Repairs Design Furniture

How to paint a wooden product. What paint is best to paint the tree. Tree painting with varnish: secrets of deep mirror surface

Tree painting is considered a rather difficult event that suggests compliance with some rules. Various paints and varnishes can be used for work, but before applying the decorative protective layer, the base is necessary to prepare qualitatively with the help of special mixtures. Only the integrated execution of all stages guarantees to obtain a beautiful and durable coating.

Painting wooden surfaces can be carried out by several species finishing materials. Each variant differs in the composition and appearance of the resulting coating.


Tree paints are stable popularity. They allow you to update the surface, but hide the natural texture. When compliance with the technology, a coating is obtained, which is characterized by individuality and a magnificent decorative effect.

The following compositions can be used:

  • Oil. This kind is currently used quite rarely. This is explained by the set negative qualitieswhich has a mixture. Among them, a sharp and toxic smell is especially distinguished, as well as long drying. The composition is used for coloring wooden base and economic products.

  • Alkyd enamel. This option, like the previous one, has become less popular, but the relevance remains on good level. This is explained by the fact that the mixture is great for outdoor woodwork. After applying on the surface, a film is formed small in thickness, thanks to which it is possible to emphasize the texture of the base. In addition, enamel has low vapor permeability, which reduces the risk of tree deformation when exposed to moisture. Differ in shortness.

Epoxy coatings are characterized by high strength and resistance to abrasion, as well as the effects of various chemicals and solvents

Thus, on the question: is it possible water-emulsion paint Color wood, the answer will be affirmative. It is this product that is considered the most preferred. It not only has excellent characteristics, but also well konders, which allows you to implement a designer fantasy.


Deciding than you can paint the tree, be sure to take into account that the paint is not the only option, an excellent alternative is varnish. It is a composition based on natural or synthetic resins. Various substances that determine the properties of the material can be used as a solvent. The resulting film can be transparent or change (emphasize) wood texture.

Several embodiments are suitable for work:

  1. Polyurethane. Most in demand, since it dries quickly and has excellent resistance. But due to the presence in the solvent, it has a specific smell.
  2. Water. Suitable for works on the street and inside the house. It has environmentally friendly, but requires impregnation of the base of the primer. Drying may take up to 24 hours.
  3. Acrylic. Modern composition, which has good decorative qualities. The disadvantage is the high price.
  4. Nitrolac. It has low light resistance, suitable for work with inexpensive furniture.

Varnish can be self-coated or auxiliary protective when applying paint on wooden surface. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right to choose to achieve a better effect.

Other options for dyes

These may be the following substances:

Regardless of the selected material, the surface is covered with colorless varnish.

Selection of pre-processing agents

These are mixtures:

  • Olife It is applied to protect the base from any detrimental effects. It is better to lay several layers to achieve deep penetration. It can be used before oil paints in order to reduce their flow.

Oxol 55% Oxol consists of a natural oil component, 40 from White-spirit, 5% of the sequivat, therefore, compared to natural oil, its cost below and it will dry faster
  • Butter. Details that are near the Earth are subject to processing or immersed in it.

  • Special antiseptics. Win from microorganisms and insects, prevent rotting.

  • Fire retardants. Do not allow fire quickly spread.

Important! The impregnation is performed carefully and in advance so that the wood can imagine the desired amount of the composition.

The procedure for performing work on staining

The technology of painting wooden products suggests that work will be carried out in several stages:

  1. Selection and preparation of tools.
  2. Preparation and processing of the base.
  3. Painting.
  4. Additional processing (if necessary).

All processes are performed carefully. It should be remembered that the tree is a capricious material and easily denominates deformation.


For painting it may be necessary:

  • Kraspopult and compressor. This system allows you to process large sections in a short period of time. At home, an alternative can serve as a mechanical pulverizer.
  • Brush. It is necessary to paint hard-to-reach places, as well as for interior painting.
  • Roller It is better to choose a fur coat with a pile of medium length.
  • Comfortable tank. If it is supposed to be painted with manual devices.
  • Rag. To quickly correct errors.

Everything you need is prepared in advance.

Preparation of wooden surfaces under color

The preparation is given a special role. If you fulfill all the procedures correctly, there will be no problems in the subsequent.

Process scheme:

  1. If the surfaces have previously been processed, they are thoroughly cleaned from the existing coating. For this purpose, a mechanical, chemical or thermal method is applied. The main thing is the basis should be completely clean.
  2. To qualitatively prepare the place of work, it is necessary to assess its condition. If a previous coating Quickly became unusable, first of all define and eliminate the causes of this. So, the wooden facade has an influence of water that flows from the roof. In the absence of a drain system, the impact will be destroying.
  3. Grinding is carried out. This procedure is necessary and new and old grounds. Formed dust removed.
  4. The traces of the resin are cleaned, the areas are washed with White spirit.
  5. The surface is treated protective means. Antipirens and antiseptics are first applied. Then, if necessary, the most affected areas are covered with oils. The impregnation is placed in several layers of roller and tassel.
  6. Further work is carried out after complete drying. The existing gaps and defects are embarrassed by a special putty. After grappling, the plots are grinding.
  7. The primer is applied. If required, then it is necessary to treat the surface with a olphoi or verse.

The coating is left for thorough drying, it is unacceptable to act on a wet base.

Application of paint

Attention! It is necessary to carry out the operation outside or from the inside with optimal temperature and humidity indicators that depend on the selected composition.

Painting of wooden surfaces are performed as follows:

  1. The process starts from the angle when working with walls, facades, floors and ceilings and from one of the ends when designing objects, furniture, separate wooden elements.
  2. Application of oil and alkyd paints is carried out by vertical strokes. Further, the composition is truded well, after which the movements become horizontal. Acrylic paints can be immediately laid horizontally (along the tree fibers).
  3. The first layer is considered basic. For this solution, you can make a bit to ensure best laying. The second layer (if painting occurs in three layers) creates a reliable basis. After that, in places of defects, the surface is polished with small abrasive. The last coating is applied most carefully.
  4. Spray tools work significantly easier on large areas. But when using movement, movement should be uniform and at the same distance from the base.

If required, then after drying, the layer of varnish is stacked. It not only protects the paint, but also gives shine.

Technology painting wood varnish

Staining with varnishes is carried out after surface preparation. If a colorless composition is used, the base can be processed by the vessel to give the desired shade.

The varnishing process itself looks like this:

  1. The first layer is applied evenly. The appearance of flops should be avoided.
  2. To achieve a better effect, grinding is performed. It allows you to remove invisible disadvantages.

    On a note! Many masters advise grinding after laying the second layer. But it depends on the viscosity of the varnish: with a more liquid consistency, the first coating is not polished.

  3. Stacked the second layer. The main thing is to distribute the mixture evenly to avoid its accumulation in some places.
  4. The third layer completes the work.

When applying all coatings, a complete drying of the previous one is waiting. If necessary, a few days later, the product is polished.

Decorative dyeing

There are advice that will help achieve a better visual effect with their own hands:

  • Painting under the bleached oak. The easiest way is to cover the surface by the mourn suitable color. It is much more difficult to make such paint, for this a complex tinting is carried out.
  • To get the elevated wood color, applied pigment (acrylic or polyurethane) soil. It is diluted and applied to the surface. This effect can be achieved by using oil with a similar color. After laying, the base is treated with wax and rub.
  • Patinating is used for the antiquity effect. It is recommended to use special compounds: paste, liquid patina or parched varnish.

If you wish, you can get any decorative result.

Wood houses are popular to this day. They are environmentally friendly, relatively inexpensive, and thanks to modern protective compositions also durable. No matter what type building materials The building is erected - timber, log or glued bar, external facades require protective coating and antiseptics processing. This applies not only to new houses, but also the old, which require repair. In the article we will talk about how to paint wooden house outside.

Let us consider in detail the reasons because of which you have to restore the paintwork wooden house Outside, types of compositions that are suitable for external work on wood and the technology of painting a wooden house outside with their own hands.

Causes of aging wood

Wood is a material with a living structure. Even a growing tree with time ages and becomes drumming, in a fired, these processes occur much faster. Unprocessed material in one season loses its original gloss, becoming gray. Therefore, to maintain aesthetic appearance and to protect the wood itself, such houses require regular processing.

  • Atmospheric influence. This is the sun, rains and temperature differences. They make the structure of the wooden facade more coarse, reducing elasticity and changing its color with yellow on gray. Because of the frequent expansion and narrowing with a change in humidity, cracks appear, aggravating the aging process.
  • Rotation and mold. They arise in places where accumulates the greatest number moisture - in cracks, with time, moving to the entire surface. Mold notice easily even in the initial stages, as it most often is different education gray-blueSometimes black. Data spots are unsolonged on the quality of the wood structure, but harmful to health. But the further rotting caused by them is already dangerous and requires immediate interference in the form of staining with special compositions.

  • Beetles-koroedy. They can even appear in new homes, if during construction it was not qualitatively removed overview or was used by the material of low quality (for example, for the roof crate). For many years they can spoil the wood imperceptibly. Get rid of them very difficult.

Tip: It is especially important to take care of the quality protection of the facade of a wooden house if it is located in a large reservoir or near car trails with intensive movement.

Color Color Paints Home Outside

This is an important question, because the selected color will affect the mood and satisfaction from the work done. It is most convenient to do this directly in the store, where wood samples are represented, painted in different shades. When ordering paints via the Internet, the monitor can distort the real color.

Browsing the coloring options wooden buildings In the journal, it often arises a feeling of delight, however, when choosing a color for your home, most come to a dead end, not knowing what exactly choose. Several tips will help here:

  • initially, it is worth deciding whether the whole house will be repainted or only it separate elements. In the latter case, the color of the dye must be harmonized with an existing tone;
  • some cottage settlements require that homes be similar in appearance, and therefore, the color must be combined with nearby houses;
  • the color of the composition applied to the wood can be very different when artificial lighting Store and with street light. Therefore, many consultants are recommended to purchase a small dye jar (often, at the request, I can smoke very small amount specifically for the customer) and paint some element on the facade. This will make it possible to accurately determine the option.

Choosing a shade for the house must be repelled from the environment. For example, in Pine Bor, beautifully look at home with warm shades Wood facades, and for a light birch grove, it is better to choose gray tones in Scandinavian style.

Of the basic rules it is worth remembering the main thing - bright shades, and especially white color, visually increase the size wooden cottage, and here dark colors On the contrary, reduce.

Selection of paint for painting at home

Despite the fact that the modern building market is filled with all sorts of paint products for wood, choosing it according to the characteristics is quite zud. Despite the fact that some formulations are widely advertised, while others are almost unknown, their components are similar. Over the past decades, no fundamentally new coloring compositions, for example, classical oil paint famous brand Ticcuril is produced without significant changes for over 70 years. This suggests that, despite the promising advertising of new dyes about unprecedented long-term operation, do not take for a clean coin.

  • Oil paints for wood. Most often it is more a budget option For painting a wooden facade of the house. Their main advantage is that they are capable of penetrating fairly deep into the structure of wood, making it sustainable to negative influence atmospheric conditions. But so that the house always looks aesthetically, this coverage requires updates every 5 years or more often, depending on the conditions of the region. Another disadvantage is low resistance to ultraviolet. So, the southern side of the building will faster to lose color saturation (of course, it concerns only bright shades). Such compositions based on olifa for quite a long time. Even in solar and warm weather it takes several hours. Therefore, the dust does not stick to new facades, it is necessary to choose mad weather.
  • Acryptic paints for wood. it best option Dye for wooden facade at home. First of all, this is due to their ability to create a reliable vapor-permeable coating. That is, after applying, a layer is formed, capable of breathing like a tree. In addition, even after frozen, the alkyd paints remain quite elastic, so as not to crack during the seasonal drying of the wood. All this allows you to extend performance features up to 8-10 years without the need for new repair.

  • Tree Current Antiseptic. They are based on acrylate-alkyd composition. This is a relatively recent product type, but with a number of advantages, thanks to which is gaining popularity. This composition is able to give cheap wood a view of an expensive material. Which allows you to save when construction when you want to achieve a respectable result. In addition, such antiseptics without tinting retain their external more than 10 years.
  • Lucky, Morleeons, Lazari. If expensive materials were chosen for the construction of a wooden house, it is worth stopping their choice on a colorless and durable coating. They will give the surface gloss, while not distorting color, but only slightly change the shade and fully show a beautiful texture natural material. If desired, they can be toned, in this case the color saturation will depend on the amount of layers applied.

Asking the question, the better to paint the house, most rely on the combination of price / quality. So you can make an exemplary review of the most famous manufacturers:

  • Budget paint. These include economies, the cost of which does not exceed 100-150 rubles / kg. This is "Sezhezh", "Aquatex", "Texturol".
  • Medium price category. Their price varies within 250-350 rubles / kg. The most famous "Tikkurila" and "Belinka".
  • Best paint - from 400 rubles / kg and above. These are foreign manufacturers, such as Woodwork and Johnestones.

  • If paint new houseThe choice of paint is not limited to anything and depends only on the preferences of the owner. Another thing if produced repair work Previously painted wooden facade. In this case, it is necessary to paint the same composition that was applied before. But there is a small nuance if the wall was painted with oil paint, then acrylic was allowed to be applied to it with pretreatment.
  • If before this work was made by other owners, it is first necessary to determine the type of paint. A sharp stationery knife is cut off a piece of composition or make an incision and watching: if it breaks easily and crumbs - it means this oil paint, if it has a sufficient elasticity to twist into a roll - acrylate.
  • Collect better cloudy day, when there is no bright sun, but the rain is not planned. This is due to the fact that when direct sun ray On freshly made facade of wood, paint can dry up uneven, forming divorces.

  • It is necessary to beware of purchasing products that appeared on the construction market quite recently. Even if the manufacturer indicates a warranty period to 15-20 years, check it in practice has not yet been possible. But in any case, the manufacturer indicates it, taking into account the fact that wood was previously processed by antiseptic and preparations and primed. Without this, the service life is sharply reduced.
  • When buying is also important to pay for sheltering indicators. That is, the consumption of composition on the m2, so the bank is often a smaller volume can cover a large area than more cheap analog. So it is not always worth navigating the price parameter "rub / l.".

Coloring wooden houses. Preparatory work

  • Before staining the wooden house outside, it is necessary to preliminarily prepare the walls. For the new house, they are to apply antiseptics and primer. But when repairing an old building, it will be significantly more: grinding to good wood and the treatment of cracks. These procedures will protect possible irregularities or from the detachment of the old and new paint from each other.
  • The problem of the majority wooden houses It is their seasonal "movement", leading to the cracking of the paint if it does not have sufficient elasticity. In the resulting cracks, moisture penetrates freely, which leads to further destruction paint coating And the wood itself. In addition, the mold formed in such places adversely affects human health, causing pulmonary diseases. The exceptions are only at home from the glued timber, thanks to the production technology, they do not form cracks and painting for them only in aesthetic purposes.
  • Therefore, at first, the metal spatula is rudely removed all the detached places and those that are easily cleaned. After that, with the help of a grinder with a special disk, clean the surface to light and pure wood. This guarantees the durability of the repair.

  • The gaps from mold are more convenient and cheaper to handle from the sprayer of ordinary whiteness, which is sold at any economic store. The concentration takes 100%, that is, without dilution with water. Due to the caustic smell, even on the street work it is necessary to carry out in the respirator, protective glasses and gloves.

How to paint an old wooden house outside

  • Sometimes, after complete grinding, wood surface has a lot of jar and irregularities. It is desirable to smooth out sandpaper with a large grain. Again, these enrolls are sold for Bulgarians, which significantly diminishing and simplifies the process. As a result, it turns out to achieve a fairly smooth surface.
  • The next step will be the applying of primer. To date, you can find special primer formulations for wood, which already have antiseptic additives. Thus, the work is reduced by twice. Make it with a brush for a very long time, much more convenient to use the paintopult. In order not to buy for uniform work, it can be rented. It is recommended to apply it in two layers.

Tip: For a more rich color as a result of staining in the primer, add the desired amount of the spike, so that it is as close as possible in color to the paint itself. So, if the house is painted in grey colour, then the primer must be gray. Make it best in the store where the composition was purchased.

  • Painty begin only on condition that the wood is completely dry. Opening a new jar, the composition is thoroughly stirred for a couple of minutes so that it become homogeneous. To work, choose a wide brush with small snacks. It is best to buy a brush for varnish, it will allow the most evenly to apply paint. Work is starting to produce from top to bottom, carefully following the inclusions. The smears make horizontal, along the fibers of wood.

  • When working with the paintopult, the same requirements follow the same requirements. But with him the paint go to bed more smoothly, and the flow rate decreases.
  • As a rule, applying one layer does not turn out to be avoided noticeable inclination, and the coating itself is not solid enough. For external work, in addition to the primer layer, it is recommended to apply at least three layers of paint.

How to paint a wooden house outside video

How and how to paint the tree at home

Tree painting: The end result depends on the preparation of the surface

Probably, many of you think that the solution to the question, how to paint a tree is frivolous, and almost everyone can cope with it. Yes, this one is so we are talking About the Taste Work Tassel, the result of which can be seen almost every one. If you want to get a really high-quality result, characterized by smoothness of the surface and depth of color, then here will have to try very and very much. A considerable role in the process of obtaining such surfaces is given precisely preparatory workwhich are a cycle of grinding, primers and reds.

At the first stage, the acquired rack of the right size had to well clean with the help of a large abrasive grid with graininess 80. The task is rough processing It was to eliminate the flaws made in the workshop in the process of cutting the rail. After a major emery made his job and gave the surface of the future platbands a flat plane, Abrasive had to replace smaller (240) and bring the case to the end, giving the surface with its help the necessary roughness. Now you can apply the coloring composition!

Preparatory work in front of the painting tree photo

How and how to paint a tree: paint or verse

There are two main composition, with which you can give wood the necessary color is paints and. The use of one or another material is fully due to the necessary end result. Morlogs, as a rule, emphasize the structure of the wood. It turns out this thanks to the ability of the tree in different ways to absorb it into itself, and paints, most of the wood, hide the structure of the wood. True, the transparent paints that form a thin color film on the surface of the tree, but I still decided to go old on and use the vessel for painting the wood. She is now produced in a wide variety and can have any color - quite easy to purchase on the market and red, and black, and blue, and even a white veil.

The question is, the better to paint the tree, I decided for myself. It remains for the small - to apply a veil on the surface of future platbands. It turned out to be easy. To begin with, it was necessary to remove fine dust from the surface of the wood, which remained after the grinding process and apply a brush with a brush. It will dry quickly enough, especially if sunny weather on the street. With a gap in half an hour, the process of painting, and rather impregnating the wood by the verse, I had to repeat, since the surface turned out to be uneven. After the second tread, everything fell into place, and the wood acquired a rich color.

How to paint a tree photo

The question of which paint and how to paint the tree was resolved, now it's time for the most difficult - varnishing and giving the gloss and depth of color.

Tree painting with varnish: secrets of deep mirror surface

To subsequently suffer less with polishing of varnish, it is better to apply it using a sprayer, but for the absence of such you can do the tassel or roller. I preferred a brush, and with its help covered platbands with a thick layer of varnish, so that it is glasses from the rail and could accept smooth surface. Covered and forgot about it for four days - all the same layer of varnish thick, and to perform further work, it must completely dry.

How to lacine tree photo

Four days later, I was armed with a grinding machine again and bought the emery paper with graininess 400, 800, 1000 and 2000. To begin with, it was launched first and achieved that patent surface Fully became matte - there was not a single glossy point speaking on the surfaces on the surface. Further, replacing the emery with smaller grain (800), repeated the processing, thereby reducing the surface roughness. In the same way, I had to do with all other abrasive skins - in turn, the processing was carried out first thousandth, and then two thousandth paper. As I read on one forum, such a grinding is necessary in order to get rid of small scratches left by any abrasive material.

Grinding after painting wood photo

The next step is to solve the issue, how to lacine wood is the application of the second layer of varnish. Here I no longer lacquered the product with a thick layer, but covered with a thin layer with the same brush. But it previously cleaned the grinded surface from fine dust - first brushed it with a damp cloth, and then additionally processed by a solvent. Why did this, I can not say, but it seemed to me that with it you can remove much more dust and dirt from the product. And again a break in the work until the finish lacquer coating is completely drying. Two days later grinding the surface with emery paper The graininess is 800, 1000 and then 2000 repeated.

Final processing: polishing surface

Without a special tool, or rather, it is not necessary to do here - I had to purchase a polishing sponge and a felt circle. In addition, it took a set of polyterols for the car, which includes the composition to remove scratches and the finish polyrolol. Polishing is carried out in stages - first use the felt circle and the composition to remove scratches, and then polishing sponge and finishing polyrolol.

Painting Tree lacquer and its processing photo

In general, I even liked final finishing, and after a few hours later I sat and admired the result.

Painting a tree do it yourself photo

Whatever it was, and the painting of the tree on verification turned out to be a rather complicated process - despite the fact that the final result arranged to me, any professional will find in my work flashes. Why there is a professional, I myself see them perfectly - whether the lack of experience, then, as a result of the use of non-professional equipment, small defects are visible in the depths of the varnished layer. Most likely, these are dust and small litter, to completely get rid of which in conditions of street production I did not succeed.

When you gathered to update appearance Products made of wood or completely change it by adding a large decorativeness and color, you have two ways: use paint or veil and varnish. Most inexpensive wood varieties (alder, pine) can be made by giving them the color of the valuable rocks of the tree. But not only for the purpose of decoration use painting of wooden products. It allows you to protect the surface from various factors: protection against water, from fading under the action of ultraviolet, from fire and other problems.

Specificity of material selection

When choosing the necessary material for wood processing, first, you need to decide for the purpose of color. To update the facade of wooden houses or products that will be on open air, It is necessary to choose compounds that can withstand sharp changes in weather conditions.

Rain, Panish Sun, Frost - all this is valid for a painted surface, if you select not the material. It is because they prefer paints, because they are able to give a tree a presentable appearance, which will continue for a long time.

In turn, enamel or verse, allowing you to imitate more valuable varieties of wood, differ in transparent structure (which makes it possible to emphasize the texture of the tree), but they are more supporting ambient. Therefore, it is better to apply for products that are inside the building.

Tree painting materials

When you have decided on where the painted product will be used, you can go to the selection necessary means. There are several types of materials that allow you to decorate a tree:

  1. Lucky and vertices (that is, paints and varnishes) are aimed at protecting the surface from ultraviolet rays. In addition, the simulator helps to show the structure of the tree, creating a darker shade;
  2. Enamel forms an opaque protective layer, which is capable of withstanding a larger load;
  3. Paints are created from several components (may include resin, olifa, latex), where the pigment and solvent is necessarily present. Provides protection against erasing and moisture.

Classification of Krasika

Paints have several varieties:

  • acrylic;
  • alkyd;
  • oil.

The most inexpensive compositions are alkyd. They form a film on the surface of wooden products, which repels water, but due to the fact that the paint does not penetrate deeply into the pores of the tree, the coating is still not so long. Positive trait Alkyd compositions are their frost resistance to -30.

The classic option can be called use. It is cheap, has excellent adhesion and protective properties, but has a number of significant drawbacks:

  1. The compositions are made on the olife, therefore they can create implications.
  2. Full drying occurs only in a day.
  3. They differ in a strong smell that can stand in the room until the week.
  4. Fully hide the structure of the wood, creating a glossy coating on its surface.

Compositions with acrylic are the most successful variety of materials. Appreciate this species For environmental friendliness: For people, such paint is convenient because he dries quickly, but does not smell, and at the same time there is positive feature For wood - do not overlap the pores, thanks to which the product "breathes." There is a large palette of colors, and the paint itself holds long enough.

Preparatory stage before coloring

Before dealing with the technology of painting wooden products, you need to prepare them in appropriately so that the paint lasted smoothly and tightly held.

The main stages of wood painting

The most first action preparatory stage - This is a stripping from old paint.. To remove the layer, you can use grinding machine, construction Fenallowing to soften the layer, which is easily removed, or cooked substances having a reagent, which help to quickly separate the paint.

Further, the surface must be degreased - the solvent is caused, which at the same time it will wash dust and greasy spots. If you have knots or schcherbins on your product, you need to handle the surface to the putty, to the evenness. The third stage includes priming, which will help the paint to gently go to bed. After applying a thin layer of soil, passed by abrasive, grinding, and they give it finally dry.

Painting process

Joinery, depending on the choice of material for painting, are carried out by different methods. Collecting technology has several secrets to achieve an ideal result:

  • buy two types of brushes (or roller, if you prefer) - one with a wide surface, not less than 60 cm, and angular, not wide;
  • if the bristles brushes are unnecessarily tough, it can be softened by placing it in water and resulted in hand before use;
  • do not begin to apply paint from the angle, drops and implications are formed there;
  • drive a brush at an angle of 75 degrees, so you can adjust the pressure;
  • it is necessary to recruit not too much paint to the tassel so that it can be distributed evenly, the thin layer;
  • if after drying, they were flawed, they are cleaned with grinding paper, and after the second layer is applied to the entire surface of the product.

Using paints and varnishes

The filling process is carried out or a tampon of foam rubber or brush. Apply the composition in one layer, give dry and repeat the procedure as many times until the desired texture is achieved. To secure the simulatory, as well as independent protection of wooden products, spend the color of varnish in four layers. But before applying the third, the surface should be Okarin, then lacquered, and the product dries several days.

When you pick up paint in order to decorate wooden furniture In the house (shelves, cabinets, armchairs, etc.), note that Latex present in the composition. This is due to the fact that the color will be unnecessarily soft and the layer can easily be detached.

About how you can paint the cabinet with your own hands ,.

To make one paint for a long time, you can use modifiers that are added to the paint - they contribute to the fact that the composition is smooth.