Repair Design Furniture

Which indoor flowers are more favorable in the house. Which houseplants are good for your health? Placing plants in rooms

Lovers of indoor plants are more often guided by the external beauty of a particular flower when choosing plants for their home.

Undoubtedly, beautiful flower is able to please the eye, improving the mood of the household with its one appearance.

But some plants are also able to have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Healthy indoor plants

Of the huge number of houseplants, consider the most useful ones.

Chlorophytum. For an apartment, chlorophytum is considered the most useful. It has the unique ability to purify the air in the apartment. from harmful formaldehyde that stands out synthetic materials included in the thermal insulation.

Experiments were even carried out that scientifically proved that in one day chlorophytum completely cleans the apartment of these substances hazardous to health, and the addition to flower pots activated carbon multiplies its cleansing effect at times. on the shoulder of any novice florist.

- this plant has a beneficial effect on nervous system person. It soothes, normalizes sleep, and also helps to better endure all kinds of stress and neuroses.

Pelargonium helps with headaches and high blood pressure.

Peppermint- it garden plant can be successfully grown in indoor conditions placing it on a windowsill in a pot. Mint has a pronounced fresh aroma that reduces irritability, improves appetite and also helps to cope with migraines.

Sansevieria- This small plant is capable of producing a huge amount of oxygen. She has special property, which will be useful to absolutely all people - it increases human immunity. Also, sansevieria neutralizes harmful vapors produced by linoleum and other synthetic materials.

Eucalyptus and myrtle great helpers for people suffering asthma and respiratory diseases... These plants secrete substances that significantly reduce the volume of pathogens in the air, and also relax the muscles of the bronchi, eliminating spasms. It is much easier to breathe in rooms with eucalyptus or myrtle. at home brings joy.

Decorative lemon emits dozens of beneficial volatile substances that suppress pathogens and purify the air. Lemon is recommended to put in bedrooms... It is imperative to follow the basic rules for growing at home.

Laurel Is a room evergreen counts "Killer" of viruses and bacteria... In addition to its cleansing properties, laurel is good for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, biliary tract and suffering from intestinal spasms.

Hamedorea will be very useful in houses that are near large busy highways, as it can absorb poisonous substances contained in the exhaust gases entering the apartment from the street. not difficult, but it requires adherence to specific rules.

Ficus, in addition to its ability to saturate the air with oxygen, it eliminates toxins and harmful volatiles. Also ficus is active releases phytoncides that suppress the reproduction of microorganisms that contribute to the development of viral diseases in humans.

In addition, ficus reduces dust volume in the air and moisturizes it. A layer of dust can often be seen on the leaves of this plant - this is what should have been hanging in the air. Dust from ficus leaves must be periodically removed with a damp sponge or cloth, and this does not constitute much of a hassle.

Aloe widely known for its healing properties ... The leaves of this plant are often used in folk medicine for the healing of wounds and burns, since they have anti-inflammatory properties. Perfect place to accommodate aloe - a bedroom, since it releases oxygen at night, and not during the day, like other plants. simple, but you need to know the specifics of some varieties of this plant, especially when breeding.

Asparagus saturates the air with unique components that accelerate the healing of damaged tissues, and also promote bone healing in fractures. Asparagus is considered a plant that prolongs youth, since the substances secreted by it increase the elasticity of the skin. In addition, this plant removes from the air various heavy metals and also destroys harmful microbes. Asparagus will be very useful for people with lung diseases. In unpretentious.

Rosemary is the most effective assistant in the fight against various respiratory diseases. The substances it releases improve work respiratory system and also help to heal bronchitis faster. It will be very useful for asthmatics as well. Rosemary perfectly increases the performance of a person, improves the state of neuroses, relieves fatigue and helps to fight overwork. In a rather delicate plant, requiring knowledge of many nuances and details.

Essential oils, secreted by rosemary, have a therapeutic effect in hypertension and circulatory disorders. And it also contributes improve brain function increasing concentration of attention.

Coniferous plants- araucaria, juniper, cypress - they refresh the air in the room, thereby relieving fatigue after a hard day at work. Ephedra will be especially useful for offices where there are many computers, copiers, printers, etc., since the air in such rooms is usually stale and depleted in elements useful for humans. at home requires special attention.

Cactus, especially with long needles, destroys microbes and protects the human body from harmful electromagnetic radiation reducing air ionization. Therefore, it is recommended to place the cactus in rooms where there is a TV and a computer.

Dwarf chrysanthemums have a wonderful aroma tonic effect, raising the mood of a person. When growing at home, you must follow the basic rules for.

actively combats streptococci in the air and is recommended for large families who often host guests in the house. In addition, aglaonema ionizes and purifies the air, relieves stress and even helps relieve depression.

Begonia perfectly humidifies the air, and also draws out dust from it. This plant has outstanding antibacterial properties- it destroys about 90% pathogens and fungi. Begonia also reduces the effect on the human body of radiation from household appliances and computers. quite uncomplicated - just a few minutes of daily attention.

Ferns able to bring a bright natural atmosphere to any home. They also absorb germs and improve energy in room. At home, it is quite simple and does not require a lot of time.

Therefore, if you don’t like flowers, you don’t need to plant them ... By the way, it didn’t come right away either, only with motherhood, before that I was completely indifferent to them. Pulled for flowers in « interesting position» so to speak))

Now, my flowers nourish and protect me (take away negativity and disease). And of course they please themselves! By the way, there was a case when, after the arrival of a "difficult" person, all the flowers died in my office where I work. Then I had to start new ones. Like this.

We consider flowers from the point of view of energy. So, there are flowers for the home, and there are flowers for offices, for large rooms... There are flowers "men" - with masculine energy, and there are flowers with "feminine" - "women". When one species prevails in a house, this may affect the composition of the household themselves. That is, if there are many “women” flowers in the house, there is more feminine energy in the house, and it is already difficult for men to survive there. And vice versa. Better to keep a 50/50 balance.

Flowers grow quickly and look healthy only with positive energy. Your houseplants, serve as an indicator of your family (work) atmosphere. If something is wrong with your pets, they get sick, the leaves turn yellow, they die, you can expect problems ...

Having come to visit someone, you can easily determine "what" people (with what thoughts and moods) live in the house. If the flowers grow symmetrically, they look healthy, then the tenants' thoughts are positive, and vice versa. Flowers cannot survive in negative.

Flowers-vampires, which should not be in the house:

In general, any climbing plants... - They give rise to quarrels and gossip, attract various diseases. They take away positive energy.

Even in offices, it is undesirable, or install a wire frame so that the stems lie on the frame around.

But loaches are useful in front of the house, with outside... There they perform the function of guards. On the contrary, they do not let negativity into the house.

Ivy“It's a vampire plant. It is impossible to keep in the house, he has a masculine energy, and practically survives men from the house where he is. So be aware.

Monstera - a vampire plant, and very powerful. Please be careful not to put it in the bedroom or in the nursery. If there are small children and old people in the house, the monstera will feed on them first of all. Better not to keep her in the house at all.

Dieffenbachia- Also a vampire plant. It takes energy. In small rooms, it is generally impossible to install. It is intended, like the monstera, for large premises with a very high "traffic". There they will even be useful, they clear the space.

Ferns- flowers are "vampires", they are undesirable for the house, or you need to know where to place them.

Lilac- better on household plots and not to plant near residential buildings, it is not in vain that it is planted in cemeteries - this plant attracts otherworldly forces.

Useful flowers for the home:


"Flower of love" (spathiphyllum) - the name speaks for itself, I hope you can not decipher).

"Male flower" (anthurium)- attracts men, it is better to put it next to the "Flower of Love".

"Chinese Rose" (hibiscus). In general, any Rose is a flower of Venus, the goddess of love) - attracts men.

Lavender- for those who have insomnia. Strengthens sleep, relaxes.

Orchid- it can also be called a "flower of love", it also purifies energy, improves mood.

Red geranium - strengthens the union between man and woman.

White lilies, any indoor plants with white flowers- these flowers (like all women) are under the auspices of the Moon. The moon gives magical powers to a woman. White flowers should be placed on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on them and nourishes them at night.


"Vanka-wet" (balsam) - very positive flower, purifies the air and energy .


Citrus - improve appetite.

Geranium - purifies the air and energy.

Violet, any color- violets by color can be characterized in accordance with the chakras (red - enhances the energy of the residents; pink - stimulates the 4th chakra, love; blue - opens the creative flow; purple - stimulates the work of the seventh chakra, spiritual; white - cleans the energy). Therefore, put the one in the color that you need, in accordance with your needs. Violets can be used not only in the kitchen, but also in any room.

Chlorophytum- cleanses from toxins and energy.

"Pike tail" (ansevieria)- a very positive flower, purifies the air.

Living room

Dracaena - protects the premises, an energy indicator, if she is sick, the tenants have problems, it is better to clean the house. Very subtly feels the energy of the house.

Ficus of any variety- very positive energy from him.

Myrtle- cleans the air and energy of the room. Very useful.


"Dollar tree" (zamioculcas) , the same functions as the fat woman, to attract larger amounts))

"Stretch towards the clear sun astride,

Be firmly rooted in the ground.

Grow us in appearance and joy,

Keep from adversity and sorrow.

I'll lay down my word

I fasten with an alatyr stone.


And yet - I forgot the most important thing))) We are all very different, including in terms of energy, therefore ...

When choosing flowers for your home, focus primarily on yourself and your feelings. If you like a flower, you have to take it no matter what ...

P . S ... On "critical days" - it is undesirable to water flowers)

We all love flowers and decorate our apartments and houses with them. But not all flowers are suitable for this. According to folk beliefs, some plants can spoil the atmosphere in the house and even cause quarrels between households. Therefore, when buying a new plant, it will not be superfluous to find out what kind of energy it has and whether such a plant will bring harm. Among florists, there is even a list of plants that must be in every home. Next, we will consider in detail which flowers have positive energy and are considered medicinal.

It is believed that the Spathiphyllum flower brings harmony and happiness to the house. In another way, the plant is also called "female happiness". And it was not for nothing that they called him that. It turns out that the plant helps the lonely not married women meet your soul mate, and for married women it brings understanding and love. The people also say that Spathiphyllum fulfills wishes for a child. To do this, you need to buy a plant and put it in your room. In addition, the flower secretes substances that calm the nervous system. At night, it cleans the air in the room from toxins and makes it humid. Moreover, you can put such a flower in all rooms (photo 1).

According to popular beliefs, the Uzumbar violet brings love to the house. In another way, it is also called the "flower of love". Violet helps maintain peace in the family, as well as avoid various conflict situations... At the same time, white violets relieve depression, sadness, worries. Helps cope with fatigue. Red and pink violets are suitable for the kitchen. They improve mood, protect against disease and provide a sense of calmness. Violets with blue flowers are useful for creative people. They fill the space with energy, give a feeling of tranquility. Contribute to spiritual growth and strengthening of the character of Saintpaulia with purple flowers (photo 2).

Another plant that folk signs worth keeping in the house - Myrtle. This flower is considered by many peoples to be a symbol of a happy and long marriage. That is why it is given to newlyweds for a wedding. But the thrown out and dead plant with it "takes away" well-being and happiness. So myrtle needs careful and constant care (photo 3).

TO " male plants"include Anthurium. This plant possesses magical properties... It, like Spathiphyllum, helps single girls find a soul mate. It also affects family relationships: - helps to maintain harmony in marriage. Often this plant is inserted into bouquets along with Spathiphyllum flowers (photo 4).

A beautiful flower - Decembrist Schlumberger. It is called that because it blooms in December. According to signs, if the flowers did not appear at the appointed time, then the family will have happiness and good changes in life. With the Decembrist, a selfish person can become gentle and good-natured (photo 5).

Be sure to buy a Ficus house. The plant has beautiful, fleshy and smooth leaves. In the evening, it saturates the air of the apartment with oxygen and cleanses it of toxins. Such a plant is able to dispel doubts and anxieties. Usually it is placed in the bedroom. Ficus can improve the relationship between wife and husband. If long time located next to the ficus, you can calm down and get rid of aggression, worries, anxious thoughts (photo 6).

Well, and of course you can't do without Geranium. Its sheets can be used to treat a runny nose, otitis media, muscle and headaches. She not only decorates the house, but also relieves it of pathogenic microbes and dampness (photo 7).

Flowers fill our life with aesthetic beauty, looking at them comes relaxation and tranquility. The same applies to aromas that come from plants. But in addition to visual appeal, almost every flower carries many useful properties that few people know about. So, today we will give a list of indoor plants that would not hurt to have within the house, as well as what kind of good service they can do.


This plant is a kind of house palm, and it belongs to this family. Very compact and beautiful plant, for whom it is easy to find a place in the office, and even in small apartment... The big advantage of hamedorea is that it is not whimsical. The trunk of this plant is very thin, it reaches 1.2 meters in height, however, in indoor conditions it can grow up to two meters. The leaves are thin, have a rich green color... Chamedorea blooms at a young age, about three to four years old, with small yellow flowers that are fragrant. After flowering, small berries appear in these places, the size of which is about a pea.

Hamedorea cleans the indoor air from harmful impurities such as benzene, formaldehyde, etc. The plant serves as a natural humidifier, which will be very useful in the cold season, when the heating in the apartments dries everything up. In addition, the plant is absolutely safe for people and pets, therefore, if the latter suddenly decide to taste chamedorea, you can be absolutely calm about their health.

Home bamboo palm relieves households from melancholy mood and pessimism, gives vigor. Due to such qualities, it is better to place it in offices if it comes about offices, or in the living room, if we talk about an apartment. But the bedroom is not the best place for her "residence", otherwise it will be problematic to sleep, because she contributes to the opposite action.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera, more popular under the title of aloe or fool, very useful plant... It is not so much attractive outwardly as for its unique healing qualities.

The main property of the plant is bactericidal. It resists pests such as staphylococcus, dysentery and diphtheria bacillus and streptococcus. Aloe is effective against radiation, inflammatory diseases, wound healing, as it significantly accelerates cell regeneration. It also acts as an immunomodulator, contributing to the overall health of the body. The active substances in its composition help to improve intestinal motility, providing all possible assistance. In a minimum dosage, it normalizes the processes of digestion and bile secretion.

It was from the juice of this plant that the antibiotic barbaloin was created, which is useful in the treatment of tuberculosis and skin diseases, as well as its effectiveness in eliminating pancreatitis, stabbing and other health problems.

In the treatment, the sap of the plant is mainly used, the age of which has reached three years. It is upon reaching three years that the maximum amount of nutrients and useful substances accumulates and forms in it. Only the lower leaves are cut, the length of which is no more than 18 cm. However, for the purpose of healing wounds, you can use not the gel (juice), but the leaf itself, cut lengthwise and applied to the sore spot. Similarly, if you pour 150 g of carefully crushed leaves with cut thorny "details", pour honey heated in a water bath (300 ml) and insist for 24 hours, you can get a mild and natural laxative. And how not to mention its miraculous benefits in getting rid of acne and post-acne.

In addition to medicine, the plant is widely used in cosmetology. With its help, nourishing and regenerating masks for face and hair, lotions and gels for washing, creams and much more are created. Therefore, it would not be at all superfluous to acquire such a doctor for your own use. It is only best to take a three-year-old plant at once so that you can immediately benefit from it.


This plant has more than three hundred species. Belongs to the asparagus family. Some of the species can be eaten, this is the very famous asparagus. However, this is already a vegetable variety that is grown on plantations. But all these species differ significantly in their appearance. The plant is widespread on all continents, it can be found in various climatic zones. For the most part, these are perennial shrubs, grasses and vines. The leaves are more like small needles. Asparagus is not at all whimsical to care for and grows remarkably both in the open and closed ground... Houseplants are often used for landscaping children's rooms, or for creating vertical compositions.

This plant secretes substances that contribute to the rapid and successful healing of wounds, the healing of bone fractures, and also significantly increase the elasticity of the skin. Asparagus is very useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases. It tends to absorb heavy metals and kill harmful bacteria. Ideal for enclosed spaces, be it an office or an apartment. The main thing is to be able to open windows from time to time.


Kalanchoe is perennial, which is green in both winter and summer. Its shoots are very dense and beautiful. In the wild conditions of Kalanchoe can be found exclusively in Africa as well as on nearby islands. Indoors, this flower is grown more like treatment plant rather than as an element of the interior.

Kalanchoe has a haemostatic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. With its help, wounds heal. Fresh plant juice contains a huge number of useful components, which include: tannins, organic acids, flavonoids, enzymes and trace elements. Such inner wealth allows it to be used in the treatment of purulent wounds, dead tissue, ulcers, boils, and burns. The juice gives good results with cervical erosion and bleeding.

The plant treats acne and acne, removes pigmentation both on the face and on the body. Medicines, which include Kalanchoe extract, help restore and restore vision. And if you grow a flower in dark rooms, then even more nutrients will accumulate in it, which will help to cope with various diseases.

Most often, the plant is used in medicine. So, for example, a tincture made from Kalanchoe is rubbed into the skin, which leads to an improvement in blood circulation, which prevents blockage of blood vessels.

For the treatment of trophic ulcers and boils, you can use just such a simple, self-prepared ointment. Combine 15 ml of plant juice with 25 g of lanolin and 25 g of petroleum jelly. Mix everything so that a homogeneous mass is formed. That's all, a wonderful remedy is ready!

For varicose veins, the following tincture is used. A liter jar must be filled with Kalanchoe leaves, previously finely chopped. Pour everything with vodka, to the very edges of the container. Close the lid and place in a dark corner for a week. After that, wipe the affected areas with the tincture, in a circular motion, moving from the bottom up. The duration of such treatment is from two to three months.

And finally, one more very interesting recipe that acts as the prevention of influenza. It is very simple: squeeze juice from a Kalanchoe leaf and wipe the nasal mucosa with it three times a day. This same fresh juice can be used to treat inflammation. oral cavity, ears, eyelids, burns and skin diseases.

It is worth remembering that the plant is strictly contraindicated for use in the perinatal period, in the presence of allergies. Kalanchoe is also contraindicated for people suffering from liver disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, low pressure and with tumors.


You can often see how pelargonium is referred to as a synonym for geranium, so many people mistakenly believe that it is the same thing. But this is not the case. The only thing that unites them is their belonging to the Geraniev family. Pelargonium is intended for home cultivation, and geranium for the street.

Despite all the external attractiveness, the flowers of pelargonium do not smell at all. The scope of application of this plant is very wide, consider some of them.

  • For the treatment of toothache. Put a cut leaf of a plant on the problem area and wait for the pain to completely disappear.
  • To normalize the pressure to the left hand, where the pulse is felt, tie a leaf of the plant for half an hour.
  • To dissolve kidney stones and salt, prepare the following decoction. Chopped leaves and roots, in the amount of one tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, leave to rise for five minutes on the lowest heat. As soon as the prepared broth has cooled, strain it and take a couple of tablespoons before meals.
  • Pour a couple of tablespoons of dry grass with cool, pre-boiled water (a couple of glasses). Let it brew for about two hours. Strain. The infusion is drunk throughout the day in small portions. This composition is used in the postpartum period, as well as for uterine bleeding. Douching can be done with the same composition.
  • For the treatment of infertility within a month, you need to take the aforementioned infusion in half a glass 3 times a day.
  • To stop hair loss, you need to wash your hair with the following composition for two weeks with an interval of 1-2 days. Pour a couple of tablespoons of dry herbs with half a liter of boiling water and boil for about five minutes. Then let it stand for an hour, drain.
  • To treat otitis media, knead a leaf of a plant, roll it into a tube and stick it into your ear.
  • To get rid of anal fissures, boil a couple of tablespoons of dry leaves in a liter of water for a quarter of an hour. Strain the composition and apply in the form of lotions.
  • For sore throat, sore throat and stomatitis, you can rinse with a composition made from a handful of dry grass and a liter of water. All this must be boiled for a quarter of an hour. Insist, strain and cool.

Homemade lemon

Many people like to drink tea with lemon, but in order to benefit from this citrus, it must be grown without the use of chemicals. Nobody can guarantee that there are natural products on store shelves. But there is a way out - to grow mini lemons in own apartment... In addition to a natural product, you will receive a wonderful aroma that will envelop the entire room and a very beautiful plant that will decorate the interior.

The aroma of lemon is not only pleasant, but can strongly influence the psycho-emotional state of a person. Interestingly, a lot of what prompts the scent of this citrus has to do with financial well-being. Therefore, it is very good to place it in rooms where there are constant conversations about money or thoughts about financial well-being... Homemade lemon cleanses the aura of the apartment and frees the thoughts of households from obsessions. Its aroma pushes a person to action and new achievements.

But this plant is useful not only for its aroma, but also for its fruits. By the way, do not try to grow lemon at home from purchased citrus seeds. First, it is no longer homemade lemon secondly, such attempts usually do not lead to the appearance of fruits.

As with any citrus, lemon contains vitamin C, which helps to increase immune system... The fruits contain a lot of different vitamins that have a beneficial effect on all areas of the human body.

  • Lemon leaves relieve fever.
  • The fruits of the plant increase appetite, improve digestion, and help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • If you rinse your mouth with lemon juice, you can suppress inflammation in the oral cavity. Only the juice must be diluted with water, in the proportion: half the fruit, half a glass of water.
  • Lemon peel can help relieve headaches. To do this, remove the white skin from the peel and attach the latter to the temples on both sides. Sit in this position for about 15 minutes. After that, red spots may appear on these places - do not be alarmed, this is normal, just like the itching and burning feeling. The headache will soon subside.
  • If you feel the onset of sore throat, slowly chew fresh lemon zest. After that, you can not eat and drink for about an hour. During this time, the essential oils and acid will “work” on the sore throat. This procedure must be carried out every three hours.
  • Lemon can also be used to treat corns. Thoroughly steam your legs in a decoction of any herb, it is better to take a series, celandine or oak bark. After that, attach the lemon peel with pulp to the problem area and tie. Repeat the same procedure for three days. Then unpread your legs again and very gently remove the corn.

Lemon juice is often used in the treatment of problem and oily skin. Lotions are made from it, added to masks. It perfectly whitens the skin, relieves age spots and post-acne, dries acne and relieves redness. But you need to be extremely careful with him, as he can cause allergic reactions, therefore, do not work with it if you have carried out an allergy test before use, and if there are no negative reactions, you can implement what was intended.


Chlorophytum is rightfully called a home ecologist. In addition to its visual appeal, it is especially respected for its ability to purify the air. Considering the quality of oxygen in the modern world, this is an invaluable plus. That is why many hostesses install it in the kitchen or in places where someone smokes regularly. All harmful substances are absorbed by it, and at the exit it gives fresh air... In comparison, it can neutralize up to 80% of the harmful effects of gas stoves.

There is scientific evidence that Chlorophytum kills pathogenic microflora on an area of ​​about two square meters. Therefore, in order to sterilize the room air, you only need a few pots. And one more scientific fact that a flower near it kills up to 80% of microbes.

In addition to its warlike qualities, it perfectly moisturizes the air and creates a favorable microclimate in which it is very easy to breathe. That's just in order for him to give moisture, he first needs to be given it, so do not skimp on watering it. You can increase the release of moisture if activated carbon is added to the water for irrigation.

The flower successfully captures and keeps harmful and dangerous substances inside, such as carbon monoxide, acetone, ammonia and others. chemical elements... Therefore, it will become a real salvation in places where there is contact with such "pests". By the way, an interesting feature was noticed, the more harmful and chemical components, the more actively Chlorophytum grows.

A group of scientists once conducted an experiment in order to check how many chemicals Chlorophytum can absorb (and it really eats harmful emissions, therefore, it grows faster in disadvantaged places). So, what was their surprise when the plant in one day created an almost sterile environment around itself (which is often observed in operating rooms), absorbing all the filth. And the most interesting thing is that it tarnished the reputation of many microclimate generators produced in industrial scale, showing the best results in cleansing and humidifying the air.


This is very popular home plant, which is due to several factors at once. Firstly, it is not at all whimsical to care for, and secondly, it is miniature and will fit on the windowsill without taking up much space. But before deciding to grow it, you need to know that according to research, this plant is one of the three leaders in terms of the number of those who are capable of causing allergies.

Do not forget that ficus secretes milky juice containing rubber, which has a detrimental effect on asthmatics. In general, milky juice is considered poisonous, so it is better not to contact with it. If it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause severe irritation. Be careful not to let animals and children come into contact with it. These are just precautions that must be followed strictly.

Speaking about the benefits, it is worth noting its feature to filter the air, absorb the dust that hovers in the apartment. In medicine, ficus is used for the treatment of arthritis, mastitis and radiculitis. Special infusions are prepared from the leaves of the plant, with which lotions and compresses are then made. And, of course, it is simply beautiful, so it will delight the owners with its appearance.


What names does this plant have, and the mother-in-law's tongue, and the pike's tail, and the tongue of the devil, and the serpentine scythe. About 70 species of this evergreen stemless plant are now known. He can be very often seen in the most different rooms, from apartments to government offices, and all because Sansevieria does not require special attention. It can calmly grow and develop in full shade or in direct sunlight, it is almost never touched by pests and the rarest watering is not afraid of it, just like drafts and too dry or humid air. The only thing that can become destructive is the bay and a long stay at 0 ° С.

So, what are the advantages of Sensevieria:

  • the flower gives off a lot of oxygen;
  • it purifies the air and kills bacteria;
  • those who are near the plant significantly increase their immunity;
  • able to neutralize harmful fumes;
  • absorbs the main harm of radiation from computers;
  • in China they believe that he cleans the energy in the house, absorbing all the bad;
  • the smoke of burning leaves has been used for centuries as an effective remedy for headaches.

Rumor has it that if the flower is placed in the house, then quarrels and troubles in this room will be much less. But it is extremely undesirable to put it in the bedroom and children's room, since it has a very strong energy, the excess of which will not benefit anyone. It is necessary to be treated with this plant very carefully - poisonous substances are included in its leaves. But it is they who act as an ingredient in some choleretic, diuretic and laxative drugs.

Home geranium

Geranium is one of the popular plants among the people. That's just the right way, it should not grow within the apartment, but on the street. Therefore, such a "pet" is ideal for summer residents and owners of private houses. For some time, everyone was delighted with geraniums, the ladies even decorated their hats with flowers of plants and, in general, decorated themselves with it. A wide variety of medicines were prepared from its juice, which fought against burns, ulcers and inflammations.

Geranium-based oil has been used for a long time to relieve fatigue and pain in the spine from muscles. Compresses with it draw out pus from wounds and contribute to the rapid tightening of ulcers. In order to get rid of a runny nose, you need to drip a couple of drops of geranium oil into your nose. Ear pain can be soothed in the same way.

The headache is relieved by simply applying oil to the temples, and bad mood and depression go away with it. There are a great many recipes using geranium to treat ailments. The leaf of this plant for its medicinal properties can be safely compared with the road one. If you apply it to the wound, then the blood will stop, the reproduction of pathogenic microbes will stop, and the damage itself will heal faster.

Tinctures of plant roots help to cope with hypertension, forget what insomnia and nerves are. It is also applicable for diarrhea, gastritis and colic. At all times, she was credited with the properties of neutralizing poisons and relieving stress.

Mother nature has made sure that a person always has everything he needs at his fingertips. If you fully understand healing power plants, then the realization will come that to live a happy, long and at the same time healthy life it is possible completely without the use of chemically derived drugs. What we have considered today is only a small fraction of what these plants carry in themselves, in addition, in addition to them, there are others that are no less useful.

Glad to see you on the blog))

In late autumn, I want to add colors to life and to the surrounding interior, and since it is easier and more useful to do this with the help of indoor plants, then the article will be about them today.

The history of growing plants at home is more than 5000 years old, according to scientists.

Over the years, the perception of indoor plants has changed, now we grow most of the flowers for decorative purposes, forgetting that green friends can be beneficial to our health, if you choose them correctly.

In addition, well-chosen flowers will complement the most modest room, create coziness, and revive the atmosphere. They will delight the eye on winter evenings, when it is cold and uncomfortable outside.

The positive effect of domestic plants on the human body has been studied well enough and is beyond doubt. Here are some “useful” examples:

  1. In closed, unventilated rooms, there is quite a a large number of carbon dioxide. Plants absorb CO2 and release oxygen, saturating the air with it.
  2. There are many objects around us made of toxic materials. All of them secrete substances, to put it mildly, not useful for our body. Residents of megalopolises, simple ventilation will not help get rid of odors and toxins, because outside the window the air is saturated with exhaust gases and emissions from enterprises that contain fine dust, heavy metals, sulfur and other substances. Many plants are capable of absorbing substances harmful to humans, and many types of indoor plants release phytoncides into the air - substances that kill microbes.
  3. Modern apartments are full of devices that emit electromagnetic radiation - computers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, televisions, hair dryers. Its long-term effects affect well-being, causing headaches, insomnia and fatigue. Some of the electromagnetic radiation is also absorbed by our green pets.
  4. V winter period heating radiators dry out the air in the room, which is bad for the skin and health in general. Houseplants, on the other hand, moisturize it.
  5. Many medicinal plants can be kept at home and used to treat wounds, burns, colds and other ailments.

It should be noted that flowers do not require as much care as animals. Caring for them can be entrusted even to a child who will learn to value and cherish beauty.

When creating a corner of wildlife, it is worth taking a closer look at those plants that are especially useful for various reasons.

For example, chlorophytum, absorbs up to 80% of harmful substances, thereby purifying the air. It successfully fights moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria.

Aloe is a home doctor. Helps with colds, headaches, treats inflammation and stops bleeding. Aloe juice is effective for treating bronchi, stomach ulcers and gastritis, as well as sore throats, stomatitis, pharyngitis and many other diseases.

You can talk for a long time about which indoor plants are useful for the home, general information you can read about what flowers must be in the house suitable for any room in the article. There you will also learn about indoor pets, which, for various reasons, imaginary and real, are not recommended to keep at home.

It is equally important to choose the right place for each plant so that its effect is maximized.

Indoor flowers for the kitchen

Peppermint is grown not only on the street, but also in pots on the windowsill.

It stimulates digestion and improves appetite. Mint leaves are a good seasoning for many dishes.

Saintpaulia, or uzumbar violet, perfectly cleans the air from carbon monoxide... It also moisturizes it, which is important for the kitchen and helps to smooth out temperature drops.

Ficus collects dust well. Its leathery leaves are easy to wipe and wash. Ficus saturates the air with oxygen, cleanses it from odors and harmful impurities.

Scindapsus golden is a fast-growing vine that cleans the air well and is unpretentious enough to fit in the kitchen. Scindapsus will look beautiful both in a hanging planter and on kitchen cabinets.

Sansevieria, or "mother-in-law's tongue", is so hardy that it can be kept right next to the stove. It tolerates a lack of light, partially compensated by artificial lighting.

Lemon, blooming pomegranate, miniature pepper will perfectly complement the style of the kitchen.

At one time, I grew hot peppers for quite a long time in flower pots in the kitchen, I must say that it is very unpretentious, and gives a crop of peppers without any problems.

Indoor flowers for a children's room

Plants that have a calming effect on the nervous system and relieve stress will be most appropriate in the children's room.

These can be citrus fruits: lemon, orange and others.

It doesn't matter if the tree bears fruit, so you can grow it from the seed with your own hands. Citrus leaves have at least useful properties than fruit. The essential oils secreted by these plants will calm the child, relieve fatigue, and ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Fat woman, otherwise " Money Tree”Will instill in the child diligence and purify the air in the nursery.


and cyclamen

effectively destroy harmful bacteria. In addition, their beautiful appearance can awaken the creativity of the little one.

Do not put cactus, dieffenbachia, Benjamin's ficus, philodendron, ivy in the child's room. These flowers can cause allergies or injuries.

Indoor flowers for the bedroom

Myrtle is a good choice for this room.

and eucalyptus.

The leaves of these plants secrete substances that relieve bronchial spasms and facilitate breathing, which is beneficial for asthmatics.

Araucaria will fill the room with freshness coniferous forest if you can properly care for her.

In general, according to Feng Shui, for mutual love and accord in the bedroom it is necessary to place plants of red color. It could be feces


or spathiphyllum.

Red camellia will refresh the relationship even when there are no problems between the couple.

Do not put thorny plants in the bedroom, as they are believed to contribute to quarrels and irritation. Ivy, tradescantia, hoya, scindapsus are considered to be "muzhegons". Why this happened, one can only guess))

Indoor flowers for female happiness

Talking about what plants are good for the home, how you can forget about flowers that bring harmony and love to your home. In the first place, of course, is spathiphyllum, which is called “ woman's happiness". He will help a single woman find her soul mate and keep her love married.

Aichrizon has leaves that look like hearts. The plant grows no higher than 30 cm and brings love and happiness to its owner.

The fruits of the dwarf pomegranate, according to legend, will strengthen the relationship if eaten by both spouses.

Can geraniums be kept at home?

The answer to this question can only be positive.

Geranium has long been known for its healing properties. Pelargonium (geranium) destroys pathogenic bacteria, fights moths, and can relieve irritation and insomnia. It is believed that this flower drives out evil spirits and evil spirits. Moreover, it promotes self-expression, luck, and the achievement of goals.

Unfortunately, in one article it is not possible to present all the useful indoor plants for the house with a photo. Experiment, grow them, and see how the atmosphere in your home changes in better side 🙂

The article uses materials from books and articles: "The Encyclopedia of Houseplants" by NB. Sheshko, "Houseplants: Energy Protectors or Vampires" T. Pevnaya, "Healing indoor plants" by the phytotherapist N. Danikov, "The influence of indoor plants on the health of schoolchildren" N.P. Medvedev.