Repairs Design Furniture

Gaps in wooden floors. Sealing slots and seams in the wooden floor sealant - choose the best, reviews. Sealing cracks with putty

Housing from wood is considered environmentally friendly and safe, as well as structures from wood have a special atmosphere. Very well preserves heat and has a very pleasant fragrance, is a strong durable material. It's aesthetically attractive materialThe structure of which will look harmonious on the background of the landscape.

Cause of the appearance of the gap in the house

Also very important wooden house Well, since it protects the log or bar from severe cracking. It is very important to acquire materials that have good drying.

In the event that it appeared or slots in the wall of the house, they must be immediately eliminated.

These defects reduce the thermal insulation properties of the structure, that is, the walls or the floor will blow in the rooms, there will be a draft. More cracks very spoil the appearance of the house or building. Over time, cracks are expanding and may aggravate these problems, the same bad affect the condition of the materials of the wood.

Types of cracks

Longitudinal cracks and gaps They are formed on a log or timber, because the tree has a fibrous structure. Longitudinal gaps and cracks can be removed using uncomplicated methods.

Longitudinal cracks are of different types:

  • straight;
  • spiral or uneven;
  • segment - uneven.

The sealing of the gaps of the house occurs, pacles, moss, putty or sealant.

But the mounting foam and silicone sealant can not be used for the house from the tree, as these means violate the safety and environmental friendliness of wood.

What to close the gaps in the house?

Acrylic sealant does not respond to temperature drops, damp and very well bonded the walls of the tree.

Also gaps and cracks close up special wood splot, it is resistant to cold and dampness.

For small cracks Used, and for deep cracks and cracks use a thick tool.

Masset for cracks, cracks can be made independently, for this glue PVA is mixed with sawdust To the state of thick casher and the spatula fill the gaps. To close the wide gap, you must take the chip of the same length as the gap. Wooden element Bold the wedge and drive into the crack, then everything is fixed with a self-made grout or splitel.

As you understood the methods of sealing slots and cracks on a bar or a log is not enough.

But remember that before starting work it is necessary to clean the walls from the bar and logs, as well as clean the gaps from dust and garbage. The gaps and cracks are best close at a positive temperature, in dry weather and on a dry tree.

We hope that this information was useful to you. We wish you good luck in endeavors!

Wooden floor is an environmentally friendly atmosphere of the house, natural design, leaving a pleasant impression, warm and homemade. And, although the tree is a fairly durable and durable material, like any other, it takes over with time to lose its attractive appearance, to be covered with cracks and creak under the legs. The most unpleasant is, of course, the gaps. Before thinking about how to close the cracks in wooden floor, It is worth thinking about the reasons for their appearance, and there are a lot of them and this is not only the duration of operation.

How can cracks and cracks appear

  • Too dry air indoors. For the future to solve this problem, you can purchase special devices and sprayers to increase moisture in an apartment or house, in addition, too dry air is harmful for the inhabitants of the room.
  • Fireless drying - the process is natural and legiturized - such a seniority occurs with any wood, and lasts from 3 to 6 years. In this regard, it is better to immediately choose the boards made according to the advanced drying technology by vacuum - the liquid is removed at the cellular level.
  • The reason for the appearance of the gaps may become errors and lack of discharge of masters during styling work. During mounting, the floor should be completely immobilized - for this you should take advantage of ordinary nails, and nail the floorboards to lags.
  • Large importance in the appearance of the gaps has "underground" ventilation. Best Council Will close the product, and ventilation through the room. In cases where there is no ventilation under the floor, it will be appropriate to make holes for air intake in the corners of the room. So you can secure the floor from dampness and rotting.
  • Another reason for cracks in the floor in private country house Mouse can be mouse and before engaged in a sex board, you should deal with rodents.

Crug seed materials

For these purposes, you can use different materials and ways. To begin with, consider how to close the gaps in the wooden floor. It is allowed to close them with wedges or slats - this is the most effective method.

Sequence of work

  1. Reiki should be aligned at the bottom and match the sizes of the slit.
  2. Smoothing the gap and process them (and rail) PVA glue.
  3. Rakes are inserted into the gap and be bought by a rubber hammer.
  4. If, after drying the glue on the floor surface, a tubercle from protruding wedges remained, it can be carefully removed by the Rubank.
  5. Next, the grinding procedure should be applied, the emery is used and an angular grinding machine.

At the final stage, a simulator or paint with varnish is applied.

Materials for gaps

Sometimes it is not necessary to engage in such a time-consuming process, as a bulkhead of all sex, especially when it is not damaged by the lap on which is located batten. In cases of local damage and not very large gaps between the floorboards, you can do cosmetic repair via modern means. The question is to smell the gap in the wooden floor.

Special sealants have been created for filling cracks today.

  • Silicone and acrylic sealant.
  • Mounting foam (construction).
  • Pottle materials.

If the aesthetic type of floors is not as important, the technicians are used.

  • Glue solution with sawdust.
  • Oil paint solution with sawdust.
  • Epoxy glue with cement.
  • Construction foam with foam.

How to use tools for smear

It should be noted that the sealants are most convenient for use, since it is not necessary to make the preparation of the solution, and you can immediately begin action.

The sealant has a nozzle - syringe, so that the process of filling the slots is greatly facilitated. To sealant, the instructions for the preparation of floors are usually applied.

Puttlewing is easy to use, easily prepared and quickly levels the floor, but does not differ in durability.

Construction foam is used as follows:

  1. plinths must be removed and removed the flooring from the mud;
  2. if desired, the gaps are filled with foam, and then foam;
  3. after drying, the excessive foam is cut, the floor then you need to prostrate.

The glue mixture with sawdust is prepared as:

  • first you need to sculpt sawders with boiling water, wait until they swollen, mix. After that mix with the adhesive basis (use PVA or joinery glue).
  • The thick suspension is applied with a spatula, recalling, deleted superfluous. After 3 days of drying, it is worth polling the floorboards to either conduct a cycloof.
  • Oil paint is divorced to a thick duty and are added in advance in advance and swallowed, pre-cooled, sawdust. The mixture is well strained and use the same as the glue solution.

Whatever the method of sex optimization you have chosen, do not forget about the causes of "disease" wood, and about preventive measures When operating wooden floors.

How to close the gaps in the wooden floor

Warm, comfortable, harmonious life in wooden cottage. In such a building, a unique microclimate is created as well natural ventilation. But for care and maintenance wooden building A special approach is needed. In this article we will tell about how to make a wooden floor.

When buying housing, new seals, as a rule, immediately begin repair - even if a new building is purchased. Moreover, if the apartment purchased in the market of secondary housing or inherited from parents. Repair of apartments with their own hands or with the involvement of specialists - practically inevitable reality Anyoneg in our country. Modern view Housing is attached to installation plasterboard partitions, point lamps, multi-level ceilings.

Possible problems

Floors in such apartments are a separate topic. In older panel houses A variety of their device is no different. This is usually linoleum or boards on top of the simplest concrete screed. Repair of the floor in Khrushchev is required most often immediately after checking.

If you got such a floor, it is worth trying to align the surface and get rid of eternal dust. Nowadays, usually old tie It is believed to the base and arrange a new one, especially since there is no lack of materials for this. Minor defects can be repaired - shut up irregularity with tiled glue.

And if you have wooden floors? The coating of the boards over time has the property to see, due to the friction, the floorboard is published by a creaking. Typically, the owners are trying to eliminate it by screwing the boards by self-drawing or pouring into drilled holes glue. Such measures are not always effective. Planning in Khrushchev, prepare for certain difficulties.

Sometimes the need for restoration of wooden floors occurs due to a flood, which has happened in its own fault or because of the neighbors from above. If the floors are grown seriously, it becomes clear that overhaul Not avoid.

You can see in the photo Wooden floors "Khrushchevka" before repair.

Start repair

So, we will do repair. Planning it, you should decide what you need - bring the wooden floor to the divine state or use the coating as a basis under the pure layer. From this depends, whether you will repair the existing floor or completely replace it. Perhaps just enough to eliminate the slots in the wooden floor.

Work begins with inspection and if necessary. Halls should carefully see, evaluate the state. Non-damped boards will be useful when applying a new coating.

Then you need to clear the place to work and buy the material in the desired quantity. The list of everything that will be repaired in advance to repair the floor, the price and quantity. Required bars of 50 per 50 cm, and polyethylene film as vapor barrier. When repairing the floor, its insulation is possible, which is relevant for the apartments of the lower floors, especially in cold areas. As a heater, they should be dense, keep shape. On such packages mineral Wat. It is always indicated size, so it is easy to calculate the required amount.


At the beginning of repair on the floor, a plastic film is spread, the panels of which should go to each other about 20 cm. It is done to prevent access of moisture from the lower rooms.

Mineral wool cuts into the strips of about 3-4 centimeters thick, which are attached around the perimeter of each room. Why set the bars at a distance slightly less than the width of the insulation slabs. The installation of the installation is controlled by the level. Between them are placed plates of the insulation, which should be tightly entering rectangles between the bars.

How exactly to do with the boards, depends on whether it will be a draft layer or final. If you need to align the old wooden floor, spreading a new coating on top, boards can be decomposed with small intervals. Then the next step will be laying on top of the board of sheets of DVP or plywood as the grounds under decorative coating. On the photo above in the article, wooden floors after repair.

If the flooring creaks

So that as long as possible not to face the problem of the screenshot of the floor, fasten them on the self-tapping screw. If you do not plan to cover the floorboards on top, you should pay special attention to their quality. Strengthen them need as closely as possible with alignment in height. Materials must be dry.

After laying the board, we grind, sometimes repeatedly, achieving ideal surface evenness. Before the grinding process, the last remaining gaps are required. Such polished and lacquered wooden floors look very prestigious and modern.

If the reason was the usual drying, the boards should be experienced on the strength - the deflection and the violep should not be. It may be necessary to pull the floorboards and additionally secure them with self-draws. The subsequent stage is to sharpen cracks and small gaps. Inexpensive I. reliable option - Acrylic from tools You will need only a spatula. After complete drying, all the places of applying putty are cleaned.

Prepare an old boardwalk under flooring can different ways. For example, prepare a mixture for alignment from sawdust and or buy a finished putty. You can use a standard sand and cement screed. The so-called are applied to the pure prepared surface and aligned with the guide beacons. But this method has a flaw - for a long time Drying most of the compositions.

Often defects associated with the drying of the boards occur from the low importance of air. Another reason is an incorrect coating, deformation of lags. Finding the cause of the defect, you can decide how to close the gaps in the wooden floor.

When Lagi is to blame

If you suspect that the reason for the appearance of the screens is the defect of lags, check this is possible only by dismantling the entire coating. Removed bars Checked for strength, unfit to be replaced. Then the boards are not fuel and firmly attached to the bars. In this case, significant differences in height (up to ten millimeters) may appear. You can align the boards using a plane.

The mixture for sealing wide slots is prepared by stirring sawdust with PVA glue. Pre-prepared composition is applied in the required places, after drying, the grinding stage occurs. Cracks can also be fill in mounting foamFoamed remnants of which after drying are cut off with a regular stationery knife. After that, the entire surface is treated with acrylic putty.

Thus, we see that the options for finding the gaps in the wooden floor, there is enough. For example, the elimination of large cracks can be performed using a harness, and it will be necessary glue composition. In the case of small cracks it is worth buying and sealant for the floor, as well as concrete contact. Initially, each slit is processed with soil, then with a concrete contact (the surface becomes rough), then the harness or a panel, impregnated with sealant, is clogged. After drying the floor chasplifting.

Another way to repair

And what to close the gaps in the wooden floor? If you do not want to proceed the floors, you can choose the way simpler. Try clogging the boards with each other. The classic method will require a drill, long drill, hammer, roulettes and droplets - thin long wooden sticks Round section.

With the help of a drill, holes in two adjacent floorboards at an angle of 45 degrees. Each of them should begin in one board and end in another. It is clogged with a wanned, pre-smeared by glue. Its protruding is spilled and cleaned flush. The neighboring hole will be thrown with an indent of about a quarter meter from the side of another board so that the sewage can be perpendicular to each other, and so on until complete strengthening.

More modern method It assumes the presence of self-sufficiency, as well as a special drill that drill holes for sealing their heads. At the last stage, all irregularities are eliminated.

What else can you take

The sealing of the slots in the wooden floor can be made so-called soft and hard methods. For soft, the twine is used (the best natural), as well as polymer glue, wooden wedge and hammer. The twine is pre-soaked in the glue, then with the help of a hammer and wedge insert between the boards. After the polymerization of glue (approximately after a day), the remaining irregularities are embedded with putty.

The advantage of such adhesion is its elasticity. Even when drying occurs, the slots are no longer expanding. About a day you need to clean the surface, and you can start coloring.

The most reliable way

The hard method of sealing requires such tools like a planer, a hammer and hand saw. From thin wooden planks The desired number of wedges is cut down, the width of which is adjusted under the dimensions of the slit, then the wedges neatly long side are clogged into the slot using a hammer. The width of the gap everywhere is different, and it will be necessary to fit the plane. The hard method requires a lot of strength and patience, but it is most reliable.

Before the prepared bar insert into the gap, glue is poured there. Withstand the day, the cracks are cleaned, and you can start painting.

Planning the repair of apartments with their own hands should be known that there is more exotic methods, for example, fill with hot bitumen slots. But it is pretty expensive, dirty and time consuming. It is known that cardinal method To disguise all the gaps and irregularities of the floor - to be closed by plywood. Effect this method It will be the most long-term.

Nothing is eternal! Wooden and concrete floor - no exception. Over time, both can "miss" cracks and slits, which do not look aesthetic, and the cold in the house is launched. It is hardly easy to escape from such a trouble, because every day the day brings to old age and us, and what around us. However, the floor can be reanimated using very simple techniques. If you do not know what to close the gaps in the floor, if the cracks in the concrete "attacked" you and you are already tired of fighting with them, then the solution to the problem you can find in this article.

From the gaps in the floor no one is insured

How to close the gaps and cracks in the concrete floor?

It would seem that concrete floors are durable and reliable as steel. But even with time they lose their former become - cracks, chips, clashevo appear on the surface. Reasons for this mass:

  • permanent temperature differences
  • incorrectly cooked mortar
  • errors made when pouring the solution
  • incorrect operation

Technology sealing small cracks in concrete

  • On the initial stage With the help of a hammer and chisel, you need to expand a little crack. It is done in order to identify hidden chips that can continue to turn into pits. If a piece of concrete falls off during the crack expansion, it must be removed - later the resulting hole is decorated with a solution.

Hammer and chisel expanding the crack

  • Next, with the help of a vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to clean the surface of the floor and cracks from dust. After that, the base, and the crack shed water.
  • We prepare a solution from cement M-400, water and PVA glue in the following proportion: cement - 2 parts, PVA glue - 1 part, water - so much so that the solution is enough liquid to fill it into a crack.
  • When the solution is ready, you need to thoroughly shed them the crack. It is important that the fill level is higher than the base level of the floor, since after drying the mixture it will give a shrinkage.

Liquid solution After filling, smooth the spatula

  • After drying the solution with the help of a grinding machine, a grinding of a former crack is carried out to the floor level. If there is no grinding machine, then the usual abrasive circle is suitable.

If the gaps in the floor have very serious sizes, then the technology of their sealing will be somewhat different.

We make slits in concrete along the crack

  • We remove the chisel and the hammer of a superior from the resulting propyl.

I delete the chisel everything is superfluous.

  • We collect garbage and dust with a vacuum cleaner and shed cut water.
  • The spatula is putting it into the propyl and tamper. On the surface of the floor there should be a small hill, which is compare with the level of base.

Running the solution

Close up of cracks in a wooden floor

With a tree to work more pleasant than with concrete, but still it is enough. First you need to remove all furniture from the room and wash the floor thoroughly. Preferably all the cracks cleaned from the garbage with a hard brush. If the number of slots is large, they can be marked for themselves.

Consider several ways to get rid of the gaps on the wooden floor.

Method 1. With the help of a rope

Rope or thin twine must be wrapped with joinery glue and score a hammer or chisel into the gap. After a complete drying of the rope, it is necessary to prepare from linoleum pieces (it must be natural and without the base) and acetone putty and wrestle all the gaps.

The usual rope in the hands of the wizard turns into a means of getting rid of the slots on the floor

Method 2. With a mixture of sawdust and gypsum

If you want to close the gaps in the wooden floor so that they are left and the trace is left, you can prepare a solution from plaster and dry wood sawdust in the ratio of 1: 1. Mixing both components, add water to them. The amount of water is arbitrary, but ultimately the solution should turn out to be sufficiently thick.

Method 3. With the help of wooden inserts

For the sealing of wide and deep slots, it is best to use wooden inserts, because neither the putty, nor the solution from the plaster and sawdust will be able to reanimate the gentle by the old age. Inserts must fit tightly to the edges of the gap and in no case should not perform above the floor surface. You need to score them in the gap hammer, you can help and chisel. And for a larger effect of chips, you can lubricate with joinery glue.

Close up of cracks with wooden inserts - Methodology available to all

Method 4. With the help of sealants or mounting foam

If you decide to take advantage of the sealants for the tree, then you will note that they are quite strongly drawn, that is, after their drying, the gaps can re-appear. So that this does not happen, you will have to carry out the procedure twice, or even three times.

Mounting foam does not give a shrinkage and is not drawn, so the method of sealing the slots with it is much more efficient and effective than in the case of sealants. Scroll just, the main thing after drying the foam gently cut the remnants so as not to damage the surface of the floor. By the way, the floor, most likely, after the procedure you will stop like, because all the cracks will be visible. It will help to correct the situation either, or its "hiding" with a linoleum or carpet.

Method 5. With the help of regular paper

This method is quite effective, although at first glance it may seem insane. Slices of logs or newspapers need to be mixed with a hubber and aqueous solution of joinery or wall-mounted glue. The resulting mass in its own way appearance Similar to the preparation for papier-mache, pushed into the gap. After drying it all holes, cracks and cracks will be filled with durable material, which can even withstand the daily floor washing.

Method 6. With table gelatin

Another of the insane methods. 400 ml of water and 50 grams of gelatin must be heated on slow heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved. After 30 minutes, when the solution acquires a homogeneous consistency, it is necessary to add 150 gr gypsum to it and 50 grams of shallow shavings. All stirring, you need to immediately close the slit to this solution, as it solidifies it very quickly.

After all the cracks in the wooden floor are embellished (it does not matter which methods you have chosen), you need to remove the residues of specially prepared solutions and polish the repaired sections of the shallow skin. To make the semi homogeneity in color, it can be painted enamel or oil paint, then traces of your activity will not be visible at all. In addition, the paint will further strengthen the crevices you close and allow for a long time to maintain the effect of the work done.

One of the common problems of the admissions is the appearance of slots between the boards. The garbage is clogged, water is clogged, water is striking, it can provoke the rotting of the boards. If the base is not insulated, it pulls the bottom below. Insects can be mastered through the gaps into the room, and if they are large enough, then rodents. So they need to be embedded, there are many old, grandfathers, in last years There are new, simpler and reliable.

Before eliminating the slit, you need to understand why they appeared. Main reasons:

  • Reducing the width of the boards due to wood drying. The higher the humidity of the boards at the time of the laying, the more pronounced will be degraded
  • Wrong laying, bad fixation of boardsAs a result, they "walk"
  • Damage to rodents
  • Range of Halp due to lack or ventilation

Exhaustion can occur as a result of excessive dry air in the room, with an increase in the level of humidity, the board will again expand and closer. Therefore, such seasonal cracks should not be attached to not provoke the deformation of boards in the future. It is better to take care of maintaining stable air humidity.

If the boards began to rot, seelring the gaps could not do, need to be transferred to the coating, taking care of the hydrobarier and the ventilation gap under the floor. Rotten boards will have to be replaced so that they do not infect the rest. If the gaps spray mouse, first need to get rid of them. If the boards move there and here because of not enough high-quality fastening to the base, they need to be consolidated, and then close the gaps.

The most radical slot removal method is a closer laying of boards. It is usually resorted to it if the board at the time of laying was not dry enough. In this case, there is a temporary laying, they are fixed to the base only every 4 or 5 board, after the final dermisy, the fasteners are dismantled and placed on all the rules.

Ready and homemade putty, sealants

Small slits are usually filled with plastic makeup, which is hardening after drying. The easiest way to use the finished pasty putty on the tree, but you can prepare the composition for filling the gaps with your own hands. Before sealing, they need to be carefully cleansed from garbage and degrease, the composition is applied and smoothed with a spatula. After the final drying of the mixture of the surface is grouped. If the composition of drying gives a strong shrinkage, it may be necessary to re-procedure.


  • Glue with sawdusts. Small sinking sawdust pre-fervent boiling water and leave to swell up to 2 hours, then wash with glue (pva, wallpaper or carpent) before receiving the tight mass. Drying time - 2-3 days.
  • Glue, sawdust and cement. Joinery and pva diluted hot water In the 2:15 ratio, it is mixed in 5 parts of cement and sawdust, connect all components and withstand about 10 minutes. Before working, the mixture is heated, and the gaps are ground with glue. To grinding you can proceed not earlier than in 2 weeks
  • Pleaster with paper. Grind the newspaper and pour water. While she swells, cook the hubber from starch and water, slightly cool and add 1/10 part of the copper mood for the prevention of fungal lesions. Mix with Cleaster pressed and flipped with fingers paper
  • Parquet primer BONA PARKETGRUNT with the addition of wood dust can be used as a putty for cracks up to 5 mm
  • Mixture of epoxy glue with cement 1: 1 is obtained by liquid, but quickly collapsing. It is just poured into the gap
  • Wax mixture S. linen Oil Also poured into the gaps in a preheated state. This composition is suitable for small and perfectly cleaned slots

A mixture of cement with a broken glass or store composition with aluminum chips is used if it failed to get rid of rodents. Such a putty will not allow them to sprinkle new holes in the same places. It is necessary to work carefully, in gloves, so as not to injure your hands, and on top to cover the composition of the usual putty.

In hardening inelastic putty, there is a significant disadvantage - if the boards continue to "play", the slots will expand and narrow, and putty - crack, sharpen. The slots with unstable dimensions are better filling out with an elastic sealant, which will shrink and stretch when driving wood.

Acrylic or silicone sealants more expensive putty, but provide a more reliable and durable result. Acrylic sealants You can paint from above, silicone needs to be selected in the color of the floor. You can also fill out the fixed foam slots, which provides additional thermal insulation. Under the application of foam or sealant, the surface is prepared as under a putty.

Foam and sealants are squeezed with a special syringe gun, when working with foam it needs to be configured to a weak feed. Surplus foam are cut off with a knife after its complete drying. Top-end painting - under the action sun ray Foam is destroyed.

Grinding rope, cord, slats

Deep gaps for saving putty composition Filled with rope, cord or packles. Cord, Bacchev is taken, the rope of such a diameter is taken to cover the lumen of the slit, passes through the glue (PVA or carpentry), so that it covered it from all sides and impregnated. The rope (cord) is laid in the slit and tampering, 2-4 mm remained to the surface. This clearance is filled with putty from the same glue and sawdust.

Packs are also wetted by glue and fill the crugs to the top. For large slots You can use the rope is thickening, and on top of pour a mixture of epoxy with cement. Also large gaps close up with wooden wedges cut from pine wheels, stroke. For such a repair it is necessary:

  1. Align the edges of boards with a cutter, if necessary, remove old paint from the area around the slot
  2. Cut insert-wedge, slightly narrowing down the book, so that it was 0.5 mm already the widths of the gap
  3. Loam edges of the edge of the gap and wedge
  4. Insert a wedge into a slit and score with light blows of the image through the gasket from the board
  5. If the gaps remain, fill them with a putty of glue with sawdust
  6. After the final drying of the adhesive, cut off protruding excess the plane and polish the surface

If the boardwalk will serve as the basis for finishing coating, cracks can be simply sealed with a reinforced scotch. Depending on the finish coatThe top-absorbing substrate is stacked on top or plywood sheets are laid.

Sealing slots - one of the species repair work, Other types of floor repair from boards.

Gaps between the floor and walls

The floor board is placed with a small indent from the walls, so that the perimeter formed the clearance to compensate for the temperature extensions of the wood. Initially, it is recommended to do it with a width of 0.5-1 cm, because it may increase due to dried boards. The gap of up to 2 cm is covered with a plinth and does not create problems, as a last resort, you will have to replace the plinth wider.

If the clearance is too big, it will have to be treated. For these purposes it is better to use elastic material because linear dimensions Boards may vary as a result of temperature and humidity drops. Elimination of an excessive width begins with dismantling of plinths. You can use as a placeholder:

  • Jute, Padl, Felt for Konopkka
  • Silicone or acrylic sealant
  • Mounting foam

Too wide (more than 5 cm), the gaps are better filled with strips of foam and applied, so you can reduce foam consumption. Its excess is cut off after drying, a putty is applied from above. Catch through the coverage - not the best wayIn the longitudinal direction, as a result, another board may lie, a whole or sawn, and the lack of length will have to compensate for short creation of boards, it is troublesome and ugly.


Sealing slots and cracks in floors from boards, troubleshooting, varnishing

Manufacture homemade putty For sealing slots


Methods for sealing slots between the boards depend on their size and the cause of the appearance. Small slots can be made of finished or self-made composition., Elastic sealants for wood preferred solid putty. Deep slots are pre-filled with impregnated with glue with a cord, rope, and deep and wide - clogged with wooden wanks. Sometimes you have to close not only the gaps between the boards, but also the gap between the floor and the wall, if its size exceeds the allowable.