Repairs Design Furniture

Plants growing in the shade of trees. We choose the shadowable plants for the garden and the garden. Hydrangees, Magonia and Mexican Jasmine

The garden is a composition of trees, shrubs and colors. But it is often exactly the last to get the remains of the sun. Fortunately, there are many plants that may or want to fully develop even in a strong shadow. Skill using these properties you can create a shady garden with your own hands, virtuoso filling out " dark spots»Luxurious or exquisitely discreet compositions.

Do you know your land

In order for the plants to feel comfortable and pleased with a juicy foliage and bright colors, you need to know the type and acidity of the soil, the degree of shaders. Perhaps these are three fundamental successful growth of your green pets.

Clay or loam: what's the difference

Do not judge the soil in its color. It depends not only, as it is considered, on the amount of clay, but also inbound minerals. You can see for sure about your land, Mattushka can in the literal sense of the word playing.

Moisten the small lump of the earth and roll out a flask or sausage from it - who likes what, roll it into the ring. The thickness of the product should be slightly more than 3 mm, and the diameter of 2-3 cm. Now look attentively, what happened and learn the type of soil.

  1. Sandy soil will not succumb to rolling, nor twisting. It is poor and requires composite and powder peat.
  2. The continuing ball is soup, which also needs enrichment.
  3. The ring, easily disintegrating, if you try to take - light loam.
  4. Ring with cracks and fractures - medium loam.
  5. A solid lace, but the ring is cracking - heavy loam.

Suglinki "warm", well hold water and feeding, but need constant composite and mulching.

  1. Ring without flaws - clay, very heavy for the roots of the soil. The rain makes it an impassable marsh, and drought - hardening. Siderats, compost and mulch will gradually saturate clay "vitamins" and make it more loose.

If I really want to plant lilies, but there is only a place in a half-mounted clay - it is not scary.
Experienced gardeners It is guaranteed that the colors will be less, but they will please the eye longer.

Dock the hole in which the 5-liter sand-peat mixture can be included or chernozema. A fastened holmik should rise above the ground by 15-20 cm. The landing place is ready.

Sweet, not sour - we guess the currant

Of school program It is known about the existence of several levels of soil acidity:

  • strongly trap (up to 9 pH);
  • alkaline (8-8.5 pH);
  • neutral (6-7 pH);
  • weakly acid (5-6 pH);
  • acidic (from 4 to 5 pH);
  • sylnic acid (less than 3.5 pH).

Acute Wednesday avoid rain WormsIt reduces the activity of bacteria. As a result, the soil is condensed and poorly passes air and moisture. Information in general terms, but it gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat will develop the root system of your favorites.

Many cultures prefer neutral and slightly acidified conditions. Although such gourmets as rhododendrons, camellia, heather without a "citrant" can not live.

If you decide to grow plants for shady garden Seriously and on the joy of descendants, you should buy in the agricultural store Lacmus paper - pH tests.

Your following actions:

  1. From the depth of about 10 cm to take a lump of the earth.
  2. Clear outsided items.
  3. Dry air.
  4. In 30 ml of distilled water, put the dried material.
  5. Mix.
  6. When the land will fall, lower the test to the water.

Paper strip will gradually change the color. Instructions on the package will explain the level of acidity.

Other testing methods will be almost from the Alchemy region.

  1. Acetic. Drop a little on the handful of earth. Bubbles are sought like when soda gas - Normal land, there will be no reaction - acidic.
  2. Smorodine. Blood 3-4 blastmorerodein sheets.
    By cooled, mix the solution and lower the land into it:
    • the redness solution will indicate strong acidity;
    • pink - midclause;
    • green - neutral,
    • blue - alkaline.

Shades shadow

Depending on the time of year, the leaning of trees, the longitude of the daylight, lighting activity depends on the degree of shaders of garden sites.

Garden flowers for shady seats may require:

  • half-length - 3-hour straight sunny lighting in the morning and in the evening with a shadow in a hot noon;

  • complete shadow - about 3 hours of direct sun in the middle of the day and shadow in the rest of the time;

  • scattered light - throughout the day.

Old leaf fall trees do not miss the precipitation, and the roots are intensely pull moisture from the ground. A dry shadow is formed under them, where bulbous ones can take.

In the spring, it will be a cute heart of pearl snowdrops and blue proleski, multi-colored chambers of hyacinth cases with indescribable aroma, white and yellow with a sunny middle a day of daffodils, primrose mats.

In a seventess, flowers with a diameter of up to 5 cm. She blooms from April to May. The miniature blue-white-pink anemon of the Blander appears from under the snow at once - both leaves and flowers.

Autumn melancholy revive pink and blue flowers Kolkhikum (autumn non-laminate) and crocus. Kalfikum amazing flower. The bulb sleeps and develops under the ground, firing with gentle flowers on a light-free stem with a height of up to 20 cm only in the autumn time.

Headache is areas with incredible damp, where flowers for shady garden will be under threat of posting. This usually happens in places of high horizon of groundwater and clay soil or near reservoirs.

In the raw fellow, it is well grown by Hwuttynia Cases. The height of 30 cm Perennial attractive decorative foliage is a green middle and yellow-red edging. Winter medium band carries well.

Perennial Verbaine Coinsulated well posts shady places. Bright yellow flowers on the background of light round leaves are similar to the scattering of solar spots. The price of your efforts will pay off in a couple of years to the formation of dense curtains.

Better smaller yes beautiful

The sense of measure must also be present at. Agree, chaotic accumulation of even a rare beauty of colors will not make a proper impression. Paints and volumes will "argue", and in attempts to declare ourselves only will be lost in motley chaos.

The design of your garden can be:

  • continuation natural zoneWhen in the already created world order and look natural for a particular place. This is a Barwinka with glittering leaves and an abundance of blue flowers, fragrant valley lily, a shaggy median with multi-colored inflorescences, spicy bushes Brunners Siberian - careless, but filled with quiet charm.

  • decorated with flower beds, focusing. For this purpose, a host is suitable for this purpose, attracting the look of the leaves of fantastic color - orange, yellow, blue, salad, with bordering, contrast pattern, spotted, in the speck. Height from 20 to 60 cm hosts are suitable for rockers and borders, in compositions with tall plants or as soil-level;
  • in the deep shadow there are no equal ferns, which are interesting to look in a duet with hosts. Ostrichnik ordinary with an elegant bunch of brownish leaves in the middle, men's shield with leaves up to 1.5 m long, adianatum stopped (loves climate softer);

  • with the inclusion of classic compositions. These include plants for the shady corners of the garden, having a constant decorative View - Color List, Beautiful Habitus ( appearance) And it is desirable that they are perennials. Open perspective favorably emphasizes the advantages of these landings;
  • as an option, try to plant a petomy potatone. His delicate fragrance will be successfully replaced by a cup of expensive chinese tea with jasmine. At the time of flowering, it literally boils the snow-white foam, spreading juicy greenery. Another winter-hard-resistant perennial is a brine bell, a high bush with a diameter of up to 0.5 m blooms in the middle of July so magnificent, which is almost completely hidden under blue-lilac and white.


Decorative garden is a painstaking work and a pleasant stay. Primilant shady corners become fabulous asylum under the canopy of amazing plants. Listening to the "wishes" of green friends, you can embody the most bold projects.

All of us since school benches are known that for normal growth and development plants require a sufficient amount sunlight. Do not deepen especially in the wilds of biology, we often mistakenly believe that in the shade can not grow, blossom, fruit trees, shrubs, vegetable and decorative cultures. Therefore, just impoverish yourself, and the appearance of your estate, nothing at home or fence in the shade. In the meantime, in any region, even with the most severe climate and short summer, you can choose the teothelubile and shadowable plants that will decorate the facade of the house and the line of solid fence.

Most of the challenge plants are consistently decorative all warm season. At the same time, they do not differ from abundant or very lush flowering. All their beauty is enclosed in an unusual color of foliage and the shape of shrubs.

Shaded sections of the cottage or country house are very different from each other. Some of them are illuminated by the Sun only a few hours a day, only casually fall on some rays. And there are those where the sun and never looks at all. What to put along the fence, if your favorite plants simply do not want to grow in the shade?

Shadowish and Telebovy Trees

Only a small number of trees can be planted between the house and the fence, that is, where the least happens to sunlight. It is hard to grow and develop in such conditions hard. However, there are breeds of trees that will decorate the shaded corner on your site. A little patience to study this issue And you will know what trees to put along the fence to improve the appearance of the whole manor.

Although most coniferous plants prefer solar open placesAmong them there will be specimens for landing in front of the house or fence, where little sun hits. From the side of the street, such shadowful conifers are most often planted as:

  • Tis Pozroek "Nana". This compact tree will feel great on sites that are illuminated by the sun quite a bit of time. Small sizes (Height - up to 90 cm, the diameter of the crown - from 0 to 90 cm) allow you to plant this grade of tees in front of the house from the street, as well as between the house and the fence. Tis Nana grows slowly, prefers wet loose soil. Perfectly, if in the region in the winter snow cover is very high.

TIS Pointed "Nana"
  • Siberian fir. A shadowless plant feels great in the northern regions of our country, where it is widely used by landscape design specialists. Until the ten years, slowly grows. The decorativeness of this grade fir is especially manifested in the spring, when young cones have a purple shade, and men's oval inflorescences are brown-red or yellow with a red bloom. Siberian fir can grow well at sunny places. Therefore, it can be decorated with an angle where during the day the sun replaces the shadow.
  • Caline ordinary. It is wood flower plant It feels well in the shade. The low-spirited trees reach a height of no more than 90 cm. Kalina can be planted in the form of a living hedge in front of the house from the side of the street, replacing the usual fence.

Kalina ordinary grade "Roseum"
  • Rowan. The trees decorated with bunges of bright umbrellas with berries, unpretentious to the conditions of growth. With their help create beautiful contrasting compositions. Ryabina can be safely put in the angle where other plants are good.

What shrubs put in the shade

Landscaping of the shadow side on the household site can be carried out with the help of fruit and blooming shrubs. It is better to use species familiar to the local climate. The most popular shrub plants that are well growing in the pronted zones:

  • Hydrangea Miscellaneous DVP Pinky. Flowering bushes You can land in an angle where the sun's rays penetrate only in the afternoon. Flowers in the form of fluffy blizzard grow very high. First blossom blossoms have white colorAnd as ripening, gradually pose from the base until it is completely bright pink. Single bushes look perfectly near the house. Of these, you can form a luxurious living fence.

DVP Pinky Hydrangea DVP
  • Black and red eases have excellent decorative properties. They are unpretentious in leaving, they practically do not hurt and perfectly carry not only the absence of bright light, but also harsh climatic conditions.

Brasina Red
  • Red and black currant. In the southern regions, these fruiting bushes will feel well exclusively in the shade. Currant loves moisture, so it can just die on the power of the sun. In the middle lane, these shrubs are also better to plant in privided zones, but it is worth considering that the fruits will ripen later.

Berries of red currant
  • Raspberries on a dark roar of the garden will give a lot of large and fragrant berries. It can well be accommodated between the house and the fence. And the place will not remain empty, and it will be used practical.
  • IRGA is growing under the woods of the forest, so this shrub will feel great in the shady garden zone. And, it would seem, a useless place in the garden will turn into a productive berry conveyor.

Vegetable crops

The place in front of the house is often not used due to the fact that most of the day there does not fall there. However, there are a number of vegetable crops that it is worth growing in a parisader or near the fence from the street. Implement the project will help:

  • Perennial grade onions. Highly practical optionAfter all, in addition to juicy greenery, it has decorative properties. For example, the bow-cerencing is bangible with huge lilac caps that attract bees.
  • Beet. It is quite well tolerates the shadow. The roots will be small, but sweet. But not everyone loves a coarse beet.
  • Rhubarb. If it is regularly water, then there will always be luxurious bushes of this plant.
  • Cheremus. Early spring people rushed into the forest to collect a young and very useful abrahe. If it grows perfectly under the trees, it means that it is quite possible to dilute on its plot, where light-loving plants do not want to grow.
  • Borago. The cucumber grass is best grows there, where the sun's rays almost do not penetrate. It is not necessary to specially care for it, it is not afraid of spring frosts, but insect diseases and attacks are practically not subject to diseases. Having landed it in front of the house, you can provide yourself with necessary vitamins.

Cucumber grass Borago
  • Greens and spicy herbs. Any greens that you like will give a good harvest in the shade. It is important to ensure its moisture and reserves can be done even for the winter.
  • Horseradish. Spicy foliage is actively used by hostesses for winter blanks. And it grows equally well both in the sun and on the shadow areas.

Perennial Plants for Shadow Garden

It is among perennial plants Most of all those who prefer zones closed from sun ray. Thanks to this variety, you can create flower beds, flower beds, mixtures and place them in the shade at least from the side of the street, at least from the side of the courtyard. Experienced gardeners are especially like such plants:

  • Host is best grows away from the sun. And with good humidity of the soil of her foliage, it will be simply magnificent, which, depending on the variety, can be monophonic or motley. The choice is great. The hosts are perfectly combined with other perennials and annuals.

Host on flowerbed
  • Lily of the valley is a classic plant for privided garden sections. Flowers in the form of bells will especially please in early springWhen they are especially decorative.

Lily of Silver
  • Astilba Japanese "Bonn" prefers wet soils. Bright carmine flowers are curled out the shape of curled. Astilba needs the shadow of the afternoon.

Astilba Japanese variety "Bonn"
  • The labaznik will fill the scent of summer, seemingly lifeless plots. Flowers of the variety "Nana" make an eye in a deep pink tint. Labar prefers wet, well-drained soil.

  • Brunner perfectly transfers any degree of shaders. It is worth considering that it creates very quickly. Therefore, it is better to plant it in places that require urgent and abundant landscaping.

Brine Siberian
  • Fern. Without this plant in the shadow garden just can not do. It is perfectly combined with other plant species. Prefers wet soil.

Popular multi-bedroom sections

If you do not plan to admire the same picture constantly, but also do not want to transplant plants either, you can also stop on bilateral plants that grow well without the abundance of sunlight.

Best for this purpose are suitable Pansies. W. different varieties This plant flowers have bright, juicy shades. If you sit at once a few varieties, then you can achieve their flowering during the entire warm season.

Pansies (violet tricolor)

A whole carpet can be created from gentle forget-me-not. They differ independently and grow perfectly without sunlight. And the flowers of the blue shade are pleasantly pleased with the eyes.

Beautiful carpet from forget-me-not

Pattern feels great in the shadow of the fence, houses or trees. But it will be delighted with its decorativeness only subject to agrotechnical rules.

Pattern (Digitalis)

What annual put in the shade

Among the annual plants are not so many representatives who can put up with the lack of sunlight. For this purpose, you can use:

  • Balsam. It will be nice to grow in a half. With the complete absence of the Sun, he will not please you.

  • Easy tobacco is a luxurious plant that will best reveal all its decorative properties with a scattered light. It can be located between young trees.
  • Begonia energety looks beautifully on the shaded flower beds and in single landings.

On a note

Before choosing plants for the garden zone of the garden, the corner of the house or line along the deaf fence, you need to evaluate the degree of illumination of the site in the following indicators:

  1. Halfing - a place where sun rays fall in the morning or in the evening and illuminate the plot of only 4 - 6 hours
  2. Shadow - plots illuminated from 1 to 4 hours, or the resulting scattered sunlight
  3. A deep shadow - a place where the sunlight penetrates only 1 hour, or does not fall there

Deciding with the degree of illumination of the site, you can proceed to the study of plants that prefer to grow in the shade, or simply tolerate it well. In other words, the choice must be made between the teennutic and shadower representatives of the flora. A little patience, and even the most abandoned areas of the garden and a piece of the street in front of the house will become a real paradise!

From the school course of biology, we remember that the plants are vital for sunlight. Without the effects of light, the process of photosynthesis in the leaves and stems is stopped, and in the end, the plant perishes. Therefore, all recommendations on planting vegetables and berries begin, as a rule, from one sentence "Choose a site well lit by the sun."

But at any dacha there are places where the sun's rays look infrequently. Under the crowns of fruit trees, the fence, behind the house or for the bath there is always an unlikely block of land, where and I would like to plant something useful, but the shadow. And what to put in the shadows, if nothing is growing there? It is not true, some vegetables and shrubs relate to the shadow acceptable, grow well and give a crop, despite the scanty "light packs".

Immediately alleged that the shadow in the southern regions, in middle lane And in the north - these are different concepts. And if in the south in the half you can grow cucumbers, and zucchini, pumpkins and watermelons, then in the north you will have to do with greens and salads. We will consider cultures here that you can easily put on the pronted areas of the middle strip.


Universal vegetable, from the acidic stems of which you can cook anything: from soups to desserts. Revel bushes grow well in the shade, if not forget about timely irrigation. Wanting to put rhubarb, it is better to ask the neighbors part of the root - then the bush will grow faster, gains strength and give juicy stalks. When landing, the seeds will have to wait a year or the other until the plant is strengthened.


Salad Latuke, Odessa Kuchecher and other types of leafy and kochan Salads, sorrel, spinach, mangold, roman, cress salad, sheet mustard perfectly feel on the shaded bed. Perhaps they will not give such powerful leaves as in the sun, but for a long time will remain gentle, they will not be loaded, they will not be pattering and will not go into color for a long time.


Bluebird or bear onions, plant combining the taste of garlic and bow, is considered medicinal plant. By adding a pair of abrahe leaves in their spring salad, you will provide yourself and relative to the additional portion of vitamins. Since in nature, the abyme grows in the forest, under powerful crowns of trees, a thick shadow for her - the house is native.

Borago - Cucumber Grass

In the spring, when their cucumbers are not even planted for seedlings, the aroma and the taste of fresh cucumbers in the salad will provide the leaves of cucumber grass - Borago.

This plant is not afraid of shading and short-term frosts, practically not amazed by pests and does not cause any trouble in cultivation. But the early vitamin greenery on the table Borago supplies properly.


Those who are not interested in preserving vegetables for the winter does not like sharp sauces, does not dry garlic for cooking powder, and it grows exclusively as a spicy seasoning, which is not much needed, it is easy to plant garlic in the shade under apple trees, plums or between currant bushes. The heads, maybe, will be smaller, but the whole bed is free to more frequent vegetables.

Green and spicy herbs

Some spicy herbs, for example, Basil without the Sun will not survive, but here is parsley, celery, kinza, mint, soul man, loving, etaragon, Melissa, Thymeyan will grow in the twilight and please you with their aroma. If you decide to dissolve the "green garden" under the apple trees, do not forget to close the planting by the film during the spraying of the apple tree by chemicals to prevent the poisons from entering the edible greens.


Growing targets are divided into two categories: Some believe that the beets should be powerful and large, others prefer small root roots, which are more gentle and more comfortable in preparation. If you are closer to the second position, then feel free to plant beets in the shade of trees. Rare sunlight penetrating, through the crown it will be enough for her, and the root corrupts will not turn around. Also in the shade you can grow root parsley and Pasternak.

Perennial Luke

Schitt-bow and bow-slims flourish in a half, and their greens become more juicy. Schitt-bow speaks well and after a couple of years can fill all the space allotted under it without your participation. In addition to early greenery, Schitt-bow gives beautiful lilac flowers caps, which and people please and insects are attracted to the plot.

Beans and bush beans

Not all sorts of beans and bush beans grow well and fruit into the shadows, but it is possible to pick up the teothelubile varieties. Especially recommended to plant them under the apple tree and after harvesting leaves the tops as a green fertilizer for improving and enriching the soil.


Stren - King Shadow. Put it in the dark place of the garden, he will still grow up and give a shameful crop of gentle leaves for use when singing cucumbers.

Berry shrubs growing in the shade

The shadow shrubs are well tolerated, which in nature are growing under the woods of the forest: Irga, Kalina, blackfold Rowan. (Aria), blue honeysuckle. With them the shadow area to turn from a barren place in a real berry conveyor - just have time to collect.

Many breeding books. In the first half of the summer, they will delight their bright fragrant flowers and clutch of useful bumblebees, curly around, and in the fall they collect the harvest of vitamin berries for drying.

If you have an unoccupied dark block of land along the fence, put a fragrant raspberry - the raspberry berries in the shade will be larger and more.

In the south, only in the shade you can plant red and black currants. Currant swamps, accustomed to humidity, will not transfer southern drought if it will grow on the sun. In the middle currant strip (especially red), too, can also grow in the shade, but berries will ripen later.

Use the proplinted sections of your garden to the maximum, do not be mistaken if you will not succeed in some of the recommended tepeless vegetables - there are many options, and one of them will definitely prove to be yours.

We wish you success and big harvests!

Country I. purchase areaswhich grow large trees, it is quite difficult to make decorative, because almost all beautiful-flowing plants love the sun. Owners of such gardens have to initially work hard to pick up and grow spectacular perennials growing in the shadow of trees and the half of shrubs. You need to know the requirements for soil and illumination of shadowish plants. And properly place perennials, given their seasonal painting.

What is the difference of the tepeless plants

Gourmet flower beds and lush borders in the shaded areas of the site create perennials with saturated green foliage of different shapes and bulbous flowers that arrange the striking fireworks in the spring. There are a lot of summer students of perennials for shady places, the elegant beauty of which is emphasized by a variety of foliage of competently selected partners.

Signs of shadowish plants

No plant can do without sunlight. But there are perennials, as it were created for the shadow - herbs, flowers, shrubs. It is enough for the growing season only a few hours of staying in the sun when it looks into them through the deciduous tent of high neighbors. The plants have a special characteristic property of the accumulation of light, thanks to which their successful development passes. A large number of perennials accumulates sunny energy In the spring, when the leaves on the trees have not yet blocked. Then they reveal their usually small, but bright flowers.

  • For shadowish crops, six o'clock lighting with the sun.
  • Weedly, and at all cost only a weak fold, which makes it easy to them.
  • Telebobile plants are very modestly blooming, but their leaves are intensely painted.

Features of shady gardens

Shady sections under deciduous trees are characterized by some adverse features for the development of other plants. There are arid or low-spirited places. In working with each site your difficulties.

Properties of dry shadow

Arid shadow is formed under old fruit or decorative trees, which have a thick and wide deciduous canopy.

  • Close layout to the surface of a well-developed root system of adult tree.
  • Mighty roots of the tree and their branches take most of the water, which falls into such areas after natural precipitation or irrigation.
  • The center of the precipitation crown penetrates less, since some part, especially if the rain is not thick, delayed foliage.

In such conditions, it is best to grow autumn and spring bulbous flowers, as well as some perennials for shady seats: modestly blooming in summer soil plants.

Tip! A great help for flowers or herbs growing in a dry shadow will be the soil mulch, which will delay the evaporation of moisture and over time it will take plants with additional nutrients.

Shady sections with heavy soils

Very often, these conditions are in lowlands, near the swamp or shores of water bodies.

  • Such places are characteristic of the fact that the precipitates are freely penetrated into the ground, but the composition of the soil is delayed by moisture.
  • On wet shaded areas, there is always enough moisture even during the period of hot summer, which creates favorable conditions for low plants.
  • At the same time, this environment is suitable for the activities of pathogens of fungal diseases of plants and activating snails and slugs.

Taking into account the nature of the soil, it is necessary to carefully prepare the landing wells for the selected herbs and colors. Be sure to add drainage materials and sand.

For moisture-lifted plants, perennials growing in the shade, which are planted on heavy soils, you need to prevent shocking. In addition to drainage in wells, the soil is regularly loose and mulched.

Tasks designer gardener

The owner of the shaded plot not only selects which perennials to plant in the shade, but also makes the overall picture of harmonious.

  • Since flowers for shady places, perennials and annuals do not have bright, expressive paints when flowering, focus on the form of leaves and silhouette of such plants.
  • Classic techniques: alternation of horizontal and vertical directions.
  • Creation is usually a monophonic background in flower beds from perennials in the shade for some kind of unique and impressive plant.
  • Selection of perennials that bloom at different times or effectively change the color of the leaves depending on the phase of development, to maintain the flower beds constantly pictorial.

For particularly enthusiastic flower water, it is possible to create from colors growing in half and shadow, from a mixture of perennials and annuals, sophisticated stylish corners. In such conditions, flower beds are designed in line with country directions, landscape or Japanese garden.

The flexibility of thinking will allow you to see in the usual weeds or wild perennials: the plantain, the paintwork of a reprehension, the belly of Czczuchka, the Buddow of ivy-shaped, Veronica of Dubravnaya and others - brilliant soil partners for selected teotelubil plants.

Preparation of the site

Deciding to reflect empty places in the shade of beautiful perennials, first of all need to prepare the soil.

  • The first stage is the removal of rhizomes of weeds, perennials and annual or shrubs.
  • Soil deoxidation (300-700 g of lime or 300-600 g dolomite flour 1 m 2).
  • Soil fertilizer with organic substances or complex mineral feeders.
  • To combat weeds, regular loosening and mulching of the soil.
  • Use as soil perennials of wild herbs with creeping rhizome, which can be successfully suppressed by aggressive annual weeds.

Comment! For flower beds or borders with perennials planted in the shade, a dark spanbond laying is possible, which will give effective protection from germination of weed herbs.

Perennials for dry shadow

Landscape designers gave a ticket to the endless variety of perennials for shady gardens. Everyone chooses these plants to their taste, as well as focusing on the conditions of the site, where the grass or flowers will be planted. There are quite a lot of picturesque herbs and bright colors, perennials growing in a dry shadow. The anemon dubus, Badan, Lilns, Geikhera, Bandish, Primulus, forget-me-not, Frost, Mednica, Begonia, Beyond, are widespread in our gardens.


High, 1.5-2 m, winter-hardy perennial, with large leaves and white or cream inflorescences. Grows in the sun and in the shade.


Czarzuy rhizome plants are best developed in half. Little oval leaves, leathery, dark green On long grinding stalks, which are also rooted. Flowers in spring. Natural blue flowers In the wild form, breeders were supplemented with pink and white shades.


Shrub up to 1 m requires wet, but drained soils, and a half. Unusual heart-shaped colors conquer tender beauty. Flowers until autumn, especially luxurious in June.


Low bushy perennial with beautifully carved leaves, which can be sold along the path with a fluffy rug. Gives low, but magnificent fountains of small solar flowers.


High perennial or two-year-bowl, up to 1.5 m. The plant is distinguished by beauty, but also poisonous. Rose-white gamma bells bloom almost all summer.


Many varieties with attractive expressive leaves, monophonic or with bright white and yellow stripes of different configuration. Perfectly decorate a plot from spring to autumn. Some plants throw out the stem with flowers of delicate shades.

Perennials for wet areas in the shade

With blooming in a wet shadow perennials work much easier, because these plants are more enduring. Many wild perennials switched to the gardens and became amazing components on flowerbeds located in the shade or semi-trees: geranium, liver, ferns, rhododendrons.


Pretty tall perennial with glossy dark green leaves and bulletini bulbs, blooming since July. The color palette is very diverse - from bright white to red.


Great Plant with large leaves and small flowers - " blue eyes late spring. " It grows in the shade, the leaves dry in the summer, but new ones appear by autumn. Perennial gives the garden to expressive accent.


Perennial preferring shady places. It is characterized by decorative leaves and original flowers in the form of elongated bells or droplets. Painting of petals white, cream, purple. Flowers in May. Later, blue or red berries appear, which, like all parts of the plant, are used in folk medicine.


A miniature charming perennial loves moisture-intensive soils, shadow and needs a mulch around the busta. Flowers in spring in purple-lilac and white gamma.


The perennial is rich in different types and garden forms, loves acidic soil, grows in the shade and half. The hydrangea and tree hydrangea is common, very spectacular hydrangea hydrangea. It is loved for the special decorativeness of large inflorescences of white-pink shades, which under the influence of submitted substances become blue.

Perennials for clay soils

Many gardeners with sections in low-spirited places will suit flowers and decorative deciduous plants that are well evolving on clay soils. These are various irises, Derbennik, Verbaine, Lily.


Popular perennial for sections in the shade with nutritional soils. Large leaves are similar to the leaves of horse chestnut. Coloros supports fragrant pink flowers.


Spectacular flowers with a variety of shades and radial drawings on the petals. For perennials need nutritional soils, grows in a half and the sun. The plant must be protected from winds.

A shady corner with unusual plants will be decorated with a plot and a comfortable holiday destination.

On any garden plot There are places, little lit by the sun. For example, near high trees, buildings or from the north side of the house. Many fruit and vegetable crops love sunlight and heat, so it is impractical in shaded corners in shaded corners. The question arises - what to put in the shadows so that every garden of the garden looks beautiful and blooming? In the article we will give an answer to this question and tell about the brassy shrubs, colors and vegetable crops.

The garden shadow can be treated both shrubs and many vegetables and flowers.

Not all shady sections are the same - on some sunlight takes several hours a day, to others - the scattered light makes its way through the foliage, on the third and does not fall into the day. Therefore, the first thing you need to determine which plants for what corners of the garden will be the most suitable.

Then you need to prepare the soil at the cottage. Shadowish plants, though unpretentious, but survive are capable only in good soil. From autumn it is better to leave the foliage to turn into a nutrient fertilizer for the winter. Another option is to introduce humus or compost into the soil during rescue. Also need to be determined, alkaline soil or acidic so as to correctly pick up the type of plants that can be planted. And if the shadow creates the trees and shrubs growing nearby, should be studied with what cultures they can quietly neighbor.

What shrubs put in the shadows?

There are many types of shrubs that feel perfectly with the minimum number of sunlight, grow well and even bloom. Many of them are found in forests in the forests than and their endurance is explained. Consider some of them.


Garden shrub with original snow-white berries, which decorate the twigs not only in autumn, but also in winter. It is not demanded of the soil, can grow in a limescity ground of the middle fertility.

Snowy year with original white berries.

The only representative who is grown in the shade of gardens is a symphoricarpos albus. High deciduous plant with a crown round shape and long shoots. The color of the leaves is unusual - bright green on top and gray bottom. Flowers small, pink. Against the background of flowering, large white false berries appear, which are tightly held on the branches even after foliage. A plant and growth rate - for a couple of seasons are able to achieve maximum height and decorativeness.


Evergreen Shrub Magonia.

These are the best evergreen plants that decorate the garden year-round. Of the peculiarities of the care requires only to cover young bushes for the winter. Perfectly feel not only in the half, but also in the shade. The most imperative types:

  1. Mahonia Aquifolium (Mahonia Aquifolium) modern classifications - Barbaris Padolisnut. A low shrub with brilliant large leathery gear leaves, in spring - red, in the fall - golden bronze. A real decoration of the plant is large yellow inflorescences at the ends of the branches and the elongated blue fruits.
  2. Mahonia RepenS or Barberry Creeping. Low shrub, no more than 50 cm in height. Outwardly similar to the previous species, differs only by height, is used as the design of borders or as a soil industry.


Bearing low-beam.

Plastic and unpretentious shrub with beautiful foliage and attractive fruits. Perfect can grow along the fence or near high trees. Popular Plant Representatives:

  1. Euonymus Verrucosus). A shrubs reaching a height of 2 m can be pulled out and take the shape of a slim tree. Foliage mosaic, transparent. The shoots are bright, green, covered with black outflows. Brown flowers, careless. The fruits are bright red, it is interesting to look at the background of foliage. In the fall, the shrub acquires an amazing bright red shade.
  2. Euonymus Nanus). A low (up to 1 m) fluttering shrub, produces long green leaves. For the second year, the branches covered with warts change the shade and become gray. Leaves are oblong, green. Flowers are also a greenish shade, very rarely replaced with bright pink fruits.
  3. Breeding beelander (Euonymus Alatus). High, thick branching shrub. Football shoots, spread, covered with red bark. Dark green leaves, leathery. Inflorescences have a greenish tint, the fruits are pink. In the fall it becomes dazzling and pink.


Lush and compact shrub - elder.

In the shade, the shrub acquires compact dimensions and a lush shape, it becomes more attractive with decorative point vision. Shadowish representatives of the form:

  1. Bully black (Sambucus Nigra). A large leaf shrub, in the shade grows up to a maximum of up to 3 m. The leaves are light, complicated-filas, give the plant massiveness. Flowers are very fragrant, large, yellow-white color.
  2. Bузина Sibirskaya (Sambucus Sibirica). Elegant, very shadowed shrub with bright red fruits and no less bright green leaves.
  3. Buzina Canadian (Sambucus Canadensis). The shoots of the bush branches, lettuce leaves, large. Flowers are also large, light, replace bright berries. Plant loves wet fertile soil.


Unusual combination of deresses - bright shoots, white inflorescences and black fruits.

Decorative deciduous shrubs with bright shoots, red or blue fruitswill become a real garden decoration round year. Along with the shadowness, the dend is distinguished by drought-resistance and unpretentiousness in care. Popular representatives:

  1. Deren red (cornus sanguinea). High (up to 4 m) leafy shrub having drooping branching shoots of different shades - from green to purple-red. The leaves are bright, rounded, in the fall turn red. Black fruits appear on the autumn.
  2. Derene white (cornus alba). It has a coral shade shoots, bright motley leaves, which are acquired by purple color by autumn. Flowers small, white. Fruits spherical, white-blue.


Small evergreen haulterry.

A small evergreen shrub who is able to survive in any conditions, including in a half and shadow. Soil for growing should be rich in peat. The greatest beauty plant acquires in the fall, when the branches are sleeping with multi-colored round inedible berries. In the shade, it is best to grow:

  1. Hultheria Mauloshoy (Gaultheria Trichophylla). Little shrub (no more than 10 cm in height), gray-green leaves, blue or blue fruit. May grow only in the southern regions.
  2. Gaultheria Procumbens. The height of the shrub is 15 cm, the leaves are rounded, the flowers resemble the pita, the fruits are bright. Frost tolerates, only partially frozen.
  3. Gaultheria Shallon. The largest representative, reaches a height of 50 cm. The shoots stretch up, the fruits of purple-black.


Luxury blooming rhododendron.

Luxurious shrub S. abundant blossom Can decorate any shady corner of the garden at the cottage. The most shameful are considered:

  1. Rhododendron Caucasicum (Rhododendron Caucasicum). Evergreen low shrub, not more than 1 m in height. Shoots are sharpening, oval leaves, pointed, leathery. Flowers in the form of a funnel, a whisk white with greenish stains. Grows slowly.
  2. Rhododendron Katawbiense (rhododendron catawbiense). Shrub reaches 2 m, in nature grows in the form of a tree. Leaves are long, dark, flowers in the shape of a bell tape, purple, about 15 cm in diameter.


Leaf Fall Berry Shrub - Kalina.

These leaves berry shrubs Recently, becoming increasingly popular, due to their unpretentiousness and decorativeness. Plants are very shadowing and moisture, so they can be planted on areas with excessive humidity. Inflorescences are pink or white, from which red or black berries are tied to the autumn, most of the most edible representatives. Although it is believed that for the correct growth of Kalina need sunlight, many species grow well in the shade. Among them:

  1. Canadian Kalina (Viburnum Lentago). High shrub, leaves oval and shiny, to autumn become red. Flowers are large cream, fruit blue-black.
  2. Viburnum Furcatum. Powerful bush with strong branching and shoots looking up. Large leaves, white flowers, fruits are red. In the fall, it becomes especially attractive due to the red shade of leaves with bright veins.

Another berry teothelubiive shrubs can be allocated:

  1. Raspberries. An ideal place For its cultivation will be shaded areas along the fence. So the berries will not lose juiciness and grow large.
  2. Currant. Loves wet soil and lack of bright sunlight. In terms of complete shadow, the berries mature a little later.
  3. Rosehip. Perfectly blooms and fruits even with the complete absence of sunlight.

Shadowish vegetable culture

Many vegetable crops grow perfectly in the shade.

Shrubs growing in the shade will become an element of the garden decor, filling free space or bringing fruits. But there are also shadowish vegetable cultures that are given a good harvest. We learn what vegetables can be planted in the shade.

  1. Salad. This includes all kinds of sheets and coastal salads, sorrel, cress and salad, spinach, romola, lettuce and other. All cultures grow well in the shade, long remain soft and gentle, they don't care and later bloom, rather than under the sun.
  2. Rhubarb. Vegetable, from which you can prepare at least soup, at least dessert. It needs abundant irrigation, growing rapidly and forms juicy stems.
  3. Cheremus. Other name - bear onions. It is a medicinal plant, has a flavor of a bow or garlic. Plant is rich in vitamins. In nature grows in the forest, in shady corners.
  4. Garlic. Culture can be grown in the shadow if you do not need large garlic heads and you use it only as seasonings for some dishes.
  5. Greens. Shadowish spicy herbs - mint, Melissa, Parsley, Kinza, Oshinitsa, Estragon, Thyme. Plants grow well in the shade, without losing taste and fragrance.
  6. Beans and beans. There are only a few discharge varieties of legumes, which are recommended to plant under apple trees. In the fall, it is desirable to leave the top of the ground on earth so that it serves as a fertilizer.
  7. Beet. Grow it vegetable culture In the shade, it is possible if you need small fruits, more tender and comfortable in the preparation of dishes.
  8. Horseradish. The most informative culture that will grow perfectly in any, the most dark corner of the garden.

What flowers can be raised in the shadows?

Transform the garden and fill the shaded areas can both flowers. Among them, the following plants can be distinguished.


This group includes:

  1. Lilyik - it grows better and blooms in the shade than in the sun.
  2. Lily of the valley.
  3. Host - Only in the conditions of shaders can reveal all the beauty of shades.
  4. Bruner - perfectly grow up, unpretentious.
  5. Peonies.
  6. Iris.


The most popular representatives are:

  1. Forget-me-not
  2. Pansies.


Shadow lovers among annual plants a little, because Almost all of them need sunlight. Nevertheless, they feel good in the shadows:

  1. Calendula - can be content with a pair of sunlight on a day.
  2. Tobacco scented - grows perfectly with a scattered light.

If you know exactly what vegetables, berry and decorative shrubs, Greens and flowers can be placed in the shade, you can easily reflect the farthest and unclaimed corners of your site.