Repair Design Furniture

Roof repair. Do-it-yourself flat roof repair - types, technology and sequence of work Flat roll roof repair technology

Repair flat roof nowadays it is becoming more and more in demand, since such a roof structure is very widespread not only in multi-storey buildings, but also in individual construction. Its benefits are quite obvious. A flat roof with a small angle of inclination allows not only to save thermal energy, reducing the heat transfer area. It allows you to use it in household and economic purposes, thereby increasing usable area the entire building.

Before proceeding with the repair of a flat roof, it is necessary to study all the rules and requirements, as mistakes can lead to a reduction in its service life.

However, this use has negative side. It greatly increases the risk of damage to the roofing in the first place. mechanically. Meanwhile, a flat roof, despite its external simplicity, is a rather complex structural system.

That is why the repair of a flat roof should be carried out with strict observance of a number of rules and recommendations. Their violation can lead to a radical reduction in the life of the roofing, up to its complete destruction.

Flat roofing and possible types of damage

Before you start repairing a flat roof, you need to know its device. Then the most clear will be weak spots this particular design, and it will be easier to identify the cause of the roof leak. Usually its design consists of several layers. This is the bearing surface, which is reinforced concrete slab ceiling, on which a vapor barrier layer is placed, and on it, in turn, a heater.

The latter is most often used mineral wool. A layer of waterproofing is laid on it, in the role of which, in most cases, rolls of roofing material act.

If the roof surface is occupied by economic or domestic needs, a concrete screed is made over the waterproofing layer, designed to protect it from mechanical damage. In addition, to prevent moisture condensation from the insulation layer, ventilation holes covered with special caps. Connecting them with top layer waterproofing must be sealed carefully.

The main reason for the penetration of moisture under the waterproofing layer, in addition to mechanical damage, is the effect of temperature changes. ambient atmosphere. The second most common cause of roof leakage can be considered a violation of technology during the initial installation of roofing.

It is worth remembering that the service life of a roof covered with rolled materials such as roofing material is limited to a maximum of 5 years.

In winter, under the influence of severe frosts, it begins to lose elasticity and crack. In summer, thanks to its black color, it attracts solar thermal energy and heats up to 70°C.

As a result of this, the resin impregnating it begins to melt, and gradually slides down the slope to the edge of the roof.

The base remaining in place largely loses its waterproofing properties and begins to gradually let moisture through.

Modern waterproofing mastics and resins have a much longer service life, but are also much more expensive.

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Roof repair with roll materials

Rolled bituminous materials are the most common and popular roofing material, primarily due to its affordable price. Another reason for the popularity can rightfully be considered that their use does not require the dismantling of the old coating. However, do not immediately lay new rolls on top of the old coating. It must be prepared in advance.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the debris and dust accumulated on the roof. After that, the formed air bubbles. They are opened with a knife like an envelope, and, if necessary, dried. After that, they are heated with a blowtorch until the bitumen impregnation is melted and closed, eliminating air bubbles.

Only then can the next layer of rolled roofing material be laid. The roll is rolled out on the surface of the roof, one edge is heated and glued at the lower edge of the roof.

After that, it is folded back, winding on a piece of pipe a little longer than the width of the roll.

Then they begin to slowly unfold it, heating the surface with a blowtorch. An indicator of the quality of warming up is a small puddle of molten bitumen on the path of roll deployment.

The next roll in the longitudinal plane must be laid on the previous one with an overlap of at least 10 cm.

The adjacent roll should go to the edge of the previous one by at least 5 cm. As a result, if the technology is followed correctly, after the molten bitumen cools down, a monolithic waterproof membrane is formed that covers the entire roof surface.

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Application for the repair of polymeric materials

Most modern materials intended for waterproofing are made on the basis of polymers. If it is mastic, then its main component is liquid polyurethane. Its first layer is applied directly to the prepared surface using a paint roller. It adheres tightly to the bituminous base. Then, a reinforcing layer of non-woven synthetic fabric with a density of 20 to 60 g per m² is placed on the still not hardened mastic so that it is completely recessed. After that, a second layer of polyurethane mastic is applied on top. The process of its solidification lasts from 3 to 5 hours.

Another effective modern waterproofing material is liquid rubber. It is applied by spraying with the help of special portable knapsack spray guns. The main advantage of this method is that it is not afraid of any irregularities on the surface of the roof. To obtain a rubber coating with a thickness of 3 mm, it is necessary to spray from 4 to 4.5 kg per 1 m². The resulting membrane is resistant to temperature extremes, but loses its elasticity in severe frost, which makes it more susceptible to mechanical damage.

Another tool that is gaining more and more popularity these days is stretch polymer membranes. They are assembled using welding machines that connect the joints with hot air, and are fixed only at the edges of the roof. Therefore, if the foundation of the house begins to subside, the coating will retain its integrity. However, as in the case of previous materials, membranes are also vulnerable to mechanical damage, so if the surface is heavily used, a protective coating must be applied over the waterproofing.

The most simple protective coating, especially for coatings made of rolled materials, is concrete screed. Unfortunately, over time, it begins to crack and crumble. Very good reviews are received about the high-strength polyurethane coating "Marisil 400", but many are scared off by its high price.

In general, it can be noted that the repair of a flat roof, unlike its other varieties, is practically not associated with a risk to life and health, and therefore it may well be done by oneself, without the help of hired specialists.

The cheapest price for soft flat roofing is bituminous material, which you can see in most multi-storey buildings Soviet period of construction.

In addition to the fact that bitumen is hard to tolerate negative temperatures, it is also able to absorb water, which also leads to numerous gusts.

The second unpleasant fact of using bitumen as a roofing is strong heating on sunny days. Already at 70˚, the resin begins to melt, gradually sliding along the edge of the roof. But even if it is made according to a verified technology, water still, after penetrating into the lower layers, when heated, begins to tear the bituminous material, turning into steam.

The presence of water in the bituminous roof in the lower word is indicated by such a sign as grass growing on the surface, weeds and even trees.

Polymer membranes are already a more modern material built on the basis of polyurethane. With the help of mastic it is possible to repair a flat roof, getting a fairly long-term effect. The fact is that polyurethane mastic perfectly copes with Russian climatic conditions, will survive low temperatures and is partially renovated.

For those residents who plan to make a flat roof device and forget about its repair on long years, it is recommended to line the surface with polymeric membranes that have a service life of twenty years, are not afraid of temperature changes, mechanical damage and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Modern polymers can be attached at the base of the roof or spread out in the form of a carpet. In the latter case, some ballast would be required to keep the surface from being lifted by the wind.

Fastening a flat roof with a membrane coating is carried out only along the perimeter, so even if the house begins to shrink, the residents of the upper floors will not have to suffer from leaks.

The main difference between the membrane and bituminous material is the absence of a human factor during installation. After all, if bitumen can be poured unevenly, to miss the cracks and swelling that have appeared, then the membrane coating is laid, for example, by our professionals - Moscow Roofers, who securely connect the joints by heating and fix the material around the perimeter.

  1. The photo above shows standard design, the so-called ⇒ welded roof. Here, rolled bituminous materials are used as a waterproofing coating.
  2. When installing such a roof, a gas burner with a propane cylinder is used, as well as a hose with a reducer to adjust the outlet pressure. When laying on a new base, they cover it in two layers, if on an old well-prepared one, then one layer can be dispensed with.
  3. To increase waterproofing properties and service life on flat roofs ah, they're making a ruckus. It is needed in order to control the flow of rainwater, creating high points on the sections of the parapets towards the spillway funnels.
  4. Initially, the slope must be designed with respect to the funnels and create zones with a rise, slopes from the stand of a larger main roof area. By following these instructions and drawings for the project, it will be possible to prevent the appearance of stagnant zones where water will accumulate.
  5. Large puddles on the roof are a good environment for the appearance of vegetation and with the slightest defect in the seams of the connection, the water layer will eventually push moisture into roofing cake leading to a major overhaul.

Roof defect as swelling, air bumps on the surface appear due to insufficient drying cement-sand screed grounds. The same defect can occur even after repair, if you do not dry the area of ​​damage with the opening of the cake and immediately fuse new layers on the old ones.

Installing aerators over the entire roof area will create exit points (ventilation) and remove moisture vapor from the under-roof space.

  • The slope can be created using a screed with the addition of expanded clay, while the specified slope is formed metal profile or stone blocks cut along a cord from a high point to a lower one.
  • Also, the slope can be formed from the wedge-shaped insulation of the TechnoNIKOL company from a solid (dense) stone wool, then cover it with a primer based on bituminous mastic. This allows you to create an adhesive substrate for durable mounting soft roof.
  • In order to maintain the correct geometry and dimensions of overlaps along the side and end joints of adjacent rolls, it is necessary to spread the bitumen coating from the beginning and cut out the junctions of half-timbered houses, weathervanes, parapets, chimney pipes and ventilation according to the shapes.
  • Further, when working with gas burner it is necessary to heat the material to a temperature sufficient for the connection of materials at the molecular level. The indicator on the underside helps with this. roll material, when the flame is directed at it, the film is deformed.
  • The characteristic leakage of the bituminous roller in front of the movement of the equipment with the roll is a sure sign of compliance with the technology of "welding" the coating.

Flat roofs in private housing construction have become more common, because the owners have appreciated the benefits of such a roof space. Firstly, additional meters of area appear, which are never superfluous in the city. Secondly, a small roof slope requires less materials, installation work, and such a roof retains more heat. Thirdly, the maintenance of a flat roof is quite simple and can be done by the owner himself, especially since there is no danger of slipping down.

Most often, destruction in the roofing is caused by our not mild climate. In winter, a significant snow cover can form on the surface of a flat roof, which begins to melt by spring, “pleasing” the owners with leaks. But this is not the fault of the roof itself, but its poor-quality installation or “outdated” and short-lived waterproofing materials.

What materials are used to repair the waterproofing layer

Waterproofing in flat roofs can be created from two types of materials: bituminous and synthetic membranes. They also repair the roof in case of leaks. Consider which coating is more durable.

Modern waterproofing materials are elastic and durable

Bituminous materials

More common are bituminous materials. They lined the roofs of Soviet-era high-rise buildings. And at least once every five years, these high-rise buildings are operating construction teams repairing leaks and repairing old coatings. And all because bituminous materials short term service - up to 5 years, and in our climate - even shorter. They are afraid of sudden changes in temperature, stagnant water. As soon as the temperature goes “minus”, the elastic properties of bitumen are lost, the material becomes brittle and cracks. The second unfavorable property of bitumen is the ability to saturate water, which freezes in the pores of the coating, then thaws with temperature changes. As a result, the material is stratified and torn in places where water accumulates.

In summer, the bituminous coating, due to its dark color, strongly attracts the sun's rays. The heating level of the roof reaches 70˚. And at this temperature, the bitumen melts, becomes fluid and gradually slides to the edge of the roof, where the slope is directed.

If the slope is insufficient, puddles remain on the roof after rain, water penetrates into the lower layers of the coating, when heated it becomes steam, which looks for a way out and tears, divides the bituminous material into layers.

Stagnation of water indicates that the slope is insufficient, which means that in a year the coating will swell

It is easy to check if there is moisture inside the bitumen. It is enough to see grass, weeds, and sometimes trees on the roof. They will not sprout where it is dry.

Polymer materials

Second view waterproofing material- polymeric membranes or mastics.

Mastics are based on polyurethane. And the easiest way to repair a flat roof covered with bitumen is to completely coat the top with mastic. It creates a coating similar to rubber, but withstands heat up to 100˚ and harsh winters. If during the cleaning of the roof such a coating is scratched, then it is easy to repair it by smearing the damaged areas with a brush.

Another option is polymer membranes. If you want to forget about roof repairs for 20 years, line the surface with membrane material. Modern polymers in their composition are not afraid of temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage. They can be fixed on the base of the roof, or they can be spread out like a carpet, pressing down with ballast for strength.

The roof, laid with a membrane coating, is attached to the base only along the perimeter. In this case, when the house shrinks, there will be no gaps in the coating.

Unlike bituminous materials, the installation of membranes excludes the human factor when good material laid by unprofessional hands. Membrane coating sheets are rolled out and laid by welding machines, connecting the joints with hot air. The option, when the membranes are fixed only along the perimeter, without being connected to the entire surface of the roof, is very convenient: when the house shrinks, the roof will not crack.

What problems in a flat roll roof can be fixed with your own hands

In the houses of old buildings, flat roofs were covered with several layers of roofing material, which spread on a wooden base. The bottom layer was fastened to the tree with nails, and the rest were tied either with bituminous mixtures or cold mastic.

If you find that in some places the layers are swollen, then a delamination has gone inside the roofing material, which must be urgently eliminated, otherwise wait for leaks.

Examine the swollen area carefully. If it is dry, then it is enough to stick a patch on top. If the place of swelling is wet, then you need to look for where the water penetrated, and then change the entire area that is damp.

If the concrete screed began to collapse, current repairs are indispensable

How to do it:

  1. Clear the swollen area from gravel (or other material scattered to protect the roofing material from sun rays).
  2. Cut the swollen place in the shape of a cross so that the center hits exactly the swollen part.
  3. Lift the cut roofing material and look inside. If the inner layers are wet, cut deeper so that the knife reaches wooden base.
  4. Leave the cut roofing material to dry in the sun, laying some bars between the layers so that heat penetrates into each layer. Much faster process drying comes with building hair dryer.
  5. After making sure that the roofing material is dried to the base, cold mastic is applied from the inside along the edges of the incision with a spatula and the roofing material is pressed into the wooden base. Lubricate the next layer and press down on the previous one. On the last, outer layer of roofing material, plaster nails are nailed on top to securely fix the notched corners.
  6. A patch is cut out of fresh roofing material, the size of which should cover the cut part of the coating.
  7. Lubricate the back side of the patch with mastic and put it on the repaired place.
  8. The edges of the patch are fixed with plaster nails (pitch - 15 mm).
  9. Lubricate each nail head and patch contour with mastic.

Elimination of blisters on a large section of the roof

If you find that a significant section of the roofing material is swollen, then the repair is carried out as follows:

  1. The entire site to be repaired is cleared of the gravel layer.
  2. The entire swollen area must be cut out. To prevent the knife from sticking to the roofing material, dip it in turpentine. Cut through layer by layer until you reach a dry finish. If there is none, cut to a wooden base.
  3. Count how many layers had to be removed.
  4. Attach the rectangle or square that you cut out to the new roofing material and circle the outline.
  5. Cut out the patch (you need as many patches of the same size as you removed the layers of the old coating).
  6. Coating that has been kept dry, or wooden base coat with mastic.
  7. Take one patch and smear it with mastic around the edge.
  8. Place it inside the area you are repairing and press it against the base.
  9. The second layer is applied in the same way: the entire surface of the first and the contour of the second are smeared with mastic.
  10. Lay patches on top of each other until the new coating is the same height as the rest of the roof.
  11. The last patch is strengthened by nailing slate nails around the perimeter.
  12. A patch is cut out of the roofing material, larger in size than the one that you have already laid, coat the surface of the repaired area with mastic and put a prepared piece of roofing material on top. It should protrude beyond the edges of the patched area.
  13. The roofing material is nailed with slate nails, and then the edge and each nail head are coated with mastic.
  14. Mastic is abundantly placed on top of the roofing material sheet, and gravel is scattered over it, pressing the pebbles into the mastic using a board.

Expanded clay pillow will protect the bituminous coating from overheating

How to overhaul a flat roof

If the service life of the coating has expired, then patching the blisters will not work. Patches violate the integrity of the coating, although they slightly restrain destruction. In this case, a major overhaul will be needed. It is difficult to carry it out on your own without professional skills. And often poor-quality installation “negates” the advantages of waterproofing material.

In this case, it is worth involving specialists in the repair, having determined in advance what type overhaul your roof needs. Consider what a major overhaul of a flat roll roofing:

Complete roof replacement

Such repairs begin with the dismantling of all components of the roof and layers:

  • ebbs, aerators, pressure aprons, etc. are removed;
  • all layers of bituminous or roofing material are completely peeled off;
  • a layer of concrete leveling screed will be removed;
  • the heater is removed.

A flat roof after a complete repair looks like a pie, in which each layer fulfills its task

The new roof is laid in the following order:

  • the beacons necessary to create a new leveling concrete layer are set;
  • a layer of insulation spreads;
  • a reinforced mesh is laid out on top of it;
  • a new leveling screed is poured (from a thickness of 4 cm);
  • spreads roofing in several layers with subsequent junctions;
  • other elements of the roof are attached: parapets, belts, etc.
  • Renovation of the roofing with the installation of an additional heat-insulating layer.

As a rule, such repairs are needed for houses whose roofs were laid using old technologies. In them, the level of heat retention is insufficient and does not meet today's idea of ​​​​thermal insulation.

An additional thermal insulation layer can be laid under new roof or on her.

Flat roof insulation

With under-roof insulation, the old layers of waterproofing are removed and slabs are laid, which have a wedge-shaped profile. This profile helps to build the desired slope to the gutter for water flow and avoid puddles on the roof. Modern waterproofing membrane coatings are laid on top of the insulation.

If you choose a repair with insulation on a new roof, then the work goes the other way around: first, waterproofing is laid, and on top of it - waterproof polyurethane foam or other material of a similar structure. In order for the insulation not to be blown away by gusts of wind, a thick gravel cushion is laid on top. Gravel will serve not only as a load, but will also protect the insulation from ultraviolet radiation.

Creation of a new metal roof

This type of repair involves the renewal of damaged roofing, construction roof structure and laying profiled sheets on it. The result is a pitched roof with a slight slope. It creates a waterproof shell for the old coating, but maintains a sufficient level of ventilation so that the roofing material can dry out. Often such repairs are combined with additional insulation.

After the construction of the truss structure and the laying of profiled sheets along it, a pitched roof with a slight slope is obtained.

Creating a grass roof

This is the most complex view repair, which involves not only a complete renovation of the roof, but also strengthening its waterproofing properties and strength characteristics. An additional bulk layer of soil, the weight of plants, etc. require professional calculations of the following points: how much it is necessary to strengthen the roofing area, how many layers of waterproofing to lay, how to create drainage system etc. After all, it is not enough to plant living plants: they need to be provided good conditions for existence. And at the same time do not create a danger for the collapse of the structure! Therefore, all repairs should be carried out by professional craftsmen.

The green roof has too many layers of cake. It is better to entrust its "cooking" to professionals.

In order to deal less with the repair of a flat roof, it is better initially, in the process of building a house, to invest in modern materials, entrust the laying to specialists, and in winter do not break through the ice with a crowbar and do not scrape the snow with shovels with a metal edge.


Perhaps many residents apartment buildings faced such a problem as leakage, as well as an insufficiently reliable condition of the roof. In one row here are such disadvantages as poor-quality coating, roof collapse in an old house, etc. That is why the overhaul of the roof apartment building is one of the most pressing issues for many residents.

Very often, many citizens, seeking help from various authorities involved in house maintenance, are faced with their complete inaction, as a result of which the collection of funds for roof repairs in an apartment building is carried out independently.

However, before contacting such bodies and paying for the services of specialists in roofing work, it is necessary to understand the very reason . Next, we will talk about what types of roofs exist in apartment buildings, as well as the problems that arise in connection with them and ways to solve them.

Types of roofing in apartment buildings

Since the types of roofs in high-rise buildings there are several, it is important to understand the features of each of them, since repairs can vary greatly.

According to the design and shape of the roof are divided into:

  • single-pitched (with a different inclined angle);
  • gable;
  • multi-slope;
  • pitchless (standard flat roofs);
  • complex (more typical for modern buildings than for old houses).

The roof structure includes outer coating and a support located from the inside (this can be a rafter system or a reinforced concrete slab). Also required are drainage system, as well as layers of insulation and waterproofing. One way or another, when performing a major overhaul of the roof of an apartment building, it is imperative to take into account all design features roofs.

Roof repair methods

Works on the restoration of the roofs of buildings with many apartments are usually divided into two large groups: current, or temporary, and capital, or complete.

Thus, the current repair of the roof of an apartment building is carried out if any defects in the roof system are found. Very often, all work comes down to replacing the old and damaged roofing, which is usually roofing material, with a new one, eliminating the cracks and crevices that have appeared. Based on the need, the new coating can be laid in one or two layers. Upon completion of the repair work, all seams and joints of the roof sheet are completely sealed with special substances.

Regarding finances, this type of repair is not too expensive, so it is more common. However, there is another kind current repair when laying a new roofing sheet is not necessary. In the place of the defect, after a preliminary incision, the edges are bent, and the internal space is carefully cleaned. Then it is dried with the help and treated with a layer of building mastic, both the coating and its base. The edges are returned to their place, after which they must be pressed tightly against each other, waiting for complete adhesion.

Places with manifested rot are completely cut out, the roof is cleaned. All defective places are filled with the same mastic, and then a new piece is glued to the treated place close to the old material. Of course, this method of repair is far from the highest quality, but in our time it is quite common, especially on the roofs of old houses.

A major overhaul of the roof of an apartment building is a complete alteration of the roof. The old coating is removed from it, after which a fresh screed is poured and a new roofing carpet is laid in two layers. Such repairs should be entrusted only to specialists, since during work it may be damaged interior decoration located on the upper floors of the apartments.

If the roof is leaking in an apartment building, then this may be the result of improperly performed work. The main work during the overhaul is to fuse the roofing material with a special gas burner (read: ""). The underside of the roofing carpet is heated from below, after which the material is gently pressed against the base of the roof. It is very important to control the temperature of the fire, as its incorrect value can lead to the destruction of the material. It is necessary to lay the coating according to the principle of overlap, and all seams must be treated with building sealant.

Factors causing roof leaks in apartment buildings

There is only one way to avoid leaks - by performing a major overhaul of the roof. The causes of these unpleasant defects can be very different, but most often they appear after heavy rains or during the period of mass melting of the snow cover.

So, the reasons for roof leaks in apartment buildings can be the following:

Roof leak detection

Before applying for a major repair, you need to clearly identify the place that is damaged. Most often, for this, the place of leakage is compared and already along it there is a source of damage on the roof. On soft bituminous roofs it is very easy to do this - air bubbles form at the defect site.

In this case, the carpet should be completely replaced, and the necessary place should be dried well. It is not worth doing this work on your own, it is better to entrust the work to specialists. But if there is a desire detailed descriptions the entire progress of work with videos and photos can always be found in our articles on roofs and their repair.

Sometimes it happens that the problem of leaks on pitched roofs can also be complicated by rotting wooden rafter legs. With this outcome, not only the roofing is usually replaced, but also individual elements designs.

Roofs according to the principle of fusing

As it has already become clear, the essence of the overhaul comes down to the installation of welded materials. According to existing standards, scheduled repairs with the replacement (if necessary) of individual sections of the coating should be carried out by special services twice a year.

The whole process consists in fusing roofing material and other overlapped materials with a gas burner. Such repairs should be carried out for flat roofs, which are the majority today (read: ""). Such material is resistant to moisture, temperature extremes, as well as direct ultraviolet rays.

What to do if the roof leaks, in detail on the video:

Pitched roof repair process

Coated for pitched roofs usually a different material. Often these are sheets of metal treated with zinc or simply painted. Repair work in this case, they consist in finding damaged elements of the coating, their competent replacement and monitoring the condition of the roof base under the coating. To do this, the material must be removed and held necessary work for the restoration of the system of rafters and battens, as well as directly the base, located under the coating.

Sometimes it is impossible not to perform such an important part of the work as replacing the waterproofing layer and installing additional high-quality insulation. If the damage is minor, you can simply patch and seal all joints with sealant.

Any cracks and gaps should be filled with polyurethane-based sealant and covered with special polyurethane plasters. It is important that the damaged area to be repaired be degreased and treated with a primer before all work. After the completion of the restoration, it is customary to cover the roof with a paint specially designed for a particular roof, the functions of which are to give the coating greater strength and increase the service life.