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Use multimedia presentations in working with children. Use multimedia presentations in a preschool institution

Organization: Madou DS "Solnyshko"

Locality: Republic of Buryatia, Kaban district, P.G.T. Kamensk

According to NASA, as a result of the monitoring analysis, the following pattern was revealed: modern children differ from their peers of the last century by 86%, i.e. There are the following indicators: Very good perception of information, the level of intelligence is 130 IQ, and not 100, as before.

A modern child from birth is surrounded by a saturated media environment. Electronic toys, game consoles, the computer takes an increasing place in the leisure activities of preschoolers, overlapping a certain imprint on the formation of their psychophysical qualities and the development of the personality.

K.D. Ushinsky noticed: "Children's nature requires clarity." Now it is no longer a scheme, tables and pictures, and more close to children's nature game, even if scientific and educational. Modern computer technology provide tremendous opportunities for the development of the education process.

The use of multimedia technologies in an educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and more relevant problems in domestic preschool pedagogy. The specifics of the introduction of a personal computer into the process of education of preschoolers in our country is that computers are first used in the family, further in kindergarten - in conditions of collective education. The use of a computer as a means of education and the development of the creative abilities of the child, the formation of his personality, enrichment of the intellectual sphere of the preschooler allow us to expand the ability of the teacher.

The most effective form of organization of work with a computer in kindergarten - Media classes with use multimedia presentations. It makes it possible to optimize the pedagogical process, to individualize the training of children with different levels cognitive development and significantly increase the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical activities.

"Multimedia presentation" - translated from English as a "performance". Presentations are a convenient and spectacular way of presenting information using computer programs.

The main purpose of using multimedia presentations in classes is to enhance visibility, process relief spectatic perception and memorizing information using bright images.

So, multimedia classes allow to solve the following didactic tasks:

1. Systematize learned knowledge;

2. To create a motivation for teaching;

3. Expand the vocabulary of children and their knowledge of the environment;

4. Form the sound culture of speech;

5. Develop perception, memory, attention, thinking, creative abilities.

The use of presentations has many advantages over traditional leading entertaining. It:

  • the ability to ensure not only an audible, but also visual perception of information;
  • ensures the sequence of the topic of consideration;
  • illustrations are available to all children, the image on the screen allows you to consider small details;
  • the use of new computer technology allows you to speed up the learning and development process and interest children.
  • computer presentation slide films are conveniently used to display information in the form of printouts by large fonts on the printer as a handout for classes with preschoolers.

It's no secret that the material that is interesting to the child is well absorbed. Computer ability to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphic image, sound, speech, video, memorize and with a huge speed processing data, allows us to create new activities for children that are fundamentally different from all existing games and toys. In addition, by virtue of age, the same software Repeated repeated, for this, a variety of feed forms are used.

Presentations help the child to exercise and develop the necessary qualities: associative-shaped and logical thinking, imagination, cognitive activity.

For example, in senior group According to mathematical ideas, when studying the topic "Repetition of Numbers and Figures 5", you can offer children to see the presentation "Pulling-ka". An illustrative material in the form of a row of fruits and audio account is given.

When using multimedia presentations in speech development classes for junior preschoolers, their interest increases significantly, the level of cognitive opportunities increases. Multimedia presentations allow you to present a training and developing material as a system of bright supporting images (for example: Illustrated dictionary for the development of children's speech and plot albums that are designed to increase vocabulary Children, didactic games and exercises, diverse illustrated material).

For example, when familiarizing with artistic literature Through the topic "Three Bear", a presentation is shown in which a fairy tale is told, and then questions are asked for the content of this work.

With the knowledge of the surrounding world in the older group on the topic: "Trees", you can use the following work options: Children are invited to guess the riddle: "It's in spring and summer we saw all shirts, and in the fall from the poor." (Tree) Next is the conversation about trees. Didactic games have proven well, for example, "from what tree sheet?"

In speech development, we find in work on word formation relative adjectives From the names of the leaves of trees: a leaf of birch - a birch leaf, a cabin sheet - maple, etc.; Fir branch - spas branch, Branch of pine - Pine branch, Rowan branch - a rowan branch, etc. To secure the material, it is proposed to view the presentation "Trees in verse".

Children attracts novelty of multimedia classes. The situation of real communication is created, in which children seek to express their thoughts "in their own words", they are with the desire perform the tasks, they are interested in the material being studied.

With the help of multimedia presentations, the complexes of visual gymnastics, exercises for the removal of visual fatigue are learned. On the screen of the monitor appear pictures - symbols different exercises. Children love both exercises and multimedia. "Stars", "Fish", " Winter forest"And Dr. exercises they perform, looking at the screen. The movements of the eye of children correspond to the movements of items on the screen.

Children love physical attacks, warm-ups, using presentations: to music, with a change of slides, moving men, chickens, dwarves, etc. They help the guys to distract from the educational process and make charging.

However, I would like to note that the use of computer tasks does not replace the usual methods and technologies of work, and is an additional, rational and convenient source of information, clarity, creates a positive emotional attitude, motivates the child, and the teacher; Thereby speeds up the process of achieving positive results in the work.

The entire multimedia presentation material for working with children can be structured in accordance with GEF in five regions

Cognition Mathematics: "Figures", "Figures", "Oral Account", "Scores with Smesharika", "comparisons", "Correspondence", "Logic", "Mathematical Train", "Time of Day", "In the World of Flowers", ten monkeys ";

cognition of the surrounding world, Nature: "Wonders of the World", "whose child", "lesson of politeness", "Who has what moms", "natural phenomena", "insects", "forest and his votes". "Droplet", "How is the Vermicechel grow?" How does the flower develop? "," How does a frog develop? "," How do animals say? "," Flowers-game "," People of the Planet "," Animals living near the Water " , "Pets", "Wild Animals", Trees, "" Trees in verse "," Water "," Big - small "," Statenburgy ";

Speech: "What do the animals eat?", "What do children do?", "What I took, put in place", "Transport", "Teremok", "Tale of Merry Language", "Different Riddles", "Fluffy Poems", "What Such is good what is bad "," Who says "," Cat and Mouse "," Kolobok ", sound w", "buzzing poems", "City of Kirov", "Letters and sounds", "Three Bear";

socially communicative development:conversations "Child One House", "Safety Lessons", "We are duty"

Physical: fizkultminutki"Chickens", "Cats-Mouse", "Kolobok", "Charging", "Expenditure of Good", "Dwarf";

gymnastics for eyes: "Luntik", Flower-sevenceticism. "

Artistic and aesthetic: How to draw mom "," Image Methods "," We are scratching from plasticine "," Application of colored paper "," Types of applications "," listen to the music of the autumn "" Seasons ", didactic musical game" Singing Caterpillar "

We understand that the use of only one direction of information and communication technologies will not solve all problems in training and education, and will not replace live communication with the teacher in the group. It should be noted that the use of information and communication technologies requires serious long-term training, working skills with a computer and, of course, more time to prepare an educator to directly educational activities. But in this case, the efforts and time will necessarily lead to the desired result:

The use of information technologies helps increase the motivation of children's education and leads to a variety of positive consequences:

  • psychologically facilitates the process of assimilating material by preschoolers;
  • excites living interest in the subject of knowledge;
  • expands the general horizon of children;
  • the level of use of clarity increases.
  • enhances the involuntary attention of children, helps to develop arbitrary attention.

Computer capabilities allow you to increase the volume of the material offered to familiarize yourself.

Thus, knowledge, using multimedia presentations, is given a child without coercion, and the learning process for parents and their children is having fun and unbelievously. This will undoubtedly have their positive benefits with further teaching children at school.


  1. Mirimanova M.S., "Psychological Security of the Preschool Educational Environment", 2010.
  2. Zhuravleov A.A., "What is pedagogical technologies And how to use them? .. ", 2007.
  3. Kolodinskaya V.I., "Informatics and Information Technologies of Dososzolatam", 2008.
  4. New information technologies in preschool education. Gorwitz Yu.M., Chainov L.D., Pivakov N.N. and others. - M.: Link-Press, 1998.
  5. Hygienic requirements for preschoolers. Glushkova E.K., Leonova L.A. et al. // Informatics and Education - 1990. No. 6.
  6. Computer in kindergarten. Glushkova E.K., Leonova L.A. // pre-school education. - 1990 № 1
  7. Pedagogical approaches to computer games for preschoolers. Zoborina E.V.// Informatics and Education - 1989 No. 6.
  8. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / ed. Polit E.S.M.: Academy, 1999.
  9. Computer for preschool. M.: Publishing House Eksmo, 2006.
  10. Entertaining computer. Simonovich S., Evseev E. - M., 2004.
  11. Artemova L.V. World War B. didactic games preschoolers: kN. For teachers of children. Sad and parents - M.: Enlightenment, 1992.
  12. Gorwitz Yu.M., Chainov L.D., Poddelakov N.N., Zvorygin E.V. and others. New information technology in preschool education. M.: Link-IiPess, 1998.
  13. Gorwitz Yu., Pozdnyak L. Who will work with a computer in kindergarten. // Pre-school education, 1991, №5 - p. 92-95.
  14. Makar I.L. "Play as an element of learning." // Informatics in primary education. 2001, No. 2, p. 71 - 73.
  15. Motorin V. "Educational Opportunities computer games. // Preschool Education, 2000, No. 11, p. 53 - 57.
  16. Fomicheva O. S. Education of a successful child in the computer age. M.: Helios ARV, 2000

The use of computer presentations in educational activities with preschool children.
Defining the rules for creating presentations.

Workshop focuses on novice teachers of the preschool institution, inexperienced users. In the practical activities of teachers generalize knowledge about the use of ICT technologies in organizing directly educational activities with children of preschool age. We disassemble the main points of the creation of presentations focused on the pupils of the kindergarten.
"Without a desire for a new one, there is no life, no development, no progress"
V.G. Belinsky

Purpose:creating conditions for improving the professional skill of teachers in mastering ICT competences.
1. Generalization of knowledge of teachers on the application of presentations in practical activities with preschoolers;
2. Acquaintance S. new form Presentations - Prezi - Presentation;
3. Determination of the rules for creating a presentation focused on the child of preschool age;
4. Development of the interest of teachers for the use of ICT in educational activities with participants in educational relations.
Workshop focuses on novice teachers of the preschool institution, inexperienced users.
Form of holding: round table.
Preliminary work:Prezi preparation - presentations for speaking "The use of computer technologies in the educational activities of the preschool institution. Parse typical mistakes When creating presentations for preschoolers. "

1. Projector, laptop (to demonstrate a presentation on the content of the presentation);
2. Laptop for each teacher (or one for two);
3. Presentations of teachers for which they will work during the workshop;
4. Chamomile with questions for the exercise "Chamomile issues";
5. Bell.
Senior teacher(invites teachers to get in a circle and spends psychological setting on joint activities. Teachers are expressed about how ICT owns whether the presentations are used in the work):
I take the bell
About what I know will tell.
And I will give a smile.
Exercise "Chamomile issues"
Senior Educator: dear Colleagues, Look, on our fabulous clearing, a miracle flower rose - chamomile. Let's answer the questions that dismissed on the petals of the chamomile (There is a brief discussion on each question. The Senior Educator makes a generalization for each question. In the course of the workshop, the definitions of the rule, the conditions are signed to the conditions that must be considered when creating a presentation).
- What is a presentation?
Generalization: The work of preschool institutions today is imposed more and higher requirements. After all, the level and nature of the achievements of the child depend, first of all, from the professional competence of the teacher, his ability to work on themselves, constantly improve professionally.
ICT ownership is currently the most relevant due to the fact that modern baby This is a progressively developing personality, and this development takes place not only through education and socialization in an educational institution under the patronage of the teacher and parents, but also by means of various gadgets that have access to the Internet.
In the professional standard "Pedagogue", it says that the teacher must have such labor actionsas the formation of skills associated with information and communication technologies.
Own ICT competencies:
Software ICT competence;
Competition of Boot ICT competence;
Subject-pedagogical competence.
The presentation is a brief and visual provision of information that helps the speaker to reveal the essence of his work in more detail.
Computer presentation is a set of slides (electronic pages), whose sequence of which can vary in the process of demonstration of the presentation.
The presentation is a multimedia document, each slide may include various forms of information presentation (text, tables, charts, images, sound, video), as well as include animation of objects on the slide and animation of slideshow.
The multimedia presentation is an interactive way to provide information on the principle "I tell and show."

- What are the presentations?

- Where can I use presentations in the practice of a teacher?
Generalization: To improve the professional skill of teachers on this topic in kindergarten: consultations "Using PowerPoint presentations in the work of a preschool educational institution"; master class "Creating PowerPoint Presentations"; Competition of multimedia presentations "Kaleidoscope of presentations"; consultation "prezi presentation as new tool Work teacher. " This allowed teachers to actively use presentations during:
consultations round tables, Psychological living rooms, parental meetings, pedagogical councils. Presentations of teachers at the final pedsow, compiled as reports of self-education or the results of the past academic year;

For conducting children's matinee and entertainment, the presentation performs the function of the demonstration material. It replaces many pictures, posters and audio recordings;
When organizing classes with children.
Thanks to this, pedagogues of a kindergarten are introducing new approaches that contribute not to the replacement of traditional methods, but to expand their capabilities.
To revitalize some static teachers, various animation forms use. It helps to influence the consciousness of children not only through the rumor, but also visually. Thus, children not only see and perceive the images, they are experiencing emotions. If the information caused emotions - it means it is better to deposit in the child's memory. This must be taken into account when developing a presentation.

Using the capabilities of the PowerPoint program, the teachers of our kindergarten have developed presentations on many topics. I will give only some of them: "Road Rules", "City Zarinsk", "Birds Altai Region"," World of Professions "," Walk through the Autumn Forest "," Horses "," Pets and their young "," Lukomory Mysteries "," From what tree "and others.
Completed presentations replenish the multimedia library of each teacher, group and dow as a whole.

- Do you know how to create a presentation, how often do you use a presentation in your practice?
Generalization: Determine the level of speaking teachers to create presentations and their application in their professional activities. The need to assist educators on issues of interest is determined.

- What should be considered when developing a presentation?
Generalization: Event, presentation addresses, age, display time, number of slides.
If we talk about the age of preschoolers, it is important to remember the pedagogical feasibility of information. The presentation can be used as a background on a festival, a surprise moment - the appearance of a hero in a node, as an illustrative material (if there is no desired picture, for example).
The time of the demonstration comes from the logic of the Node, taking into account the change of activities in the course of the classes. If the presentation uses a video device, the continuous viewing time should be 3-4 minutes in the younger preschool age, not more than 6-7 minutes - in the older preschool age. In the eighth minute, the fatigue of children begins. After that, the transition to another practical activity, demonstrating another material.
The volume of illustrative material comes from the age characteristics of the child. In the younger preschool age sequentially, you can continuously show 3-5 pictures. In the older age - 5-8.
Senior Educator: So that our chamomile is successfully blown, it is necessary to create special conditions.
Go to the practical part of the workshop. Each teacher in the course of discussion of problems analyzes its presentation on the advantages or disadvantages. All together discuss ways to eliminate errors, determine the rule of creating presentations for preschool children.
Senior Educator: Then we will talk about the definition of the rules that must be adhere to when creating a presentation.
I will continue my presentation made in the Prezi-Presentation program, you can compare, see the difference, take note of this information.
A little about Prezi - presentation. is a web service with which you can create interactive multimedia presentations with a nonlinear structure.

The entire presentation can be collapsed into one picture, and on the contrary, each presentation element can be increased (accentuated) for more detailed study and attracting attention.

All information on creating such a presentation, you can easily find on the pages of the Internet, to pay for the formation of new skills for some time and improve your professional work.
Today, for us, the main thing is to identify the basic rules for creating a presentation. Open your presentation. Let's turn to the consideration of the first mistake, which is often found in the work of teachers (Teachers work in laptops in their presentations. Make conclusions. Determine the presentation creation rule).
Exercise 1: Determine the presence of a title leaf. The necessary information on it: who performed the presentation for what age, the date of development is intended.
Rule number 1:It is always necessary to indicate: the topic, age of children, information about the author, where to use, the date of development.

Task 2: Define Is there text on slides, for whom it is intended?
Rule number 2: Presentation is not a cheat sheet for a teacher.
At the slides of the presentation, oriented on children of preschool age, should be contained by the minimum of text. You will tell all the text yourself, and the slides must contain illustrations to increase the visibility of your classes. The signature to the picture should be located beyond its borders, and not in the image.
Pedagogues make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 3:Which background is chosen for slides?
Too bright and active, containing many various elements, presentation background. Such a background, prevents the perception of information from the slide, tires the listeners, does not bear any pedagogical value. The background slide does not combine with the presentation theme.
Rule number 3: The background drawing should not contain elements that are not consistent with the content of the slide. It must be remembered that the use of ICT serves only for the variety of methods, techniques and forms of the teacher.
For this reason, the background for slides must be chosen in a weathered color gamma. For the background it is better to use pastel or cold colors (purple, blue, blue, blue-green, green), you need to avoid red and white colors.
Pedagogues make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 4: What photos or pictures are selected on the slide, the quantity?
Not a good location, not a clear blurring photo, overlaying on each other. Many images on one slide (four images or more) are a lot for perception by preschoolers. It is unacceptable to overlap each other, have a low resolution.
Rule number 4: On one slide - one is a big picture. If the object is for comparison, then two on which features are well traced for comparison, objects in one view, profile. The picture must be clear, good quality.
Pedagogues make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 5: Is there a list of used literature on the completed slide?
Rule number 5: Respecting the work of another person, it is necessary to make a slide with reference to sources of information (books, sites).
Pedagogues make changes to their presentations as needed.

Senior Educator: Well, our chamomile dismissed her petals with a new force, all the conditions - the rules did her benefit. Thus, creative teachers seeking to keep up with the times, it is necessary to study the possibilities of using and introducing new ICT to its practical activity, see your place in these technologies, to be a guy to a guide to the world of new knowledge, form the basics of information culture of his personality. It should be emphasized that any pedagogical innovation should be used correctly, and the teacher should always be guided by the principle: "The main thing is not to harm!"
Senior teacher Conducts reflexion of the event (Teachers pass the bell to each other, expressing their opinion, the impression of the workshop):
I take the bell
About what I learned, I will tell.
And I will give a smile.
Senior Educator: Dear colleagues, thanks to everyone for work. Believe in your strength and remember that only going to the road. Creative success.

Used materials:
G. V. Glushkov. Use of computer presentations in the educational process of a preschool organization. Analysis of typical errors, webinar ID "Education of a preschooler" of 03/30/2017;
photos and fragments of educational presentations from the Internet;
Presentations of kindergarten.

Municipal pre-school educational institution №106

"Kindergarten supervision and recovery"

"Using a presentation multimedia technology in Dow"

(counseling for teachers)


Bikmaamatova Svetlana Aleksandrovna,

PDO (choreographer) Higher

kemerovo, 2017

Purpose:Improving the quality of education through active introduction in educational - educational process presentation multimedia technology.

IN last years There is a massive introduction of information and computer technologies in pre-school education. The process of informatization in preschool institutions is due to the requirements of a modern developing society, where the teacher must keep up with the times, use new technologies in education and education.

In the context of the modernization of the education system, new problems and tasks appear, over the decision of which teachers will have to work. One of the problems is a fall in the motivation of the preschooler for learning. How to optimally solve this problem?

Now wins that educator and teacher additional educationwhich makes the progress of direct educational activities visual, entertaining, bright, interesting, emotional, memorable. That is, the material must contain elements of extraordinary, surprising, unexpected, causing interest from preschoolers to the educational process and contributing to the creation of a positive emotional situation of teachings, as well as the development of mental abilities. We are talking On the use of presentation multimedia technology.

Since it is multimedia technologies Have advantages over traditional activities. Multimedia implies the simultaneous use of various forms of information presentation: audio - video images, animation of text. Thus, affecting the auditory and visual channel, multimedia creates conditions for obtaining and assimilating information.

Multimedia technologies can be used in the form:

    computer programs;

    computer games;

    slide films;


It is forces forces most teachers, since it does not require in-depth knowledge of computer technologies. The educator can create a film or presentation, given the features of his pupils, goals and objectives set at a particular occupation. Such computer products, as a rule, are of interest in children due to the realism and dynamic image, the use of animation, and the computer itself is very attractive for most children. Many parents know how to hardly tear off the child from him. And if there is an interest, then the desire arises to do.

Another plus is an opportunity distance learning Parents. Parents would like to do at home to develop their children. However, they often do not know what exactly to deal with the child, or do it methodically illiterately. The main problem is the lack of knowledge among parents in choosing training computer games that could correspond to the age and individual characteristics of children. The problem can be solved by offering parents to discs with classes or multimedia presentations. The topics of presentations may be different: classes in mathematics, virtual visits to art galleries, familiarity with nature, rules safe behavior Houses and on the street. So the child who missed different reasons a large number of classes can receive necessary knowledge at home. To help parents, you can also provide a list of recommended computer games (game mathematics, tales travel, game Fantasia, etc.), where the name of the game should be indicated, short description (goal, tasks, age characteristics) and link to the Internet address.

1. The presentation rarely costs without clarity. Their task is to give a statement conviction. Proper use These funds will significantly revive the presentation and will fix the material in memory.

2. Tools are preferably used only when they can enhance the impact of the statement.

3. When demonstrating slides and access to pupils, it is best to stand on the left of the screen (if you look from the hall). Due to the fact that we read from left to right, first the listeners will look at the teacher, and then turn the right to the right to the screen, where more detailed information is presented.

4. The teacher will look natural if it is located at a low angle to the children's audience. You can take a more "strong" position, completely unfolding face to preschoolers.

5. Quickly looking at the image (item), you can gesture the left hand to attract the attention of children to it. The gesture should be very short. Then you should turn back again and contact them.

6. With temporary shutdown of the projection equipment or break in the slide show, it is advisable to move to the center of the hall and continue the presentation.

7. If you use the use of visibility anymore, it is recommended to stand in the insertion to the children to the left of the equipment and continue the occupation.

8. Do not do it:

- speak, turning his back to children;

- Bloat the displayed image;

- allow the tool used to play a major role in the presentation;
- give out distribution material during the presentation.

Practice has shown that subject to systematic use in the developing process of multimedia presentations in combination with traditional methods Training, development work efficiency cognitive abilities Preschool children increase significantly.

Anisimova Valentina Sergeevna MBDOU "Kindergarten of the Outlooking Type №19" Firefly " G. Gubkin Belgorod region

Development of Information Computer Technologies presents modern specialist 21th century new requirements. It is expected not only high professional skills, but also the ability to use modern methods Training and pedagogical technologies that fundamentally change the educational environment enriching and making it more active, reflexive and transparent to the entire pedagogical community. It is impossible to imagine the modern development of society without information and communication technologies. The computer quickly enters the life of every child and becomes a good assistant teacher when working with children. It's no secret that the material that is interesting to the child is well absorbed. Computer carries shaped type Information closest and clear preschoolers. Movement, sound, animation for a long time attract the attention of children. Children get an emotional and informative charge, causing the desire to consider, act, play, return to this lesson again.

The use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and more relevant problems in modern preschool pedagogy.

Direct educational activities have a huge role in the educational process of DW, so it is very important to maintain a constant interest in it, to intensify the cognitive activity of each child.

Currently, there are many traditional learning methods that can be used in the educational process to activate cognitive interest: view reviews on the topic, conversations, teacher stories, observation, experimentation, etc. But there are innovative learning methods, one of which is the use of multimedia presentations in the educational process.

The role of information innovations in working with preschoolers is great. ICT helps to interest, intensify children not only in cognitive, but also in the speech plan. One of the main means of expanding children's ideas is multimedia presentations.

Presentation is a training mini - cartoon; Electronic sound book with beautiful pictures; Excellent allowance to tell the child about the world around, without leaving home and not flying to distant countries. The principle of children's electronic presentation - "Having entertained - learning!" Presentation appointment - visual support of the teacher's activities.

In our work, we use multimedia presentations relatively short time, but we have already identified many advantages of this admission: the use of such presentations stimulate the cognitive activity of preschoolers; Heroes, illustrations, tasks on the screen attract the attention of children, cause the greatest interest and are postponed for a long time in the memory of each pupil; Presentations allow children easier to assimilate a difficult material for perception.

We use multimedia presentations when conducting a node according to: familiarize yourself with the outside world; formation of lexico - grammatical categories and connected speech; The formation of proper sound.

Browsing the presentation, the child easily and unobtrusively meets the variety of animal and vegetable world, begins to learn the sights of the world, transport, professions, tools, etc.; faster and better remembers information; Impries the sounds, repeats words for the speaker, and therefore develops his speech; classifies the world, combines different items and things in one species or divides it into the components; learns to compare a picture and sound; Simulates such life situations that can not be difficult to see in everyday life.

The direct-educational activity in kindergarten has its own specifics, it should be emotionally saturated, bright, with the involvement of a large illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. This helps a computer technique with its multimedia capabilities. We actively use the development in this area. The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make direct educational activities more interesting, emotional and memorable for children not only older, but also other age groups.

Most of our presentations are built on the basis of a surprise moment: familiar cartoon characters come to children and offer to go on a journey and learn a lot of new things.

Also, the use of multimedia is permissible to different stages Dating with the topic: at the stage of dating with new material; At the fixation stage of the material passed; At the control stage of knowledge.

In the process of work, we developed educational and visual benefits combined into a series called "Our territory is Native Belogorier" . Along with speech, they solve patriotic tasks as part of the use of the regional component. Using presentations, we carry out virtual excursions to those places that we cannot visit ("The capital of our Motherland" , "Animals of the North" , "Space" and etc.).

The greatest interest in children causes assignments that are included in each presentation, and how to sum up its result. When fixing the material passed, the basis of the presentation becomes tasks over the topic ("Find too much" , "Name in one word" , "What is missing" and etc.) In the process of observation, we found that the children perform tasks offered on the screen with greater activity and interest than similar tasks in notebooks.

The most liked presentations ("My native city» , "Victory Day" , "We read Pushkin's fairy tales" other)The children offer to show and out of occupation, which allows to consolidate the material, and the knowledge gained remains in memory for a longer period.

While watching presentations, children get a lot of positive impressions. At home, they tell parents about what he saw, together with them are looking for in encyclopedias, the Internet additional information And they share it in kindergarten. This creates an atmosphere of cooperation, the relationship between the teacher, parents and children. Thus, in preschool age, children are trained to independently mining knowledge, increasing their cognitive activity, which will play an important role in further school learning.

The use of multimedia presentations in practice has shown that their systematic use in the educational process in combination with traditional methods and receptions increases the efficiency of work on the intensification of cognitive interest in children. This is confirmed by the following factors: children are better perceived new Material; Knowledge obtained in classes is most brightly remembered to children due to the visual and sound support of presentations; Children more easily assimilate complex topics ("Space" , « solar system» and etc).

So we can say that the use of multimedia presentations in preschool institution Allows you to make an educational process simple and interesting for children, as well as contributes to increasing its effectiveness. The use of information computers allows you to optimize the pedagogical process in a preschool institution, to individualize the training of children and significantly increase the effectiveness of educational work.

List of used literature.

  1. Gorwitz Yu.M., Chainov L.D., Poddelakov N.N., Zvorygin E.V. and others. New information technology in preschool education. M.: Link-IiPess, 2008
  2. Kukushkina O.I. Computer technologies in the context of the profession: learning students. Educator Dow - M., 2011. - № 3.
  3. New pedagogical and information technology in the pre-school education system. / Ed. Polit E.S. M.: Academy, 2009.

"ICT in the work of the Dow" is a multimedia method for submitting information. Use multimedia presentations. The use of computer slide presentations in the learning process. The possibility of individualization of learning. Multimedia presentations. What is the need for information technologies. Experts allocate a number of requirements.

"Organization of educational activities in the DOU" is an ideal node. Node occupation. Types of motivation NOD. Principles of educational activities. Participation of all children. Criteria NOD. Features Organization Node. Features of the development of children. Innovative technologies. Conversation. Pupil. The main forms of educational activities. Observation. New approaches to the organization of educational dOU activities.

"Development of pre-school education" - cooperation and interaction with parents. Pre-school educational institution. Pre-school education. Performance indicators of dow different species. New approach to organization pedagogical process. Changes in forms and methods of interaction of the Dow with families of pupils. Multifunctional, developing system.

"Innovations of pre-school education" - stages of project implementation. Work curricula. The name of the project. Innovation in Dow. Project method in DOU. Innovative project for kindergarten. Magic astronomy. Innovation. Preschool education - Traditions and innovations. Project work plan.

"Technology training for preschoolers" - the role of an adult in the game. Classification of children's games. Movable I. sport games. Gaming technology. Technologies used by teachers. Personal-oriented technologies. Technologies to preserve and stimulate health. Information Technology. Correctional technologies. Types of projects. Educational technologies.

"The role of pre-school education" - skills. Agreement. Social infrastructure. Bilingual private kindergarten. Individual approach. Preschool education. The role of non-state before. Growth of jobs. Economic arguments. The problem of walking availability. Investment and nursery.

Total in the subject of 15 presentations