Repairs Design Furniture

How to care for begonias: root, tuber, hybrid flowers. Care and Conditions What Like Begonia Rooms

This is the real queen of the window sill. Refers to the genus Beonatium. Motherland - South Africa. Natural conditions - Alpine areas, rainforest. Flowers are large, reaching the tuber in diameter up to 13 cm, and in the ever-drying up to 4 cm. Color varied: red, white, pink and many others. With proper care, the flowering is long - from April to October.

Flower is not capricious in care. He needs a scattered light, frequent but moderate watering, with all this plant does not like spraying.

Miscellaneous, differ incorrect form. Districted bright color. The fetus is presented a box with seeds. bright color. Perennial herbate plant Actively applied in folk medicine.

Growing and care

Selection of space and temperature

Optimal choice - windows overlooking the eastern or western side. Flowering species require more sunlight. In the heat create an artificial shadow, otherwise burns are possible. The most favorable temperature regime: In the summer, from 21 to 22 degrees, in winter 18-19 degrees.

Systematic ventilation requires, but the scenic beauty does not tolerate the scenic beauty. From them she can dump the foliage or fade. Decoratively deciduously feel well with the scattered light. In winter, it is important to provide a plant with additional lighting. Excellent helpers - Daylight lamps.

The lack of light can be understood by excessive green mass. The flower begins to stretch up and flowering can, and stop at all.

Soil for flower

It is necessary nutritious. You can purchase it in a specialized store or mix yourself. In order to prepare it use the black soil and peat in equal amounts, and 2 times more leaf land. The drainage is used as coarse river sand. A leafy land is poured upon it, and on top of peat and chernozem.

Choosing a pot

A suitable pot - half of the success of flower

Preference is given to wide capacity from natural materials, with many drainage holes. Too spacious packaging does not fit. In it, Begonia will suffer from the convergence, which will negatively affect the flowering period.

Watering and humidity

Tropical resident needed frequent but moderate watering and high humidity air. It is important to closely monitor the state of the soil. Stagnation moisture causes root rotting. Spraying do not applyIt causes the appearance of brown spots on the foliage. Therefore, you can use a mechanical humidifier. On hot days and in winterWhen include heating devices, Pot put on a pallet with a clamzit, which and pour water. Surplus from it pour. It helps protect the root system from excessive humidification and create favorable conditions. Applied water purified, estimated.

Invalid cold moisture, it is better to use room temperature. For the tube begonia from December to February, watering stops completely. The most suitable ravage schedule: from June to August, abundant irrigated every 2 days (if the temperature is abnormally high, then we will admit moderate daily); From mid-October to early December, moisturizing is significantly reduced and occurs as the land drying.

Farrel for the plant

Timely and competent use of nutrients - a guarantee of health of culture. The period of feeding begins with the appearance of buds. Special complexes for flowering potted plants make twice a month. When forming the zinc, it is recommended to use phosphoric and potash fertilizers.

Decorative deciduous species require nitrogen substances. By adding organic fertilizers to liquid for watering, you can achieve more magnificent and prolonged flowering.

Pruning - is it necessary?

For potted bending is not needed. You can remove the sworded flowers. It will give the opportunity for other buds to bloom more lush. So that the plant does not spend strength cut and the seed box.

Neighborhood - as an important element of the right care

For full bloom and growth requires space. Too close cluster flower Gorshkov On one window negatively affects the decorative qualities of the plant.

Peresanzing flower

It is necessary to be carried out in March, every 2-3 years for an adult individual. Signal about the need to change the pot serves a root system that does not fit in the container. The new vessel is slightly different from the previous one - by 2-3 cm in diameter. From the soil, the bustice is pulled out gently so as not to damage the roots.

Earthwood kom gently shake. After that, the roots should be disinfected in a weak solution of manganese (just soak for 1 hour). After that, you need to carefully examine them for rotting, diseases or pests. If necessary, affected fragments remove.

If the pot is new, then the first layer is ceramzite, the cooler sand is poured on top. A plant is installed on it, and the roots fall asleep soil. The process is completed with abundant irrigation.

Pests and diseases

Decorative decrease

Non-compliance with the rules for care immediately affects the appearance of the pet. If it drops buds or leaves, it is important to change the scrupter, and moisturizing. This signals the lack of water and dry air. Does blossom start? Multiple reasons can contribute to this:

  • incorrectly selected temperature regime,
  • meager or abundant watering,
  • drafts
  • lack of sunlight.

Rota and mildew

The oversupply of moisture or spraying with the help of the pulverizer will attract these unpleasant diseases. You can fight with them without chemicals. It is enough to give a soil to dry, and remove contaminated parts.


Custom tick - can cause significant harm to the plant

These "uninvited guests" feed on begonia juice. This is the basis of their diet. Of the folk remedies for the fight, the most famous is a soap solution of tobacco. But more success can be achieved by using insecticides.

Flower breeding


A simple, light and efficient method. At the end of winter, they are sighable into a loose substrate, without deepening into it. It is fairly uniformly distributed over the surface and spray with water. Each plate is covered with a film (to preserve humidity) and transferred to warm and bright room. A spraying or pallet with pebbles are used as irrigation, which pour fluid.

The first shoots will appear after 4 weeks, the coating immediately removes. Pick after formation of at least 4 leaves into separate cups. After 7-8 weeks you can transplant in constant vase.

Upon compliance with the rules for the care, you can achieve flowering in the same year.


Each chopped cutlets should have a 3-4 leaflet. Slices B. obligatory Sprinkled with crushed activated carbon to avoid infection. For rooting, a special substrate is used: leaf and peat ground, sand, peat in equal parts.

Vessel storage room choose warm, with good lighting and reliable protection from drafts. Watering is needed moderate, so that the upper layer of the Earth managed to die. For rooting, it is permissible to use water. The root system is formed within a month.

How to choose a healthy plant in the store

If there is no desire to grow from the tuber, then in the late spring you can buy a pet with already formed buds.

The first criterion is color and flower dimensions. Then it is worth paying attention to the state of the exot. Spots, signs of insects, diseases - symptoms of unhealthy pet and buying should be refused. Inspection is carried out intently: stems and folias turn over, the pot slightly shake and slightly fit the ground. Such, at first glance, incomprehensible actions will help to understand whether the conditions of irrigation and humidification are observed.

After buying a pot transfer to the shadow and treated with special chemical preparations. If the begonia is chosen correctly, and the care of it is performed in good faith, it will delight the owner long years. If you buy a tuber, then pay attention to the size. It should be at least 4 cm in diameter. The kidney of pink or white should be present on a healthy landing material.

Types and varieties

The most popular and most decorative representatives:

  • decorative and deciduous. The varieties differ in the form and color of the leaves, and bud. The most popular varieties: Large Mazonia, Gray Queen;
  • decorative-blossoming. Colorful color. Flowering lush and long. Varieties: Merry Christmas, Yulitayd;
  • bush. Reaches up to 25 cm in height. Not whimping, does not require much attention. Varieties: multiflora;
  • tangle.

True fans of Begonias appreciate not only her bright and lush flowering, but also unusual, beautiful painting asymmetric decorative leaves. Motherland Perennial - Tropical forests and subtropical regions of America, Asia and Africa.

Popular views of the bedroom flower Begonia and photos

Today, about 900 types of begonias are known in the world and at least 2 thousand hybrids were obtained. Culture for growing in room conditions Conditionally divided into two large groups - deciduous and blooming. Decoratively deciduous differ in the original shape and color of the leaves. Blooming varieties are divided into groups of tube, evergreen and bushy, in need of resting period. Consider more popular species:

  • tangle - It has plain and terry flowers of white, pink, yellow, bright red, orange colors. Petals can be two-color or framed border. Flowers sizes range from 5 to 15 cm, forms are similar to rose, carnation, peony;
  • elegant - The most popular Begonia from the group of bush. It is grown both as a garden culture and in room conditions. In the latter case, the plant can bloom all year round. It has glossy leaves of red and green shades, dismisses small flowers of red, pink, white colors;
  • royal - Decorative-deciduous species is distinguished by large, up to 30 cm long, leaves of the inhomogeneous color of dark green, brown, red tones. Forms of sheet plates are like a heart or resemble a spiral of a snail;
  • ampelnaya - This subspecies of tuber begonia is used in vertical landscaping. Sweeping shoots shoot 25-50 cm long sleeping with a variety of white, raspberry, orange, yellow flowers, which are dissolved throughout the growing season;
  • eLATOR. - This begonia hybrid is designed for cultivation solely at home. It has subtle shoots of red shades that need a support. Flowers in the autumn-winter period. Petals of white, yellow, red, orange tones. Glossy leaves round shape, Flowers are about 5 cm in diameter.

Care at home at room flower

Begonia is demanding of lighting, it should be placed on a well-lit place

Begonia home unpretentious in landing conditions and easy to care. It does not need frequent transplants, grows at moderate temperatures. Its tropical character imposes special requirements for air humidity. Some types after flowering are satisfied with the period of rest.

Lighting and watering

Begonias fit well lit room. Abundant blooming varieties prefer multiple light. Decorative and deciduous specimens are better developed in a half. Good location flower pot There will be a windowsill on the eastern or western window. IN winter months Recommended to arrange additional artificial lighting.

Begonia moisture. For watering, use soft dilated water, the excess is poured from the pallet. Follow the following rules:

  • in the summer, they watered abundantly twice a week;
  • in severe heat, the soil moisturizes daily;
  • since October, the plant is watered as the upper layer of land drying;
  • in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum;
  • in March, the intensity of moisture is gradually increased.

Cudley views fall into hibernation. For this period, they are placed in peat, and watering excludes completely.

Air humidity

Not when not spray begonia it can lead to illness

The tropical origin of the plant places increased requirements for air humidity in the room. It is not recommended to spray begonia, it begins to root from this, spots appear on the leaves.

To satisfy the requirements of the flower, it creates a special microclimate. For this:

  • pot put on a saucer with a wet peat;
  • in the tray with water, the pebbles are poured on which the flower is put.

Evaporating, water will provide required plant Humidity level.

Optimal temperature for begonias

The plant does not like drops and prefers moderate temperatures. In the summer it is desirable to contain flower at + 18 ... + 20 ° C. In winter, the air temperature should not be descended below + 15 ° C.

Ground for Begonias and Fertilizers

After the transplantation of begonias, frequent and abundant irrigation

Begonias require nutrient soil. It is made up:

  • 2 parts of the leaf land;
  • 1 part of the peat;
  • 1 pieces of chernozem.

At the bottom of the pot lay a layer of coarse-grained river sand. Half of the container fill the leaf ground. Top filled with a mixture of peat and chernozem.

It is difficult to grow a beautiful begonia without such an important component of the care, like fertilizer. The feeders are carried out no more than two times a month during the formation of buds and intensive flowering. As a rule, it occurs in spring and summer. For this use full mineral fertilizers.

How to transplant

Begonia's transplant is carried out in early March once every two or three years. The need for this procedure says that are not placed in the old pot of roots. The new is chosen by 2-3 cm more in diameter.

Begonia is neatly getting out of the substrate, the roots purge from the remnants of the Earth. For an hour put in a container with a weak solution of manganese. After the root system is verified for the presence of rotting or pests. Remove patients to a healthy fabric.

The bottom of the new pot lay a layer of clay, from above - rough sand. The plant is placed in the container and neatly pour roots soil mixture. After transplanting the flower needs abundant irrigation.

Blooming Begonias

Begonia blooms abundantly and very bright. To extend this period, women's flowers are removed at the very beginning of development. When the purpose of the flower is high-quality tuber education, in September, new buds are removed. Then the plant will not spend the strength on flowering.

When multiplying a leaf cutlets take a strong copy

The landing of begonias is carried out by seeds and tubers, spread out in a vegetative way - grilling of leaves and stems, dividing the bush.

Silence reproduction

This method is used in the spring-summer period. Stem cutlery For rooting should be at least 7 cm long. Immediately after cut planting material Plant into a wet substrate from sand and peat in ratios 3: 1. The fitting container is placed in a dark place. After 1-2 months, the plant is rooted.

For reproduction, the strings chosen the strongest instance. The cuttings are cheered into the ground so that the sheet does not touch the surface of the soil. Before rooting, containers with leaves are kept in a dark room.

Growing Begonias from Seeds

The reproduction of seeds is carried out from December to March. Nourishing substrate For sowing is prepared from the leaf land, peat and sand. Seeds are distributed over the surface of the soil, slightly indulging in the ground. Shoots appear in 10-15 days.

Grown seedlings dive. Young plants transplant in separate pots with a lore earth. In the middle of the summer, faster begonias can already bloom. By winter, a tuber of plants is formed. Autumn tubers leave for storage in the sand or peat. The planting material is contained at a temperature of + 8 ... + 10 ° C. Spring tubers are planted again in pots.

Clothing care after landing

How and when the starting of the tubebee depends on when they calculate the flowering plant. Start in February, and continue until June. For this:

  • the tuber is deepened in the soil half;
  • leave in a cool dark room;
  • watered moderately a few weeks;
  • when shoots, the tuber falls asleep completely, and the pot is transferred to a light warm place.

Diseases and pests of begonias and plant care during this period

Cobbled tick and notes The most frequent pests have begonias

Careless maintenance and errors of content lead to the fact that the plant begins to root, reset the leaves and buds. To understand the reasons for such a state, take care carefully to Begonias:

  • if the tips of the leaves became brown and begin to fall, the flower lacks watering and humidity;
  • the pale leaf plate signals the lack of lighting;
  • excess moisture under reduced temperature leads to the formation of fungus. Affected by foliage and shoots are removed, and the flower is treated with fungicides;
  • dry air and temperature fluctuations - a favorable environment for muced dew. It looks like white flag. To combat it, begonia is treated with 1 percent aqueous solution of colloidal sulfur.

Memo flowerwood

Begonia may not bloom in a number of reasons starting the fact that bad lighting and to an excess fertilizer

In the process of growing begonias, non-standard situations may occur and the flower flows have additional questions, as they cope with them.

If the begonia does not bloom, the reasons can be walking in the following factors:

  • the plant lacks light;
  • indoors low humidity;
  • inappropriate temperature mode;
  • excess fertilizers;
  • watering hard water;
  • lack of rest period;
  • drafts.

Change the conditions of content and watch the pet. Perhaps you need to transplant flower in a fresh substrate. The lack of flowering can also say that it is time to rejuvenate a plant.

Why is the begonia fall out of buds immediately after their appearance?

Such a phenomenon speaks about a weakened flower condition. It may be caused incorrect irrigation and lack of minerals. This flower requires feeding.

Why yellow leaves from Begonias?

Begonia is capable of cleaning air

The leaves of Begonia are rich in phytoncides, so that it has amazing properties to clean and improve the air indoors. With it, struggling with pathogenic microorganisms. In particular, it is effective in combating staphylococcus.

It is noticed that the presence of Begonia enhances immunity, increases performance and relieves fatigue. It is recommended not only as homemade, but also as an office plant, as the flower contributes to the increase in mental activity.

The plant has a property of purifying air from dust and absorb toxic chemical compounds. Therefore, they advise the begonia at home immediately after repair.

It is believed that Begonia is able to give their owner of power and determination

It is believed that Begonia helps in achieving personal success. It contributes to the birth of new ideas, so useful to writers, journalists, scientists.

Begonia - Aries Plant. The flower generously believes energy as all the fiery signs:

  • useful to lions and firemen, as it helps to balance their energy chaos;
  • Capricorn, twins, weighs - develop prudsence;
  • Fish, cancer, scorpions - to establish a harmonious relationship.

The effect of Begonias on other signs of the zodiac is neutral.

Energy and symbolism

Thanks to strong energy, Begonia is able to give forces and determination. It is needed where the pessimists live, there are frequent quarrels. It transforms negative energy into a positive one. There is a pacifying on irritable people and perfectly raises the mood.

Begonia is a symbol of material well-being. She personifies purity and virtue. See begonia in a dream means that on man negative programFrom which you need to be cleaned.

Healing properties of Begonias

The plant is widely used in traditional medicine. This is a good painkiller and antispasmodic agent, has an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Infusion of colors are used to treat wounds and burns, irritation and ulcers. The juice from the leaves is used to calm headaches. The root is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Begonia is a type of plant, which belongs to the Begonid family. There are a large number of species and subspecies, but conventionally can be divided into two large groups: decorative and rooms, which in turn are divided into beautifully mixing (differ in abundant flowering) and decoratively deciduous (mediocre flowers, but the foliage has unusual shape And bright rich color).

Most often at home are grown by a begonia species, which is manifested in three forms:

  • evergreen;
  • tuber, having falling leaves;
  • bush, requiring time for hibernation.

Home Conditions are particularly suitable for ELATIOR begonias.

In order for the begonia to grow and developing correctly, it is necessary to provide her competent care:

  • regular, no less than two times a week, watering pre-resistant water;
  • natural lighting of sunny rays. It will provide saturated colors of sheets and flowers;
  • natural organic fertilizerwhich can help the plant during flowering period, providing its necessary nutritional elements;
  • temperature mode of about 20 degrees.

Note! Even with proper care, problems may arise, for example, no flowering.

When and how much time blooms begonia

How many blooms begonia depends on its type:

  • flower begins to bloom in June and this period can continue until September, after which it can be transplanted into a homely pot and put it in the premises.
  • homemade begonia varieties, in particular, the elastius variety, begin to bloom in the fall and continues the process throughout the winter period.

Flowering depends solely on competent care and variety of plants.

Begonia has blossoms different, depending on the individual characteristics of the plant.

Why Begonia does not bloom

Answering the question why Begonia does not bloom, it is worth considering the main reasons:

  • incorrect lighting, which is not enough a flower for the implementation of the photosynthesis process;
  • unsuitable soil (the right soil is weakly acidic, loose and nutritious);
  • incorrect transplant;
  • insufficient fertilizer;
  • too dry air indoors or climatic impact, for example, drought periods;
  • the impact of microorganisms harming the root system or foliage;
  • insufficient watering (this reason is the most important, because the roots of the plants are most susceptible to moisture and it should always be sufficient).

What to do to bloody bloody again

First of all, the gardeners arise the question of what to do to bloody bloody. The answer is simple: change the conditions of care and cultivation.

Begonia does not bloom

Very rarely the cause of the absence of flowers can be the age of the plant itself or the illiterate planting of the bush. In addition, when purchasing should be carefully examined by the grade to which Begonia refers, because the decorative-hard view in principle cannot bloom.

So, how to make the flower bloom - it is necessary to provide a plant with a sufficient amount of moisture, but not excessive. Introduce mineral nutrients in the soil - feeding. Begonia will start growing more actively and will soon give flowers. After that, transfer the plant to the windowsill, ensuring it with a sufficient amount of sunlight. It is worth protecting begonia from supercooling, as well as from aridness. Room temperature will be just by the way.

Now it is clear why Begonia does not bloom and what to do with it. But this applies to most of its homemade plants, eternal. And here the care for the flower is a little different:

  • it should be noted that the flower begonia should not tolerate freezing, so landing should be started not before May;
  • it is necessary to take care of the plant from drought, while not neglecting the impact of direct sun ray in moderate quantity;
  • need to save a plant from large number moisture, do not have it close wastewater or converging from the roof of the building.

Often, the question arises about why the tubing in a pot does not bloom. The answer is simple and lies in proper wateringwhich is carried out only after drying the upper layer of soil.

What to do if the begonia does not bloom with terry flowers

Terry flower is truly beautiful and unique what is a distinctive feature Begonias. But it happens that instead of the expected flower, the simplest. Such a problem is especially common in tuber plant. There are several main reasons with which it may be due to:

  • the tuber has insufficient power, especially for young plants blooming for the first time. This is caused by an insufficient period of rest of the plant and improper reproduction.
  • lack of forces at the plant itself due to illiterate care.
  • it is not worth excluding such a sign as an error in production, especially this concerns those seeds that were acquired in the store. Therefore, it is better to acquire the plant itself.

Note! It is worth reconsider the care and wait for the next period of flowering, perhaps Begonia will go through the strength and give flowers to the desired properties.

Preventive measures

It is advisable not to bring the problem before treatment, because it is possible to prevent the wrong development, observing simple rules Prevention. The main points of events are aimed at combating pests, because the main parameters of the departure have already been presented.

  • it is necessary to regularly remove rotten and yellow leaves;
  • perform a spray procedure by using a pulverizer. Water should be clean, preferably accustomed and room temperature;
  • if there is a tendency to increase yellow, dry or rotten leaves - to begin the introduction of feeding of vitamins and minerals. Before this, carefully studied the rules of administration and dosage;
  • if the smell of rotten or whiten flare is smelted, it is necessary to treat the plant with a weak solution of manganese;
  • malicious bacteria can cause the loss of stalk strength to avoid it, it is necessary to periodically process begonia with a burglar fluid solution;
  • the prevention of viral diseases is also carried out by a weak solution of manganese.

Observing preventive measures, Gardener will relieve itself from questions about why Begonia does not bloom and what to do. The care of begonia is quite simple and does not take you a lot of time, while the flowers of various colors (red, orange, yellow) in combination with the emerald greens will delight throughout the winter period or become an excellent addition landscape design Garden.

Often inexperienced flowerflowers, purchasing a bustard of blooming begonias, face the problem of a short joy of pleasure in bright flowering. Flowers are wondering why Begonia does not bloom, because in the store a room plant looked very elegant, decorated with gentle flowers.

Why stopped blossoming begonia

The most common cause of the lack of flowering bush at home is:

  • Errors of agrotechnology begonia;
  • Non-corresponding microclimate;
  • Incorrect identification of the plant;
  • Floral pests;
  • Diseases of indoor crops.

Agrotechnology errors Becamonia

Often inexperienced flowers show excessive enthusiasm when growing indoor plants. It should be considered the fact that the bloom itself serves as a confirmation proper care and flower professionalism.

The novice owners of green collections have insufficient knowledge about the agricultural engineering of the begonia. As a result, the plants lose decorativeness, do not enter into the flowering phase or dump buds. Further non-compliance with the rules of cultivation and care at home can entail even the death of the plant.

Successful agrotechnology Becamonia is composed of the following items:

  • Optimal watering mode;
  • Landing into the appropriate substrate;
  • The right choice of lighting;
  • Maintaining the surrounding temperature;
  • Appropriate humidity level;
  • Making mineral fertilizers.

The deviation from the requirements of the cultivation of indoor plants entails a violation of the vegetative phases of development, the absence of flowering, the death of the instance. Suites from the tropics and subtropics have low resistance to the root system to pathogenic bacteria. Also some garden pests Capable to adversely affect the development of begonias.

Recreation of microclimate for begonia

Create a microclimate of tropical forests on a home window sill is a completely saturated task for novice flowerflowers.

It is important to remember the basic requirements, the execution of which helps to obtain a harmonious blooming instance:

  • Lighting for begonia;
  • Temperature and humidity of air;
  • Optimal watering mode.

The tropical climate is distinguished by the temperature and humidity of the air. Begonias with sowed leaves grow in a scattered shadow high treesThat excludes water from entering sheet plates and flowers. Plants of tropical undergrowth are open for rays of the ascending and setting sun. In the midday heat, the begonia leaves are protected by shadow of trees.

Create similar conditions at home will not be a lot of work if you place a romp with a plant on the windows of Eastern or Western orientation. Otherwise, the plants are transformed from the burning sunlight.
Begonias are capable of growing on the windowsill of the northern windows, without entering the phase of flowering.

Incorrect illumination of Begonias most often leads to:

  • Sunny leaf burns:
  • Formation of too long stuffs;
  • Lack of flowering plants.

The presence of one of the above symptoms indicates the need to change the lighting mode of herbaceous bush. The problem is solved by shaping begonias on the southern window, the organization artificial lighting In the room with northern orientation.

The optimal range of air temperature for the begonia is + 22 + 24 ° C during the period of active growth and + 19 + 22 ° C in the rest phase. A favorable level of humidity is 60-70%. Special attention should be taken to the humidification of air into the heating season.

The moisture that fell on the forming buds or flowers causes irreparable damage to the flowering of the room plant. The sharp drops of air temperature are a stress factor for begonias, as well as destructive drafts.

The stream of cool air leads to the supercooling of the root system, loss of moisture from sheet plates.
Dry air is moisturized with irrigation from the sprayer near the vase. It also effectively increases the moisture content with water contained in close proximity to Begonia. It is recommended to place a wet fabric on heating radiators in winter season. Household humidifiers have also proven well established.

Wrong watering of the room plant can lead to the fact that Begonia does not bloom at home. The method of watering the begonia depends on their type. Strevy and root begonias require different irrigation. Tropical cultures Extremely negatively react to excessive convergence of the substrate and cutting the soil in the vase.
It is extremely important to remove excess water from the pallet in order to avoid soil cycling.

Water for watering requires preliminary training. Water water It is necessary to defend over three days in an open container to eliminate chlorine contained in it. Most urban water pipes supplies hard water with high levels salts. Such water needs five-minute boiling.
It is important to exclude water from entering the cutters and the leaves of Begonias during irrigation.

Violation of watering mode most often entails:

    • Damage to the roots of rotting;
    • Stains on sheet plates;
    • Dropping colors and buds;
    • Lack of flowering;
    • Withering leaves.

The presence of one of the above symptoms indicates a violation of the irrigation mode. Understanding the source of the problem allows you to correctly determine what to do to correct agrotechnology errors.
Specialized outlets implement soil for the begonia containing the optimal set of trace elements. The transplant of young instances is carried out annually after the flowering phase is complete. Making feed should be carried out depending on the vegetative phase.

Begonias do not fertilize during the rest. At the beginning of active growth, a complex of mineral fertilizers contributes to the predominance of nitrogen content.
A mixture of fertilizers change after increasing begonia sufficient number Green mass. Flowering species need a potash-phosphoric complex for the awakening of flower kidney and maintain the flowering process. Making feeds that do not apply to the vegetative phase causes the lack of flowering and the formation of too violent greenery.

Invalid Identification Begonias

Beginner flower products, acquiring a compact flowering bush, expect to continue flowering at home. Nevertheless, there is often wilting the colors and the lack of formation of new buds. The first reason for this is the stress of acclimatization to new microclimate conditions.
You should pay attention to the size of the new room plant. Stems of adult begonia have at least five to six intersals.

Blossom of young seedlings with shorter stems indicates early flowering caused by special stimulants.

The flowering bush has more chances to be sold, which encourages specialists to conduct directional processing of instances.

Decorative flower plants include most of the tube begonia. This species needs to organize the right wintering. Plant tubers are easily affected by putrid bacteria. Overhead grassy kestic gradually fades after the completion of flowering.

Tubers get out of the landing substrate and placed in a peat mixture. Capacity with tubers are placed in a dark cool room. Experienced gardeners assure that if everything is done correctly, then before the spring tubers are perfectly preserved and rapidly increase the greens after disembarking into the range of vases.
Peat is an excellent disinfector, which has been guarding tubers from pathogenic bacteria. The planting material is treated with a weak solution of manganese potassium before landing for a permanent place.

Decorative and decorative flowering types of begonia should be distinguished so as not to expect blossoms from varieties with decorative foliage.
Decorative begonias often refer to root species. Flower attention attracted bright large foliage, causing the attractiveness of plants throughout the year.

Often leafy plates decorate the motley splashes of contrasting color. Large leaves are crowned with long village cups that grow straight from the kidneys of a creeping rhizome.
The flowering of decorative begonia does not possess aesthetic value. Experienced flowerflowers recommend removing color paints to release the plant from excessive load.

Floral pests begonia

Laughing houseplant floral pests It may cause the lack of flowering. The vegetation of tropical bustle is broken, since all types of pests feed on juice or begonia fabric. Attentive examination of the leaves, the cuff allows you to establish that the instance has been attacked by pests.

Most often begonias are amazing:

  • Cobbled tick.

The wave dwells on the bottom of the sheet plates and looks like a naked view as an easy flight. Under the magnifying glass, you can consider microscopic insects of light green or white-colored insects.

Thin coatipers in the field of the bottom of the leaves may indicate availability custom tick. The affected parts of the plant is recommended to be carefully removed, after which it is preventive processing of begonias.
The problem is solved by using insecticides. Chemical preparations implement specialized outlets. The above-ground part of the plant is processed according to the instructions on the package. It should be remembered about the technique of personal safety.

Sometimes the cause of the death of the plant is the soil infected with nematodes. Rehabilitation of the affected instance is almost impossible. Nematodes belong to the class of simple organisms. Experienced flowers are recommended to get rid of the soil with a copy and a vasion.

Roommonium diseases

Often the absence of flowering serves as an alarming signal that the plant is affected by fungus or rot. Tropical cultures do not cause violation of watering mode, improper agrotechnology in the rest phase.
Conglave Begonias are most often amazed by rotting with too cold wintering.

Before planting tubers in the vases, it is necessary to carefully examine the planting material and remove the affected parts before a healthy fabric.

Sections are treated with disinfectants.
Sometimes the rot is striking the above-ground part of the plant. The reason for the revenue of the substrate or the soil fever. It is important to control the moisture content of the substrate and do not water the instance before the upper layer of soil. Soil fever occurs with a poor-quality drainage layer.

The drainage mixture should occupy at least a quarter of the volume of the planting capacity. It is impossible to use clamzite and broken brick as a drainage filler, since these materials accumulate moisture. Attention should be paid to the amount and size of drainage holes in the bottom of the vase.

Now houseplants are enjoyed with great demand and popularity, which include Begonia. It can often be found in flower water as decorative decoration At home, especially during her flowering. Small knowledge and sufficient attention will necessarily bring their fruits and the plant will delight its owner with multicolored inflorescences of the long period.

Begonia refers to the genus Begonia, which has more than 800 varieties of the plant. Motherland Begonias are the tropics and subtropics of Asia and Africa.

Begonia has many varieties and varieties.

All kinds of this room flower Can be divided into 2 large groups: blooming and deciduous varieties. Distinctive feature The latter are colorful leaves various shapes. Among flowering plants Allocate such popular varieties in the home flowerness:

  • Begoniaball. The plant variety is characterized by a variety of inflorescences. Petals can be different color, ranging from white tones to dark red. Inflorescences are two colors at the same time and reaches in diameter from 5 to 15 cm. The type of terry flowers is very similar to roses and peonies.
  • Begonia eternal. The eternal flower grade is the most common, can be grown both at the flower beds and in room conditions. In apartments, this variety can produce inflorescences throughout the year. They are collected from small flowers of red, pink or white.
  • Begonia royal. Differs and appreciates the beauty of the leaves. They can be different color and reach a length of up to 40 cm. At the same time, foliage can take a few shades, and even with edging of another color around the edge.

Begonia - Nuances of Growing

In the first days after the purchase of the plant, it is necessary to give him more attention to decorate the house and has a healthy view for several years.

After purchase, it is necessary to pay special attention to the plant.

To grow begonias at home, some rules and nuances should be followed:

  1. Create favorable conditions for active flower growth.
  2. Try to protect it from drafts and wind.
  3. Provide optimal parameters ambient in winter.
  4. Try to pick up the flower suitable place to disturb it.

Becaming care at home

Home care for begonia is not too complicated and is to maintain a comfortable temperature mode, sufficient illumination and humidity. In order for the plant to feel comfortably at home, it is necessary to create conditions close to natural.

Optimal conditions of detention

Proper lighting And the location of the plant is the most important component of good growth.
  • Shine. Plant need to settle on the windowsill with large quantity Sveta. But it is worth protecting it from direct sunlight, especially during flowering, otherwise the burn is formed on the leaves. To avoid this, it is necessary to create some shaping with the help of a curtain or blinds.
  • Length of the day. A decoratively growing flower takes a light day duration up to 12-14 hours. In autumn I. winter time He needs to organize additional lighting with special lamps.
  • Temperature. The optimal indicator is 15-22 degrees. In winter, a favorable temperature will be 19 degrees. It is impossible to allow strong temperature drops and lowering below 14 degrees, otherwise the plant can reset the foliage or die.
  • Humidity. It is necessary to organize this indicator at the level of 80 percent. To increase it, you can put a container filled with water near the pot. And it is possible to place the porridge with a plant on the aquarium.

Important! It is impossible to carry out irrigation and spraying the crown of the plant, otherwise spots will appear on the leaves.

Watering and feeding flower

Watering the plant is necessary as the earth coma drying.

Feed and water the plant is required in moderation.
  • In summer hot months, watering should be produced daily.
  • It is impossible to moisten the soil so much so that the roots do not be reloaded. Especially often incredible Begonia Tongsum.
  • In the fall and winter watering should be reduced to 1-2 times a week.
  • It should be remembered that Begonia has its own requirements for water - it should be clean, pre-accumulated and room temperature.
  • During watering should not be allowed to enter the leaves.

Upburn must begin during the education of inflorescences. For this, liquid complex fertilizers will fit. They are brought together with water during irrigation. Feed the begonia in spring and summer 2 times a month. In winter, the plant in fertilizers does not need.

How to care for begonia in winter?

In winter, many plants fall into peace, including Begonia flower.

With faithful care, the plant will delight the owner with beautiful flowers.

To save it in the winter and create suitable conditions, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Equip additional lighting to provide light day until 14-15 hours. With a lack of light, the plants are pulled out.
  2. Provide optimal temperature conditions (18-19 degrees) and prevent the temperature drop below 16 degrees.
  3. Reduce watering up to 1 time per week.
  4. It is impossible to put a pot with a plant near heating radiators.
  5. For the tube begonia in winter, the humidity should be reduced so that her tubers do not charge.
  6. When yellowed leaves appear, it is necessary to inspect the plant and delete the affected dry parts.

When performing all rules of care indoor plant In winter, with the onset of the spring period, Begonia will delight the owner with his bloom, which will last until the very end of the summer.

Room plant transplantation

Replanting the plant is necessary as the pot of the root system is filling. To soil special requirements Begonia has no. Can buy ready sad Or prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to mix in equal parts of leafy land, sand, peat and humus.

Plant requires additional space.
  1. The pot needs to pick up more than the previous one by 3-4 cm in diameter. At the bottom it is necessary to organize a good drainage so that the moisture is not accumulated there and did not hesitate the roots.
  2. The transplant is better to produce with the arrival of spring. The frequency of transfers is 1 time in 2-3 years.
  3. Before the flower procedure, the flower should be shed good enough to make it easier to take it out of the ground.
  4. From the roots you need to remove excess earth and remove damaged parts.
  5. To prevent diseases of the root system, you can put the plant in weak Solution Magnantages for 30 minutes.
  6. In a new container, it is necessary to accurately put the plant without damaging the roots. Slightly sprinkle the earth and compact it.

The first month after the transplantation of Begonias needs to be paid more attention. Provide more light, abundant daily watering and temperature 22-23 degrees. Special conditions are desirable to observe until the plant takes place and will not begin to grow actively.

Reproduction of Begonias

Like many plants, Begonia (BEGONIA) can multiply different ways. It is best to breed in spring or in summer, during the active growth of the flower.

Reproduction with cuttings - the most efficient and easy way.

Basic ways of breeding reproduction:

  • stem cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • sheet division;
  • fission of rhizomes;
  • fuling tubers.

The drawing is suitable for all types of begonia and is the easiest and most convenient way of reproduction.

For this you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Slice sharp knife 10 cm long cuttings so that there are 2-3 sheets on each.
  2. You can place the workpiece into the clean dilated water until the formation of the roots. After, they are planted in a pot prepared with the soil.
  3. It is allowed to plant a cutter immediately into the container with soil. Then the top it is necessary to cover it with polyethylene.
  4. After new leaflets appear, the package is cleaned and the cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place.

The method of reproduction by dividing sheet is suitable if you need to get more planting material.

  • For this, a sharp knife is cut into a large sheet into several parts so that each has a central accommodation.
  • After division, the part should be put in the box on top of the soil, slightly reducing. You can deepen them a little in the ground.
  • From above, the box is covered with a film or glass. Daily ventilation.
  • When seedlings come together, they are transplanted for a permanent place.

Seed way more troublesome. Sevings should be started in early February, so that the seedlings manage to grow and grow up to the winter period.

  • First prepared boxes with soil, on the surface of which seeds are evenly distributed.
  • From above, they are sprinkled with a thin layer (about 0.2 cm) of the Earth.
  • Boxes are covered with film or glass.
  • Every day you should moisten the soil from the pulverizer, so as not to "wash" the seeds, as well as to air them.
  • When shoots appear, the film must be removed.

To multiply the flower with a fission of rhizomes, it is necessary to remove it from the ground, to split the roots into several parts with a sharp knife and put them in the containers prepared from the ground. And for the tubes of begonias, the way of reproduction of tubers is suitable. It is starting with the onset of the spring period. The tuber must be cut into several parts so that each has 1 kidney. Pieces of the tuber are searched in separate pots.

Fighting pests and diseases

In room conditions, like many plants, begonia can be subjected to diseases and pests.

With poor care, the plant may die.

The most common diseases are:

  • gray mold;
  • puffy dew;
  • root rot.

In the fight against disease, it is necessary to treat the plant by fungicides, reduce humidity and reduce the amount of irrigation.

To the main pests can be attributed:

  • white throat;
  • slaughterhouse;
  • paouth tick;
  • nematode;
  • tRIPS.

When insect pests appear on a bush, it is necessary to make it processing insecticides and remove all affected parts. Otherwise, you will have to get rid of the flower so that the pests do not set up healthy plants.

Basic problems in growing

When growing begonias in room conditions, some problems may occur if you do not comply with agrotechnical care requirements for it.

It is very important to comply with the requirements for the care of the plant.
  1. The roots and stems are dropped due to frequent irrigation.
  2. If foliage falls in the winter, then low temperature is indoors.
  3. Begonia eternal stopped blossom, slowed down? This speaks of insufficient feeding nutrients.
  4. Dry I. slugged leaves They talk about dry air and insufficient humidity.
  5. The leaves are yellow, if there is no irrigation and low temperature in the room.

In order not to have problems with the cultivation of the discussed room flower, it is necessary to give it some time and care. Then he will delight for a whole year with his flowering and multicolored paintings of inflorescences and leaves. With the slightest appearance of pests, it is necessary to act as much as the plant does not die.