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Competitive intelligence or industrial espionage. Basics of business intelligence at the enterprises of the construction complex

Ethical problems of business intelligence
Bayandin Nikolai Ivanovich
Business Security Institute (MEI - Technical University)

1. Business Intelligencecomponent corporate culture Maintaining modern business. Determination of the main objectives and concepts of business intelligence. For the survival of the enterprise in the conditions of modern competitive struggle, the exploration of competitors' intentions begins to play, exploring the main business trends, analysis of possible risks, etc. The discipline that studies these aspects of the business received the name "Business Intelligence" in the West. Since this term (hereinafter, for shorts, DR) has not yet established, the terms "Competitive Intelligence", "Business Intelligence", which are equivalent to others can also be found in the literature. Business intelligence is a powerful tool for market research and competitive environment, and is currently a rapidly developing discipline arising at the junction of the economy, jurisprudence and special disciplines. Business intelligence is engaged in collecting and analyzing information about the competitor (actually intelligence), the protection of its information (industrial counterintelligence), as well as conducting special operations (for example, the protection of the image of the enterprise and the leader, opposition "black" PR, etc.).

2. The main difference of business intelligence from industrial espionage - Search and obtaining all the necessary information is exclusively legal (from the point of view of the norms of the existing law) methods. Difference of business intelligence from industrial espionage is that the DR is conducted within the framework of the current legal norms, and its results gets due to the analytical processing of a huge number of diverse open information materials. The emergence of new information technologies (network structures of type of Internet, commercial databases, information search systems, etc.) and the relative cheapness of access to information resources allow analysts to prepare high-quality materials suitable for decision-making by the management of companies. Methods of industrial espionage are focused on using all available funds to obtain the search for information, including direct violation of laws (blackmail, bribing, theft, violence, etc.) and non -etic methods (deception, distribution of compromising information, discharge, etc. .). Methods of business intelligence exclude the use of criminalized funds, and are more oriented towards civilized ways of doing business. However, the line between ethical and non -ethic methods of business intelligence (albeit under compliance with the existing laws) remains blurred. As need increases in obtaining valuable business information, the role of ethical norms increases. If there are problems with obtaining information in the DR divide, the stimuli "cut corners" appear and disrupt ethical limitations. Sometimes the company's management itself pushes on such actions, as it does not matter for it, as information received, if only work was performed.

3. Ethics of work on the Internet. The network community lives in its laws that must be followed. Although these laws are not regulated, "de facto" they already exist. When conducting intelligence in the network and conducting PR-shares (i.e., the implementation of business intelligence functions) It is necessary to fulfill certain rules, in particular, when collecting business information, do not produce yourself for another person or organization (registered by a stranger, but known name); do not engage in collecting information that make up the commercial secret of a competitor (participating in electronic conferences); not to lure leading competitor specialists; not "score" sites of competitors; Do not publish a compromising on competitors in any form.

4. Two approaches in the methods of collecting the necessary information:Compliance with laws, but neglect of the norms of morality (peeping, deception when hiring to work, luring the leading specialists, receiving information from the "garbage boxes" of competitors, ...) when conducting intelligence. (Examples - Microsoft against Oracle, autumn 2000, Avon against Mary Kay Cosmetic, 1991). In both examples, private detectives were hired by the company who collected business information from the "garbage boxes" of competitors. Is it ethical? On the this question There is no unambiguous response from professional intelligence professionals. If the method of collecting information is legal, does it always meet the adopted ethical standards? It all depends on the maturity of the business intelligence officer. People who came out of the depth of government services, such as the former operatives of the CIA, often think and act only from the point of view of the "Letters of the Law". If their actions do not go beyond the framework of the current legislation, they consider them normal. Compliance with the rules of morality inherent in this society when collecting business information. However, people working in intelligence, educated in an academic corporate environment, evaluate their actions based on other principles, for example, seeking not to get on the pages of the scandalous chronicle. Most professionals working in the field of business intelligence will not restore and explore the "garbage" of other organizations and deceive people under the guise of employment. They consider such behavior unethical and in their circle is not acceptable.

5. Ethical norms of behavior in different countries. Ethical considerations are also extremely important as the company expands its business and begins business contacts with representatives of foreign countries. Generally accepted standards of business behavior in different countries different. For example, in some countries, discrimination is perfectly legal at the reception on the basis of sex. In other countries, civil servants expect remuneration for the official documents submitted to you. This practice is also different from developed European and North American business standards.

6. Business intelligence and commercial mystery. It is important to know that although illegally use the commercial secrets of other people's companies, in many cases these companies have lost the right to call something commercial secret because of their own immense action. For example, if the company comes out with a new product to the market, it must first patent it and control whether there is some manufacturer who can disassemble this product on the part and reproduce it under its patent.
In another example, one domestic plant for the production of a certain class of reinforced concrete products has lost legal entities to talk about the method of production of the priests as a commercial secret, because the plant administration did not take care of the protection of industrial premises and did not inform the employees about the need to comply with commercial secrets. Therefore, any visitor to the plant could inspect the production zone and collect the necessary information.

7. What behavior meets the accepted ethical standards? It is difficult to define what ethical norms of behavior. The explanatory dictionary of the webcant determines the ethics as a discipline dealing with good and evil and with moral debt. For most of us, the practical daily use of ethical rules helps a lot in life. For example, how would we feel when you see a note about your actions on the first page of the Boulevard Newspaper? What would we feel if the activity of the newsletters would be aimed at us? Would we delusion or deception?

Answers to these questions and form the principles that we must be guided in our behavior when collecting information. Although many companies declare the rules of ethical behavior for their employees, in reality, in the daily racing for profit, ethical rules may not be observed. Speaking of his ministry of high morality, many managers at the same time are under huge pressure of circumstances. They should not limit the ability of their divisions of business intelligence to collect information with certain frameworks. Many companies award their divisions of DR for their work done, but never encourage them because this work is carried out under the observance of ethical standards. The possibility of non-compliance with the ethical behaviors when collecting information, the administration is argued by the fact that competition is unethical in nature, so why follow some rules when conducting business intelligence. Many of the new formations managers believe that it would be wrong at all do not engage in fraud if they are engaged in competitors. This question is one of the most difficult, because ethics changes in the same way as society changes. Of course, unfortunately, you have to agree that fraud becomes part of our culture. On the other hand, should I encourage the fall of the morals, looking through the fingers to fraud, and consider it the norm? One of the most difficult issues in studying the behavior of the manager is the need to take into account the human psychology. For example, although everyone agrees that they are hired to work from a competing firm only to get their industrial secrets, is unethical, you can always convince yourself that you hire this person only because of its high qualifications. In most cases, people go from the company to the company in search of new opportunities within one industry and is almost impossible to prove the opposite.

8. The advantages of following ethical behaviors. Following ethical standards is not only correct from a moral point of view, but also economically beneficial. Perhaps the most important reason why it is necessary to follow the ethical standards of behavior is that such behavior will save your firm from the trial and related costs. Cases with Microsoft and Oracle, Avon and Mary Kay firms serve as a good example. Another reason why it is advisable to follow the ethical standards of behavior, is that such behavior makes the lives of serving more relaxed and less intense. Knowing the requirements for them by society, people know exactly what they can do, but why it is impossible. They are responsible in choosing solutions. The third reason is the confidence in the company and public opinion. The reputation of one of the heads of the Russian company A, who is engaged in the hotel business was remembered when he hired a consulting firm that helped him collect information about the organization of hotel business in Russia. The Headhunter hired by him received several interviews from a number of managers of such companies. Although he was not lied, saying that now there is work for them, but he promised it in the future. Indeed, some of them were subsequently hired by A. However, the Interviewer as a result of conversations received a lot of information about the hotel business, which he would not be able to get any other way. It is clear that many secrets in the present can be revealed by the promise of work in the future. Once again, we note that it is impossible to determine the true motives of the interviewer and its methods, but this case seemed suspicious for many observers.

9. Ethical business intelligence code. For the right organization of its activities, the company needs their own set of ethical rules - a kind of behavior code .. The following are the basic standards of behavior related to the collection of information. Most of them are focused on the following minimum requirements, allowing not to violate the laws of various levels. These include the following norms:
- illegal attempts by possessing someone else's commercial secret.
- illegally receiving any information (component of a commercial secret or not) from a competitor by force or deception.
- Refusal of illegal actions (for example, violation of someone else's right to hold or intercepting telephone messages) when collecting information.
- Returns the owner of confidential and private information obtained by chance or unintentionally. In case of confidential government information, government agencies should be notified of violation of state security.
It is important to note that the acquisition of information that you do not know is that it is "stolen", or receiving secret information, the confidentiality of which you do not know is not a violation of the law. However, after you have learned about its illegal acquisition, the non-return to the owner or its use in its own purposes can already be considered a violation.
Since many managers still believe that business intelligence is connected with something dishonest, it is absolutely necessary that the head of the business intelligence unit will prevent the director of the Ethical Code of Business Intelligence, which would be an integral part of the "Ethical Code of the Company" (if it exists) . In fact, the specifics of the Codeus of the DR should be that it indicates the types of information that can be collected and cannot be collected, and allowed and unauthorized methods for collecting information. The Code also should include provisions on the behavior of employees of DR with random receipt of prohibited information, such as confidential notes or personal letters. For a long time, adherents of ethical behavior argue that violation of the norms of morality and the reduction of ethical standards of society will lead to huge costs of ensuring its security. The thesis is put forward as an argument that if ethical standards are worsening everywhere, businessmen will have to pay more to protect themselves from the aggressive tactics of the competitor's behavior, which can be a generally accepted norm of behavior in the business world, and then preventive measures may be very expensive. A suitable analogy can serve as the price that society pays due to the fact that it does not give all children of the right upbringing from childhood. Society has to spend huge funds in the prison of the criminal and eliminating the consequences of his crimes, and these funds are much larger than they would need to educate a law-abiding citizen.

It can be concluded that if unethical behavior is rapidly distributed in the business community, then the top management will not have a different way out, how to limit information for its employees. This may lead to mistrust among employees and to reluctance to work with greater efficiency - according to the Adjunct Professor of the Harvard School of Business Lin Sharp Pain (Lynn Sharp Paine), in the Journal Of Business Ethics Business Ethics. Restrictions on the use of a service telephone and limited access to intra-profit information for employees who want to expand their knowledge impose obvious obstacles to the internal exchange of information, vital for the company. When researchers refused to provide information on projects on which they themselves worked on, and in the information about how their work is related to the work of other people, they are thereby cut off from motivating and creative useful information. To collect the required information, there is no need to violate the ethical code. Even for this young discipline - business intelligence - the old truths act. One of them reads: "85% of the information you need is in public use. The other 15% may never need you." Some analysts speak of 90%. Using expert analysis and observing ethical norms, business intelligence professionals are able to fulfill their work qualified and efficiently. Below as an example is the ethical code compiled by the American "society of competitive intelligence professionals" (Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals) for its members.

10. Ethical Code of American Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals
Constantly try to increase respect and recognition for this profession at all public levels.
- fulfill your official duties with zeal and adjacent, support the highest level of professional skills and avoid all unethical actions
- Stay the right policies of the company, its goals and the general course and fulfill the promises, the data of your company
- Perform all current laws
- During a business meeting, provide all relevant information, including belonging to the organization
- follow the rules for working with confidential information
- Act in full compliance with these ethical standards when working within the company, when negotiating and in all situations, when it is necessary to work in the specialty.

11. FULD & COMPANY COMPANY RULES. Private services and independent consultants of the Kyrgyz Republic should also declare what types of activities them are allowed, and which are prohibited and condemned by them. For example, the leading American company in the field of business intelligence Fuld & Company published its own ethical rules of behavior, called "Ten Commandments of the legal collection of intelligence information." According to these commandments, employees of the company should not:
- To lie when representing.
- violate the official general line of your company.
- To write a conversation with the interlocutor to the voice recorder without its permission.
- Offer bribes.
- Installing listening devices.
- deliberately introduce an interlocutor in misleading during the negotiations.
- receive from a competitor and transfer to him valuable confidential information.
- spread disinformation.
- steal industrial secrets.
- consciously put pressure on the interlocutor in order to obtain the required information, if it may endanger his life or reputation.
- Finally, the highest management personnel should ensure that ethical standards are respected not only in competitive intelligence, but also in the company itself as a whole.

Before talking about competitive intelligence, it is necessary to define business intelligence. It is necessary to formally divide terms " business Intelligence"(Business intelligence) and" competitive intelligence».

The subject of business intelligence is the external environment of the enterprise - business and political conditions, legislation, distribution of the spheres of influence, including competitors. A lot of competitive intelligence is real and potential competitors.

    1. Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence- Continuous collection, analysis and transfer to the appointment within its enterprise information about competitors surrounding the business environment, personalities. purpose Business Intelligence Getting competitive advantages due to the information received when making management decisions.

Business intelligence has two directions: strategic (or macroeconomic) isoperative (or microeconomic) intelligence. Strategic Business Intelligence - Collection and analysis of information on processes in economics, policies, technologies. Operational business reconnaissance - collection of information for making management decisions on current issues of the enterprise.

The work of the business intelligence service can be divided into two components:

    systematic collection of information, such as market conditions, macro and microeconomic trends, new products, etc.;

    performing special one-time queries in the interests of individual services: analytical reviews, search for information in the media, financial assessments of other enterprises, economic indicators, etc.

According to the current legislation, the unlawful is to collect information about the private person. The collection of information about the private person is possible only with his consent, the collection of information about the company is not prohibited.

    1. Competitive intelligence

Competitive intelligence - collecting and analyzing information about competitors and business competitive environment in order to form and achieve competitive advantages through the use of knowledge gained as a result, for the adoption of effective and high-quality strategic and important tactical solutions in business. In the materials of the International Society of Competition Professional Intelligence Society (English of Competitive Intelligence - SCIP) The following definition of the concept of "competitive intelligence" is given. This is a legitimate method of collecting and analyzing information that allows you to judge opportunities, intentions, business competitors vulnerabilities. Information is collected using sources and studies prepared in compliance with ethical standards.

The Russian society of competitive reconnaissance professionals formulates this concept so. This is a new strategic business initiative aimed at everything in the business world, which is significant for the company's ability to compete. In the course of competitive intelligence, not only competitors (direct, indirect and potential), but also customers - dealers and distributors, technology, products, as well as a business environment. The goal of competitive intelligence is a deep understanding of the business in general and individual parts.

Competitive intelligence - This is a targeted, permanent system for collecting, processing, analyzing competitive information and the use of objective information about the business environment, as well as resources, vulnerable elements, intentions of competitors. It operates in the framework of existing legislation and ethical norms, aims to minimize possible risks, receiving advantages in business organization and additional profits. As you can see, it focuses on obtaining information about competitors within the regulatory field.

Competitive intelligence includes the entire scope of secret activities to collect, analyze, storing and using confidential information, the use of which brings economic benefits. Such a interpretation means that the specified type of activity combines all possible ways to obtain information about competitors (including violation of the principles of fair competition).

Competitive intelligence is engaged in legal charge of information about competitors and differs from industrial espionage. The difference is that sources of information for competitive intelligence are always "open" and are publicly available, although not all of them are published or put up for everyone to see. Key unpublished sources include anyone who was in contact with the competitor. This includes own employees of the organization, buyers and suppliers, as well as the competitors and experts in the right business industry. Competitive intelligence should be carried out in the framework of current legislation in compliance with ethical standards (as opposed to industrial espionage). Collected target information about competitors can be located both in open to all interested users access and be confidential. According to various estimates of specialists engaged in collecting competitive information, 80-95% the necessary information is open and publicly affordable. Therefore, the application in competitive intelligence of illegal and unethical methods for collecting information is not necessary.

Competitive intelligence can be considered as part of knowledge management, which includes information from the external environment of the enterprise and about this external environment.

One of the key sources to obtain competitive information is the company conducting a study. Internal sources: sales representatives who are constantly in contact with buyers can find out what competitors do; employees of development departments and analytics capable of discovering new patents or read about new studies in newspapers related to the development of a competitor; Employees of the supply department capable of learn something from the supplier who serves, including a competitor.

Secondary sources Information: Internet, corporate sites, reports and reviews provided for conferences.

Competitive intelligence (eng. Competitive Intelligence, Pokr. CI) - collection and processing of data from different sources, to develop management decisions in order to increase the competitiveness of a commercial organization conducted under the law and in compliance with ethical norms (in contrast to industrial espionage); as well as a structural division of the enterprise that performs these functions. Another definition of the concept of "Business Intelligence" is special view Information and analytical work that allows us to collect extensive information on legal entities and individuals without the use of specific methods of operational investigative activities that are an exceptional prerogative of government law enforcement agencies and special services.

Other commonly encountered competitive intelligence names - business intelligence, business Intelligence, analytical exploration, economic exploration, marketing intelligence, commercial exploration.

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    The first steps of competitive intelligence were inextricably linked with industrial espionage. The cost of such events was very high, therefore they carried out their either states or private companies on the instructions of the state.

    Nevertheless, in those long-standing times there were exceptions to the rules.

    The date of the first documented competitive intelligence is taken to be the end of the XIV century. Then the House of Fugger in German Augsburg for the first time in the world began to use elements of competitive intelligence and on an ongoing basis. Fuggers distributed among their key employees at the places the so-called "news manuscript". This document contained purposefully selected and analyzed commercial and political information received from all points included in the company's interests area, and allowed to accept managerial decisions. Experts believe that this allowed the fuggers to take a leading position in key industries. Subsequently, Fuggers created the first bank house in Europe.

    To a later period, there are some bright examples that can be attributed to competitive intelligence in its modern understanding. American authors write that the Rothschilds at the end of the 18th century have two hundred stakes. The results of this network were provided at the disposal of the Government of England who fought against Napoleon. Thanks to its informants and their contact with government and military structures, Nathan Rothschild learned about the defeat of Napoleon first in London. Rothschilds owned this information monopoly very long, but it was enough to take control the most advanced direction in the technique of the direction of that time - the textile industry.

    According to the American author, Herbert Meyer, in the period between the two world wars with the help of such methods as the price war, protection from the state, illegal copying of the Japanese textile industry won its British and American competitors. The Japanese state has come even to the fact that high customs duties compensated for its firms and enterprises.

    Industrial espionage was and remains a "skate" of Japanese progress. It was, according to a number of experts, the only opportunity to step out of isolation and feudalism into a technological society. For example, modern story Sony originates from the American Pre-Generated Manufacturer.

    With the development of modern technologies specific gravity Industrial espionage in the work of Japanese companies is sharply reduced by increasing the share of competitive intelligence. This trend - waste from industrial espionage and the predominance of competitive intelligence in the work of companies - is observed today all over the world.

    Competitive intelligence in her today has received a strong impetus for development in the mid-1980s. Xerox is considered to be a competitive capacity of competitive intelligence of the modern period ( Xerox.), encountered with competition from Japanese manufacturers. It was a war to death, as the Japanese reached the American market with retail prices below the cost of xerox. But Xerox, thanks to his Japanese branch, created a system of work, which today is called benchmarking, and then adapts and applied to the world of business reconnaissance technologies in the maximum possible amount. Its example followed other major American companies. In a few years, competitive intelligence has become applied in Europe, and then around the world. This period can be considered the final allocation of competitive intelligence in a separate activity.

    Today's development of technologies - first of all, communications and computers - made full-fledged exploration technically and financially accessible to large, medium and even for small companies. That is why competitive intelligence today is so rapidly distributed in all sectors and at all levels of the economy.

    The information and analytical activities of consulting firms and offices of competitive intelligence in companies are increasingly based on modern information technologies, adopts the most recent achievements in the field of artificial intelligence. With the successful combination of these technologies with developments in the field of psychology, with a light-up to legislation, a successful competitive intelligence service is obtained.

    The successes of competitive intelligence were so obvious that government explorations in turn adopted methods of working with open sources of information, honed by specialists of the Kyrgyz Republic. True, if these methods were vital for competitive intelligence, then for state explorations, they perform auxiliary functions.

    State enterprises and institutions today also use such competitive intelligence methods as a system of working with open sources of information.

    Competitive intelligence and global market

    On the global market competition for resources and market shares, required business, it is tense, and sometimes takes and brutal forms.

    In the struggle for survival (no matter, there is a question of economic survival or any other) the chances of success has the one who competently uses intelligence in their activities. Competition in the world is growing and competitive intelligence in its effective application can be a decisive factor capable of leading even a company that threatened the ruin.

    Goals and objectives of competitive intelligence

    Competitive intelligence solves the following tasks:

    • Information support for the process of developing management decisions both in the strategic and tactical level.
    • "Early Warning System", that is, as far as possible, raising the attention of the attention of decision makers, to threats that can potentially cause damage to business.
    • Detection of opportunities favorable for business.
    • Detection (together with the security service) attempts to competitors get access to the company's closed information.
    • Risk management in order to ensure effective company response to rapid environmental changes.

    The above tasks of competitive intelligence are key to the company, they serve as the fundamental goal of the existence of a competitive intelligence unit - to ensure a sense of security in the company due to the realization of the fact that the fate of the enterprise is in his own hands and that the company will not suddenly be a victim of circumstances or whose That hostile action.

    Examples of competitive intelligence

    The inclusion in the organizational structure cannot be justified only by abstract intelligence purposes. Competitive intelligence service must prove its importance, contributing to the financial result of the company.

    Intelligence activities can be expressed and specific, including financial, indicators. We give a few examples when competitive intelligence can play a key role in the life of the enterprise:

    • Ahead of competitors in tenders.
    • Evaluation of potential risks and favorable investment opportunities.
    • Ahead of competitors' steps as part of marketing campaigns using thoughtful proactive actions developed on the basis of data provided by competitive intelligence.
    • Getting benefits from mergers and acquisitions. As a rule, the possibilities of mergers and acquisitions are detected by competitive intelligence and, if it were not for her work, they could remain unnoticed. This is especially important in high-tech industries.
    • Early warning about the emergence of a new competitor, new technology, a new sales channel.
    • Identification "What the company looks like from the side" (for example, from the point of view of customers, competitors, government agencies).
    • Detection of channel leakage channels (oddly enough).
    • Impact on the information field around the company.

    This is only a few most obvious examples. With the constant system work of the competitive exploration service, the company can get tangible advantages in much more regions.

    see also

    • Economic crimes



    In Russian

    • B.Shntyer, "Secrets and False. Data security in the digital world, "Peter, 2003
    • J. T. Kalbertson, "Mathematics and Logic of Digital Devices", M., Enlightenment, 1965
    • Murtazin E. V. "Internet", M., DMK, 2004
    • Krupher A. B., "Online Search: Tutorial. 3rd ed, Peter, 2005
    • Marcus Brown, "Methods for finding information on the Internet", CJSC New Publishing House, 2005
    • Alex Webknacker, Hacking and Antihaking, " Best books", 2004.
    • V. I. Yarochkin, Ya. V. Buzanova, "Corporate intelligence", axis-89
    • Dudihin V. V., Dudihina O. V., "Competitive intelligence in the Internet", "AST Publishing House", 2004
    • Igor Nezozhanov "Analytical Intelligence for Business"., Moscow, Axis-89, 2008. ISBN 978-5-98534-798-2
    • Igor Nezozhenov "Business Intelligence Technologies"., Moscow, Axis-89, 2010. ISBN 978-5-98534-554-4]
    • Igor Nezozhanov "Technology of Competitive Intelligence" Moscow 2013
    • Roman Romachev, Igor Nezozhanov "Competitive Intelligence"., Moscow, Axis-89, 2007. ISBN 978-5-98534-674-9
    • Heinrich Lemke "Competitive War. Nonlinear methods and strategists. ", Moscow, Axis-89, 2007. ISBN 978-5-98534-678-7
    • Heinrich Lemke "Secrets of Commercial Intelligence"., Moscow, Axis-89, 2006. ISBN 5-8018-0292-4
    • Heinrich Lemk "Nonlinear Strategic Management or the Art of Competition"., Moscow, Business and Service, 2006. ISBN 5-8018-0292-4
    • Heinrich Lemka "Commercial intelligence for competitive superiority.", Moscow Financial and Industry Academy, 2011.
    In English
    • Larry Kahaner "Competitive Intelligence", Simon & Shuster, 1997
    • Margaret Metcalf Carr, Super Searchers on Competitive Intelligence, Cyberageage Books, 2003
    • Chris Sherman, Gary Price, "The Invisible Web", Cyberageage Books, 2001
    • Helen P. Burwell, Online Competitive Intelligence: Increase Your Profits using Cyber-Intelligence », Facts on Demand Press, 1999
    • David Vine, Internet Business Inyelligence, Cyberageage Books, 2000, 438C.
    • Ben Gilad, "Early Warning", Amacom, 2004
    • Leonard M. Fuld, "Competitor Intelligence", John Willey & Sons, 1985
    • Leonard M. Fuld, " The New. Competitor Intelligence », John Willey & Sons, 1995
    • Benjamin Gilad "Business BlindSpots", Probus Publishing Company, 1994
    • Bernard Liautaud With Mark Hammond, E-B | USINESS INTELLIGENCE, MCGRAW-HILL, 2001
    • Jon Cherry and Chris Gardner, "Getting The Best Intelligence At Trade Shows", Scip Online.
    • Amy Berger, "How to Support Your Sales Force With Competitive Intelligence", SCIP Online.
    • Steven M. Shaker and George Kardulias, "Scoring AT Conferences: The Quarterback Technique for Gathering Intelligence", Scip Online.
    • Anne Barron, "Three Easy Steps for Gathering Intelligence At Trade SHOWS.", SCIP Online.
    • Laurence A. Carr, "Front-Line Ci: Actionable Intelligence for the Business Infantry", Scip Online.
    • Conway L. Lackman, Kenneth Saban, And John M. Lanasa, Organizing The Competitive Intelligence Function: A Benchmarking Study, SCIP Online.
    • John Cain, "Supporting Field Sales WITH CI: AT & T'S Intranet", SCIP Online.
    • Mark Chussil, "Business War Games", SCIP Online.
    • Ian Gordon, Conducting Telephone Interviews., SCIP Online.
    • David Carpe, "Direct Pathways to Human Sources Via The Internet", SCIP Online.
    • Bob Stewart, "Finding The Needle in A Stack Of Needles", Scip Online.
    • Andrea Saade, "Ten Steps to Protect Privacy Online.", SCIP Online.
    • Mark Chussil, "The Seven Deadly Sins Of Business War Games", Scip Online.
    • Jeffrey Flint, "Solving The Russian Research Riddle. CI LESSONS FROM WHAT'S STILL AN ENIGMA NATION., SCIP ONLINE.
    • Alexander A. ignatov, "Competitive Intelligence in Russia", SCIP Online.
    • Arthur Weiss, "Competitive Strategies - The Dog Fight!", Scip Online.
    • Arthur Weiss, "Identifying Risk and Opportunities for Your Company by Effective Use of Swot Analysis", Scip Online.
    • Anne Barron, "Three Easy Steps for Gathering Intelligence At Trade SHOWS", Scip Online.
    • Steve Levy, "Integrating Ci Into Your Sales Force.", Scip Online.
    • Ellen Naylor, Capturing Competitive Intelligence From Your Sales Force, Scip Online.
    • H.J. Harrington and J. S. Kharrington "Benchmarking in the best form! 20 steps to success, "Peter, 2004
    • Steven M. Shaker, Mark P. Gembicki, "The Warrome Guide to Competitive Intelligence", McGraw-Hill, 1998
    • Ben Gilad, Jan P. Herring, "The Art and Science of Business Intelligence Analysis: Business Intelligence Theory, Principles, Practices, And Uses.", Jai Press, 1996, Part A
    • Ben Gilad, Jan P. Herring, "The Art and Science of Busite Intelligence Analysis: Intelligence Analysis and Its Applications.", Jai Press, 1996, Part B
    • Benjamin Gilad, Tamar Gilad, "The Business Intelligence System", Amacom, 1988
    • Russell Secker, "10 Key Sources of Competitive Data.", SCIP ONLINE.
    • John J. McGonagle, "Just Say NO!" , SCIP ONLINE.
    • Kenneh Sawka, "The Ethics of Analysis", Scip Online.
    • Jean L. Graef, "Using The Internet for Competitive Intelligence: A Survey Report", SCIP Online.
    • Arthur Weiss, "Ask Arthur", Competitive Intelligence Magazine, Volume 5, Number 2, March-April 2002.


    • Alexey Butrin V Stoge Sena Igolka Tretya Poisk Kartinok.htm? Prn \u003d 1 needles in the haystack, the magazine "Game", No. 73, No. 74, 2003 and No. 76, 2004.
    • Website Information Wars on the Internet Library of Articles and Materials on the topic Studying and analysis of competitors, competitive intelligence, benchmarking (Benchmarking)

    There is a well-known expression: who owns information - he owns the world. Having reliable information about the partner, the competitor, the competing changes in the market is extremely important for any business, which is why business structures create competitive intelligence

    Essence and functions of competitive intelligence

    Competitive (Commercial, Business) Intelligence (English Competitive Intelligence, Pokr. Ci) - held within the framework of the law and in compliance with ethical norms. Collection and processing of data from various sources to develop management decisions in order to increase the competitiveness of a commercial organization, also a structural enterprise division, Performing these functions.

    According to an independent expert Heinrich LemkeThe competitive intelligence service needs to be clearly separated from the enterprise security service, as the area of \u200b\u200bactivity and objects of intelligence development of commercial intelligence companies are extremely external risks, opportunities and threats affecting the possibilities of achieving the company with strategic goals. The risks and opportunities studied by the organization's commercial intelligence system have exclusively market nature and mostly refer to future market conditions and market conditions that should be in the future, that is, at the time of the time horizon (future) planned business objectives of the company and delayed from the current states on some time segment. At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity and the objects of the Security Service, as a rule, are external and internal risks and threats to the company's current activities, which are criminal and violating the company's normal daily activities. Another sphere of active development of the security service is the activity of a competitive environment associated with unfair competition and directly affecting the company's normal activity, as well as loyalty and conscientiousness of partners, employees and other participants affecting the company's business activity.

    The following competitive intelligence functions can be distinguished:

    Study of the activities of competitors and the competitive environment;
    - verification of the reliability of business partners;
    - Collection of information on the Internet and monitoring of the media;
    - research and assessment of markets or entire regions (together with other departments, for example, marketing);
    - forecasting the situation in the market and the actions of competitors;
    - identification of new or potential competitors;
    - assisting leadership in the process of adopting the positive experience of other companies;
    - assisting specialists from other departments in assessing the prospects for the acquisition or opening of a new business;
    - obtaining information on a legitimate way and analysis of new technologies, products or processes that can significantly affect the company's business;
    - Identification weak Parties competitors;
    - together with the security service, identify potential sources of leakage of confidential information within the company.

    What is the main goal of this type of activity as competitive intelligence

    helps sort out Dmitry Zolotukhin, independent business intelligence expert: "In my opinion, the goals of competitive intelligence issues from the direction of application of effort - management, marketing, PR, HR, etc. My understanding of the strategic purpose of competitive intelligence is to ensure a permanent compliance between the company's strategy at the moment (often accepted once and forever), the actions with which it is implemented and the state constantly changing external world. This means that the decision makers in the company should be provided with relevant, reliable and timely data on the position of the company with respect to the external environment.

    So, the essence of competitive intelligence is to collect and analyze information, which is useful for the company's business that this commercial intelligence service works. In fact, business intelligence has the same tasks as the state special services - to identify a danger or vice versa, to evaluate the information and notify the leadership of the results or to take measures themselves if there is such an opportunity.

    Business intelligence and industrial espionage

    Although according to many people, competitive intelligence and industrial espionage are identical, in fact it is not. After all, despite the fact that the objectives of these activities often coincide (mining the most complete and reliable information on the activities of competitors), their methods will differ.

    Industrial espionage - a form of unfair competition, in which the illegal receipt is carried out, the use, disclosure of information constituting the commercial, official or other secret to the law in order to obtain advantages in the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, as well as receiving material benefits. That is, the basis of industrial espionage as a type of activity is the extraction and subsequent use of commercial or official secrets. This is the difference between competitive intelligence from industrial espionage: competitive intelligence is activities within the legal field, and industrial spies "work" beyond this field. As confirmed in his book "Competitive Intelligence: Marketing Risks and Opportunities", Evgeny Yuschuk: "In real life, the line between competitive intelligence and industrial espionage depends on the art of who holds it, not to conflict with the Criminal Code ..."

    Specialists in the field of industrial espionage are mainly used by such methods as: bribing or blackmailing persons with access to secret information; theft of various media with interests of interest; the introduction of an agent into a competing company in order to obtain information that is a commercial or banking secret; Implementation of illegal access to commercially significant information through the use of technical means (listening to telephone lines, illegal penetration into computer networks, etc.). These acts violate a huge number of articles of the Criminal Code, first of all, Article 231 "illegal collection to use or use the information constituting commercial or banking secrets."

    To speak somewhat simplified, the unlawful act "industrial espionage" is directed against the object "Commercial Mystery" (the main thing is to obtain the necessary information), and the various rights and interests of individuals and legal entities may violate, such as: the right to safety (threats), right For personal life (blackmail), copyright, the right to confidentiality. In the light of this you need to decide on the concept of "commercial mystery", but there is a small complexity: in various legislation, formulations are given, which differ from each other. Vladimir Ivashchenko in his article "Fundamentals of Rosselіduvannya illegal Zbirannya TaGegol Sostene Komertsіinoїїїї" analyzed them and made such conclusions: Commercial Mystery is characterized by such a set of features: information is a secret, is an unknown and is not easily accessible to individuals who usually deal with the type of information to which it belongs; Due to what is secret, it has a commercial value. It gives such a concept of commercial mystery - this is information that is useful and is not a well-known society. It has a valid or commercial value with which you can have a profit and to protect which the owner takes measures in all areas of life and activity. " Thus, it can be said that industrial espionage activities are aimed at mining information that is not publicly available and is protected by law.

    Meanwhile, unlike the adepts of industrial espionage, business intelligence services are predominantly open sources of information from the media, the Internet, analysis of rating agencies, etc. In the West, those who are engaged in commercial intelligence have long understood that the only way Work for a long time and efficiently - "Friend with the law". Roughly speaking, commercial scouts can use all methods and methods for collecting and processing information that do not contradict legislation. The main weapon of competitive intelligence is a qualitative collection, systematization and, most importantly, analysis of information, not surveillance, bribers and illegal hacker hacks. And this is not surprising: even for state special services, at the present stage, the collection of information from open sources is paramount. For example, at the end of the twentieth century, the CIA made public data, in accordance with which 85% of all information about the USSR in Langley received from open and quite legal sources - Soviet newspapers and journals, atlases and reference books, analyzing the speeches of Soviet leaders on radio and television, documents of conferences, symposia, plenums and congresses. Last soviet government It itself translated into 100 languages \u200b\u200bof the world and replicated for public attention by millions of copies. For the analysis of all this "sea" of information in the CIA, thousands of analysts of quite peaceful professions were working: economists, geographers, sociologists, psychologists, linguists, ethnographers, statistics, cybernetics and even gerontologists. But then there was no internet.

    In order to more accurately deal with the role of open sources in commercial intelligence, we again appealed for the comment to Dmitry Zolotukhin: "According to most of the information and analytical sphere experts, some of the information that can be obtained when using only open sources is 90-95%. Under the "open sources", competitive intelligence specialists imply absolutely all possibilities to obtain the necessary information that do not require actions directly violate the law, or generally accepted ethical business standards (the latter is usually fraught with reputational risks that will be much tangible than the information received). On my personal opinion, the situation is complicated by the fact that, often, the remaining 5% contain the very highlight that constitutes a competitive advantage of the company in the market. Therefore, competitive intelligence techniques are used at the beginning of the collection of these 95% of the information, to then use the only opportunity to ask the answer to which the answer to which and "conclude a mosaic".

    It would seem that if 90% of the information can be "mined" using open sources, it means that the analysis is primary in competitive intelligence. The expert clarifies: "Probably, it can be said that for the number of available and accessible data increases every day and need to own effective work algorithms in order to manage large-scale information flows, clean them from" information debris "and find" golden grains "strategically Important information.

    However, on the other hand, it's like asking: "And the maintenance car is the wheels?". Of course, because without them, she will not be able to go. But it will also not be able to move normally and without the engine or steering wheel. Most likely, we will spend a comprehensive approach. Moreover, in the current conditions of limited resources, the competitive intelligence officer must be "... and the Shvets, and Reaper, and on the Dudge."

    Regarding the use of new methods in the intelligence, Dmitry Zolukhin noted that in business intelligence it is already quite difficult to come up with something new. A set of methods and techniques only dotes, in the conditions of the demand of the new time. At the moment, he writes a book on the receipt of information when communicating with his colleague. Previously, no one wrote about it, although the idea is far from new.

    Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded: taking into account the development of the information component of society, analysts will increasingly push out "James Bonds" in government exploration, and in commercial - and suppressed. The very competitive intelligence (however, as unfortunately, industrial espionage) will exist as much as entrepreneurial activity will exist, because Samuel Batler said, "every commerce is an attempt to foresee the future." And competitive intelligence is a service that is designed to foresee the future.

    The phrase "Business Intelligence" in the public consciousness is firmly associated with a certain spy set: bugs and hacker attacks; launching "moles" into a competing company and bribing its employees; hacking safes, blackmail and so on. The stereotype has developed quite steady, but how much does it correspond to the truth?

    Many have had times when the sharp necessity arose to find a workplace with a more worthy earnings. And here it is good luck - the solid company announces the opening of a free vacancy for one of the leadership positions. The resume comes to the resume positive feedbackBut ... "It is proposed to fill in a detailed questionnaire."

    Finally follows an invitation to the interview. In the most benevolent setting and alternately, several employees of the employer employees find out the necessary information about the most significant of your achievements in the same place of work.

    One of the executives of the company notifies you about the conditions of wages, which are significantly better than at the same place of work and offers to wait for the official proposal for employment after approving your candidacy "at the very". At the same time, the interpretatory loaves his head to the ceiling and significantly raises the index finger up.

    However, the offer does not come. You even call and apologize: "He himself took his brother, a matchmaker (variants of many)". A little offensive for wasted spent time, but the benevolence of employees of the company inviting you to work smoothes and this.

    The great Pushkin was right: "After all, it is not difficult to deceive me, I myself am deceived!" You do not even suspect that the company - the employer received all its intelligence information from your mouth, electronic questionnaires and written surveys for your goodwill, is completely legal and almost free. You may not doubt that you have a "partner information". Such a "bug" in business intelligence is called "Dead Vacancy". But even if you were "divorced" in a similar way - thank the fate and run to put candles in the church.

    An extremely cruel species of the method considered above is the following version of the bug of business intelligence: "squeezed lemon". The applicant is invited to work in the company for significantly the best wages. For a relatively short period of time (2-3 months), all confidential information about the company is squeezed out of it, in which it has previously worked, and after that dismissed under any faithful pretext.


    As you have convinced, the topic of this publication is prompted by the life itself, the harsh realities of the market economy and the frontal situation of the competitive struggle.

    Reference:Term "Competition", "Competitive struggle" - (Competition, Concurrence) originates from the Latin word "Concurentia" (from Concurrere) - that is, to face.

    In a market economy, such a clash is inevitable, for it is generated by the following objective conditions:

    • the presence of a variety of equal market subjects (competitors);
    • full economic isolation of each of them;
    • the dependence of market entities from market conditions;
    • confrontation with all other market subjects for the satisfaction of buying demand.

    For the survival of the enterprise in the conditions of modern competitive struggle, the exploration of competitors' intentions begins to play, exploring the main business trends, analysis of possible risks, etc. Recently, these tasks are solved within the framework of a new discipline that received the name "Business Intelligence" in the West.

    In Russia, this term has not yet been established and the terms "Commercial Intelligence", "Competitive Intelligence", "Business Intelligence" and other options can also be found in the literature. Some authors consider them synonyms, while others see them in different directions of activity. This publication is not a place for theoretical disputes and within its framework will be considered business intelligence and noted above forms of intelligence activities.

    The purpose of this paper is to bring the readers to the primary information about the essence, legal framework of the organization and methods of business intelligence of enterprises of the construction complex.

    1. The situation is managed by the one who owns information

    The modern entrepreneurial situation of Russia is characterized by the complication of commercial schemes and conditions of transactions, the use of complex complex products, increased competition between companies. The following tendency is clearly traced: either Russian companies from small "boutique" enterprises become joint stock entities, with complex economic infrastructure and management bonds, or disappear as legal entities from the construction market.

    Financial flows, capital movement, resource management and personnel are becoming an increasingly difficult task associated with increasing reporting and document management, an increase in the speed of information flows, which, using modern corporate systems, reach the highest level of management of the company.

    Literally recently, the task of reporting almost any incoming data associated with the company and the market to the head, who himself produced filtering, data processing and highlighted from them necessary knowledge - was ranked information subsystem of management.

    Nowadays, the head physically lacks time not only for filtering data and processing information, but simply to familiarize himself with the growing flow of information. And I need critical information immediately, this minute and always to quickly and adequately assess the rapidly changing situation in the market, and in our case in the construction market.

    Who is who? Who and what to buy? Where to get funds? How to sell products of your labor with the benefit? Where to get information about products, know-how and new competitors' technologies?

    These and many other everyday issues of entrepreneurial activity in modern conditions for the development of the world of business, the emergence and active use of competitors of the latest technologies for profit has not been canceled, and never will cancel.

    The broad invasion of the Internet into business completely deprived of managers of civilian enterprises, because being specialists in production management, they, as a rule, do not have the skills associated with technology processing technology and turning it into knowledge. And this is only with the information that enters as standard current reporting.

    Reference:Science and practice found that the person of medium abilities can effectively contact with a group of no more than 5 (five) people. The theory of management implies that the head can directly direct the activities of 3-5 substituents and inspire another 8-13 key employees of the enterprise.

    In this regard, the information flows going to the highest levels of control began to cut and divide, increasing the number of intermediate links, routing streams using secretaries and assistant referents, delegating decision making on lower control links.

    Informing the Organization's management on possible changes in the business environment, the company's fence against tactical and strategic errors, the evaluation and analysis of the data require a certain system of economic security at the enterprise and a set of specific methods of its achievement.

    Such opportunities, by general conviction, has a business intelligence (Busness-Intelligence) often defined as business intelligence, commercial intelligence, competitive or marketing intelligence i.e. The system of obtaining, processing and using information to ensure the safety of the enterprise in accordance with applicable law

    2. Several strokes from the history of business intelligence

    The history of business intelligence takes its beginning in antiquity, when state rulers and merchants made attempts to take possession of commercial secrets of competitors or opponents to get advantage of trade or for victory in hostilities.

    This phenomenon was called "industrial espionage", and in the future - economic intelligence. For the same purposes and objectives, the difference in these concepts is that industrial espionage is used by private enterprises (in small or medium level economy), and government special services (at the macro level) are engaged in economic intelligence.

    Sustainable interconnection economic Development states S. scientific and technical Progress has led to the fact that by the middle of the twentieth century, special services that produce economic secrets were in all leading countries of the world. Serious success in this area reached Germany, United Kingdom, USA, USSR and Japan. Rapidly developing transnational corporations, also arranged such a promising option of economic advantages.

    For this reason, both the state structures and commercial companies have emerged units that were engaged in industrial spyings, working in specific areas. The methods used, as a rule, went beyond the framework of the law, encroaching, first of all, on ownership.

    But along with the positive results obtained, the business faced with a number of problems related to the use of such funds: a loss of business reputation, "persons" of the company, judicial claims, loss of brand popularity.

    In pursuit of information and commercial secrets, the total losses of material and intangible assets often exceeded the economic effect of the information acquired by illegal.

    Gradually became obvious that the business needed a tool for finding information, the methods of which lie exclusively in the legal field. Thus arose "Business Intelligence", the economically reasonable advantage of which is that the methods of mining the initial data used by it make it possible to avoid material and reputational losses.

    Today, business intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the development of entrepreneurship. But unlike foreign developed countries in which business intelligence is already firmly integrated into a business, in Russia it is at the stage of becoming and is often forced to solve and adjacent tasks.

    It should be noted that the leaders of domestic firms realize that today it is almost impossible to work successfully without the comprehensive use of business intelligence elements, and impressive results of the work of the relevant units in foreign companies forcing Russian businessmen to pay more attention to this sphere.

    3. The general concept of business intelligence. Objects, goals and objectives

    The object of business intelligence is the information required by a specific user to solve problems arising in the process of its professional activities.

    Information in a strictly scientific sense is knowledge directly included in the communicative process.

    The initial moment of inclusion of knowledge in the sphere of circulation on various social channels is its fixation on certain types of carriers - documentation (consolidation on certain material carriers), for only in this case it can be transmitted between users and processes distributed in time and space.

    Business intelligence is engaged in collecting and analyzing information about the competitor (actually intelligence), the protection of its information (industrial counterintelligence), as well as conducting special operations (for example, the protection of the image of the enterprise and the manager, the opposition "black" PR, etc.).

    It is no secret that quite often, wanting to show your activity in the best light before the leadership or covering your non-resident dividers, actions and misses. Our Russian middle-level managers deliberately or not consciously, but embellish or even falsify the data entering the highest echelon management. This leads to the adoption of such solutions that are not optimal or even damage to business.

    The task of business intelligence is to verify such information and the exclusion of situations with the disinformation of the highest leadership.

    Safety specialists can say that the tasks attributed to business intelligence were partially solved by the information and analytical services of the economic security structures of enterprises. It is so, and business intelligence services are most often organized on the basis of such structures. The difference of information and analytical work of security services from the work of business intelligence units can be compared with the difference in information and communications.

    Those. Information is most often simple and unidirectional, and communication is constant (regularly) and mutually reinforced. When communicating, the source and correspondent are constantly changing in places, information flows are regulated by feedback. Informational and analytical activity is most often over transferring information to the end user.

    Intelligence, as communication, has its result. The changes and processing of data are directly affected by the changes that are the result of this action on the system itself and the environment, the task is constantly refined. Therefore, the efficiency of communication is much higher.

    The essence of business intelligence has a permanent process of collecting, accumulating, structuring and analyzing data on the internal and external environment of the company in order to issue the highest management of information firm, which allows him (Higher Management) to anticipate changes in these environments, take timely operational solutions for risk management and implementation At the enterprise optimal innovation, as well as planning appropriate measures aimed at meeting future consumer requests and maintain profitability.

    4. Legal field of business intelligence activities in the construction complex

    Business intelligence is an integral part of the corporate culture of modern business. Business intelligence in contrast to industrial espionage is quite a legal lesson and acts solely within the framework of existing laws.

    It is necessary however, it is necessary that in Russia not a special law directly regulating business intelligence activities, but this does not mean that it acts outside the legal field of business security.

    The basic substantiation of business intelligence activities is the fourth part of Article 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "Everyone has the right to freely look for, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information by any legitimate way." The list of information constituting the state secret is determined by the Federal Law from the 21st 1993 No. 5485-1 "On State Secret" (Ed. Dated December 21, 2013).

    Since the object of business intelligence is the information of its structure in effect on the framework of the Federal Law of July 8, 2006 No. 149 -F3 "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection". This Law establishes that information, depending on the category of access to it, is divided into open public information and limited access information.

    Separate consideration deserves intelligence activities with objects components of a commercial secret. It was the Federal Law of July 29, 2007 No. 98-FZ "On Commercial Secret" conducts a watershed between industrial espionage and business intelligence.

    5. Who to send to intelligence? or closer to the point!

    Some aspects of the organization of business intelligence structures at the enterprises of the construction complex.

    Until recently (namely until 2008), the concerns of domestic businessmen, the state of comprehensive security of the enterprise looked as follows (descending):

    1. The problem of returning funds (no payment for shipped goods does not receive the paid goods, it does not return to the specified loan period).
    2. The problem of personal security of entrepreneurs and their families of their families with threats and extortion.
    3. Theft of cargo in transport.
    4. Theft of personal property in apartments, offices, cottages, suburban structures; robbery; Car bearings.
    5. Abduction of commercial information (theft of documents, their copying, reading information from computers and faxes, listening and recording telephone messages, conversations in the premises, bribing staff).
    6. Theft and robbery in stores, warehouse and industrial premises.
    7. Spicy property and goods.
    8. Logs.

    By 2013, the above line of economic and criminal offenses declined significantly, began to consist of four items. Businessmen no longer disturb the problems of personal safety, theft of personal property, robbery and arson. The first problematic plan was the abduction of commercial secrets and the problem of returning funds.

    And not wise. After numerous and solid costs, the payment of Dani Racketira and in search of the missing, repair and doctors, for damages, businessmen awakened a traditionally strong Russian "rear mind".

    "Thunder and zipper" of competition forced Russian men to cross off and now rarely, which of them "flew" due to the fact that he believed to the word or incorrectly compiled the most important agreement, overestimated his analytical opportunities and did not study the market conjuncture. The Russian businessmen acquired, let the bitter, but real experience of commercial activities according to the rules of the market and a civilized Loscian management of confidential information about partners, counterparties and creditors.

    Today, every third enterprise of the Construction Complex of Russia has the need for organizing a system for obtaining, processing and using information to ensure its own security or business intelligence.

    The successful experience of 8-10% of Russian construction companies (from large holdings to medium and small business enterprises) indicates that when creating business intelligence structures, the following fundamental principles must be observed:

    Principles Abstracts of basic requirements
    Professionalism Business intelligence officers must have certain professional knowledge, experience and skills. As a last resort, you can collect and analyze information
    Direct and sole subordination to the highest leadership Business intelligence officers obey personally to the Director-General
    Secrecy The team should not be aware of the presence of a business intelligence structure
    Technical equipment The structure of business intelligence is equipped with powerful technical means and programs capable of analyzing the information received and build predictions and models of the Company's senior management on its basis
    Unified team The structure of business intelligence is valid under the motto: "One for everyone for one"
    Continuity of work In conditions of strong competition and the ever-changing conditions of the external environment, the structure of business intelligence should work continuously, constantly updating and accumulating data on old competitors and receiving information about new
    Decent reward The work of business intelligence officers must be fully paid, otherwise they will not only work "after the sleeves" but also fall into the temptation of the use of available information for mercenary purposes
    Responsibility and punishability For the conclusions presented, personal responsibility and ruble and official position were identified.

    Determine the main functions of the structure and its relationships with inside the enterprise.

    • One person and a whole team can also be engaged in business intelligence on the enterprise. It all depends on the size of the enterprise, its financial well-being, competitive environment, and so on. But ultimately decisive is the opinion of the Supreme Guide.

    Decide on the feasibility of "legends" of the structure of business intelligence.

    • Legend must be chosen particularly carefully. For by making the structure "Department (employee) for public relations", you will have to impose on it and perform these functions.
    • The most suitable legends of the various types of archives, computers and communication departments.

    Hard to regulate the structure of the structure.

    • It is necessary to compile a regulation on the structure (division of the enterprise or full unit) and job descriptions.
    • Only the head of the enterprise can take them away from the time to "Light God" from his safe.
    • In the personnel department must be legended provisions and job descriptions.

    Note the criteria for recruitment.

    • No words - select staff (employee) need carefully. It is desirable that the frames are their own - "homegrowns". And to learn their azam business intelligence in many numerical private courses.

    Develop a clear motivation and staff assessment scheme.

    • The work of business intelligence staff should be worthily rewarded. However, there is a very thin system of stimulating employees, which tightly binds them to the enterprise. And this is not only the creation of comfortable working conditions (private car, flexible work schedule, place for recreation, etc.), but also the issuance of an interest-free loan, pay for children's study and other preferences.

    6. Methods and receptions of business intelligence activities

    Intelligence activities generally includes a large number of Directions, but this material made an attempt to give a brief coverage of the most significant moments of informational and analytical work: intelligence against the enterprise, against the person and financial monitoring of the actions of competitors and partners.

    6.1. Intelligence against a competitor

    What existing methods will allow the necessary reconnaissance actions against the competing enterprise?

    The main, most affordable and efficient way is a systematic analysis of the information field. Moreover, the larger the enterprise, the easier it is to collect and analyze information, since big businessAs a rule, public and always tries to declare himself and their actions itself. Although actually real indicators are always hidden, this is due to the tax policy.

    An analysis of the relevant information in the press gives the soil for sufficiently accurate conclusions about the company's strategy, its plans, production facilities, the order of its turns and profits.

    The second source for conclusions is the analysis of constituent and statutory documents and organizational structure of the company. This information does not fall under the category of commercial secrets and can be obtained in the relevant authorities. An analysis of the affiliation of structures and their economic relationships can lead to conclusions on the composition of the group of your counterparties their strength and opportunities.

    If you need to clarify detailed information, you can use the survey of the employees of the enterprise to the topic you are interested in. To do this, various forms of legends and disguise can be applied: an interview with "hiring" to work, establishing false partnerships through friendly enterprises, etc.

    6.2. Intelligence against Person

    An employee of the enterprise is a carrier of information about this enterprise. Proper work with it allows you to open the most "intimate secrets" of enterprises, and financial stimulation allows you to create a system of so-called "moles".

    Everyone knows that business make people, and information only on the actions of the enterprise will be incomplete for making management decisions. Therefore, to clarify all threats and possible risks of your opposition, it is necessary to perform intelligence on the person. Person's business intelligence lies in the analysis of business relationships and communicative contacts of decision makers.

    How can this information be obtained? Again, we return to the analysis of the information field, that is, to the press and network resources. For example, a correspondent takes an interview with one of the leaders of your potential competitor, from which you will learn that these "bad people" are negotiating a potential major project with one of the well-known partners.

    Question for spaces - is it a threat to your enterprise? And what measures should be taken to reduce the threats?

    Here it is necessary to understand: what is the circle of business connections of this manager, what psychological features he has, what is the motivation of his actions, what goals does he put on himself?

    Naturally, the most effective method in this case will be the polls of the persons once and somehow in contact with it: either who are employees of this enterprise, or confronting with it during business communications.

    Analysis of the person's biography will be useful, it will give a lot of shades to understand his psychological portrait and will allow you to determine the likely circle of its communication.

    Natural will be the collection of data on the subject of involvement of this surname to the criminal incidents and economic scandals. It is necessary to understand the degree of integrity in the business relationship of your counterparty.

    Thus, comparing the results of the analysis of information received by the enterprise, with the results of the person's analysis, you as a managerial will be provided with a fairly complete picture to compile my own opinions about the emerging situation and potential threats to your business.

    In combination with information on the history of actions of enterprises and analyzed persons, it is possible to build a forecast of the actions of development objects in the developing conditions and their plans.

    6 .3. Financial monitoring

    Threats will be assessed not enough if financial monitoring is not fulfilled. Financial monitoring allows you to determine the economic power of threats.

    How can financial monitoring of enterprises falling in the field of your attention?

    The easiest way is the method of an analogy. That is, you need to know several similar businesses with a similar business structure to evaluate the averaged values \u200b\u200bof revolutions and profitability of the business studied.

    Another reception is a method for calculating indirect signs: Suppose if the company's production facilities are known, knowing the average industry percentage of loading of these capacities, given the seasonal factor and the position of the enterprise in the market, you can calculate the order of revenue and the estimated profitability. Or following the analysis of the Distributor Network of a competitor and conducting relevant competitive enterprises intelligence activities, it is possible to assess the company's economic strength.

    It is possible to use the interpolation method: having received data on the enterprise from state statistical authorities and, again, knowing the average industry economic indicators and market growth rates, calculate the projected revenue values.

    Of course, financial monitoring should be carried out with the simultaneous monitoring of the information field, which, in connection with the development of the Internet, carries a lot of quantitative information on the financial aspects of enterprises.

    6.4. Evaluation of investment projects of competitors

    If reconnaissance actions are performed on a regular basis, then the above information will be enough for the rapid assessment of the investment projects of competitors.

    The task is complicated if you are trying to evaluate investment project "from scratch". In this case, the time to obtain all the necessary information increases and has to perform successively all previous steps: an analysis of the enterprise, by person, financial monitoring.

    In addition, exploration is added here on all project participants and the analysis of the project's technical side (in order to take into account the technical and technological risks of the project).

    If the investment project is not innovative, then the method of expert interviews - surveys of specialists who have already participated in similar projects will be used to assess the risks of the project. Only the formalization of the survey results and the assignment of weight coefficients of individual experts is necessary. In this case, you will receive a matrix that will allow you to conduct a multifactor analysis of the success or failure of a potential project.

    An estimate is less reliable if the competitor enters the market with new technology, a new product, or service. In this case, the success of the project will depend on the subjective factor: the ability of the competitor's team to achieve its goals. In addition, in our economy, it is required to take into account the "Efrautral gap" of the administrative factor, for individual projects it turns into general lamps.


    The opinion of the professional construction community about the paths of introducing business intelligence at the enterprises of the construction complex is far from unambiguous. Some simply do not understand "Why do you need to spend time and effort to work on the analysis of the internal and foreign marketing environment of the enterprise?"

    Others believe that small units of business intelligence are needed as a "cow saddle."

    Third consider the business exploration of the harmful "incurious" infection, the game of office plankton in "spies" and hoping for a molded and resourceful Russian mind, and most of all on the triad: maybe, probably, and no matter.

    The author of this work is not sure that he fully managed to dispel at least part of the delusions associated with such an important and interesting topic as a business intelligence. It is ready to systematically complement the topic of this rapidly developing activity, which arose at the junction of the economy, jurisprudence and special disciplines.

    After all, as practice shows, the use of business intelligence methods in Russia is economically justified, i.e. It involves obtaining a certain economic effect from the introduction of business intelligence and besides, it allows you to protect the enterprise from significant risks and threats and ensure significant competitive advantages.

    And in this, the accumulation of knowledge about business intelligence as a powerful tool for researching the construction market and weapons of impact on the competitive environment of construction business is very necessary and from a cognitive and practical point of view to all specialists of the construction complex.

    Boris Supil