Repair Design Furniture

How to arrange a doorway. Doorway without a door: DIY doorway design, interesting options Doorway design

Despite the fact that interior designers never cease to amaze us with ultra-modern ideas for room decoration, betting on the most unexpected solutions, the classics of the genre, namely interior doors, remain at the peak of popularity. This is due to the fact that the traditional purpose of the door remains unchanged, and today it is one of the main options for zoning a room, using which you will ensure reliable isolation of the room and create the most private atmosphere in it. Due to the fact that the decoration of the room, including the doorway, largely affects its holistic perception, it is necessary to approach the design of this element of the interior with due care and accuracy. Often there is a need to abandon the door leaf and, as a result, dismantle door frame, which becomes very relevant if there is a room behind the door in which there is no need to create a confidential atmosphere. The choice of this solution will allow not only to harmoniously and modernly design the doorway, but also to save up to one square meter of area, which is often especially important in small apartments. Making an open doorway is extremely topical issue leaving a huge scope for the imagination of the designer.

Functional purpose of open doorways

Unfortunately, many apartment owners in standard new buildings cannot boast large quantity free square meters, in this connection, they have to fight for every extra centimeter, abandoning seemingly significant interior elements. As for the doors, they often take up a lot of free space, especially when it comes about traditional swing structures. In addition, not everyone is a devoted fan. sliding systems, which becomes a weighty argument in favor of designing a doorway without a door, which in its essence will resemble a portal. This design option will successfully save precious meters, as well as create a pleasant feeling of spaciousness and absence of obstacles in the apartment. In addition to expanding the space, the rejection of the door will provide free air circulation and good visibility of the room.

In addition to the above arguments, there is another strong argument in favor of this method decorating the doorway. Its use will be especially relevant if you do not have a need for functional separation two rooms, united by a common doorway. For example, if we are talking about combining a living room and a balcony, and you do not need to clearly separate them, you can bet on a doorway without a door, which will effectively zone the space, visually separating the balcony and the living space, but at the same time , and combine them by merging them together. In addition, the use of this method will be especially relevant if the front door is adjacent to a kind of transition that resembles a niche, or if we are talking about the design of a doorway located between the kitchen and the living room, when their integrity will always be harmonious.

Thus, what is the need for arranging open doorways?

  • The need to improve the reliability of supporting structures... This is due to the fact that in standard buildings, load-bearing walls are localized in the most unexpected and, moreover, inconvenient places, which forces apartment owners to somehow harmonize them. appearance and beat the existing passage by arranging it accordingly;
  • Visual unification of functionally divided spaces... If you are planning to organize a doorway in the supporting structure or expand an existing one by equipping a modern studio in a typical apartment, you will again come to the rescue by decorating an opening without a door, thanks to which you can combine a kitchen with a living room, a bedroom with a study or a living room with a hall;
  • Space zoning will become especially relevant for you if you are the owner modern apartment free planning. In this case, the organization of open openings will be one of the most optimal ways for you to select functional areas in the room, since it does not limit the designer's imagination in any way.

Doorways photo

Advantages and disadvantages of open doorways

If we compare an open doorway with traditional design options that imply a doorway, the previous ones have a number of advantages:

  • Visual unification of several adjacent rooms. In this case, one of the most attractive is the combination of the kitchen and living room, living room and hall, as well as the combination with other general premises, such as a library, a dining room and others;
  • A non-standard appearance and an original compositional solution are the distinctive features of open doorways, since the geometric shape of their design can be of any kind. In addition, in the process of decorating doorways without doors, the use of a wide variety of materials is allowed and even encouraged, which will also be discussed in our article;
  • The lack of burdensome care is distinctive feature open doorways. Unlike door leaves made of precious woods, which require careful maintenance, as opposed to an open doorway decorated minimum amount similar materials;
  • Democratic cost. Regardless of what material you use in the process of decorating an opening that unites two rooms, its consumption will be significantly lower than when installing a solid door leaf.
  • In addition, unlike the traditional option, which implies the installation of a door leaf, you are absolutely not limited in the materials used, and you can decorate the doorway with any materials.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • Lack of space clearly separated by a door leaf. For example, it makes no sense to equip an opening without a door between the functionally different premises, for example, a kitchen and a corridor, since you are unlikely to be able to visually expand the space, however, extraneous odors will freely enter the corridor;
  • The impossibility of organizing in any premises, such as a bathroom or toilet, the functional purpose of which does not allow the arrangement of open openings;
  • The impossibility of providing complete privacy, which is extremely unacceptable for those apartments where several families or many relatives live.

Choosing a material for finishing the doorway

Plastic panels

Plastic panels are one of the most common and relatively inexpensive materials for finishing doorways, which can be used even if you do not plan to give up installing a door leaf. If you are a follower traditional way and still prefer to install the door leaf, to decorate the opening, use plastic panels that imitate the structure of wood and harmonize in color with the tone of the door leaf. Using this style, you can emphasize the severity and clarity of the lines, as well as create a contrast with walls covered with wallpaper in a lighter or darker shade, or painted with paint, the tone of which should also contrast with the tone of the door and plastic panels... Taking these recommendations into account, you can visually increase the height and expand the doorway, as well as slightly raise the ceiling, which will have favorable attention to the interior of the room as a whole. In addition to their decorative appearance, plastic panels are also characterized by practicality - you will not see touch marks on them. Fastening of plastic panels is carried out with liquid nails on the surface that has undergone preliminary cleaning.

Polyurethane stucco molding

Another common material for finishing doorways, in appearance resembling plaster stucco molding, but with a lighter weight. It is easily glued to any surface, which is one of the main advantages of polyurethane stucco molding. However, when using stucco to decorate small-sized rooms, it is important not to overload it, which will help the use of stucco, characterized by the presence of flat elements and the absence of massive relief. If the room where you plan to decorate the opening with polyurethane stucco has high ceilings, use it as an arched element above the door or pilasters on the sides, which will add an additional touch of luxury to the room. One of the main advantages of polyurethane stucco molding is its original White color, thanks to which it can subsequently be decorated in any color scheme.

Facing with decorative stone

This design method can rightfully be considered one of the most stylish and expensive. Despite the fact that facing with decorative stone is an expensive pleasure, and very laborious, it does not scare true adherents of naturalism, and besides, it is supported by its durability, the highest wear resistance, as well as practicality, thanks to which the stone does not need complex care.

Important! The peculiarities of the production of decorative stone make it possible to produce artificial stone of the most varied color palette, as well as add various inclusions to its structure, such as shells or small pieces of marble. Thanks to the peculiar decorative features material, artificial stone is successfully used in the design of interiors, made in oriental style. In the photo you can see an open doorway decorated with decorative stone.

The method of facing with decorative stone involves the use of small-sized material, which is located along the perimeter of the opening, imitating its even edging with smooth edges. This is a classic design option for a doorway, but the designers suggest paying attention to a more original design option, which involves the creation of "torn" edges, when the stone is not cut, adjusting to the shape, but laid out in a natural order. The color palette of the stone is selected in accordance with the overall color concept of the room.

Important! To ensure the adhesion of the stone to the underlying surface, it must be carefully prepared. To do this, the wall around the doorway is cleaned from the previous finish, after which it is treated with a specialized primer.

Clinker use

Another popular design technique is the use of so-called "brick tiles" or clinker, which is laid out around the door reception. To create a spectacular design of the doorway, tiles are laid "in a run" by analogy with brickwork. In addition to being used for interior decoration window and doorways, the use of clinker is widely practiced when exterior decoration building facades.

Choosing the shape of the doorway: a classic rectangle or a distinctive arch?

The traditional geometric shape for a doorway is still a rectangle. To diversify the strict classics, designers recommend adopting one of the above methods, which will add some liveliness to the design of the doorway. But what if you are not a supporter of the classics? How to arrange a doorway in this case? Here, the designers unequivocally agree and unanimously recommend betting on the arched shape of the doorway. According to experts, the arch is one of the most interesting and non-standard ways of decorating a doorway, the most appropriate in apartments with narrow corridors, since this technique allows you to visually expand the space and give it airiness.

The choice of the type of arched structures depending on the height of the ceilings

  • If your apartment has low ceilings, designers recommend paying attention to arches whose corner radius exceeds half the width of the door opening, and therefore, they are characterized by a gentle rounding. Thanks to this shape, the arch will appear wider and slightly raise the ceiling;
  • If you are decorating a room with high ceilings, designers recommend using a classic arch, the radius of which corresponds to half of the door opening;
  • In addition to the named classic, round and straight arches, there are many other non-standard arched structures: in the form of an ellipse, a trapezoid, as well as an asymmetric shape, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of a slope in one direction.

One of the fastest and most convenient ways to create an arch is to buy a ready-made arch kit consisting of four posts, two arches, and panels. In addition, arches are often made of plasterboard.

The choice of the type of arched structures depending on the stylistic concept

There is another classification of arched openings, which differ in accordance with the design style.

Classic combines elliptical, three-center and semicircular arches. But, despite this, the main requirement for arches in the classical style is their absolute symmetry. One of the most effective options for arranging an opening in the living room is the organization of arched structures with vertical slopes, made in the form of semi-columns;

Empire and Baroque also differ in the symmetry of arched structures, but unlike the classics, this stylistic direction assumes an abundance decorative elements... In this case, experts advise to give preference to symmetrical arches, decorated with polyurethane stucco molding, gilding, as well as plaster bas-reliefs located in the upper part of the arches;

But East style stands apart from all other directions and involves the use of arches of the most bizarre and intricate forms - lancet, keeled;

Modern, techno and minimalism- stylistic direction in which distinct echoes of modernity can be traced. Using them, you rarely find arches of similar shapes; in this case, curvature becomes a distinctive feature of arched structures, and therefore the doorway can take on the most unexpected forms. If we consider in more detail all modern directions, then it is worth noting that techno and hi-tech are characterized by more strict, geometric shapes while playful pop art and modern style prefer more relaxed forms and the most unexpected outlines. Also, these styles welcome the design of the doorway. decorative lamps... An excellent solution in this case is the organization of lighting in the style of a "curtain of light" or using spotlights, which will look most impressive in the case of decorating the opening between the kitchen and the living room.

Less common, but at the same time effective, is the organization of a stained glass arch, according to which part of the opening, often curved, is occupied by a stained glass window. This method will be especially relevant for a combined kitchen and living room, as well as a living room and a balcony.

Romantic destinations more restrained in the choice of shapes and materials. They involve the use of symmetrical arches of a semicircular or flat shape, which is due to the desire for static and lightness of solutions for architectural elements that are combined with materials in a rich color scheme.

Making openings with decorative curtains and screens

The question does not lose its relevance: "How to arrange a doorway with curtains?" Its popularity is due to the fact that curtains, both fabric and made of other materials, are one of the most affordable and versatile ways to decorate a doorway.

Fabric curtains, in the case of the correct selection of materials and textures, will be an appropriate addition to any interior. They look equally relevant with both a U-shaped and an arched opening. When choosing curtains for decorating a doorway, it is important to observe stylistic unity and give preference to curtains similar to those that hang on the windows. At the same time, the compositional solution can be absolutely anything, from a complex composition with draperies and a lambrequin, to a discreet curtains in an oriental style;

Bamboo curtains- a variety made from wood. Components bamboo curtains (sticks and beads) must be hooked or strung on threads. Bamboo curtains will be the most relevant in the framework of eco-style and eclecticism;

Filament curtains suggest a strong interlacing of bundles, securely fixed at the top in one tape. V classic version thread curtains suggest the use of only fabric cords, but for modern times there are no restrictions, and figures from glass and beads, shells and pebbles, which are strung on strong bundles, are used.

Any house is equipped with blind entrance doors, they are installed exclusively to protect the house from uninvited guests, and interior doors. By the type of construction, the latter can be sliding, swing, cassette, folding and pendulum. The main function of interior doors is to isolate one room from another. This "barrier" not only acts as a zoning, but also protects rooms from the penetration of sounds, which is sometimes simply necessary. In a bedroom, for example, it is difficult to fall asleep if there is a study or a hall nearby, where household members stay up late. Interior doors also isolate the kitchen with its special microclimate, preventing the latter from entering adjacent rooms.

However, in recent years, design has tacitly adhered to the principle of "large spaces, conditional boundaries" and abandon partitions altogether. Interiors should "breathe" freely and bathe in the light, which is why studio apartments, or their imitations (combined rooms), have become such a popular option. The decor of a doorway without a door, as a rule, is selected in accordance with the stylistic picture of the interior of adjacent rooms, which they share. You can arrange it with your own hands from improvised means or involve a team of specialists. The first option is preferable, since it will be cheaper, and the creative component plays an important role in the decoration process. By applying the skills of a builder and designer, you can create an original, unique design that will become the highlight of your home. Let's talk about the benefits of doorways open type, materials for their decor and stylistic features.

Benefits of open openings

Open doorways have a number of undeniable advantages, among which they note:

  • Beautiful aesthetic appearance. Modern ways designs allow you to create complex, original design options for decorating.
  • The "closed" area, which was previously required to open a swing door (common), can now be used to accommodate interior items.
  • More natural light. If in adjoining rooms the window got only one, then the absence of a door in the opening will allow a particle of the sun to enter the neighboring dark room.
  • Regular air circulation. Relevant for rooms with poor ventilation.
  • Combining two spaces. The technique is used to create a special interior composition, when two rooms decorated in the same style should have a conditional border, and not an actual one.
  • Zoning. The diametrically opposite purpose of an open doorway in cases where a wall in a house is being erected artificially, but a "connecting link" must be left between the rooms.
  • Visual enlargement of a cramped "closet". If a tiny room is considered as an independent room, then design tricks will not always help to correct the situation. With the help of an open opening, its visual perception changes. It seems to be a continuation, part of an adjacent larger room.
  • New possibilities in choosing the shape of the opening. Despite the fact that designers continue to amaze non-standard solutions design, arches remain the simplest and most convenient option. The variety of their forms allows you to create a unique interior picture.

Also, the list of advantages includes easier maintenance of the structure (no need to lubricate the hinges and wipe the glass) and the relatively low cost of installation. The latter does not depend on the type of decorative materials; a complete door set will cost more.


Open doorways are classified into two types:

  1. The classic version. It is not much different from kits with a door, it has the same rectangular shape. The classics are primitivistic.
  2. Arched doorway. In this case, they use the variety of types that these decorative designs can boast of.

The arches are strictly classified according to their shapes:

  • Roman (romantic). Their vaults are made in the form of a circle, the diameter of which is equal to the width of the doorway.
  • Turkish (oriental). The arched vault is shaped like a dome.
  • British. The vault is a truncated circle. It is a stripped-down Roman version.
  • Gothic (lancet). The vault lines smoothly stretch towards a single center.
  • Ellipsoidal. The arched vault is similar to the "elongated" Roman version.
  • Slavic. Arches with a "domestic" name are similar to classic open doorways, but have slightly rounded corners.
  • Transoms. The vault of the structure is deaf, that is, it is glazed or decorated with another translucent material.

There are also Thai variants, in which the arch was cut in half and only one part was left. In rare cases, they use a completely round version, as in the fabulous dwellings that John Tolkien described on the pages of his books. Such options are difficult to install, but they become an exquisite element of the interior.

Dimensions (edit)

There are certain standards that govern the permissible dimensions of doorways, both open and closed type... A height of 1.9 m corresponds to a width of 0.55 and 0.6 m. You will encounter such standard openings in typical apartments. For a door with a height of 2 m, the permissible widths are 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9 m. In private houses, the parameters may be different. Naturally, such numbers do not always correspond to the wishes of the home owner. In this case, the openings are expanded due to the partial dismantling of the wall. Before starting work, it is necessary to consult with specialists who will give an exact answer whether such actions can be carried out and what consequences they will have.

The thickness of the box also matters. In apartments, it is standard: 7.5 cm. The indicator is necessary for the correct choice of accessories.

Decoration materials

Before decorating the opening, you need to decide on the materials that will be used in the work. For the simple, budget options stop at textiles and decorate the element with curtains. They will bring coziness with them to the room, besides, you can replace the material at any time. For monumental structures, drywall, clinker (a type of ceramic tile), MDF, chipboard, PVC panels, lining, solid wood, artificial and a natural stone, brick.

In more sophisticated interiors, polyurethane stucco molding, expensive wallpaper or decorative plaster on the slopes. Platbands are of particular importance. They are also classified according to their forms:

  • Curly;
  • Flat;
  • Rounded.

Carved platbands are considered a separate category - the result of painstaking manual work on wood. It is quite difficult to master the technique of fine work in master classes and make an element on your own, therefore it is easier to purchase a finished author's product.

Separately, it is worth noting the siding trim. The material has an original texture, and its strength allows you to create complex frame structures in the form of open shelves surrounding the doorway.

Plastic panels

Plastic is classified as a budget material that boasts a rich assortment of colors and surface textures. It is flexible, so it easily repeats different shapes doorways. In installation, the material is simple, therefore, you do not have to involve specialists for the work. You can decorate the doorway yourself by cutting required elements made of plastic or buy a ready-made kit. It includes:

  • Platbands in the amount of six pieces. Four for the side "walls" on two sides and two to form the upper arch. If the latter has a non-standard shape (arched), then special kits are purchased, designed for a specific doorway.
  • Three extras. Two for the side walls and one for the top.

Panel doorways decorated with plastic are versatile and suitable for any style. Choose a material with a flowery, subtle pattern and it will organically flow into one of the classic directions. Take advantage of illuminated metal or brick imitation and the doorway will be an elegant addition to a high-tech or loft-style room.

Interior and entrance doorways can be decorated with decorative stone. Natural material perfectly masks the metal frame, which on the threshold disfigures the situation with its appearance. For interior openings open type mainly use artificial stone. The material is lighter than natural, but less durable. Stone or brick finishing is often performed using the "torn" edging technique. Its edges capture part of the wall and create a unique pattern that imitates a carelessly done job. This option is very popular in modern interiors, as it introduces "antiquity" motifs that contrast with the overall "neatness" in the room setting.

Unlike gypsum stucco molding, polyurethane is lightweight. During installation, it is not scary to drop the elements on the floor, since the fall will do without cracks and chipped pieces. With the help of stucco molding, they create aristocratic arched structures that are suitable for the Empire or antique style. Small elements are complemented by pilasters that imitate columns on the sides of the doorway. This option looks spectacular in rooms with low ceilings, as it will visually stretch the room. It is not recommended to get carried away with stucco molding in small spaces: the abundance of small, embossed details will play a bad joke with perception. Polyurethane decor is "planted" on glue, which provides good adhesion to any surface.

One of the advantages of the material is considered its standard white color. Subsequently, you can paint the surface in any shade, in accordance with the palette of the room's decoration.

Clinker is another popular type of finish. Ceramic tile has a rectangular "brick" shape, in contrast to the traditional square. It is recommended to make out the opening using the "whipping" technique, when the fragments of the adjacent row are displaced by half the width of the piece. The seams do not match with this installation, which makes it possible to achieve a similarity to brickwork. If, when decorating the walls in this way, it would be necessary to cut the clinker, since every second row should end with a half of the tile, then to decorate the opening they resort to "torn" edges. This design looks stylish and elegant. The color range of clinker tiles allows you to choose the material in accordance with any interior palette.


The easiest way to decorate is to decorate the doorway with fabric curtains. For these purposes, both light tulle and heavy curtains are used. The latter are collected on the sides and fixed with special grabs. Holders allow, if necessary, to leave the opening open or to cover it completely. Filament curtains are also widely used: they are "strips" of special synthetic fabric, which sways freely in the opening and creates the illusion of an obstacle. Textiles as a decor are very convenient, they can be easily removed for washing or replaced with curtains with a different "style" or color when changing the interior.

Design ideas

The practice of "built-in" doorway, or rather its illusion, is widely used. A similar solution is relevant for apartments in which there is nowhere to put books. The home library is placed on open shelves that surround the doorway. In the nearest corner, they arrange a place for reading: a cozy table with an armchair or a miniature sofa. In modern interiors, designers often experiment, and the shape of the doorway becomes the subject of design experiments. They can follow keyholes, vases, be completely round, or have asymmetrical curved edges.

The original openings are complemented with decorative "windows" on the sides, illuminated voids that emphasize the features of the contour, or shelves on one of the sides. The original solution will be the installation of forged elements with floral ornaments above the vault. They will stretch the metal "stems" all the way to the floor. On forged "vines" provide for the presence special holders, to which family photos of the same size are attached.

Standard design

The standard design is usually made of plastic or MDF. These materials are available at affordable prices. It is recommended to purchase a set, which already includes platbands and extensions. All the owner has to do is to carry out the installation.

A classic doorway may seem too conservative and slightly boring to many. Usually, such options are chosen by adherents of traditions who do not like dramatic changes either in life or in the interior. However, a primitive open-type doorway is also used in an overly “lively”, colorful setting. It plays the role of a restrained element that relieves space.

Arches magically expand the space. They create the effect of "freedom" and fill both rooms with light and air. In most cases (except for Thai options), arched structures are symmetrical. They are designed accordingly, as if in a mirror image. In classical styles, the arches are decorated with stucco, bas-reliefs and pilasters on the sides. An interior with a similar design will look sophisticated and expensive.

The vaults of the transom arches are decorated with glass and thin slats that create a geometric pattern. Asymmetric options are complemented with niches, shelves for decor, lighting. Arched structures connect any premises, there are no restrictions in this regard. Although more often such openings are found between a cramped hallway and an adjacent room (usually a hall).

The original design of house doors is not always the prerogative of professionals. With a great desire and a creative approach, any talented person can make an unusual door decor. From our selection you will learn how to decorate a door with your own hands in the five most accessible ways for an amateur.

How to ennoble the door of a house with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself door decor is a whole complex of stages and, in the opinion of the overwhelming majority of specialists, starting training is considered almost the most main part work.

As a rule, the owners decide to decorate the old doors of the house in an original way, brave people who are ready to decorate a brand new home door beyond recognition are rare, because new thing often looks good.

Let's start with the simplest, namely - what needs to be done before decorating the front door? In this case, we are talking about the street, front part of the door leaf. According to statistics, more than 70% of owners prefer to install at the entrance metal doors.

The easiest way is to paint the outer part of a metal door to match a stencil.

Steel structures on the outside are decorated in only two ways: painting and cladding with wood or MDF. In both cases, try to remove the old paint, clean the base with emery and degrease.

There are three ways to remove paint from steel sheet:

  1. The easiest thing is to buy a wash and dissolve the coating. The method is quick and effective, but only if the door of the house faces the street. In a closed entrance multi-storey building there may be problems with neighbors, because the wash is a "wildly" smelly and harmful thing;
  2. You can also buy an attachment in the form of an iron brush (cord-brush) for a grinder and scrape off the paint with it, here the only problem is noise;
  3. Relatively quiet, harmless and at the same time efficient way this is to warm up the base construction hairdryer and scrape off the coating with a spatula, but if there is foam inside the iron door, then the heat may slightly melt the insulation.

The most harmless way to remove old paint is to warm it up with a construction hairdryer.

Don't try to warm up old paint blowtorch or gas burner, firstly, you can cause a fire, and secondly, at this temperature, the metal can partially deform, and burnouts will appear on the tree.

Potholes and chips in an old board made of MDF or chipboard are cleaned with an iron brush and covered with putty, in this case, the composition is taken for outdoor woodwork, and when the putty completely hardens, the surface is sanded with emery and covered with soil.

Continuous application of the putty with a spatula.

Preparing an old wooden door is not much different from preparing the same chipboard. The first step is to remove the top layer old paint or varnish. In addition to the above three cleaning methods, here you can still take a sharp steel scraper and try to clean the paint with it, physically hard, but quite realistic.

Places of installation of the lock must be prepared especially carefully.

Once you've gotten rid of the old finish, you need to clean out and slightly widen the visible cracks with a knife or chisel. Then take a sanding machine with medium emery in your hands and grind the surface.

It is not possible to level the surface with one emery, therefore, before decorating the old door, all serious defects need to be putty, dried and once again polished with a machine, but now with a thin emery.

Acrylic putty is one of the best squads for leveling wooden doors.

Then brush off the dust and cover the tree with acrylic or latex primer. In principle, you can also grind by hand, but it is long and difficult.

Five ways to decorate doors

The decor of the front door made of wood (from the side of the dwelling) is no different from the artistic decoration of internal, interior doors, except that it is advisable to take the compositions that are waterproof and be sure to prime the base.

Method number 1. Coloring

The easiest way to decorate an old door with your own hands is to paint it. It is difficult to call such a decor of the doors of the house original, but we mentioned it, since staining is an integral part of most more complex species finishes.

If complicated original decor the door does not appeal to you, just paint it.

  • Despite the seeming simplicity, painting has its own nuances, so that the composition lies evenly and without streaks, it is better to remove the canvas from the hinges and paint horizontally;
  • If you paint for further decoration of doors, then take acrylic or acrylate paint;
  • Nitroenamel dries up within an hour, plus it has a glossy shine, but such compositions are made on a solvent, respectively, they smell sharply;
  • Oil paints are the most affordable option, but they are not very suitable for decoration, there is only simple staining.

Method number 2. Wallpaper for old doors

First, about the wallpaper itself:

  • It is not worth taking paper models, because the finish should be not only beautiful, but also hardy, and the paper will lose all attractiveness in a year;
  • Textured vinyl-coated wallpaper is best used for accents, that is, fragmentarily. Plus vinyl is afraid of pets' claws;
  • The best option is the decor of old doors with non-woven and glass fiber wallpaper, they are durable, durable, retain their appearance for a long time, and most importantly do not stretch when wet.
  • But a truly win-win do-it-yourself door decor is a photo wallpaper. They are not much more expensive than standard non-woven fabric, and the effect can exceed the wildest expectations.

Competently selected photowall-paper will turn the room into a fairy tale.

If the base is well leveled and primed, then you can safely buy regular wallpaper glue and glue on it. Without primer, for example, when pasting doors painted with nitro enamel, it is better to take PVA.

We cut the canvas to size.

The instruction is usual:

  1. Remove handles and other accessories from the doors;
  2. Prepare the base;
  3. Apply glue to the base;
  4. Lubricate the wallpaper with glue;
  5. Glue the wallpaper to the doors and expel the air with a special plastic spatula. While the wallpaper is drying, you need to exclude drafts.

There is important point: if you took non-woven or fiberglass wallpaper, then they are not smeared with glue, the glue is applied only to the base.

We expel the air and decorate the doors with polyurethane moldings.

The door will look original, one might even say chic, if you decorate it with polyurethane moldings. Moreover, it is necessary to take polyurethane and glue it on liquid nails or some similar composition. The foam fillets look the same, but they break easily.

Method number 3. "Creative mess"

Such a door design with your own hands can be safely called truly unique. After all, even the best wallpaper is still a serial product, and here you create your own unique picture.

This method also looks especially attractive because the doors do not need to be sanded or putty, all irregularities and defects will be hidden by the embossed ornament, it is enough to degrease or prime the base.

We will do the general embossed decoration of the door using papier-mâché from egg trays. There is nothing complicated here: take an egg tray and knead it, naturally it will tear, but this is not important, because we do not need clear dimensions.

Cooking and glueing papier-mâché.

Papier-mâché is glued to the doors with any high-quality glue, for example "Moment", or you can use a glue gun.

The more small things there are, the more original the panel will turn out.

In addition to egg trays, we need various small trash. Everything from buttons to broken ones will come into play here. computer mouse and the more versatile this "garbage" is, the higher the likelihood of creating a truly unique decor. Small things are also glued to the door, choose the pattern yourself.

Any old thing will do for decor.

After the door is decorated in this way, it needs to be painted, the paint, as it were, will depersonalize small details, turning them into a big picture. A roller and brushes will naturally not help here, so you need to buy aerosol enamel, it is better to take an automobile enamel, it is of better quality. About 2 cylinders are used for the canvas.

Aerosol enamel for indoor and outdoor use.

Method number 4. The simplest decoupage

Do-it-yourself door decoration using decoupage technique can be different, but since we are talking about the most available ways, then as the main material we will use three-layer paper napkins with a pattern

Decoupage technique is not new, but always original.

We start work as usual, that is, leveling, putty, sanding, painting. Next, we need the napkins themselves and PVA glue.

We do not need completely napkins, we are only interested in the top layer with a pattern, we separate it from all napkins. Be careful, the paper is very thin and tears easily.

We tear napkins into strips.

Now the ornamented napkins need to be torn into strips. Keep in mind: you need to tear, not cut, we are interested in elements with uneven edges. Since we tore a regular square, we will have two stripes with even edges, they need to be set aside, and the entire middle should be torn into small squares.

We break the middle stripes into small squares.

PVA glue in the form in which it is sold does not suit us (very thick), therefore, before decorating the door, we dilute the glue clean water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Strips with an even edge are glued first. Take a soft brush and first spread the piece of the door with diluted glue. After that, gently apply the strip and smooth it out with a brush on a plane. You should not pay attention to small wrinkles, they will only make the decor better.

When the contour is pasted over, start arranging the middle part. The technology is the same: grease the base and glue those very small squares of napkins that we have folded separately.

PVA glue at normal room temperature dries on average about a day. Then you buy a transparent acrylic varnish and cover the doors with it. It is not advisable to take another varnish, since initially we painted the base with acrylic paint and the reaction to a different composition can be unpredictable, up to rejection.

Decoupage with paper napkins looks original and easy to set up.

Method number 5. Fashionable Shabby chic

To put it simply, the overseas name Shabby chic this is one of the many options for artificial aging; after processing, the wood acquires a grayish noble shade.

Please note: the base is not initially sanded here, but on the contrary, the surface is stitched with an abrasive ball. This ball is a stiff, metallized brush that picks out the soft fabrics of the array while leaving tough, well-defined fibers.

Wood stitching with an abrasive ball.

Now we need to lightly sand our door with an abrasive wheel. In hard-to-reach curly nooks, sanding will have to be done manually with an emery cloth with grain P180.

Grinding of wooden doors with an abrasive wheel or P180 emery.

Do-it-yourself door decoration using Shabby Chic technique looks like this:

  1. The first layer is applied white acrylic paint and immediately wiped off with a napkin, after which we leave the door to dry for 2 hours;

  1. After 2 hours, apply a layer of paint a little darker and also quickly wipe off the excess with a napkin;

  1. After 2 hours, apply a third, dark layer of binder and wipe it off again with a napkin;

Erase the next layer of binder with a napkin.

  1. After half an hour, we take the finishing varnish, cover the doors with one layer and leave to dry for another half hour (the finishing varnish dries quickly);

  1. After drying, we take P180 emery and grind it to wood, but without fanaticism, not evenly;

  1. Finishing is completed by applying 2 layers of finishing varnish, the first layer is primer, the second is front. Everything, finishing is over.


Now you know how to decorate an old door in five relatively simple ways, there are other options in the video in this article, they also deserve attention.

The door mirror decor is fresh and original.

Sections of the article:

Interior doors represent the most perfect option for zoning living space, ensuring the proper level of privacy for family members. If confidentiality is not required, zoning functions are assigned to a doorway without a door.

The lack of a door leaf is compensated for by a slight increase in usable living space, more convenient options placing furniture, improving the internal interior, which is especially important when operating small-sized housing. The decoration of a doorway without a door in a certain style is made taking into account design recommendations.

Doorless openings: features of the device and installation

The arrangement of such a structure provides for the complete dismantling of the door frame, as well as the choice of the shape, size and decor of the opening in accordance with the interior of the adjacent premises. The classic shape of the opening is a rectangle. The choice of an arched structure is determined by the height of the ceiling slabs, design features load-bearing walls and unloaded partitions.

As a rule, the basic and decorative finishing of an opening without a door prepared for modernization is made using the following materials:

  • Panel plastics;
  • Polyurethane stucco molding;
  • Natural or artificial decorative stone.

Additional decoration of openings is realized with the help of screens and curtains. When choosing, materials that are uncomplicated in installation and maintenance that do not lose their characteristics throughout the entire period of operation are popular.

Benefits of open openings

Hinged and sliding interior doors are important elements of interior decoration. On the other hand, they take up a lot of space, therefore, in small-sized apartments, the arrangement of a doorway without a door is justified in all respects.

Open openings create the visual effect of increasing the volume of the connected rooms, improve ventilation and improve the layout of the interior decoration. Doorways without a door are appropriate for connecting a living space with an insulated balcony space. The expended efforts and material resources help to fully or partially compensate for the shortcomings of the standard layout of city apartments, as well as standard projects of private houses of the country and cottage type. An exception is the free layout of housing, which provides for arbitrary placement of internal walls and partitions.

A characteristic feature of finishing a doorway without a door is the moderate cost of the materials used and the ability to master the entire volume of work with your own hands. The total cost of such finishing is lower than the price of the door and the cost of its professional installation.

A doorway without a door will become optimal solution for the interior. As you can see from the photo in our article, you can implement such a finish in any interior of any room. The owner of a house or apartment with a reasonable investment of time and money can do all the work on his own.

Installation of slopes and drywall arches

The budget option for decorating a doorway without doors is based on the use of drywall:

  • The material is easily processed with ordinary tools;
  • Smooth and smooth surface of the panels minimizes the amount of preparatory work;
  • The reverse side of the material is characterized by excellent adhesion to gypsum polymer adhesives;
  • The moderate 20-year resource of gypsum plasterboard structures is compensated by their affordable cost, simple installation, and a wide selection of surface decor.

To fasten the lining of the arched structure, a frame is mounted from a mounting bar or metal profile... For finishing surfaces with a complex configuration, a thinner and lighter ceiling plasterboard is recommended, which differs from the wall with increased flexibility.

The use of a moisture-resistant putty and connecting reinforcing tape greatly simplifies the sealing of assembly joints. When choosing a putty, it should be borne in mind that acrylic compounds are distinguished by high strength, while gypsum is perfectly sanded. This is especially important for paint and varnish decoration.

Making the opening with plastic

When decorating doorways without doors, plastic panels are actively used. The offered assortment includes materials that perfectly imitate the appearance and texture of valuable wood species, natural stone and other more expensive materials.

Plastic decor of a doorway without using a door in color, pattern, contrast and surface texture must match the wall decorative coating... Using the right combination of these characteristics, it is easy to visually increase the size of the opening and ceilings.

Self-assembly of plastic cladding does not require professional qualifications. If you have certain skills, home craftsmen do all the work on their own.

The advantages of polyurethane stucco molding

Polyurethane stucco molding can also be used to decorate the opening. For small-sized housing, materials with a low-relief pattern are recommended. The choice of volumetric stucco molding is justified when decorating rooms with high ceilings.

The surface of polyurethane is compatible with most paints and varnishes, therefore, decorative design for openings without doors with artificial stucco molding has great possibilities. The material is securely fixed with special glue, the minimum weight does not load the wall of the opening, moderate heat resistance is compensated by the presence of flame retardant additives.

Features of finishing the opening with a stone

The most beautiful and durable decoration is natural stone. The material is characterized by unique wear resistance, looks great in daylight and artificial light, and is fully available for adhesive installation.

Not the greatest operational resource of artificial decorative stone is compensated by its light weight, democratic cost, a wide selection of color and texture options, including perfect imitation natural materials... Self-design a doorway without an interior door artificial stone simple enough. This is facilitated by the excellent adhesion of the material with cement-polymer adhesives.

Laying options for the stone facing of the opening

In the first version, an edging with smooth edges is laid out, in the second, it is proposed to create a "torn edge" that is original in perception, consisting of fragments of a stone laid out in a natural guise. Before installing the stone cladding, a doorway without a door requires alignment, cleaning from the remnants of the previous decor. To improve adhesion, the surface is primed with solutions compatible with assembly adhesive.

In the list of design developments for finishing the opening, there is an option of cladding with clinker materials that successfully imitate the appearance of natural stone or old masonry. Clinker is characterized by a very high wear resistance, preservation of its original appearance throughout its service life.

Criteria for choosing a classic and arched design of openings

According to the designers, arched structures provide more opportunities to improve the visual perception of the interior. The creation of arches is justified in rooms with narrow corridors, since not only the interior design is being improved, but also the comfort of using the premises.

In housing with standard ceilings, arches with a slight rounding look great. The corner radius of such structures is slightly more than half the width of the doorway. Gentle arches go well with different styles of interior, visually increase the height of the ceiling.

For the design of openings in a house with high ceilings, classic arches are recommended, in non-standard version- trapezoidal, elliptical or original asymmetric. For example, for a doorway without a door connecting the corridor and the living room, the choice of a design with slopes that imitate the appearance of half-columns is justified.

Empire and Baroque styles look great in spacious rooms, but the presence of a large number of decorative elements in small houses and apartments minimizes the benefits of these styles.

Designers advise to give preference to symmetrical structures, decorated with low-relief polyurethane stucco or plaster embossed overlays installed in the upper part of the opening.

The desire to complete the arched structure on their own is realized by purchasing an arched blank or mastering the skills of working with plasterboard panels.

What are the limitations when arranging openings?

In some types of block walls and partitions, door frames are used as load-bearing elements. Dismantling the door frame can provoke subsidence and the formation of cracks in the wall, therefore, such openings should first be reinforced with a power frame.

Such a structure will provide an even distribution of the load on the walls, which inevitably appears when decorating openings with stone or finishing materials of similar weight.

In addition, you should think about the environmental friendliness of cheap plastic panels and the heat resistance of polyurethane finishing materials. The problem is solved by using high-quality branded plastic panels and polyurethane products with a high content of flame retardant additives.

After years of operation, any door loses its appearance. There is only one way to restore its former attractiveness to this element of the wall structure - to renew it. Today manufacturers offer a lot of solutions to this issue. but the best option the door cladding is considered to be a self-adhesive film. We will tell you about the advantages of this decorative product, in which cases it is used, as well as provide step-by-step installation instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The film looks great on walls, doors, countertops and other interior items

To make sure that the decision is justified to cover the worn-out door leaf with a film, you should consider in more detail the characteristics of the finishing element. At its core, self-adhesive is polymer material... In most cases, it is a PVC film, on which a bonding mass is applied on one side, and decorative design on the other. Thus, due to the unnecessary application of an additional layer of glue on the product, installation finishing material performed very quickly, neatly and effortlessly. In addition to ease of installation, self-adhesive films have the following positive qualities:

  • Strength and durability. It is a tough material with virtually no scratches.
  • High moisture resistance. The product is water and steam resistant, making it perfect for use in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • A wide range of products. An incredible number of colors will allow you to choose the most suitable option for you. Available in monochromatic and patterned models, mirror surface, photo print.
  • The film does not damage the door leaf.
  • The ability to hide minor defects. With the help of the film, you can mask the flaws in the door leaf that appeared during its long-term operation.
  • Ease of maintenance. Dry grease and dirt can be easily removed from the self-adhesive with a regular detergent.
  • Films are not affected sun rays therefore they are used for cladding exterior doors.
  • Acceptable cost. It is much more profitable to use self-adhesive than any other finishing material.

However, such films have disadvantages, albeit insignificant:

  • The need for surface preparation.
  • Impossibility of reuse.
  • In case of inaccurate gluing, the material may soon move away from the surface.

Application area

As you can see, the self-adhesive film has a lot of advantages. But the main thing is that it is universal and can be glued to almost any surface. Manufacturers recommend using the product for cladding doors made of chipboard, MDV, PVC and other similar budget materials, which often have an inexpressive appearance and wear out quickly. And thanks to the self-adhesive film, you can completely transform the door leaf and make it pleasing to the eye. So, most people choose the material for pasting a natural wood. As a result, an inexpensive door acquires noble features and looks very presentable.

But it is worth noting that the film finish is used not only for budget door models, but also for metal structures. The question here is what goals are pursued by the owner of the dwelling. For example, not everyone likes the graceful shine of iron, so people want to give doors a more traditional wood look. There are even cases when the owner wants to mislead potential intruders by concealing that the structure is actually made of metal. By the way, the film is often used to protect the surface, since even the most durable metal doors are susceptible to adverse external factors. Therefore, if there is a large amount of rainfall in your region, then self-adhesive decoration of the entrance doors is more than justified - this way you will prevent metal corrosion.

Types of self-adhesive films

Self-adhesive films can have different color shades, texture and embossing

As a rule, products are produced in rolls, the width of which is 45, 67.5 or 90 centimeters. The length of the skein can also be different - 2, 8, 10 or 15 meters. As noted earlier, the product range is very wide. On sale there are both inexpensive monochromatic models and products with various textures and patterns. The industry even offers designer stickers from famous designers, but the cost of such products is quite high. In general, the following types of PVC films are used for door decoration:

  • Simple solid colors. They have a matte or glossy surface.
  • Metallized. These are durable films with a mirror surface, which are used to ensure information security of objects.
  • Decorative. They are used to imitate different types of wood, metal and even mosaics.
  • Fluorescent. Glows in low light and is often applied to glass doors.
  • Three-dimensional. Installed on interior doors.

Helpful Hint: Choose a film based on your installation target and personal preference. At the same time, you should not focus on the most budgetary models of little-known manufacturers, since their quality usually leaves much to be desired.

Required tools

Before moving on to pasting the door, you need to prepare the fixtures. For work you may need:

  • ruler, metal corner and measuring tape (marking);
  • pen or marker (outline strokes);
  • scissors or a construction knife (film trimming);
  • rubber spatula (leveling the glued coating);
  • spray with water (adjusting the position of the self-adhesive);
  • hair dryer (processing corners and protrusions).

If the door leaf needs preparation, then you need to prepare an emery paper or sander, a plane, a primer and putty.

Surface preparation

Before pasting the door with foil, carefully clean the surface

For convenience, the door can be removed from the hinges. It is also advisable to dismantle the handles and the lock, if any.

Helpful Hint: If there is glass in the door, the pasting process will take a little longer. In this case, you need to remove the glazing beads and dismantle the fragile material.

The surface of the canvas should be as smooth as possible, because the applied film will repeat any, even the smallest, unevenness. If the structure was originally painted, and its surface began to crack over time, then it is worth thoroughly removing the layer of old paint. After that, the surface must be degreased. Take a regular dishwashing detergent, dilute it with water and wipe the cloth with a cloth soaked in the solution. Then wipe the surface with a dry cloth. If there are flaws on the door, then fix them with putty. If there are bulges, carefully remove them with a plane. Next, sand the door with sandpaper until it is completely smooth and treat with acrylic primer.

Instructions for pasting the door with foil

Use a metal ruler and a building corner to make high-quality markings.

The surface is prepared, now we turn to the door cladding with a decorative product. The procedure is as follows:

  1. First, we do the markup. We determine the dimensions of the door using a tape measure and put on the sticker a contour corresponding to the size (taking into account the ends). The marking is done on the reverse side of the film, where, as a rule, there is a millimeter marking.
  2. At the second stage, we cut the material using a clerical knife. Cut very carefully and strictly along the lines drawn. The edges should be straight.
  3. Let's move on to pasting. We apply the upper edge of the cut film to the corresponding place on the door. Separate the protective paper 10 centimeters from the edge and firmly press the sticky part of the self-adhesive to door leaf, leading it to the upper end.
  4. We slowly separate the paper and gradually glue the film, moving from top to bottom. At the same time, smooth out the sticker with a rubber spatula or a soft cloth, expelling air bubbles.
  5. We wrap the film over the rest of the ends, cutting the corners to reduce overlap layers.
  6. Gently cut off the extra centimeters around the edges and cut a hole for the keyhole. We install the mechanism itself and the handle.

For good fixation of the film at the ends, dry the material with a hairdryer

Helpful Hint: Immediately before applying the film, apply a soapy solution to the surface using a spray bottle. This will allow you to easily move the decal until it is in the right position... After that, drive out the water with a rubber spatula, and dry the protrusions and corners with a hairdryer so that the self-adhesive melts a little and presses well against the door.

Video: How to properly stick a self-adhesive film

Self-adhesive foil is an excellent material for improving the durability of the door and its appearance. By adhering to the tips and tricks described in this article, you can achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.