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Aerium for what it is needed and recipes. What is this "Aerium". The main functions of Aerium

The experienced hostess always has its own branded dishes with which she is glad to pamper guests for dining table. Her an indispensable assistant The kitchen is Aerium. What is this device, how does it work and what products in it can be prepared? Let's consider in more detail these questions.

What is Aerium.

With antiquity, people prepared food on fire. Foci, furnaces and gas plates Used a person to provide his food. Aerium - a modern invention, relatively recently appeared in our kitchens. It was created only in the mid-80s of the last century in the United States and was originally called the "convection oven." In English "Aerium" means the radiator grille in the car engine. When in the 1990s, the convection furnace appeared in Russia, it began to be called an aerogrile.

Distinctive features - the minimum amount of fats used, high speed and cooking quality. The configuration of Aerium usually includes several items. Lattices serve, in particular, for cooking meat. As a rule, there are three pieces, different in height. The mesh pan is needed for cooking for a pair and in deep fryer, as well as for drying. There are skewers for kebabs and spit for cooking. For the extraction of products, dishes and lattices are used special tongs-grasp. Finally, a magnifier ring is intended to regulate the capacity of the container.

On the principle of operation, the Aerium Management is divided into electronic and mechanical. Devices C. electronically control Have several speeds and various additional features. Aerium S. mechanical controlNaturally, cheaper and has one mode of operation.

The principle of operation of the Aerium.

At the heart of Aerium - electric furnace, heating food not below, and from above. This device is located on plastic stand Round glass container in which products are placed for cooking. It is covered with a lid with an electric heater. The fan running in the heater runs down hot air inside the tank. These vortex flows and warm up preparing food. The temperature inside the Aerium can reach 260 degrees. It can be adjusted using a thermostat.

Food in Aerium is preparing almost without oil use. For cooking, you can use almost any dishes. If you bake the meat on the grille, then the excess fat flows into the pallet of the container. In Aerium, you can simultaneously prepare several dishes. Since the cooking capacity is transparent, you can monitor cooking from the side.

When buying, pay special attention to the cover of the lid. Attached to the housing, the folding cover is much more convenient completely removable. High-speed modes at the aerogril should be at least three. Pick the volume of the container most suitable for your kitchen. You can increase it with a special ring, but then the cooking time will increase almost one and a half times. The magnitude of the container is of great importance, because the aerogril is washed manually. It is important that voltage stabilized in the aerogrile. To avoid fire, the Aerium must be kept on a refractory stand. Before exploitation, he needs to warm up, and after - give time to cool.

What can be prepared in airhril.

In fact, Aerium is a universal device for the preparation of any kinds of hot food. In it you can cook soups, borscht and other first dishes. Not a problem to cook any porridge, bake potatoes in potatoes, prepare original pizza. In Aerogrile, kebabs, cutlets, vegetables, fish are perfectly hot. You can experience your culinary abilities and bake pies, buns and just fragrant homemade bread. Cold and hot smoking, drying for the winter of mushrooms, berries, fruits and vegetables is also under the power of the airlock. The most exquisite taste of your guests will be satisfied completely.

Functions of the Aerium.

Aerium has a multitude of necessary functions. Cooking in absolutely any dishes, frying meat and fish without oil use is just a small part of what this magic device is capable of. It can stew, cook and bake vegetables, create pastries from all types of dough. Cooking in fryer and a couple, as well as the preparation of homemade cottage cheese and nutritional yogurt - all this is capable of performing airhril. Without it, it is not necessary for summer billets - when preserving and marinated. You can boil in the aerogrile jam and cook mulled wine, raise the dough, defrost products and warm up ready-made food. And this is not the limit! In the new models of aerogrils manufactured taking into account all modern requirements, there are additional features. The article is prepared with the support of KIV.KZ. We hope that the aggregates of the new generation will pleasantly surprise even the most experienced owners.

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Modern market kitchen appliances Offers consumers huge selection Functional devices. They not only save time and make the cooking process is pleasant, but also allow them to eat right. IN lately Aerium has been very popular among consumers who care about their health. How does this device work and what is its advantages?

Why do you need Aerium?

This device is used for different processing of products and preparation of complex dishes. Among consumers there is an opinion that Aerium, thanks to the functions and the principle of operation, it is capable of replacing almost any kitchen appliance. But it is not so.

Important! Some dishes, such as baking or soups, is still better prepare with alternative options.

At the same time, it excellent option For students, young families or small kitchenswhere there is no possibility to accommodate all modern kitchen appliances.

How the airhril is arranged, his equipment

The device consists of:

  • bowls of durable heat-resistant glass capable of withstanding high temperatures;
  • covers in which the heating element and fan is built into;
  • metal ring, which is present in standard models. Thanks to him, it is possible to increase the volume of the bowl, which means to upload more than more products.

In the basic configuration, the lattices of different height are also most often walking, a baking sheet with small holes for cooking on a pair, in fryer and drying of vegetables and fruits, skewers for cooking kebabs from meat, fish and vegetables.

As an example, look at the Aerium HOTTER device

With the question What is Aerium, why he needs a job as it works, figured out. Now you can proceed to consideration of its capabilities.

Functions and principle of device operation

The device works on the principle of convection. Thanks to the built-in fan, the products are prepared by blowing hot air, the source of which is most often halogen heaters.

Cooky programs depending on the model may differ. If we speak in general, what airhril, functions and principle of workshop are based on the vortex propagation of warm air inside the bowl, then the following features can be distinguished:

  1. Carcip
  2. Fries;
  3. Bakes;
  4. Cooks, including a couple;
  5. Marinate;
  6. Smoking.

In addition to the preparation of dishes, it is possible to defrost, warm up, sterilize and preserve.

The device also has the function of self-cleaning. Upon completion of the work, the user needs to pour into the flask of water and start the process - the aerogrill will again become clean.

Video about how the aerogril works

Types of aerogrile

Similar can be divided into three groups:

  1. Traditional models. In this case we are talking On the usual devices with a glass bowl and a lid with a heating element and a fan. The difference between the models of this group may be by the volume of the bowl and the control system. In budget versions, it is mechanical - two regulators (power from 60 to 250 ° C and a time timer from 5 to 120 minutes). In more expensive - electronic, with a small display, where the user-selected settings are displayed;
  2. Covers-aerogril. Comfortable accessory For multicurok from Randmont. In itself, the device on the functionality and capabilities is no different from the cover of the usual Aerium: the same mechanical control with two regulators, only smaller in diameter. Such an accessory can be used with any suitable kitchenware. For example, a glass bowl of the required diameter for cooking in a microwave, pan or 5-liter bowl for a slow cooker;
  3. Multiarohrichli. Advanced models, not so long ago appeared in the Aerium market. A few words about how such a device looks like. In addition to the halogen heater and the fan, built into the lid, they have a lower TEN, which is hidden under a non-stick surface. In the latter models, the mixing function of products in the cooking process is also provided.

This is how traditional aerogril looks Rendmont Air Horil

Multiairhril Multiarohril with product mixing function

Attention! Instructions for use and the ability of the device depends on the selection of the model and the manufacturer.

Pros and Cons Aerium

Based on user reviews who have already managed to estimate this device, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • the ability to eat right. For many, this is a paramount need for what is needed Aerium. Baking, frying and quenching is possible without adding oil. And thanks to the device and gentle in relation to the products, the principle of operation of the Aerium, most vitamins are preserved in them;
  • multifunctionality. Aerium is capable of performing functions of several kitchen appliances intended for processing and preparation of products (microwave, multicooker, steaming, toaster, bread maker, stove, etc.);
  • ease of use. Most often for cooking you only need to lay ingredients in the bowl, choose the mode, depending on which the products will trust, cook, roast or baked. At the end of the timer time, only get the finished dish. After use, you can enable the self-cleaning function and the device will be clean without unnecessary user efforts;
  • easy control. As a rule, the user needs to select only power and cooking time, at the end of which, the device will turn off automatically;
  • the possibility of sterilization. Necessary function when billets for winter or for families with small children;
  • the possibility of cooking several dishes at once. But it is important to make a reservation that it all depends on the type of dish selected. It is necessary that the ingredients are harmonized between themselves, in order to avoid mixing odors, for example, potato meat or fish with vegetables.

Sterilization of pickles in Aerium

As for the shortcomings of this device, many marked its bulkiness. Before buying it is worth considering its placement place. But this applies only to ordinary models. For a small family, individual airlife covers are fully suitable, which can be used in conjunction with a bowl from a slow cooker.

Also, often, users note the cooking time. Of course, in speed, this device is inferior to a regular plate. But this deficiency is compensated by the quality and utility of products prepared in this way.

What dishes in it can be cooked?

Of the foregoing, it is clear why such a device is needed as Aerium - preparation and processing of products. But what kind of dishes in it can be prepared?

IN simple models You can easily prepare delicious and useful dishes From meat, fish, chicken, which are preparing in their own juice, and all excess fat flows into the pallet, vegetables, pizza, hot sandwiches.

Options that can be prepared in more expensive and innovative aerogrils, much more. In their arsenal, a variety of pastries (from the simplest sweet buns and biscuits to products from a custard test), smoked (envisaged both hot and cold ways), cottage cheese, yogurt and rippy, dried fruit, mushrooms and berries, etc.

As a rule, basic recipes that will help to understand how to prepare in airhril, come complete with the device.

Depending on what is planned to be prepared in Aerium and for what purpose it is purchased, the peculiarities of choosing this device depend on.

Having considered questions about why such a device need as Aerium, which functionality it possesses, and which dishes can be prepared in it, you can make several conclusions:

  • first, the cooking process is simple and convenient;
  • secondly, food prepared in it, tasty and useful;
  • third, diverse the lineup allow everyone to choose a device for yourself, in accordance with the functional and financial capabilities.

Surely many have heard of such a device as Aerium. He can come in handy in the farm and what is it all? In fact, Aerium (or, as it is also called, convection oven) - very useful thing in the kitchen. This electrical appliance is designed for processing and cooking flows of heated air.

Aerogryli in the mid-eighties of the last century in the USA in the mid-eighties. Well, in the nineties they appeared in our market. And it was then that they fixed beautiful word "Aerium".

Device and equipment

Modern aerogril is a transparent bowl either a flask with a stand and with a lid that covers the entire design from above. Inside the lid is a TEN (tubular electric heater) and a fan, and the control panel is located outside.

In some budget models, halogen heating elements are used instead of the TANN. Glass of bowls when using halogen are practically not susceptible to oxidation and corrosion, and this is a clear plus. However, at the same time halogen heaters have a modest working resource and not too long service life. It is usually 3 years. In metal beans, by the way, this indicator is much more - 8-10 years.

The configuration of the Aerium, in addition to the elements listed above, usually include grilles for cooking meat. As a rule, there are three of them here, and they differ among themselves in height. Often, in the kit you can see the special mesh baking tray, which may be needed for the preparation of food for a pair and in deep fryer, as well as for drying. Most inexpensive modelsplus everything commerce metal ring - It is installed on top of the bowl and serves to increase and adjust its volume.

Principle of operation and varieties

The principle of operation of the Aerium is as follows: the TEN is heated to the desired temperature, then under the influence of fans, the multidirectional hot air enters the bowl, evenly blows food and warm it up well. As a result, you can break in, roast, put out, cook the dish in the airhrile. By the way, the air heating temperature varies here in the range from +60 to +260 degrees.

Aerium could have one of two types of management:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Mechanical control models are quite simple - they have only one operating mode. In general, this option gradually goes into the past, but he has one obvious advantage: The price of aerogrils with such control is quite low.

Electronically controlled devices have several speeds and modes of operation, as well as various additional features. For example, modern aircraft are equipped with timers, and therefore presence and constant human control is not required. The device will automatically turn off in opening time.

Many electronic aerials have the function "Maintaining Temperature". It allows after the cooking process to continue to make a hot air dish.

Another useful feature is "self-cleaning". The bowls of modern aerogrils are made of unbreakable heat-resistant glass, so they are quite heavy and care for them is not easy. Self-cleaning function all extremely simplifies: only pour water with detergent Inside the aerogril and press the button.

The presence of a high-quality adjustment function will also be a pleasant bonus for buyers. This function allows you to have dishes above or below with respect to the heating element.


Aerium is able to replace other devices, such as a microwave, toaster, electric tile, steamer. This is a very significant argument in favor of its acquisition for those who still doubt, or not have this device in the kitchen.

  • The advantage of Aerium is that it can be prepared without oil, margarine and fat - to the cup absolutely nothing will stick.
  • In Aerium, you can prepare a few dishes at a time, and it distinguishes it from similar to the device - Multicookers.
  • Since the cooking capacity is transparent, then all the process can be observed from the side.
  • Aerium allows you to cook or warm up food in absolutely any dishes

How to choose a good model?

First of all, the buyer must learn about the functions of the device. And it is not always necessary to choose the most "tricky" Aerium. Why is it needed if it is supposed to use only for certain purposes? A large number of Functions in many situations seem unnecessary.

Also worth looking at the proposed configuration. Well, if the set there will be nippers for replacement and capture of ready-made dishes. The presence of spit for chicken and skewers is also a significant advantage.

Other important moment - It is better to choose models with a removable cord. It will make it easier for both washing and storing the device. But the removable cover at Aerium is not very convenient. In the cooking process, you will probably have to look for a place where it is very hot, put. The cover attached to the housing is much more practical - it will always be in place. And be sure to look at the place of its adjoining to the case. Mounts must be metallic, not plastic, since the lid has a solid weight.

If possible, choose the Aerium Model with a removable protective grille (it is designed to protect the heating elements). Of course, this grill is quickly clogged, and if it is removable, it will be much easier to care for it. It is enough to unscrew the bolts, remove it, wash and put in place.

What can be prepared in aerogrile?

  • In Aerium, you can cook boors, soups and other first dishes. Here, for example, you can make a delicious porridge, bake potatoes in pots, prepare pizza.
  • Develop various products and to warm up ready-made dishes is also quite real in the aerogrile.
  • In Aerium, you can cook, stew and bake vegetables.
  • In the preparation of home yogurt and cottage cheese, the device in question will definitely become a faithful assistant for a housewife.
  • Do not do without a convection furnace and when creating blanks for the winter - during marination and preservation, as well as drying for winter mushrooms, fruits, berries and vegetables.
  • For hot smoked processes, for cooking in deep fryer and for a couple, it is also relevant to use this car.
  • Those who want to test their culinary abilities can be baked in aerogrile pies, buns or, for example, homemade fragrant bread. It is important that you can prepare baking almost from any type of test without any problems.
  • In Aerogrile, meat and fish are perfectly hot, and without using sunflower oil. Want to cook fish fillet or chicken cutlets? No problems! To fry the kebab aerogril is also completely under power.
  • Among other things, using this technique can be allowed to cook jam and prepare mulled wine.

So, Aerium, no doubt, will facilitate the cooking process and will take a worthy place in the kitchen. And many consumers have already been convinced that this is a device that can replace several other similar functions at once. household appliances. That is, the purchase of Aerium - economical and intelligent choice.

Aerium or convection oven - relatively the new kind Kitchen techniques, but already won the love of many owners. If you think about acquiring this technique, but do not know how to choose Aerium for home, we will try to tell below.

Why do you need Aerium?

Aerium is a unique device that can replace the oven, and a stove, and a microwave, and even a toaster or a steamer.

Prefix aero- means that the grill carries out its work due to air flow. It works with convection: the heating element creates hot air, which gradually heats the products, and the fan distributes air so that the food is warmed evenly.

Important! Such a process of cooking is more secure than, for example, in the microwave.

Device and equipment

The usual airhril consists of:

  • fan;
  • glass flasks on the stand;
  • covers with heater and control panel.

Important! Depending on the configuration, the inside of the flask can be installed, lattices and even skewers.

The ability to set several lattices and other dishes, allows you to prepare several different dishes in the instrument.

Important! Do not at the same time fry meat and try to bake buns. Smells dishes are mixed, and you will not get the result that expected.


Different models are available different set of functions. In new types of aerogrile, mechanisms that allow the hostesses to regulate not only temperature mode, but also the speed of blowing. In order to choose the right aircraft for the house, the device functionality must be taken into account, based on its needs.

The main functions of Aerium:

  1. Temperature adjustment is a mandatory function, and must be supported by all models. Temperature regime may differ, but is mainly varied from 60 to 260 degrees Celsius.
  2. Maintaining temperature is additional featureAt which the dish will keep the temperature after it is prepared.
  3. Convection speed control is optional, but very useful. With its help you can adjust how much dish will be blown. This will affect the formation of the appetizing crust and the speed of cooking.
  4. Delayed inclusion - there is not in all models, but very convenient. With this feature, you can set the timer at the required time, and the dish will prepare smoothly to your breakfast, dinner or dinner.
  5. Cooky programs - this intelligent option is in most expensive models. It is convenient for those who do not want to monitor the temperature or time. The option allows you to add required ingredients Dishes and set the desired mode.

Important! Also various manufacturers offer the following additional modes:

  • defrost;
  • drying;
  • grill;
  • frying;
  • bakery products;
  • smoking.

But not even the most dear model It can easily cope with the preparation of meat, fish, vegetables, baking and heated food.

Select Aerium

Before being broken to running buying a new technique, you need to disassemble its basic functions, compare the models in choose suitable option. Different manufacturers offer an extensive set of functions, and among this manifold remains a difficult questionWhat should be paid attention to the newcomer. Consider important parameterswhich is worth paying attention to, before choosing Aerium.

Heating element

Today, the heating of the Aerium is represented by metal tubular electric heaters or glass halogen lamps:

  1. The first type of heater can easily serve to ten years, but its heating occurs very slowly.
  2. The service life of the halogen lamp is only about three years. But the halogen lamp has its advantages: she more carefully treats food, and unlike the Tan, is not subject to oxidation and will make food much faster.

Important! If you decide to purchase Aerium, which will last long, then the choice is better to stop at an option with a tubular heater. If the price of such an instrument is too high for you, you can purchase a more budget, but less durable option.


From how reliably, the Aerium is closed, the quality of its work and prepared food will depend on.

Today, the devices cover are presented by options on fasteners, and without them:

  1. The disadvantage of the attached cover will be an additional weight of the technique and a decrease in its volume.
  2. Of the minuses of the removable property of the hostess note the risk of burning and inconvenience when storing a separate element.


  1. Aerium Management B. modern models Such household appliances is presented with mechanical or electronic options:
    If you need to know only time and temperature mode for cooking, then the mechanical version is quite suitable. All of its control is focused on the switch that turns to the required values.
  2. If you need more managed functions, for example: adjustment of the velocity of the blower, accurate temperature, various preparation modes, delayed cooking at a given time, then your version of air-controlled aircraft. Such a device is equipped with a display with basic information about its work.

Important! The display can be touch or work from the buttons, and each can choose for itself the most convenient option.

If we compare the cost of these options, then the mechanical control of the Aerium is much cheaper than its advanced electronic fellow. Consider this factor before choosing Aerium.

The size

Typically, the size of the aerogrile is indicated by two digits:

  1. The first - means the size of the internal bowl.
  2. The second - indicates the volume in the presence of additional elements.

Conditionally, the devices can be divided into small - up to 12 liters with additions, medium and large (more than 16 liters):

  1. Large models take more space and cooking time, but you can cook for 10 or more people.
  2. Small models are compact, they are much easier to wash, and they are designed for a family of 2-3 people.

Important! The most popular models today have a volume of 5 to 12 liters.


This characteristic is important to pay special attention. Aerium - not from those devices that save electricity. Small aerogryli with a minimum set of functions can operate with a capacity of 1000 W, but there may be little volumetric models with all additional parameters and 1,700 W.

Important! Home option - this is golden mean With a capacity of about 1300 W. If you are going to purchase a more powerful option, get ready for the fact that the account on electricity can grow strongly.

Additional accessories

In the configuration to the device itself, manufacturers often add additional useful accessories. The presence of them, of course, increases the price, but in most cases they are very useful, and sometimes they are indispensable.


  1. The grille - usually in the configuration there are several pieces. This makes it possible to prepare several different dishes in the device.
  2. The baking sheet is perfect for cooking in foil or baking dishes.
  3. Additional rings - allow you to expand the volume of the Aerium.
  4. Shampur - It is convenient to prepare kebabs on them without leaving home.
  5. The nozzle for the grill - any meat is much more useful if you cook it in Aerium, and not buy ready-made grill products in stores.
  6. Tongs - help hostesses do not burn when extracting cooked products.
  7. Steamer - with it easy and just cook useful food In Aerium.

Important! On this list additional devices It does not end, so before deciding which airhril is better to choose, pay attention to its complete set. Choose the options that you really will be useful to not overpay for unnecessary functionality.

Popular models

Today manufacturers are represented various models, with absolutely different prices for Aerium. Functions are sometimes so incomprehensible that they are easily confused not only newcomer, but also a specialist. Let's try to compare the most famous brands. Let's start with myself budget options And gradually move on to more expensive models.

Aerium Unit UCO-916

Unit is an Austrian brand, known in Russia since 1993. The company has proven itself as good manufacturer Inexpensive home appliances for home and kitchens - from small teapots to vacuum cleaners and air horror.


  • Heater - halogen.
  • Volume - 7 liters.
  • Power - 1000 W.
  • Management is mechanical.
  • The lid is removable.
  • Additional rings are missing.
  • Additional features: self-cleaning, timer per hour, light indicator.
  • Complete set - nippers, lower grille.

Important! Customer Reviewers celebrate a bulky design, no opportunity to put an additional cup. From the advantages stand out attractive price and fast heating of the device.

Aerium Daewoo Dag-2211

The Korean company Daewoo has long been familiar to the Russian consumer, since a huge corporation includes various units producing everything: from cars to household appliances. Brenda Division - Daewoo Electronics makes various medium price category electronic devices that include both office and household appliances.

Aerium Characteristics:

  • Heater - halogen.
  • Volume - 12 liters.
  • Power - 1200 W.
  • Management is mechanical.
  • The lid is removable.
  • Additional rings are one.
  • Additional features are self-cleaning, timer per hour, light indicator.
  • Complete set - nippers, lower and upper grilles.

Important! The price of such an apparatus is quite attractive, but the device is large, so in a small kitchen it will be difficult for it to find a suitable installation location.

Aerium Polaris PAG 1207

Polaris is also a bright representative of the household appliances market in Russia, but the company has become relatively recently the company. The average price segment and the quality of the devices of this brand attracts buyers.

Characteristics of the model:

  • Heater - halogen.
  • Volume - 7-10 liters.
  • Power - 1000 W.
  • Management is mechanical.
  • The lid is removable.
  • Additional rings are one.
  • Additional features: a timer for 60 minutes, self-cleaning, auto power connections.
  • Complete set - nippers, baking sheets, two lattices.

Important! According to reviews there are problems with self-cleaning and a small amount of flasks, out of the advantages - compactness and low price of the device.

Aerium Ves AX-730

VES is the company not strongly known to the Russian consumer, the main focus of which is the development and sale of aerogrils. Since the company is not sprayed into various household appliances, the quality of its products in comparison with previous models increases, but the cost at the same time becomes above average.


  • Heater - halogen.
  • Volume - 12-17 liters.
  • Power - 1350 W.
  • Control - electronic.
  • Cover - bracket.
  • Additional rings are one.
  • Additional features: automatic shutdown, self-cleaning, timer for 2 hours, LCD display, maintenance and temperature control, adjustment of the convection speed.
  • Complete set: two lattices 4 skewers, nippers, stand for the cover, poultry stand.

Important! Users note the simplicity and convenience of this Aerium, a relatively low price and compactness. At the same time, many mistresses complained about the inconvenience of the bracket cover and long warning of the device.

Air Hotter HX-1098 Smart Aerium

Hotter for today the most famous brand of aerogrile. Thanks to its quality, the devices of this brand won the hearts of many owners. The price segment of the aerogrile hotter is the middle and above average.


  • Heater - metal.
  • Volume - 10-14 liters.
  • Power - 1300 W.
  • Control - electronic.
  • Cover - bracket.
  • Additional rings are one.
  • Additional features: self-cleaning, adjustment of the velocity of convection, touch screen, 10 different cooking programs, protection against voltage drops, timer per day.
  • Complete set: 3 lattices, mesh baggage, nippers, 4 skewers.

Important! Reviews mark the convenience and ease of control, fast heating. Of the minuses noted not very large flask and high cost.

Safety technique

Whatever the Aerium you choose, it is important to remember about the precautionary measures:

  1. Before using the flask, you must warm up.
  2. If the device is sensor, not allow the water and fat to enter the water panel.
  3. In no case do not turn on aerogril with plastic or wooden products Inside.
  4. When you open the cover of the enabled device, you should be as accurate as possible.

Important! The device facilitates the lives of many hostess, simple and easy to handle, but if there are small children at home - it is better to progress and think about the place where he will not be able to bring harm.

Pros and Cons Aerium

If you are still in doubt whether it is worth choosing Aerium for home or it is quite possible to do without it, it will not be superfluous to know about the merits and disadvantages of such equipment.


  1. The main plus of convection furnaces is the ability to cook food without using oil. Hot air food processing allows you to create delicious dishes, with maximum preservation of all useful substances.
  2. Another important advantage of this technique is its compactness - the Aerium will fit in any kitchen, as well as it is easy to transport it.
  3. Aerogryli was loved by most masters for their multifunctionality.


  1. High power consumption.
  2. Small volume, as well as various advertising tricks of manufacturers. For example, a complicated baking is impossible using Aerium.


Aerium is a very convenient device that allows you to cook with no oil and fat a variety of dishes. Functions depend on the selected model, but even the most simple options Can replace plate, microwave, toaster, multicooker or a double boiler.

If we compare these popular kitchen appliancesAs Aerium, a multicooker and a microwave with a convection function, it is impossible to definitely say which of the devices is better. The difference of all three devices is to work in their principle:

We hope that now you are much easier to decide what you really need, and you can choose Aerium for home not so that it just stood, and so that you really used them regularly and please our loved ones with delicious and useful meals.

Many hostesses to facilitate cooking choose new devices and devices that allow you to make dishes tastier and more useful. One of these devices includes Aerium.

With him, cooking was much easier and more pleasant, while it takes not much time. But to do right choice Aerium, you need to carefully examine the features and characteristics of technology.

Aerium: what it is

This is a compact device that can fit in the kitchen. small square. The device can easily replace the toaster, yogurtnitz, grill and steamer. The main plus of devices - due to the treatment of hot air when cooking in products, all useful vitamins are saved.

Device device

Aerium consists of a transparent bowl or flask, which has a stand or cover covering the entire design. Inside the cover set a TEN (tubular electric heater) and a fan, outside the control panel is located.

Budget models of these instruments instead of Tannov are equipped with halogen heating elements. The main advantage of such elements is that when heated, the glass of the bowl is not subjected to oxidation and corrosion.

But halogen type heaters have low working capabilities, and they have a small service life. Usually, the period of operation in models with the heaters of this type is no more than three years. It's much more from metal beans - 8-10 years.

Halogen heating element

In addition to the main elements, there are additional components in the Aerogrile Device:

  • grilles that are used to prepare various varieties of meat - beef, veal, pork, lamb, birds. They are usually three, and they may differ in height;
  • often in the kit there is a tray of the mesh. It may be necessary to prepare products for a couple of and deep, it is also possible to dry products;
  • budget models of Aerium are often equipped with a metal ring. It is installed on top of the bowl and is required to increase and regulate its volume.

Standard device

Aerium: What is it needed for what

In order to choose the right Aerium, we'll figure it out for what it is required and what can be prepared with the help of Aerium.

The device is prepared using hot air streams, which freely circulates in a special capacity for cooking. During the cooking process, the user does not need to constantly turn the food. Also, no oil is required for cooking, while the food is obtained juicy and fragrant, the dishes are soaked with their own juices and become gentle and very soft.

That is, first of all, Aerium is needed for cooking. It cooks soups, stew vegetables, meat, fish, and can also work like smoking.

Three-core device

Modern aerogrill with a large set of functions with ease can replace a whole list of different kitchen appliances:

  • conventional gas stove;
  • oven;
  • steamer;
  • toaster;
  • microwave;
  • drying device, which is used for vegetables and fruits;
  • electrical skewer, brazing;
  • yogurtnitz;
  • aerium can be used as a saucepan for the preparation of first dishes - soups, broth;
  • as a sterilizer canning cans.

Features of work

In each model of the Aerium, there is necessarily a container in the form of a round transparent flask. Its volume can be different - from six to 12 liters.

Consider the principle of operation of the device:

  • heated air fan accelerates into different directions;
  • at first it blows down from top to bottom, then - bottom up. This ensures uniform cooking. It does not burn with baying, toasting, harassment;
  • depending on the device model, the vortex flow rate can be constant, or it can have several modes. A variant with several modes is the most versatile and convenient;
  • in some models, instead of ordinary Tannes install glass. They are safer, but at the same time weaker;
  • temperature indicators of the device - from 60 to 260 degrees.


Different models of Aerium have distinctive features. In more modern devices It is possible to adjust the temperature and speed of blowing.

The main functions of aerogril include the following:

  • the ability to regulate the temperature mode. This feature is considered mandatory. It should be in all modern models;
  • maintaining temperature is an additional feature, with which you can warm the dish after its preparation;
  • convection speed control - the function does not apply to the mandatory, but very useful, allows you to adjust the level of blowing dishes during cooking, which affects the final result (you can get an appetizing crust) and cooking time;
  • in some models there is a delay in inclusion. The function provides maximum convenience When using the device: You can set the timer at the desired time, and the device will turn on when it is necessary, and the food will prepare for dinner or breakfast;
  • the cooking program is a smart feature, presented in many models. Convenient for those who do not want to follow the temperature of the temperature mode during cooking or over time: you can put products into the device, select the desired cooking mode and wait for the result.

Also, some manufacturers equip the device with additional convenient features:

  • defrosting products - vegetables, meat, dough, fruit, berries and others;
  • drying;
  • grill;
  • frying;
  • bakery products;
  • smoking.

What you can cook

Aerium - universal device And suitable for cooking almost any treat.

Especially tasty it turns out potatoes with meat and seasonings

Consider what you can do in Aerium:

How to use aerogrile

Instructions, how to use Aerium, comes with a device. When complying with all the rules, cooking food in the device will be simple and easy, most importantly, to clearly follow the recommendations.

Cooking process

When using the instrument, it is worth performing the following actions:

  • to begin with, you need to turn on the device into an electrical network;
  • the transparent container is laid out the necessary products;
  • on top of the aerogril tightly covered with a lid;
  • on the built-in panel you need to set the necessary parameters. Their usually a bit, only three: temperature, cooking time and speed;
  • after the temperature indicator comes to a specified level, the fan is turned on, which starts the process of distillation of hot air flows inside the device;
  • when cooking is completed, the device erupts a beep;
  • do not immediately pull the plug from the outlet. It is necessary to do it when the device will completely cool and a full stop of the fan will occur.

Before buying Aerium, it is worth carefully studying its specifications.

Model Aerium

  • capacity size. Optimal option - A device with a bulk of 8-9 liters. It can easily make any treat, and the dishes can not use the dishes in the aerogrile, it will be superfluous;
  • view heating element. It can be the spirit of species - a metallic tan and a glass halogen lamp. The first has a high wear resistance, but slow heating. The second fragile, his service life is only two or three years, but it is not subjected to oxidation and much faster prepares food;
  • view of the lid. From how reliably the device will be closed, the quality of the workflow and the preparation of food will depend on. Covers can be on fasteners and without them;
  • control. It can be mechanical and electronic. In mechanical control devices, there is an option for setting temperature and time. In electronic versions, the functionality is much wider - they can be set to the temperature, time, the speed of blowing, various preparation modes, delayed cooking;
  • power. The consumption of electricity depends on this indicator. Small models with a minimum number of functions usually have a small capacity indicator - 1000 W. Large devices with a large volume bowl and a wide range of functions have an indicator of power up to 1700 W;
  • it is worth paying attention to additional accessorieswhich can affect the cost of the device, but at the same time make the cooking process much more convenient.

Aerium - Comfortable equipment for the kitchen, with its purchase a saucepan to put on gas no longer have to.