Repairs Design Furniture

Stand for the phone with your hands of girls. Stand for the phone with your own hands. Plastic card phone stand

Smartphones and phones are firmly entered into our lives. Without them, nowhere. Have you ever considered how many times a day do you take a smartphone in your hands and how much time do you spend on it? Try, the results may surprise! Today we will use the phone even more convenient, or rather, do it so that it always remains in sight. We offer very simple and light master class "Stand for a cardboard phone"!

It takes almost nothing to work:

  • cardboard roll from toilet paper;
  • scissors;
  • marker (marker, stickers - optional);
  • 10 minutes of time.

⇒ Step 1. Take a cardboard roll from toilet paper. If it is not - not trouble, take a tight cardboard (you can color cardboard for children's creativity), Cut the strip, roll into a roll and pull the edges reliably. It is important that the glue was good and the roll eventually did not open.

⇒ Step 2. Press a slightly roll and draw a line with a marker as shown in the photos below. Pay attention to two parallel short lines - it will be a cutout for a smartphone. Its width should be slightly more than the thickness of the smartphone. Scissors carefully cut the cardboard on the line.

⇒ Step 3. The stand is ready, now you can decorate it, for example, to paint the black marker, plane with colored paper or ridiculous stickers.

By the same principle, you can make a stand for tablets, only two cardboard rolls from toilet paper are needed for them, or one, but more with a bigger diameter.

All big and flame hello! I have not written for a long time in the "DIY" heading. Permanent readers, probably, forgot that it is such. But oh well, I will fix today. And I will share with you very cool ideas how to make a stand for your own hands.

Lately I read a lot, I study the information, watching the video. But keeping the phone in your hands is not very comfortable. And it happens that I, for example, I am preparing to eat, cut products, and the phone has to be written by what falls at hand. And suddenly I had an idea to come to mind, why not buy a stand in the store, which will greatly facilitate my life. I guessing on the Internet, finding the answer to the question of what and what it costs, I came across the photo on which the most thing was depicted, but made in seconds and do it yourself. Then in the head of Zagorusoth, collect together several inspiring ideas. And in the end it was born, I hope an interesting post. So, let's begin!

I suggest starting from the very beginning of the version of the support for the phone. It can be built at any time and anywhere, the main thing is to have a sheet of paper about A4 at hand. It seems to me that such an idea enjoy students and schoolchildren. Chief Principle This is such a piece of paper, preferably dense, folded along, so that it turned out at least 3 layers, but it all depends on the width. Then it is necessary to fold the paper again, making the bend across so that it formed 3 wide facets of the same width and one small. Look at the photo, it clearly shown that in the end it should turn out. AND last step - Make two small bends.

I can not even imagine who can survive such a rarity as a box from under tape cassettes for a tape recorder. But it also turns out to be a subject, it would seem perfectly useless, you can find application. In a couple of seconds, turning it in a certain way (see photo), you will get a very cool stand for the smartphone. And if you paint with paint from the bottle, then few people guess what it is made from what.

If you have a few doors from the designer at home, it is quite possible to build a design in order to keep your phone in a horizontal position. And this is done in a matter of minutes. And also easily disassemble it, removing it in place.

Plastic card as a stand for your phone? The idea is brave, but quite real. You only need a couple of cards and strong scissors. Cut the details as shown in the photo and enjoy watching video, photo and reading electronic books.

The next way to ease your life, stocking six pencils and four rubber bands. In fact, you need to make a volume shape, as shown in the figure. Start with a simple triangle, then add on one face, fastening all this with rubber bands. Get original delivery for your phone.

Having a couple of wooden cuts in the house, really make an interesting and original, and the main durable device for smartphones. Clear parts can be hot or universal polymer glue. And indeed, this design will serve you for a very long time.

And here are still Lifehaki for the phone, allowing you to maintain them during charging. Such devices are needed mainly when putting the gadget is simply not where, if there is no table or a table nearby. Made such holders from plastic bottleAs in the first case, or from dense cardboard, as in the second.

How much I saw ideas with a sleeve from under the toilet paper, but such! You will need the bushing itself and 4 paper buttons (Honestly, I do not know how they are correctly called). Attach them as legs, cut the hole on top of the size so that the phone can be shuffled in it, and enjoy the result obtained. Such a stand is better enough to decorate with something or just paint.

As you already understood to make a stand for a phone from paper - the easiest option. So, you will need a piece of very dense and cardboard. If there is no such, then make it from several layers, sticking to each other. Cut in the hole details, as in the figure. Moreover, such a holder is suitable not only for smartphones, but also for tablets.

Well, the most recent way to make a stand for the phone for your own hands, it is to use stationery Clip. I am sure, he will be found at everyone, and if not, it is worth it in stores is not very expensive. Take a couple of such devices, generate one rounded paper clip inside. She will serve as an obstacle for the phone so that it does not roll. Insert one binder in another. Put the smartphone so that it rests on one ear, and the second curved was from the screen side. Here you have a simple holder!

That's all today, I hope you liked the ideas, and you inspired to make one of the belonging things! To new meetings!

Homemade stand for a mahogany smartphone.

Hello everybody! Today we will do for a mobile phone in the form of a dog - a symbol of the year.

Now you need to do a stand under it. To do this, drink a circle with a circle with a diameter of 70 mm from the tree. His depth emery paper.

We take a few gear of these small.

We also take epoxy and hardener.

We take plasticine and put a thin layer on one of the sides of the inner cavity of the figure and stretch with polyethylene on the same side.

We mix epoxy glue according to the instructions and fill in the cavity of the figure of about 2 mm. It will be the first layer. We are waiting for the frozen of this layer. Then we will lay out our gear pattern and the rest.

Our dog dried.

We remove plasticine. We take the sandpaper and bring everything in a divine look.

We plan a pencil on the action point where the hole will be.

Drill make a slight recess.

Now we make a wooden chopper that fixes all this. Insert the chipboard into the stand, smear it with PVA glue and also low part Figures with a thin layer so that the glue does not speak. Connect. We leave until complete drying. Next, we rub all our products impregnating herb.

That's what we did.

If you have accumulated unnecessary banking or discount cards, do not hurry to throw them out, because of them you can make useful things - Stands for smartphones with different design. We collected several design options, including pretty sophisticated.

The first stand is the simplest. It can be done, just beating a card in two places so that something like that happens like that:

You can make three bends and get a design that more reliably keeps the base of the smartphone.

In order for the card to be broken and did not lose strength on bending areas, it is better to bend it after preheating with a hairdryer. Plastic will gain increased elasticity for a while, and then hardens again.

To create this design, you will need to make cutout on the map on both sides, forming a hook, and bend it in half. Sharp rags in the fields of cuts need to run, it can be made with a file or emery paper, and if there is no - there is no file for nails or a stationery knife.

For such delivery, two glued cards will be required. This provides additional stability - you can install a smartphone not only horizontally, but also vertically.

Two cuts on the map - and ready such a stand. For greater stability, you can use two cards - one will be attached from the left side of the smartphone, the other with the right. The second card can be cut, putting on it first, so they will be completely symmetrical and the smartphone does not bother.

The Chinese produce such a stand. According to its size, it is exactly the same as a bank card, which means that it can be done independently. To do this, it will be necessary with the help of a strongly heated knife to make several cuts on the map and build the same design by moving the lower holder, the back for fixing and the base of the card. Plus such a stand in the ability to adjust the angle of inclination.

In the world modern technologies It is difficult to submit a person who has no mobile phone. With the entry of gadgets to our lives, accessories that are huge many on store shelves and on the Internet appeared. Often the usual holder, the case and other things for giving the mobile device and style is far from cheap. Therefore, the stand under the phone, with your own hands, is a great solution for everyone.

Do not make the accessory at all. To implement the mission, only materials, time and desire are needed. There are many variations and techniques that will help everyone to do what the most like best. So it should be included fantasy and put into the course of all ideas.

What can be done under mobile?

Creating something independently gives ample opportunities for creativity. Stand for the phone, with your own hands, can be made of the following materials:
    paper; wood; plastic; gypsum; any natural materials.
In general, it is possible to put into the move all the materials that were at hand. The more intricate accessories, the more interesting the stand for a mobile phone will turn out. You can make the most incredible accessories, which even on the shelves there are no stores. Therefore, it is worth noting this option.

Stand for your phone with your hands

It would seem that you can do from ordinary leaves? In fact, an excellent stand for the phone may turn out of this material. It is not difficult to create it at all. To get started, you need to prepare the following items:
    colorful paper or white, which will then be decorated; multicolored gouache, watercolor or acrylic paint; glue; measurement line; simple pencil; scissors; different decorative ornamentsthat will be appropriate, also worth keeping at hand.

Properly organized space will help make it so that the stand for the phone will be framed in a matter of minutes. Consequently, at who embodied it, there will be an excellent opportunity to become the owner of a beautiful and comfortable accessories For mobile.
    First you need to come up with which form will be the stand. After you need to draw the templates of the desired dimensions on the sheet. It is cut from it elements for the product. Caution Caution according to the scheme that was previously drawn or printed from some site, glue the necessary details. Wait until all the elements are enshrined. The next step is to connect separate parts between themselves. Let all fasteners are dry. After that, you can proceed to decorating the product. At this stage, you can start various brinets, butt, beads and other small beautiful elements. After decorating, the finished stand for the phone can be considered. We created a masterpiece with your own hands. With the advent of such a device, there will never be a problem with the search for mobile, because it will always be in my place.

Stand for the phone from the tree do it yourself

There is a lot of options using which you can implement any idea. Why is the wooden holder better? The stand for the phone from such a material creates competition with paper products. The tree is stronger, stable and more durable. True to make wooden stand, Some sketches and ideas will not cost. In this case, you also need:
    special equipment; skills; skill working with wood.
Before making a stand under the phone with your own hands, you should analyze your actions. If you didn't have to work with the tree earlier, it is better to bet on a paper holder for the phone. And if there is experience, you need to cook:
    the tree from which the design will be constructed; Tools for working with a tree; product scheme; Flomaster, which can be drawn on a tree; ruler; glue; accessories (buttons, beads, rivets); simple pencil.

After all the necessary elements were at hand, it is possible to proceed to the immediate implementation of the intended. The following sequence is as follows:
    First you need to find a suitable scheme for the product. The press is required on wooden based Put marks for which in the future it will be cut down the connector. The next step is to cut the shape to the existing tool. Then you need to carry out control measurements and find out whether it is placed mobile phone In the carved connector. After this, it is necessary to glue harvested parts. The next step is to give smoothness of the product. This can be made with a file or a special device running from the network. When the surface is smooth, you can decorate the finished shape with some color. After cutting, it is necessary to wait for the product to dry out. Works work with gluing accessories selected for this mission. In the end completely ready design It is necessary to open lacquer, which will give shine and aesthetics.
In general, make a stand for a phone from a tree will not make problems. Therefore, it is worth trying to translate such an idea into reality. After all, it is much more pleasant to put the phone in that stand, which is created by its own hands.

Beautiful layout of the stand under the phone

In no case should not forget about the decor. After all, it is the decoration that even the most unprofessional and amateur product will give him a flavor, character and mood. Therefore, it is worth seeing what interesting accessories are at home. It can be:
    shells; buttons; rhinestones; beads; foil; Color tape.

In general, everything that is at hand and has an unusual look, can come in handy in the process of making a stand for the phone.

Not only the necessary accessory, but also a great gift

I finish, you can not only use this product for yourself, but also to give. Therefore, it is worth making some spare supports: suddenly someone suddenly calls to visit, and there will be nothing to give! And the stand under the mobile phone is always useful, even if a person already has one, the second will never hurt.