Repairs Design Furniture

Device for sharpening knives of electrical stations. Sharpening knives for meat grinder: methods and equipment. Application of abrasive stone

The meat grinder is an indispensable thing in the kitchen. With its help, every hostess can prepare a huge amount of minced meals and vegetables. Despite the fact that there are already other universal devices such as a blender or a food processor, a meat grinder still confidently makes them competitive. However, the blades of the device after long-term use are blocked, and the question of how to properly put the knives of the meat grinder, one day becomes relevant.

Why knives for meat grinder should be sharpened

Depending on the frequency of use of the meat grinder, its blades lose sharpness. This can occur due to the formation of small chips and recesses in a place where mobile and fixed cutting elements come into contact.

Knives in the meat grinder must be sharpened with certain periodicity

The most common cause of unsatisfactory work of the meat grinder is to blunt knives if they were originally made of poor-quality raw materials.

Mostly the device works with a relatively soft product - meat. But small bones or tendons with grinding fall on the cutting edge of the blade, which leads to a gradual loss of acuteness. At the initial stage, it can be found that the meat grinder began to "chew" meat, and soon after that she completely ceases to grind it.

Also, with incorrect metal care, from which knives are made, starts to oxidize and rust. It also negatively affects their sharpness.

Today manufacturers produce all components for small household appliances in sufficient quantities. You can easily buy a new sharp knife for the meat grinder. But it will require additional costs, in addition, often the problem is found at the time when the cooking process has already begun.

The cutting elements for electrical and mechanical meat grinders have approximately the same shape and composition of the metal alloy. The difference consists only that in the mechanical device, scrolling knives manually occurs, and an engine is built into the automated devices that performs a similar function. Therefore, the blades can be stuck among the same ways.

Important! The frequency of sharpening knives must correspond to them. As soon as you begin to notice that the meat grinder is insufficient grinding products or simply presses them, it is worth updating the edges of the blades.

Nuances of proper sharpening

Grinding products in a meat grinder is provided by 2 knives:

  • a fixed knife mesh;
  • four-haired cutter.

The second knife is a rotating item, due to which the main grinding occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the sharpening of all of its parties.

In the accompanying instruction for the device, depending on the manufacturer, the knife grid may have another name. Often it is called a stationary knife or just a grid.

Fundamental rules:

  1. If the sharpening is made using a grinding stone, take the metal line and make sure that its surface is located strictly horizontally.
  2. If sandpaper will be used as an abrasive, it is better to fix it on the working surface. It will be useful to put on it any smooth removable surface, for example, glass to protect the table from scratches during operation.
  3. Pre-process the knives with vegetable oil and leave for 5 minutes. Do the same with the tool with which the sharpening will be made. This is necessary in order to ensure that the abrasive paste can form during sharpening. It will also contribute to minimizing scratches and fragments on knives.
  4. To ensure uniform removal of the metal layer, try to press the knife center for the grinding surface.
  5. The mesh knife is also stupid during operation, so it is also necessary to sharpen it.

3 ways to sharpen knives meat grinders at home

No matter what method for sharpening you have chosen, you need to prepare the necessary materials with which work will be carried out. The correct organization of the process will allow the knives quickly, qualitatively and not damage them. You can return the blades for the same sharpness yourself, having at home one of the means for sharpening and about 30 minutes of time.

There are several ways to sharpen knives for the meat grinder:

  • on a sharpening machine;
  • with a grinding stone;
  • emery paper.

All these methods do not require special skills and expensive devices. Everything you need can be purchased in business stores.

On a grinding stone

If you have absolutely no experience in the sharpening of the knives for the meat grinder, buy a grinding stone from Corunda in a specialized store. The best option will be if its diameter is approximately 180 mm, and the value of the grain - from 40 to 60 microns.

Grinding stone - simple and affordable means for sharpening knives

The process itself has such features:

  1. Sharpening should be carried out under a weak jet of water. To do this, place the stone in the sink and dustly moisten. Water will act as lubrication and cool metal.
  2. Fix the grinding stone on the working surface. To do this, you can put it under it.
  3. Take the cutter and place it with a stamp.
  4. Perform circular movements clockwise with uniform pressure on the knife.
  5. Continue sharpening until the surface of the element is completely shiny.
  6. After the sharpening of the rotating knife is finished, perform similar steps with a mesh knife. To do this, put it on a stone side adjacent to the first knife.
  7. After sharpening of both knives, check the density of the fit. To do this, fold them together with the corresponding parties and take a look at the lumen. No cracks should be visible.
  8. Finally, rinse knives under the jet of warm water to wash off the abrasive.
  9. Collect the meat grinder and try it in your work.

Important! The considered method is effective for not too smashed blades. If the knives manage to be kept and are in the launched state, then it is most likely not to give the desired result.

Videos: How to make a meat grinder knives with a grinding stone

On the machine

This is a very simple and fast way to sharpen knives on your own. Sharpening is made using a rotating grinding disk. Before starting work on its surface, an abrasive paste of gay is applied, which when drying and creates a rough surface on the disk due to the content in its composition of small particles.

To work on a sharpening machine will need a small skill.

Important! Use Goe Past No. 4 with a graininess of 17-8 microns.

Sharpening a mesh knife on the machine is made as follows:

  1. Apply an abrasive paste on the surface of the machine disk and wait for it to dry. Only after that the device will be ready to work.
  2. Turn on the machine. The disk will start rotating.
  3. Gently press the knife mesh to the surface of the disk. Try evenly distribute push strength.

With sharpening cutter with the help of the machine, difficulties may occur if you do not have experience with the machine.It is necessary to conduct it in 2 stages:

  1. First, cover each of the 4 blades of the knife, leaning them to the rotating disk at an angle of 80 °.

    It is very important to withstand the angle of inclination relative to the machine evenly.

  2. The second stage will be the stratification of the burrs formed. To do this, perform actions similar to the sharpening of the mesh knife.

Cutting the cutter on the machine must be carried out by observing small interruptions between the stages. This is necessary in order to give the metal knife to cool.

Video: Example of processing blades on the machine

Emery paper

One of the easiest and affordable ways is to use sandpaper. She will certainly find at home. In extreme cases, it can be bought in a construction or shopping store. The cost of this means is several times less than the cost of a grinding stone or machine.

Do not use meat grinder paper sharpening paper with a large fraction of green

So, the sharpening process is made in such a sequence:

  1. List of sandwich place horizontally on the desktop. For convenience, it is advisable to provide him with additional fixation.
  2. Circular motions clockwise Start scattering the knife until the brilliance and sharpness of the blades are achieved.
  3. Similarly, do with the grid.

Important! Movements should only be circular and reminded the surface wiping.

Video: master class at sharpening emery paper

The process of sharpening knives for the meat grinder at home is quite planted even for people without special experience and skills. It will take only a grinding tool and some free time. If you notice the deterioration of the sharpness of the blades in the device, do not slow down with their processing.

This homemade device allows you to properly and quickly sharpen knives and grills of meat grinders. In fact, these are two screws on the screwdriver or drill, the design of the devices is made in such a way as to evenly distribute the force on the entire plane when sharpening.

Support materials:

  • Two long bolts and 4 nuts to them.
  • Two thin bolts, as well as two nuts.
  • Two springs.
  • Two washers.
  • Metal strip.

This is how the fixtures for sharpening a knife and mesh look.

We start with the manufacture of a knife sharpening device.

Measure the size of the square hole of the meat grinder knife.

Take a long bolt and pull the head under the square, the knife hole.

Now we collect a device as follows: we put on a bolt with a square cap - the washer, then the spring, another washer, two nuts. In the nuts attract the spring to create pressure and the spring did not hang out.

Nuts tighten with each other two keys.

Fixture for sharpening a meat grinder is ready.

Now proceed to the manufacture of the device for sharpening the grid of the meat grinder. We take a strip of metal and drill three holes in it, central to a large bolt and a couple of lateral under small bolts. It should be noted that the side bolts should fall into the extreme holes of the grid.

We collect, insert a central bolt, pre-screwing one nut on it, fix another nut.

In the side openings insert thin bolts of one length and also fix them with nuts.

It is important here that the central bolt is lower or equal to the length of thin bolts relative to the level of the rectangular plate.

So we produced fixtures for sharpening knives and grids of meat grinder.

The grid sharpening process is as follows: first sandpaper with large grain, then with small, and at the end with the smallest.
We put on a flat surface or other material, it is important that the surface is perfectly smooth. Then we put sandpaper with a large grain from above, then the knife grid itself.

Lower the device so that all bolts get into the holes. You do not need to bring to the very end. It is necessary that the spring has created a press effort.
Turn on the drill and for several minutes to exactly the grid.

Sharpening knives for meat grinders is a fairly relevant operation even today. Despite the fact that in automatic devices, a very high-quality material is used, and there is also an opinion that knives can themselves are due to the constant friction of the metal during operation, they will still sometimes have to be intertwined.

When do you need to sharpen knives?

To begin with, it is worth dealt with how to understand whether the sharpening is needed now or you can exploit the device and without it. Of course, many people think that you can just buy a new knife, but why spend extra money? In addition, it also happens that it is necessary to sharpen the knives for the meat grinder right during operation. Most often, with grinding stuffing, it begins to "cheap". If this happened, then, in principle, nothing terrible. It is possible to put such a detail in half an hour. For work, you can use both grinding wheels and sandpaper, for example.

Need for sharpening

The sharpening knives for the meat grinder is also needed because a rather sharp item will be more efficient to cope with its tasks. If this is a manual machine, then there will be less forces to work, and if the model is electrical, then the operation will decrease, which means you can save electricity.

Another important point. Manufacturers often assure that the sharpening does not need, since the metal turns on the lattice during rotation. However, meat is a fairly viscous substance, in which there may be veins, minor cartilage. It is when such small parts hit and a knife rounding occurs.

In other words, sharpening knives for the meat grinder is required after processing a large amount of raw materials. The more intense the device works, the more often its cutting tool will have to be sharpened.

General rules of work

Experts recommend first to familiarize themselves with the principle of working knives before starting them. With this approach, the chance of success in independent works will be much higher. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the cutting tool that constantly rotates during operation is used in a pair with a metal grid, which has many small holes. Because of this, it is necessary to sharpen them too together. Since the knife is usually 4 blades, it is important not to forget to put them all separately.

How to sharpen the knives of the meat grinder at home? There are several general items that need to follow while working:

  1. To begin with, it is important to check the horizontal surface on which work will be carried out. To do this, you can take a thick wooden lineup and attach it to the end to the table, should not be a lumen. After that, you can lay a circle or sandpaper on the table. Regardless of the selected tool for sharpening, it must be rigidly fixed. If a second version of the device is applied, then under the paper it is worth putting plexiglas to achieve the most horizontality.
  2. Before starting work, it is worth lubricating a knife for manual meat grinder, as well as the polished surface of the lattice with sunflower oil, and then you need to leave them in this way for a couple of minutes. It is also recommended to lubricate the surfaces that will act as a grinding stone. This will help to form a coating that resembles an abrasive paste, as well as protect the knives from small scratches. Since sharpening can be carried out on a special water grinding circle, it is worth understanding that then it is necessary to make water, and not butter.
  3. In order to maximally perform sharpening, it is recommended to take a small piece of wood and to press the knife or grille to the surface. It is necessary to apply in the center, and then produce slow circular movements, while not too much taking a tree.
  4. After the shaft of the knife is over, it is necessary to make a grille.

Application of abrasive stone

If it is very important to sharpen correctly, you should buy a sharp abrasive circle of corundum with parameters such as 180 mm diameter and grain 40-60 microns. Further, as described above, it is necessary to put the circle on the horizontal surface. You can make a circle and water, but then it is necessary to do it constantly so that the metal is cooled continuously. Quite often to avoid the shift of the sharpening stone from the place, the tight fabric is under it. Next, you need to proceed to rotational movements that are performed by a knife clockwise. As described earlier in the recommendations, it is possible to press the knives knuckle, and the free hand sharpened for the meat grinder knives, in this case an abrasive circle.

It is important here to pay attention to the fact that the sharpening should take place as evenly possible. There should be no skew to be, as the quality of the cutting of meat in the future depends on this.

After working with a knife, similar operations are carried out with a grille. If the work was performed correctly, then the sharpened surfaces will be smooth, shiny and sharp. It is very important at the end of work to check how these two details fit to each other. Since they work in a pair, there should be no lumes between them at all.

Machine for sharpening

The machine for sharpening knives for a meat grinder is, naturally, the most comfortable way to perform work. However, it is necessary to take into account immediately: if there are no skills to work with such an aggregate, then it is better to resort to manual sharpening. How to use the machine?

Immediately it should be noted that it will be necessary to work with its side surface. Before turning on the device, you need to apply a small layer of abrasive paste to cover. After the lubricant can dry, you can proceed to work. After that, you can turn on the device and gently press the knife to the lateral plane of the grinding stone. Since there are no cooling fluids here, it is necessary to carry out an operation with a break so that the metal cooled. During the cooling, it is necessary to check the quality of sharpening. The characteristic color of the superheated metal is the color of running. The grille can also be sharpened on the grinding machine, but it is already best to pressed with a wooden clamp. Processing technique remains similar.

However, it is worth saying that the use of electrical equipment has its own minuses.

First, only experienced homemade masters can apply it, since the risk of injury is great. Secondly, the newbie, most likely, will simply spoil the item if such a powerful unit will apply. Thirdly, a household grinding machine itself is an expensive unit, and therefore it is not in every home. Acquire the grinding machine only then to sharpen the knives for the meat grinder, it is impractical.

Why not sandpaper?

It is worth saying that use such paper is most convenient for several reasons. First, it is most likely available in any house, which means you do not have to buy an abrasive circle or machine. Secondly, even if there is no such grinding device, it will not be difficult to acquire it, since the cost is very low, especially if you compare with a circle, not to mention the price of the electric machine. It is worth saying that it is better not to resort to the use of the canvas with too large abrasive, as in this case, scratches can appear on the surface of the knife.

The use of emery canvas

First you need to put on the surface of the table or a piece of ordinary glass or organic. It should be thick enough to not crack from the effort attached in the future. Above the glass is stacked by sandpaper, which can be glued to it with glue to avoid shifts during operation. In this case, before starting work, it is necessary to carefully treat all burrs and chips, if any on the surface of the knife from the meat grinder. After that, the cutting tool is placed on the surface of the emery sheet and then the same circular movements that were used in previous sharpening methods are performed.

Material for the cutting element

To date, such knives for meat grinders are made of two types of raw materials. It can be either stainless steel or carbon tool. If this is a knife, which will be used for an electrical instrument, then they are usually additionally covered with such compositions as chromium and cobalt, which contain tungsten additives or molybdenum. This increases the strength of the cutting device, as well as the time interval that the knife can serve without sharpening.

There are expensive self-tiling knives for meat grinders, but usually they apply only in industrial machines.

An old manual or new electric meat grinder in the house is simple need. Cooking minced is a case of several minutes, but for this you need a good meat grinder that will not let go in the midst of work. And if the faults in the work of the unit began, the answer is always one - stupid knives. So the question arises where and how to put the knife for the meat grinder, if necessary in the most responsible moment.

Device and principle of the meat grinder

To understand how knives work and why it is necessary to constantly monitor the state of cutting surfaces, consider the device and the principle of the aggregate.

The meat grinder consists of the following nodes:

  1. cast housing (cast iron or aluminum alloy);
  2. cast screw (cast iron or aluminum alloy);
  3. movable four-fledged knife;
  4. fixed grille with multiple holes;
  5. big front nut;
  6. a screw knob (in electrical meat grinders - electric motor).

The meat is loaded into the receiving bunker, from where it is supplied to a fixed grid with auger. Here there is a process of cutting meat between a fixed grid and a movable four-fledged knife. Grinding meat in the form of minced meas is pushed through the mesh holes in the receiving container.

When you need shard

To understand why you need sharpening, you need to understand all parts during the production of minced meat.

When buying a meat grinder, all the details are completely new, as they were not in operation. Therefore, knives have the perfect surface of contact. This is very important when the aggregate is working. An ideal cut of another serving of meat falling into the working area of \u200b\u200bthe unit is occurring.

But after some time of operation, the meat grinder begins to malfunctions. If the unit is manual, then you have to make more effort to rotate the handle. With an electric drive, there are interruptions in the rotation of the auger, overheating the electric motor and it is possible to breakage.

With an ideal outlet, it is enough to buy spare parts in the store and, after replacing, continue to work quietly. But this option cannot arrange the hostess. After all, the purchase of details is economically unprofitable. It is necessary to figure out what happens and how to get out of the position without buying new items.

What happens to the meat grinder

After buying a meat grinder in the store, you need to familiarize yourself with the instruction manual. Almost all manufacturers assure buyers that the knives of their aggregate do not have the wear life and even they themselves. Allegedly, when working, a mobile cutter, tightly in contact with a fixed grid, slides on it and the friction occurs mutual self-sharpening. But in reality, we do not observe this. After all, even in the electromatics, cutting details are made not from high-quality steel, but from the usual.

When grinding the product, tendons fall, all kinds of inclusions, up to small bone fragments. As a result of this work, the usual blunting of cutting parts occurs and the grinding process is broken. After some time, the meat grinder simply does not crush meat, but presses. Then the question arises where to correct knives for the meat grinder.

Sharpening knives for meat grinder

So that you do not torment the question where you can swam knives for the meat grinder at the time of the production of minced meat, try to conduct partly inspection. To do this, simply disassemble the unit and inspect the condition of the cutting nodes. If the surface was covered with rust, it must be swolled in order to prevent corrosion destruction. Before you there is always a choice: where to sharpen knives for the meat grinder.

If you prefer to entrust this work to experts, then you can contact one of the sharpening centers of specialized enterprises in your city.

Sharpening knives in the workshop

If you decide to sharpen cutting parts in the workshop, then you need to do it in advance. It is necessary to inspect the meat grinder once a month and detect all defects.

In the Extreme Workshops, the ADEMS grinding machine is used and sharpened abrasive stones are used.

If you have such a machine in your home workshop or garage, then you can sharpen knives at home. Consider how it can be done.

The machine consists of an electric drive and a horizontal table cheeper. To perform this operation it is necessary:

  • lubricate the puck plan over the entire surface of the oil;
  • sprinkle the abrasive powder on the lubricated surface and distribute it uniformly on the tablebuck;
  • we turn on the machine and with the help of a magnetic holder, we install the knife to the faceplate treated surface, pressing it in the center.

After surface treatment, another element is installed on the machine. Thus, the horizontal of working surfaces operating in the pair of parts is achieved. The next operation is a sharpening of the faces of a movable four-fledged cutter at an angle of 80 degrees on a sharpening abrasive. Final barcode - grinding the cutting faces of the movable knife and the horizontal surface of the grid on the stone volccate.

Sharpening home sandpaper

What if you are in the process of producing minced meat: meat does not cut, but "bounce"?

You can sharpen the knives at home. The easiest way to sharpening the cutting element is their own hands. Need sandpaper paper for sharpening with small grain knives. It is not desirable to use a coarse skirt, it is possible to damage the surface of the knife. After all, when the knives sharpening in this way, it is impossible to allow greater wear and damage to the cutting surfaces.

Sharpening is carried out on an ideally horizontal surface. Pluging a sheet of paper, we begin to rub the treated knife to it, until the cleanliness of the working surface does not achieve. We are doing the same with another knife. Having finished processing, check the parallelism of surfaces on the lumen. It will be ideal if there will be no lumen between the cutter and the lattice.

You can check the meat grinder using threads inserted through the grille of the meat grinder assembled. Turning on the electric meat grinder, the cropped threads should fall on the table.

On a grinding stone

You can put knives using grinding stones. To do this, we buy a grinding stone from Corunda from 40 to 60 microns. We make the platform from the board to strengthen it and provide the flow of water during operation. Having strengthened the stone on the stand, in a mixture of water, we begin to sharpen the moving element, performing circular rotational and progressive movements. In this case, a fine abrasive paste is formed, which brings the surface to grinding. Periodically rinse the cutter in the water. When the brilliant surface is reached, the part is considered to be compatible.

Similarly, we carry out the grid processing. In this case, check the adjacent knives on the lumen of surfaces. If there is no lumen between the applied working surfaces, then the resulting result is achieved and the meat grinder can be experienced in operation.

On a grinding machine

The two previous methods work in the event that the production of cutting parts is insignificant, you just need to make a small reconstruction of the cutting edges and surfaces of contact. With more serious wear and damage, a sharpening machine will help you.

When you start, you need to check the status of the machine working disk. It must be perfectly smooth and applied only for sharpening works..

  1. It is necessary to apply to the work surface of the disk of the passage of Guy No. 4 and give it to dry.
  2. Then turn on the machine and when the disk will rotate, start working.
  3. Cressing the grid to the disk, we carry out the processing to the receipt of a uniformly shiny surface.

When processing a knife, it is necessary to work with interruptions to prevent overheating of the workpiece.

Then proceed to the sharpening of the four-blade moving cutter. Here work is carried out in stages.

Work on the grinding machine will be efficient and fast if you know how to work and follow the safety regulations.

Modern kitchen is difficult to imagine without such a useful mechanism like a meat grinder. With its help, any mistress will be able to do even without a kitchen combine. But over time, any even sharp blade is blown up and interpreting their functions. The way out of this situation is quite simple - it is necessary to sharpen the knife again. We will talk about sharpening methods.

Characteristic knife

There are minimum two knives in any meat grinder:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

One of them is fixed. It is a circle with a large number of small holes. The second knife is a spare part of several lights, as a rule, with four. During operation, the knife rotates and due to this, the grinding of products occurs. And after that, crushed pieces are pushed through the holes of the stationary part.

Causes of breakdown

One of the parameters of good work of the meat grinder is a sharpness of the cutting faces of the movable blade. However, when small bones or veins come across in meat, then the blade is stupid. Gradually, for grinding products you have to apply more effort.

Another parameter of efficient work is the distance from the stationary part to the movable. The smaller this distance, the better the grinding. Over time, due to wear, this distance increases. In addition, due to the fact that knives are usually made from rough metal, they, oxidizing and rust, lose sharpness.

In the way that reduce the amount of effort to grind food (and in modern conditions and the number of electricity spent), you need to sharpen the blades for the meat grinder in a timely manner.

Facilities for meat grinders

There are several knife sharpening options:

Whatever sharpening method is selected, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Sunflower blades with sunflower And let die within 5-10 minutes. It is also necessary to enter with a tool for sharpening. This is required in order for the sharpening tool to be spoiled at the very beginning of work. In addition, such a preparatory stage prevents the formation of fragments due to the possible irregular position of the knife during sharpening.

Using a special machine

The most convenient option, of course, is the use of a special machine. It is intended for sharpening blades for the meat grinder and has a smooth abrasive surface. Before work a special paste is applied to the disk.which contains the smallest abrasive particles. Due to this, after drying the composition, the surface of the disk becomes rough. After connecting the device to the electrical network, the disk starts to rotate and the cutting edge of the parts gently presses to it. During operation, it is necessary to take breaks to prevent metal overheating.

Despite the simplicity of the method, this procedure requires certain skills. If you keep knives at an irregular angle, it will not succeed, moreover, it can be dangerous.

Another one disadvantage This option is its high cost. The machine for sharpening knives is a fairly notes, and it is not so easy to find in the usual store. Sometimes it is easier and safer to contact a specialist or take advantage of another method.

Use of grinding stone

The grinding stone to purchase in the store is much easier. It is significantly cheaper than the machine, and several options for using it.

First option. Sharpening is made by rotating the knife. The grinding stone in this case should exceed the diameter of the knife at least 2 times. The knife falls in the center in such a way that the blades are tightly lightened to the surface of the stone.

Holding the knife in the middle of the stone with your hands, it is necessary to produce circular movements. Gradually it is necessary to increase the speed of rotation. It is possible to finish sharpening if all blades become the same without jar and visible irregularities. At the same time, this method of sharpening can only be used on not too much smashed knives.

The second option is the rotation of the stone. This method is suitable if there is no result from the first. Since the sharpening force will depend on the magnitude of the friction, stone must be a shallow fraction. The size of the stone may not exceed the size of the part. A knife is taken into one hand to another - stone. They are tightly pressed to each other and circular movements are performed. More efficiently, this procedure can be performed if you fix the item, and not to keep in your hands. To protect, be sure to use mittens. After finishing sharpening the blade is allowed to cool and rinse under the jet of cold water.

Using sandpaper

Another popular method of sharpening a knife for the meat grinder is the use of sandpaper. The thickness of the emanifers depends on the thickness of the blade. The more thick metal must be processed - the greater the grain fraction should be.

The procedure itself is very simple. Taking a knife into one hand, and to another paper, you just need to gently wipe each blade until it becomes sharp. The movements are similar to those that happen if you just wipe the surface.

Thus, if you follow any simple method, you can keep a meat grinder in perfect condition, without referring to specialists on the side.