Repairs Design Furniture

Fastening shelves in niches. Shelves on the wall with their own hands: We make the shelf on the wall with step-by-step instruction shelves in a narrow niche

The shelf is the easiest piece of furniture, which can be made with your own hands, their manufacture will not require any special skills, except, probably two - moderation and accuracy, as Mollarlah said from the play "Mount from Wit". At the place of installation, shelves are wall, outdoor and suspended. If a outdoor shelf It has a greater height - from meter and above it is often called the rack. A few words about suspended: Usually these are decorative designs that hang on a pipe or specially driven bracket. This option is popular in those rooms where heating pipes are under the ceiling: they are asking for something to hang out something. On the pipe hang shelves in the kitchen and in the bathroom: it is convenient there.

Types of shelves

Make them from wood, plywood, laminated chipboard, Fiberboard, there are glass shelves. As racks, the same materials are used, but they are made of metal, plastics and other completely incredible things - for example, pipes or bottles.

IN residential rooms It is not so important from what material the shelf is made. It is important that its design was in the same style with the interior. Even the functionality is not always important: some play an exclusively decorative role. On them if there is something one or two subjects. Their role is to give the interior of the housing of a special style and color.

If we talk about the shelves in the technical premises - the kitchen and bathroom, in particular, then the requirements for practicality are also added to the considerations of aesthetics. Even decorative shelves In the kitchen should wash well. For shelves in the bathroom, the requirements are high: periodically there is very high humidity And the materials are required that it is transferred without any harm. They are not so much. This plastic I. stainless steel. There are still shelves for the bathroom from MDF, but they are normally operated with good ventilation in the bathroom.

What do the shelves do?

Perhaps, to implement the task of creating a shelf own forces Almost any material is suitable, of course, within reason. To add bulky structures from the brick, it is hardly appropriate, as it will additionally shrink free space. However, any of the relatively other materials will be quite suitable:

  1. Wood - classic optionSince the overwhelming majority of users choose it. Working with such a material is very easy thanks to a small weight (with small product dimensions) and it will last long, if you exploit the shelf of the tree in optimal conditions, that is, with the normal value of humidity in the room.
  2. Glass - Such shelves look very modern and will never come out of fashion. True, to create products from this material you need to have a special cutting tool for glass.
  3. Plastic - affordable material. Easy to circulation and is not subject to the formation of mold, as in the case of a tree. Especially if the shelves are built to accommodate on the loggia or balcony.
  4. Metal - to work with such material need welding machineif planned completely metal regiment. For combined products, it is enough to use the standard set of fasteners, and it is better if these sites are not visible to the eye.
  5. Chipboard or alternative option - Ledp.. The second of the above-mentioned materials is more durable due to increased resistance to humidity in the room, temperature changes and mechanical deformations, for example, abrasion.
  6. Plasterboard - Most often used in the case when the shelf is part of the design of the room, that is, a niche in the wall is formed by means of this material.

The choice of option should be determined not only by the financial capabilities of the owner of the room, but also its skills in the construction area. Otherwise, the material will be irrevocably spoiled, and the exit product will be inactive and generally unsuitable for operation, especially in a prominent place.

Shelves on the wall

In any room on the wall there are places that simply need to hang something. After all, the majority modern furniture It takes only the bottom - sofas, tables, couches. The upper part remains empty and dissonance occurs: overloaded bottom part Rooms and semi-empty or completely empty top. Here these voids on the walls are organically filled with shelves.

The angular regiment is excellent declared constructively, most shelves consists of the shelves actually and jumpers. But these components are combined into such a number of options that it is impossible to calculate. Simple design It is good: you can make any shelves with your own hands. Moreover, these products may be the first to be manufactured things. It is really simple.

How and on what to fix

We are not in vain from fasteners. The design of the shelf on the wall depends largely on the type of fastening. Or maybe on the contrary. It depends on what to dance ...

Traditional loops

There is a traditional way - on the loop. It is suitable for wood and fiberboard, any other materials that have enough thickness to attach them. Screen soldered on the side parts. Then, between the centers of the hinge holes, the distance is measured, postponed on the wall (follow the horizontal). In the points noted, the holes under the dowel are drilled, a dowel is inserted and a dowel-nail with a small hat screws into it, which enters the loop or bracket (pin, slightly bent up). Then the shelf is hung on them.

Not all materials can be drilled. For example, glass shelves. They will not screw anything exactly. Mounts for glass shelves Special: They consist of two parts, between which the glass is inserted. Often there are elastic gaskets between the holders. In the lower fastener, there is usually a small clamping screw for fixing.

Fasteners for glass shelves

The most popular fastening for glass shelves is called Pelican - for a peculiar form. He himself looks good, there is in different colors. The thickness of the glass that it can hold is from 8 to 34 mm. You can insert not only glass into it, but any other material of such thickness. Just with glass it looks stylish.

Make glass shelves on the wall with it easily: buy mount, in the glass workshop, order the desired size and shape of a piece of glass with processed edges (or cut, if you know). The assembly itself remains:

  1. Attach "Pelicans" to the wall. Two dowels. The collapsible case - the decorative lining is removed, and there are two holes in the mounting plate. One in the housing is higher, the second is lower. Passed, installed a decorative lining.
  2. Inserted glass.
  3. Swallowed screw. Everything.

There are other shapes like fasteners. The photo below is some of them.

Decorative brackets

Another type of fastening is brackets. They are reliable, some decorative, and so much that they themselves are decoration.

Secret installation - shelves without support

And the most amazing device for secret mounting. It makes it possible to hide fasteners. In the end carved planting place Under the pin and the housing of the holder and the shelf just put on it.

As you can see, even simple blackboard Or a piece of glass on such fasteners is not bad. But there is another sea of \u200b\u200bany ideas.

Options Design Shelkov

Shelf do it yourself in the form of honey cells

Cool supplement to a non-standard interior can be a pretty shelf, made in the form of cells. Fashionable design form from hex modules, creating original geometric compositions. Everyone can position blocks in optimal option.

Despite the non-standard species, the blocks of the hexagon shape are sufficiently convenient and functional, besides - the most stronger and stable.

For the manufacture of such a shelf with their own hands, you will need a standard set of tools and simple billets from rectangular boards. Collect the design of the ready-made cells can be different:

  • fasten them to the wall separately;
  • first connect the modules together and only then consolidate.

The second option is undoubtedly more practical, because dust will not accumulate between individual elements.

Let's see how to make a shelf in the form of honeycombs in practice

To get the right hexagon, boards for the future design cropped At an angle of 30 °.

Check again, whether they are the same size, proceed to the assembly Hexagons. It is better to do it on the floor.

Block elements are perfectly customized one to another and start glue Boards using carpentry glue.

Fastening Places for Reliability strengthen With L-shaped holders or screws. Staples can be hidden, painting them in the same color as the shelf.

The remaining honeycombs do the same.

Ready modules carefully colorize, then covered with a mourn and special varnish or color. The shelf will look unusual if the cells are painted in different colors.

It remains to fold the finished blocks nearby and drill one or two holes in the connection places and twist them together.

Shelf do it yourself. Video instruction

Round shelf with her hands

Round shape of the shelf - unusual and stylish solution For those whom it does not care about how to place more things on it and save space in this way. Make such a shelf with your own hands. Success will be predetermined if it is properly picking the source material for the shelf and competently calculate the dimensions of the parts.

Most affordable Materialwhich is solid enough and easily bend - it sheet dvp. Two calculated length bands (L) cut out of it. In parallel, the board of the desired length is also prepared as a central shelf. Obviously, all these details must have the same width. Now about the length of the stripes.

From the point of view of geometry, the central shelf is a diameter (d) of the external contour of the future circle, and the strips, respectively, half the length of the contour, so they depend on each other and are interconnected by the formula - l \u003d 3.14 x D / 2.

Suppose the dimensions of the board - 150 by 700 mm, then the length of the semicircle will be equal to 3.14x700 / 2, that is, 1100 mm. Now we calculate the length of the LDP bands, taking into account their adhesion, say, in 70 mm: 1100 + 2x70 \u003d 1240 mm.

Now we will analyze how to make the shelf with your own hands using the Fiberboard sheet.

Retreating from the end sides to the amount of the admission, they apply on the strips marking. Then proceed to the formation of the circle.

The edges of the bands suggest on each other according to the markup and fixed with clamps. Carefully, that the material does not burst, the stripes slowly bend, overwhelming free edges on each other.

Before finally fix all the details of the screws, you need to make sure that they are correct conditions:

  • check how well the central shelf gets up. Immediately note that with the correct calculations, problems with this, as a rule, does not occur;

Shelf with your own hands is practically ready. It remains to be separated: cover by paint, varnish or other decorating composition. Hang it through furniture lesoshina For screws, screwed into the wall.

Suspended shelves do it yourself

Selecting the interior for a small apartment, many are wondering if it is possible to make a compact bookcover with your own hands so that it does not occupy a lot of space. One of possible options - Suspended construction.

For starters need

Works are performed in two stages: shelves and attachments.

Prepare shelfDisposable in size.

According to their edges, it is necessary to provide holes of the same size.

pendant shelves with their own hands. Photo Instruction

The pattern is pressed to the chalkboard with the edge, say, with Clamps, and do two holes, but not to the end - about up to the middle of the thickness of the shelf.

Shelves are treated emery paper And finish. For example, you can paint in suitable design color.

Shelves are fully prepared, it remains to hang them. Reliability in this case, given the impressive weight of books, is no less important than the aesthetics, therefore it is best for the suspension of the design. cable.

It is cut into parts into the size and through the clamping clips make on one end of the loop.

They are suspended and fixed along the entire length with the right step barrel.

Strictly perpendicular to the wall fasten the hooks with screws, which hang cables, and already to them - suspended shelves.

Suspended shelf-shelf do it yourself

A charming suspended shelf in the kitchen with their own hands will allow rationally to use the space. She will be great to look at the colonial living room, in the children's room in sea style or bathroom in Mediterranean. Anyone can cope with such work, as you can make the shelf with your own hands in just a few simplest steps.

Billetsfrom wood, align both in shape and size.

Market places under holes And they do their drill with a feather drill. So that there are no problems in the future, the diameter of the drill is selected by the large diameter of the rope, for which the shelf will be suspended.

Marking easier to do template In the form of a square 4x4 cut out of paper. The template must be applied to the angle of the plate and make markup on the point of intersection of the diagonal of the square.

Collapse shock.

There are many options how to make the shelf more interesting. You only need to show a little fantasy, for example, paint it only from the ends.

Now the design is possible collect. The rope is twice as well, by retreating about 30 cm, on each half the node is tied. The ends stretch through the holes on one side of the board and fix it with another node. The plank thus turns out to be fixed between two nodes. The process is repeated with each shelf, placing with the desired step.

Similarly come with the second party. The main thing that knots On both sides are located at the same distance from each other.

The remaining ends of the ropes are cut and dismissed to form tassels.

It remains to hang the finished shelf on the wall.

Such a regiment with their own hands has several advantages:

Suspended shelves for photos do it yourself

Is it possible and, most importantly, how to make the shelf on the wall so that she takes at all a few space, and it was possible to store there sufficient number Photos, albums, collections of plates and other? Well, let's figure out how to make the shelf with your own hands so that it has a minimum depth

This shelf actually represents several requesrelated to the rope. A plank is attached to them, which does not give photos, books, etc. Slip off the shelves. The rivers in principle can be as much as you need, so to begin with the place of placement and quantity. So it will be much easier to calculate the width of the shelves and drink blanks.

After the workpiece I will okarrenThe planks are attached to the raids: they can be knit or glued. Hats nails carefully hide under a layer of special putty, and the plank is again squeezed.

He retreating from the edges by 2 cm, in the shelf drilled two holes with a diameter slightly large than the rope.

From each end of the first shelf stretch rope, tightening at the ends along the node.

Make it will be much easier if you wind the invested edge of the rope scotch or, say, isolate.

Wide the second shelf.

The process repeat until all will be installed.

Free ends of ropes tie to screws with hooksscrewed by the desired height. This is perhaps the most responsible moment, since the lower regiment should settle down strictly horizontally, and everyone else will be aligned on it.

Horizontality is checked by the level, nevertheless there will be no means for help. "After all, even knowing how to make the shelf, one to fulfill the last stage will be complicated.

Shelf for books in the form of a Christmas tree

Later to delay anything with nothing comparable New Year's mood will help with your own hands. Instead of garlands and toys, it is decorated with books and various cute little things. Such christmas shelves especially like babies.

This shelf can be made from the usual list plywood.

First need to prepare a small layout plan All parts on a sheet of paper on a scale corresponding to the size of plywood indicating their size.

Then you need to transfer everything to the Phaneur to the original value and after a thorough check of the location and size of parts cut their saw or jigsaw.

The Christmas tree is collected on joinery and fasten with nails.

When the workpiece will dry, it is covered paint And give time to dry finally.

Shelf-tree is ready to use. Under New Year It can be decorated to your taste and even put the gifts on the shelf branches.

Here's like a shelf made by your own hands, can help deliver joy close.

Shelving shelf do it yourself

Functional and minimalistic industrial style Today is very popular. Shelf with their own hands, assembled on the pipes bring the same industrial chic to your home to which you may seek

Since the number of shelves, as well as the total length of the pipes is easily adjustable, we will focus on the general scheme of manufacturing this design furniture.

Work starts with the preparation of the shelves from woods. They are applied special oil or wax to get a smooth textural surface.

It would be nice if the shelves initially had an interesting texture.

If you cover the shelves also polyurethane varnishon the water based They will acquire more magnificent radiance.

Giving designs dry, in each corner of the bottom shelves are installed round flangesabout 2 cm from the edge.

The location of the connecting parts is marked with a pencil.

Shelves have a stack and clamp with clamps.

Through the center of the flange, the guide hole is drilled through the first and second shelf. For the next boards, the size of the drill must be changed for more, since the pipes will continue through them.

Embed to assembly.

Each flange is located on the lower shelf above the guide hole and attach them to the surface.

In holes insert galvanized pipesthe desired length with threads from both ends and is tightened in the flange wrench. At the top of the clutch.

When all the details are mounted, flanges screw themselves to the tops of the pipes and fix them to the upper shelf.

The finished shelf can be made mobile if you install wheelson the bottom board.

The headset will be more stable if you attach it to the wall using special studs or install L-shaped bracket.

Shelf for the kitchen do it yourself

Men, probably, never understand why hostesses do not have enough shelves in the kitchen, but few people will refuse themselves the pleasure to surprise her simple, but the functional shelf in the kitchen with their own hands.

Make it quite easily. We need to prepare two boards, preferably, from solid rocks of the same length. One of them will be installed horizontally for various utensils, and the other is vertically. It will be installed wooden pegswhich you can hang cups, tacks and more. The width of the boards can be a little different.

On a table for cups located Places for porch. The markup is better to apply symmetrically, then the extreme of them will be equal to the distance from the edges of the plank.

Following the markup, drill holescorresponding to the diameter of the rod.

Using the conductor, this is a special drilling device, you can do several holes to connect both reductions. In the extreme case, it is possible to use and zenkovka, then the depressions under the screws of the screws will need to be hidden by plugs.

Wooden stroy colorize Emery paper and cut into equal parts.

Holes under the hoods are lubricated from the inside the joinery glue and insert pegs. They must act equally. Excess adhesive masses wipe with a napkin.

If the pegs are very tight, you can use hammer.

Glit to their end part circleseither from plywood or from wood. With excess glue come in the same way.

The shelf is generally ready, it remains collect Small emery and to do outwardly: process morilka And cover lacquer or paint.

In the vertical board, the shelf drill two holes through which the shelf will be fixed to the wall screws. Places under the screws of screws are centered, and they themselves are closed with decorative plugs.

When installing the shelf use level.

Shelf out of plexiglass do it yourself

Such a shelf looks very easily, no loading interior. Transparent shelf with their own hands made of stripes plexiglas The specified size, which is installed on the original supports from beads.

Cut it from the sheet more convenient when buying immediately in the store.

Screws are selected from the calculation that the diameter of its head should exceed the hole of the beads. If problems arise with this, you can use the washer.

Beads before starting installation you need paint Gold paint from the canister.

Color wooden beads gold paint from the canister.

In the wall drill Pilot holes.

Six beads are put on the screw, screwed into the wall and align in level. The same is repeated with the second. For a wall of concrete, a dowel is used, in the case of a frame - screws must be included in the tree racks.

Plexiglass plate is put on the resulting supports.

The shelf thickness of 1.2 cm provides sufficient stiffness, but not so much to lay heavy items on it.

Suspended shelf on belts with their own hands

Make such a construction extremely simple.

Need to prepare Board Convenient size and pollute the surface of all the edges of the sandpaper.

If the texture of the tree is not expressive enough and I would like to hide it, it can paint.

From two identical beltsfrom leather (textiles), buckles are removed, as well as all other metal parts.

At the ends of each of them drill holes Small diameter.

Belts are twice as much as formed the loop. They are fixed on the wall, placing apart from each other at a distance of a slightly smaller spreader length.

The board is inserted into the loop and align in such a way that it is located parallel to the floor.

If you want to continue to fix the board, you can additionally secure the belt with a few screws from the bottom.

Cereal Pallet Shelf

Time changes, tastes change. Today, many are trying to use industrial decor in their homes, replacing elegant furniture items on deliberately rough. Separate elements You can do yourself, for example, the shelf with your own hands from wooden building pallets.

For one shelf, you need to disassemble two pallets. As a result, it turns out:

From this material, the following parts are written and grind either emery paper or using special nozzles On the drill:

Boards: Quantity - Dimensions (mm)

  • 4 - 640x145
  • 2 - 680x145
  • 2 - 840x145
  • 2 - 290x145
  • 2 - 640x100
  • 2 - 840x100
  • 2 - 290x50

Checkers: Quantity - Dimensions (mm)

The shelf is collected in the following order:

For the base take two narrow boards 640x100 and fasten on the edges of the checkers. On checkers perpendicular to narrow boards are fixed wide 290x145, aligning them on equal parties.

To the end part basis vertically fasten with self-reserves two boards: narrow (840x100) and wide (840x145). Repeat the same operation with the opposite end end.

Completing ku Future shelf, fastening two top wide boards (680x145). To avoid cracking of wood, you can pre-hold holes in them with a thin drill.

Then two broad boards are fixed to the base (640x145). Lower shelf is ready.

For the rest of the shelves will be needed support planks. For this, the narrowest boards (290x50) are fixed at the desired height.

The remaining boards of 640x145 are attached to the installed plars. It is advisable to fix them with self-draws and from the ends. This will give the design resistance and greater reliability.

The resulting shelf can be used both as a rack for your favorite things, and as a shelf for shoes with your own hands.

Shelf for painting with your own hands

You will not believe, but make an unusual original shelf on the wall for your favorite picture, you can, and from a simple set that you can buy in any supermarket.

Creating this masterpiece will greatly simplify Dremel 300. - Multifunctional tool with large quantity high-quality nozzles I. milling Machine Dremel 231.. The case is that: so that the picture spoke from the shelf, the groove should be made on its surface.

The boards are placed on the milling table and turn over the bottom, place the line of propil groove and with the help of the guides on milling table Install the desired depth.

Perform grooves.

Shelf on the wall of the tree paint in needed color And give her to dry.

Finish it holders And strictly horizontally attached to the wall. The direction is regulated using a construction level.

Children's shelf in the form of a horse with their own hands

From several wooden boards, you can create a cheerful bookshelf, where your baby will gladly fold his books.

It will take for work template Horse pony. It can be drawn or with the help of special computer programs. The template is printed and cut the stencil of the main parts of the future shelf-pony: legs, head and tail.

Stencils are imposed on separate boards, we supply along the contour and cut downdetails with a corresponding tool.

Direct saws are recommended to do a saw, but curvilinear - pubescoml.

Surface of parts and edges with sandpaper.

"Feet" attach to the "body" with furniture screws, then glued head and tail.

You can go on the product once again on the product.

"Horse" coloring.

After a few hours, the miracle shelf will be ready for use.

Shelf shelf

We present to your attention the two ideas of the shelves, which can be easily implemented independently.

First of edged board 40 mm is extremely simple. The shelf is collected:

  • of two boards bevented at the top of 30 ° to ensure emphasis;
  • shelves cut from furniture shield.

Height and width of the design - arbitrary and selected at the place. If desired, the shelf can be fixed in the upper part, and on the bottom of the boards, fill the crawl from rubber.

Second - S - figurative. For the manufacture, you can use trimming boards, faeer or chipboard. For one section of the design, 16 blanks need rectangular shape, For example, 300x150 mm.

Billets Install in a certain order, at each stage three.

The first blank is put on the floor. It is joined at right angles to the second, docked them in the width of the left. The third in the width is joined from the first to its length, ranging from far right corner.

The fourth, fifth, sixth - is assembled symmetrically, with an accuracy of the opposite.

Check how correctly the figure is very simple: the second, the third and fourth boards should form the letter S.

Experienced masters advise first to assemble the design of the wooden structure pins And fit the blanks, and viewing - to numbered from the end of the part.

Every detail then okrug emery paper and begin to collect them, according to the numbering. On the links of the joints and the grooves are imposed PVA glue and clamp tightly, while holding in such a state.

The collected butcher is covered with varnish or color.

Shelf for shoes do it yourself

The main problem for the hallway for all times shoes remain. How to deal with the culprits of riots, and do it if possible more economical? Optimal solution - Make a shelf for shoes with your own hands.

Share a few interesting ideas.

Of plywood. More often make a modular shelf that is attached to the wall and saves space. Phaneur with the help of an electric bike is cut on the same rectangular plank, then neatly squeezed. From the details are collected P-shaped structures And "invest" one to another, forming a design resembling a labyrinth.

Of tree. Of wooden board Cut the blanks with a width of 250-350 mm and a thickness of about 20 mm. The follow-up scheme is as follows:

Put the side walls with a length of approximately 800-900 mm.

Cut four shelves 600-700 mm.

Prepare everything additional details: Transverse crossbars and reference rails.

All blanks are polished.

Support bars fix to the side walls by self-draws.

Shelves are laid on them.

On the rear end part metal corners.

The finished product can be covered with varnish or paint.

Of profile. Galvanized or normal profile Plus tempered glass - everything you need to build a shelf for shoes with your own hands in modern style high tech.

The segment of the profile of the desired length is applied to the wall and fix while by one screw.

Check on the level of horizontal profile line.

Screw the remaining screws.

Collect frame.

Install the harvested shelves made of glass.

Of boxes. It is very economical option Shelves for shoes with their own hands, both in terms of cost and in size.

On cardboard boxes draw contours of parts.

They are cut with a special knife for cardboard.

Then the boxes are made of rectangles, which are superimposed on each other. So form recesses for shoes.

Fasteners perform brackets.

The shelf is collected on the wall, then glued with a decorative film.

Stock Foto Unusual shelves on the wall

An interesting composition on the living room wall, in which several unusual racks are connected in one style and color decisionbut various configuration and size.

On the wall shelves You can store not only books, they will have a place for albums, glass and porcelain figurines, cute baubles, pots with flowers.

Bright and attracting the fancy branch of the Flex Shelf Shelf Branches will give additional space where books and magazines will be scented.

These shelves are a real art object on the wall far from traditional fashion Interior design. Combination of classic I. modern forms Shelves scattered over the wall instantly attract attention.

The TV in this composition looks like a "modern picture" in the frame, inside which an open shelves are asimetrating. They can be placed on them decorative elements, photos and other.

Bright I. creative shelf in the shape of battle It looks incredibly original. It equally stylishly decorate the living room, a bedroom or a children's amateur of original solutions.

Another 80 options for shelves!


  • Roulette and pencil
  • Marking Galnik
  • Small grades abrasive paper
  • Hacksaw
  • Electric saw (if required)
  • Cigaro-shaped level
  • Normal alcohol level
  • Electron Roll with Spiral Drill
  • Drill for brick masonry (If you want to)
  • Measuring racks
  • Malka
  • Screwdriver


  • Shelves
  • Rake 38 x 25 mm made of soft wood
  • Screws
  • Traffic jams

Facing rains of the front edges of these shelves hide the ends of the side planks nailed to the walls.

Many houses have niches, often on the sides of the fireplace or other similar design. These niches - perfect place For built-in shelves and racks, since the walls of the niche provide the required support, especially for heavy loads.

The simplest method of hanging the shelves - attach to the side walls of the plank - supports for the shelf itself. In wide niches, add a third bar along the back wall, preventing the shelf bending. If the plaster on the walls of the niche is uneven, pon each shelf separately. The shelves can be made of wood, plywood, vessel fanned veneer, coat with mourn or paint.

If you are going to attach a bar along the back of the niche, be especially careful if there is a lamp in the niche - there may be hidden wiring in the wall. Electrician specialists always make the wiring vertically or horizontally, but the amateur could pave the wire diagonally. Best use to search hidden wiring Special seeker (see Useful Tips).

1. First decide where the shelves will be (using a seeker to determine the location of racks, wires and pipes, see the next page). For the shelving, determine the distance between the shelves. Then mark the position of the shelves on the side wall of the niche.

2. Awards to drink so many slats as it is required to support the shelves, and span their ends well. If you make the shelves with front facing rails (see clause 7), to determine the length of the side reference slats, hold the width of the rails from the width of the shelf. Otherwise, the length of the side planks should correspond to the width of the shelves.

3. Approximately 25 mm from the ends, drill in each side slap hole. Attach the bar to the label and install it horizontally by level. Select the position of the rear screw. Drill the hole, insert, if necessary, the plug and screw the screw. Similarly, fasten the strip by the second screw.

4. Configuring all the planks on one wall, in terms of the level of the line on the back wall, mark the position of the planks on the opposite wall. Attach the planks to the opposite wall according to the indications in paragraph 3. When using wide shelves, install the support bar and on the back of the niche.

5. Using dimensional rails - two rails bonded with a circular rubber band (they give a more accurate result than roulette), - determine the length of the back side for each shelf. Male determine the exact angular measure of each angle.

6. Cut the shelves according to the desired size and form. Color the shelves or protect them with a verse and (or) Cover with varnish and let dry. Carefully, not to damage the wall, put the shelves on the support bar. If you want to hide the ends of the planks, follow the directions of paragraph 7.

7. Cut facing rails to install under the front end of each shelf. Clamps attach the rail to the shelf, protecting the surface of the skid. Attach the rack with screws of such a length so that they entered the shelf no more than two thirds of its thickness. Gaps are covered. After drying the putty, paint these places.

The current developers, in contrast to the colleagues of the past generation, do not seek to equip the living area to store alash. It increases the living area, but does not allow optimizing the space and have such a needed storage zone.

The presence in the apartment of the pantry becomes for the hostess gift and sometimes luxury inaccessible to others.

Unfortunately, not always a storage room equippedshelves and racks For accommodation and storageof things , so installshelves in storeroom Avoid yourself.

Make the shelves in the storage room with their own hands - the task is simple.

Before you start creatingshelving, it is necessary decide how to lookshelves in the storage room and the design itself, as well as what fastenersshelves Connect with a wall.

There are only two options as you can make a rack, namely make a separate shelf, or just fasten the boards directly on the wall.

First, it is necessary to portray the idea on paper. This will allow visualize the desiredrack , Perform measurements and most successfully place it taking into account the wishes and alleged storage items.

So that the storage room can be equipped with racks, it should be enough space.

Need to take into account thatshelves It should be located on the width of the bottom up, that is, the bottomshelf It will be the widest, and the upper, respectively, the narrow itself. This is due to the fact that on the lowershelves The most dimensional items that are inconvenient and inappropriate to raise up are stored.

It is necessary to carefully consider the distance between the shelves and relate it to those subjects that are planned to be stored.

Depending on the desire of the ownersstellagi May have any shape that will allow to implement the location selected for the construction of the structure.

It is necessary to take into account the amount of free space - if the racks will occupy too much space, then you will be inconvenient to walk in the storage room.

The P-shaped and Mr. shape is selected more often, such a kind of shelves is the most practical. For installation, it is better to prefer the metal brackets and fasteners, they are the most durable, withstand any weight on the shelves.

Choose any option suitable for you.

Necessary materials

Deciding how to make the shelves in the storage room, It is necessary to determine the material from which the design will be performed. There are several options.

Besides wooden materials, you can choose others, the main thing is the strength and possibility self-mount. In addition toshelves You should stock fasteners to be installedshelves , consumablesnecessary to work.

In order to make wooden stellags For storage room, you will need not many materials and serious tools.

Tools for work

To understand what toolneeded To work, you need to clarify what exactly should be done. If the shelf material is not prepared and needs trimming and sharpening under the desired dimensions, then in obligatory It is necessary to have a jigsaw or hacksaw on a tree and a planer. They will help to doshelves The desired size. And also need sandpaper To handle the edges of the sleeps and give the shelves completed.

Tools required for work.

Need a perforator to create holes inwall Under the dowel-nails to secure brackets, a screwdriver for connecting parts to each other, if necessary.

This is enough so that there are good and reliable shelves in the storeroom, where you can store anything.

Mind of mind:


Thinking how to make shelves in the storage room, It is important to determine the place. Place where will be attachedshelves It should be selected taking into account many factors.

The wall on which the mount is planned should be carrier.

This is the key to the strength and durability of the design. Thin interior partition may not withstand loads andshelves Forced by heavy objects, collapsed.

In addition to boards, you can use chipboard, fane and other suitable materials.

If the mount is carried out not directly towall It is possible to fantasize in accordance with the desired form of location.

Consider the dimensions of the items that are supposed to be stored.

It is important to prepare the premises of the storeroom, to align in advance and put in order wall toshelves got up exactly and there was no need to customize them under the reliefwalls.

It is worth taking care of the coverage before the installation of the rack will occur.

Manufacturing and installation process

So, place under the rack Selected, all tools and materials are prepared, layoutshelves On paper made, and all sizes are verified and calculated? It can be proceeded to the main process of manufacturing shelves and installation of the structure.

  1. First that need Make - with the help of a roulette and building level to mark the wall markup, which will perform the basis of the attachment.

    With the help of roulette, the height of the shelves in the center of the room and using laser Level Horizontal lines are conducted.

    With the help of the perforator, you need to do the holes inwall In those places where brackets will be attached.

    With the help of dowel-nails, guide profiles are fastened to the walls.

    Secure the bases for brackets and install them.

    Their number depends on the desired amount of shelves, and the distance between them defines the height of the shelves.

  2. The next stage is the manufacture of shelves. Need a jigsaw or saw cut out of woodshelves on the necessary dimensions.

    Dimensions better clarify again and for greater accuracy cut pattern from cardboard.

    Completing them with installed brackets, you can proceed to trimming. Aftershelves of the desired size Will cut out, it is worth treating a spike sandpaper to remove the roughness.

    It will give the shelves a decent view.

  3. Securing the brackets and cutting the desired sizesshelves It is necessary to establish the latter in the place of the planned location and secure with the help of fasteners and the screwdriver.

It is better to have the shelves with a greater height below.

Rack With shelves in the storage room ready! You can safely use it for storage.of things and optimization of the surrounding space.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult in this, and after installing racks and shelves you can store items in the storage room most rationally and convenient.

Many houses have niches, often on the sides of the fireplace or other similar design. These niches are an ideal place for embedded shelves and racks, since the walls of the niche provide the required support, especially for heavy loads.

Facing rains of the front edges of these shelves hide the ends of the side planks nailed to the walls.

The simplest method of hanging the shelves - attach to the side walls of the plank - supports for the shelf itself. In wide niches, add a third bar along the back wall, preventing the shelf bending. If the plaster on the walls of the niche is uneven, pon each shelf separately. The shelves can be made of wood, plywood, vessel fanned veneer, coat with mourn or paint.

If you are going to attach a bar along the back of the niche, be especially careful if there is a lamp in the niche - there may be hidden wiring in the wall. Electrician specialists always make the wiring vertically or horizontally, but the amateur could pave the wire diagonally. It is best to use a special seeker to search for hidden wiring (see Useful Tips).

Step 1

First, decide where the shelves will be (using a seeker to determine the location of racks, wires and pipes, see the next page). For the shelving, determine the distance between the shelves. Then mark the position of the shelves on the side wall of the niche.

Step 2.

Award discovery so many slats as it is required to support the shelves, and get enough ends well. If you make the shelves with front facing rails (see clause 7), to determine the length of the side reference slats, hold the width of the rails from the width of the shelf. Otherwise, the length of the side planks should correspond to the width of the shelves.

Step 3.

Approximately 25 mm from ends drill in each side bar of the hole. Attach the bar to the label and install it horizontally by level. Select the position of the rear screw. Drill the hole, insert, if necessary, the plug and screw the screw. Similarly, fasten the strip by the second screw.

Step 4.

Securing all the planks on one wall, in terms of the level of the line on the back wall, mark the position of the planks on the opposite wall. Attach the planks to the opposite wall according to the indications in paragraph 3. When using wide shelves, install the support bar and on the back of the niche.

Step 5.

Using measuring rails - two rails bonded by a round rubber (they give a more accurate result than the roulette), - determine the length of the back side for each shelf. Male determine the exact angular measure of each angle.

Step 6.

Cut the shelves according to the desired size and form. Color the shelves or protect them with a verse and (or) Cover with varnish and let dry. Carefully, not to damage the wall, put the shelves on the support bar. If you want to hide the ends of the planks, follow the directions of paragraph 7.

Step 7.

Cut cladding rails to install under the front end of each shelf. Clamps attach the rail to the shelf, protecting the surface of the skid. Attach the rack with screws of such a length so that they entered the shelf no more than two thirds of its thickness. Gaps are covered. After drying the putty, paint these places.

For searching in the walls hidden wiring, water pipes or frame racks (in case plasterboard walls) It is best to use a crawler from the battery. Some types of seekers are intended solely to search for racks, others - combined. Attach the wall seeker at the location of the alleged attachment installation and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

It happens that for any household items there is not enough space, and in the niche of the bathroom or toilet there is an unused emptiness.

This emptiness can be filled with economic objects, attaching several shelves to the walls. To do this, you will need: a few pavements of the size you need, metal corners, fasteners and tools.

Consider fastening to the concrete wall.

Initially, choose the location and number of shelves and make marking on the wall. We harvest the necessary size of the board or Phaneur.

In advance harvested in the concrete hole score bubbled with glue plows. Instead of dowels. With dowels I did not work, because they need holes specified sizeAnd I have a wall very well and each hole is a unique form and with its size. In addition, it will be easier to get a screw in the right place so that the corners hung smoothly.

If the wooden "cork" does not fit entirely in the wall, then simply climb it. You can apply a more accurate way - sprinkle under the base.

The wall turned 4 "tubes" for one shelf. Now fasten self-made corners to the wall.

Put the workpiece of our shelf to corners and a pencil marked the place opposite the holes.

Holes from the top of the top drill more to the drill to hide the head of the fastening bolt or screw.

I have bolts with secret head It was not found, but I didn't want to run behind them, so I fastened the shelves on the screws.

And the screws were kept not for the screws, so they screwed a dowel on them, and the tips gently cut off.

And so with each shelf.

You can enlist the shelves a little, sailing them with a glue. The place to accommodate household items is ready.