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How to find the right item in China. Actual base of contacts of suppliers of goods from China (smartphones, clothing, auto parts, etc.)

Finding manufacturers in China in order to favorable, long-term and efficient cooperation may seem quite complex and sometimes simply impossible. But, if you operate with information filed in this article, even beginners will be able to easily understand this.

Why it is worth trying to find the supplier yourself

Naturally, a similar question does not care about successful entrepreneurs who have long been involved in the resale of goods. But those who are just thinking about starting a business with China, do not always understand how profitable to work directly, without investing in the services of intermediaries.

Three reasons for self search

  1. Saving time

Working with Chinese suppliers directly, the businessman really saves his time. After all, in the case of direct deliveries, you can independently control the entire process from purchasing goods before delivery to the warehouse in Russia. Using the same intermediary services, Russian entrepreneurs are quite often encountered not only with overwhelmed prices and improper quality of the goods received, but also with torn delivery time.

  1. Personal verification of the respectfulness of the counterparty

No one will be able to hold a really high-quality monitoring and analysis of reviews about the supplier's decency, except those who wish to establish connections with China for personal business. Profitable offer, optimal conditions And the lowest prices will be able to determine only a person, sincerely want to earn. But intermediaries often, just pretend that they are looking for reliable suppliers, and in fact - offer first.

  1. Quality control

Careful quality control of goods can be carried out only when visiting Chinese exhibitions and wholesale markets. Unfortunately, photographs of products, carefully sprinkled and laid out on the network, will not allow proper ideas about how the goods look like in real life. Therefore, it is necessary to personally make sure that the materials applied, the correctness of the manufacturing process and other factors affecting the quality.

But, it is worth notify that finding a supplier in China independently unrealless without free time, knowledge of the language and a considerable amount of money required to visit the PRC. Therefore, sometimes it is more appropriate to resort to the offered services of intermediaries.

How to find a supplierwith intermediary

Before resorting to the help of intermediaries, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly by creating an exhaustive list that responds to the following questions:

  • of the goods of interest;
  • alleged terms of contract (price, quality, conditions of transportation, delivery duration, responsibility of the parties, rights and obligations of counterparties, etc.);
  • the amount you are willing to spend on a trial batch;
  • the desired profit percentage;
  • the scheduled period of time during which the goods should pay off, etc.

Approximately this should look like a list with which a novice entrepreneur will go to a mediator company, ready to help for a small percentage. But you should be careful in choosing an intermediary - in lately We divorced too much scammers in this area.

How to choose a mediator company: five basic rules

  1. Sarafan radio intermediaries that experienced and successful businessmen, definitely worthy of your attention.
  2. Monitoring of reviews on the Internet - a working company cannot be exclusively positive reviews. If you have noticed an intermediary with 100% laudatory reviews on the site, then the likelihood that they were written by the company's employees themselves are great. More trust is called firms that calmly responding to the negative from users who are not afraid of recognizing their mistakes, promptly responding to ambiguous issues.
  3. Clearly prescribed conditions for providing intermediary services without double allegory in the form of banal, stereotypical phrases without specifying prices and timing.
  4. The presence of not only the Internet site, but also the actual address of the office location. It is desirable that the offices are somewhat: both in the territory of the PRC, and in Russia.
  5. Providing a wide range of services. That is not only the search for the supplier, but also help in signing contracts, providing a translator if necessary, photo reports on important stages Transactions, delivery of goods, settlement problems with customs and similar. In this case, the Russian businessman will not need to pay the listed services to several companies - it suffices to contact a proven firm working on the result.
We know how to choose
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Where to start the search

First - you need to decide what exactly you want to do. That is, to choose a group of products that can be most advantageous to implement specifically in your region. The fact is that, for example, in some areas, jeans are best sold, somewhere well go souvenirs and jewelry, and somewhere else is not busy niche watchmakers, leather goods and other accessories. The smaller competition in the market - naturally, it is better for you.

Secondly - it is necessary to decide which specific relationship with the Chinese provider will be arranged. For example, do you need on initial stage Exit directly to the manufacturer, or while you will be content with cooperation with wholesalers.

Find a supplier from China directly

You can resort to the help of famous online shopping in China:

  • Alibaba;
  • TradeKey;
  • Globalsources;
  • Kitaitorg;
  • Taobao.

Or, go to China alone at exhibitions and wholesale markets.

The most attractive in terms of the widest range of goods is the Spring Cantonese Fair. Resperating manufacturers never miss it, as it is on it that they sign the most profitable contracts.

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How to impress the Chinese manufacturer

Naturally, cooperation is really mutually beneficial, your future partners should also be interested in working with you.

  • Before traveling to China, write a letter to a potential partner. Imagine, tell us about the company, plans, warn about your visit. After such a personal appeal, you will be met as "as a native" or, at least as a good, long-time friend.
  • Before you visit the Eastern Country, learn the basic traditions and rules of behavior. It will also be superfluous to learn and a few words in Chinese. Even if you communicate through a translator, a Chinese will rate your attempt to get closer through several exploded phrases and knowledge in the historical traditions of his people.
  • More Chinese love to talk about the family. Even if you are not interested, pretend that you are genuinely interested in what is your wife and what delicious pancakes she fries. So you also come closer - after you become a "long-time friend", it will be inconvenient to refuse you at a discount.
  • Never begin communication from a conversation about the cost and do not overdo it in unnecessary products and quality. Try the most critically referring to appearance Products, pretend that you do not like everything, and after you can ask about a discount.

After that, you need to clearly represent what to do next. After all, find a worthy counterparty is half an end. It is much more difficult to submit a subsequent algorithm of work. and how to check

Binding directly with the manufacturer or supplier, you need to find out absolutely all the details regarding the production of the goods you are interested in. It will also be superfluous to specify immediately prices and conditions for cooperation.

Information that should be checked first:

  • factory / factory / production address,
  • production facilities area
  • qualifications and number of workers,
  • information about availability required certificates and other documents
  • careful familiarization with invoices, price lists for comparing the name of the company, etc.

Provided that this information is in principle suits you, you can proceed to discuss the details of the transaction. It is necessary to discuss all the nuances and controversial points of work in very detailed, so that in the future it is not encountered with unexpected problems.

The first trial order should be done on a small batch of goods, in order to check how much the selected supplier works as much and clearly works, and is there in the scheme of cooperation with pitfalls. Next, you can gradually increase the ordered parties, each time he carefully rechecking and controlling them in accordance with the ordered.

Recommended for familiarization and in which it will be abouthow to find a supplierfor an online store, which categories of goods are most attractive to resale in Russia, how to make a secure order and other useful information.

China is a rapidly developing market purchases of various products. W. russian entrepreneurs Now it is possible to search for direct suppliers in China, for wholesale purchases of goods for their online stores. How to find a supplier - a separate non-easy question, to which you need to treat with full responsibility, especially if you yourself will search for the supplier.

Manufacturer or mediator

There are two types of possible cooperation - directly with the manufacturer (its department wholesale sales), or an intermediary who spreads goods from China in Russia in bulk.

And in that and in another case there are posses and cons:

  1. Of course, often, in the second case, even for wholesale buyers there is a certain markup, and it is logical.
  2. It is much easier to go to the mediator (representative) of Chinese production, as it is already working on the territory of your country, speaks in your language and is familiar with local legislation.
  3. Collaboration directly with the Chinese manufacturer implies more profitable wholesale prices for you, but requires personally to enter into a contract with the manufacturer, and often in China.
  4. Moreover, often even requires translator services. Although recently, Chinese manufacturers are increasingly focused on the Russian market, and have Russian-speaking managers in their state.
  5. A special group of manufacturers is family-owned enterprises. The quality of such products is usually at the height, but will have to work in the process of negotiating to obtain special conditions.

Best offer for online stores

You can buy anything in China - for a variety of stores, but there are certain types of goods whose suppliers are most profitable to look for in China.

  • Clothing - classic example. This is the most popular Chinese goods, with the search for direct suppliers of which many beginner entrepreneurs begin their business. Here is a big option of suggestions, therefore, it is highly likely to run into poor-quality production.
  • Equipment and materials. Middle Service companies can offer products of quite good quality for wholesale buyers. At the same time, they are often focused on the Russian market.
  • Souvenirs, decorations. Such products very often produce small enterprises, due to the specifics of production. Accordingly, the cost of such products may be small.

Contact database!

For our users, we gathered a base of contacts from various suppliers and intermediaries to help you with search and acquiring goods you need!

Since your task is to find a direct supplier for long-term fruitful cooperation, it is necessary not to simply use all possible free search methods, but also, if possible, pay for valuable information.

Here are the most effective way of searching for clothing supplier (or other goods) from China:

  1. Specialized exhibitions. We mean not only you bet on the territory of your country (although there are not enough such), but also exhibitions in China. It is worth visiting this beautiful Asian country, if you want to find it really exclusive supplier.
  2. Suppliers search companies (with native speakers). Yes, these are. Because Chinese goods get more and more demand, then work is constantly working in such firms. You pay a certain amount for valuable information - this is a business code.
  3. Sites aggregators Chinese online stores. The most popular from these are Aliexpress (go to the site), Kupinatao (go to the site) and Alibaba (go to the site). Here are any types of products from a variety of manufacturers' shops - finding goods, you can see which store sells it. You can order directly through these sites, and you can try to exit directly to the manufacturer.
  4. Printed business publications.
  5. Portals. Sometimes suppliers themselves go to the Russian market in the search for wholesale customers, especially this is beneficial to new manufacturers. Often from can be found on the respective B2B portals.

IMPORTANT! Exclusive commodity offers are not on the surface. You can find what hundreds and thousands of other online stores sell, but in order to find something unique or completely new, special ways of suppliers from China are needed. Most often, such an exclusive can be found on any portal or exhibition, but for this you need to regularly monitor these places.

Clothing from China - cheap and angry

Select among the huge number of Chinese clothing suppliers is a serious problem for many novice businessmen. Some have long been working on the Russian market, while ready to conclude agreements with new wholesale purchases. This option may come, but first of all, to build the most profitable online store you need to find if not an exclusive supplier, then at least to agree on unique conditions.

What you will open to your partner than you will be promising for him, the more chances to get special conditions. It can be a big discount, or deliveries only for you the newest products.

Chinese clothing is a special market. It is not easy to find a cheap product corresponding to a certain quality. Even more - cheap clothes are not a problem, but find quality is more difficult.

but last years China made a big step forward in terms of the quality of its products due to, primarily growing competition.

Outcome: choose a supplier

  1. We look at prices - they should not highlight a lot against the background of competitors.
  2. Descriptions and photos of the products offered - it is important that they are at least present. Their quality is the second question.
  3. Often suppliers issue themselves for manufacturers - it real problem. Manufacturers, as a rule, are distinguished by the fact that they have the majority of goods in stock. Traders can give the price significantly higher than the competitors, the lack of a certificate of registration for production, etc.
  4. Explore the site of the future partner. It may not always be a beautiful and well-groomed resource, as the manufacturer simply may not have enough time for its service.
  5. Feel free to contact audit firms to check manufacturers you are interested in. Sometimes it is better to pay at the initial stage than then lose profits.
  6. A trip to China is an important and valuable step, especially for those who are interested in serious investments.

Possible cooperation problems:

  1. High delivery price. In order for delivery to pay yourself, it will be necessary to order goods with huge parties.
  2. Delivery terms. They can be quite large, so ordering goods needed with a large margin, so as not to force the waiting for their customers.
  3. Complexity in the initial stage of business organization, especially personal trip To China, and communication with the help of a translator. It is better to contact this.
  4. Low marginality of goods.

We go to negotiations

Try to interest the Supplier - he must understand that you are interested in long-term cooperation. Volumes are also important factor. If you can provide your partner with the corresponding volume of wholesale purchases, then you will immediately become one of the promising customers. And in China, as anywhere, the relationship between partners is valued - respect for each other, openness, prospects.

Language barrier is a serious problem. Ideally, if you personally communicate with the supplier using the translator, and not through email. In any case, you will have to go to personal communication, even if on the phone.

Product quality requires confirmation. Be sure to check the presence of relevant certificates - this is a mandatory, but not sufficient requirement for the conclusion of the contract.

China is a country that develops production in the most rapid pace. different areas. The quality of products every year is becoming higher and higher, at the same time it is possible to optimize the price.

Investments in online stores based on Chinese goods - a very promising direction. But as always, the success of the business will depend on painstaking training, and correctly organizing business processes.


Evgeny Smirnov

# Business with China

Chinese manufacturers

In 2015, Chinese construction company The 57-storey skyscraper in 19 days.

Navigation by article

  • Search manufacturers in China
  • Production of goods in China
  • Plants and factories in the Guangzhou region
  • Advantages of the organization of production in China
  • How to order Production of goods in China
  • Contract production in China
  • Chinese manufacturers database
  • What is produced in china
  • What famous manufacturers have plants in China
  • Why cheap production in China
  • Conclusion

370 thousand new enterprises over the past 50 years. First place among all countries by the number of factories and factories. Production of components for Apple, Dell, HP. This China is a country with a billion population and a planetary economic center.

Search manufacturers in China

The influence of the Chinese industry applies to all without exception sectors of the Russian economy. A is one of the most popular startups among beginner entrepreneurs. Having access to the Internet, anyone can easily go to Chinese manufacturers.

If you decide to open a business with China - you did not lose. Despite the high competition among sellers of Russia, the demand for Chinese goods was, there will be. The guarantee of this is the low price of goods. To take advantage of this advantage, the primary task of a novice businessman - to independently find manufacturers in China. How to do this, bypassing all intermediaries and fraudsters? Easily.

Popular Methods for finding a manufacturer of PRC:

  1. A personal meeting. Perhaps most effective method Adjust the delivery of goods. History to evaluate the capacity and technology of production, acquaintance with potential partners and demonstration of their intentions solely positively affect the negotiation process. Significant disadvantage - temporary and cash costs. For an entrepreneur, novice business with small investments, the option is completely unacceptable.
  2. manufacturers of the Republic of China. It is not necessary to go to the territory of the PRC. In Russia, fairs and exhibitions of Chinese producers are held annually. This is a great way to get acquainted with finished products And price list, get all the necessary advice and conclude a contract. But, pay attention - the first batch of goods is advisable to buy in small quantities. The samples presented at the exhibition may not always correspond to the resulting product.
  3. Chinese shopping grounds. The most popular I. available way Search. A pair of mouse press and the buyer opens all Chinese light industry. You can buy anything - from threads with needles to the car components. No problem find food, jewelry and electronics. Famous trading platforms for search - Alibaba, Taobao ,. But when using such services, your vigilance should work on full. Do not seduce low to innocent price tags. Remember - quality product costs real money. Bought on the low cost - risk to stay without money or get a gross fake.
  4. Intermediaries. And producers through intermediaries in China will free the businessman from the routine. Find a factory or plant, chat with its representatives, solve problems of payment and delivery ... All this will fall on other people's shoulders. Naturally, not free. And this is the main minus. The main thing in this approach is to find a responsible and verified partner.

Production of goods in China

Resale of Chinese-made goods - a profitable activity. But if the appetites of the businessman are measured by millions, this idea should be left. In this case, it is necessary to consider the organization.

Many brands whose products are known all over the world have transferred the release of goods in the PRC. Open a factory for sewing clothes or a high-tech company for the manufacture of smartphones is equally easy. For this, the territory of China is conditionally divided into economic zones in which excellent conditions have been created for each industry. For example:

  • in the regions of Zhuhai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are concentrated by Chinese manufacturers and auxiliary companies that provide comfortable conditions for cheap and high-quality clothing, electronics, furniture.
  • Liaoning, Ningbo, Shanghai and Hangzhou - "heavyweights" of the Chinese economy. The capacity for metallurgy, machine and shipbuilding, chemical industry is concentrated here.
  • Tianjin and Beijing - Center of the Chinese Textile Industry.

Plants and factories in the Guangzhou region

A bright representative of the Chinese economy - Guangzhou - the third largest city of the republic. Population - 10 million people ( more population all Belarus). The region enjoys colossal popular among foreign investors and businessmen. Easy industry and electronics are highly developed here.

Guangzhou plants and factories in most specialize in the production of products from silk, cotton, jute and artificial fibers.

Interestingly, one of the cities-twin of Guangzhou since 2002 is Ekaterinburg.

Advantages of the organization of production in China

From an economic point of view, the benefit of production in China is caused by the following aspects:

  1. Economic laws developed by the government are understandable and effective. The entrepreneur clearly knows his rights and obligations.
  2. Cheap labor - the fact that is known worldwide.
  3. Transparent tax system.
  4. A variety of benefits for new and young small business representatives.
  5. Energy prices and raw materials are some of the lowest ones.
  6. Tough I. effective struggle With corruption.
  7. High business activity of a large number of people.
  8. Small I. medium business It is not amenable to external interference from officials.

How to order Production of goods in China

Resale Chinese goods - the most affordable business with the PRC. The opening of its own production facilities requires serious investments. If both options are not suitable for your business model, exists golden mean - Order of production in China.

The essence is as follows. For example, you decided to trade with copies of Nike sneakers. To do this, you need to send a sample (original) of the shoe to the factory. Specify the desired delivery volume, find out the cost. The Chinese produce goods at a price below market, you sell with your markup.

Also, cooperation with Chinese manufacturers can be used to issue their own brand or modernization of the products existing on the market. How to implement it?

  1. Need in China. On the Internet there are many similar ads. The main thing is to carefully analyze information about the future partner.
  2. Inform an intermediary in detail about your goals and requirements. We demonstrate product samples.
  3. From the selected intermediary factories choose a closing and order a check. It includes: the provision of all documents, photo report, performance evaluation, the manufacture of samples for familiarization.
  4. Conclude an agreement, pay for the first trial batch of goods. Often the minimum order is $ 1000 that for own manufacture Little.

Contract production in China

Another way to cooperate with Chinese plants is a contract (or OEM) production. The bottom line is that the customer has the ability to produce in the subwayless goods under his own brand, whose copyright holder it will be guaranteed. The low cost of the goods received and small starting attachments make such cooperation favorable for the entrepreneur.

The main benefits of contractual cooperation:

  • High quality product at low cost contract.
  • No need to purchase and upgrade production equipment - All concerns will take on the manufacturer.
  • Easy start. A beginner businessman can start the release of its own goods without huge investments.

Chinese manufacturers database

If you look for a manufacturer with an intermediary expenly, you can try to use the online catalog of manufacturers of China.

  • Alibaba. The most popular Chinese trading platform. Convenient search, a huge range of goods. The main disadvantage is the absence on the website of the Russian language.
  • Global Sources. Famous and authoritative Internet directory. Permanent participant of exhibitions in China, USA, India, United Arab Emirates and many other countries. In the online catalog it is easy to find the sites of large Chinese manufacturers.
  • HKTDC. An excellent online catalog whose representations are located in 40 cities around the world. It presents large manufacturers of Hong Kong. Information is constantly updated, for the customer there is an opportunity to apply for procurement.
  • Dhgate. An online directory with which you can buy goods at wholesale prices in small quantities. The site contains 650 thousand producers and intermediaries, which gives more than 20 million commodity items.
  • Taobao. Another resource known in Russia. The site on functionality and design is similar to the traditional online store. Here are hundreds of thousands of manufacturers and shops with a wide range of products - both new and used. Possible small and large wholesale.

What is produced in china

Without small, each fifth thing in the world is produced in the PRC. In many industries, China holds the palm of the championship in production volumes. We present a list of products that the Chinese produce more than any other country.

Name of product number Fraction
Personal computers 286.2 million 90%
Conditioners 109 million 80%
Energy-saving lamps 4.3 billion 80%
Cell phones 1.77 billion 63%
Cement 1.8 billion tons 60%
Pork 1.5 billion tons 50%
Coal 1.8 billion tons 45-50%
Shipbuilding General displacement of 766 million tons. 45%

What famous manufacturers have plants in China

Despite the lion's share of global exports, most Chinese brands are unknown to the Russian and European buyer. This is due to the fact that most of them are focused on the internal or Asian market. But there are companies who declared themselves to the whole world.

Your attention is the most famous and largest plants in China.

  • Lenovo. The leader of the high-tech industry in the PRC. Thanks to the optimal ratio of price and quality, the company's products are popular in many CIS countries and far abroad. The technology of the company was developed with the help of another global giant - American IBM.
  • Huawei. World famous manufacturer of different kind Telecommunication goods and phones. The company has repeatedly involved in scandals associated with industrial espionage And thefts of other people's developments (which is typical of many Chinese companies).
  • Haier. One of the flagships for the production of high-tech household appliances. Thanks to its own ideas and developments, the company's products are highly appreciated in many countries, including the United States.
  • Gree. The rapidly developing air conditioning company. It has plants not only in China, but also abroad.
  • BBK. Popular brand known to high quality household appliances and electronics. BBK DVD players are known for the whole world due to what they read any discs, even damaged.
  • Chery, Geely - Popular car manufacturers in the CIS and Europe. But if Chery "became famous for" cloning popular models in the world in the world, then Geely has always relied on its own development, which gave its fruits - from recently the company acquired the famous Volvo car brand.

Why cheap production in China

The championship of the People's Republic of China in many industries is provided by a variety of factors. Main of them consider in detail.

Cheap labor. Chinese villages - main source work force For the whole country. More often, workers from the village are used in low-qualified and low-profile professions. At the same time, labor payments - the dear pennies on the scale of the metropolis. About 120 million Chinese live beyond poverty.

The biggest salary in Beijing and Shanghai. A simple factory worker has a medium salary of 500 dollars. In the province on a similar position, you can count on a maximum of $ 250.

Interesting fact: One of the highest paid professions in China is a model. Girls with European appearance can count on salary from 300 to 770 US dollars a day!

Another factor that influenced the sharp growth of the economy is the development of the southeastern part of the country. Production Mass, high concentration of specialists and money in this region contributed to billions of foreign investment tributaries. Here are economic and political centers - Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Ningbo and many others. Around these cities is a huge number of auxiliary factories and factories. Due to this, enterprises have all the possibilities for cheap production and logistics.

The main role in the growth of the country's economy is playing domestic politics states. Tax benefits for businessmen, transparent laws and combating corruption give their fruits. Entrepreneurs in China are completely different attitude than in Russia. Chinese businessman is seen as a unit of engine of the entire country's economy. For business, the most comfortable conditions are created.

And the last aspect, which gives manufacturers an advantage in pricing - Fighting pollution ambient. More precisely, its long absence. In the United States and EU countries, the cleaning and reduction of production waste is suitable with all seriousness, investing there hundreds of millions of dollars. Industrial enterprises China refused expensive Western technologies. Now the problem of air pollution goes to the fore.

Environmental situation in the country in places catastrophic, 20% of the arable land is polluted hazardous substances, and was able to the street - the usual phenomenon even for the capital - Beijing.

Understanding the criticality of the current situation, the authorities introduced a number of measures designed to reduce emissions to the ground and the atmosphere. In order to reduce the use of coal in industry, a multi-billiard gas contract with Russia was concluded. The government introduced the death penalty for environmental crimes. But hundreds of thousands of factories and factories throughout the country continue their work, and, together with this, air pollution, land and water continues. What it will lead to - find out in a couple of dozen years.


As a result, we note: production in China is an excellent opportunity to start your own big business. This country creates comfortable conditions and infinite features For investors. Such a policy often comes to harm own peoplebut increase jobs and wages make it possible to close the eyes for disadvantages (such as environmental pollution).

24 Feb.

Hello everyone! We are recently talking mainly on online stores and goods from China. Now I want to tell how to find a supplier of any items in China or Russia for sale in the online store or in the store of your city.

Kolesnikova, where he tells in detail how he is looking for suppliers for selling trend goods from one-page. The video is closer to the end of the article, be sure to see it and read the novel article :.

I also want to notify you that the site appeared on the site!

We are looking for a supplier in Russia

It's easier nowhere. Banally, but the fact! Google and Yandex to help us. Just drive in the search engine and the word "wholesale" or "wholesale". For example: "Bags wholesale" or "Watch wholesale" and so on. You can substitute the city if you want to find the supplier in your city. Also, there are many Russian wholesalers who are engaged in selling trend Chinese goods. They have a slightly higher prices than in China, but the delivery time is somewhat less. Some can even return the goods if you can't sell it.

It's important to know. In your city, you can not always find the supplier and have to search in other cities with delivery to your. I was looking for bags in Russia too in other cities, but now many factory call me and offer our products.

The conditions for all factories and suppliers are different. For example, the sum minimum orderDepending on the product may be 5000 and 50 000 r. Check off the suppliers and specify these moments.

There is still one cool market in Moscow, which is called a gardener. You can find there any goods! Here.

We are looking for a supplier in China

It is a bit more complicated here, but not particularly difficult. I wrote a lot about this many times, but now we will analyze on the items and we will collect everything together.

For the DropShipping model (selling goods without having it). About the model can read. To find a supplier for sale on the dropship, it is enough to use the site "Aliexpress", but to start reading an article. There you can find the seller and order him all the goods that you will buy (order).

For a standard model, when goods are available. Here you need to help Taobao. About how to work with the site Taobao there are a number of articles, I advise you to read in the order in which I bring them:

This is a large market of sellers of China and there you can find absolutely any product on very low prices. How to look for and how to buy, I described in the articles above. There is no need to buy from the same seller and look at a high rating, because the mediator will check the quality of the goods before sending to you.

For wholesale. For wholesale of suppliers in China, you can also find on Taobao if we are talking About shallow wholesale. If a large wholesale (one product from 50 or 100 pieces for example), then you help the Chinese site alibaba or 1688. Here detailed article:. There you can buy and retail, but mostly wholesale. Site by english language And with all suppliers need to be written off in English.

And 1688 is a large Chinese wholesale playground in Chinese. .

If you need a reliable mediator who will help you organize the delivery of goods from China by favorable prices, with all necessary documentsYou can, I will give it to contact.

Advantages of the Supplier:

  • he checks the quality of goods before sending you;
  • directly contacts the sellers;
  • the whole process of delivery of goods takes on;

For the commission that you pay him is delivering you from the routine and unnecessary trouble.

Please do not confuse:

Provider - This is the seller who you want to buy goods.

Mediator - This is a person who will provide redemption and delivering goods from the supplier to you.

Video instructions on where to find suppliers for online store


I hope that I have answered already finally on questions about how to find the supplier and where to find the supplier. Now you can easily find the supplier for your online store both in Russia and in China. I advise you to work with those and those, because in China, some products are not much cheaper than our domestic and more profitable to order in Russia with a much faster delivery. Yes, and even more the more the range you will not hurt. Thanks for attention! Specify questions in the comments and subscribe to a blog in the form of an article!

Today we will consider the search options for suppliers in China.

Recaming the highlights:

- Trip to China;
- site Alibaba.
- site asiaoptom

So let's start in order.

Trip to China.

Not in vain say "Want to do well - do it yourself!" It is about this option that will be speech. How do you look to fly to China and independently find there suppliers for business? At first glance it seems too easy and at the same time too difficult.

On the one hand, it is an excellent opportunity to wander around the markets and various exhibitions, and find something unique, what is not yet on russian market. Become a "pioneer" with the help of some new gadget, which exists yet only in China. But on the other hand, this is the most costly search option for suppliers. How much time, forces and money will take only to find it? And the cost of the goods itself? And its transportation? Customs else! Let's stop in the cost a little more in more detail.

So, what do we need to spend money, if we consider that we will fly at least one week?

- First you need to place a visa to China. Visa for a single visit to the Middle Kingdom will cost 3 300 ₽.
- Next, Moscow-Beijing tickets are from 11 000₽ one way. Total there and back - minimum 22 000₽ .
- accommodation in the hotel middle class will come about $40 per day. Plus on food to highlight about $30 For a day. Total accommodation + meals for a week - minimum $490 .
- How are you doing with chinese language? In no way? So, you need a translator who will help you to navigate the terrain, will discuss all the details with suppliers (well, to bargain with them, of course). On average, translators take on $150 For 8 watchmakers. TOTAL for the week - $1 050 .
We do not take into account the cost of buying the goods itself now, because it is very individual. How much to "purchase" you already decide for yourself. But continue.
- Be sure to find transport companywhich delivers purchased goods to your city, as well as if possible, makes the decision of customs issues. On average, delivery is $ 4-6 per kg, depending on the type and total weight of the cargo.
Total trips- $1920 Excluded the cost of the goods themselves and their delivery to Russia.

And now catch what you need to make a cheating on the goods to cover their cost, mapping the trip and still go to the "plus"? Not very cheap way Find business suppliers, isn't it?

But do not be sad, two more ways are waiting for you ahead


Now let's talk about more simple ways Search suppliers. More precisely less cost. Of course, it is online. In the epoch information technologies You can draw almost anything with the help of the Internet. Selection of suppliers are no exception.
There is a service that shows almost all China suppliers with absolutely any products, which only want. I'm talking about

The range on this site is of course huge, there is where to roast. Prices are not presented here, but you can write off the supplier, find out how much it costs and what it can offer yet. Feel free to bargain with suppliers, this is your money and you can always try to agree on reducing the cost of goods.

However, there are serious cons of this service. Here you will not be able to spend your purchases through accounting, they do not work with legal entities Another country. Pay you just like individual.

And, by the way, on payment here is also a big minus - payments are accepted only in dollars. To do this, you need to open a currency account in the bank to make such transfers.

In addition, you are responsible and risks for finding a reliable company, which will be engaged in the agency accompaniment of cargo, as well as customs clearance of goods and delivery to your city.

In fact, it is just a platform that "reduces" buyers and suppliers. Everything. Then you must organize everything yourself.

Site site

And one more way to search for suppliers, which we will consider, also refers to the category "simple and free"))

As an option for search, consider our website. It is fully adapted for the Russian user. Such minuses, as in Alibaba there is no: We work with both legal entities and physical. You can make payment in the currency in which you are more convenient (rubles, dollars or Chinese yuan (there are also such requests)). We conclude contracts with customers and take on all questions with customs, delivery and currency conversion.

In addition, you will be provided real photos Goods before they are sent to Russia, and this is a huge plus for you.

We also talk about your minuses openly and constantly work on their elimination. Cons There are always everywhere. The main drawback is unreliable information from many suppliers about the availability of goods. The fact is that the suppliers will quickly end the goods. And sometimes it turns out that you make an order, pay for it, but only then recognize that it turns out that the supplier has already been soldered and sent a completely color or even that model at all. This is not always, but it happens.

Well, the main plus, I think that the company makes everything under the "key". Takes all the questions with the purchase of goods, check for compliance, collecting into a single cargo, customs clearance and delivery to your city. The client needs to be made at least - to choose the goods and pay it, then we will do everything.

Well, these are the most basic ways to search for suppliers in China) If you have your own methods, we share it in the comments, discuss))