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Sepage autonomous without pumping. Which septicch should choose: rating of the best wastewater treatment plants. Montage Septica with her hands from barrels


Today to make a septic tank in its plot - not such a difficult task. In addition, such a sewer system has a lot of advantages, in contrast, let's say, from a cesspool, which goes into the past. But minus any septica is the need for its periodic cleaning from the content. To this end, you have to call an assessionator. And this is, as you know, costs money. However, it turns out, there are visiting options without the need for constant emptying. And to build such a sewage will not be much difficulty. Let's wonder how to make a septic tank without pumping your own hands, more.

Principle of action septic without pumping

Everything is quite simple here. Such septic works as follows: Solid particles settle on the bottom, and there are gradually processing microorganisms and bacteria, especially for this and inhabitants in the septic. What do we get in the end? Solid precipitates are completely destroyed. The resulting water merges into the ground, and due to cleaning it is not able to harm the environment. There is no smell from the septica, since the tank with bacteria is completely sealed (read also: ""). As a result, septic tank, of course, works autonomously. Unless in a few years it will be possible to conduct preventive cleaning of the walls and the bottom of the sewer tank.

Before construction, determine the amount of septicism. Experts recommend to take as a basis the fact that per day per person accounts for 200 liters of stocks. Next multiply this number to the number of living in the house. If you also have a bath, a shower, a washing machine, then it is worth the lithrics of 300-500. Increased value in three times. This will be the desired septic scope.

Since we agreed that we will give an example of the construction of the septicity of a two-chamber, then the amount calculated by you should be distributed as follows:

  • 75% of the total septicity should have to come to the first chamber.
  • 25% of the volume - on the second chamber.
By the way, there is another trick. If you want to forget about cleaning septic for a long time, you can enhance the area of \u200b\u200bseptic septica or dug up the boilers. Due to this, the volume of both cameras will increase. And therefore, such a septicch without electricity will work longer autonomously. See also: "".


Septack without pumping and electricity should be placed strictly in a certain place on your site.

For this, several rules have been developed:

  1. The residential building cannot be closer to septic, than five meters.
  2. To the septicch should freely approach the assessionator. It will have to cause every few years to prevent the sewer tank.
  3. Once water after cleaning will be discharged into the soil, it is advisable not to build a septic next to the sources of drinking water. The distance should be at least fifteen meters.

After it is defined, where to build a septicchka, you need to start up to earthworks. Namely - to prepare a pit for further construction of the septica.

This case can give several tips:

  1. Rynet the pit need to be larger than it is required to build a septic tank without maintenance. That is, somewhere 20 cm more in each direction. After all, concreting walls and bottom will be required. In addition, you need to try to dig a pit with fairly smooth sides. Otherwise, problems occur when pouring walls. Concrete will fall uneven (read: "").
  2. The depth must be considered from the point where the sewer tube will be connected. Rynet hitting deep into the fact that 20 cm from the thickness of the bottom will go to the pouring concrete. And another 20 cm - on a layer of sand and rubble. Therefore, do not make mistakes so that the depth does not appear in the end too small.
  3. The sewer tube should go from the house to the septic tilt, somewhere on 2 cm deep into each meter of its length. It is also impossible to place pipes too close to the surface of the earth. Otherwise, they simply will be labeled in winter, and this will lead to the emergence of stoles and blockages, to cope with which it is not easy!

How to make a formwork with your own hands

One of the important stages in order to properly build a septicity non-volatile without pumping with self-cleaning, you need to build a formwork, adhering to building recommendations.

For formwork, use the inch size boards, shields or OSB sheets.

And now several important comments:

  1. To begin with, delinite the pita. His fourth part will take the second chamber, the rest is the first. The formwork for the partition between them should be double-sided with a distance between the shields of approximately 15-20 cm.
  2. Installing the formwork is better immediately at all height. And then then sign boards and bars for reliability.
  3. Where there is a sewer tube, we cut the hole in the formwork. Note that the pipe must enter the septic tank somewhere by 30 cm.
  4. Next, you need to make holes for the overflow tube between cameras. Such a pipe must be placed lower than the inlet-sewer.
  5. Install the tee on the transition tube in the first chamber, it will help to avoid possible blockages.
  6. Now we make fittings on all sides of the future septic. This is an important stage. What happens without fittings? The fact is that the maintenance-free septicch can simply be cracked under pressure to the tillage of the soil, and the metal frame will give it strength.
  7. But even the reinforcement can play with a septic joke, if it is installed incorrectly. Always see that different parts of the grid connected tightly. To do this, use knitting wire or even welding. And, of course, it is worthwhile to insert the relentless grid to the ground. And when you pour concrete, it should cover the reorganization completely so that the protruding rods are not subject to corrosion process.

Stage concreting septica

Further, a septic tank that is not necessary to pump out, it is necessary to concrete, or rather - pour walls and bottom. First you need to make a solution. To do this, take 1 part of the cement M400, 5 parts of rubble and 3 parts of the sand. A few words about crushed. He should not be too big. But the resulting solution should become sufficiently thick. Otherwise, he will give his moisture soil, which will negatively affect the strength of the structure subsequently.
Of course, it is better to finish working with concrete in one day. After that let him snack. Formwork can be removed for 4-5 days. But concrete and then you need time to further harden, about two weeks.

Now you need to fall asleep sand on the bottom of the first chamber and pour it with concrete. And in the second - just pour the sand layer. However, if the soil under the septic is clay and solid, then you need to install in the bottom of the second chamber pipe for drainage. To do this, deepen half meter. Place the pipes with holes along the entire length. At the same time, drainage pipes must protrude over the bottom of about 30 cm.

Construct overlap

Non-volatile septic tank without pumping requires the construction of overlaps between cameras. By the way, each of them should have a hatch. And the second chamber will have to be equipped with a ventilation pipe.
The role of overlapping can perform a regular concrete plate. On the perimeter of the septica and along the overlap you need to make a metal circuit, as shown in the photo. This will give sustainability by the partition.

Do not forget that the partition will need to be inspired. Any thermal insulation material is suitable. Upon completion of work with overlapping - it will only be necessary to make work on the equipment of the hatch septic. Usually, a septic tank that does not require pumping has one hatch, but in our case, if there are two cameras, then the hatch can be two. Note that the septic cover must also be covered with thermal insulation material. For these purposes, the most common foam can be passed for these purposes, which copes well with the insulation function (read also: ""). This is especially true if you expect to use the sewage system and during the cold season. And considering our harsh winters, without insulation the septica can not do!

That's all the advice, how to make a septicch yourself without pumping. Such a sewer system will last long and high quality. You will have to be adding (right from home) to waste water bioactivators and bacteria to work septic. This procedure is carried out only once every two weeks. However, if the volume of waste is not so big, then perhaps not more than once a month.

One of the conditions for a comfortable stay outside the city is the construction of sewage. Most often, septic tanks use for these purposes. Those who want to save build them on their own. Most of these designs need regular cleaning for which it is necessary to call an arbitrary machine. However, it is possible to make a septicchka with your own hands without pumping, for which the maintenance equipment does not need to be called. But first, you need to learn the design features of such structures.

How does the design work that does not require pumping?

The design that does not require regular poppy pumping consists of several adjacent reservoirs. Typically build two or three-chamber septics. The first tank is a sump. As a rule, in a two-chamber septhet, the volume of the first reservoir takes three quarters of the entire structure, in a three-chamber half.

Finding into the first chamber, the drains are pre-clean. At the same time, severe fractions are settled at the bottom, and lighter flows into the second tank as the first fills. In the last capacity, the final appearance of the effluent occurs, after which the relatively clean water is sent to the field of filtration or to the drainage well.

At the bottom of the last camera, the septic is poured a layer of rubble for drainage. It helps excessive moisture to go into the ground and do not accumulate in septic

All tanks of such a septica, except the latter make hermetic. Depending on the design in the last chamber make holes in the walls or day of the septic. It helps remove excess moisture and avoid regular waste pumping.

Since in domestic drains, in addition to organic substances are insoluble impurities, even such a design is required to periodically get rid of the sediment, which will accumulate at the bottom of the septic. This is done using domestic drainage pumps. Fading sediment can be used as fertilizer. The frequency of maintenance of the septica depends on its size and volumes and composition of the effluent.

Determining size and installation site septic

To build a septic tank for giving without pumping, it is necessary to correctly calculate its volume. It is determined in accordance with water consumption. The basis of water flow rate on a person, which is 200 liters. daily. According to it, the daily rate on all tenants is determined and the three-time value of the value obtained is determined. Then add another 20% of the result.

After determining the volume, it is necessary to calculate the size of the septicity itself. Suppose it is necessary to design with a volume of 18 m³. So you can build a septicch with a depth of 3 m, a length of 3 m and a width of 2 m. Multiplying all sides and gives the desired volume. Be sure to take into account that the distance from the bottom of the structure to the drain pipe should be at least 0.8 m.

Also, it is very important to correctly choose the location of the structure. It is not recommended to approach the house closer than 5 meters. However, building too far from housing is also not worth it. Otherwise, it will increase the waste to lay the sewer highway.

Since the septic tank is constructed without pumping, it is necessary to remove it from the water source by more than 50 m. It should take into account the direction of movement of soil water. In order to avoid troubles with neighbors, it is necessary to retreat from the border of the site at least on the meter

The longer the pipeline, the greater the likelihood of its clogging. Therefore, you will have to install control wells.

Features of the device depending on the material

You can build a septic without pumping and smell alone. For this apply:

  • brick;
  • monolithic concrete;
  • concrete rings;
  • eurocube.

Let's analyze every design in more detail.

Option # 1 - Septic bricks

For the manufacture of the septic, the clinker brick is selected without pumping. The shape of the sump can be round or rectangular. The external walls of the septicity for better waterproofing is desirable to be treated with special mastic and fall asleep clay throughout the perimeter somewhere by 20 cm. The inner surface is treated with cement mortar.

The bottom of the cells, besides the last, you need to concrete so that unclean waste does not seep into the ground. The bottom of the last reservoir is falling asleep with a layer of sand and rubble, and the walls are laying out with small gaps. This will help excess filtered water to leak into the ground. Between themselves, the tanks are connected using tees.

The walls of the last chamber septica of bricks are laying out with small gaps so that the excess moisture in the ground

Option # 2 - Monolithic Concrete Design

For the tightness of the first chambers of the monolithic septic, the base is poured with concrete over the sand "pillow". After the solution is frozen, the formwork is built and concrete wall structures are poured. At the same time it is necessary to equip overflows between cameras. For this use sewer tees. The top of the design is also poured with a solution. At the same time, the control holes that cover with hatches are left. To improve drainage, the bottom of the last chamber rolls the pipes, and the ground is not poured with a solution, and fall asleep with rubble.

The size of the first chamber of the three-chamber monolithic septicity can be half the entire design or to be equal to each of its components. Walls and bottom of the monolithic structure must be completely sealed

For concrete strength, during the construction of a monolithic septic, it is necessary to use fittings.

Option # 3 - Septic tank made of concrete rings

The diameter w / b rings is different, which should be taken into account when calculating the size of the septic. Usually, no more than 4-concrete products are used for one tank. Due to the severity of composite elements, it is advisable to use special equipment for the construction of such septicists. Install the rings successively.

Having setting the first element to the location, make a substructure under it. As the first ring is lowered, the installation of the following septic elements. Parts are fastened with the help of protruding reinforcement. The seams between the rings are thoroughly sealed with a solution and covered with waterproofing. The bottom of hermetic structures concrete.

After installing the rings for septic, the seams between them are closed with a solution and coated with waterproofing composition. This prevents the seeping of crude drains into the soil

To close the seams between the rings, hydroizol, bitumen mastic, hydrotect or other waterproofing compositions are used.

Constructed, thus, the necessary number of reservoirs, the overflow pipes are paved between them. From above, all chambers are closed with hatches. For reliability around the design, the clay "castle" makes.

Option # 4 - Using plastic containers

The Eurocubes often use plastic septic tanks. Before they are installed, it is necessary to make openings for transitional and ventilation pipes. After that, the tanks are welded or bonded with each other with the help of fittings and lowered in advance prepared pita. In order to avoid squeezing the design with groundwater, it is necessary to produce anchor.

The Eurocups are fully prepared for installation in the ground. So that they do not shift relative to each other, boil durable metal frame

Regardless of what the septic tank is made, it should be reliable and durable. We must not forget about the safety of such structures. Therefore, septic tanks without pumping can be constructed only in places with low groundwater levels.

It is difficult to live outside the city, in the country, for example, without a comfortable sewage system. In order not to have problems with this, you need to use septic tanks. In order to save them, they are often made with their own hands, septicchka is designed so that it can do not even be very experienced in such affairs.

Septic tank that does not require cleaning consists of several tanks. Septics are usually two-chamber and three-chamber. The first tank performs the function of the sump, and it usually takes three quarters of the entire structure, if it is two-chamber, or half - if three-chamber.

In the first chamber, the strokes pass the so-called pre-purification. Heavy fractions are settled on the day, and those that is easier, flows into the second tank as soon as the first will be filled. Well, the final container is carried out the finish eye of the drain, after that, conditionally clean water goes to the fields for filtering, or it enters the drainage well.

All septic tanks, excluding the last, sealed. Holes are made in the last chamber or in the wall or in the bottom area. They are needed to remove excess moisture, as well as avoiding regular waste pumping. Household drains, however, need to be cleaned from the sediment in time, which accumulates at the bottom of the septica. In this case, household drainage pumps are used. Sometimes the precipitate, which has been rejected, is used as a fertilizer.

Right septic tack of concrete rings

Holding the size of the septicity, you need to take into account the diameter of the reinforced concrete rings. Most often, 4 concrete products are used for one tank, not more. It is hard to install them that is usually used by the special equipment. Rings need to be sequentially saved.

Work with concrete rings:

  • When the first element is installed on the location, under it there is a subpople;
  • When the first ring is lowered, the following elements are set;
  • All parts are fastened with fixing reinforcement;
  • The seams between the rings are usually closed with a solution, as well as coated with waterproofing.

The bottom of such designs is always concreted. To make a good seams between rings, you can take bitumen mastic, as well as means of waterproof, hydrotect and similar materials. So, building the desired number of reservoirs, then the pouring pipes are paved between them. Camera top closed with hatches. And in order to give the reliability of the design, it is recommended to make a "clay castle".

What else is septic tank in the country with their own hands without pumping

Cate sewage and its arrangement sometimes require incredible creativity. The reality is such that the septic device uses not only concrete rings, but also more exotic items. One of them is a car tire. They are installed on the principle of the most concrete rings. The option is very simple, only a mini-diameter of the tire can be restricted.

Also septic, which you do not need to pump off, can be made from:

  • Brick. What can be clearer than simple and cheap brickwork. The size of the design can be varied, which is very convenient.
  • Monolithic concrete. This option is durable, and in contrast to the same concrete rings, it can be done without special accompaniment. But also the fill of concrete, no matter how it was, has its own specifics in which you need to delve into.
  • Plastic. Otherwise, the Eurocup. These are already modern technologies made their contribution to this difficult process. You can choose any size, width, tanks are durable, waterproof and cost inexpensively. They are easy to mount, besides, they withstand an aggressive environment.

So this is no myth, septic tank can be constructed independently. And the sewage will be in order, and you will be sure about the quality of work. You can construct a two-chamber, and three-chamber septic. And most importantly, there is no need for assessing support.

Independent solution: how to clean the septic tank without pumping

In the autonomous design, everything should be thought out, including the pumping system. You can pump the sewer manually, or using a special ilosa. If we are talking about modern septic, then such devices with biological cleaning are equipped with an automatic system for the distribution of heavy and solid inclusions of inorries directly to the accumulative tanks. And already from there, remove their labor will not be.

Today it is not difficult and acquired and the means to remove the alms. They are divided into several categories. There are biological agents, those contain bacteria strains, various biological preparations that decompose the organic. And there is a chemical agent, which contains a special coagulant, thanks to which small particles stick out into large elements, and then settle on the bottom.

It is worth mentioning that it is impossible to build cesspools and septicities. It is necessary to coordinate their installation with permissible instances. The resolution should be in your hands, written and with seals.

Spent types without pumping (video)

For many novice daches, the word septic is associated except with the word antiseptic and other medical themes. But as soon as it comes to the sewage device, all the installation nuances will be studied carefully.

Preconceived attitude to local sewage systems is associated with experience in the maintenance of simple drain pits. The autonomous drainage is associated with a regular drainage of the receiver with a heavy association car race to the area, and a constant resistant odor, from which it is impossible to get rid even after disinfection. The situation changes the installation of modern stand-alone sewage stations - odorless and systematic pumping. There are several types of sewage systems that work both with the connection to the power grid and in a fully offline mode. A variety of finished solutions allows you to choose the optimal design for a country house, a country area, a mini-hotel or cafe.

In addition to the magnitude of the budget planned for sewage arrangement, several objective factors take into account when choosing a wastewater disposal method:

  • Location and area of \u200b\u200bthe site: Simple designs can be mounted on distant sites from urban traits, for arrangement in dachas with seasonal use. The site should be enough space to comply with the rules for placing drain reservoirs.
  • The point of groundwater occurs: most systems are installed so that the reset is above groundwater level.
  • The presence of good electrical wiring and uninterrupted electricity supply. Autonomous systems for private sewage, working without pumping, are equipped with pumping groups and compressors.

Imperceptive sewage: On the surface - only the lid of the viewing hatch

It should be remembered that any system will have to regularly serve, but the frequency of measures can be reduced to pumping every few years using a conventional drainage pump.

Deep Cleaning System: Scheme

Pit or septic tightness: simple solution

The cheapest way to equip autonomous sewer without unpleasant smell is to install a sealed drain tank. Instead of resetting waste into the pit dug in the ground, impenetrable plastic containers use. Tanks made of polyethylene or PVC are sealed, equipped with a hatch with a sealant that is not transmitting air. To the top of the receiver connect the pipe from home sewage. They dump the septicch so that the hatch spoke above the surface of the soil is 20 cm.

The drain pit will have to be pulled out often: you need an entrance for the car

The advantages of drain septica or pit are simplicity of design and low cost. But these are the only advantages, besides dubious. Pulling fluid will have to regularly - at least once a month. The savings on the design is leveled by the value of the departure of the assessing agent and the large volume of earthwork during installation, because the container must accommodate the monthly flow volume with a reserve of 20-30%.

A simple drain system is not suitable for servicing a private house if the number of family members is more than two, and in the cottage live all year round. Intensive use of household appliances increases water consumption twice. It makes no sense to save on sewage and pay for pumping weekly.

Non-volatile system for work without connecting to the power grid

Budget design with reduced pumping frequency and odorless - active septic tank. The autonomous sewage system of this type is non-volatile and can be installed on areas where there is no electricity - to serve the seaside residence.

Septic is one hermetic or two, connected by overflow, containers. The single-chamber design is mounted when the groundwater level allows you to organize a drain from the tank directly into the soil.

Anaerobic septic tank: non-volatile sewage

Cleaning occurs in the main receiver and takes 72 hours. Therefore, there is no need to install large-sized tanks. The capacity of the tank should be sufficient to accommodate 3 maximum daily sewage volumes, with a reserve up to 40%. The fluid level inside the design should not exceed 75% of the internal volume.

Waste cleaning occurs under the influence of anaerobic microorganisms, processing organic compounds. Through the inlet of the sewer plum flows, a dense fatty crust is gradually formed on the surface of the fluid - the habitat of bacteria.

Diagram of flow cleaning in the housing

Solid particles that do not dissolve, settle on the bottom. The purified liquid is removed into the ground through a filter tunnel or a well with a gravel pillow and sand, further cleansing water before leakage into the ground.

Active septic tires are necessarily equipped with ventilation. So that the autonomous sewerization does not spread the unpleasant odor, the removal is removed to 3 - 5 m. It will not be possible to do without pumping without pumping: from the receiving capacity, the part is removed several times a year.

Cleaning stations: Flowing designs with full cleaning

The only solution that makes it possible to organize autonomous sewer without smell and without pumping special technique - installation of a local cleaning station (LOS). Systems are designed using multistage processing technology. Drops entering LOS pass mechanical, biological and chemical cleaning.

Autonomous Cleaning Station: Location on the site

Deep recycling of waste and finishing disinfection contribute to complete wastewater treatment - the degree of purity is from 95%. Such water is allowed to dispose - merge onto relief, in reservoirs and ditches. Also, the clarified drains can be used as technical water for construction, household needs: watering plants, filling landscape water bodies and pools.

Autonomous stations: Deep processing without pumping and unpleasant odor

In the cleaning stations of deep cleaning, electrical equipment is involved, and control is carried out by an electronic control unit placed inside the housing. Therefore, to install autonomous sewage systems can only be installed in areas with stable power supply. Stations copier with short-term power outages - work in offline.

Multi-chamber Horizontal Cleaning Station for Home Sewing

Designs: From what is the sewage system

Systems of autonomous sewage without pumping and odor - complex structures with integrated equipment. The housing, depending on the power and the calculated volume of the recyclable waste, may consist of one or two separately placed reservoirs.

Tanks are made of several types of materials:

  • Polyethylene. The advantage of reservoirs is in the absence of seams. Since the hull is constantly in the ground, it is experiencing a double load: an aggressive liquid is accumulated inside, the walls of the soil with stones appear on the walls. The absence of seams makes the design of almost eternal - the reservoirs are not cracking, do not proceed, the walls do not rot and are not subject to corrosion. Plastic tanks do not require insulation - the material is multi-layered, withstands up to -30 o.

Vertical system in the polymer case

  • Polymer with the addition of fiberglass. Fiberglass with fiberglass additive is more durable than PVC and polyethylene, but structures from this material are an order of magnitude more expensive. Plastic enclosures are used for the manufacture of systems that are intended for installation on commercial objects or as sewage to several houses. The power of the stations is enough to utilize waste from buildings, where up to 200 people live.

  • Metal. Metal designs consist of 2 parts. A plastic reservoir is installed inside the metal weld. Metal is less preferable as the body of the sewer system: the seams are quickly losing tightness, and damage to the protective anti-corrosion layer leads to the appearance of rust.

Inside the case - several (up to 4) individual sections for phase-out flow processing. The chambers are separated by deaf walls with holes for pumping fluid into the next compartment, or by overflow walls.

Main compartments - camera mechanical and primary cleaning (sump); Aerotenk (deep biological processing compartment) and the finishing unit. Cleaning stations housing are equipped with preparations for connecting to home sewage - nozzles of standard sizes with seals.

Watching hatches are equipped with sealed lids with locks, in order for the site where autonomous sewage is installed, there is no unpleasant smell. Depending on the type of biological processing, the designs can be equipped with a ventilation tap, which is displayed in home ventilation to the roof level. In stations without anaerobic processing, ventilation is not installed.

Equipment and internal organization

  • Mechanical filters with trash catchers.
  • Drainage pumps with shredders - for crushing solid waste and reduce the amount of precipitate in the receiver.
  • Compressor equipment with control unit - for saturation of the biofiltration chamber with oxygen.
  • Module with chemical disinfects or blocks with bulk absorbents in the finish cleaning chamber.

Cleaning Mechanism: Waste Processing Stages

How does autonomous sewerage work, which does not need to pump and processes waste without smell? Strokes are a comprehensive phased processing. At the first stage, the fluid is fed through the removal of domestic sewage to the sump. The chamber is equipped with mechanical filters, fat trap, garbage. High power stations are equipped with electric waste, so that the sediment does not accumulate at the bottom. In the receiving compartment there is a natural process of liquid separation - water rises upwards, and insoluble masses are settled at the bottom.

Scheme: flow sequence inside the case

Through the overflow hole, or with the help of an electric pump, the drain enters the compartment, where deep cleaning occurs - in the aerotane. Over 3 days, biological flow processing takes place to obtain water purified by 70% at the output. After the process is completed, the liquid is supplied to the finish-processing chamber. In the latter compartment, filtering and disinfection occurs - the purity at the outlet is up to 99%. Chlorine is used as a disinfecting component in safe form - slowly soluble tablets. For mechanical doochetics, blocks with coal, mineral bulk filters are used.

After processing the drain is derived from the sewage pump. Drain is organized in several ways:

Ways to output purified

  • Install a filtration well or tunnel, through which purified water enters the ground.
  • Make a compulsory removal into the natural reservoir, a ditch, a ditch.
  • Take water into the receiving tank on the plot for further use.

How deep bio filtration occurs

In the chamber of deep purification, aerotane, the main process of processing sewage drain is occurring. At the same time, living organisms are performed the main work - aerobic bacteria. Microorganisms live in the mass of active sludge, consisting of brown flakes.

Compressor equipment in aerotane

Under the influence of oxygen injected by the compressor, the processing process is activated due to the accelerated reproduction of bacteria. Microorganisms are absorbed and cleaved organic compounds. The liquid released from organic pollution rises, and active il consisting of bacteria and dense masses remains at the bottom.

The more oxygen is fed to the chamber, the faster the number of microorganisms occurs, respectively, the cleaning process is accelerated. Technology Universal: Adding biopreparations are not necessary, self-regulation of the number of living organisms allows you to control the speed and intensity of the processing process.

Bio filtration using the aerobic system

The stations do not have restrictions on the composition of the processed flow, in contrast to the active septicines (anaerobic), sensitive to household chemicals and the remnants of drugs. Systems cope with the standard amount of detergent, other chemicals that fall into the sewage drain.

Mounting and Local Sewer Installation Restrictions

Autonomous sewage, which works odorless and does not require pumping, is the only type of purification systems, which is allowed to install on sites with a limited area in the urban art. Restrictions and requirements for installation:

  1. An indentation from the foundation is 5 m, but with a lack of area, it is allowed to reduce the indent to 3 m.
  2. Before the fence or border of the neighboring section should be at least 2 - 4 m.
  3. Allowed installation in the city, as well as for servicing several residential buildings.

Installation is entitled to the organization's accredited manufacturer of organizations: a manufacturer's representative supervises the installation process. The second option is to order stations with the installation directly from the manufacturer, and the preparatory earthworks are carried out independently.

Drinking damped with a reserve in depth to form a solid base. The bottom is poured with a solution, install the plates or cover the sand onto a crushed pillow. The base must necessarily be strictly horizontal and smooth.

The place under the pit is chosen so that the sewage pipe from the house is laid with a minimum amount of turns and height drops, preferably in a straight line. At the same time, the installation of the pipe is performed under the tilt so that the fluid is unhindered into the receiving chamber. Pipe diameter - from 100 to 120 mm. Manufacturers recommend using plastic parts for pipelines - PVC or polypropylene.

Cleaning Station Service: Regular Events

Manufacturers of cleaning stations in the instructions indicate a list and frequency of preventive work. General rules:

  • Weekly examine stock and check 2 parameters: transparency and odor. The fluid at the outlet of the autonomous sewage must be absolutely colorless, without impurities, an unpleasant odor.
  • If the receiving compartment is equipped with trash catchers, then extract baskets for cleaning are necessary once a few months. Access is carried out through the hatch.

The basket is removed through the hatch cover

  • When using chlorine for disinfection, you need to systematically install a new tablet into the module - approximately 1 time in 14 days.
  • The number of waste that will have to be extracted from the station is slightly. The total amount varies from 60 to 90 liters per year. The cleaning of biological processing cameras is carried out once after several years of operation. You can dry up the compartments yourself, applying a home drain pump.
  • Replacing consumables and maintenance of electrical equipment is carried out exclusively by manufacturer's representatives - usually 10 years after starting the station.

Video: How to choose and install autonomous sewer

Do not nimble when choosing a system only for the cost. Contact your company that sells and installation - you will help you choose the stand of autonomous sewage with an optimal combination of price, power and quality. Also, specialists will take into account all individual features: the volume is predicted, the relief and technical characteristics of the site will analyze.

When adjusting private sewage on the site, the owners of country houses or cottages previously used the method of erection of a standard waste pit, which required periodic cleaning and at the same time gave an unpleasant smell to the entire district. However, today progress went far ahead and allows not only to create high-quality waste tanks, but also take care of the environment. At the same time, the substantial savings of the family budget in this case is not in the last place. Such a perfect mechanism for cleaning waste household waters is septic without pumping.

What kind of "beast" is, as septic tanks work without pumping, and what the principles of their erection are concluded, we understand below.

Septic calls a special sewage treatment plant consisting of two or three chambers interfluid from the overflow hoses. Such a system serves to collect waste household waters, their upset, further purification and subsequent transportation to the ground.

According to SNiP, household waste water from giving, bath, country house, etc., past cleaning through a sump, is considered suitable for reset to nearby reservoirs, in the soil or roadside cuvettes. Since such fluid is cleaned in a septic to 90%.

The principle of such a system is as follows:

  • Household drains across the sewer tube fall into the first tank chamber - a sealed drive. Here the dirty water is settled and its separation into large heavy particles, which under the influence of gravity settle on the bottom, and more clarified water.
  • After that, light water with a self-shot or with the help of pumps overflowing into the second chamber of the sewage system, where it occurs. Here again, larger particles of impurities are settled on the bottom, and light water is overflowing to the third - hermetic drainage chamber. Here the camera no longer has a bottom, but is equipped with a special filter from rubble. Through it, purified water is sent simply into the ground.

Important: The main disadvantage of such a system of wastewater treatment is its energy-dependence and the need for regular cleaning (once a year) of il from the first and second settles, which can give an unpleasant odor. But here there is a solution - septicch without pumping and electricity.

Principle of operation of the system without pumping?

Septic tanks without pumping and electricity are analogues of the septicists described above, only the main work in them is performed by beneficial bacteria. They also provide high-quality recycling of residual il, which avoids unpleasant odor in the country and inspire from the constant need to pump balances from the septica chambers. But about everything in detail.

Septic tank that copes with runoff without interference is called a biological septic. There is not only mechanical clarification of water, but also its biological purification. As a result of such treatment, the drains are considered purified by 98%.

Important: As a result of the work of bacteria in the well, organic ilth is also assembled. But its elimination is produced once every 5-7 years, which is significantly different from the cleaning of a standard mechanical septic. In addition, the organic IL from biological septicism does not pose any threat to the environment, does not have a sharp smell and can be used as fertilizer at the cottage.

Biological septic tank without pumping has a standard structure of two or three cameras. As well as in the standard sewage tank, the effluent is first accumulated in the first chamber. Only here the oxygen and aerobic bacteria, which interacting with each other, contribute to more thorough water purification. That is, besides the fact that the organic is settled on the bottom, it is also decomposed on the simplest components under the influence of aerobic bacteria.

Important: For high-quality work of bacteria in a septic for giving without pumping, it is necessary to provide a permanent influx of oxygen into the first and second chambers. In addition, reliable ventilation will eliminate the likelihood of spreading unpleasant odors in the country.

The advantages and disadvantages of the cleaning facility without pumping

Septack without pumping biological distinguished by a number of advantages, the main of which are:

  • High quality cleaning of household wastewater in the country or in a country house;
  • The absence of a sharp smell of hydrogen sulfide on the plot;
  • The ability to hide the wastewater reservoir and not and spoil the landscape design of the site;
  • Family budget savings;
  • The ability of septicism to recycle strokes with appliances of household chemicals (except chlorine);
  • Full compliance with all sanitary standards.

Important: the only disadvantage of such a structure is its cost. But it completely pays for itself during the operation of the construction.

What material is it better to make biological septic tanks?

For the septic device without pumping for giving, you can use both ready-made plastic tanks with thick walls and rigidity ribs and prefabricated structures from various materials. The most popular are:

  • Concrete rings. Such elements for cleaning wells have a lot of weight, which completely eliminates the array due to the rain or spring melting of the snow. But concrete - the material is porous, which does not eliminate the disorders of the septic structure with time under the influence of the aggressive environment. In addition, the tightness of the well assembled from concrete rings, with time it can be broken, even subject to the use of special sealant mastic. In addition, the installation of concrete septica will require the involvement of special equipment, and this is not always convenient on the plot. Especially if the septic is located in the back of the site and the entrance of the car will be difficult there.
  • Brick. Simple brickwork also allows the camera to make a cleaning facility. Brick septic tanks without pumping are strong enough and simple in the device. That's just the hygroscopicity of bricks can over time to cause the flow of not yet clearedwater in the ground. Therefore, it is either necessary to ensure thorough sealing of all masonry butts, or use more sealed material.
  • Plastic Capacity or PVC Rings. Finished structures made of durable plastic are widely used in the construction of septics without pumping. Such tanks are analogs of the Topol biological station, which also works without pumping. Plastic cubes or barrels have perfectly withstand squeezing or grounding of soil under the condition of reliable anchoring them to the concrete plate. Plastic tanks, as well as Septic "Poplar", serve more than 100 years, are not susceptible to aggressive effects and have increased strength.
  • Also septic tank without pumping without electricity can be built from old car tires subject to their integrity. Here tires are mounted on each other by the type of well until the desired volume of the tank is reached.

Important: Septic tires are prone to deformation, which, in turn, can lead to its depressurization. Therefore, such a structure is suitable for installation in those areas where the level of groundwater is quite low. Otherwise, the well of the melting of snow or rains will be designed or compressed.

Important principles of biological septic

In order for septic tanks without pumping without electricity, it is effective, in the stages of its design and installation, you must adhere to several important principles. Otherwise, all the efforts in a short time can simply go to no, and then it will have to redo it again.

  • So, first of all, when erecting septica, it is necessary to correctly calculate its volume. For this, the average of 200 liters per person per day is taken for the average per day according to the rules of SNiP. This number is multiplied by three (the number of days during which the flow of efflucts in the septic chamber occurs). The result obtained (600 L) is multiplied by the number of people living in the house. For example, 3 people live in the house. So 600x3 \u003d 1800 l or 1.8 m3. Here it is necessary to round the volume to an integer in the whole. Thus, for three people, a biological septicch must have a volume of 2 m3. In this case, the result obtained should be divided into the number of camertic chambers. So, if a two-chamber treatment system is assumed, the first cumulative tank must be 3/4 of the total. If the construction of a three-chamber septica is planned for cottage, then the volume of the first drive chamber can be 2/3 of the total.
  • The first two septic cameras must necessarily be hermetic. The third (or the last chamber, depending on the design of the septica) is made with a draining bottom. As a drainage is a layer of rubble.

Important: To increase the drainage zone, you can take the perforated pipes from the third chamber of the cleaning facility, along which the clarified water will be sent to the ground.

  • It is necessary to have a septic tank in the distance from all residential and economic premises, as well as away from the neighboring fence and aquifer. Rules are spelled out in SNiP. So, the septicch must be located at a distance of at least 8-10 meters. From the well or well - 30-50 meters. From natural reservoir - 30 meters. From the neighboring fence - not less than 3 meters. Also, when appliance treatment facilities, it is necessary to take into account the direction of movement of the groundwater.

Ensuring reliable work of biological septic

In order for the septicchka to work without failures, it is necessary to ensure its correct installation. In addition, preventive maintenance will also be required. Some confident daches resort to tricks that allow you to control the work of the sump.

  • To exclude the risk of overflow, water level control sensors are put.
  • If the biological septicch is used not regularly, that is, the risk of bacteria fading. In order to awaken them or resume the work of the Septic, will have to purchase bacteria in a specialized store and run them through the sewer pipe together with enough water and air.
  • Sometimes bacteria can stop their action and due to insufficient air. Here you will need to improve the oxygen inflow system otherwise the septicity efficiency will be minimal.

Important: If you do not want to mess with the arrangement of a biological treatment system without the need for pumping and without electricity consumption, you can simply purchase a biological station that works without any intervention from the person. Perfectly proven in this case Pastela station.

About Topol Stations

Biological stations - septicities "Poplar" - advanced equipment for cleaning household wastewater. The equipment "Poplar" has the form of a monolithic plastic tank, divided into four chambers. The station is equipped with special bacteriological filters, overflow hoses, compressor and ventilation system. Thus, the septic tile "Topol" independently copes with household wastewater, draining them subsequently into the ground.

Depending on the amount of processed waste, all stations "Poplar" are divided into such models:

  • "Poplar" 5 - Septic tank for 5 and less people living in the house. The station processes 1 m3 of water per day and can take a one-time to 250 liters of water.
  • "Poplar" -8. Claiming for 8 and less people living in the house. The station processes 2 m3 of water.
  • Station "Topol" -10. Used in conditions of elevated complexity and is intended for cleaning more than 3 m3 of operations per day.

In any case, 1.2 kW / hour consumes 1,2 kW / h, which makes them enough economical.

IMPORTANT: Sellers in specialized sales points will always help you choose a high-quality cleaning station for domestic stocks.