Repairs Design Furniture

Diseases of flower crops. Pests and diseases of decorative plants. Measures to combat them

Flower plants are considerable damage to various pests. These are mites, tribes, bronze ordinary, cutting scoops, wires and lines. Dr. The main pests of flower crops and methods of combating them - in our article.


On many flower-ornamental plants at the beginning of the summer, aphids appear - small insects from gentle yellow, green to black color, depending on the species. They are placed by the colonies, more often on young gentle leaves, blooms and in the flowers themselves.

Tlima - sucking pests of flower crops. With a massive settlement causes a strong oppression of the plant, often death. Tly cause various deformations of leaves, flowers, shoots, roses, dahlias, the appearance of colored gallins. The leaves are often smoked by sticky sugar discharges of these insects.

A thorough and frequent treatments are fairly effective, mustard, mustard, mustard, flashes, tobacco, tobacco are quite effective. The use of the inta-Vir Tabled drug is allowed from the chemicals for household farms (1 tablet per 10 liters of water at a flow rate of 10 liters of working solution by 10 square meters. M).

Caterpillars of cutting scoop

The caterpillars of the cutting scoops cause harm to clubnelauk cultures - iris, georgins, Astra. More often they damage the base of the stem, leaves and even inflorescences with flowers. "Work" at night, and in the daytime, they hide under plants in the soil lumps and under weeds.

Against these pests of flower crops, they spend spraying with infusion insecticidal plants. Manual collection is possible at low numbers. Inta-Vir, Sonnet, Decis, or other drugs intended against rodent insects are used from chemical preparations.

Bronze ordinary

When inspecting peonies, you can find the sizes of about 2 cm with a metal-green colorful pulp, the bottom of the copper-red color is an ordinary bronze. Beetles eaten stamens, pestles and strongly bodle petals.

The bronze houses rarely appear in large quantities, so you can restrict ourselves to manually collecting beetles with their subsequent destruction. But if the beetles are noticed, try to carefully examine plants every day.

Wirefronts - Nutkhanni Zhukov

Greater harm to bully, clubnelukovichny and corn-abnormal plants are applied larvae oglkunov, so-called wires. Calm of soil, making wood ash, nitrogen fertilizers inhibit the development of the wire, thereby contributing to a decrease in its number.

Do not put the flower decorative culturesdamaged by the wiretop, on the plots, previously badly littered. Such preventive measures and thoroughness of soil will significantly reduce the risk of damage to this pest.

The fight against the pests of flower crops takes a lot of time and effort, but it is worth remembering that in case of refusal of it, all your efforts will be in vain. The faster you take action against unwanted guests, the faster get a positive result.

Description Presentation Pest of Flower Decorative Plants Successful Development of Floral Slides

Pest of flower decorative plants The successful development of flower plants largely depends on the right cultivation. Damage to the plant pests reduces not only their decorativeness, but may cause their death. To properly solve the protection issues of plants, you need to be able to recognize pests and know their biology. Pathways of pests are diverse; They are often transmitted with landing material and seeds. Sources of infection can be plant residues in areas. Many pests go to cultivated plants from weeds, are spread by the wind, fall from the soil, transmitted through the tools and tools of production, etc. The pests of flower crops on the nature of the damage can be combined into the following groups: pests of underground organs of plants (multicron pests) , sucking pests, ricking pests and nematodes.

The pests of the roots and other underground organs of the plants of the wires are the larvae of the boobs-clocks. Drawing larvae, yellow, elastic with a dark head and three pairs of legs of the same length. They are multiplicated and damage the roots of diverse-different plants, brazen-smiling in the tuberukovitsa, tubers and bulbs and make moves in them. Generation 3 -5-tight.

Khrushy floral cultures of the open soil most harm the larvae of the Eastern May Khrushche. They foda-hid stems and roots, which leads to the oppression or death of plants. Large with a length of 40 -60 mm, white, arcuately iso-tai with three pairs of legs. GO-LOVA brown with a rodent oral apparatus. Generation 4 -5 year.

Medveda Ordinary body up to 5 cm long, on top of dark brown, co-rotor pulp, front legs wide, digging with teeth on the shin. At the end of the body two long processes. In the soil makes horizontal moves on a small depth, damaging plants. Multician pest. Winter larvae and imago. Generation two year.

The caterpillars of the cutting scoop plants harm the caterpillars with winter and exclamation Scoop. Caterpillars gray, up to 50 mm long. They dragged the stems near the root cervy, Cor-Nor. Damaged plants lag behind in growth, ensure, die. Harm at night. Years of butterflies in June. Fruitness up to 2000 eggs. Winter caterpillars in the soil. Single-manation.

Lilk scoop scoop damages lilies, lion zev, irises, lupine and other plants. The caterpillars sprinkle the surface parts, the inner tissues of the stems eaten, making the upwards. Crawler of reddish-lilo-wai. Wintering phase - eggs. Guo-agricultures are degenerated in the spring, pound in the soil in Ja-le. Butterflies fly in Avgus. Single-manation.

Lukovoy Fly Fly Mug damages not only bulbous plantsBut the dolphini-minds, carnations, phloxes, leaps of the larvae eaten cavities in bulbs and thick roots, which tick them up. Flyhers are celebrated in June and July. The larvae is divided after 5 -8 days and are once again 20 days. Okuchley are in the soil in the false cocoon. Flag-horses winter. Generation - two generations

Dolphinium fly dangerous pest del finium. The flies of flies are observed in May. Eggs are off-hole on the soil near the plants. The larvae damage-give roots, making in them moves. With a strong injection, not only separate stems die, but also all the plant. Winter larvae in false cocoons in the roots of Delphi-Nium. Single-manation.

The gladiolus TRIPS strongly harms-radiolu-himself, daffodils, iris, amaryllis, cloves during the growing season and club-cloves of gladiolus during storage. TRIPS settled on the Donctions and under the scales and loans-wools. Enumerates adult TRIPS on the remains of plants and on the tuberukovitsa when stored. For the season gives 3 -5 mincations.

The root onion tick of the tick harms tulips, daffodes, hyacinths, Lee Lyam, Snowdrops, etc., as well as to clubnelukovitsa gladiolus, rhizomes of irises and tubers Georgin. Harm in open ground, in greenhouses, when stored. Adult ticks and larvae suck floral kidneys, is-taching a don, making them drums. The development of generation is finished in 25 -30 days. Winter in the phase of imago and hypopus.

The turf ant harms peonies, flocks and other plants. It is often found in the mountainaries. The ants feed on the sweet highlights of flowers, aphid, can object the petals of colors, damage the roots of growing. The body of ants is elongated, brownish-red, 4 -7 mm long. Live in nests in the soil, forming a holly

Mine-shaped rodents harm plants can at-repair a field mouse, a double mouse, an ordinary pool and others. They pose bells, primroses, carnations, margas and other perennials, spinning root neck. From the bulbs of the mouse, the mouse is very damaged-give crocuses and tulips. Roses, mouse rose hips harm, sprinkling the bark.

Pests sucking pests with floral and decorative plants are very harmful to many types of tool: rosal, peelargonnery, helichriving, ledge, jasmine, honeycomb, greenhouse, and others. Tli population shoots, foxes, flowers, buds. Molo-plants are deformed and weakening; The leaves are squeezed and bleaching, flowers and buds become smaller and their quality deteriorates.

Spoven gallop ticks are damaged by dolphinie minds. The tick lives a colony-mi, forming a bloating and TSD-learning of leafy plastic tincons around the edges, often refers to growth point. The larvae appear in the on-sage of June. During the summer, several pursuing develops. In September, adult glitters go to wintering in low part Skes (in cracks, under the epidermis).

TRIPS TRIPS are small (0, 5 -1, 5 mm) sucking insects. Feding plant juices cause bleaching of fabrics, buto-we give small, ugly flowers. TRIPS - carriers of viral diseases. Tobacco TRIPS damages cloves, bulbous, Geor-Gin; Gladiolus-Gladio-Lusa, Narcis, Iris. Give 3 -5 generations per year. Winter trips under growing residues.

Meadow bug Multiconde, damage-gives dahlia, hydrangea, chrysanthemums, roses, asters, nasturtium, etc. In places of injections, there are points of dead, the leaves are crushed and dying, the buds are not raised or have de-formated Petals. Winter adult bugs under the floral remains. Generation of one-nova.

Rosal Cycadus Cycake Body Pale-Zheya, elongated, with jumping legs. Hars roses, roses and other roses. From sucking, the leaves are covered with small white spots and losing decorative. The leaves are yellow and fall. The larvae is dedicated in June, adults - in early July. Winter eggs on the races. Generation of one-nova.

Slunning Pennie Cycadka harms Astrand, Holy Chemtemam, Georgins, Flock Samilber, and others. The larvae surround themselves with discharges in the form of saliva foam and suck shoots, leaves, stroke, which are covered with yellow spots. Plants develop poorly and do not hide. Cycade body is yellowish-se-ry, 5 -6 mm long; Larvae greenish-yellow, 3 -4 mm long. Winter eggs in plants stems. One generation.

Walnuts Rosal and thick-walled walnutcore-transparent insects 2 -5 mm long. Galls are formed - the spatia of the fabric due to irritation when nutrition or the pest laying. Gallas are on the leaves, shoots, flowers, fruits. All the development of PEECO-MY passes in Gallah. Wintering larvae in Galla, Okum-mowed in May, Imago is taiting in June. Single-manation.

Bronze bronze roded pests harm peonies, roses, poppies, lilacs, etc. On the colors of the beetles, the petals eat, swell-ki and pestles eaten, eat young leaves from the edges. Golden beetles, 15 -20 mm long. Fly in May-August. Larvae obe-melt in rich humus soils. Pick up in August. Winter beetles in the soil. Single-manation.

Cruciferous flea of \u200b\u200bfloral cultures (Iberis, Levko, arugation, Alissum, Hesperis, etc.) Harm Wavy, blue, black other types of flea-neck. Beetles swept on the leaves of ulcers or small holes. Leaves yellow. The larvae develop in the soil and feed on small roots. Winter beetles in the soil. Single-manation.

Capped scoop Caterpillars Scoops damage dahlias, gladiolus, carnations, Cannes, Salvia, Astra and other flowers. At the beginning of the caterpillar skeleton and eat the leaves, the buds and flowers are damaged. Years of butterflies in June. Gusa Nice is greenish-brown with yellowish oblique cylinders on the back. Okukhli-rod and winter in the soil. Single-manation.

The garden scoop is harmful to gladiolus, geor-hypodes, cannes, noblos, and other caterpillars eaten from-vest on the leaves and color. Caterpillar up to 50 mm long, reddish-brown with three whitish spine and one yellowish-white stripe on the sides. Winter caterpillars in the soil. Single-manation.

Scoop-gamma caterpillars strongly essay leaves, maritime, buds and flowers Georgin, Cannes, Ma Lv, Astra and others. Front wings at the Babo-check dark brown with a sil-riser spot in the form of a Greek letter of Gamma. Caterpillars up to 32 mm long, yellowish green with eight whitish lines. Winter cacifications and dolls. Two generation develops

Cabbage beyanka caterpillars eat foxed, buds, flowers. Levka, wild-standing cabbage, a rescue, nasturtium, etc. Butterflies are white, in females on the front wings of the coal and two black spots. Caterpillars up to 40 mm long, green with transverse rows of black spots. Butterflies fly in May and July. Developed in two generations.

The cabbage mole of the caterpillars damage on-storm, leaving, violet, Alissaum, Iberis, etc. They slandered leaves, repeat buds and flowers. Butterflies up to 17 mm long, brown-gray with an isoger-that strip along the edges of the pendant wings. 9 -12 mm caterpillars, pale green. Winter dolls on growing residues. Butterflies are developing in two generations per year.

Rosal caterpillar leaflers damage ro-zy, rosehip, lilac. They roll and swell the web leaves. Winter eggs on branches. The caterpillars are dejected during the dissolution period of the kidneys, an adult length of 18 -22 mm. Pick up in July, Cre dft leaf leaves. Years of butterflies in August. Generation one-year.

Lo-jangus pair of larvae sawmakers, have 6 -8 pairs of abdominal feet, the body is covered with mucous membranes of the skin glands. They damage roses and ships, the leaves skeleton and bite. Rosal and comb-bedroom sawers are developed in two generations, and the mucous and downward - in one.

Mature Maine The pest refers to the Mi-vigorous flies. Harms Aquaillegia, notes, phial-cam, fragrant peas, etc. The larvae feeds inside the sheet record, forming winding moves (mines). The leaves are yellow and falling the larvae pound in mines. Develop in several generations.

Naked slugs of the slug damage the color and green plants in the Ortkra Tom and closed soil. They scrape on the lifts of holes of various fo-moons and magnitude, essay-aut flowers and young beat-gi, in the tubers a down-boky holes are eaten. The appearance of slugs is navigating in the footsteps of the cross-ribbed mucus. Slugs are moisture and harmfully harm in wet conditions.

Nematodes Floxic Stem Nematode Netode harm perennial Floxam, as well as hyacinths, daffodes, lilies, iris, lavender, Dalmatian chamomile. Sick plants are poorly developed, weakly bloom, give short, thick and brittle stems. Adult nematode Cherveob of different shapes. Wintering in the soil in the roots of infected phloxes. The larvae from the roots are transformed into the stems, and then in the leaves. All the development of nematodes pro-goes in stems, leaves. The accumulation of nematodes in the sinuses of Li-Artus causes their bloody. The stem of nematodes with planting material, tubers, bulbs, soil, tools, and residues of infected plants are applied.

Gallean nematoda is amazed by Asparagus, Garad, Gladiolus, orchids Hibiscus, Georgina, Lilies. Feding by juice of plants, nematodes allocate current-synas of the cells of the parenchy-chima cells grow up and galls are formed on the roots. Body of female pear-shaped shape, length 0, 4 -1, 3 mm. The front end is somewhat elongated. Males and larvae of a drawing form. In the open soil gives two generations.

Chrysanthemate nematoda greatly damages Nar Zolton, as well as Astra, Be-Goni, Flox, Dolphinie, Verbena, Queenia, etc. The leaves become pale-green, covered with yellow stains, and dying and die away. Flowers are small, ugly, one-sided and are often dying in buds. Nematode length 0, 9 -1, 2 mm. During the year gives up to 10 minories.

Measures to combat multi-digit pest control measures are reduced to receivables with the help of poisoned and acting bait, high culture culture agricultural engineering, plant growing in a potted way, the use of soil insecticides (Bazedin, Diazinon, etc.). With a high number of leaf-racing pests, plant treatment with contact insecting cides (fufanon, actor, metaphos, etc.) is recommended. In the fight against slugs, the soil surface is treated with hash lime (30 g / sq. M), the preparation of meta p - 30 g / 10 square meters. m. In the fight against sucking pests, system insecticides are needed: Rogor, Aktara, Inter-Vir, etc.

Great importance in the struggle against pests have agrotechnical events: the destruction of plant leaves, the struggle of weeds, deep autumn peroxide (plowing) of the soil, compliance with the fruitman (3 -4 years), great storage of seeds, clubnelaukovits. When damaged in the winter period, tuberukovytsy trips or tick is recommended to disinfect them in heated water up to 50 degrees when exposed 5 minutes. With the subsequent drying. When laying a storage, you need to move the bulbs with chalk or lime-pulp at the rate of 20 g per 1 kg. The storage temperature should be within 2 -5 degrees, air humidity is not higher than 60%.

Decorative plants used for landscaping balconies in urban conditions are damaged by many pests and diseases.

The main measures of combating them are preventive: to prevent the disease, it is necessary to correctly choose the plants, observe agrotechnical techniques (care, watering, feeding, etc.). Of the most common pests, sucking and ricking insects are known. The success of the struggle against harmful insects depends on the biological peculiarities of the pest.

Practice has shown that many years of use of land in boxes in balconies leads to the accumulation of pests, pathogenic microorganisms - disease pathogens. Plants growing in infected soil suffer mainly from the root rot, vascular diseases Mushroom and bacterial origin.

Effective chemical and thermal method of soil disinfection under balcony conditions are little acceptable, so the annual soil replacement is important preventive event In the fight against causative agents. Boxes intended for growing plants in the balconies before filling in their land when re-use Must be neutralized: then a guarantee appears that the planted plants will grow normally and blossom.

A brief acquaintance with pests and diseases of ornamental plants, as well as knowledge of measures to combat them will allow fans to feel more confident.

Pushchina tick He damages the Astra, Verbena, Salvia and a number of other decorative plants located in an oppressed or weakened state. The body of an adult tick extended, has four pairs of legs. The length of the female 0.4-0.5 mm, the male is significantly less than the female. Body coloring in summer yellowish or greenish yellow, autumn and early spring reddish or orange-yellow. Eggs are very small, spherical shape, greenish-yellowish. Larvae paler adult insects. Pliers settle on the bottom side of the leaves, covering them with a thin buoy cobweb. Harm both adults and larvae of ticks. In the places of sucking on the leaves there are white small spots. The leaves are yellowing, dry and fall, and plants are delayed in growth and lose their decorative qualities.

Fight measures. Good results give a spraying of the plants damaged by the infusion of onions and garlic, as well as the Nasty and the decoction of the yarrow. The tincture of pyrethrum (8 g) is on alcohol (50 g). Insist 2 weeks. Before use, the tincture is divorced in 20 parts of water and one part of the green is added to 6 parts of the solution. liquid soap. It is possible to recommend the infusion of potato tops: 600 g of fresh or 300 g dry insist for 4 hours. The solution is filtered, and then processed.

Root oil tickamazes, dahlias and other decorative plants. Adult ticks and larvae stretch the bulb, kidneys, tubers. The body of the tick has a short-oval shape, light yellow, brilliant, length of 0.7 mm, 0.4-0.5 mm width. White eggs, oval. Pliers lay eggs on underground parts of plants. The female postpone up to 800 eggs. Pliers of moisture.

Fight measures. Flower-lovers usually apply an oil-soap emulsion: 5 tablespoons washing powder dissolve in a small amount hot water, 5 tablespoons of machine oil or diesel fuel are added and tested with water to a bucket volume (10 l). Before boarding the bulbs and tubers hold in the emulsion of 20-30 minutes.

Aphidhurts all parts of plants sitting on the balcony, as well as young shoots, kidneys, leaves, flowers. Larvae and adult insects suck plants juices. In plants affected by time, the tops of the shoots are curved, the young leaves twist and take an ugly shape. As a result, growth and plants lose their decorative qualities. Tsley - small insects 1-4 mm long, greenish, less often brown or black, winged and uncruite. We are settled by the colonies. We multiply very quickly and can completely cover all the plant.

Fight measures. Plant spraying with 0.3% solution of chlorofos, carbofos or phytoncidal or insecticidal plants: tobacco, garlic, yarrow, onion, red caustic pepper, orange peel, dope, whlen or ash. Excellent results gives the use of ladybirds, which are transferred to the affected colors of plants.

Tripsesthey damage the carnation, chamomile, gladiolus, Astra, Asparagus, Begonia and other plants. The body of an adult trips of a dark brown color is 1-1.5 mm long. Males lighter females. Boboven eggs, white. The larvae is first white, subsequently yellow. TRIPS lay eggs into leaf fabric. The larvae came out of eggs are kept by groups on the bottom of the leaves. Adult insects and larvae, settleing on the bottom of the leaves, suck juices from them. In places of food, rust-and-brown spots are formed, and white small spots appear on the top of the leaves. The leaf surface is covered by excrement, which have the appearance of black small specks. As a result of severe damage, the leaves are yellowing, dry and fall.

Fight measures. Spraying plants with a 0.3% chlorofos solution. You can use infusions of tobacco dust, yarrow, Czczuchka Gorchaka.

Gallean nematodahe damages the carnation, Viol, Begonia, Iris, Rose, Cyclamen, Ageratum, Astra, Calendul, Zinnia, tobacco and other plants. Gallic nematode is a microscopic worm that is invisible to the naked eye. Adult female pear-shaped, male worm-shaped. The larvae of the drawing form came out of the eggs, subsequently they become like adult nematodes. The female postpones 300-400 eggs. The larvae develop in Gallach. With Gall, the female goes into the soil and penetrates into small roots of other plants. On damaged roots, bloated, the so-called galls are formed. The plant damaged by nematode turns yellow, suspends growth. The affected roots are often charged due to the penetration of various pathogenic organisms into the halves. In all phases of development, nematodes are dying at a temperature - 20 ° C.

Fight measures. Substitution of soil in boxes. Disinfection of soil ferry for 6-10 hours.

Sheet nematodaamazes leaves, stems and buds, verbena, and other ornamental plants. Pale yellow spots appear on the leaves, later they become brown, the leaves die away, the flowers do not develop, become small, ugly. The pest has the form of a filamentous worm. The male is about 1 mm, the female is 1.2 mm long. We multiply in plants stems and kidneys. In one sheet, there are over 5,000 nematodes. Gives 10 generations per year. It is a carrier of viral diseases.

Fight measures. Steaming of soil at a temperature of 50-55 ° C for 3-10 minutes. Crates with seedlings must be disinfected with a 3% solution of formalin or rinse with hot (about 70 ° C) with water.

Snacksstrike stalks, tubers, bulbs, seedlings and seeds of some perennial plants. Body beetles black or dark brown. Females lay in the ground up to 200 eggs. After 20-40 days, yellow or brown larvae appear, long. Their development takes place for 3-4 years. Powered in the soil, with humidity 25% die.

Fight measures. Purpose soil or steaming it with hot steam.

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. On the leaves there are dark brown or dark gray spots with a yellowish border (on anthurium) or, as on the azalia, small reddish or reddish-yellow specks that gradually increase. Then the spots appear in the center - the fruiting organs of the mushroom, which can even be turned on the leaves when minus temperature And the disease will begin to spread in the spring. PERONOSPORS SPARSA.

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The most common symptoms of diseases by bacteria, this is the appearance of yellowish brown spots; The appearance of water-bearing spottedness on the leaves of the plant; The appearance of the evil odor and the softness of the leaves; Inhomogeneous growths. The disease caused by not fungus or bacteria, but as a result of the oveurgement of the soil with a lack of lighting. The sick plant on the bottom side of the sheet is formed cork growths. The affected leaves are no longer recovered, but if the plant create good conditions, then after some time new leaves will appear.

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- an increase in the volume of the organ; This disease is manifested in many plants, especially in legume and pumpkin cultures. Different houses are also widely susceptible flower cultures, for example, such as "Anthurium", "Cyclamen", "Georgina", "Iris". Treatment is a rather complicated process that requires knowledge and application of certain methods and treatments, but in order to prevent infection with plants viruses, It is necessary to carry out precautions and carefully follow the plants, namely, to track the appearance of pests (ticks, TI). Much is important is the destruction of infectious copies, which are already carriers of a virus or disease. To begin with, it is necessary to find out what bacteria represent. Bacteria are unicellular microscopic organisms that are presented as a group. They have widespread spread, it is in the soil, and in the air, and in water and occupy a very important position in the cycle of substances on the planet. There are various types of bacteria, one of which is pathogenic, they are the pathogens of almost all kinds of diseases, both in animals and in plants. The distribution and hitting of bacteria into the organism of plants can be, both natural, for example, through dust and through damage. After entering bacteria to the organism of the plants, they apply over the entire vascular system, and fall into the cells themselves. The appearance of dark spots at the base of the plant stem, on initial stage It is difficult to notice and timely take the necessary measures to treat the plant. In the process of development, the spread of spots increases and some sticky fluid appears.

With the damage to plants with viral diseases, their growth is noticeably deteriorating, so that the diagnosis is usually reduced to the establishment of a shortage of nutrition and adverse conditions of content. First of all, viral diseases are easy to confuse with chlorosis. In addition, viruses are difficult to immediately determine because the plant rarely dies. But sometimes the viral disease can be accompanied by signs that are placed in a dead end, for example, the chlorosis of the leaves begins first, then they are tremendous, and the barrel is observed. Such a picture is characteristic of the disease of the citrusse citrosis. The causative agent is the mushrooms of the genus Verticillium. A plant is affected through the roots on the roots and stems - the mushroom is stored in the soil. As in the fusarium, the disease is manifested by the loss of the turgora and fading the shoots. On transverse sections of the stalks of plants as noticeably toured conductive vessels. But first, as a rule, turn yellow and lower the lower leaves, as if the plant was flooded. Then I begin to fade the upper leaves and all the plant. In the acute course of the disease, the plant suddenly fade and dies in a few days. Wherein explicit signs Diseases are not visible, and evidence of the disease can serve only a brown ring of nutritional vessels on a slice of stems.


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This disease is often found on fruit cultures, such as an apple tree, cherry, a pear, plum, and especially on peach trees, not an exception to the room decorative plants that are not rarely affected by this disease. For example, if a plum tree is hit, then a dark spot appears on its fruits, ripening, as a rule, occurs with lateness and fruits are partially deformed, it is also possible that they can be not edible. Useful to know

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It is characterized by a variety of stains and strips, white or yellowish on the leaves, light or dark on the flowers, which is caused by the decay of chloroplasts. Mosaic usually has some drawing - concentric circles, rings or strips located in some order or pattern. In addition, mosaic is often accompanied by a leaf deformation - wrinkle or curlyness. Most often begicon, calla, hydranshea, pelargoniums, primroses.


Leaves or fruits - uneven growth of healthy and affected fabric sections; plant genus citrus plants are also subjected to viral diseases that cause grooves or small holes on branches and stems. It is also worth noting the slower development of the entire plant, and drying out of individual parts of the plant, after which the plant slowly dies. The most common symptoms of viruses disease, this is the appearance of spots on the leaves; mosaic; changing the color of the plant; deformation of the leaves of the plant, in particular flowers; Fighters and kapa.


The most common symptoms of diseases by bacteria, this is the appearance of yellowish brown spots; The appearance of water-bearing spottedness on the leaves of the plant; The appearance of the evil odor and the softness of the leaves; Inhomogeneous growths. This is not a uniform appearance on the leaves of blacknous brown spots, which in the subsequent becomes with a yellowish halo. Viral disease, in which numerous small stains of 1-2 mm in size appear on the leaves, which then dry out. The leaves become wrinkled, curly, flowers are deformed. The disease may be accompanied by the advent of gray-white or light yellow spots and lines. More often amazed hydranshea, primroses, pelargoniums, poinsettia.


- The same as in fusariosis. Prevention of spotting.Fight measures.


"Kila" almost all decorative plants are often damaged by various diseases and pests. The failure to the timely measures leads not only to a decrease in the decorative value of plants, but often to their full death. Rotina

Treatment is a rather complicated process that requires knowledge and use of certain methods and treatments, but in order to prevent infection with plant viruses, it is necessary to carry out precautions and carefully monitor the plants, namely to track the appearance of pests (ticks, twe). Much is important is the destruction of infectious copies, which are already carriers of a virus or disease. To begin with, it is necessary to find out what bacteria represent. Bacteria are unicellular microscopic organisms that are presented as a group. They have widespread spread, it is in the soil, and in the air, and in water and occupy a very important position in the cycle of substances on the planet. There are various types of bacteria, one of which is pathogenic, they are the pathogens of almost all kinds of diseases, both in animals and in plants. The distribution and hitting of bacteria into the organism of plants can be, both natural, for example, through dust and through damage. After entering bacteria to the organism of the plants, they apply over the entire vascular system, and fall into the cells themselves.

The appearance of dark spots at the base of the plant stem, at the initial stage it is difficult to notice and timely take the necessary measures to treat the plant. In the process of development, the spread of spots increases and some sticky fluid appears.


Or jaundice - a viral disease in which the leaves become yellow or yellow-green. Separate shoots or all the plant lags behind, the stalks become brittle due to the fact that they accumulate a lot of starch, the cells are literally clogged with them. At the same time, on the leaves, a mosaic pattern of concentric circles and stains can be denoted. Sometimes jaundice is not manifested on the whole plant, but in a separate branch - the chlorine of the leaves begins, and new leaves can appear, but small and already chlorose. Fight measures.Promote the development of diseases of the violation of conditions of content, as a rule, warm and humid conditions, so plants in greenhouses are most often affected, and not in the rooms. Avoid the big crowdability of plants and excess watering. Regularly ventilate the room and provide good illumination. Watering plants using phytosporin-m drug. Delete all beginners to breathe leaves. If a piece of the sheet is cut, then you certainly need to capture a part of a healthy tissue. Careful removal of patients with leaves and strongly affected plants. Plant spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid solution or soda calcined (0.5%), especially thoroughly the lower side of the leaves. Can be used by "oxych", "dubcatch". Treatment to start at the first signs of the disease and repeat every 7-10 days. It is necessary to carry out at least 5 treatments. Common mushroom sickness of cabbage, with which many truck-lovers are most often faced. With this disease on the roots of cabbage, highlights of different sizes appear.

A number of events are included in the plant protection of plants from pests and diseases: compliance with high agricultural equipment that promotes the good development of life-toned strong plants; Growing varieties resistant to causative agents of diseases, the use of preventive (preventive) and fighter measures of struggle. - Planting plant tissues and fruits;

Useful to knowUseful to know

Senior fungus

Pretty common factors in most plants. The manifestations of the stem thickening in the form of the formation of a certain tubercle, at the beginning of the development they are smooth and bright, in subsequent development become rough and darken. Combat measures.

Treatment is possible only in the initial stages, by spraying the foundazole, in a concentration of 0.2%. Combat measures.

Fusariosis or trachemicomykosis

The fungal disease, which most often amazes the filament parts of the plant, is caused by the genus of the genus further dies the bulk of the root hairs, which leads to a strong decrease in the amount of moisture and nutrientswho are needed by the Cochan for normal development. As a result, due to this lack, the cabbage kochan is not formed. The total warning measures include the annual soil perplex under the winter to destroy the wintering pests and causative agents (in flower beds, mixlers, under trees and shrubs, etc.), At the most effective period of various receptions of plants care with such a settlement, to create conditions, as much as possible by the self-defense properties of plants, as well as reduced the number and harmfulness of pests.

WitheringThe most common symptoms of viruses disease, this is the appearance of spots on the leaves; mosaic; changing the color of the plant; deformation of the leaves of the plant, in particular flowers; Fighters and kapa.

The most common symptoms of diseases by bacteria, this is the appearance of yellowish brown spots; The appearance of water-bearing spottedness on the leaves of the plant; The appearance of the evil odor and the softness of the leaves; Inhomogeneous growths. This is not a uniform appearance on the leaves of blacknate brown spots, which in the subsequent becomes with a yellowish halo.

Verticillosis or Vilt.

The exact definition of a particular viral disease presents great difficulties. The direct struggle with viruses with chemicals is impossible. It is much easier and more reliable to prevent the disease, conducting a fight against causing insects, which, as a rule, are carriers of pathogens. Winners of indoor viruses are Tly and TRIPS. But very often the infection is also entered in the greenhouse, before the plant goes on sale through the damaged fate of the roots or wounds on the stems and leaves. These are diseases caused by a number of pathogenic mushrooms of labor

Removal and burning of patients with leaves. Systemic fungicide treatment. Reducing watering, venting, cancellation of spraying for several weeks. If suspicious spots have already appeared on the leaves, cancel the spraying with ordinary water. Preparations can be used: Vectra (2-3ml at 10l water), colloidal sulfur (50-100g by 10 l water), strides (in a system with other fungicides, 4V water), ABIGA peak (40-50g by 10 l water) , Bordeaux mixture (100g copper sulfate + 100g lime for 10 l water), copper sulphate (500g by 10 l water). Repeat processing in 7-10 days. Botrytis

Root rot and black leg

The causative agent of this cabbage is soil fungus. Timely removal of weeds from the site throughout the growing season and in the fall of all plant residues Reduces the number of pests and causative agents of disease. Insectivore birds are greatly beneficial in the fight against pests (first of all the titles, razolzni, starlats, dyatlas, shaking, etc.). In the fall in the fall in the fall and winter, the tit carefully examine each twig, destroying the eggs of insects and hidden the caterpillars. Only one pair of cinkers settled in the garden will clean it from pests. Therefore, to protect the garden, it is necessary to attract at least a small amount of birds, hang back for them and doupels and feed them in winter. - Loss of the turgora of the whole plant or its affected part;


To begin with, it is necessary to find out what bacteria represent. Bacteria are unicellular microscopic organisms that are presented as a group. They have widespread spread, it is in the soil, and in the air, and in water and occupy a very important position in the cycle of substances on the planet. There are various types of bacteria, one of which is pathogenic, they are the pathogens of almost all kinds of diseases, both in animals and in plants. The distribution and hitting of bacteria into the organism of plants can be, both natural, for example, through dust and through damage. After entering bacteria to the organism of the plants, they apply over the entire vascular system, and fall into the cells themselves.

Useful to knowAll affected parts of the plant must be removed and destroyed. After working, the hands can immediately wash it carefully with soap, and the inventory used also wipe with alcohol. Cuttings take only healthy plants. In the dry and hot time, the plant is pronounced and often sprayed.

Red burn

Pythium, RhizoCtonia, Phytophthora Disease caused by rust mushrooms, such as kind. With favorable conditions of temperature and humidity, a healthy plant is affixed. The diseases of the buds and flowers of the plant are more often susceptible to high humidity. Characteristic sign Diseases is the appearance of first brown or brown rotten spots covered with white, and then ash-gray, fluffy bloom (similar to gray loose cotton wool or mold). Inflorescences will boil and fade, the affected areas soften. On the leaves and stems, the disease is manifested in the form of numerous small spots of different shapes, brown, or taking the edges of the leaves. Spots increase and covered with fluffy raid.

Bacterial diseases of plants


Chemical and biological preparations (etobacterin, boverin), as well as vegetable infubs that kill pests and causative agents, but do not harm plants, are used as fighter measures.

Bacterial fading

Useful to knowPretty common factors in most plants. The manifestations of the stem thickening in the form of formation of a certain tubercle, at the beginning of the development they are smooth and bright, in subsequent development become rough and darken.

Bacterial cancer

It should be immediately noted that most decorative plants are susceptible to bacterial striking, especially such fruitful cultures like apple trees, pears, plums. They are amazed, as a rule, these plants amazing such a pathogen as "Pseudomonas Syringae", which was first detected and diagnosed on lilac. Such a pathogen as "Erwinia Carotovora" strikes many indoor cultures, such as Pelargonium, Diffenbahia, many succulents and a large amount of cactus family. In common, many could hear the name of this symptom as a black leg.

Spotted leaves, similar to both fungal and bacterial or viral spot, can be caused by non-these diseases, but nematodes.

Et al. Especially prone pelargonium. The base of the cutting or root due to the damage to the fungus black and reveal. Contributes to this converged soil with poor aeration of land. Source of infection - non-sterilized earthless mixtures, inventory and pots after patient plants. Phragmidium

Wasyka leaf


Viral diseases of plants

Soon the main work of gilders will be sowing and care of seedlings of vegetable and flower plants. Most grown it in the room where it is not the best conditions for it: poor lighting, unstable temperature. Seedlings are often striking

Mosaic disease

B. last years The use of gamma radiation and chemical preparations for sexual sterilization of insects and ticks in combination with the use of attracting chemicals (attractants) and means that violate the physiological functions of harmful insects (antimetabolites, etc.) is widely used.

Curlyness of leaves

Pustules; Orately

Yellowing leaves

The most common symptoms of diseases by bacteria, this is the appearance of yellowish brown spots; The appearance of water-bearing spottedness on the leaves of the plant; The appearance of the evil odor and the softness of the leaves; Heterogeneous growths.

This is not a uniform appearance on the leaves of blacknate brown spots, which in the future becomes with a yellowish halo. It should be noted that it is necessary to note that universal fundsThe bacteriosis does not exist, but there are the most effective drugs and various preventive methods of exposure and treatment, which are usually based on copper content. When growing plants, it is worth following the following recommendations that will help to avoid damage to the plant by bacteria. With external damage factors, the plant is most susceptible to bacteria, it is also recommended to grow the most stable and endless plants, for example, pay attention to the link family, which contains beautiful and highly stable plant types. When planting and transplanting plants, both the young and most adults, it is necessary to process the affected areas of the root system, or individual parts of the plant, as well as monitor the quality of the planting material. As prevention of plants from bacteriosis, it is recommended to use preparations with copper content.


Viral diseases of plants

This kind of root rot, the disease is often found at SENPOLY. At the same time, the plant first slows the growth, slightly fades, the leaves are losing painting, only then the roots and the plant dies. The first impression of the disease is that the plant lacks water, but after watering the tour is not restored, and the leaves are even more faded. In plants with leathery dense leaves, they do not fade for a long time, and first covered with brown extensive stains mostly along the central vein.

Regular ventilation of premises, removal of dying leaves and thinning seedlings, good lighting. Avoid oveurgement of the soil, especially when cool content. Putting into the soil before planting Trihodermine preparations, "barrier" or "barrier".

Fighters and cabins

Black leg.


To protect decorative plants from pests and diseases there are many different chemicals.

Mosaic jaundice

The appearance of dark spots at the base of the plant stem, at the initial stage it is difficult to notice and timely take the necessary measures to treat the plant. In the process of development, the spread of spots increases and some sticky fluid appears.


At the beginning of the disease, the leaves begin to change the color, and acquire a gray-green color, in the subsequent becomes brown. The leaves are also modified and become softer and loose, highlighting the thick oil fluid.

Viral diseases of plants

Pumpkin mosaic

Useful to know

Tobacco Mosaic

Cucumber Mosaic


Fight measures.

Even in the title of this disease, its basic symptoms are viewed - the plants get the satellite knee, which will first boil, and then thinned. Before the death of seedlings, the fabric softened and become watery. The use of them requires special knowledge!

Change coloring of various organs.

Pretty common factors in most plants. The manifestations of the stem thickening in the form of formation of a certain tubercle, at the beginning of the development they are smooth and bright, in subsequent development become rough and darken. It should be immediately noted that most decorative plants are susceptible to bacterial striking, especially such fruitful cultures like apple trees, pears, plums. They are amazed, as a rule, these plants amazing such a pathogen as "Pseudomonas Syringae", which was first detected and diagnosed on lilac. Such a pathogen as "Erwinia Carotovora" strikes many indoor cultures, such as Pelargonium, Diffenbahia, many succulents and a large amount of cactus family. In common, many could hear the name of this symptom as a black leg.

Black spots

General rules and ways preventive Mer, on the occurrence of viral and bacterial diseases.


Necrotic spotty

Oil spotting

- Make sure that the soil is not overwhelmed. For reproduction, cut off only a healthy sheet. Be sure to sterilize the land for landing, especially if you divor the plants very susceptible to phytoophluorosis (for example, violets). Pots before landing and inventory must be quiet.

The most vulnerable plants

. It is expressed in the appearance of orange-brown tubercles on the top surface, and with back side Sheet visible pustulas, oval or round shape. Gradually, stains are growing into stripes, the leaves are yellow and fall.

At the first signs of the disease, patients with leaves, inflorescences and whole plants are removed. Spraying with Topcin-M solution (0.1%), Fundazole (0.2%), copper-soap solution (0.2% copper sulfate and 2% economic Soap) or other system fungicide. Repeated processing are carried out in 10-12 days.

Details The use of pesticides whose properties of gardeners do not know may cause damage to plants, poisoning of people, birds, bees, bees and domestic animals. Therefore, we recommend contacting our specialists if necessary.

Among the pathogens of infectious diseases, the most numerous group are

This is not a uniform appearance on the leaves of blacknate brown spots, which in the future becomes with a yellowish halo.

It should be immediately noted that universal means, against bacteriosis do not exist, but there are the most effective drugs and various prophylactic methods of exposure and treatment, which are usually based on copper content. When growing plants, it is worth following the following recommendations that will help to avoid damage to the plant by bacteria. With external damage factors, the plant is most susceptible to bacteria, it is also recommended to grow the most stable and endless plants, for example, pay attention to the link family, which contains beautiful and highly stable plant types. When planting and transplanting plants, both the young and most adults, it is necessary to process the affected areas of the root system, or individual parts of the plant, as well as monitor the quality of the planting material. As prevention of plants from bacteriosis, it is recommended to use preparations with copper content.

Viral diseases of plants

Firstly, it is necessary to monitor the distribution and appearance of ticks, hoarse, and other dangerous pests.

Transfer and distribution of viruses

Not many know that virus diseases of flowers and plants, it is a pathology caused by viruses. It is worth noting that viruses are non-calm living organisms that can penetrate live cells and multiply only in them. Almost all plants are amazed by viruses, there are no families of plants that would be an exception. There are viruses that are in their essence do not cause much harm to the plant, and are even able to cause the so-called "decorativeness" effect, in other words, make some changes in appearance plants. For example, the effect of decorative can be observed in tulips, which have a voyage color, but, as a rule, due to viruses, a strong change in the plant is occurring, a certain "mutation", which very often leads to the death of the entire plant. There are many plants that are carriers of certain viruses, but at the same time, the symptoms of viruses do not appear in plants. Such plants can be called latent infection carriers. The manifestation of pathology or symptom may be different, each plant has its own change, for example, the appearance of spots, partial change in the color or the size of the leaves.

The main symptoms of viral lesions

Fighters and cabins

Fight measures.



Mosaic jaundice

This is a whole group of diseases that have both fungal and bacterial nature.

Change coloring and pigmentation

Oh, how every summer house is sad and hurt, when something happens to our green pets .. then the wave will attack, then the leaves will cover the white bloom, then there is no flowering. From what? What happened? - We ask.


The following are chemicals Used by our experts for the prevention of diseases and protection of plants from pests in the nursery and at objects of landscaping. It should be noted that for preventing resistance (stability) of each type of pests and causative agents of diseases to the active substance, alternation of various drugs is recommended.

Viral diseases of plants

Pumpkin mosaic


Tobacco Mosaic

At the beginning of the disease, the leaves begin to change the color, and acquire a gray-green color, in the subsequent becomes brown. The leaves are also modified and become softer and loose, highlighting the thick oil fluid.

Cucumber Mosaic

Useful to know

Mosaic disease of fruit crops

Secondly, the reproduction is wearing healthy plants, patients try to delete, or destroy.

Viral Citrus Culture Disease

The virus is an infection that is able to easily move from one plant to another, for example, with a patient's juice or infected plant during seedlings picking, but to a greater extent the transmission and the spread of the virus occurs in pests, in particular insects. It is also worth noting that plants, the reproduction of which are carried out in a vegetative way, also transmit viruses with new or young plants that were already in parent plants. Viruses are capable of being almost everywhere, it can be already crushed part of the plant or in its separate parts, in carriers, i.e. insects, as well as in sowing and in the landing material.

Treatment and methods of combating plant viruses

With a large defeat, the cutlets are crushed. If a small part is affected, then it is removed, the cut is sprinkled with crowded charcoal or gray and plant in fresh more loose soil. On plants, phytoofluorosis is usually detected and determined at that stage, when it is no longer possible to save it. But you can try to apply the processing of bordeaux liquid, colloid gray, duplex. Lies in uniform watering, reducing air humidity.

Bacterial diseases of plants

Pathogens - birthday mushrooms

Yes, we admire their lush shrubs, blooming plants, wonderful varieties, but not always correctly care for all these green wealth. And then the pests are here, and the disease. Aktara, VD.

Symptoms of damage by bacteria

Black spots


It should be immediately noted that most decorative plants are susceptible to bacterial striking, especially such fruitful cultures like apple trees, pears, plums. They are amazed, as a rule, these plants amazing such a pathogen as "Pseudomonas Syringae", which was first detected and diagnosed on lilac. Such a pathogen as "Erwinia Carotovora" strikes many indoor cultures, such as Pelargonium, Diffenbahia, many succulents and a large amount of cactus family. In common, many could hear the name of this symptom as a black leg.

Necrotic spotty

General rules and methods for preventive measures, on the occurrence of viral and bacterial diseases.

Oil spotting

Thirdly - try not to damage the plants, and carry out periodic disinfection of plants, with the mandatory content of copper in the chemical preparations.

The most vulnerable plants

It is useful to hostility, although there are dangerous pathogens of various diseases that are able to lead to the death of the plant, but not all viruses are dangerous, some even on the contrary, have their own benefits. For example, there are viruses that are used to combat the larvae of some insects and other pests. And it is worth noting that thanks to viruses, it is possible to purposefully affect certain pests, which in turn is quite an important factor Impact, especially in agriculture.

Wrestling of plant bacteria

Promotes the coloring of all the leaves in the light yellow tone of the color.

The disease characteristic of hypipestruyamums. Caused by fungus Fight measures.

Ascochyta, Colletotrichum, Phyllosticta, Pestalotia, Septoria, Vermicularia

Diseases lead not only to the loss of decorative plant species, but also if not take action, then the death of the entire plant. If you could not protect your pet from infection, it is best not to delay to resort to the help of systemic fungicide (see the drugs used). If you are sure that this is a virus - it is better to destroy the plant along with the pot before the infection strikes other plants.

Used to combat troubles, blonde, shield, flapping. This is a system insecticide of intestinal contact with a long protective effect. Conduct spraying by the drug in or continuous processing of plants when pests appear on them (according to the instructions for the drug). Also, the drug has a systematic action when entering into the soil.

Viral diseases of plants

With which you can fight spraying by fungicides. Significant harm to plants are applied

Transfer and distribution of viruses

It should be immediately noted that universal means, against bacteriosis do not exist, but there are the most effective drugs and various prophylactic methods of exposure and treatment, which are usually based on copper content. When growing plants, it is worth following the following recommendations that will help to avoid damage to the plant by bacteria. With external damage factors, the plant is most susceptible to bacteria, it is also recommended to grow the most stable and endless plants, for example, pay attention to the link family, which contains beautiful and highly stable plant types. When planting and transplanting plants, both the young and most adults, it is necessary to process the affected areas of the root system, or individual parts of the plant, as well as monitor the quality of the planting material. As prevention of plants from bacteriosis, it is recommended to use preparations with copper content.

Firstly, it is necessary to monitor the distribution and appearance of ticks, hoarse, and other dangerous pests.

The main symptoms of viral lesions

Fighters and cabins

Not many know that virus diseases of flowers and plants, it is a pathology caused by viruses. It is worth noting that viruses are non-calm living organisms that can penetrate live cells and multiply only in them. Almost all plants are amazed by viruses, there are no families of plants that would be an exception. There are viruses that are in their essence do not cause much harm to the plant, and even able to cause the so-called decorative effect, in other words, make some changes in the appearance of the plant. For example, the effect of decorative can be observed in tulips, which have a voyage color, but, as a rule, due to viruses, a strong change in the plant is occurring, a certain "mutation", which very often leads to the death of the entire plant. There are many plants that are carriers of certain viruses, but at the same time, the symptoms of viruses do not appear in plants. Such plants can be called latent infection carriers. The manifestation of pathology or symptom may be different, each plant has its own change, for example, the appearance of spots, partial change in the color or the size of the leaves.


The symptom manifests itself on the leaves, namely, their vein, in the form of growths, as a rule, this virus strikes fruit crops, but decorative cultures can also be affected. Caps are peculiar anticipation and seals are formed on the trunks and branches of plants, which are mainly susceptible to adult plants.

Mosaic jaundice

Change coloring and pigmentation



Remove affected leaves and branches. Apply spraying with drugs: "Topaz", "Vectra", "Staters", Bordeaux mixture, kidding. Processing is repeated 2-3 times after 10 days.

Viral diseases of plants

Pumpkin mosaic

Et al. At the same time, on the leaves of the plant, usually brown mocking or dry spots appear, which are growing with the spread of the disease in size, merge and affect the entire sheet. Picatures include such diseases as

Tobacco Mosaic

Common disease caused by mushroom

Cucumber Mosaic


Mosaic disease of fruit crops


Viral Citrus Culture Disease

Useful to know

Treatment and methods of combating plant viruses

Secondly, the reproduction is wearing healthy plants, patients try to delete, or destroy.

The virus is an infection that is able to easily move from one plant to another, for example, with a patient's juice or infected plant during seedlings picking, but to a greater extent the transmission and the spread of the virus occurs in pests, in particular insects. It is also worth noting that plants, the reproduction of which are carried out in a vegetative way, also transmit viruses with new or young plants that were already in parent plants. Viruses are capable of being almost everywhere, it can be already crushed part of the plant or in its separate parts, in carriers, i.e. insects, as well as in sowing and in the landing material.

Bacterial diseases of plants

As a rule, the leaves are mainly subjected to, which gradually reduce the size and size of the leaves, as well as collapse into the tube. Gradually, the plant loses its decorativeness and varies, the interstices decrease.

. At the same time, red narrow spots appear on the leaves, bulbs, blooms, which subsequently produced sporing crusts. The patient plant begins the deformation of leaves and flowers, the flowering does not begin or stops, the bulbs are rotated. Appears in the form of a dry grain film on Aukubach, bundles, laurels. Caused fungus

Symptoms of damage by bacteria

Black spots

Anthracnose, septoriasis, philostose, ascohitosis and red burn.



Necrotic spotty

Used to combat trouble, blonde, trips. This is insectoacaricide of biogenic origin, does not cause addictive pests. Spraying is carried out during the growing season as pests appear (according to the instructions for the drug).

Oil spotting

The most vulnerable plants

General rules and methods for preventive measures, on the occurrence of viral and bacterial diseases.

Wrestling of plant bacteria

Thirdly - try not to damage the plants, and carry out periodic disinfection of plants, with the mandatory content of copper in the chemical preparations.

Diseases caused by bacteria do not always have a clear picture, it is possible to mix signs of diseases, for example, oily or vitreous spots may appear on the leaves on the leaves as with bacterial spottedness, which will then raise.


Viral diseases of plants

All these diseases are not too dangerous at the initial stage, when only some leaves are amazed, but if the disease has spread to the stems, the plant may die.

Transfer and distribution of viruses

. At the beginning of the disease on the flowers and leaves, small tormenting specks appear. They are easily erased, but then appear again and increase in size, rich gray color becomes. Gradually, the fungita is compacted and becomes almost drow. Mucuded fly can be on both sides of the sheet. The leaves are gradually drying out, removed and fall, buds and flowers are tremendous, the growth of the plant is stopped. The most favorable conditions for the development of the disease - increased humidity - About 60-80% and warm air in the range of 18-20 ° C.


The main symptoms of viral lesions

Fighters and cabins



Firstly, it is necessary to monitor the distribution and appearance of ticks, hoarse, and other dangerous pests.

Mosaic jaundice

Not many know that virus diseases of flowers and plants, it is a pathology caused by viruses. It is worth noting that viruses are non-calm living organisms that can penetrate live cells and multiply only in them. Almost all plants are amazed by viruses, there are no families of plants that would be an exception. There are viruses that are in their essence do not cause much harm to the plant, and even able to cause the so-called decorative effect, in other words, make some changes in the appearance of the plant. For example, the effect of decorative can be observed in tulips, which have a voyage color, but, as a rule, due to viruses, a strong change in the plant is occurring, a certain "mutation", which very often leads to the death of the entire plant. There are many plants that are carriers of certain viruses, but at the same time, the symptoms of viruses do not appear in plants. Such plants can be called latent infection carriers. The manifestation of pathology or symptom may be different, each plant has its own change, for example, the appearance of spots, partial change in the color or the size of the leaves.

Change coloring and pigmentation

The symptom manifests itself on the leaves, namely, their vein, in the form of growths, as a rule, this virus strikes fruit crops, but decorative cultures can also be affected. Caps are peculiar anticipation and seals are formed on the trunks and branches of plants, which are mainly susceptible to adult plants.


Promotes the complete discoloration of flower petals.

Viral diseases of plants

Pumpkin mosaic

This is a disease that is pronounced on plants such as "salad", on a berry culture, like a "melon", as well as on a variety of decorative and flowering plants.

Tobacco Mosaic

They appear in the softening and homing of the tissues of the plant, then a semi-liquid rotary mass is formed at the place of the lesion, most often with an unpleasant odor. The most susceptible plants with fleshy juicy leaves and stems, as well as tuber and bulbous. Bacterial rotes can begin with roots and leaves and flowers. The reason is usually in coarse disorders of the conditions of the content - excess watering, especially during the cool content, excessive introduction of nitrogen fertilizers.

Cucumber Mosaic

, Settling on the discharge of tools, whiteflies, milderry. By itself, the plaque is not dangerous for the plant, but it clogs the dust on the leaves, thereby disturbing the process of breathing. The plant slows down growth and weakens.

Mosaic disease of fruit crops

The disease that is more often subject to palm trees and ficuses. The pathogen of the mushrooms of the birth

Viral Citrus Culture Disease


Treatment and methods of combating plant viruses

Used against a complex of pests. Phosphorian insectoacaricide of a wide range of action against rodent and sucking insects. Acts contact. Spray during the growing season as pests appear (according to the instructions for the drug).

​.​ Secondly, the reproduction is wearing healthy plants, patients try to delete, or destroy.

Bacterial diseases of plants

The virus is an infection that is able to easily move from one plant to another, for example, with a patient's juice or infected plant during seedlings picking, but to a greater extent the transmission and the spread of the virus occurs in pests, in particular insects. It is also worth noting that plants, the reproduction of which are carried out in a vegetative way, also transmit viruses with new or young plants that were already in parent plants. Viruses are capable of being almost everywhere, it can be already crushed part of the plant or in its separate parts, in carriers, i.e. insects, as well as in sowing and in the landing material.

Promotes the formation of spots on the leaves, both light yellow and pale green. The stains can have different sizes, small and large, as well as various shapes, on the veins and between them, where special thickens are formed.

Symptoms of damage by bacteria

Black spots

This disease is manifested in many plants, especially in legume and pumpkin cultures. Also widely susceptible to various housekeeping and flowering cultures, for example, such as "Anthurium", "Cyclamen", "Georgina", "Iris".


It is manifested in the loss of the turgora, first the tops of the shoots are withering, then all the plant. Unlike wilt caused by mushrooms, the bacteria fall into the vascular system of the plant and cause the water current delay. They also distinguish toxic substances, but on the layer or section of escape is not visible characteristic of phytoofluorosis of the brown rings.

Necrotic spotty

Fight measures.

Oil spotting

Collectotrichum, Cloeosporum

The most vulnerable plants

For the prevention of mildew Roses and Becklet, it is good to pollinate gray 3-4 times over the summer. Plugs of plants with nitrogen fertilizers, especially during the bootonization period increases the risk of mildew disease. On the contrary, the feeding of phosphate and potash fertilizers increases the resistance to the causative agent of mildew. More often, ventilate the room, avoiding cold drafts.

Wrestling of plant bacteria

Bacteria penetrate the plants through the dust, water pores and lentils in the cortex, are mainly stored with plant residues in the soil. Viruses multiply only in a living cell. Many phytopathogenic viruses multiply in the body of insects and are distributed mechanically. Diseases of viral origin causes the mosaic color of the leaves, the curlyness or wrinkle of the sheet plate and the underdevelopment of the generative organs. Plant affected by viruses Thirdly - try not to damage the plants, and carry out periodic disinfection of plants, with the mandatory content of copper in the chemical preparations.

It is useful to hostility, although there are dangerous pathogens of various diseases that are able to lead to the death of the plant, but not all viruses are dangerous, some even on the contrary, have their own benefits. For example, there are viruses that are used to combat the larvae of some insects and other pests. And it is worth noting that thanks to viruses, it is possible to purposefully affect certain pests, which in turn is a very important factor of impact, especially in agriculture.

Promotes the coloring of all the leaves in the light yellow tone of the color.

This is a virus that affects not only, but also other pumpkin cultures, such as zucchini, watermelons, melons and many others.

Pictures of plants photos, diseases of plants in pictures and protection of plants from diseases

Diseases of plants

This disease is often found on fruit cultures, such as an apple tree, cherry, a pear, plum, and especially on peach trees, not an exception to the room decorative plants that are not rarely affected by this disease. For example, if a plum tree is affected, then a dark spot appears on its fruits, maturation, as a rule, occurs with lateness and fruits are partially deformed, it is also possible that they can become not edible. Bacterial spottingTimely spraying from pests forming sweet selection. The affected plants wipe the sponge dipped in soapy water and treat the systemic fungicide against pests. It can be processed by copper-soap solution (0.2% of copper sulfate and 2% of the economic soap). Also on the leaves of the affected plants there are dark brown spots, and at the ends of the leaves can appear dark brown sweels. Small reddish specks may appear, gradually increasing in size or brown with gray or yellow border. The stains usually appear not on the edge of the sheet, as when the soil is dried, but in the middle. Only then, due to dysfunction, the sheet begins to dry from the edges. Combat measures.

Topaz. Cured almost impossible

Plant diseases are known for a long time. Over time, information about them was accumulated, the establishment of causes made it possible to develop methods and means of struggle. The manifestation of the disease, its symptoms depend on the cause and nature of its impact. On the etiological principle of the disease are divided into two main groups. The symptom manifests itself on the leaves, namely, their vein, in the form of growths, as a rule, this virus strikes fruit crops, but decorative cultures can also be affected. Caps are peculiar anticipation and seals are formed on the trunks and branches of plants, which are mainly susceptible to adult plants.

Promotes the complete discoloration of flower petals. This is a disease that is pronounced on plants such as "salad", on a berry culture, like a "melon", as well as on a variety of decorative and flowering plants.

Plants of the kind of citrus fruits are also subjected to viral diseases that cause recesses or small holes on branches and stems. It is also worth noting the slower development of the entire plant, and drying out individual parts of the plant, after which the plant slowly dies.- Spots appear as a result of the leaf of death, but in contrast to the spots caused by mushrooms, these spots have no such pronounced borders - they have blurry edges. Spots can be vitreous or oily. The stains usually increase quickly in size, the sheet can dry, turn yellow and then dies. Warm wet conditions contribute to a faster dissemination of the disease.

Common I. dangerous disease caused by mushrooms Disease caused by mushrooms

If several leaves or buds are affected, they must be removed. Spraying every 5-7 days with special biological preparations to combat pulse dew, as well as manganese (2.5 g of 10 l water), 0.5% copper chlorokising, 1% colloid gray, mixture of soda soda with soap (on 10 l water 50 g soda and 40 g of soap). You can use the preparations such as topaz, detection, CORC, etc.Systemic fungicide from real mildew, rust and other diseases with prophylactic and therapeutic effects. Conduct spraying during the growing season (according to the instructions for the drug). At the beginning of the vegetation, preventive treatment is recommended for suppressing primary infection and prevent the dissemination of the disease. It combines well with other drug protection drugs. The period of protective action is 14-18 days., Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe a set of protective events.


Types of diseases of plants and protection of plants from diseases

Promotes the formation of spots on the leaves, both light yellow and pale green. The stains can have different sizes, small and large, as well as various shapes, on the veins and between them, where special thickens are formed. As a rule, the leaves are mainly subjected to, which gradually reduce the size and size of the leaves, as well as collapse into the tube. Gradually, the plant loses its decorativeness and varies, the interstices decrease.This disease is manifested in many plants, especially in legume and pumpkin cultures. Also widely susceptible to various housekeeping and flowering cultures, for example, such as "Anthurium", "Cyclamen", "Georgina", "Iris".Treatment is a rather complicated process that requires knowledge and use of certain methods and treatments, but in order to prevent infection with plant viruses, it is necessary to carry out precautions and carefully monitor the plants, namely to track the appearance of pests (ticks, twe). Much important is the destruction of infectious copies, which are already carriers of a virus or disease. An abnormal growth is completely healthy on the type of plant tissues. On the roots and sometimes tumor growths are formed on the stems. Other forms of bacterial cancer, manifested on stems and fruits, are characterized by the appearance at first small rounded specks. Then, on the leaves, they grow into brown spots and scratched leaf deformations, and on the fruits turn into extensive warts. With the strong development of these growths, the plants are poorly growing and, ultimately, die. Fusarium PhylLosticta.Well helps with a tormentous dee sprinkling with a mixture of antibiotics: terramicin 100 wedges / ml, penicillin 100 w / ml and streptomycin 250Ed / ml in a ratio of 1: 1.Oxych. Most pests of plants are insects, such as flies, beetles, butterflies. Pests also include ticks, nematodes, mice, hares and other animals. Insects are applied the greatest harm to plants, first of all, their biological features, abundance of species, high fertility and reproduction speed.Includes diseases caused by plants unfavorable for plant growth - weather and soil conditions, disadvantage or excess of individual batteries, various kinds of mechanical damage. Ko

Plant pests

Promotes the color of all the leaves in the light yellow tones of the color. This is a virus that affects not only, but also other pumpkin cultures, such as zucchini, watermelons, melons and many others. This disease is often found on fruit cultures, such As an apple tree, a cherry, a pear, plum, and especially on peach trees, no exceptions are and indoor decorative plants that are not rarely affected by this disease. For example, if a plum tree is affected, then a dark spot appears on its fruits, maturation, as a rule, occurs with lateness and fruits are partially deformed, it is also possible that they can become not edible.

Useful to know

Prevention of bacterial diseases

Diseases of coniferous plants, diseases of plants in pictures

. Plants are affected at any age. The mushroom is in the soil and penetrates the plant through the soil and ranks. In young plants, the disease is manifested in the form of rotting the roots and root cervix. In these places, the fabric will boil, the stem becomes thinner, the leaves are yellow. The tops of the plants are withering that it is soon moving to all the plant. The disease is mainly distributed by the foci. The infection is distributed through the soil. The strongestly susceptible to the disease weakened plants. Moreover, the disease can proceed both in acute form (the plant is perhaps in 5-7 days) and in chronic (stretches for weeks). Toxins secreted by mushrooms are transmitted according to the conducting vessels and therefore, if you cut the cutlets from the affected plant, you can see a dark gray or brown ring of the vascular system on a slice of the stem.

. Dark rounded or oval spots with a darker border with a healthy cloth appear on the leaves. Often the affected fabric falls, and the leaf becomes crooked. OrTherapeutic and prophylactic combined fungicide to protect against false torment. It has contact and systemic effects, long prophylactic effect. Spraying is carried out during the growing season for prophylaxis or in the initial stage of development of the disease (according to the instructions for the drug). Compatible with other pesticides.

Protecting plants from pests and diseases

Harmful insects


Promotes the complete discoloration of flower petals.

This is a disease that is pronounced on plants such as "salad", on a berry culture, like a "melon", as well as on a variety of decorative and flowering plants.

Plants of the kind of citrus fruits are also subjected to viral diseases that cause recesses or small holes on branches and stems. It is also worth noting the slower development of the entire plant, and drying out individual parts of the plant, after which the plant slowly dies.

The most common symptoms of viruses disease, this is the appearance of spots on the leaves; mosaic; changing the color of the plant; deformation of the leaves of the plant, in particular flowers; Fighters and kapa.

It consists in disinfection of soil, inventory and tools. When working with a patient or suspicious plant, it is necessary to process with alcohol and hands so that when contacting with a healthy plant does not infect it. Although insect pests can be carriers. When transplanting plants, old pots need not only to wash, but also carefully rinse with boiling water inside and outside. When transplanting, try not to damage the roots, and if it happened, then sprinkle the damaged place with crowded charcoal. Prevention.

Aphid. I am striking carnations, fragrant tobacco, nyondic and many other cultures. Basins mostly young leaves and shoots. At the same time, the leaves are yellowing, twisted and die. In the hot year, the TL will multiply multiply quickly.

Fight measures. At the first appearance of Tly, the affected plants begin to spray the decoction or the infusion of insecting-zide plants, repeating it every two weeks.

Cobbed red tick. This is a very small (0.2-0.4 mm) sucking insect, but the harm caused to them is very significant. Amazes many plants. In the initial stage, the defeat is deleted in the form of the smallest bright specks visible on the leaves on. lumen.

Fight measures. Tells with lime of wooden parts of greenhouses, disinfection of boxes and other inventory, the correct agricultural machinery of cultivation, the use of phosphate and potash fertilizers in the form of feeding, regular watering and sprinkling plants in a dry period, spraying during the vegetation of acaricides (0.1-0.15% "Akrex et al.) or influence of insecting plants, the destruction and burning of plant residues in the fall. Cool weather and spraying with a jet cold water The lower surfaces of the leaves also prevent the development of ticks. Such processing should be carried out regularly after 4-6 days in the course of 1.5 months.

Meadow bug. Harms Astrand, Nasturtium, Hortensia and Oso-Benno Georgas. Adult insects and their larvae cause the deformation of leaves, shoots and especially growth points.

Measures of struggle - cleaning and destruction of residues grow * Iy; In dry and hot weather regular watering with sprinkling. Spraying with influence insecticidal plants or system poisons.

Gallean nematode. One of the most dangerous pests of many decorative plants of open soil: lilies, irises, peonies, gladiolus. Multiple and pest fertility contributes to rapid infection of various plants. Males and larvae nematodes are small worm-shaped, females have a threshold form. The pests set on the roots of plants and cause the formation of galls from several mill meters to 5 cm in diameter. Roots, docking by gallas, quickly rotate, loudly lose the tour and die.

Fight measures. Election and combustion of infected nematodes of copies, growing on an infected nematode plot of plants resistant to it - calendula, bow, garlic, cereals, the destruction of weeds.

Nutcan. Harm the plants of the larvae Nutcann - Wires living in the soil - Draw-shaped, yellow or orange, gesture as a wire "Odo. Digit the roots of young plants, vgro-rolling into the bulbs, tubers, clubnellukovitsa and rhizomes, pro-delivering their moves. Favorable Conditions for development are strongly moisturized acidic soils, overgrown with dusty.

Fight measures. Deep autumn peroxide, regular loosening during the vegetation, introduction to the soil of ash, ammonia nitrate, lime, the destruction of weeds, especially dusty.

Khrushchi. Adult beetles damage flowers, and their larvae, live in the soil, feed on roots, bulbs, rhizomes and clubnellukov. The larvae are white, thick, sickle-shaped, with a well-developed rodent oral apparatus and three pairs of legs.

Measures of the struggle - autumn people of the site, regular loosening of rivers during the growing season with a sample and destruction of larvae.

Cruciferous fleece. Harm many floral annual cultures, especially from the family of cruciferous. The pests are hidden in the leaves of small holes. Especially tackle in dry, hot weather.

The struggle measures are early landing dates and regular destruction of weeds, spraying with influence insecticidal plants.

Medveda ordinary. Many floral races damage. The Medveda is a large insect "up to 5 cm long, dark brown with short hollows and widespread feet. The larvae and adult individuals are done in the soil horizontal moves, the clubnelluca and bulbs, eat the roots, damage the root neck. Their reproduction of the method Increased soil moisture.

The fighting measures - autumn deep soil treatment, rocking rods during the vegetation, disembarking between plants of garlic, stitching in the alarms at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other of the branches of alder, replacing them with fresh, rack laying of poisoned bait ( By 1 kg of the ruled grain of ku-kerisse, wheat or rye take 50 g of zinc phosphide and 50 g of growing oil). The bait is scattered along the infected area and drip. Effectively causing insects in pit filled with manure. In the fall on the infected areas, pits with a depth of 50 cm, which fill fresh manure. With the onset of frosts, the manure along with the pests climbing there, the last dying.

Uvyptka ordinary. Hars to many floral growing, especially Astra, Georgians, roses, flocks, gladiolus, annuals, cloves. Insect up to 20 mm long, dark-on color with abdomen ending with characteristic ticks. Ombols flowers, buds and leaves. The greatest harm causes in warm wet weather.

Meri struggle - deep soil resistance in the fall, racing on the basis of baits from a heap of grass, leaves, chips with a further sample and the destruction of those who climbed there on the day of insects, avoid excessive irrigation.

Slug bare and wets. Especially harmful slugs that bring with earth, old sowing drawers and with biofuels in the greenhouse. They eat young shoots, leaves and stems of seedlings, damaging gladiolus, phlox, cloves, herberas, lilies, salv-cv, arrest and many other flower cultures of protected and open soil, damage bulbs and tuberukovitsa during storage. Adverse pests are high temperature and low humidity.

Measures of struggle - deep steps in autumn. Under the landing it is not recommended to divert low, strongly moistened areas with heavy soils, pollination of the soil around the plants mustard or hawed lime with tobacco dust, laying the baits from a bunch of dill, cut potatoes, carrots, cabbage leaves, where slugs are closed on the day. Ras-to-forming of flat bowls, saucers with a small amount of beer, where pests are also collected.

Scoops cause considerable harm to flower plants. Once-personal types are damaged from 50 to 100 flower crops. Under the conditions of the middle strip of the caterpillars feed on plants Prak-tically throughout the summer. Especially a lot of them on the clogged areas, where the winch is growing, odds, the cheating field. The caterpillars divert young plants at the surface of the earth, leave the leaves from the bottom side, leaving only the epidermis (the upper skin), the senior caterpillars eat the leaves and eaten in them from the vest, shifted the buds and flowers.

Measures of the struggle - autumn people, the destruction of weeds, loosening the rods during the growing season, the release of the trichogram eggs during the pest laying (for the cabbage and garden scoop, the end of June and mid-July, for winter - the end of May and mid-June).

Lukova Burning. Many bulbous plants damage, especially daffodils and amaryllis. Hars the larva flies, dirty yellow, wrinkled, up to 1 cm long, convex from the dorsal side, with a large brownish red process at the rear end of the body. It is embedded in a bulb and, feeding, turns it into a fetid mass.

Measures of the struggle - autumn peroxide, chilling and burning of infected material, drying bulbs in front of insecticide. In June - August - during the launching of eggs of eggs, - spraying plants insecticides.

Rose leaflert. Many plants damage, including beautifully blooming shrubs - roses, lilac, rosehip, etc. harm caterpillars 20-22 mm long, dark green, with a drone head. They roll leaves and tighten them into a tube or loose guns.

Mare struggle. In the summer, collect and burn nests in the house, and falling leaves in the fall.

Capping Belyanka. It causes great harm to many single plants - levka, aware, nasturtiums, etc. Eggs are splashing, and there are many cultural plants and on weeds of the family of cruciferous. Harry caterpillars up to 40 mm long, green in transverse black spots. They bite the leaves, leaving only veins.

Measures of the struggle - butterflies in the summer, destroying eggs and caterpillars, produce trichograms when occasionally appeared on egg layout plants. Effective also processing 1% etobacterin. Against the caterpillars of younger ages can be used the infants of Khrena, wormwood, cheersels, tomatoes.

MINER DIY. Many damages floral plantssweet pea, marigolds, dahlia, nasturtium, etc. Small black mushrooms are laying on the leaves of the plant's plants, of which small white legless larva are born. They are embedded inside the sheet and feed them, forming narrow winding moves. With a strong damage, the leaves are yellow and fall.

Measures of struggle - collecting and destruction of damaged leaves.

Trices gladiolus. One of the most dangerous pests of color-accurate plants, especially gladioles, irises, daffodils, etc. This is a small insect daisy from 1 to 1.5 mm, dark brown with fringeless wings. Larvae yellow or orange. Adults are harmful and larvae - suck juice from leaves, on which stains and points are formed silver color. TRIPS penetrate and inside buds. With severe damage, the flowers do not open and dry out. Halic harm is hurt by TRIPE during the storage of tuberukovits, if the temperature in the storage exceeds 10 ° C. Damaged bulbs are covered with a specific brown-brown crust.

Fight measures. Careful selection of healthy tuberuko-VIC and routing the planting material. Good summons give early and squeezed landing. It is necessary to strictly compare the correct growing agricultural engineering. With the advent of tryps, the plant spray insecticides in the interval of 10-14 days or insecticidal plants (garlic, bow, suit) with an interval of 5-7 days. During the period of cleaning, the clubnelukovitsy is well dried, and before laying on storage soaked in the influence of garlic or cheerk.

Tower root onion. Very dangerous multicast pest, damaging hyacinths, tulips, gladiolus, nar-cissy, lilies, dahlias, irises. The pests are sucking scales and kidneys in the bulbs, they are mainly attenuated by weakened and belt-junced bulbs, penetrating through the Donette, as a result of which it trumpets and disappears. Plants are not blooming, dry and hype. The development of pests is favored by a high tempera (23-25 \u200b\u200b° C) and increased air humidity.

Mary fighting and. Careful selection and drying of the scenery.

Earth flea - small jumping insects. Harm mainly soil sowing Levkoev and other alphabets. Semi-silded and young leaflets of soil shoots are quickly eaten in hot weather. .

To prevent damage to annuals sowed in the ground possible before. In the fight against fleets, tobacco dust, sifted wood ash or lime powder for dew.

Mice and rats. In the greenhouses and under the frames of protected soil, irreparable damage is often applied, going under the root of young seedlings and seeds. The fight against rodents lead, laying out the pionery bait and arranging the mousetrap. Poisoned bait unfolding simultaneously in many places inaccessible to pets and birds. As bait use pieces of chopped meat, sausages, white bread, watched in a solution of carbon dioxide based on eight weights of the bait, one weight part of the poison. Tulip ridges are recommended for frowning garlic.

Basic diseases of flower plants

Flower plants are often amazed by diseases, which, depending on the causes of their causing, can be divided into infectious and noncommunicable. The first are caused by mushrooms, bacteria, viruses. Under favorable conditions, they are able to quickly move from one plant to each other) - and to dispense large foci of infection.

Non-infectious diseases most often occur under the influence of adverse environmental factors associated with violation of cultural conditions.

Infectious diseases

Blackleg. It is caused by mushrooms from childbirth Pitium, Botritis, Fusarium, etc. Affect seedlings of flower plants. It occurs in the black and reinforcement of the root neck of young rashes. Later in the place of blackening the stem is thinned and the plant fades. The disease is distributed in greenhouses and greenhouses. The benefit-pleasant for its development is excessive humidity, weak ventilation, temperature rise, severe will.

Fight measures. Strict observance of agrotechnology of growing seedlings, removal and destruction of patients with plants with the next irrigation of seedlings 0.2% by mangartee-eyed Calvem. Neutrition of the soil with chlorine lime at the rate of 100-200 g / m 2 with climbing in the soil 2-3 months before sowing. Watering the crown by the daily presentation of the bow (300 g of onions on 10 liters of water).

Fusariosis, or vascular wilts. The disease cause mushrooms from clan fusarium and verticillum. The pathogens penetrate the plant from the soil, the conductive vessels are populated and cause changes in the form of yellowing and drying of the lower leaves and intensive-Denmark of the entire plant.

Fusarious wilting is striking many cultures, especially gladiolus, asters and cloves. Plants are ill in any waters, but more often in - the phase of bootonization and flowering. The distribution and development of the disease contributes to the high temperature of the air.

Verticolese wilting externally is like a fusarious. Distributed on Astrah, cloves, chrysanthemums, dahlias, peonies, lion zea, etc. The pathogens of the disease are well developed at a moderate temperature.

Fight measures. Choose and destruction of patients with rasters. Presets of tuberukovits or seeds. The degree of plant infection with fusariasis reduce the lime of soil, phosphorus-potash feeding, the etching of the ASTR seeds for 10-15 minutes in the formalin solution (10 g of formalin on 1 liter of water).

Gray rot. It is caused by mushrooms from the genus Botritis, a lot of floral plants amaze, including gladiolus, tulle-panany, peonies, lilies, roses, dahlias, and others. The affected areas are brown, raging, soften. In wet weather they appear on them with a gray mold. The pathogen develops on all organs of the plant - leaves, buds, stems, bulbs, tuberukovitsa, rhizomes, which winter. The development of bolers contributes to elevated humidity and a fairly moderate temperature (16-20 ° C) air.

Fight measures. Conducting measures to reduce humidity, making phosphoric-potash fertilizers in feeding, drying of bulbs before planting in solutions of fungicides, carrying out the prophylactic trends of shooters 0.4% chlorokising copper, etc., dried by planting mat-rial before booking Compliance with the storage mode, chosen and burning of sick bulbs and tubero-kovitz.

Puffy dew. On the affected leaves, shoots, the buds of the plant appears a white muccious raid from mycelium mushroom. Many types of flower plants are subject to the disease: roses, peonies, phlox, aquail, perennial astra, lupine, fragrant peas, etc. Infected leaves dry and fall, plants lag behind and may die. The moisture in the development of the fellowship does not play a big role.

Fight measures. Commitable feeding with phosphorus-potash fertilizers. A soda-mild fluid can be used to prepare 30-50 g of soda calcined and 40-50 g of soap on 10 liters of water. The processing of these liquid-stones is carried out at least 3-4 times for vegetation with an interval of 14 days. Pretty efficient three-time machining machines. Well-overwhelmed cow manure is poured with water (1: 3), they insist in the hours of 3-5 days, diluted three times and sprayed. The interval between treatments is 12-14 days. From chemical preparations using 1% colloidal sulfur.

There is evidence that antibiotics of trichothecin (in K1.0025%), polyamicine (at a concentration of 0.0025%) and phytobachero-mitcy (at a concentration of 0.0025%) are very effective in the struggle against pulse dew. They must be applied immediately after the appearance of the first signs of the disease. With a strong damage to the plant should be processed several times after 7-10 days before the suppression of infection.

Rust affects many floral plants: Malva, Harhs, irises, peonies, roses, primroses, etc. On the leaves, stems and shoots in the spring appear orange, in summer - brown, in the fall - brownish-black raised pads, so-called pustules mushroom . The development of the disease contributes to the conjunction, excess nitrogen and lack of potassium and phosphorus.

Fight measures. Destruction of weeds (possible Ho-Zyayev Mushroom), plant treatment during the vegetation period of 0.4% chlorofal copper, 1% burgundy liquid. Processing is repeated 2-4 times with an interval of 12-14 days.

Spotted. The disease is expressed in the appearance on the leaves and stems of flower plants spots of various shapes, painting and magnitude. As the disease, they grow up, they are drained and cause death not only the leaves, but also the whole growing. The causative agents of this disease mushrooms and bacteria. Particularly dangerous rose disease called black spotty and infection-ration burn. In the first case, usually by the end of summer on the leaves there are black, various stains, causing their premature appeal. It greatly relaxes the plants.

Infectious burn is manifested immediately after removing winter shelter. Stems, the leaves are covered with brown stains with red-drier border. In the future, these stains grow and skell skelts. After a while, the stalk dries. In a strong degree, the disease develops from roses for a long time under the shelter at the plus temperature.

Bacterial spotting is most often observed on club-non-helical gladiolus, the so-called pasta, in the form of brown-out spots - ulcerations. Such stains appear on the bottom of the leaves.

Fight measures. Drying planting material 0.4% chlorokisao copper with an exposure of 40-60 min. Seeds are on-smear in the specified preparation for 10 minutes. Disordinate and early processing of plantations 0.6-0.8% Copper chloroksi solution. Spray plants during the vegetation period of 0.4% chlorokisao copper, 1% burgundy fluid. Repeat processing at least three times with an interval of 12-14 days.

Bacterial cancer. It manifests itself on the roots and root cake in the form of a type of tumor tumors with uneven, buggy surface, the size of the barely noticeable peas to large glats in several centimeters in diameter. First, these growths are white, then darken and decompose.

Fight measures. Strict checking the planting material, chosen and destruction of infected plants. After trimming the affected side roots of roses root system Disinfi-ration for 5 min in 1% copper sulfate solution, followed by washing and foaming into a clay tank. Wells from under the sick plants are treated with chlorine lime.

Ruggery and roots rot. Many floral plants are affected by root rotches. The fallen roots are rotting and OTI-RATIA, the above-ground part yellowings and fades. The rotes cause gri from the genus Pitium and Fusarium, as well as bacteria. The rot is striking the rhizomes of irises, especially the frozen, protruding on the upper part of the root. Savages in patients with plants are poorly growing and dried soon.

Measures to combat the removal and destruction of patients with growing, the shelter of plants for the winter, feeding with phosphorus-potash fertilizers, moderate watering. Patients of the rhizomes are rationally coming from the ground, purified from rot and sprinkle with a raised dairy coal, mixed with gray (1: 1). You should avoid pulp soil when landing.

Viral diseases - widespread and affect many cultures: tulips, lilies, peonies, dahlias, etc. They are characterized by the presence of brighter fabric sites and manifests in the form of crafts, spots, rings, strokes on the leaves, petals, stems, and even Fashion. Purchase plants become depressed, losing decorativeness, do not give seeds, often die.

From viral diseases, the spellpoles of tulips are widespread, ring spottedness in Lily, ring spot in peonies, virus mosaic in dahlia, mosaic and necrosis of the leaves of narcissus. Viruses are also affected by gladioli-s, lion zev, marigold, petunia, tobacco, left, carnation, aste-ry, etc.

Fight measures. Strict observance of agrotechnology, destroying weeds (reserves of viral diseases), the destruction of sick plants, the fight against sucking pests, transfer-chickens of viruses, disinfection of instruments, landing only a health material.

Non-infectious diseases

Non-infectious diseases are due to adverse environmental conditions or non-compliance with agrotechnology. Lastormally develop plants due to excess or abbrevy of nutritional elements. So, with phosphorous starvation, the leaves become bluish-green, sometimes rubbish-purple, the growth of plants weakened, flowers and zeroshi fall.

From the excess of potassium delayed the growth of plants and the development of flowers. From the lack of potassium, the leaves become domed, along the edges first light yellow, then brown and sink-ration. The same is observed during the excess of boron.

Magnesium fasting is manifested in the leaf breath, and the normal coloring remains only along the vein. The leaves become fragile, prematurely fall.

Lack of nitrogen slows down the growth of plants, they. Purchase chlorose painting, the lower leaves are pushing, the PRS is almost not formed. Drying of lilac with cracking and filling of the cortex at the root cervix is \u200b\u200bexcessive. The presentation of nitrogen.

With a lack of iron, the leaves are yellow, and the veins remain green. And with a lack of manganese, on the contrary, lighten the veins of the leaves, as well as flowers.

Plant treatment with pesticides can cause necrotic spotted leaves, buds and flowers (burns).

The lack of moisture affects the tour and plants faded. In excess of moisture, there is a cracking of the stems, for example, tulips, root rotting and yellowing of the leaves.

In severe soils and at the deep planting of the plant, oxygen starvation was tested, the so-called "thief" of the roots of gladioles, tulips and other bulbies is observed.

If, after planting onion and tuberukovichny plants, the temperature is strongly rising, the development of the root system from-becomes from the development of an overhead part, power is disturbed, in Tulle Panov, for example, "serial" buds are formed, hyacin-TOV - "Sitting" inflorescences, gladiolius - Dry buds.