can easily withstand the loads created by the soil;
  • Low weight. This circumstance considerably facilitates the installation and, in some cases, makes it possible to do without the use of lifting equipment.

However, the small weight of the septic tank is at the same time its disadvantage, since under the action of soil water filling the pit, the light body of the septic tank can simply float to the surface, destroying the entire sewage system.

To prevent the occurrence of such an emergency, plastic septic tanks are installed on a slab made of reinforced concrete and fixed to it with synthetic belts. When planning to build a septic tank on their own, summer residents usually use:

  • Reinforced concrete well rings;
  • Plastic Eurocubes;
  • Plastic drums and other suitable materials.

When building a local sewage system, almost every homeowner is concerned about the question of how to choose a septic tank for a summer residence - which one is better to buy from the proposed installations? Or is it better to build the cameras yourself? It is almost impossible to give an unambiguous answer suitable for each and every one. Since the choice of installation should be made taking into account local operating conditions: water consumption, frequency of use of the house, geological conditions on the site.