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General rules of conduct. Behavior of students before the start, during breaks and after the end of classes. Always behave yourself

Examples and ideas for drawings by fire safety.

There are a lot of fires every year. The saddest thing is that our country is among the leaders in terms of the number of people affected by fires. Approximately 15 thousand people die every year as a result of fires in Russia. That is why even from kindergarten, children need to be explained how to behave with fire.

For these purposes, children's competitions are held and kids learn not only to draw, but also remember the basic rules for handling fire. Of course, preschoolers draw quite badly, since the purpose of the lesson is not to get a beautiful drawing, but to prepare for school. Thanks to such drawings, the child learns to hold pencils in his hands.

Don't expect a masterpiece from a kid. Your task is to tell what a fire is and why it happens. No need to give overwhelming tasks. Also can be used for drawing paint. You can also invite kids to create drawings on the pavement.

What can you offer to draw a preschooler:

  • Burning house
  • fireman
  • Fire
  • And a fire department number

V kindergarten such competitions are held infrequently, as kids draw poorly. But still they must be familiarized with the rules of behavior in case of fire. Therefore, offer children coloring pages. This is a useful and instructive exercise. Below are examples for coloring.

School-age children are good with pencils and paints, so they can draw drawings on the theme of fires. The flight of fancy in this area is unlimited. You can draw anything. Also, a reminder of where to call in case of fire will not be superfluous.

Basic information and drawing ideas:

  • Children in a burning room
  • Toddlers with matches
  • Launching burning paper planes
  • Fire trucks and hydrants at work
  • Small signs about the danger of fires
  • schematic collages

Below are common themes and drawings.

There are many options for making such a poster.

Poster options:

  • Volumetric. For these purposes, the technique of cutting napkins is often used. To do this, draw a shovel, a fire extinguisher and a hydrant on the poster. Everything should be simple schematically. You can print the contours of the tools on the printer. After that, give the task to the children to tear the napkins into small pieces. It is necessary to grease the inside of the tools with glue and sprinkle with napkins. Such shaggy instruments are decorated by tamponing, by dipping cotton wool into the paint.
  • From improvised items. They are made like the well-known birthday sweet posters. Only instead, a lighter and matches are glued to the paper. Also, such a poster can be supplemented with inscriptions and poems.
  • Drawings. If you do not have the skill to draw, and everything is not very good with artistic abilities, then you can print the drawings and stick them on paper. Decorate such drawings with sparkles or broken New Year's toys. From such manipulations, posters will shine very beautifully in different colors.

Such a drawing is created in several stages. To begin with, sketches are made with a pencil. After that, you can start coloring. At the very beginning, they usually draw large details, and then move on to the little things.

After the sketch is ready, coloring is carried out. It is best to use for these purposes not the pencils themselves, but the lead. With the help of a blade, it is crushed into a drawing (sketch) and rubbed with cotton wool. Below are examples of a children's poster for a fire-themed contest.

This annual competition, which is held among schoolchildren and adolescents on the topic of fire safety rules. It is worth noting that children 7-18 years old can participate. In this case, the drawings can be made with a pencil or paints. The main task is to convey to children how to behave in case of fire and teach the rules of fire safety.

In addition to drawings on landscape sheets, posters and wall newspapers can take part in the competition. You cannot use cutouts or printed thumbnails. Only drawings created by children are allowed. The theme can be anything, but should indicate the danger of fire.

Children's drawing for the competition "Burning Bush"

Children's drawing for the competition "Burning Bush"

As you can see, fire safety drawings are designed to teach children how to deal with fire.

VIDEO: Drawings for children on a fire theme

How to draw a drawing on the topic of fire safety with a preschooler and a schoolchild? What to depict in the picture?

According to statistics, 80 percent of fires occur due to careless handling of fire and electrical appliances. It is necessary to learn the rules of fire safety from early childhood. In order for the child to remember them better, he is often asked to illustrate them with pictures. Also, competitions of children's drawings and crafts on the topic of fire safety are often held in schools and kindergartens. So what can you draw?

How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety in kindergarten?

Fire safety drawings are always conceptual and multi-component. It is quite difficult for a child of kindergarten age to draw something like that. But if his parents help him, it will be quite possible to portray:

  • house: square - walls, triangle - roof
  • window: small square inside more
  • fire: lines of red, orange and yellow
  • fireman sketchy
  • inscription "01"

Also, a preschool kid can be offered to color a ready-made drawing on the topic of fire safety. For example, one of the following.

Coloring book for a child on the topic "Fire safety".

Coloring book for a child on the theme "if there was a fire."

Coloring book for a child on the theme "In case of fire, call 01".

Coloring book for a child on the topic "Careless handling of electrical appliances." Coloring book for a child on the theme "Matches are not toys for children."

How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety to school?

The student already draws quite well, and knows the rules of fire safety by heart. In a drawing class, as an optional assignment or for an exhibition creative works sooner or later he will be asked to draw a thematic drawing. What can be depicted in it?
First of all, the child can draw a fireman or a fire truck. You can read about how to do this step by step in the article: "".

In the drawing of a schoolboy, a firefighter puts out a fire.

The courage of firefighters is one of the topics of fire safety drawings.

The figure can also depict the famous slogan "Call 01 in case of fire" in its various interpretations. The picture is complemented by the image of a red telephone, a fire extinguisher, a firefighter in a helmet, a burning house in the background, and so on.

Drawing by a schoolchild "In case of fire, call 01".

Another slogan that children memorize with early years“Matches are not toys for children.” It can also be used as the basis for a drawing: depict a little bully with a box of matches and burning furniture in the room. I found a box, decided to play, struck a match, and disaster struck. Didn't know fire safety rules. But the rest now know!

Drawing by a schoolchild "Matches are not a toy for children."

Picture for drawing "Matches are not toys for children."

One more common cause fires - improper handling gas stove in the kitchen, electrical and household appliances. Do not leave pots and pans unattended, do not dry clothes over the stove. You cannot use a defective household appliances, turn on several powerful devices at once in one outlet, leave them unattended. Here is another drawing idea.

Picture for sketching "Carefully handle electrical appliances."

New Year's Eve can be overshadowed by fire if you do not follow the safety rules when using firecrackers, sparklers, firecrackers and fireworks. In order to avoid trouble, children cannot categorically use pyrotechnics on their own.

Picture for drawing "Pyrotechnics is not for children."

Due to the negligence of people, the fire can get out of control not only in the house. Bonfires and "kebabs" in nature cause dry grass to ignite and forest fires. The slogan of a children's drawing can be "Protect the forest from fire."

Schoolchild's drawing "Protect the forest from fire."

IMPORTANT: There are many colorful pictures on the Internet for children on the topic of fire safety. If suddenly the student does not come up with his own idea, he chooses one of these pictures to draw.

VIDEO: Children's work on the topic "Fire safety"

How to draw a fire in a house with a pencil and a person who puts out the fire?

IMPORTANT: Be sure to explain to the child that it is possible to extinguish the fire on your own only at the very beginning. You can’t tame the raging flame yourself, but it’s quite possible to get damaged or even die. Better not rely on own forces call the fire department.

Before drawing such a drawing, you need to think over its concept.
It is necessary to decide in which room the fire occurred. It can be a living room, then the TV will be a source of danger. Let the child draw something from the room's decor. For example, sofa, wardrobe and table. This will help him step by step instructions in the pictures below.

If a child decides to draw a kitchen, he will most likely depict a stove, a refrigerator, a dining table.

Draw a dining table step by step.

Next, draw the fire. It's just at first glance. It will be necessary to depict randomly flying flames and make them voluminous. It is better to paint the fire in several colors: red, yellow, orange, then the image will turn out to be dynamic.

If there is a person extinguishing a fire in the figure, it must be depicted in motion. For example, running towards the flame with a bucket or a fire extinguisher.
And finally, you should choose what exactly will be used to extinguish the fire:

  • bucket with water
  • fire extinguisher
  • a thick blanket (the child should know that it is absolutely impossible to extinguish an electrical appliance on fire with water)

How to draw a memo poster with fire safety rules?

To make a fire safety poster for or with children, you will need:

  • paper sheet ( back side wallpaper)
  • ruler 30 cm
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • scissors
  • paints, markers, colored pencils

Here are some ways:
The poster will be fully drawn. You can place several of the above thematic pictures on it at once. A sheet of drawing paper is marked so that each picture has its own place. The inscriptions are placed in the center or in one of the corners: “Fire safety”, “In case of fire, call 01”, “Fire requires careful handling”.

Picture to draw: fire safety poster for kids.

You can make a poster application, as in the example below.

Application - collage "Beware of fire!".

Instead of a poster, they also use a collage of several drawings of children from a school class or kindergarten group.

IMPORTANT: The fire safety poster should contain not only drawings, but also the rules themselves. You can write them in verse. A verse for a poster about fire safety rules "Matches are not toys for children!".

Children's drawing for the competition "Burning Bush"

Every year, the all-Russian competition of children's and youth creativity on fire safety "Burning Bush" is held among schoolchildren. The purpose of the competition is to bring fire safety rules to children, to popularize the profession of a firefighter among young people.

Talented children and teenagers aged 7 to 18 can take part in the competition.

They can prepare competitive works (drawings, posters, crafts) on the topic:

  • careless handling of fire, childish pranks with fire
  • courage and dedication of firefighters
  • firefighting and rescue equipment

Work for the competition "Burning Bush".

Children's drawing for the competition "Burning Bush".

The drawing for the "Burning Bush" competition should be on the topic of fire safety.

Competitive children's drawing.

The work and courage of firefighters is the theme of many drawings at the Burning Bush competition.

IMPORTANT: More details about the terms and conditions for creating and submitting works in 2017 can be found in the Regulations on municipal stage All-Russian competition of children's and youth creativity on fire safety "Burning Bush".

VIDEO: Exhibition "Burning Bush" 2017.

Every year, millions of mothers bring their children to school. It is quite difficult for first-graders to get used to a completely new life for them. They are afraid of how their classmates will accept them, whether the teacher will like them.

You have to behave properly in school. There are all sorts of rules that must be followed. Only in this case it will be really comfortable to study.

Every student must behave properly. Certain etiquette must be observed. There is a huge amount important rules. There are 10 main ones:

1. You should come to school on time.

2. Necessary things should be carefully folded into a satchel.

3. At the entrance to the school, they wipe their feet. Upon entering the classroom, they greet the teacher.

4. To answer, you must raise your hand.

5. Talking to friends and teachers should be polite.

6. It is necessary to protect all school property and in no case damage it.

7. It is forbidden to run and shout at the break.

8. All adults should be greeted.

9. The boy lets the girl pass through the door, and the schoolboy - the adult.

10. All rubbish should be thrown into the bin.

How to behave in the classroom?

It is best to come to school early. There should be at least 10 minutes left before class. This time is just enough to leave outerwear in the wardrobe and come to class. It is important to prepare for the lesson.

· All homework assignments must be completed. The schedule should be filled in the diary.

For the duration of the lesson, you need to forget about the existence cell phone.

· You can not say indecent words and show uncivilized gestures.

You can leave the lessons only with the permission of a doctor or teacher.

· If the lessons are missed due to illness, you must bring a certificate.

· At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher must greet. For this, the whole class must stand up. Other adults are greeted in the same way.

· During the lesson, do not interfere with others to talk.

· If you need to get out, be sure to raise your hand.

· Cleanliness and tidiness are important on the desk. Only what is needed in the lesson should lie on it. All foreign objects are removed in the satchel.

How to behave during change?

It is quite tiring to sit and listen to the teacher attentively for a long time. Change is necessary for rest. But this does not mean that you need to run and scream. This is not only wrong, but also dangerous. It is imperative to follow the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren regarding correct behavior during breaks.

If you have a desire to run, it is better to go to the sports ground. The change is suitable for going to the library, to the cafeteria, preparing for another lesson, calling mom.

If the behavior at recess is calm, this speaks not only of respect for others, but also for oneself. It is necessary to try to have a good rest and gain strength for the next lesson.

What can not be done during a break?

The rules prohibit at breaks:

· Push others.

· Obscene language.

Throw any objects at others.

· Get ​​into fights or be their instigator.

· Slide down the railings or bend over them. It is very dangerous. The stairs go down or up only on the right side.

· Sit on window sills.

Make sure to greet teachers and parents.

Doors must be opened and closed very carefully. You shouldn't clap them. Be sure to let the adults walking ahead, and then go on their own. You can not push anyone on the stairs, as this is very dangerous.

How to behave in the dining room?

The dining room is usually crowded with people. The break is only 15 minutes, and during this time you need to have time to eat. It is important to follow the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren at the table:

Don't try to get here first. You must come with the class. No need to rush to sit down at the table first, even if you really want to eat.

· It is necessary to observe the queue.

・Walk carefully around the dining room. In this case, be sure to look under your feet. If you have a plate in your hands, you need to be doubly careful.

・Wash your hands before eating.

· Use the fork very carefully and never swing it.

· Eat soup and tea carefully, without spilling it on yourself or your neighbors.

Sit straight at the table without pushing those sitting next to you. Don't put your elbows on the table.

Every person cleans up after themselves the dishes after eating.

Etiquette rules for younger students

Particular attention should be paid to the correct behavior in primary school. It is at this age that all norms are laid. If students are not taught how to behave in certain places, then it will be much more difficult to do this at an older age.

Public transport

Enter any transport carefully, without pushing anyone.

It is worth giving up your seat to the elderly and pregnant women.

Do not speak loudly, as it disturbs others.

Don't try to talk to strangers.


· Do not litter.

· It is forbidden to make noise.

· Don't be provocative.

Do not comment loudly on the film.

· Do not talk on the phone during the session.

There are certain norms of behavior in other public places. The rules of etiquette for 4th grade students are extremely important as children get older and move on to secondary school. By this time they should be already educated.

Etiquette rules in pictures

Children should know and follow a huge number of various rules of etiquette. Training should start with early age. It's hard for kids to remember everything at once.

To make the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren easy to learn and make learning as interesting as possible, it is worth using visualization. The rules of etiquette for schoolchildren in pictures will allow children not only to quickly learn them, but also to visualize how to behave. It is also worth using pictures that depict incorrect behavior. Children will understand that such behavior is far from generally accepted norms. Visual learning will allow you to learn the material quickly and easily.

It is also worth raising children by example. This should be the parents themselves, as well as teachers at the school. Teaching etiquette in a playful way is most effective. This allows you to perfectly learn the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren. Pictures help to do this.

The child should come to school with etiquette skills already formed. If certain norms of behavior were not instilled in a child at preschool age, it will be very difficult for him in a team. Bad manners and rudeness will only cause irritation and indispensable rejection among others. That is why parents should teach children etiquette first of all.

Why are standards of conduct important?

Preschoolers do not always behave correctly. For them, it's forgivable. Everyone has long known that if parents have a good upbringing, then the child will gradually learn all the necessary norms of behavior.

But if students misbehave in a public place, others are usually outraged. It is unpleasant to look at untidy dressed, pushing and screaming children who do not know how to use cutlery.

Learning the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren is quite simple. It's not hard to learn how to communicate politely. Everyone can dress well.

Parents usually require their children to behave decently. It turns out to be important when the children are alone in some kind of Etiquette rules for schoolchildren at school, it is important to strictly observe. Children need to know what to do in a given situation. This is where their maturity comes in.

Also, do not forget that the behavior of children is judged by parents. Don't make them blush. You need to try to be polite and well-mannered. It is for this that one should study the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren.




Wake up early in the morning

Wash well

In order not to yawn at school,

Do not peck your nose at the desk!

In the evening put in a portfolio

Notebooks, textbooks, pencils.

Check again in the morning

Ready to practice now!

Go to school along the path

Wipe your feet on the porch!

And then just come in -

School day ahead!

You enter the classroom with the word "hello"

And you will be healthy

To feel great

Wish you good health in the morning!

For all the law, not desire -

Come to class without delay!

As soon as the bell rings -

The lesson starts!

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the table back and forth!

The teacher will ask - you have to get up,

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

A desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it

We must not forget

Keep your back straight!

We will be in class

Diligent, careful!

Repeat three times

Not at all necessary!

If you want to answer - do not make noise,

But just raise your hand.

First think

Then answer!

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

After all, you came to learn

Do not despair, do not suffer -

After all, they learn from mistakes!

The bell rings for change

So that you surely rest,

Another lesson awaits you -

Get ready for it, my friend!

In the corridor we must

Keep to the right side

Moreover, I personally think

Screaming at school is indecent!

Walk around school calmly

Don't run around the class

Always behave with dignity

Take care of your health!

Eating in class on a napkin

Be careful, kids!

clean up after yourself

Wash and dry your hands!

Everyone keeps track of things

Without my grandmother and mother.

Unpleasant confusion

Idiots and sluts!

The words "thank you", "sorry"

Don't be shy, speak up

Anya, Slava, Valya, Vitya

You do not quarrel, but reconcile!

Don't tease, don't be arrogant
Try to help everyone at school.

Do not frown in vain, be bold

And you will find your friends!

" See you! Goodbye!"

Say goodbye to everyone

Tomorrow we will be again

Greet the new day with a smile!

General rules of conduct

1. The student arrives at school 15 minutes before class starts; clean, tidy, takes off outerwear in the wardrobe, puts on a change of shoes, takes workplace with a warning for the lesson and prepares all the necessary teaching materials for the upcoming lesson

2. The student is obliged to complete homework within the time limits established by the school curriculum

3. At the first request of the teacher, a diary should be presented

4. Record daily homework in the diary

5. Bring to class all the necessary textbooks, notebooks, manuals, stationery

6. You can not bring to the school for any purpose and use in any way weapons (including knives), explosives, flammable substances; liquor, cigarettes, drugs, other intoxicants and poisons

7. Smoking is prohibited on school grounds

8. It is not allowed to chew chewing gum, use players and mobile devices during the lessons

10. School students must respect the dignity of teachers and school staff.

11. Physical confrontation, intimidation and bullying, attempts to humiliate a person, discrimination based on nationality or race are unacceptable forms of behavior. The school categorically condemns such behavior.

12. Students protect the property of the school, carefully treat both their own and other people's property, keep cleanliness and order on the territory of the school. In case of damage to school property, parents (legal representatives) are obliged to compensate it.

13. All students participate in school and campus improvement activities to the best of their ability.

14. Students should respect property rights. Books, jackets and other personal items in the school belong to their respective owners.

15. Students who misappropriate other people's belongings may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including criminal punishment.

16. Students who find lost or forgotten, in their opinion, things, are invited to hand them over to the duty administrator or teacher.

17. It is impossible without the permission of teachers or nurse leave school at school time. You can leave the school by presenting a note from the teacher or health worker to the security guard on duty.

18. In case of missed classes, the student must present class teacher a certificate or a note from the parents (persons replacing them) about the reason for the absence from classes.

Behavior in the classroom

1. When the teacher enters the classroom, the students stand up and greet the teacher. In a similar way, students greet any adult who enters the classroom during class (except for computer time).

2. Each teacher determines the rules for the behavior of students in their classes; these rules should not infringe on the dignity of the student.

3. During the lesson, you can’t make noise, distract yourself and distract other comrades from extraneous conversations, games and other things that are not related to the lesson, as this violates the rights of others to receive the necessary knowledge.

4. During the lesson, students have the right to use school equipment, which they return to the teacher after class. It must be handled carefully and carefully.

5. If the student wants to ask the teacher a question or answer the teacher's question, he raises his hand.

6. The student has the right to defend his opinion and his beliefs when discussing various controversial and controversial issues in the correct form.

Behavior of students before the start, during breaks and after the end of classes

1. During breaks (changes), the student must:

    cleanliness and order in your workplace;

    leave the classroom if the teacher asks;

    obey the instructions of the teacher.

2. During the break, students can move freely around the school, except for rex places where they are not allowed to stay for security purposes (attic, basement, kitchen, physical and chemical laboratories).

3. During breaks, students are prohibited from pushing each other, throwing objects and using physical force.

4. During breaks, students are not allowed to leave the school without the permission of the class teacher or administrator on duty

6. During breaks, students should not run up stairs near window openings and in other places not adapted for games.

7. The duty class helps the duty teacher to monitor the observance of discipline during breaks.

Student behavior in the cafeteria

1. When eating in the cafeteria, students are required to maintain good manners and behave decently.

2. Students must treat cafeteria workers with respect.

3. Talking while eating should not be loud, so as not to disturb those who eat in the neighborhood.

4. Students clean the table after eating, put the chairs in their place.

5. Students take care of the property of the school cafeteria.

Responsibilities of the class attendant

1. Duty officers are appointed in accordance with the duty schedule for the class.

2. The attendants help the teacher prepare the class for the next lesson, and clean the classroom as much as possible.

3. During the break, the student on duty (students) ventilate the classroom, helps the teacher hang educational material for the next lesson, distributes notebooks at the request of the teacher.

4. At the end of the working day, the students on duty prepare the class for the next working day (wipe the dust off the furniture, water the flowers, wash the floors).

Responsibilities of the School Superintendent

1. Duty is carried out by students in grades 2-9.

2. The duties of the duty officer include:

    check students' changeable shoes at the entrance to the school; help undress students in elementary grades;

    keep order in the dressing rooms;

    ensure cleanliness and order in the areas of the school assigned to them;

    provide the necessary assistance in organizing the educational process to teachers and school administration.

3. Every day, at the end of the lessons, the attendants put in order the sections of the school assigned to them and hand them over to the class teacher or the administrator on duty.

4. The duty officer does not have the right to use physical force to suppress violations by students.

1. Students must come to school in neat clothes designed for classes.

2. Clothing must be age-appropriate, express the owner's respect for himself and society.

4. At school, all students wear changeable shoes.

5. Sportswear is for lessons physical culture, in other lessons it is inappropriate.

6. Be at school in outerwear, for no particular reason, is not permitted.

7. At technology lessons, boys should have a work robe, girls - an apron and hats.

8. Students come to solemn school-wide events in the appropriate form: girls in dark skirts or trousers and light blouses, boys in dark suits and light shirts. It is desirable to have a tie for the latter.

9. On festive evenings, concerts students choose clothes of their choice.

Plato's phrase: "Education is the assimilation of good habits" does not lose its relevance to this day. A well-bred kid behaves confidently in any situation, it is pleasant to play and communicate with him. A well-mannered child, as an adult, will retain communication skills that will help in family life and in the work team. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to know the rules of etiquette for children who have the goal of raising successful person.

From this article you will learn

Types of etiquette

Etiquette is a manifestation of a culture of communication, unwritten rules of behavior in society, depending on the form of activity and the situation. It is clear that the code of conduct concerning good manners for children contains fewer points than the adult code of propriety. And yet, from a young age, it will be great to acquaint the child with the following types of etiquette:

  • Weekend prescribing rules good manners in public places for leisure activities - parks, museums, cinemas.
  • Guest, revealing the principles of hospitality and behavior at a party.
  • Passenger - rules of etiquette in public transport.
  • Speech, providing verbal communication at the proper level.
  • Telephone etiquette, which prescribes how to competently conduct a conversation on the phone, communicate through messages and emails.
  • Family etiquette contains a set of rules of conduct between family members.
  • Canteen, relating to good manners during meals.
  • Educational, prescribing how one should behave in various educational institutions.

All of these types belong to such a type of etiquette as general civil. Parents belonging to a certain denomination teach their children additionally the rules of behavior in temples. An older child can be told that adults still observe the rules of military, marriage, state, business and diplomatic etiquette.

It is interesting! Even animals have their own rules of behavior. Monkeys belonging to the family of common marmosets have developed a kind of speech etiquette. Being in a flock, they do not interrupt each other with shouts, but let the opponent speak.

At what age do you start training

A gross violation of the generally accepted rules of etiquette by society is still condemned. Of course, an ill-bred kid will be given a discount on age, but the sediment from the parents and their opponents will remain. Therefore, the sooner you instill good manners, the better. But you should start not with lessons and notations, but with an analysis of your own behavior. The kid will learn exactly the parental model of communication.

Already in infancy, the child is able to determine with what intonation they are addressed. By showing courtesy, tact and goodwill in dealing with the baby, parents can be sure that the child uses these qualities in return. The intonation of an adult can also indicate the unacceptable behavior of the child.

When the baby is one year old and begins to replenish vocabulary, you should enter polite words into it, such as "thank you", " good morning", "goodbye".

At two years old, a child will be delighted to be rewarded for beautiful and clean clothes, neat appearance. Three-year-olds, when playing, simulate situations in which good manners are manifested: laying a puppet table, playing guests, a trip, going to the cinema. At three years old, the baby can master the necessary hygiene skills.

At the age of six and older, it is acceptable to attend seminars and lessons in schools to teach good manners. Teachers seeking to instill moral qualities devote the rules of etiquette Classroom hour, parent-teacher meeting. For children of any age, cartoons are an actual form of education.

It is interesting! The Dutch thinker, scientist and philosopher Erasmus of Rotterdam was the first to set out a code of conduct for boys in his treatise On the Decency of Children's Morals. The manuscript described in detail the rules of conduct at the game and in society, hygiene standards, and much more.

Greeting rules

Hello, good afternoon (evening, morning) - this is how communication begins. Often a greeting sets the general tone for the entire conversation or lays the first impression when meeting. The form and tone of the address matters, therefore, it is necessary to teach the baby to greet correctly from an early age. A few simple rules will help:

  • Well-bred children do not expect greetings from others, but are the first to greet, especially with older people.
  • The greeting must be answered.
  • Polite words at a meeting should be pronounced loudly and clearly, but shouting at the top of your lungs is indecent. If a familiar person passes in the distance, it is enough to say hello with a nod of the head or a slight wave of the hand.
  • The location and goodwill will cause a sincere smile and warm intonations in the voice during the greeting. Dry tone and rough speech, on the contrary, will repel you.
  • When meeting, it is customary to shake hands, bow your head or bow slightly as a sign of respect. It is indecent to look away, uttering polite words, keep your hands in your pockets.
  • The kid needs to be explained that if the parents greet someone, then he needs to do it too. Entering a room where there are several people: in a group or class, during a trip to visit, you need to greet everyone loudly. When visiting, the hosts are the first to greet.

Etiquette for girls and boys is practically the same. Difference when shaking hands: men (and boys) need to remove the glove. Women, girls and girls are the first to give a hand during a greeting at will.

Important! Often, when meeting, acquaintances try to hug or kiss in a friendly way. Such receptions are permissible only among relatives or close people. It is unacceptable to hug someone else's child.

Telephone conversation

Children start using a stationary device from the age of five, answering calls, and the first smartphone is often bought for first-graders. Good phone manners are as follows:

  • You need to start a telephone conversation with a greeting, end with a farewell.
  • Talking loudly on the phone, the child can cause displeasure of others.
  • In some situations or in organizations where, according to the rules, you can’t talk on a smartphone - in the classroom, in church, shops and banks - the phone is turned off.
  • In circumstances where there is no opportunity for conversation, phone call you need to answer and promise to call back later. It is imperative to fulfill the promise later.
  • If there was a dialing error, you should apologize.
  • SMS-correspondence must be conducted correctly.
  • You cannot answer calls from an unknown number.

Etiquette for children of school age: calling before 8 am and after 9 pm is impolite, the exception is an urgent, urgent call. If one of the family members called on a landline phone, there is no need to ask unnecessary questions and chat idly. If close person missing, you need to ask what to give him.

Rules of conduct at school

Apart from general requirements to students: do not be late, do not leave the institution during the lessons, follow the recommendations of the manual - the child must:

  • Be kind and respectful to other students and teachers.
  • Greet the teacher while standing.
  • Do not talk, eat or do other things during the lesson.
  • If you need to answer or leave, you should call the attention of the teacher by raising your hand.
  • disable mobile phone during the lesson.
  • Be calm during change.

Etiquette at the table

The sooner the little one sits down for common table, all the better. Mom can help the baby learn good manners from the cradle. For this on initial stage you should beautifully and correctly set the table, attracting the baby to help, help him act competently during meals, and follow the rules of hygiene. The child needs to learn that good table manners are not only beautiful, but also safe: eating in a hurry, you can choke.

Two-, three-year-old baby needs to know the following rules:

  • Before eating, be sure to wash your hands, wish those present a pleasant appetite.
  • Sit straight at the table, do not put your elbows on its surface, do not sway in a chair, do not talk with food in your mouth, do not slurp and do not indulge.
  • Spitting food is unacceptable even for babies.
  • Use cutlery, properly hold them in your hands. They eat meat with a knife; soft food: fish, meatballs, aspic - break off with a fork. Touching the side dish with your hands is a bad form.
  • Dirty hands are cleaned only with a napkin or rinsed. Lips are also blotted with a napkin.
  • It is ugly to reach for a dish across the table, it is better to ask to pass it.
  • Be sure to thank the person who prepared the food.

Important! It is better to learn the rules of behavior at the table before kindergarten.

Away etiquette

To behave decently in a strange house means:

  • Don't come uninvited.
  • Buy a gift for the owners as a token of attention: something for the table or from household items.
  • Upon entering the house, say hello to all household members.
  • Do not touch or disturb pets without permission. Do not pick up interior items.
  • Do not criticize repairs, furnishings, refreshments, even behind your back.
  • Behave calmly and modestly, keep up the conversation.
  • Stay away for no longer than a certain period.
  • Be sure to thank for the food and welcome.

If the child invited friends to his place, he should:

  • Think over a treat, topics of conversation and games, which cartoon to put on for viewing by the whole company.
  • Call in advance if a family celebration is expected.
  • Give attention to all guests so that they do not get bored.
  • Thank you for coming.

There is no need to show bad mood to others.

In the theatre

Starting from 3-5 years old, the baby can be introduced to cultural events: taken to the theater, to concerts, celebrations and open-air holidays. Before the trip, the child should be explained how it is customary to behave in such places and why to do it:

  • Choose an outfit that matches the event.
  • In order to avoid being late, leave early, scheduling time for changing, putting yourself in order and visiting the wardrobe.
  • If tickets are purchased for seats located in the center of the row, it is better to seat yourself in advance so as not to disturb other spectators.
  • Hats, especially voluminous and high ones, must be removed.
  • It is indecent to make noise, talk, including on the phone, eat food.
  • Carriers of an infection transmitted by airborne droplets, it is better to return tickets and stay at home.
  • Littering and spoiling interior items is bad manners and a sign of a lack of conscience.
  • Actors and singers do not need to sing along. It disturbs other viewers.

Important! Parents are encouraged to select an event that is interesting little child. Otherwise, he will be capricious and spoil the holiday not only for his parents, but also for those around him. You should leave at the first manifestations of discontent in the crumbs.

In public places

On the street or in transport, knowledge of the basics of etiquette and communication rules is necessary not only for reputation, but also for safety. Of the most important norms of behavior in public places and transport, it is worth teaching a child:

  • Knowledge of the basic rules of the road.
  • Shows of courtesy - to let those leaving first vehicle, then women and kids first.
  • The fact that in crowded places you can’t push, litter and stain objects, enter vehicles with ice cream, pizza or other food. It is indecent to look at passengers closely, as well as to point a finger.
  • Give way to those who are more vulnerable.
  • Ride with animals, observing the rules for their transportation.

From general rules behavior in crowded places:

  • It is ugly to comb your hair, pick your teeth, blow your nose, sneeze and cough without covering your mouth with your hand or handkerchief.
  • Stomp, scream at the top of your voice, act up.
  • Unceremoniously interrupt the conversation.
  • Dress untidy, wear dirty shoes, especially for a girl.

Attention! Sitting down with a child on your knees on a seat in public transport, take care of the cleanliness of the clothes of those around you, especially if it is raining outside. Put bags on your baby's shoes or hold the legs with your hand so as not to stain those standing nearby.

Street etiquette

When going for a walk, tell your child what rules of behavior should be observed:

  • Candy and ice cream wrappers must not be thrown on the ground. Garbage should be in the bin, not in the playground.
  • Grass and flowers growing on lawns should not be trampled, as this nullifies the work of people involved in the improvement of the city.
  • When moving along the sidewalk in crowded places, you need to stick to the right side, you can not hurt passers-by and behave defiantly. If there is a need to stop for a conversation or rest, you should step aside, you should not interfere with the movement of the human flow.
  • If mom or dad went away, but asked to wait, in no case should you leave.
  • It is necessary to behave politely with others, but it is dangerous to communicate with strangers in the absence of parents.

Important! Conduct a safety briefing with your child. Ask a colleague or friend to play the role of a stranger, let him try to take the baby away when you are not around. Then tell the child if he behaved correctly and how to act in such cases.

How to behave in nature

For the harmonious development of the child, trips to nature are necessary. But even in the most deserted places: in the forest, on the coast, in the steppe - there are rules of conduct:

  • You can not go into the forest without adult accompaniment.
  • It is best to return from the hike before dark.
  • Collecting unfamiliar herbs, mushrooms or berries is not allowed. It is also forbidden to drink from forest springs and rivers.
  • Breaking branches, trampling grass, destroying anthills, catching birds, animals and insects for fun is barbarism.
  • Before hiking, you need to prepare: charge your mobile phone, take a supply of water and food, wear comfortable clothes and shoes, apply insect repellant.
  • It is necessary to protect all living things: garbage harms the ecosystem, fires destroy everything in its path. Therefore, you can not leave behind food and plastic waste, bottles, make fires. It is strictly forbidden to throw chewing gum on the ground: birds, grabbing it, may die.

Friendship Rules

Friendship is one of the most wonderful manifestations of communication. In order for the schoolchild and preschooler to develop a trusting circle of communication, teach the child the following rules:

  • Behave respectfully towards other people: do not ridicule, do not give nicknames, do not call names offensive words.
  • In case of a quarrel, try to understand and forgive a friend, in case of your own wrong, make peace first.
  • If a friend gave a thing for a while, you need to handle it carefully and return it on time.
  • It is unacceptable to snitch on your friends, but in case of danger, you need to seek help from adults.
  • A true friend does not envy success, but rejoices for loved ones.
  • It is not shameful to accept help or advice, but it is quite normal for friends.
  • It is not good to eat delicacies alone, being in company. Be sure to feed others.

How to give gifts

Choosing and giving gifts is an art. There is also a reminder for this case:

  • You need to buy a surprise, taking into account the preferences of the birthday man.
  • When making a gift with my own hands crafts should be done carefully, using the best materials.
  • Giving money to a baby is not the most the best way. It is worth looking for something that will surely please him.
  • You can give animals, birds and fish only with the consent of the parents of the birthday man.
  • Before delivery, you need to remove the price tag from the purchase and pack it beautifully.

Books on etiquette

Books will be of great help in comprehensively teaching a child good manners. Their list is large, there are many modern, well-illustrated publications for children of any age. For the smallest, one-year-olds and three-year-olds, Sergey Savushkin's essay “Bon appetit! For children from 1 year”, set out in mini-stories. And in the book "Polite Words" by Olga Korneeva, kids will find quatrains that will teach them how and when to say "thank you", "please", "hello".

The publication "Growing Cultural" is intended for children from four years old. With the help of exercises and classes, in addition to the formation of moral qualities, it develops logic, creative and speech activity.

Children a little older will be interested in Andrey Usachev's book "Etiquette for Children of Different Years", with bright pictures, presented in poetic form. A lot of books on children's etiquette, the children's poetess Galina Shalaeva.

The list of useful publications includes:

  1. N. Ivanova. ABC of etiquette for kids. 33 rules of good manners.
  2. V. Kudlachev and I. Fomenkova. Fairy Courtesy Advice.
  3. L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus. "ABC of courtesy".

It is interesting! For moms who want to fill in the gaps in the knowledge of good manners and become a real lady, there are many opportunities: webinars, e-books and allowances. Aerobatics - visiting the Austrian high school etiquette, where the teaching of good manners is carried out at the international level.

Poems about etiquette

The rules of etiquette and good manners, set out in verses that every preschool kid loves to listen to, are just as accessible. educational process, as well as game form. If the child behaves inappropriately, it is enough for the mother to remember the lines she liked, and the baby will understand what to do.

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