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Useful ideas and tips for home. Simple and brilliant tricks for cleaning home Magazine useful tips for home

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For many of us, cleaning is the most painful duty and terrible punishment. Often only at the moment when the house does not remain clean and the apartment begins to remind the field of battle of dinosaurs, we are doomed to attach order. In fact, cleaning is easy and quickly, if you know the basic secrets.

We are in website The goal of facilitating your life and collected several new tricks, which will help to cope with their homework.

Clean the most dirtiest items in the bathroom

The old curtain for the bathroom will look like from the store, if all dirty areas and even places with yellow and mold are rinsed with a solution consisting in equal parts from hydrogen and water peroxide.

To clean the toothbrushes from microbes, soaked them for an hour in vinegar. Then my well under running water.

The washcloths are soaked for an hour in hot water and vinegar in proportion 1: 1. Then we rinse well with clean water and dry.

My bathing bath

From a limescale, yellow spots and a gray surface helps a hydrogen peroxide well. We spray it with the help of a pulverizer to the surface of the bath, we leave half an hour and then wash it well with warm water.

You can easily clean the surface of the bath, if you fall asleep with soda and after a few minutes to pour vinegar. After that, you need to slightly clean the surface with a brush and washed with warm water.

Unwanted yellowness effectively removes a solution of ordinary citric acid. Make the solution at the rate: one bag on a glass of water. This tool with a sponge is applied to the surface of the bath and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off warm water.

Clear to the brilliance of the bath and get rid of the solar plaque with the help of a mixture of vinegar and salt. We mix the ingredients in the proportion of 1: 1 and we spend the bathroom to white.

We cope with a dirty toilet

The toilet flashes from purity, if used for cleaning mustard powder with adding in equal parts of citric acid and corn starch.

To purify and refreshing the toilet, you can independently prepare cleaning bombs. Only 1-2 bombing, abandoned in the toilet, will give not only the hygienic effect, but also a pleasant smell.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of soda
  • 1/4 lemon gnaps
  • 1/2 h. L. vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. l. 6% of hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 15-20 drops of beloved essential oil


I smell soda into a bowl, add citric acid. In the second world, mix the vinegar and peroxide and pour this liquid drop in the dry mixture. We add essential oil and a spoon form small balls. We spread bombings on parchment paper and dried at least 6 hours. Store bombing in a closed glass jar.

Clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom

With the help of a conventional white paraffin candle, you can get rid of mold, dark plaque and dirty sediments on the seams between tiles. To do this, you need a stupid end of the candle several times spent on a dirty seam. This will allow cleaning and protect the seams from mold and mud.

Falling into the bowl of food soda, we take it moistened in water an unnecessary toothbrush and clean the dirty places. After cleaning, we rinse the surface with warm water. Stitches as new!

We mix warm water with hydrogen peroxide in proportions 2: 1. Brushing or sponge clean the seams between the tiles of this solution, which then can not be flush.

Wash the tile

We take 15 grams of citric acid and dragging it with a glass of warm water. We wash the resulting mortar. Then wash off clean water.

With too dirty tiled walls, vinegar will help. Sprinkle the surface of the pulverizer with vinegar, we leave for 10 minutes and rinse with clean water. Then we wipe the tile with a soft napkin from the microfiber. This method will not only wash the tile, but also disinfects it.

We put a washing machine

Clean the washing machine 1 time per quarter.

Clear car from scale and water stone will help usual citric acid. In the powder compartment, we fall asleep 60 grams of citric acid. Run the machine to the full washing cycle with the highest temperature.

We prepare a simple and effective tool that will make a washing machine in order.

You will need:

  • 2 glasses of vinegar
  • ¼ cup of food soda
  • ¼ glasses of water
  • sponge


In the bowl mix water and soda. Pour this solution into a powder separation. Vinegar pour in the drum washing machine. Run the typewriter in normal washing mode. After the cycle is completed, all rubber gaskets and the door wipe the sponge. Dry drum with an open door.

Ideal my stove

We remove fat from the surface of the plate and with small details of the usual eraser. In this way, employees of professional cleaning services are used.

Sedielded plate can be put in order using lemon juice and lemon slices. Squeeze the juice, wipe the plate lemon and leave for 15 minutes. Then wipe the wet rag.

Clean the oven

Clean the overall cabinet from fat and nagara can with a glass of ammonia alcohol and liter of water. The oven heat up to 150 degrees and turn off. We put the container with hot water to the lower grille, on the top - the container with the ammonia. We close the oven door and leave to cool until the morning.

In the morning, we add some teaspoons of any detergent and a glio of warm water in the container. Sponge with the resulting solution wipe the oven and rinse it with water.

Previously, the mistress knew a lot of tricks who helped relieve homemade or make cleaning home better. Today there are also a lot of similar recommendations, so we will consider the most useful tips for the house that can be useful to everyone.

Cleaning of the apartment

Clean things

Assistance in the economy

Tricks in the kitchen

But useful tips for home and family who will help to become a good mistress in the kitchen. If you are preparing vegetable soup, do not add spices, especially the bay leaf. Better finished dish supplement chopped with greens.

So that cutting boards from wood remained clean, they are treated with vinegar mixed with water.

Fast cool cooked compote helps a saucepan with salted cold water larger.

In addition to ordinary tricks, there are very useful tips for the house, which are also easy to implement. For example, often after a feast on the table there is a small amount of wine. In order not to pour it, run over the molds and put in the freezer. Preparing some kind of dish, you can use frozen wine or add it to sauces.

Each hostess periodically burns rice, what to do? Relinted from the burner lift will help the piece of white bread laid from above.

It is important for your country plot to attract birds that fight insects and caterpillars. They need to be appreciated in winter. To do this, the feeder is made from the usual glass jar. It must be hung on the branch horizontally with the help of ropes. Cut is ready.

We in stock have more useful tips for the house. With your own hands you can make many interesting things. If you have children, then a problem with scattered toys you know. You can make a bright box with your own hands, in which the baby will fold his belongings. You will need old postcards, glue and cardboard box you need. Beautiful postcards neatly plunder the box. It can be left at home, but you can take to the cottage so that your croche is to up in nature. So that she served longer, it can be shattered with a wide scotch.

Listed above useful tips for the house are simple, but at the same time, if you remember them, you can significantly alleviate your life.

Useful tricks for home. Secrets of housekeeping

Any job, including home, requires a lot of effort. To simplify it, there are useful tricks for the house. These are those things that make everyday affairs and care easier.

A few examples

Make useful things with your own hands

Anyone is nice to look at your own creativity, and it does not matter what it can be. The main thing is that it was done with the soul and pleased the owner.

Useful homemakes with their own hands can be made of girlfriend, for example, you can make an original shelf from the used tin jars. It is possible to use it for storing small things. But the main thing is that it is impossible to fantasize about the size and form of the future masterpiece. First, the jars must be prepared, remove sharp edges if they are, then in each drill holes at several points, depending on how they are located. Fastening can be carried out by bolts or self-drawing to each other. You can bother with a regular screwdriver to the wall, driven by a dowel in it.

Useful homemakes with their own hands are invented by homemade masters not only from various materials, but also for different needs.
These can be devices for the cottage or urban apartment.

Cleaning is not the most favorite occupation of the majority of women, but they spend it and know the secrets of rapid cleaning at home, and most importantly - without loss of quality. There are many ways to help young hostesses.

Clean the iron from the stains on the sole will help a simple way.
You need to try the salt, scattered on a sheet of paper. If the iron is equipped with a steamer, then you do not even have to touch the surface, it is enough to bring to salt the sole and turn on steam. After that, the dirt will fall on the salt, and the ironing surface will be well-groomed and smooth.

Remove the wool from the furniture to help kitchen rubber gloves will help, it will stick to them and will just be able to wash his hands.

Gas burners are strongly polluted, but it is difficult to clean. You can try the following method. Put the burner in the cellophane package, pour a quarter of a cup of ammonia, leave for the night. After that rub the usual sponge.

Wooden boards in the kitchen always in the go. To contain them clean, you can use this means. Employed the board from pollution with a solution of two tablespoons of vinegar and water, after it should be wiped with half lemon, dipping it into salt.
Next, rinse the board with water and label vegetable oil into it with a towel. Such useful tricks for the house will allow a wooden board to serve for a long time.

Not easy business - cleaning oven. Simplify the task of soda and vinegar. First you need to clean the surface from the sera, and then abundantly scatter soda. Vinegar should be pouring into the sprayer, and from it to spray soda. To achieve the desired reaction of these substances, after left for 20 minutes, and then remove the composition of simple movements.

You can clean the blinds with the help of a simple sock, put it on your hand, moisten in acetic solution in half with warm water and wipe the surface to the desired result. Traces from the marker can be removed using useful tricks for the home: with the help of an ordinary toothpaste, the track is cleaned with a simple paper towel or cloth.

You can save a kitchen sponge from microbes using a microwave. Place the washup in it for a couple of minutes, which will make it safe for further use. It is important that the sponge is not dry. Using these little tricks for the house, you can significantly save the time of cleaning and not to feel like an eternal cute.

Kitchen utility

There are useful tricks for the house designed for cooking to comprehend all of them on their own, not one year.

To beat eggs into a magnificent foam, proteins are pre-cooled and a little citric acid is added, but the yolks are better to beat warm, with the addition of sugar.

To get a beautiful crust on meat, it, before starting roasting or baking, is deceived by honey.

To the bow stops to be pattering, you need to cut it. After - pour boiling water for a couple of seconds.

So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they first need to be insolent with cold water.

Any rice will become crumbly after cooking, if you pre-dock it half an hour in cold water. - To give transparency, you can lower the croup for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

Pasta and rice will not stick together if they pour some vegetable oil into the pan or after readiness to rinse with plenty of cold water.

In order for salt in Salonka, it is always crumbly, you can put several rice grains into it. He will absorb extra moisture.

Give a good appearance with faded bow or parsley will help a solution of a low concentration vinegar.

If vegetables omit immediately into boiling water, then after cooking they will be significantly tastier. But if you start boiling them in cold water, then the broth will turn out.

Any vegetables are boiled on a moderate heat and add salt only at the end. Thus, it is possible to prepare carrots, you can not longer than 15 minutes, then she will not lose their taste.

Milk does not fake on medium heat in a saucepan, rinsed with cold water.

Applying home tricks, useful tips and the accumulated experience of many generations, even a beginner hostess will feel confident.

Distribution of its time


Interesting devices and useful tips for home.

Many houses can be very easy and quickly fixed. The main thing is to apply the correct methods. The article outlines the house advice that you in any case will help you soon or later.

1. Bag odorless

Need to eliminate the unpleasant smell in the bag? Put the unused tea bag into it for one day.

2. Pipes without a cloud

Use salt to clean the sewer pipes. Push it into the pipe and rinse with boiling water.

3. Footprints from the sun

Often, artificial tan of the skin is the cause of uneven skin lightening, that is, the presence of stains. To avoid this, it is necessary to use food soda, a small amount of which is applied to problem areas by sponge.

4. Pure Iron

Nagar on the sole of the iron is easily removed with a mixture of ammonia alcohol and vinegar. Soft rag moisten in solution and wipe the iron.

5. Vegetable SUP

In the soups from fresh vegetables, do not put spices - bay leaf, black pepper and others. Better prepared soup Sprinkle with greens - so more useful and tastier.

6. Hygiene in the kitchen

Be sure to handle wooden kitchen boards with water with vinegar. Cut products are necessary on the perfectly clean surface.

7. Butter Salad

Vegetable oil should be added to the salad only after salt, vinegar, as well as pepper has been added to it. Remember that salt in oil is not able to dissolve.

8. Cold compote

To quickly cool hot compote, put a saucepan with it in larger dishes with cold salted water.

9. Delicious buckwheat

To cook a delicious buckwheat porridge, water should be twice as bigger than cereals. The pot in which porridge is boiled, cover with a lid. Boil the porridge first on a strong fire, and then - on weak.

10. Fish without odor

When cooking such types of fish, like flabble and cod, there is an unpleasant specific smell, eliminate which can be eliminated by adding parsley root dish, celery. We can not be added to the dish onions.

11. Flowers in the room

Wildflowers will preserve longer if you make a couple of drops of detergent in the vase. The main thing in this business does not overdo it, since the opposite effect is possible.

12. Cleaning to shine

In order to obtain a snow-white bath, it is necessary to prepare a special solution for its cleaning: soda calcined (2 tablespoons) + drinking soda (2 tablespoons). Next, soda this mixture your bath. The bath must be wet. Lose 5 minutes (it is important to wash the layer) and apply the following mixture: vinegar (50 g) + bleach (50 g). It will take to wait for half an hour and wash the layers.

13. Snow-white curtains

If your window dwelling is equipped with white synthetic curtains, then after washing during their drying, they exclude direct sunlight.

14. Pure parishion

The floor of the hallway is characterized by fast pack. To exclude this undesirable phenomenon, you need to get a stand for shoes. A tray and cork substrate will fit perfectly as a stand. You can buy them in almost any building of building materials.

15. Bags for linen

They are indispensable when washing delicate tissues. However, one should not hurry to acquire them in the store, as they can be made their own. An ordinary duvet cover is suitable for this purpose.

16. Economical Varka

If you decide to treat your loved ones and native petty pasta, then do not seek their cooking to full cooking. Immediately, how water will boil, throw pasta, hind, turn off the gas and be sure to cover the lid. After 10 minutes they will be ready.

17. TV on site

Put the computer monitor and the TV in uniformly illuminated places, which is necessary to optimize the adjustment of brightness and contrast to the lower level. At the same time, electrical energy savings will be achieved - up to 5% monthly.

18. Air freshener

If the spirits suddenly end, then do not hurry to throw out from them a bottle. Remove the dispenser, pour in the color of the ordinary water (on 1/2 of the volume of the bottle) and release the wooden sticks there. They will absorb flavored moisture and distribute it through the dwelling.

The ability to make some useful things with your own hands very often helps in economic terms. A person who knows how to handle the tools and possessing a seamless, many purchased goods replaces homemade. Moreover, it is not only some little things, but also quite serious, fit to the home of the device.

Their manufacture makes a lot of money and delivers sincere pleasure from the possibility of creating something useful with their own hands and thanks to their own fantasy. Perhaps our advice will be useful not only by novice Kulibin, but also experienced homemade masters who can not sit without work.

Mangal-smokehouse with her hands from barrel or gas cylinder (with video)

Let's start not with the little things, but quite such a serious and useful things for any dacha, like a brazier. It may also be a grill and smoking. If in the summer days at home is not sitting, and rest at the cottage does not hit the imagination with a variety, it's time to make such a brand and invite friends to picnics in nature. Such devices never idle and are always very popular at the warmest months of the year.

For the manufacture of grill, homemakes will first need to find an old barrel or a couple of empty gas cylinders. From the product format, its size and some functional features are dependent. Of course, to make such devices like a brazier, you need to be able to work with the metal and handle with welding equipment. So these tips are suitable only to experienced masters.

Useful tips on the manufacture of barbecue homemade:

1. First you need to cut the lid in the barrel for the future mangaal. The photo shows a slicing scheme. If you want to perform a more complex design with three sections (mangal, smoking and barbecue) from the used gas cylinders by 50 liters, see the video. It is described in detail and shown how holes in the cylinders are cut.

2. To the lid you need to weld the handle. Mandatory with a wooden handle that will help avoid burns during frying.

3. If the smokehouse is made of cylinders and will continue to have 3 sections, then they will need to be accepted to each other, as shown in the video. Pay attention to the design of the homemade. It provides for such things as stood, the hole for the plum of "soup", which is formed during the smoking process, etc.

4. The brand can be installed on the iron legs. For example, as in the same video, the wizard used a stand from a sewing machine with a foot drive. Such a rarity can be found in the flea market. If you are not lucky with interesting findings, ask the friends, didn't have the old machine in the attic of the grandmother's attack. In the extreme case, you can make legs homemakes from scrap.

5. Then the lid is attached to the mangalu. If you wish in a mangal, you can embed a spit for roasting large carcasses (milk piglets, nutria, goose, etc.). In order not to turn the spit on your own, the motor is connected to it. How to do all this, shown in the video.

6. The lattice is laid at the "bottom" of the mangala. Because both the balloon and the barrel have rounded shapes, the lattice does not lie directly on the bottom, and is located at some distance from it. The grille can be used ready or weld yourself. For experienced welders, this is not difficult. After the complete assembly of the design, you can try it in action (video).

Homemade from empty plastic bottles: Suspended gardens

With your own hands, you can do not only such "high-tech" devices, like a mangon-smoking, but also different pleasant little things for home and garden. These small and fairly simple crafts are very useful things that in specialized stores can cost a whole condition.

Useful trifles for the interior can be made from empty plastic bottles, which are apparently invisible in cities. For example, you can make a chic hanging garden on a brick wall. Usually, on forged fences, the curly plants themselves "crawl" up, forming a thick green, and sometimes a flowering wall. It makes the garden very beautiful and cozy.

But if the fence around the house is solid (stone or from brick), and greens want more, will be helped with homemade craftsmen. To equip outboard gardens on their plot, not necessarily even buy pots, and then think about how to attach ropes to them. Elementary homemakes from plastic bottles and fishing rods will help.

How to make pots homemade for a suspension garden around the house

To make these extremely useful, but at the same time very simple things, you will need to assemble 20-30 bottles pieces. The volume should be chosen depending on what plants you want to decorate the fence around the house. For those who love more space and have an extensive root system, you should choose a bottle of 1.5-2 liters. On the one hand, the "window" cuts for a flower. The cork must be spinning so that the soil does not fall out of the bottle.

From both sides, you should do holes for the fishing line, which pots of homemakes will be attached to the top of the fence. Then you need to fall asleep the soil in the bottle (it is desirable immediately fertilized and prepared for planting a decorative plant). It should fill the container approximately half to the plant be where to put roots. But a lot of land is not worth pouring, otherwise the pots of homemade for a suspension garden around the house will be too heavy.

At the end you need to plant flowers and consolidate the femors made by their own hands on the wall. It is better to do it in a checker order so that later the flooded plants formed a thick green "wall". Curly flowering plants look very good: they grow very thickly, and please the eyes with bright colors almost all summer and good half of autumn.

Useful trifles for a country house: curtain and spray bottle sprayer

From plastic bottles you can do other crafts and useful things for a cozy life. Our advice will help you as cheap to equip your cottage. For example, it is not necessary to buy curtains for a gazebo or loggia. They can be made from the bottoms of plastic bottles.
They already have a fairly beautiful form. It remains to simply promote them and bind to each other with the help of a fishing line, as in the photo. Even a child can make such crafts, and they look at this very effectively.

Our advice concern not only decorative interior moments. From the used plastic bottles you can create such useful things like a sprayer for watering a vegetable garden or lawn. Such adaptations are not suiced in stores, and their device is so simple that it is possible to make such useful trifles literally at leisure in a couple of minutes.

Tips how to make a sprayer for watering a garden / lawn around the house

If there is a lawn around your country house, requiring regular irrigation, our advice will be used to create a simple device for this. To work, you will need such trifles as we have served their ballpoint pens and one empty plastic bottle.

In the bottle you need to do holes. By diameter, they should coincide with the diameter of the ballpoint case. Rods from the handles need to be removed, and the housings themselves fasten in the holes in the bottle. After that, in the lid, we make a hole for the fastening for the hose and screw the last to the bottle neck. Now it remains only to throw a sprayer on the lawn and connect water.

Such simple and at the same time extremely convenient adaptations greatly facilitate the life of the dacnis. The sprayer from the plastic bottle can be easily transferred to another part of the garden (lawn) after the first site will be fine. Even a child will cope with this task, because plastic is a very light material.

These useful things can be made literally from garbage - conventional plastic bottles, which in cities tons are thrown into a landfill.

Tips and the necessary in the exhibition: Summer shower with their own hands

We simply don't want to spend money on many fixtures, because by time, their manufacturer takes everything. For example, things like a summer shower are very easy to do. It will take 1 metal corner, nails, water hose, tape and empty aluminum beer bank.
Tips, how similar crafts are performed:

1. For the manufacture of a device for spraying water, you first need to cut the bottom of the beer can.

2. On the other hand, the hole should be slightly expanded so that you can fix the housing nozzle.

3. So that the water does not flip into the holes of the crafts, the mounting place is carefully closed with a tape.

4. To attach this common invention, the corner must be attached to the fence. Drill holes and just nail it with nails.

5. The case is for small - turn on the water and enjoy the summer shower.

Any homemade craftsman is going to have a huge number of different things that you need to find some specified place. This is a different kind of little things: nails, self-tapping screws, shots isol, etc. In order not to confuse all these things in the farm, special storage devices are used. Of course, you only need to do them.

Beautiful storage for different little things is easy to make from 2 empty plastic bottles. First, cut off the bottom of each of them, then we add to the slice of the future craft of zipper and just fasten it. All, now you have much to fold different important things with which you will make your crafts or even create present inventions.

Simple crafts - the first step towards great accomplishments

All the crafts presented by us are pretty simple options for what you can do with your own hands. The most instepical craftsmen know how to turn banal household things in amazing inventions. By the way, many of them are the present inventions, often worthy of any premium if not the world, then definitely regional scale.

If you want to join the cohort of self-taught masters, try to make simple crafts presented to your attention. Perhaps over time you will have a taste for manual creativity, and you will become a brilliant master or even inventor.

Useful tricks for home improve and simplify life. There are live fuels, allowing more efficiently to keep a household. Many will be useful to introduce them to life.

The little budget makes it look for the opportunity to save. Useful tips for the house in this case will be as impossible by the way.

Use only one battery in the console

Delivered batteries in the pail from the TV? If there are no spare at home, it can become a disaster. But if there is at least one spare battery, the technique will come to life. You need to leave one old power supply in the console and insert one new one. The voltage will be small, but it is enough to appear an infrared signal. True, according to the law of energy conservation, one battery is discharged earlier than two or three.

Lifehak is not suitable for cases when significant power is required. It will not save on toys with a motor, cameras. But in the remote or wall clock to put one battery.

Trap for mosquitoes do it yourself

Mosquitoes fly to warm carbon dioxide, released during breathing. They can be deceived by lining on gas from yeast fermentation.

Production of trap:

  1. Cut the throat at a bottle of dark plastic;
  2. Connect both parts by turning the top throat down;
  3. pour warm water into the bottle;
  4. Pour two tablespoons of sugar and a quarter of a teaspoon of dry yeast;
  5. Put on the windowsill.

The trap will work 7-10 days.

Growing onion on the windowsill

Fresh greens - valuable source of vitamins. In winter, the green bow is expensive in the store. To save, you need to do home outcast. For this, the bulbs put in a glass with water in such a way that the liquid reached the bottom. If the store will be able to buy already beginners to germinate the lows, the surveillance will go faster.

Put the vessels with a bow on a light window sill. Cut feathers can be fired in two weeks.

Stationery clamp instead of frame for photo

Office clamp - a universal object that can be used at least ten different ways. We offer to make a photo frame from it. Instead of photography, you can put an important reminder.

On the bottom edge of the photograph to wear 1-2 clamps. The photo put on the table will be resistant to maintain balance.

Sleeve phone speaker amplifier

Towel sleeve and two plastic glasses can play the role of telephone speakers.


  • Cut in the side surfaces of glasses on one round hole corresponding to the diameter of the sleeve;
  • Jump the glass on the sleeve;
  • In the center of the sleeve, ride the gap;
  • Insert your smartphone into the slot.

Such columns look apologue, but they can become exit from the position when there is nothing at hand, for example in nature. The sound becomes much better, as it is enhanced by the voids of glasses.

The house in which the order reigns is the dream of any mistress. To each thing lying in its place and is available, you need to use popular lifehaki for home.

We fold things right

Many people have a clothes closet more resembles a laundry basket. Fix this position is not difficult. Now the "Kon Marie" method is popular in honor of his author - Japanese writer. She suggested an incredibly comfortable and practical way to fold things on the shelf - not in stacks, but rolls. As a result, each thing is visible, it can be achieved without turning the rest. In this form, you can store knitwear, jeans and other incumbent garardo objects.


Compact method of placement of outerwear on the rod:

  1. fill sleeves and hoods inside;
  2. put on the shoulders;
  3. Hang on the bar.

Children's and adult jackets and down jackets look much more careful, take less space.


Shirts stored in the closet in folded. If you fold the thing correctly, it will not be chances, folds and crumbs, it will not take a lot of space in the closet.

Shirt folding:

  • Washed and thethrhaled thing hold for at least half an hour on the hanger in the room so that it completely cooled;
  • Button all buttons (on the sleeves too);
  • to put inside the cardboard rectangle, as they do in stores;
  • Generate to the middle of the sleeve;
  • Bend back.

The shirt must acquire a view of the rectangle.


Box for underwear is rarely in order. Heap of panties and bras takes a lot of space. If you add them in the form of small rectangles, it will become much more spacious in the box.

Rectangles can be folded any panties: boxers, shorts, thongs. If you fold each rectangle twice, the rolls will turn out. They can be made on the bottom of the box like pencils in the pencil. This is a vertical storage that the famous Kon Marie invented. If you push the closet, in which linen is located in this way, you can with one glance to get all the toilet items and remove the desired, without removing the rest.

Cleaning Plum Salt Sink

Most often, the sink in the kitchen is clogged due to fat stuck in pipes. In this case, salt and soda will come to the rescue:

  1. Polish salt and glass of soda solubinate in a glass of hot water;
  2. Fill into the drain;
  3. Wait 10 minutes;
  4. Clean Vatuzom;
  5. Rinse the jet of boiling water.

Remove animal wool from surfaces with rubber gloves

Cleaning from wool carpets and upholstered furniture is a comfortable special roller with sticky ribbon. If there is no such device in the farm, put on the hands of rubber or latex gloves, wet them, sweeten the upholstery. Wool sticks to wet rubber or rolled into lumps.

Removal of labels with a hairdryer

Many wondered how to remove with plastic or metal label so that the traces are not preserved from it. If you try to just tear off a sticky piece of paper, the stain will remain. Even worse, if only part of the label can be separated, and the rest to start scraping with nails or a knife.

It is better to use a household hairdryer:

  1. warm the sticker about a minute;
  2. Picker nails for the edge;
  3. Slow separated.

Removal of spots lemon

Lemon contains a lot of organic acid, which is able to "exit" from the spot tissue. This product "on the teeth" blood, rust and markers. Apply lemon juice on a stain, spawned a salt and put a cloth in the sun for several hours.

Washing with lemon juice for brightness returns

Lemon juice gives tissue brightness. Lemon flavors and displays stains. Just add lemon juice to washing powder.

Interesting ideas for home

On small kitchens there is always a lack of space. Place things that should be at hand, on the inner door of kitchen cabinets. For this, it is not necessary to spoil the heads of the drill. Use hooks on velcro. Under a particularly heavy thing, stick the stationery button with a long head into the door. In this way, you can hang anything, from towels to the pan.

The unique beauty of the Vase or Flower Cachebo can be done using fabric. To do this, you need to cover any vessel by your favorite material and beautifully fix it with ribbons. Little Cache, tightened with a colorful sieve, look incredibly cute. A regular bank or a bottle wrapped with lace turns into an exquisite detail of the interior.

Often, diverse mugs accumulate in the buffet - the remains of the former settings. If one of them is no longer supposed to drink tea or coffee, and throw out a whole thing is a pity, it is possible to turn them into colors pots. You will need a drill with a nozzle on ceramics, which you need to neatly drill in the bottom of the circle a small hole for water drain. After that, any suitable flower in size will grow in a new pot without any problems.

Retractable sofa box or chairs decorate from the inside with beautiful wallpaper. A cheap and non-fried technical tissue is always on the finishing of this part of the furniture. If you use a furniture stapler and the remaining piece of wallpaper, the furniture inside will become the same beautiful as outside.

Those who do not represent the jewelry value of brooches, earrings, pendants turn into decorative bookmarks for books. The decoration is fixed on a piece of braid, so that it hung out of the book. The braid will be a bookmark, and the brooch or earrings will decorate the folio.

A lot of polyethylene packages used always accumulates in the house, which can still serve. It is convenient to store them in the cloth - a cardboard box with a hole in the center. It can be hung on the inner surface of the kitchen cabinet door. Get the bags from the closets more comfortable than somewhere else.

Office stands for folders will help systematize shoes. In each compartment, put a pair of sandals on a flat sole or home slippers. With this method of storage, shoes are always available and does not take up much space.

Springs from old clamshells are still able to serve. They are used as jeans hangers. One side of the spring is fixed on the row of a wardrobe. Pants suspended for the loop for the belt.

Old terry sock is an indispensable thing for cleaning at home. It can be put on the mop instead of a special nozzle. It can be a cover for an umbrella. If you fall asleep the dried herbs, such as lavender or mint, the sock will turn into a sachet for a cabinet, screking mole. Putting the baby's ornament to the porphonus, you can get a comfortable needle.

A man, loving order and his home, makes a lot with his own hands. The useful tricks listed in the article will help organize life, save money and time.