Repairs Design Furniture

Cutting glass tubes. Cutting of glass tubes Method exotic, vintage - cut out from a bottle "Spiral"

This is an article about how we checked different ways of cutting glass tubes.

Actually, the manufacture of pipettes is reduced to two operations:

  • Cutting long glass tubes per 70 mm pieces.
  • Mailing edges of segments, one edge - to obtain a dosing hole, and the other - to smooth the sharp edges of the glass.

With melting tubes there were no questions. We have the richest experience in developing equipment. But with a sharp glass tubes, we collided for the first time.

First of all, looked on the Internet "How to cut off the glass tube." The most common way looks like this:

  • In a place where you need to cut the phone, make a little laid with diamond nadfyl.
  • Take a tube on both sides and grasp it, stretching on the sides.

There are still ways to warm the glass and sharp cooling. Some not very technological ways.


  • Inscribed with diamond supfil tube.
  • They put on the edge of the table, so that the place inspired a little on the table.
  • Pliced \u200b\u200bpart of the tube to the table.
  • Patent to the protruding part.
  • A piece of tube was easily broken.

The edge turned out to be smooth. Tried different options for incisions. It was found out that when lambing, the edge of the glass is flat, if the incision is quite deep or long around the perimeter of the tube.

We decided to make a long incision around the perimeter of diamond glass cutter. Made a layout of devices for this principle.

A diamond for glass cutter was used as a cutting element, the resource of which is at least 500,000 cuts according to the manufacturer's statements. The cutting unit is a consumable material, easily replaced by the service personnel, with a cost of not more than 600 rubles.

At this stage, a simplified layout was assembled. The rotation of the disk of the cutting mechanism was carried out manually. In the future, this will make a stepping motor with control from. There was also no electromagnet of clamping, tube feed rollers and a stop stop sensor.

During testing, the following operations occurred.

The cutting mechanism disk through the cable into manual turned 180 °. There was an incisive glass tube.

The tube put forward forward so that the incision hit the edge.

A vertical press of the hand is broken out.

500 pieces were held.

The quality of cuts was simply wonderful.

We even developed a node of the cuts of the tubes for this principle and installed it on the machine.

When they began to experience a mechanism in combat mode, revealed flaws.

  • The disk turned out to be inertial. Especially exacerbated this problem heavy electromagnet (black cylinder). To rotate the disc 180 ° and back, it was required considerable time even with a powerful step motor.
  • A sharp stop of such an inertial mechanism caused an unpleasant knock and vibration.
  • It was very difficult to set a diamond, to fall on his cutting edge.
  • As a result - low performance and reliating.

Then they did a lot easier and technologically. I wrote began to make a diamond disk.

The disk lowered, made a shallow incision, about 0.5 mm. Then the tube went to the bowing knot, the outcropped piece was laid out and fell into the bunker.

The cutting knot was very successful. And too. For this principle, various equipment for cutting glass tubes can be created. Equipment small size, reliable, productive, cheap.

Those. Perfect equipment for small businesses.

Tree work and glass Cherryman Natalya Gavrilovna

Trimming glass tubes of different diameters

When it is necessary to cut such a product like a glass tube, come in the following way.

In the place of the required separation, the tube is applied with a file. In the event that the diameter of the tube is more than 1 cm, it is first necessary to make a break throughout the surface, that is, to form a smooth ring. On glass tubes of a smaller diameter, it is enough to produce a linear slot. But to obtain a more even edge of the cut, it is also desirable to also douse the tube around. It is necessary to peer the processed tube carefully, putting on the hands of the mittens.

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... cut out from the bottle of Dysheko, I advise you to take 2.3 bottles to work out. I ran around the body of the whole bottle and the glass cutter of the line and the donyshko collapsed several times a circle and downstairs, and from the sides, and knocked the hammer with a newspaper ...
Upprint broke the glass cutter, it's not a successful donyshko but there is no other photo.

Unprocessed edges can be hidden in monocle's structural nodes:

Option 2:
There is another frequency way - glass cutting scissors in water, it was them that took advantage of their work
With sufficient experience, you can cut very decent circles.

Option 3:
A simple way to cut "roundworms" from glass offers in publication ""
... It turned out to sharpen a simple simple one. We take the glass, roughly cutting a glass cutter, we bite it, then by the template in a basin with water sandpaper I bring to mind.

Option 4:
In its project cuts "rounds" with a special drill:

... The crown is clamped into the cartridge of the drilling machine, the line of the reserve is immersed in water and at the minimum possible three-hundredth revolutions per minute, with uniform pressure on the crown, prepared glass, turns into the desired goggloglovy.
After three minutes of leisurely drilling, I received two neat discs of the desired diameter and color. The edges of the discs were processed on a sheet of sandpaper with moisture, after which, received a completely "firming" glass of three-millionth thickness! It must be said, in the absence of a drilling machine, the successful use of crowns of this diameter, in the manual power tool, is almost impossible.

To finish, I would like a very original method of processing the plexiglas, let it not be directly to the glass, but the method is very good, not even straining can do the lenses:
I spied it in his work
We glue the glass on the special equipment. The device is made of square with velcro intended for laying wiring, and bolts.

In a drill! And about the skirt in-in-fi!


Now about tubes, bottles, banks and the like:
First of the markup, because from it will depend on how even your rings will be and how long you will "mess around" with the finishing of the planes.
A wide strip of paper (with a smooth edge) Tightly wrap your workpiece, as shown in the photo and draw a line with a marker on the glass (on the edge of the paper):

Now proceed to cutting.
Tip: place cutting should be made abundantly with water. Each options will choose their own from lowering the workpiece into water, to a thin flowing or periodic perch.
The better wetting, the cleaner and less chips on the edge.
Method 1:
With the help of glass cutter and gas burner separates the bottom of the bottle in the master class
...apply a circular risk with the help of glass cutter. Accuracy is not so important, the main thing is to try to make risk of continuous ... I repeat, we do not need perfectly smooth cut, our task, just separate the bottom of the bottle.

For the next stage, we need a propane burner, the flame of which we evenly heat the line left by the glass cutter, smoothly rotating the bottle around the axis ... The operation must be carried out in gloves, and the eyes protect the glasses!
If the heating goes correctly, the process is accompanied by cracklers, and stops after we have been heard a muffled click, indicating that the bottle is separated by a crack.

method 2:
TROU For his progestive in the competition, cut the ring with a cut-off disk with a diamond spraying:
But even having such a useful tool I follow several simple rules:
but). Abundant wetting during cutting.
b). So that there are no chips on the back of the workpiece, I cut the workpiece from two sides (Of course, if you can get to the cutting place).

And if you are a happy owner of a tubular drill and a borot with a diamond spraying, you can cut into a glass of holes even "non-traditional" forms:

method 3:
Valery (), on the site of our twigs (Tech', found his way of cutting tube lamps of day lighting.
Here is a link to his master class. And a few photos so that it is clear about what it is about:

And what happened in the end:

method 4:
An interesting way to cut the bulb flask practicing for its
The way is worthy of attention, because the flask remains part of the base - and beautiful and practical:

Exotic, vintage method - cut out from a bottle "Spiral"
I will not write anything, there is nothing to add:

Drills holes:
example 1:
Paul () in drilling holes with a diamond crown with a diameter of 4 mm:

There are several simple ways how to crop the neck of a glass bottle. You ask, why do you need it? From a beautiful circumcised bottle, a cool glass can be made, a vase for colors or a stand for different little things. But, before proceeding with the cutting of beautiful bottles, I still recommend to practice on ordinary beers, as you need experience and some skill in this matter: exactly it does not always work the first time.

So, I will tell you the most simple ways to cut the neck from a glass bottle.

Method 1 - Use glass cutter

It takes glass cutter. You can use the factory model or make yourself. The design of the homemade device may be different: the main thing is that the bottle and the cutting element are securely fixed, but the bottle is freely rotated.

Important! With a slit, you need to do one passage: it will provide the most smooth edge.
Next, you need to prepare hot (boiling water) and cold (you can with ice) water. On the line of the cut, shed first hot water so that the glass is well warmed.

After that, we just jump on a bottle with cold water.

From the temperature cut, the glass should be broken down along the pre-cut line. If this did not happen, the procedure must be repeated (hollow first hot and then cold water).

Method 2 - Flame Candle

For this method, the candle and a piece of ice will be required (you can use a container with very cold water). To split the neck, on the bottle, the marker is carried out with a flat line, according to which the glass is well warmed over the candle.

Then the cut line is cooled with ice, after which the glass splits with a slight tapping.

Method 3 - Nargev from friction

Another way to split the bottle of tinsel is to use the heating of the glass due to the friction force. For this, two plastic ties that serve as limiters are put on the bottle. There are three turns of twine between them, after which the twine for loose ends begins to move forward / backward.

After 2-3 minutes, when the glass is sufficient, the bottle is placed in cold water, and with a slight tapping, it turns off along the heating line.

If there is a small incision before friction on the bottle with glass cutter, it is not necessary to use cold water: the glass will crack when heated independently.

Method 4 - Installation with Pokal Thread

For this method, a transformer will be required, for example, with a microwave oven with a secondary winding, instead of which three power cable turns are installed.
The free ends of the wire closes through a thick wire. Stand (base) should be heat-resistant and dielectric.

The next step is to connect the transformer to the electrical network. When the transformer is turned on, the thread is increasing: a bottle is applied to it and gradually rotates. When warming up the glass of the neck along the warming line is disconnected, so it is necessary to ensure that the heating is uniform and one line.

Method 5 - Burning Rope

For this method, natural twine and a bit of purified gasoline for lighters will be required. A piece of beeps is cut down the length required for turnover around the bottle at least 3 times. Then this segment of the twine is soaked in gasoline so that it is completely soaked.

Washed in gasoline, the twine is wound on the bottle in the place where it is necessary to produce chips and ignite.

When gasoline is almost fascinated, the bottle is lowered into cold water, where the glass is bursting along the heating line from the temperature difference.

Method 6 - We use specialized equipment

This method is to use the tile cutting machine. Diamond disk is good and smoothly cuts thick glass. It is recommended to work in gloves, protective mask and glasses, as glass dust is very dangerous. The advantage of using a cutter is the ability to cut a bottle into small washers, which is not available at other ways.