Repairs Design Furniture

How to make transparent leaves. Skeleton of leaves at home for beautiful products. For what are used

Madly beautiful things are obtained from the so-called "skeleton" leaves. Actually, the most ordinary leaflets from trees are taken for this purpose, but after the procedure they become much more interesting. The most important thing is that the creation of such crafts at home is a simple matter and even to some extent fascinating. Of course, they can be purchased. But not so interesting. Therefore, we are learning and do it yourself!

Methods for sketching leaves at home

I immediately want to make a reservation - do not use dubbing recipes such as soaking in tea or boiling with washing soda (which is also difficult to find. Although, if the usual soda is food - for the beginning, bake bake in the oven ... but it is too time consuming). Use only reliable, proven ways. Their types:

  • Natural;
  • Dry;
  • Wet;
  • Whitening.

And now more about each of them.

Natural or natural way

Do you know how to collect leaves? How for herbarium? Then we find sakely nature! Most often they are under the snow - overwhelming and remain such skeletons. True, they are not so beautiful. But, again, - depending on what craft! Here's what they look after cleaning them:

To make the leaves look more recently, arrange this process at home. Put all the necessary leaves in a jar with water and leave there. Check out a couple of weeks - if the skin does not leave when friction, then leave for some time, no more than a month. When you feel that it became soft and the skin gets well, under the jet of water with a toothbrush lightly swee, until the entire top layer comes down. However, this is quite a long time - wait. Therefore, there are other methods.

Dry method of sketching leaves at home

If the leaves are needed now, then this option is suitable. It is useful to a brush with a natural pile. Leaves - Fresh, soft. Not dried! On them brushed beat. So it turns out:

And if you take dry, then:

Otherwise, but interesting. Keep in mind: Taking a brush with an artificial bristle, you can deny it only dry leaves. There will not be anything on the green. The way this is fast, but every sheet is a lot of time (and forces!), So read on.

Wet method - more complex

There will have to try. First, go back to the cleaning agent in powder - any chemistry, but rustic, like powder for cleaning sewer pipes. Secondly, the leaves should be boiled in this option. And this is a long time - hard leaves cook about 3 hours, soft - hour. In the pan, pour powder - tablespoons Stack 2-3.

Cooked leaves should be soft. The pulp should go if you lose a sheet with effort. It is necessary to do it in a basin with warm water. So that the hands are not tired of a long stay in the water and for an additional reading effect, turn the rubber gloves with bursts. If the sheet was tough before cooking, then we put it on a wooden plate and three small brushes with soft bristles (the tooth will fit), wetting it with water.

Whitening of leaves

Blooming is another way of "skeleton." To do this, hold fresh or failed leaflets in "whiteness", diluted with water. 15 minutes is a maximum for fresh, 10 - for a wet method treated.

Subsequent treatment

What to do with them further? First, dry in a fully strained form. Secondly, pasted. Gentle leaves are harvested less and straighted in a saucepan, with great precautions. Therefore, see what the material you can immediately stroke the iron, without expecting drying, and what - after drying. Know that the following types are: Platan, Maple, Birch, Poplar, Osin, Oak, Lipa, Walnut, Ficus, Blueberry, Rowan, Olha - Better and Qualitatively, Skeeling. Of these, more beautiful samples are obtained than others.

In principle, it is possible to use the finished material so. But it will be more beautiful to paint it. In this case, there will be plenty of paint splashes, which spray on the weight, protecting the hands with gloves.

Krable in any colors, but surely try gold and / or silver! It turns out chic.

Detailed master class on the next video, the coat will shoot you using step-by-step instructions:

Photos of various works clearly show all variety of use in the work of skeleton leaves. See how they can be issued, and what extensive areas of needlework are covered:

The most common option - Applique:

Crafts from skeleton leaves in combination with other materials can be very original:

If we take ordinary plastic or polymer clay, cut into the form of a skeleton leaf and impose it from above, after placing varnish, then the beautiful decoration will be the most exclusive in your collection.

The appearance of crafts from the same material can differ much from each other. You can achieve this in various methods. For crafts from leaves, we simply take leaves from different trees, varying degrees of yellowness and so on. But what about changing the structure of the sheet?

Leaf skeleton is an excellent way to make a fundamentally new material for crafts.

At first, it is certainly better to deal with what it is? The skeleton of the leaves is the process of removing soft sheet tissues without affecting the residences and stem. In this case, it remains the "leaf skeleton" connected by a fine transparent film (or without it), hence the name.

In principle, the "skeleton of leaves" can be bought in stores and use them. However, it is possible to "turn" it yourself. For this there are several ways and each of you can choose the most convenient and suitable for yourself. Some of them are now with you and consider.

The easiest method of sketching leaves is dry, with the help of a brush.

Take the usual brush and vigorous movements, start spanking it on the surface of the sheet. After 15-20 minutes of intensive work, we get a "clerk".

The minus method is that there are no leaves with it. Yes, and quality is not always at the highest level. Some streaks are not saved. Much depends on the selected brush

Consider another way of sketching leaves - with soda.

We will need a saucepan, leaves, water and soda.

In the pan laying out the leaves. Fill them divorced in water. On 1 liter of water, we pour 1 teaspoon of soda. However, you can vary themselves proportions.

In such a solution, cook leaves for half an hour (30 minutes).

Give the leaves, lay them on a napkin or soft fabric. Sponge (or with the help of a brush) carefully remove the flesh. The main thing is not to rearrange and not damage the streak!

During cooking, leaves can be slightly deformed. You can give them the same smooth form using the usual press from books.

When skeletering leaves are discolored. Re-give them color (any !!!) with the help of food dyes. We dreamed the dye to water, lower the leaves in it, we wait a little, and we are dried. You can simply crack the napkin or sponge.

The skeleton of leaves is very long and time-consuming, but a delaying and interesting process. Because of the effects of water, air and chemicals, the pulp is departed from the leaflet, leaving only a gentle, openwork contour in the form of a sheet. Let us describe how you can make the sketching of the leaves at home.

Methods of skeleton

For sketching, only just torn leaves are suitable, you should not postpone the procedure for several hours, because if the sheet is sluggish, the desired effect may not work. If the winter is in the yard, then you can use a pre-prepared herbarium, as the skeleton sheet can be created from a dry blank.

Selecting the leaflets, you need to select the method of sketching. Currently there are several methods for producing openwork mesh sheets:

  1. Mechanical or dry method;
  2. Soaking in water;
  3. Wet method;
  4. Chemical method.

Let's analyze each of them in more detail in the master class.

Dry fashion

In this way, we use if one or two leaves need to be done. Of course, in this way you can process and more billets, but it will take a huge amount of time, as one sheet will take 15-20 minutes.

We will only need a brush to knock out the pulp. We pay attention to the pile, you can use brushes only with natural bristles. The tougher, the better.

We put the leaflets in front of yourself and begin to beat it with a brush. Thus, we will separate the pulp from the streak, leaving only the framework you need.

This method can also be used for dried leaves, but it turns out not dwelling, and openwork sheets.

Soaking in water

This method occurs the skeleton of leaves in nature. Pour water to the jar and put a sheet there. We close the lid and leave in this state for a month. Carefully watching the process, because the process may occur earlier.

When the top layer of the sheet goes out, get a leaf and rinse under running water from the resulting mucus. Carefully disconnect the flesh with your hands or thin brushes of medium stiffness.

It turns out beautiful blanks. It remains only to dry in a dry place for two days. This way is beautiful, for example, ficus leaves.

Wet method

Wet method is used when you need to create a lot of leaflets at the same time. We put the leaves in a saucepan with water and fall asleep their soda, calculated on the liter of water one teaspoon. Fill with water and put on fire, cook the leaves of about half an hour.

After that, carefully get the leaves alternately, put on paper napkins with a brush or sponge remove the flesh. We act very carefully. If there is an excess moisture, we remove them with a napkin. Give only one leaf from the solution at a time.

To align the resulting leaves, put them under the press. If there is a desire, you can paint the resulting leaves with food dyes.

Chemical method

The chemical method is like wet, that's just the leaves do not need to cook.

Machine leaves in whiteness with water, in a 1: 1 ratio. When the leaves lose the pulp and packed, they can be pulled out. To align the resulting leaves, put them under the press.

The result largely depends on the rigidity and thickness of the painted sheet. Topic, lime, oak, birch, oxide leaf and ficus leaves are best skewering.

You can paint the skeletons at several stages of manufacture:

  1. In the process of separating the pulp with the help of whiteness and mangartee;
  2. When leaflets succeed, with watercolor, gouache, food dyes or cans.

The finished product is covered with varnish. We decorate, as your heart: sparkles, rhinestones, beads and many others.

For what are used

The skeleton of leaves is only the first item. Next, with their help, you can create wonderful crafts with your own hands. Let's analyze several of the most famous techniques using these leaves.

One of these directions is the creation of paintings from the leaves. To do this, take a finished background, paint the branches or various patterns on it and glued skeleton leaflets. Thus, magical paintings are obtained.

Also, such leaves can be canvas for drawings, for artistic thread.

Another direction is to texturing, in this case the leaves are used to give texture to other materials. An example of such a job in the photo below:

The most beautiful thing is to induce such leaves with the press in paper, so you can create a wonderful photo wallpaper.

And the leaf skeletons are applied during decorating in various techniques, for example, decoupage, scrapbooking. They are used in jewelry.

Openwork skeleton leaves saw, probably, all: natural - in the salons of floristics, artificial - in gifts stores. But few people think that they can be made independently - this is a very fascinating, although the laborious process, which will be for the child a real lesson of biology! By the way, to engage in the skeleton of leaves is better in autumn. It is not necessary to wait when the leaves will yellow, the main thing is that they are the most dense and tough at that time.

What parts is a sheet

All you know what the leaf looks like, but what is it from? If you study it under a microscope, then you can allocate ...

  • Epidermis - a layer of cells that protect against the harmful effects of the medium and excessive evaporation of water. Often over top of the epidermis, the sheet is covered with a protective layer of wax origin (cuticle).
  • Mesophyll, or Parenchima - Inner chlorophyllon fabric that performs the main function - photosynthesis.
  • Network veilFormed by conductive beams consisting of vessels and sieve tubes, to move water dissolved salts and sugars.

On the bottom of the sheet there is also a dust - special cell complexes located, mainly on the lower surface of the leaves; Through them there is evaporation of water and gas exchange.

The network of residents in this complex is the most durable and persistent. It must be carefully highlighted from the sheet, and from all the rest to get rid of it.

Methods of sketching leaves

Boil with soda

Most often on the Internet you can meet the Council to reveal the leaves in a saturated solution of soda, it is desirable not to drink, but calcined (it is also called washing soda). Cooking the leaves in the solution of soda at least half an hour, you need to take it very carefully, decompose on dense fabric and neatly (!) It is necessary to consider the mesophyll residue with a soft tassel. You need to dry the gauge mesh, you can even under the press, like a sheet for herbarium.

Boiling with chemical reagents

If you are prone to experiments, there are no young children in the apartment, then soda can be replaced with aggressive chemicals - we met a recommendation to pour the leaves with diluted boiling water "Mole" - a means for cleaned pipes. Most likely, acidic and alkaline drugs will really effectively destroy soft leaf fabrics, but remember that you are also a mild tissue! Take care of ventilation, protection for hands and eyes, about the safety of children and pets.

Washing in water

If you are not prone to chemical experiments, then just "forget" leaves in a jar with water for two or three weeks. Water can be periodically changed in order not to suffer from unpleasant odor. Soft parts of the leaves will begin to decompose first. Then act by the same scheme: cloth, brush, drying ...

Dry skeleton method

Finally, if you have already dried leaves, you can "beat" them with a brush with a dense and very serious pile, approximately the same movements as you chop meat. The thinnest places of the sheet will open in dust, and the rigid mesh will remain.

(Click on the photo to enlarge)

Staining the skeleton of the sheet

The finished "skeleton" can be omitted into a solution of food dyes - it turns out an elegant openwork leaf, as in the Floristics store.

(Click on the photo to enlarge)

What leaves can be used for skeleton

Soft loose leaves are not suitable for skeleton, otherwise you can safely experiment, including with home plants. The thinner and tenderly sheet, the less time the processing will take, but the harder it is to get a smooth whole skeleton. Dense rigid leaves (for example, a ficus) are more difficult to process, but it is more difficult to spoil the craft.

(Click on the photo to enlarge)

What to do with bled leaves?

If you have done a skeleton for crafts, then use them in applications as the usual dried leaves. They will not interfere with the design of gift packaging and flower compositions. But do not stop on this, look at the magnificent work with the skeleton leaves of the creative warehouse people!

Nadezhda Rudenko Lives at all close to us, in Biysk. She created a whole branch of art - nymphalism! After all, its hobby is the manufacture of butterflies models, in addition to size, not different from the original. As the starting material, it uses both skeleton leaves, which cannot be better transmitted by the fragile structure of the butterfly wing.

(Click on the photo to enlarge)

Artist Irina IVI Creates transparent patterns of skeleton leaves painted with mellisated paints and elegantly laid between two glasses.