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What does the name of antonina mean for a girl. Tonya as a child. The meaning of the letters in the name of Antonina

The meaning of the name Antonina gives the owner a calm, good-natured disposition. People always come to her for help, wait for support and wise advice. Her responsiveness attracts people, so she is always surrounded by acquaintances. But her secrecy and unwillingness to share her sorrows and troubles sometimes alienate really close people who are ready to become friends, but attach importance to sincerity.

The deeply rooted feminine principle is clearly expressed in appearance: soft feminine lines, a well-balanced figure, feline grace. All her movements are slow and smooth, she rather slides or flutters above the ground than steps down to the ground.

Has an amazing intuition, bordering on prophecy. She is easily given the interpretation of dreams, visions, symbols and signs. However, for a child, this may not always have good value: if the parents are not interested in reality, then there is a chance that the baby will grow up not adapted to the realities of life.

In childhood, she likes to take care of the younger members of the family, which gives the girl the opportunity to lead and try herself in the role of a caring mother. The first assistant in the home you can always rely on.


Dreaminess, which is an integral part of nature, leads to the creation of an image of an unattainable ideal. He is looking for a man who will fully correspond to the invented type. At the same time, it does not take into account the generally accepted morality, since the concept of morality does not matter much. Possessing tangible sexuality, he often enters into intimate relationships with partners without requiring commitment.

The secrecy of nature does not allow revealing inner true feelings, leaving them only for the future chosen one. He does not complain and does not shift problems to the gentlemen, which gives ease and liveliness of communication. I am ready to listen, to regret, which means having the ability to empathize. Doesn't pay attention to his experiences. It is this quality that will help you find a life partner.

A family

Having married, he becomes a faithful wife, regardless of the behavior of the spouse. Possesses endurance. This means that Antonina can endure any attitude towards herself for a long time without showing true emotions. When the cup of patience is overflowing, she is ready for decisive action, up to a divorce. It will not give up the final intention, it will be impossible to convince or influence it.

The meaning of the name Antonina gives a woman a desire for economic affairs. He prefers cooking original dishes, cleaning, visiting shops to any noisy hobbies. Her hobby is related to needlework: sewing, knitting, embroidery gives her real pleasure.

A caring mother who strives to teach her children everything she knows herself. Rarely raises his voice, trying not to punish, but to explain. You will not hear stupid moralizing from her, which helps to find mutual language with teenagers, and keep kind friendly relations with grown-up children.

But in relations with relatives, it is not always sweet and good-natured, sometimes even cruel, remembering old grievances.

Business and career

Career is not the main thing in life, she believes that she deserves a comfortable life, not overshadowed by work. But if necessary, he is in good standing with the management thanks to his conscientiousness and perseverance. In addition, it creates a favorable atmosphere among colleagues: he will listen to dissatisfaction with his superiors, sympathize with problems, and will try to provide all possible help.

Suitable specialties related to raising children or handicrafts: teacher in kindergarten, pediatrician, teacher, dressmaker, seamstress. If desired and with help, the spouse can open her own atelier, which means she is able to work productively. Has good organizational skills, but once in a leadership position, he can become arbitrary and rude.

The origin of the name Antonin

The origin of the name Antonin has several versions. According to one of them, the history of occurrence is associated with the ancient Roman dynasty of Anthony, and is the female form from the names of the emperors Antoninus and Antonius. According to another, it came from the male Anton, whose name in Old Slavonic sounded like Anthony.

Presumably, the etymology is associated with the Greek word "antao", the meaning of which is "to engage in battle", "to compete in strength", "to resist", "adversary". In Ancient Greece, where the name came from, Antonina is also credited with the meaning of the beautiful delicate plant, which is associated with the word "anthos" - "flower", which corresponds to the khan's hieroglyph. That is why a snow-white lily carries a favorable meaning for a woman.

Characteristics of the name Antonin

The characteristic of the name Antonina brings the hostess responsiveness, excitability, susceptibility. Quiet, calm, kind and trusting. She is always ready to receive guests, wrap them up with home comfort and listen. She is surrounded by friends, although often their attitude is connected only with the good-natured and friendly disposition of the hostess: if help is needed, many will turn away.

The pros and cons are inseparably linked in the personality: kindness prevents you from being firm if necessary; the desire to help turns into ingratitude.

The mystery of the name

  • The stone is a purple sapphire.
  • Name days - March 14, June 23 and 26.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Pisces.

Famous people

  • Antonina Mikhailovna Komissarova is a Russian actress.
  • Antonina Nikolaevna Shuranova is a Soviet and Russian film and theater actress.
  • Antonina Alexandrovna Samsonova is a Russian radio and TV presenter.

Different languages

The Latin meaning of the name Antonin envelops him with a veil of mystery and incomprehensibility, as it is translated by the words "extensive", "acquisition", "comparison". Adds mystery and the ancient Greek translation - "acquiring in return."

In Chinese it has the transcription āndōngnína, pronounced - andunnina. In Japanese, Antonina sounds like Sorariko.

In addition, the secret of the name Antonin is associated with the meaning of the letters that make up the word: A - the symbol of the beginning, the desire for physical and spiritual comfort; H - a sign of protest, a sharp critical mind; T - intuition, sensitivity, creativity; O - deep feelings, ability to handle money; And - carries the meaning of subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness.

Name forms

Diminutive diminutive from Antonina - Antoninka, Tonyunya, Tonyur. Affectionately, the girl can be called Tonyusya, Tonechka, Antosya, or abbreviated Tosya, Nyusya.

Derivatives - Antonida, Antosha, Tonyusha, Tonyukha; short and abbreviated can be formed as options from the folk Antonides or the male Anton - Tosh, Ina, Ida, Nida.

Declination: in the genitive case - Antonina, in the dative and prepositional - Antonina, in the accusative - Antonina, in the instrumental - Antonina.

The full name of Antonina is Orthodox, Catholic. Birthday on church calendar, which falls on March 14 and June 26, are associated with St. Antonina of Nicea. Her life passed during the time of the persecutor of Christians, the emperor Maximian. She, despite cruel torture and torture, until her last breath, did not renounce her faith in Christ, who gave her the strength to overcome torment. Not having achieved renunciation, Maximian ordered to put the Christian woman in a sack and drown her in the lake, which ended her earthly journey.

In addition, in Orthodoxy there are other holy wives named by this name: Krodamskaya, Novikova, Bryanskikh.

Patron planet of Antonina: Jupiter. This planet fosters optimism in people, the ability to perceive the world in the best possible light. Antonina avoids conflicts and difficult situations, but like a magnet she attracts happiness and harmony. Jupiter also contributes to the desire for self-improvement, develops a propensity for art.

Favorable color for the owner of the name Antonin: blue, symbolizing the soul. For all her prudence and pedantry, Antonina is a person with a high spiritual life, she always strives to comprehend the highest secrets of life. Her interest in religion and occult sciences is not accidental. Favorite color: purple.

Antonina's talisman stone: amethyst.

History of the name Antonin

Philologists have no consensus on the origin of this name. Some believe that the Russian name Antonina has a Latin origin ("nasty") and was formed from male name Antoninus; and according to other sources, the name Antonina is of Greek origin ("acquiring in return").

The Holy Martyr Antonina, after cruel tortures for the faith of Christ, was drowned in a lake (4th century). Her memory Orthodox Church honors March 14th.

On June 23, they honor the memory of the holy Martyr Antonina, a virgin who, after torture for her faith in Christ, was thrown into a pit of fire and covered with earth (313).

In Russia, some were associated with the name of Antonin folk signs:

✓ It was considered if on March 14, Antonina was sown in pots cabbage seedlings, it will not be affected by frost.

✓ The women believed that “all the underground springs are boiling” on Antonina, so it’s time to start whitening the canvases.

The meaning of the name Antonina

The girl named Antonina will have kind patronage. She will be endowed with talent in everything she does, artistic abilities, developed intuition. Responsiveness, kindness and love of other people will accompany her in life.

Antonina is easy to handle, hardworking, neatness and dedication to her family will lead her to happiness.

Loving people will call her affectionately: Tonya, Tosya, Nyusya, Nina, Nida. Folk form named after Antonidas.

Women named Antonina have a kind, sympathetic character. She disposes of people, so she can be a good doctor, teacher, salesperson, in any case, she works honestly. At work, she is scrupulous, thorough, punctual, and colleagues and friends respect her. But on her part, friendship is sometimes not devoid of pragmatism.

Antonina has a special flair and intuition. It is easy for her to study history and geography. She possesses pride and vanity, which in practice is expressed in a responsible attitude to business and special pedantry. However, Antonina does not like to brag about her merits, she patiently waits in the wings when, at last, her business qualities will be appreciated. The stars also patronize Antonina in her wanderlust and interest in the occult.

If Antonina suddenly decides to become a fortune-teller, she succeeds more than others. The combination of such qualities as the charm of a person, armed with knowledge and good intuition will give her great advantages.

Antonina has many admirers, she chooses her beloved for a long time. Having married, she becomes a faithful wife, a keeper of the hearth. She is a caring, neat and skillful housewife, she cooks well and very accurately calculates the budget of her family. She never wastes money and always tries to buy things and food cheaper. Devotion to the family forces Antonina to make any sacrifices, for the sake of her preservation she can even tolerate drunkenness and her husband's unfaithfulness.

The willow and lily became the symbol of the name of Antonin in the natural world. The influence of willow is reflected in daydreaming, a tendency to melancholy. The moment comes, and Antonina needs to retire, go into her dreams. However, such a pastime will not be long, she will shake herself up and again plunge into earthly affairs, sober and practical. Of course, every person sometimes needs to be alone with himself, as we are created by nature. Nobody knows about Tony's dreams. Willow tells her that sometimes it is better to seem weak, helpless and meek: this tactic allows you to achieve a lot. In fact, Antonina perfectly knows how to defend herself and will not allow herself to be offended, and the external meekness of her behavior is dictated only by personal benefit. Antonina is inclined to poeticize her feelings, she does not like everyday, gray life. Under the auspices of the willow, artistic ability, intuition and a rich imagination develop.

The profession of a psychologist is very suitable for Antonina.

According to numerology, the name Antonin corresponds to the number 3, symbolizing the union of heaven, earth and man. Three is a man, a woman and their child, this is geometric figure- triangle. A person with a name number 3 is talented, self-possessed and calm, inclined to engage in science, sports, art. If Antonina behaves prudently, is not distracted by secondary matters, she will always be successful.

Famous in the history of Antonina

Antonina, the daughter of a Byzantine circus rider, beautiful but cunning, was a friend of Theodora, the wife of the Roman emperor Justinian I (6th century). Antonina was distinguished by a strong and domineering character, a penchant for intrigue. She helped Theodora in all her unseemly deeds and, in turn, used the empress's powerful assistance to subdue her enemies. Her husband, the general Belisarius, was younger, so Antonina easily established complete power over him. She accompanied him on military campaigns, helped in political affairs, followed his interests at the court in Constantinople. Antonina did not like Belisarius and was unfaithful to him. Her son Photius from her first marriage once discovered her infidelity to the commander. Antonina's anger was great: Photius narrowly escaped death and escaped by taking monastic vows. When Belisarius died, the emperor appropriated most of his fortune. And for the rest of her share, Antonina founded a monastery.

Antonida is the heroine of Glinka's opera Ivan Susanin, daughter of Ivan Susanin. This is a gentle, attractive female image, beloved and loving daughter and bride. Her father calls her "the dove and the gentle turtledove."

Russian singer Antonina Nezhdanova was born into a family of rural teachers and from the age of 7 she sang in the church choir. After graduating from the Moscow Conservatory in 1902, she made her stage debut as Antonida (Ivan Susanin) The Bolshoi Theater... During the first seasons at the theater, the young singer performed her best operatic roles: Gilda (Rigoletto by Verdi), Lyudmila (Ruslan and Lyudmila by Glinka), Rosina (The Barber of Seville by Rossini), etc.

Possessing the fresh, crystal purity of a soprano of a gentle timbre, Antonina Nezhdanova, as a result of persistent practice, significantly expanded the range of her voice, reached the fullness of sound in all registers. In working on the stage embodiment of the roles, Nezhdanova used the advice of Shalyapin, Ermolova, Stanislavsky, focusing on the vocal image. She performed with a concert repertoire, performed works by Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Schubert, Stravinsky, and Russian folk songs. Nezhdanova was often accompanied by the composers themselves - Rachmaninov, Arensky, Glazunov, Scriabin and many others.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Antonina (Tonya) - detailed description the origin and characteristics of the name, the date of the name day, famous people.
Short form of the name Antonin. Tonya, Tosya, Tasya, Tony, Antosha, Tosha, Nina, Ina, Antoninka, Tonyunya, Tonyura, Tonyusya, Nyusya, Tonyukha, Tonyusha, Anya, Antosya.
Synonyms for the name Antonina. Anthony, Antoinette, Antonida, Anthony, Anton, Antoniana, Tonius, Antonieta.
The origin of the name Antonin. Antonina's name is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Antoninus comes from the name of the ancient Roman dynasty of Anthony. It is believed to be derived from the Greek word "antao". Translated, this word means "entering the battle", "competing in strength", "opposing", "adversary", "worthy of praise." It is believed that the name Antonina is the female form of the male name Anton (Anthony).

Versions of the origin of the name Antonin are very controversial. The name Antonidas is a Greek patronymic and means "daughter of Antony". There is another version of the translation - "spacious", "wide".

Diminutive-affectionate references Nina, Ina, Tonya, Tosya and Anya are also appeals to many others. female names, and the name Nina is an independent name. For example, the name Ina is an appeal to the names of Agrippina, Aleksin, Virginia, Dahlia, Dekabrin, Dina, Dionina, Zinaida, Zarina, Inga, Inessa, Inna, Innokentiy, Irina, Karina, Lucina, Lenina, Maina, Marina, Martin, Noyabrina , Oktyabrina, Peregrina, Pinna, Sabina, Selina, Faina, Celestina, Ellina and other names.

In the name of Antonin, both cheerfulness and good nature are collected. But at the same time, the owner of this name has two faces. How does it manifest? As a child, Antonina shows such qualities as good nature, friendliness and cheerfulness. She very well catches and assimilates any information, and this helps Tonya in her school years to balance her inherent playfulness and restlessness. And at this time, another face of her name wakes up in the girl Antonina - she becomes more balanced. Although outwardly, such changes are usually not noticeable. It's just that Tonya will become more prudent in showing good nature and cheerfulness. Now she is attracted not by the games themselves, but by the opportunity to achieve some set goals. Of course, sometimes Tony has a great desire to command and lead, especially if she has younger siblings. She makes a good helper for mom.

Antonina can be a teacher, doctor, dressmaker, or educator. She has good organizational skills, but if she takes the position of leader, she may have a strong desire to command and rule.

Antonina can perfectly combine love for her neighbors with love for herself. This allows her to be a wonderful housewife and a loving, caring mother and wife. She directs all her strength to ensure that the family is happy and prosperous. Tonya will always prepare a delicious lunch, carefully clean the apartment, creating coziness, and go to the store, where she will buy only the best products for her beloved people. Such a quality as good nature helps her to create a wonderful atmosphere of well-being and fun in the family. The most important thing is that the excessive pragmatism inherent in Antonina could not destroy everything that she does for the family.

Famous people named Antonina

  • Antonina (holy martyr)
  • Anthony the Younger (daughter of the triumvir Mark Anthony, mother of Germanicus and Emperor Claudius)
  • Marie Antoinette of Habsburg-Lorraine ((1755 - 1793) daughter of the Austrian Empress Marie Theresa, Queen of France, wife of the French king Louis XVI)
  • Antonina Seredina ((born 1929) Soviet athlete (rowing), 2-time Olympic champion in 1960, 2-time world champion. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.)
  • Antonina Abarinova ((1842 - 1901) real surname- Reichelt; Russian opera singer (contralto, later mezzo-soprano) and dramatic actress)
  • Antonella Serra Zanetti (Italian tennis player)
  • Antonia Fraser ((born 1932) Anglo-Irish writer, Nobel Prize winner)
  • Toni Braxton (American soul and pop singer)
  • Antonina Koptyaeva (Russian writer, author of the books "Ivan Ivanovich", "Fart", etc.)
  • Antonina Nezhdanova ((1873 - 1950) Russian Soviet opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano), People's Artist of the USSR (1936), Doctor of Arts (1944))
  • Antonina Rzhevskaya ((1861 - 1934) Russian artist, one of two women painters admitted to the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions)
  • Antonina Shuranova (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Antonina Yakovleva ((1919 - 1995) one of the leaders of the youth movement in our country, Chief Editor magazine "Leader" for many years)
  • Antonina Skryabina ((1894 - 1977) a well-known teacher, public figure, writer, among the first to be awarded the honorary title of Honored School Teacher of the Russian Federation (1940))
  • Antonina (Tonya) Samsonova (host of the programs "Minority Opinion", "Day Spread", "Cunning Figure" and "The Day After Tomorrow" of the radio station "Echo of Moscow")
  • Antonina Kymytval ((born 1938) the first professional Chukchi poet)
  • Antonieta Rivas Mercado ((1900 - 1931) Mexican writer)
  • Antonieta di Barrus ((1901 - 1952) Brazilian journalist and politician)
  • Antoaneta Stefanova (Antoaneta Stefanova, Bulgarian chess player)
  • Antonina Petrova (Hero Soviet Union, partisan)
  • Antonina Krivoshapka (Russian runner, two-time bronze medalist of the World Championship; champion and bronze medalist of the European Championship; two-time European indoor champion)
  • Antonina Zubkova ((1920 - 1950) Soviet navigator of a dive bomber, guard captain, Hero of the Soviet Union (1945))
  • Antonina Prikhodko (Ukrainian physicist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (born 1906))
  • Antonina Samarina (actress (1896 - 1971))
  • Antonina Maksimova ((1916 - 1986) Soviet theater and film actress)
  • Antonina Gordon-Goretskaya ((1914 - 1993) Polish theater and film actress)
  • Antonietta Stella ((born 1929) Italian opera singer (soprano))
  • Antonia Bembo ((about 1640 - 1720) Venetian singer and composer)
  • Antonia Garcia ((1850 - 1924) Spanish actress and singer)
  • Antonia Pervanova (Bulgarian politician)
  • Greek and Roman

    The meaning of the name Antonina

    Merry, joyful (Greek), extensive (lat.). "Opponent" (lat.) Antonina - good person, but her kindness is somewhat different, not the same as that of Anna. It comes not so much from the heart as from a conscious understanding: how you yourself treat people, so they will repay you in return. Little Tonechka behaves like a teacher in the children's team. From an early age she likes to lead and command. At the same time, she is kind and does not seem to notice the tricks - the children willingly obey her, and a real teacher can always leave her to look after the group for a minute. At home, Tonya is my mother's assistant; if the family has a younger brother or sister, she willingly tinkers with them. During her school years, Antonina patronizes younger students, and although studies are not easy for her, she enjoys authority due to her good organizational skills. She is responsible, you can rely on her in many ways. Indispensable at work, but in the role of a boss she is somewhat arbitrary. Before the wedding, Antonina has enough fans. She does not particularly stand on ceremony with them, does not care at all about being faithful to someone alone. Having got married, she transforms: yesterday's carefree girl turns into the keeper of the family hearth. All Antonina's activities, her thoughts and plans are aimed at providing the family with prosperity and happiness. She does not waste money, is prudent in purchases, before buying something, she will go around the whole bazaar and bargain with every seller. She is sympathetic and kind, she has many friends and casual acquaintances, and although they all know that Antonina's friendship is not devoid of pragmatism, they continue to love her. For the sake of preserving the family, she is ready to endure the antics of her drunken husband, to put up with her husband's infidelity.

    Name day: (14) March - Holy Martyr Antonina, after cruel torture for the faith of Christ, was drowned in a lake (IV century). (23) June - The Holy Martyr Antonina the Virgin, after torture for the faith of Christ, was thrown into a pit with fire and covered with earth (313). NAMES: January 22 (9) - Martyr Antonina. January 30 (17) - righteous Antonina. March 14 (1) - Martyr Antonina. June 23 (10) - Martyr Antonina the Virgin. June 26 (13) and August 10 (July 28) - Martyr Antonina.

    Numerology named after Antonin

    Soul Number: 3.
    The number of the name 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in arts, sports, fun and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, "triplets", as personalities, are carried away greatly. In the presence of a patient mentor and adviser, one of the relatives or simply close person, The troika can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the "triplets" is often unenviable. For all the external invulnerability in their souls, the "troikas" are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

    Hidden Spirit Number: 1

    Body number: 2


    Planet: Saturn.
    Element: Earth-water, cold-dryness.
    Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
    Color: Black, olive gray, lead, dark.
    Day: Saturday.
    Metal: Lead.
    Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
    Plants: Caraway, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
    Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

    Antonina's name as a phrase

    A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
    N Our (Our, Your)
    T firmly
    Oh He (Oh, Oh)
    N Our (Our, Your)
    AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
    N Our (Our, Your)
    A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

    Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Antonina

    A - a symbol of the beginning and a desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

    T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act effectively using every minute.
    O - deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For the completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is prepared for him and you need to use your rich intuition to distinguish it from the bustle of existence.
    H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything, indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. A diligent worker, but cannot stand the "monkey labor".
    And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
    H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything, indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. A diligent worker, but cannot stand the "monkey labor".
    A - a symbol of the beginning and a desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

    Meaning of the name

    Antonina is a kind, sympathetic, reliable, sociable and trusting person. She will always support in word and deed, but you can not count on her altruism, since many of her actions are still guided by sober calculation. Despite her responsiveness, Tonya herself is quite secretive (she will not burden even the closest people with her problems). This vulnerable and sentimental woman bears the hardships of life hard, running away from them into the world of dreams and fantasies. This "escape from reality" is often the result of self-doubt and dependence on the opinions of others. But the Antonines, born in different time years, have their own characteristics, which will be discussed below.


    Characteristics of the name Antonin

    Winter Antonina is mysterious and enigmatic, secretive and laconic. She loves peace and quiet, so she avoids noisy companies. This woman has few friends, but even to them she does not fully open her heart, fearing betrayal and disappointment. One of the qualities that prevent the winter Antonina from building a successful career and creating a happy family is indecision. She is afraid to take responsibility, and therefore prefers to "go with the flow", being content with what fate presents her.

    Spring Antonina is a cheerful, cheerful, open and carefree woman who strives to get maximum pleasure from life. Boredom and monotony act depressingly on her, so she surrounds herself with many friends and acquaintances who are ready to share with her the fun and holiday that she is ready to arrange every day. But sooner or later, spring Antonina will have to stop, settle down and think about stability if she wants to successfully get married and move on career ladder... Otherwise, she will remain a cheerful, groovy, interesting, but lonely "soul of the company".

    Summer Antonina is smart, ironic and open. She knows how to laugh at herself, and not just at others. Her jokes are sharp and not always pleasant, but Tonya considers straightforwardness to be her calling card. At the same time, people are drawn to this sympathetic and good-natured woman who knows how to find a way out of any situation. It is easy and calm for men with summer Antonina, because she gives them a certain amount of freedom, because she herself is independent and freedom-loving. The only thing that can somewhat darken life with this woman is her love of flirting. Therefore, Tony's chosen one should pay maximum attention to her and shower her with compliments.

    Autumn Antonina is practical, reasonable and adventurous. Her actions are guided by the mind, while she always keeps her feelings under control. Stability is extremely important for her, so she clearly plans her near and distant future. Autumn Antonina, thanks to her organizational skills and discipline, achieves a lot in the professional field. But in family life she can suffer setbacks and disappointments, as she chooses men weaker than herself, which eventually begins to annoy her. In addition, not every man can get along with a domineering woman who does not tolerate objections.

    Stone - talisman

    Sapphire is considered Antonina's talisman stone. It symbolizes loyalty, innocence and modesty. It is believed that sapphire brings divine favor to life, bestows happiness and peace.

    Sapphire is able to clarify thoughts and helps to comprehend the truth, therefore, products with this stone are recommended to be worn by people with a philosophical mindset and those whose professional activities are related to science.

    The stone will help eliminate differences in family life, bring peace and harmony to it.

    But keep in mind that sapphire will show its positive properties only if its owner is honest, fair and sincere. In addition, a damaged sapphire can bring unhappiness to life.




    Jupiter is the patron planet of Antonina (you can learn more about the patronage of this planet from the article).


    Water is the element of Antonina (read about the influence on the fate of this element in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in a person's life").

    Animal - symbol

    The duck is considered Antonina's totem animal. This is a rather controversial symbol, which, on the one hand, personifies the surface, deception and talkativeness, and on the other, devotion in marriage and family happiness.

    In Judaism, the duck is a symbol of eternal life.



    Willow, lily and peony are the plant symbols of Antonina.

    The Slavs weeping willow since ancient times it symbolized sadness and unhappy love, while in the Western tradition and among the Jews this tree is identified with sorrow because of the branches leaning towards the water.

    In Buddhism, willow represents meekness.

    In the East, willow is a symbol of spring, renewal, femininity, meekness and grace.

    For Christians, willow branches (or willow branches) are a symbol of Palm Sunday.

    In Japan, willow is equated with patience and perseverance.

    It is customary to contrast willow with such trees as pine and oak, which break under the influence of a gusty wind, while willow branches are able to withstand such a "fight".

    In ancient Egypt, this plant was considered a symbol of wisdom and power.

    Many peoples worship the lily as a flower of purity, chastity, tenderness and refinement.

    In Christian tradition, the white lily is considered the flower of the Virgin Mary, who was pure and innocent. But the orange-red flower symbolizes the blood of Christ.

    According to legend, it is the lily that personifies such a Hebrew symbol as the six-pointed star.

    In France, three lily flowers represent justice, mercy and compassion (virtues that a true monarch should possess). Therefore, lilies adorn the coats of arms of French kings.

    But! During the Inquisition, sinners and criminals were branded with the image of a lily.

    In China, the red peony symbolizes female beauty, love, happiness, respect, wealth and longevity.

    In Japan, peony represents modesty and shyness.

    Peonies will bring harmony and passion to family life. A unmarried girls this flower will help to find your soul mate, but as soon as this happens, the peonies will have to be "evicted" from the apartment.

    The peony will also help those who seek to build a brilliant career or achieve power, because this flower has since ancient times personified royalty, exclusivity, aristocracy, courage and perseverance in achieving goals.

    In India, Iran and Pakistan, this flower, by contrast, carries negative symbolism, equating with clumsiness, stupidity, complacency and pride.


    Lead is considered Antonina's metal. It symbolizes dark sides human nature and carnal desires that distance us from the divine principle.

    Our ancestors believed that lead is able to protect from damage, the evil eye and other witchcraft, so they used products with this metal as a powerful amulet.

    Auspicious day


    The origin of the name Antonin

    Name translation

    Translated from Greek name Antonina means "entering the battle", "opposing", "competing", "worthy of praise". In addition, this name can be translated as "spacious", "wide".

    It is impossible not to mention that this is a generic name, which means "belonging to the genus Anthony", "daughter of Anthony."

    Name history

    According to one version, the name Antonina has ancient Roman roots and comes from the Antony dynasty, that is, it is the female form of the name Antony.

    Another version says that the name Antonina has the Greek root "anthos", meaning "flower", while the Greeks associated this root with a white lily.

    Forms (analogs) of the name

    The most common forms of the name Antonin: Tonya, Tosya, Antonia, Antosha, Tasya, Nina, Antoninka, Antoninushka, Tonyunya, Tonyura, Tonyusya, Nyura, Nyusya, Tonyukha, Tonyusha, Antosya.

    The mystery of the name Antonin

    Patrons of the name

    • Martyr Antonina of Krodamnskaya.
    • Martyr Antonina Bryanskikh.
    • Martyr Antonina.
    • Martyr Antonina of Nicea.
    • Monk Martyr Antonina Novikova.
    • Monk Martyr Antonina Stepanova.

    Angel day (name day)

    January: 9th, 22nd and 23rd.

    March: 14th and 20th.

    June: 23rd and 26th.

    August: 10th.

    December: 15th.

    The legend of the name Antonina

    There is an interesting legend about Antonina of Byzantium, who became known as one of the most pragmatic, calculating, influential and cruel women in the history of Byzantium.

    Antonina was the daughter of a Byzantine circus performer, but thanks to her cunning, she was able to become the wife of Belisarius, one of the most influential courtiers at the court of Emperor Justinian. Moreover, she was able not only to subordinate her husband to her will, but also to achieve great influence at court, which undoubtedly promised social and financial well-being their family. Procopius of Caesarea himself, who served as counselor to Belisarius, wrote in his historical treatises that Antonina's word in public affairs had weight.

    But the power over her husband Antonina Byzantine was not enough, so she did everything to become a friend of Theodora - the wife of Emperor Justinian. Antonina condoned and covered up all the criminal acts of the empress, thereby gaining more and more power over her.

    Antonina herself was not distinguished by chastity and morality, which once almost ruined her. The fact is that Antonina's son from his first marriage learned about his mother's infidelity, which is why she decided to kill him, but did not have time, since he took monastic vows.

    After the death of Belisarius, Justinian appropriated most of his subject's fortune. Antonina, satiated with court intrigues, decided to become closer to God, but not by repentance and prayers, but by building a monastery, thereby thinking that she had atoned for all her sins.

    Famous people

    Famous athletes named Antonina:

    • Antonina Seredina - Soviet kayak champion;
    • Antonella Serra Zanetti - famous Italian tennis player;
    • Antonina Krivoshapka is a Russian runner.

    Famous singers named Antonina:

    • Antonina Abarinova - opera singer;
    • Antonina Nezhdanova - opera singer;
    • Anthony Bembo.

    Famous writers named Antonina:

    • Antonia Fraser;
    • Antonina Koptyaeva.

    Famous actresses named Antonina:

    • Antonina Shuranova;
    • Antonina Samarina;
    • Antonina Maksimova;
    • Antonina Gordon-Goretskaya;
    • Anthony Garcia.

    Antonina Samsonova is a Russian radio host of the popular programs "Minority Opinion", "Day U-turn", "The Day After Tomorrow".

    Antonina Petrova is a partisan and Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Antonina Zubkova is a fearless Soviet navigator of a dive bomber.

    Antonina Rzhevskaya is a Russian traveling artist.

    The meaning of the name Antonina

    For a child

    Little Antonina is good-natured, affable, inquisitive and open-minded. This is a cheerful, restless, but at the same time obedient child, for whom the opinion of parents is authoritative. She takes an active part in the children's activities of her peers with pleasure, but she does not forget to help her mother: she will clean up, wash the dishes, and sit with her younger brothers and sisters. Overall, this is a responsible child you can rely on.

    Despite her cheerful disposition, Antonina's relationships with peers do not always develop harmoniously, and Tony's desire to command and teach is to blame. She is used to doing everything right, which is perceived by children as boring.

    During her school years, the girl becomes more balanced and disciplined. She quickly assimilates any information, so she studies well. Helps Antonina in her studies and the desire to be the first and best in everything. The girl has excellent organizational skills, which she shows at school (it is often Tonya who becomes the head of the class and participates in all kinds of productions and school events).

    For girl

    Young Antonina is active, energetic and active. Her day is scheduled by the minute, and she easily manages to solve several problems at the same time. But still, she rarely brings what she started to its logical conclusion, since she switches to new affairs and projects. Only with age will she learn to properly prioritize and organize her time.

    Optimism and a great sense of humor help her not only cope with many life difficulties, but also to win others around, so Tony has many friends and acquaintances. But she will not share her secrets and secrets even with her best friend, for fear of betrayal. In addition, already in her youth, this girl begins to understand that friendship is friendship, and benefit is profit. Altruism is not her strong point.

    Growing up, Antonina loses dreaminess and romanticism, gleaned from books, and acquires seriousness and prudence, pragmatism and practicality. The interesting thing is that she does not hide it. Tonya is honest with herself and those around her, therefore she cannot stand liars and hypocrites, which she can say directly to her face, without especially choosing expressions. Sharpness and straightforwardness are not always good for this girl.

    Tony's character development is largely influenced by his parents. So, a cheerful and carefree atmosphere in the family will not allow the girl's prudence in her youth to fully manifest, while the emphasis on material values can make Antonina pragmatic and mercantile.

    For woman

    Adult Antonina is a rather tough and principled woman, hiding self-doubt and vulnerability behind a mask of feigned gaiety and narcissism. At the same time, she will always lend a helping hand, although she will not always do it disinterestedly (this woman adheres to the point of view that friendship can serve a certain service). In the event that, in her youth, Antonina is confronted with betrayal of loved ones and deception, she will withdraw into herself and stop trusting people.

    Serious and pragmatic in her youth, adult Antonina strives for a carefree, interesting and prosperous life. At the same time, she makes a bet, first of all, on successfully marrying a man who will allow her to engage in self-development. The fact is that labor activity Antonina is regarded as hard labor and a vital necessity, so she will gladly devote herself to family life if her husband will provide it accordingly.

    Among the positive qualities of Antonina, the following can be noted: fairness, openness, honesty, responsiveness, energy. Authority is also characteristic of Antonina, but at the same time she cannot be called a dictator: undoubtedly, she will point out mistakes, but she will definitely give a chance to correct them. In addition, Tonya herself knows how to admit her mistakes and is always ready to deal with existing shortcomings.

    It is very important that honest and sincere people surround Antonina, only in their company, under their wing, this woman will be able to fully reveal her positive qualities.

    Description of the name Antonin


    Despite a heightened sense of justice and honesty, Antonina skillfully manipulates people in order to achieve her goal. Even such a thing as friendship is not disinterested for her.


    Full rest, balanced meals and walks on fresh air help Antonina reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease to which she is predisposed. In addition, Tone should take care of the nervous system.


    Antonina is not deprived of the attention of fans who are attracted by her cheerful disposition, carelessness and femininity. But Tonya herself does not know how to show her feelings. In dealing with men, she is somewhat rude, arrogant, and sometimes aggressive. Such behavior is fraught with the fact that men will see in her a companion, a friend who can be trusted with their experiences, but not an object of love and adoration.

    Antonina is not particularly worried about this, since she firmly believes that a person will appear in her life who will meet all her requirements and ideals. Only now she has to wait for such a man for an extremely long time. And she appreciates patience, intelligence, reliability, gallantry and security in men. Although it is possible that Tonya will fall in love and completely surrender to the power of feelings, but, unfortunately, relationships built on an emotional component may turn out to be fatal for Antonina.


    Antonina's early marriage is rarely happy, and the fault is not only her unpreparedness for routine family life, but also the wrong choice of a man, dictated by the desire to quickly fly away from the family nest, to become independent and independent.

    But still more often Antonina, on the contrary, delays with marriage, as she is too demanding of her chosen ones. At the same time, Tonya herself does not particularly strive to meet someone's ideals, and even more so to adapt to the desires of a man. Only a real feeling can change her beyond recognition, make her tender and docile, soft and truly caring.

    Family relationships

    Having married, Antonina is transformed: from a freedom-loving and carefree girl, she turns into a wonderful wife and a wonderful hostess. She plunges headlong into the role of the keeper of the hearth. And I must say that she really likes it. Marriage means a lot more to her than a career.

    For her husband, she becomes a reliable rear and a loyal friend who will not betray. Tonya loves children and tries to spend every free minute with them. Her house is always light, clean and comfortable. She loves to meet guests and treat them with her culinary delights. It is important for her that family life is calm and measured, without raging passions and loud clarifications of relationships.

    Antonina is endowed with truly angelic patience. For a long time she can forgive her husband's insults and betrayal for the sake of preserving the marriage, but if one day she decides to leave, then nothing and no one will stop her. Moreover, neither millions of scarlet roses, nor expensive gifts, nor promises, nor prayers, will be able to return her trust.


    Antonina cannot be called a passionate and temperamental woman. On the contrary, she does not pay due attention to this side of life due to her shyness and natural modesty, which many do not know about. Only with a patient, gentle and attentive man will Tonya be able to reveal herself sexually. At the same time, her partner should clearly understand that the spiritual connection between a man and a woman is more important for her, and not an intimate one.

    Mind (intelligence)

    Antonina has a synthetic mindset: she quickly grasps new information and analyzes it.

    But Tonya does not always fully reveal her potential, because she is afraid to take responsibility. Her qualities such as indecision and self-doubt also make themselves felt.


    Antonina is devoid of leadership ambitions. She is always diligent and diligent, but career heights do not particularly attract her, despite the fact that she has excellent organizational skills. It is easier for her to perform the assigned tasks with high quality than to take upon herself the decisions on which the fate of the department or the enterprise as a whole may depend.

    Antonina prefers creative professions in which one can deviate from the rules that involve communication with people. She perfectly finds a common language not only with colleagues, but also with her superiors, although many dislike her for her sharp tongue and straightforwardness.

    If, nevertheless, Antonina occupies a leading position, then she can become a fair, but at the same time authoritarian leader, with whose opinion you cannot argue.


    Organizational skills will help Antonina build a completely successful business, and without the help of outside help and partners. Moreover, this woman loves and knows how to establish communication.


    Antonina is a versatile personality. She loves to read, does needlework, travels a lot. She is attracted by the secrets of the universe, so it should not be surprising that the owner of this name gravitates towards fortune telling and occult sciences.

    Character type


    Secretive and timid Antonina has a rather contradictory character. On the one hand, this is an energetic and cheerful nature, and on the other, a woman who is insecure and devoid of ambition, who feels comfortable only in the world she has invented herself. Such internal disharmony can cause a nervous breakdown.

    Antonina needs a strong and reliable shoulder in the form of a loyal friend to whom she can open her heart, with whom she can not be afraid to be herself.


    Antonina has a very developed intuition. Moreover, she may have prophetic dreams.

    Horoscope named after Antonin

    Antonina - Aries

    This is a rather tough, stubborn and authoritarian nature, living according to understandable and simple rules: Antonina-Aries sees the goal, develops a clear algorithm of actions and gets the desired result. Shaky hopes and unrealizable dreams do not interfere with the course of her stable and measured life. But this woman chooses men that are romantic, courteous and gentle, capable of giving her bright and unforgettable emotions, for which Antonina-Aries herself is extremely stingy. But she can build harmonious relationships not with a dreamer and adventurer, but with a reasonable and practical man with a strong character.

    Antonina - Taurus

    Perseverance, prudence, foresight and diligence distinguish Antonina-Taurus, who never gives in to difficulties.

    In addition, this woman is used to achieving everything herself, so she will never ask for help even from the closest people. For her, a career is extremely important, building which she devotes a lot of time and effort, which can negatively affect her family life. Antonina-Taurus will have a harmonious relationship with a strong-willed and reliable partner who has a tough male character... But weak-willed, but at the same time caring and gentle men quickly become uninteresting and bored with her.

    Antonina - Gemini

    Cheerful, cheerful, restless and somewhat frivolous Antonina-Gemini lives for today. Responsibility, obligations, life on a schedule make her bored and bored, so she surrounds herself with the same carefree and freedom-loving people, in whose life there is no place for stability. V love sphere Antonina Gemini has the same behavior: she has many fans, and love stories eminent writers could envy, but Tonya is afraid of deep feelings, because she is not ready to part with freedom and that bright life to which she is accustomed. Only after enjoying her independence (and this can happen at 35, or even 40), she creates a family.

    Antonina - Cancer

    Attentive, good-natured, sympathetic and trusting Antonina-Cancer does not know how to say "no", which often leads to negative consequences and disappointment in people. She is open and sincere, which is what others, including those closest and dearest, take advantage of in their own selfish interests. Antonina-Cancer is able to load such a burden of other people's problems on her fragile shoulders that she becomes unable to bear it, and this is fraught with depression and nervous breakdowns... Antonina-Cancer understands men as badly as in people, so her marriages are rarely strong and harmonious. Only by becoming more self-confident and learning to put her own interests above others can she become happy.

    Antonina - Leo

    Eccentric, temperamental and sociable Antonina-Leo is used to being in the center of everyone's attention. Moreover, she often becomes the center of squabbles and scandals, because she loves to give advice to everyone and point out the shortcomings of others, which sooner or later leads to a showdown. It is interesting that Antonina-Leo sincerely does not understand why they do not like her, because she tries to help in word and deed. And, indeed, the intentions of this woman are extremely good, she just does not know how to competently and tactfully offer her help and support. As a result, she has few friends. And men are not able to withstand Tony's teachings and claims for a long time.

    Antonina - Virgo

    This is a controversial and ambiguous person who loves to dream, but at the same time has practicality; emotional in dealing with others, but restrained with those close to her. Antonina-Virgo longs for a prestigious job, but does not make any efforts for this, fearing to lose stability. In love, she also rushes from one extreme to another: she falls in love at first sight and makes plans for her family and children, but soon her feelings cool down and she begins to look for flaws in her chosen one, which ultimately destroys the relationship. As long as the mind and heart of Antonina-Virgo compete, she can neither build a career nor create a happy family.

    Antonina - Libra

    Insecure, indecisive, modest and vulnerable, Antonina-Libra takes criticism hard. She rarely takes the initiative, although as a performer she has no equal. She is afraid to take responsibility and make independent decisions, so she rarely achieves career heights. The gentle and feminine Antonina-Libra is surrounded by an army of admirers, but it is very difficult to win her heart, because she does not trust men. An impressionable and good-natured Tonya can be conquered by an attentive, patient, romantic, but at the same time reliable man.

    Antonina - Scorpio

    Eccentric, straightforward and arrogant Antonina-Scorpio has a masculine character, so she will not let herself be offended. She will not curry favor with her superiors in order to move up the career ladder. She is, in principle, indifferent to the opinion of others around her. She is honest with herself and with others, for which she is respected and feared. The passionate temperament of Antonina-Scorpio attracts men who want to solve the mystery of this interesting and unusual woman. But be careful! This woman immediately recognizes hypocrisy and lies - qualities that she never forgives and no one.

    Antonina - Sagittarius

    This woman has any business in her hands, because she is reasonable, responsible and practical. It is also important that Antonina-Sagittarius never becomes discouraged and looks to the future with optimism, but we all know that good attracts good, and our thoughts are capable of materializing. Men like the lightness, gaiety and adventurism of Antonina-Sagittarius, they are ready to throw the world at her feet, but Tonya herself does not want to burden her life with serious relationships, and therefore prefers fleeting, but bright and beautiful novels to stable relationships, from which passion sooner or later leaves and romance.

    Antonina - Capricorn

    Strong, balanced, confident and ambitious, Antonina-Capricorn never relies on someone else's opinion. She makes all the fateful decisions in her life on her own, without consulting anyone.

    Such behavior may be perceived by others as self-confidence and even vanity, but in the case of Tonya, this is not entirely true: it is just in this way that she fights with such a disadvantage of herself as self-doubt. In a relationship with a partner, she will always be a leader, knowing this, she chooses a compliant and sincere partner who is ready to become her loyal and reliable friend and does not pretend to be the head of the family.

    Antonina - Aquarius

    Well-mannered, erudite and modest Antonina-Aquarius tries to avoid conflicts. She will never openly show her displeasure and will not zealously defend her rights. It is easier for her to swim quietly with the current, waiting out the storms in a windless bay. I must say that such a model of behavior will help Antonina-Aquarius build a calm and harmonious family, in which there will be no place for stormy scenes and Italian passions. But in matters of building a career, the lack of ambition and the inability to defend their positions can play a negative role.

    Antonina - Pisces

    Refined, feminine and elegant Antonina-Pisces is restrained in the manifestations of emotions. She will never become the instigator of the conflict, since she believes that all controversial situations, without exception, can be resolved through constructive dialogue. Not allowing rudeness towards others, Antonina-Pisces will not tolerate familiarity with herself: she will give a worthy rebuff to the offender, and she will do it without shouting and insults. The man of Antonina-Pisces will be very lucky, because she will become for him a gentle, loving and caring companion who will not betray under any circumstances.

    Antonina name compatibility with male names

    Antonina and Dmitry

    Antonina and Nikolay

    Harmony and happiness - this is how you can describe life together Antonina and Nicholas. For the sake of her reliable and attentive partner, a woman is ready to forget about independence, while a man always spoils his chosen one with pleasure, not forgetting to bestow her with compliments and praise, which is very important for Antonina.

    Antonina and Igor

    Cheerful and cheerful Igor gives shy Antonina bright emotions, while she is ready to give him her warmth, care, love and tenderness. And even if there are disagreements between them, they are easily resolved. In general, this union can become happy and lasting.