Repairs Design Furniture

Like a green antiseptic for wood make brown. Cooking and application recipes. Component composition of antiseptic

A tree is an eco-friendly, warm, visually pleasant multifunctional material. But he, of course, is not eternal. To extend the life of wooden products, wood processing is required from rotting and moisture. From our article you will learn how the firing tree will help, and what - bleaching, digest the rules for covering the product with wax and can sort out the wisdom of painting and sea.

Why do you need to handle the surface of wooden products?

The preservation of furniture, household items, building elements are the main goal of the finish treatment of the tree. If the wood hesitates, write disappeared: do not exaggerate those who say that from rotten wood and the house will fall apart.

The rotten product very quickly loses strength, it becomes weaker than 20 times, and its density is halucing. Such changes are fatal for wooden structure or furniture. But this is not all: the rotting tree is harmful to human health. Mold fungi, which immediately attack wood, provoke respiratory diseases.

Mold and fungus on a tree

Mold fungus appears as a result:

  • contact material with Earth (Wood beetles, various bacteria and microorganisms are quickly starting to "manage" in the wood);
  • a sharp decrease in temperature - the non-treated surface is inclined to absorb moisture, because the liquid absorbed into the cold is further expanding, forms cracks in a tree, which inevitably leads to the development of rot;
  • high humidity of air (above 80%);
  • high humidity of the wood itself;
  • stagnant air.

It is possible to understand that the material rotes can be visually signs of loss of density and hardness to them, by the emergence of small cracks on it, by changing the color of the material. Therefore, the treatment of the tree from the influence of moisture and rotting is the point of non-free selection, but the mandatory protection of the material and extend the life of the product.


One of the most ancient recipes against aging and rotting wood - firing. Long ago, people noticed that the burned tree retains strength and density longer. The advantages of firing speak for themselves: no need to use chemical components, treatment can be made not necessarily in the conditions of the workshop, the material becomes fire-resistant and wear-resistant. And among the shortcomings, it is possible to mention the laboriousness of the process.

Example of wood processing with surface firing

Types of wood treatment by firing:

  • full firing - the material in this case is sent to the vacuum furnace, this species is rare, because the tree can reduce the quality of operational properties;
  • deep oblique - is carried out in open-type furnaces, the depth of the upper layer can not be more than 2 cm (the metol is often used for the former in the use of wood);
  • surface firing - The most popular option, the tree is evenly burned with a gas burner, only the upper 5-miremmeter layer is needed.

Cedar, Beech, Grab, Poplar, Olha, Walnut, Larch - All these breed are successfully processed by the firing. Initially, wood should have small moisture indicators (13% maximum), traces of paint coatings on the material should not be. If you do not remove the coatings, then the resin substances in its composition under the firing are unevenly distributed over the surface, which will spoil the appearance of the product.

Cedar, Beech, Grab, Poplar, Olha, Walnut, Larch - These breed are successfully processed by the firing.

The firing consists of the following steps: the selection of the material, bringing to dry and pure state (grinding), treatment with a soldering lamp or gas burner. And at least, the burned surface improved its operational status, it will have to be processed again. Oil, protective varnish, synthetic wax: The choice of impregnation funds is not small.


Bleaching (or clarification) of a tree usually pursues the purpose of eliminating stains on wood, so that the decorative properties of the product or structure did not cause questions.

Why there is a need for bleaching:

  • it appears on the surface of the material mold fungus, and even if it is already removed, darkening, stains, like traces of its livelihoods, remain;
  • the tree naturally agrees;
  • dyes in different nature fall on the surface;
  • chemically aggressive substances fall on wood, change its structure and color.

The bleaching procedure does not always imply the invitation of specialists. Very often, the craftsmen do on their own. This can be done with the help of special chemical bleach and antiseptics sold in constructionarkets. You can make a solution and by popular recipe, but this method does not always give a guaranteed result.

Yet one of these people's ways is still in demand. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol aqueous solution is a good union for whitening a tree. All work spend on the outdoors or indoors, which is well ventilated. The proportions are selected experimentally, as they depend on the state of the surface, the tree breed.

Consider phased whitening on the example of a popular recipe:

  1. You will be required - 250 g of soda, 2 kg of chlorine lime, 5 liters of water.
  2. Mix all the ingredients, leave the solution for several hours.
  3. Apply the composition to the surface can be brush, roller, sprayer.
  4. After 7 minutes after applying the composition, wipe the tree with vinegar, after 15-20 minutes you can estimate the result.
  5. If the tree is very dark and old, the procedure may have to repeat.
  6. In difficult cases, the product is soaked in the finished composition for half an hour.

Wax coating

The tree is protected for more than 1000 years. Special contact sets wax with coniferous rocks, keeping the fragrance and texture of the latter.

Why wax treatment is needed:

  • on the wood surface, the finest film is formed, allowing to protect the material from the destructive action of moisture;
  • the remedy penetrates the fibers deeply, makes them stronger, but does not clog the pores of the tree, leaving the opportunity to "breathe";
  • scratching on the waxed tree is almost impossible;
  • visual characteristics of the material are significantly improved;
  • beeswax are a natural, universal product for wood processing;
  • the wax layer with coloring components can adjust the color of the tree.

Wax can be soft, liquid and solid. The liquid material gives the shine tree, the solid copes with visual defects, soft protects against dust and stains.

Fracture Fracture:

  1. Preparation of material with two stages of grinding.
  2. Removing facing composition, if any. You can apply wax only on a bare tree structure.
  3. Treatment involves coating and oil, and wax, therefore, it is originally soaked with a tree with an oil that will enhance the wax action.
  4. The wax is applied with fabric tampon, foam sponge or a wide brush. Only solid species for applying need a brush with a synthetic pile.
  5. The first layer is applied with wide circular motions, the non-reproduction is eliminated by a new layer and polishing. Then you wait so much time as indicated in the wax instructions, and apply a new layer.
  6. In order to appear satin glitter on the tree, it needs to be polished with a soft cloth (5 minutes, no more). But the mirror surface will require a longer polishing.

Pluses at the fracture is a lot: both the naturalness of the composition, and an excellent decorative effect, and good protective characteristics. But there is a minus: if in ignorance (or negligence) you will apply several layers of wax, coloring and texture of the product can change significantly.

Cognitive video tells about the processing of wooden products with oil and wax.


There are a lot with a tree today: the elegant boo-panels are graceful in their simplicity, the interiors are increasingly decorated, and the photophones for instagram are at all allowing enterprising artisans to earn great. And the painting of the tree is one of the most popular types of processing, today it becomes an interesting number of people. The choice of paints and varnishes is to take into account the species used, the possibilities of re-painting, compatibility with an existing coating and, of course, decorative tasks.

Acrylic paints allow the tree to breathe, resistant to temperature drops and do not burn out in the sun

Paintwork materials are divided into three types (or groups) - transparent compositions, dispersion coatings, opaque enamel. Transparent impregnations will protect the tree from the Sun and emphasize the natural pattern of the tree. The dispersion group will retain the color of the tree, increase its climatic resistance and steam resistance. Opaque enamel is the traditional, most familiar painting formulations.

Painting of a tree in everyday life - Compositions:

  • oil - Recent years are rarely used, the olive in the formula of the composition makes it toxic and unpleasant by smell;
  • alkyd - largely comfortable, but quickly dry, and therefore in the deep layers of the tree can not penetrate (the alkyd coating is short-lived);
  • acrylic - market leaders, because these compositions give wood breathe, do not differ with sharp odors, they retain the color for a long time, frosts are transported well, etc.

If you are for the quality of the result, the tree must be treated with an antiseptic. And it is done before painting. Thanks to the processing of wood tools from rotting and moisture, you will not come across fungus, mold, flowering and rotting.

Well suited for this purpose a mixture of propolis and vegetable oil. On 1 part of the oil, take 3 parts of the propolis, apply a mixture into a clean, polished surface. Give the layer to dry.

Finally, painting will put the final point in the processing of wood. It will be protected from pests, attacks of fungi and mold. Painting does not give a tree to crack ahead of time, she protects it from moisture and finally closes the decorative solution of the object. With high-quality treatment, the wooden structure will last at least 50 years (and rather 100 or more). Without processing to service length in half a century, the tree will not make sure.


Morilka treatment solves an important task - inexpressive wood species become more spectacular externally, the material is protected from negative environmental factors.

Types of Morok.

The basis for the product may be water, alcohol, oil and not only they. Each composition has its own specifics.

Types of means for filling:

  • Water. Water beans are sold or ready to use the form, or in the consistency of the powder, which will have to breed. Good composition adhesion, profitable visual characteristics, no odor - all these are pluses of aquatic vehicle. But there are also disadvantages: raised pile and stains during the processing of resin rocks.
  • Alcohol. It is also sold in a liquid and powder form, applied to the paint. If you need to separate the large area, it makes sense to purchase such a veil.
  • Oil. Can be applied manually, and the paintopult. It dries several hours, but it is not afraid of sunlight and retains flower saturation for years.
  • Wax and acrylic. Excellent moisture protection products that hold uniform tone and non-separation. Beautiful choice for furniture restoration.

This video clearly shows how to properly apply a veil on wood.

But these are not all options for the available filling.


Treatment of wood by payroll - an affordable and cheap recipe for the transfiguration of natural material. A manganese solution allows you to get a saturated brown or cherry shade. On 1 liter of water you will need 50 g of mangartee. Water take only warm. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the tree immediately cooking. 5 minutes after the natural processing, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

You may need several such procedures so that the shade is darker and saturated. The result will delight the rapid transformation that does not require the involvement of chemicals. An alternative to manganese can be a solution from a willow or alder bark, a black walnut tincture, a decoction of the husk husk, a walnut powder.

Each of the listed methods of wood processing (from fire to a mortar of manganese) does not simply change the material, it improves its operational characteristics, appearance, properties. Finally, he allows you to feel like an artist who makes this world a little better.

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You will need

  1. Black leg
  2. The black color of wooden products can be obtained using turquoine fruit, which is more often called wolf berry. The juice of these berries is mixed with different acids to obtain different shades. Blue color is obtained when mixed with drinking soda, scarlet - with glaublet salt, brown - with copper vitriol and green - with sweat.
  3. It must be remembered that some antiseptic agents can be toxic and working with them, we must observe precautions. Before starting the processing of a wooden house, learn the instructions applied to the drug. After applying and drying out the wood, chemicals are weathered and the treated lumber becomes completely safe.
  4. With whitening, you can not only prepare wood under the color, but also to achieve expressive tone, weakening it to the required level. Some breeds of wood when bleaching become sometimes the most unexpected color shades, walnut, having a one-photon surface texture with a purple tint, when bleaching in hydrogen peroxide, acquires a pure alcohol shade, with further bleaching - pale pink.
  5. In a liter of warm water, spread 50 grams of potassium permanganate (mangartee), and then bring it to the wood on the wood and wipe it with a damp cloth in 5 minutes. This veil should be used immediately after cooking. If necessary, repeat wood processing. Shades are obtained from the cherry to dark brown, almost black. Rolted-brown color in birch veneer can be obtained by applying a 3.5% heatman solution. If then then do not protect the tree - mangartee will observe


  • Makeup board with Oleg Nefelkin
  • Each subsequent layer of simulation is applied only after drying the previous one.
  • For whitening, you can use different solutions. Some act very quickly, others - more slowly.
  • It is possible to achieve a rich black tone if you use a decoction of oak bark and alder.
  • The main inconvenience of the use of the veil is that during processing the composition lifts wood fiber. On the one hand, it emphasizes the structure of the tree, and on the other, it makes the product more vulnerable to moisture. Therefore, before applying the veil, the tree should be superficially wet, leave to be soaked for some time and thoroughly.

Morida do it yourself | Construction portal

Tree melon destination

The windmill is known for a long time. Most often, children are ill, but they have such a disease mainly proceeding much easier than in an adult generation. For the treatment of chickenpox use manganese. Not everyone knows how to properly prepare this solution.

Many of us have come across such a misfortune. Mushroom disease that causes the death of seedlings. The black leg is striking the shoots of many garden crops and colors. Plants are very early, starting with seedlings and before the formation of several leaves. The disease cause mushrooms that are present in almost any soil. They populate the root neck of small shoots and clog the vessels of the stems for which the nutritional elements are being supplied. Root necks of plants are black, and then all the plant dies.

Sometimes it is required to give a wooden product gray or silver shade. In order to obtain such an effect, you can use the following method: one part of the vinegar is added to one part of the water and rust metal products (wire or nails) are placed in liquid. The solution should be formed for some time, and then it is lowered by the product and wait for the desired shade.

Morilka is a special composition for wood processing, which is used to give it another color, as a rule, darker. These compositions do not form a film on the surface, and penetrate the wood and therefore the tree texture remains visible. Depending on the type of vehicle, they can have various protective properties.

If you bleach the apple tree in the mixing mixture of hydrogen peroxide, it turns out a very beautiful tree of ivory. Whitening is quite deep, up to 0.5 mm, you can grind.

Types of vehicles for wood treatment

To ensure that ordinary boards look noble, "laughing", with the help of simple decorative techniques. The way of making a tree applied the decorator artist and a specialist in Russian wooden architecture Oleg Nefydkin in the alteration "Rustic meadow". Its version of the processing of the boards turned them from the usual building materials to the work with a special charm of the antiquity.Morlogs on an oil basis dries about 3 days, based on solvent or water - 2-3 hours.

Soloic acid solution. In 100 g of boiled water dissolve 1.5-6 g of oxalic acid. Such a composition is suitable for whitening light wood wood: linden, white poplar, light walnut, birch and maple. On other types of wood, dirty shades or gray spots may appear. The sheets of veneer after bleaching should be washed with a solution (composition: hot water - 100 g, calcined soda - 3 g, chlorine lime - 15). Such processing desightens the surface and raises the pile of wood.

A smooth brown color approximate to natural, it turns out when mixed in equal proportions of willow bark, oak, walnut shells and olhovy earrings. All ingredients should be pouring cold water and bring to a boil. After that, add to the solution ½ teaspoon of soda and pecking another 10 minutes.Alcohol Morilka

- boiled water;

A characteristic feature of the disease is the blackening and rotting the root cervix. The root system of patient plants develops weakly, seedlings are very easy to pull out of the soil. The defeat is often massive, especially in greenhouses and events. In the open ground, the disease occurs significantly less. Sources of infection - soil and plant residues, where causative agents of the disease are preserved and live - mushrooms. The disease contributes to thickened landings, excess watering, poor ventilating, sharp drops of temperature and humidity of the soil. The infection is maintained in the soil.

To obtain a darker shade of oak wood, you can use ammonia alcohol (88%), divorced in water. It is important to prevent inhalation of the vapor of this tool and ensure that the fluid does not hit the skin. It is better to carry out work in the fresh air, while it is necessary to act quickly, because in the open air, this veil loses its properties. You can gradually mix the necessary portions of the means. After the product acquires the desired shade, the solution is flushed. If the product is small, it can be placed in glass or ceramic dishes and put there an open jar with ammonia alcohol. The dishes are tightly covered with a lid, and after a few hours the product will already be ready.Morlogs are usually used to change the color of wood, and, as a rule, the color should be darker source. For these purposes, the veil can be made with their own hands, and for this not necessarily need expensive chemicals or complex ingredients.

For whitening, various solutions are used. Some of them act quickly, others slowly. Whitening technology depends on the bleaching technology. In the practice of amateur joiners, a solution of oxalic acid (1.5 ... 6 g) in boiled water is traditionally used (100 g). In such a solution, light breeds are well bleached - linden, birch, maple, light walnut, white poplar; Other breeds appear gray spots and dirty shades. After bleaching, the sheets of veneer is washed with a solution, which simultaneously raises the pile and exes the surface. The composition of the solution (in parts by weight): chlorine lime - 15, calcined soda - 3, hot water - 100. First dissolve the soda, then chlorine lime is added to the cooler of the solution. After applying the solution, wood is washed with water.

The surface of the wood wood moisten with a solution of 35 g of potassium carbonate or 75 g of calcined soda per liter of water, and then after drying, moisten it with a mixture of 50 grams of Tanin (you can buy in a pharmacy) per liter of water. Do not rush to repeat the staining of wood by a verse - the color of it is manifested only in an hour ...Your text

Too thick composition of the veil can be diluted with a suitable solvent. Water uses water, for oily vehicles - diluents for paints. This will be possible to reduce the manifestation of possible defects on the surface of the product.

Whitening with a 25% hydrogen peroxide solution is suitable for most trees breeds, except lemon wood, oak and rosewood. Products after processing peroxide do not need flushing. Peroxide solution whitens only fine trees. Wood containing tanning substances is very poorly lightening with such a verse. To improve the bleaching process, tubyl breeds must be predetermined by a 10% solution of ammonic alcohol.

You can give a brown wood with a brave from the shells of the nut and the apple tree bark. If you need to get a more rich tone, alum add to the solution.

- This is a solution of organic dyes with pigments in ethyl alcohol. Alcohol formulations are used for antiseptic and decorative painting of wooden products. Such vehicles reduce the lifting of the pile and do not cause the wood swelling.

- Capacity;

MAGORE MAGES MAGE: Recipes of folk craftsmen

Morons from plants

For the prevention of a black leg, you need to carefully treat the soil preparation for seedlings. Soil mixture should be freshly prepared. It is impossible to add humus or compost. It is in them a lot of fungi. Disinfection of the soil can be carried out in various ways. If you have to use the land already served, then it must be carried out in the oven at a temperature of 110 degrees and keep the soil in the oven for at least 30 minutes. Or process in the microwave. In the sowing boxes carry out twofold shedding of soil with boiling water or 1% solution of potassium manganese solid. In greenhouses, it is recommended to disinfect the soil with fresh lime (1-1.5 kg / m2). More modern biological agent - soil spilling with phytoosporin solution. Three days before sowing seeds or before picking seedlings in the soil, Cumulus DF (5 g / m2) can be made. Insertion in the soil Trihodermina-3 3-5 days before sowing.

  • Assess the method of manufacture:
  • Few people know that it is possible to change the shade of wood using plants based compositions.
  • For many breeds, with the exception of oak, rosewood, lemon wood and some other, effective whitening means is hydrogen peroxide (25% solution), which is sold in pharmacies in the form of a solution or pilling tablets. After bleaching hydrogen peroxide, wood does not need flushing. The bleaching process is monitored only visually. Hydrogen peroxide whitens mostly fine-porous rocks and ash. Breeds containing tanning substances whitening in hydrogen peroxide is difficult or not whiten (for example, oak). To accelerate the bleaching process, the surface of such rocks must be poisoned by a 10% solution of ammonic alcohol.
  • If the wood, with a high content of Tanina (oak), moiste with a haired lime, then after the burnt it will become a light brown. But the nut is painted in greenish - brown.
  • 1. The first thing is necessary to "align" the untreated surface of the board - a special metal brush to remove all soft fibers. Processing this tool will create a kind of relief on the board, the depth of which should be at least 1.5 mm. Dust from the surface believes an ordinary brush or brush.
  • Applying the veil: video
  • The results of whitening of different breeds of trees:
  • Treatment of wood decoction from the bark of alder and willow gives a black color wood.

Morleeons based on coffee, tea and vinegar

When using alcohol monkeys, it is difficult to achieve uniform staining, since the composition dries quickly, and stains may form. To toning small products, such verses can approach, but paint parquet will be very problematic.

  • - manganese;
  • Seeds, if it does not say on the label, that they passed special processing, should be held in mangartee. Do not forget that there are varieties whose seedlings are more resistant to the disease with a black leg than others. Consider this when choosing a variety. A few days before sowing, it is possible to warm the seeds in the zinc sulfate solution (20 mg per 100 ml of water) at a temperature of 48-50 ° C for 20 minutes.
  • Fedor, never the soil did not pay and treasured mangartee. Still in the oven lacked !! ! The best prophylaxis of the black leg, I consider the right temperature and wet mode. The soil should be slightly wet, and the "legs" of the seedlings should be warm (seedlings should be on a sunny window-soil heats up), and "heads"-in cold (+16), in the room cool. The soil is preparing from purchased universal + its garden land, freezing the whole winter on the street in the bucket. "Kids" tomatoes often water, but in a little bit. When they are sipped across the cups in 3-4 days of water temperature, in the morning or during the day I water, but also not to dirt. And the dampness and sores appear due to moisture stagnation in poor ground and on cold window sills.

To impart a reddish shade of light wood, you can use a onion husk. Puski's firmly boiled decoction and apply it on the product or use as an additive to brown sampling.

Birch wood after bleaching in 3 ... 5% oxalic acid solution acquires a greenish tint. Oak and ash veneer whitening oxalic acid. For other wood breeds, lemon or acetic acid are used. For this, acid is diluted with water in a ratio of 50 g per 1 liter of water. To get a veneer for gold, hand over the Anatolian walnut in hydrogen peroxide, visually observing the appearance of the desired shade. Hydrogen peroxide should be no lower than 15% concentration. In the same way, it is possible to obtain a pink color, discoloring in a hydrogen peroxide of a 30% concentration of some grades of walnut. To get blue on a white background, whiten walnut with contrasting transitions of tones in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Morlings with chemical components

In order for the oak to make darker, use 88% ammonia alcohol diluted in water. Try not to inhale the pairs and do not allow liquid to enter the nude skin. If possible, work outdoors. After the hour in the open air, the mixture loses its strength, so apply the veil very quickly or gradually mix new portions, and when the wood will take the color you need, wash the solution with water. Little painted detail placed in enameled or glassware and put an open jar with ammonia alcohol there. Top of the dishes tightly close. After a few hours, the filling process will be completed.

  • 2. Then cover the dark soil boards, which will emphasize the texture of the tree. The soil is prepared from ordinary acrylic paint, which is diluted with water until a translucent state.
  • It is necessary to apply the veil, since it will be difficult to remove the resulting defects.
  • Birch after bleaching in a solution of oxalic acid gets a greenish tint;
  • If the bright tree apply a decoction from the submerged fruits of the crash, then the product will acquire a golden yellow shade.
  • Alcohol versions are applied only with a sprayer (spraying), and when painted with brush, the result may be unpredictable

Whitening vehicles

- a whisk;

One of the main risk factors is to increase crops. Seedling in separate containers is damaged by a black leg significantly less.

I do not like tooling (I think all the trace elements burn out., Recharge, wetting the earth and in the hot oven, before it did in the bucket (I threw the lattice with gauze pouring water on top of the ground), I shed boiling water before planting cucumbers, I simply pour in water. Tin and irrigating the grooves, do not eat the wokeered pests of the seeds. Manganese launches in one container, then add, to the desired concentration. I shedding the earth, soaking the seeds, feeding tomatoes.

  1. To give wood birch of a reddish shade, a strong decoction of larch bark can be used.
  2. The tree is one of the most inexpensive and easy-to-use building materials, thanks to which it is the lumber to become the most popular in private construction. But besides positive qualities, the tree has both disadvantages, such as: exposure to rotting, destruction due to the appearance of mold or insects, the possibility of fire. It will solve these problems, it will help the processing of wood by an antiseptic, allowing to significantly extend the service life of this material.

The planed veneer from light wood can be painted in yellow, applying a branch of a barberry root (you can buy in a pharmacy). The decoction is resurrected, you can add 2% of the alum (also in the pharmacy) and heat up to boil again. The cooled decoction will be ready for use.

  • 3. After the soil dries, you can apply a kel. To create it, white acrylic paint is diluted with water until the composition does not become liquid like milk. To soften the white color, add a little soil into the paint. The last barcode in the preparation of the exchanger is a drop of paint green cold shade - it is she will give the tree an antique effect. After applying the composition of the surplus, paints remove with a rubber spatula from the board.
  • Education of chapels. This happens if the veil is applied in large quantities and dries very quickly. In this case, you need to try to remove the layer of the veil as much as possible. To the frozen layer it is necessary to apply another layer of the veil, which softening the dried, and then the rag remove the surplus of the solution.
  • Samp of the ash and oak becomes noticeable lighter after treatment with oxalic acid;

Methods for applying verses

It is possible to make a braid for wood with your own hands: coffee, tea and vinegar.

  1. Oil-based
  2. - cotton swabs.
  3. Low air temperatures, high humidity, weak illumination contribute to the development of the disease.
  4. I agree with Mrina, only I am now all the phytoosporin shed: both in the greenhouse, and seeds when I plant. 4 years I use,

Morilka wood processing principles

Brown vegetable medilion is obtained from the shell of walnuts. A slightly fallen shell dried into the shadows, and then tick the mortar into the powder. Then it is added to boiling water, the decoction is filtered, a little soda is added. This solution is treated with wood, and if after dried up the surface, moistened with a solution of potassium bichromate in water, will turn out to be reddish. When processing diluted acetic acid, wood will become a grayish shade.

  1. The risk group includes wooden elements located in direct contact with the soil, the foundation, walls of the building and a medium with an elevated level of humidity, which means that the antiseptic processing will be required for the following elements:
  2. Orange color is obtained when applying a beam from young poplar shoots with an admixture of alum. Poplar branches (150 g) boil into 1 liter of water, into which the alum is added, for 1 hour. Then profile and leave to estimate in open glassware. Stop it in a bright room during the week. After that, it is acquired with a yellow color.
  3. Alexander Woman
  4. If the veil is completely dried, it is necessary to use a solvent for paints to remove it. However, the entire pigment will fail. The top-colored layer can be removed by the plane or sandpaper.
  5. Anatolian walnut when bleaching in hydrogen peroxide (peroxide concentration not lower than 15%) acquires a golden hue, and a walnut is pink.
  6. Different shades of brown are obtained when using coffee. Ground grains are stirred with food soda. Soluble coffee is suitable as a veil. It is enough to brew strong coffee and process them wood.
  7. Have many tones and shades. Oil veil contains dyes soluble in olife and oils. White spirit is used as a solvent.
  8. To begin with, pour into the container some boiled water, which it is predefined to cool to room temperature. For a standard method of processing using cotton discs or cotton wool, much water will not need. The volume should be no more than one liter. Remember that water should not be hot, so as not to harm skin cover (especially when it concerns childhood).
  9. Also should not be seeding too early, for example in February. In March, more than the sun, warmer. Less risk of disease.

Soil - Live substance and has a balance of microorganisms

Possible defects and their elimination

From the bark of alder and oak, you can get a very rich black grid.

Parts of a wooden carrier frame;

To obtain a greenish color in a decoction of young fossa shoots with alum (see above), add the decoction of the oak bark. The greenish color will turn out if the fine powder of the Medica (50 ... 60 g) is dissolved in vinegar, and the solution is boiled for 10 ... 15 min. Planed veneer soaked in hot solution.

Tinning a tree can be natural dyes.

Spotted product. If the wood-processed wood has an uneven density or jam, then the absorption of the veil can occur unevenly - the coloring in some places will be rich, and in others - lighter.

Morilka wood processing can be performed by one of four ways:

It is good tinting light wood and tea brewing. The thianine, which is contained in tea, gives wood of natural brown. The saturation of the shade depends on the concentration of tea.

  • Oil veil is most convenient in operation: it can be applied in different ways, does not raise the fibers and is distributed evenly over the entire surface. Products treated with an oil-based version can be easily added and renovated.
  • In a bowl with water, pour several groancakes of manganese, which to score better than the tip of the knife so as not to "overdo it." Hands are better than manganese not to take color spots on the skin. It is important to remember that it is impossible to make this drug to clothing for the same reason. Carefully stir grabbinki in water. Manganeseman must dissolve completely, since otherwise they can burn. For high-quality and rapid achievements of the homogeneity of the solution, you can use a conventional wedge. When the procedure is completed, you can add the desired volume of water.

What you need to do at the first signs of the appearance of the disease.

is it possible to treat a tree by mangartsy?


With such a soil processing, not only harmful microorganisms and larvae of pests, but also useful microorganisms, and the soil is in faster than malicious


A pleasant brown shade of the veil can be obtained, if you mix the crushed bark of willow and oak, the shell of walnuts and olhovy earrings. All ingredients are added to cold water together with a teaspoon of drinking soda and coperate a little on low heat, and then cool, filter and applied. Mono also replace the components on the walnut shells, the Corra Willow and the apple tree.


Wall partitions, inter-storey and ceiling floors;
To obtain a black color juice of fruits of turquish (wolf berries) mix with acids. For brown - with vitriol, blue - with drinking soda, scarlet - with glauble salt, green - with potash.

Tree Catching, Burning, Whitening

The spottedness on the products of mahogany or walnut looks attractive, but on the wood of cherries, birch, pine, spruce and poplar - it looks not natural

Spraying. The simulation is applied to the surface of wood with a paintopult. Spraying allows you to achieve a uniform distribution of the simulatory and getting a smooth texture.
You can get the effect of ebony "black" wood with vinegar and metal parts. Small iron nails should be pouring acetic acid and leave for 2-7 days in a dark place (the longer the solution will be "to be", the darker is the color of the tree). The wood treatment with a prepared composition should be carried out in the fresh air, as the solution has a very sharp smell. It should be noted that the polyurethane varnish when applied to such a product is collapsed due to a large amount of vinegar, and Nitra "go to bed" normally.

Wax and acrylic veneers

The concentration of the final solution is better to determine the eye, but carefully and carefully evaluate the resulting color of manganese. It is important that the solution has a light pink shade. However, if you dilute the solution too much, then the proper effect in the processing of rashes will not be achieved and the solution is simply not effective. Therefore, if it is immediately seen that it turns out too light and light color, you will need to add a few more grades of manganese and again stir up well and trace the tint of the resulting solution.

1. Remove the stuffed plants. Sweep the land, braid.

Therefore, after improper processing, it often becomes lowest for plants

The yellow color of light wood can be given with the help of a ragger of unhealthy fruits. And if adding alum to the tool, then the tone will increase. If you use a bark of an apple tree, then the tone will be brownish.

Lower crowns of log buildings;
In some cases, it is necessary to pick up silver or spermocracy of the planed veneer. To obtain a silvery gray color with the treasure dye of light rocks, in the rainwater (? - I think it is possible and the usual) add vinegar (1: 1), place rust nails or wire into this solution. After the solution is disappeared, lower the veneer into it. Control the desired color visual.

Completely unexpected shades of color combinations are obtained in a decoction of grind coffee beans sometimes and with the addition of drinking soda. Use strong soluble coffee. In this method, the desired fortress is calculated by yourself.
Delete spotty is very difficult. You can remove the layer of sea wood with a plane, in the plywood it will be necessary to remove all the front veneer.
Rubbing. The veil is applied to the tree and is evenly rubbed throughout the product area. The coating is converted, the texture becomes bright. This method is optimally suitable for porous tree breeds, and the veil should be used without quick-drying.
You can give the wood, brown and dark brown shade with a solution of manganese: 50 g. It is necessary to dissolve in 1 liter of warm water, apply on the wood, and after 5 minutes, wipe the surface with a soft cloth. In order to get a brighter shade processing by manganese need to be repeated.
- The last generation of tinting materials. Morlogs based on acrylic resins and wax form a thin colored film on the surface of the tree, which additionally protects the material from excessive humidity. Such types of verses are evenly "falling" to the surface and are well suited for processing wooden floors.
When the cooking of manganese will be fully completed, take a piece of the watt or use cotton discs and carefully treat all the plugs. The process is quite laborious and requires a lot of time. Children, especially at a junior age, unfortunately, do not possess such tremendous patience to quietly allow each pimple for 20-30 minutes. Take advantage of the bathroom. Bring the concentration of the solution in the bathroom to the required color and put a child in it. The main thing is not to delay the process of such adoption of the bath, as it is important to only process inflammation and give them to dry, and not to twist them;
2. Pour in container with seedlings wood ash or poured charcoal. You can sprinkle with a mixture of dry sand and ash.

Better buy in the store a suitable processed soil and make the desired mixture

If you brew the bark of larch into a strong solution and cover a tree (better birch), the shade turns out reddish.
It is better to prevent the appearance of spotting:
Application with roller or tampon. This method is applied when processing products with a small area, it helps to avoid divorces and ensures uniform distribution of the simulatory surface.
After processing the wood by a mourn from permanganate potassium, the surface must be covered with a protective composition, otherwise the manganese will fool
Acrylic veneers have a wide range of tones, which can be mixed and obtaining more subtle shades. The composition does not have an unpleasant odor, does not flamm and suitable for all types of wood. Acrylic veneers do not distinguish harmful evaporation, and after applying quickly dry.
After receiving the bath with a solution of manganese, in no case cannot be wiped with a body with a towel, it is only important to grow slightly so that the water does not flow. Then you need to give affected areas yourself to dry well, which will dry inflammation and speed up the process of recovery.
3. After the start of recovery, leave the most healthy copies.
Good luck to you :)

Various shades are obtained after applying coffee: use ground coffee beans with additive food soda. You can also brew strong soluble coffee and use this solution as a veil.
The market presents a large number of antibacterial chemical products of various actions other than each other in composition. In general, all antiseptics can be divided into three groups:
Moisten wood with a high concentration of Tanin (sold in a pharmacy) by a 12% ammonia solution, and it will acquire a gray-brown color.
To give wood brown, dry the shadow slightly rotten shells of nuts and then interpret into the mortar into the powder. For the manufacture of strokes from the powder, you need to cook it in boiling water, filter the decoction and throw a little potassium carbonate into it or simply soda. If the wood treated with the walnut vehicle after it can moisten with aqueous solution of potassium bichromate, then the wood will become reddish. And if you treat the diluted with acetic acid, the same brown wood will become grayish.
Test wood - apply a veil on an unnecessary piece of the product being processed;

Brush applying. For lack of painting or tampon, you can use a brush, but this method is not suitable for all types of vehicles. Experts note that when applied with a brush, wood gives a deeper, rich color than with other methods.
If you wish to get a resistant color, you can experiment and create a chemical veil.
When working with acrylic veneer, it is important not to overdo the layer thickness. A good effect can be obtained when applying no more than 2 layers, if more, it can form spots

Morilka - a toning composition that is applied to the treated wood to change the natural colors of wood, plywood, furniture, chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. Morilka has the second name Bez.
4. As soon as the seedlings are strengthened, transplant to another soil.
Pour water in the metal packag (in terms of volume and the number of land, it is possible). Put on fire or slab. And parity so that couples all the contents of the land of the land. that's all. Cool and apply. You do not evaporate anything there. These are minerals, and the manganese is spanging before landing or sowing. In the soil, the humus is always just a lot. But steam contributes to the removal of organic rings, but also as minerals becomes more movable. good luck to you. And another potassium phosphoric composition, in addition to the organic, should always be in the soil. It gives the plant an increase in the immune system from diseases and pests
The vinegar simulator is preparing like this: low-fat iron parts (for example, small nails) are poured with acetic acid and leave in a dark place to incande from day to seven days (depending on the necessary concentration). Since the composition has a very sharp and strong smell, then process it the wood better in the fresh air. This method can obtain the effect of an ebony tree, since wood with a large concentration of thianins (for example, a nut) This composition color stains in anthracite black color.
Water-based means;
With the help of an aqueous solution of copper sulfate, you can give a gray-blue tint oak, muffled the tone of a mahogany or make a gray plane - this tone is also called "maplen". The effect will start manifest after the wood is dry.

Wood processing by antiseptic with their own hands

Production of a simulator, giving a reddish tint of light wood, possibly from the wood husk. Prepare a very strong branch of the onion husk and use it yourself or as an additive to brown verses.

What elements of the house or apartment are worth processing?

Use a simile gel.

  • In order to get a beautiful product from a natural material, you must adhere to the basic rules of wood processing.
  • A high tianine (oak) tree can be moistened with a haired lime - the product will acquire a brown color. If you treat the nut with such a composition, then it turns out a brown color with an unobtrusive greenish tint.
  • Wax vertices are very soft wax. They can be processed directly wood or pre-painted surface. Wax verses are applied using tissue, and distributed on wood with rubbing movements.
  • The special composition penetrates in wood, thanks to which the texture of the tree is saved. There will be no such effect from enamel or paint.

How to choose a good antiseptic?

5. Do not rush to sowing seeds to seedlings.

  • And I calculated the soil for seedlings! Just poured on a baking sheet and half an hour kept at a temperature of about 200 degrees. At such a temperature, no "loss of trace elements" does not occur. The larvae of pests and spores of mold mushrooms die. For me, this method is more convenient than watering boiling water. And mangartee used to process seeds. Immersed them in a fairly concentrated solution - 1%. Here are the methods of treeding seeds (although, honestly, I did not notice much difference between the etched and unpotted seeds).
  • In a liter of warm water, spread 50 g of potassium permanganate (mangartee), and then bring it to the wood on the wood and wipe it with a damp cloth in 5 minutes. This veil should be used immediately after cooking. If necessary, repeat wood processing. Shades are obtained from cherry to dark brown, almost black. Golden brown color in birch veneer can be obtained by applying a 3.5% solution of manganese. If then then do not protect the tree - mangartee will observe
  • Oil based on oil;

Yellow color gets veneer from light wood in potassium chloride solution (10 g per 1 liter of water at 100 ° C).

Take the crushed boring of oak, willow, Olkhovy earrings and a walnut shell in equal parts. Pour into cold water, bring to a boil, add half a teaspoon of drinking soda and slaughter a little solution on a weak heat. Strain. Also, good color is achieved similar to the preparation of a solution from the bark of the willow, apple and walnut shells. With subsequent toning, the product acquires a smooth brown color identical to natural.

How to handle wood antiseptic with their own hands

Preparatory work - the key to success

The simulator-gel is thick, the pasty verse, which does not spread and does not penetrate the wood. In addition, helium veils have a small speed of absorption.

Technology processing

The veil is applied strictly in the direction of wood texture. In the same direction and excessive solutions are removed.

An unusual shade can be achieved by manufacturing the following composition: 75 g of calcined soda and 35 g of potassium carbonate dissolve in 1 liter of water. Treat wood composition, and after complete drying, the surface must be mixed with a mixture (1 liter of water + 50 grams of tannin). After such a processing, the color appears only in an hour, so you should not hurry and aback the tree.

The most effectively wax vertices look in combination with polishing. This technique is often used when finishing turning products, profiles and threads.

Morida do it yourself

Some use the veil to hide the true breed of wood, for example, stain in an inexpensive pine in the colors of the noble breeds of trees. Others use the simulator to update the interior of the room or emphasize the beautiful texture of the natural material.

6. When the disease appears, the affected plants are neatly removed, the seedlings are watered with a pink solution of manganese potassium (3-5 g per 10 liters of water), then the seedlings do not water at all during the week.

Morleeons based on vegetable components

Drying seed by mangantamy.

  • Different shades of brown can be obtained if a rustic of tianine (for example, oak) can be moistened with hawed lime, and walnut can paint in brown with greenish tint.
  • Combined mixtures based on modern chemical compounds;
  • If the birch or maple is coated with a pyrogallic acid solution and, give drying, to coat with aqueous solution of chrome potassium, then the resulting color.
  • Saturated black color can be obtained when using a solution from Willow's bark and alder.
  • And what will it give
  • Morning is most often applied in 2-3 layers.

Morons from tea, coffee and vinegar

  1. The planed light veneer can be repainted in yellow, using a decoction of barberry root (sold in pharmacies). Ready decoction to strain, add a little quasans to it and re-bring to a boil. The cooled solution is ready to apply on wood.
  2. It is important! Vekti's simulators can not be used before processing wood with two-component varnishes of acid curing or polyurethane
  3. When used by the use of simulators and a combination at the same time, several shades can turn the usual wood product to artistic value
  4. For the prevention and at the first signs of the disease, seedlings are recommended to spray with biological preparations (bacotophytes, plates, phytosporin, phytolavin-300).

Chemicals made

  • The easiest, common and efficient way to disinfect the seed surface. Of all the drank, mangartanous potassium has the most wide range of action. Couring is produced in a 1% solution of manganese. 1 gram of manganese (KMNO4) is diluted in half a glass (100 ml) warm water. Get black solution. Weaker concentrations are practically useless. If the seed infection is suspected, the solution concentration is doubled. It should be monitored so that there are no dweling seeds, for example, the seeds of tomatoes are sticking out and may not go. The seeds are put into the bag of non-marine material type Agril and placed in a solution for 20 minutes. Then without removing from the bag washed in cold boiled water.
  • In the liter of water, 75 g of calcined soda are added or 35 grams of potassium carbonate, the surface of the tree is wetted by this composition, and after complete drying is treated with a solution of 50 grams of thyanin in a liter of water. In this method, the color of the vehicle is not manifested immediately, and in an hour.
  • The highest popularity is used for water-based wood processing, since in addition to the destruction of mold and insects, similar compositions provide reliable flax protection. Also, all protective chemistry can be divided into formulations for impregnation or wood coating. The impregnation penetrates the most deeply to the woody array, providing a high antibacterial level of protection, while the application for applying create a protective layer, which protects the surface of the material from the contact with water and dampness.
  • Relief forms can be soaked with hot cotton oil, which makes a stronger thread and the relief acquires a noble dark color, which, after coating the product of the laddock, its polishing becomes more intense.
  • If for a wooden frame, which will be shifted, or genital boards from the bottom side, then better effluent machine oil.
  • When applying the first layer, it is necessary to use a small amount of veil, and after drying it, the surface will need to be opened and remove the rising pile.
  • It is possible to give a greenish color to the veneer using the following solution: 50-60 g of fine medital powder dissolve in vinegar, boil 10-15 minutes and handle with a hot glass of veneer.
  • It is possible to give the wood of another shade with the help of plant components.
In addition to decorative functions, some types of verses have and protective properties. The wood-protective compositions include simulators on an oil-alkyd basis or solvents. Such verses are able to protect the tree from pest insects, the appearance of mold and mushrooms.

How to garbage? And how to "shed boiling water" and "treat by manganese"? Write the process itself if you did ...

Natalia Brovko

If you already blast, then it is better to overcome. If prevention, yes, the main thing is not to overdo it with watering at all. Black leg

Marina Carasev

Other ways to disinfect the seed surface.

Natalia Belousova

Light wood can be squeezed into a yellow tint if you add two-percent alum and heat up to a boil to the boil, and then the surface of the product is treated with this decoction.


For a more reliable effect, it is worth using impregnating and covering substances together, or give preference to mixed type antiseptics, combining both of these effects. Before buying, it is worth carefully studying the instructions for the means of antiseptic and flame retardant wood processing and find out how much the effects of drugs meet your needs.
Various shades of brown can also be obtained using aniline paints. These paints can be bought in powder - it is easily dissolved in water, as well as in turpentar and oil. For dark verse, mix two aniline paints - Varyakovskaya brown and bismarkovskaya brown. Divide each paint in warm water separately. Add 7 ml of glue and a drop of vinegar to both solutions. Mix the paints with each other to achieve the shade you need; The more water you add, the brighter will be a veil.
Light wood can be painted in a yellow decoction from the submerged fruits of the ulter, in brown - from the bark of the apple tree and walnut shells. If you add alums in each of the listed decoctions, the color of the color will increase.

It is meaningless, since the disinfectant properties of mangartage are determined by its oxidative abilities - the release of atomic oxygen at the time of the reaction. It will react - and everything, disinfection ended.

When processing the surface, it is necessary to try, so that the brush "did not come in" the already frozen areas.


From the juice of wolf berries (turquish) and various chemical components, you can get a variety of color of the veil: brown - with a vigor, scarlet - with a glauble salt, blue - with drinking soda, green - with potash.

Tatyana Pavllychik

A strong decoction of larch bark gives a reddish tint. Especially decorative it is manifested in the processing of birch.

The main criterion according to which all the verses class is classified is the basis for the manufacture of a solution. The most common vehicles on aquatic, alcohol, oil, acrylic and wax basis are most common. Consider the features of each type.
Manganese can be disinfected with the soil on the beds, in boxes or cups adapted to grow plants. So, the seedlings in the cups are watered with a warm pink milgantaneous solution every 10 days. (You can alternate with irrigated asolochek.) Before planting seeds of any vegetables or colors, the ground in the box is poured by a special solution: 3-5 g of mangartee on 10 liters of water. This prevents the disease to "shushk" tomatoes, eggplant, pepper, cabbage "black leg". The same concentration of the solution will also be needed to disinfect the soil in the greenhouse. 1 L solution is poured into the wells for seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers or other vegetables. However, if you are attentive to your green "ward", then according to their appearance, it is almost always possible to determine whether the plant is great, and the first signs of infection, and immediately take the necessary measures. However, for the prevention of diseases and the appearance of pests in the greenhouse, the gloomy "with experience" is treated several times for the season outside 0.5% by a solution of manganese. Moreover, it is treated not only the walls of the greenhouse, but also the territory at the entrance. Explain (and therefore, it is necessary) Gardeners do this when cool after the rain. Undercantling with a solution of manganese (3 g per 10 liters) increases the resistance of plants not only diseases, but also unfavorable weather.

A 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide can be used to drank seeds, preheated to 38-40 ° C, where the seeds are kept for 7-8 minutes.
A more rich color is obtained by applying a pile of young fosters of the poplar and the same alum. In the liter of water they boil 150 g of topoline branches, alum add and boil another hour. The filtered decoction is littered in a glass container during the week, and then used.
Wood processing, regardless of whether it is planed whether it is a bar, or a common log for a log cabin, is made only if the wood has a necessary level of humidity that corresponds to the numbers specified on the packaging of the antiseptic agent. Before starting the processing of wood by an antiseptic, it is necessary to produce all drilling and saws, since the drugs act on the wood surface and all fresh chips and saws that appeared after treatment will become potential foci of the appearance of mold and fungus. It is also extremely important to clean the wood surface from possible pollution and degrease the surface that can be done using special chemicals.

Tatyana Pavlova

You can take dyes for clothes. Yellow, red, and brown. Divide in water about 100-150 ml. Each bag in a separate bubble. And now from these colors you can mix any veil.

Does the waters of the seedlings of manganese from the black leg? And can I water it?

Viktor Solovyov

Degreased fine nails or iron chips are poured with acetic acid and give the composition broke from day to a week (depending on the desired saturation) in a dark place. This composition covers the product. True, it has a strong sharp smell and it is better to cover the tree outdoors. This recipe for Americans is called ebenization (ebony tree), because On rocks with a large content of tannins, such as walnut, a well-pronounced black color is obtained, sometimes practically as anthracite. True, some furniture makers note that a water-based polyurethane varnish is simply folded when applied such a tree, apparently due to vinegar. But Nitra is normal.
Go to the store and buy a means for wood or klyanchat in chemists
Washed wood after drying is polished with a dense coarse cloth in the direction along the fibers or the necography.
Wood whitening allows you to prepare a product for painting and achieve expressive tone. Some breeds of trees when bleaching acquire unexpected color shades. For example, a walnut, which is peculiar to a monophonic texture with a purple tint, after processing the bleaching mourn, becomes pale pink or alco-pink. The whitening of the apple tree makes the wood of the noble color of the ivory.
A reddish shade can be achieved using a husk from onion. To do this, cook "cool" decoction and process them with light wood or add to the purchase of the veil.
No, no longer help. In order not to be a black leg, it is not necessary to pour the soil and on top before sowing seeds to sprinkle with a clean, crumpled sand.
To drank seeds, 1% rr hydrogen, 0.04% phosphoric or 3% hydrochloric acid rr can also be used.
The greenish shade of wood turns out if in the above decoction of the top colors and alum add a strong decoction of oak bark. The rest of the process is the same.
After all the preparatory work has been made, you can proceed to tree processing. The technology of processing depends on your means and features. The most efficient way is to divert wood in a divorced drug, but this option will require high costs and at home a similar method is almost impossible to handle massive elements, such as rafters and lags of the floor. The second method is reduced to applying the antiseptic to the surface of the tree with a conventional brush or roller. Apply the antiseptic must be evenly painting the entire surface of the tree. Processing is carried out in several layers, usually required from 2 to 4-5 layers, more detailed information can be found in the instructions applied to the chemical preparation you have.
8 Whitening:
The effect of the veil is obtained
Large surfaces of the product are better divided into sections and starve them consistently.
Whitening by Morilka: Photo
Using the walnut shell, you can get different shades. The old shell must be slightly dry and grind into powder. The resulting nut powder is booed in water, strain through a small strainer and add some food soda to the solution. A tree treated with such a composition will acquire a brownish shade, and if after drying, an aqueous solution of potassium bichromate is additionally applied to it, then a reddish tint will be obtained. To obtain a grayish shade, the surface treated with the "nut" solution should be soaked in diluted with acetic acid.

Yana Evtushenko

We are produced in two forms: dry veneers in powder form for self-dilution in water, and in a ready-to-use condition. The aqueous simulats dry out long enough, so it will take a long time to obtain a homogeneous tone.


It is better to pour a p-rum of Furancylin to whom the throat of 1t on a glass of water


I also pouring on the oven, but not much, and not half an hour, the earth does not have time to dry. Of course, microorganisms dying, but after cooling you need to pour Baikal slightly.


Also, green wood can be obtained if you dissolve in vinegar 50-60 grams of small copper powder and boil the tool for ten and fifteen minutes. Planed products are better soaked in this solution (hot) for some time until the desired color is obtained.

After the antiseptic and flame retardant treatment of wood is manufactured, the material should dry, in vivo, in a dry hanging or on the street under a canopy. For drying, depending on the selected composition and the number of applied layers, it will be enough from 48 to 72 hours, after which the elements are ready to use. Processing with your own hands - a fairly simple process, which, however, will require attention and concentration.

Treatment of seeds with a solution of mangartean treatment of tomatoes by mangarteese seed treatment of soil in a greenancing greenhouse

Sades who are accustomed to collecting a good harvest in their garden, know that without spraying trees from pests and diseases can not do. What drugs to use, the best folk remedies in the fight against pests, the most appropriate time for processing the garden is useful information for each gardener.

Treatment of trees in winter from pests and diseases

In winter, processing from pests and diseases are not conducted. Plants, like the pests themselves, fall into hibernation. The first processing of the garden of fungicides and insecticides are carried out in spring to the dissolution of the kidneys, and the last autumn after the leaf fall.

Treatment of trees from T'li and Muravyov

The ants often settle in the garden, which is infected with a toy. The struggle against ants behave for the prevention of the propagation of aphid on the site. Wrestling methods are different:
- on the trunks of the trees placed a sticky tape and various traps for ants;
- anthills are poured with boiling water;
- spray trees by boric acid;
- If there are many insects and they bring significant damage, process the garden insecticides of the perortoid series (Fury, Sherpo, etc.).

The aphids are also struggling insecticides or folk methods (solution of soap, ash, tincture of garlic and decoction of wormwood).

Treatment of cherry trees, apple and pears in spring

If there are no traces of vital insects in the trees, you can do with one preventive treatment in March. With any signs of infection, the spring processing of the garden from pests takes place in three stages.

Begin first processing when the air warms up to +5 degrees, approximately in mid-March. Trees are sprayed with insecticides and fungicides, the dried branches are cut before it, remove last year's foliage.

Until the middle of April, the second handling of the garden is carried out before coloring colors. For spraying, a solution of copper sulfate, colloidal sulfur, burglar liquid and intestinal bio-intecticides (lepyocide) are used.

Third processing of trees spend immediately after flowering. It will help to get rid of pests - caterpillars, toli, ticks, leaflerting and fungal diseases. Sprinkle with sulfur sulfur zinc, burgundy mixture, copper vitriol, polish. Tobacco tincture (400 g of dry leaves per 10 liters of liquid) is used to treat the TLI (400 s), decoction of tomato leaves, potatoes, wormwood. Two weeks after flowering, it is carried out another processing insecticide - benzophosphate, carbofos or chlorophosphosum.

Spraying trees and shrubs in the fall of diseases and pests

Autumn treatment from pests begin when trees will lose foliage, in late October or November. Popular drugs used at this time include: Bordeaux liquid, Copper and Iron sipop, urea. Treatment is designed to protect trees from fungal diseases.

Spraying trees by ammonic alcohol from birds

To scare away birds spend spraying immediately after good rain. The composition is prepared from 4 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap and 1 tbsp. l. Ammonia. Spray fruit trees, shrubs and berries in the garden.

Spraying fruit trees vinegar from pests

With the help of apple vinegar struggling with fruit. For the preparation of a solution of 200 ml of the over 3 days of vinegar diluted in 3 liters of water. Spill the resulting mixture into plastic bottles, and hang on the branches of trees at an altitude of 2 meters from the ground. The fruit is assembled in bottles. Traps are changed 1 time per week.

With the help of ordinary vinegar struggle with tool. The solution (1 tbsp. L. Vinegar per 1 liter of water), and spray trees 2 or 3 times with an interval of 10 days.

Treatment of trees 5 percent iron, copper vision dosage and concentration, instructions for use

Iron vitrios phytotoxic, so it is used for spraying after the fallout foliage in the fall or before it appears in the spring. Approximately 1 tbsp. l. The drug is dissolved in 1 liter of water to obtain a solution of 5% concentration. The solution is used immediately after cooking. During spraying, gloves, glasses and a respirator are put on, as a tool is poisonous.

Copper vigorous trees trees in spring. Prepare a solution of 1% concentration (100 g. The drug is 10 liters of water) in plastic dishes. Spray trees in gloves and respirator, as the solution is toxic.

Spraying of trees with ash solid, calcium chloride with water, tobacco solution

To protect trees in the garden from fungal diseases and pests, an oloc solution is used. In a small amount of water, 400 g. The ash is dissolved, the mixture is heated on slow heat for half an hour. Then fixed, mixed with 40 ml of soap, bring the volume of the solution to 10 liters. And spray trees.

For the preparation of a tobacco solution of 500 g. The dry tobacco is poured with 10 liters of water, they insist the day, filter, and spray plants.

For spraying with calcium chloride, 0.5 or 1% solution (50 or 100 g. Calcium per 10 liters of water is prepared). During the season, there are 5 treatments, first start a month after flowering.

Spraying of trees with a solution of manganese, urea, salt

Increase the stability of trees to fungal diseases can solution of manganese. To prepare a mixture of 3 grams of manganese, dissolve in 10 liters of water. Spray trees early in the morning or in the evening.

Urea spray plants 2 times the season - early spring and late autumn. For spring processing, 500 g. They dissolve in 10 liters of water. Such a spraying will help to destroy the TRU, color, cigarette and so on.

The garden pests are successfully destroyed using salt solutions. In 10 liters of water, 1 kg of cook salt dissolve, and spray trees. So that pests died, the salt composition should hold out on the leaves of 2 or 3 days.

Treatment of trees with soap household, atetyar, green

To protect against tri, a solution of 10 liters of water and 200 grams of grated or liquid economic soap are prepared. Spray trees in dry weather.

Treatment of trees with a solution of tar soap scares many insects. For its preparation in 10 liters of water, 50 grams of the Degtyar soap are breed (it can be replaced with 1 tbsp. L. Flying).

Green soap based on potassium salt is used in different concentrations. It depends on the type of pest with which the struggle is conducted. For Tly, 200 or 400 g. Soap in 10 liters of water, for TRIPS 100 g 10 l, and 200 or 300 grams. Spraying spend 3 times per season.

Spraying trees with green and iodine at the cottage, tar, mustard

To combat phytoofluoride, 10 liters of water are mixed with serum liter, 40 drops of iodine and 1 tbsp. l. Summer alcohol. Spray trees in dry weather.

With the help of the greenstone, they are also struggling with phytoofluoric and powdery dew. For this, 40 drops of greenflower dissolve in a bucket of water. The resulting solution spray trees.

Delet helps to scare insect pests. To prepare a solution in 10 liters of water dissolve 20 grams of liquid tar and 2 soap spoons for better adhesion of the solution during spraying.

Mustard solution spray trees from pests 2 weeks after flowering. For the preparation of a solution of 100 grams of dry mustard powder is divorced in 10 liters of water, they insist for a day, bred by water again 2 times, 50 grams of household soap are added.

Treatment of agricultural trees and boric acid during flowering

Amber Acid is a growth biostimulant. Spraying with a solution of trees is carried out before and after flowering. For processing to flowering, 10 grams of succinic acid are dissolved in 10 liters of water. After flowering, the solution is prepared from 20 grams of succinic acid and 10 liters of water.

To improve the fruiting, the trees are sprayed with a solution of boric acid. For the first time, the appearance of buds (10 or 20 g boring acid is divorced in 10 liters of water). The second feeder make a week after the first. Spray trees in the morning or in the evening in dry weather. This procedure reduces the precipitation of the strings, improves the quality of the harvest.

Wood processing with special compositions increases the strength of the material, providing reliable protection against aggressive impacts and destruction. Made an antiseptic for wood with your own hands, you should remember the high toxicity of the component composition.

The need for the processing of large areas of a wooden house, or a bath, requires the use of significant volumes and is a financially cost-effective stage of construction work. The optimal option in this situation will acquire the necessary chemical reagents and preparation of the antiseptic for wood with their own hands.

The choice of suitable composition depends on the desired processing properties. The classification of antiseptic agents is formed on a component basis:

  • oil base;
  • wax basis;
  • water base;
  • solvents.

Also distinguished by antiseptics depending on the type of construction work: for internal or outdoor use. Internal processing should differ safety and environmental friendliness. The means for external treatment include the basis combining the properties of the antiseptic and resistance to atmospheric influences (temperature drops, ultraviolet).

Component composition of antiseptic

The qualitative characteristics of the component composition of the solution will help determine how to make an antiseptic for wood with their own hands of the required type. Cooking can be made based on:

  • copper sulfate, or iron (iron, or copper sulphate);
  • iodine, or zeam;
  • bitumen;
  • biocidal, or clay pastes;
  • sodium fluoride.

Funds on an oil, or a bitumen basis effectively protect wood even when in the ground from the effects of moisture, fungal lesions. Viscous solutions are deeply penetrated into the material structure. The disadvantage of treatment with petroleum products in combination with coke-chemical nature substances is a high level of toxicity.

Traditionally use mixtures on a water-salt basis. The scope depends on the concentration of the solution. Unlike oil, or bitumen options, the means are less toxic, easy to prepare and do not require special conditions for the transport of components.

The disadvantage of the composition is the need to apply an insulating outer layer, which will increase the resistance to washing.

Main applications

A performed antiseptic for wood with their own hands allows you to use a solution in large volumes to achieve the desired result:

  1. External protection of structures of wood from moisture exposure, ultraviolet.
  2. Treatment of wood materials with open transportation.
  3. Protection of areas exposed to increased moisture exposure (underground, plug in Earth).
  4. Bacteriological protection against insects, fungus and mold.

Formulations can be used as a surface coating, or impregnation of the material. Combining antiseptic substances with varnishes, or coloring agents, additionally provide surface decorativeness.

Important aspects of cooking and applying

Basic manufacturing rules will help to find out how to make a high-quality solution. It will be necessary to carefully examine information about the toxic components and the necessary precautions. Selecting the recipe, it is important to take into account the availability of components.

Initially, it will be necessary to prepare the necessary inventory (containers, tassels, watering cans, blades) and choose a place to make a solution. The cooking process directly depends on the base and component composition of the mixture. It is important to pay attention to the degree of toxicity of substances.

The application of liquid solutions should be performed using a pulverizer, more dense - wide brushes, or sponge. Internal work is carried out in a ventilated room.

Copper Eating Reception

Antiseptic for wood with their own hands from the vapor should take into account certain proportions of the substance, designed for the desired volume of the finished mixture. It will be necessary to prepare chemical components:

  • copper sulphate (50% of the dry part composition);
  • sodium bichromate (50%);
  • water (in the ratio of dry substance 1 kg / 9 l. water);
  • table vinegar 9% (1000ml of water / 5.5 ml of vinegar).

The process of preparing a vapor-based paste includes mixing dry components in an equal quantitative ratio. Improve the dissolution of substances to the necessary consistency will help heating water to 50 ° C. The paste is thoroughly mixed, and ready to use.

Cooking rules should take into account safety measures, because the resulting antiseptic, copper vaporace for wood with your own hands toxic. It should be avoided by the solution to the skin and on the mucous membranes. It is advisable to use special protective clothing, glasses, respirator.

Bitumen-based paste

Antiseptics for a deep penetration tree are made on the basis of bitumen. Additional components for the solution are gasoline, or diesel fuel. The need for deep impregnation is often caused by the aggressive impact of the external environment.

Recipe for cooking requires special caution. The bitumen is placed in a metal container and heats up to the disappearance of lumps. The thermal impact is stopped when the needy is achieved. Next is the solvent substance. Achieve the optimal penetration of the solution can be immersed elements requiring treatment, to the finished mixture. Bituminous antiseptic has a high degree of adhesion with a tree surface.

Options for protective solutions

Available to make a simple and efficient antiseptic for wood with your own hands. The recipe has an affordable composition based on sodium fluoride solution. The concentration of the substance from 0.5% to 4% is selected depending on the need for internal or external treatment.

Eliminate the visual control over the thickness of the protective layer, will help add potassium permanganate (10 g). Over time, the color of the coating will disappear. The performance of wood processing is made with a wide brush, or a spacing.

Sulfate mixtures are used to protect against the destruction of wooden parts immersed in the ground. The main component of 10-20% is diluted in 10 liters of water. It is possible to achieve the desired effect only under the condition of long-term impregnation and proper surface drying.

Oil impregnations are widely used for internal work. The safety of the foundation is achieved due to the natural nature of the composition. Various types of oils (linen, hemp) are used in combination with additives (extracts with tanning components). Oil processing increases decorativeness, restores the texture and enhances the insulation of the material from the effects of moisture.

The choice of processing tools for wood depends on the individual coating requirements. Adjust the degree of protection, you can select the desired concentration and thickness of the protective layer. Means, properly manufactured personally, are not inferior in quality and efficacy of ready-made solutions.

At the cottage so you want comfort and beauty! How to properly prepare the garden to future landings, what to do with flowers, soil and trees in late autumn - in our material.

The main season of vegetables and fruits passed, it's time to take care of the preparation of the garden by winter, or rather, his disinfection. In the fall, with high humidity on any site, the activity of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and garden pests increases. To prevent infection, it is necessary to take measures to protect the site.

Disinfection of soil

After collecting the crop, from which he was assembled, you need to prepare for the next season. Drop the soil or not - depends on the agricultural engineering that you use, but the disinfection of the Earth is equally necessary for all. It should not be neglected, because during the season in the soil, pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and pests could have been accumulated.

The most popular and effective way is considered to disinfect the potassium permanganate solution (or simply by manganese). These are crystals of dark color, which, dissolving in water, paint it into the shades of purple: at low concentration - in light pink, with elevated - in purple color.

Our grandmothers knew about the useful properties of manganese: she was washed with wounds, they treated poisoning, used in the fight against pests in the garden. Such widespread use of manganese explains its main property is antifungal, antimicrobial drug. Due to the active processes of oxidation, manganese kills harmful pathogens of various infections.

For autumn processing, a solution is made in the following proportion: 3-5 g (one bottle) of mangartage on 10 liters of water. They watered the earth and leave until spring.

The second in popularity of the substance to combat diseases in the garden is copper sulphate (or copper sulfate). It is used both as a monopreparation, and in combination with another chemical lime, getting a bordeaux mixture. We will tell you more about it later, and now we will stop at the properties and characteristics of the copper mood.

It is the crystals of a bright blue color, its aqueous solution also has the same shade. The substance perfectly copes with mold, fungus, pathogenic microorganisms. The solution for the disinfection of the soil after harvest is prepared as: on 10 liters of water - 1 tbsp. Spoon of copper sulfate. It is necessary to water this liquid moderately, since the copper is a toxic substance.

In particularly launched cases, processing the soil can be both ordinary chlorine (chlorine lime). It produces in the form of a liquid (it is often used to whiten the tissues and disinfection of surfaces) and powder. About 100 g of chlorine lime powder contribute to 1 m2. It is scattered over the surface and close in the soil.

Approximately the same and formalin. Its action is weaker than chlorine - planting plants after processing formalin can already be after 15-20 days. First you need to dug the grooves, pour formalin in them, cover the earth and leave for a while. After that, it is necessary to plug in the land well and leave for two weeks. After that, the soil once again is carefully loosen.

Boiling water treatment. It happens that there is nothing in the country at all: neither special drugs or any other disinfecting substances, but to treat the soil still need. Hire hot water will help. Yes, the most common steep boiling water is able to destroy the pathogenic soil microorganisms. In general, everything is simple: hot water is filled with a watering can with a spray and water the surface of the earth. Then a well-spilled bed is covered with a film, so long to delay hot steam, and leave in this form for a while.

Treatment of trees and shrubs

Spraying. This is where you should remember the bordeaux liquid. As we said, it is obtained from a mixture of copper sulfate and extinguished lime in equal proportions or with a small predominance of lime. Why do not use clean vigor for treating trees? The fact is that its aqueous solution has a sour Wednesday, which can harm plants. The exhaust lime softens it, forming a turquoise-colored liquid suitable for spraying plants. It will help to save trees and shrubs from many diseases: gray rot, paste, purple spottedness, kokkikosis, etc.

Spraying urea also has a beneficial effect on plants. For example, if you hold this procedure immediately after harvesting, thoroughly wasting skeletal branches and barrel, you can protect the trees and shrubs from the paste. For the preparation of the solution you need to dilute 500 g of the means in 10 liters of water.

WHITEWASH. Autumn tree processing vev includes the protection of the crust. In the spring, it is necessary to take a number of measures on the trunk in the spring (freezogoins). Usually the reason for these wounds are sharp temperature drops in winter, when the sun heats the bark during the day, and at night she cools sharply. Avoid this will help the whitening of the trunks. The bark of young trees is very gentle, so it will not have to be specifically prepared, and with old plants will have to tinker.

Before staining the trees, you need to prepare them. To begin with, it is necessary to clean the barrel from the moss, lichen, the old peeling bark. This will not only give a whitewash better to lie on the surface, but will help to destroy the insect pests prepared for wintering - pathogens of many diseases: rust, mildew, etc.

If it is possible, it is better to purchase a ready-made solution of water-dispersion paint. It already contains the supplements needed to protect the crust. The composition is good and so that it does not interfere with the tree to breathe and does not miss ultraviolet radiation.

In the case when paints did not turn out, you can cook yourself alone. It will take the most common impetuous chalk (ceiling whitening). To make it not cleaned the first rain, wallpaper glue or starch add to the solution, and for additional disinfection-already well-known copper vigorous to us (by the way, he will give a whitewash a beautiful light blue color). By 2 kg, 1800 g of copper sulfate diluted in hot water and 50 g of glue are taken by 2 kg. The density of the solution is brought to the consistency of the liquid sour cream - so that the paint does not flow from the barrel, but did not lie with a thick crust.

FUMIGATION. This method is applied quite rare due to its time consideration and fire hazard. However, this is a completely efficient and most eco-friendly method for treating trees and shrubs from pests - disease carriers.

It is carried out as follows. A wet straw, fond of foliage or even peat, on which several kilograms of tobacco dust (by-product of tobacco production) are poured around the tree. Some also use branches of coniferous trees rich in essential oils, the smell of which do not tolerate insects. Due to the fact that the basis is wet, fire around the tree almost does not arise, but the smoke will be abused. It is this smoke that will cause the death of not only adult insect pests, but also their larvae.

In order not to burn a tree and not arrange a fire, security rules should be followed:
do not conduct processing in windy weather;
do not move away from smolder;
constantly check it for open fire;
Have a means of extinguishing.

Disinfection of economic premises

It is also important to mention the disinfection of everything that helps us get, assemble or keep a harvest. It will be about disinfection of greenhouses and greenhouses, cellars, sheds, as well as gardening inventory.

Greenhouses and greenhouses. So for the next year there was less work, we can put a place for growing vegetables now. The greenhouses from polycarbonate or glass are first cleaned from the rods to which the plants were tested (because they can also winter disease pathogens), and then wash the walls and frame with a solution of chlorine lime.

By and large, you can stop on this, but there is another way of disinfection - sulfur checkers. Such a checker is installed on a non-combustive base (for example, a piece of iron or bricks) in the center of the greenhouse and is set on fire.

Previously do not forget to close all the vents. During the time, while the checker burns, the caustic smoke will be highlighted, inhaling which is extremely dangerous. It is he who displaces the room, penetrating into the smallest gaps. This method is also suitable for filmmaking: while the film is not removed, smoke disinfects the frame from the inside.

Cellar and sheds. Usually, those who carefully leads the economy in these rooms is always clean.

In the Hozblock before laying inventory for storage, it will be enough to wash the floor with chlorine. If the mold was formed or traces of the fungal disease became visible - additional processing of copper vitrios will be needed. The cellar usually sufficiently treat the same sulfuric checker: the smoke displaces a vegetable store and will keep the new harvest from damage. Sometimes due to high humidity or flooding wall, the cellar can be covered with mold and fungus. In this case, you have to prepare a thick pavement with a high concentration of copper sulfate and cover the surfaces by it.

Garden inventory and shoes Also prepare for the new season. The first thing to be done is to clean it from the remnants of the earth, herbs and leaves. Then, for disinfection, rinse with water with the addition of either chlorine or manganese. Do not forget to process and stock inventory: bacteria can also be saved. After that, garden tools need to be dried and, if necessary.

Information chamber beams for landings are also not worth throwing away. Collect them from all the beds and rinse with the household soap, and then dry - and they can be reused.

Garden gloves and aprons depending on their quality and prices can also be saved: put them in hand with a manual soap without adding any chemicals.

So the next spring you will get a fully prepared inventory for the season.

As you can see, the disinfection of the garden is a very important and necessary process. It will not only disinfect the soil and cure the amazed trees, but also will save healthy plants from infections, insects, and will also allow to get a higher harvest of high quality.