Repair Design Furniture

How to treat the floor in the bath from decay. We protect floors from deformation and destruction How to process the floors of a washing bath

Hygiene procedures rarely become the main goal of building a bath. Most homeowners build a structure for rest and relaxation, and logically choose wood as a building material. Only natural wood can create the right mood in a room designed to promote health and find peace of mind.

The technical characteristics of lumber are in many ways superior to those of plastic, brick or masonry, but for long-term preservation of natural qualities, raw materials must undergo special processing.

Natural origin provides wood with not only ecological properties, natural beauty and easy way processing. High hygroscopicity enables the tree to quickly absorb moisture, loose tissue becomes a favorable soil for the appearance of microorganisms.

Special antiseptic preparations reduce the risk of bacterial infection to a minimum and provide stable protection against all types of wood-destroying pests.

Modern means for impregnating wood have high efficiency and have the ability to give products and structures an aesthetic appearance.

Video - How to cover the lining and shelves in the steam room

Basic principles for choosing an impregnation

Modern antiseptic impregnations are presented on the construction market in numerous varieties, and when choosing a remedy, one should clearly define the purposes of using the drug, which can be indicated by several points:

  • what object is to be processed (floor, ceiling, walls, furniture);
  • whether the wood will retain its natural texture, or whether tinting or surface coloring is provided;
  • what level of moisture protection is required by the specifics of the room;
  • how the drug will be applied to the surface.

Teknos for sauna

One of the main qualities that impregnation should have is the ability to provide wood reliable protection, but do not reduce the breathability of the material. The unconditional environmental friendliness of the product is especially important for indoor areas with high air temperature, which provokes the release of drug components. Impregnation for the floor should not lead to the formation of a sliding effect, and substances for treating the most used surfaces (shelves, countertops, benches) should be purchased taking into account the resistance to regular wet cleaning. For shelves, there are specially designed products that absorb as much as possible into the wood structure. Substances do not form a film, which at high air temperatures can lead to skin burns.

Wood impregnation prices

impregnation for wood

The main types of impregnation for wood

Impregnations for wood processing are divided into types depending on component composition, properties and methods of application to the surface. Preparations can have a different consistency and are available in the form of:

  • aerosols;
  • gels;
  • solutions.

Impregnation for wood - varieties

Impregnations for wood processing are made on an organic or chemical basis. All varieties are water repellent. Modern drugs rarely have only one function and are produced for the possibility universal use to provide simultaneous protection wooden structures from exposure to high temperature and humidity, infection by fungal life forms and colonies of harmful insects. Depending on the composition, the preparations are divided into water-soluble and oily. There are combined products in the form of varnishes and paints with the effects of moisture protection and protection from microorganisms. Most preparations have additional properties in the form of a fire resistance effect and a dirt-repellent function.

All types antiseptic impregnations are considered aggressive chemicals and contain toxic substances. Work must be carried out using protective equipment and in accordance with the instructions.

Features of water-soluble and oil impregnations for wood

They are produced on an acrylate basis and have a complex effect on wood in the form of protection against moisture, pollution and biological damage.

The desired shade of color for colorless compositions is given by the introduction of a coloring color selected from the catalog provided by the manufacturer. The main disadvantage of the preparations is the gradual washing out of the wood structure and the need to repeat the treatment somewhat more often compared to other products.

When using water-soluble impregnation, processing will have to be carried out more often

For longer operation, it is advisable to make an additional coating in the form of a thin layer of waterproofing from a film-forming substance containing resin. The advantages of water-soluble impregnation are the absence of an unpleasant odor and the ability not to affect the original color and external texture of wood. Products can be sold in the form of a solution or a dry mixture that requires dissolution with water.

Oil-based impregnations are deeply absorbed into the wood and retain their properties for a long time even with frequent moistening. The disadvantage is a sharp unpleasant odor resulting from the presence of a solvent in the composition.

High toxicity makes most of the drugs unsuitable for indoor use, but subject to safety precautions, some types of products can be used to treat wooden surfaces in a bath. Wood preservatives based on oil and wax impregnate and seal the material, long time preserving the natural qualities of raw materials and providing durability and strength of structures.

Oil impregnation prices

oil impregnation for wood

Video - Impregnation of the sauna with oil

Video - Oil impregnation for the steam bath

Produces a good effect alkyd-oil based impregnation, which preserves the hygroscopicity of the material, prevents deformation and cracking of products, and gives the tree good decorative qualities.

PINOTEX BASE is an alkyd-based primer antiseptic for wood treatment. It is a colorless, highly absorbent primer.

Regular airing of the sauna room reduces the level of humidity in the room and greatly prolongs the durability of the protective layer and wooden structures.

The recommended frequency of protective treatment of wood for baths and saunas is 1 time in 2 years. Autumn is considered the best time to work. The spring movement of tree sap provokes the formation of rot, and timely preparation of the material for the thaw will help maintain the integrity of the structure. Antiseptics are applied only to a new wooden surface before the first use of the bath.

Previously used wood is freed from old layers of paint or varnish, carefully sanded before applying the product, and cleaned of dust and dirt. The composition is applied with a roller or a wide soft brush, paying special attention to the ends of the timber and boards. It is possible to use objects and the room only after the composition has completely dried.

smart choice and correct application preparations will preserve the natural beauty for a long time natural wood and provide hassle-free and long term bath use.

Table. Maslovosk Anta BATH SAUNA - impregnation

CompoundChemical analysisPhysical Properties
Natural Beeswax, linseed oil the highest purity, natural natural
coniferous wood esters, natural wood resins of various species
wood according to the specified modification in the product line. DOES NOT CONTAIN
A mixture of natural natural ingredients without the use of chemical additives and
artificial synthesized components. 100% natural composition on bee
Medium-viscous paste-like consistency of honey color with a slight smell of fir
oils, honey and propolis.
ApplicationDrying timeConsumption
Moisture-proof vapor-permeable impregnation - an antiseptic for protecting wood from
mold, mildew, moisture and UV.
Depending on the thickness of the applied layer and climatic conditions:
- 12 to 24 hours per coat
Depending on the absorbency of the coating:
- approximately 80g but not more than 100 g/m2, when applied with a brush or felt for 1 layer for
planed or polished log surface depending on moisture content and structure
50-70gr per 15-30 sq./m. when coated in the second layer.
Increased air temperature, incl. and artificially created, and sunlight
significantly reduce the drying time of the composition. SUBSEQUENT prophylactic
re-treatment layers are recommended to be repeated approximately once every few years in
depending on the operating conditions, applying the composition in a very thin layer based on
about 1 liter per 30 sq.m. on a surface free of dust and dirt.

Table. How to apply impregnation on a wooden surface

Thoroughly clean the surface to be treated from dirt, dust, old coating,
dust off (you can use a vacuum cleaner)
Sand and dry if necessary
Mix thoroughly before use
The maximum effect is achieved when applying the composition at an air temperature above
Apply one thin layer
MASLOVOK with a brush or a brush with a short hard bristle. Can be used
a piece of tow or jute. Oil wax consumption per 1m2 of surface MUST NOT
EXCEED 100g/m2 (except Maslovosk for Ends - 120-150g/m2). Re-coat if necessary
can be applied after 24 hours, but only after the surface is completely dry
and Maslovsk will be absorbed into the wood.
Surplus funds
remove with a lint-free cloth after 7-10 minutes
After drying for up to 24 hours or less, for
increase the protection effect and the quality of processing, polishing is recommended
treated surface. If the composition is completely absorbed, the surface should be easily
polish with a soft cotton cloth, felt to a state of complete tack. If at
applying the first thin layer, a day after application, remained unabsorbed
residues, it means that the humidity of the wood or the surrounding air is increased, or
the ambient air temperature is lowered, or all of these factors take place
simultaneously. In this case, the second coat during application (if you decide to apply it)
must be even thinner than the first layer, or the air temperature is increased to
acceleration of absorption. It is desirable to repeat the treatment 2 times with an interval of 3
weeks to 6 months depending on the place of application of Maslovosk and environmental conditions
environment and surface operation

The main mistakes in the selection and application of impregnations

Even with full confidence in the possession of the necessary information for the correct acquisition of protective equipment, one should not neglect the advice of a specialist. An experienced salesperson has necessary knowledge about the characteristic properties of drugs and the features of their use. Not all types of impregnations are suitable for indoor use, and the use of a toxic external treatment can cause serious harm to health.

Silicone impregnation Elcon Sauna is designed for comprehensive protection wood inside baths and saunas. The composition protects wood from rotting, mold, wood-boring insects under conditions of high temperatures and abundant cyclic moisture. Impregnation for a sauna deeply gets into a tree, forming on its surface a transparent vapor-moisture resistant covering. Impregnation is absolutely environmentally friendly - does not emit toxic fumes after drying

Buying a product with a low moisture resistance effect will not give a positive result in the humid atmosphere of the bath and will only lead to extra costs for process duplication. If as decorative design painting or varnishing is planned, protective impregnation must be fully compatible with paints and varnishes.

Neomid 200 - Antiseptic for baths and saunas

Wood preservative prices

wood preservative V33

Video - Antiseptic "Neomid 200" for a bath

Video - Antiseptic "Neomid 430" indelible

The bath belongs to the category of rooms with a specific microclimate, which creates optimal conditions for the development of pathogenic flora. Mold and fungus are very “loving” wet environments, so their appearance in “damp” rooms cannot be called a rarity. How to process the floor in the bath? The article will consider the causes of the problem, as well as effective antiseptic agents that will help to cope with it.

Causes of rotting wood

The tree is an organic environment in which pathogenic microorganisms can develop very successfully. Most of them require two components:

  • moisture;
  • heat.

In the bath, as a rule, wood is used for finishing floors, walls, ceilings, benches and shelves. That is why, without special treatment, logs and floor boards begin to rot. What are the main causes of rot in the room?

  • poor waterproofing;
  • lack of normal ventilation;
  • high temperature and humidity;
  • low-quality wood processing.

It is worth noting that some wood species are more resistant to pathogens than others. For example, softwood contains resins, which include phytoncides.

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This provides them with "immunity" in relation to mold and mildew. For this reason, in order to prevent floor rotting, it is better to use materials from such types of wood:

  • larch and fir;
  • spruce and ash;
  • cedar and pine.

The most susceptible to moisture and, accordingly, pathogens, are the following tree species:

  • maple and alder;
  • aspen and linden;
  • birch and elm.

Is it possible to protect wooden materials from decay? To prevent the appearance of rot in the bath, you can treat the wood with special impregnations and varnishes, which will be discussed later.

Requirements for antiseptics

How to cover the floor in the bath? It is possible to prevent the development of pathogenic flora in a “damp” room with the help of special anti-rotten compounds. Manufacturers of protective products produce various varnishes and impregnations, but not all of them have the necessary range of properties that would guarantee the absence of rot in wood.

What properties should high-quality impregnation have?

  • Water repellent. It is the water that makes wooden logs and board vulnerable to pathogens. To prevent their development, the wood must be kept dry. To do this, use tools that, after application, form a protective non-hygroscopic film on the surface of the floor and walls;
  • Antiseptic. The composition of the impregnation without fail should include antiseptic components (phytoncides). They prevent the reproduction of fungal spores and the formation of mold;
  • "Repellent". Wood does not always rot. Carpenter insects can also lead to damage to the coating. To prevent their occurrence, you can use special formulations that contain substances that repel insects.

Important Points

If necessary, you can carry out disinfection in the bath with your own hands. However, many experts do not recommend the use of synthetic compounds for these purposes. Why? In the sink and steam room, very high temperatures are often maintained. It provokes the evaporation of antiseptic components from the surface of the floor or wall that has been treated with it. Some of the volatile components can cause real harm to health.

To prevent negative impact antiseptic agents on the body, the choice of protective compounds must be approached with care:

  • In the rest room and dressing room, the air temperature, as a rule, does not exceed 27 degrees. They can seamlessly use synthetic compounds;
  • In the sink and steam room, both humidity and temperature are high. To exclude the possibility of volatile substances entering the body, it is better to process logs, floor boards and other wooden elements organic based formulations.

Varieties of antiseptic agents

You can also protect new wooden coatings from damage with your own hands if you purchase high-quality compounds. What types of funds can be used for these purposes?

  • Lucky. The composition of special varnishes includes antiseptic components that prevent the development of bacteria even in wet wood. They are used as decorative finishes, which at the same time prevents rotting of materials;
  • Impregnation. Impregnation is a colorless composition that contains phytoncides. These components protect the logs and floorboards from the effects of biological agents - mold, bacteria, etc.;
  • Antiseptics. Fungicide-based solutions are toxic. Therefore, they can be applied to walls, floors, logs and other wooden structures only if they are supposed to be painted further.

The least requirements are imposed on the compositions that will be used in the rest room and dressing room. In these moderately humid rooms, you can do your own disinfection with the help of impregnations on both a vegetable and a synthetic basis.

Acrylic antiseptics

Acrylic-based antiseptics help prevent the development of almost all types of pathogens. Before application, they are diluted with water, after which they are applied to walls, logs and floor boards. TO distinctive features such antiseptics include:

  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations, which allows surface treatment not only in the rest room, but also in the washing or steam room;
  • Resistance to moisture, due to which it is possible to prevent swelling of the wood, which subsequently leads to warping;
  • High vapor permeability, thanks to which the tree can "breathe".

Such impregnation, if desired, can be applied with your own hands. But before breeding and processing wooden surfaces, it is recommended to use goggles and gloves that will protect the skin and eyes from getting a synthetic agent.

Drying oil for processing and floors

Drying oil is a film-forming composition, which is made on a vegetable basis. Drying oil can be used to process wooden coatings in the following rooms:

  • washing;
  • steam room;
  • rest room;
  • dressing room.

As a result of polymerization, the liquid composition forms a very strong protective film that prevents moisture from entering the wood. Coatings are treated with drying oil not only for disinfection, but also to prevent the appearance of splinters.

Distinguish between oil and natural drying oil. According to experts, it is more expedient to treat walls and floors in rooms where there is a significant increase in temperature with natural compounds that do not contain any synthetic ingredients.

Mixed impregnations

Where is it better to use mixed impregnations? Mixed means are those that not only protect walls and floors from decay, but also prevent fire. The washing room is one of the rooms with high humidity, so the likelihood of a fire in it is low. In the rest room, the air humidity is approximately 60%, and in the dressing room - no more than 30%.

To make high-quality protection not only from decay, but also from fire, it is advisable to use mixed types of impregnations in the dressing room. As a rule, such products contain flame retardant reagents that do not pose a threat to health.

Method of application of antiseptic agents

So that in the sauna the floor does not rot over time and is not subsequently subjected to biological attack, protective compounds must be used. But in order to achieve best effect they have to be applied correctly. What points should you pay attention to in the process of processing floors with your own hands?

  1. Before using the product, you need to read the instructions indicated by the manufacturer on the package;
  2. Before applying impregnation to logs and other wooden coatings, their surface must be dried and, if possible, sanded;
  3. Regardless of whether it is being processed flooring in a sink or rest room, it must be applied in several layers;
  4. Processing of materials is carried out at a temperature above 5-7 degrees.

If traces of decay have already appeared on the surface of the wood, without special chemical processing premises are indispensable. For these purposes, apply antiseptics aggressive action that kill pathogenic flora.

Impregnation wooden floors in baths and saunas. Water-soluble, oily and combined means of protection of organic and chemical origin. Video about processing with liquid glassine.

The wooden structure of a functioning bath is a priori vulnerable to the negative effects of mold, fungi, putrefactive bacteria and other microorganisms that live in damp conditions. The most sensitive to the manifestation of negative impact factors is, of course, the wooden bath floor in.

About processing

First of all, the entire structure of the lower floor and its constituent elements are subject to antiseptic treatment. Along with the need for processing, there is an opinion that the impact on the structural elements that make up the bath complex is very harmful to human health. Allegedly, evaporating, they harm human body products of their decay, which are formed in the damp hot atmosphere of the bath.

The next common opinion is that any impregnations destroy the microclimate of the bath, regardless of whether they emit odors or not. Let me then ask if the "aroma" of damp, moldy and decaying is not destructive. wooden surface, the musty spirit of rancid human sweat? All these smells are rapidly absorbed by wood, which has not been touched by processing with special means.

Do you like a floor that is dark with dirt, which does not even take cycling, because it has been eaten by a coloring mold fungus? Unprotected wood absorbs more than just smells. Wood, like a sponge, absorbs microparticles of dirt and soot in combination with soapy alkaline water, which gives a persistent specific smell in the bath. Among other things, the service life of untreated floors is significantly reduced. And for the second, at best - for the third season, it must be replaced in full.

About impregnations

Modern impregnations have not only antiseptic properties. Along with protection against the effects of microorganisms and pests, they are endowed with fire-fighting and water-repellent qualities.

And saunas, as a rule, are made of wood of the corresponding species, which create a special microclimate in the premises. The tree independently regulates humidity, due to which in wooden buildings warm in winter period and cool in the summer heat. But like any organic material, wood is subject to destruction by microorganisms, insects and fungal life forms. Moreover, dry wood ignites easily, and ignition is facilitated by the presence of a direct source of fire in the bath or sauna rooms.

Modern market building materials has a large selection of impregnations that contain all the necessary components that can save the wooden architecture of our era. It is possible to slow down the destruction processes with the help of special formulations if the structural elements are processed immediately after their manufacture. processed fresh batten retains its original qualities for a long time, and for a long time is not affected by insects and other wood pests.

Impregnations for wooden surfaces are produced in four categories:

  • oil based;
  • water based;
  • based on organic solvents;
  • combined composition.

As a rule, almost all impregnations are intended for the treatment of all wooden surfaces in the bath, both inside and outside. The exception is hydro-based, or water-soluble products, intended for treating wooden floors only in the dressing room and relaxation zone, where there is no water supply and, since they do not provide protection from moisture. Impregnations of the combined composition are endowed with fire-fighting properties and reliably protect against spontaneous combustion.

Physical Properties

Specialized protective products for the treatment of wooden surfaces, as a rule, have neither color nor odor. An exception may be only some antiseptics made on the basis of natural products - urethane oil or natural wax. But their light aroma favorably affects the general atmosphere of the bath complex and the person.

Video about processing with liquid glassine lower rims and log beams:

The most popular antiseptics:
  • Tikkurila;
  • Texturol;
  • Drevotex;
  • BioZ;
  • Pinotex;
  • Senezh Ognebio;
  • Neomid;
  • Aquatex.

Before buying a drug, you should pay attention to its purpose, since impregnation intended for walls and ceilings is not suitable for processing. To date, the impregnation from Finnish manufacturers Tikkurila Supi Laudesuoya, created exclusively for floors in a bath or sauna, has received universal European recognition.

Before use, you must read the instructions and fully follow its instructions. Almost all instructions for use state that the processed parts of the wooden structure must be not frozen, clean and dry.

The operation with organic preparations is carried out on outdoors, at a temperature not lower than 10 degrees, in calm weather. The tool is a soft brush, hand sprayer or roller. Treat the surface with two or three layers.

If the wood is eaten away by insects, then penetrating impregnations based on alcohol are used. The moves are filled with the composition using a syringe or pipette, and the surface around them is carefully treated.

If there are pets, it is necessary to make sure that there is a conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological services on the safety of the product intended for use for a person and the pets around him.

Some preparations may contain natural coloring pigment! Therefore, special attention should be paid to this item if there is no desire to change the color of the laid floor.

Treatment of the floor with protective compounds is one of the key stages in preparing the bath for operation. The comfort and hygiene of the bath room, as well as the service life of wooden structures, depends on how competently and efficiently this work is carried out. How to process the floor in the bath will be discussed in this article.

Why process the floor in the bath

A sauna room made of wood provides a number of undeniable advantages:

  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • favorable microclimate;
  • in summer the room is cool, and in winter the heat is kept inside the bath.

However, wood is not without its drawbacks:

  1. This is a flammable material.
  2. The tree is subject to the destructive influence of moisture, which means that a fungus forms on it, and rotting processes develop.
  3. Wood is food for many insect pests.

Thus, impregnation is designed to level the above disadvantages of wood. Proper impregnation will keep wooden product from negative external influences and will extend its trouble-free operation up to 10 years or more.

In addition, the treatment of the floor with a protective composition increases the dirt-repellent characteristics of the material.

Impregnation is often used to increase the attractiveness of the material. Some formulations include pigmenting components that can emphasize the natural wood structure.

Types of impregnation for the floor

According to technical regulations, wood processing should be carried out even before the material has come under the negative influence of external factors. However, even when processed during operation, the wooden product becomes much more protected. Below is a table with information about the functionality of the impregnating compositions.

Impregnation function Description
Moisture protection As a result of penetration into the pores of the material, the impregnation clogs the natural channels for moisture access. This is the basis of the mechanism for increasing the moisture resistance of wood. At the same time, there is a dependence: the deeper the protective substance penetrated into the wood structure, the higher the degree of protection. When choosing an impregnation, it is recommended to check with the seller the suitability of the composition for processing the bath floor.
Protection against microorganisms In conditions of high humidity, an attractive environment is created for the development and reproduction of all kinds of microorganisms harmful to the tree. After some time from the beginning of their activity, the process of decay develops in the wood. As a result, the service life of wooden structures is drastically reduced. In addition, a room with a rotting moldy floor is not the most attractive place for bath procedures. Special antifungal agents in the composition of the impregnations will help prevent the development of the fungus.
fire protection Fire-resistant compositions are very relevant for baths, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba stone oven. In dressing rooms and rest rooms, fire-resistant solutions are not used. Flame retardant impregnation cannot completely protect against fire, however, it will significantly reduce the likelihood of a fire.
Surface pigmentation Such solutions allow you to change the natural color of the wooden surface. They are usually used for decorative purposes. Often added to protective compound as an additional component. The color range of impregnations in this category is quite diverse: even ordinary pine can be made to look like a highly valuable wood species.

Four varieties of impregnations are produced:

  1. Waterborne formulations. Produced on the basis of an acrylic component. Give wood resistance to moisture and biological damage. The surface treated with a water-borne composition acquires dirt-repellent properties. Such impregnations are best used to protect coatings in the dressing room and rest room.
  2. Organic based formulations. Differ in high resistance to the increased humidity and durability of a protective film. Organic impregnations are used for both external and internal processing.
  3. Oil formulations. They are deeply absorbed into the wood and perfectly resist moisture. However, the oil solution emits a sharp unpleasant odor due to the presence of a solvent in its composition.
  4. Mixed compositions. Feature such impregnations - increased resistance to fire.

Surface technology

The work on processing the floor in the bath consists of a number of successive stages and includes three steps:

  1. First, you need to treat the surface with grinder. The purpose of this step is to achieve a flat floor, on which there will be no roughness, prominent places and other defects. If a grinder is not available, you will have to level the floor manually. Sandpaper will do for this, but this processing method should be classified as very labor-intensive.
  2. Secondly, before you cover the floor in the bath, you need to remove all the debris that has formed on the surface. To do this, you need a vacuum cleaner or a broom. Remaining dust should be removed with a damp cloth.
  3. Thirdly, the surface must be treated with impregnation. Impregnation should begin as soon as the floor is completely dry after cleaning it. Impregnation is applied with a brush or soft roller. In large areas, it is more convenient to work with a roller, but in small, narrow, curved spaces, a paint brush is more suitable.

If multiple coats of impregnating agent are to be applied or Decoration Materials differ greatly in their characteristics, it is necessary to adhere to the intervals in work. Specific Options correct processing surfaces are indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. The drying time of different impregnations can also vary significantly, depending on the type of composition and environmental parameters.

When purchasing an impregnating composition, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Manufacturers produce mixtures intended for use in different situations: for fresh wood, for non-infected lumber, for partially affected and heavily damaged wood products.
  2. Impregnations can be aimed at both external and internal use. These compounds are not interchangeable.
  3. It is best to purchase a specialized impregnation made for processing the floor of a bath or sauna. An example is an impregnation such as "Supi Laudesuoja" from the Finnish company "Tikkurila". Specialized formulations are well adapted to high level humidity at an elevated air temperature.
  4. Each product must be accompanied by a conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station indicating the safety of products for people and animals.
  5. Often, impregnations are available in a colorless version, but if necessary, you can purchase a composition with a wood-colored pigment.

The choice of a specific impregnating composition depends on the goals. The minimum set of characteristics of a good impregnation is the ability to withstand moisture and pests.

When planning the construction of a bath, it is important to remember that all materials used for the arrangement must be safe for health, especially in conditions of high temperature and humidity. Indeed, under such circumstances wood flooring actively covered with fungus and mold. In addition to the fact that the material deteriorates quickly, it harms the people who are in such a room. That is why it is important to treat the wood before the main painting. protective equipment. In the article we will tell you how and with what to paint the floor in the steam room and washing room, how to process it before and after staining.

Features of preparatory work before painting

Name Peculiarities Flaws
"Neomid" The composition does not contain salts of heavy metals.

Withstands high temperatures.

Guaranteed protection against biological microorganisms.

Requires three applications. After impregnation, it can only be painted with special varnishes or paints.
"Senezh Ecobio" Protects wood from pathogenic flora and harmful insects.

The product is suitable for external use and internal works.

When processing previously painted surfaces, the old layer must be removed, otherwise the protective effect will be reduced to zero.
"Gladiator 1" A professional product that is resistant to aggressive conditions, therefore it is successfully used in steam rooms and slop rooms. When working, you need to use gloves so that the mixture does not get on your hands.

Tip #1. In the old days, when there was no huge amount of synthetic antiseptics, the wooden floor in the bath was treated with waste from the production of sunflower oil. If you decide to use folk method, it is important to remember that the surface must be absolutely dry.

Differences in floor treatment in the steam room, washing room and rest room

The choice of paint or varnish for the steam room and washing should be approached responsibly. Only coatings resistant to high temperatures can be used. These are interior paints or varnishes that do not contain harmful substances released in damp heat conditions. There are many cases when dangerous fumes led to serious poisoning. Some coatings contain formaldehydes, which are not dangerous at stable temperatures but become poisonous when heated. Such paints (or varnishes) can be used in ordinary rooms, which include a rest room in a bath.

The purpose of each type depends on the composition:

  • Alkyd emulsions are destroyed under the influence of high temperature and moisture, therefore they are not used in steam rooms and slop rooms. But, they are quite suitable for a rest room.
  • Oil paints form a dense layer, which makes it difficult for air to reach the wood, so it is not recommended for a steam room. Not suitable for covering softwoods due to their resinous nature. It is better to paint hardwood in the break room.
  • Acrylic - dispersion and water-based coatings have high resistance to moisture and heat. Do not interfere with the access of air to the wood. Do not impede the expansion and contraction of wood when wet and dry. For a steam room about a washroom, these are the best types of paint. But they are suitable not only for the bath, but also for any other room.

Comparative analysis of two-component dyes, advantages and disadvantages

There is an opinion that the floor in the bath does not need to be painted. Everyone makes their own decision. Most owners prefer to protect the underfoot from unwanted degradation by fungus and insects. One of important factors painting - increasing the service life of wooden surfaces.

This task is successfully handled by two-component paints and varnishes(LMB). Unlike conventional paints, which are sold ready-made, these formulations are packaged separately and mixed immediately before use. For painting the wooden floor in the steam room and slop room, polyurethane coatings are used, which have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Easily mixed with each other.
  • Evenly, without streaks, distributed on horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • It is enough to cover with one layer.
  • Resistant to changes in temperature and moisture.

Two-component mixtures based on epoxy resin and acrylic composition. These coatings contain harmful substances released when heated.

The disadvantage of two-component mixtures can be considered the features of preparation and high cost.

A brief overview of moisture-resistant varnishes, all the pros and cons

After the floor is treated with an antiseptic, it can be varnished. It is this material that allows you to emphasize the color and texture of the tree. But, in addition to beauty, it is important to ensure the safety of the coating.

Tip #2. Note! For a steam room and a washroom, ordinary varnishes cannot be used! When heated, they release toxic substances. Also, they have a high thermal conductivity, which can lead to burns.

For baths, steam rooms and slop rooms, only special varnishes are used. These include:

brand name Advantages Price
"Neomid Sauna" Thanks to the acrylic base, it has high elasticity and breathability. It does not create cracks when heated and cooled. Protects the floor from biological interference. From 400 rub.
"Escaro Sauna Lac" A distinctive feature is the deep impregnation of the material. That provides reliable protection against adverse microorganisms, high humidity and temperature. From 1500 rub.
"Atom Color" Acrylic lacquer for all bath surfaces. It is applied at a temperature not lower than + 10 0 . The first time you can heat the bath only after the varnish has completely dried. From 335 rub.

Varnishes protect wood from destruction and complement the decorative effect of the material.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic paints used in the steam room

The paints that are used in the steam room and the washroom are a complex product, specially designed for rooms with high humidity. Most often purchased by such brands:

Name Advantage Price
SUPI saunasuoja When dried, it forms an elastic water- and dirt-repellent film. The composition includes an antiseptic substance, which allows you to apply paint without prior impregnation. From 460 rub.
"Belinka Sauna Interior - Azure for Saunas" For protection of wood in a steam room and saunas. Withstands temperatures over 100 0 .

When applied to wood, the surface must be sanded, dry and free of dust.

530 rub. for 2.5 l
Sauna Nature It differs from other coatings in a jelly-like consistency. 5000 rub. for 9 l

Properly selected products for a wooden floor in a steam room provide protection and safety.

Uniform painting technique without streaks

In order for the varnish or paint to lay flat on the surface, the wood must be carefully processed.

  • Remove dust, oil stains and other dirt that can be removed mechanically.
  • Before painting, the floor is polished with a special machine. At the end of this work, the sawdust is swept away, and the surface is thoroughly wiped with a damp (but not wet) rag.
  • Treated with an antiseptic. Waiting for it to dry completely.
  • Paint or varnish is applied with a roller or brush.
  • If oil stains appear, they are removed with a soft sponge.
  • If necessary, the floor is re-coated, but only after the previous layer has completely dried.

The varnish or paint will spread evenly over the surface if the preliminary work is carried out carefully.

How to care for a painted floor in a steam room

Cleaning in the steam room is carried out at least twice a month. In this case, it is desirable to adhere to the following sequence of work:

  • Remove moisture from all vertical surfaces and benches by carefully wiping with a rag.
  • Sweep the floor.
  • Prepare a special solution ammonia and water. It is important to observe the proportion - per liter warm water- one tablespoon of ammonia (can be replaced with 9% vinegar).
  • The wooden floor is washed like a deck, without tearing off the mops they “draw” eights.

For washing floors in the steam room, you can use special agent designed for wooden surfaces.

If a fungus has appeared on the floor, rescue measures must be taken urgently. After all, these microorganisms are extremely dangerous to health. Most often, pathogens appear due to poor ventilation, first of all, you need to check the entire system and clean it.

The fungus can be destroyed by processing it:

  • a solution of sodium fluoride in water in a ratio of 1:9,
  • a mixture of copper sulfate - 500 g, acetic acid - 2 liters per 10 liters of water.

It is important to remember that these substances are not harmless. When processing, it is necessary to use protective equipment, and at the end of the work, dry thoroughly, and then ventilate the room. A heavily damaged coating is useless to process, it should be replaced completely.