Repair Design Furniture

Interesting ideas for decorating a kitchen with your own hands. We decorate the kitchen ourselves. How to decorate a kitchen in an apartment: a ready-made version, the most original

Nowadays, finding a design studio specializing in interior decoration of private houses and apartments is not at all difficult, or rather very simple. And every year the number of such companies is increasing. The reason for such a huge popularity is one - a rather profitable business. After all, those people who have at least once come across the prices for their services know that this is not a cheap pleasure and is not suitable for everyone. But thank god desperate situations can not be. Today, with the presence of the Internet, dedication and fresh ideas in the head, develop small project to transform your interior, everyone can do it.

Kitchen makeover for a minimal budget

Probably for many, the most important room in the house is the kitchen. A place where you spend a lot of time cooking, heart-to-heart conversations with family and close friends, as well as watching football at night when everyone is asleep. And, of course, it is very important that the functionality, appearance and the practicality of the room met all these needs.

A simple hint can serve as an impetus for new ideas, interesting photo or videos, which are full on the global network.

Kitchen decor ideas: photos of the best performances

Give the interior new look can different ways: change colors, floor or, decorate the apron and facades, transform the nondescript look of furniture and much more. The word "transformation" in no way means that everything old must be replaced with a new one.

Decor- translated from Latin means "compatibility", That's why main task is to combine a boring interior with new creative ideas.

It so happens that for various reasons, it is not possible to decorate the walls in the kitchen or furniture. In this case, it is necessary to use a different arsenal of creative weapons of decorative elements: handicrafts, various accessories and decorations. There are plenty of ideas for self-realization, the main thing is to send them to the right channel to get the desired result.

Bright and rich shades will give the interior freshness, individuality and an atmosphere of constant celebration. Especially this topic relevant if there are small children in the house.

If you have any bright colours against its background they will look much richer. Despite the fact that white goes well with any other shades, pink, purple, light green, orange and blue are best suited to it.

The kitchen is exactly the place - where nothing superfluous happens

Unusual wall decor in an interesting design

Using various stencils or artistic skills, plain and boring walls can be given a new graceful and unique look that will not only update your interior, but also make it much more interesting and varied.

If you are creative person and do not know where to spend your energy, take a brush in your hands and draw. Ask where? Yes, right on the walls! Throw out all your emotions on them, trying to convey your inner world through various images.

Painting is not the only way wall decoration in the kitchen. A favorite technique of many designers is wall decoration by gluing various subjects plates, forks, spoons, etc. You can, of course, go the other standard way and use it as a material, or, however individual style risks becoming common.

Bright coloring on the wall is an indicator of inspiration

How to give your kitchen interior a new look

In the event that the appearance of your furniture has become boring and impersonal for you, it's time to transform it. Having a small amount of tools and minimal skills in carpentry will help you say goodbye to the boring interior.

While decorating the kitchen interior, in addition to material benefits, you will acquire useful knowledge that can later be useful to you in further repairs.

Making a kitchen set with your own hands is quite simple. It is only important to know the required dimensions and make the necessary cuts in the marked places with pinpoint accuracy. After that, all that remains is to fasten all the elements into a single structure and varnish it.

When decorating your interior, try to duplicate each color in different places. For example, if you have a red refrigerator, use a tablecloth on the table or wall shelves of the same color. So you will achieve perfect combination colors.

Crafts for the kitchen and other little things

Nothing will decorate the interior of a kitchen like handcrafted decorations from scrap materials. It is these small items that give a unique and inimitable style to the interior and create a truly homely and warm atmosphere in the house.

  • Glass bottles and vases with interesting shapes and unusual filling;
  • Spice jars decorated with ribbons;
  • Beautiful mittens and potholders embroidered with bright patterns;
  • Original shelves and homemade chandeliers;
  • Clay flower pots painted in various colors.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to transform the interior of the kitchen. It remains only to pick up a couple original ideas and you can start creating beauty.

Like any other room, the kitchen should have good lighting... Unfortunately, most of the lamps have a plain and boring look, which is unlikely to add sophistication to your interior. And here ingenuity can come to the rescue, which will help to create original design, without resorting to unnecessary costs.

The kitchen is where the woman dominates. And what weaker sex does not like beautiful, fresh and fragrant flowers? Therefore, this point should be given special attention. As a couple, you cannot imagine how many suitable flower vases are right under your nose. You just need to connect your imagination.

For a beautiful bouquet - a beautiful vase

A source creative ideas- is unlimited. Create, try and experiment

Use as many small things as possible as interior decoration. Arrange them so that they do not interfere with the main functions in the kitchen, but are always in sight.

Modern solutions for individual style

The new look of the old interior is completely in the hands of the owners. It only takes a little time and patience to implement all your ideas.

Think everything thoroughly, try not to miss a single detail that could overshadow and nullify all your efforts. Remember that only complete dedication will help you achieve the desired result.

To make the magical transformation of the kitchen meet all your expectations, use only those design techniques in which you are unequivocally confident. Nothing should disturb the overall harmony of the room. All your crafts and accessories should organically fit into the overall concept.

Bright wallpaper on the wall is the best way to get away from the simplicity of the interior.

As you can see, the decor for the kitchen is an amazing and creative process, in which the most important thing is a sense of proportion. Going too far with the implementation of ideas, you can get an old museum, and not a cozy kitchen.

When chasing aesthetics, don't forget functionality. After all, first of all, this is a room for cooking and only then everything else.

And remember that the best decoration is only one that is made by yourself ...

The main place in the house is the kitchen. It is a non-residential room where all household members spend most of the time. Basically, all guests are invited to the kitchen to celebrate a holiday or just chat over a cup of tea.

Therefore, a beautiful and modern kitchen decor is an integral part. Any gatherings with friends and family dinners will be especially pleasant due to the cozy and warm atmosphere.

It is not worth paying a lot of money to renovate the interior. It is enough just to turn on your imagination or see a photo of kitchen decor from needlewomen or an experienced specialist.

Making an exclusive interior, which will be not only original, but also especially cozy, you can spend a little money.

With a little effort, and using the available tools, you can create a masterpiece from your kitchen. You can get kitchen decor ideas from everywhere: from magazines, the Internet, peep from friends, or turn on individuality and do everything to your taste.

How to decorate your kitchen: simple ideas

Now there are many ideas and opportunities for how to update the wall decor in the kitchen or furniture. World designers have come up with simple tricks to breathe new life into your kitchen:

  • various plates and panels;
  • stencil ornaments;
  • hand-painted;
  • stickers with different themes for ceramic tiles and walls.

All this will give a unique and original decor kitchens. The main thing to remember is that it is better to choose small decorations for the decor of a small kitchen, and if you have a large kitchen and you want to decorate an empty wall, then large elements will be the best option.

If you have any ideas for decorating your kitchen with your own hands, then you can apply everything that is at hand:

  • old forks and spoons;
  • wine corks and burlap;
  • antique or original plates;
  • cereals and coffee beans;
  • seashells and sea stones.

Unleash your imagination. For example, you can use old CDs or broken dishes to decorate your kitchen apron.

DIY kitchen decoration.

Any housewife will be able to update the interior of her kitchen. If you are a great seamstress, it will not be difficult for you to sew new curtains or decorative pillows. These are the details that will make your kitchen exclusive and unique.

For the decor of a white kitchen, warm, pastel colors are more suitable. Then your kitchen will be airy and tender. If you have a bright kitchen, then the emphasis can be on colors: add bright decorations.

The last fashion trend for the decor of a modern kitchen it has become, everything is sewn from one fabric:

  • tablecloth;
  • curtains;
  • potholders;
  • towels;
  • chair cushions.

The fabric for decoration is best suited natural and not easily soiled colors, especially if there are small children in the house. Linen or cotton works best for towels. Such material absorbs water well.

You can create a cozy atmosphere with cute little things. It is enough to arrange vases, souvenirs, magnets, plates that are suitable in style and color.

You can put artificial or natural flowers in beautiful pots. You can make a panel with your own hands from coffee beans, cereals, bay leaves and dried orange or lemon slices.

Transparent jars look beautiful, in which you can pour spices, cereals or dried red pepper. Put fresh or artificial fruits on decorative plates.

For wall decor in the kitchen, it is best to hang pictures or original plates.

They will create coziness and unique candle style. You can also decorate them with your own hands with ribbons, coffee beans or shells.

Feel free to experiment. Your creativity and creativity can create a unique design in the kitchen. Your kitchen will become cozy, where in the evenings they will gather big companies family and friends.

Kitchen decor photo

You don't have to go for overhaul kitchens to freshen up or redesign. It is enough to add a few new touches to the interior of your home, so that decorating the kitchen with your own hands creates a completely new mood in the room. Modern decoration suggests using a few small tricks that will help you easily, beautifully and inexpensively transform the design of a room.

A stylish kitchen presupposes the right backdrop for the walls. Therefore, it is necessary to start decorating the interior with the design of the walls of the house.

The most common and easiest to do decorative nuances for kitchen walls:

  • color change,
  • drawing an ornament,
  • the use of themed stickers,
  • painting.

It is not necessary to completely repaint the walls or re-glue the wallpaper. Several decorative elements will bring a new stream to the old design. These can be themed stickers depicting kitchen utensils, dishes, vegetables and fruits.

Plain walls different colors will help to zone the interior of the room. In order to visually divide the space into a work area and a food intake area, the required area can be decorated using a stencil for applying an ornament. The pattern you create will provide a unique decor and make household members look into the kitchen more often. It's easy to do it yourself.

For this:

  1. Prepare graph paper, a piece of cardboard, a pencil, and scissors.
  2. Select the pattern and scale it onto graph paper.
  3. Cut out the stencil and attach it to the wall, whether it is the same size as the area you want.
  4. If the fitting went well, copy the outline onto cardboard.
  5. Cut out a stencil from cardboard and start decorating the wall with paint.

If we decorate the eating area with painting, this gives ample opportunities to visually expand the space of your home.

The interior will help to visually increase the area of ​​the kitchen, one of the walls of which is decorated with a large-scale painting with the effect of perspective - a pine forest, the sea coast, a cozy Italian street.

A solid background is good because it allows you to make changes to the interior of the house without significant effort. Even the most restrained decor in the form of a panel for the kitchen or decorative plate on the wall will refresh the room. And if desired, they can be easily replaced with a photograph or painting. This option is appropriate both on plain surfaces and on wallpaper with a pattern.

Kitchen wall decor (video)

Changing the look of furniture

The interior of the house includes correctly positioned suitable furniture. Often in our kitchens, elements of various furniture sets coexist, which is why the design does not look holistic.

To bring harmony to the room, use decors that will help the kitchen find a unity of design:

  • repainting furniture,
  • replacement of facades to match the table and chairs,
  • artificial aging,
  • decoupage surfaces,
  • decoration of cabinets and tables with mosaics.

Chairs and cabinets, treated with the same paint, transform elements of a disparate headset into one whole.

For your idea to be crowned with success, you should know that:

  1. This method is good for wooden furniture.
  2. Before the main work, remove the layer old paint and grind the surfaces.
  3. Repair if necessary.
  4. Only after these preparatory work start painting.
  5. To protect furniture from high humidity in the kitchen, it is advisable to cover it with several layers of varnish.

Tightly closed cabinets take up space in kitchens anyway small area... Open shelves or replacing facades with doors with transparent glass will help to correct the situation. These create the impression of a larger room.

If the interior of the house is made in rustic style, and the walls are upholstered with wood, homemade chintz curtains are perfect for such a design instead of cabinet doors. They are decorated with appliqué, embroidery, ruffles and flounces are sewn on.

How to update old furniture (video)

Dining area decoration

You can give a completely different look to the table and chairs or stools without drastically repainting the furniture. A beautiful tablecloth will help to hide the imperfections of the table. Covers for chairs or pillows for stools can be sewn to match it.

Such capes perform not only a decorative, but also a useful function of protection from dirt. Agree, it's easier to wash the cover than to disassemble and clean an entire chair.

It is better to choose synthetic fabric for decorating pillows or sewing covers. Natural fibers easily absorb grease and food stains, and are more difficult to remove from dirt. And synthetics are easier to care for, dries faster after washing and are cheaper.

Textiles in the interior

V Lately it has become fashionable to install blinds on windows. However, still it is actual to decorate the interior with tulle, curtains, curtains:

  • transparent lightweight tulle creates a feeling of spaciousness, filled with air and light of the room;
  • heavy fabrics for curtains are used to decorate a spacious kitchen or studio for zoning space;
  • for small areas good choice will be Japanese curtains.

Towels are indispensable in any kitchen. If purchased in a set, make two potholders or an apron. And then they will no longer be a random element of decor, but part of a single ensemble.

If embroidery is among the hostess's hobbies, it will not be difficult to decorate the corners of a tablecloth made of ordinary white fabric with a simple pattern. Decorate the same, but on a smaller scale, homemade napkins, and the dining group will take on a complete and festive look.

We decorate a white kitchen (video)

A little effort - and your kitchen will turn into a place where it is not only convenient to prepare food, but also nice to get everyone together at the same table to discuss family matters over a cup of tea. One has only to look around the room, evaluate the strong and weak spots your interior and start improving the design. As you can see, even the simplest things can significantly change the room.

Original ideas for decorating the kitchen with your own hands (photo)

Even the most thoughtful and designer kitchen requires additions in the form of interesting decorative elements. Using simple applied art methods, you can create unique objects with your own hands and update slightly worn-out kitchen furniture.

Any kitchen needs extra decoration

Beautiful crafts you can do yourself

Any little thing can decorate the kitchen and create a pleasant atmosphere.

How to make crafts for the kitchen with your own hands? Decor ideas can always be gleaned by looking at the work of experienced craftsmen. At the same time, perfect repetition is not required, you can add a touch of individuality, taking as a basis the technique of decorating.

Textile decor

To bring novelty to the interior, sometimes it is enough to sew a new curtain or chair covers. You can do it yourself with a needle, thread and fabric, you can create a unique atmosphere of the kitchen in a given style.

There are a lot of ideas for crafts, you can find examples on the Internet or give freedom of imagination

Decorated jars textiles will bring novelty to the interior of the kitchen

The most common fabric products

DIY tablecloth

To make it, you need a piece of fabric, a sewing machine and perseverance. You can decorate it by processing the edges with ribbons or lace.

Chair Covers

You can complement the image with capes or pillows sewn from the same material.

DIY potholders

Sewing them does not take much time and contributes to the creation of coziness in the kitchen. The patchwork technique is often used to make them.

Window curtains

Making a set of curtains will take a lot of time, but it will justify the costs. They can become a highlight of the interior or an integral part of it.

Panel in patchwork style

An original addition to the kitchen can be a picture of scraps, assembled in a fancy sequence. It will not only become an ornament, but also take up empty space on a plain wall.

It should be remembered that interior elements made of fabric will often need to be washed, so it is better to immediately take care of the availability of several sets. For each season, you can sew your own unique set.

And also, as a decoration, you can make decorative birds from fabric. They will require scraps from textiles of different colors and with different patterns, a pattern, a needle and a thread.

According to the selected pattern, two parts of the bird are cut out, which will subsequently be sewn together and filled with filler. Two wings on each side, ridge. All elements are sewn and fitted with a string or ribbon. Such birds can be planted on a tree branch, previously painted in the desired shade.

Such a doll will perfectly complement the interior of the kitchen.

Anything done by yourself will update the interior of the kitchen

Decorative items made of fabric will have to be washed very often.

Wall decoration

The need for wall decoration may arise when they have one shade or there is a lot of empty space that creates an effect non-residential premises... Wall decor can range from stickers to murals. dining area, from placing shelves to decorating with old dishes.

Fill up empty space with an open shelf that can hold painted plates, homemade vases or decorated bottles.

The apron between the worktop and the upper shelves can be updated by decoupage existing tiles. For a city apartment, modern motives will be relevant, and for a country house, you can use drawings with hens - keepers of the hearth.

And also in the empty space, painted plates, which are hung up randomly or in a certain order, will look appropriate.

Styled film stickers that can be purchased at finished form or cut out the necessary elements yourself.

You can make a hanger for cups from wood

Wall decoration is needed if it is completely empty

Decorating furniture and appliances

If the kitchen has a small area or wallpaper with variegated patterns, then you can start decorating the furniture. For these purposes, you can buy a film with a certain print or "decorate" the facades kitchen set.

Since the technique has become an integral part of our life, then it should also participate in the decoration process. The hood or refrigerator can be covered with foil or painted by yourself.

Beautiful capes can be sewn on chairs

Painted plates on the apron by the stove will look very nice.

A vase decorated with artificial flowers and chestnuts will perfectly complement the interior

Restoration of furniture

Restoring old furniture that may still function but is worn out will require a significant investment of time and effort. But the result is worth it.

To give new life kitchen furniture you need to do the following.

  • Remove the doors and check the awnings for functionality. Replace if necessary.
  • Sand the surface with sandpaper.
  • Paint all parts in desired color... You can create the effect of artificial aging.
  • After the paint has dried, apply a layer of varnish (transparent, for baths and saunas), on which a napkin with the selected pattern or a special decoupage card is glued.
  • On top of the brush, the picture is covered with diluted varnish with water (1: 1) and smoothed along the way.
  • After the control opening with varnish and drying, the furniture is assembled and new handles are fixed.

For the restoration of a kitchen set with your own hands, you can apply painting with further gluing of curly plaster elements.

Glasses can be replaced with mirrors. This will visually expand the space and fill the room with light. Or decorate them with stained glass paints.

With the help of an old curtain and white enamel, you can apply an interesting cobweb of the picture. A piece of fabric is attached to duct tape and paint over the surface of the glass, after which it is removed.

Such a lamp will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen.

Such a basket of flowers will be an excellent option for decorating the kitchen.

Accessories and kitchen stuff

It is pleasant to create crafts for the kitchen interior with your own hands and they can become great gift for family and friends. Little things that create coziness can be done by knitting or sewing, decorating dishes and bottles.

Old bowls or cropped ones wine bottles able to play the role of a new chandelier in the kitchen. The containers for strong drinks can be used as candlesticks, the decor of which occurs with the help of flowing paraffin.

Textile, stylized toys can become towel racks if hooks are attached to them. Clothespins screwed to the wall are also useful for this purpose.

Flowers in the interior always carry positive energy

For cups, you can embroider covers

Crafts for the kitchen can be done with a child, it will be very interesting for him

Hot coasters can be made from wooden clothespins:

  1. first they are freed from the spring;
  2. glued in pairs;
  3. a snowflake is laid out from the blanks and coated with glue.

And you can also create unique coasters from newspaper tubes.

  • Newspaper sheets are cut into strips 10 cm wide.
  • Screw it onto a skewer at an angle, securing the edge with PVA glue.
  • The finished vine is twisted into a circle.
  • Each turn is coated with glue.
  • After drying, paint or decorate with a napkin.

Finished circles are coated with acrylic varnish and used.

Cutlery can be useful for making hangers or plate holders. Creating an impromptu hook, they are given bizarre shapes by bending the prongs of the forks in different directions.

A fork plate holder is made in a similar way, only the teeth are bent at right angles to its handle. The extreme ones lift it up, and bend it itself in an arc.

Spoons from the old set can be screwed on instead of handles for kitchen shelves.

Reduced copies of dishes can be made from cardboard.

Such coasters will definitely come in handy in the kitchen.

Photo in the bank

A photo in a jar with your own hands is easy to perform and looks good on open shelves. To create it, you will need a 0.5 liter jar, a photo, sunflower oil. Liquid is poured into the container (to the limit), a picture (black and white) is placed and closed with a lid. The collection of pictures in oil will be a unique decoration that will surprise and delight guests.

Fresh flowers in a jar

To create an everlasting bouquet you need:

  • jar with a lid;
  • flower bud;
  • glycerol;
  • water.

Flowers in a jar are glued to the bottom, poured with a solution of boiled water with glycerin in a ratio of 1 to 2. Close the jar tightly. In this composition, the bouquet can live for more than six months. Flowers are best used with thick petals, as the liquid discolours the buds a little. If the solution becomes cloudy, you can change it.

Reduced copies of fruits will perfectly decorate the dining table.

On a textile napkin with the help of coffee beans, you can make just such a beauty

Such pictures will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen.

Tableware decor: candlestick

Old cups are often used as a candlestick, into which melted wax is poured and a wick is placed in the center. For these purposes old dishes you can paint in advance or make your own thread decor.

Glasses with jars can also be used as a candlestick. They are decorated with painting, decoupage or wrapped in twine. After decor, they are ready for use, it remains to put a tablet candle inside.

Painted plates

Do-it-yourself tableware decor can be done by painting old plates. From dishes of different diameters, you can create a unique collection of miniatures that will decorate empty walls or shelves. To make them you will need:

  • plates;
  • acrylic white paint;
  • PVA glue;
  • palette of multi-colored paints.

An impromptu canvas is painted in suitable shade... It can be achieved by adding paint of a specific color to a white base. They are primed with glue and varnished. A selected pattern can be applied to a dried workpiece. Children can also be involved in the work.

Try to make crafts suitable for the style of the kitchen

There are a lot of options for crafts for the kitchen

Provence style for the kitchen

DIY, French village style decor is not impossible. You don't need to buy to recreate this design. new furniture... You can restore an existing one.

For the Provence style, floral motifs and birds are relevant. Colors are necessarily pastel shades. Wooden floors and aged white furniture with irregular, rounded shapes. The design should be gentle. The use of textiles is relevant.

Making your own kitchen decor is not difficult. The main thing is that the crafts in style and color match the overall design of the room.

Kitchen renovation is a laborious, nervous, full of doubts, therefore, when it ends with a positive result, every housewife has a desire to turn this hard-won decor into a unique and cozy nest. This can be done in different ways, but real needlewomen and keepers of the family hearth believe that there is nothing more unique than decorating a kitchen with your own hands. Only in this case, you can be absolutely sure that you will not find a close friend with a similar beauty and convenience of the interior.

beautiful inscription on the wall in the kitchen

The space of the kitchen allows itself to be decorated with a wide variety of techniques, however, in the process of transformation, such changes must certainly be made, such as:

  1. Changing the background of the walls and their additional design.
  2. Correction of the appearance of furniture.
  3. Kitchen apron decoration.
  4. Change or decoration of curtains.
  5. Decoration of the kitchen table and chairs.
  6. Decoration household appliances.
  7. Filling the interior with various decorative elements.

With this approach, the interior of even the most ordinary-looking kitchen will amaze with its magnificence.

decor open wall shelf in the kitchen

How to decorate the kitchen with your own hands?

If you do not possess special talents in needlework, then try decorating your kitchen with borders. They can be run along the edge of the tile or just along the wall. Borders can be different in shape and color. Their beautiful pattern can decorate, for example, a window or cabinets. Take small pieces of glass mosaic or multi-colored tiles and try to arrange borders with them along the edge of a window sill or table.

Decorative elements of such a plan can also have the form of embroidery, so that they can also decorate tablecloths or towels.

Involve your children in the creative process. Kids will love creating a wall panel from colorful mosaic pieces or drawing something “tasty” on a piece of paper, which you can then turn into a real painting.

refrigerator decorated with a beautiful floral print

About the floors

You can also update the kitchen and make it beautiful by simply restoring the old floor. The option of replacing worn-out boards with new ones, made of solid and high-quality wood species, is beyond the means of many today. But after all, shabby floors are not at all aesthetically pleasing and how to decorate the kitchen with your own hands in this case?

If the floor is not yet in a disastrous state, then it can be sanded and stained, in other cases it is worth changing flooring... It is not worth philosophizing here. Use linoleum or laminate, by the way, the latter imitates solid wood with great success.

You can cover the kitchen floor with carpets or self-woven paths.

inscription on the wall in the interior of a vintage kitchen

About the walls

In your kitchen, you are free to do whatever you want, so the walls in it also do not have to be left plain. You can easily decorate them with paintings, drawings, patterns. This is easy to do, even if you don't have artistic talent. You just need to pick up a stencil and paint, or even easier, use vinyl stickers.

If initially the kitchen was “dressed” in a plain tile, then this mistake can be easily corrected. To quickly and inexpensively transform it, self-adhesive film with a cheerful color will help. Make a stencil on the existing tile and cut the blanks from the film. Now stick them on the tiles in random order. You can complicate the process and figure out how to decorate the kitchen with a DIY film drawing. This option will take a lot more time to implement, but the result will be amazing.

unusual solution: wall decor with chairs

About household appliances

A small restyling can also affect your household appliances. This will help to better fit it into the atmosphere of the updated kitchen.

Here, stickers and other textured materials will also come to the rescue. Refrigerator doors, for example, can be hidden behind wooden overlay... This is a great way to remove from decor metal surfaces... In general, the free surface of the refrigerator body makes it possible to roam the imagination. With certain skills, it can be painted acrylic paints... For those who are very far from drawing, there are funny magnets, with which you can also easily decorate the surface of any household appliance... This technique is incredibly uplifting.

the inscription will turn the most ordinary refrigerator into a unique decor item

About the countertop

An old countertop is also not a reason to run to the store. Let it be covered with spots and scratches, but you probably will not change it, because you know exactly how to decorate the kitchen with your own hands in this case too. That's right, you can attach over the countertop plywood sheet and lay it out in a mosaic scattering. You can laminate the damaged surface or hide it under a beautiful oilcloth. The last option is the least practical, but progressive. Frequent oilcloth changes will allow you to regularly update the decor.

beautiful kitchen utensils in the interior

About kitchen cabinets

This is where fantasies can be played out when decorating the kitchen, so it is on the surfaces of kitchen cabinets. They are really the easiest to arrange. With a little effort, old wardrobes will take on a new lease of life. Sand the facades, putty them and just paint in some trendy color... Today, eggplant colors and shades of lime green are at the peak of popularity. New colors add style to your kitchen decor.

How else can you decorate kitchen furniture with your own hands? Try using a decoupage technique. She will breathe new energy into the old headset and give the atmosphere a special charm. You can decorate the kitchen using materials such as:

  1. Decorative photowall-paper.
  2. Stencils.
  3. Self-adhesive films.
  4. Vinyl stickers.
  5. Textile.

The latter can also perfectly update the front of the cabinets and decorate the interior.

unusual handles for kitchen cabinets

About lighting

"When deciding how to decorate the kitchen lamps with your own hands, remember the purpose of the room and use any" tasty "motives"

For some, this may be a revelation, but lighting a room is also a way to decorate it. Moreover, in this case, the lamp has a double role. She must of course have presentable view, to fit into the style, but above all, to exude the "correct" light streams in direction and power. For example, a bright directional light is needed in working area, but the table may well remain in the twilight. As you can see, the functionality and aesthetics of the kitchen space are directly proportional to the lighting.

to create a creative kitchen, just hang lamps in the shape of a bottle

Any type of fixture can be used in the kitchen:

  1. Suspended.
  2. Built-in.
  3. Wall mounted.

If possible, be sure to add additional lighting along the cabinets and do not refuse pendant lamp... Without it, it will be difficult to create a single space in the kitchen.

When deciding how to decorate the kitchen lamps with your own hands, remember the purpose of the room and use any "tasty" motives. For example, cherries or a bunch of grapes may appear on a sconce, and butterflies and bees on a chandelier.

green wallpaper with pattern

Stylistic changes in the appearance of furniture

Sometimes the situation does not give us the opportunity to throw out in one fell swoop old furniture to the junkyard and furnish your kitchen with an ultra-trendy set. And is it really necessary to do this? Can it be much more practical to give a second birth to furniture that has served faithfully? It is quite possible to saddle it, and you can not only decorate the facades, but completely change the style of your furniture in accordance with the general design of the decor.

Before starting work, take a look around and think about how you can most stylishly decorate the kitchen with your own hands.

If the country style is clearly traced in the design of the kitchen, then decorate the furniture in the spirit of patchwork. In this case, special attention should be paid to color harmony. Are your walls covered with a film imitating a log house? Fine! Furniture facades can be safely decorated with a wicker-patterned foil. The kitchen in a modern high-rise building will instantly look like a real village hut. In general, working with film is beneficial in all aspects. A wide range of designs with low cost and ease of use is the best advertisement.

print "revived" the monochrome facade of the white kitchen

Your kitchen shines with elegance French style? Make furniture fronts light, ideally white, and decorate with gold and silver inlays. You can easily find everything you need for this in hardware stores.

How to decorate a completely old kitchen with your own hands? Furniture can be turned into a stylish vintage accessory that will be indispensable in Provence style interiors. Just process the frame sandpaper and artificially add to the antique object by applying gilding or patina to the surface.

You can completely transform the headset with decorative glass overlays. Glass inlays are often decorated with beautiful patterns that resemble frost. For the same purposes, you can use mirror inserts, which, in addition to the decorative effect, have the ability to expand the space, which will not be superfluous in any kitchen.

bright kitchen: decor of the kitchen facade with multi-colored pvc film

Decorative items for kitchen decoration

Decorative kitchen utensils are designed to fill the kitchen interior. These things include:

  1. Painted plates.
  2. Cutting boards.
  3. Wooden spoons.
  4. Themed porcelain figurines.
  5. Towels, etc.

All of these accessories can be purchased in modern stores, and many of them will actually be self made, but how you want to decorate the kitchen with your own hands! Therefore, it is worth trying to make such items yourself using stained glass paints, then the drawing will be exclusive and you will definitely get pleasure from the process.

kitchen walls decorated with beautiful plates

You can decorate your kitchen with old forks and spoons. Try arching the fork into a rocker goat, victory sign, or other compositions. By screwing such a "masterpiece" to the wall, you get excellent hangers for potholders and towels.

After the visit of the guests and the merry holiday, empty bottles of pretentious forms are left to you as a keepsake - add them to business too. Stock up on acrylics, twine, buttons, glue, and create original lettering out of it all. Give your kitchen a word, let it speak.

How to decorate the walls of the kitchen with your own hands, the old wallpaper itself will tell you. Cut out flowers or interesting compositions painted on them and make panels from them. Cover the resulting pattern with thin cling film, and do it very carefully so that no wrinkles remain. We open the resulting semi-finished product with a thick layer of varnish and leave to dry. Then we repeat the process. Again we put a ball of flowers, hide them under the film and fix with varnish. You can make as many layers as you like. We frame the resulting creation.

panels in the interior of the kitchen

Let's return to the wine and vodka theme. In addition to bottles in the decor, you can also use corks from them. Natural corks are especially valuable, from which you can create a lot of useful devices. . How exactly with their help can you decorate the kitchen and what can you do with your own hands? Well, for example:

  1. Panel.
  2. A board-reminder.
  3. Tray.
  4. Hot stand.
  5. Clock.

Corks can also be used on floors and walls.

Tea lovers will appreciate the idea of ​​creating tea bag holders. This handy, useful and eye-pleasing gadget is easy to make using clothespins, paints and colored paper.

beautiful coasters for hot dishes

How to decorate windows

Treatises can be written on options for decorating a kitchen window, but the lion's share of such proposals was developed by curtain and accessory stores. If you don't like trivial finishing methods and are ready to start making accessories in person, then the following tips can help you a lot.

The most common way to decorate a window is landscaping. They put on the windowsill houseplants in beautiful pots, which can be painted in an unusual way to decorate the kitchen, or even made with your own hands from the materials at hand. Old unsightly pots can be entangled with twine, decorated with buttons, shells, unusual pebbles, or pasted over with leaves.

window decor

In addition to plants, candlesticks, figurines, photographs in original frames and other attention-grabbing objects can settle on the windowsill. Any accessories can be used as these items. It all depends on your design plans. In country or Provence decor, old clay jugs, great-grandmother's iron on coals, a copper samovar shining with polished sides, beautiful, but already somewhat worn-out plates, will look great. With such decorative elements, your kitchen will turn out to be unusually colorful.

Especially advanced decorators do not think long about how to decorate the kitchen, and with their own hands turn the window sill into a real ART object. They paint old wood, use decoupage in their work and do many other unimaginable things that turn a kitchen window into a bright accent interior spot.

If you are more conservative in your views and there are already sterile white blinds on your window, then you can also paint them, but only with gentle and calm compositions. From materials you will need a simple pencil, brushes, stencil or drawing and acrylic paints.

Apply the favorite ornament with a simple pencil on the closed blinds, then paint the resulting picture with paints and let the creation dry well. After that, the blinds can be used as usual.

Textiles as decoration

"I can't think of a better way to emphasize the modernity of the environment, how to decorate the kitchen with handmade products from specific textiles."

Professionals play a significant role in kitchen decor, of course, with textiles. Its texture must exactly match the design style. So, for the village direction, such fabrics as chintz, flax, calico, and sometimes even ordinary burlap are relevant. From the drawings, they usually choose an elegant cage or floral prints.

textiles as table and chair decor

And how to decorate the kitchen with textiles in an original way and what can be saddled from it with your own hands? It is natural to create unique curtains, in ruffles and frills, with unusual grabs. For curtains, it is better to pick up light, airy fabrics, like chiffon. In addition to curtains, hostesses may well sew bright pot holders, pillows for chairs or covers for stools. The main thing is that the rest of the textiles are in harmony with the main element - the curtains.

Contemporary decors will require modern curtains. Roman blinds, decorated with elements of photographic printing or ornate ornaments, are especially popular today. Such curtains do not "steal" space, on the contrary, a successful drawing can make it endless, leading into the distance. In addition, the material of Roman blinds is easy to clean. It can be washed indefinitely, which is important for the kitchen.

Do not come up with better way emphasize the modernity of the environment, how to decorate the kitchen with hand-made products from specific textiles. To do this, you need to use fabrics of pearl or steel shades with a matte, smooth and certainly flowing texture.

Austrian curtains and a long tablecloth will create a cozy atmosphere in the interior of the kitchen

Of course, tablecloths will help convey the spirit of the Renaissance. Delicate, in pastel colors, brushes that go into the floor, they look incredibly harmonious with the same curtains and upholstery.

Having chosen the style of ancient times, you will have to take into account all aspects of the then furnishings and choose the right decor elements. In spacious kitchens, when trying to convey the peculiarities of the life of the eighteenth century, you need to make an extravagant and lush design. In small rooms, it is better to stay on the strict lines of Roman architecture. How to decorate too "correct" kitchen decor without extra costs, with your own hands? Of course, arches and various columns, which will also change the visual perception of space.