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Complete Church Slavonic dictionary with easy search. Russian Church Slavonic dictionary online

The Complete Church Slavonic Dictionary, compiled by Archpriest Grigory Dyachenko, contains explanations of obscure words and phrases found in Church Slavonic and Old Russian manuscripts and books, namely: - Holy Biblical books of the Old and New Testaments; - church-liturgical (Octoikhe, Triodyah, Menaion, Book of Hours, Psalter, prayer book, Trebnik, etc.); - spiritually instructive, for example, in the Prologue, the Patericon, the Chetykh-Menaion, the works of St. fathers, etc .; - Church canonical books of the ancient spiritual, both translated and original writing, as well as in the monuments of secular Old Russian, both translated and original writing, such as: in the annals, izborniks, letters of judgment, statutes, treaties, epics, songs, proverbs, etc. other poetic works of Old Russian writing, from the 10th to the 18th centuries. inclusive. The book is a reprint of the 1900 edition.

The work belongs to the genre of Religion. It was published in 1900 by the Bertelsmann publishing house. The book is part of the series "Orthodox Literature". On our site you can download the book "The Complete Church Slavonic Dictionary" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 4.45 out of 5. Here you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinions before reading. In the online store of our partner, you can buy and read a book in paper form.

The Church Slavonic Dictionary is the most complete reference book on the language and the only one in which the modern spelling norm is given. In addition, the dictionary includes the vocabulary of Old Russian manuscripts of the 11th-17th centuries, marked with special signs. The Russian-Church Slavonic Dictionary is the first reference book for translation from the Russian language.

The title of a dictionary entry is written in modern Church Slavonic graphics with all diacritical marks (bie). For nouns, the genitive form is indicated (adamant, -а), for adjectives - feminine and neuter (ѓгнчій, -а, -е), for verbs - the infinitive and present tense forms. Then the transcription is given without diacritics, so that the user can find any word by searching (Ctrl + F) by typing the word in the modern Cyrillic alphabet (ґдwнаJ, -S [adonai]).

Part of speech is indicated:
noun - noun
adj. - adjective
places. - pronoun
verb - verb
bunk bed - adverb
offer - preposition
frequent - particle
int. - interjection
and - participle

Gender is indicated for nouns:
m - male
f. - female
Wed - average
for words used only in the plural - plural,
as well as the type of declension and its variety, for example:
I tv. - the first type of declension, a solid variety,
II mixed - the second type of declension, mixed variety.
Non-declining forms are marked separately - several.
The most important proper names are also included in the dictionary: ґвраамъ, -а [abraham] noun m. own. I tv.

For biblical vocabulary, the corresponding Greek original is given: ґgiasma, -ы [hagiasma] noun f. II tv.ἁγίασμα. After the interpretation, a context of use is given with a translation and an indication of the source:
ѓgnitsa, -y [lamb] noun f. II see ἀμνάς
1) sheep.
U3 ўb0gagw is nothing, but t0kmw ѓgnitsa є3di1 is smallThe poor man had nothing, only one little lamb (2 Kings 12: 3).

Separately, the sign ♦ marks the stable expressions: ♦ outside of the damn — humanity.
At the end of the dictionary entry, spelling options are proposed in the Old Church Slavonic language and recorded in East Slavic manuscripts, taking into account abbreviations:
Art. sl. - Old Church Slavonic,
Var. - variants of use in manuscripts,
For example, to the article VessalHm: Art. word: aveselum, var. avesalom, avesolom

The ⁕ sign marks the words recorded in the East Slavic manuscripts of the 11th-17th centuries. Due to the lack of a common spelling norm, the most common form is indicated without diacritical marks.
The ⁂ sign marks the words of everyday and vocabulary vocabulary of the 16th-17th centuries.

Source designations:
Biblical texts (abbreviated title, chapter and verse numbers are indicated):
Genesis - Book of Genesis
Ex - Book of Exodus
Leo - Book of Leviticus
Numbers - Numbers
Deut - Book of Deuteronomy
1, 2, 3, 4 Kings - Books of Kings
1 Ezra - First Book of Ezra
Esther - The Book of Esther
Job - Book of Job
Ps - Psalter
Proverbs - Proverbs of Solomon
Prem - Wisdom of Solomon
Eccles - Ecclesiastes
Is - Isaiah
Jer - Jeremiah
Lamentation - Lamentations of Jeremiah
Ezek - Ezekiel
Dan - Daniel
Os - Hosea
Am - Amos
Avd - Obadiy
Jonah - Jonah
Hab - Habakkuk
Agg - Aggai
Matthew - Gospel of Matthew
Luke - Gospel of Luke
Mk - the Gospel of Mark
John - Gospel of John
1 Cor - Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians
2 Cor - Paul's second letter to the Corinthians
Gal - Paul's Epistle to the Galatians
Heb - Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews
Rev - Revelation of John the Divine

Liturgical texts:
Oct - Octoich
Min - Minea
Min ave - Festive Menaion
Min sat - Minea national team
Tr tsv - Triod color
Tr post - Lenten Triode
Lit. I. Zl. - Liturgy of John Chrysostom
Type - Typikon
Treb - Trebnik

Other texts:
Kindness. - Philosophy
Prol. - Prologue
Lives. - Life

This concise dictionary is a textbook for better comprehension of Church Slavonic texts in the liturgical books of the Russian Orthodox Church. It contains the words of the Church Slavonic language:

1) available in liturgical books;

2) incomprehensible for those who poorly know the Church Slavonic language;

3) preserved in modern Russian, but with a different stress or meaning. The dictionary is not intended to explain specific theological or religious concepts.

For example, the word is not considered Proskomidia but the word is explained Proskomisati... Similarly, the word Felonne has a definition not because it means the sacred vestment of the presbyter, but because it is found in the liturgical book "Apostle" (2 Tim. 4, 13). Words are given in modern Russian spelling and are arranged in the order of the Russian alphabet.

Abie- immediately, immediately.
Avva- father.
Avvadon- Heb. "Destroyer"; the name of the angel of the abyss.
Abraham's heart, lono- allegorically: paradise, a place of eternal bliss.
Agarian- the descendants of Ismail, the son of Agar, the concubine of Abraham, allegorically - nomadic eastern tribes.
Agiasma- water consecrated according to the church order. The water consecrated at the feast of the Epiphany is called the Great Agiasma.
Agios- inscription on ancient icons; Greek "Saint".
Agki΄ra(read "ankira") - anchor.
Lamb- lamb; pure, meek creature; part of the prosphora taken away at the proskomedia for the Eucharist; pl. h. - " langs"- sometimes means" Christians ".
Agnitsa- a lamb.
Agnya- lamb.
Hell- the location of the souls of the dead before their release by the Lord Jesus Christ; a place of eternal torment for sinners; the devil's dwelling.
Adamant- diamond; Diamond; precious stone.
Adamant- solid; strong; precious.
Adov- hellish.
Adonai- Heb. "My Lord".
Aer- see Air.
Aermon- associated with Mount Aermon.
Az- I am.
Airomantia- air awareness, that is, superstitious fortune-telling based on atmospheric phenomena.
Akathist- Greek. "non-sedated"; a church service during which it is forbidden to sit.
Aki- as if, as if.
Akri΄dy- food of John the Baptist; according to some - a genus of edible locust, or grasshoppers; in the opinion of others - some kind of plant.
Axios- Greek. "worthy".
Alavastr- stone vessel.
Alector- rooster.
Alcati- to starve; to want to eat, to crave something badly.
Alcot- hunger.
Alleluia- Heb. "praise God"; "thank God!"
Alleluia red- singing "hallelujah" to a special touching chant. See Lenten Triodion.
Alleluyar, alleluiar- a verse recited by the reader after the reading of the Apostle at the Liturgy. At this proclamation, "Alleluia" is sung in the kliros.
Aloe, aloe- the juice of a fragrant tree, used for burning and embalming.
Altabas- the best antique brocade.
Amalik- the people who lived between Palestine and Egypt. In church poetry, this name is often attached to the devil.
Amvon- the sublime part of the temple in front of the royal gates.
Ambrosia- non-rotting food.
Amygdal - almonds.
Amen- Heb. "May it be so"; "true"; "genuinely"; "Yes".
Amo, amozhe - where.
Maybe more- wherever.
Lectern(more correct " analogy") - an elevated table on which church books and icons are relied upon.
Anathema- excommunication from the community of the faithful and surrender to the judgment of God; one who has undergone such excommunication.
Anathema- to anathematize.
Anchorite- a hermit.
Angel- the messenger.
Angelic- outwardly resembling an Angel.
Angelic- famous, revered in the face of an angel; bearing the name of any Angel.
Angelic- decent to the Angel.
Angelic- having the wisdom of an Angel.
Angelic life, angelic image- the highest degree of monastic perfection; Greek "schema".
Anepsius- nephew, relative.
Antidor- the blessed bread, that is, the remains of that prosphora from which the Lamb was removed at the proskomedia.
Antimeans- Greek. "instead of the altar", consecrated plate with the image of Jesus Christ in the tomb and sewn by St. relics. Only on the antimension can the Liturgy be performed.
Antiphon- Greek. "anti-vogue"; chant, which should be alternately peto on both kliros.
Antichrist- Greek. "enemy of Christ".
Antologion- Greek. "Color book"; the name of the "Festival Menaion".
Anfipat- governor, proconsul.
Anfrax - Yahont.
Apocalypse- Greek. "revelation".
Apollyon- Greek. "Destroyer"; the name of the angel of the abyss.
Apostle- Greek. "messenger".
Apostasis- apostasy.
Apostate- an apostate.
Aprilly- April.
Ariyul- a furnace at the altar of burnt offering in the temple in Jerusalem.
Armonia- harmony.
Fragrances- fragrant ointment.
Artos- Greek. leavened bread; it is consecrated with a special prayer on the day of St. Easter.
Archangel- the commander of the Angels, the name of one of the ranks of the angels.
Bishop- high priest, bishop.
Archmager- the head chef.
Archipastyr- the leading bishop.
Archisinagogue- the head of the synagogue.
Archangel- military leader, commander.
Architecton- architect, construction artist; chief builder.
Architectl΄n- the master of the feast.
Asmodeus, Azmodeos- "destroyer", a demonic name.
Aspid- poisonous snake.
Aspid soaring- flying lizard.
Assarius- small copper coin.
Asterix- a star, supplied on a diskos during the celebration of the Liturgy.
Afari΄m- spies; scouts.
Afedron- anus (Matt. 15, 17).
The Athenaeans are the Athenians.
Africa- Africa.
Ashe- if; although; or; whether.
Asche ubo- insofar as; because.
Baalnik- Wizard.
Woman- a midwife.
Babiti- help with childbirth.
Scarlet- dark red fabric; porphyry, the purple dress of dignitaries.
Balia- a witch; enchantress.
Bathhouse of pakibitya΄- the sacrament of St. Baptisms.
Fabulous- tell stories; lie.
Basny- false and useless teaching.
Vigil- wakefulness; long night worship.
Bdenno- vigilantly, vigilantly.
Benny- vigilant.
To be- stay awake; do not sleep.
Bedne- hard; unbearable; hard.
Demonic- rave, rave.
Beadnik- a cripple; crippled.
Poor- sometimes: crippled; cripple.
Bad weather is bad weather.
Sightless- not having a form, an image.
Innocent- having no beginning or reason for being. One of the Divine definitions.
Ageless - baby.
Timeless- inappropriate; untimely.
Aphonia- dumbness; silence.
Godlessness- disaster; misfortune; difficult period in life.
Leavenless- fresh; not sour.
Bookless- uneducated.
Flyless- endlessly; forever; before all time.
Bezmateren- without a mother.
Bezmozdnik- not accepting bribes, payments.
Merciless- not feeling or not showing mercy, pity.
Wordless- desert dweller; hermit.
Silent- sometimes means: safe; calm.
Unbridled- celibate; virgin.
Despair- impudence; shamelessness; impudence.
Bezprestani- always; continuously.
Infallible- not having stumbling, temptation, obstacles.
No-way- seduction from the path; corruption.
Bezkvernen- free from defilement or blemish.
Wordlessness- bestiality; stupidity; madness.
Wordless- animals, livestock.
Bezsrebrenik- a person who works for free, for free.
Stupidity- shamelessness.
Tsarless- who does not have a king over him.
Madness- lack, deprivation of children.
To be indifferent- to deprive the assigned part; deprive.
Dishonest- dishonored.
Disregard- mess; disorder; mixing.
Bezch΄nnovati- lead a hectic life.
Desolation- countless.
Berven- wood.
Desperate- possessed.
Biytsa- fighter.
Bi΄lo - see Klepálo.
Beads- pearls.
Blagi΄y- good; kind.
Blagovest- the striking of the bell, calling Christians to prayer in the temple. From "ringing" differs in that they announce the evangelism in one bell, but ring in many.
Evangelism- proclaim good; preach.
Faithful- professing the right faith; Orthodox
Annunciation- good news.
Favor- to treat someone well; take part in someone.
Blessing- fragrance, good smell.
Well-timed- at a convenient time.
Well-hearted- a preacher of the word of God.
Grateful- filled with divine grace.
Boon- a good, godly deed.
To be good is to rejoice.
Benevolent- having knowledge of useful things.
Blissful- bringing an abundant harvest.
Blessed- that happened on time.
Blagokrasny- very beautiful.
Goodness- the beauty; splendor; rich decoration.
Fortunately- beautiful; decently.
Blagolozny- bearing abundant, good fruits.
Blessed- inclined towards good.
Benevolent- see Favorable.
The beneficent- fortress; force.
Goodness- prudent courage, valor.
Good punitive- a guide to good behavior.
Benevolent- adorned with graceful clothing.
Benevolent- rewarding good for evil.
Welfare- sweet, tasty food.
Benevolent- listening with attention; obedient.
Benevolent- attentive; easy, well audible.
Beneficent- well arranged; pleasing; necessary.
Benevolence- cleansing; health improvement; clarification.
Be benevolent- to clean; heal.
Blessed- growing well.
Benevolent- branched.
The blessed one is shady.
Blessed- producing abundant shade.
Blessed- glorified; praised; exalted.
Bless- to dedicate to God; wish well; to praise; pray for the sending of God's grace to someone; allow; wish well.
Blessed wine- the serious reason.
Welfare- firmness, strength (in good, against evil).
Benevolence- good deed; mercy; virtue, good deed.
Bliss- kindness.
Benefactors- go quickly.
Well-being- condescension.
Welcoming- condescending.
Wellbeing- quiet, clear weather.
Wellbeing- mercy.
Praise- frank praise.
Pious- freaked out; flowery.
Piety- to revere; reverently honor someone.
Piety- true worship of God.
Pious, pious- God-fearing; reverent; worshiping God.
Blissful- happy.
Blazhi΄ti- to please; glorify.
Blazni΄ti- to seduce.
Bleed, pale- pale.
Shine- to shine; shine; shine.
Blizna- scar; wrinkle; fold.
Blast- sparkle; outpouring of light, brilliance.
Fornication- an obscene house.
Fornicator- the offender of matrimony.
Fornication- a drinking bout that induces fornication.
Business- unfaithfulness to the true God, serving idols (Ex. 34, 15; Judgment 8, 33). Just as violation of the marriage union is fornication, so in the spiritual sense, violation of union with God is serving idols, walking in the footsteps of other gods, that is, fornication, especially since some types of idolatry were accompanied by fornication in the proper sense of the word.
Dish- saved.
Keep up- keep; protect; follow.
Fucking- quibbling; false words; lies.
Bo- because; because; for; insofar as.
Rich- to enrich.
Godly- speaking by suggestion from God or from His Name.
Bogodelne- by the action of God.
Bogolepno- in a way that befits God.
Bogolepny- having Divine beauty, dignity.
Bogomuzhny- God-human.
God-begotten- having its origin in God.
Godfather- this name in church books is assimilated to David, from whose family Christ was born.
Cheerfully- vigilant; vigilant.
Sick- endure the pain; to suffer.
Bolyus- larger.
Borze- soon.
Boggle- hurry.
Bori΄tel- the enemy.
Brada- beard.
Bradaty- bearded.
Brazda- furrow.
Marriage stolen- devoid of chastity, virginity.
Scolding- forbid; defend; discourage.
Swearing- war; battle.
Brother- to fight; fight.
Brasno- food; food.
Burden- burden; severity.
Breeze- clay; dirt.
Perishable- taken from the ground; weak; fragile.
Bresch- guard; keep.
Brozda- a bit (part of a horse harness).
Rattle- to ring.
Alarm- one of the monks in the monastery, waking up the brethren for prayer.
Bueslove- stupid speeches; lies.
Bueslowity- to speak stupid speeches.
Boo, (boo)- insane; crazy; silly.
Boom- stupidity; madness; madness.
Being is grass.
Babylonian seed- the tribe of the wicked.
Vaga- scales; severity.
Waditi- make a false denunciation; slander; blame; lure; attract.
Vaiya- branches; leaves.
Vayny- consisting of fronds.
Valsamny- fragrant; odorous; aromatic.
Wap (a)- dye.
Var- heat; heat; boiling water.
Cook- to precede; anticipate; to be ahead, to warn.
Basilisk- a large venomous snake.
Vborze- soon.
Plunge- throw in.
Vdavati- commissioning; transfer; trust.
Veglas- knowledgeable; skillful.
Witness- know.
Witchcraft- sorcery; divination; witchcraft.
Beelzebub- "Lord of the Flies"; the chief of evil spirits; one of the names of Satan.
Lead- eyelids; eyelashes.
Veie- branch; knot.
Velepota- the beauty; splendor; decoration.
Velemudrenno- highly sophisticated.
Blessing- decree; command; commandment; teaching.
Vocal- verbose; boastful.
Tell me- to talk a lot; brag; be proud.
Belial - See Belial.
Belial(or Belial) is one of the names of the devil.
Valius- great; strong.
Great - proud.
Great- the largest, main bell.
Generous, generous, generous - generously rewarding.
Get bigger- be proud; boast; to boast.
Velmi- very; very.
Welblud, Welbud- camel; thick rope.
Velbluzh- camel.
Veno- payment of the groom for the bride.
Wedding- to lay a wreath or crown; honor; compliment.
Vepr- a wild boar.
Verbie- willow; vine.
Vervica- rosary.
Vereya΄- a door; crossbar; post at the gate.
Verge- throwing; throwing; throwing.
Verifying the stone- a distance equal to the distance at which a stone can be thrown.
Versiti- throw.
Verzitisya- fell.
Chains- chains; fetter.
Vert, helicopter - garden.
Vertep- a cave.
Vertogradar- a gardener.
Top- on; above; above.
Weight- village, hamlet.
Vetiya- speaker; rhetorician.
Sail- sail.
Windy days΄- the name of God in Dan. 7, 9. Based on this prophetic vision, in the iconographic tradition of the New Testament Church, the image of God the Father is depicted as an old man.
Evenings- dinner; feast.
Supper- have supper.
Prophetic- addicted to madness for perishable goods.
Thing- a business; event.
Mutually- on credit; on loan.
Charge- get up.
Jump in- play; to jump; have fun.
Collect- strive, seek.
Take it- take it; open up; to be accomplished.
Guilt- reason; accusation; apology.
Vinar- winegrower.
Vinnychina- vine.
Vinopy΄ytsa- a drunkard.
Wine making- drinking wine.
Vy΄seti- hang; hold on to something.
Wi΄sson- precious fine yarn of yellowish color or clothing made from this fabric.
Vitalische- place of residence; dwelling.
Vitalnitsa- room; hotel; inn; overnight stay.
Vitati- to dwell; stay; reside; spend the night.
Together- together.
Vagina- bag; pocket; casket.
Sovereign- Lord's or Lord's.
Possessing- possessing; dominant.
Authorities- the name of one of the ranks of the angels.
Hair shirt- clothing made of coarse, spiky hair.
Shake- knock around; hesitate; worry; rush along the waves.
Mites- to drag.
Addicted- wander; go slowly; trudge.
Vmale- soon; a little later; almost; barely.
Outside (ooh)- from the outside; outside.
Always- when.
Out of the box- all of a sudden; suddenly.
Outside- lit up.
Introduction- entry; phenomenon; coming.
New- recently.
Inside (oudu) - inside.
Take in(led tilt. heed, vonmi) - note; hear.
Take away from- beware.
Get in- light up.
Resurrect- throw at something; plunge; make.
Set up- to approve; strengthen.
In the hedgehog- to; for the sake of; for.
Lust- to desire strongly.
Freak out- to become frantic.
Picked up, picked up- military; brave in battle; victorious.
Collect- discourage; hold.
Rattle- to sing; praise in songs.
Submit- drag up.
Resurrect, reclaim- to lay down, lay down.
Heading- pillow; headboard.
Shout- the final words of a prayer secretly performed by a priest.
Proclamation- loud singing or reading; cm. Shout.
Look- to look; watch.
Exalt- spread the fire.
Lift up- raise; exalt.
Exaltation- raising, elevation.
Raise- sometimes: hit the road.
Raise- lift up; exalt.
Uplift- raising, elevation.
Air- the shroud placed on top of the sacred vessels at the Liturgy.
Recline- lie with your elbows; recline.
Disturbance- confusion; riot.
Resent- to outrage; produce discord.
Ascend- send from above; reward.
Arise- head up.
Imagine- take the image; to personify; to settle in a visible image; to be portrayed again.
Age- age (number of years); height.
Increase- to grow; increase.
Take- shake; shake.
Restore- restore; put in the same place.
Voliti- to want; want; demand.
Wave- wool; fleece; sheepskin.
Volkhv- sage; astrologer; sorcerer; predictor.
Wolf- thorny grass.
In "on", "on"- into it.
Stink- smell; smoking.
Stinking evil- the stench.
Scream, scream- shout loudly; cry.
Enchant- to conjure; predict the future.
Vorozheya- Wizard; witch; poisoner.
Exclamation- choral singing.
Bow down- straighten up; get up; unbend.
Resurrect- to rebel; come to life; come back to life.
Sunday- rising from the dead.
Resurrect- revive.
Resurrection- hem; the edge of the clothing; floor of outerwear.
Perceive- feather; inspire (hope).
Play- to represent in writing; express.
Ask- ask.
Rise up- jump up; jump up; come to life.
Rave- to extract; pull out.
Delight- tear; tweak; weed.
Vostya΄gnuti- pull up; strengthen; drag.
Fit, fit- research; test; be interested.
Admire- to catch; to catch; not legal to seize; kidnap; carry away in height; delight.
Votch- in vain; wasted; for nothing; in vain.
Voutriye, voutriye- Next day.
Vpasti- fell; get there; tumble in; be exposed; fall under.
Take a look- to exalt; raise; direct upward like a feather.
Stare- soar; take off.
Vprsiti- take inside yourself.
Directly- directly; against.
Vrabiy- Sparrow.
Vran- Crow.
Gates red- western church doors.
Goalkeeper, goalkeeper- the watchman at the gate.
Doctor- medicine; healing.
Doctor- hospital.
Harm- skin disease.
Vresnotu- really; deservedly; decent.
Vratishche- bad, rough clothes; sackcloth; sorrowful robe.
Time- boil; foam; get hot; to beat with a key; boil away.
Vreya΄ti- to plunge; sweep in; push in.
All-benign- fabulous.
Everything is seen- publicly.
Omnipresent- who created everything.
Of course- absolutely.
All-color- the most beautiful.
All-evil- the most insidious, that is, the devil.
All-arms- full armament.
All-old- forwarded; praised by all or everywhere.
The burnt offering- a sacrifice in which the whole sacrifice was burned.
Eternal- a rich treat.
All-Eater- the one who eats everyone, that is, hell, or death.
All- sow.
Open up- on the edge; near; about.
I will- why? because of which? for what?
Revert- back.
In vain- in vain.
Anything- absolutely; at all; at all.
Secondary- secondary; intensely.
Vchinya΄ti- to establish; legitimize.
I will- always.
Lofty- high; proud.
Vy΄spr- up.
Vysokovyiny- proud; haughty; puffy.
High wisdom- to be high-minded; be proud.
Vysheletny- the eternal.
You- neck.
Vy΄shchiy- larger.
Vyashshe- more.
Gaggren(read "gangrene") - gangrene; Antonov fire; cancer.
Divination- mystery; ambiguity.
Gadi(plural) - reptiles.
Hauling- abuse; dishonor; swearing.
Gasophilakia- treasury in the Temple of Jerusalem.
Gananya- mystery; parable.
Gastrimargy- gluttony; gluttony.
Gashchi- pants; underwear for men.
Gehenna- Valley of Ginnom near Jerusalem, where idolatrous Jews under King Ahaz burned their children in honor of the idol of Moloch. Allegorically: a place of future torment, afterlife punishment.
Genvar- January.
Gibel- waste; consumption.
Headquarters- chapter; Start; cause.
Glavotya΄zh- the headband of the Jews.
Verb- word; speech.
Verse- talk; tell.
Verbal- called; so-called.
Voice- voice; hum.
Glezna- shin; sole.
Globa- execution; punishment.
Fool- blasphemer; mockingbird.
Glum- a place for horse races, dances, masquerades, etc.
Sneer- to have fun; amuse yourself; enjoy.
Glamor(plural) - jokes; laughter; games.
Look- watch; look.
Gnati- drive; Chase; go; follow someone or something.
Pus, pus- manure heap; wounds.
Disgust- to be considered vile; despise.
Gobzovanie- abundance, contentment.
Gobzovati- abound; excess; to be rich (see. ugobziti).
Gobbing- living in contentment.
Talking- reverence (for example, fasting).
Talk- to honor; read (for example, post).
Beef- cattle.
God- whatever; nice; suitable.
Godina, year- hour; time; it's time.
Throat- ice, ice.
Gomola- com; lump; spool; piece.
Gonzati- to run away; flee.
Gonznutie- avoidance.
Persecutor- the pursuer.
Grief- upward; up.
More- worse; poorer.
Turtle dove- a wild pigeon.
Gornec- a pot; bowler hat; brazier.
Crucible- forge; smelter; place for melting or cleaning by fire.
Gornica- upper room; canteen.
Gorniy- high; higher; heavenly.
Pea- grazing; wandering in the mountains; stolen by a wild beast from a mountain pasture.
Gortanobesie- addiction to delicacies.
Gorushny- mustard.
Hot- the worst; worst.
Lordship- one of the ranks of the angelic.
Lordnya- madam.
Guest- tavern; innkeeper.
Gradar- gardener; gardener.
Gradezh- stronghold; fence.
Wicked- a bunch of grapes.
Grivna- necklace; chain worn around the neck.
Grozdie- a brush of fruits; branch (grapes).
Thunder- go; to march.
Googly- nasal; stutterer; tongue-tied; burr; speaking in the nose.
Buzz- playing the harp or harp.
Gudets- guslist; musician.
Yes- let be; to.
So that- to.
Farther- much further.
Dalechen- distant; difficult.
Dannoslove- Promise; commitment.
Dvacrats- twice.
Two- twice.
Door of hell- death.
Dvizati- move; stir.
Double-hearted- unsteady in faith.
Duality- pair.
Backyard- a small or desolate house.
Debauchery- obesity; completeness; corpulence.
December- valley; hollow; ravine; gorge.
Virginity- to keep virginity, chastity.
Action- action; performance.
Decemvry- December.
Delatilische- merchant shop; a tool in someone's hands.
Delva- barrel; tub.
Delma- for.
Delya- for; for the sake of.
Demonic- chorister.
Demon Speech- worship of demons.
Demon Reader- an idolater.
Dennytsa- morning dawn, morning star; fallen angel.
Dennight- like daylight.
Power- force; fortress; power; state.
Permanently- imperious; mighty.
Dare- dare; rely.
Daring- courage.
Insolence- insolent speech.
Brash- impudent; impudent.
Derzy- brave; shameless; bold.
Right hand- right hand.
Desny΄y- right; located on the right side.
Ten΄na- tenth.
Decalogue- ten commandments of God, given through Moses.
Children- baby; child; spawn.
Infestation- conception in the womb of a baby.
Diadi΄ma- a crown; diadem.
Diuviy- wild; forest.
Divya΄chitisya- atrocities.
Didrachma- Greek. "double drachma", ancient Greek. silver coin.
Denarius- coin.
Hand- Palm.
Dmenie- pride.
Dmytisya- be proud; to boast.
Day- relating to the number of chants from the Octoichus, and in the days of the singing of the Triodi - from this book.
Day- for a whole day.
Day- today, now; now.
Daily- current; today.
Dobly, valiant, valiant- strong in goodness; firm in virtue.
Kindness- the beauty; goodness.
Dobroklasny- cm. Blissful.
The benevolent- glorified by victories.
Kindness- the beauty.
Welcome- worthy of praise; commendable.
Dovlesotvori΄ti- to satisfy.
Satisfy- get it out; be sufficient; to grab.
Dovolniy- sufficient.
Dogma- Greek. one of the basic provisions of faith.
Rain- send rain; sprinkle; irrigate.
Dozde- until now; till today; to here.
Dozela- extremely.
Doi΄litsa- nurse; nurse.
Reach- breastfeeding.
Dokole- until what time? how long?
Dolny- bottom; earthly (as opposed to "heavenly, heavenly").
Dole, dole- at the bottom; way down.
Dazzling- pulling down.
Dondezhe- while.
Donelezhe- while.
Dorinoshi- to accompany someone as a guard, retinue.
Annoyance- doing unwanted things; wickedness; insult.
Achievable- clear.
Property- estate; inheritance; power.
Drachma- ancient Greek. silver coin.
Drama- weed grass.
Drevle- for a long time.
Drevodel- a carpenter; carpenter.
Drekolie- stakes.
Trembling- yeast; sucks.
Other- friend.
Friends- society (comrades, peers).
Druchi΄ti- to depress; torment; run down.
Dryaselovati- to be gloomy, gloomy, sad.
Dryakhlovanie- sadness.
Decrepit- sad.
Dska, daughter- board; tablet.
Arc- Rainbow.
Dhnuti- to die; blow.
Dshi΄, daughter- daughter.
Eunuch- eunuch; harem watchman; courtier.
Egda- when.
Egov- him (possessive from the pronoun "he").
Food- is it? really?
Eating- Eden; earthly paradise.
Edinako- according to; the same.
Unified- the same; equals; yet.
Is it the same- really yet?
Single- one-shaped; monotonous.
One- once.
Hedgehog- what; something.
Ezero- Lake.
Her- Yes; true; right.
Exapsalms- Six Psalms.
Litany΄- increased prayer; petition.
Elei- olive, wood oil.
Elen- deer; doe.
Eleonsky- cm. Oily.
More often- whenever.
Either once, once or twice- always like; whenever.
Eliky- who; which the.
Eliko- how.
Eliko-Eliko- after a short time; very soon.
Exhilarating- whenever possible; as much as the forces allow.
Yellin- Greek; pagan; proselytes Judaism.
Elma- insofar as; how much.
Ependi΄t- outer dress.
Epistolia- letter; message.
Herodius- heron.
Eminently- mixed with myrrh.
Echidna- poisonous snake.
Crave- want to drink; longing for something.
A pity- jealousy; zeal.
Zhatel- the reaper.
Crushed- the one who is burned with fire; sick with fire; sick with fire fever, fever.
Wand- staff; cane; stick.
Marriage- marriage; marriage; marriage.
Geneticist- lustful; prodigal; voluptuous.
Cruel- insensitive; stubborn.
Live- to give life; give life; revive.
Zhivodavets- the giver of life.
Livestock- Start; reason for life.
Stomach- life.
Animal- living; animated.
Lot- foal.
Eat- to stab; make a sacrifice.
Jupe- hot sulfur.
Fun- to speak; bewitch.
Amusement- procrastination; lingering; expectation.
Amuse- hold; slow down.
Zabobons- unauthorized service, outrage.
Pick-up- wall; fence.
Covenant- union; contract; condition.
Zavida- envy.
Devotedly- few; not enough.
For the hedgehog- to.
Check in- to block.
To ripen- look in; notice; condemn; reproach.
Borrowing- loan; duty.
Borrow- to borrow; borrow.
The engagement- sacrifice.
Rivet- constipation; lock; gate valve.
Condemnation- sacrifice.
Zakonopi΄setz- drafter of laws.
Legislation- to give the law.
Closing- a place to hide.
Zaloshchi΄- be in ambush; hide.
Zamatoreti- outdated; become stale; grow old.
Frozen- caught in the net.
Zane- because; because.
Below- insofar as.
Zan- for him.
Ignition- sunbathing; fire.
Singing- a short verse preceding the stichera (in "Lord, I have cried out", praise, poetic) or the troparia of the canon.
Seal- seal; approve; to tie; to fasten.
Stammering- hostile action.
Drunkenness- drunkenness.
Zapona- the veil.
Prohibition- denial; locking.
Prohibit- prohibit; be sad; mourn.
Desolation- desolation; desert.
Run- come into neglect or desolation, run.
Wrists, wrists- stop; to detain; be seduced.
Comma- punctuation; let; stumbling block.
Overwhelming- like the dawn.
Zealous- radiant.
Stagnate- stop on the road; hold; bore; bother.
For sya΄- for myself.
Gate- lock; constipation; the place of the devotional deed of some monks who made a vow not to come out of their cell.
Imprisoned- overwhelmed by the wind; wearable; persecuted.
Zatuli΄ti- close; hide; cover.
Zatune- for nothing; without any reasons.
Get started- close your mouth; shut up.
Tomorrow- before sunrise; in the morning; early; tomorrow.
Beyond the morning- tomorrow.
Interfering- slap in the face; a blow to the face with a hand.
Bang- to block the mouth; forbid talking.
Get overwhelmed- dive.
Zakhodny- western.
Conceived- Start; the name of the text fragments in the books of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament.
Register- borrow; take.
Star Observer- astronomer.
Starwizard- fortune telling by the stars; do astrology.
Starburst- astronomy.
Zvezdoslov- an astrologer.
Starword- astrology.
Zvezdokviti- to do astrology.
Zveroyadina- livestock damaged by a beast of prey.
Sound- whistle; whistle.
Zvizdati- whistle.
Zvonec- bell.
Warrior- Bell tower.
Zvyatsy- ring; strum.
Create- build.
Here- here.
Healthy- building; wall; roof.
Greenery- a healer who heals with herbs and conspiracy.
Greening- getting drunk with poison.
Green- consisting of potions, i.e. herbs or other plants.
Zele- grass; plant.
Zelo, green- very; very much.
Green- strong; great.
Zemen- earthly.
Zemstia- earthly.
Zenitsa- the pupil in the eye.
Zep- pocket; bag.
Mirror- mirror.
Determiner- creator; creator.
Zijzhiti- build.
Winter- winter; cold; bad weather.
Evil- plant; greens; vegetable.
Zlatari- goldsmith.
Goldsmith, goldsmith- gold coin.
Zlatozarny- brightly brilliant.
Gold- gold.
Goldforged- minted in gold.
Golden-blooded- having a gilded roof.
Evil- herbal; rich in vegetation, cereals.
Evil- evil; cruelly; bad.
Evil- care.
Vicious- full of anger; guile.
Zlokoman- the villain; ill-wisher; enemy.
Evil- lecherous or bad temper.
Malignity- trouble; misfortune.
Malice- rancor.
Evil- scold; to scold; slander; vilify.
Malignant- ruthless.
Malice- stench.
Malignancy- evil intent.
Malice- strong and vicious passions.
Malice- to annoy strongly.
Malignant- causing great anxiety, anguish.
Zlotyenie- lecherous or evil deeds.
Evil- suffered a heavy death.
Mischief- to plot evil.
Wicked- insidious.
Evil- crafty; spiteful; lawless.
Evil- evil; bad; waste; thin; cruel.
The famous- a familiar, close person.
Significant- representatively.
Famous- educational; denoting something.
Banners- designate with a sign; mark; portray; show; show.
The Omen- sign; sign; phenomenon; miracle.
Znamenon-bearer- a miracle worker.
Sign-bearing- miraculous.
Zobaty- fill the goiter; peck; there is; absorb.
Zrak- face; view; image.
To see- watch.
See to death- to be on the last gasp.
Zybati- wiggle; move; sway.
AND- his.
Igemon- the leader; Chief; ruler.
Yoke- yoke; burden.
Playground- a place for performance.
I΄grische- funny or obscene performance.
Idezhe- where; when.
Idolobism- frantic idolatry.
Jeremiah- a priest.
Depend- reside; spend; spend.
Izhe- which the.
Izblistati- shine; glaze over; pour out the light.
Avoid- rip it up; hit; pierce; pierce; gouge out.
Selection- defeat.
Izborati- to win; hit.
Of the burden- to facilitate; disburden; disembark.
Overflowing- rotted; spoiled.
To surrender- to remain in excess, excess; abound; free yourself.
Excess- contentment; abundance.
Sculpture- an idol; idol.
Eruption- expulsion from the church clergy or defrocking.
Know- hang; hang out.
Notify- to announce; announce; certify.
Known- exactly; thoroughly.
Known- denunciation; notice.
Known- sure.
Notice- certificate.
Excuse word- eloquence; ornateness.
Succeed- tell eloquently.
Creep out- undress; get exposed.
Desire- will; a wish.
Ivoliti- to allow; want to; wish.
Pervert- turn out; change; convert.
Erupt- throw it away; sweep away.
Get used to- to learn, to cognize.
Nails- pull out, remove the nails.
Bending- perishing, disappearing.
Bend- perish; abyss; get lost.
Ease- exclude; destroy.
Izdeska- since childhood.
Since ancient times- long ago; since ancient times.
Get out- exhaust yourself.
Get rid of- expel; kick out.
Izlaziti- go out; get off (for example, from the ship).
Izli΄ha- excessively; even more.
Overkill- to excess; more measures.
Izlyatsy- to stretch; extend.
Measure- die.
Izmetat- to spew; throw it away; throwing away.
Change- replacement; turn; ransom.
Change- replace; change.
Change your face- to pretend.
Izmlada- from a young age.
Modification- washing; cleansing.
Grind- stop talking; shut up.
Wear and tear- takeaway.
Iznitsati- to arise; appear.
Wear- to take out; pronounce; produce; grow; bring.
To make- remove from need.
Depict- to detect; show; open.
Isostati- stay somewhere.
Refine- aggravate; sharpen.
Israel- growing; work; spawning.
Renovation- ejection; eruption; exception.
Renovated- erupted; thrown out; driven away.
Run out- to push; overturn; knock down; ruin.
Izrok- dictum; condemnation.
Rip out- dig up; dig out.
Considerably- especially; mostly.
Izsunuti- take out; to expel; pull out; withdraw.
Outrage- amazement; delight.
Izuvedeti- to comprehend; to know.
Bewildered- free yourself; get will.
Amaze- be perplexed; do not understand.
Amazing- riotous; raging.
Amazed- go crazy; go crazy.
Izuti- shoe; take off your shoes.
Dissection- to deprive members; crush the members; disfigure.
Withdraw- squander; waste.
Icon- housekeeper.
Iconorate- iconoclastic.
Iokos- a lengthy song written in praise of a saint or a holiday.
Imati- take.
Imati΄sma- outer dress, raincoat.
Name- treasured; concerning the estate.
Property- mostly.
In- other; another.
I΄namo- in a different place.
Inokovati- to live like a monk.
Inude, inde- in a different place, in a different place.
Ipakoi- a chant, set after the Lesser Litany after the polyeleos on Sunday Matins.
Iparch- the head of the region; mayor; governor.
Hypostasis- face.
Irmos- the chant at the beginning of each of the canon songs.
Herodians- supporters of Herod.
Iroi- Greek. myth. hero.
Distort- spoil; castrate.
Iscapati- exude; emit drops; expire.
Seek- forge.
From time immemorial- from the beginning; initially; always.
Sophisticated- the former from time immemorial; everlasting.
Sincere- neighbor.
Art- trial; temptation; examination.
Isperva- at first; from time immemorial.
Spit- weed out; pull out; to expel; pull out; collect.
Weave΄- weave; fold; make up.
Confess- confess; express your faith openly.
Confessor- a person who was subjected to suffering or persecution for the faith of Christ.
Execution- completeness; filling; committing.
Execute- filled; executed.
Perform- fill; commit.
I΄spolu- half; in half; part.
Fix- straighten; to correct; direct; strengthen.
Correction- recovery; right way of life.
Celebrate- to subvert; destroy; belittle.
Fix it, try it- trample; wash.
Testy- thoroughly.
Try- to ferret out.
Hyssop- a plant used in bunches for sprinkling.
Istee- more precisely; clearer.
Estesy- loins, loins.
Lawsuit- expiration; semen outflow; emission.
Isaevati- melt; disappear.
Torch- pull out; withdraw.
Exhaustion- fatigue; humiliation; condescension.
Get sober- sober up.
Istukan- the statue; blockhead; idol.
Isty, i΄stovy- accurate; authentic; true.
Torture- pull out; receive; interrogate.
Exodus- exit point; source; Start.
Descent of waters (noe)- Creek; flow; river.
The descent of the journey- crossroads; crossroads.
Fade- brainchild; fetus; genus; descendants.
Julius- July.
Junius- June.
Censer- fragrant incense offered up to the glory of God; Wed Cadi΄nitsa.
Cadi΄nitsa- a vessel in which incense is placed on the burning coals for burning incense.
Kad- tub; tub.
Kazhenik- cm. Eunuch.
The scorer- teacher, mentor.
Kazati- instruct; teach.
Kazi΄ti- distort; damage.
How- how.
Kamara- a tent; tabernacle; upper room; chambers.
Camo- where?
Campan- bell.
Kamy, kamyk- stone.
Kamyk hot- sulfur.
Kandi΄lo- icon lamp.
Candy Burner- sexton.
Candia- a small bowl.
Kapische- an idol temple.
Catapetasma- the veil.
Kafisma- one of 20 chapters into which the Psalter is divided.
Katseya΄- the censer is not on chains, but on the handle.
Katy- what; which; what kind.
Kvass- leaven; yeast.
Leavened- cooked with yeast.
Kelarnya, Kelarnitsa- a room in the monastery for the preservation of things necessary for the cellar.
Cellarer- senior economic position in the monastery.
Kivot- a box for icons.
Kidar- the headdress of the Old Testament high priest.
Cymbal- musical instrument.
Ki΄min- cumin.
Kinovi΄ya- a communal monastery.
Quinson- tribute; submit; census.
Kyriopascha- the name of the Easter holiday, which fell on the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos on March 25.
Quite- pride.
Treasure- deck (instrument of torture).
Kladenets- pit; treasure.
Kladyaz- well.
Class- ear.
Clevretes- comrade; fellow.
Klepalo- a mallet, with the help of which people are called to prayer in monasteries.
Klepati- to call; knock or beat on the rivet.
Glue- hut; chambers; pantry; room.
Choir- the elevation in the temple, on which the singers are located.
Cry- shout, din.
Klobuk- a veil worn by monastics over a kamilavka.
Keys- suitable; good; incidentally; useful.
Keys- to happen; happen.
Bookish- judge; preceptor.
Scribe- scientist.
Kov- intent; conspiracy.
The ark- forged box: chest; casket.
Codrant- small Roman coin.
Goat-matching- outrageous screams at the feast.
Intrigues- slyness; cunning.
Kokosh- hen.
Knee- genus; generation.
Chariot- driver; chariot chaser.
Kolivo- boiled wheat with honey, brought to church for blessing on holidays. Wed Cutia.
Whenever- when; how.
Koliyoko- how.
Koliya- pit; moat.
Colmi- how.
Colmi more- especially; especially.
Kolo- wheel.
Kolobroditi- walk around; dodge.
Kohl- how; how much; how.
Kolcrats- how many times; how often.
Combosta- raw cabbage.
Condac- a short song in honor of a saint or a holiday.
Konob- boiler; pot; washbasin.
Kennel- a small pouch worn by superstitious people along with roots or other amulets.
Copr- Dill; anise.
Ship- a small ship.
Corvan- gift; sacrifice to God.
Corvana- treasury at the Temple of Jerusalem.
Feed- steering wheel.
Feeding- edit; lead.
Feeding- governing body; control.
Korchag- tub.
Innkeeper- tavern; tavern.
Touch- to hesitate.
Tongue-tied- slow-speaking; stutterer.
Inert- slow; indecisive; stubbornly staying in the same state.
Cat- anchor.
Kosh- wallet; basket.
Koshnitsa- wallet, basket.
Blasphemer- jester, joker.
Blasphemer- actress; dancer.
Blasphemers- ridiculousness.
Crab- box; box; ark; little chest.
Krava- cow.
Edge-cutting, edge-framing- acrostic, that is, a poetic work in which the initial letters of each line make up a word, phrase, or follow the alphabetical order.
Sedition- turmoil; conspiracy; riot.
Red- beautiful; beautiful; immaculate.
Krasovul- a measuring cup in monasteries with a capacity of over 200 g.
Krastel- quail.
Krata- once.
Strong- strong; strong.
Creplius- the strongest, the strongest.
Cresati- to extract; strike fire; revive.
Kri΄n- lily.
Except- outside; from the outside; separately; except.
Besides- external; transcendental; remote; devoid.
Kropi΄lo- a brush for sprinkling with blessed water.
Kti΄tor- creator; the builder or provider of a temple or monastery; church headman.
Who- henceforth; then; yet; already; more.
Kupa- bale; pile; a bunch; heap.
Font- Lake; pond; cage; a vessel for performing the Sacrament of Baptism.
Kupina(cf. Kupa) - a combination of several homogeneous objects: bush, sheaf; thorn bush.
Kupno- together.
Kupny- joint.
Custodian- guards; guard; security;
Cutia- boiled wheat with honey, brought to the church for the commemoration of the departed Christians. Wed Kolivo.
Foliage- a tent; tent; hut.
Kushnik- a person who makes tents or lives in a hut.
Ladia- small boat; boat; rook.
Incense- fragrant resin, embedded in a censer on burning coals for fragrant smoking.
Lazaroma- coffin clothes; new; the shroud into which the deceased were wrapped among the Jews.
Laznya- bath.
Barking- hula; vilification.
Caress- Heb. measure of length.
Lanita- cheek.
Laatel- a swearing man; detractor; sitting in ambush.
Lvi΄chishch- lion cub.
Leviathan- crocodile.
Legeon- regiment; crowd; lots of.
Lying- lying; bedding.
Lemargia- gutturalism, that is, gourmand.
Lention, Lentius- towel.
Lepo- beautiful.
Lepopodobno- decently; deservedly.
Lepota- the beauty; grace.
Mite- small coin.
Ladder- ladder.
Leastchiy- flattering, false.
Flattery- deception; cunning; insidiousness.
Summer- year; time.
Letorasl- grown in a year, an annual shoot of a tree.
Fly- lzya; can.
Leha- ridge, row.
Lechba- medicine; medicine.
Healer- healer; doctor.
Lies- Lying.
False speech- false speeches.
Li΄v- noon; south; southwest wind.
Lebanon- sometimes means the same as Incense.
Face- meeting; chorus.
Jubilation- crowded singing; dance; dancing.
Cheer up- greet through contact with the right cheek.
Likovne- with glee.
Disaster- vigil at church prayer.
Lithuania- the procession from the church to prayer.
Litra is a measure of weight.
Liturgisati- to celebrate the Liturgy.
Li΄hwa- profit; interest.
The dashing man- usurer; money-lover.
Face- face; view; human.
Lichina- masquerade or jester mask.
Be deprived of- to need.
Lishshe- more, moreover.
Kiss- oral kissing(cm.).
Lovietva- fishing; hunting; networks; mining; robbery.
Fishing- an ambush; trap.
Bed- bed, bed.
Lozhesna- the womb of a woman.
Vine- grape.
Lomi΄my- refractive.
Lono- sinus; breast; lap.
Moonlight- monthly cycle in women.
Ly΄sto- shin; caviar; lytka.
Flattering- deceptive.
Flattering- deception; insidiousness; flattery.
Any- either, or.
Anyone- philosophy.
Lovable- prone to rebellion.
Love- lust for power.
Amiable- loving to celebrate.
Love- love to compete, argue.
Loving- voluptuousness; love of carnal pleasures.
Love- veneration; honoring.
Amorous- worthy of praise, honor.
Luby΄- love.
Love- cruel; hard.
Fierce- ferocious; cruel; evil; painful.
Lyadveya- thigh; upper half of the leg; crotch.
Lyarva- mask; disguise.
Maanie- cm. Manie.
May- May.
Malaki΄ya- the sin of masturbation.
Small- diminished.
Malobreschi- not care about anything.
Mamon- wealth; estate.
Mandra- fence.
Manie- a sign with a hand, head, eyes or other kind containing an order; command; will.
Manna- the heavenly bread given to the Israelites in the wilderness.
Mannopremenny- containing manna.
Olive- olive; olive Tree.
Oily- olive.
Masti΄ti- to spread.
Venerable- plentiful; fat; deserved.
Suit- ointment; butter.
Maternal- simultaneously referring to both the mother and the virgin.
Materolepne- motherly.
Master's- maternal.
Mater hail- the capital; the first capital city.
Mgly΄ny- surrounded or covered in haze.
Medven- honey.
Slow-speaking- tongue-tied; stutterer.
Mednitsa- copper coin.
Medovina- boiled honey with hops.
Honeydew- oozing, pouring out honey.
Honey-speaking- sweet-talked.
Interdrama- the space between the shoulders.
Mezdnik- a mercenary.
Abomination- filth; vileness; iniquity; wickedness; sometimes an idol.
Merilo- measure; scales.
Mesque- semiaxis; mule; mule.
Messiah- Heb. anointed one.
Flying- waist bow.
Fur- a leather bag for storing and transporting liquids.
Mzha- blinking; squint.
Mzhati- screw up your eyes; squint; see poorly.
Mzada- reward; pay.
Mzdovozdaya΄tel- paying for work, giving a reward.
Bribery- bribery.
Mi΄la sya΄ dey- crouch low to the ground; ask to take pity on yourself.
Myoles- sheepskin; a coarse woolen lamb's wool cloak.
Cute- pathetic; regrettable.
Mimotchies΄- go, pass by without stopping.
Mi΄rnaya- the name of the great litany.
Mi΄ro- fragrant liquid or ointment.
World-giving- giving the world.
The myriot- exuding miraculous mi΄ro.
Worldly- revealed, open to the world.
Mirsiina- the name of a beautiful tree.
Young, young- take the image of a baby; put on flesh.
Wisdom- immaturity of the mind.
Mlat- hammer.
Milk- milk.
Mnas- mine, ancient Greek. silver coin.
Me- less.
Me, think- think; suppose; seem.
Think- smaller.
Mni΄kh- a monk.
Many times, many- often; many times.
Polybie- ignorance.
Rich- abounding in everything.
Multi-painful- who raised many works, exploits, troubles, sufferings.
Multiathlon- subjected to strong temptations, attacks.
Multi-bore- alarming.
Polygonal- very plentiful.
Polygonal- multiple times.
Multi-class- spiky.
The many-beating- full of vanity.
Multi-read- very famous.
Variety- in many forms; different.
Multifaceted- repeatedly cultivated.
Eminent- having many eyes.
Fertility- fruiting; many things.
Multiplane- obesity.
Multiple- full of charms and temptations.
Luminous- joyful; solemn.
Multi-tearful- full of sorrow and grief.
Multi-core- teeming with variety of food.
Many-spirited- aggravated; multiplied; reinforced.
Multi-seat- completely empty, useless.
Grave- very condescending.
Multipurpose- giving many healings.
Often- many times.
The many miraculous- exuding many miracles; glorified by miracles.
Multilingual- consisting of many tribes.
Rumor- dialect; murmur; hearing; care; excitement.
Molviti- take care; fuss; worry; murmur.
Mole- mole.
Lightning proof- resembling lightning.
Pissing against the wall- a dog.
Power- the incorruptible body of the saint of God.
Mraviy- an ant.
Mraz- freezing.
Mrezha- fishnet.
Husband- married.
Husband- married woman.
Muzhno- who did not know her husband; not involved in marriage.
Murin- Ethiopian; arap; black person; black; spirit of darkness; demon.
Musikoi, Musikoi- musical.
Musiki΄ya- music.
Mshela- bribe.
Miscellaneous- greed.
Msh΄tsa- midge; midge.
Publican- tax collector.
Mytnitsa- customs; a house or courtyard for collecting duties.
We are- duty; collection; tax.
Muscle- hand; shoulder; force.
Meat and meat- the last day of eating meat food.
Meat, meat- the time when the Charter allows eating meat.
Myatva- mint.
Nabdewati- to supply; endow; keep.
Navazhdat- teach; instigate.
Nave- a slander; slander; intrigues.
Navkli΄r- the owner of the ship.
Skills- get used to; get used to.
Ready- walking without clothes.
Travel- cm. Ready.
Come on- to suddenly comprehend, to happen.
Back- build on; strengthen; approve.
Nazirati- to note; observe.
Appoint- to appoint; designate; overshadow with the Cross.
Most importantly- especially; mostly.
Finding- the descent; invasion; descent.
Punishment- sometimes: teaching.
Nalyatsati- to pull.
On a small- (in, for) a short time; cheap.
Namaschati- to spread; rub.
At the pollen- for a long time; expensive.
Naopak- vice versa; contrary to.
Attacked- in trouble.
Confidant- friend, confidant.
Afterwards- recently.
Backgammon is a spike-bearing aromatic plant.
Nominated- predefined; submitted; appointed.
Naritsati- call.
Narok- a specific or appointed time.
Deliberate- special; glorious.
Abuse- laugh; neglected; disgrace.
The mock- condemned to death
Daily- real; current; essential; necessary.
On tolitse- at such a time; for such a price, for so much.
Beginning malevolent- the culprit of evil.
Start- Start; first fruit.
Inscribed- to portray.
Naya΄sne- outward; open.
Naya΄ti- to hire.
Unblazed- safe; infallible.
Unobtrusive- inevitable.
Nebrashi- neglect; neglect.
Neveglas- ignorant; simpleton; unlearned.
Unvector- supplying poor brides with a dowry.
Bride beautifying- decorate like a bride.
Non-evening- unclouded; light.
Innocent- unreasonable; original.
Not selected- unimpeded.
Unacceptable- humbly.
Negli- really; may be; maybe.
A week- the church name of a Sunday.
Awake- vigilant.
Ugly- having a wide chest.
Nedro- insides; womb; breast; interior; bay.
Nedug- disease.
Nezhe- rather than; how.
Independent- unspoiled; unscathed; pleased; abundant.
Undead- which cannot be spent or used up to the end.
Unproductive- incessant.
Unbreakable- not subject to decay or time.
Unknown- inexpressible.
Unconventional- who has not experienced marriage.
Unanimous- who did not know her husband.
Unskilled- intimate; secret.
Outrageously- with bitterness; with rage.
Fierce- lost his temper; not in good condition (cf. True).
Unresearched- incomprehensible.
Inexclusive- useless; waste.
Unclear- immediately.
Not who- no longer; not yet; no longer.
Unflattering- reckless; crafty.
Not fly- it is forbidden.
Inferiority- disease; infirmity; impotence.
Unconcerned- dry.
Weak- sick.
Unnamed- immense.
Do not be offended- to act boldly.
Disobeying- boldly; boldly.
Neopalny- fireproof.
Neopisanne- depictable.
Uncertain- unlimited.
Neoran- not plowed; uncultivated; intact.
Unnoticed- non-alienated.
Not bad, good- a barren woman.
Dissimilar- obscene.
Blameless- the name of the 17th kathisma of psalm 118.
Immaculate- blameless; Saint; clean.
Untrue- to act wickedly.
Non-public- pregnant.
Irrevocable- indispensable; immutable.
Unproblematic- invariable; without change.
Unchanging- immutable.
Irresistible- irresistible; invincible.
Non-food- opinion; forgery; artifice.
Non-food- think; come up with; think.
Unseparated- indestructible.
Unsolvable- indestructible; indelible.
Non-saddle- cm. Akathist.
Unpleasant- unsalted.
Nesliyanne- it’s not flattering.
Nesmesne- without mixing.
Ageless- eternal; unaltered.
Do not- No.
Discontent- inconstancy; embarrassment.
Unintelligent- undoubted; reliable; candid.
Carrier- without being.
Incorruption- indestructibility; eternity; invincibility.
Netrebe- not necessary.
Unremarkable- not rubbed; impassable.
Unnatural- conveniently.
Not so harsh- easily.
Not u- not yet.
Inconvenient- incompatible; incomprehensible; incomprehensible.
Discomfort- inconvenient; hard.
Unworthy- incorruptible (cf. Myto).
Neglect- surprise; carelessness.
Owl- pelican.
Below- all the more not ...; not even ...; and not ...
Nicolije- never.
Neither- Is not? really? Or no?
Nyets- way down; face down on the ground.
Poor- beggarly; humiliated; poor.
Novemvry- November.
Novina- news.
Newly built- newly built.
Newly enlightened- recently baptized.
New seating- kidneys; offspring
Noemury- cm. Novemvry.
Scissors- scabbard.
Nightly vrat- owl; owl.
Nuditisya- to be unwilling; be forced; achieved with effort.
Well- torture.
Nudma- by force.
Clerk- using effort.
Ny΄rische- ruins; ruin; non-residential place.
Nude- her.
Amusement- divination; whispering; sorcery; witchcraft.
The giver- charm; sorcerer; the witch.
Obavati- to charm; enchant; to enchant; conjure; to speak.
Obada- slander; slander.
Adored- slandered.
Get ten- twelve.
Obapol (s)- at both sides; on both sides.
Obache- but; however; but.
Make up- to please.
Decorate- spend the night; spend the night.
Look around- watch; look around.
Obsession- containment; control; shyness; sadness; confluence.
Midhand- a person who is fluent in both the right and left hand.
Blame- remain without punishment; not to be guilty of oneself.
Decontaminate- to deprive of strength, fortress.
Disinfluence- to deprive the fruit of success.
Disabled- to make imperishable.
Obesity- hang on to something.
Obet, promise- Promise.
Promises- come into disrepair; grow old; become worthless; weaken; lament.
Observer- an accomplice; comrade.
Obsess- to inform; slander.
Overview- a high tower for observing the terrain.
Abuser- the offender.
The dweller- a grape picker.
Blame yourself- hesitate; doubt; be shy; speak indirectly, in hints.
Obedience- retreat.
Dwelling- home.
Dweller- hotel.
Tax- to please; speak kindly.
Grace- to send down grace.
Fragrances- to fill with incense.
Seduce- send on a false trail; mislead.
Seduce- to fall into error.
Region- power; force; domination.
Cloud- dress.
Covered- to clothe; dress; lie around; surround; take a break; stay; stay.
Oblivion- insight; bright light.
Oblastti- illuminate; illuminate.
Denounce- show someone's real face; show; find.
Cover- surround.
Socialize- spend the night; escort the night.
About "night- all night long.
Adore- to deify; to honor as God; to share in divine grace.
Embrace- to deceive.
About "on the floor- on the other side; per.
Generality- temple.
To both- on both sides; at both sides.
Overjoyed- welcomed.
Educate- to portray; acquire an image.
Apply- turn; turn over; move; rotate.
Get΄- find.
Acquired- found.
Finding- find; opening.
Obrok- service fee.
The betrothed- the groom who is engaged to the bride, but has not yet entered into marriage with her.
Obsolon- against the sun.
Situation- siege; trouble; attack.
Shoes- earlobe.
Shoe- go crazy; spoil; weaken.
Obyuroditi- go crazy; go stupid.
Ov- other; one.
Ovamo- there; there.
Aries- a ram.
O'vo- or; or.
Ovogda- sometimes.
Owood- on the other side; from there.
Announce- to announce publicly; teach; enlighten.
Deafening- deafness.
Ognevitsa- fever.
Fiery- worn in whirlwinds of fire.
Firefire- flaming; burning; scorching.
Ogrebat- to be deleted; beware.
Augusteti- thicken; make it thick; curl up (about milk).
Clothes- get fat; coarse.
I will- on right; on the right hand.
Dress up- allocate a tenth.
Odigi΄tria- a guidebook.
Wait- sprinkle; irrigate; send in the form of rain; a lot.
Odr- bed; bed.
Jester- to become tough; dry out.
Winter- wintering.
Resentment- misfortune; anger.
Spite- cause misfortune; to be angry; inflame with anger.
Ozobati- devour.
Okaivati- to recognize as outcast.
Okalya΄ti- to get dirty; defile; dirty.
Petrify- make it stone.
Cursed- worthy of a curse; unholy; sinner.
Curse- crime; theomachy; sin.
Eye- eye.
Forged- surrounded by fetters.
Breeder- helmsman; ruler.
Nourish- to direct; lead; edit.
Okoyavlenne- obviously; frankly.
Okrastoveti- get covered with scabs.
O'crest- around; about.
Edged- enclosed by wings.
Ole- O!
Olovina- any intoxicating drink other than grape wine.
Oltar- altar, altar.
Olyadenti- overgrow with thorns, weeds.
Omakati- pour over.
Omety- floors; the edges of the clothes.
She- they (two).
Onager- a wild donkey.
Onamo, onudu- there; there.
Ondé- in another place; there.
Onema- to them (two).
He Paul- the opposite bank.
Onsitsa- such and such.
Dangerous- prudently; thoroughly; carefully; dangerous.
Oplazy- curious; empty talk; scout.
Opportunity- trick; idle talk.
Oplot- fence; fence; tyn
Take up arms- prepare for battle.
Justification- commandment; charter; law.
Unleavened bread- unleavened bread baked without the use of yeast.
Oral- plow; plow.
Oranny- plowed up.
Oratay- a plowman.
Orati- to plow.
Organ- organ, musical instrument.
Hosanna- a prayer exclamation among the Jews - "salvation (from God)".
Oselsky- donkey. Zhernov oselsky- the upper large millstone in the mill, driven by a donkey.
Fall- cover with a shadow.
Osklabitisya- grin; smile.
Insult- to be sad; get bored.
Oscard- axe.
Oslaba- relief; benefit.
Donkey- a young donkey.
Osmitsa- eight.
Osmoktati- suck; lick.
Leave- leave; forgive; allow.
Ostenti- to enclose with a wall, to protect.
Spooky- offending.
Prison- Earthworks.
Ostrupy΄ti- hit with leprosy.
To implement- to carry out; give being.
Octopus- eight times.
Otai- secretly; secretly.
Open- open; open.
Out of the way- outside.
Give away- sometimes: forgive.
Detached- a nursing infant.
Take a break- breastfeed.
Oterpati- become hard (tart); grow stiff; harden; go numb.
From "iti΄ to the path of all the earth΄- die.
Dismissively- obliquely.
Revelation- opening; enlightenment; education.
Delay- damage; damage.
Deposition- rejection; retreat.
Sweat- to renounce; not to recognize; rejected; fall away.
Great- rejected; forbidden.
More- since; since that time.
By no means- absolutely; not at all.
Not at all, at all, at all- where; why.
I'll fight off- on both sides.
Otonudu- on the other side.
Halfway- from half; from the middle.
Cut (s)- litter; chaff; peel.
Reject- clear; pluck.
Detach- untie; rid.
Renounce- to be separated.
Take away- discard; reject.
Deny- reject; sweep away.
At birth- revival.
Otrok- slave; minister; boy under twelve years old; student; warrior.
Adolescent- a girl up to twelve years old.
Otrocha- child; baby.
Peel off- to regurgitate.
Regurgitate a word- pronounce.
Ottole- since then.
Reject- open; repel.
Dress- filter.
Ocet- vinegar.
Get lost- take away; delete.
Disclaimer- lose; ruin.
Ochepie- collar.
Ochessa- eyes, eyes.
Oshayavatisya- to be eliminated, removed.
Oshib- tail.
Oshuyuyu- on the left; on the left hand.
Candlestick, candlestick- small vespers.
Pavoloka- bedspread; case; shroud; cover.
Paw- death; pestilence ulcer.
Burn- meadow; cornfield; pasture; field; livestock feed.
Paznokti(plural) - hooves; claws; nails.
Packs- again; yet; again.
Pakibity- spiritual renewal.
Steps for deeds- beat with your hands; hitting the cheek; insult; harm.
Dirty dog- the inflictor of evil, harm; disease; pain; the sting.
Sparkiness- disgusting; impurity; abomination.
Ward- Castle. The same thing in the palate is- government.
Palaestra- a place for competitions.
Paltelische- strong fire.
Fiery- burning.
Palitsa- cane; club; stick.
Palichnik- lictor; bodyguard; police officer.
Memory sickness- rancor.
Panfi΄r- panther or lion.
Pair- steam; haze; smoke.
Paraecclesiarch- kandilovzhigatel; sexton.
Paraklis- earnest prayer.
Paraclitus- a comforter.
Parimi΄ya- a parable; readings from the Holy Scriptures at Vespers or Royal Hours.
Pari΄ti- fly; hang in the air (like a steam).
Parusia- solemn procession; the second glorious coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; solemn episcopal divine service.
Pasom- grazing; under the jurisdiction of the shepherd.
Pasviti- to graze.
Sealed- having a shepherd.
Graze- to sin (especially against the seventh commandment).
Pastor- the leader over the shepherds.
Shepherd- a shepherd.
Spider- cobweb.
Pache- better; more.
More than nature- supernatural.
More words- inexpressible.
More mind- incomprehensible.
Pevk, pevg- conifer tree.
Pedagogue- genital member.
Peklo- combustible sulfur, resin; unceasing fire.
Pentikostary- the name "Color Triodi".
Penicostia- Pentecost.
Baby boy- changed.
Penyaz- small coin.
First- before; first; initially; ahead.
First Supreme- the first of the supreme.
Perverted- reclining, sitting in the first places of honor in meetings.
First things first- the first-born animal or the first-born fetus.
Primate- the leading priest.
Pernaty- having feathers.
Percy(plural) - chest; the front of the body.
Finger- finger.
First to lay on your mouth- shut up.
Pestny- earthen; made of earth.
Self-created- made of dust.
Perst- ashes; Earth; dust.
Chants- to glorify in songs.
Songwriting- cm. Chants.
Pestovati- babysitting; bring up.
Variegated- multi-colored; smart.
Pestun- educator; teacher; uncle.
Petel- rooster.
Loop- cock crowing; early morning; time from 12 to 3 o'clock in the morning, according to the popular reckoning of time among the Jews.
Pechalovati(sya) - complain, grieve; sadden.
The saddler- guardian.
Print- to seal; approve; hide.
Seal- a ring.
Hike- walk.
Cave- take care; have care.
Pivny- what you can drink.
Beer- drinking; drink.
Pigan- root, grass.
Piura- soum; knapsack.
Pi΄rga- tower; pillar.
Writing- a pointed cane for writing on a wax tablet.
Scripture- a letter of gratitude given by a bishop to a newly consecrated presbyter or deacon.
Piscati- play the flute.
Pismya- letter; graphic sign; literal meaning.
Pistiki΄ya- clean; unalloyed.
Pitenny- cherished; grown in bliss.
Feed- fattened; stout.
Food- containing abundant food; nutritious.
Drunkenness- drunkenness.
Floats- cornfields.
Floating- mature; ripe, straw color.
Pay- flap; patch.
Shroud- burial sheets; cover; canvas; cloak.
Plevel- weed; bad grass.
Plezhiti- crawl on the belly; grovel.
Lying- creepy.
Captive- pigtail; chain; necklace; basket; chain; fetter; bonds.
Splash- clap your hands; applaud.
Plesna- foot; sole.
Molds- shoes like sandals.
Plush΄- shoulders.
Splashing- clapping his hands.
Plainfa- brick.
Plinfodealing- firing bricks.
Plates- scream; noise.
Promote- bring the fruits.
Plod ustan- word; voice.
Fruit belly- child; children.
Carnalism- taking care of the body.
Plotsky- flesh; bodily.
Carnal- carnal; sensual; bodily.
Flesh- body; human; weakness or weakness of a person; passion.
Spitting- saliva.
Dance hall- a booth.
Dancer, dancer- dancer; actress.
Victorious- solemnly; victoriously.
Cheer- grieve; regret.
Champion- defender.
Sunken- painted; whitewashed.
Turn over- to quit; overturn.
The story- story.
See- take childbirth or wrap in swaddling clothes.
Poovi- cm. Cover.
Scoff- to reason; to reflect; think.
Move- to tremble; move.
Podvizati- to induce; encourage.
Submit- perform feats; work.
Stocks- door jambs.
Pick up- bend over; bend over.
Go- to remind something.
Collection- imitator.
Sodden- outwardly similar.
Undermining- a vessel for collecting the squeezed juice.
Lift- under the yoke (for example, a donkey).
Podjaramnichny- belonging to the liner.
Eat- insofar as; because; because; how much.
Eat more- no matter how much.
Eat- to sacrifice.
Pozde- late; not early.
Pozobaty- peck.
Shame, shame- a crowded sight.
Find- take.
Polma- in half; in two.
Polish- field.
Pomavati, beckon- make signs; express yourself without words.
Pomale- soon; a little later.
Pomat- tablets on bishop's robes.
Litter- to sweep; sweep; throw.
Pomize- blink.
Pone- although; at least; because.
Ponezhe- because; because.
Ponos, ponoshenie- a shame; ignominy.
Pont- the sea; big lake.
Ponya΄va, ponya΄vitsa- towel.
Show off- put on other clothes on top.
Sharpen- sharpen.
Crawl- slip; seduce; be seduced.
More- a measure of length equal to a thousand steps or daily transition.
Bang- to break; seek; move.
Denunciation- accusation; complaint; reproach; reproach.
Slash- to accuse; reproach; condemn.
Desecration- dishonor; vilification; inflammation; ulcer.
Scold- dishonor.
Purple- cm. Scarlet.
Porcha- I; poison.
Order- in order.
Soon- soon; fluently; without singing (about the service).
Follow- then; eventually.
Last- the rest; finite; final.
Follow-up- a statement of prayers of only one kind, that is, either changeable or unchangeable.
Happy- research; to follow.
After- testify; give testimony.
Solon- in a sunny way; like a sun; from east to west.
Make your way- to help; help.
The priest- an accomplice; assistant.
In the middle- in the middle.
Delivery- initiation into a dignity.
Haircut- tonsure into monasticism.
Gaining- tilting the head in sadness; sadness; sadness; lamentation.
Encroach- get married.
Helper- a pleaser; flatterer; sorcerer; witch.
Condiments- sorcery; witchcraft.
Stumble- to trip over.
Demand- need; need; happening.
Consumer- pancake; cake.
Streak- hurry up; try.
Provider- the instigator.
Feel- to encourage; to induce; instruct; teach.
Lust- to have lust, lust.
Scooped- tub; wallet; bucket.
Fix it- to begin.
Honor- calm down.
Show- take.
Right- straight; true; correct; righteous.
Prague is the threshold.
Idle talk- empty; absurd conversation.
Prazdny, prazden- unlimited; lazy; empty; unoccupied.
Prati- trample; crush.
Surpass- be exalted; become proud.
Previtati- to wander.
The Exalted Eye- high-mindedness; pride.
Transform- change; turn; destroy.
Transient- the eternal, which existed before the beginning of time.
Pre-bounce- to foretell with joy.
Pre-announce- start singing; to foreshadow.
Foreground- suburb; stronghold; protection; fence.
Foredoor- front, outer courtyard in the eastern house.
Pre-order- to taste death before others, to sacrifice oneself.
Prev- ahead.
Forerunners- run ahead.
Offer- the altar; the place in the altar where the altar stands and the sacred vessels are kept.
The foreshadowing psalm- the title of Psalm 103, since Vespers begins with it.
The previous- first; vigorous; elegant; older.
Pre-production- cm. Bagryanitsa, Porfira.
Representation- a petition; intercession; earnest prayer.
Presentation- strengthening.
The future- abbot.
Forerunner, forerunner- walking or running in front.
Preset- to assign.
Foresight- meet in advance.
Precepts- to anticipate; know in advance.
Shown- prejudging.
Despicable- proud; haughty.
Overflowing- be satisfied; live in abundance.
Priy΄zlikha- strongly; very; cruel.
Advantage- advantage; superiority.
Inferior- decorated.
The underworld- the lowest.
Underworld- cm. Hell.
Preference- transcendence.
Prelagacy limits- spoil the boundaries; break boundaries.
Delight- deception.
Foreplay΄- adultery.
Wisdom- higher knowledge; wisdom.
Pre-origin- pre-initial; transcending any beginning.
Bitch- resist; to be rebellious; be stubborn.
Predeyan- richly decorated.
Preorged- too armed; proud.
Dispatch- to refute; reflect; beat off; overcome; exhort.
Teacher- holiness.
Prepolove- half; middle.
Prepare- halve; split in half; go half way.
Obstacle- an obstacle.
Sit down- girdle; get ready for something.
Preprepatory- controversial; convincing.
Simple- uneducated; ignorant.
Hinder- stop.
Repressed- controversial.
Prerekati- to contradict; speak in spite of; contradict.
Overwhelming- crossing; chopping.
Harassment- disobedience.
Grovel- crawl on the ground.
Prespevati- be successful.
To cease- rearrange; move; transmigrate into eternity.
Prestol- one of the ranks of the angelic.
Sublime- eternal; primordial.
Bland- supernatural.
Sit down- argue; compete.
Pretend- forbid; mourn; be embarrassed.
Stumbling- hindrance; temptation; delay; stop.
Praetor- Praetorium, the seat of the representative of the Roman government in Jerusalem.
Stalking- cm. Stumbling.
Forbid- to threaten; intimidate.
Dismissal- a threat; fear; ban.
Coast- shelter; shelter; cover; the rescue.
Bringing- access.
Welcome- to greet.
Attract- bring; call; call on.
Temporary- temporary; fickle.
Come- to attach; approach; bring.
Came- a small church attached to the main church.
Make- to increase; increase; bring.
Come- bring; bring.
Come on- kindly look; accept; shelter.
Follow- spend; spend.
Sincerely- similar; equals; exactly the same.
Undercover- cover; pretext; a made-up reason for hiding something.
Purchase- profit; profit.
Buying- merchants; trade.
Appendix- application; desire to do evil; anger; slander.
Application- patch; flap.
Signs- to throw; give away; give in.
Notice- to fall; surrender; lie on the doorstep.
Mix in- join.
Embrace- bend over; bend over; to fall; penetrate.
Acquiring- benefit; fetus; self-interest.
Priyute- to attack; hit.
Addiction- aspiration.
Priristati- run up.
Inviting- running up.
Bind- wither; dry out.
Squat- oppression; environment.
Squat- to be near something; plotting evil; attack.
Of course- incessantly; always.
Multiplier- always living.
The bearer- eternal; everlasting.
Perishable- always existing.
Flowing- inexhaustible.
Good- native; close.
Attachment- patch; appointment; control; supervision.
Shelter- shelter; refuge; pier.
Pester- to resort; run up.
Scared- scared.
Porch- entrance to the temple.
Welcoming- controversial.
Parable- allegory; mystery.
Partly cuddle- become a member.
Partaker- participant.
Alien- newcomer; alien.
Shelter- a receptacle; place of residence; storage.
Probaviti- proceed; stretch out.
Penetrating- bold.
Vegetation- growth; sprout.
Roam- blossom; grow up; grow.
Produce- to happen; grow up.
Spill your feet- slip; allegorically - to sin.
Get it- predict; designate.
Pierce- grow up; flourish.
Penetration- tribe; genus; stem; sprout.
Preach- learn; declare; preach.
Baptize- to predict.
Prophet- predicted; foreshadowed.
Prophetic- spoken by the prophet.
Prophesying- to dedicate; to ordain.
Sit down- to be torn apart.
Enlightening- light; enlightening.
Enlighten your face- a fun or gracious look.
Proskomisati- to make a proskomedia.
Prowess- a parable; proverb; mockery.
Simple- standing upright; straight; clean; unmixed.
Sheet- compassion.
Come down- to be torn; fall apart; crack.
Wipe yourself- break through.
Counter vision- look directly.
Against, straight- against; against.
Prowedchildren- find out in advance; anticipate.
Manifestly- clearly.
Pruglo- snare; a loop; network.
Prudny- uneven; rocky.
Be friends- resist (hence the spring); beat in a fit.
Spring- cm. Akri΄da.
Pryā - dispute; litigation; mess.
Straight- fried food.
Direct- located opposite.
Let go- to let go; divorce.
Desert- a secluded, sparsely populated place.
Desert- a monastery located far from populated areas.
To create- keep on the way; pave the road.
Paths- bonds; shackles; chains; fetter.
Puchi΄na- whirlpool; sea.
Puchinorodny- sea; born in the sea.
Pushing- a woman divorced from her husband.
Bird sorcery- superstition, consisting in fortune telling by the flight of birds or by their entrails.
Five days, five days- a measure of length equal to three hands, and each hand is equal to four fingers, and a finger is equal to four faces or grains.
Pastern- fist.
Heel- Friday.
Slave- slave.
Work- slavery.
Work- submissive; enslaved.
Rabbi, rabbi- teacher.
Equal angular- like the Angels.
Equal to Apostolic- compared with the apostles.
Indifferent, indifferent- unanimous; having the same zeal.
Equal- worthy of equal respect.
Delighted- joyful.
Be happy- to rejoice; enjoy.
Happy- joy (plural); fun.
Rejoice- Hello; goodbye.
Reinforcement- burning; ignition.
Disassemble- get fat; swell.
Razve- except.
Not- mutiny; conspiracy.
Debauchery- excitement; disturbance.
Loosened- unbent.
Unclenching- extension; opening the book.
Parting- valley.
Loosen up- kindle; heat up; melt.
Diffusion- to doubt; ponder; stay.
Difference- the difference.
Allow- to untie; release.
Loosened- paralytic.
Intelligence- mind; cognition; understanding.
Understand in body- to feel.
Cancer- Heb. fool; empty man.
Cancer- tomb; the ark with the relics of the holy saint of God.
Ralo- plow; plow.
Ramo- shoulder.
Ramena- shoulders.
Spread out- to unfold.
Spread- spread; unfold.
Raspuditi- scare away; overclock; scatter.
Unraveling- crossroads.
Rast- sprout.
Torn apart- break.
Grow- cut.
Squander- dissipate; scatter; squander; to live dissolutely.
Raster- sawn.
Disconnect- arrange in order.
Ratay- warrior.
Ratowati- to fight; fight; defend.
Ratovische- spear shaft.
Rat- war; host.
Rachi΄tel- trustee; amateur.
Rash- caring; worthy of care.
Zeal, zeal- rage; passionate desire; passion.
Severov's rib- the northern slope of Mount Zion.
Revnovati- to envy.
Rivers- you, he said.
Advertising- said.
Recommended- nicknamed.
Rekoh- I said.
Turnip- burdock; thorny plant.
Resno- eyelashes; eye.
Lugginess- reality; true.
Ret- argument; dispute.
Things΄- to tell; talk.
Reyati- repel; discard.
Ri΄za- clothes; sacred vestment.
Sacristy- a room for the preservation of the riza.
Sacristan- the head of the sacristy; keeper of church utensils.
Ristalische- stadium; the circus.
Ristati- to scour; run.
Horn- rock; allegorically: strength; power; protection.
Genus- origin; tribe; generation.
Rhodostama- rose water, which, according to custom, on the Feast of the Exaltation, is used to wash the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord at its erection.
Roy- horny; resembling a horn.
Rozhets- sweet pod.
Rod- young branch; the escape; offspring.
Rosodatelny- dewy; giving dew.
Company- goddess; oath.
Roti΄tel- an oathbreaker.
Roti΄tisya- to swear; swear.
Swear- scoff.
Handwriting- list; letter; written contract; scroll; receipt; commitment.
Handle- handful; armful.
Runo- wool; sheepskin.
A pen- a vessel.
Rtem- let's say (led inclination).
Rtsy- tell.
Fisherman- a fisherman.
Creepy- necklace; pendants.
Samvi΄k- musical instrument.
Samovite- an eyewitness.
Self-contained verse- which has its own special chant.
Self-wishing- of their own free will.
Self-similar- stichera, which has its own special chant.
Self-discipline- outrage; mess.
Sata is a measure of bulk solids.
Bodify- to pierce; stab.
Swara- argument; abuse.
Cook- argue.
Light- to be in charge; know.
Luminous- the beginning of Vespers.
Light-blessed- superbly decorated.
Luminosity- luminous beauty.
Svetozarny- illuminating with light.
Luminosity- shine.
Light chief- the creator of the luminaries.
Svetonosets- carrying light.
Candles΄ti- together with someone to participate in the feast.
Testimony- instruction; order.
Ferocity- unbridled language.
Scroll- convolution; manuscript wound on a stick.
The bond of evil- spinning of gold threads.
Svyazen- a prisoner; slave.
Sanctuary- altar; Temple.
Saint- bishop; bishop.
Sacrilege- theft of sacred things.
Priests- Months (a book containing the names of the saints, arranged according to the days of the year); the icon of "All Saints".
Priest- initiated into Divine secrets.
- here.
Sedmerietse- seven times.
Seven- seven days, which in modern language is called a "week".
Seven- relating to any of the days of the week, except Weeks(Sunday afternoon); everyday.
Ax- axe.
Secrets- recently; just now.
Secret- fresh; new.
Serene- field; wild.
Village- field.
Semidal- fine wheat flour; grains.
Semo- here.
Seed- seed; descendants; genus.
Writing- unclear image.
Sen- shadow; cover over the throne.
Septembrius- September.
Serpovian- the name of the holy prophet Zechariah.
Row- monastic handicrafts; yarn.
Network- trap.
Seriously- cm. Ax.
Sigclite(read "synclite") - meeting, senate.
There is- that is.
Sicarius- murderer; robber.
Sikeli΄ya- O. Sicily.
Seeker is a hoppy drink not made from grapes.
Si΄ly- the name of one of the angelic ranks; sometimes it means miracles.
Synaxary- an abbreviated summary of the lives of saints or holidays.
Sanhedrin- the supreme court of the Jews.
Sinfrog- an altar, that is, benches on both sides of the mountain seat for the priests concelebrating with the bishop.
That is to say- that is; exactly.
Sirini- (in Is. 13, 21) - ostriches; sirens.
Syurt- sandbank; stranded.
Sy΄ry- lonely; lonely; helpless; poor.
Si΄ce- So; thus.
Sitsevy΄y- such; such.
Skverna- impurity; dirt; vice.
Through- through; across.
Ski man- a young lion; lion cub.
Tabernacle- tent; tent.
Skin maker- tent maker.
Ski΄t- a small monastery.
Groanisya- smile, grin.
Skni΄pa- louse.
Sketchbook- partner in crime; accomplice.
Rolling- tickling; incitement.
Meticulous- scopic.
Fast- runner; messenger.
Scorpio- Scorpion.
Screens- temple.
Tablet- board; table.
Skudel- clay; what is made of clay; jug; roof tiles.
Skudelnik- potter.
Scarce- poor; skinny.
Skuraty- masks; disguises.
Slavnik- Prayer, prescribed by the statute after "Glory".
Glory- glorification.
Sweet- fragrant.
Sweetness- harmonious singing.
Sweetness- quiet, sweet singing.
Slana- ice cover; freezing; glacier; frozen frost.
Sweetness- salty sea water; salt marsh, that is, dry, salt-soaked earth; ice.
Sweets- seducing with carnal pleasures.
Glicks- play together; have fun.
Verbal- reasonable.
Word position- contract; conditions.
Fold down- to agree; define.
Slots- bad weather; bad weather.
Hearing- glory; popular rumor.
Slyak΄y, sly΄y- bent; crumpled; humpbacked.
Slyatsati- bend; hump.
Emerald- Emerald.
Adjacencies- bring together; connect edges, boundaries; close.
Witness- cedar.
Mix- to move; copulate fleshly.
Humble- humiliate.
Smokva- the fruit of the fig tree.
Watching- fishing; care; care.
Smasti΄- to confuse; alarm.
Provide- to save; keep.
Eat- eat; ruin; crush.
Dream- food.
Take pictures- converge; going to.
Condescension- indulgence.
Dream- get married; converge.
To the dream- involuntarily; by force; under duress.
Sobesiti- hang together.
Compliance- precise execution; dungeon.
With respect- in a visible way; clearly.
Advice- advice; solution; definition.
Council- reasonable.
Cope- to expose; take off.
Combining- undressing.
Make up- undress.
Co-build΄- build with you.
Co-welcoming- to grieve together.
Ask- to talk; compete in an argument.
Co-bred- brought up together with someone.
According to- unanimously.
Watch- scout; spy.
Watch- to consider; observe; scout.
Fencing- to construct; build.
Dress up- to become.
Finishing- a business; transformation.
Companion- the creator.
Bridal- creative.
Treasure- hidden place; back room; storage; treasure; jewel; cellar.
Treasure- collect treasures.
Crushing- destruction.
Crushing the heart- remorse.
Soli΄lo- salt shaker; bowl; dish.
Sonia- dream; dream.
Sonm- meeting; lots of.
Sonmische- synagogue.
Nozzle- pipe, pipe.
Sopeti- play the pipe.
Sopets- a snuffler-musician playing the snuffle, flute (at the funeral of the Jews).
Meet- argue; compete.
Arrive- to increase.
Sopressive- coexisting in eternity.
Mate- to unite by marriage.
Fortiety- wheat, wine, incense, candles, etc., brought to the church for 40 days of commemoration of departed Christians.
Nipping- lace; rope.
Pacifier- twisted; twisted
Sskutovati- to swaddle; envelop.
Shoot- hit with an arrow.
Vessel keeper- a room for the preservation of church utensils.
The vases are mortal- instruments of death.
Nipples- sometimes allegorically so called water sources.
Fellow- a hundred; singing "Lord, have mercy" a hundred times at the erection of the Honest Cross of the Lord.
Honeycomb body- honey.
Sous- union; connection.
Combine- enter into a union, into marriage.
Sochi- lentils; boiled wheat with honey.
Composition- drawing up; meeting.
Speculator- bodyguard.
Spi΄ra- detachment; company; regiment.
Rafting- accompany in the voyage.
Make it possible- to grieve together; grieve.
To make- to fight together.
Spod- row; a bunch; Department.
Spona- an obstacle.
Follow- testify; confirm.
Specialist- assistant.
Companion- fasting together.
Make a favor- to suffer together.
Singing- singing together or at the same time.
Stretched- long lasting.
Spud- vessel; bucket; dry measure; tire; plate.
Sleep- to overthrow; overturn
Sramoslovie- foul language.
Fucking- fused.
Srachitsa- shirt; shirt.
Silver- a silver coin.
Silver-pledged- gilded over silver.
Sredogradie- partition; partition; block.
Mediastinum- partition; middle wall.
Candlemas- a meeting.
Sristatisya- flock; run down.
Shrink- an unpleasant meeting; attack; infection; pestilence; fortune telling; signs.
Henchman- a person preparing for ordination.
Stage- a measure of length equal to 100-125 steps.
Stannik- participates in the same secret with someone.
Stacky- fragrant juice.
Stamna- vessel; bucket; jug.
Old- Chief; older.
Statier- a silver or gold coin.
State- chapter; subsection.
Stegno- the upper half of the leg; hip; thigh.
Path- path; track.
Stan, Sen- shadow; reflection; image.
Stepheni- steps.
Sterti- erase; destroy.
Poetry- chant.
Verse to the beginning- first exclamation a priest in public or private worship.
Poems- sing selected verses from the Psalter during divine services.
Poetry- reading or singing the Psalter.
Poetry- cm. Poems.
Get stuck- flock; converge.
Stklyanitsa- Cup.
Stklyany- glass.
Pillar- tower; fortress.
Pillar wall- tower; fortress.
Stomach- stomach.
Foot- sole.
Story- a hundred times.
Stone- street, road.
Suffering- martyrdom.
Guard- guard; security; a measure of time for the night.
Weird- unusual.
Strange- third-party; stranger; passer-by; extraordinary.
Country- against; against.
Passion- suffering; passion; emotional impulse.
Strati΄g- military leader.
Stratilate- military leader; voivode.
Insurance- a threat; fear; horror.
Goad- spoke; stick with a thorn for cattle management.
Crush- to guard.
Strishi΄- cut; trim.
Stropotny- curve; winding; obstinate; stubborn; evil.
Stry΄ti- erase; crush.
The student- shame; shame.
Studenets- well; spring; a source.
Jelly- cold; cold; freezing.
Cold- worried.
Cold- shyness; persecution; annoyance.
Cold- to bother; bother; to press.
Chill- grieve; sadden.
Stuzhny- alarming.
Stignuti- tie; collect; heal.
Strive- argue; bickering.
Suguby- double; doubled; increased; reinforced.
Sir- boards; shroud.
Judging- court; sentence.
Wimpy- sophistic; empty talk.
Sueslov- idle talk.
Bustle- emptiness; insignificance; pettiness; meaninglessness.
Supernatural- vanity; bustle.
Sulica- a spear; dagger; dirk.
Adversary- the enemy; enemy.
Supportive- the enemy.
Spouse- pair; couple.
Suprya- dispute; litigation.
Severe- green; fresh; raw.
Skhodnik- scout; scout; spy.
Make up- connect.
Sonship- adoption.
Same- after; then.
Tai- secretly; secretly.
Tainnik- initiated into someone's secrets.
Mystery- secret intemperance from food during fasting.
Tahiti- hide.
Tako- So.
Takozhd- equals; also.
Talent- ancient Greek. measure of weight and coin.
Tamo- there; there.
Tartarus- cm. Hell.
Tataur- belt for hanging the tongue to the bell; a leather belt worn by monastics.
Tat- thief.
Tatba- theft; theft.
Taffeta- thin silk fabric.
Dance- are.
Tache- for; also; then.
Creature- creation; creation; work.
Stronghold- fortress; citadel; prison.
Solid- base; the visible sky, taken by the eye for a solid sphere, the dome of the heavens.
Tverzha- cm. Stronghold.
Names - namesake; name day; Day Angel.
Tecton- a carpenter; carpenter.
Taurus- calf; goby.
The same, the same, the- therefore; hence; so.
Temnik- the boss over ten thousand people.
Dark- black.
Darkness- obscurantism; lack of enlightenment.
Terevi΄nf- oak grove; thicket; Forest; a large, branchy tree with dense foliage.
Darkness- blackthorn; thorny plant.
Thorny- fruiting thorns; allegorically: having no good deeds.
Tart- sour; astringent; severe.
Gorge- narrow passage.
Tightness- trouble; attack.
Bowstring- a tightly stretched rope.
Mother-in-law- go quickly.
Mother-in-law- exude; emit.
Thinning- swamp; swamp; Tina.
Tympanum- timpani; tambourine.
Tympanic- a girl playing the tympanum.
Tyron- a young warrior, soldier.
Tiutlo- inscription; label; sign for the word abbreviation.
Quiet- calmly; meekly.
Smoldering, aphids΄- rotting; destruction; destruction.
Smoulders- defile; rot; collapse.
Aphids- damage; ruin.
Tma- darkness; darkness; ten thousand.
Tobolets- bag; knapsack; a bag.
Current- current.
Tokmo- only.
Toli΄ko- so much.
Tolk- interpretation; teaching; special opinion.
Interpreter- interpreter; interpreter.
Explanatory- explaining; containing explanations.
Tolmach- interpreter.
Tol- so much.
Tomietel- the tormentor.
Tomi΄ti- torment; torture.
Languor- torment; torture.
Topazium- topaz.
Torzhishche- square; market.
Merchant- changed; dealer.
Torchany- torn apart.
Tochi΄lo- press for squeezing out grape juice.
Tochu- only.
Thinly- hard; exactly.
Trapeza- table; eating; dining room, refectory; The Holy See.
Trebe- required; necessary.
Trebury- the altar; pagan temple.
Treasured- very blissful.
Requirement- need; need.
Requirements- to need; have a need.
Tregubo- threefold; three times.
Trekrovnik- third floor.
Tresna- decoration on clothes.
The third- three times; the third time.
Three nine- twenty seven.
Trisian- shining from three Luminaries.
Three hundred- military leader.
Tri΄schi- three times.
Tropar- a short chant that expresses the characteristics of a holiday or event in the life of a saint.
Cane- reed (used as a writing instrument).
Work- disease; ailment.
Work hard- to work; find it difficult.
Coward- earthquake.
Try΄ti- to rub; wash.
That- here; there; here.
Tuga- sorrow.
Tuk- fat; Salo; wealth; satiation.
Tul- quiver for arrows.
Tune- in vain; for nothing; wasted.
Tunegi΄bleble- wasted no in vain.
Longing- diligence; diligence.
Vain- try; hurry.
Vanity- damage; harm; lesion.
Vain- empty; useless; unsatisfied.
Burden- severity; encumbrance.
Gravity- Work; a business; arable land; field.
Heavyweight- employee.
Grave- work.
Hard-hearted- insensitive.
Have- yet; not u- not yet.
U΄bo- a; the same; here; although; why; truly; genuinely.
Ubrus- boards; towel.
Ubuditisya- wake up; wake up.
Notify- to know.
Uvete- exhortation.
Bind- laying a crown on the head.
Withered- headband.
Coalbut- drown; dive; get bogged down.
Ugobzi΄ti- to enrich, to bestow.
Hijack- to run away; slip away; leave.
Get ready- get ready.
Ugry΄znuti- bite with teeth.
U΄d- a corporal member.
Udawa- rope.
Oddity- fishing rod.
Udobie- more convenient.
Convenience- a tendency to please passions.
Fertilizer- decoration.
Fertilize- fill; decorate.
Udob- easily; comfortable.
Be satisfied- be satisfied.
Udolie, udol, udol- valley.
Depress- to tire; insult.
Already- rope; chain; bonds.
Uzhik- cm. Yuzhik.
Uzi΄lische- prison.
Reproach- dishonor; dishonor.
Cover- bandage; shroud.
Dill- warmth, that is, hot water poured into the holy chalice at the Liturgy.
Ukruh- a hunk; piece.
Improve- to catch; find; receive.
Umaschati- to spread; rub.
Umete- litter; feces; litter.
Wisdom- madness.
Make you understand- to tame.
U΄ne- better.
Unznuti- stick in; thrust.
U΄nshe- better; more useful.
Plump- fattened animals.
Hope- solid hope.
Abolish- to destroy; cancel; disappear.
Uraniti- get up early in the morning.
Lesson- lesson; submit; quitrent.
Beheading- clipping.
Useery΄z- an earring.
Usma- dressed leather.
Usmar- tanner; furrier.
Usmen- leather.
Mouth- mouth; lips; speech.
Eliminate- to deprive; to avoid; eliminate.
Ustudi΄ti- cool; cool.
Usyri΄ti- make it moist, hard, wet.
U΄tvarne- in order; smartly.
Utensil- clothes; decoration; decoration.
Statement- base; support.
Comfort- a treat.
Quench- calm down; console; temper.
U΄trenevati- get up early; make morning prayer.
Womb- the womb; stomach; heart; soul.
Suffering- sense of smell; smell.
Suck- feed.
Establish- treat.
Institution- feast; dinner; a treat.
Ushesa- ears.
Endorse- to enrich; have mercy; regret.
Facade- Heb. Chief.
Pharos- Lighthouse.
Chamfer- Easter.
Fevruarium- February.
Felon- cloak; outerwear; one of the sacred vestments of the presbyter.
Fiala- bowl; glass with a wide bottom.
Incense- fragrant resin for incense when burning incense.
Phoenix- palm tree.
Halvan- fragrant resin.
Chalcolivan- Lebanese copper; amber.
Haluga- wattle; fence; back street.
Harate- written on pregame or papyrus paper.
Charter- parchment or papyrus paper; handwritten list.
Mug- mask; disguise.
Swagger- brushwood.
Heret- school, dungeon.
Chiton- underwear; shirt.
Tricky- painter; artisan.
Cunning woman- rhetoric.
Ingenuity- cm. Cunning woman.
Cunning- art; craft.
Cleverness, contrived by fiction- battering and throwing war machines.
Predation- forcible attraction to fornication.
Chlamyda- men's top dress; cloak; mantle.
Khleptati- lap.
Khlya΄b- waterfall; abyss; abyss; space; lifting door.
Hodatai- mediator, conciliator.
Horugv- military banner.
Desire- will.
Khramlya΄ti- limp.
The temple is watching- treasury.
Temple, temple- House; premises; place of worship.
Storage- a bandage on the forehead or on the hands with the words of the Law.
Thin- skillful; skillful.
Artistry- tongue-tied; stuttering.
Art- the science; fad; freak out.
Thinness- poverty; unworthiness.
Hula- backbiting; criticism.
Flower garden- meadow.
Tsevnitsa- the flute; flute.
Kissing- greetings.
Kiss- to greet.
Chastity- prudence, purity and bodily purity.
Whole- healthy, unharmed.
Celbonic- medical; healing.
Child- child.
Chadorodie- birth of children.
Chadtse- baby.
Charm- I; poison; sorcery; talking.
Charmer- poisoner; sorcerer; witch.
Chara- Magic; witchcraft; talking.
Part- part; lot; fate.
Tea- to hope; wait.
Chwan- vessel; damask; mug; flask.
Chvanets- cm. Chwan.
Person- forehead.
Servants- servants; household.
Chep- chain.
Chervlenitsa- cm. Scarlet.
Scarlet- crimson.
Chermnova- blush.
Chermny΄y- Red.
Chernets- a monk.
Chernichie- forest fig.
Devil- Ward; chambers.
Chasati- to collect fruits.
Cheso- what; what.
Honor΄- read.
Fair- Dear; glorified.
Four-headed- the manager of the fourth part of the country.
Chien- order; full statement or indication of all prayers.
Repair- make up; make.
Gluttony- gluttony; gluttony.
Delusions- conception and carrying in the womb of a baby.
Chreda- order; queue; turn.
Incubation- a treat.
Chresla- lower back; hips; groin.
Reader- an idol; idol.
Creep- to be surprised.
Miracles- to create miracles.
Chuchi, chuchi- feel; hear; feel.
Shelom- helmet; helmet.
Whisper- earphone; slanderer.
Whispering- libel.
Shipok- rosehip flower.
Shuy- left.
Shuitsa- left hand.
Generous- mercy; generosity; condescension.
Generous- gracious.
Schogla- mast; milestone; pole.
NS- her.
South- heat; the name of the south wind; allegorically; misfortune.
Vale- valley.
Yudol lamentable- this world.
Yuduzhe- where.
Yu΄zhik (a)- relative; relative.
Yuuznik- a prisoner; prisoner.
Yuuzy- shackles; bonds.
Youth- heifers; young bull.
Yunitsa- heifer; young cow.
Yunota- young man.
Yurodivy- silly; who accepted the spiritual feat of foolishness.
Yagodichina- fig tree.
I΄drilo- mast.
Eggs- gourmet; gourmet; glutton.
I΄d- food; food.
Ya΄zvin- burrow.
Ulcers- to burn; hurt.
Language- people; tribe; organ of speech.
I΄ja, ulcer- wound; burn.
Yako- for; how; because; because; when.
Jacob- what.
My skin- so that; how; because.
Yannuari- January.
Yarem- yoke; cargo; severity; service.
Yari΄na- wave; wool.
I΄sti- there is; eat.
I΄ti- take.

Abiye- immediately, immediately

Az- I am

Akathist("not saddled") - prayer that does not sit

Alleluia- "praise God"

Amen- truly, truly so

Amozhe- where

Antiphon- chant performed by two choirs in turn

If- if, though, whether

Asche-bo- if

Be- he was, she was, it was

Bech- I was, was

Behom- we were

Beste- you were

Bescha, Behu- they were

Unknown- unknown, unknown

Unplaced- indecent, obscene

Unapplied- unused, incomparable

Benevolence- goodness, mercy, truth

Wellbeing- mercy, kindness of heart

Blazha- good, kind (vocative case)

Bliss- praise, praise

Bo- because, because

Godly- worthy of God

Mother of God- a short prayer in honor of the Mother of God

Swearing- war

Wake up- be

To be- he was, she was, it was

Bykh- I was, was

Bykhom- we were

Fast- you were

Besha- they were

Byache- he was

Frond- branch

Barbarian- foreigner

Cook- to precede

Basilisk- snake

Veliy, Veliy- great, great

Velitsa- great

Velmy- very, very

Wem- I know

Vesi- you know

The whole- village

Vetiya, vitya- eloquent speaker, preacher

Jump up- have fun

Fine linen- expensive purple clothes

Guilt- reason

In the bottom of the animals- in the book of life

Together- together

Lord- Vladyka

Always- when

In the hedgehog- to

Howl- armies

In onzha- in which

In the nyuzha- in which

In the shade- in which

Stink- smell, aroma

Vsku- Why? What for

Reversing- back

In strasse- in fear

In vain- in vain

All- all

Vyascheskaya- everyone, everyone

Gobzovation- abundance, abundance

Shitty- worthy of respect

Grief- up

Goree- above; worse

Lord- to the Lord

Grezn- a bunch of grapes.

Yes, I stopped from now on- so that I finally stop

Dasi- give

Sharing- for

Desny- right

Right hand- right hand

Detl- business, activity

Hand- Palm

Today- today

Kindness- good qualities, beauty

Suffers- enough

Yes prevails- let it be enough

Dogmatist- a song in honor of the Mother of God, containing the dogmatic teaching about the Son of God Jesus Christ

Dole- below, in the underworld

The debtor- to debtors

Dondeje- until

Drevle- once, once, in antiquity

Soul- spirit (vocative)

E- his

Egda- when; while

His- which

Food- really; is it

Kako food- so as not

Hedgehog- which; to

Her- Yes

Eliky- how many

Elitsy- Those who

Emmanuel- "God is with us"

Erodiy- heron, stork

Yesi- you're

Is- I am

Echidna- poisonous snake

Stomach- life

Alive- tenacious

Eat, devour- to sacrifice

Legislate- show the way of the law

Zane, late- for, since, because

Potion- greens, grass

Zelo- very, very

Zrak- view, image, face

AND- his

Idezhe- where

Izhe- which, which, what, the one where

Notify- approve, certify

It is known- probably firmly

Considerably- especially

Ikos- see KONDAK

Imzhe- those, those; which, which

Name of rivers- "tell me the name"

Ying- another

Sometimes- once, once

Irmos- the opening song of each canon song (usually contains Old Testament types)

From time immemorial- since ancient times

First- from antiquity

Confession- open recognition

Hyssop- the grass from which sprinkles are made

Drain- devastate, destroy

Camo- where

Canon- chanting in honor of a holiday or saint. Usually it consists of nine songs (more precisely - of eight, since the second song is omitted - it happens in the Lenten canons), containing Irmos and left after the pattern of irmos Tropari

Confusion - the name of the irmos, which is sung at the end of the canon song (after each, or after the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th). This expression comes from katawasio - to descend, converge, since “katavasias” in monastic life are performed not by one face (chorus), as is the case with the irmos, but both together. Both choirs descend from their dais, line up in the middle of the temple and sing this final irmos together. (Cyprian Kern "Liturgy. Gymnography and eortology.")

Kiyzhdo- each

Kayazho- each

Every- each

Koegojo- everyone

Chariot- ruling the chariot

Kolcrats- how many times

Kondak- a short hymn setting out the meaning of the holiday or containing praise to the saint; a longer chant of this type is called ICOS

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