Repair Design Furniture

How to attach polycarbonate to each other. How to properly fix polycarbonate to a metal frame. Detachable polycarbonate connecting profile

A few years ago, polymer plastic was considered almost a wonder, but today this material, which is widely used in Everyday life, advertising sphere, various industrial sectors and in construction. Polycarbonate is indispensable in individual construction, and especially in civil and industrial. For the construction industry, polycarbonate is produced in two types - honeycomb and cast. At the same time, on how much the right technology polycarbonate was fastened, the strength of the connection depends, and therefore the durability and reliability of the entire structure.

Methods for fixing monolithic canvases

Since this type of polycarbonate replaces glass in showcases, partitions, windows and other translucent fences, it is attached using the same elements as glass. These can be holders in different designs, with the help of which the polymer sheet is fixed in the right position, or a frame structure into which the cut elements are inserted and then fastened. There are dry and wet fixing methods for the cast material.

Mountings monolithic polycarbonate the wet method is applied to the frame as follows: on the part of the material that will be in contact with the frame, and the perimeter of the frame, a polymer putty is applied, compatible with both the canvas and the frame material. After that, the joints are treated with a sealant. Complete sealing can be achieved by using specially designed profile gaskets or using rubber strips.

The dry method involves only a mechanical connection. These can be different types of profiles, or other elements. They can also be combined with rubber seals and gaskets. To fasten polycarbonate sheets in this way, different types of threaded connections are used. The dry type of installation of the canvases is the neat and cleanest, which is sometimes very important.

On a note: Regardless of the method of installing cast sheets, it is imperative to take into account the fact of thermal expansion and take a sheet that is a couple of millimeters less than necessary.

This will help to avoid further destruction or deformation of polymer plastic webs.

Using cast polymer for the construction of verandas, greenhouses, greenhouses and others frame structures, you can not think for a long time about how to fix polycarbonate, but attach the sheets with ordinary fasteners using rubber sealing washers: the main thing is to know, as a rule, through what distance to make holes. It is not difficult to remember the fixing step: you need to prepare holes every 45-50 cm in advance. This distance is enough to securely fix the polycarbonate panels. It is advisable to make holes in cast panels with wood drills. During work, you need to control the drilling area in order to prevent it from heating up. During installation, the sheets should adhere tightly to the base, but it is undesirable to tighten the bolts too much, so that a temperature gap in the finished structure is possible.

Methods for attaching cellular webs

Point connection

Today, many consumers already know how to fix cellular polycarbonate, the pitch of the purlins and the layout of the fasteners. Since point fixing is the easiest way to install honeycomb sheets, it is also the most popular. For this, self-tapping screws are used, which are equipped with thermal washers. Their use allows you to get reliable, tight connection canvases, does not allow sheet wrinkling, eliminates "cold bridges". All this ensures the use of thermal washers. The main thing is to choose elements, the leg of which is equal to the thickness of the canvas used. If the structure is large and the sheets are used of long length, then along their long side it is necessary to perform oval holes along the stiffeners.

Those who are building or are just planning to erect structures made of polymer plastic on their site are usually interested in: what and through what distance to drill polycarbonate. Manufacturers recommend and experienced builders confirm that it is best to fix the sheets after 35-40 cm. If installed more often, the cost of the structure will increase significantly, if less often, this does not guarantee either the quality of the connection or its reliability.

To make holes in honeycomb sheets, it is necessary to use sharp standard drills with the following characteristics:

  1. Drilling angle - 90-115.
  2. Sharpening angle - 30.
  3. The feed rate is 0.3-0.5 mm / rev.
  4. Cutting speed - 15-35 m / min.

In this case, the holes should be made no closer than 4 cm from the edge and in no case should they fall on the stiffeners.

Connection by profiles

Polycarbonate can be fastened using special profiles and the already familiar thermal washers and self-tapping screws, especially since the structure can be installed in this way even to the wall of the building. Connection for different types profiles differ. So, if a detachable model is used, then first on rafter system its base element is installed, on the surface of which a sealant is applied, after which canvases are laid on both sides, the gap between which can be up to 4-5 cm. wooden mallet snaps into place. After that, it remains to close the ends with a special plug.

Good to know: If one-piece profiles are used, first the canvases are interconnected, and then they are mounted on the finished frame.

When joining, the profile is pulled and put on a polycarbonate sheet.


Is it possible to mount sheets horizontally if polycarbonate welding is foreseen and are washers needed? This is the first question of interest to everyone who builds or plans to erect structures made of polymer plastic on their site. It depends on the choice of the welding method, which in turn also depends on the size of the product, the purpose and shape of the parts.

Compound individual elements with the help of hot air welding, when a welding rod is used, it foresees drying over 12 hours of those areas on which the operation will be carried out. You can connect parts and ultrasonic welding, the amplitude of which should be from 25 to 40 microns.

Many do not really think about how to weld polycarbonate, but they connect the nodes by welding with a hot pad. This method allows all parts to be connected in the most reliable way. The connection is made at a temperature of 260 to 300 ° C.

Video about fastening to a metal profile

Panels made of honeycomb or monolithic polycarbonate, due to their practicality, have found application in many areas of construction and industry. In particular, plastic sheets are widely used in furnishing various designs and structures, forming a reliable roof covering... If a suitable polycarbonate mount is selected, the material will provide optimum strength and mechanical protection characteristics. Fixation can be carried out to any materials, however, surfaces also assume the greatest responsibility in choosing the method of fastening.

Installation procedure for polycarbonate

The work consists of several stages. First of all, measurements are taken of the polycarbonate required for laying on a specific surface or frame. Next, you need to prepare sheets of the specified parameters. One of the main advantages of polycarbonate is ease of processing. You can cut it and ordinary hacksaw, and construction scissors. Then, the polycarbonate is directly attached to the frame using fixing elements. On final stage an analysis of the quality of the work done is carried out: the joints of the plastic sheets, the reliability of the installation of fasteners and the condition of the combs (ribbed polycarbonate cells) are checked, which must be clean.

How to fix monolithic polycarbonate?

To install sheet, special hardware, profiles and galvanized tape are used. This variety differs from cellular plastic high density and rigidity. In terms of the use of fasteners, these qualities are a plus, although in technical terms they slightly complicate the process of drilling and introducing elements. The most common fastening of polycarbonate with self-tapping screws, but to obtain a stable and durable construction it is also recommended to use profiles and special tape. If special requirements to the structure, then you can limit yourself to ordinary hardware, but on condition that the installation will be accompanied by the use of thermal washers.

Features of fixing cellular polycarbonate

Panels of this type are fixed with the same elements as monolithic counterparts. But cellular polycarbonate has its own design features which are important to consider when installing the material. Exposed honeycombs can become clogged with dirt, water and insects, which affects the technical and aesthetic qualities of the coating. Special tapes that are glued to cellular polycarbonate help prevent clogging. Attaching the protective strip allows you to isolate the interior of the material. There are vapor permeable and sealing tapes. It is preferable to opt for the first option, since it minimizes the possibility of clogging of the honeycomb, but at the same time does not create a barrier to the removal of condensate and ventilation. in turn, they provide the maximum obstacle to any contact of the honeycomb with the external environment - including not allowing the penetration of air and moisture.

Galvanized strips

it new way fixing polycarbonate sheets, which uses metal tapes that have undergone anti-corrosion treatment. The fasteners are straps with a standard width of 20 mm and a thickness of approximately 0.7 mm. Thanks to galvanizing, this material does not undergo chemical destruction by rust, and also provides structural strength. If polycarbonate is attached to metal in a greenhouse, then it is recommended to provide for the possibility of complex fixation of tapes, which will provide a screed for several sheets of material at once.

Galvanized strip fastening technology

The main advantage in the installation of such tapes is that there is no need to invade the structure of the polycarbonate itself. That is, it does not need to be drilled or special perforations made for specific fasteners. The tapes provide a fairly tight fit of the material to the frame elements. It is advisable to use this method on arched and arched structures. Moreover, in support arcs the same greenhouses do not have to create holes for hardware, since the galvanized tape for fastening polycarbonate acts on the principle of a pulling force.

The installation process begins by fixing the position of the plastic sheets. Several elements are overlapped. Next, you need to divide the tape into two parts - each of them is initially attached at the base of the structure. Sections are superimposed exactly along the line of convergence of the panels and fixed with each other with nuts. Thus, the tape for fastening polycarbonate provides a tight connection of the sheets, which does not imply damage to the material and creates a rather attractive appearance of the entire structure.

The nuances of the operation of galvanized tapes

Although this method of fastening is the most technologically advanced and has many advantages, it also has certain disadvantages that should be taken into account. They are mainly due to the fact that fixation is implemented in open form... Accordingly, if a greenhouse with polycarbonate long time is unattended, there is a risk of its quick and inconspicuous dismantling - it will not be difficult for an intruder armed with pliers to unscrew a few screws. In addition, the polycarbonate mount metal tape protrudes outward by 2-3 cm, which often causes inconvenience when in close contact with the surfaces of the greenhouse.

Thermal washer

Before the advent of the thermal washer and galvanized tape, polycarbonate was fixed with ordinary self-tapping screws. It's simple and cheap way, at which the relative reliability of the structure is ensured. The disadvantages of using such hardware are due to physical and operational ones that make its structure changeable with temperature changes. The use of a thermal washer eliminates negative factors - the element naturally adapts to external conditions, evenly distributing the downforce. The combined fastening of polycarbonate to metal is also practiced, in which self-tapping screws, together with a thermal washer, are twisted through a galvanized tape. This is how maximum reliability sheathing of the metal frame and eliminates the disadvantages inherent in the single use of strap-clamps. On the other hand, this is the most costly and time-consuming technology for installing polycarbonate, which in some cases does not justify itself.

Profile mount

These are special devices designed for fastening or joining polycarbonate sheets. The design of such profiles contains two elements - a base and a cover. With their help, a double-sided clamping of the edges of the material is provided, which does not require drilling and direct twisting of the sheets. Only the base is fixed in the appropriate places where the installation is planned. Such a fastening of polycarbonate is advantageous, first of all, due to its reliability and tightness, but besides this, the owner receives an impeccable appearance cover. Since the profiles are usually made of the same polycarbonate, they visually merge with the main sheets. It is enough to choose the elements that match the color.

There are also aluminum profiles having a similar design. They provide the same quality of connection as galvanized tape for fastening polycarbonate, but at the same time eliminate the flaws of the clamping method of installation. That is, it is not so easy to untwist this system - the presence of self-tapping screws and a strong clamping of profiles make this task difficult for an attacker.

Double-sided and purlin mount

The choice of the method for installing polycarbonate is also influenced by the location of the attachment points. There are two approaches to installation - purlin and double-sided. The first option is used if a large area is covered with polycarbonate. To exclude possible deflections of the sheets, several fastening runs should be made across the location of the edges of the material. Depending on what kind of polycarbonate fastening is used, the pitch can be 40-50 cm. The use of a double-sided installation is advisable if it is sheathed small area- in this case, the fastening lines are made along the longitudinal sides of the polycarbonate sheets.

The running method of fastening focuses on the number of fixation points, so it makes no sense to use expensive funds installation. And vice versa, the double-sided version involves only two installation lines, therefore, to implement such a fastener, it is worth using a combined or profile ways installation.

How to fix polycarbonate

The sheets are fixed to the base or with stainless screws. But many are worried about the question - how to attach polycarbonate to a metal frame so that water does not get into the joints? In this case, thermal washers are provided, specially designed for mounting polycarbonate.

Most often they are produced with a diameter of 30 mm. Such hardware has a silicone base in the form of an O-ring, the task of which is to completely prevent water from entering the joint. The screwed in screw is additionally protected from above with a plastic cap.

Choosing a frame for polycarbonate

  1. - strong and durable material. Requires the construction of a reliable foundation. A structure made of stone or brick is difficult to build and repair.
  2. Wood - makes the structure cheaper, makes it attractive. Easy to assemble. A significant drawback is fragility, vulnerability to adverse weather. Before attaching polycarbonate to wooden frame, it is treated with an antiseptic, varnish or other protective substances.
  3. Metal is the most practical and durable material, although not the cheapest. Polycarbonate is easiest to mount to metal profile square section.

How and what to cut polycarbonate

  • - suitable for sheets with a thickness of 4-8 mm. Experience is not necessary for a high-quality cut. To cut the material correctly, the knife moves slowly and carefully.
  • - any tool model will do. For cutting plastic, use a circle 125 for metal. Experience is required for a quality cut.
  • - excellently cuts polycarbonate if the file has fine teeth. It takes skill to work. The tool is effective for cutting complex decorative shapes.
  • - it is used only by experienced specialists, as the material along the cutting line may crack with incorrect movements. To improve the quality of work, the material must be securely fixed.
  • The laser is the most effective method cutting polycarbonate, but due to the high cost of the tool, it is available only to specialized companies. The laser system cuts quickly, accurately and without defects.

How to fix polycarbonate

The material is mounted with the UV-protected side outwards - it is covered plastic wrap, which shows the installation instructions. A polycarbonate canopy is attached with hardware in increments of 30-40 cm. When installing, take into account thermal expansion plastic - the diameter of the holes for the thermal washers should be 2-3 mm larger than the diameter of the fastener itself.

How to attach polycarbonate to a gazebo so that it does not burst

For this, holes are made between the stiffeners. It is very important not to pinch the thermal washers, otherwise cracks will form. It is also important to screw the hardware strictly perpendicular to the sheet - this will help to avoid deformation of the material.

How to attach polycarbonate to a multi-span greenhouse

For this, the joints of adjacent sheets are fixed to each other with a plastic or aluminum H-shaped profile with standard size 6 m. Before starting the installation, a protective film of 5 cm is stripped off from the edges. After that, the edge of the sheet is inserted into the profile to a depth of 2 cm. A 5-mm gap is provided for the thermal expansion of the plastic.

Unprotected ends are covered with aluminum tape. For the outer part, a solid tape is used, for the inner part, perforated. The external purpose is to protect against moisture, dirt and insects. Perforated to prevent dust and condensation. For more better protection the joints are treated with a sealant. After the polycarbonate is attached to the roof or frame, the protective film is removed from it.

How to bend polycarbonate sheets

If an arched one is installed, it becomes necessary to bend the material. The bend is made only along the line of the air channels. To bend the sheet, one end is fixed in a vice, and the other is bent. In this case, it is important to adhere to the instructions - for a material of a certain type and thickness, there is a minimum permissible bending radius.

Before attaching polycarbonate to, it is important to read the manufacturer's instructions. Only with proper installation will the gazebo or will last a long time. Otherwise, cracks may occur, dirt will get into the voids, and the material itself will collapse. Adhering to simple rules, you quickly and efficiently attach the material to the frame.

Durable, lightweight and flexible translucent polycarbonate is widely used in construction and construction of structures for various purposes. The advantages of the material include resistance to temperature extremes, safety for health. The durability of polycarbonate largely depends on compliance with the installation technology. It is important to correctly fasten the polycarbonate to the metal frame or wooden base to prevent material deformation under stress and thermal expansion. The installation method is selected based on the material of the frame and the characteristics of the structures being erected.

Veranda with polycarbonate roof

Monolithic and honeycomb polycarbonates are suitable for the manufacture of arched and pitched awnings, canopies and verandas. The affordable cost of the honeycomb sheet and its ability to withstand high loads (the indicator depends on the number and location of stiffeners) makes the material suitable for the manufacture of greenhouses and greenhouses for private use and for industrial cultivation harvests in greenhouse farms.

When preparing for the installation of translucent material on the frame, pay attention to the following points:

  • Have cellular polycarbonate stiffeners are located along the length of the sheet. When installing the panel vertically or with an inclination, the hollow channels should be oriented from top to bottom, in free-form structures - parallel to the bends.
  • WITH outside polycarbonate sheet, designed for outdoor use, applied special coating, which prevents the destruction of the polymer under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The protective film with the designation of the front surface is not removed until the installation is completed, so as not to confuse which side of the panel should face outward.
  • The material is not designed for increased snow loads, therefore minimum angle the slope of the slopes with a length of up to 6 meters should be 5 degrees. The longer the slope is, the greater the angle of inclination should be. In this case, both the stiffness index of the sheet and the step of the lathing should be taken into account.
  • For arched structures, the permissible bending radius should not be more than 150 polycarbonate thicknesses.
Types of cellular polycarbonate for the roof

Preparing for installation

At the preliminary stage, you should prepare necessary tools and materials, mark and cut the panels in accordance with the project, protect the ends of the prepared elements.

Used for cutting polycarbonate:

  • Assembly knife. It can be used for small volumes of work, the recommended sheet thickness is up to 10 mm.
  • Manual hacksaw for metal.
  • High speed saw. Mandatory conditions- the presence of an emphasis, hard-alloy, not divorced fine teeth of the blade.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Band saw with a band up to 20 mm wide and up to 1.5 mm thick. In this case, the pitch of the teeth should not exceed 3.5 mm, and the cutting speed should be 1000 m / minute.
It is required to provide conditions under which the cutting will not be accompanied by vibration of the panel.

Chips and a strip of protective film are removed from the ends of the prepared elements of cellular polycarbonate. If the panel is to be fixed vertically or at an angle, it is necessary to determine the upper end and glue it with a special continuous aluminum tape. The lower end is pasted over with perforated tape. In the arched structure, both ends are lower, so they are protected with perforated tape. This protection prevents dust and insects from entering the channels, condensation settling and mold growth.

Protection of the material from moisture and dust

If the sealed ends remain free after installation (according to the project), then they are closed with a special end profile. Holes are pre-drilled in the lower profile through which condensate will drain. The hole pitch is 30 cm.

At the stage of preparation, you need to select the installation technology. You can join sheets of monolithic material with glue. For honeycomb panels, it is better to use a special docking profile made of aluminum or polycarbonate. You also need to choose how to fix the polycarbonate. Manufacturers offer various fasteners for fixing the sheets to the battens.

Docking and end profiles


The choice of fasteners affects the speed, convenience, quality of installation and the durability of the structure. Pay attention to the following parameters:

  • characteristics of a self-tapping screw (fasteners are selected depending on the material of construction - metal or wood);
  • material of manufacture and parameters of the washer.

Self-tapping screws can be sold complete with washers or purchased separately. If polycarbonate glazing is required wooden structure, as fasteners, you should choose wood screws. It is recommended to fasten cellular polycarbonate to a metal frame with self-tapping screws with a galvanized tip or a drill tip made of of stainless steel.

Various fasteners

Thermal washers polycarbonate

Washers made of the same material are produced especially for fastening polycarbonate sheets, which allows you to choose an option that matches the color perfectly - such fasteners look aesthetically pleasing and not striking.

The thermal washer consists of the following elements:

  • convex upper part with a wide leg and a hole for a self-tapping screw;
  • elastic polymer seal (ring);
  • screw hole plug.

The height of the leg of the thermal washer must be selected based on the thickness of the panel. The leg limits the pressure, due to which the sheet is fixed tightly, but without compression. Thanks to this, the glazing remains flat even when heated under sunbeams.

Thermal washer fixing rules

The thickness of the leg influences the choice of the drill with which the hole for the fasteners is made. The hole diameter should be 3 mm larger than the stem diameter, so that deformation of the sheet elements does not occur during thermal expansion.

Polycarbonate thermal washers are the most practical and attractive option for decorative designs... On condition correct installation they seal the mounting hole hermetically and securely fix sheet material on the frame. The service life of polycarbonate washers is about 20 years.

Thermal washers polypropylene

A polypropylene thermal washer is also a polymer cap with a hole for a self-tapping screw and a plug that presses tightly to the surface of the sheet covering sealing ring. This product is different from a polycarbonate washer.:

  • less elastic seal made of foamed plastic;
  • lack of a puck leg;
  • lack of a coating that protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • opacity and relatively small color gamut.

Since the washer does not have a leg, fasten the fasteners carefully so as not to overtighten... Polypropylene washers fade in the sun within a few years, lose color and begin to deteriorate. The small choice of colors and the lack of an exact match with the material limit the use of fasteners - it is suitable for invisible places and for indoor structures, for the installation of greenhouses and greenhouses made of thin polycarbonate designed for 3-4 years of operation.

Thermal washers made of polypropylene

The advantage of polypropylene washers can be called an affordable cost - they are cheaper than polycarbonate. This view is for 6 mm fasteners. Accordingly, holes in the sheets must be made with a 9 mm drill to maintain the thermal clearance during installation.

Other types of washers

If there are no special requirements for the aesthetics of the design, you can fix the polycarbonate sheets to the frame using ordinary flat wide washers. At the same time, for indoor structures, it is sufficient to use a thin rubber seal; for outdoor structures, a thick elastic seal is required to prevent moisture from entering the mounting hole in the polycarbonate.

Concave washers in stainless steel or galvanized steel complete with an umbrella pad in expanded polymer or thick EMDP rubber. Such fasteners allow you to reliably fix the polycarbonate coating on the metal frame, if you need to build a structure with a large glazed surface in a region with strong winds... To fasten a washer with a gasket, self-tapping screws or bolts are used, preferably corrosion-resistant, since the head of the fastener remains exposed to atmospheric precipitation.

Washers, stainless steel

Disc-shaped stainless washers have a serious advantage over conventional flat washers - they are able to ensure the tightness of the mounting hole.

Joining sheets together

In the simplest cases, sheets

polycarbonate can be overlapped, but this option will not allow you to ensure the tightness of the canopy or greenhouse. Therefore, the following options for joining the panels are used.:

  • gluing with a silicone-based composition (first of all, this is an option for monolithic polycarbonate);
  • use of a one-piece profile;
  • the use of a split profile.

Mounting through a split profile

Profiles are also used for arranging glazing connections to walls or other structures. When inserting the edges of the sheet into the profile, you need to ensure that a gap of 2-3 mm remains along the entire length for the thermal expansion of the material.

Fastening polycarbonate

Let's consider how to properly attach polycarbonate to the greenhouse frame. To the beginning installation works it is required to have available cut-to-size sheets with sealed ends, a suitable profile for joining the sheets and fasteners, calculating how many self-tapping screws with washers of the appropriate type are required. The frame of the structure must be designed for atmospheric loads that it will experience after glazing.

The fixing of polycarbonate can be carried out in a point manner. Each sheet must be screwed to the crate with self-tapping screws for metal, installing them with a step of 300-400 mm. The panels are laid with an overlap (the overlap width is at least 200 mm, while it must be placed on the rafters) or a one-piece profile is used to connect them. It is recommended to calculate the size of the elements in such a way that the connecting profile falls on the rafters of the frame, this will increase the rigidity of the glazing and make it more aesthetically pleasing.

What kind of crate is needed for polycarbonate

Small canopy or the visor can be mounted using only a split profile - each sheet will be securely fixed on both sides. But this option is not suitable for a greenhouse, since the surface area is large and it experiences serious wind and snow loads. In addition to the split profile, each sheet must be attached to the crate with self-tapping screws and washers.

Fastener installation rules

It is most convenient to measure the frame and mark the polycarbonate sheets on the ground in order to make holes in them that are 2-3 mm larger in diameter than the thickness of the self-tapping screw or the leg of the thermal washer. After drilling the holes, observing the required distances between the attachment points, it is necessary to remove the chips.

To lift the sheets to the top of the structure and align them there, you need the help of a partner. Through holes made in polycarbonate in metal frame drill a hole with a thin drill, and then use a screwdriver to screw in a self-tapping screw for metal, after putting a washer on it.

To properly fix the sheet material, self-tapping screws must be screwed at right angles to the frame element. Polycarbonate should be fastened tightly, but without indentation, therefore, for people without the skill of such work, it is easier to use thermal washers with legs. After completing the fasteners and making sure that the installation is correct, put the plugs in the thermal washers.

Fixing rules

Knowing how and how to attach polycarbonate to a metal frame, you can mount a glazed structure of any complexity. If you follow the instructions, the structure will last a long time without losing its aesthetic appeal.

Polycarbonate is construction material, which is a polymer sheet with thermoplastic properties. Today this material is quite popular in the construction of industrial and public facilities, as well as in the construction of advertising structures. In the construction market, depending on the purpose, you can buy cellular or monolithic sheets.

Monolithic polycarbonate is transparent sheet with a solid surface. It looks like glass, but differs from the latter in its low weight and significant strength. With normal flexibility, this material has a high impact resistance.

The honeycomb material is a sheet with voids, which consists of many layers and has stiffeners extending in the longitudinal direction.

The monolithic sheet is often used as a substitute for glass in schools and hospitals, as well as in sports facilities such as swimming pools and gyms. In addition, showcases are made from this material in many shopping centers... The purpose of cellular polycarbonate is slightly different. It is used in utility buildings and utility rooms... Also found wide application in construction in suburban and summer cottages... They are used to cover structures of greenhouses and greenhouses, sheds and other similar objects. Next, we will talk about how to fix polycarbonate, depending on the frame on which it will be fixed.

Methods for fastening monolithic sheets

Just like glass, monolithic polycarbonate is used for display cases, partitions and fences, for the construction of sheds. In this regard, the fastening of these sheets takes place using structural elements that are used for simple glass. The material can be fastened in two ways. With the help of "dry" and "wet" methods, you can install and fix the monolithic sheets. A frame is used, which is a frame into which the sheets are inserted and fixed. You can also use holders different designs, with the help of which the fastening takes place in the selected position.

  • With the "dry" version of fastening, only fixation is used with the help of mechanical means, which can be different profiles or other structural elements complete with figured seals, rubber gaskets. TO mechanical means fixings include threaded connections - these are self-tapping screws, bolts, nuts and other fasteners. This method of fastening the material is considered more preferable, since when using it, the work is done neatly and cleanly.
  • With the "wet" method, an overlay is made along the entire frame contour and at the edges of the sheet, which is a putty made of polymer, it is also suitable for matching structures, after which the sheet material is inserted into the frame. After this, the joints are closed silicone sealant... To create a tight seal, you can use rubber gaskets or special strips of a profile configuration.

Both methods of fastening are similar only in that, when used correctly, small gaps must be left, since polycarbonate sheets are prone to thermal expansion. If no gaps are left, the material may deform or collapse.

Monolithic polycarbonate can also be used as coatings in structures based on the frame. This applies to verandas, greenhouses and greenhouses, in which the sheets can be both vertical and horizontal. Fixing the sheets to the frame is carried out using the usual fasteners - self-tapping screws, screws, bolts with additional rubber washers for sealing. Along the length of the frame, fixation should occur approximately every 0.5 m.

Holes are pre-made in the sheets of monolithic polycarbonate. They should retreat from the edge of the sheet at a distance of 2 cm, while the hole diameter should be 3 mm more size fastener. This is done in order to compensate for changes in material dimensions that occur during thermal expansion of the sheet. It is better to make holes in the polymer with drills intended for wood, while drilling at low speeds so that the material does not overheat during processing. If you correctly fix the sheets to the frame, you do not need to tighten the fasteners too much. The pressing force of the sheet and the diameter of the fastening hole should not interfere with the movement of the sheet during thermal expansion.

Methods for fixing sheets of cellular polycarbonate

The simplest method of attaching such material is point fixation. With this method, self-tapping screws with special thermowells are used. Thanks to this method of fastening the sheets, the material is securely fixed, the fastening joints are sealed, the formation of "cold bridges" is not allowed, while the sheets are not subject to deformation. All these positive points are possible thanks to thermal washers, which include plastic washers with a leg and washers for sealing with covers that close the holes intended for self-tapping screws.

  • The length of the plastic washer leg must match the thickness of the polycarbonate sheet.
  • A hole is made in it, the diameter of which should be approximately 3 mm larger than the size of the leg.
  • If the sheet is long, the round hole for the leg is replaced with an oval one with the direction of the main axis along the stiffeners.
  • The distance between the attachment points should be approximately 0.4 m.
  • Self-tapping screws must not be tightened very tightly.
  • Self-tapping screws should be at a distance of 4 cm from the edge of the sheet.

If the coating occupies a large area and the sheets are fixed in several rows, then the connection of the structural elements takes place with the help of connecting profiles of a special design. Thanks to them, the edges of the panels are fixed to each other.

  • Profiles are divided into detachable and one-piece. Fixation of one-piece elements to the frame occurs using self-tapping screws in conjunction with thermal washers. Such fastening resembles point fixing of sheets. Along the perimeter, the panels are inserted into profiles, while sheet structures are attached to individual fragments of the frame in a pointwise manner.
  • The split profile for fixing the sheets of cellular polycarbonate has two components, which are called "base" and "cover". The first is connected to the frame structure with self-tapping screws at a distance of approximately 0.3 m. The panels are arranged in such a way that they are inserted into the “base” by about 2 cm. The “cover” of the split profile is put on the “base” and snapping occurs when physical force or with light blows with a mallet - plastic or wooden. The material for the production of split profiles can be either aluminum or polycarbonate.

In addition to the usual connecting profiles, special designs are also used for joining panels in places where the contour of the frame changes. For example, wall profiles are used to attach sheets to a wall surface. If the panels are at an angle to each other, docking and fixing are carried out with corner profiles. For the device of the ridge on the roof, there is a ridge profile. Unlike other profiles, the latter can duplicate the angle at which the roof slopes are located.

Valuable Notes

Always when connecting sheets to each other, as well as to the joining profiles, it must be borne in mind that the sheets of material change in size with a temperature drop. To avoid deformation and breakage of the panels, it is necessary to leave gaps at all points of potential contact of polycarbonate sheets with elements in the neighborhood. It is known from practice that for each meter of the sheet there must be a gap of at least 3.5 mm. In addition, the panels must not be secured with fixing elements in such a way that thermal stress occurs.

For sheets of cellular polycarbonate, the thickness of which is up to one cm, the use of thermal washers with point fixation is mandatory. Special structural elements make the mount attractive and durable.


This video tells about how and with what to fix cellular polycarbonate:

This video will tell you how and with what to fix monolithic polycarbonate: