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How to prepare walls for decorative plaster. How to properly prepare different surfaces for decorative plaster: stages of work with your own hands How to prepare walls for decorative plaster yourself

Creating a beautiful interior in the house requires certain preparations. Under each finishing material, the wall surface must be prepared in a special way. In the article, we will look at how the preparation of walls under the decorative plaster is carried out, because this is the most popular finish.

Why preparing a wall

Decorative plaster gives the room an unusual and very aesthetic appearance. To the walls shone, and the coating itself was durable, the surface before starting work should be prepared. Otherwise, the finishing layer will not be firmly held and soon it will require additional repair and restoration work, which will be expensive. Therefore, before the start of applying the final layer of the wall, it is necessary to proces correctly.

Video "How to prepare a foundation for decorative with your own hands"

In this video, the expert will show how to prepare the basis for decorative painting on its own.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such a finish include:

  • durability, strength and practicality;
  • resistance to different types of mechanical effects;
  • disguise irregularities and cracks;
  • the material can be applied to any surfaces: concrete, wood, brick, metal, etc.;
  • can be used for external or internal works;
  • moisture resistance, frost resistance and sound insulation;
  • for manufacture, only natural components are used.

Of the disadvantages of such a finish, it is worth noting the following points:

  • high price;
  • difficulty dismantling. To remove such a coating, it will take a lot of time and time;
  • before mounting, the surface must be correctly processed.

Despite the minuses, this decoration is becoming more and more popular every year.

Step-by-step instruction

Before applying decorative plaster, you must perform certain actions. Consider each stage of preparation in more detail.

Preparation for plastering

The work itself is simple. At this stage, such actions should be done:

  1. The surface must be cleaned from the old coating: paints, wallpaper, etc. It is impossible to leave areas that began to peel or become loose.
  2. Next, remove all the protruding elements (for example, screws).
  3. Walls are well washed away from dust and any kind of contamination. Fat stains are purified by soapy.
  4. Manden is mandatory. Next, the place affected by fungus must be covered with antifungal compositions.

After such processing, the plot must be good.

After preparation was performed, you can proceed to the next step - applying leveling plaster.

Aligning plaster

Before applying decorative plaster on the prepared surface, you need to apply an aligning layer. For these purposes, the usual gypsum putty is suitable. It is enough to cover the wall with one leveling layer of the starting material.

If the use of Venetian decorative plaster is planned, then 2 layers and finishing putty should be applied. As a result, it should be perfectly smooth surface.

It should be noted that drywall walls also need to be handled with putty to avoid manifestation of strips and joints of the material. Alternative putty does not need only a wooden surface. It can simply be treated with a special primer intended for the work on the tree.

Wall stripping

After the alignment putty was performed, surface stripper is performed. The fact is that without proper experience it is very difficult to apply such a layer to avoid the appearance of irregularities. Therefore, after the putty is completely dried, on its surface you should walk emery paper (single). You can also use a grinding machine.

Such a stripping will allow to remove all significant irregularities that can negatively affect the final finish. At the same time, small irregularities will be hidden by the decorative plaster without any negative consequences.


After the finish putty dried (it is necessary, for the minimum of 24 hours), the walls must be projected. To fully accomplish this stage, you should be as well as high quality instruments. To work, you will need a spatula with lifts at the edges. It does not leave after itself stripes and divorces.

The primer must be carried out, since the decorative plaster will be applied as a solution, which contains water. Application of primer on the walls will avoid the uneven distribution of the solution along the working surface.

After applying, the primer should dry independently. For better clutch, such a solution should be applied in two layers. Each layer must dry about 12 hours.


This stage is skipped if the texture composition (for example, Leonardo) is covered. In other cases, a thin layer of putty is applied, which after the primer must go to bed perfectly, smoothing the existing irregularities. After performing this stage and complete drying, it is necessary to sand a little again.

As you can see, the preparation of walls for applying decorative plasterings is a simple process. However, for the success of the finish, all stages should be performed consistently and efficiently, giving each layer well to dry.

Any work begins with the preparation, whether it is the fill of the foundation, the wicked walls of walls or plaster. The end result will depend on this important stage. That is why you need high-quality preparation of walls for decorative plaster. Step-by-step instructions will help to cope with this task.

Preparation of necessary tools

The preparatory stage can even make a novice builder. The process itself is at least responsible, but uncomplicated. That's what you need from the tools:

  • a set of spatulas - narrow, medium, wide;
  • plumbing and level to control surface leveling or laser level;
  • a piece of sandpaper, grinding with cutting and polishing circle;
  • wide brush for applying primer;
  • hammer drill;
  • polyethylene film, tape (better painting tape);
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • mixing nozzle for a drill;
  • plastic bucket for kneading;
  • ribs and sponge.

Materials need a little, it is:

  • primer to improve adhesion;
  • putty for alignment of the surface;
  • solvent to remove the old paint.

If on the walls that should be prepared, wallpaper are pasted, then you will need a sprayer. With it, wallpaper is clenched by their discharge. When everything is harvested, you can proceed to work.

Stages of work

Simplify the task will help a clear understanding of further actions. This is not a set of actions, but an ordered step-by-step process. Preparation of walls for decorative plaster includes such steps:

  1. Cleaning the surface.
  2. Protecting the surface.
  3. Putty work.

The technology implies the correct and clear execution of these stages. For this, it is important to consider in detail each of them.

Cleaning the surface

It does not matter, the surface is prepared in a new building, or this is a living room in which repairs are made. The primary task is to provide high-quality clutch with the surface. For this, it is cleared of all too much. Step-by-step instruction:

The walls are cleaned, but it is not all. Further work depend on the circumstances. If the walls are smooth and plastered, then you can proceed to the primer. If it is naked and uneven walls, then you need an aligning plaster.

Alignment of walls

For a new building, it is not required to remove the old coating, as it is still not easy. Nevertheless, the walls are also cleaned of dust and dirt. It remains to apply the basic and finishing layer of plaster. After all, any wall, concrete, wooden, or brick, has flaws. Stucco will help to get rid of them.

If the plumb and level showed that the deviations are small, then a sufficiently leveling layer of plaster. The mixtures for decorative work will not fit, as they are calculated for the layer not more than 1.5 mm. Yes, and with the financial side it is unprofitable. Therefore, plaster is the perfect option. Application of an aligning mixture with your own hands can be seen here:

There is another option called dry. To do this, it will be necessary to persuade the surface with plasterboard sheets. You only need to determine how to use:


The surface before applying any material needs to be treated with soil. The mixture improves the adhesion between the materials and reduces the consumption of lining. Therefore, the operational layer of decorative plaster will be increased at times.

In the store you can find a large number of different primer compositions. They have their purpose and scope of use. For example, if the room is quite humid, it means that there is a risk of mold and fungus. Therefore, it is better to choose a primer with the content of antiseptic substances. Another sales can be found for decorative plaster. Typically implies Venetian plaster. When the composition is purchased, you can proceed to work.

Tip! How many primers will need? The mixture is applied to the surface of the walls without skipping. It is recommended to apply two layers. First, find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. For example, two walls have a length of 3 m and a height of 2.2 m, and the other two lengths are 4 m and a height of 2.2 m. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls turns out: (3 × 2.2) × 2 + (4 × 2.2) × 2 \u003d 30.8 m2. If the consumption of primer is 200 ml per 1 m2, then for application of 2 layers, it is necessary: \u200b\u200b(30.8 × 200) × 2 \u003d 12320 ml of composition.

You can apply primer in three ways:

  • roller;
  • tassel;
  • kraspopult.

Faster work with spray gun. But the equipment is expensive, so not everyone can afford it. The average method for simplicity and speed is the use of roller. On the smooth surfaces, it copes perfectly with the task. But it is better to handle the hard-to-reach places with a painting brush. The primer layer must be uniform. The whole surface of the wall is processed without exception. When the first layer is applied, you need to wait for it drying. On the package it is indicated how much time will need. And only then apply the second layer. This preparation of walls is almost over. The basic putty remained.


  1. Using a wide spatula, a layer of putty is applied on the wall.
  2. After drying, the wall is grouped by sandpaper, or excess and influx putty "curb" with a spatula.
  3. The finishing layer of putty is applied.
  4. The wall is grouped.

Attention! To ensure that the wall cracking is guaranteed, it is recommended to stick the surface with glass chickens before spacing.

It is necessary to understand that the spatlement is necessary if in the future the thin layer decorative plaster like Venetsian will be applied on the wall. The surface must be perfectly smooth, without cracks, cracks and other flaws.

When using texture compositions, the shtatleviation is not performed. Why is that? Texture mixture, such as a fur coat, rain or leonardo, you need to apply a thick layer. After applying, the surface is additionally processed using a curly roller or rubber stamp. They betray the desired structure on the surface. This means that this decorative layer ranges from 3 to 5 mm. In addition to the decorative part, the layer can hide all the small shortcomings of the wall.

There are some tips and nuances that are important to consider in the preparation of walls:

  1. Each layer of putty should dry well before you can work further.
  2. In order during operation, cracks do not occur, when plasterboard seammallows, a sherryanka grid is used.
  3. Before applying the decorative layer, surface treatment is required.
  4. Malar tape and plastic film are needed to protect the unformed areas. For example, it covers the window, doors, pipes, so as not to smell during the work. You can still lay the film to the floor. So remote old facing will be easier to clean.

That's what you need to do before you prepare walls for decorative plaster.


Making patience, prepare the desired tool and materials for work, you can easily cope with the task. Step-by-step instructions will help properly perform each of the preparation stages.

In recent years, the decorative plaster of the external and inner walls of the building has become widely demanded when finishing buildings of various purposes. Consumers in this material attracts high speed of application and practicality of the surface, a wide variety of textures and colors, moisture resistance and mechanical stability of finished coatings. According to qualified specialists, it is very important that the preparation of walls for decorative plaster was performed with qualitative and observance of technologies, taking into account the features of the finishing material and the source conditions of the surface of the surface. The fact is that all the beauty and all the aesthetic attractiveness of the structural finishing manifests itself only in the absence of defects on the wall.

Features of decorative finishes and its main differences from other materials

Decorative plaster is the finish stroke of all repair work. The doors and windows in the apartment must already be installed, the floor covering is laid, all the remains of the materials should be made out of the premises and the construction trash exported.

The technology of preparing walls to apply this type of finishing is not fundamentally different from preliminary work before pasting wallpaper or painting.

Due to its multi-layered and texture, the finishing plaster will be able to hide small, minor surface defects. So, very perfectly naughty preparation is not required. The main thing is to be absent on the walls of the differences in terms of the level and large irregularities, recesses, chips and cracks.

Preliminary events

Before the preparation of walls for decorative plaster begins, it is necessary to remove the residues of the finishing materials from all surfaces and visible defects. It is advisable to delete the foundation by the industrial vacuum cleaner.

If the surface is relatively smooth, it should be necessary to handle high-quality primer with a strengthening effect, especially drywall and surfaces prone to sprinkling. In rooms with elevated wall humidity, it is necessary to treat efficient antifungal composition.

Decorative plaster is not recommended to apply for previously painted surfaces. It is not allowed on the surface of the walls of oil spots, which should be removed by a special solvent and rinse with a weak soap solution.

When the cracks are detected, they are expanded manually or using angular grinding machines. Each cracked is filled with a repair solution. With volumetric, deep damage, filling is made in several stages. After complete drying of the composition, there is a grinding of space and additional primer.

If on the walls after dismantling the previous finish, rods remained and chippers, they are also aligned into one or more layers, grind and ground. With significant surface drops, you should use a special putty composition. Currently, domestic and foreign manufacturers offer a large list of high-quality, quick-drying putty, with which you can align the walls with a level drop to 50 mm.

In order to further avoid cracks on the finished coverage, the specialists still at the preparation stage are advised to use a special interior grid for putty. Be sure to take into account that each new layer of leveling putty should be given to dry at least a day.

Picking to prepare putty, it should be remembered that the technology and construction standards cannot use the finish mixtures containing alabaster or oil-adhesive base. Such formulations interfere with the adhesion of materials.

With more significant defects, use preparatory, rough plaster. However, it should be remembered that the term of its drying can be three or four weeks. The exact period of exhibitions of plastered surfaces depends on the materials used, the thickness of the layers, temperature and humidity of the surrounding space. After full standings, the base is covered with the finest layer of putty and give it to dry two days.

For some types of decorative finishes, for example, for Venetian plaster, it takes perfectly even, the maximum smooth base. Therefore, the finished surface should be additionally treated with the smallest grinding. After the final leveling of the surface, it is covered with high-quality acrylic soil.

The qualitatively performed preparation of walls for decorative plaster will be a reliable base under high quality, durable finish, which will serve its owners for many years, pleaseing their beautiful appearance and practicality.


We bring to your attention a video in the topic.

This will provide high-quality adhesion of material with the surface.

Preparation of walls for decorative plaster has its own characteristics about which we will talk about.

Acquaintance with Material

Decorative plaster makes it possible to get the original interior. It is a multilayer coating with the possibility of creating various patterns and textures. A large number of color solutions, characteristics of mixtures, thanks to which they are used not only as the inner decor, but also as an outdoor cladding, made plaster popular and popular among professionals and lovers.

With the help of decorative plaster covers concrete bases, plasterboard walls, ceiling. It can be painted and independently composed before applying on the surface. After drying, the material has such advantages:

  1. Mechanical strength
  2. Resistance to ultraviolet, thanks to which the material does not lose its color
  3. Frost resistance - Each manufacturer indicates the service life depending on the number of frost cycles
  4. Moisture resistance

The cost of plaster makes it possible to apply it even with budgetary repairs. The plaster solution is applied as a mechanical method and manually - it reduces costs for expensive equipment and payment of the brigade of the masters. Following the instructions for the preparation of walls under the decorative plaster with their own hands, you will have to create a high-quality coverage, which will save you from the need for repair for a long time.

Decorative wall plaster (video)

Clean and stuff wall

The preparatory stage determines the duration of the service of a particular finish. That is why performing draft work should pay attention to any little things and flaws. First of all, the walls are purified from old cladding, get rid of dirt and fatty spots. Wallpapers are removed with detergent solutions, swinging the canvas. If you plan to plaster colored walls, then remove the paint layer using special solutions. To date, decorative mixtures are used for:

  • Wooden
  • Concrete
  • Metal
  • Brick surfaces

If the decorative plaster is used inside the house, the GLC will fit for alignment of the wall. Preparation of plasterboard walls for decorative plaster looks like this:

  1. Plasterboard refers to the options of dry wall alignment and requires installation on the frame. After fixing the material, it is ready for putty and equalizing the seams
  2. As a strengthening for jacks, the reinforcing tape is suitable
  3. Dowel and small deepening from self-samples overlap with a thin layer of putty
  4. Strengthening angular joints is performed using perforated corners, which in the future put
  5. When the procedure for applying putty is completed, the surfaces are left to their complete drying, and then a mixture of a mixture similar to concrete contact. It contains quartz sand and binding additives

As decorative plaster for drywall, quick-drying solutions should be chosen, which grab faster than we manage to absorb material. Preparation of walls for decorative plaster Coroed is performed by the same scheme as for other mixtures. The surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust, if necessary, to level alignment.

Important! Drops up to 3 mm can not be aligned, they will hide the cored. All cracks, chips and pits from 3 mm should be sharpened.

Coroede is often used outside the house. The technology of applying textured mixtures is the same as for internal surfaces, but at the same time, for the street, they advise to choose solutions with larger fractions. The appearance of the plaster Coroed resembles a chaotic movement of the beetle of a tree core.

Depending on the direction of the grout, the furrows can be vertical, horizontal and directions of the cross on the cross. Preparation of walls for decorative plaster in the bathroom has its own characteristics:

  1. The sequence of draft works is no different, but at the same time it is recommended to conduct antiseptic treatment for wet premises.
  2. Many primers contain antiseptics that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls and near the bath
  3. Under the decorative plaster, it is recommended to apply a layer of reducing plaster - she provides the necessary roughness, protection and has waterproof properties

Important! For beginners there are video lessons in which the masters describe all the subtleties of the preparation of walls both within the house and from the outside. With them, learning will be fast and helpful.

The procedure for the preparation of walls under glass cholester under decorative plaster is misleading many home masters. Despite the fact that the surface of the surface should be processed and screened with irregularities, for the finishing finish, the base is also putting. This is due to the material structure that will manifest themselves through the choplaresters, and the decorative plaster will not stay for a long time on such a basis. In addition, the glass cholester has the properties of the sponge and will absorb moisture from the finishing materials.

At the stage of selection of the finish finish for the wall should be prepared for draft work. Many manufacturers offer soils that are used with their decorative plasters. This is an excellent option to increase adhesion, while not bad variants remain and use of universal solutions with antiseptic additives. The price of related products belongs to the category available, so do not give up additional protection tools.

Application of decorative plaster and preparation of walls with video materials contains a step-by-step plan for performing work, in which all the subtleties of work are stages. Every newcomer learns a lot of new and useful information.

Watching is carried out at advantage and dry weather, drying surfaces are artificially accelerated. Quick-drying mixtures need about 1-2 days, and ordinary decorative, textured and Venetian plaster dries up to 4-5 days. The drying period is indicated on the packaging of the applied plaster. Coloring is carried out using rollers and paintopults, which make it possible to quickly apply a paint mix. The coloring of the plaster is the finish finish, which, if necessary, is covered with varnishes or wax.

The main rule for the qualitative fulfillment of all works with your own hands is the desire to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house with all efforts.

Decorative plaster is truly a unique finishing material that allows you to create unique interiors in your beauty.

No wonder the popularity of such compositions is growing from year to year. However, decorative mixtures can completely disclose all its aesthetic advantages can only be subject to the relevant preparation of the bearing basis, so the preparation of walls for decorative plaster should be carried out with special care.

Types and features of the material

Decorative plaster should have aesthetic qualities and be strong enough

Decorative plastering coatings in their composition, technical characteristics and method of applying are radically different from conventional plaster solutions.

The main purpose of basic or finishing compositions is to level the carrier surfaces, eliminate various technical defects, their preparation for further finishing.

Unlike them, decorative plaster is designed for use in the interiors in the form of a final wall covering. Due to the operational and technical features of this material, the preparation of walls for decorative plaster has its own nuances.

First of all, you should consider this coverage from the technical side: its characteristics, pros and cons, varieties, application, etc.


All decorative plaster mixes are divided into two main categories:

  1. Natural compositions.
  2. Polymer.

The first group includes mixtures prepared on the basis of natural components. These are the following compositions:

  • mineral. The basis of them consists of mineral fillers of a large fraction, often painted in various colors. The binder in such mixtures is cement. The treated surface has a grainy texture that transfuses different shades;
  • lime. The basis of this solution is the extinguished lime with the addition of fine sand and cement;
  • gypsum. Gypsum solutions are easy to use and plastic. Have a number of operational restrictions - you can apply them only on the inner walls of rooms with natural levels of humidity.

Special textural rollers will help create an original surface.

Polymer compositions can be silicone or acrylic. According to the technology of creating aesthetic effect, the mixture is divided into textural and textured.

Texture mixtures have a volumetric pattern, applied using a smooth, texture roller, stencils.

In textured mixtures, the external effect is achieved due to the color scheme, imitating expensive coatings - first of all, polished marble and granite slabs.

Advantages and disadvantages

The wide popularity of such finishing mixtures is explained by a whole set of positive qualities that distinguish them from most other wall coverings. Among the main advantages can be noted:

Create a particularly complex texture on the shoulder only a professional

Exclusive plaster coatings are not devoid of some drawbacks. Of course, they are not so critical, otherwise these mixes would not be so claimed among buyers. The main disadvantages that can affect the choice are only two:

  • high price. The price of the material is quite comparable to the highest aesthetic effect that can be achieved with it. It is usually at times exceeds the cost of ordinary basic or finishing compositions;
  • complicated application. The applying of the mixture on the wall has a number of features, sometimes very complex, from a technical point of view.

Therefore, before you choose your choice on this material, you need to soberly assess your skills in the finishing craft. Otherwise, you can put an expensive plaster mixture, or, as an option, will additionally spend money on the services of professional finishes.

If still the choice is made in favor of this expensive exclusive coating, you should consider in more detail how to prepare walls for decorative plaster so that it can serve as long as possible.

Stages of preparation

Clean the wall from garbage and dust and cover with soil

The entire procedure for preparing the walls to decorative plaster can be divided into several stages.

  1. Surface stripping.
  2. Equaling shuttering.
  3. Primer.
  4. Shplanke.

Proper surface preparation implies a phased and high-quality work of all listed works. At the same time, for each type of plaster, the walls can be prepared in a special way.

The decorative composition on the walls in the new building always requires the preliminary alignment of the base and (or) finishing plaster. The fact is that new walls, whether they are composed of bricks, cast from concrete or made of wood, always have some flaws.

It can be just small chips and sinks, too deep seams. And more serious defects in the form of curved walls can occur. Moreover, at first glance, the curvature of the walls may be imperceptible. But the finish finish in some cases can emphasize this disadvantage, to make it so noticeable that it will cross the entire effect of expensive repairs.

Fix the flanges of the walls with the help of decorative mixtures will not work for the reason that they are designed for applying a thin layer. Not more than 1.5 - 2 mm. And this is clearly not enough to correct more or less significant defects of the bearing basis.

Therefore, all walls in a new house must be carefully examined using a building or laser level. In the case of a significant deviation in a vertical or horizontal direction, an aligning plaster layer should be applied.

Alternatively, the preparation of walls to decorative plaster can provide for their covering with plasterboard sheets - the so-called technology "dry plaster". This method of alignment of the walls is simpler than "wet technologies", and requires less costs of forces and time. On how to apply an aligning mixture, see this video:

However, it should be borne in mind that the sheets of GLCs together with the frame eaten a significant amount of room space - at least 50 mm for each wall.

Stripping walls

It should be carefully cleaned before applying a plaster mix of any type on the walls already processed. In the process of work, it is necessary to clean the surface from old wallpapers, paints, spacing, up to the layer of leveling plaster. For stripping, you can use any suitable tools - spatulas, cells, blades, grinding machines.

For faster removal of wallpaper, they should be moible with a soap solution or a special fluid removal fluid. You can buy it in the same stores where wallpaper and wallpaper glue are sold. Conventional paper wallpapers are simply wetting with a roller or brush.

Treatment of soapy water will help remove old wallpaper

The waterproof vinyl web should be predeterforyed with a needle roller, a "wall-tiger" or a conventional knife so that the liquid has access to the back of the wallpaper and the wall surface.

You can try to remove paint with a spatula starting from bubbling and peeling fragments. If it keeps too hard, you should go to more radical measures - resort to the help of grinding or perforator. Lime whitewings can be simply washed off with a damp cloth, having passed through the entire surface of the wall several times.

Removing the splotel can take quite a long time, as it is applied with a thin layer, but it has good adhesion with the underlying base. To facilitate its removal, it is recommended to prepare a special composition of a mixture of starch with water in a proportion of 1 to 20 or 1 to 15 in particularly difficult cases. For details on cleaning the base, see this video:

This solution is wetted with sharpled walls and leave absorbed by 15 to 20 minutes. After that, simply scrape a layer of spatlets using a spatula.


Soil will improve the adhesion of the wall with a mixture

The primer allows you to create a strong hitch between different finishing layers.

Soil-formulations increase adhesion, significantly prolonging the operating time of the coating, so the preparation of walls for decorative plaster must necessarily include the processing of their surface with primer mixtures.

For greater efficiency, primer formulations are applied at least two layers. Each subsequent layer should be applied only after complete drying of the previous one.

In the modern market for finishing materials, there is a huge amount of soil-compositions that differ in their appointment and application area. If the walls are indoors with high levels of humidity, they must be treated with antiseptic primer compositions. Such protect the surfaces from the formation of mold and fungal lesions.

There is also a special primer for decorative plaster. It is used mainly under the textured "Venetian plaster" caused by a thin layer of less than 1 mm. Previously the wall is processed by a conventional primer, after drying which the melted acrylic primer is applied to the wall.

In some cases, instead of a special soil composition, as a subject to layer under the "Venetian" uses the usual acrylic paint of the desired shade. It allows you to give Venetian plaster depth of color, which enhances the "marble" effect, gives the wall a more natural tint.


Consider that texture formulations apply a thicker layer than textured

Preliminary splocking surfaces are made before applying textured, color compositions. If you are going to handle the surface of the wall with texture plaster, then the reservoir process can be omitted.

The fact is that the texture formulations are "fur coat", "rain", "Leonardo," - they are applied with a thicker layer, rather than the texture. After applying, they are additionally processed with curly rollers or rubber stamps to give them texture relief. Therefore, their layer can reach up to 3 - 5 mm, which is quite enough to disguise small flaws of the wall.

If it is planned to process the walls of thin-layer solutions - "venetian", to improve their surface using a putty is simply necessary. To do this, it is necessary to carefully examine the wall for the presence of cracks and cracks that must be carefully embedded. Over time, any, even minor cracks have a property to expand and increase, therefore defects left without attention, can soon go to the decorative layer.

For sealing cracks, they must be gently expanded and cleaned with a knife or thin spatula. After that, the slit is cleaned from dust and shut off the shta over its entire length. Also before applying the "Venetian", the entire surface of the walls is sharpened to give it a perfectly even look. After the end of work and complete drying of the layer of the putty, the entire surface of the wall is rejected again. For details on how to prepare walls under "Coroed", see this video:

If the owner of the apartment has some finishing work experience, it may well independently prepare the walls to finish with exclusive and expensive plastering mixtures. But if there are the slightest doubts in their competence, it is best to entrust work on the preparation of the surface and applying an expensive decorative coating to finishing professionals.