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Polishing paste for plexiglas. Video: "Polishing of the heads of the plexiglas." Diamond polishing Orcsekla

With a huge amount of advantages, all the same organic glass has disadvantages. And one of the main deficiencies is a high tendency to mechanical damage. Scratches on such a surface appear pretty quickly, if not to use a special protective film. You can scratch a subtle plexiglass even when cleaning it, for example, powder detergents.

In general, organic glass is an excellent substitute for the present glass. Its use has the following advantages:

  • High light light;
  • In comparison with glass five times greater resistance to impact;
  • Plexiglas are much easier ordinary glass;
  • High resistance to harmful factors ambientAlso this is a frost-resistant material;
  • Has electrically insulating properties;
  • Environmentally friendly, non-toxic material, etc.

Scratches on the plexiglas - no longer a problem!

Removal of scratches from the surface of the plexiglass does not require such cardinal methods as the use of drill with a grinding disk, it is enough to polish the glass. It can be quite easy to do on your own at home. You will be satisfied with the work done, if of course scratches are not too deep. Otherwise, you can contact the car service where the organic glass is polished with special polishing machines.

Also polishing organic glass It will return to him the original shine and transparency.

Preparation of the surface of the plexiglass to polish

In order to proceed with the polishing of Org / home conditions, it is necessary to remove the glass from the design. This will greatly simplify your task, because the polishing process is quite time-consuming and does not tolerate a rush. If the glass cannot be removed, the surfaces adjacent to it should be sealing. After it is necessary to clean the plexiglass from contamination and dust using a detergent gel or spray and microfiber.

To make a ritual for removing scratches from the surface of the plexiglass you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Soft sandpaper;
  • A piece of soft fabric or felt.

Step-by-step instructions for polishing plexiglas

Step 1. Water the polished surface with water with a sponge or a small cloth.

Step 2. Start a glass of glass with sandpaper, until the surface does not become matte.

Step 3. Wipe the glass with a soft cloth, then Moisten the surface again and proceed to polishing the glass with a shallow eye. As a result, the glass will become more transparent, and the smallest scratches will be removed from the surface.

Step 4. Perform the following action to remove deeper scratches. Moisten the surface. Apply a thin layer of polyrolol or polishing paste, thoroughly stirring it before starting use. Continue polishing forward movements, evenly distributing the mixture on the surface with a soft cloth. After a minute, you will see an unsurpassed result.

Step 5. For polishing the old organic glasses, repeat the application of polishing paste to the surface and squeeze it with felt.

So you are easy and just get rid of scratches on the organic glass. And household items will again delight you with a radiant surface!

Plexiglas is widely used in different industries Industry. From this material, partitions, viewing windows, showcases, telescopes, accessories for vehicle, microscopes, lamps, as well as construction and medical equipment. Plexiglas has many advantages. However, it is necessary to care for the material. Only in this case the product will last long enough. So how to polish the plexiglas at home?

What is it for?

Plexiglas is considered strong and reliable material. However, over time, small scratches, chips and cuts appear on it. This is due to the mechanical impact on the product during its use. To return the plexigla attractive appearance, you need to polish it.

It should be noted that the procedure itself is simple. But at the same time, this is a scrupulous and long-term lesson, which requires patience and excerpt. In addition, it is impossible to use strong, aggressive substances to process plexiglas. As reviews show, after applying such funds, the material can become dim and muddy.

What is needed?

So how to polish plexiglas and what is required for this? Many are asked a similar question. Material processing - simple process. The result after manual polishing is much better than after applying special equipmentwhich can heat the material and melting its surface. Before processing, you should prepare everything necessary materials and tools. This will require:

Plexiglass preparation for polishing

Since to polish plexiglas, without removing it from the product, it is impossible, then it is worth it to remove it gently. After that, it is necessary to attach the edges of the scotch. This will protect them from chips and other damage.

Stick Scotch must be needed: from 1 to 2 millimeters. If the plexiglass cannot be removed from the product, you will have to work with extreme caution. In this case, the scotch is needed to take all the details located next to the treated surface.

Polishing process

How to polish plexiglass so that it becomes new? To begin with, the surface must be treated with sandpaper 800 labeling. It costs some water. Processing plexiglas should be uniformly. In completion, the material must be wiped, and you can estimate the result. As a result, a matte plexiglass should turn out. It `s naturally. If the surface is uneven matte, then you should continue processing. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the pivots are not formed.

When the surface becomes completely matte, you can proceed to the next step. So how to polish plexiglas need to be fully transparent, you must use emery paper With marking 2000. Processing material follows throughout the area. Plexiglas should become more transparent. In this case, there should be no scratches on its surface. If the defect has been found, it is worth sanding with its sandpaper with marking 800.

The final stage of polishing

What to polish the plexiglass at home? In such cases, it is better to use a special paste. It is necessary to apply a small amount of polishing composition on a piece of soft tissue, and then process plexiglas, performing measured neat movements. After some time, the material will begin to acquire shine.

In completion, it is worth considering the treated surface carefully. If the scratch was discovered on it, then it should be polished again and polished the product. If the result is fully satisfied, you can safely remove the tape. After that, it is worth carefully polished the edges of the part. As the reviews show, such a processing allows you to return an attractive look to the products from the plexigla. The material becomes transparent and without scratches.

Polishing with paste gay

How to polish plexiglass with your own hands using gay paste? For work will require felt. If there is no such material available, then it can be replaced with a wool insole, a piece of felt or cotton woven discs.

The polishing process is quite simple. It is necessary to apply a little goe paste on a piece of material and gently treat the surface. It is necessary to polish the plexiglass until you get the desired result.

If the material is very old, then it should be polished before processing paste. To do this, you can use sandpaper. At the same time, the skin should be very small. The surface of the plexiglass before grinding should be moistened from the pulverizer. It is necessary to ensure that the material does not swell during the processing process. Otherwise, scratches are formed on the surface. Only after grinding can be proceeded to polish the plexiglass of Pashe gay.

In conclusion

Now you know how to polish plexiglas from scratches, chips and other mechanical damage. As the reviews show, work with the material should be neat. After all, any awkward movement can leave on its surface.

To polish the plexiglass, you can use a polyrolol intended for processing vehicles. It is enough to apply the remedy on the surface of the material, and then lose it with a piece of felt. However, before the procedure, specialists recommend trying the polyrolol in a small area. In conclusion, rub the surface with liquid oil.

In the process of processing a plexiglass, for example, sometimes rude rough edges remain after cutting, or after some time there are cracks, defects. Often, the product from the polymer glass can be completely losing the initial species, for example, to become dim or distort the image. Therefore, the problem of returning the plexigla of its initial species sooner or later will affect many. For example, often clean and polished the plexiglas fall in shower cabins and other accessories in the bathrooms.

How to polish plexiglas? *

One of the main features of the plexiglas are its transparency, due to which the synthetic glass is successfully applied instead of the present. Therefore, as soon as the plexiglass loses its properties of transparency, it turns into ordinary plastic. Of course, in some cases, for example, when scratches are deeply located, and the surface is too many matte, the initial state of the plastic glass is no longer possible, but it is absolutely necessary to polish to the perfect gloss. You can simply remove clearly very visible defects, and then update your surface with color film. Correctly the glued film will change your product, and at the same time will strengthen the glass.

If cracks are formed on your product, scratches, and the transparency property is no longer observed, then use the video tips and make it possible to polish with your own hands at home. Without a doubt, such work will require a certain patience from you and will take more than one hour, but all this will be fed up with an updated type of plexiglass surface.

If there is no sufficient experience, then it is better to produce procedures for polishing manually so as not to spoil the plexiglass finally.

In order to correctly perform all the stages, you need to cook everything required tool, And the glass is removed from the product. When the glass surface is outside the product, the process will be much simplified in time and it will become much more convenient. Working surface It is covered with a scotch, which should be chosen by high-quality not to leave after himself traces with glue.

  1. First, the surface must be pasted. For this you need a skin and water. You can choose the skin yourself, for example, 800 will suit.
  2. The grinding process begins with the surface cleaning with a skin. It is necessary to work carefully, and most importantly evenly. Slipping surface occurs until the plexiglass becomes matte. In the process, you need to pay attention to the manifestation of various defects, for example, ryvin.
  3. After the glass has become completely matte, replace the skin number, now you need number 2000. Already during the work, you will see how glass becomes transparent.
  4. Oshkarize the surface until the plexiglass becomes the most transparent. If you will notice more defects at the end of work, then switch again to the eye number 800 and repeat the operation.
  5. Then the surface is clenched.

For the final stage, additional funds will be required, for example, a pad for polishing the plexiglas, it can be purchased in a construction store, consulted with the seller.

The polyrolol is applied to the fabric with a soft basis, with which the surface is polished with uniform movements. The process is considered finished when the glass will acquire shine. We remove the scotch and insert our plastic glass in the product.

The success of the entire enterprise largely depends on right choice Polishing paste. The paste must correspond to the brand of the plexiglass, and the feedback on the use of the polyterol for surface treatment is greatly different. Therefore, we recommend using proven means, in particular, Paste GOI. The gay paste got its name in honor of the State Optical Institute, where it was developed in the 30s of the last century for polishing optical glasses known for its highest requirements. Of course, GIO has a number of disadvantages, for example, it contains chromium oxide, which should not be forgotten when working.

For our needs, the gay of medium grain is suitable, which can be found in green.

Actually many modern means Can cope with an outfit surface, you just need to read the instructions carefully. So polishing pad for plexiglas should not contain ammonia, which gives the surface porosity incompatible with transparency. Also harms the surface excessive grain.

To polish the polymer glass, you can use even a tooth powder that is applied with a cloth.

Methods polishing

If you have a sufficient skill, you can use grinders, both special and improvised, for which you can adjust the electric drill, equipping it special nozzle. In this case, it is not necessary to use large revs to avoid overheating of the surface. The result of overheating can be superficial microcracks that adversely affect transparency.

And what to do in the case when all the above attempts did not bring the desired result? In this case, experts advise to paint the surface or use color film.

Polishing can be divided into two ways:

  • Polishing plexiglas at home, i.e. What is under hand at home, without specialized.
  • Using special pastes, fixtures, tools.

Created a short video with a screening of grinding and polishing process, and below the description with the photo:

How to polish plexiglas at home

It is necessary to polish according to the same principles as polishing a tree or iron. Those. First, the grinding is retained large irregularities on the surface of the material, then smaller and so to the mirror gloss.

Polishing of flat plexiglas

Let you have a piece of flat or more complex form Plexiglas, scratched during operation, which should be brought to the divine view, i.e. Polish. I take for an example here is such a scratched piece:

What will polish plexiglas? As we work at home, I use what is at hand

  • set of emery paper of different graininess
  • toothpaste
  • goe paste
  • rag, and better a piece of felt

When choosing emery paper, grain should not be larger than the deepest scratches on the surface of the plexiglass. To start polishing and complete it is necessary to complete the small sandpaper from № 2,000, which can even be lost between themselves before work with glass. It is not desirable to take a completely lost paper, because Will rub, and the glass will not be removed.

When restoring the glass will have to, as often happens when treating diseases, go through the crisis. The gross sandpaper we clean the scratched surface and it all becomes matte. It is clearly visible on the video. Do not be afraid. We make the surface of smooth, evenly matte throughout the plane, so that the scratches do not stand out.

Then we take all the smallest skins and three, three, three. While the glass after processing the "zero" will not acquire an almost transparent look.

After that, we begin to polish the plexiglass toothpaste. In the paste should contain at least some abrasive substances, so gel is better not to take. I used such (clearly not the best for polishing), but you can both other, and better tooth powder:

Again three. In this case, the surface acquires brilliant viewEven if traces of scratch remained.

And before and after that, the glass can be washed with water with soap, so that the dirt formed during processing when one remaining pebbles from the sandacht makes a bunch of new scratches.

After that, if there is, you can polish the paste of the goow.

See that at the same time there was not deep scratches and the pasta did not get there. It is dark color and wash it out of them will be difficult.

At the end, we rinse the glass with water with soap and see the result:

The picture shows that the middle is more transparent than the edges. And at first everything was the opposite.

Therefore, so that it is not over if it was transparent, it is possible to make a plaque with a good surface with a good surface and clean the scratches before processing.

  • Long-term and laborious process, especially with large areas
  • It is difficult to achieve perfectly smooth surface, as it was before processing. Always remain micronether, although they become transparent
  • In this way, it is difficult to remove a single scratch on the surface without damaging the surface around it.

When polishing the plexiglass, you can not be afraid to melt and deform the material from strong friction, which can happen when polishing the felt circle on the electric motor.

With such a treatment of the surface of the plexiglass, there are no internal stresses, which may interfere with its further gluing with other details, which otherwise can lead to cracking of the material from the glue on these places.

This is the easiest way to restore the transparency of the surface of the plexiglass.

Over time, the surface of the plexiglass is covered with scratches, brilliance deprived, various flaws begin to appear on it, and the reflection in it is significantly distorted. But it is possible to return the glass to the glass after all, although the process itself is time-consuming and sufficiently long. The main thing is to know how to polish the plexiglass, gain patience and do not allow the material to come into full disrepair.

Features of plexiglas

The organic glass is a synthetic polymer consisting of a thermoplastic resin. It has many other names:

  • plexiglass;
  • acrylic glass;
  • transparent plastic;
  • carboards;
  • akriplast, etc.

In Europe, Plexiglas is known since 1933, although it was created back in 1928. At that time, plexiglas found its use in the aviation industry. His properties such as transparency, horse skyscrace and insensitivity to the effects of aircraft gasoline, perfectly fit for the crew cockpit.

The domestic plexiglass appeared in 1936, and modern developments made it possible to use its composite options even the MiG aircraft. What then to talk about the domestic use of the Plexigla, which is widely used:

  • in the interiors;
  • with the glazing of the openings and the manufacture of transparent domes;
  • as decorative partitions;
  • in the production of shower cabins;
  • as a diffuser for fluorescent lamps and elements of the decor with backlight;
  • for aquariums and molded products.

It is impossible to list all the scope of the plexiglas, especially in industry. It is released:

  • color;
  • transparent;
  • matte;
  • corrugated.

With confidence, it can be said that it looks at a plexiglass in any case, it has a lot of advantages, but is predisposed to the appearance of scuffs and scratches that can be deleted, if you know how to polish plexiglas. With a positive result, it will last a long time.

How to return the plexiglas transparency and shine

To begin, remember that when polishing organic glass should not be used high-abrasive compositions, aggressive chemicals and coarse sandy skins. All of them will probably lead to the dullness of the surface and loss of aesthetic.

There are several ways to give the plexigla to the second life, each of which has the right to exist. It should be noted that it is most convenient to work with a glass that is taken out of the design. In this case, the ends stick to the tape so that it goes to a couple of millimeters to the main surfaces of the plexiglass.

If the plexiglass is removed, it is not possible for a number of reasons, then the surfaces of other materials adjacent to it will need to be caught in the same tape. Next, the glass is cleaned from dust and dirt with a piece of soft tissue.

It is important to know that the prepared plexiglary is polished only manually. Any machine processing leads to its damage due to relatively fast processing.

Option 1

The following materials and tools will be needed for the polishing process of Plexiglas:

  • emery skar - with grain grain 2000 and 800;
  • a soft cloth that is possible to replace with felt or felt;
  • polishing paste.

Polishing are beginning to produce using sandwich 800 and a small amount of water. It is necessary to monitor the accuracy and uniformity of stripping. The surface after the end of this step is obtained by matte, but it should be. The main thing is that there are no digvin. The glass is wiped with a soft cloth and proceed to the treatment of plexiglass with a smaller skin with a graininess of 2000, as a result of which it becomes more transparent, and scratches disappear on the surface.

Next, a polyrolol in the form of a paste is applied to the plexiglas with a soft tissue, in a wide range of assortment in building supermarkets, and continues to polish, evenly rubbing the composition along the surface of the glass. The effect of shine appearance on it can be seen after a few seconds.

Option 2.

In this case, it will be necessary:

  • paste GOI;
  • soft fabric, or felt, felt, cotton discs sold in cosmetic departments.

Initially, the paste is applied to the plexiglass and is polished with one of the above materials. It is then treated with a shallow eye moistened in water. The plexiglass is also sprinkled with water, its surface in the process should remain dry.

At the final stage, the glass is wiping up with a soft cloth and is again subjected to the processing of paste goes with the help of felt. This option is recommended for polishing old orgstecol.

Option 3.

On the market B. big assortment The colorless auto-polyarols of various manufacturers are presented. They are also suitable for polishing organic glass, but before the start of the application process, it is not superfluous to check on a small section of the plexiglass, which will be the result so that there are no unexpected situations.

If successful checks, you can safely apply a polyrolol on the surface, thoroughly rubbing it with felt. After the end of this stage, the plexiglas is recommended to be confused by machine oil.

Plexiglass polishing options there are still quite a lot. Homemade masters will be able to tell about the use of zero skins and a burner sprinkler, which is unsafe, and with illiterate use can lead to glass melting. Some craftsmen advise the use of independently prepared agents, which include a tooth powder or pasta, wine vinegar or chalk.

But it is not necessary to risk - it is better to use for polishing a plexiglass for a long time proven technology!

Plexiglas is an excellent replacement for ordinary glass. Plexiglas has been applied in various industries, including construction. The level of strength and transparency of the plexiglass has good indicators, so often there are not only shower cabins, but also lighting, Aquariums, as well as various car accessories.

However, sometimes scratches can be detected on the plexiglass, and even chips. From scratches on the plexiglas, it is quite possible to get rid of the independent way, at home. So, how is the polishing of plexiglas at home? How to polish plexiglas, for example on Dushkhabina doors?

Having decided to independently polish the plexiglas, it is necessary to learn more about how correctly polishing the plexiglass at home is performed. The fact is that this is a very thin process, during which you can return the former appearance of the product from plexiglas, and on the contrary, to finally spoil it.

First of all, it is worth knowing that the treatment of the plexiglace eliminates the use of any aggressive substances for these purposes. If chemicals are used to polish plexiglas, the appearance of it after processing will become dim and unsightly, and the product will be finally spoiled.

In order to correct the process of polishing the plexiglass, it is necessary to prepare the following tools for this:

  1. Scotch and paper;
  2. Sharp knife or scalpel;
  3. Entrile paper zero (800 and 2000);
  4. Gay paste.

Polishing plexiglas at home is performed manually, without using any power tools. Using the power tools for polishing the plexiglass, you can quickly overload the surface, after which the plexiglass will already be unsuitable.

To polish the plexiglass at home, you must first remove the product from which it is manufactured and put it on a flat and durable surface. At the same time, the ends of the product immediately need to be saved with a scotch or paper so that in the process of polishing the plexiglass cannot damage them.

After such simple preparatory work, You can polish the plexiglass with your own hands. For this, sandpaper (800) and with a small amount of water, produce a neat and uniform grout of the surface of the plexiglass.

Cleaning, thus, the plexiglass, its surface wipes and gives the first assessment of the work performed. If the scratches on the plexiglast are removed not completely or not to the end, then it is necessary to continue polishing the plexiglass again.

As soon as large scratches from the plexiglass are removed, they should change the sandpaper, replacing it with a skin (for 2000). After the surface of the plexiglass is finally smooth and without defects, the result must be consolidated using the gay paste or any other paste to polish surfaces.

The goe paste is applied to the surface of glass with a soft cloth and neatly, it is uniform hand moves into plexiglas. Already in ten minutes you can see how the surface of the plexiglass will take a brilliant and glossy look.

On this, the plexiglass polishing at home is complete, and the product can be installed on its legitimate place for its further operation.

Polymer solid transparent material is called plexiglass. Although there are quite a lot of other names - plexiglas, ankriplast, carboards and others. It is often used instead of ordinary glass in the automotive industry, aviation and other industries. But with all the advantages of the material, it happens that it is muttered or damaged. And then the task arises how to polish the plexiglass with your own hands.

General requirements for work

Polishing is performed by low-abrasive compositions. And at the same time it is necessary to avoid the use of aggressive substances. It is worth considering that the easiest way to do work when the plexiglass is taken out of the design. When it is impossible, the surrounding surface areas should be protected by scotch.

Usually, if the polished surface is small, the work is carried out manually. But it is easier to, with less cost and faster, the desired result is obtained when using grinders. For example, the headlights of the car best polish it. Such work is implemented in several ways, and sometimes you have to think about how to polish plexiglas.

Methods of execution

Using skins and polishing paste

Of the necessary equipment to perform polishing, it will be necessary:

  • emery skar 2000 and 800;
  • soft rag, felt or felt;
  • polishing paste.

Initially, the № 800 № 800 is applied, it is possible to moisten the work on the water. As a result, small scratches will be removed (leveled), and the surface will become matte. There is nothing terrible in it, it should be. The main thing is that it is smooth and without visible traces of damage.

Then the surface is beginning to be treated with skin No. 2000, after which the glass becomes transparent and the scratches disappear. Improve the quality of grinding allows the use of polyroli. It is applied to a soft cloth (flannel, felt, felt, etc.), and then the entire surface is treated with uniform movements. It continues until the desired result is obtained.

A variation of the considered method can be considered the option when limited only by polishing the skin (if the part is not responsible and its transparency does not play a special role). Or when only polyrolol is applied without prior sand. This is additionally possible to learn from the video:

Using gay paste

In principle, it is almost the same with the previously discussed method. Only in this case, the GOI paste is used instead of the polyrolol. Polishing technology is actually the same - first the surface treatment of the sandpaper, and then the ultimate gloss of the ga paste is performed. With its characteristics and features of use can be found here:

In more detail about polishing technology in a similar way here is described here:

Processing the surface of the glass using auto-polyarols

To restore the quality of surfaces, you can use various means of autocostectors designed to eliminate small scratches and damage. In principle, the work is performed as follows - auto-polyrolol is applied to the surface, and then it is rubbed with a soft cloth, or grinding, or a special nozzle for the grinder.

But it is better to first familiarize yourself with the instructions for the use of the means and conduct a trial check on a small surface area.

The affected methods of polishing are far from the only, there are other, for example, using toothpaste, but these are already options for critical situations, usually enough and considered methods for restoring the transparency of the Plexiglas.

Sometimes it is not at all intentionally, we damage the glasses of hours, phones or transparent surfaces of various devices. To eliminate the resulting scratches, it is enough to simply polish the surface of the plexiglass. And you can do it yourself, including at home.