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How to sharpen a knife Rubankka at home. How to sharpen a semicircular chisel. What the market offers

For those who do this for the first time, Sharpening Knife Rubank may seem somewhat complicated. More precisely, the sharpness is not very, but the maintaining the right angle and the geometry of the cutting edge. The edge should be perpendicular to the edge of the knife, and create a straight angle with it.

It is better to immediately estimate the degree of bunge of the knife and the correctness of the angle. If the angle has the right degree, and the blade is only slightly "closed", then it is better not to contact the electrical file. You can fix a little on Bruke. I disable only right corner (chamfer) and then after the pair-troika of the boards with hands on Broke.

The stone was trained, should be smooth, and his edge is the thicker much better. However, household sharpened usually have circles about 2-3 centimeters, which makes moving a knife from side to side to take throughout the plane. Sharpening must be equipped with a girlfriend. Not including sharpened to attach a fame knife to the edge of the stone. The stone should rotate on you, and the knife is against rotation. Change the corner and feel in what position the chamfer begins to press the sock (cutting edge) then the heel (it is the place where it goes into a flat canvas hardware)

Check the angle over the template. The sharpening angle can be different, from 25 to 45. It depends on the hardness and switches of the treated tree, from the corner of the knife of the knife of the Rubank regarding its sole. Average angle on the plane general Make about 35 degrees.

If the degrees of chamfer (supply) of your knife does not require adjustment, choose the position of the knife on the stone, when the sock and heel, rest on the stone, respectively, if the degree needs to be less, then we press the heel more, and if more is a sock. After catching the angle, turning sharpened, and begin to move the knife by stone. Make a few passes and see in what place takes more, in what less. Correct Press.

After the chamfer passed all, check the straight corner of the coal. If necessary, align the perpendicular, the overtakers "sweeping" the angle is stronger. During the sharpening process, constantly cool the knife.

The sharpening on the sharpened is over when the chamfer is uniformly removed throughout its plane, its angle corresponds, and a small burr appeared on the cutting edge.

This burr is better to clean on a small smooth grinding stone. Some rules on fine sandpaper, but I do not do this. The stacker is still not a stadium material, and when you sharpening about it, the cutting edge "falls" because the knife goes as if on the waves. The grinding stone has a constant shape, and to drive out on it the most easier piece of iron. After editing, the chamfer is desirable to grind.

Someone will say that the burr is not needed. Nothing like this! Yes, on a knife or on the ax, the burr on the cutting edge is even useful, because it improves the "chain" of the cutting edge and better cutting. However, there is a fundamental difference between the cutting methods between the knife and the conventional knife. Kitchen knife It is found along the render by reciprocating movements, the Roganka simply raises the layer of wood, and the burr on it is simply addicted, making a knife dumber.

The planer is one of the most important tools in the house, but working with it can turn into the most real flour if it is sharpened incorrectly. Sharpening can be carried out with your own hands, you only need to be neat. The planer is not so difficult to sharpen correctly, as it may seem, you just need to adhere to the instructions of the specialists. Blade Rubanka should slide easily, while the thin layer of wood is removed.

homemade Machine for Sharpening Knives Run

In order to get the desired result when working with the plane, it is necessary to sharpen it correctly.

For proper sharpening Rubanka, such tools are needed:

  • grinding machine;
  • a rock.

In addition to such tools, you need to be patient, then it is possible to sharpen the plans quickly and efficiently. And you need to immediately acquire quality instrument, then there will be big problems.

Sharpening process Rubanka

Scheme of sharpening options Knife Rubanka: A - on donel; b - on a sharpening stone; B - the position of the chamfer of the blade of the cutter when sharpening on the donkey; g - sharpening on the disk grinding stone using a stubborn device.

If the planer is to work with solid wood, then you need to be ready for the fact that its knife will quickly stand as a result of interaction. The tip is very quickly wearing, it appears potholes and jar. It is especially problematic to work as a tool if a nail comes across in planed wood. If it is notched large, then it is best to use emery to sharpen. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the Rubankka's knife is best to put it if the emery circle has large diameter. If the size of such a circle is smaller, then the excavation is large. Then it will still have to do in equalizing the pages, as it should be perfectly flat.

It is very good to have 2 different circles for sharpening, one of them should have large grains, and the second must be fine-grained. At the same time, the process is very important to comply with the correct sharpening angle. With this process, a special emphasis is necessary, since just to keep the knife in hand and to sharpen it only specialists with certain skills. Sharpening angle is very important to pay special attention to this.

Scheme sharpening corner.

To press a strong piece of iron to the rotating circle should not be what many do to "trim" a large layer of metal in a short time. Thus, the Rubankka's knife will quickly "begging" as a result of strong overheating, the hardening of the metal is disturbed. In order to prevent all this, it is necessary to cool the metal from time to time, for which it is enough to fine cold water. After editing on the emery circle is completed, the blade must be edited on a fine-grained bar. In the end, you need to bring the blade to the end on a special stone for grinding (if there is no, then you can use a leather belt with polishing paste). It is necessary to be ready for the fact that such a process is characterized by consideration and durability. To avoid this, it is strongly recommended not to sharpen the plants after it is very fascinated, and do it from time to time, as soon as the cutting of wood begins to be worse.

The roofing angle of the knife is 25-45 °, but to say exactly what the angles should be, it is impossible.

It all depends on how the density of the wood.

The blade of the knife when sharpening should not be extended from the block far, otherwise too thick chips will be captured, which can lead to negative consequences. If the knife is exposed too little, it will take a very thin chips. This leads to the fact that there is a lot of time for processing. It is impossible to work with a planer with a beveled knife, since smooth surface will not be done (especially if we are talking about widespread material).

Homemade master: how to sharpen the planer

  • What do you need a hand sharpening
  • Sharpening knives Rank on the machine and their adjustment
  • Conclusion on the topic

In workshop homemade Masters Always a lot of tools. How to cool the plans to always be in working condition? Learning to do this should each master having a manual or electric tool.

A joinery tool for planing of a tree in the form of a wooden pad with a wide blade.

What do you need a hand sharpening

Sharpening knives Rank on the machine and their adjustment

Knives for electrolabank are consumable.

In most cases, when sharpening, the plane is used by a special machine. Learning to keep the instrument correctly on it is quite simple - just to get acquainted with the instructions. Such equipment refers to the Tormek machine (image 4). He is equipped powerful engine, It has low revs, can sharpen a tool for a rather large period of time. High purity and sharpening accuracy provides water cooling knife edge.

Bold knives are clamped by holders that are attached to the support. When the machine is running, there is the possibility of adjusting the clamp, the width of the chamfer, the speed of rotation of the circle. A sharpening tool from any metal is possible on the machine. The process of work on the machine itself is very simple, you only need to follow some safety regulations.

Common variety manual Rubanka It is its electrical option. It belongs to consumables. They usually happen 2 pieces. They are attached on a special drum and remove upper layer Woods on the workpiece. We make these products from a special grade of instrumental steel. They are well sharpened. For some models, they are made of tungsten carbide, which has a special strength.

The ruble corner must be sharpened at an angle from 45 to 60 degrees.

Different knives and their forms. They are:

  • straight;
  • rounded;
  • figured.

Straight blades are used to handle narrow billets and sampling quarters. Rounded blades process wide planes. Roundings at the ends make neat transitions between the lines of the Rubanka. Wave-like curly blades are needed to simulate various aged surfaces. Before starting work with the plane, it is necessary to check the correct installation of knives. To do this, turn over the plans up the sole and look at the blade: its cutting edge should perform above the sole of 0.3-0.5 mm.

Rubanki Intercol and Baikal have very good quality relative to other manufacturers.

If necessary, blades are regulated. For adjustment, fastening screws are weakened, then the adjusting screws rotate in different directions until the knives do not take their place. After that, it remains to fix them. New electric plans most often come from the plant adjusted. They can be used immediately. But the settings must be periodically verified, because they may change at the moments of the meeting of the blade with a bitch or with a nail. After adjusting the rules, check on an unnecessary bar or board.

Very reliable and durable blades have a Baikal and Interskol plans. They are a little wider than the rest of the models, the thickness of them is also somewhat more. They are sharpened in conventional ways. The sharpening angle is approximately 30 degrees. In order for the quality of planing to be high, the cutting edge should not have any burrs. For this, sharpened knives must be edited using a grinding wheel. The glands are installed in the device and move it from one side to another.

Fixture for sharpening knives Rank

The pressure on the circle or donel should be minimal so as not to overload the item. Thanks to this manipulation, the knife will get a special sharpness.

When improving using of different kind Pillars are used as a cooler water, oil, kerosene. If the donel has a different structure on each side, then first use the coarse-grained side, then fine-grained. The donel must be periodically rinsed so that it does not roam.

Conclusion on the topic

Cool and adjust the knives of a manual or electrical ruble should be able to know each of their owner.

After they are installed, you need to immediately try the work of the Rubanka. It has been proven that this method extends the service life of the cutting elements. For proper sharpening, you need a desire, eye meter, skill and solid hand. These are necessarily the application of emery and grinding wheels, donkeys for finishing. Well acquire devices for attaching knives and templates with different angles.

The angle of inclination of the cutting knife Rubank

The following information is given in order to help the reader correctly understand the principles of sharpening knives of the Rubank. The planer is done at different angles to provide an angle of inclination, suitable different work. In practice, four corners are most often used: a normal angle, where the bed for the rear surface of the knife forms an angle of 45 ° with the sole (this angle is mainly used for all rubles for working with soft wood); York corner - 50 °, used to work with red wood and other solid wood; The average angle is 55 °, and the complete angle of inclination is 60 °, which are used on the profile rules, the first to work with soft wood, the second - with more rigid varieties.
In fig. 190 shows three angle: a - full angle of inclination. B - the usual angle and C is a super-sufficient angle. The angle under which the cutter is installed is of great importance. Here are in mind three corners. The angle between the cutter and the surface of the workpiece (1) should be as sharp as possible. It is clear that if the surface of the cutter and the blanks were perfectly parallel, then the cutter would slide on the surface, not trimming it, except when it turns out a huge pressure. This angle that can be called a clearance angle should be large enough only to ensure the contact of the cutter with the surface. The angle of the sharpening (2). The sharper this angle, the better, if only the material of the cutter is withstanding the voltage and cuts the surface without losing the shape of its edge. (3) Frontal, or residual, an angle can be obtained by subtracting as an angle (1) and (2) from 180 °, if it are a question of flat surfaces.

How to sharpen electruruck knives without removing?

It is important to implement to exit chips, however, in the case of the plane, this angle decreases in order to prevent breaking chips before cutting it. For planing soft materials It is better suited for a small angle. This refers to a thin knife, the side surface of which is almost in contact with the cropped material; However, a more chain material will give a cutter on strength test, therefore, the corresponding angle must be increased, and it is necessary to have a stronger cutter.
The more sheer the corner of the knife becomes, the less likelihood that the wood breaking during planing will occur. However, at the same time, the value of the corner the edge of the knife is rapidly stepping, as a result of which he will certainly begin to jump. In the plane with gear knives, knives are installed at a right angle, and in the planer "tooth an eye" - almost at right angles. When working with straight corners of the knife, the tool scrakes the workpiece, and the more acute angle of inclination, the greater its cutting action becomes like planing. For this reason, the planer with a conventional or super-walled knife tilt angle is more capable of planing wood; But in this case, it is also possible to use in a different way regulated by chipcol.

Fig. 190. - Three corners of inclination of the Rubankov lodges
On the profile rules with rounded knives, on the selected rooms and sidebanks that do not have a chipcolome, it is preferable to apply a complete angle of the knife tilt. At the same time, when treading, the best results give tools with sharper corners of the knife tilt.
When considering the side face of the knife, the Rubankka is seen that it is made of iron covered with steel. Steel, welded on the iron, brighter in color and having a smaller grain, acts as a cutting edge, and iron is necessary to give the knife to a largerness that prevents its vibration. The ruled knife re-sharpened knife has three angle (Fig. 191): a - knife tilt angle, in - sharpening angle on a sharpening circle and C - the angle of the chamfer, shot on the donkey. Angles A and B do not change, while the angle C is becoming increasingly sharp on the subsequent sharpening on the ramp until it is solved with the line of the soles of the Rubanka, as shown in Fig. 192, when the knife ceases to cut, its new sharpening is required. The angle of inclination of the knife and in the plane, as was already shown, is different for different species Rubbank.

Fig. 191. - Three corners of the tilt knife

Fig. 192. - Knock Rubanka to sharpening on a sharpening circle and after it

The planer is the most popular wood processing tool. When working with it, the condition of its blades is of great importance - if the device is sharpened incorrectly, coarse edges appear on the tree and the quality of the material obtained falls.

The solid tree is mostly wearing the blade of the device, it is tight and notched on it. An even greater damage is the part gets when it rises on a nail in a planed material.

Sharpening the plane can be carried out independently, but it is necessary to be extremely neat and accurately perform proper instructions. Follow the advice below if you encountered a problem when working and you need to know how to sharpen knives for this tool.

Knives for Rubankov - what can be sharpened?

Operation of this or another ruble, first of all, depends on its type. Two main varieties are distinguished:

  • handblings are made of plastic, metal or wood and are common everywhere;
  • electrical plans - this type is made with an integrated engine to increase the speed and efficiency of the process;

In the electrical exchanged knives, or cutters, maybe one or two. They are usually made from instrumental steel or tungsten carbide. In the latter case, the cutters are not subject to re-operation and must be replaced. They also differ in form to perform various functions.

How to determine what the planer is required sharpening

You can easily determine the condition of the cutter, considering the edge (chamfer) of the element. If a thin brilliant strip is visible on it, it means that the blade needs to be sharpened.

Bilateral knives are put on some planers - when blunting such a product is enough to flip over and operate less worn out.

How to sharpen the planer

In order to correctly sharpen the cutter, the following tools are needed:

  • emery with grinding circles;
  • small-grained bar;
  • stone for grinding or leather belt with polishing paste;

In severe damage, it is more reliable to rely on a large circle. During processing, the cutter is a bit strung out, and this circle will prevent it. However, the alignment of the chamfers cannot be avoided even in this case.

Sathers with two circles are well suited - one finely and the other is coarse-grained. They allow you to perform the most accurate edit of the knives.

Incorrectly sharpened knives will not bring due quality to the material being processed.

For high-quality sharpening Material critically comply with the correct corner of the blade application. In many cases, it varies from 25 to 45 degrees, however, for each knife, the number is individual and depends on the hardness of steel. The angle should be mapped to the template that you can do yourself.

It is not recommended to put pressure on the blade too much, otherwise the eath will be made of metal with thick layers - this ultimately can lead to dissent of the material. From friction about the surface of the circle, steel is heated, so it is desirable to periodically lower it in cold water. So you avoid possible distortion of a knife web during heating.

After processing with a grinding circle, the blade should be corrected using a fine-grained bar. At the end of the procedure, the material rules in stone for grinding, and in its absence - leather belt with polishing paste.

The entire outlined operation is very laborious and long. Nevertheless, you need to sharpen the knives in a timely manner - the best at first hints to reduce the quality of the Rubanka. If ignore this moment, Knives will eventually be unsuitable for further operation - will have to replace them.

In the absence of emery, you can assemble a simple manual tool for sharpening the cutter. To do this, you will need:

  • bar;
  • abrasive.

Secure the knife at the top of the bar and put the blade to the surface of the abrasive. The angle of inclination of the knife is geometrically determined by the height of the bar. Displays the bar, not allowing too strong pressure on the abrasive, and so that it is easier to move it, put it on the glass.

If you do not have the experience of sharpening a rupture with your own hands, then better contact a specialist. In addition, you can get injured.

Check adjustment blades

After sharpening the device, it is necessary to correctly adjust it. To do this, after installing the cutter, you need to see the plans and estimate the distance to which the blade is overlooking the surface.

The optimal is the case when the element protrudes 0.5 mm, and for more rough processing - 1 mm.

Too much gap will lead to the fact that the chips will be large and you will not be able to achieve the desired result. On the contrary, if the protrusion is insignificant, then the chips will be very little and wood processing will take a lot of time.

Compared to other carpentry tools, for example, Schehrebel, which is used in the primary tape, the planer is intended for a thinner treatment of wood, and therefore the chips should be a small thickness when working with it.

How to estimate the quality of sharpening

Upon completion of the process, it is advisable to immediately check the success of the actions performed. On the quality of sharpening blades can be judged by the chips. Switch along the entire workpiece. If, as a result, the surface of the product is smooth, and the chips are long, which means you managed to sharpen knives for the plane as it should.

The modern building market is represented by various tools, with which the craftsmen work becomes much easier. One of the most popular fixtures in the field of builders and repairmen is electrobuck.

He, like anyone is completed with working nozzles. As additional element For the plane, a special set of knives is provided. Sometimes the cutting element begins to handle wood well. This suggests that the blade fastened and it must be sharpened. Information on how to fulfill the knives of the electrourukka knives is contained in the article.

Acquaintance with the cutting nozzle

Knives for the electrolaws are planing the top layer of wood. The cutting element of the tool is consumable. The characteristics of the acquired set of knives will depend on the further quality of the processing and safety of the wizard during the operation of the power tool. The better the steel from which the knife is made, the longer it will keep its sharpness.

About work

During the operation of the knives for the plane on the blade, there is a significant load. The tool works as follows: during its reciprocating movement, the knife penetrates into a tree to a certain depth. Due to the absence of such a property in the wood, such as plasticity, the knife for the plane is spuning the top layer, as a result of which the chips are formed. The place for equipping the cutting elements was a special drum on which the knives carry out their rotation. The power tool is equipped with two knives. The cutting element standing last is swivel. After blunting one of his sides, it is easily changing. For their manufacture, tungsten carbide and tool steel are used. In the latter case, according to the masters, it is possible to re-sharpened the knives of the electrourukka.

About classification in form

Knives for electruruck can be:

  • Straight. With their help plasten small details.
  • Waving. Using such knives, the masters imitate the "structural" wood.
  • Rounded. Products are used in cases where you need to perform a neat transition between the planing lines. Experienced masters recommend using rounded knives in working with wide surfaces.

About sizes

The cutting elements for imported electrical appliances in the consumer environment are called "plates". Them standard size is 82 mm. Knives for electrolabanka are preferably made of high-quality carbon steel. Products 5.5 mm wide and 1.2 mm thick are universal, since it is suitable for most import-made tools. According to consumer reviews, if you choose from inexpensive and at the same time strong cutting nozzles, it is better to stop your choice on the Zubr brand. They can be installed on Bosch Electrolake, Makita, Shkil, Black & Desser. Also on the market to the attention of lovers to work with a tree presented special knives. For such products, in contrast to standard "plates", the increased thickness and width are characteristic, due to which they are much stronger and easier to be hosted. The length of special knives varies from 82 to 102 mm. The cutting equipment intended for any particular model mainly contains a special fastening hole. Such knives are installed on the tools of high power. With the help of electronics, more durable wood is processed.

About disposable knives

In addition, knives are disposable and reusable. In the first case, the cutting element is not subject to sharpening. Such products are simply replaced. Mostly they are double-sided. When blunting one side of the master they simply turn over and continue to work as long as the second one is blocked. If the knife has lost its former sharpness, then Promotion of the Rank wooden surface It will be difficult. In addition, after passing a blunt knife, it will not be low. This suggests that the time has come a cutting element to throw.

About sharpening

High-quality and safe editing knives at home will be possible only if there is a special device. With it, the master will be able to pick up the desired sharpening angle. According to some owners, Bosch Electrolake, and Makita and Shkil are equipped with such a device. If he is absent, the tool owner will have to purchase it separately.

Also for sharpening knives need fine-grained before work experienced masters Recommended to lower it for a couple of minutes into the water. To begin, the knife must be securely secured in the adaptation indicated above. Cutting elements can be clamped or sharpened separately. If knives are paired, it is very important to ensure that their ends do not move during the sharpening process. To do this, the snap-in is placed in the same plane. If each knife is sharpened separately from each other, the SCOS should be parallel to the stone.

The meaning of the drainage is to remove various burrs and irregularities from the surface of the blade. For this, the cutting element should be led along the surface of the abrasive stone until the sovereignty will not completely disappear. At first it is necessary to determine the degree of blunt, looking at the cutting edge. If the chamfer with a shiny strip, then the cutting equipment needs editing. Then an angle of 30 degrees is exhibited. Grind the knife should be reciprocating and circular motion. Since the electrical ruled knives provides work on a very high speedIt is important to prevent overheating them. To do this, during grinding, the knives must be periodically lowering in water container. Otherwise, the hot steel will quickly fall and will lose its initial hardness.

It happens that the blade is blocked very much and rule manually becomes tiring. The stone is in this case it is desirable to replace the electric judging by the numerous reviews of consumers than the longer the knife, the easier it is to sharpen it.

About installing in the instrument

Before starting the operation of electrical equipment, both with completely new, and with independently sharpened "plates", it is important to make sure that they are securely fixed. After replacing the knives, the electrolake cutting the cutting equipment should be located in parallel to the tool sole. It is possible to determine the adjustment of the "plates" by turning over the soles to this.

It is desirable that the edge performs outward no more than 0.5 mm. Change the position of the knife is possible thanks to the special small and large adjusting screws that are located behind the tool platform. Regulating the cutting edge is performed by consistently turning the data of the screws to the left-right.


The electrical planer serves as an indispensable tool in the construction and repair of the house, as in any power tool, in its device there are consumables. Electrolake the consumables are knives, with which the tree is processed. As a rule, knives are double-sided, in a set of 2 pieces. Remember: if the chips is shooting badly, and you have knives, then it's time to change them. But in this case it is necessary to make a reservation that some of them are simply subject to sharpening. To do this, you need to know how to put the knives of the electrolyca after sharpening, and how to carry out the procedure for sharpening knives.

Knives for Electrolabanka

Knives are attached to the rotating drum of the electric paper and are intended to withdraw the upper layer of material under the planing procedure wooden products. If this equipment has 1 cutting edge or 2. Recent blades are called swivels, because their position is easily changing if one side is blown up. Knives for electrolabanka are made of instrumental steel or tungsten carbide. The first of them can be reused.

Blades in shape are: direct - used to sample quarters and planing of narrow parts; rounded - are intended for processing wide areas, because between the transitions of the transitions they do carefully; Wave-like - curly knives for the electrolabank are suitable for imitation of "aged" surfaces.

Before using the Electrolack, each time it is recommended to check whether knives are installed correctly. Their cutting edge should barely protrude and place at the same time parallel to the plane sole. To determine how the knife is adjusted, lift the tool to the eye level up.

Over the sole of 0.5 millimeters, the cutting edge of the knife must perform on average. At the shropel, which is intended for initial coarse planing, the cutting edge must be released at least than 1 millimeter. Adjust the knife position is very simple. Turn successively to the left and right small and large adjusting screws, which are located behind a platform for the electrolablanka knife, while the cutting edge takes the desired position.

After that, install the knife in the electrobuck and fix the position using the centering lever and the screw on the top plate. The new electrolake, as a rule, has already adjusted the position of the knife. However, after long use Setup will be shot down. Therefore, if you use the plans after a long break, you need to check if everything is like that. Do not start immediately processing parts just adjusted by an electric plan, without testing it on an unnecessary board.

Classification of knives for electrolake

Also, knives for electruruck are separated by size. If you have imported plans, for example, Firms Black & Dekker or Skil, then there are traditional knives for 82 millimeters, they are called "plates". From inexpensive and high-quality, you can advise knives of the bison manufacturer from carbon steel. These knives are suitable for most foreign ructants, even for professional electric tools Bosch and Makita.

Accurate dimensions: Length 82 millimeters, width 5.5 millimeters and 1.2 millimeter thickness. You can find knives of various manufacturers on sale and the price in this case depends on the company first. If you purchase boshevskie, then the cost will be 2 times higher than that of ordinary household - bison, Styer, Fit, Matrix. Of course, and as a difference will be very noticeable.

There are knives, which are specifically designed for some models of electrical rules. For popular Rubankov, Interskol and Baikal are designed special knives, they are wider than "plates", and thicker. They are stronger, and when when working with an electric margin, you will fly to the knuckle or a nail, then the knife will not break, and the jan is easily removed on the sandpaper.

The width of these knives is always approximately 1 centimeter, they differ significantly from others. These knives for electrolabanks are of different lengths: 82 and 102 millimeters, under different models Baikal and Interskol. If such knives fumbled, they can always be sharpened independently. Unlike thin, they will get sharpened on the emery when possessing sufficient sharpening skills and the abilities to withstand the plane.

Well, the third variety of knives for electrical rules is wide and thick, with the presence of holes for fastening. They are very specific and are suitable exclusively for certain models, for example, for the Rubir manufacturer's plants that have a power of 2000 watts. These knives are distinguished by a large thickness and power, the width reaches 110 millimeters.

Changing knives Electrolabanka

The highest requirements are presented to the knives of the electrolabank. What they faded can be easily defined on the eye. Consider for this light chamfer and turn around the cutting edge. The cutting edge stuck if a brilliant strip appears at the end of the chapel in the form of a thread in a certain position. Cooling angle of the knife Electrolake should be close 30 degrees.

Today there are knives for electrolabanks using a swivel cutter. If one of the similar blades of the knife fastened, then the knife is accepted for the first time, and the next time - to replace the new sharp knife.

Knives for the electrolaglanka are installed in a screwdriver, which is placed in the conical transverse groove and grop over with three nuts. In height, knives are regulated by two screws located on the edges. To get a knife from a screwdriver, you should weaken nuts, spin the screws to the end of the screws, which will help extend the screws from the groove.

After that, it is necessary to choose a paint, which is suitable for the thickness of the knife, and with its use, knock the knife from the eraser in the transverse direction. Next turn the knife or take a new one if the former is unsuitable, and gently beat it into place, sticking up. Make sure that the knife in the enemy can go strictly parallel to it.

Putting new knives on the electrical rul, you should set them in altitude with screws and clamp nuts. At the same time, for both knives it is recommended to post the same gap, otherwise the shaft will be unbalanced.

Edit on donkey

When planing achieve good quality The treated surface can only be used in the plane acute knife. If the cutting edge fastened a little and does not have a jar, then it will be able to focus through editing. Stupid or serrated knives is recommended to grind on the grinding circle.

When grinding a knife on a grinding circle, it is freely placed on a flat support surface or clamped into a sled. Iron when grinding you need to move on a grinding disk from side to side. Due to friction, heating the parts is made. Therefore, it is necessary to provide moderate pressure when processing the product so that the cutting edge does not lose its hardness and did not allow.

The electrolack knife after grinding must be exposed to edit. Only due to this manipulation, he will get the desired sharpness. For manual adjustment of the knives, electruruck use artificial or natural bars, which are called donel. Machine piece of iron can straighten on a convection disk.

In the Belgian dowders, the editing can be performed only with the addition of water. On Brukes from Arkansas, a mixture of oil and kerosene is used to edit opposite. Artificial donkeys are with different levels grinding. Many have large and fine-grained sides.
The coarse side is intended for pre-edit, and fine-grained is needed for a fine edit. For editing knives on artificial dowders, you can use a mixture of oils or water. In the dry bar, it is impossible to edit in any case, because the blade will lose quenching (releases) and will fool. Barrier from time to time you need to wash so that the donel does not appear.

The chamfer, when editing, is well restred in a bar and drive it to her until the cross will increase, until it becomes such a shiny, like a mirror, and all burrs will disappear. The front side of the piece of iron is cast only down and up, and the procedure for its editing time lasts less.
Refrigerated Disk Prit is made from artificial materialwhich contains a finely dispersed abrasive agent. With the help of such disks, you can rule knives for electrourubs in machine mode.

Sharpening knives Electrolabanka

Before the procedure for replacing the knives, the electrolake must first determine the need for its conduct. It is easy to learn: if the electrolake is worse through the workpiece, the earlier, then you need to proceed to overheat its knives. In addition, remember that the fastest knives are able to increase the risks of garbage of the apparatus when it gets into rigid areas of wood, for example, knots.

The first step of sharpening the knife of the Electrolakank is the premises of the abrasive stone for several minutes into the water. The stone should absorb as much moisture as possible. This contributes to avoiding unnecessary dust and improves the quality of the sharpening of the electrolablak. It is important to follow when draining knives so that they touch abrasive stone And at the same angle constantly.

The second stage is fixing knives in a special block. To qualitatively sharpening the knife for the electrolablanka, it is customary to use a special device, which will help avoid geometry disorders or balancing knives. Relax two nuts that fix the clamping plate of the pads, and insert the knives until it stops in the device for sharpening the electroveank knives. Then check the locking nuts again. Watch that the cutting edges of the knives are located in the same plane.

The third step - the sharpening process itself. Sharpening knives for electrolarueanka should be produced by special technology. Steel on rejected knives is so high-quality that it allows you to drag the knives well and make them sharp as a razor. However, make sure that the balancing of knives is not disturbed. Since two knives are used in the electrolakeank, the problem of balancing is strictly.

The straightforce of the blade during sharpening is checked with any straight surface. Over the entire length of the blade, the chamfer width should be completely the same. Knives usually accurate on hand sharpened. It is recommended to sharpen so much in time until the subtle bursaves will appear on the blades, which are difficult to distinguish to the eye. Watch the chamfer to get smooth, without concave and bulges. Burzes must be removed. To do this, when sharpening the knives, the electrolake knife is placed back side Plafthum on the bar and spend several times on it.

Assembling knives Electrolabanka

After sharpening the knife primarily connect it with the lining. For the edge of the lining, he must perform 3 millimeters. Fully assemble the tool, adjust the correctness of the knife, so that its edge performs over the edge of the platform, as it should be 0.5 millimeters. Knife and lining connect with one screw. Loosen the screw, turn the knife to 90 degrees and disconnect items.

First, attach the knife to the fairy brown and move it in this position back and forth under a sharp angle of 30 degrees. When it arises on the cutting edge of the sowing, turn the knife, put the plafhmy on the bar and move there and here to remove the burstles. The edge of the knife for the edge of the lining should perform 3 millimeters. The screw, which fastens the lining and the knife, must be delayed well, so that after the long-term use of both parts to each other were lightened tight.

After the electrolyak knives sharpened, immediately need to try the blade by removing several chips. It has been proven in practice that the blade of the tool, which is put into operation immediately after the sharpening, is still stupid. To avoid frequent sharpening knives on a sharpening, closely follow the process of working on the state of the piece of iron, and when the first signs of blunting (brilliant strips) are immediately the right of electrurucks on the grinding bar.

Now you know why it is so important to constantly control the position of the knives on the electrourukka, on time to adjust them, shoot and install new glands. In addition, you always have the opportunity to sharpen the knives of the electrolyak on a special device and dress them back.