Repairs Design Furniture

Production of wooden products and design. Making carpentry products Wood products manufacturing technology

Products created into manual from wood express spiritual meaning, on the uneven surface of the product you can feel the movement of the master tool. The products made on the CNC machine are almost identical to each other and do not carry that individual expressiveness.

There is every reason to believe that the combination of two processing methods - manual and machine, can combine high exclusivity, productivity and quality of processing complex embossed and sculptural products from wood. It is noted that even at 5-10% manual refinement of the product made on a CNC machine, you can simulate a manual thread and, accordingly, increase the exclusivity of the product. Machine processing allows you to quickly perform the most complex and routine work, and hand-made finishes - give the product an original look.

The problem of combining manual and machine processing in the manufacture of a product in the most complex wood thread techniques - relief and sculptural revealed in this dissertation work after a detailed study and comprehensive comparison of technologies, taking into account the economy, production, aesthetics of the product of the consumer psychology.

For example, as applied to the product "Mammoth" (Fig. 1.11) with an average production of production, we obtained that the cost of the product made according to the design technology that combines machine and manual processing is in fact compared to technologies independent (or fully manual processing, or Full processing on the CNC machine).

It is not by chance that some woodworking enterprises manufacturing exclusive products begin to switch to the alignment of machine CNC - processing with manual refinement. Such an approach gives good results not only in products-souvenirs, but also in the design of interiors, the manufacture of stairs, furniture, doors, etc. General recommendations on the technology studied are given in this work - they affected all the stages of manufacture, ranging from the computer design of the three-dimensional model The prototype of the future product to its immediate manufacturer on the milling machine with CNC.

Fig. 1.11. Sculpture "Mammoth": (left - after processing on a CNC machine, right - after manual refinement, dimensions of the product 130 × 100 × 60 mm, pine)

1.3. Other methods of manufacturing wood products

Expand the technological possibilities of manufacturing art artery products from wood allow additional devices. A variety of design devices for milling, mainly artistic ornaments, were proposed by M.S. Glykina, later improved and supplemented by M. M. Black, A. I. Pynkovoy, V. Ya. Ripkin, Yu. V. Polykin. The designs of the devices are mainly applicable to turning equipment and do not allow high-hearted bas-relief products or complex sculpture compositions. Examples of finished products are presented in Figure 1.12.

Fig. 1.12. Products obtained using additional devices to turning machines

For the mechanization of the process of manufacturing artistic products from wood, including decorative and ornamental additions to furniture and architectural parts of the interior, milling and copy machines are used. With the help of such equipment, various thread elements can be performed - round outlets in the form of multi-treat flowers, rosettes are vortex, frozen belts with curvilinear wave-like membership, balusters and even highly sculptural, bas-relief and burning parts and much more.

The principle of operation on such equipment is to manually copy the product sample template with simultaneous milling of the workpiece.

The composition of such machines includes a caliper with a spindle head, the bed, on which it is attached, the desktop with a flywheel for its movement in horizontal and vertical planes and a fixed pin with a copying head, with which a given sample or model can be accurately repeated and transferred to another workpiece. The cutting tool serves special cutting or end mills, strengthened on the spindle. The machine table is installed on the desired height depending on the thickness of the workpiece (Fig. 1.13).

Fig. 1.13. On the left - milling of the bas-relief on the copying machine with pantograph; On the right - two-spindle volume-copy milling Machine Andreoni.

The machine operator drives a pin over all circuits, recesses and sample convexes, moving to the work desk up and down; If required, the model can be relocated and processing in the last-rone plane. The spindle, connected to the pin, repeats all its movements by performing an accurate copy of the sample model. An experienced artist-master, with a good eye meter and accurate movements, can perform its decorative ornamental compositions directly on the machine. In this case, the machine is considered as a device that facilitates the work of the masters and increases productivity.

The spindle machine is driven by an electric motor, which makes from 10 to 24 thousand rpm, which provides a sufficiently high quality of the treated surface of the thread. Nevertheless, the thread made on the machine, in quality below manual, so in the manufacture of furniture on special orders or during antique restoration it is necessary to refine the parts and ornaments manually.

Pantograph coping machine is also used on large woodworking enterprises. Machines equipped with pantographs have fixtures to transfer the specified pattern to another scale (Fig. 1.13). For such a translation, a pin is served moving along the contour of the pattern. Pantograph translates the drawing to the workpiece attached on the machine, accordingly, by increasing or reducing it in relation to the task.

The leading world enterprise in the development and production of milling and copying equipment is the Italian firmAndreoni. . The company produces a wide range of pantograph cutting machines, both with manual and automatic control (Fig. 1.13). All machines can mill not only flat and curved parts, but also the bodies of rotation. This equipment has been widely used in the manufacture of furniture, statues, art lining, pilaster and other types of art artery articles.

Despite all the advantages of such equipment - there are significant disadvantages. On such machines, the processing is much dependent on the experience of a worker that produces copying the sample. During processing when possible error A human factor arises, which can lead to a marriage of products not only one blank, and several at once, if milling is conducted on a multi-spindle copying machine.

The complexity of adjustment of multi-spindle equipment when replacing cutters is also a significant drawback. In addition, the manufacture of copiers is constantly required, which requires a considerable time at the initial stages of working out the process. And the main thing is to date the production of products while manually copying templates, in the conditions of the growing market and the growth of the production capabilities of equipment with CNC, becomes ineffective.

Considering the methods of making articles of wood, it is impossible not to mark the turning technology.

Turning or turning is one of the main cutting operations performed on woodworking machines Turning group, usually with the rotational movement of the product and the translational movement of the cutter. At modern woodworking enterprises, not only ordinary lathes are increasingly used, where the processing is carried out in the manual master, but also machines of the turning and milling group. The machining tool of such equipment is a special disk milling cutter or an end milling cutter. Such machines perform handling automated according to a given control program (Fig. 1.14). From the operator you only need to change the workpiece and run the program in the new technological cycle.

Despite the widespread turning equipment in production, the product range of products is usually limited to the details representing the form, the body of rotation. That is why turning machines are used for the manufacture of artistic bassine - supporting structures of the rails of staircase marches (Fig. 1.14).

Fig. 1.14. Turning milling machine with CNC "Robor" and bales produced on it

The quality of the surface after processing on turning machines requires always a manual surface of the surface and reduces the overall performance of the manufacturing process. Note that turning and milling equipment today, thanks to the development of NPF "Semil" G. Izhevsk, allows you to perform complex products of the irregular form, which include, for example, sculptures. Despite the fundamental differences in the types of equipment, problematic issues that occur during the processing of sculptures on lathes are fully consistent with the disadvantages of processing on tri-coordinate machines with CNC. The ways to solve them will be discussed in the 2nd and 4th chapters.

In addition to the above described methods for processing wood for artistic purposes, there are a number of technologies, mainly affecting the texture of the product surface. These include shock-mechanical processing, which in turn is divided into latter or brimmer and air-abrasive processing.

Braching as a process of treatment with brushes of different density of wood surface in order to obtain a relief texture is considered in the works of Sergeyeva [_]. Aircraft abrasive method of treatment for the purposes of artistic decoration of the surface of the product was studied by A.V. Poyarkov.

Another technology - wood stamping technology is associated with its pressure treatment with heating matrices and punches. Previous wood steam. The high cost of manufacturing stamps and the impossibility of obtaining bulk embossed patterns during pressing allowed this technology to find only widespread use in the manufacture of souvenirs in high-sized parties, such as boxes, but not in exclusive products under a certain order with small parties.

The technology of laser engraving wood, as well as the burning laser of surfaces on raster drawings today is not applicable to obtain volumetric images on wood.

Recently considered technologies (block, sandblasting, pressure processing and laser engraving) are not able to identify bulk bas-relief, burners or sculptural forms in wood array. So we just mention them as about existing species Wood artistic processing, mainly used to apply textures and shallow patterns on the flat surfaces of wood products.

1.4. Application of CNC machines in project technology

In recent decades, the market for furniture and artwork made of wood has undergone significant changes. New materials, technologies and, of course, appeared. Consumer requirements have increased not only to the quality of products manufactured, but also to the design as a whole. Competition has repeatedly increased.

In the established conditions, the enterprise for successful activity is not enough to find optimal product providers, to gain a professional staff. It is extremely necessary a park of modern, high-tech, convenient to operate machines, which will allow to embody the ideas of designers to life.

Milling three-coordinate woodworking machines with numerical software control (CNC) are most widely used as such equipment. CNC milling machines are designed for milling, engraving and coordinate drilling Wood blanks, MDF, chipboard, plywood and plastics with end mills on a work program, compiled on a personal computer.

The most widespread use of CNC machines found in the production of details of furniture, panel doors, facades, eaves, baguette and decorative linings. Also they can be used for the manufacture of stained glass windows, for curvilinear cutting of blanks, manufacture of artistic parquet, execution relief work, incl. Wood threads for making forms under vacuum molding. Today, practical every machine supports full-fledged 3D processing when imitation of embossed artistic wood threads.

The main function of any CNC equipment is automatic and accurate control of the movement movement movement. Any CNC machine has two or more directions for movement, which are called axes. Moreover, the movement according to these axes is carried out accurately and automatically.

CNC machines are equipped with servomotors or stepper motors, which are powered by the CNC system, and that in turn exactly executes the command control program. The CNC system, executing the control program commands, sends the exact number of pulses by a stepper motor - this is where the milling is moved in space according to the program specified by the operator.

Until recently, the control of CNC machines was provided by their programming with a punch card and punched. This method was very laborious for the operator, because Any error in the set led to the rewriting of the entire program again.

Later, programming has become possible in a set of so-called.G. -codes, where each code corresponds to a specific command to move the milling or performing any processing operation, for example, turning on the devices. In the beginning of the processing process, the programmer defines the position of the zero point of the program - the starting point of its execution, for example, the workpiece center. Then the programmer must consistently instruct the CNC system about all the necessary operations for managing the milling machine to move the milling axes x, y orZ. . The manual set of the text of the program is used both to date, but note that this version of programming requires a lot of time to compile articraft processing programs and is simply economically not appropriate.

Modern System Systems (Computer Aided Machining - Manufacture Automation Systems) are designed for automatic creation of control programs based on geometrical information prepared in the CAD system (Computer-Aided Design - Automated Design Systems). Those. Itself - the system independently calculates the trajectories of the milling cutter on the originally prepared in CAD system three-dimensional model or vector pattern.

The main advantages that the technologist receives when interacting with the system are visible, the convenience of selecting geometry, high speed Calculations, checks and editing created trajectories.

Modern systems are suitable for different types CNC equipment allows you to choose different methods of processing parts, automatically optimize manufacturing technicrafts and much more. The right choice of self-production systems can significantly increase the productivity of equipment with CNC.

Three-dimensional (3 D ) Models built in anyCAD - System or graphic editor, are big account, reduced prototypes of the future product and allow you to impose a correction of its form and consider it in detail even at the design of the HB of the computer monitor.

In the modern industry, three-dimensional models are used not only for the design of kinematic chains of machines and mechanisms, visual modeling of future parts and products in general, but also for its direct production. Increasingly we are talking On the use of equipment with numeric software, in particular, milling metal and woodworking machines with CNC with different number Degrees of freedom of the spindle node. The use of such technologies has found the widespread distribution in the manufacture of articles from various materials (jewelry, medals, various souvenirs, furniture elements, decorative elements of the interior and exterior of rooms, foundry and much more.). [My article 3].

As already mentioned, on the finished three-dimensional model, modern technologies for the manufacture of sculptural products from wood on CNC machines allow you to automatically create control programs inCam-Systems.

Motion trajectories The cutter during processing is calculated on the surfaces of three-dimensional models that create a designer or models obtained by three-dimensional scanning methods using contact copies or laser rangefinders.

With direct manufacture, it is isolated black processing that performs removal from the workpiece, and the finally adjusted product to the desired cleanliness of the surface. The finishing processing is performed several times longer than draft.

The main disadvantages of using CNC machines include large capital investments in the equipment, the need to use expensive software products (especiallyCam -Systems), considerable finishing time, the complexity of creating a three-dimensional model and the absence of exclusivity of products.

Thus, the wood processing technologies considered in Chapter 1 make it possible to make a general conclusion that for the manufacture of exclusive wood products in the style of embossed and sculptural wood thread, the most suitable traditional handwalk, the manufacture of the product on the copy machine and processing the product on the woodworking machine CNC. These fundamentally different technological methods of processing have a number of advantages and disadvantages, the considered indicators are reduced to Table 1.

The studied studies in this area have made it possible to develop a combined method for the manufacture of art artery products, which combines the benefits of machine and manual processing.

Project technology implies initial draft milling of blanks on a CNC machine with subsequent manual refinement. It is the roughing processing that makes it possible to effectively select the main forms of the volume and spatial product from the workp. At the same time, finishing, which for most products is from 2 to 10 hours of machine time, depending on the product dimensions, completely

The carpentry was born from carpentry, construction - with the advent of tools and techniques that give the opportunity to get smooth surfaces and clear details. The essence of the joinery is in the ability to clean and combine the pieces of wood purchased from a round wood barrel. The finish arose significantly later. First, joinery were performed in natural wood - array.

Now in joinery, thick bars and boards, which own sufficient strength, and completely thin doodles, such as plywood veneer (narrow wood cut), requiring the carrying wood base. Boards and bars go to the hidden design and "for the facial, open view of the parts of the product, the veneer is used only for cladding. The surface of the boards and bars is treated with buildings, cutting, sharpening. Because the natural base carpentry material It did not change - this is all the same tree, the principle of its processing is preserved, which means both the techniques of old masters, perfectly by the manual inventory, can fully serve today's master, whose labor is only facilitated by the introduction of devices.

Joiner's craftsmanship along with the ability to choose the material and give Bruck proper form asks for both the constructive work of this bar in the product, based on the direction and shape of its fibers.

As it is clear, there are various wood species having wood of various colors, buildings and durability. Any breed has its own personality in the processing and finishing. Joinery art consists in the same way to be able to find the breed, know its individuality - pros and shortcomings, be able to find in a piece of wood - the workpiece - parts, more suitable for facial parts, be able to connect different breeds in each other so that this connection was harmonious, beautiful and corresponded to the design characteristic of the product.

Wood is amenable to various kinds of trim - pain, sealed, varnishing, polishing. But the abilities of such a finish for different breeds are different: there is wood, just a taking drew (painting), there is a badly receiving; Some breeds are poorly polished, etc. The principal section of carpentry art is an understanding of wood finishing abilities, its choice and the ability to perform this finish.

Any carpentry consists of separate parts, as well as otherwise connected. The strength of the entire product is depends on the strength of the connection of these parts. The master you need to be able to choose the type of bundle of parts, the form and nature of the processing of them in the connection places, also bonding materials.

The parts themselves connected in the product may have different thicknesses, widths at the same size and purpose. Thus, the door frame can be wide, and narrow, the legs of the stuff - and thick, and thin. The ability to find the section needed for this detail taking into account not only work, but also the beauticles are one of the main components of joinery. The master must have a sense of proportions and what is called "a sense of wood."

The essence of wood processing, as mentioned, has been preserved from ancient times. In fact, without configurations: the tree is cut in a saw, the surface is drunk to the plane, the holes make the holes, and the chisel. In extreme times, manual machines arose, in which the cutting parts are driven by the engine. This significantly facilitated the work on the workpiece of the material and, in addition, was able to improve the accuracy of the dimensions of the same type and the speed of their production. Professionals require the ability to use manual machines so that by comparison with manual creation The possibility of receipt newest Forms carpentry products were not limited, and on the contrary, increased. In short, the master must own the master of the manual machine, as a chisel or a planer.

Modern joinery has also been replenished with some new types of carpentry materials. Firstly, this is a trimmed wood valuable breed of a thin shield based on chipboard (chipboard) or a joinery of a woodcut, assembled from the woods glued together and lined with a plywood veneer. Secondly, it is a cardboard or plastic film simulation material that replaces natural, and thirdly, polyester and nitrocellulose varnishes, giving the opportunity to get a strong thick transparent layer of surface finishing of products. The ability to apply these materials is the indispensable condition for carpentry in our day.

Thus, carpentry art includes both a purely craft part - wood processing inventory and connecting parts in the product and creative - the ability to choose and connect rocks, feel harmony in the joinery. Extremely more hard, but the ownership of harmony and describes real professionals.

In connection with the development of mechanized methods of wood processing over the extreme time, direct relationships between its structure and the form of the product. There were many false in the artistic and logical sense of solutions that manually perform it would be unrealistic (for example, transverse gluing of curved angles and stoves; long, working on bending parts) and which are dictated mainly by the facilities of the factory technology. It is impossible to imitate them. Therefore, it is possible to understand the actual logic of the device of woody things, only by examining the standards of folk furniture, furniture and sulfur products of past times. All the details of the farm furniture and products of old carpasters are made and connected in coordination with this constructive work Wood element in the product. It is characterized by the direction of fibers in the details, completed, usually, from the array. But the study of the logic of building ancient or folk furniture is not at all necessary to be limited to copying the ancient forms.

The workman of the carpentry business is intensively distributed in the midst of the people of various qualifications - from the masters engaged in the joinery of the premises in public buildings to homemade craftsmen. With all this, the requirements for the quality of joinery work are constantly growing. At the same time, the professional skill of workers engaged in carpentry interior finish does not constantly correspond to the energage. This is happening therefore that the level of manual skill decreased: the ardent of the older generation joorers left, without having submitted secrets of their own work, the joiners of furniture companies are very specialized. Stainors in construction are now working for many former carpenters who have not passed prof preparation.

\u003e\u003e Technology: Stages of creating wood products

In order to make any product, you need to perform a number of actions, that is, passing a number of stages.
First of all, we must think in advance, from which materials of Woods to consist of the product, which tools and fixtures are interesting for this, on which equipment and the workplace it is possible to make a product.
Do not hurry to start directing the product. Otherwise, you can turn it into marriage - unnecessary products. Not in vain there is a saying: "Some seven times, and a rejection once."
First, they depict the product in the form of a technical drawing, sketch or drawing. Pick up a high-quality workpiece from the wood of the required breed. The workpiece is called defined sizes The material from which the item is made. Place the workpiece, checking the dimensions several times. Then plane, saw, clean and finish it, turning into ready product.
Products can consist of one or more details. Each item is made of one piece of material.
The connected parts in the product are called the assembly unit. The product may consist of one or more assembly units.
If the product consists of several parts, then after the manufacture you need to be adjusted to each other and combine each other. The connection of parts in the product is called assembly.
The manufactured product must be checked for strength, experience. If some disadvantages are found, then it is necessary to find the causes of their occurrence and eliminate.
The sequence of proceedings for processing billets and assembling them in the product is described in special route instruction and technological maps.
The processing of parts is carried out by manually working tools or on machines. The part is manufactured according to its technological process, which is part of the entire production process to transform the workpiece into a part or product.
The technological process of manufacturing parts consists of a number of technological operations.

Operation Call a complete part technological processperformed on one workplace or on one machine. For example, operations will be: sawing the workpiece on joiner's workbench, drilling holes in boring machines, coloring of the workpiece in a special room.
Operations consist of transitions and installing details. The transition is performed on one workplace or with a single tool. The technological map indicates a sequence of operations, installations and transitions, a graphic image of a changing workpiece and applied tools and devices.
Table 2 shows a technological map for the manufacture of a kitchen cutting board.

Drawing up a technological card for the manufacture of the simplest detail

1. Carefully examine the drawing of the detail you want to make.
2. Using Table 2, develop a technological map for the manufacture of your detail.
3. Compare the compiled technological card with a technological card developed for the same detail by your classmates.

  • Stages of product creation, marriage, assembly, blank, part, assembly unit, transition, operation, installation, technological process, instruction and technological card.

1. List the stages of creating a wood product.

2. What is a marriage?

3. For what purposes is technological maps?

4. What is called the detail, the assembly unit?

5. What is called a technological operation?

A.T. Tishchenko, P.S. Suzygorian, V.D. Sonenko, N.P.Shpiznitsyn, Technology Grade 5
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Create wooden products - furniture or turning wooden dishes, toys or decorative vases - can only a master knowing natural features Tree, types of timber, their capabilities, which knows wood processing technology. It is not an easy thing, but it brings great creative satisfaction and respecting people living nearby. Timber by processing method are divided into several types: round, crushing and sawn. Round timber povered from the root part, purified from the bans, often and from the cortex segment of the barrel of different thicknesses, round in the cross section, which are obtained by the cross division (saw). This process is called debris. The ridges are round business segments of the barrel from the lower comlevar part, which can serve as raw materials for lumber, and are also used for sculpture or volumetric thread. The ridges are divided into even smaller segments - the chumbas and is full. The root timber is obtained by splitting lanes and other wood materials along the fibers on the fees. Sawn materials are obtained with longitudinal and subsequent transverse saws of logs. In shape and sizes cross section Lumber is divided into bars, bars, boards, plates, quarters and a horn. They are a very expensive woodworking product, since during processing the yield of production is only 65%, and the remaining - 35% - waste in the form of a hill (14%), sawdust (12%), trim, trifles (9%).

Bar - sawn timber and width of more than 100 mm. The bars, cut from two opposite sides, are called two-sided, cut from four sides - quantum.

Bruks - edged lumber thick up to 100 mm, not more than double thick width. Brussia, cut from two opposite sides, are called twin-screw, cut from four sides - four-digit.

Boards - edged lumber thick up to 100 mm thick and more double thick width.

The plate is obtained from the longitudinal sawing of the log into two halves.

Quarter - Cutting logs on two mutually perpendicular diameters for 4 parts.

The porch is cut during sawing side of the log.

Boards and bars are the main material for the thread. It must be said that all the boards, which are obtained by sawing even one log (tree trunk) of unequal structures and differ in quality. By location in the log (with respect to the longitudinal axis), they distinguish the core, central, side boards and a horn.

The plates of the medium density MDF are fibrous plates of homogeneous thickness produced from the woodworking and waste (trimming) of woodworking, which are grinding to small cubes (chips), are treated with steam under high pressure and, subsequently, served on rotating disks of the defibrora ( Top car). The whole material is rubbed and the material is immediately entered on drying and subsequent gluing. Samoa strong side This material is an extremely favorable ratio between hardness and thickness: MDF sheets can be from 4 to 22 mm. IN lately Door blocks began to appear with boxes and platbands from MDF, covered with veneer of valuable wood or fairly new material - synthetic veneer "laminatin", many times larger than its natural "relative" in many indicators and above all over wear resistance.

Square (Wood-set wood) is a wooded semi-finished product, it is made by gluing sheets (rivers) from dried pine or poplar, given the multidirectional of wood fibers of neighboring bars for better stability of the entire block.

Chicken-friendly plate chipboard - These are the panels of homogeneous thickness consisting of fragments of wood (chips) mixed with a binding material that is based on synthetic resins, and obtained by pressing.

Plywood is a complex wood material with a unidirectional or cross-structure. Plywood, glued from three or more layers of veneer with outer layers of a veneer of hardwood wood (GOST 3916.1) or conifer (GOST 3916.2), is manufactured by the following marks: FSF - high waterproof plywood; FC - waterproof plywood; FBA - Plywood is not waterproof (FBA - only in GOST 3916.1).

Veneer is made of deciduous and coniferous rocks Woods. Planed veneer (GOST 2977) is obtained by planing of wood on plywood engineal machines and is intended as a facing material for wood products.

Shields are made of coniferous wood, soft hardwood and birch. Rakes are made of lumber of the 3rd and 4th grade according to GOST 8486 and the 3rd grade according to GOST 2695. So, we described the types of timber, also described how to obtain them. Further seems appropriate to present the process of manual wood processing at school.

Choosing wood for processing is due to the appointment of the product and its Form, and expected appearance. For the manufacture of a children's bench, the following material was used: Pine board. Pine has a beautiful brown-gray wood with a variety of drawing. It is well processed, polished. Therefore, for the manufacture of a children's benches, we will take pine board 1200 mm long and 180 - 200 cross section; 20 - 25 mm; Round rod 12 mm; Nails 60 mm.

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Course work

Manufacturing technology decorative Products from wood


Write with your own hands to make a beautiful thing from wood and decorate it with unusual patterns by almost each of us. It is most susceptible after visiting the exhibitions of decorative and applied arts, museums, wooden architecture in the open air, meetings with professionals and fans of wood thread.

In Russia, the art of wood carving has a centuries-old history and on this, takes a worthy place in decorative and applied creativity. Multiethnic Russia became famous for distinctive, talented crackers of the products of which became the property national Culture. In many Museums of Russia, unique wood products created by masters of past years are presented. The skill of the people, his love for the decoration of the dwellings, household items and tools of the pile made it possible to create original works.

Among the many crafts associated with wood processing, the leading place is covered by wood carving.

Training of schoolchildren of artistic processing of wood owns significant, educational and educational opportunities: develops technological culture, contributes to the aesthetic and creative development of the personality, more successful self-realization, socialization in the peer and professional self-determination. Mastering the technology of artistic processing of wood by teacher, technology and entrepreneurship and teaching techniques to her receive the necessary social security of the teacher, its competitiveness in the labor market.

Modern production requires people creative, science has long proved that teenagers have tremendous opportunities, and the future of each person and society as a whole depends on their disclosure. In each student he lives his researcher, his own inventor who is waiting for the conditions for creative work. The performance of creative works contributes to the disclosure of all the personalities of the person, allows you to achieve vertices of creativity and show yourself. A new project is from its origin to getting ready-made utensils - develops memory, thinking, will, perseverance, purposefulness. Tears to order, accuracy, accuracy, resourcefulness and enterprise, creates opportunities for independent discoveries. In order for the training of schoolchildren in wood processing was effective, needed good preparation future teacher technology and entrepreneurship to this activity. Moreover, the specified preparation is obliged to be integrative and include not only the formation of common-goal and methodological skills, but also a high level of wood processing technology, but the aesthetic development of future professionals. This is the relevance of the chosen topic.

The goal of the course work is to study technology and artistic wood processing in grade 6.

In accordance with this purpose, the following tasks were delivered:

Explore theoretical I. methodological literature on this topic;

Remove the features of wood artwork technology.

Structure of work. this work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and list of literary sources

Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of creative design activities

1.1 Psychological development of age

Human mental activity is mediated. Therefore, the individual age-related features of schoolchildren are mediated by the cultural and historical environment in which they live and develop, with arising from it, the conditions of training and education are temporarily spatial. Research LA Wenger, P.Ya. Galperina, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydov showed that when the learning conditions change, the age limits and forms of the mental development of children are changing.

The original concept of the age approach was developed by L.I. Bozovic, who relied on the introduced L.S. Vygotsky concept about the social development situation. Fundamental is it formed by her thesis that a truly age approach suggests not only the accounting of those properties that are pronounced in this age stage, but also a support for those features that have not yet been fully manifested at this level of development, which is owned by the future. From the point of view of L.I. Bozovic, the age approach is to raise the child, taking into account the prospects for its development.

The study of individual age-related features of students is necessary to identify reserves of schoolchildren. Knowledge and use in pedagogical practice Reserves for the development of younger teens more successfully train and educate children. Problems stand up before the teacher: how to form a positive learning motivation, develop cognitive learning motivation, develop cognitive and creative activity, to get into, to interest, awaken.

Schoolchildren sometimes are not disciplined, energetic, anxious, very active, especially show activity when performing cool, public orders, when cleaning a cabinet, school territory, etc. (which speaks of high physiological energy), however, this activity can yield the place of fatigue. The desire to keep secrets and secrets with them are adjacent to the inability to keep these secrets and secrets from others, younger teenagers are often scribbled to each other, begin to give each other "nicknames", which are preserved until graduation. Many younger teenagers have an overwhelmed self-assessment of their capabilities ("I can do everything myself."), Egoistic self-affirmation, in which the child is rejoicing, if a classmate has trouble, if a classmate turned out to be humiliated or less successful than he. Schoolchildren are very wounded and offended. It is very fond of younger teenagers to heat things, objects, outfits that only have them, but are absent among the rest of the comrades. Extremely actively in the younger teenage age is the formation of "small groups".

It is impossible not to mention the question of relationship between schoolchildren and teachers. The position of the teacher in itself does not guarantee a respectful relationship from younger adolescents, and the mentor must have certain qualities and behave in a certain way to deserve such respect for himself. From how a teacher will be able to express himself when working with schoolchildren, their attitude towards it in the process of further education in school depends. The rigor is needed, but it should be combined with perseverance, politeness and improving the presentation of the new material. One of the age characteristics of schoolchildren is increased fatigue.

Teenage age is the age of "the inquisitive mind, a greedy desire for knowledge, the age of cycling energy, violent activity, initiative, thirst for activity." The behavior and activity of the teenager are largely determined by the features of self-assessment. In the training activities of the teenager there are their difficulties and contradictions, but there are also its advantages to which the teacher can and should be relying.

With the general growth of a conscious attitude to reality, conscious attitude towards the teaching is noticeably enhanced. A teenager is usually sharply experiencing his own failures, and affected by pride causes his desire to disguise his true attitude towards these failures: he pretends that the success in teaching does not have meaning for him.

Significant knowledge of adolescents negatively to teaching has awareness and experience or failure in mastering those or other educational objects. The failure, as a rule, causes student negative emotions and unwillingness to carry out difficult learning tasks. On the contrary, a favorable situation for adolescents is a success situation that provides them with emotional well-being. Many teachers to eliminate the student's uncertainty in their forces of overcoming a negative attitude to the teaching specifically create "Success situations", for example, asking the question to which you know knowingly, that the correct answer will be received.

Individual differences in mental abilities include the ability of students to independently acquire knowledge, the abilities of independent work. They are associated with the entire educational activities of the student: mastering new knowledge, the implementation of various training practices, especially the allocation in the material being studied substantial, establishing a new material with previously learned, etc. For students who have difficulty in performing independent work, it is necessary to take measures to meet each specific case. It can be a division of a challenging task for stages, assistance to students in drawing up a response plan. The teacher seeks to work out the skills in students to generalize, draw conclusions, allocate the most important thing, etc.

At this age, the schoolboy's thinking changes, it acquires new features and qualities. He has teachers need to warn or eliminate such flaws of thinking as a tendency to too "bold analogies", hasty generalizations, conclusions or conclusions. Individual differences in mental activity are manifested in the fact that some of the students are more productively working on the figurative material, while others - with verbal material, others are equally well working with a clear-shaped and verbal and logical material. The teacher must strive to develop such individual properties of thinking, such as, for example: setting out the material verbally, to reinforce its overview, and vice versa.

Schoolchildren's attention gradually acquires the character of organized, regulated and managed processes. Attention itself is not a special cognitive process. It is inherent in any cognitive process (perception, thinking, memory, etc.) and acts as a form, the ability to organize this process. In adolescence, as a rule, a person becomes inventive, analyzing and susceptible.

Significantly increases the amount of memory, and not only due to the best memorization of the material, but also its logical understanding. The desire to seek an understanding of what needs to be remembered, and not literally reproduced, but in their own words, doing the desired conservation and generalizations. Memory properties for each student differently. Some can immediately reproduce the rules, definitions, etc. Others at the stage of primary familiarization with the material cannot be made (not because they do not want, but they cannot). Such students need for some time to understand, memorizing. Given the properties of memory, thinking, such students need not immediately, after familiarization with the new material, and through the lesson, there may be two, giving them the necessary time. But by the end of the study, of course, all students should know and be able to formulate basic concepts.

Unlike well-successful students, weakly speaking due to insufficiently developed speech, thinking, not the ability to present thoughts in their own words, seek to remember and reproduce educational material Almost literally. At the same time, they often do not understand the essence of outlined objects, phenomena, but grab only outwardly the most striking. Here, on the one hand, the individual features of the memory of students are affected, on the other hand, the content and nature of the presentation of this material.

The interests of the schoolboy play a significant role in the learning process. Interests, motifs, the needs of younger teens are dynamic, very unstable. They show readiness to master the knowledge of interest. The learning interests of younger adolescents are under development, formation. The personal successes of the teenager in the study of a particular subject are also important. They seem to have it, while failures may entail a decline in interest. On the other hand, such cases are observed when an assessment by a particular object encourages a teenager to "prove", that it is random that he can achieve success, high assessment of knowledge, and this struggle for improving failures often leads to the fact that interest in The learning object increases. To lower the interest of adolescents to the teachings, there may be an occurrence of any strong interest in the area that is not directly related to the teachings, namely, a passion for sports, music, etc. Some researchers find the reasons for reducing interest in studying that in adolescence appears Interest in the peers of another gender, which develops into the "First Love". About your first experiences and boys, and girls are afraid to speak to friends, parents, teachers, are afraid that they will laugh at them. And they often come right.

It should also be said that it is necessary to deal with the desires observed in the younger teenagers at the same time to take much. The latitude of interests may entail their scattering.

wood carving drawing box

1.2 Selecting an object of activity

Today in everyday life there is a huge number of wood products. We list them - these are furniture, musical instruments, children's toys, souvenirs, etc. Aesthetically processed surfaces of wood products always attracted the attention of people. So, wood is one of the most common materials that a person learned to handle even in ancient times. With the help of an ax, knife and other tools, people made at home, bridges, windmills, Fortress structures, tools, dishes, etc.

Very important when processing the product is the right choice. wood material. And, when choosing wood, you need to know that the construction material for the manufacture cutting boards It has certain properties that are sometimes mutually exclusive. In addition to high hygienicness (i.e., the possibility of fast and efficient purification working surface After use) This material must be quite solid, so that the mechanical effects of the cutting edges can withstand, but not blunt them, and also be viscous enough to eliminate the paths of the material on the product being processed.

Traditionally, hard rock wood used for these purposes. For the manufacture of boards, beech, birch (cheapest wood), bamboo and gevent (more expensive) are used. To correctly pick up the board, you should look at its end, which can be from whole wood or out of puff plywood. Puff board is not afraid of water, but the layers are rapidly stepping. But a wide wooden cutting board can be deformed due to the effects of water and drying.

Often argue, is it hygienic to use wooden cutting boards? After all, the tree because of its porous structure easily absorbs dirt and microbes. In fact, everything is not so scary. Just cutting boards need to be placed regularly in warm water and wipe with a towel. Chefs recommend keeping around five to six boards for various products in the kitchen.

The tree has always been and remains one of the most attractive diverse materials. It is not only available in the processing of a simple set of traditional tools, but also beautifully in decorative terms.

Traditionally, cutting boards were made of wood. For this, birch, oak, beech, linden, pine and other types of wood were used. The manufacture of a cutting board required the choice of the appropriate billet, into which the board "fits", cutting its processing board. When operating, it requires a pretty gentle care so that this board will serve for a long time. Some farms have cutting boards, which are more than a hundred years.

In the modern world, this approach to the manufacture of cutting boards was uninteresting, since the choice of the workpieces of the required quality greatly makes it difficult to produce, improves the requirements for breasted logs, which ultimately significantly reduces productivity and increases the fraction of marriage. The easiest solution was sawing wood on the planks of a certain width, sorting the data of the planks and gluing them into large wooden shields, from which cutting boards are already cut. Bonding the planks is carried out "Jack". Such a shield is called "Furniture" and the product cutting board cut from the furniture shield sooner or later will be revealed under the influence of moisture and heat. You can recognize such a board while looking at the end, on which the places of gluing planks are visible or noticing the inconsistency of the texture pattern of wood on the working surface.

The technology of manufacturing shields itself leads to the fact that the functional advantages and disadvantages of cutting boards are the same as the plywood. They are quite durable when proper useThe knife is practically not stupid, while have low moisture and temperature resistance.

Designing is one of the stages of product creation. ("Construction" - translated from Latin means "device".)

Construction is part of the design and will be the necessary element of your future. creative project. Typically, the design is starting with the visual representation of the product, drawing up its sketches, technical drawings, drawings. Then select the necessary materials.

Next, a prototype of the product or the product itself is made, they are experiencing it on strength and efficiency, referred to as deficiencies, and so repeat repeatedly, from one option to another, before creating best Item According to its purpose.

In front of the developer (designer) in the process of design, many variants of the product occurs. Multivariance in design is called variability. The variability is inherent in both the design of the product and its appearance - design. (The word "design" translated from English means "plan, project, drawing.") In a narrow sense, the design is artistic design of the product.

A beautiful and fashionable product, thought out from the point of view of technical aesthetics (beauty), simplicity and safety of service and operation, has increased demand and is valued more expensive. That is why many product options work, until they find the most suitable. Thus, various designs of tables, chairs, chairs and other wood products appeared.

Finally, the product must be technological (simple) in the manufacture, durable, reliable and economical. Technologically considered the product made with the least costs time, labor, means and materials. The durable product perceives the desired load without destruction. The reliable product serves to be surely for a long time.

It is economical to consider the product that does not require additional costs. Technological, strength, reliability and other properties are the basic principles of designing, manufacturing and operation of products. All of the above, the necessary properties of the product make up its quality. The quality product is firmly and securely in operation, convenient to operate. When designing products, it is very important to choose the necessary materials for them so that the product is durable and cheap, easily and quickly manufactured, complied with all the requirements for it.

Chapter 2. Technology Object

2.1 Technological Product Manufacturing Feature

In schools in labor lessons on machines and manually prepare details, that is, assembly units for the manufacture of the product. Assembly unit is a detail without additional elements such as spool, a wanking and the like. In the part itself, you can highlight the necessary elements, such as a hole, protusion, deepening.

The assembly unit consists of several parts. The process of connecting parts between them is called the assembly.

Each product has its own design, i.e. Certain device. Materials from which products are made (wood, metals, plastics, etc.) are called structural.

Before making a product, it is necessary to carefully examine its design: understand the shape, dimensions, number of parts and the methods of their compound, the number of elements, etc.

In the manufacture of the product use working and control and measuring instruments.

Working tools are designed to process materials (for example, scissors, hammer). Measuring tools are used to determine the size and verification of product manufacturing accuracy (for example, a ruler, a square). When processing materials, devices are also used - devices that make it easier for work. For example, when sawing, focus apply.

For the manufacture of each product, a technological process is needed, i.e. Part of the production process to transform the workpiece into finished products. It consists of technological operations.

The operation is the completed part of the technological process performed in the same workplace.

The development of the technological process begins with the study of the drawing of the part. Studying the drawing, determine the shape and dimensions of the blanks, the material from which the part is made, the allowance (an additional layer of the surface of the workpiece to be removed during processing). Then determine the processing sequence, pick up required tools and fixtures.

The technological process is drawn up in the form of a technological map, i.e. The document in which the operation sequence is specified, the graphic image of the technological operation is given, the tools and fixtures required to perform this operation are listed. Correct the technological map correctly - it means to choose the most correct way of making the product, save time, material.

Production of the product starts from the selection of the workpiece, i.e. Material (board, bar, plywood, etc.), which will be processed to obtain the part. The details choose the base side, i.e. most smooth surfaceFrom which there are marking and processing.

Routing. Production of a kitchen cutting board

Sequence of transitions

Graphic image

Tools and devices

Choose a blank from a board or plywood 10 ... 12 and place the contour product pattern

Pattern, pencil

Cut the contour product

Hacksaw carpentry workbench

Fully seed center hole, drill hole.

Shilo, Drill, Kollet or Drill

Clean the product, round the sharp edges and corners

Vistak, grinding block, vice.

The resulting threads of the curvilinear pattern, as well as straightforward, consist of cutting and subsequent cutting with a slope of the cutting tool in the other side or turning the workpiece or product. Figures with semicircular notches are cut by semicircular chisels. They are caught with petals. The blade is introduced into the wood at the beginning of the line and, rotating the chisel, combine the blade with a curve, tilting it to the center of the socket. Continue incisive the same petal of the middle chisel, and finish - otdlely. With these operations, all petals of the outlet are cut, and the contour contour makes a more delicate chisel. All petals in turn are cut first with a middle chisel, and then otdlely.

Decoration of finished products with rosettes, vegetable or stylized ornaments in the contour thread technique produces a strong artistic impression and shows the high performance technique. And the technique and taking threads, as in any other form of art, are produced by a long training.

2.2 Equipment

Every business has its own story, it also has lathe art. Wood processing is one of the oldest handsels mastered by man. Developing for many centuries, transmitting from generation to generation, art decorative work The tree has been enriched with experience and national traditions. Wood processing as material also improved. Throughout the almost three thousand years, the lathe was the only device that ensured the full processing of wood - from a roughly chopped blank to the finished product or its part. At the same time, due to the art, the use of the simplest measuring instruments and templates was made possible production of identical parts.

The lathe allows you to make many a wide variety of products, architectural details, household goods and decorations.

Turning is wood processing with cutting, in which the billet is obtained by the bodies of rotation - cylinders, cones, balls.

Wood sharpening is performed on lathes. The design of machine tools is determined by their purpose.

The STD-120M lathe consists of the following main nodes: beds, front grandmother, backstone, girlfriend, electric motor.

The bed is a massive cast-iron base on which the main parts of the machine are attached. A girlfriend moves along the guides of the beds and the rear grandmother. In turn, the bed with the help of two legs is attached to the cover of the base of the machine.

The girlfriend consists of the following details: nuts with a handle, clamp, bolt, bar with a slot, inclined bed, rod, handles. The girlfriend can be moved along the bed and fastened in the right place. The inclined bed is fixed by a stopper in the hollow sleeve with a tide.

The electric motor is a source of movement. On his shaft attacks a two-stage pulley of the belt transmission. This allows you to change the spindle speed depending on the material being processed. Starting and stopping the lathe is made using a push-button station.

Selection of material - the main component of the preparation for work on turning machine. Wood - Material that is harvested and dried long before its use, so for turning works there should be a certain supply of wood of various breeds and constantly replenish it.

Wood is a valuable natural raw material that can be processed by the simplest tools. It owns significant strength, elasticity, has a small proportion. But the wood cracks up, dries, it is breeding, which changes the shape and dimensions of the objects made from it. Prior to this, it is specifically to engage in artistic processing of wood, you need to get at least the most common idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of wood, its structure and vices.

The wood barrel consists of fibers grouped into radial rings around the core. This is excellent visible on the cross section. When cut parallel to the barrel axis, parallel stripes of fibers are visible. If the incision is made at an angle to the axis of the barrel, there are ellipsed stripes, the outlines of which become fancy with a decrease in this angle. The sketch on the wood surface obtained by cutting the annual layers is known under the title texture. It is different in different wood breeds. Linden and alder, she is almost imperceptible, and the nut, pine, juniper it is true. Wood texture can be detected when burning, varnishing, etching.

Wood breeds have different hardness. Maple, Oak, Samshat, Pear, Palm, Tis, Walnut It is rigid, soft - linden, aspen, alder, poplar, wow, pine, spruce, cedar. Birch occupies an intermediate position. For threads are used to greater degrees of trees, pine, cedar, tes are used from coniferous more often.

Choosing wood for artwork, should be kept in the head: for embossed threads, wood, devoid of swovels, odor (uneven, confusing or oblique structure of fibers) are suitable; They spoil the threads of the bitch, as well as the otloup (cracks in the one-year layers), which can be found only during the work. Cracks are obtained from the unevenness of the drying of the wood, so we should produce wide boards for the thread, gluing them from several narrow, so that each has the opposite placement of the fibers. In this case, the boards of the boards will be minimal. You should not use wood with wormwort, rot, and with a branch, dead and overgrown in the trunk of fabrics.

Wood-designed wood must be dried to 10 - 16% humidity. Dry wood is better processed. Dried by wood with air method, under a canopy, or in special drying chambers.

It is necessary to know that each breed has special quality, the use of one or another breed depends on the purpose of the PI or the product.

Conifer breeds - spruce, pine, larch, cedar and fir - good for large products: legs to the tables, railing and racks.

Deciduous breeds - linden, birch, aspen, poplar, beech, oak and others - used for turning more often than coniferous. Chess, checkers pull out of birch. From Linden - toys, rill, decorative bowls, dishes.

For decorative works and crafts, karelian bereza, male, apple tree, pear, nut, beech, oak, having a beautiful surface after processing are used.

For turning works, it is impossible to use wood with defects: cracks, bugs, a salary, affected by rot, fungus, insects, and poorly dried.

Tools for performing turning works

A variety of wood sharpening processes requires the diversity of tools.

The main measuring instrument is a caliper. This universal tool is used to measure outdoor and internal sizes.

For external measurements, the kronzirkul is used for the internal - norter.

It is necessary to have metallic scale rules with a length of 150, 300, 500 mm.

To reconcile the angles and angular measurements, a square (90 °) and yarunok (45 °) are used.

To find the center of the workpiece, an axial line is used - the axial center center.

For checking and transferring sizes on the workpiece or part serves a marking spring circuit; To mark the cylinder, a ruler with an angular retort is used.

The markings of the rowers are used in cases where it is necessary to make many of the same type of parts, the child can be made from birch or beech baking bars, which are 3--5 cm longer billet. First, the bar is placed on the bar, then the details dimensions are packed on it on the line, after which it is driven by thin nails at the markup points to pass through them. From the reverse side, all nails must be at the same level and are located strictly on one line.

When the billet takes a cylindrical shape, the comb is put on the girlfriend and move to the rotating billet. Riding nails will go risks at once along the entire length, means the markup time will decrease.

To increase productivity and improve product quality, templates related to control instruments are used. In the manufacture large number The same type of details have to set up a caliper many times, which naturally leads to a decrease in labor productivity. The templates are applied to the workpiece, while immediately becomes visible, where and how much material should be drowning.

Templates can be made of thin metal, plastics or plywood.

In the working set of Tokar, depending on the production necessity, includes: pencils, sewn, kerner, hammer, cizyanka, files with a large notch, rashpille and grinding skin.

In addition, chisel cutters are used for turning works as cutting tools.

The quality of processing is distinguished by rough and piston sharpening, and the choice of tool depends on it.

Main cutting toolused for roughing, semicircular chisel; For finishing sharpening, cutting the ends, ledges and cutting parts - oblique chisel.

In addition to them, flat, rectangular and rounded chisels are used to pull out simple parts, and the chisels-hooks.

For contour threads need a well sharpened and directed tool, as the cutting has to do in all directions of the workpiece. To perform the contour pattern, depending on its complexity, knives are used shoals with different sharpening angles, semicircular chisels And the chisel-corner.

The contour thread pattern is free and does not require the drawing of the entire field of the workpiece or finished product. The pattern is first thoroughly worked out on paper, the composition and its parts specify the composition. Then it is transferred to a tracing, and with a finely sharpened pencil with a fine pencil through a copy of the film to the workpiece or surface of the product. Patterns in the contour thread can be transferred to the workpiece or finished product using templates.

The technique and techniques of performing contour threads on the drawing inflicted do not represent a special complexity. A distinctive feature It is a method of groove, consisting in the sample of the circuit of the pattern in the form of small grooves of dihedral or semicircular shape. In this case, the grooves (grooves) can expand and narrow, be different in depth, which emphasizes the expressiveness of the pattern.

It should be working, as it gives greater freedom of movement. In this case, the workpiece or product must be fixed in the workplace by various holders or clamps.

The carving knife-jammer is performed in two receptions - with cutting and cutting. The joint is held with a light slope blade to themselves. The blade is introduced into the wood and with an effort lead along the line pattern, directing the movement of the blade with a thumb of the left hand.

Cuting a line on one side, proceed to cutting. Cutting can be performed by turning the workpiece or product or rejecting a hand with a jam in the opposite side of the side. As a result, a three-headed strip comes from a jamb - the so-called "straw", and a billet is obtained on a blank or product.

The jacket can be cut in all directions: on themselves, from himself, tilting it on the parties and at various angles.

With the thread of ornaments or sockets with curved lines, the depth and width of the dugranoisters are made different to show the pattern (drawing) and its shape with greater expressiveness.

For thinning lines, the cant is injected deep into wood with a spout, the lines of trimming are made with a heel.


Frequently from the tree was built at home, manufactured utensils, dishes, made toys. The palaces, chambers and termes of the old Russia were generously decorated with a screw thread. In bright, the sun shone painted by cinema, yarmedyanka and gold a relief carving of platbands and a porch. The art of art carving on the tree was developed in the design of iconostasis, palace interiors, in furniture, where large, burning, overhead and propical carving prevailed. Multicolor carving adorned cargo sailboats, in particular the board and add-ons of Volzhsky Bellyan and reproving, as well as the combat ships - Galiota and Corvette, under which the sculptures of birds, animals and marine deities were blocked.

Everyone created by a man from a tree constantly had a practical purpose and together with the wrong sense expressed, since the most characteristic feature of applied art is that things created for practical implementation become carriers of the mood of professionals, his feelings and thoughts. The person has entered the thing in shape and perception, and in the process of work his hand was improved, the feeling of form, color, material, proportion, symmetry, rhythm, and in general "feeling of things" were brought up. The color and texture of the wood are not completely diverse, and it opens the rich abilities to identify the wheels of the material before the master, without resorting to the utility facilities of the creation of the art composition.

The development of the technology of artistic wood processing improves personality. Each disciples develop visual-shaped memory, logical thinking, eye-eye meter, manual dexterity and other qualities. The formation of the will contributes to work with "unfailing material and naughty tools".

The teacher must show a considerable pedagogical tact and a sense of measure, directing the work of students so that their learning activities brings each of them a sense of satisfaction.

For this, it is necessary, first of all, systematically develop independence in children, gradually strengthening the requirements for their independent work in the process of learning. The solution of the assigned tasks is achieved under the condition of a rationally selected content, a well-thought-out system of its presentation and skillful selection of the relevant methods, forms of organization and training tools.

List of used literature

1. Abrosimova, A., Kaplan, N., Mitlaan, T. Art carving on wood, bone, horn. 2nd ed. M., Higher School, 1984. - 210 p.

2. Baradulin, V.A. Basics of artistic craft. M.: Enlightenment, 1979. - 148 p.

3. Borisov I. B. Treatment of wood. - M.: Phoenix, 2000. - 195 p.

4. House I. article carving on wood / Sost. Kiryukhin, A.V., M., "Pektr, 1996. - 184 p.

5. Labor training classes: 6-7 cl.: Manual for teacher / Voloshin, B. and etc.; Ed. Tkhorzhevsky, D.A. - M., 2000. - 127c.

6. Kochetov A.I. Labor education of schoolchildren. - Minsk, 1991.- 263 p.

7. Kruglikov G.I. Technique teaching technology with workshop: studies. benefit. - 2nd ed., Ched. - M.: Academy, 2004. - 480 p.

8. Kruglikov G.I. Technique teaching technology with workshop: studies. benefit. - 3rd ed., Ched. - M.: Academy, 2007. - 480 p.

9. Matveeva TA Mosaic and wood carving. M., 1989.-155 p.

10. Full encyclopedia for artistic work on a tree / Sost. IN AND. Ryunko. - M.: Onyx, 2008. - 704 p.: Il.

11. Rygenko V.I. Wood works: from the thread to parquet. Practical guide. - M., 2003.

12. Safronenko V. M. Wood secrets. - M., 2004.

13. Sokolova M.S. Art painting on a tree: studies. benefit. - M.: Vlados, 2002. - 304 p.

14. Stepanov B.A. Materials science for professions related to wood processing: textbook. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 328 p.

15. Sementsov A.Yu. Wood carving. Minsk, Modern word, 1998.- 95 p.

16. Technology: Grade 6 / Ed. Simonenko V.D. - Bryansk, 2002.- 258 p.

Posted on Allbest.ur.


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