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CNC machines - drilling. How do coordinate-drilling machines work with CNC? Radial drilling machine with CNC

CNC, unlike conventional models, is managed by a special program that contains all the parameters of the processing. With the help of machines of this type, you can handle parts of flange, body and plane type, using for this cutting tool for various purposes (drills, sweep, centers, etc.). In most machines equipped with the CNC system, it is possible to carry out the entire complex of drilling-milling operations with billets of various shapes with high accuracy.

Varieties of boring machines with CNC

The modern market presents an extensive range with the CNC system. So, for the acquisition in accordance with the needs of concrete production today is available:

  • cNC machines of the vertical and horizontal drilling group;
  • equipment with one spindle head or their set;
  • devices on which the tool is replaced manually, or special instrumental stores are applied;
  • a multi-functioning CNC, effectively used for complex processing of blanks, differing even complex configuration.

Machines, served as the basis for creating the 1st generation of equipment with CNC, were models 2N118, 2N135, as well as the machine of the radial-drilling group 2N55. Initially, the automation of drilling machines was due to the installation of the coordinate tables, which allowed automatically positioning the workpiece relative to the cutting tool in two coordinates. On such boring machines, the processing technology was implemented in semi-automatic mode, the parameters of which were set using the plug panel or cam mechanisms (the depth of the preparation of the workpiece), changing the operation modes of the cutting tool.

Coordinate-drilling machine with CNC model 2550 ° C1000MF4, produced in the 80th year of the last century

This generation of automated drilling machines did not suit the manufacturers with their technological capabilities, so the 2nd generation of such equipment appeared, the base for which the models 2p118f2, 2p135f2, etc., and others were automated. In advanced machines, not only the movement of the desktop was automated, but also tool supply. The performance of such machines increases the fact that the automatic revolving head is used in their equipment, in which 6 cutting tools can be fixed simultaneously.

Drilling machines equipped with CNC system, and a half - two times more productive equipment managed in manual mode, and models in which the tool change automatically is three times four times.

Advantages of drilling devices with numeric software control

Thanks to the versatility, which has drilling machines equipped with the CNC system, they can be found to the same category to which boring, as well as coordinate-boring and non-repulsive milling equipment with a vertical layout of the working head. Since such machines are needed to perform various technological operations, their design is performed with a higher rigidity, as well as the accuracy of the layout of all compound elements. In most machines belonging to this category, the accuracy of the positioning of movable structural elements is ± 0.025-0.05 mm.

On less universal models of CNC drilling machines, positional control systems are used, and on equipment that is used to perform not only drilling, but also milling technological operations, the control systems of the combined type are used - positional and rectangular. CNC equipment related to vertically drilling category, equip the Cross-type desktop.

Manufacturers today represent the drilling equipment with CNC several categories:

  • vertically drilling type devices with one cruising column and crossed table (on machines of this type you can get holes with a diameter of 18-50 mm (2N135F2));
  • single-terrestrial drilling machines of vertical type equipped with a crusade and a revolving working head (2p135f2);
  • vertical layouts with a crusade and a tool store;
  • portal drilling machines manufactured in all the above modifications (2306 PPF2) (on the machines of this type, you can form holes, the diameter of which reaches 60 mm; these category includes coordinate-drilling machines).

A separate category is additive drilling machines equipped with CNCs that are used for the production of furniture.

Features of the design of drilling machines with CNC

For smooth and accurate movement of coordinate tables that equip the drilling equipment with software control, they are mounted on rolling supports, and their movement in two horizontal directions are provided by the junction of the rolling nut. The design of such tables such includes a stepper motor and a hydraulic.

The kinematic diagram of the main drive of boring equipment with CNC is performed on the basis of a single or two-speed electric motor and the switching box of the spindle node rotation.

Managing the vertical movement of the working head (z axis) can be implemented in several schemes:

  • due to the use of stops and microswitters;
  • using a set of programs on a special plug panel;
  • a set of programs on a puncher.

To expand the functionality of drilling equipment with software control and enhance the efficiency of its use, various devices can be used in its equipment.

Survived in many enterprises vertically, the boring machine CNC is divided into different types and classes of complexity. Such machines are used to perform work on drilling various holes in the blanks; engage in zenching, reassuring.

For these operations, as well as to cut the threads inside the part, use sweepers with cylindrical or conical shanks, threaded heads, rave, zenkers, tags, other tools.


The main parameter of the drilling equipment is perfectly accurate holes. The achievement of this goal is the possibilities of such drilling machines:

  • desktop and column;
  • those whose spindle is applied automatically;
  • vertical - with one and several spindles;
  • aggregate and specialized;
  • horizontally centered, radial and threadable.

Given the features of the products produced, production volumes, to have in the technical base of the enterprise stationary equipment of all types in order to carry out the drilling on the optimal machines in this case.

Scope of equipment

The main scope of application of drilling machines - metalworking operations. Fastening the tools in spindles is vertical, and the workpieces to be processed are fixed on the desktop. Very difficult, moving the items, to combine the axis of its future hole with the axis of the drill. Therefore, this process is automated to orient the workpiece, get a hole with the desired diameter.

The directory of the hardware control includes the following positions of sought-after machines:

  • table - with one spindle used to drill small holes - up to 12 mm;
  • radially drilling - with its scope, machining large heavy billets and driving holes that need to be located on an arc;
  • horizontal drilling - to perform deep holes in nodes for rifle, artillery weapons;
  • centered - with his participation in the ends of the blanks drill the center holes;
  • multispindel - effective if you need to drill several holes at the same time;
  • with a rotary spindle - can work simultaneously in two planes;
  • aggregate - has several power heads acting independently;
  • specstors is limited to a set of specific functions.

Equipment that performs the combined processing of blanks is created: with drilling and boring functions at the same time, for drilling and rings (multi-spindle variant) and automatic drilling profile centers.

As for working with wood, the vertical, machining from one or both sides, are popular; Performing drilling along with milling and loose work, they are intended for the manufacture of grooves, nests and removal of bitch.

Vertical type machines

A distinctive feature of such machines is that the location of the cutting tool on the rack is vertical, it begins to move through a powerful electric motor. A movable beam moving at a rack is a place to locate the main nodes that provide the technological process.

The type of control in most vertical machines is manual or semi-automatic.

But when efficient work is needed to establish mass production, prefer a vertically-drilling machine with CNC. It can be radial (ordinary or high-speed); with a box of a box cross section, console or with a magnetic cushion.

Serial production long-lived

Among the machines for drilling vertical type, there is a model2p135f2. Her serial release began in 1979. This domestic aggregate, together with other popular models, is released at the Sterlitamak machine-tooling plant. In addition to the drilling metalworking equipment, the company produces a variety of honing machines - grinding and priority, used for rollers, plungers, sleeves, concentric openings in detail. Dozens of metalworking equipment and cutting tools are approaching the factory conveyor.

If we speak specifically about the model 2p135f2, then it belongs to particularly functional. This vertical drilling machine with CNC in the revolving head is six spindles, the table is coordinate, called the crosses. It is he who contributes to the maximum hardness, high accuracy, provides a convenient installation and a tool change.

It performs work on:

  • cencing, drilling, abuse and deployment;
  • milling of blanks in the process;
  • processing parts, bypass without prior markup;
  • cutting thread;
  • coordinate processing of blanks.

This type of equipment has many advantages. It is enough to name only 5 main:

  1. Works with a large spindle and feed speed range.
  2. Autonomously selects the normative mode of processing billets from a different material.
  3. The accuracy of the distances between the axes at the holes processed is achieved.
  4. Really, turning on the automatic mode, rotate the revolving heads.
  5. Performs automatically multipoint operation with a large number of holes.

According to the design, the machine is extremely simple. Its base is connected to the column, and the caliper moves along the vertical guide. The column produced a hard mounting of the gearbox and speeds. Based on the coordinate table, salazzas are moved. They move the desktop in the transverse direction. Using the gearbox, the table can move in another direction.

Models 2r135F2 was assigned to the category of higher-order quality, and numeric software control simultaneously ensures the movement of the desktop on two axes - with accurate positioning up to 0.05 mm.

Equipment of new models

In demand by enterprises and models with CNC - F6, F8, F10. They serve in order to drill through and deaf holes in the planes and ends of furniture shields with high accuracy, brucks. They then go to the manufacture of cabinet furniture.

Such equipment has been applied on furniture factories engaged in mass or serial production. Many has a lot of advantages:

  • in one passage of the workpiece ensures the process of drilling all additive maps;
  • easy to work: There is no need to reconfig terms on each item, the necessary program is selected and a new type is set;
  • ease of programming: the optimization program itself selects the additive option (as fast as possible with this tool);
  • possible passage mode (the machine serves two) or the return panel return mode (when operator operation);
  • reliable fixation of the blanks is provided by pneumatic brakes;
  • equipment can be controlled by using an ergonomic console with displaying all operations performed.

Motnikov has the opportunity to adjust the length, width and thickness of the material, and the work is involved vertical spindles (they are 7) and 1-2 horizontal.

Horizontal type drilling centers

The drilling machines with CNC horizontal location are convenient to carry out the processing of massive blanks for a short time, a spindle with a cutting tool - the large drill is located in the horizontal plane. On many models, the workpiece is installed motionless. The tools themselves, due to the presence of a rotating drum (there are several movable spindle heads), approach the billets, unmistakably finding the drilling points.

The range of modern drilling equipment, in addition to machines, which can be found in garages, car repair shops, furniture production, in aircraft industry and instrument making; Presents reliable and most accurate drilling high-power centers with numerical control, guaranteeing the highest quality.


Drilling equipment with the capabilities of numerical software management in demand in the field of industrial production, especially the vertical type of machine tools. By purchasing it, many are focused on the brand or are guided by financial considerations, choosing the technique of domestic output or produced abroad. The main thing is that the machine would have a factory guarantee from the manufacturer, corresponded to its destination and clearly performed its functions.

Drilling machines perform tasks for drilling a variety of details, which will then go to the assembly of larger mechanisms.

Processing Details Drilling machines allow you to be very easy. In the modern world you can find coordinate-boring, radial vertical, radial-dial and many other varieties of machines.

1.1 Features of CNC machines

In addition to the large number of advantages from standard drilling machines, they have their drawbacks. First of all, they relate to the fact that this equipment is rather bulky, and it is extremely difficult to manage its movement.

Most spindles, if we are talking about homemade horizontal drilling, dashed or homemade radial-drilling machine, is either completely fixed or in a partially moving position.

That is, they can only be controlled in part. Nevertheless, the details are moved manually, due to the rotation of the table, if this characteristic is present on it, or move the fixing elements themselves.

In this case, if the coordinate-oriented table is not used by you, it will have to work almost on the eye, and this also takes time, especially from newcomers.

Such a weak functionality in terms of effective movement of parts could not be noticed, which led to the appearance of CNC machines.

Currently, CNC is decrypted as "Numeric Software Management". This is a special module that is able to read commands and transmit them to work equipment.

At the same time there are different CNC models. Some models are intended for widespread use (for example, drilling on wood), others are ideal when a person needs to handle parts on the machine.

Desktop CNC allows you to configure the movement of its elements. The movements themselves are carried out at the expense of movable slats, gross screws, etc.

Different models of such equipment are moved differently. CNC boring machines move only the workpiece and spindle itself, but only in the same plane. However, greater boring machines and should not provide, because their tasks are quite trivial.

Passionable horizontal CNC machine, although such models are quite rare, more functions for moving gives a supporting table.

Radial drilling models of machine tools, in particular 2p135f2, as well as their other radial-vertical similarities with CNC are fully revealed. In such equipment, almost all elements are indulcated to the movement.

If CNC boring machines are able to control their details in almost one plane, then the radial-drilling can already change the position of the spindle, the table, its elements, etc. Of course, moving absolutely all parts is not required.

For example, if a radial-drilling machine can move the table along the X and Y axis, it remains only to adjust the height of the spindle, but in its very moving there is no need.

As you understand, the horizontal tabletop with CNC in our time is practically not found, and create a homemade prototype of such equipment with your own hands is extremely difficult. However, this is quite normal, because the equipment that is carried out high-precision metal processing and cannot have a simple design.

The same model of the machine 2p135f2 consists of a huge number of parts, and this is relatively simple, if compared with modern coordinate-drilling models, the mechanism.

2 Principle of operation of equipment with CNC

The CNC machine action algorithm can be described by several simple sentences.

In its work, the principles of calculating the coordinates in a given plane are laid. Outdated CNC, such as those installed on a 2P135F2 machine, do not differ in particular complexity.

It is rather computing machines than computers. It is either neither equipped with processors and powerful computing equipment, Or equipped with them only partially.

However, this is more than enough. For information reading in obsolete models, perflector is most often used. For example, an eight chafflent on the machine 2p135f2. Now such equipment is preferably reading digital media.

Functioning algorithm:

  1. The worker determines the location coordinates of the part.
  2. Data entry in CNC. Data is administered successively, the point per point.
  3. The process of the calculation of the trajectory of movement, work is launched.
  4. All the necessary elements on the machine are configured, workers drills are recorded.
  5. The operation of the machine is included.
  6. By moving the spindle or table, the working element moves to the desired point and performs its task.
  7. After completing the CNC, it turns into standby mode by requesting the algorithm of its subsequent actions.

The specifics of the operation of different models of the machines will be different. The same boring samples in their type of movement and manipulations with working instruments will be seriously different, but the general principle of operation remains all the same.

Moving elements is mechanically mechanically, due to manipulations with slats, screws, etc. But the teams are applied to them electronic, and the entire counting is carried out by computational devices.

2.1 Creating a CNC homemade machine

The hands of the craftsmen were not in vain nicknamed gold, because many inventors learned how to create machine tools, which work in the same way as modern CNC units.

Of course, homemade the mechanism of this type will give up the factory. And the characteristic of its actions will be far from ideal, but such prefabricated machines can still be used to work on metal, wood, etc.

MORE MOROKA When assembling a homemade machine, appears when it is necessary to create a replacement for the base CNC, as well as manipulation plars that drive a horizontal tool in a bundle with calculators.

For these purposes use:

  • Modern computers;
  • Special Software;
  • Small processors to set the simplest teams;
  • Special planks and translators removed from printers.

The computer is defined on the computer, and it also calculates the entire work process. Then it is connected to the system, with already predetermined parameters. Moreover, you will also place the coordinates on the table.

Due to the direct or indirect command transmission, manipulation is carried out movement of the working element. And the element itself moves on the rails, which gives him the opportunity to move in three planes.

Reiki and moving engine can be assembled independently (it is extremely difficult, but possible), but you can remove from printers or other similar techniques, adapting for personal needs.

2.2 Creating a CNC homemade machine (video)

Information about the manufacturer of the vertically drilling machine 2p135f2

Manufacturer of drilling machines models 2p135f2, 2p118f2, 2N125, 2N135, 2N150, 2G175 - Sterlitamak Machine-planning plant , founded in 1941.

The history of the Sterlitamak machine-tooling plant begins on July 3, 1941, when the evacuation of the Odessa machine-tooth factory in Sterlitamak began.

Already on October 11, 1941, the Sterlitamak machine-planning plant began to produce special aggregate machines for the defense industry.

Currently, the plant produces metalworking equipment, among which are drilling and honing machines, turning and milling machines with CNC, multifunctional processing centers, metalworking and cutting tools.

2p135f2 Machine vertically drilling with CNC. Purpose and scope

A vertical drilling machine with a six-spindle revolving head, with a crusade and numeric software control (CNC) is designed for drilling, drilling, cencing, deployment, threading and milling in small-sector and serial production of various industries.

The drilling machine 2p135f2 is used in the processing of cabinet parts and parts of the "flange", "cover", "stove", "lever", "bracket".

Electroshem and CNC allow the following TNHNICAL operations on the machine:

  • Drilling;
  • Trimming of the end (cigarette);
  • Boring;
  • Thread cutting;
  • Deep drilling;
  • Milling.

Principle of operation and features of the machine design

The presence of a six-spindle revolving head on the machine to automatically change the tool, the crusading table with software control allows the coordinate processing of parts of the type of covers, flanges, panels without preliminary markup and the use of conductor.

The vertically-drilling machine 2p135f2 has large spindle and feed speed ranges, which fully ensure the choice of regulatory cutting modes during the processing of various structural materials.

Machines ensure the accuracy of the inter-axes of the machined holes to 0.10-0.15 mm and can operate in an automatic cycle (in this mode, multipoint processing of parts with a large number of holes is performed).

Machine design 2p135f2.. On the basis of the machine, the column is mounted, according to the rectangular vertical guide which the spindle grandmother moves (caliper), carrying the turret. The column is rigidly mounted box of speeds and gearboxes. The crusade has a base that moves in the transverse direction of the sled, carrying the table itself. The latter in turn can move in the longitudinal direction on the guide of the sled. The movement of the salad and the table is carried out from gearboxes.

Numerical software management system. Machine model 2p135f2 is equipped with a numeric software control device " Coordinate C70-3.", Machine model 2p135f2-1 device CNC 2p32-3.that ensure simultaneous movement of the table along the X axes and y when positioning the movement of the movement along the axis (from the coordinate), makes it possible to control the rotation of the revolve head, choose the size of the working feed and the spindle speed. The device has a digital display, an input of the tool length is entered.

The positional rectangular CNC system is closed, code converters use as a measuring. The accuracy of the positioning of the table and the caliper is 0.05 mm, the programming discreteness and digital indication is 0.05 mm. The number of managed coordinates: only three; At the same time - two.

Design Organization - Experimental Research Institute of Machine Machines (Erisix) and Sterlitamak Machine-Planting Plant. V. I. Lenin.

The machine was taken to serial production in 1979

Overall dimensions of the working space of the machine 2p135f2

Stock Foto Vertical drilling machine with CNC 2P135F2

Location of the main parts of the boring machine 2p135f2

Location of the main nodes of the machine 2p135f2

Designation of the main parts of the boring machine 2p135f2

  1. Stop base
  2. Slags table
  3. Turret
  4. Spindle grandma (caliper)
  5. Gearbox
  6. Reducer feed
  7. Suspended control panel
  8. Cabinet with electrical equipment control equipment
  9. CNC equipment wardrobe
  10. Column
  11. Cross table

Based on (bed), 1 Machine placed 2 crusades with telescopic guide protection. The vertical guide column moves the spindle grandma, on which the six-spindle revolving head is mounted, allowing you to automatically shift the instrument on the control program. To accelerate the manual replacement of the tool in the turret, a special extensive device is provided. You can control the machine with a suspended remote.

Movement in the machine

  • Main traffic - spindle rotation with tool
  • Moving along the axes of the machine:
    • X axis - longitudinal feed - longitudinal movement of the table on the guide of the sled
    • Y axis - transverse feed - transverse movement of sled by guides
    • Z axis - vertical feed - vertical movement of spindle grandmother (caliper) on the rail guides
  • Auxiliary movements - accelerated movement of the caliper, periodic rotation of the turret head, accurate and accelerated displacements of the table and salazzo (positioning movement).

To control the movement of the table (X and Y coordinate) from the program recorded on a punchedly, the machines are equipped with various CNC devices (one of the most common - C-70 coordinate). The submission by coordinate Z is carried out in the cyclic control mode. For coordinate table movements, manual data entry on the CNC console can also be used. The presence of digital indication allows you to conduct visual monitoring of the table position, as well as control the correctness of the record of the program on the punctured.

In the machines there is a feedback on the position of the working bodies on each of the two movements managed from punctuated. Circular electrocontact code transducers are used as feedback sensors. The movement of the turret head on fast and working moves in both directions is limited to customizable cams affecting switches (electros).

Kinematic diagram of drilling machine 2p135f2-1

Kinematic diagram of drilling machine 2p135f2-1 with account 2p32-3

The kinematic scheme of the machine (Fig. 4.6) consists of the following independent kinematic chains: the drive of the main movement (rotation of the spindle of the revolving head); Cross table feed drive; Drive caliper with a turret head; rotation of the turret head; Pressing the tool from spindles.

Main traffic chain

Main traffic chain: two-speed asynchronous electric motor M1 (n \u003d 4 / 4.5 kW; n \u003d 1470/990 rpm) - gear gear 29/41-shaft I - shaft II (through transmission 24/48 and 36/36 clutches M1 and M2 or through the transfer of 14/36 with the included couphene M3) -wasted III (through transmission 14/36 and 48/24 with the included couplings M4 and M5) - V through conical gear 21/21 - one of the spindle of the revolving head through the transmission 35/42; 31/49; 49/47; 47/35.

Cross Table Drive Chain

The drive chain of the crusade feeds has two gearboxes, one of which carries out the movement of the table on the sled (X axis), and the second is the movement of the sledstone (axis y).

Kinematic Salace Drive Chain

The kinematic chain of the Salace Drive provides their fast, average and slow movement. Fast movement (at a rate of 7000 mm / min): M4 electric motor (n \u003d 0.6 kW; n \u003d 1380 rpm) - 16/40 transmissions; 34/22; 22/52; 52/34 - Ball screw.

Moving at an average speed (200 mm / min): M4 - transmission electric motor 16/64; 25/55; 25/55; 38/42; 22/52; 52/34 - Ball screw. Slow Movement (with a speed of 50 mm / min): M4 - transmission electric motor 16/64; 25/55; 25/55; 16/64; 22/52; 52/34 - Ball screw. The feedback sensor is mounted on the ball running screw.

The movement of the table on the slides occurs from the electric motor M5 (n \u003d 0.6 kW; n \u003d 1380 rpm); The kinematic chain of the drive of this movement is similar to the kinematic chain of the movement of the sled.

Caliper Drive Chain with Revolving Head

Caliper drive chain with a turret head: DC motor M2 (n \u003d l, 3 kW; n \u003d 50..2600 rpm) - Transmission 13/86 (or transfer 37/37 - Cheric transmission 4/25 - Running screw, Equipped with a brake coupling (preventing an arbitrary lowering of the caliper when the electric motor is turned off) and the DZ feedback sensor.

Turning chain of the revolving head

Turning chain of the revolving head: Electric motor M3 (n \u003d 0.7 / 0.9 kW; n \u003d 1400..2700 rpm) - Transmission 23/57 - Worm gear 1/28 - Transmission 16/58 - Case of the revolving head .

Spindle tools

Spindle tools: electric motor M3 - 18/52 transmission (with a clutch on) - worm gear 1/28 - Transmission 21/21 - Eccentric, mounted in the axis axis of the revolving head turning and a reasuring tool.

Lubrication of the caliper of the revolving head

The lubrication of the caliper of the revolving head is carried out forced according to the following scheme: MOR electric motor - transmission 18/52; 52/75 - Eccentric EZ, driven by a plunger pump.

Lubrication box of speeds

The lubrication of the velocity box is carried out from the gear pump driven by the electric motor of the velocity box through the wedge belt. The oil supplied by the pump enters the distribution chamber, where it is distributed to lubricating all movable parts of the velocity box and electromagnetic couplings, and then merges into the tank. Oil levels are controlled by oil indicator.

Lubrication of caliper and crusading reducers

The lubrication of the caliper and the crusades feeding gearboxes is carried out by splashing oil toothemes. The oil level is controlled visually using oil indicators.

Lubrication of guide and screw pairs of a crusade

The lubrication of guide and screw pairs of the crusade is carried out manually using a lubricator. Bearings of the spindle of the turret head are lubricated with plastic lubricant.

Cooling fluid supply

The flow of coolant is carried out from the centrifugal pump. To cool the tool in the cut zone, an individual drive is provided that allows you to direct the coolant stream in the desired location. The coolant supply in the automatic cycle begins when the caliper is moving down (the beginning of the operating feed) and stops with the start of the caliper return to its original position (the corresponding toggle switch must be enabled on the control panel).

Electrical equipment machine

The electrical equipment of the machine consists of separately standing cabinets of relay automation and duplicate, as well as from the elements installed directly on the machine. Electrical connections between the machine nodes and the entry are made by harnesses in metalworks ending with the connectors.

The electrical circuit of the machine provides the following modes of its operation:

  • commissioning;
  • semi-automatic with the introduction of tasks from the CC record switch;
  • semi-automatic with the introduction of tasks from punched;
  • automatic with the introduction of tasks from punched.

The mode is selected using the switches located on the remote control of the machine and the PC.

Adjusting machine

Regardless of the position of the switch mode of operation on the Remote Point, the setting mode includes a switch 23 located on the control panel of the machine (Fig. 4.7). In the setway, carried out by means of controls located on the pulp of the machine, produce: rotation of the revolve head at a given position; exercise tool; turn on and off spindle rotation; Move the table along the X and Y axes in accordance with the selected speed and direction; Move the calipers of the revolving head along the Z axis in accordance with the task.

Installing the working bodies of the machine to zero

The installation of the machine's working bodies into the zero position is made automatically in front of the "Enter Program" command. When you press the 15 button, the reversal head caliper quickly rises until the end switch is triggered by the Z coordinate. The table moves until the end switches are triggered by x and y coordinates, simultaneously serve commands to the initial position of the working bodies. The installation cycle is completed.

Rotate the revolving head

To select a revolving head position, the switch 24 is installed in the desired position. By pressing the button 6, the turning cycle of the revolving head is started in the setpoint 24 position. When you press the 6 button and the absence of a task, the head makes non-stop motion.

Turning on the spindle in "Adjustment" mode

Turning on the spindle in "Adjustment" mode for all operations (except for threading) is made by a button 21, and the off button 22 (when the button is threaded, 21 and 22 do not work). Spindle speed is set by switch 27.

Moving the working bodies on the X, Y, Z axes

Moving the working bodies along the X, Y, Z axes. The choice of the operating axis is produced by switch 4.

The choice of fast, medium or slow movement is made by a switch 7, and the choice of movement direction - switch 5.

Setting up the start of the program in the XY plane

To configure the start of the program in the XY plane use mandrels - catchers or center-seekers. In manual mode, the spindle axis with the start of the program is combined, such zero displacement values \u200b\u200balong the X and Y axes, which give zero testimony of digital indication, are typing.

The setting of the machine along the Z axis is carried out after installing the cutting tool in the spindle of the turret. In the initial position of the caliper, they check that the revolving head does not touch the device with the workpiece clamped in it.

Installation drawing of drilling machine 2p135f2

Technical characteristics of the machine 2p135f2

Name of parameter 2p135f2.
Main parameters of the machine
The largest diameter of drilling in steel 45, mm 35
The largest diameter of the cut thread in steel 45, mm M24
The smallest and most from the end of the spindle to the table surface, mm 40..600
Distance from the axis of the vertical spindle to the guide racks (departure), mm 450
The largest diameter of the cutter, mm 100
The greatest milling depth, mm 2
The greatest milling width, mm 60
Longitudinal movement of the desk on the guide of the Salazok (axis x), mm 630
Transverse movement of Salazok on the guides of the Final Program (Y axis), mm 360
The greatest movement of the spindle grandmother according to the program (axis z), mm 560
Caliper. Spindle grandma. Spindle
Spindle rotation frequency, rpm 45..2000 31..1400
Number of spindle speeds 12
Speed \u200b\u200bof rapid movement of the caliper (spindle grandmother), m / min 4
The number of caliper feeds along the z axis, mm 18
Submission of caliper, mm 10..500
The greatest allowable torque, nm 200
Cone spindle
Dimensions of the working surface of the table, mm 400 x 710.
The number of T-shaped grooves sizes of T-shaped grooves 3
Speed \u200b\u200bof rapid movement of the table and salazzo, m / min 7
The feed rate of the table and sledstone during milling, m / min 0,22
Minimum table movement speed, m / min 0,05
Accuracy of positioning of the table and sled at the length of the course, mm 0,05
CNC system 2P32-3
The number of managed coordinates 3
The number of simultaneously managed coordinates 2
Discreteness of the task of moving the table, salazzo and caliper, mm 0,01
Electrical equipment, drive
Main traffic drive electric motor, kW 3,7
Electric motor drive of the movement of spindle grandmother (caliper), kW 1,3
Salazok and Table Travel Drive Motor, kW 1,1
Electric motor drive rotation of the revolving head, kW 0,75
Electronasus coolant x14-22m, kW 0,125
Gabritary Machina
Machine dimensions, mm 1800 x 2170 x 2700
Machine Machine, kg 5390


  1. Grachev L.N. Design and commissioning of machine tools with software control and robotic complexes, 1986, p.122
  2. Panov F.S. Work on CNC machines, 1984, p.163
  3. Loskutov B.V. Drilling and boring machines, 1981, p.130
  4. Vinnikov I.Z., Frenkel M.I. Blinders, 1971.
  5. Vinnikov I.Z. Drilling machines and work on them, 1988
  6. Sysoev V.I. Handbook of the Young Barbler, 1962

In Cutmaster, it is advantageous to purchase a boring machine with CNC, which easily copes with the tasks of drilling various mounting holes, knock out the grooves and light milling. Mobile elements of the equipment manages the program, which provides high-precision and fast processing of any details. When working with cabinet blanks, this technique greatly simplifies and speeds up all processes.

Types of drilling machines with CNC for metal

The catalog of our company presents a large model range of equipment, the extensive functionality of which is provided by the use of various devices - in particular, hinged conductors, inclined, rotary or pendulum desktops, revolving heads, rapid and thread-cutting cartridges. Thanks to this, customers may choose the optimal version of the thrill machine with CNC, given the needs of a particular production process.

Types of machines:

    multipleration (suitable for billets of all configurations);

    with one or set of spindle heads;

    horizontal and vertically drilling group;

    with manual replacement tool.

When buying a CNC drilling machine at the "Cutmaster" manufacturer, customers receive a long warranty. Thanks to many years of experience in the market of special equipment, we can offer the most efficient and reliable solutions for any enterprises, and all this at low prices.

There are certificates for all equipment. Our specialized technotel is responsible for controlling the quality of the equipment. Consultants are always happy to assist with the selection of the optimal model of the CNC drilling machine. Also, we can also be addressed to order components, scheduled and emergency repair. Call us or leave an application on the site.