Repairs Design Furniture

How to make hidden wiring in the apartment - step-by-step instructions. Hidden wiring - laying tips and tools for detection (110 photos) Performing hidden wiring in channels

Hidden wiring is not as difficult as it may seem. And today we will tell about this, because it is the holding of electrical wiring "in the closed" is much more aesthetic and, accordingly, in demand.

What is important: by mounting the hidden wiring, you retain the interior of your own apartment. We will take to tell you how to qualitatively carry out the hidden wiring in the walls in your home in your own effort, without spending money for an invitation of the electrician.

Advantages of hidden wiring gasket

Hidden electrical installation is an excellent option with a long repair or total replacement of wiring in the house.

The most tangible advantages lies in the following:

  • as mentioned above, the interior of the rooms is preserved, because the entire wiring is hiding in the walls or in space, closed from the eye with hypersteps;
  • higher fire safety (after all, if the walls are made of non-combustible materials - plaster, concrete, or bricks, then the lit wiring will not cause fire);
  • increasing the life of the network, because it is correctly protected from both mechanical impacts and other negative external factors (for example, from ultraviolet).

However, there was a place for disadvantages. The most notable ones are some complexity of installation in comparison with the open way (although it is worth it), as well as difficulty in the need for repair work. The reason for this, of course, is clear - in the case of any problem (let's say, the cliff or burnout wire) will have to destroy the wall decoration. But no matter how cool, the wiring method is much more reliable. So, with disadvantages and advantages figured out - this means that you can proceed to business.

Installation: Step-by-step instructions

Consider the procedure for laying wiring on the example of a house with concrete or brick walls.

Create a schema

Creating a scheme involves drawing a special plan, which marks: Path line path, location of sockets, switches, power boxes and lighting devices in each individual room. This scheme is also useful for counting the volume of materials used. Visual example for one-room apartment or at home:

  • ensure that the cable takes place exclusively in vertical and horizontal positions, and also resisted a distance of 15-20 centimeters from the highway to the floor or the ceiling;
  • remember that it is always done at the entrance to the room, and (although it is not regulated by any gtales or other regulatory documents) should be as convenient for a person (so in the kitchen the outlets are mounted at the table top, in the living room - for the TV, etc.);
  • it is obliged to take into account the fact that the distance from electrolyney to batteries, pipelines and ventilation channels is required to be at least 50 centimeters (Puete reads about it).

Cooking materials and tools

This stage implies counting the number of switches, sockets, the required cable length and other network elements. It will also be necessary to fulfill to determine the diameter of the lived.

Neglect the calculation in no case can - It is fraught with the fact that too thin conductor will not cope with the load from powerful household appliances entering it.

When the calculation is executed, select the required switches and sockets (for example, the bathroom is mounted exceptionally moisture-proof models of products).

The minimum set of materials is as follows:

  • gypsum solution;
  • insulating tape;
  • terminal blocks;
  • protective corrugated pipe (optional);
  • cable - usually used;
  • distribution wiring;
  • outbreaks;
  • sockets;
  • switches.

The minimum set of tools in turn looks like this:

  • master OK;
  • simple pencil;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • special tool for removing insulation from wires;
  • multimeter;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • the tool for the walls of the walls (suitable as the strokesis and the perforator or the Bulgarian).

Making the posting shirms

When the whole needed set of tools and materials is ready - proceed to the stroke. For this, a special markup is applied to the wall, thanks to which it is possible to conveniently navigate when it is done in the deepening. By the way, the procedure can be simplified using a chalk rope or a special marking cord.

When the markup is applied - we carry out the tool and are done with it using the groove in the walls. If you have in your hands in Bulgarian's hands - you need to cut two parallel lines with a distance between them in 3-4 centimeters, after which it remains to be converged with a hammer with a chisel. The depth of the groove depends on the cable cross section and is determined with the subsequent reserve (it is associated with the subsequent plastering).

Of course, the best fixture for the walls of the walls is a specialized tool, it is also strokesis. Strokesis makes deepening quickly and without unnecessary trouble. The snag is only that the value of the tool is high enough and does not make any sense to acquire it for one-time use.

The last step of the stroke stage is the creation of special recesses for outlets and junction boxes. There will save a drill with a crown with a nozzle with a diameter of 6.8 centimeters. And when the deepeners are ready - go to the installation. For the reliability of peavercraft and boxes "sit down" on a gypsum solution, which is securely secure plastic to the concrete wall. At the same time, the edges of the products are placed in a surface - this will facilitate the procedure for decorative wall decoration in the future.


Next, we lay the line by placing the cable along the stroke. First, the mode is the conductor on the segments of the length you need (for example, the segment from the distribution box to the socket and so on), leaving the reserve to connect the live. Next, fix the cable in the strokes of gypsum mortar. When the work is done - it remains to be made of hidden wiring to verify the correctness of the connections, as well as the overall network overall. Make sure everything is fine? So you can safely put the wall!

I would like to separately make a reservation regarding the use of corrugated tubes when laying a cable. Protective corrugation is intended to preserve the line from all sorts of detrimental mechanical loads, shocks and similar phenomena. However, the use of such material is a purely individual thing.

This ends with hidden wiring in a house or apartment. We can make sure that there is nothing particularly difficult or incomprehensible in the procedure. The main thing is to be attentive, as well as observe the color marking of the wires when performing connections. In the end, it remains to install sockets with switches, as well as protective automation in the shield (after which you can start the mounted chandelier and arrangement of the premises).

A few words about plasterboard

We talked about installing wiring in concrete and brick walls. However, they did not mention the width - drywall, the cable laying in which is much simpler. It is easier because there is no need to perform a sticking.

The power line is carried out under the sheets of plasterboard between metal profiles:

Installation of hidden wiring is theoretically possible in any buildings, but not allowed everywhere. It should be understood that in addition to the types and types of hidden wiring in the apartment, which I wrote in the article, the hidden wiring is irremorated and replaced in the deputy pipes.

The most difficult installation of hidden wiring in concrete walls. The complexity of the adhesive of concrete is exacerbated by the restriction on the manufacture of strokes in the panel houses. More simply stroke brick walls. Brick is easy to cut and very easy to fasten the cable in brickwalls.

However, hidden wiring is not possible everywhere. For example, a brick facial single M-150 is impossible to stick, as it destroys the corrugated side of this brick. Also hidden wiring is not done in the fires.

Not connected and replaced hidden wiring

Not changeable, deputy, hidden wiring is a gasket or protected wires in the woven furrows without the possibility of replacement.

Such wiring is allowed only in non-combustible or weak-threshable walls, and easier in concrete, brick, slag blocks, plaster. It is done in stranges or in other furrows. The depth of the furrow should be such, the fines of the shelter layer of the solution was not thinner than 20 mm.

Important! Do not hide cables and wires of electrical wiring in the joints of the walls and in interpanel seams is prohibited. ().

If your walls and / or ceilings are panel plates with special channels, they can be used for hidden wiring.

The replaced wiring is paved in the deputy pipes with the possibility of hauling. Such wiring is allowed in furrows, in the floors in the layer of the first screed, as well as in the voids of building structures.

Pipes for electrical wiring can be replaced by a flexible corrugation, in a different way it is called. Let me remind you that the electrical corrugation is used both for and for deployed wiring in the walls and sex.

Food Cable Apartment

Apartment power cable refers to distribution networks at home. It can also be mounted hidden, in special channels, in furrows, in the floor of the first screed.

Note: For any hidden wiring, you can use the cable, but the wires in the protective sheath. True, I do not recommend using wires, even protected, for non-permanent electrical wiring, without pipes.

With the general issues of hidden wiring in the apartment figured out, go to the installation.

Installation of hidden wiring in the walls

Installation of hidden wiring includes the following order of work:

  • Marking of the track, often this stage is called;
  • At the markup stage, you can search in the walls of the channels. They will simplify the next stage of work;
  • Production of furrows (stranges) and niches for peavern. The most dirty and noisy work in the installation of hidden wiring;
  • Room cleaning;
  • At the points of installation of sockets or socket blocks, mounting boxes are installed (submersors). Similarly prepared places for switches.

Laying cable in stranges or gasket pipes (corrugated rubber) in furrows

The ends of the cables are started in the mounting boxes. If you put the sockets, the loops are breeding between adjacent sublinks. The length of the left cable ends for mounting the sockets must be at least 15 cm. By the way, there is a SNiP in which the dimensions of these ends are determined.

The low-current wires and cables are paved separately or in parallel from the power cables. Recording power and low-current cables can not be allowed, the likelihood of interference during operation is large.

Passed cables or pipes for beginnings are fixed in furrows quick-drying alabaster. Then closes the layer of plaster.

If the wiring wiring of the apartment provides for opening boxes, the cables in them need to spill, check the wiring, disconnect boxes.

In the deputy pipes (corrugation) cables or wires are delayed after the completion of plastering and putty works. Installation of sockets and switches is made after the end of the finishes.

Installation of hidden wiring in the floor

Installation of hidden electrical wiring in the floor is made in electrical corrugation or plastic pipes. Laying pipes is made on the draft floor, to the first screed. To tighten the cable into the pipe (corrugation) in it there must be a stretched wire (rolling). The ends of the rod should be available at both ends of the furnished corrugations. If the rod in the pipe can be inserted after installation, the corrugation is sold and laid already with a rod in.

When laying corrugations on the floor, follow the angles of its rotation. It is necessary that they are at least 90⁰, otherwise tighten the cable can be problematic. When installing pipes on the floor for turns, use special connecting corners.

1. Wedding hidden type.

2. Wedding open type.

3. Wedding using special electrical products - plastic boxes and plinths.

In the next article, we will try to consecrate all the labeling nuances and the electrical wiring device of the hidden type.

Hidden wiring from the technical side the most complex and labor-intensive, but at the same time it is the best option from the point of view of aesthetics. The difficulty of editing is to need to drown insulated wires or cables in the tubes in the walls.

Hidden wiring is installed as before, during and after construction work. In the latter case it will be insert. In this case, there is one limitation - it is forbidden to carry out the insertion of hidden wiring into an already existing floor. This operation can only be done in the construction work process or before they are started. This is due to the fact that the stroke of the floor screed will significantly weaken it and subsequently it will begin to crack.

Before carrying out installation work, a particular attention should be paid to the pipes that will be installed in a hidden way. They should not have deviations from the norm and other damage. The shoes must have dimensions that allow them to fix the wires in them and completely close them with a plastering mixture.

Pipes recessed in channels should not contain any auxiliary reinforcement in the form of compounds and branching. Connections of hidden wiring are carried out exclusively in the connecting boxes.

For convenience and understanding of the principles of laying electrical wires, we will introduce the table with the installation rules.

Mounting Rules for Hidden Wiring

At first, immediately pointed attention to several rules:

1. Do not make a diagonal or oblique lines. Channels under the cable must be either vertical or horizontal.

2. The breeding channel must fully correspond to the diameter of the pipes, taking into account the subsequent coating with a 4-millimeter plaster ball.

3. Do not make cable channels on one along the axis from different sides of the wall.

As mentioned above, the hidden wiring is laid in insulating pipes, so they need to be selected with all seriousness. As aid, we give a table of various types of pipes.

Also should not forget about the degree of protection of wires from mechanical impact. Used pipes must comply with the international IK standard. These parameters must be indicated on the product itself, or on the package.

Standard IK allows you to determine the degree of protection against damage:

Mounting wires in pipes

Laying cable through pipes The occupation is quite time consuming. Simplify the task will help pipes equipped with a special mechanism for pulling wires. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase such a product, then when buying ordinary, take a cable immediately. He builds rather cheap and useful you more than once.

Before stretching the wire through the insulation pipe, they must be pre-prepared. The number of wires that can be installed in the pipe is limited. In accordance with modern standards, its third container should remain free. This is done in order not to damage the wire and isolation during its dragging, as well as for the organization of an airbag, which will prevent the tube to be placed as a result of strong overheating. Another important point to pay attention is the inadmissibility of the installation in one pipe of the low-current and electrical wire. Everywhere should be parity: electrical wires with electrical, and low-current with low-current.

Laying and climbing pipes in a brick wall

Similarly, laying insulating pipes in the concrete wall occurs. The exceptions are only fasteners - the pipe is mounted with plastic brackets or in several places is covered with a solution of plaster.

Installation of hidden wiring behind wall panels

In the repair of premises, thermal insulation panels are increasingly used. In this case, part of the wiring must be distributed in advance. The result will be similar to laying an electrical cable in the wall, but without its inconvenience.

As happens everywhere, the following rules complies:

  • pipes must be made of non-rigging materials;
  • for wiring devices, it is necessary to apply special box mounting boxes;
  • wiring can not be laid across the wall.

Wall panels can be attached directly to the metal profile, on which there are already ready-made holes for pulling the cable. In this case, corrugations are also used. If the wiring is laid without it, then the likelihood of insulation damage increases.

Installation of hidden electrical wiring (stroke)

For a visual understanding of the installation process, we offer you a series of pictures that will help to understand the logic of installing hidden wiring.

Fastening of the mounting box

There are certain nuances here. If in the room where the work is carried out, the walls are made of concrete, then it is better to use a crown with a diamond spraying. The tip with a winning tip until the end of the repair is most likely not surviving. It is better to use it when working with walls from finbles. In turn, it is impossible to use a diamond spraying crown on the finables, it will shit and even crack.

Before starting milling, in the center of the installation center you need to do a hole, a diameter similar to the drill set on the cutter. Thanks to this, the cutter will experience significantly less resistance.

Installation of electrical wiring in the floor

Recall that the installation of electrical wires in the floor is performed at the installation stage of floor plates. Insulating pipes with wires can be installed between the bars of the support of the floodplain floor. If you make a dry puffed floor of the ceramisit, then the task of laying is even easier. It is enough just to fix them on the floor and fall asleep by clay. In the case of the filler concrete floor, we do similarly: secure the wiring, pour concrete, flatter the floor and stele coating.

When filling the floor with special high-pressure cars, fastening is carried out as follows:

  • lay out the cable next to each other, not forgetting that the minimum distance between low-current wires and electric - 10 centimeters;
  • align the pipes;
  • at the output, one bundle of wires with rays for electrical installations should be obtained;
  • using perflectors and dowels, fix the bundle of wires throughout the wiring;

It is necessary to reliably fasten the cable in order to in the process of pouring under pressure, they did not survive out.

Before mounting wiring to the floor, you must need to perform the following steps:

1. Available to inspect the pipes for the presence of defects.

2. Breaks, recessed in concrete or clamzit must be holistic, without any compounds or branches.

3. When using a warm floor system, you need to distinguish the wires and heating elements as much as possible.

Laying of wiring in the floor in the process of construction work

The main characteristics of the wires

The reliability of the wiring directly depends on the quality of the conductor. Currently, a sufficient number of various cables, wires and cords are represented on the market. They differ in several parameters:

1. The size of the cross section lived - from 0.75 to 800 millimeters.

2. When the conductive lived materials are copper, aluminum, aluminum and copper alloy.

3. At the amount of lived - there lived from 1 to 37.

4. As a shell - plastic, rubber or metal.

5. By type of insulation - paper, plastic, rubber and yarn.

High-quality wires have two types of insulation and are called protected. Cables used in residential buildings and apartments similar to ordinary wires. The wires are denoted by the abbreviation of PUGNP, and the cable - VG.

The main difference between the wire and cable is a thinner and soft outer shell at the first. Due to its price is significantly lower. In turn, the cable is more resistant to wear and serves longer.

To determine the quality of the cable and wire, you need to pay attention to their marking. The first letter denotes the material from which the conductive lived. For example, the letter A is put on aluminum veins. Note that copper conductive veins are not subject to labeling.

Letter n denotes a wire or plastic isolation. Double letter P characterizes flat wire. B and P are used to indicate the type of insulation - polyvinyl chloride or rubber.

For example, the first letter A reports that aluminum veins are used. The wire with copper conductive conductors is usually not marked. The remaining labeling symbols lists the indicators and characteristics of other elements.

For laying wiring in an apartment or house, two varieties of VG and NUM cables are suitable, and PUNP wires, PVS, PUGNP and SVVP.

The VG cable has copper veins and vinyl isolation. The letter G in marking means that the cable is unarmed. The WDG has several varieties with additional parameters, for example, the NG NG is not lit, and the WDG has an additional layer of the outer shell.

Num is a cable with a round cross section and a suspended degree of strength. It is mainly used to organize hidden wiring, as it has poor sustainability to sunlight.

PVA is a connecting wire covered with vinitive insulation. Suitable for any type of work.

PBPP is a flat-type wire with polyethylene insulation. Used for laying light lines.

PBGPP is an analogue of the PBPP, which is different only by the presence of a multi-breed flexible core.

ShVPP - flat copper wire with increased flexibility.

Video strips hidden wiring

In the practice of electrical work work, hidden wiring was widespread wiring, performed by the APAVS and ARTS with a gasket directly in the thickness of building structures: in gypsum, concrete partitions, under the plaster, in the voids and channels of overlaps and walls.

The hidden wire wiring is performed by following the following requirements: wires in thin-walled partitions up to 80 mm or under the layer of plaster are parallel to architectural and construction lines; between horizontally laid wires and slabs of overlapping distance should not exceed 150 mm; In building structures, the thickness of more than 80 mm wires are packed through the shortest routes.

In the premises of brick buildings, as well as in large-scale buildings with partitions from slabs of small sizes, hidden wiring with flat wires are performed as follows: in brick and plastered walls - directly under the layer of plaster; in the walls of large concrete blocks - in the seams between blocks, and separate sections in the strokers; In floors from multi-rolled slabs - in the voids of the plates.

The electrical wiring is started after the construction work and work on clean floor laying.

Installation of hidden electrical wiring is performed in a specific sequence.

First place the track of the wiring, determine the installation sites of the branch boxes for switches and plug sockets, hooks under the lamps. Markup starts with definitions for installation on the project of muckers, lamps, switches and plug sockets.

Next place the routes of wires. Flat wires are packed at a distance of 100 - 150 mm from the ceiling or 50 - 100mm from beam or cornice. Wires can be laid in the slit between the partition and overlapping or beam. The lines to the plug sockets are paved at the height of their installation (800 or 300 mm from the floor) or in the corner between the partition and the top of the slab of the floors. Descents and lifts to switches, lamps perform vertically.

When laying wires and cables in the channels of prefabricated building structures, the markup of the tracks and the installations of the device is not required.

Before tightening the wires, the caliber check the suitability of the channels. The diameter of the caliber must be at least 0.9 design diameter of the channel. Particular attention is paid to the presence of edema and sharp faces in the pair of building elements of buildings.

Then check the condition of the connective niches of adjacent connecting panels. Niche is performed by semicircular shapes with a radius of 70 mm. Tightening wires into the channels produce from the device to boxes and niches. The tightening force should not exceed 20 N per 1 sq. M. Current section lived. When the diameter of the channel 20 mm can be tightened to 5 wires, the seizure of 25 mm is up to 8 wires with a cross section of 205 mm square meters.

With a limited number of wires and a small length of the channels, the tightening is made manually, with a large number - with the help of steel wire, previously tightened into the channel.

Today there are different methods for creating wiring in a house or apartment. When performing major repairs, electrical communications are most often carried out in a hidden way. This procedure can be performed with your own hands. Before you need to familiarize yourself with the existing standards and requirements that are put forward to this process.

The master must have elementary skills of working with an electrician. In this case, you can perform the work independently. How to install hidden wiring will be considered further.

general characteristics

Hidden wiring is one of the best solutions when performing overhaul in an apartment or house. In this case, the wires will be held under the surface of the walls. Also, this option is chosen if the construction of the house has not yet completed. When the walls are kicked out, overlaps are created, you can start creating wiring a hidden type.

In this case, it is necessary to develop a project to be applied to the actual dimensions of the system. There are several ways to install hidden wiring. At the same time, the owners of the house choose the option that is most suitable for the structure.

The submitted type of installation has a lot of advantages. However, special requirements put forward to the creation of this type of system. It is very important to fulfill all the provisions of the standards. Otherwise, the use of such a system will be unsafe. As a result, fire may occur. This leads to a damage of property, and is also a threat to the life and health of people.


Hidden wiring in the house has a lot of advantages. First of all, it should be noted that the decoration indoors will be more aesthetic. On the surface of the walls there will be no non-resident, etc. This allows you to implement different design solutions, create a fashionable interior style.

Wires will be reliably protected from mechanical damage. This allows you to significantly extend their life. Also the hidden type of wiring is characterized by high fire safety, if the installation is made in the house of brick or concrete blocks.

In this case, the cable passes in the hermetic channel. If the isolation is impaired and the appearance of the fireplace, it will go fast. Insufficient amount of oxygen contributes to rapid damping. This is another important advantage of the hidden method of electrical communications. However, there is a methodology and a number of shortcomings. You need to know about them before starting installation.


Hidden wiring in the house has some drawbacks. This method is characterized by high costs, time and money. A lot of construction dust can be formed in the process of creating channels. It is for this reason that the hidden wiring does not create in the case of the presence of high-quality finishing of walls.

It should also be said that the presented method is not absolutely fireproof for wooden structures. In this case, it is better to give preference to an open installation method. It should also be said that the creation of overall cable channels in the thickness of concrete walls is unacceptable. This can harm the building of the building.

Closed wiring is hidden from the eyes. If a short circuit occurs, the wire insulation disorders, the owners of the house cannot see such deviations. This may cause fire. To find a damaged place, you will need to make more effort.

Montage varieties

There are different types of hidden wiring. The choice of technique depends on the characteristics of the walls in which it is intended to create communications. You can lay the electrical wires in the layer of plaster. To get them if necessary, the wall will be problematic.

The second option involves the arrangement of a special cable channel. It can be a corrugated or special electrical pipe. In it, the wires pass like in the mine. This allows, if necessary, it is easy to get them from the channel and replace with new communications. However, the method is not suitable for concrete walls. Breaking the channels of a large width forbidden.

If a method is selected in the plaster, you should evaluate, even the wall. This depends on the type of installation. If the wall is smooth, the wires can be mounted under the layer of plaster 5 mm. However, this is not always appropriate. If the wall is very uneven, in order to reduce the consumption of plaster, you will need to first label the channels and put communication in them.

Norms and rules

There are certain rules that need to be adhered to when creating hidden wiring. It should be said that all communications must pass strictly by vertical or horizontal lines. It is strictly forbidden to reduce the path of the cable in order to save material and lay it on the diagonal.

This rule exists to improve security during the operation of the electrical system. The user in this case clearly knows that the wire of the vertical or horizontal plane departs from the hidden wiring outlet. In the event of a breakdown or even simply, if necessary, driven a nail into the wall, determine where the line passes, it will be easier. Otherwise, the likelihood of lesion is large.

It should also be said that the line of electrical communications should pass from the ceiling at a distance of 15 cm and more. This is a relatively new rule. Household owners in the future may want to create a stretch or suspended ceiling. In this case, the wiring, which is close to the overlap, will complicate the installation.

Drawing up the scheme

Before starting the installation necessarily creates a circuit of hidden wiring. It is important to consider a number of nuances. In addition to the norms and rules listed above, it will be necessary to pay attention to the correct location of all elements of the system.

When calculating, it is necessary to calculate the estimated load on the line. For each room or a group of electrical appliances, a separate wire must be carried out. Sockets, switches are usually placed at different levels. At the same time take into account the requirements that are put forward to the comfort of use. For example, in the hall the outlet is best created for the TV, and in the kitchen - near the table top.

Also in the diagram you need to specify all the sizes nearby objects and communications. From batteries, ventilation channels or sewer and plumbing pipes The electrical track should be at a distance of at least 50 cm. Specifying exact dimensions will allow purchasing the optimal amount of materials for installation.


To create estimates for creating hidden wiring, you need to calculate the number of all system elements, the wire length. You should also calculate the total load on the power track. From this depends the indicator of the cross section of the wire. It should be said that for mounting the hidden wiring does not fit the wire with aluminum residential. You need to purchase a copper type cable in this case. At the same time, its insulation material should differ in a high degree of resistance to ignition. The Wire of the VG brand is best suited.

Next, using the prepared scheme, you need to calculate the length of the wire, the number of sockets, pickles, switches, junction boxes for hidden wiring and other elements. It will also be necessary to consider the number of terminals, compounds, the length of the corrugation, the amount of solution.


You should prepare a number of tools that are necessary to install hidden postings. A perforator or bollard, chisel, hammer, indicator screwdrivers, trowel, construction level will be required. You should also purchase a multimeter and a device for removing isolation from the wire.


To make a hidden need to consider the detailed technology of the entire process. First you need to perform the markup correctly. This procedure can only be processed after creating a scheme. Places for switches, sockets and junction boxes are planned on the surface of the base.

There are different ways to perform the correct track markup. It does not require accuracy to a millimeter. However, the lines must be smooth and precisely horizontal or vertical. Most often, non-professional builders apply a construction level for this.

One of the most popular and accurate ways is the use of a caprony thread. It rubbed with colored chalk. Next, the thread is stretched between two points, between which the track will pass. The cord is strongly stretched and discouraged sharply. A color and smooth line appears on the wall. This method is suitable for creating both horizontal and vertical tracks.

Creating a shroud

Studying how to hide the wiring, you should consider the technology of creating a stroke. For this, Bulgarian will be required. With this tool with a nozzle in the form of a circle with a diamond spraying on the outlined lines, cuts are made in the wall. This procedure leads to the formation of a set of dust. Therefore, work is necessarily carried out in glasses and overalls.

Next, using a perforator between two parallel lines, a groove is made. If there is no such tool at hand, you can perform this procedure using a hammer and chisel. However, this option will require more time and strength.

Professional masters for these purposes use special equipment. It allows the strokesis. It is recommended to apply in a complex with a construction vacuum cleaner. In this case, the work is carried out very quickly and efficiently. However, to acquire a similar product for use not in professional purposes is impractical. This technique is quite expensive.

The wire laying must be performed in accordance with the PUE standards. At the same time, the features of the material of the walls take into account. The width of the shine can be different. It depends on the number of wires that will be held under the base of the wall. There should be a small distance between each cable, literally a few millimeters. However, when passing in the stroke of 3 wires, its width will be greater than when conducting a line of 1-2 lines.

In some cases, construction standards and rules for the installation of electrical equipment are negotiated by the need for communications in the corrugation. In this case, the depth and width of the channel increases even more. It can reach 40 mm and more. It depends on the dimensions of the pipe.

You will also need to create appropriate holes for the subsequent installation of outlets and switches. For this, a special crown is applied, which is put on the drill. Its diameter must correspond to the parameters of the opposition.

Fixing wires

To install hidden wiring in concrete or brick bases, special fasteners are used. It can be a UW dowel-clamp. Most often, products with labeling 5/10 are used for self-installation. The selection depends on the type of cable. To create holes for clamps, you will need a drill with a diameter of 6 mm.

When the necessary recesses are created, it will be necessary to grab the wire clamp and install it in the landing place. This type of fasteners is easily entered into the hole. However, get it from there will be extremely difficult. The fact is that this retainer has special mustache. They will reliably hold the dowel at the base.

If the channel will be installed a corrugation with a diameter of up to 40 mm, it must be pre-fixed using a plaster mixture. If the size of the pipe is greater, it is recommended to use the appropriate dowel-clamps. The gypsum solution is also used for additional fixation of the pealed and distribution boxes in the seating.

Wiring lines

After all preparatory work, you can perform wire laying. To do this, you need to cut the wire in accordance with the pre-prepared scheme for suitable slices. It is necessary to make a stock for the subsequent connection of all network elements.

It should be noted that the turns of the wire can not be dramatically. They must be fairly smooth. Next, you need to fix the wire in the prepared channel using fasteners or plaster mixture. Next you need to give a solution to dry. Do not fulfill the finish finish yet. Only after careful verification of the serviceability of the system is carried out finishing work.

Having considered how to install hidden wiring, you can spend the entire procedure with your own hands.