Repair Design Furniture

Mezzanine floor. The original mezzanine floor. House with a mezzanine floor: its advantages and disadvantages

The construction of a residential mezzanine is an excellent opportunity to diversify the layout for rooms with high ceilings. You can place a children's corner, a small cabinet or a rest room on the mezzanine. How should such a nest be arranged and mounted?

Residential mezzanine or dwelling mezzanine

We owe the appearance of residential mezzanines to France in the 18th-19th centuries, when small rooms for servants or solitude and relaxation began to be placed on the upper half-floors of the equipped premises. Over time, dwelling mezzanine or residential mezzanine safely migrated to our country and instantly liked it, and therefore took root.

A modern mezzanine is no longer a traditional cabinet with doors under the ceiling somewhere between the corridor and the kitchen. Take it cooler! Today the mezzanine is excellent sleeping place, an office, a library or a playroom, if, of course, the height of the main room allows for its arrangement.

The cozy "lodge with a mezzanine" can be compared to luxurious and furnished beds, as well as bunk bed attic. The mezzanine device allows you to diversify the living space, dividing it into functional zones and making the appropriate decoration.

Construction and arrangement of mezzanine

When installing a mezzanine, owners of apartments with high ceilings were lucky, because the installation of a residential mezzanine must be done at a height of about 210 cm from the floor. As the main structural elements of the mezzanine floor, they use wooden beams or metal structures.

However, the mezzanine should not be confused with the inhabited mezzanine - a full-fledged level, which is directly connected to the supporting structures. Therefore, for a room for placing a mezzanine metal or wooden, they present special requirements... This is the creation of the necessary strength of the floor and supporting structures that can withstand the optimal daily load.

In addition, in order to get to the mezzanine, you need to install a ladder certain sizes... Naturally, the device and installation of the mezzanine must begin with the choice of its location.

How to choose a place for a residential mezzanine

For the mezzanine device, spacious rooms of a square shape or elongated in height are appropriate. The optimal height of the mezzanine and its area is justified if it maintains a ratio of 1: 3 to the main area of ​​the room.

Places above a door or window, reminiscent of the location of the top shelf in a carriage, are categorically unsuitable for placing the mezzanine. We know, we went more than once. Instead of the supposed "saved" space, you can get a cramped and uncomfortable niche into which no one will agree to climb. But the thoughtful design of a studio or bedroom mezzanine looks spectacular.

Hey you, up there!

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of apartments with a ceiling height of 250 to 270 cm are practically not adapted to a full-fledged mezzanine. But there is the possibility of some tricky solutions that can create a mezzanine for a nursery playroom... To do this, it is necessary to squeeze the lower tier.

So, for example, on the first tier, you can place a working table, and the platform of the second tier of the mezzanine can be placed at a height of about 170 cm from the floor. Thus, from the cut meters, you can create a site for the installation of a mezzanine. And if you move the first tier hedgehog lower and arrange there a small dressing room with drawers, then the second tier rises even higher, making room for the mezzanine.

By the way, the area for the mezzanine is optimal for sizes from 3.5 m.This will allow you to place a sleeping place or a place for games in it, if it comes about additional space for children. Cozy bedroom the mezzanine always enjoys increased attention and interest in children.

mezzanine studio

The design of the studio mezzanine should be delicate and spatial. Therefore, the mezzanine studio must be carefully planned, taking into account the location of especially loaded areas. Therefore, to create this type of mezzanine without elements and stairs, they of stainless steel not enough.

For rooms with sufficient height to accommodate mezzanines, it is possible to create a gallery-type room. This means that the studio's mezzanine will encircle the room from those sides. Moreover, one of the sides of the gallery can be extended to a platform where you can arrange a table, armchair and bookshelves.

The use of spectacular material - duplex glass and frameless fences - will finally destroy the stereotypical ideas about a closed space. Such "transparency" will exclude strict confidentiality and bring a note of openness and trust. It is preferable to use galvanized steel as a material for beams and supporting structures. Statically fixed glass rails are installed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the roof and floor.

DIY residential mezzanine device

choice of material

By its design, the mezzanine consists of support beams and a ceiling located on the beams. Supports and beams can be metal or wood, depending on the model chosen. For the mezzanine device you will need: a steel profile, bolts for fastening and a floor base.

As a base, you can use fiberboard boards, boards, plywood and polycarbonate boards. As an external cladding, it is better to give preference to drywall. Between outer cladding and it is recommended to lay a sound-proof material overlapping.

mezzanine installation: floor beams

The mezzanine device begins with marking and installing the corner profile. It is important to remember that the reliability of the entire structure will depend on the reliability of the installation of the corner profile.

Then the base of the floor is laid. In the case when the mezzanine is installed on supports, it is necessary to take into account bearing characteristic overlap. And again, a preliminary calculation for installation will not hurt.

When constructing a mezzanine with your own hands, the thickness of the shelf should be at least 20 cm, including the thickness of the floor beams and boards. If the thickness of the shelf is less than this size, it will be necessary to strengthen the structure by introducing additional stiffeners.

The main details of the mezzanine supporting platform are longitudinal and crossbeams... You can make beams with your own hands from timber and rolled metal - I-beams, T-beams and channel. The advantage for metal structures that do not vibrate and do not bend from the weight of the mezzanine.

But it is recommended to use a metal structure for fastening after calculating the loads on the floor. To support the mezzanine, it is preferable to arrange support pillars. In exceptional cases, it is possible to use a tie-down assembly. Long anchors are used for fastening to straps.

Selection and installation of stairs

The tiered arrangement of the residential mezzanine will require the installation of a staircase. Such a requirement can leave an imprint on your mezzanine plans, because any staircase takes up a lot of space. So, for example, to climb a residential mezzanine, a staircase with 10-14 steps is required to a height of more than 2 meters.

The most comfortable stairs to climb to the mezzanine is considered flight staircase... If the possibilities of the room do not allow you to install this type of staircase, you can use an ordinary attic staircase.

Entresol m. 1. Upper mezzanine in the house; the upper part of the room allocated in the back rooms, illuminated by the upper parts of the windows. Sl. 18. In continuation of that table of the entrance hall in the mezzanine was played by Italian .. music. ZhKF 1765 189. Gof Headquarters ... ... Historical Dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

- (French entresol, from entre between, and sol soil). Semi-room, upper mezzanine in the house. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. ANTRESOL upper room of a high room, divided into two parts, or two ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Mezzanine- a site inside the building, where premises for various purposes are located (production, administrative, or for engineering equipment). Source: SNiP 31 03 2001: Industrial buildings 3.13 Mezzanine Site in the amount of ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Balcony, mezzanine, mezzanine, mezzanine, shelf, flooring Dictionary of Russian synonyms. mezzanine noun, number of synonyms: 5 balcony (13) ... Synonym dictionary

Mezzanine- a site occupying the upper part of the volume of the premises of a residential building, intended to increase its area, to locate auxiliary storage and other premises ... Official terminology

mezzanine- A site occupying the upper part of the volume of a residential, public or industrial building, designed to increase its area, the placement of auxiliary, warehouse and other premises. [SNiP I 2] mezzanine balcony inside ... ... Technical translator's guide

- (mezzanine) (French entresol). 1) upper mezzanine of a house (in mansions of the 18th-19th centuries) 2)] Upper part of a room, divided into 2 mezzanines3) В modern dwelling ceiling decking for storage ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

- (French entresol) 1) in modern architecture A. mezzanine, occupying the top. part of the volume of high residential premises, societies. or production. buildings designed to increase useful area premises. A. reported with DOS. premises ... ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

- (mezzanine) (French entresol), 1) the upper mezzanine of the house (in the mansions of the 18th-19th centuries). 2) The upper part of the room, divided into 2 semi-floors. 3) Decking under the ceiling or top of a storage cabinet. * * * ANTRESOL ANTRESOL (mezzanine) ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

mezzanine- antresolė statusas Aprobuotas sritis būstas apibrėžtis Viršutinėje pastato aukšto (patalpos) dalyje įrengtas uždaras arba pusiau uždaras (atitvertas iš vienos ar kelių pusių) pusaukmetis ... Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

Large and spacious rooms with a high ceiling arrangement give their owners quite a few advantages in the field of creating unique environments - for example, in such houses it seems as if they are asking to create a so-called mezzanine floor. This is a kind of wide and large balcony inside the room, which can be easily equipped for any type of room - an office, a recreation area and even a bedroom are no exception in this regard. The mezzanine balcony is a good thing, and it is about it that we will talk about in this article. Together with the website, we will deal with the features of this element of the house and clarify the situation with its independent construction.

House with mezzanine floor photo

Mezzanine floor: what is it and why is it needed

By by and large, you do not need to have seven spans in your forehead to understand what a mezzanine floor is and understand the advantages that it provides to the owners of houses and apartments with high ceilings. At a minimum, this is an additional area that each person can equip taking into account their preferences - the internal one in the house, among other things, is stylish design design of the whole house. There are a lot of such advantages of this building element, and we will talk about them separately, but for now we will deal with the question of what a mezzanine floor is, so to speak, we will give it a definition.

The word "mezzanine" is of French origin - it means the top floor small size located inside the common space of a house or room. Why are there houses, in the modern world a lot of apartments are being built with mezzanine floor, so some skyscrapers are not devoid of such an element. There is, however, one condition that limits the use of this element in living spaces - the height of the floors. If it is less than 3.5 m, then it will not work to build a mezzanine floor, no matter how you want it. Also, there is a restriction on the area of ​​the superstructure - no more than 40-45% of the area of ​​the room in which the mezzanine floor is created.

Mezzanine floor photo

House with a mezzanine floor: its advantages and disadvantages

As mentioned above, the presence of a mezzanine floor in the first place allows you to increase the living space - so to speak, to create, albeit small, but still additional living space. This is its main advantage, in addition to which there are other points that make the mezzanine a very attractive element for many people. These moments include the following.

In principle, there are enough advantages to think about making such a balcony or, as it was called before, a mezzanine. Yes, yes, this element of buildings came into our life from the distant past - this is exactly the case when we can safely say that the new is a well-forgotten old, returning to our life in a slightly altered form.

Types of mezzanine floors and their purpose

By and large, any type of space can be organized on the mezzanine floor (naturally, within reasonable limits). You yourself understand that the bathroom or kitchen is on inner balcony in a house or apartment will be at least inappropriate. In general, a kind of tradition has developed here - so to speak, a certain circle of premises has emerged, which on the mezzanine will not only be appropriate, but also optimal.

By and large, you can consider other options for using the mezzanine in the interior of the room. For example, on such a balcony, you can easily arrange a winter ass with a mass ornamental plants and a magnificent aquarium - so to speak, a relaxation zone for those who like to observe wildlife.

House with a mezzanine floor: do-it-yourself mezzanine

I do not argue that you should think about such an element of the house in advance and lay it down even at the construction stage. But no one will bother to make it after the house is built - today there are a lot of lightweight and at the same time very durable materials, through which you can easily create a mezzanine floor in a house. In general, if you really want to, then its production is quite real, and it is done as follows.

  1. First of all, it is Basic structure mezzanines - in other words, beams on which the entire load will fall. As a rule, they are laid along the wall, relative to which it will pass - at least two of these beams are laid. The most reliable option for the supporting structure of the mezzanine is metal beams, especially when talking about the long length of the balcony. As for long mezzanines of this type (more than 3 m), their supporting structure should have stops on the floor. As for the direct installation of the beams, for them small niches 200 mm deep are knocked out in the wall, into which the beams are inserted. And they, in turn, are loosened there with the help of cement mortar.
  2. Then everything is much simpler - using the beams as a base, a floor is created on top of them. Alternatively, a boardwalk is made - this the best option, since wood belongs to the category of lightweight materials (in comparison with concrete).
  3. Further along the edge of the resulting platform, a fence is installed in the form of a parapet or a transparent (as an option, half transparent) partition. In principle, there are a lot of options here - for example, a parapet can be made from and trimmed with wide ones on top. Either a standard wooden or forged lattice used to make balconies will look great.
  4. Staircase - somehow you need to climb to the intermediate floor. There are a lot of options for making it - by and large, any type is suitable here, including the usual one, ladder, which will have to be carried back and forth. In most cases, people are limited to very simple structures made of wood or iron and wood.

The last stage of work on the mezzanine floor is reduced to its finishing. In principle, you will figure it out on your own. In addition, it fully depends on the purpose - on what will be located on the inner balcony of a house or apartment. The only thing that can be said here is that deciding this question, it is necessary to think not only about finishing on top of the balcony, but also about finishing it from below - in general, you will have to fit the whole balcony into the interior. You shouldn't take it as separate element premises - whatever one may say, but together with the room the mezzanine is a single whole.

And in conclusion of the topic about the mezzanine floor, I will say a few words about the requirements for its manufacture - they are ingenuous, but ignoring them will not lead to anything good. First of all, we are talking about the use of durable and at the same time lightweight materials. Secondly, this is the reliability of the structure - it will have to be carefully thought out so that it is not scary to be on such a balcony during operation. Thirdly, it will not be superfluous to take care of proper ventilation - it should be understood that not very clean warm air almost always accumulates at the top of the room, which is not very good to breathe.

Mezzanine- a site that occupies the upper part of the volume of the building, designed to increase its area, to accommodate auxiliary storage and other premises.

Mezzanine floor- the floor that occupies the upper part of the volume of the building floor, intended to increase its area, accommodate auxiliary storage and other premises

The device of a mezzanine or a mezzanine floor is today a very fashionable and common design step to increase the usable area of ​​a room. The mezzanine, which occupies more than 40% of the area of ​​the space in which it is located, should be considered the mezzanine floor.

The natural limiter of any construction enthusiasm in the case of the mezzanine is the height of the ceilings: the construction of the mezzanine makes sense in rooms with a height of five meters or more.

To build a mezzanine is not so difficult at all, enough trouble arises when it is coordinated and legalized, "unnecessary" square meters in use will require the development of project documentation and its mandatory approval. Otherwise, these works will be qualified as self-construction.

The procedure for coordinating the mezzanine / mezzanine floor can be technologically presented as follows: at the first stage, design documentation is developed for the device of the mezzanine / mezzanine floor based on the technical conclusion (TZK) on the state of the supporting and enclosing structures. Composition of project documentation
must comply with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N 87 (as amended on 12.11.2016, as amended on 28.01.2017) "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content."

The second stage is the approval of project documentation in supervisory authorities. The increase in the technical and economic indicators of the building (in the case of the mezzanine, the area) requires coordination and approval in many instances, including the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Construction and State Construction Supervision. Refusal and return of project documentation for revision for various reasons is not a rare case. Therefore, it is important to develop project documentation from professional design specialists, in organizations that have self-regulatory organizations (licensed). After obtaining permission, you can build.

The last and the most significant stage in the approval process is the stage of building the building. Minor deviations in the construction process can become great difficulties for obtaining the "Act of object commissioning and operation", obtaining BTI documents, incl. technical plan and amendments to the USRN.

Bottom line: a short scheme for legalizing and building a mezzanine should look like:

Project documentation - approval - repair - commissioning - amendments to the USRN

Often the order of legalizing the mezzanine is:

Building - ………

If you have everything built, but not reflected in the documents, as well as if you have other difficulties, our professionals will help you in this case. A competent team of specialists in the field of design and approval will help you legalize the meters built or planned for construction.

The customers are a married couple, they bought this apartment in the suburbs, planning to use it as a dacha: garden joys did not deceive, but to have Vacation home it seemed too troublesome for them. Therefore, initially the project was drawn up taking into account that this is not a place for permanent residence families.

Apartment - one-room studio in One of the conditions for the designer was to arrange a sleeping place in such a way that when entering the apartment it would not be visible. On these two points - the apartment as a summer house and a hidden bedroom, and the concept of interior design was built.

Mezzanine bedroom

Before the start of all work, the room looked like this: (Fig. 1).

At its highest point, the ceiling was 3800 mm high. Based on photographs of the construction of a house from the developer's website, it was assumed that if you remove the gypsum board, you can get a total height of more than four meters, and this is enough to create a two-level space. Taking into account the peculiarities of the layout of the apartment - attic floor and sloped ceilings, as well as the fact that the upper level was supposed to have only a bedroom, where most of the time people are lying, it was decided to arrange a mezzanine - a mezzanine built into the volume of a two-story room.

From idea to implementation

After dismantling, the theoretical assumptions about the structure of the roof were fully confirmed. The rafter system was made of metal beams, tied with a crossbar. Taking into account the material of the rafters - metal, the rafters were located in increments of 4.5 meters. That is, there was only one roof beam above the apartment area. And two more passed over the walls. In the photo after dismantling, you can see the crossbar made of two metal corners.

To implement the idea of ​​the mezzanine device, the crossbar interfered. And you cannot remove it simply because it interferes, otherwise the structure will be broken. rafter system... In order to be able to arrange a mezzanine and not violate the strength of the roof, we decided to cut the crossbar, and support the rafter beam with a metal pillar, which would later become the support for the mezzanine floor.

But it's easy to say and difficult to do. Required length metal beam it turned out to be more for the pillar than could be easily lifted into an apartment located on the fifth floor. Therefore, the pillar was made composite: the upper part from a pipe with a section of 100x100 mm was welded to the rafter beam, and the lower (missing lower section) from welded reinforcement. Lower part from the reinforcement they were sewn into the formwork and filled with mortar (Fig. 3).

The top of the wall that wasn't there because ridge girder did not lean directly on the wall, but on metal supports, which, in turn, leaned on the brick wall, were laid.

Mezzanine overlap

The overlap of the mezzanine, according to the project, is based on the resulting pillar, wall and a partition built later that separated the fireplace and wardrobe. (fig. 4 and fig. 5).

To be supported on a wall in brick wall made a groove with a width of 150 mm, where a board was mounted, with dimensions of 150x50 mm. Wooden floor beams were attached to this board. Mounting board sunk into the wall so that the force is transmitted to the entire wall, and not only to the board anchors. Wooden beams made of double planks 150x50 mm were bolted to a metal post (Fig. 6).

Plywood was laid on the floor beams in two layers, for (so that steps from above were not audible) in the bed overlap mineral wool(fig. 7).

About related work

The device in the apartment on the second level also required intervention in the construction of the apartment. Since the apartment is located on top floor, under the roof enclosing the structure from above is not concrete floor, and the rafters, wooden lathing, thermal insulation, wind, waterproof and vapor barrier membranes as well as metal roofing.

Ecowool was used as thermal insulation in this house - finely ground cellulose, or, to be more precise, waste paper, old newspapers. The material may be good, I can't say anything. But in this case, it was clearly laid with violations, because it ceased to have a dense structure. Milled cellulose is impregnated special composition and blow out with a strong stream of air. The impregnation sticks the particles together, and the air compresses them into a dense layer. In this case, the insulation was hung between the boards of the sheathing with loose pillows, which were held only by the vapor barrier hemmed from below. In some places, the heat insulator was wet. Therefore, it was decided to replace it on the entire roof section above the apartment by two layers of 100 mm thickness. The total thickness of the insulation is 200 mm.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

Other constructions

Top of metal support pillar was sewn into a plasterboard box. Below the overlap metal pole sewn up timber frame with foam to prevent condensation. (fig. 8) and veneered wood paneling(fig. 9).


The inclined ceiling of the bedroom, however, as in the entire apartment, is trimmed with ordinary clapboard (Fig. 13).

As decorative coating acrylic white varnish was used. On a tree, it does not look dazzling white, but a little beige-pinkish. The wood grain remains visible through the varnish. Lining as finishing material was chosen for three reasons.

  1. The first is to support the design concept of a “country house”.
  2. The second reason was quite utilitarian: the layout is such that in most of the ceiling, due to the fact that it is inclined, the surface of the ceiling can be touched by hand. Therefore, making it ordinary is doomed to rapid pollution. A wooden ceiling if it gets dirty, you can just wash it.
  3. The third reason - the frame for the installation of drywall will "eat" a lot of precious space. The lining board is much more compact.
    More about the ceilings: the ceiling of the resulting living room and hallway is a space under the mezzanine, also made of wood. For it, plywood was used, also coated with white varnish.

Prices for lining, imitation timber, block house

Lining, imitation of a bar, block house


There are not many walls in the bedroom. Just two. WITH outside mezzanines are fenced wooden lattice... This solution made it possible to localize the bedroom space and at the same time not close it with a blank wall, which in the conditions small area, low sloped ceiling and absence natural light would turn the mezzanine room into a dull and uncomfortable closet.

End triangular wall finished textured plaster and painted in very light color. Finishing coat- a transparent layer of nacreous glaze, makes the surface of the wall richer in tone. Plasterboard structures on the mezzanine and covering most of the walls of the first floor have the same finish.

The largest part of the bedroom walls is finished with fabric with a vintage roses(fig. 14).

The fabric used for the wall decoration is the most common - it is sold in the store for sewing bed linen- 100% cotton poplin. Since the fabric is intended for bedding, it has a very good width of 2.2 meters. Therefore, the canvas was sufficient without seams from the mezzanine floor to the ceiling - the mezzanine height in the highest part is 2 meters.

The fabric is glued with ordinary wallpaper glue, holds up well. Wallpaper glue, even impregnating the fabric through and through, does not leave marks on it after drying. And the surface is not covered with a film: after drying, when touched, the texture of the fabric is felt. If not too zealous, such a coating can be washed with a damp cloth. Considering that the bedroom is finished in this way, the walls are not in danger of getting dirty. And in normal cases, the walls can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

The head of the bed is a wall panel and at the same time a wall decoration (Fig. 15).

The panel is made of 12 squares of plywood, painted with the same translucent acrylic varnish as the ceiling. Only in this case, the varnish is not tinted in white, but in blue color... Plywood sheets are glued directly to the wall and the seams are covered wooden slats... The panel-headboard is highlighted on the wall with pilasters - small ledges. In addition to the spatial and planning significance - the allocation of the bed area, one of the pilasters “closes the hole in the wallpaper” - has a completely utilitarian role: under it is hidden a part of the metal crossbar of the rafters, which could not be removed.

About furniture and light

Apart from the bed, no furniture was planned for this small bedroom. The standard bed didn't fit in and didn't fit. Therefore, the bed was made on site. It is a wooden platform with a mattress on it (fig. 16).

This is not entirely true, though: a wooden podium hides a standard metal bed base with wooden slats. The mattress is quite ordinary, double. And the headboard is already described above. wood panel... Podium structure made of birch furniture board 40 mm thick, painted with the same varnish as the headboard panel on the wall - blue.

More from the furniture in the bedroom - wooden shelves in a niche formed by the projection of the chimney duct and the duct in which the ventilation duct is located. Behind the bed is a locker - a box that opens upwards. One part of the locker is for things. Extra pillows and blankets can be stacked there. The second part, which looks the same, hides a fan. chimney hood, which is located in the ceiling of the mezzanine above the fireplace. And the pipe from it goes under the bed into the ventilation duct in the wall behind the blue panel.

Light in the bedroom - two lamps on the ceiling above the bed. They are included separately, the switches are displayed on the pilasters.

Another light source that can be used in the bedroom is one of the lamps above the stairs. Its shade, like a large crystal vase, stands on the railing of the staircase.

In addition, light from two chandeliers in the living room on the ground floor enters the bedroom through the grating of the fence: they hang just opposite the grate. Both chandeliers and two lamps above the stairs have dual control via pass-through switches to turn on lighting fixture can be downstairs, and turn off - upstairs, going up the stairs to the bedroom (Fig. 17).

Each of these lamps is switched on separately: you can turn on the left or right chandelier, or both at once. Also included are two sconces above the stairs.

There are three ceiling lights above the sofa, which stands under the mezzanine ceiling.

This is how the second floor turned out. The area of ​​the apartment has increased by almost twenty meters, and the number of premises in a one-room studio apartment has reached eight. True, real premises, bounded on all sides by walls, of which only the toilet on the first floor and the shower room on the second can be considered. And the hall, kitchen, dining room, study, living room and bedroom are a single space, zoned with furniture, various finishes and constructions like and stair railings... The last photograph (Fig. 18) was taken from approximately the same angle as the first, before the start of work. You can compare how it was and how it became.

This object, in my opinion, demonstrates that with a careful approach to design, significant results can be achieved in the formation of even a small space.